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From the creator of TV's World Of Survival and Extreme Survival

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Acclaim for BUSH CRAFT

'If Ray Mears isn't a Great Living Englishman, then goodness me, who
is? The man is great, and he doesn't even begin to know how great he is.
Ray is a persuader, pragmatist and populariser in the Durrell-
Attenborough-Bellamy tradition.' - Robert Crampton, TI1e Times

'Complete - and certainly aesthetically pleasing ... it is sure to

consolidate Mears' position as the foremost purveyor of bushcraft in the
UK today.' - Geographical Magazine

'Ray Mears is a bushman first and foremost and really can survive in any
extreme environment. I can't think of a better companion in a crisis.' -
Tim Lewis, GQ

'By paragraph three of the intro you are itching to throw off the shackles
of civilised life and plant your feet in the wilderness. If ever a book was
calculated to invoke the call of the wild, this is it.' - Live Wire

'This is more than just a survival manual: the well-written text and
illustrations will appeal as much to the armchair wayfarer as the
committed explorer. As well as his bushcraft ability and communication
skills, one of Mears' strengths is his sensitive appreciation of the
environment and his understanding of other, indigenous cultures. All
these virtues shine through in this illuminating book.' - Good Book Guide

For all the students ofbushcraft who have attended Woodlore courses.
You have been the greatest teachers: watching you tackle this vast and
complex subject has been inspiring to one who has walked this path so


This smaller format edition ofBUSHCRAFT has been prepared in

response to numerous requests for a more portable version of the book.
We've taken this opportunity to cut out non-essential text and correct
any typographical errors that appeared in the hardback. In the Outfit
chapter we've also been able to include a few new photographs of kit
that wasn't available when the hardback was published.
My thanks to all of you who've been in contact to offer comments
and suggestions about my book. Remember, the essence ofbushcraft is
not mere survival, but to be at one with nature.
I hope ESSENTIAL BUSHCRAFT will enable you to reach that

Ray Mears, March 2003

Ray Mears
Illustrations by Ben McNutt

Hodder & Stoughton

Text and photographs copyright © 2002 by Ray Mears
Illustrations © 2002 by Ben McN utt

First published in Great Britain in 2003 by Hodder & Stoughton

A division of Hodder Headline

The right of Ray Mears to be identified as the Author of the Work has been
asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

A Hodder & Stoughton book


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a

retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior
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A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library

ISBN 0 340 82971 0

Book design by Janette Revill

Printed and bound in Italy by Graphicom Sri

Hodder & Stoughton

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338 Euston Road
London NW1 3BH
Preface 6
Introduction 9


Acknowledgements 233
Ind ex 234
PREFACE Like most of us, I only knew about Ray
Mea rs from his television se ri es where he makes
BY EWAN MACGREGO R fires and shelters as ifby magic. Let me tell you
that what you see on screen is only a tiny part of
There I was, standing in the ra in trying to what Ray and Bushcraft are about.When yo u're
make a shelter in the middle of the Honduran with Ray you not only learn some amazing skills
jungle, when a thought came to me: why am (and, yes, it is possible to do them o n yo ur own)
I doing this? The answe r: Ray M ea rs. When I but yo u also learn a lo t about yourself. There
was asked if I wa nted to go and make a was one moment whi le we were in Honduras
television progra mme about how I wo uld when I just lost it. I was we t, I was freezing cold
co pe with a week in the rainforest, my and I wanted to go home that 111.inute.
immediate reaction was 'No!'Then they told I stormed off into the fore st on my own,
me w ho I would be going with, an d I slash ing at anything and everything with my
changed my answer to 'Well maybe' . panga.

Wh en I ca me back, Ray just asked m e if I'd tomorrow or just fancy a weekend camping in
found any of th e twenty- odd varieties of th e garden you 'll learn from Bushcreft.
seriou sly poisono us snake that live th ere and I just w ish I'd had a copy befo re I went to
sugges ted that if I had been bitten th at would H o nduras ...
have been it, beca use there was no way th ey
could have got me o ut of the jungle before I
di ed. Point taken , R ay, I just hadn 't thou ght it
throu gh.
Onl y a few of us will ever be lu cky eno ugh
to experi ence R ay's wonderfully enabling
ideas and skills at first hand, so I'm very
pleased that he's found the time to explore
and explain so me of them in this book.
Whether you 're going into the outback
'ite learned that one cannot defy nature, but must adapt and
accommodate oneself to her. Nature will not change; it is man who
must change, if he is to live in conditions where nature is dominant.'
Knut Haukelid Skis Against the Atom

B ushcraft is the term I employ to describe a deeper knowledge

of the wild and of nature. It is a huge tree that branches out in
many directions to botany, zoology, craft work, outdoors
leadership and countless other divisions. At its root, though, is
reliance upon oneself and on nature. In the study of bush craft we
step beyond survival and learn the subtlety that makes outdoor life
both certain and enjoyable. Everyone who visits wild places will
benefit from bushcraft knowledge. What could be more natural than
to recognise the wild things around us and find food, shelter, fire and
I do not wish, though, to suggest that we should turn our backs on
the skills and tools of today. Far from it - my hope is that we shall
learn to use our modern tools more wisely by bolstering them with
wisdom from the past. Bushcraft ties us closely to nature, and at its
core is respect for nature and all living things.
Bushcraft is not necessarily easily learned - many of the skills will
challenge us to dig deep inside ourselves and discover hidden '
toughness and resilience that our modern life rarely demands of us.
Rising to these challenges develops determination, a positive mental
attitude and an increased liveliness of spirit.
The great difficulty in writing about bushcraft is the sheer scale of
the task, so I have confined myself to the fundamental skills. I have
assumed that the reader is already interested in travelling in
wilderness, can navigate and is conversant with first aid techniques.
My aim is to describe the most important skills or the most versatile.
Knowledge is invisible and weighs nothing. Be mindful that in
times of crisis if you can find shelter in the forest, rub sticks for fire
and know which wild plants around you can be eaten you will have
a home, hearth and a meal.
'I learned l,0111 much of what 111c think to be necessary is
supe,jluous; I leamed how few things are essc11tial, a11d '10111
essential those thin,<.?s really are.'
Bernard Ferguson. Chindits, 1311mw 19./3.

When putting together a suitable outfit for wilderness

trave l, the golden ru le is K I 5 5 - Keep It Simple, Stupid.
You wi ll not need anything elaborate, easily broken or
complicated. Yo ur outfit should be adaptable accordi ng
to the cl imate and th e nature of th e activities you are to
At its most basic this is what you wil l need:

• something to carry you r • eating utensils

outfit in • food
• something to sleep under • medical kit
• something to sleep in • illumination at night
• something to sleep on • wash kit
• navigational equipment • odds and ends
• something to cook over to make life comfortable -
• something cook in 'possibles'
• something to carry water • clothing
• a mug
SOMETHING TO CARRY YOUR OUTFIT IN large o utsid e pockets for water-bo ttl es, wa ter-
For short overnight hikes, a large day sack of purification equipment, first-aid kit, torch and
35 litres volume will be ade qu ate. For more lu nch, etc.
extended journeys, a medium-sized pack of
55-60 litres volume will be large eno ugh in SOMETHING TO SLEEP UNDER
hot climates w here yo u will need less clothing Th e most versatil e shelter is the simple tarp or
and a lighter slee ping-bag. For cold wea ther fl y-shee t. I favour th e Au stralian Army hoochi ,
ta ke a 100 litre ru cksack or larger. which is well equipp ed with attac hment
If yo u are ca noeing yo u will need a day points an d mad e to a high standard. I pack my
sac k with a large ca no e pack, w hi ch sho uld be tarp up with guy li nes and suspension lines
fitted with straps to enable you to ca rry it as if attac hed, then fo ld it nea tl y so that w hen I
it were a ru cksac k. The re are two choices: the co me to put it up after dark there are no
traditional ca nvas D uluth sac k, or the 1nore tangles. When makin g a more fixed ca mp I use
mod ern dry bag w ith ru cksack strap a large r canvas tarp se t over a ridge pole or
atta chments. For ca noei ng I prefer th e Duluth over a length of rope stretched tightly between
sac k; for whi tewa ter rafting , th e dry bag. two trees.
I prefer ru cksacks to have only one main As the temperature drops, thermall y
co mpartment w ith o ut any divisio n: this effi cient shelters are more appropriate, such as
redu ces th e zips and seams, makin g fo r a hiking or mountain tents . T he Hill eberg, a
stro nger ru cksack. I like there to be several Swedish-manufa ctured tent, is made to a high
standard , with sup erb ventilation.
A ten t is also prefe rable in tropical
co nditions or w here insects and/ or sna kes are
haza rdous, or w here the re are few trees to
strin g a mosquito net or a fl y-s heet. The
Au stralian Mozzie Dome has two fl exible
poles that cross to crea te a double hoo p that
stretches taut a fi ne mosq uito net, w hich is
sealed to an integra l g round sheet. A
lightweight fly- sheet can be attached over this
with ano ther pole.
Of tent designs my favo urite is th e
Sca ndinavian o ne-pole tepee Ko ta o r Laavu, as
used in the fa r no rth of Scandin avia. The
advantage of tepees is th at in wi nter o r
in clement wea ther you ca n stay wa rm and
coo k inside them and th ey are eas il y
illuminated w ith candl es.

Opposite top right: Tarp shelters are airy and enable you to
observe nature on all sides.
Opposite centre: Hilleberg Keron 3GT - an excellent tent for two
to three people. Inset: Good ventilation reduces condensation
Opposite bottom: Lightweight nylon tepee - light enough to be
carried for solo camping, yet large enough to sleep in comfort.
SOMETHING TO SLEEP IN stuffing materials. T hey usually argue that
Your sleeping- bag is one of th e most down is lightweight w hen it is packed but if it
importa nt items of your equipment so choose gets wet it stays wet and yo u get cold;
it carefu lly. Avoid sleepin g-bags that have not synthetic materials are slightly heavier and
been designed for specifi cally o utdoor use. bulkier, but retain wa rmth w hen damp. This
Your sleeping-bag should fit you well : argument is all tru e, but once any sleeping-bag
before yo u bu y it, get into it and make sure is wet it ceases to provi de adequ ate insulation.
that it is both long and wide enough , that yo u Wh en I
can move aro und in it freely, and that there is amin
room for your clothes and boots if you are the
going to be in cold conditions: it is normal
prac tice to store them
overnight in your
sleeping- bag -
otherwise they
may freeze.
C hoose a
down sleeping-bag
because th ere is less risk
that it will become moist, it
packs up small, it weighs little
sleeping-bag an d gives good warmth. Wh en I am in
suitable for the temperate climates I use a synth etic sleeping-
temperature range bag beca use it is better in damp conditions,
you are likely to but I ensure that I keep it dry.
enco unter. Season ratings are The efficienc y of all sleeping-bags ca n be
unreliable as no universal standard applies. improved if used with a Gore-tex bivvy bag.
Choose a sleeping-bag that is likely to be too Ex-military ones are ideal. If yo u put a good-
warm, rath er than th e reverse : you ca n always quality sleeping-bag with a sleeping mat inside
undo th e zip, if need be, and use it as a duvet. a Gore-tex bivvy bag you have a lightweight
A sleeping-bag mu st also be fitted with an bed roll. The bivvy bag protects yo u from
integral hood and, for Arctic conditions, a draughts and breezes, so is particularly useful
baffie th at closes around yo ur sho uld ers and w hen sleeping under a tarp.
prevents yo u brea thing moisture into th e bag, When you carry yo ur slee ping-bag make
w hi ch redu ces insulation. sure it is protected from moisture: either stuff
In very hot climates I tend to use a po ncho it into a dry bag, or pack it into a bin-liner,
liner - a thin lightweight blanket used by the inside the stuff sac k.
U S military to insulate the military poncho.
In hot, arid climates, with ve hicles, a swag
or a bed ro ll is commonly used. This is a
ca nvas case co ntaining a 5-cm thick foam
mattress, a small duvet and a pillow. It's Above left: Woodlore 'Golden Eag le' - a sleeping bag with a
excelJ ent fo r sleeping out under th e stars. central zip, making it more practi cal for long-term use.
Sales assistants devote much tim e to Above right: Poncho li ners are light and versatile, and dry out
disc ussing th e relative merits of sleeping-bag qu ickly.

SOMETHING TO SLEEP ON and for good reason: the rype 54 provides a
A sleeping mat is a vital item. Wh ile it is ve ry acc urate sighting of bearings usi ng a lens
possible to improvise beds effici ently from system w hil e the typ e 15 provides a sighting
natural materials it is fa r easier to use either a using a mirror and is rather more robust
closed-cell foam mattress or Thermarest mat, beca use th e mirror cover fo lds to protect the
w hi ch is an open-cell m.attress within an needle housing. Regardless of w hi ch co mpass
impervious envelo pe, w hich can be inflated so you choose it must be kept in a case. I keep
it is a cross between an air-bed and a foam min e in a top j acket pocket. When travelling
mattress. It blocks the transmission of heat by aircraft I ensure th at my co mpass travels as
from yo ur body to the gro und. Trying to sleep hand lu ggage and thus is protected from
outdoors without grou nd insulation or one of press ure differences, whi ch may ca use a bubble
th ese is misery. In the fa r north , spruce boughs to appear in the liquid-filled needle housing.
are still widely used under a foam mat to R emember that for navigation you will also
provide a good depth of insulation. need a waterp roof-paper notebook and soft B
pencil to record daily yo ur route, the bearin gs
NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENT on w hi ch yo u have marched and grid
The compass is the key to the wilderness, wi th references. This gives you the chance to chec k
your map, but you may also need other wheth er yo u have made a m istake and, if so,
navigational equipn~ t. Before your journey, retrace your route. This is crncial in wild
your planning will tell yo u what maps you need co untry where there are few landmarks or
and the nature of the terrain you will cross. features, especially in rainforest.
Order or purchase maps in the most suitable The global positionin g system, or GPS, is
scale for the area to w hich yo u are going. having a major impact on ou tdo or pursuits.
Ideally the scale sho uld be 1:50,000 or No bigger than a mobi le phone, it can receive
1 :25,000, but in some parts of the wo rld the transmi ssions from a seri es of o rbiting satellites
onl y maps ava ilable may be 1:500,000 . and triangulate its position with great
Yom maps should be protected from accuracy. The Garmin e-trex Summit also
moistme: Keep them well stashed inside your provides an electron ic co mpass and altimeter,
ru cksack, wrapped in waterproof zip-lock w hi ch enables you to predict weather trends,
bags. The map in current use should be take sightings, locate yo urself and plot yo ur
protected inside a map case. j o urney.
Yom co mpass is a precision tool GPS is not an altern ative to a map and
and must be ca refully chose n co mpass : any electron ic device is prone to
and protected. For the damage, battery fa ilure or wea ther damage.
wilderness sighting
co mpasses are ideal. The
Sil va compass ryp e 54 or
rype 15 TDCL is Left: Key to the wilderness · Silva
perhaps the most Type 1STDC L compass.

popular one in Right: Silva Type 54 compass.

use today
Depending on the nature of yo ur j ourn ey,
how light you wish to travel and th e climate
in w hi ch yo u are travelling, you will ne ed to
take w ith yo u suitable pans, and perhaps a
stove: either a pocket- sized military tommy
coo ker, w hi ch burns so li d fuel tabl ets made of
hexa mine, or a methylated-spirits-fired trangia ,
or perhaps a press ure petrol stove.

Camelbak 3 litre with a drinking straw has become an essential

item; Dromedary 4 litre is very strong and flexible; standard
NATO 1 litre fl ask.

hea ted over a stove o r fire to sterilise them.

You will also need a spoon, but a fork is
no t essential. You ca n buy titanium or
plastic spoo ns in any outdoors shop.
Food for the trail must be carefu lly
packed to protect it from the weather
and damp. If you are travellin g in bear
country, pack it so that it ca n be
Optimus Nova - pressure petrol stove. suspended from a tree, o ut of the reach of
marauding .claws.
A water carrier is not necessary in areas where MEDICAL KIT
there is a lo t of water, but everywhere else it is If yo u are planning a w ilderness trip and
of criti ca l importance. I prefer the strong army haven 't had any first aid-training yo u should
canteen: I use two one-litre British Army get some: in th e wildern ess, you may need to
wa ter bo ttl es, w hi ch are strong and reliable. be able to do more than a first-a ider in an
These are mad e of black plasti c and protect urban situation. If yo u haven't don e a co urse
the water, w hi ch may have been purified with recently, yo u shou ld attend one to refresh yo ur
iodine, from degrad in g in sunlight. In ad dition , memory.You may be days from professional
I often carry a four-quart collapsibl e wa ter medical assistance and must be able to deal
ca nteen, which I fi ll towa rds the end of the with a wide range of problems and even make
day. In deserts I in crease th e number of two- li fe-sav ing decisions. Yo u will almost certainly
quart canteens to ensure I have a n1.inimun1 of have to treat and manage wounds.
six litres of water co ntained in vessels with m e. T he contents of yo ur medical kit will be
A drinking cup or mug is important: most bou nd by space, we ight restri ctions and
practi cal is a m eta l military mu g o r cup, experi ence. Discuss w ith your GP the
particularly th e stainless-steel ones w hich are essen tia ls for a long haul trip. You w ill need all
graduated to enable you to judge liquid or so me of the fo ll owing items.
volumes wh en coo king and can serve as a
coo king pot. The lid will keep off fli es and • surgical gloves
other imects. All stainl ess-steel utensils ca n be • so me antiseptic hand wipes
• a CPR barrier of some description - pocket • forceps, for suturing, and sutures if qualified
mask or shi eld to use the,n
EMT shears or sma ll scissors • a sam splint, in flexible aluminium
• tweezers for removing splinters • a high-reading thermometer
• water-purification tablets, eith er chlorine or • a low-reading thermometer, to check for
iodine tablets for use when irrigating wo unds hypothermia
• a sterile scalpel blade • venom extractor and anti-venom, in areas
• a needle for draining blisters w ith venomo us snakes
• a paper clip to reduce blood underneath a • steril e liquids, for wound irrigation with a
thumbnail 20cc syringe with a green canula or
• a magnifying lens for removal of ticks or steripod
other insects from skin • topical antiseptic such as Povidone Iodine in
• some gaffer tape to be wrapped around the form of Aqueous Betadene solution for
splints bites, small lesions and minor cuts
• digital thermometer to read high and low • anti-microbial ointment for slow-healing
temperatures wounds and ulcers
aloe vera, for sunburn
For long trips • calamine lotion and hydrocortisone for
• an emergency dental kit burns
• a notebook and pencil to record details of a
condition, location and map reference, For blisters
when sending someone for help • hydrocollide bandages for burst blisters - try
Compeed bandages which are perfect for rainforest, where breezes are unusual: also head
the job torches, such as the one made by Petzel. I like
• mole foam and mole skin to prevent the a small LED light, which I can wear around
rubbing at a hot spot in a boot my neck, and a small handheld flashlight with
a powerful halogen bulb, which is useful in
Bandages rescue situations or emergencies.
• an assortment of adhesive bandages, such as
3M nexcore active strips which stay on; WASH KIT
Leukostrips, Cover strips or Steri Strips to Keep your wash kit simple; avoid scented
close a clean wound products, as they attract insects. I carry with
• 5cm or 10cm square non-adherent gauze me pine-tar soap and an antibacterial
pads, Meloin pads or similar, for wound antiperspirant.
treatment and covering Travel towels fold up small, are absorbent
• self- adhesive gauze pads and dry rapidly anywhere except the tropics ,
• a sterile trauma pad to apply pressure and where they don't dry and smell mouldy.
help staunch bleeding.
• an elastic bandage, either 7.5cm crepe, or CLOTHING
adhesive co ban bandage, if preferred, for Arid lands
sprains Perhaps the easiest of all environments for
• safety pins which to dress. Wear woollen socks inside
lightweight leather boots. Some of the best
ILLUMINATION boots for these areas are to be found in Africa
Lighting is important for dealing with where comfortable flat-soled leather shoes are
emergencies at night. With my vehicle- made for safari use,
portable camp, I carry pressure petrol lanterns which are excell ent for
which go into the vehicle last so that if I hiking through the bush.
arrive at a campsite in the dark they are the If these are not available,
first item to hand. Here, self-igniting lanterns consider ex-1ni litary
have an advantage over those that must be desert boots.
primed and lit. Take with you some spare Underwear should be
mantels. loose-fitting cotton. I like
Candles are still useful, particularly in tents to wear shorts wherever
which protect them from breezes and in the possible, but you must
have long trousers with
you: to cover up against
the sun and for
protection in the evening
from biting insects. The best way to avoid
malaria and other diseases transmitted by
insect bite, like dengue fever and scrub typhus,
is to cover yourself in loose-fitting tightly
woven fabrics.
As for tops , I wear a tightly woven cotton
jacket/shirt, loose-fitting to venc moisture and
Petz! Tikka head torch . give shade. Otherwise wear a T-shirt and a
li ghtweight jacket, or a tightly woven cotton Try to avoid
shirt. The jacket/s hirt is harder wea ring and cam o uflage: in many
survives longer in thorny country. countries you may be
It is always a good idea to carry with yo u a rnistaken for a soldier
pullover as it ca n be quite cold at ni ght.You and find yo urself in
can wear it under a jacket/shirt for protection tro uble.
against wind. Bear in rnind that in some areas, On top, a long-
such as the North African desert, during sleeved shirt or a
j ac ket/shirt of tightl y
wove n co tton gives
good protection against
insects and thorns. M ake
su re it has long sleeves,
w hi ch ca n be roll ed down in the eve nin g to
cover up and avoid mosq uito bites.
I tend not to wear a hat w hen I'm hikin g
through the rainforest as the brim impedes my
Lightweight leather safari boots. vision, causing me to bang my head on low
branches and vines, but o n river journeys a
w inter temperatures can drop extremely low, short-brimmed cotton jungle hat is esse ntial.
and in these conditions I have taken a down
jacket to keep wa rm at night.
One of the most important items of all is a
hat to protect you from the sun: the stronger
th e sunli ght the w ider the brim is the old rule.
I like the hats made by Akubra, who produce
a felted hat of super ior quality.
Wear sunglasses to reduce the effect of glare.
A head net, kept in th e top pocket of your
shirt, discourages insec ts after dark.

Jun g le US Army jungle boots.

In the rainfores t clo thin g has to withstand
continu o us we t. There is no better footwea r NormalJy in the rainforest we have two sets
than the US Army jungle boot: look for of clo thes : a dry set and a wet set. Your we t
genuin e boots in the modern version, w hi ch clothes are those you wear during th e day. In
has Cordura uppers and leather soles with the evening, after settin g up camp, you change
speecllacing. N ew boots w ill stretch a little out of yo ur wet clothes, wring th em out and
after initial wearing. Insid e I wear two pairs of hang them up to dry, then put on your dry
woo l socks. Wool doesn't go mouldy and clo th es, which are kept in a dry bag. Powder
unpleasant like cotton soc ks. you r feet w hen you take off your boots and
I prefer Lycra cyclin g shorts as underwear: put on a pair of lightweight sneakers to wear
they don't chafe between your legs . Wear long around ca mp. Pack th em carefull y before
trousers, not shorts - stro ng ones that dry fast. setting o ut the next day, w h en you will put o n
Again the best are often ex-military trousers. your wet clo thes again.
Temperate ove r them , a win dproof j acket or a heavier
With four distinct seasons your dress may vary woo l shirt: if yo u are in the open go for the
betwee n everything from Arctic and arid, windproof j acke t, the shirt in woods.
particularly durin g the spring. I like a good In this environment waterproof clothing is
strong leather hiking boot that comes hi gh up impo rtant so take j ac ket and trouse rs in either
my leg. If you step into soft gro und in short Gore-tex fabri c or Triple Point. Don 't fo rget a
boots, th ey are swa mped. I like a boot with a hat; try to find o ne that is insulative,
Gore-tex lin er, but this is not essen ti al as win dproof and waterproof.
wate rproof socks are available to prevent your
feet becoming co ld and moist. Furth er Arctic
pro tec tion from rain is affo rded by wate rproof In th e Arctic we are dressing aga inst dry cold
ga iters. alth ough on rare occasio ns it rains so
Wear two pai rs of good wool soc ks and ex- protec tion from moisture is also imp ortant.
mj]itary trou sers but nothing to o expensive: Footwear must be chosen to suit th e activity
yo u may have to push yo u are to be engaged in: for cross-co untry
thro ugh thorns and briars skiing choose the appropriate cross- co untry
and your trousers w ill take a ski boo ts , two sizes large r than normal to
battering. If you are going acco m_modate felt inn er boots for extra
far o ut on th e trai l, co nsider insul ation and pl enty of room. If yo ur
taking some ti ghtly woven footwea r - in fa ct any of your clothing in the
windproof trou sers, such as Arcti c - is tight it wi ll restrict yo ur circul ation
those made ofVentil e fa bric and yo u w ill get cold. E xtra room is necessa ry.
for added protec tion. If yo u are go in g to be wo rking w ith
I prefer cotton un de rwear snowmobiles and skis, instead of a
but in these circumstances conventional cross- co untry ski boot co nsider
others wear cycling shorts or taking a rubb er boo t adapted for cross- co untry
eve n swimmjng trunks. skiers, such as those made by Noki a. They give
Conve ntion al w isdo m suggests that we good protection from the moisture con1monly
sho uld wea r mo dern fibre th erma l tops but I enco untered o n a snowmobile when travelling
go for a cotton o r wool thermal shirt rather over froze n lakes w ith a heavy snow pack on
than synthetic fibre ones. Over the to p of this top. Th ese boots also co m e with a felt inn er
I tend to wea r woo l, either a ti ghtly wove n lin er.
shirt or woollen th ermals (see page 21), and In cold dry cond itio ns w hen I am using
snow- shoes, my favo urite boots are mukluks,
made from moose hide with a felt inn er sole
and plenty of room for the foot to move. Th e
best are made by a co mpany called Steger
Mukluks. Inside th em , I wear wool soc ks, a
thin pair and a medium-th ick pair relyin g for
war mth on the fel t liner.
I normaLly use woo l underwea r in th e
Arctic and my mi ddl e layers are woo l: I take
two pairs of wool long johns in different
weights of woo l density, and three wooll en
Lowa military boots. shirts, w hi ch can be worn over each o ther

again in three different weights of wool. Here
I prefer Ullfrote fabrics, which are, without a
doubt, the best for this environment; they
come in 200g/m2 to 400g/m 2 or 600g/m2
weights, which makes it possible to create a
perfectly balanced layered clothing system. The
manufacturers claim that as the wool is of the
highest quality it can be worn next to the skin
without causing itching.
Headgear is very important in the Arctic,
and worn for most of the time. Here I like a
hat that combines rabbit fur with fabric. When
the temperature drops I add either a wool
skull-cap made by Ullfrote or, when I am
travelling on a snowmobile, a full woollen
I use two types of glove: British Army
leather gloves with a Gore-tex liner are
excellent for carrying out small, fiddly tasks in
the cold; for using an axe, I wear wooll en
mittens produced in Lapland by the Sami
people, call ed lovikka, with a leather Chopper
mitt on top.
For emergencies, I also carry warm,
Top: Rubber boots with felt inners adapted for skiers. w indproof over-trousers and a down jacket for
Bottom: Steger Mukluks for cold dry conditions. travelling in very cold conditions on
snowmobiles or w hen I have to stand still for

200gm/ml 400gm/ml 600gm/ml Windshell

Ullfrote underwear in layers.

You can never have too many clothes when travelling by In extreme cold an extra skull cap beneath your hat can make
snowmobile. Wea r goggles over hood so you can easily turn all the difference to wa rmth .
round and look behind.

any length of time. It is also useful to have

thi ckly woven woollen trousers, some
windproof over-tro users or ski trousers and a
waterproof j acket. M y own windproof outer
layers are made ofVentil e - a single-laye r
fa bric trouser and a dou ble-layer anorak with a
fur hood. In th e N orth artificial fur does not
work as effe ctively as a real fur, and a fur ruff
is vitally important when travelling on
Lovikka mittens with leather over mitts. snowmobiles for any distance.
Four basic types of cutting tool are used in bushcraft:

• the knife,
• the saw,
• the axe,
• the parang or machete.

Each has applications to which they are uniquely suited.

In addition, there are a few specialist tools for use in
unique environments or to improve craft work and
backcountry handicraft.
It is important to understand these tools: an
inappropriately chosen cutting tool is inefficient and can
be dangerous to the user. Also, cutting tools are heavy,
so choose wisely rather than burdening yourself
unnecessarily. Learn how to use each tool safely: this will
take time, humility and careful practice.
THE KNIFE Avoid blades th at are very round , w here the
The kn ife is your number on e too l, with belly rises to the tip, as the knife wi ll tend to
wh ich yo u can make almost anything you slip off the work-piece at the end of each cut.
need, cut up food or craft beautiful obj ects . Avoid serrated blades: they hamp er good
ca rving; you will be lea rning to sharp en your
Choosing knife ro a razor's edge, serration s wi ll provide
When I started teaching bushcraft, students no appreciable adva ntage. The blade tang
struggled to acquire skills beca use th eir kni ves should ideally be full tang, i. e. exte nding the
were blunt, too large or folding-bl ade designs . full length of the handle at full handle width.
Experience taught that even lo cki ng folding- Th is is the strongest arra ngem ent, although
blade knives ca n co llapse on a finger and that shortened or narrowed tangs are acceptable if
th ey do not enco urage stron g, confident well made.
cutting because th ey fl ex at the hin ge. When
choosing a knife, take into account the
fo ll owing:

Size: Do not choose a knife with a large

blade: we do not wa nt to hack, but to ca rve.
This is best achi eved with a blade 8-12cm Avoid blades with this strong a curve.

Handle: It sho uld be well designed for easy Guard: A small guard just in front of the edge
grip: avoid finge r notches as th ey make it is useful but by no mea ns esse ntial as it ca n
diffi cult to va ry yo ur grasp comfortably. Find interfere with sharpening and carving.
one that is a co mfortable shape and size for
you to hold. N ever use a knife with a Steel: Any good cu tlery steel wi ll do, either
symmetrical grip: in poo r light or w hen you stainless or carbon, but it must be easily
are tired, you may 111.istake th e edge for the sharpened and not brittle. My perso nal
blade back and cut yourself. preference is for hi gh-ca rbon tool steel, w hich
mee ts all these needs adm..irably; although
Blade shape: It shou ld have an edge on only prone to rust this is a minor drawba ck, easily
one side: double-edge blades are for fighting. A avo ided by keeping the blade dry and clean. If
spea r-shaped blade is ideal, enablin g the blade yo u are working predorn..inantly in a salt-water
to be inverted and used to peel bark and skin. environment, opt for stainless steel.

R. MEARs0••·
0£5/GN ,.;-r, A. WOOD
WOO0L0RE. Em;u.1. ::

A knife is the most important survival tool. Fru strated at not being able to fin d the ideal kni fe for my work I ended up
designing my own, which went into production in 1990.

26 Essential Bushcraft
------------;4)-----------;► ◄------;®>-------•►

1. Tang part of blade which extends into grip I 2. Guard I 3. Choi l I 4. Back I 5. Bel ly I 6. Edge 17. Point I 8. Grip I 9. Pommel

Edge shape: Ge nera lJy the grind shape of th e

edge is chosen by the m anufa cturer for ease
and cosmeti c appea l. H aving experimented
with each type of gr inding - hollow, co nvex,
seco ndary bevel and flat bevel - I have fo und
a fine fl at beve l g rind to be the most
effi cient fo r cutting wood: it provides a sharp
edge that slices efficiently and cleanly. It is
prone to da mage if yo u to uch bone w hen
skinning a large animal, but this ca n be
avo ided by modi fy ing your butchery
techni que.

Before yo u co nsider using your knife, think
safety. Bear in mind that, once sharpened, yo ur
blade will be razor sharp. There will be times when you
Stow yo ur knife in a strong sheath. If yo u need to stow your knife
safely for a few moments -
are hiking in fa irly civilised co untry it ca n be tucking it under you r armpit
carri ed in yo ur ru cksack. H owever, w hen you is a good method, but be
venture into rem ote regio ns, atta ch it to yo ur careful not to slice yourself
on withdrawal. Keep the
belt o r hang it round your neck and sho ulder
edge facing downwards.
on a stro ng cord.
Wh en th e kni fe is no t in use, even fo r a
few mo m ents, it m ust be put back into its Wh eneve r you pick up your knife, pick up
sheath, w hi ch sho uld be kept clea n: clea n yo ur yo ur first aid kit too.
knife if it is dirty before shea thing it. Ca rve away from th e o utsid e of yo ur body.
An old rul e of bushc raft is neve r to lend A co mmon error is to sit dow n and carve on a
yo ur knife: a damaged knife may result in a piece of wood between yo ur legs . If th e knife
broken fri ends hip. H oweve r, if you have to slips you may sever th e femo ra l artery.
pass your kn ife do so as illustrated, overl eaf. Train yourself always to keep your

Cutting Tools 27
supporting hand be hind th e back of the blade,
not in line w ith th e cut or where a slip might
sli ce into you.

Cutting technique
Every piece of wood bas a grain stru cture that
deternunes its strength and performance in a
ran ge of tasks. Th e structure varies from
species to species: one wood might be suited
to a task that requires flexibility; another might
be resistant to splitting. The grain stru cture
wi ll affect th e ease or difficulty you will
ex perience in carving the wood: in learning to
understand its behaviour, yo u wi ll become
able to predict the wood's likely response to
ca rving. Th e n yo u will carve more easily, the
grain assisting yo u.

• Think of a piece of wood as a tigh tly

compressed bundle of fibres laid parallel to
eac h other.
• If you w ish you ca n split the wood apart by
forc ing a blade o r wedge dow n in to it from
th e ends of th e fibres.
• If you wish to c ut through th e fibres it wi ll
be most easil y achi eved by sli cin g at an
angle so that th e load of the cut is app lied
to one fibre at a time rather than the
massed bundle.
• You can cut through the grain at 90° only
when the bundle is thin and you can exert
sufficient force.
If yo u ca n stretc h the fibres until th ey are
taut, they are more easily cut - just as it is
easier to cut a taut string than a slack one.
• Wh en you wish to carve deeply into a
piece of wood you may ne ed to sever the
fibres at th e e nd of your intend ed cut to
preve nt them lifting and splitting ahead of
the blade: such a 'stop cut' is a fundamental
technique of wood carving and requires If you have to pass your knife do so as
forethought and careful consideration of shown above
the grain.
• You can carve against the grain if you do
so li ghtly w ith a strong slicing ac tion.

28 Essential Bushcraft
Th e Forehand Grip
This is the grip you will use most often: it
provides strength and power as well as good
co ntrol. Note that th e thumb is not placed on
th e back of the blade. The cut is made with
the strength of your arm and back. A safe
fo ll ow-through is essential with this cut, be it Forehand grip.
clear space or a cutti ng block.

The Backhand Grip

Th is grip is rarely used, except for wh en
cuttin g a taut cord bein g held by someo ne
else. By turning th e edge towards yourself you
are taking control of th e risk and ensuring that
th e blade do es not slip through th e work-
piece to cut someone else. The cut is made
with th e arm. Backhand grip.

The Chest-lever Grip or Side Grip

In thi s grip the blade is held with its edge
towards your knu ckl e, enabling you to place
yo ur thumb on th e fa ce o f the blade. The
knife is held horizontalJy across your chest,
edge fa cing outwards, thumb uppermost. The
Chestlever grip.
cut is effecte d w ith your arm and an in take of
brea th. In this way your chest acts as a
pneumati c ram , ge neratin g tremendous force,
enabling you to use your hand strength to
control the angle o f th e cut.

The Reinforced Grips

U seful fo r fine work, th e cut is effec ted w ith
th e thumb of th e hand holding the wo rk-
Reinforced grip 1.
piece pressing on the back of the blade.

Reinforced grip 2.

Cutting Tools 29

Making a hook: Slice in two crossing cuts. Chip out the wood from three quarters of Deepen the beak of the
the cross. hook form ed.

•!'-., ~
~. '' ·,' . r.;p '• ::<\·
: ., ___-
. .. l
.,,. \'-
'·. ' -.,,,
Front view. Side view.

Spear notch: The spear notch is an easy way to notch the end of a stick.

30 Essential Bushcraft
Perforating: Scribe a rectangular hole. Chip out the wood on the first side. Scribe lines from front side around the edge
to rear side

Using lines and estimation repeat hole · Clean out hole and make neat.
making, until holes meet in the middle

Trimming: By cutting in the direction of branch growth, use power and follow th rough so
that the cut ends beyond the branch to be trimmed

Breaking: Make a series of sma ll cuts around the work piece to weaken it, then snap
it in half.

Cutting Tools 31
CUTS cont'd

Shaving: Using a straight arm. Shaping: By pivoting around the thumb. Pointing: Using 3 clean cuts.

Truncating : Using a wooden baton Draw knife

How to sharpen a knife th e blade away from yo u as if trying to cut a

To sharp en yo ur knife you w ill need a set of thin layer from the top of th e sto ne. Do this
abrasive sto nes ranging from coarse to fine. At eight times before turning the blade over and
hom e yo u ca n indulge yo urself with a set of sharpening the opposite face towards you.
large bench stones, while in the fi eld you w ill Now make eight more strokes alternating the
need a small li ghtweight alternative. Abras ive faces of the blade. As you do this a paste will
ston es are manufa ctured fron1 a wide range of form on the sto ne, do not w ipe this away as it
materi als. M y prefe rence is to use Japan ese helps to speed up th e process; keep the stone
wa ter sto nes w hi ch wo rk fast and conve niently wet by splashin g it w ith wa ter throughout the
to give a razo r edge. U se three grits 800 for process. Move on to a fin er sto ne and repeat
coa rse, 1200 for medium and 6000 fo r fine. In the process. T he 6000 g rit ston e need not be
the fi eld carry a combination 1200/ 6000 ston e soa ked,just wetted; preferably crea te a slurry
sawn in half. on the stone prior to use with a small nagura
To use these stones soak them in wa ter stone (these are specially mad e for the purpose
befo re use. Only use the coarse stone if rea ll y and can be purchased w ith your ston es) .
necessa ry, w hen yo u have seriously blunted After using th e 6000 sto ne clea n th e blade,
yo ur knife or damaged it. Lay yo ur kni fe on th en strop it on th e inside of a lea ther belt 50
th e sto ne and raise the back until th e beve l of times, altern ating th e blade face o n each
th e blade li es fl at o n the stone and now push stroke. This will help to ensure a sharp and

32 Essential Bushcraft
CD Eight strokes away.
0 Eight strokes towards, the eight

(2) Towards the blade tip you will need to © Strop.

lift the grip to accomodate the blade

G) Ceramic sharpening rod. @ Sharpening in the field.

How to sharpen a knife

Cutting Tools 33
How to carve a spoon


Split the billet. Look for a section which has a natural Carve in the shoulders of the bowl and
spoon-like kink. flatten the sides of the handle.

Point the tip of the bowl. Flatten the underside of the bowl. Shape the underside of the handle
leaving thickness at narrow points and
thinning at wide points.

Essentially the spoon is now blanked out, with clean top, bottom Lastly, hollow the bowl with a spoon gouge or crooked knife.
and side shaping. Complete the spoon by whittling these sides with Do not make the bowl too deep.
your kn ife so that the spoon shapes blend natura lly and with grace.

34 Essential Bushcraft
other, th en alternate as usual. If possible strop
the blade; if a leather belt is not available a
smoo th piece of woo d can also be used.

Saws are effi cient tools, enabling us to cut up
wood wi th minimum wastage. They are safer
to use than the axe, particularly in poor light
or after dark, and can be entrusted to a
beginner with only a few minutes' instru ction.
Saws also enable us to trim green wood nea tly
in a way that is less damaging to a tree.
Hand carved spoons are both beautiful and functional, and
bring memories of the place and company in which they were The folding saw
The easiest saw to carry and use. It is the
durable edge. To complete the process I run perfect co mpanion to the sm.all sheath kni fe.
the blade very lightly down the fin est ceramic When choosing a folding saw, ensure th at the
sharp ening rod to give the edge more bite. If blade locks securely in th e open and closed
yo u do no t have a ceramic rod use th e edge of positions.
a car window. To wo rk efficiently a saw must cut a
In the field, employ a simpler approach: groove wider than th e blade is thick. This is
we t the small field stone and sharpen each side achieved in folding saws in one of two ways.
with a slicing action wi th pressure on the The most common method is to have the
slicing stroke only. D o one face, then th e blade hollow- ground behind the teeth: these

Cutting Tools 35
Bushcraft gadgets

Top left: Note the use of the hook notch.

Top right: An elegant way to suspend the lunch
Centre: For the fixed or overnight camp, a pothanger
with many hook notches gives flexibility and allows
the heat control necessary for cooking breads and
other outdoor fare.
Bottom: Simple rustic pot hangers.

36 Essential Bushcraft
blades cut well but are apt to snap in use,
either at the rip or just in front of the handle,
whi ch means that they are not suited to
wildern ess travel wh ere a saw will inevitably
encounter rough usage. The alternative is a
blade with teeth set wider than the blade:
these are usually produced by welding very
hard teeth on to a strong spring steel blade,
and this is by far th e strongest arrangement:
the teeth stay sharp longer and cut a wider
range of materials. In many years of issuing
Blade intended for green wood
Sandvik Laplander saws to students, I have
never had a blade brea k.
when the blade jumps at the start of a cut on
The bow or swede saw to the back of your supporting hand.
An essential tool of a base camp where wood Obviously the saw should o nly be carried
fires are employed. T he bow can be fas hioned with the blade masked; if this is not possible
from either a bent gree n branch, a carved consider removing the blade and coiling it
frame or collapsible woo den frame; the best inside a billy-can.
ones are oval tubular steel designs. Avoid saws
that narrow at the forward end and saws that Safe cutting
are excessively long. En sure that it is equipp ed When you initiate a saw cut, do so with yo ur
with its own mask; when not in use, mask the supporting hand passed through th e bow of
blade and hang it out o f harm's way. the saw; this will prevent the blade jumping
Generally speakin g, hand saws are the safest and cutting you. Once the cut is slightly
of all cutting tools and injuries occur most dee per than the depth of the blade, remove
when transporting a saw without its mask, or your hand and continue saw ing with th e

Cutting Tools 37
you impart to the saw is full y transferred to
the cut.
Although bow-saw blades are made narrow
to redu ce the likelihood of the blade binding
in a cut that closes, this does happen frequently.
To avoid it ensure that as the cut deepens, th e
wood is not supported in such a manner that
the cut will close, gripping the blade. Not only
is a trapped blade inconvenient, it will also be
damaged: the kerf or set of th e teeth will be
narrowed.When felling a tree yo u ca n prevent
th e cut closing with a thin wedge drive n in
behind the saw blade.

Trimming a branch
When sawing dow n a heavy branch you must
co nsider th e force of tension within the limb.
If you saw directly from. the to p surface of the
branch the cut will open and eve ntually the
branch will split free with unnecessary damage
to the tree. Alternatively, if yo u cut upwards
from underneath , you will avoid th e problem
of splitting but your saw will j am tight in the

Once established to a depth greater than the blade width, place

your thumb over the cut.

thumb of yo ur supporting hand pressed over

the cut to lock the blade into it.

Before cutting any wood with your saw make
sure that it is well supported to prevent
m ove ment: this will ensure that the energy

38 Essential Bushcraft
Splitting wood

cut as it closes. Therefore cut a third of the thro ugh the wood. Instead cut half-way
way through the branch from the underside throu gh it at intervals equ al to yo ur desired
then cut down from above. By staggering the length of log. Then strike the log at these
cuts we achieve a nea t, stepped cut. With the weak points on a nearby rock or log. Not only
main weight of th e branch removed, you can wi ll you save energy, you will also extend th e
now cut the branch clea nly near to the bole life of yo ur saw.
where it will heal correctly (see page 38).
Cutting green w ood
Splitting When yo u cut green wood, do so only in a
To split wood, take a sec tion of relatively way th at allows the tree to continue growing
strai ght wood fre e of knots and saw half-way and remain healthy: for example, coppice
throu gh it at the centre. Now with th e cut broad-leaved saplings and remove only one
up wa rds strike the log on a rock or fallen tree branching tip from spruce boughs. If yo u need
a third of the way beyond the cut. Th e top to remove a whole branch , cut it away clea nly
ha lf of that end of th e log should split off. with a saw at the bark scar where the branch
R eve rse the log and repeat the process with joins the main stem. Done correctly the tree
the opposite end. Finally snap or saw the long wi ll heal itself, growing over to preve nt
half of wood in two. infection by bacteria o r fungi.
If yo u have to cut a sapling, do so in a
Cutting up firew ood place w here there are seve ral and choose one
If yo u have to cut up a long piece of dead that is likely to be crowd ed by others. In thi s
timber into shorter more co nvenient lengths, way you will be thinning the forest , allowing
do not waste energy laboriously sawing for healthier growth. Better still, look for a

CuttingTools 39
sucker from the base of a mature tree and cu t
it back close to th e ground; several new shoots
wilJ spring from the old stump.
FelJ a larger tree close to the ground in the
tidy way of a professional forester.

There is a wide range of axe designs, from
felJing axes to axes for splitting and driving
wedges. For wilderness travel yo ur choice of
axe wilJ depend on th e environment into
w hich you are going. The further north that
yo u travel, the more important the axe
With a welJ-set-up axe we can make things
of practical value and things of bea uty quickly,
from wood that might otherwise only be
burned.You can split firewood so that it wilJ
burn more efficien tly or fit inside your stove.
You ca n also remove fa llen trees, whi ch may
impede your travel, and felJ dead sta nding
firewood in winter.
The drawback is that the axe is a tool that
requires training and experience to master. It The way to safely stow an unmasked double bit axe in the
must never be handed to a novice without crotch of tree buttresses.
expert supervision. It should only be used in
good light, and must be stowed away from Make of axe
harm in camp. For wilderness use yo u w ill need an a.,'[e that is
made with passion by peifectionists: Gransfors
of Sweden.


1. Deer's Foot I 2. Knob I 3. Lanyard hole I 4. Helve or handle I 5. Belly of handle I 6. Grip I 7. Back (of handle) I 8. Head I 9. Cheek I
10. Lip I 11. Poll I 12. Eye I 13. Axe bit I 14. Edge I 15. Throat of handle I 16. Toe I 17. Heel I 18. Blade bevel I 19. Shoulder I 20. Wedge

40 Essential Bushcraft
Types of axe h eld one-handed in th e middl e, provide a
In the wild erness yo u will need an axe that co unterbalance effect that d amp ens rebound.
ca n perform m any tasks and w hich ca n be So long as this axe is used w ith ca re, and
used in o ne hand as readily as rwo. Several not used to tackle jobs that require a heavier
options present themselves. axe, it is a first rate tool and a good partner to
the bow saw for providing a fixed camp with
The Wildlife Hatchet/Scout Axe plenty of sound firewoo d.
T his is the axe most commonly employed by
beginners: it is the lightest axe at around 750 The Small Forest Axe
grams - heavy axes ca use strain and tiredn ess The nu1nber one choice for bushcraft . It
in the inexperi en ced user, which can lead to weighs only 1 kilogram and its helve is 50cm

Forest axes: 1. Double bit worki ng axe I 2. American felling axe I 3. Scandinavia n forest axe* I 4. Small forest axe.* I
5. Wildlife hatchet/scout axe.* I 6. Pocket axe
*most useful for wilderness travel.

accidents. With a length of 36cm it is easil y lo ng, so it ca n be used effic ientl y with one
po rtable but ca n o nly be used one-handed and hand or pressed to bigger jobs with two.
is effective for chopping firewood, or light axe
ca rvin g, provided it is sharp. Some words of Th e Scandinavian Forest Axe
ca uti on: the short length of the helve means A full sized two-handed axe, we ighin g 1.5
that th e Scout axe has little counterbalan ce kilograms with a helve 64c m long. An
action when it is used with o ne hand: if you experienced axe user wi ll have suffi cient
strike a springy branc h the axe may bounce strength to use it one-handed. I reserve this
ba ck towards yo u. Axes with a longer helve, axe for use almost exclusively in borea l fores t

Cutting Tools 41
Crafting axes: 7. Splitting wedge (only hammer with maul or splitti ng maul). I 8. Swedish broad axe I 9. Carpenter's
axe 110. Swed ish carving axe I 11. Hunter's axe

in winter w here the demands of limbing • If you nick the edge of th e axe, flatten th e
(removing) snow- covered branches, and edge and resharp en it to the correct angle
cho pping into the tig ht grain of slow-growing again.
timber present tough work. • N ever grind an axe on a dry or high-speed
grinding w heel as you will spoil the temper
Caring for your axe of the blade. Do not sharpen the edge too
• Prevent th e head rusting by keeping it dry; thin - this often happens with a fil e - and
in bad wea ther rub it over w ith the end of unl ess it is intended to be so, do not
a wax candl e. hollow-grind the edge : the axe should have
• Occasionall y apply boiled linseed oil to th e a flattish convex edge.
• N eve r lend your axe to a novice. Basic axe safety
Do no t leave your axe stuck into a log for • Whenever the axe is no t in use it should be
any pro longed time or it will become blu nt. masked with a stro ng case. At moments of
• N eve r ham.mer one axe against anoth er, rest during use it sho ul d be placed in safety
an d never use yo ur axe with or against either by setting it into a cutting block, the
anythin g harder than wood . end of a log, or betwee n the buttresses of a
• Try to avoid cutting into the ground as you tree. Do not leave yo ur axe se t into a log
may strike a stone that will damage the for a prolonged period as the chemi cals in
edge. th e wood will attac k the steel, blunting the
• N eve r chop on to rock or wood w ith nails axe.
driven in to it. • Avoid using an axe with a loose head .
• Wh en using yo ur axe in sub-zero • Keep children and an imals such as sled
co nditions wa rm it with your hand to dogs away from th e axe.
body heat first to make the steel less brittle. • Be careful when walkin g with an axe in

42 Essential Bushcraft
Caring for your axe your hand: should you fall or trip, cast it
away from yo ur body. Always remain alert
to the edge, the directi o n in w hi ch it is
fac in g and the proxinu ty of other people.
W hile it is often recommended that the
axe is ca rried cradl ed in the palm of yo ur
han d, in practice this is impractical: axes are
most often carried grasped at th e throat. As
w ith any other cutting tool, w hen you
ca rry an axe 1nake ce rtain you 're also
carryin g a suitable first- aid kit.
• When you come to use th e axe ensure
before you begin work that yo ur clothing
will not impede th e swin g - sca rves or
cumb ersom e outdoor clothing and
Use the edge of a bench stone for this. In the bush I have waterproofs may get in the way. Next,
used a natural rock for this.

Whenever the axe is not in use it should be masked with a

strong case.

Remove nick. make ce rtain there are no obstacles that

may impede th e swin g: idea lly yo u sho uld
be in a clear space large enough that you
can reach out w ith th e axe end so that it
represents th e radi us of a circle within
w hich there are no obstru cti o ns.
• Whenever you use an axe, it is imperative
that yo u should have a safe fo ll ow- through:
a block, log or the ground to act as a
backstop to your cut so that should yo u
Sharpen in normal way. miss the wo rk-pi ece or th e work-piece
breaks unexpec tedly th e axe w ill not pass
through and bury itself in any part of yo ur

Cutting Tools 43
body or anyo ne else's. Instead it sho uld fa ll down until it works free. Never apply sideways
harml essly on to th e safe bac kstop. Do not fo rce to th e helve or excessive fo rce up or
cu t into the roots or trunks of living trees down: if you do so yo u w il.l inevitably snap
as this will damage them . the handle.
• If yo u are ti red, co nsider w heth er you
sho uld be using an axe at all. Perhaps the Felling
j o b can be n1.ore safely achieved with a saw, In bushcraft we do not fe ll trees very oft en;
or left until yo u are less tired. In poor li ght, usually we work with already fa l.l en dead
when standing on snow, or if you 're new to timber. However, in boreal fo res ts it can be
th e axe, do yo ur chopping in a kneelin g necessary to fel.l livin g trees, fo r tent or shelter
position. T his will ensure that th e ground poles, and dead standing timber, fo r firewood.
ac ts as th e safe backstop. Bear in mind that in th e fa r north gree n birch
When yo u use the axe one-handed, yo u is impo rtant fi rewood. In tro pi cal rainfo rest it
risk chopping the hand that is supporting may be necessa ry to feLI trees to crea te an
th e wo rk-piece. To prevent this, pay o penin g in the fo rest ca no py fo r helicopter
attention to the potential path that th e rescue in en1.ergencies .
blade of th e axe w iLI foLlow. W hen usin g an In Siberia, th e Evenk people use a heavy
axe, we vary the angle, force and in tensity axe to fell small saplin gs with just two
of blows as de mand requires. This mea ns diago naLly opposin g cho ps at gro und level,
th at th e axe will swing from a variety of demonstrating 'maxi mum efficiency for
pivo t po ints: at the wrist, the elbow, th e minimum effort'. For large r trees, a more
sho ulder or eve n th e back. In good axe considered approac h is necessary. H owever,
work , eac h blow of th e axe is considered befo re fe lling any tree, yo u mu st first study it
befo re it is ma de. In any swing of th e axe, ca and look for any lean: it is easier to
stay alert to the pivo t point, as this will work with gravity than try to overco me it.
di ctate th e size of a sphere of danger, w hi ch Next, look for any dead branches trap ped in
has at its circum fe rence th e fur thest tip or the crown of th e tree - the last thing yo u
toe of the axe blade. It is absolutely need is a dead branch landing on your head
imperative that any body part within thi s w hile you are choppin g. Study the path th at
sphere has either a block between it and th e falling tree w il.l take, and try to avoid
th e axe blade, or is behind the axe whil e felling trees that wil.l snag in standing trees .
• All ow the we ight of th e axe head to do th e Limbing and Trimmin g
wo rk. In good axe work the axe head is H avin g dropp ed yo ur tree, yo u will need to
simpl y lifted and dropped on to the wo rk- tri m th e bra nches. Start nea r th e base of th e
piece with arm strength used only to guid e tree and trim towa rds th e top, always keeping
it accurately ra ther th an to force it down . If the trunk between yo urself and the limb you
th e axe is no t cutting, you are either are cu tting. Thick limbs may need preparatory
placin g th e blows badly or it is blunt. cuts to speed their removal.

How to free a stuck axe Chopping

If yo ur axe beco mes stuck in th e chopping C utting the tre e into useful sec ti ons is
bloc k yo u ca n free it by a sharp, down ward ac hi eved by sawing or chopping and the
blow to th e tip of the helve. Failing thi s, use fo rmer is more efficient. H owever, yo u may
gentl e sharp tugs alter nating betwee n up and have no optio n but to cho p. T his is a

44 Essential Bushcraft

of lean
of fall

Felling with the axe alone


... - Direction Direction

of lean of fall

Fell ing with axe and saw

Cutting Tools 45
potentially hazardous activity. To chop through
a log, you will need to cut out a V as wide at
its opening as the log is thick.You will use an
ambidextrous swing, changing your hand
position to facilitate both left- and right-hand
swings of the axe. Never attempt to bury the
axe in the wood as it will stick. Instead, allow
the axe to work at its own pace springing free
nice-sized chips of wood. Once you have
chopped two-thirds of the way through the
log move round to chop from the opposite
side and finish the job.
Common mistakes are to chop too hard
and become tired, to make too narrow a V Place the axe on the wood to be split and bring both down
cut, and not to pay proper regard to the way simultaneously on to the block. This method is useful when a
stump or flattened chopping block is not available.
in which the log is lying: it may be easier if
strong wood types that will resist splitting
Splitting when hanunered. Never hammer a metal
Perhaps the most common use of the axe in wedge with the back of your axe unless it is
bushcraft. You must learn how to split a long specially designed to do so: this damages the
piece of wood, and how to split short lengths eye and loosens the head.
for firewood. If you wish to split a tree into Splitting firewood on a chopping block is
boards or splints for a specific purpose, you an essential axe skill. Ideally the block should
will need to cut wedges. Wedges made from be knee high, and the log to be chopped
wood are called gluts: they should be cut from placed at the far side of the block to ensure a
safe follow-through
If you do not have a chopping block you can

Note that the wood being split is placed on the far side
of the block and when the axe passes through, it lands
safely on the block. Ideally the block would be level and
knee high; however, this is not always possible
Reach up, out and around to ensure no obstructions.

46 Essential Bushcraft
improvise one by using the crotch of a forked
branch or by a swift blow to the raised end of a
knot-free, chopped or preferably sawn log.
Another method of splitting small logs or
quartered logs is to place the axe on the log
and bring both down on to a block at the
same moment; this is a good technique for a
beginner to use as there is a safe swing and

1. Raise forward end of log slightly and measure up

- aim to strike as shown.

My favourite method of splitting without a block using the small

felling axe. Note the raised-forward edge of the log.

follow-through. Make sure that the thumb of

your supporting hand is not trapped between
the axe helve and the log on splitting or you
2. Strike with a committed blow - concentrate on will bruise if not break it.
To flatten a log, make a series of small chops
an axe-blade length apart, then split out the
wood between them.

Effort can be saved by weakening cuts to a
long length of firewood, which can then be
broken over a log or rock.

Hewing is a technique to shape wood.You
3. Strike with a follow-through. must cut down on to a block, and remember

Cutting Tools 47
A chopping block can be improvised from split wood. But two Strike down on to the farthest log, bending your knees as the
pieces must be used to prevent the workpiece being spun axe drops
upwards when struck.

to keep your supporting hand o ut of harm's in your workshop.

way : your fingers mu st stay on th e opposite Ca rve a replacem ent helve from seaso ned
side of the work-piece to the axe blade and wood, choosing hard wood such as hi ckory,
hew o nly below your supporting hand. If your as h, rowa n or birch, dependin g on w hat is
hand tires, take a brea k. available. Carefully fit it to the eye of yo ur axe,
then split the top of the helve with your knife
Shaving and a baton, and drive in a slend er heart wood
To shave feath er sticks (see page 94) for wedge - seasoned hea rt wood of oak is ideal.
kind li ng, grasp the axe head rather th an the If yo u were able to sa lvage the metal staple
helve. that held the wedge in place, use this to
furth er secure th e new wedge.
Fine knife-work ca n be achieved by holding A loose handle
th e axe head, w ith the helve upwards out of If your helve beco mes loose it will most likely
the way. need repla cin g. If yo u have just taken your axe
to a drier, colder climate, however, you may
Fitting a new handle find that all owing some linseed o il to soak
Do not burn o ut th e old hand le, even if the into the eye rec tifi es th e problem. In the bush,
edge is buried in damp soil: this wi ll destroy people often soak a loose axe hea d in water to
the temper of your blade and ruin it. Instea d, make it swell and ti ghten . This is a short-term
chip o ut th e old helve, or drill it o ut at home soluti on and the helve w ill eventually need

■ 48
Essential Bushcraft
How to sharpen an axe replacin g. An extra wedge is another short-
term measure but, again, it o nly postpones the
inevitable repair.


The parang is the most dangerous cuttin g tool
used in bush craft. It has the lo ngest edge, is used
with a slas hing action, w hich can be diffi cult to
control , and is prone to defl ection. For this
reaso n we limit its use to tropical rainforest, or
environments where similar materials need to
Sharpen your axe in a similar manner to your knife. be cut. Like all of the tools used in bush craft, in
the hands of an experienced craftsman the
parang is fast and efficient.As w ith the axe, the
secret is to allow th e weight and speed of the
blade to do th e work.
There is perhaps more va riety in quali ty in
para ngs than in any of th e other cutting tools.
When choosing a parang look for one th at is
not too lo ng, 50-60cm is right for general-
purpose use, with a stiff, heavy blade. Look
also at the method by w hi ch the handle is
attached: parangs co mmonly have a narrow
Eight strokes away, eight toward s, eight alternate.

tan g handl e fitting, which may not be

Strop on a leather belt. absolu tely secure. Look for handles with
riveted plate grips attached and a full , or
nearly full , tang attachment. Once again,
whenever yo u carry a parang, you mu st ca rry
a first- aid kit. Keep your parang in a sheath or
hard woo den case. When drawing it out
ensure that you are holding the faces of th e
case and not the edge in case the blade cuts
throu gh th e rivets or stitching and cuts yo ur
Never let anyone or any thing distract you
In the field use a circular action on your cut down stone. w hile you are cutting with a parang. If yo u are

Cutting Tools 49
A parang must be strong and sharp to chop tropical hardwoods and to trim materials like bamboo, here having been flattened
out for flooring.

50 Essential Bushcraft
being bothered by an insect or are interrupted
by a question , stop what yo u are doing until
the disturbance has passed . Also, avoid getting
into a cuttin g frenzy: considered blows are
more effective. Also, assure yo urself that you
have a circle space around you the full length
of yo ur arm and blade w ith in wh ich to work.
Most of the work done with a pa rang
requires a wrist action . It is important fo r
efficient cutting that there is a clea n fo llow-
through , or space beyo nd the work-piece so
that you can cut it and follow straight through
beyo nd it. The best cuts made with a parang The multi-tool
are done with a smooth, co nfident, swift
In pointing stakes a good parang will sever The crooked knife functions as a one-handed
the pole at an angle of 30 degrees on the drawknife-cum-gouge. In north-eastern
cutting block. It must be kept sharp, although America it was mu ch used by the first nations
chips in the blade are almost inevitable du e to of that region to fashion everything from
the rough and ready nature of the work to canoe paddles to snowshoes.
which it will be put. A smaller, more specialist version is the
As you make a cut ensure that no part of spoon knife, w hich enables us to hollow out a
yo ur body is in li ne with the parang's cutting bowl or the bowl of a spoon.
edge and that other members of yo ur party
keep clear when parangs are in use.
Why carry such a dan gerous tool at all?
Neither an axe - nor a saw - is as versatil e as
th e parang, w hi ch can be used to fell poles,
crea te clearings, and trim away lawyer vine,
w hich will snag your clothing. The pa rang will
also open up access to a wide array of tropical
foodstuffs from coconuts to heart of palm.

It has been said that a multi-tool is simply a Crooked knife and spoon knife
collection of second rate tools, but its
popularity speaks for itself. When we travel on Digging tools
off- road vehicles, snowmobiles, boats, Occasionally yo u may need to di g a hol e or
motorbikes, or in heli copters we should of excava te a roo t, and on the trail you can
course ensure that we take a suitable tool-kit improvise a digging stick. In camp or if yo u
to effect repairs, but it always pays to have a are travelling by veh icle the best shovel is the
multi-tool, equipped with needle-nose pliers Swedish Army entrenchin g too l: solidly made
and screw-drivers . Leatherman make a good of steel, it is virtually indestru ctible. It can aiso
one. be fitted with an attachment for digging snow.
The digging stick should be fashioned

Cutting Tools 51
from hard wood with a tight grain. Find a log
with a metre-lon g straight section , about
30-40111111 in diameter, then ca rve one end
either into a long, slender point for sa ndy
co nditions or into a chisel shape for hard clay.
It ca n be made more durable by hardening the
tip in the embers of a fire: scorch the wood
slowly until it is abo ut to turn brown and no

Black Diamond snow shovel: with an angled cutting edge it

performs superbly in soft or hard snow.

co nfined space, w hen excavatin g a snow hole

for exa mple, but yo u w ill need a lo nger handle
to di g a casualty out of an avalanch e slide.
Avoid a round ball-grip handl e on a shovel
- it may be di ffic ult to manoeuvre when your
gloves are icy, particularly when di gging out a
snow cave or guinze. T- and L-grip handles
suit mo untaineers, w ho will probably be
wearing gloves, but th e best overall grip is the
traditional D handle, which can be gripped
easily by a mittened hand.

The snow saw

U seful in the mountains in winter as it will
move snow qui ckl y. It is an underva lu ed tool
and not always easy to find . I prefer a solid,
non-folding design, wh ich, although bulkier, is
stron ger and more ve rsa tile than th e fo lding
kind. Failing this, you can use a small
The snow shovel
Perhaps the most important snow tool. First
decide on yo ur main requirements: if yo u are a
mo untaineer, you w ill look for lightweight
c01npactness; if travelling in th e Arcti c, you
will need it to shift soft powdery snow; in
either case, yo ur snow shovel should be
portable. Look for telescopic aluminium
handles : they are stro ng and versatile. A short-
handled shove l may be easier to use in a Snow saw.

52 Essential Bushcraft
carpenter's saw w hi ch also provides the
possibili ty of sawin g wood for a shelter. Ensure
that it is equipp ed with a mask.

The snow probe

A vital tool in avalanche areas.You sho uld also
wea r avalanche transceivers to help resc uers
locate yo u. A collapsible snow probe allows
you to test th e depth of snow and its hard ness
so that yo u can find a suitable place to
constru ct a snow cave or trench. In an
avalanche th e snow probe will enable yo u to Snow probe.
pinpoint a buried member of your party.

Cutting Tools 53
Water is almost as important to humans as air, and in arid
lands you must secure a source for yourself each day. This
will dominate your route planning as your tracks join the
blue dots on the map and you hope that each source will
not have dried up. Never begrudge the weight of water
in your rucksack: you must carry enough to last you on
the way back to your previous source if the one ahead
has vanished. Familiarise yourself with as many ways of
finding water as you can until they are second nature,
and ensure that you know how to make water safe .
Namib desert: the trees in the ravine show the presence of water even during the dry season.

THE IMPORTANCE OF WATER moisture beca use the air is dry and th e body
In a temperate environment humans require needs more water to keep warm. Lea rn to
betwee n 3 and 5 litres of water per day, recognise th e symptom.s of dehydration, and
depending on clo thing and level of exertion, remember th at it is easier to stay hydrated than
rising to 10 litres or more in hotter climates . to try to correct the effects of dehydration.
Water enables us to keep warm in cold
weather and cool in heat. It aids digestion and Symptoms of dehydration
transports ox'Ygen and energy co th e muscles The first and most obvious is thirst. Then you
and eliminates was te. When we are correctly wi ll experience discomfort that has been
hydrated, we should produce approximately a likened to the onset of flu , whi ch may be
litre of li ght straw - coloured urine per day. accompanied by muscular aches and pains.
Nausea sets in when you exert yourself and
Dehydration vomiting increases water loss . The nervous
The effects of water loss are felt relatively system is affec ted, leading to light-headedness
quickly. Even unde r normal wilderness or di zziness. H eadaches, similar to a hangover,
circumstances we ca n become dehydrated and tin gling in the limbs are common, w ith
when water is available by fai lin g to drink irritability and red uced abi lity to make good
enough. Surp risingly de hydration happ ens decisions . Saliva and urin e output is g rea tly
more frequ ently in a colder environment than redu ced and th e lips cra ck. The urin e becom es
in a hot o ne. Arctic co ndition s sap the body of darker. Gradually yo u w ill become disor iented,

56 Essential Bushcraft
hearing may be redu ced, and you may I ensure that I always carry sufficient water
experience serious cramps and j oint stiffness. w ith m e and a reliable means of purifying it.
Eyesight fails, coma ensues, then death. Each morning before the start of the day's
People w ho live and work in hot climates activity I drink as much as I can, w hi ch makes
are frequently in a state of minor dehydration, it easy to maintain hydra tion throu ghout the
the clearest sign of whic h is infrequent rest of the day. Experi ence has shown me that
urination and dark urin e. While this m ay go it is easier to drink from a m ug than a bottle,
unnoticed for long periods, the ultimate and if possible, I take with me a fruit
consequence may be kidney sco nes. flavouring for the water and use it well
diluted. As the day progresses I drink
Preventing dehydration frequently, and if an opportunity presents itself
In theory it is easy co preve nt dehydration by to refill my water bottl es I take it.
drinking plenty of water, but in practice it is
not always easy to ac hi eve. Many beverages, FINDING WATER
such as tea and coffee, are diuretic, w hich Water Sources
reduces their benefit as a so urce of water. In Water sources are many and varied: some, li ke
extreme hea t you may have to make a rivers and streams, are easily recognisable w hile
conscious decision co keep drinking, which is others are all but invisible. To be proficient
made difficult by the time and effort required water collectors , we need to know how to
to find and purify yo ur water. locate so urces, how to access them and how to

Water 57
use them. We need also to keep an open nund: dow n towards the sea . Water see ks the path
some of the most important water so urces are of least resistance, seepin g through cracks in
the most off-putting to use. To locate water we the ea rth until it meets a layer of bedrock
must be able to track it across a landscape and where it is forced by water behind to make
understand its elusive nature. its way upwards to the surface at a spring. As
From the moment a snowflake settles on it fl ows across the land it gathers greater
a mo untain top it begins a relentless journey volume: the spring becomes a stream, then a

Indicators of Water

VEGETATION INDICATING • hippo bore-holes in thousands,

WATER • bush pig visible and audible from a
• reeds • roan antelope distance
• palms, particularly the • red lechwe • pigeons and doves -
fan and doum palms • sitatunga drink mainly in the early
• willows • burchells zebra morning and early
• alders • mountain zebra - can go evening
• ground ferns such as for up to three days • grouse, particularly sand
hart's-tongue without, and have been grouse
• figs known to dig for water • guinea fowl
• casuarina trees • rhino - a less reliable • herons
• wild sugar cane indicator
• reedmace • lion - a less reliable IN EXTREMES
indicator, as they have In really desperate
INSECTS THAT INDICATE been seen obtaining circumstances people have
WATER water from tsama melons shot larger herbivores, for
• bees • leopard - a less reliable example elephants, and
• wasps indicator drunk the liquid from the
• kangaroo - will stomach. To do this collect
ANIMALS DEPENDENT ON sometimes dig for water the foul-looking green
WATER HOLES mass from the stomach,
• wildebeest ANIMALS THAT ARE NOT wrap it in a cloth and
• elephants - drink 100 DEPENDENT ON WATER express the moisture by
litres at once and may go HO LES wring ing it tightly. The
several days without • eland disgusting liquid that
drinking • giraffe results is drinkable but
• baboons • kudu should be left to clarify
• monkeys - unreliable • red hartebeest first. You can speed up this
when edible fruits are • gemsbok process with the addition
available • steenbok of a small piece of liver.
• impala Only consume liquid from
• waterbuck BIRDS THAT INDICATE herbivorous animals;
• bushbuck WATER omn ivores and carnivores
• buffalo • finches - sometimes may harbour harmful
• warthog found at water hol es or bacteria .

58 Essential Bushcraft
river and at last reaches an ocean .
Along its journey water gathers and
discards pollutants, debris, viruses . Many
potentially li fe-threatening waterborn e
pollutants are invisible to th e naked eye, so we
must endeavo ur to co ll ect water from the
most unpolluted so urce: the strea m before the
river, the sprin g before the stream.
Good places to sea rch for water are:

• the base of cliffs

• narrow canyons
• tight bends in dry river beds A rock kettle in Namibia.
• rock kettles (depressions in rocks) o n
sa ndstone outcrops before you drink it. Do not collect dew from the
• places where differing geologi cal surface of toxic plants.
formations meet, w he re animal trails to
water holes co nverge, becoming busier and Dri nking straws
more distinct, oft en a clear indication of a On its journey downhill water may become
water hole. Remain alert to signs that may trapped in naturally occurring bowls such as
indi ca te fou led wa ter, such as dead animals. hollow logs or sumps formed in impermeable
rock. If yo u cannot access it by mopping,
COLLECTING WATER improvise a drinking straw from an ava ilable
Mopping grass stalk or other non-poisonous hollow-
In an emergency dew is an abundant water stemm ed shrub. Use your mouth as a pump to
so urce and we can em ulate the desert beetles suck up the water, then feed it into a
that specialise in coll ecting it. Early in the container. If possible, sterilise the water before
morning, take an item of absorbent clothing, drinking it. Avoid water trapped in the trunks
of poisonous trees or tea-coloured water that
has beco me badly stained by tannins leac hing
out of bark.

li ke a cotton T-shirt, and brush it across dew-

covered vegeta ti on. When it is saturated,
wring o ut th e moisture into a container.
You 'll be surprised by how easy it is to
collect a large quantity of water. Be aware
that w hile dew is perfectly clean the surface
on w hi ch it condenses may not be. So,
always sterilise wate r collected Eke thi s

Water 59
Improvised w ell s ca n provide a way to o btain cleaner wa ter than
Sometimes yo u may only be able to find pools could be obtained from th e pool itself.
of stagna nt wa ter or a patch of moist gro und 1. Dig a round hole 60-S0cm in di ameter,
with no visible water. In these circumstances until the bottom is 30cm below the depth at
yo u can make a well. w hich you strike sa turated ground. 2. Let it fill
wi th wa ter, w hich will be muddy. 3. and 4.
Gypsy well Bail it out without disturbing the sides of the
This tec hniqu e is a way of obtaining water hol e, then let the hol e fill again. The water will
from saturated ground. Dug in sa turated be cleaner, especially if it is allowed to settle.
gro und several metres from a stagnant pool, it Frequently, this water is safe to drink as it is
but if in doubt purify it. If you are intending
CD to use the well for several days cover it with
sticks or bark to preven t animals drinking
from it and thereby contaminating the water.
On th e coast a gypsy well can be dug
behind sa nd dunes . Altho ugh most of the
water that fills it will b e brackish or salty, the
Dig into saturated ground. topmost layer is rainwater or run-off, trapped
behind the dunes. It is usually fresh, or fresh
enough, for consumption.

-- Sip we ll
In arid lands water is sometimes trapped by
rock under sandy gro u nd, but digging will not
release it. Excavate a hole to the diameter of a
small fist in moist ground , and in th e base
Allow to fill with water. place a small bundle of non-poisonous fibrous
material, like grass leaves. N ext put an
improvised drinking straw - a strong grass
stem with the node walls pierced through with

a small stick - into th e hole, restin g it lightly
on the bundle of grass. Now fill th e hole,
packing it tightly, but leaving the top end of
the drinking straw exposed. Carefully pull the
straw up about 1cm and begin to suck. You
will eve ntually draw moisture from the soil
Bail out first filling. into it, and, after considerable exertion on your
part, water will gurgle to the top of the straw.

-- -- Fixed sip we ll
T he fi xed sip well is a cross between the sip
well and the gypsy well , and is employed
where it is possible to dig down into saturated
ground. Dig a similar hole to that made for
Second fil ling clearer. the sip well, fill the base with a grass filter and

60 Essential Bushcraft
wh ich will force water up the other. Place a
piece of bark or a broad leaf over the second
straw to create a wa ter fountain, w hich will
run into a container. When not in use, the
water straws can be plugged with small
wooden pegs or twisted grass stoppers.

Reed well
M ake a gypsy well (see page 60) and fill it
with a bundle of reeds tightly bound with a
withy. C ut off the bottom of the bundle and
then cu t out a bowl-shaped depression. The
bundle helps to filter out soil from th e water.

Rain traps
These may be fashioned from any large surface
that can be arranged to feed the rain that lands
on it into a suitabl e contai ner. Avoid canvas
tarpaulins or tent fly-sheets that have been
treated agai nst decay or may be tainted . A
lightweight fly- shee t is ideal: if it is very strong
it can even be used as the receptacle as it may
be capable of holding several gallons. Large
tropical leaves can be used as makeshift rain
Sip well (above) and fixed sip well (below). traps. Like dew, rainwater is safe to drink but it
may be tainted by dirt from the collec ting
inse rt two drinking straws. Then back fill the surface.
hole. If yo u are confident that the wa ter will
be safe to drink, si p it through one straw - th e Dew traps
other allows air into the hole to make the For water collection in the desert. Before
sucking easier. If you are in any doubt of the sunset dig a pit 40-60cm deep and line it with
wa ter's purity, blow into one of the straws, an impermeable fabric such as polythene or a

0 Q) ®


~ ......

Reed well

Water 61
Dew trap.

Rain traps. These may be fashioned from any large surface that can be arranged to feed the rain that lands on it into a suitable
container. Avoid canvas tarpaulins or tent fly-sheets that have been treated against decay or may be tainted.

62 Essential Bushcraft
lightweight fly-sheet. Fill this with large
smooth stones, as clean as possible. Leave it
overnight, and moisture will condense on the
stones. Collect it before sunrise. Only small
quantities of wa ter can be collected from dew
traps, and their performance will vary from
season to season. Abandoned vehicles may also
act as dew traps - again, try to exploit this
reso urce before sunrise. Dew traps make good
homes for scorpions so be careful when using

Water from vegetation

In emergency sufficient water may, perhaps, be
obtained from your surrounding vegetation to
take you on to the nex t reliable watering
point. Here are some ideas.

Many varieties of tropical vine, lianas and
lawyer canes - such as Ampelocissus martini,
Entada phaseloides,
Tetrastagma lanceoloria,
Columella 111ollissi111a -
may contain liquid,
but remember that
plants suffer from
drought just as we
do. Chop out a
2-metre section of
vine, making th e first
cut high up. As soon
as you make the
Water trapped in pitcher plants second cut low
has been used as an emergency down, the capillary
water source.
action holding water
within the vine will
be broken and water will flow fre ely from the
lowest end.You can slow it by holding the
vine horizontally. Test the liquid for potability:
it should b e clear, not red , yellow or milky, and
should not discolour when dripped into your
palm. Next taste a drip: it should not cause a
burning sensation in your mouth, or be bitter, Completely at home in the jungle, this pygmy girl taught me my
or seem to dry your mouth.Vine liquid is first lesson in the use of the water vine.
Top left: Large-sectioned bamboo sometimes holds water.
Top right: Fig trees can be tapped, giving many gallons
Water flows only at night. Do not allow toxic milky sap to
contaminate the water.
Bottom right: A simple bamboo tube pushed into a
banana plant gives a quick but lim ited supply of water.
Bottom left: Banana well - hollow out the base of a
freshly felled banana plant, overnight this fills with water.

Opposite top to bottom:

Cut a 1m section from banana stem.
Peel off a layer and slice off a narrow strip to expose
Fold along the removed strip.
4. Tilt to collect water.

64 Essential Bushcraft
refreshing with either no fl avo ur or a mild ,
woo dy raw-potato taste. If only small vi nes are
available yo u can make a ra ck to collect water
from vin es simu ltan eo usly.

Large-sectioned bamboo sometimes ho lds
water, w hi ch can be loca ted by tappin g th e
stems with the back of a parang and liste nin g
fo r a lower tone and slos hing. Cut a small ho le
into th e section to tap th e water, w hi ch is
usuaLl y safe to drink, cool and refreshin g. Large
quantiti es can usually be collec ted quickly.

Although not strictly a tree, a banana plant ca n
be easi ly felled at abo ut 30cm above th e gro und.
C ut o ut th e central portio n of the stump, and
the res ulting depress io n w ill gradually fi ]j with
wa ter. Let th e depressio n fill completely before
use: th e first water is sweet and sticky, usua!Jy
very ri ch in tannin , w hi ch may stain yo ur hands
blu e-blac k. It may be a good idea to disca rd th e
first filling as the second wil l co ntain a lower
concentration of tannin.
Birch trees can be tap ped during th e ea rly
sprin g, often yieldin g many gallons of sap,
w hi ch ca n be used in an emergency as water
but no t in the long term . At other tim es of the
yea r, this fluid can be obta ined only by felling
a tree so that the lower part of the trunk is
higher than the crow n. C hop throu gh th e top
of the trunk, and fluid w ill gra du ally lea k out.
This is a drastic m ea ns of obtaining water, and
it is unlikely that yo u wi ll need to employ it,
for w here birch trees grow wa ter is usually
available. However, this technique has bee n
employed with sa plin gs in more arid parts of
the world , including Au stra li a.

Root s
Some dese rt plants store wa ter undergro und in
th ei r roots. The Bushmen of the Kalahari dig
up water-root, Kghoa , Fockea angust!folia, split
open its lea thery skin on one side w ith th e tip

Water 65
and Raphionacme burkei, w hich is shaved fi nely
with a sharp-edged stick then squ eezed .
In central Austra lia the root of th e desert
kurra_Jong, Brachychiton gregorii, gives wa ter.
Exam.i ne the gro und around the base of the
tree for cra cks radiating o ut from th e tree,
whi ch indica te the loca tion of a swollen root.
It may be over a metre dow n, requ iring
co nsiderable excava tion. Once unea rthed, peel
The leaf of desert kurrajong, an off a short section of bark th en shave it finely
Australian source of water in arid and squeeze it. Keep the remainder of the
root, its bark intact, for future use. The swollen
roots of young plants can be roasted and eaten
after their bark has been removed, as can the
of a digging stick, mash th e pulp at the blunt large grubs sometimes found inside them.
end, then squ eeze the juice into their mouths. In northern Australia th e swolJ en roo t
The flesh can also be eate n raw after peeling. under a yo ung red flowered kurrajong,
O ther roots used by Bushmen include Ipomoea Brachychiton megaphyllus, can also be used as a
verbascoides, treated in the same way as Kghoa , so urc e of emergency water.

Top left: Fockea angustifolia Top right: Scraped tuber flesh.

Bottom leh: Raphionacme burkei. Bottom right: Squeeze flesh and drink liquid.

66 Essential Bushcraft
The barrel cactus is often mentioned as an
emerge ncy wa ter so urce, but in fa ct only th e
fish-h ook barrel cactus ca n be used: other
va ri eti es contain oxalic acid. C ut the top off
th e cac tus, scoop out the pulp and squ eeze it
in a bandanna or oth er cloth until th e liquid is
released. Use th ese cacti only as a last resort:
th ey make take hundreds of yea rs to grow.
DANGER: Do not confuse euphorbias with
cacti . They look similar with their lea thery
exterior and spines, but unlike cacti, with their
clea r sa p and bright emerald-green interior,
euphorbias exud e a w hite latex-like milky sap
w hich is highly poisonous and will blister
skin . People have died after eating meat
Red flowered kurrajong (Brachychiton gregori,) has distinctive cooked over a fire made w ith dead euphorbi a
seed pods. stems.

Extracting water from desert kurra jong Fishook barrel cactus.

Water 67
In arid areas where there is sufficient
vegetation you can collect water in a
clear polythene bag.

Water from ice and snow

To eat snow or not
Don't melt snow in yo ur mo uth or hand: the
amount of energy yo u lose w ill o utweigh the
benefit of the wa ter gain ed.

Inuit iceberg technique

In the high Arcti c the Inui t find an iceberg
with a gently sloping surface of fres hwater ice
- identifiable by its deep blue colo ur and
willingness to shatter. T hey scoo p o ut a small
bow l-shaped depression at th e top of the
slope, then prop over it a block of fres hwa ter
ice. Below the depression, they crea te a
cascade of similar depress ions, co nnec ted
together with a finger- w ide channel th at they
fill w ith soft snow. They light a fi re with seal
blubber and sticks cut from a sled board. As
th e fire melts the ice block, the water trickles
under the seal-blubb er fire and down through
Top and above: The poisonous euphorbia. the cascade of depressio ns. At first the wa ter is
stain ed by fat and soo t but is grad ually filtered
Water by transpiration by the snow in th e chann el betwee n the
Wate r is transpired from the leaves of plants. In depressions. T he water co ll ects in a depression
arid areas w here there is sufficient vegetatio n free from pollu tants for drinking.
yo u can co lJ ect it in a clear polythene bag.
Place th e bag over a suitable leafy bough and Finnish marshmallow
ti e it ti ghtl y to make an airti ght seal. Sunl ight In Arctic co nditi o ns, c ut a block of snow, push
o n the leaves w ill ca use condensation to fo rm a large 'marshma ll ow' of it o n to a sti ck, and
inside the bag, w hi ch pools at its lowest hold it over a co ntain er placed to the side of a
corner. If yo u constri ct the corn er of the bag, fire. The war m air slowly melts the
you w ill preven t th e leaves soaking in th e 'marshm alJow', ge neratin g a tr ickle of wa ter.
water and contaminating it by leac hin g of
chemi ca ls from the leaves. As thi s is a reli able Water-generating bag
tec hniqu e, some armies issue transpiratio n bags W hen snow is too cold to make snowballs
as surviva l eq uipme nt. improvise a sack from an item of clothing or a

68 Essential Bushcraft
~~ .J:''· ,~
) , . ,b \ . ·l .

:)tt~·'??~ ::::/.' ' ..,~-t

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Left: The Inuit iceberg technique.

Top right: Finnish marshmallow
Bottom right: Water-generating bag

Water 69
m osqui to headnet, fill it w ith snow and MAKING WATER SAFE TO DRINK
suspend it to melt over a container placed Water purification
besid e a fire. There are fi ve basic contaminants: turbidi ty,
parasitic worms, bacteri a, viruses, and
Melting in a billy-can chemicals. Unfortunately no single method of
If you have a metal cooking po t do no t pack wa ter treatment w ill provide sa tisfa ctory
it tight with snow. Snow is a good insulator; trea tment for all of these co ntamin ants. So a
many a billy-ca n has been ruined by th e fire combination of two or more sho uld be
working against the metal rather than melting employed. First, get to know the enemy.
th e snow. Instead tilt the pot slightly on its sid e Turbidity: this is dirty water whi ch
and heat it o nly gently as you m elt ve ry small contains minerals , or parti culate and organic
qu antiti es in th e bottom, making certain that matter that may make it clo udy or muddy.
any steam produ ced can escape and will not To reduce th e turbidi ty, loo k for the
become trapped by tightly packed snow. Be clearest water source and try to collect it from
pati ent, addin g snow until you have a depth of where it runs over ro cks and is well
wa ter into w hi ch snow can be gradually o;,,'Ygenated . If this is not possible, filter it by
added. passin g it through finely wove n clo th, clean
sand or, best of all , ac ti va ted charcoal.
Th e solar still
One of th e mos t frequently described Parasitic worms and protozoa: th ese include
emerge ncy means of obtaining water. Dig a embryonic roundworms, tapewo rms, and
slo ping, round ed trench in saturated soil , place protozoa such as amoebae (dyse ntery) and
a contain er at the lower end, then drape over Ciardia lamblia (beave r fever) . So m e of these
th e entire trench a clea r polyth ene shee t. Seal organisms are relatively large and ca n be
it around the edges and weight it in th e eliminated w ith a mechani cal fil tratio n device,
or boiling. Chemi cal trea tments are also
effec tive if allowed suffi cient time to work .
However, cryptosporidium , which can cause
life-threatening illness am o ng the elderly, the
very young and th e sick, is resistant to iodine
and chlorine and so brings into qu estion the
valu e of chemical-only wa ter trea tments .
Fortunately it can be removed easily by
filtration or boiling.

Bacteria: some of th e m ost lethal wa ter

middl e. M oisture w ill condense on th e co ntaminants, they m ay be responsible for
underside of the polythene and run down it to diar rhoea , dysentery, ca mpylobacteriosis and
drip into a co ntain er. Note: althou gh this E-coli. B ecause of th eir small size it is
tec hniqu e works it rarely provides suffi cient impracti cal to remove th em by filtration but
wa ter to sustain life, and is only useful o n sun- they can be des troyed by bo iling or
baked shorelines in super-saturated soil, or in chemicals.
riverbeds of arid lands where flash flood s
occ ur and th e river sand is saturated. Viruses: the smallest health threa tening micro-
organisms, they ca n cause diseases such as

70 Essential Bushcraft
hepatitis A & E and polio. They are destroyed
by boiling or chemical disinfection.

Chemicals: pesticides, herbicides, fertili sers

and heavy metals run off agricultural land ,
but are usually extremely diluted. H eavy
metals are difficult to remove, but chemi cals
can be greatly redu ced by passing the water
through a carbon filter.

A strategy for water purif ication

Whateve r purification methods we employ,
our system must
• be effective at neutralisin g all the prime
health threats
• be qui ck and easy to use
• be conveniently portable.

Fi ltration
Muddy water: in circumstances where clea r
runnin g water cannot be fo und we may have
to resort to muddy puddles. Pour it through
tightly wove n cloth , perhaps improvised from
clothing. T his can be made more effe ctive by The 'Millbank Bag'.
filling the filter with layers of sand and
charcoal. Charcoal particularly will help to NOTE: When purchasing a pump-action
redu ce off-p uttin g odours and taste. The water-treatme nt device, be sure to es tablish
British Army have used a cloth filter bag, the w hether it is a filter or a purifier. Purifiers
'Millbank Bag', for many years to remove mud filt er th e wa ter and chemi cally disinfec t it,
from water. This lightweight reusable item of killing all parasites, protozoa, bacteria and
equipment ca n be carri ed as a standard item of viruses. Filters alone cannot remove viruses
your o utfit. After filtering, sterilise th e water and rely on a seco nd stage of purification,
before drinking. either boiling or chemi cal disinfection.

Clear water: micro-organisms can be Boiling

neutralised by boiling - usually the preferred Boiling is a reliable method of sterilising
option. Otherwise m.icro-filter it throu gh water. Simply bringing water to the boil is
either a ceramic or an activated carbon filter suffi cient to kill viruses, bac teria and parasitic
to remove parasites and so me larger bacteria. cysts, even allowing for th e lower temperature
Then trea t the wa ter chemically to ensure at w hi ch wate r boils at high altitude. It is
neutralisa tion of small er bacteria and vi ruses. necessary only to bring the water to the point
C hem_i cal treatment of clear wa ter alone at which the wa ter is bubbling furiou sly. A
ca n prove effec tive but is less reliable than cooking pot fitted with a lid will boil faste r
w hen employed in conjunction with mi cro- than without, and will use less fuel. Also, less
filtration. wa ter is lost as steam.

Water 71
In regions where you are concerned about It should be avoided by people with thyroid
chemical pollution, empty the kettle before complaints, an allergy to iodine, or pregnant
you fill it to prevent build up of a more women. Generally iodine has fewer drawbacks
concentrated solution. than chlorine: it remains active in alkaline
water, is less affected by organic matter and is
Chemical disinfection faster-acting.
There are only two chemicals in wide usage
for water purification: iodine and chlorine. Employing chemical purification
The difficulty in using either of these As always aim to find the cleanest water you
chemicals is in achieving an accurate dosage: can. If it is very muddy, clean it first by passing
the aim is to destroy micro-organisms but add it through a filter, as described on page 71.
the least possible disinfectant. Use the forms of The water can be treated in one of three
these chemicals that are specifically intended ways:
for water purification and ensure that you
follow the manufacturer's instructions. 1. Directly with either iodine or chlorine
Bear in mind that temperature affects the drops or tablets. Use a strong enough dose
speed with which chemicals destroy micro- and make sure that the contact time is long
organisms. Both chlorine and iodine act more enough to treat protozoa like
slowly in cold water so you must increase the cryptosporidium, which is more resistant to
length of time in which the chemical has to chemical purification. Water treated in this
sterilise the water before use. way develops an unpleasant taste.
Turbid water may shield micro-organisms
from the disinfectant: in cloudy or discoloured 2. Pass it through a micro filter such as a
water increase the chemical dosage to effect a ceramic filter, then treat with either iodine
certain kill. Most manufacturers provide or chlorine drops or tablets to kill smaller
guidelines on the bottle or packet for dealing bacteria and viruses. This is more reliable
with this eventuality. than 1 (above) as the water has been cleaned
of parasitic cysts, which may be resistant to
Chlorine chemicals, and larger bacteria prior to
Most usually administered as either tablets or disinfection. More time-consuming, it is a
droplets. It is an effective treatment, but reliable method.
moderately alkaline water in chalky/limestone
regions inhibits its ability to destroy micro- 3. Pass it through a purifier that combines
organisms so contact time must be increased. filtration with iodine-resin bead disinfection.
It is not suitable for use without filtration in This ensures that the water is both filtered
water that contains organic detritus. Also, it and purified in one operation. Also, the
generally requires a longer contact time than iodine dose is more accurately controlled;
iodine, which may be a significant drawback the negative charged iodine molecules are
in extreme conditions. It can be used safely by attracted to the positive charged micro-
those who may have an allergy to iodine or a organisms as they pass by.
thyroid complaint.

Usually administered as droplets, tablets or by Right: Pumping river water through a purifier in the rainforest,
passing the water through iodine resin beads. Mosquito Coast, Honduras - a daily chore worth the effort.
• Observe a strict protocol for example taps in hotel • If you flavour your
in water treatment and rooms in the third world drinking water do so in
handling . Keep your - is contam inated . your mug and not in the
drinking cup and water canteen .
canteens clean . • If water is cloudy filter it
through a Millbank bag • Whenever you fill your
• Carry on ly purified water or, if camped overnight, canteen with purified
in your water bottles. employ a gypsy well (see water flood the canteen
page 60). threads to ensure
• Where possible, always purification of the bottle.
collect the visibly cleanest • The first-choice method
water available, from the of purification is boi ling . • No water container
healthiest-looking source. should be left uncapped
• When you cannot boil in camp, and hands
• Always suspect that water, use a mechanical should never be washed
water provided from purifier that leaves resi- at the spout of any water
sources you cannot see - dual iodine in the water. container.

There are two varieties of purifi er: Impro ving the taste of chemically
treated water
• T hose th at leave a residual presence of iodine Both chlorine and iod ine impart a stro ng
in the water. It is detectable by taste but not flavour to water. T his can be rectified by three
unpleasantly so, and ensures that th e water processes:
does not become reinfected after leaving the
purifier, for example by deca ntin g it into a • neutralising the chemical w ith ano th er, such
dirty cup or water ca nteen. It is also an as sodium thiosulfate o r ascorbic acid
excellent wound wash . (vitami n C)
• removing th e chemical after purifica tion by
• Those that remove the iodine as th e purified passing the wa ter through a carbo n fi lter
water leaves the device, a good choice for • leavin g the wa ter in a clear canteen in strong
people w ho are unable to consume iodi ne. sunlight.
In use, the operator must be scrupu lous
abou t keeping the exit port free of While these processes improve th e fl avour of
co ntaminated water (not always easy) and th e wa ter, they also halt any anti-microbial
ensure th at the water canteen or other action.
receptacle is kept clean.

74 Essential Bushcraft
SEA WATER AND BRACKISH WATER either throu gh a coolin g tank of salt wa ter
There are only two prac ticable solu tions for into a receptacle or into a suspended plasti c
th e removal of salt from water: one, to distill bag where steam can condense. The j erry- ca n
th e water, or two, to use a reverse-osmosis is fill ed with salt water to abo ut half its
pump to remove th e salt mechanically. capacity and heat is applied beneath it from a
fire or stove.You will have to distil a hu ge
Distillation volume of water to produ ce a relatively small
This ca n be difficult in th e wilderness, and quantity of drinking wa ter.
you will need suitable materials to imp rovise a R eve rse osmosis pumps are expensive, slow to
still. Take a j erry-can and fit a pipe eith er to its operate and prone to mec hanical failure,
ope ning or, better still, to its spout and attac h w hi ch places them beyond practical use except
it to a piercing in th e ca n. The pipe is th en fed at sea .

Water 75
Introduced in 1827, the friction match is
simple to use and has no mechani cal
cOinponents to fail , so it is not surprising that
it remains the most popu lar m ea ns of
producing a fl ame. In o ur daily li ves we strike Water- and wind-proof matches.
matches without a seco nd thought, and in the
wi lderness, too, they are a reliable means of Waterproof matches: The heads of waterproof
firestarting, even in the worst weather. But match es have a coa ting of lacqu er th at guards
matches must be treated as a finite resource against moisture damage. However, the striking
and protected from th eir worst enemy: moistu re. surface must still be protected. Also it tends to
There are several types of match avai lable, wea r out quickly beca use the layer of lacquer
and th e quality varies enormously. In some on the match heads makes them harder.
co untries they are made from woods that do
not ignite very easil y, so it is a good id ea to Stormproof matches: Stormproof matches are
expe riment before making a choi ce. Check prey to the sam e co mplications as th e
that the head burns smoothly an d the stick waterproof vari ety. However, the stonnproof
catc hes light easil y. match continues to burn even in windy
conditions. The problem is that it may not
Strike-anywhere matches produce a flame until the head has finished
These old-fashioned matches are my first burnjng, by which time the matchstick has
choi ce for wilderness travel. Nowadays for become very short.
safety reaso ns they are less popular fo r
eve ryday use - if th ey are bounced abo ut Barbecue matches: These burn lon g and hot
and ca n be an excell ent emergency lighter.
Some hikers use them as a convenient fuel for
brewing a drink.
over-enthusiasticall y or exposed to a sudden
shock that gene rates friction between the
heads they have been known to catc h li ght. In
th e wilderness, however, their versati li ty is an
adva ntage; they can be struck against any
rough surfa ce, from a zip to a rock. They are
also the easiest type to look afte r as only the
matches themselves, and not the box bea ring
the strikin g surface, must be kept dry. Barbeque matches.

Safety matches
Basic safety matches: T hese are the most Protecting your matches from moisture
comJT10n matches, the kind that need to be Stow your match supply in several waterproof
struck against th e special surface on th e side of containers distributed throughout your kit. If
th e box to produce a flame. Both the matclles you must carry matches in your pocket ensure
and the striking surface must be be protected that the match surfa ce is airtight to preve nt
against moisture. your swea t damp enin g them. R emember
Making a matchbox from a used shotgun shell.

Take two used shotgun shells and heat the brass end of one
until it can be pulled free of the plastic case. This becomes the
cap. At the base of the second shell, saw in striking grooves.
Trim away the folded end, wax slightly and fit cap.

never to touch them w ith wet hands. You ca n

insulate m atc hes against moi sture by dipping
th eir heads in lacquer or ca ndlewax, which
will also aid co mbu stio n . An old trick is to set
them hea d to tail in wax in the m atchbox.
This is an excellent idea for an em erge ncy
supply, particul arly on waterborn e expeditions.

Drying matches
One ploy to restore damp match heads that
so m etimes wo rks is to pass the match through
your hair a couple of times.
Matches that have become totally soa ked
ca n so metimes be saved as long as th e heads
have not dissolved. Lay th em carefuLly to dry
in the sunlight or in the dry, warm ai r of a
cabi n (not besid e a fire or stove, obviously). Or
place them on a dry rucksack, tucking the
sti cks und er a strap to stop them blowing
away. Making a matchbox from birch bark
• Cut a strip of bark as shown. Fit tabs through triangular holes.
Striking a match correctly • Carve wooden lid and fit with a leather or bark tab.
Preparation is th e key to all firelightin g . Before • Carve wooden base and inset a piece of bone, grooved to act
as a striker.
striking a match ensure that you have to hand
cabins used by fi sherm e n, hun te rs and
Leave th e ca bin as you would like to find
it, complete with everything the next visitor
will need. Idea lly this sho uld be a small sta ck
of fe ath er sticks, som e split kindling and
firewood. If th e cabin is so und and dry, leave a
box of matches with th e ends of th e
matchsticks protruding from it. This sm a!J
Striking a match correctly courtesy has saved lives w hen travellers in
diffi culty have finally made it to a cabin w ith
a mass of dry kindlin g and a candle or another hands so severely fro stbitten that it has been
m ea ns of extending th e Life of th e flam e. impossible fo r them to o pen a matchbox.
Hold the match between your thumb and
index finger, supportin g the head against the Lighters
strikin g surfa ce w ith your ni.iddl e finger. At an If you are trave!Jing in cold, wet weath er ca rry
an gle of20 degrees sweep th e match o n to th e a li ghter w ith you , preferably the type that
surface so th at the pressure is app li ed alo ng th e burns li quid butane gas, like a blow torch, and
length of th e stick. If you strike it at, say, 90 has an integral ca p to keep th e working parts
deg rees, th e sid e of th e matchstick will absorb dry. If yo u ca n't get o ne with a ca p, store your
th e fo rce of th e action and brea k. Once you li ghter in a small, dry bag or in a smoker's
have stru ck the match, remove th e supporting oilskin w ith so me tind e r.
finge r to avoid burning it and cup th e match
in your hand against the w ind, allowin g the Tinders and spills
sti ck to ignite with a strong fl ame befo re Directl y igniting kindlin g w ith yo ur lighter
tran sferring it to your tinder. Don't drop the will was te fu el. Instead put th e fl ame of th e
matchbox: it might get lost or we t. H old th e lighter to som e cinder, and use that to li ght th e
match below your tinder so th at th e flam e just kindlin g.
li cks into bfe. If yo u hold it too dose th e
tinder is li able to extin guish the flam e. Birch bark: Birch bark c urls in wards on itself as
it gets hot, making it both diffi cult to handle
Leaving matches in cabins and inclined to snuff itself out. To preve nt this
All across th e fo rested northl ands th ere are fold th e bark li ke a paper fan to stiffen it,
whi ch will sto p it curling.

Rubber tyre: Wh en trave lling in rainforests I

carry my li ghter in a sn1.oker's oilskin along
with some small strips of rubber, about 3 or
4cm by 1cm an d 0 .5cm chick, cut from an old
car tyre. This is a first- rate emergency
firesta rtin g outfit for anyone traversin g we t
terrain or invo lved in w ildern ess-based wa ter
activities. It resists all forms of moisture from
Northland etiquette demands that you leave the cabin as you swea t and gene ral humidity to a thorough
would hope to find it. soaki ng when yo u are wa ding across dee p
Birch bark spil l, folded to prevent cu rling. The NATO matchless fire-set.

rivers. W hen ignited these str ips of rubber

burn long and reliably, and two or th ree w ill
create a good h eart to your fire.

Camera fi lm: In an em ergency, o rdinary

cam era film ca n be use d as tinder. Tear off five
or six 15cm lengths and fold each lengthways
three times, co ncertina fa shi on. Holding them
bun ch ed toge th er, li ght the ends and use th em Magnesi um block with artificial fli nt striker.
as a torch to ignite your kindlin g. Take care
no t to inhale th e fum es th ey give off.

Probably th e most ve rsatil e of all firestarters
are lighter flints m ade from a pyrophori c alloy.
W h en scrap ed against a h ard edge, th ese
produ ce a shower o f w hite-h o t sparks. Sp ark-
ge nerators are availabl e in a w id e range o f
shap es and designs, from co mplex devices with
the flint sp ring-loa ded against an abrasive Strike force artificial flint striker. Emergency tinder can be
conta ined in the box section
w h eel to m ore sim ple versio ns ac tiva ted with
an edged tool. So m e even com e attac hed to a
block of ma gn esium that ca n be sc raped to
pro du ce shavings, w hich can then b e igni ted
with the sparks.
M y p referen ce is fo r a simpl e but thick,
strong sparkin g stick, w hi ch yo u scrape hard
to p rodu ce a shower o f sparks. Not only
does this device wo rk the best, it lasts fo r
years. It w ill eve n ignite chemj ca l firestarters, A simple artificial flint striker becomes a constant companion.
su ch as wet-start fireligh ters, h examin e fuel
tablets partially crushed into powder.
Use back of knife to shave sparks, pulling stick against blade. Sparks fall ing on shavings will ignite the bark.

Its principal advantage is the almost endless • dry grasses

variety of natural tinders it can ignite. Here are • shredded bark
just a few examples : • any fungi that can be used as tinder (see page
• birch-bark peelings (peel only natural • finely powdered oil-bearing shale
shedding bark) • tissue paper, teased thin
• feather sticks of willow, spruce, and cedar, by • candles with the wick teased out finely
dropping the spark und er the last shaved curl • dry powdered herbivore dung
• all plant downs • red cedar bark scraped to a down
One of the most usefu l applications of the
sparkin g stick is reigniting a burned ' fire dog' -
a sti ck left with its ends partially burned after a
fire has go ne out. Strike th e sparks on to the
w hite ash-like area behind the charcoal end .
Wh en they take, blow o n them to coax th em
in to life and bring anoth er ember alongside th e
new one to encourage it to grow larger. Once
three sticks are aglow, fi re sho uld fo llow swiftly.
The main drawbac k to this kind of
fires tarter is, once again , its susceptibility to
damp. This is less of a problem with th e
thi cker sti cks, and one that usually occurs In the Neolith ic period this was a typical fire set - flint blades,
w hen th ey are left in storage. On th e trail they bone awl, freshwater mussel shel l, nodule of iron pyrites, flint
strikers, fames tinder fungus.
wi ll be in daily use, which means that they
won 't be exposed to moisture for prolonged
peri ods, but don 't keep th em in a damp
pocket fo r any length of time.

Traditional flint and steels

T he original flint-a nd-steel firestarter was
made from iron pyrites and flint.
T he tec hnique used to create the spa rks is
easy, although it produces fewer and they are
not as hot as those produ ced by other
methods. Small sparks are struck from th e iron
pyrites with the edge of a flint blade on th e
tinder. Once a good spark lands on a fine fibre
of tinder it catches and ca n be coaxed alight
th en transferred to a bundle of finely teased Striking sparks into a mass of char cloth.
grass or oth er inflammable vegetable fib re and
blown into flames. th at you have access to a piece of flint , chert
1f yo u want to try this method , assumin g or similar hard, glassy rock, th e diffi culty will
be in finding a suitable piece of steel: it must
have a hi gh carbon co ntent and be tempered
to the co rrec t density. The steels used to make
modern knife blades rarely give sparks, but
so me old-style carbon-steel knives have blades
that do so, as will old metal fil es or the tops of
some axe heads. If yo u ca n get hold of a piece
of hi gh-carbon steel yo u can make yo ur own
fire steel by heating th e metal to a cherry-red
colour and quenchin g it in water to around 40
degrees Centigrade.
Hunters ca n open shotgun shells to obtain tinder easily ignited
with sparks.

Tinders for use with sparks

Tinders for use w ith a traditional flint and
steel need to be very fine and to ca ke a spark Clematis (left), kapok (right).
eas il y.
• C lematis down: also best used with modern
Plants: Some plants produ ce downy seed heads sparks
th at ca n be used to take a spark. Th ese • Kapok: tropi cal tinder used with sparks
inc lud e:
Fungus: The trusty cram.p ball , Daldinia
co11centrica, is such good tinder mater ial that it
ca n eve n be used in place of charcoal to coo k
ove r. It does ne ed to be totally dry to ignite
successfull y. C hoose a fun gus that is very dark
brown in colo ur and wh ich, when broken
ope n, reveals silvery- grey concentri c rings.
Strike the sparks on to these rings and th e
fungus will glow and smoulder. Blow ge ntly
on to it to in crease th e glow until th e fungus
is burning like a charcoal briquette. C ramp
ball is common in th e UK, but rare in the rest
Cedar bark being shaved up for tinder. of th e world.
The classic
• R.osebay w illow he rb: coll ect the downy tinder fungus, th e
seed-h eads , clea n chem of th e re mai ns of the ho rse's hoof fun gus
seed-head cases and scorch th e edges to take Fontes fo 1nentari11s,
fin e sparks. can still be found
• Co tton grass: used by the Inui t. growing on dead
• Pop lar: soa k th e dow n and dry it under birch trees in
co mpression ; th e edges need to be charred no rthern latitudes
for use with fin e sparks o r on dead beec h
• Ca t- tail: treat in the same way as poplar in so uth ern
down E urope. The fun gi
• Th istl e: diffi cul t to use with all but modern
sparks Cramp ball fungus.
and-steel. It is simply cloth that has been
burn ed until it turns very dark brow n or
black. U se a natural fabric , such as co tton ,
linen or silk. The quickes t way to make it is to
set light to a small piece of cloth then stamp
the fire out when it has burn ed to the
req uired colo ur. A more efficient method is to
pack the cloth tightly into an airtight tin and
Horse's hoof fungus pierce a small hole in it. Put the tin into a fire.
As the cloth inside chars , you w ill see smo ke
are best collected w hen they are young, when esca ping from the hole. When smoke is no
the apex of the hoof-shaped body can b e easily longer produc ed remove the tin from the fire
depressed w ith the thumb. Slice off the horny and seal the hole. After the tin ha s cooled yo u
outer surfa ce (cu ticle), and carve away the should have a container of perfectly charred
underside, which resembles thousands of tiny cloth.
tubes (th e pores). You are left with the trama,
the leath ery brown layer that ca n be used for Wood punk: Dead, dry, soft decaying wood can
tinder. Place the fungus on a smooth, wooden som etimes be crumbled and used as spark
surface and immerse it in water, bring it to the tinder. R esinous wood punk, su ch as sp ru ce,
boil and simmer it for twenty-four hours. Then ignites weJJ from sparks produced by modern
gently pound it into a large, flat sheet usin g a sparkin g tools, while w illow can b e slightly
wooden hammer. To improve the spa rking charred to accept a spark from traditional flint-
qu ality ei th er boil again for another twenty- and-steel.
four hours in a concentrated solution of
h ardwood ash and water, or rub hardwood ash Fire by friction
into the fungus and massage it until it is dry. Drill and Bow: Of all the friction tec hniqu es,
Several other species of fungi ca n be the drill- and-bow m ethod is th e most efficient
prepared in the same way to produce tinder. and reliable, even in the worst wea th er. It ca n
also be used in any environment.
• tru e ti nder fungus (Phellinr1s igniarius) It involves drilling one piece of wood into
• artist's fungus ( Ganodenna applanaturn) another at 90 degrees to th e grain. The drill is
• Ganodenna adsperswn pressed against the hearth by means of a
• maze-gill fungus (Daede/ia quercina) bearing block and is rotated by means of a
• blushing bracket (Daedalopsis conf,-agosa) string secured tightly in a bow, for single-
• Fomiotopsis pinicola handed operation, or fitted w ith toggles for a
team effo rt. T he advantage of this technique is
Take some time to familiarise yourself with that consid erable force ca n be appli ed to the
one of these types of fu ngi and investi ga te its fire set in both rotation and downward
trama laye r. Then, should yo u find yo urself in pressure. T his means that a grea ter va riety of
need of tinder in a strange land, yo u may be woo ds can be used than is the case with other
able to find a similar fungus that will do the friction methods, w hich in turn makes it more
j ob for you. suitable for a w id er range of co nditions and
environments. The material available for the
Char cloth: Char cloth is one of the most string is a limiting factor. Strong cordage such
easily produced tinders for use w ith the flint- as rawhide or nylon cord, b ein g m ore resistant
Bearing Block

to abrasion, can cope with many different as near as possible to the right size to
kinds of wood, w he reas plant-fibre cords, minim.ise the amount of carving you need to
which are less resilient, redu ce the choice of do. This way the drill and hearth consume
wo od. The driest dead woo d is ideal for this each other at a more even rate and you reduce
techniqu e, but I have produced fire from green the amount of experimentation necessary w ith
woo d. unfamiliar wood.You w ill need woo d that is
As with all bush craft skills , it pays to dead, still standing and as dry as you can find.
practise this one before you need to depend It should be only just possible to dent the
on it. The key to successful bow-drill surfa ce of the wood w ith yo ur thumbnail. In
firestarting is choosing th e correct wood for extrem ely we t weath er yo u may have to
the drill and hearth. Early observers of friction whittle th e drill and hearth from the dry
firelighting maintained that the most centre of a large timb er.
important factor was having a drill harder than The crucial dimension of the bow- and-
the hearth board. In th e case of th e hand drill drill set is the drill diameter. This can vary
this advice has some validity but with the bow from wood to wood. G enerally smaller
drill it can be safely ignored . diameters suit harder woods and warmer
True, some hard-soft combinations w ill climates, and larger diameters softer woods or
work, but more often the harder wo od colder, damper conditions. An average
consumes the softer variety without diameter of 25 to 30mm will work w ith th e
generating an ember, and w hen it do es, the widest range of woods. Make the drill 220mm
resultant erosion gives a shorter life span to the long and absolutely strai ght, carving the top to
fire set. A more reliable principle is to select redu ce friction and the bottom to maxim.ise it.
the same wood preferably from the same Then fas hion the hearth board, ensuring that
branch for both drill and hearth, using pieces it is wide enough to comfortably accept your
Making a bow dri ll

If possible use a convenient crotch in the Detail of bearing block showing Top end of drill carved to minimise the
bow stick to secure one end of the cord. depression; fill this with green leaves as a friction surface.
lubricant before drilling.

At the thick end of the bow stick carve a Bottom end of drill carved to maximise the Drill into the hearth until you have seated
depression to assist in securing the bow friction surface. the drill into a depression the same
string in place. diameter as the drill.

Detail of the ember notch, a ¼segment The ember pan - bark, a shaving or a The bow cord is wrapped around the drill
removed from the hearth to allow friction knife blade - is placed under the notch to so that the drill is on the outside of the
dust to collect and form an ember. collect the ember and protect it from the bow.
cold, damp ground.
drilJ. T he bow sho uld be 70cm lo ng and
inflexible. For the beari ng block, use a wood
harder th an th e one you choose for th e dri ll
and ca rve a sma!J recess into it to accept th e
top of th e drill. All you need for the ember
pan is a shaving of wood or small pi ece of dry
W hen yo u have all th e components ready,
make a sli ght depression in the hearth board
to accept th e dri ll. Drill down until the drill
has seated itself in and has scorc hed its
work in g end to its full diameter. Now carve
away an eighth segm en t from th e hear th. Fill
th e recess in th e bearing block with green leaf
material as lu brica nt.
W hen usi ng the bow-and-drill , aim for
stability. Pin the hearth firmly to the ground .
Twisting the drill tightly into the bow cord, so
that it is outside the bow, place its lower end To use the bow drill efficiently you must have the correct
in to th e hea rth depression and h old it th ere by posture and form to provide stability, and al low an easy drilling
action with one arm whilst the other ma inta ins a steady
m ea ns of th e bea ring block. The bea rin g block downward pressure.
must be securely anchored against your
shinb one to preve nt wobble. Drill smoothl y glowing ember and developin g smoke. Each
and firmly, starting slowly and gradually time yo u take a breath, sweep th e bundle away
increasing speed and pressure. Wh en th e and down from yo ur face, drawing it back up
hearth begins to smoke furiou sly, ke ep dri lli ng in tim.e with yo ur breaths. As the ember
for at least twenty more full strokes with th e gra du ally sp reads in th e bundle the smoke
bow. Now gently lift the drill and bow out of increases. W hen it beco mes thick and w hite,
th e way. The notch in the hearth board should pause briefly to chec k that yo ur kindling is
be full of a dark brown, smo kin g powder that ready to take th e burning tinder. Ju st before
clings tightly to the edge of th e emb er no tch . th e bundle bursts into flames th e smoke will
Very ca refull y, position a small stick on top of darken and turn greenis h. When yo u see this
the ember as yo u rota te the hearth away. The happening, puff in to the bundle to produce
ember shou ld be self-supporting and smoking. flames.
Fan it gently w ith yo ur hand to encourage it When yo u have got the hang of this
to coalesce before lifting th e ember pa n and tec hniqu e experiment w ith other types of
tra nsfe rrin g it to a tinder bundle, w here it ca n wood, or even try maki ng a bow-and-drill in
be blown into flames. The bundle must be foreign cli mes. If yo u are working w ith
tigh tl y packed. A common mistake is to leave unfam iliar woods, bear in mind that th ere are
th e fibres too open, w hich makes it diffi cult three main va ri ables: the diamete r of the drill,
for the ember to grow. Place the ember into th e speed w ith whi ch th e drill rotates and the
the fi nest part of the tinder and ge ntl y pin ch it amo unt of dow nward pressure yo u apply.
w ith the fibres, ensuring th at yo u don 't cru sh Narrower drills tend to ca use problems unless
it. Holding the tinder 20cm from your fa ce, th e woo d is very hard or th e co nditions very
blow softl y into th e bundle, watching for a dry. You are likely to ac hi eve th e bes t results if
you keep your dri ll as thick as your thumb at H and drills can be produced in th e fi eld,
its knu ckle. but are more often prepared before the
traveller heads out on the trail. Th ey ca n be
made from a wide range of woods, including
BOW-DRILL Elder Marula many shrubs that will not withstand the m ore
WOODS Elm Oak vigorous ac tion of th e bow drill. To make a
Fir (Balsam) Pine special hand drill se t in adva nce, selec t a
Alder Hazel Poplar suitable wood, such as elder, with as little pith
Aspen Hibiscus Wild rose as possible. The base of seco ndary-grow th
Baobab Horse Saguaro rib elder sticks is thick-walled, as is th e whole of a
Birch chestnut Sotol* primary shoot. Shave off the bark, smo oth the
Cedar (red Ivy* Spruce sti ck and straighten it gently w hil e it dries. If
and yellow) Juniper Sycamore * you have a fire , use this to hasten th e drying
Cherry root Lime* Willow* process.
Clematis Field maple Yucca If you need to ma ke a drill on the trail
Cottonwood Norway look fo r dead , dry drill wood, fo r exa mpl e
Cypress maple *best woods w hite willow, mullein , teasel, dog-rose stem or
even a dead, dry burdock stem. In aboriginal
Arnhemland, a red-flowered kurrajong stem
Drill and hand: The hand drill is the world 's ki!J ed by a previous season's burn is ideal. The
most widespread fri ction firestarting meth od. dri ll will need to be 50- 70cm long and as
However, it has a limited range. In the north straight as possible. Smoo th th e sti ck with a
of the temp era te zone, w here the weather ca n sharp edge so that it is as sm oo th as a dowel
be cold and is predoniinantly wet, it is less rod. Any bumps left on the sti ck are apt to
dependable. produce blisters. If you ca nn ot find a lo ng,
bow dri ll . For th e hea rth , you can use the
same wood as you 've chosen fo r the dri ll, or
oth er good hea rth woo ds such as sycamore,
willow, clematis, acac ia, juniper or cedar. Twirl
Alder Alder
th e drill betwee n yo ur palms to es tablish a
Aspen Aspen
dep ression in the hea rth and carve a no tch
Baobab Baobab
into it in exac tly th e sa me way as yo u wo uld
Bamboo Blackboy
for the bow drill.
Blackboy Burdock
To make fire, place an emb er pan under the
Budd leia Cedar
notch, secure th e hea rth board to th e ground
Burdock Clematis
with your foot and begi n drilling by ro tating
Cat-tail Common
the drill between your palms with a steady
Common corkwood
downward pressure. As you do so yo ur hands
corkwood Confetti tree
w iU travel dow n th e dr ill. W hen yo u reach the
Cottonwood Cottonwood
end keep the driU in place as you reposition
Confetti tree Elder
your hands at th e to p to begin aga in. Spitting
Elder False sandpaper
in to yo ur palms and rubbing them togeth er
False sandpaper ra isin
w iU help yo ur grip. Try not to press your
raisin Field maple
hands together too hard , as this w ill ca use
Grewip Grewip
blisters. Conce ntrate instead on an easy
Hibiscus Hibiscus
move ment for a smoo th , fast driUing action. At
Horse chestnut Horse chestnut
first, as you wa r m th e drill up, go slowly; th en
Knobbly Knobbly
steadily increase your speed and downward
compretum combretum
pressure. Watch th e hearth no tch as it fiUs with
Large fever-berry Large fever-berry
powder. The hand dri ll produces an emb er in
Maru la Marula
the sa me way as th e bow drill from w hich
Mangetti Mullein
point onwards th e process of maki ng a fi re is
Mullein Norway maple
identical. Wh en you have an ember, smoke
Pine Pine
will begin to rise from benea th the powder
Red flowered Red flowered
w hi ch will da rken to black.
kurrajong kurrajong
Sage brush Saguaro rib
Saw and flexible sa win g thongs
Saguaro rib Soto!
W ith this fi restarter the fr iction is produ ced by
Soto! Sycamore
a wooden saw or thi n creeper against a hea rth
Sycamore Sycamore fig
boa rd of 90 degrees to the grain. T hese fi re
Sycamore fig Trumpet thorn
sets, usually made fro m bamboo, are a
Teasel Willow
remarkably quick and effi cient mea ns of
Trumpet thorn
crea ting fire in th e tropics . All yo u need is a
W illow
parang and some suitable bamboo. C hoose a
piece of dead bamboo over 5cm in diameter
wi th a reasonably thick wall. C ut out a section
straight drill of the right kind of wood, you bea rin g two nodes and abo ut half of each of
ca n fit a short sec tion of the correct wood to a the straight sections above and below them.
long, straight piece o f another va ri ety. Ca rve Split this in half and brea k a third one off one
the end of the dri ll in the sa me way as for the of the halves . M ake a narrow notch in the
Supporting the saw as firmly as you ca n by
lea njn g on it, or by pinning it to the ground,
position the hearth on the saw's edge and rub
it up and down. Wh en you notice smoke rise,
rub and apply greater force. In tropical
rainforest you will now be sweating profusely.
Try not to let the drops fall on to the workjng
parts of th e saw. If yo u have prepared
everything and have pitched the intensity of
your effort at the right level yo u should be
able to stop sawing after about thirty seco nds.
Blow through the hearth hole: if you have
managed to light the shavings you should see a
plume of smoke streamjng from the other side
of th e hea rth. Keep blowing until the tind er
bundles have begun to glow. It mjght be
necessary to loosen the ember from the hole
with a small pick of bamboo. Once th e tinder
bundles are glowing, remove them and blow
them to life.

outside of the shorter stick at 90 degrees to

the grain and carve into it until yo u have a
smalJ hole 3-4111111 lon g and 1111111 wide,
throu gh the bamboo. On the inside ca rve a
shallow groove in line w ith the grain. This will
be th e hearth.
Taking the lon ge r piece of bamboo, carve
one edge like a knife blade for the saw. Then,
using your parang, scrap e off the shiny outer
coa ting of the woo d in a back-and-forth
action so that you finish up with two bundles Using bamboo fire saw in Costa Rica rainforest.
of shavings, one at either end. When th ese are
approaching the size of a hen's egg remove Fire plough
th em and put one on eac h side of the hole on The fire plough is found along the Congo
the inside of the hea rth. Hold them in place River and in Polynesia.
by skewering them through the hole with To co nstruct one, sta rt by ca rving a flat
small sections of gree n bamboo. surfa ce on th e hearth sti ck. Shave up a curl of
fire plough in use on the banks of the Congo.

wood, then begin ploughing, very slowly at

first, gradu ally in creasing your speed and Completed tinder
ro tating th e plo ugh slightly on eac h stroke. bundle ready to
go; store this in a
T he action will form a longitudinal groove warm dry place
and produce a fibrou s, dark powde r against th e (for example
curl ed shaving. Be careful not to break apart tucked inside your
the pil e of powder that forms as yo u plo ugh:
this will become the ember.
Transfer the ember into the fibre s in a dry
half-coconut husk, wh ich will act as yo ur
tinder bundle.

Tinders for friction firestarting Clematis bark

All of the fri cti o n firestarting tec hniqu es being buffed to
make it soft and
produce a sma ll ember of fine , scorc hed wood
dust. To convert thi s ember to fl ame you must
nurtu re it in a bundle of tinder. Th is ca n be
any flammabl e, dry, fibro us material to hand:
grass, inner and outer barks, li chens, coco nut
husks, webbing mater ial from th e base of palm
fronds, fine wood shavings . Rub th e tinder
vigoro usly between yo ur han ds to make it as
fin e as possible. If yo u ca n, improve th e with plant downs and o th er fibrou s tinder
bundle by placing even finer combustible materi al and place th e bundle against th e
materi al, such as plant downs, in its core. A battery terminals of th e torch. It wi ll glow:
goo d tinder bunclle w ill be about th e size of a blow on it to ignite the tinder.
grapefruit w hen tightly compressed. Good To use a vehicl e battery, disconne ct it and
tind ers for friction fire starters include: plant co nnect jump leads to the ternunals. Prepare
downs (as for sparks - see page 84); fun gi (as some tinder, perhaps teased-apart fi eld dressin g
for spa rks - see page 84); grasses (most fibrous from th e car's first-aid kit. H old the crocodil e
grass leaves); outer bark of clematis, cinqu efo il, clips by their insulators and co uch th em
honeysuckle, red cedar,j uniper, willow herb ; togeth er : bright sparks w ill ignite th e dressing
inner bark of lime, sweet chestnut, oak, w illow and , indeed, most spa rk tinders .
(dried and beaten); hairs fro m mature ivy
H aving co njured a flam e, we next need to
Fi re by che mica l means know how to turn it into a fire, and
Fire ca n be started by va ri ous chemi cals, of firelightin g is a skill that takes practice.
w hi ch perhaps o nly one combinatio n is ever To burn properly, a fire needs three
likely co be avai lable to you in th e w ild. If compon ents: HEAT, FUEL and OXYGEN
yo u have a glycol-based antifreeze and so me
po tassi um permanganate, yo u can easil y Heat: Whichever firelightin g tec hniqu e yo u
prod uce fire. Add a tablespoon of the are usin g, the more hea t yo u start with , the
antifreeze to a bundle of tinder, th en sprinkle more certain yo u w ill be of success. In warm
a teaspoo n of potassium per manga nate on to wea th er fires start fa irly easily, w hereas in
thi s, co mpress the bundle and put it down co nditi o ns of ex trem e cold yo u may have to
very qu ickly - on a warm day yo u may ge t warm yo ur tinder inside your clothing to
a fast reaction. The two chenu cals wi ll produ ce an initial fl ame.
generate enough heat to set the bundle
glowing. If the reaction is occurring slowly, Fuel: Fuel sho uld be ca refull y selec ted and
don 't be tempted eith er to pick up th e graded by size. All kindling sho uld be from th e
bundle or to walk away and leave it. Treat it dr iest wood you ca n find , ideally small stic ks
as if it were a live firewo rk. An old- time ca ught in branches a safe distance away from
favourite disinfec tant of overland travell ers - th e dampening effec ts of th e gro und. As th e
it ca n be diluted in wa ter to disinfect fire starts, add fu el gra dually, small, thin
wounds and suspect salad ingredients - kindlin g co start with, th en thi cker wood . If
potassium permanga nate ca n also be mi xed yo u ad d bulky wood coo soo n the fire w ill
w ith suga r, nine parts c hemical to one part di e.
sugar, and rubbed vigorously betwee n two M ake sure you pack the fuel closely
rocks to create sparks. eno ugh to allow the fl ame to pass from o ne
sti ck to another, otherwise it will burn out in
Fire by electri cal means th e middle, leavin g the cop laye rs unscorched.
If yo u have either a head torch wi th a fres h
battery or a car battery yo u can create sparks Oxygen: Oxygen is eve r prese nt, but it ca n be
to start a fire. accidentally occluded if you pack th e fu el too
To use a head torc h, you w ill need so me tightly. Fire prefers to grow upwards, so flat
wire wool from a vehi cle repair kit. La ce this piles of fue l burn slowly and tend to smoulder.
Avoid going too far the other way though , and through the bundles. At this point add a
ending up with something that looks like a handful of pencil-thick fuel. Wh en th e fl ames
tepee. As a ge neral rule, build your fire from ap pear throu gh this, progress to fin ger-thi ck
th e bottom up, arranging the sticks in a criss- and kindling and continue to increase the size
cross fo rmati o n w hich will leave the necessa ry of the fuel until you are burning wo od of the
air spaces betwee n th em and at the same time desired thi ckness .
allow grav ity to ensure that th ey are fe d into In very damp wea th er, or w hen it is raining,
th e fl ames . you may find your fire takes a little while to
ge t going, but don't interfere with it: many a
Firel ighting fire has been stifled by too mu ch attention.
Small sticks Keep an eye on th e smoke: if it is accelerating,
Begin by lay ing down a small platform of dry, leave the fire to develop at its own pace. If,
dead wood about the thickness of your thumb. however, the smoke is petering o ut, take
This will keep the ti nder and kindling off th e ac tion.You may be able to adju st th e fu el and
damp gro und, insulate it in extreme cold and in crease the oxygen supply, but th e likelihood
is that you will have to start again. If yo u ca n
develop the habit of makin g yo ur preparations
ca refully the firs t time, yo u should see your
fire roar to life in no time.

Feather sticks

After prolonged
ra in fa ll, or in an
unfa miliar
environm ent, it may be
qui ckes t to light your
fire with feather sticks.
Search fo r a suitable
piece of dead, standin g
help it to burn quickly to provide your fire wood that can be split
with a stron g heart of embers. Lay two down and shaved into
generous handful s of small kindling crosswise feather sti cks as
on top of this platform. These should be no described on page 48.
thi cker than a matc h and about 30cm long. As with a small-stick
Do not be tempted to break them in half to fire, lay a platform and ,
cut dow n th e time it takes to create thi ck usin g a thumb-thick
bundles. Place yo ur tinder und er th e sti cks piece of fu el wood,
where th ey cross and ignite it. prop up th e feath er
As th e fire get under way, adjust th e sti cks so that their
position of th e sti ck bundles so that th ey cross shavings face towards
direc tly over the flames, then leave th em alon e. yo u, leavin g a small
All bein g well , you will see a rapidl y space at th eir base to
acce lerating plume of smoke rise from your insert a match.
fire, fo llowed shortly by fl ames reac hin g
Split wood and birch bark
In regions where birch bark is abundant it ca n
be used to ignite split wood. Prepare a
platform then lay two spli t sticks in an upside-
down V shape, crossing one stick above th e
oth er w here they meet. Fill the centre of the V
with birch-bark strips, ignite them and criss-
cross small sticks across the top.

Dry grass
An African variation. Collect a good handful
of lo ng, dry grass ste ms and bind th em
togeth er into a giant spill. It can be used to
light quite large sti cks.

Old fire dogs

The sti cks left with partially bu rned ends after
a fire has gone out can often be reignited with
spa rks, a friction-produ ced ember or any small
Apple Alder
flame. As long as they are dry, fire dogs can be
Ash Aspen
reli t months after th ey were last burned. Once
Beech Cedar
a fire dog begins to glow blow on it and the
Birch Hawthorn
ember will spread to anoth er dog laid
Sweet chestnut Horse chestnut
alongside it. Once yo u have three on th e go
Hazel Lime
yo u ca n usuall y start yo ur fire an ew.
Holly Pine
In cidentally, this is also a goo d means of
Hornbeam Poplar
starting a fire from anoth er. Take three logs
Larch Spruce
that are burning we ll and combine them with
Oak Sycamore
a bundle of fine kindling to light the second

Choosing your fuel

A so und ca n sometimes be heard in th e woods dri er it will be. Damp wood will burn poo rl y
late at night th at indicates the prese nce of and produce too mu ch smoke for a
novice backwoodsmen: that of sticks being comfortable camp. It will also burn cold: mu ch
broken for firewood. T he proficient bush craft of th e fire's energy wi ll be expended on
practitioner anticipates h is or her needs before dry in g o ut the fuel.
it ge ts dark. C hoose th e type of firewood yo u Bear in ni.ind what you will be using yo ur
coll ect carefu lly, beca use different woods burn fire for and how long you w ill need it. For
at different speeds and provide varying war mth and most ca mpfire coo kery yo u'll
quantities of hea t output. require fue l that burns slowly and gives out a
Firewood must in general be dead, dry lot of hea t: for a qui ck fire to boil the kettl e,
woo d. Avoid picking up firewoo d from th e w hi ch will burn to as hes rap idly, look for a
gro und: th e best is wood caught in other wood that burns swiftly. The old adage, 'soft
branches . The more vertical its position , th e woo ds for boiling, hard woo ds for broiling' -
broiling being grilling or barbecuin g - still back-to-nature ca mpers maintain that sitting
holds tru e. by a ca mpfire brings them closer to nature in a
spiritual way tha t is impossibl e w ith a hike stove.
Pine for kindling It all depends on where yo u are. It is
Pine is one of th e b est natural kindlings. The certainly tru e that there are areas w here the
stumps of old, dead pines are often rich in use of a campfire is inappropriate: places
resin. Know n as fat pine, or ocote in Central w here it may trigger a forest fire, w here fu el is
America, they ca n be chopped into splints not suffi cientl y plentiful, or w here fires have
w hich ignite never been lit before. In these regions a hike
readily and burn stove is a sensibl e option as it safeguards the
well. Similar to environment we have set out to enjoy. But at
this are pine knots: the sa m e time there are many other places
the base of where the flames do not threaten th e forest,
branches, w hich where fu el is abundant and where, with proper
can be struck fro m manage m ent , a campfire nee d not leave any
old pine logs with un welcome after-effects.
th e poll of your I recommend aiming to travel through the
axe or a heavy landscape like a shadow, leaving as little trace
stick. U se th em as of yo urself and yo ur activities as possible, and
fu el or save them to use eith er a campfire or a stove as your
to add to the fire location and circumstances dictate.
when more
firelight is called Siting and clearing away a fire
for. When yo u want to build a fire, don't choose
Lighting pine kindling with a liq uid an obvious beauty spot - a scenic riverside
butane lighter.
meadow, for example : sea rch out a qui et,
concealed area that will give you so me privacy
Dung and w here yo u and your fire wo n't impinge
In treeless lands, nomadic peoples often use on others. Avoid combustible vegetation , peaty
dried dung from herbivorous livestock as their soil and deep pine nee dles . What yo u need is a
main fu el. Beware the scorpions that often rest clear area with 1nineral soil that ca n be
und er it. revea led by brushing ba ck th e humus, th e kind
of p lace frequently found und er th e dark
MANAGING A FIRE canopy of broad-leafed woodland. It should
Fire can be our mo st valu able reso urce, but provide shelter from w ind and rain and an
given its capacity for destruction it can also be abundant supply of dead wood or dry dung
our greatest enemy, scar ring landscap es and for fu el. Al ways build yo ur fu el on level
decimating forests. ground, without di gging a fire pit unl ess
The first question we should ask ourselves absolutely necessary; in a surviva l situ ation,
is w hether or not it is appropriate to light a you may need to make a shallow, bowl-shaped
fire. The campfire in particular is a matter of pit w here yo u can keep a supply of emb ers so
fi erc e debate. One view is that hike stoves that yo u don't have to relight yo ur fire. Never
should be ca rri ed into the wildern ess and used place the fire on top of exposed roots or
instead, beca use th ey leave behind far fewer against a tree, rock or cliff face. Keep the fire
traces of our presence. On the other side, as small as possibl e. There is no point in
surrounding it w ith rocks: this won't do · site of th e fire as well .The ground should then
anything other than blacken the rocks. recover quickly from its effects.
Bear in mind w hen yo u intend to brea k In forests carpeted with mossy pea ts fires are
camp so that by the time you leave you have a particular risk, beca use the fores t floor is
fed all your fire dogs into the fire and burned combustible. In Scandinavia, w here such
them to ash , the most easily cleared byproduct conditions predoni.inate, fires are built in to
of a fire. If this isn't possible, open th e embers ni.inimise the dange r. Even using this method,
of yo ur fire to allow them to cool and move though, yo u should still lay a fire only if plenty
the remaining firewood o utwards, isolating of water is available and the weather has n't
each stick from its neighbour. The embers bee n dry for a long time. Lift the moss to a
should then go out. This process can be depth th at will crea te a fire circle larger than
hastened by pouring wa ter over them and th e fire you will be setting. Put th e moss in a
mixing it in with a stick until no steam or shady place and keep it watered. Saturate th e
smoke rises. Ensure that any charred sticks are gro und in your fire circle with water, and then
well doused. Then put the ashes into your line the pit with rocks. Lots of small rocks are
cookpot, remove th em to a good distance and better than one large one as they provide
scatter th em widely.Yo u sho uld now be left better air flow at th e fire base. Don 't use rocks
with ni.ineral earth . Use a light, dead-stick from a riverbed; if they are saturated they w ill
brush to spread the original humus over this explode w hen heated, choose the driest you
so th at the site blends in with the ca n find . Light yo ur fire on top of the rock
surro undings as you go. Have a last check for platform, w hich , once hot, will warm and
any litter that may have escaped your notice. improve the fire's performance. When breaking
Underground roots can catch light and camp allow time for the fire to cool. Soak th e
smoulder like a fuse, eventually surfacing to site and lift the cold ashes and embers by hand
cause a forest fi re. Conifero us trees, especiall y for dispersal. R emove the cold rocks and
larches, are particularly susceptible to this. If scatter th em well.
yo u are in an area w ith soft soil, perforate the Ensure that the gro und is not alight as peat
earth with a sharp ened stick and pour in fires are especially prone to smouldering
copious quantities of wa ter. If you have set up underground along roots for weeks before
camp on grassland it is best not to light a fire, eventually surfa cing and igniting the forest.
but if circumstances leave you no alternative Take a sharpened stick and poke it into the
yo u can ini.ise its impac t by lifting so me gro und to a depth of 30cm in and aro und th e
turf and digging down to the ni.ineral soil. fire site, and pour generous quantities of wa ter
Make yo ur fire pit much larger than your fire into the holes so that it penetrates deep into
to avoid scorc hing the grass at the pit edge. I the peat layers, extinguishing any burning.
usually turn over smaller pieces of turf at the Once yo u are sa ti sfied that the fire is well and
rim and form a soil border around th e pit, truly o ut, and there is no stea m or smoke
whi ch I keep well watered . Keep the lifted turf risin g from any of the holes, replace the peat
in a shady place and water it morning and and moss that you originally moved.
evenin g. When you have finished with your
fire, extinguish it, remove all of th e as h and Adapting yo ur fire to your requirements
embers and rake the groun d to soften it. Once the fire is ali ght, th e formation ca n be
Search aro und fo r some well-wea th ered adjusted to suit the conditions and th e uses to
animal dung and place this in the pit, water it w hi ch you wa nt to pu t it. The followin g are
into a slurry and replace the turf. Water the just a few examples.
Criss-cross fire lay: Built upwards, like a low
matchstick tower, enclosing a base platform,
tinder bundle and kindling with layers of fuel
criss-crossed at 90 degrees above th em. It
burns well and se ttles efficiently to provide a
deep bed of em bers for cooking. It also throws
o ut a good deal of hea t so is a good design to
lay in advance if yo u are going to need your
fire to keep warm.

Criss-cross fire lay.

The leaning criss-cross fire lay: This is the

method I usually choose to enlarge my fire, Indians' fire, Sanema, Venezuela.
placing layers of firewood so that their lower
ends are on the gro und and their top halves backcountry travellers. Lay th e wood so that it
criss-cross in layers above the fire. It is a stable points into th e fire heart in a sta r shape. As the
arrangement th at allows gravity to fe ed the fire co nsumes the sticks they are gradually fed
fue l into the fire, leavi ng ends protruding so into the centre. It is easily modifi ed, enlarged
that the fire ca n eas ily be converted into a and extinguished - all you need to do is to
co nvenient arrangement. open out the star. It is particularly well suited
to use with a pot-hanger (see page 36 ).

The star fire: This var iation on th e Indians' fire

co mprises three, or more usually four, thick
logs of equal diameter. Because th e logs are
uniform, a pot ca n be supported on the
burning ends mee ting in the middl e. T his is a
good fire for maintaining a supply of water in
a fixed camp.

Siberian fire lay - split wood and birch bark. The long-log fire: T he traditional fire for
open- fronted bivouacs in cold weather. Using
The Indians' fire: The most useful of all long logs supported by smaller ones, you can
designs, this simple fire is ideal for build a fire that stretches the length of your
giving plenty of light, but tends to be unstable.
It can also fail to feed itself by becoming
lodged so that the middle burns out without
igniting the upp er layers.

Siberian fire lay - split wood and birch bark.

body and provides enough heat to keep you

warm in the coldest weather. It will burn
efficiently and requires minimal tending. The
little supporting logs can be green wood . In
the far north in w inter, birch tre es have such a
low moisture content that once a fire has a
good ember bed they can be burned green,
producing a slow-burning fire with an The long log fire.
excellent output of heat.
Special circumstances
Tepee fire lay: As the name suggests this is a There may be times when you need to make
design that is tepee-shaped; the lay most often some key modifications to yo ur fire to cope
shown in illustrations of campfires . It is not, with unusual conditions or circumstances .
however, one I ever use. It burns quickly,
Windy weather: Wind can be a great problem.
In hot weather, a strong gust may blow flames,
sparks and even embers into surrounding
vegetation . Unless there is no risk of starting a
catastrophic conflagration, avoid lighting a fire
in hot weather. Strong winds in cold climates
will make your fire burn quickly. In these
conditions use double or even treble the
amount of kindling when building your fire to
ensure that a lasting bed of embers forms.
Then add fuel - slow burning as fa r as possible
- placing it on the downwind side of the fire.

Wet weather: Just before bad weather the

smoke from your fire may cling to the ground
rather than rising into the sky. In wet weather
you will need to use extra kindling and in
very wet conditions, all the fuel you collect
w ill carry moisture. To counteract the effects
Tepee fire. of this, build a larger fire than you wou ld in
dry weather and dry out the firewood you are boughs. It is important to keep snow off your
adding at the same time: a normal-sized fire clothing and footwear when you are nea r to
will go cold every time you add more fuel as the fire or you will quickly become soaked.
th e fire's warmth diverts into drying it out. If you can't clear the snow, try improvising a
Splitting firewood improves its combustion. platform from green wood. It will eventually
sink into the snow, but in the m eantime it may
Extreme cold: Extreme cold will slow down suffice until you are able to create a better site.
your fire and make it smoky. Make sure that it
has excellent ventilation and that you maintain No smoke: For a smokeless fire you need to
a good bed of embers . The extra clothing we use small pieces of absolutely dry wood with
wear in this weather can insulate us from the the bark removed. There will be a little smoke
warmth of a fire as well as from the cold: take when you light it, but this will clear to a
care not to scorch or melt it by standing or bright smoke-free fire. Keep it well
sitting too close to the campfire. constructed in a loose, upright tower. If the
fire collapses, it will smoulder.
On snow: Always clear away the snow to the
ground, make enough space to give you room No smoke, no flame: The best method of
to work, then insulate the ground with producing a fire without smoke or flame is to

To effect rescue, signal fires must have two parts: 1. A quick-burning, heat-generating section I 2. A smoke generator of green boughs.
burn charcoal. This can be found on fire sites
left by careless campers or on the tree stumps
left from forest fires . The most efficient way to
burn charcoal is in a brazier, which can be
improvised from an empty catering tin. This is
an ideal fire for cooking. For a basic brazier,
simply punch some holes in the sides of the
tin; for a more sophisticated version, ventilate
th e base and adapt the rim to support your
cooking pot. Silent and smoke-and-flame fre e,
these stoves are a delight to use, excellent for
deep-frying or stir-frying with a wok.You can
even press th em into service as a makeshift
barbecue. They will also burn twigs and dung,
although not without producing smoke.
Stir-frying in a wok over a basic brazier.
Porta bl e fires
You can keep a fire going overnight by adding carry fire with you, follow the exa mple of the
firewood and then, when it is burning, Mbayaka pygmy - and the European 'ice man '
excluding the air supply by covering with ash of 5000 years ago.Wrap a few good embers or
or m.ineral soil. In the morning expose the a glowing bracket fungus , in green leaves and
embers, add tinder and kindling and restart the other insulating material, and carry them in a
fire, blowing if necessary. bag, basket or similar container.
If you are forced to move on and need to
The primary aim of any shelter is to protect us from
environmental conditions that threaten our well-being.
From the moment you perceive a need for shelter, you
must ensure that what we construct is appropriate to the
circumstances. Ideally it should not only shield you from
environmental hazards, but also provide a refuge where
you can comfortably rest and recharge your batteries.
Probably th e most common mistake made In the cold and wet it is
with shel ter-building is to leave it too late. tempting to just sit and
shiver. Instead act to
Shelters are most easily and effectively erec ted improve your
while yo u still have plenty of energy. circumstances by
In building your shelter, remember o ne o f reducing heat loss.
the golden rules of bushcraft: maximise
efficiency with minimum effort. Accordingly,
yo ur first co nsideration should be to position
it close to necessa ry resources and away from
hazards, and the seco nd to construct it to a
quali ty appropriate to its intended lifespan or
to your own energy level. Successfu l shelter-
~ :·
builders thi nk like engineers. At the design I

stage, they establish w hat the shelter is \

intended to provide protectio n against, w hic h
deter min es the choice of site, guides th e sea rch Heat loss
for materials and ultimately dictates the shelter In cold conditions we lose hea t through a
design . To put this approach into practice yo u number of different processes . [_f this is left
need to be aware of the physical threats th e unchecked, your body will eventu ally lose heat
environment ca n present and the range of faster than it can generate it. Unl ess protected ,
possible responses to them. by clothing and/ or shelter, it will lose heat to
the surrounding environment at temperatures
lower than 25 degrees Celsius. This will lead
to a lowe ring of the interna l core temperature
Below: Left open at the sides for ventilation, this shelter made
from whale bones on Namibia's skeleton coast provides shade and, if ignored, may result in hypothermia and ,
and some insulation. finally, death.
Radiation refl ec tor on the opposite side of the fire to
R adiated hea t is transferred by electrom agnetic bo un ce th e heat in yo ur direction.
waves from warm to cool objects.We lose up to
65 per cent of our total heat throu gh this Convection
process alone. Radi ated body heat warms the The body constantly heats the layer of air or
· cool air or moisture around us, w hi ch is th en moisture next to its surface. When this layer is
stripped away by co ndu ction or evaporati on. disturbed by cold air passing across it - the
R adiated heat loss is grea test from exposed skin , wind, for example - th e heat is lost by
particularly on areas of the body with a large convection . This effec t is substanti ally redu ced
blood supply, and th e head and neck, w here by windproof cloth es and bivouac bags.
blood vessels are not as well insulated and our In shelter constru cti on you can minim.ise
abili ty to redu ce heat loss by vasoco nstri ction - co nvecti on heat loss by choosing a site that
narrowing of th e arteri es in response to cold to affords as much natural wind protec ti o n as
redu ce blood flow - is less effective. possible. A second defence is to make th e
Vasoconstriction is responsible for pale skin and shelter draught-free. In barren wi ldern ess
loss o f dex terity w hen o ur hands get cold. devoid of trees, you will have to carry so me
R adi ated hea t loss is best reduced by fo rm of windpro of shelter with you .
covering up, especially with hats, balaclavas and T he classic sources of co nvected hea t are a
hoods. R efle ctive foil blankets provide no camp fi re or a tent equipp ed with a wood-
signifi ca nt advantage over the cheaper and burning stove, space-heater or firebox .
more readily available polythene survival bag.
We warm ourselves with radiated heat, Conduction
either direc tly or by refl ection - from the sun , Conducted heat is hea t tra nsferred by direct
fo r exa mpl e, or a ca mpfire. Your shelte r ca n be contac t between one o bj ect and anoth er. The
designed to maximise your exposure to such rate at w hi ch body hea t is lost by this process
warmth and you ca n adapt your fire to emit is determined by th e conductivity of th e
radi ated heat into th e shelter by placin g a material with which we are in contac t.
Rates of conducted h eat loss hot wea th er this type of hea t loss can kee p
you cool - by wearing a jungle hat dipp ed in
Air 0 wa ter, for exa mpl e - bu t in cold climates it
Woo l 1.4 works aga inst yo u.
Wood 4 Water co ndu cts heat 23-25 times fa ster th an
Nylon 8 -10 air: th e first co nsequ ence of sweati ng in cold
Water 23- 25 weath er is an associated loss of ins ulati o n and
Ice 86 an in crease in condu cted hea t loss as th e wa rm
Steel 1,700 air trapped between th e layers of your clo thin g
Aluminium 9,300 is replaced by swea t. Th e n, as th e wet kit dries
Copper 15,000 o n yo ur body, hea t is los t by evapo rati o n .
To reduce th e effec t of evaporati ve hea t loss
Therefo re, aluntinium is 100 times m ore you must stri ve to rem ain dry. Wea r effective
co ndu ctive than ice, steel 20 times and copper waterp roof clothing and maintain an eve n
175 times. body temperature by adjustin g the layers of
For exampl e, if two climbers, eac h dressed your clo thing accordin g to the ambi ent
iden ti cally and wearing thin gloves, are digging tempe rature and your level of physical ac tivity.
a snow cave, o ne w ith an alurninium shovel th e For insta nce, rem ove so m e laye rs of clothing
o ther w ith a woode n- handled shovel, th e before th e physical exertio n of building your
climber usin g th e aluminium shovel w ill be shelter so th at yo u have warm, dry thin gs to
losing heat fro m his hands 2000 times faste r wea r w hen at rest. As for the shel ter itself, yo u
than his co lleague. This mea ns he will beco me may design it to trap wa rm , dry air inside. If
exhausted m ore qui ckly and be mo re pro ne to not, at least yo u should be able to dry clo th es
cold injuries, such as hypotherrnia and fros tbite. beside a ca mpfi re.
To reduce co ndu cted heat loss, insulate your
body from a cold surface by placing a poo r Respiration
conducto r of hea t be tween yo u and th e As we brea th e in cold air we wa rm and
ground. In a shelter this mea ns erectin g a bed hu ni.idify it. Wh en we exhale, we expel hea t.
that ra ises yo u clea r o f th e ground. This loss of wa rmth in creases in the dry
Al ternatively, you ni.i ght arrange som e sort of atmosp here of extreme co ld environments,
undertl oor hea ting, w ith wa rm ed rocks, fo r w here mo re energy is used during th e
exa mpl e. R emember th at all hea t loss needs to huni.idificati o n process. Stay al ert to th e
be replaced w ith calo ri es fro m your food depletio n of wa rmth . Aim to create a wa rm-
supply. C anny cold-weather adventurers pay air environment insid e your shelter. On ce
constant atten ti o n to the surfaces with w hi ch again , a hea ted tent is ad va ntageo us.
they are in co ntact. For exa mpl e, if th ey are
takin g a res t, th ey might place a few spruce Metabolism
bo ughs o n top of a cold roc k befo re sitting As we metabo lise our foo d to crea te warmth ,
down o n it. we are using up energy. Altho ugh this process
do es no t in itself cause h eat loss, if expended
Evaporation energy is not replaced we beco me exhau sted
To change fro m liquid to gas, wa ter requi res and ca nnot generate th e necessa ry internal
energy. When we swea t, or w hen moisture in heat to stay ali ve. Exhaustion is a maj o r
o ur clo thes evaporates, the flui d draws energy co ntributor to hypo thermia in outdoor
fro m body heat to n1.ake th e transfo rm ation. In ac tivities : high energy o utput in cold or wet

106 Essential Bushcraft

wea ther may require greater food supplies than cooling process in motion - wet and w ind ,
anticipated. T his is a key factor in mountain w ind and cold o r wet and cold. How these
walkers beco ming lost in bad weather. Even if environmental factors affect an individual is, to
clad .in the most effi cien t outdoor clo thing a large ex tent, influenced by th at individu al's
they are often too exhausted to stave off the experi ence. An experienced bac k-country
effects of th e cold. travell er will be correc tly clothed for th e
It is vital, then, to re member to keep ea tin g. wea th er conditions. They w ill have good
The harder we work th e more foo d we need: wa terproof clothing, and will know how to
w hen food is sca rce we must work less hard. wear it so that they ve nt out moisture as th ey
exert th emselves, adding layers as they beco me
Hypothermia chilled. Staying dry is vitally important. If yo ur
H ypothermia is the grea test hazard of the clothing beco m es damp yo u w ill lose moisture
bush. It can occur in virtually any latitude on up to 25 times faster than if it is dry.
land or at sea . It is avo ided by wearing Fitness is also important. Obviously it is a
appropriate clothing and stayin g dry, well fed good id ea to be fit w hen travelling in th e
and watered. H ypothermia occurs w hen th e outdoors, but eve n more impo rtant than this is
body loses hea t faster than it can generate it, choosing your route to suit yo ur fitn ess level.
until th e core is unabl e to maintain sufficient The experi enced traveller also knows that
warmth to all ow the proper functi o n of vital w hen hi king, days are long, j o urneys
o rgans. If unremedi ed, hypothermia leads to exhausting and tempe ratures energy-sapping:
death. Essentially, there are two types of more food than no rmal will be needed, and
hypothermi a: shelter in some form, a tent, a wind bivvy sac k
and a sleeping-bag. Day hikers often
• exposure hypothermia, ca used by prolonged these items, then wish they hadn't w hen th ey
exposure to cool or cold wea ther, usually find themselves stranded for the night.
associated with exert.i on and exhaustion Leadership plays an important role in
• immersio n hypothermia, caused by the rapid dealin g with high-risk hypo th er mia
cooling usually associated with immersion in conditions. A well- led party maintains good
cold wa ter. morale, each individual stayin g in touch w ith
the progress of th e whole gro up over th eir
While th e symptoms of th ese two fo rms of intended route. A good leader makes ce rtain
hypothermi a are simi lar, th e treatm ent vari es that everyo ne looks o ut for eve ryone else and
grea tly. chec ks fo r symptoms of hypo th ermia , so that
it ca n be nipped in the bud. A good leade r
Exposure Hypothermia w ill make bold, unmuddled decisions about
Never underestimate the risk from the route to redu ce the party's exposure to bad
hypoth ermia. Experienced travellers in back- wea th er. Outdoor leaders sho uld co nsider it
country areas know that w hen wea th er closes their top priority to preve nt members of their
in , adjustm ents must be made to th e party developing hypothermia: once yo u've
programme: escape routes may need to be had it, yo u will be more suscep tible to
so ught or a shelter erected to wa it out bad suffer in g from it again .
wea th er co nditions. Wind, wet and cold are Anyone sufferin g from an injury is mo re
th e key environmental fac tors that ca use pron e to develop hypothe rmi a, as are those
hypothennia. Cold alone or a combination of who are anxious o r depressed. If an
any two of these factors is enou gh to set th e in exper ienced leade r strid es ahead of the

Shelter 107
group and do es no t involve the oth ers in M anu al dexteri ty decreases to the point w here
decision-making they may becom e it beco mes difficult to tou ch th e tip of th e
uninteres ted in the ac ti vity, rese ntful of th e thu mb to the tip of the little fi nger o n th e
leader, and th eir morale w ill slip. In th ese same hand , an impo rtant sign that steps must
circumstances th e risk of hypo th ermia grows . be take n to rewar m . Ideally before you reach
Preventi o n is always better than cure, and this po int you sho uld have so ught shelter,
this is parti cularly tru e of hypo th ermia , w hi ch replaced wet w ith dry clothin g and add ed
is difficult to recti fy in the fi eld. In your insul ati ve layers to yo ur extremities - gloves, a
planning an d preparati ons make sure every ha t and scarf. Because th e body mu st maintain
member has sufficient clo thing, foo d and the blood supply fro m th e heart to th e brain
wa ter with them. If yo u are travelling in areas fo r body functi o n, the h ead and nec k areas are
that don 't offer natural protecti o n fro m the parti cularly vuln erable to hea t loss:
elements, ca rry w ith yo u some fo rm of shelter. vasoco nstriction is negligible in these areas .
As the j o urn ey develops, maintain a keen eye Vasoconstri cti on leads to no n-freezin g cold
o n every m ember of the pa rty, sea rchin g fo r injury and frostbite. As th e blood th at o nce
the slightest sign or sy mptom of hypoth ermia. circu lated at th e extremities moves to the
Act promptly to avert any worse ning of th e body core, we feel an in creased need to
situatio n . Al ways m arch to the pace o f the urin ate. C onsequ ently it is easy to beco me
slowest member of yo ur group, and if dehydrated, w hi ch impedes efficient blood
som eone sho uld be injured or develop signs of flow throu gh the narrowed blood vesse ls, and
hypothermia, act im.m ediately. B ea r in mind thereby intensifi es the risk of cold injury to
that children and tee nagers lose hea t faster the extremities . R espo nd to increased
than adults becau se their body surface area is urin atio n by drinking m ore, preferably wa rm ,
larger in proportion to th eir body mass. swee t drinks, such as hot chocolate, w hi ch is
E nsure, too, that peo ple are no t carrying wa rming and calorifi c. Caffein e-enriched
unn ecessary loads. Every ounce o f lu xury mu st drinks help to spa rk up a lively mental
be we ighed against its po tenti al danger. respo nse to circ umstances.
R ememb er th e old m axim: 'LI G H T IS
RIGHT.' Mild hypothermia
If a member of your party becom es If we do no t take steps to prevent furth er
hypothermic, or yo u decide that yo u mu st body cooling we will beco me hypothermi c. It
wait out bad weath er before co mpleting yo ur is di ffic ult in th e fi eld to acc urately m o nitor an
j o urney, you must brea k th e processes by individu al's intern al body temperatu re so we
w hich your body is losing wa rmth to the must loo k for signs that thi s is happenin g. The
environment. m ost o bvious sympto m o f mild hypo th ermia is
shi verin g, w hi ch occ urs w ith a body
Effects of cold on our body te mpe rature at o r around 35°C. In th e sho rt
When th e body fee ls a drop in temp eratu re it term shiverin g is benefi cial in th at it is an
takes steps to preve nt fur ther heat loss: it involuntary m ea ns of produ cing body wa rmth
restricts th e fl ow of blood to th e surface of th e by muscular acti vity. However, if we do n't
skin by co ntracting and narrow ing the vessels provide furth er insulation and warmth , th e
that carry blood to th e extremities - shi vering will rap idly exhaust the body's
vasoconstri ction. Th e blood that wo uld energy supply and , in th e lo ng term, lea d to
normally go to extre mities moves to the body rapid deterioratio n. If so m eo ne is shi ver in g, do
core, helpin g to maintain core temperature. so me th ing abo ut it.

108 Essential Bushcraft

Mood changes are also associated with mild indi vidual's shive rin g response. In this case
hypothermi a: look out for irritabi lity and other sy mptoms will be more important in
w ithdrawa l. ea rly diagnosis of mi ld hypothermia ,
If the body temperature drops below 35°C particularly changes in mood and loss of
the casualty shows increased clumsiness, manu al dexterity.
irrational behaviour and is genera ll y
co nfused. They may app ea r drunk . It is vitally Seve re hypo th ermia
important that they are handled ge ntl y, given The most obvious sign of severe hypothermi a
th e opportunity to res t, protected from cold is th e cessa tion of shivering. At this point the
and furth er heat loss. Th ey must not exercise casualty's life is imper illed. Arrange urgent
as th ey have insufficient energy to generate tra nsfer of the patient to hospi tal. From this
heat. Exe rcisin g to rewar m someo ne aft er point th ey must not be given anything by
such profound cooling will deepen the mouth , and check that their airway rem ains
hypothermia . It is also vitally impo rtant that open. If th eir temperature continues to drop it
no externa l wa rmth is applied to the is li kel y that th e semi-co nscio us patient will
extremities. If you take so meone in a slip into uncon scio usness, and may even lose
hypothermi c state into a warm room their respon se to painfu l stimul us. M ake sure that
body automa ti cally responds to the warm the airway is kept o pen, and m on itor th eir
environment, ca using an ope ning of blood pulse rate and breathing rate extremely
vessels - vasodilation - and redistribution of carefull y. Under no circumstances should a
wa rm blood from th e body core to the hypothermic pati ent be left alo ne. A
ex tremiti es. This may cause a general cooling competent first-aid er shou ld remain w ith
of th e body co re temperature suffi cient to them, w hile the most able member of th e
push the perso n into a coma. Instead place party seeks professional assistance.
th e casua lty in one or two sleeping-bags to There is no effective m ea ns of rewarmin g a
ga in maximum insulatio n against th e cold; severely hypothermic casualty in the fie ld. All
th e shiverin g will generate a gradua l the fi rst aider can do is prevent further hea t
rewarming of the body at a more natural and loss by protecting th e casualty from the
co ntroll ed rate. If th e casualty can take environm ent, providing the m with th e
li quids give them war m swee t drinks - maximum amoun t of insulatio n, monitorin g
chocolate is particularly good, w ith honey for their vital signs and providing first aid in terms
maximum calo ries ro stave off th e effec ts of of emergency brea thing - if necessa ry,
exhausti on. cardi opulmonary resuscitation . At all costs th e
Also associated w ith mild hypo th ermia - at casualty must be treated gently: rough
th e more extreme end of the condition, at handlin g may cause ventric ul ar fibrillation. If
abo ut 33°C internal te mperature - is muscle you have to move th e casualty do so with
stiffi1ess. If th e casualty co mplains of this, their head po inting downhill to help maintain
moniror th ei r pulse and th eir brea thing, the blood pressure.
restrict all activity, enco urage them to li e
down w ith th eir feet slightly raised and seek Deep hypothermia
urge nt medical assistance. When the body's co re temperature falls below
Re cent research has shown th at prolonged 28°C th e patient is considered deeply
exposure to cold, wet co nditions in hypoth ermic. They may app ea r dead: there are
conjunction w ith a redu ced calorific intake no vital signs and they are extremely cold to
can lead to a reduction in or loss of an tou ch. Do not give up on trea tment. M any

Shelter 109
people have recovered on rewarming: have • Un conscious immersion hypothermia
survived after several hours of rescue breathing casualties must be given appropriate first aid
and CPR. A doctor cannot certify someon e following the usual ABC procedure, and
dead until th ey have been rewarmed to evac uated to hospital for rewarming. Again,
normal body temp erature. even if they ex hibit all th e signs of death
th ey must be trea ted as a viable case for
Immersion hypothermia resuscitation .
Perhaps the most dan gerous aspect of falling
into cold water is th e gasp reflex, the first • Conscious pati ents provide a slightly more
result of immersion in cold water, which often co mplica ted scenario. If, say, a warm, well-
leads to panic and drowning. Second is hydrated, well-fed individual - perhaps on a
hypoth ermi a, w hich se ts in rapidly. Water dog sled trip - fa lls throu gh ice into cold
conducts heat from the body 25 times faster water, they mu st be removed from th e water
than air. For the survivor of a boating quickly, then rewarmed and dried. If a
accident, energeti c swimming or treading co nscio us pati ent has had prolonged
wa ter rapidly causes exhaustion an d exposure exposure in cold water, treat them as yo u
to cold: a flotation aid improves survival would an exposu re hypothermia casualty.
cha nces by three times.
Whe n rescui ng a vic tim of cold-water Heat gain
immersion the handlin g of the patient can be Contrary to what most people think , th e
critical. The Royal Navy discovered that, after human body is better able to withstand cold
w inching people from the sea, many than heat stress. In hot climates as the body
subsequ ently died. Fo r many yea rs th e ca use temperature rises we become progressively less
was a mystery. Then a naval surgeon exposed able to work or think rati ona lly. An in crease of
himself to co ld water immersion hypo thermia , just 6°C ca n prove fatal.
and was win ched by helicopter from the sea The physical processes of hea t exchange
with monitoring devices atta ched to his body. affect the bod y's performance in hot
It was di scovered that th e after-drop in environments as well as co ld ones, but th ey
temperature associated with heli co pter resc ue work in a subtly different way. Although o ur
was not ca used, as had been suggested, by normal body temperature is 37°C the
ma ssive evaporation from th e downdraught of temperature of the skin is usually several
the rotor blades, but by the loss of wa ter degrees cooler. For this reaso n, when th e
pressure on the legs o f the victim. When ambie nt air temperature rises above 32°C we
so meone is li fted from the sea the removal of begin to absorb heat. When it exceeds the
water pressure from the thighs and calves body temperature of 37°C we absorb th e heat
ca uses blood to flow down from the core into mu ch faster. In these circumstances, keep
the lower limbs, ca usi ng a fatal reduction in yo urself well hydrated so that the body's
the core temperature. natural cooling mechanism is workin g at full
Today w hen people are removed from cold capacity. This may mean siting a shelter within
water after prolonged exposure they are lifted comfortable reach of wa ter.
in a hori zo ntal or foeta l position. There is little th at can be done to
When we co nsid er casualti es coming out of co unteract warming caused by hot air, but you
cold water we should think of th em in two can preve nt exacerbating matters by reducing
categories: un conscious or conscious. your exposure to other so urces of heat.
Indeed, if yo u take ca re to minim.ise the effects

110 Essential Bushcraft

Dry season shelter made from paper bark, Arnhemland, Australia. The fire keeps insects away

of th ese it is perfectly possible to operate roof. If you have only fabr ic to work with , use
effi cientl y. I have several times bee n forced to it in a double layer if yo u ca n, keepin g the
wo rk in temperatures of 55-57°C. Alth o ugh layers 30cm apart. Bea r in ntind that, li ke the
th e days were tirin g, I remained produ ctive. ca nopi es of trees, thin co tton fa brics and cloud
M ake sure you have plenty of water, dress to cover do not offer fu ll protection. Be aware
keep cool and provide yo urself w ith fu ll shade, that the leaves of so me trees, like th e mo pane,
such as a stretch ed-o ut tarp. close at nudday, redu cin g the tree's shad e va lu e.
Large objects, such as rocks and ve hi cles,
Radiation that have absorbed hea t ca n act as sources of
R adiatio n in the form of the sun 's rays is one radi ated hea t. Avoid restin g nea r them during
of the most seri o us threa ts to your well-being. th e hottest part of th e day. After dark, th o ugh,
Not only are you ho tter in th e sun , but you th ey may be useful in countering the chill of a
are also at ri sk of sunburn. In extreme dese rt dese rt ni ght.
conditions, th e sun can seem to batter yo u
in to the ground: wea r a large hat and lon g Convection
sleeves. One of th e most dishea rte ning eleme nts of
Exper ienced back- co untry travell ers va lue extreme heat is a hot breeze. It makes yo u feel
trees as shady resting places, but th ey provid e as th o ugh you are living inside a fan -assisted
only partial protec ti on from sunburn. Wh en oven. In these co nditi o ns see king shelter from
siti ng yo ur shelter, choose natural shade, then th e breeze is essenti al, as is, yet again , an ample
improve on it by givin g the shelter a thi ck supply of water.

Shelter 111
If the breeze is cooling, open yo ur shelter to th e high humidi ty in the atmosphere. H ere,
allow it to circulate. Don't take such lu xuries with one of the principal methods of coolin g
for g ranted . Driving through desert, people denied us, we must be careful not to overheat.
unu sed to the clima te ofte n become Probably the major threat to our well- bein g in
accustomed to coo l air ru shing throu gh an this type of climate is over-exertion, which
o pen w indow or the chill of an air- ca uses the body to warm faster than we ca n
co nditioning unit, only to be poleaxed by the lose heat. Be alert to di zziness, thirst or nausea.
op pressive heat th ey encounter w hen they Wh ere it is safe to do so, cool off in forest
have to dig themselves out of soft gro und or strea ms at every opportunity.
change a burst tyre.
If yo u have a limited supply of water, Respiration
balance the effects of th e cooling evaporation R espired heat loss, through panting, is the
of your sweat in breeze with the loss of wa ter main way dogs and other animals stay cool.
this w ill invol ve. Unfortunately, for humans, respired hea t loss is
negligibl e. Hot, dry air, like cold, dry air, is
Conduction humidified as part of our respiratory process,
We collect war mth by co nduction from any w hi ch means that when we brea th e out we
o bj ect with w hi ch we are in contact that has a expel moisture as well as heat. We lose more
temperature of 32°C or above: to avoid this moisture in arid conditions than in th e
insulate yourself with the poorest hea t humidity of the rainforest.
conductor you ca n find. For exampl e, if yo ur
4x4 breaks dow n in th e desert, strip ou t the Metabolism
seats to improvise an insulating bed. H eat is a byproduct of physical effo rt, so in
Co nversely, if yo u find a smface that is hoc climates be ca refu l not to overheat
cooler than your body you can rest o n it to yourself by wo rking too hard. It is so metimes
all ow heat to be co nducted away from you. In safest not to work at all during the hottest part
deserts you can so metimes dig dow n to a o f the day. When eve r practical, follow th e
cooler laye r of gro und. Or li e on a raised sheet siesta routine practised in many ho t climates,
of wrinkly tin scavenged before sunrise and restin g when the sun is at its hottest and
placed in th e shade. B e carefu l w hen picking working during the ea rly morning and
up such items: th ey often harbour snakes and eve ning.
scorpions .
Vehicles as shelter
Evaporation Planes or cars are an invaluable source of
When moisture evaporates from the surfa ce of useful equipment and highly visible markers of
our skin it carries away heat - the pu rpose of yo ur position but, generally, th ey offer poor
swea ting, whi ch is th e body's natura l cooling shelter. Effectively metal boxes, th ey can turn
system. In hot , dry conditions yo u ca n increase into ovens in extreme hea t and refrigerators
evapo rative heat loss by wearing soa ked co tton on a cold night. Unless you find yourself in an
clothing. When th e risk of sunburn is not exceptional situation - perhaps, say, wi th your
hi gh, wea r loose-fitting clothing w ith the ca r ca ught in a snowdrift - it is usually best to
sleeves rolled up to allow perspiratio n to imp rovise a more efficient shelter alongside
eva porate. th e veh icle, remainin g close to it to improve
In th e hot, damp co nditions of a tropical yo ur chance of bei ng found by rescuers if you
rain forest, evapo rati ve heat loss is redu ced by are in trouble.

112 Essential Bushcraft

In any event, whenever you are traveJling in threats. Is the ground liable to flood? Flash
risky areas, stock your vehicle with survival floods are not uncommon: a sudden thaw of
equipment, such as plenty of water, a sleeping snow cover or rain in the hills can cause
bag, a shovel, some food , spare parts and a streams many miles away to rise suddenly.
m eans of communication with the outside Sometimes flash floods happen so quickly that
world . In deserts, the golden rule of survival is they surge like a tidal wave, bringing w ith
NEVER LEAVE YOUR VEHICLE. them dead wood, faJlen trees , boulders, mud
and any other debris caught in their path.
Choosing a shelter site Are there any overhangs to avoid? Both
It would be wonderful if temperature and branches and rock overhangs can prove fatal.
weather were all we had to cope with w hen In woodland, always check above you for dead
shelter-building. But, of course, nothing is so branches, so aptly named widow-makers,
simple in outdoors life. The location of your which may be poised to crash down in a
shelter is a vita l factor: it can make the breeze. Dead branches are a particular hazard
difference between a comfortable, relaxed rest in rainforest - in fact I can recall only one
and a night of torture by insects, worry, or visit to rainforest where I have not heard or
even sudden death. seen one of them drop, to say nothing of
whole trees after heavy rain.
Resources With rock overhangs, be aware of cracks
The first thing I look for w hen choosing my and fissures that suggest the rock might shear
campsite are the necessary resources: wood, for away. In no circumstances light a fire against
the main body of the shelter; brush wood, the waJI of a cliff as the heat can trigger a rock
grass or forest litter for thatching; firewood faJI.
and a convenient supply of water. Camping close to an ants ' nest may result
in premature and painful awakening. Ants can
The ground be temporarily deterred by cold ash from your
If you are going to be using a tarp, search for a fire placed around the foot of your shelter
good piece of level, well-drained ground with supports. If mosquitoes or biting flies are a
trees a suitable distance apart. If you wiJI be nuisance, is there another spot where the
sleeping in a harrunock, level ground is much breeze wiJI keep them oil Is there a lot of
less important than trees of the necessary dead wood and leaf mould on the ground? If
strength and spacing. Wherever possible I so, think about scorpions and centipedes . It
prefer a discreet campsite that allows me may be that you can find a clearer site. If not,
privacy, and other hikers an unspoiled knock up a makeshift brush to clear away the
appreciation of the landscape. If I am setting debris.
up a camp in country where security is an Are predatory animals likely to be a
issue choose a site where it is difficult for danger? If so, is there the wherewithal to form
anyone to approach me undetected. a thornbush stockade around the camp and
Depending on the level of threa t, I may wait sufficient firewood to keep the fire bright
until after nightfaJI before pitching camp. I through the night? If you are not alone, you
certainly won't cook or light a fire. may be able to organise a watch rota. Have
you got food or strongly scented toiletries
Potential hazards with you that may attract a bear? If in doubt,
Having found what seems to be a good site, stow them out of reach a quarter of a mile
look at it from the point of view of other from your camp, and set your cooking facilities

Shelter 113
well away from where you plan to sleep. • be as easy to construct as possible
ls the campsite at risk from avalanche? This • be sited close to water and building materials
is particularly important when constructing • not be sited on land liable to flood
snow caves (see page 128). Never camp below • be away from overhanging dead branches or
a potential avalanche slope. rock
ls your tent li able to be covered by a • not arouse the interest of dangerous animals
snowdrift? In temperate lands we are used to • be away from insect pests
pitching tents in the lee (wind-protected) side • keep us dry
of a rock or other wind barrier. In the treeless • provide us w ith a raised platform or
higher latitudes of the barren Arctic, however, insulating bed
setting up camp in the lee of a rocky outcrop • in cold weather provide a warm, dry
or iceberg can prove fatal in a blizzard, because atmosphere
snowdrifts build up in the lee side of such • in hot weather, provide shade and a cooling
obstacles. In bad storms such drifts can bury atmosphere
tents and suffocate the occupants.
It is not, of course, always easy to fulfil these
Building the ideal shelter requirements. For instance, you might be
Let's recap on our design criteria. It sho uld injured, unable to light a fire or equ ipp ed
now be clear that our id ea l should: insufficiently. However, there is a wide range

In the Siberian Taiga I recline in a classic northland lean-to. The long log fire burns the length of the shelter, keeping me warm in
sub-zero temperatures without a sleeping bag.

114 Essential Bushcraft

of techniques available to us, and these can be
adapted to help us cope with new or
unexpected circumstances.

Making a bed
In almost all the types of shelter described in
the following pages, you will need to fix
yourself up with a bed of some kind, whose
purpose, besides the obvious one, is to elevate
the body from cold ground. The materials
with which you construct it will vary
according to the part of the world in which
you find yourself, but dead branches and
springy boughs make good, insulating
bedding. Use thick, heavy boughs on the
ground, topping them with increasingly fin e,
more comfortable layers . Measure out the size of the shelter.
It makes a big difference if these boughs
can be retained within a wall of one or more m easuring out the shelter size: lie on the
long logs which can be anchored in place with ground and mark your body length with two
wooden pegs. The so-calJed cot-wall bed is sticks, one at your feet and the other at your
therefore the most popular choice for sleeping head. Next fix three main supports. Choose
in a shelter. Make sure that your body won't naturally curved fallen branches ideally with
sink below the level of the retaining log: if it forked ends that can be interlocked at the
does, you will rest in the shadow of the log shelter apex. These should be stout, as they
and be cut off from the light and warmth of will need to bear most of the thatching; always
the fire . allow for th e extra weight of the roof after
In open-fronted lean-tos in cold weather it rain. Now lean a rough lattice of fallen
is usually best to create a sleeping platform at bran ches against two sides of this basic
chair height. framework with the aim of creating an overall
If you are occupying your shelter on a matrix that will provide a basis for a covering
longer term basis, it might be easier to weave of forest-floor debris. This lattice doesn't have
yourself a blanket from natural vegetation, to be regular: all too often shelters are given
either by improvising a loom or by hand, uniform square lattices that are unnecessarily
which is probably the simplest and most complicated and time-consuming.
effective way of going about it. Concentrate instead on gearing to the kind of
thatching material you are using Make sure
The simp le leaf hut that the gaps in the lattice are not so large that
One of th e simplest of all shelters . Indeed, the the leaf mould can fall through , and that the
ease and speed w ith w hich it can be erected ends of the sticks will not extend beyond the
put it streets ahead of many better- known apex.
shelters. It in co rporates techniques that are Starting at ground level, pile decaying
used in a lot of designs and with which we are debris from th e floor on to the lattice,
therefore likely to be fam.iliar. gradually working upwards in layers until the
Having found a suitable site, begin by shelter is completed . Check that none of the

Shelter 115
116 Essential Bushcraft
Look for forked sticks to avoid having to
make cord.

Use dead branches for the rafters.

Thatch the shelter with leaf litter starting from

ground level and working upwards in layers

Opposite page, top : after setting up your bed, erect the shelter framework; centre - note shelter sited under tree canopy for extra
protection; bottom - this shelter is intended to be used with a fire providing warmth.

Shelter 117
The enclosed leaf hut

supporting sticks or lattice sticks is poking sto ut, strong ridgepole the full length of the
through the thatch. If it is, rain will run sh elter. Prop it up at one end with a small
straight down it to the inside of the sh elter. bip od or single forked stick set securely into
The thatch should be at least 30cm deep all the ground. This support arrangement must be
over. Once it is in place, anchor it against very strong, as it will bear the full weight of
breezes by lean ing a light covering of small, the thatch. Allow for the extra weight of the
dead branches on top of it. roof after rain. It is important that the
This shelter should be eq uipp ed with a ridgepole is propped up at a height that will
cot-wa ll bed and a long log fire (see page minimise the internal space of the shelter to
93) . maxirnise warmth but at the same time
provide enough space for comfort. Lay down
The enclosed leaf hut your bed at this stage so that you know it will
The enclosed leaf hut takes slightly longer to fit inside. T h e only way to b e sure of getting
construct than the simpl e leaf hut and requires the size right is to check the dimensions of
more accurate measuren1ent. Its great the structure continuously as you build it: the
advantage is that it does not need a fire: the internal dimensions will shrink under the
design preserves yo ur body heat to provide compressive weight of the thatch.
warmth. Aga in st the ridgepole, lean a lattice of small
Mark out your body length , then arrange a fallen branches as you wou ld for the simple

118 Essential Bushcraft

The two-person shelter has a good covering of leaves with inner thatch absent to show sleeping space to retain warmth.

leaf hut, ensuring that none of the sticks

protrudes above the shelter apex. Allow for an
opening to the shelter either at the head end
or, preferably, just to one side to form a
funnel-like doorway.
Like the simple lea f hut the shelter can be
thatched with whatever forest debris is to
hand, to a depth of at least 30cm all over: hold
it in place with a light covering of small, dead

Two-person shelter
The two- person shelter is a logical extension
of the enclosed leaf hut - a warm shelter to
use when you cannot light a fire - and only are testing the ridgepole height. The walls of
takes slightly more work to construct. Think the shelter will enclose your bedding and
of it as two sleeping-bags joined at the head prevent it from spreading. Instead of one
end. As with the enclosed leaf hut, your bed ridgepole, this shelter has two sharing the
should be laid down at the point where you same support stick, forming a low tripod shape

Shelter 119
Brush tepee

w ith one short leg and two long ones. The branches you can use w ith out dam aging the
ridgepoles are splayed out and th atc hed in the forest, the bush tepee is a viable option.
sa m e way as th e enclosed leaf hut. All ow fo r a Begin by constructing a tripod of strong,
ce ntral entrance. In the small living space straight, mature saplin gs 4- 5 metres in height.
betwee n th e beds, a ca ndle can be lit for Lash th em securely with roots or withies at
hea ting - though you will need to be ca reful the top. Whittle the ends into a point and
not to set the shelter alight. thru st them securely into th e gro und to
preve nt the tripod from co llapsing w hen
Brush tepee loaded. A m etre and a half from th e apex, lash
This is not a design I use very often , as it three crossbars to these poles . N ow shorter
req uires big investment in terms of labour and upr ight poles ca n be lea ned against this
materials. There is a lot of thatchin g invo lved framewo rk and the crossbars lashed into place
beca use of its heigh t, and it ne eds to be thick to accept the thatching materials. R ather than
eno ugh to shed rain properly. Lower-ro ofed attaching all the crossbars first and then
shelters are ge nerally much easier to build and thatching it is best to ti e o n the crossbars as
to make weatherproof, so I'd cons ider th e you thatch. This way yo u use only as many
gro up shelter ahead of this one. Howeve r, if in crossbars as you need, and they will be
a co untry offe rin g a wealth of many small correc tly placed. Start thatchin g at g round

120 Essential Bushcraft


level, ensuring that you cover the ground well

to prevent dra ughts, and wo rk upwa rds. Leave
a space 80cm wide for an entrance and
imp rovise a thatched frame for th e doo r.
Inside yo u ca n light a sm all fire in a wo k-
shap ed fire pit no more than 15cm deep. The
pit will help to keep the embers alight even if
the fi re di es low. In extre mely cold snowy Top: The same brush tepee design built to a larger size in
co nditi o ns, the bush tepee ca n be overthatch ed Lapland.

w ith snow for insulation. R ememb er to make Below: Intern al view showing beds and fire pit - only a small
fire is necessary to heat this shelter.
a ventilation hole near g round leve l with a
stick or ski pole to keep it open in
snows torms (see page 128).

Shelter 121
Simple but effective desert shelter breaks a cold breeze or Tightly woven shelter protects against rainy season storms.
rainfall. Note the door.

Wiltja Wickiup
The shelter traditio nally used by Aboriginal Another desert, anoth er shelter. The wickiup
peo ples of th e Australian desert. Since few was traditionally used by peoples such as the
fl exible saplings are available here it is usuall y C hiri cahua Apache in so uth-west America.
made from mulga branches and th atched with It is made up from long, flexi ble saplings
spinifex. The basic constructio n is similar to set into the gro und in a circl e of ho les
th e simple leaf hut, except that th e shelter is excavated with a digging sti ck. The sa plings
mu ch deep er, enabling several peo ple to sleep are bent over and interlaced to form an
in it side by side. The upright poles chosen for upri ght, dom e- shaped structure. This is
th eir curved shape are set securely into holes thatched with bunches of grass kicked o ut
excava ted w ith a di ggi ng stick and covered from the gro und and h eld in place w ith
w ith a loose latti ce of small, dead branches, encircling bands of natural corda ge or other
which is thatched w ith clumps of spinifex saplings. As always, the shelter is thatched from
bush. The sandy gro und is carefully clea ned of ground level upwards. The top is fini shed with
any dead sti cks o r thorns, and if necessary a a good depth of thatch .
dry- grass bed is laid. At the en trance a small In the head-waters of the Orinoco River
mulga-wood fire is lit and a w indb reak is in Venezuela I used one of th e most
qui ckly put together from som e dead mulga remarkable jungle shelters I have ever
branches and more clumps of spinifex as encountered. Its architects are th e Sanema, and
necessary. This ca n be moved as the wind th eir design and tec hnique are so efficient
changes. that, as I watc hed th em , working in grou ps of
six, they created overnight accommoda ti o n for

122 Essential Bushcraft

fifty people in the space of thirty minutes.
To build the shelter they need to find three
trees, which must be strong enough to support
hammocks, growing in a triangular
configuration and close enough to each other
to be joined by a shelter fra1ne. If the hunters
can't locate three suitable trees they manage
with two and a pole fixed firmly into the
Three cross poles are then lashed with
lianas to the uprights to connect them, one
positioned horizontally 2.5 metres above the
ground and the other two at an angle to meet
at a higher point. Across this triangular frame a
roof of straight sticks, about 3 metres long, is
laid.A layer of overlapping wild banana leaves,
anchored with a few extra sticks, is placed on
top of this to make the roof waterproof. The
occupants tie their hammocks in pairs, one
above the other, between the three posts, so
that each shelter holds up to six hammocks.
Anyone who hasn't brought his hammock
with him will quickly improvise one from the
split lianas.
In the middle of the shelter, dead wood is
feathered with a machete and a fire lit. The
cooking pot is suspended over the fire with a
simple pot crane. Smoke from the fire lingers
in the shelter, deterring insects.

Pa lm-frond hut
Perhaps the most commonly encountered
shelter design in the tropics is a hut with a
pitched roof and a raised sleeping platform. It
can be made from a wide range of materials.
The framework can be of bamboo, wood, or
even the midrib of palms such as the coconut
palm. For the roof thatching you can use split
and thatched palm fronds, sago palm leaves

Right, top to bottom:

• First a triangular frame is made.
• Next this is given long cross pieces.
• Wild banana leaves act as massive roofing tiles.
• Hammocks are stretched between the three corners.

Shelter 123
A strong roof design lashed together with sago palm midribs. Built in one hour, this shelter will survive at least six months.

folded over a split midrib and stitched in place Arctic open lean-to
with a thin, flexible splint from the midrib, This shelter is geared to the great boreal
grasses or large, flat leaves. forests where mainly tall, straight timber is
Set the major uprights firmly into the thick on the ground, and the axe is carried as
ground and add a ridgepole. Next the corner the primary survival tool.You should not build
posts are erected. The ends of the poles should it using green wood where the cutting of such
be as level as possible. Set secondary eave wood will cause lasting damage to the forest,
ridgepoles on their tops and tie them securely as would be the case, for instance, in broad-
in place. Lash the diagonal supports securely leaved deciduous woodland.
from the ridgepole to the eave pole. If fresh Find two trees 2.5 metres apart aligned at
bamboo is available this is easily done:just cut 90 degrees to the prevailing wind. This angle
a pole long enough to be bent over the will minimise the amount of smoke from your
ridgepole and tied down on to both eave fire entering your shelter. In breeze-free
poles. Cut out a section of the bamboo where conditions, build at 90 degrees to the slope of
you want to bend the pole. the ground: cooling air running downhill at
night can drive in the smoke. Fix a strong
Pygmy hut ridgepole to the trees, lashing with roots or
The Mbayaka Pygmy of the Central Africa withies, or by propping it up with fork-ended
rainforests make small dome-shaped shelters branches . Next construct your bed at chair
from flexible saplings. The roof is thatched height. It must be positioned so that you sleep
with large mongogo leaves by shaving up a side on to the fire, and it must be level. Take
sliver of the midrib into a hook, to which the time to get this right.
leaves can be attached like roofing tiles. Inside Now add the roof: lean straight poles
they sometimes build a raised sleeping against the ridgepole and tight up against the
platform, running up a blanket from a sheet of bed. In wet weather give the roof a very steep
suitable bark. angle; in drier conditions the slope can be

124 Essential Bushcraft

Classic northern lean-to in Rocky Mountains. Steep roof gives At -48 °C a quinze is a welcome shelter.
best rain proofing.

gentl er. In spruce forests yo u can use small not to heat them to th e point where they w ill
trees for this, cleaning them of their bo ughs, cause a fire.
w hi ch you can save fo r th atchi ng. Finish th e
roof fro m ground level - as always - with a The quinze
th atch of thick layers of boughs. The quin ze is a first-rate snow shelter ideally
Lay so me fin e bran ches o n the sleeping su ited to northern forests when the
platform in an overlapping herringbon e temp erature is below - 10°C. In such
pattern with the soft tips at the head end to conditions snow remains fine, dry and
give extra depth by way of a pillow. powde ry, and even makin g a snowball let
Finally light a long-log fire in front of th e alo ne cutting snow blocks is impossible.
shelter, at least one full pace from th e bed, and Instead, using shovels o r snowshoes form a
sto ck up on enou gh fu el for the ni ght. As long large mound of snow around 3 metres in
as yo u build the fire properly its warmth w ill diameter and 2 metres hi gh. If th ere are
convec t and radiate heat towards your body, enou gh of you the easiest way to do this job is
from th e sid e and from above, roo, as it w ill in a tea m of three. Put o ne person in th e
bo un ce back from th e roof. It will also wa rm centre on skis or snowshoes to trample down
yo u a li ttle from undernea th the sleeping the snow w hile th e other two pile it in wards.
platfo rm. It is rarely necessa ry to use a T he stamping breaks th e snow crystals,
refl ector, o r backlog fire, w ith a long-log fire. enco uragin g them to stick together in a solid
If you need extra wa rmth you ca n heat dry mass. Once the mound has b een completed,
rocks, no t rocks from rivers or damp gro und take pencil-thick sti cks of equal length, about
w hi ch are likely to explode, as are lumps of 30 centimetres, and push them into the snow
co ncrete or glassy ston e such as flint , in th e at 90 degrees to the surfa ce. In very cold
fire, and positio n th em w ith forked sti cks tempe ratures yo u can begin to hollow out a
under th e sleeping platform as underfl oo r shelter at o nce, although it is usually best to
heating. Obviously yo u w ill have to take ca re leave it fo r a while to give the snow a chance

Shelter 125
to refreeze. In th e m ea ntime have a warming and boughs, pilin g additional snow on top to
drink, then collect firewood and spruce crea te a volcano-like wall round the shelter.
boughs for beddin g insulation. C hoose a side for an opening. If yo u are on a
Returning to th e mound, excavate the slope, try to ensure that the opening is fac ing
snow from gro und level, carefully hollowing it away from the wind, looking along th e slope
o ut until you expose the ends of th e sti cks you rather than up or dow n it: this w ill redu ce the
have placed in the guinze. This w iLI ensure that likelihood of smoke filling your shelter. In the
the thickness of the walls remains co nstant and opening lay a long-log fire with a refl ector
prevent yo u in advertently diggin g too far and behind it. Inside th e shelter, clear the snow
weakening the stru c ture. back to the gro und , or as far as yo u can, and if
Inside you must add a ve ntilation hole and possible make a sleeping platform with a
form a raised sleeping area so th at cold air spruce-bough covering. If that isn't possible fill
sinks to below th e level at w hi ch you are the sleeping area of th e shelter with spru ce
sleeping. Insul ate the sleeping platform with boughs taken from another tree.
plenty of spruce bo ughs. A ca ndle inside the
quinze will provide so me wa rmth and a Snow cave
cheery light, and ca n prove a useful warnin g of Snow caves have saved the lives of hundreds of
an excess of ca rbon monoxide build-up w hi ch mo untaineers caught in blizza rds. The
will make the £lame sputter or eve n go out. principle of diggi ng into a snow bank to get
Check that your ventilation hol e is clear and o ut of the weath er is so simple that these
that you have a m eans of keepin g it that way shelters have been successfully created by
fro m inside the quin ze. Store your shovels mo untaineers wi th no formal instru ction in
inside the qu inze and leave yo ur skis outside how to make them . For a basic snow cave all
in a place w here th ey can easil y be loca ted if yo u need to do is di g straight into the snow
th ere is a heavy snowfall. Snowshoes should be slope an d hollow o ut a sleeping space to the
hung on a nearby branch. left and right in a T shape - that's it.
A more elab orate shelter for two people
Spruce-tree bivouac ca n be even easier to produce. Look for a
In deep snow in th e no rthern fo rests, yo u ca n snow bank with a short slop e about 3 m etres
build a quick shelter by excavating a space deep at its top. Not only does digging your
und er a spru ce tree. In colder temperatures, cave at the top of a slope put you in less
-10°C and above, w hen the snow is damp and danger of startin g an avalan che, but removing
heavy, this des ign is less effici ent than th e the snow is easier as you can throw it down
qu inze and mo re labour intensive beca use the bank behind you.
powdery dry snow is more diffi cult to move. Although snow is soft, diggin g out a snow
Search for a spru ce with a wi de sprea d of cave is hard work, so having th e right tools for
bran ches at its base and a good depth of snow th e job makes a great difference to th e energy
all around it. If yo u ca n find th e ri ght tree to yo u expend and thus to your chances of
start with you are halfway there. C hoose one survival. M ost peo ple recognise th at a snow
grow ing on hi gh: if you site yo ur shelter in a shovel is an essenti al piece of eq uipm ent for
gully it will fill with cold air durin g the night. w inter mountain eering, but yo u sho uld also
D ig a space between the canopy of th e have a snow saw, w hi ch will enable yo u to cut
branches, breaking off the lower o nes as
necessary, to crea te a li ving area. Reinforce the Opposite: Quick to construct, the spruce tree bivouac is cosy for
lower branches of th e tree with ex tra sti cks one but cramped for more.

126 Essential Bushcraft

Shelter 127
CD 0


~ '

Ventilation kept open

with ski pole.
Candle for warmth.

Shovel inside - in the event of a

cave-in you can dig out.


Shelter at top of slope where

avalanche risk is small.

Snow cave

128 Essential Bushcraft

out the snow in blocks with the maximum of under the weight of the snow. Novice snow-
speed and the minimum of effort. I would holers are often alarmed by this movement,
estimate that using a snow saw takes only a which is quite normal and not a worry in
third of the energy your body would have to itself. However, it does mean that you will be
devote to digging with a shovel alone. As a lucky to get three days out of a cave without
result you will be less tired, drier and in a having to increase the roof space, or make a
happier frame of mind as you work and new cave.
Flatten the snow in a vertical face 2 metres Snow trench
wide by 2.5 metres high, and with your saw The snow trench is a quick overnight shelter
make two vertical incisions 60cm apart and suited to dry, cold conditions when you do
1.5 metres long. Connect them with not anticipate a heavy snowfall. It is an
horizontal cuts top and bottom to form a excellent bivouac on a cross-country journey
rectangle. Next make two vertical cuts 20cm in the boreal forest, for example. Dig a trench
inside your original cuts so that they meet the in the snow deep enough for you to lie in,
first vertical incisions in a wedge (1). Start to well down out of the wind. Make it wide
remove the snow with an upward movement enough to stop you coming into contact with
of the saw, beginning 50cm below the highest the walls when you turn over in your sleep.
horizontal incision at about 30 degrees to Insulate the trench with a good depth of
your last vertical cut (2). The snow should spruce boughs, and try to arrange some simple
break away in wedges and slide into your cover at the head end to keep the snow from
gloved hands. Toss it over your shoulder so that falling on your face - perhaps your jacket laid
it falls down the slope behind you and out of over crossed skis.
your way (3). Continue cutting in this way
until you have taken away the snow within the Fighter trench
rectangle to the depth of the saw blade. Then In the mountains, where you are likely to find
create a T shape by slicing the snow on both snow firm enough to be quarried, the snow
sides of the upright cuts, and excavate the trench can be modified and improved. Search
snow until you have carved out enough space for deep, hard-packed snow on a flat,
for sleeping platforms. Already you will be avalanche-free surface. Test for lm depth snow.
shielded from the weather and feeling the Dig out the snow with your saw in blocks
benefit of the shelter. Add the ventilation hole measuring 90 x 45 x 16cm. Next dig your
and plug the top bar of the T shaped entrance trench, and around the inside edge of it carve
with one long block of snow and two smaller out a recess to accept the base of the blocks.
ones. Cut one of the blocks into a triangular shape
As always, store your shovel in the cave and and stand it at the end of the trench. Cut
keep a means of clearing the ventilation to another in half and set it on to the recess,
hand. Place insulation beneath you and leaning against the triangular end block.
smooth the inside of the roof to prevent crests, Repeat this process with the full-sized blocks,
which drip melting snow on to you. The staggering the positions of the blocks as you
original entrance to the cave doubles as a cold would in brickwork, until the trench is roofed.
well, ensuring that the warmer air rises to the At the point where the blocks meet, cut
top of the shelter where you will be sleeping. vertically through them and they will become
Check that the roof is not too low to allow perfectly bevelled and sit solidly against each
free movement because it will gradually sink other, forming an angled roof over the trench.
Continue until the whole trench has bee n Group shelter
roofed, blo ck in the ends and make an The grou p shelter is a m ore sop histica ted
entrance. If the snow is deep enough, dig a amalgam of many of the constru ction
co ld well in front of the entranc e to techniqu es we have so far covered. In essence
collec t cold air. As always, attend to the it consists of a circle of Joined open-fronted
insulation beneath you, and ventilation. Keep lean-tos facing inwards. It is one of the best
your shovel inside the trench. designs of all, in terms of both the effort it
takes to build and its effective ness as a
In the high Arctic the igloo was the traditional
winter shelter. Insid e it was heated by a
koo dlik seal-blubb er lantern with a wick rnade
from cotton grass and dr ied moss . Today the
indige nous Inuit tend to use heated frame
tents, w hich are qui ck and easy to erect, along
w ith modern sleep ing-bags, stoves an d space-
heaters, but the art of igloo-building has not
been forgotten. H owever, whil e experienced
practitioners can assemble an igloo in thirty to
forty-five minutes, it takes more skill and
expertise than can be pi cked up from a book.
If you are setting out into these barren
northlands, go well equipped and learn igloo-
building fro m the masters.

130 Essential Bushcraft

temporary home, offering a warmer and more
comfortable living space than any other
The ideal group shelter accommodates four
people although the design can easily be
adapted to suit three or a more sizeable team.
have several times built one for a group of
twenty, although for this many occupants it
needs to be oval rather than round and you
have to factor in more space for the fire.
Begin by getting each person to lie down,
end to end in a circle, and marking out his or
her body length to gauge the shelter
dimensions. When calculating these, allow
extra space for a doorway and storage areas.
The middle of each bed should be one pace
from the rim of the central fire pit. Then plant
your upright forked sticks into the ground.
These will support the weight of the roof, so
they must be strong, well dug in and all
installed at the same height. Connect these
sticks with short ridgepoles resting securely in
the forks. If you can't wedge them in tightly,
bind them in with withes. You will now be
looking at a henge-like ring.
Next lean strong diagonal supports against
the forked sticks, digging them into the
ground at the outer edge of the sleeping space.
By this stage the shelter should be pretty solid.
It is important to keep it sy1m11etrical so that
it is self-supporting and won't colJapse. For the
roof, lay sticks diagonally against the
ridgepoles and thatch the hut with forest
debris, starting as always at ground level and
working upwards. For the fire the opening at
the apex should be 1 metre in diameter, which
will alJow smoke to escape even in cold
weather and at the same time help to trap
warm air inside.
Make a lintel for the doorway from a
faggot of small sticks. This should be about
30cm in diameter and slightly longer than the
length of the doorway. Restricting the height
of the entrance in this way will reduce heat
loss from under the shelter and help the fire to

Shelter 131
draw properly so that th e interior doesn't built wrongly, it will be either cramped or
become too smoky. Using withes, secure th e cold and draughty. It does take practice and
lintel horizontally across the doorway at about experience to gauge the dimensions to
sternum height, and thatch the roof above it. perfection. Another of its advantages is
Hang a rolling blind mat over the entrance to discretion. There are no obvious angles or
keep the warmth in and the wind out. shadows discernible from the outside and
Inside, the sleeping area will consist of one because it has been created from local debris it
continuous cot-wall-type bed running in a blends almost invisibly into the landscape,
circle round the hut. Cooking pots can be muffling the sounds made by its occupants and
positioned over the fire in pot-hangers concealing the glow of their fire.
suspended in the centre on a single wooden There are two main risks with this shelter:
stick across the opening in the apex. collapse and fire . Avoid any accidents by
Complete the shelter by removing any appointing one team member to be
protruding branches or sticks that may cause responsible for ensuring that it is correctly
you injury or discomfort. If you don't do this, constructed at each stage. In a group of young
you are certain to regret it after dark. people, the shelter captain should be an
Seen up close, the group shelter resembles a experienced adult, preferably with some
small volcano. Its shape naturally encourages training in bushcraft and first aid. It certainly
an updraught that draws smoke away freely. If shouldn't be anyone who hasn't successfully
you build the shelter properly, it will be warm built one of these shelters before. If you have
and cosy and space will not be too restricted; sleeping-bags you can dispense with the fire

132 Essential Bushcraft

risk altogether, by not bghting one, but if you
don't you will need warmth. Stay safe and
comfortable by sticking to the following

• Fires produce the most smoke and flames

when they are being lit. Keep your fire small
and set it into a shallow wok-like depression,
which will give it a good ember base so that
you won't be continuously relighting it.
• Burn only dry, dead wood to minimise
smoke. Use firewood that burns long and
warm, such as oak or beech.
• Make sure that water is always kept to hand
inside the shelter in a place with which
everyone is acquainted. The shelter captain
should be responsible for this task. Rock overhangs provide welcome shade in arid lands, but be
• Establish an evacuation point in case of fire sure to look for snakes.
or any other emergency.
• If you are going to keep the fire burning population are also best avoided. Inhaled as
through the night operate a watch system to dust, guano can cause several dangerous
ensure both safety and warmth. diseases - histoplasmosis, hantavirus and
melioidosis, to name three.
Natural shelters If you are sheltering from a storm, another
As we have seen, one of the overriding aims of important consideration is what is described as
bushcraft is to achieve maximum efficiency for the 'spark-plug' effect in which lightning can
the nunimum effort. When it comes to finding pass across the gap between the cave roof and
shelter, this means staying alert to the your head as it searches for the shortest route
possibilities that may be offered by the of conduction. Take the precaution of allowing
landscape. There are a number of natural and at least 3 metres' clearance between your head
manmade features that nught provide shelter and the cave roof.
in themselves, or could be easily adapted to do As far as comfort is concerned, caves can
so. be draughty.You will need to provide yourself
with an insulative bed and possibly some form
Caves of windbreak.
Caves and rocky overhangs have given shelter
for hundreds of thousands of years, but there Fallen trees
are a few hazards of which you should be Fallen trees can sometimes be turned into
aware. Humans are not, of course, the only shelter or incorporated into a shelter design as
creatures to seek shelter in caves: spiders, a wall or ridgepole. Keep an eye open for
snakes and even bea rs may view as home the harmful creatures that may inhabit fissures in
one that you have happened upon. Be on the or beneath the bark. Fallen-tree shelters are
alert for tracks and other signs of such difficult to make draught-proof and they can
occupancy at the cave entrance. Caves heavily also cause complications in construction
soiled by the guano of a large bat or rodent methods.

Shelter 133
Stone walls Sangars
On moorland whe,·e few trees are to be In many desert areas nomadi c herdsmen create
found, stone walls may be used as a sa ngars, small corrals with low stone walls for
windbreak. Or, for an emergency shelter, a their sheep. These can be pressed into service
polythene survival bag may be pitched aga inst as shelters with a tarp or other improvised roof
a wall. spread across the top. Before movin g in, clear
out any rocks or dung. Watch out for
Hollows scorpio ns , which like to live undern eath both
Hollows and gro und depressions have th e dung and rocks.
allure of a nest, a quality that attracts many
novi ces to build their shelters in them. But for Useful equipment for natural shelters
the most part they are damp places in which Polythene survival bag: On a mountain
to pitch camp. lf you must sleep in such a expedition it is best to take with you
place, perhaps beca use you need to stay emergency survival gear such as a sleeping
hidden, search for the driest hollow you can mat, Gore-tex bi vvy ba g and warm clothin g
find in well-drained ground. Lay down extra or a lightweight sleeping-bag. However, many
beddin g or, better still, construct a raised bed mountaineers rely on the lightweight
and put a roof over the depression to channel po lythene survival bag. If yo u need to use one
away rain from. its rim. of these as an emergency bivouac, put on
w hatever spare clothes yo u have w ith yo ur
Hollow trees waterproof clothing on top and search for a
Both standin g and fallen hollow logs have large rock , rocky outcrop or stone wall to
been used as shelter. If you can find a tree shelter behind. Imp rovise some gro und
with enough space in it to accommodate your insulation: for example, sit o n your climbing
body, clean it out as best you can, but stay on rope. At the closed end of th e poly bag, cut a
th e lookout for veno mous creatures. When small face hole to brea th e through. Pull the
yo u are satisfied that all is safe, crawl inside. bag over your body, put your feet inside your

134 Essential Bushcraft

rucksack for further insulation and eat some of nylon cord can be used in turn for its fibres,
your emergency food. Keep your whistle and which can be used for fishing-line or sewing
torch to hand for signalling. thread.
The suspended parachute tepee is the
Portable bothy: An improvement on the option I usually go for. Stretch the parachute
polythene bag, which is available in a range of fairly taut, high off the ground in a single
sizes to accommodate from two to six people. layer. This gives you an excellent shelter to
This lightweight, portable shelter made of work under, and although it isn't fully
waterproof Dayglo-orange nylon and fitted rainproof it breaks the force of the rain.
with ventilation holes provides instant
protection from wind and rain. Warmed by the Lightweight trail shelters
body heat of the occupants, it is surprisingly One of the greatest joys of travelling in
comfortable. To gain maximum benefit from remote regions is the sense of independence
the bothy use it in the lee of a wall or large and freedom it gives you. To enjoy such
boulder and, as with the poly bag, insulate nomadic wandering you need an easily
yourself from the ground with rucksacks or transported shelter. My preference, for many
climbing ropes. reasons, is a lightweight tarp or shelter sheet. It
is light, weighing as little as a kilogram, which
Polythene sheeting: If you have some increases your capacity for extras such as a
polythene sheeting available you can improvise warmer sleeping-bag or more food. It is
all manner of shelters. The only major versatile, providing all kinds of protection,
drawback to using polythene is that because it from shade in arid zones to shelter from the
is totally impermeable, condensation will build rain in the tropics. Also under a tarp you sleep
up inside and may soak your dry, insulative close to nature and wake up to limitless fresh
layers. Try to keep your bedding away from air. A tarp shelter can be pitched in moments,
the shelter walls and make sure you have then taken down and packed away just as
enough ventilation for the condensation to quickly.
Fixed-tarp shelter
Parachutes: Ex-military parachutes can often I opt for the fixed-tarp shelter only when I
be bought in army surplus stores. They may plan to be pitched for more than a few days. I
no longer be serviceable as parachutes, but usually fasten two tarps together to give myself
have many good years ahead of them as more room for manoeuvre for the duration.
lightweight shelter. There are ways without You could do the same if you are travelling
end to pitch parachutes as shelters, and the with others: this combined shelter will
fabric can be adapted to produce a variation comfortably sleep two or three people.
on many of the shelters we have already Cut forked uprights and one strong
looked at. The key point to remember is that ridgepole to fit the dimensions of your tarp
parachute nylon is not waterproof so it and set the upright supports in the ground a
won't offer protection from the rain used tarp length apart with the ridgepole between
any old how. But stretching taut improves its them. Pop together your tarps, pitch them
capacity to shed rain, and arranging it in over the ridgepole and peg them taut to the
two layers 30cm apart virtually guarantees a ground. If your tarps don't fasten to each
dry shelter. Parachutes can also be other, pitch one of them on one side allowing
cannibalised for their nylon cord and the 15cm to overhang the ridgepole and peg it
out with guy lines on both sides. Do the same set up your tarp between them. Pitch the tarp
with the tarp on the other side so that both at about the height of your sternum (lower in
tarps are stretched taut, overlapping at the very bad weather, or if you wish to keep a low
ridgepole. profile) and peg it out with simple improvised
You can make the shelter more snug by pegs. In country which is home to insects and
enclosing the ends with simple thatching. venomous snakes it is a good idea to pitch a
Fully thatch one end, doing only half the mosquito net beneath your tarp. Choose one
other to leave a space for the doorway. Set with a sewn-in groundsheet that can be
short, upright wands into the ground, green- zipped up.
stick-fracture them at the tarp edge, and bend
the tops down to rest just under the tarp. The Tarp-and-hammock bivouac
ends can be interwoven to provide structural The tarp-and-hammock is my favourite way
support. Interweave horizontal withies, bar none of sleeping outdoors. I use this
bending down their ends, and dry grasses or bivouac in the warm months of the year in
plants, or other thatching materials. temperate climates and most of the time in the
tropics. Search for two trees at a suitable
Simple tarp bivouac distance away from each other to take your
This commonly used shelter is particularly hammock and tarp, and pitch the tarp at a
suited to forest camping, and gives you an height of about 2m, guying it out firmly. Tie
enriching sense of closeness to your up your hammock beneath it, with or without
environment. The secret is to have your tarp a mosquito net, depending on the conditions.
already set up with appropriate guy lines so l string a cord between the tarp and the
that you can pitch it easily after dark. hammock where l can hang my clothes and
Among the usual criteria we apply to boots overnight. The whole operation takes
finding the right site, protection from the only five 1ninutes, and when you break camp
prevailing wind is a particular priority for in the morning there is hardly a trace that you
using the tarp bivouac. Look also for an area were ever there, which is the perfect way of
where the trees are wide enough for you to camping in forests.

136 Essential Bushcraft

Evenk slippery figure-of-eight hitch.
This is the method used by Evenk reindeer-herders of Siberia to tie a strong quick
release hitch . It is one of the most useful knots - excellent for tying up taut lines.

Used to tie and tighten the ridge cord of a tarp shelter tightly
and securely, it releases with a pul l on the working end.

The slippery adjustable loop.

My favourite method for setting up guy lines
on a tarp or shelter, it facilitates quick removal
by pulling on the working end. Tie to an
improvised peg or convenient sapling.

Shelter 137
In mountains, tundra or moorland regions
where trees are sca rce it is best to carry a hike
tent. There are many excellent designs on the
market; for comfort and longevity, look for
one th at has:

• plenty of room to live in - there's nothin g

worse than having to spend several days
cramped in a tent in which you cannot sit
• zips that are not heavily strained - if they are
they will certai nly fail w hen you need them
th e most
• No-S ee- Um netting - to prevent insects Heated tents: In forests, on ca noe trips or used
ge tting in as a base camp transported by pack animal,
• good ventilation - my greatest criticism of dog sled, four-by-four or snow mobile, no tent
so me mod ern tent designs is that th ey often provides greater cheer than a heated one. M y
don 't make enough allowance for the favo urite is the tepee-style tent of north ern
evaporation of condensation Europe, now available in portable mod els with
• sound flooring material or an one central collapsible pole. These tents are a
interchangeable underfloor for added popular choice in the sub-Arctic and keep you
protection wa rm and dry in the worst weather, so they
• large vestibule for stowage and cooking in are ideal for the British climate - a perfect
inclement wea th er headquarters for a yo uth-gro up expedition, for
• a design geared specifically to the conditions exa mple.
in w hich you'll be using it Depending on th e size and specifications,
they can be heated either by a portable wood-
burning stove, with a chinmey to carry away
the smoke, or a fire in a readily ava ilable
colJapsible firebox to prevent scorching of the
ground .

Evenk tent, central Siberia.

Shelter 139
String or cordage is one of the most important resources
we can carry with us into the wilderness . With it we can
improvise items for use in the camp, negotiate obstacles,
such as rivers or cliffs, make temporary repairs to
equipment and, should the need arise, catch food .
As with so many items of our modern equipment we
take for granted the presence of strong nylon cord. But in
the study of bushcraft we must learn how to provide
cordage for ourselves from nature . Fortunately there are
many fibres to be found in the natural environment
which we can utilise to make all sorts of cordage from
small lines to strong ropes .
Of course, only half the story is about making cordage :
it is just as important to know what to do with it once
you have it. Although many believe that knots are
difficult to learn, for the most part the opposite is true -
particularly the ones we use in bushcraft.
IMPROVISED CORDAGE nature is willing to supply, and do no lasting
Roots damage within the forest .
The roots of many trees can be used to make Now prepare the root for use. First remove
cordage - spruce, cedar, hemlock, yew, larch the bark: this is best done with a tool called a
and pine are particularly adaptable, but some brake. To make one take a dead piece of wood
deciduous trees, such as birch, can also be that can still be split. Carve the stick like a
used . screwdriver, cutting a Vin the flat blade end
The roots that you need are the long, about 4cm deep. Insert the root into the split
surface ones, which are thin and flexible, and support the stick in your closed hand. Pull
found just a few centimetres beneath the the root through the split and the bark will
ground. Generally, the best are to be found in split and peel off The root can now be dried
mossy conditions where the soil is easily and stored for use later in the year or be
removed from a large area to expose them. pressed into service straight away.
Then they can be separated from each other If you're lashing together a shelter
and harvested. Failing this , take a short, finger- ridgepole you need not remove the bark:
thick stick about 20cm long, and gently scrape choose a root strong and long enough and use
at the ground at 90° to the direction from it as it is. If, however, you are lacing or lashing
which you think a root might radiate out from together something that must stay tightly
the tree. Eventually the tip will trip over a bound, allow the root to dry first: when it is
root. Once you have found your root, excavate green it will shrink considerably as it dries; if
along its whole length - never try to pull the you make a lashing with it green, when the
root from the ground as it is much more mot shrinks the binding will come loose.
firmly attached than you may imagine and will When you use a dry root moisten it before
snap; instead, be patient and take your time to use to make it more flexible. Traditionally,
unearth it. Choose a root slightly thicker than some roots, particularly those of the spruce, are
its intended purpose to allow for the relatively improved by boiling: this increases the root's
thick bark on the root. Take only one or two flexibility and makes it less prone to becoming
roots from each tree and carefully replace the brittle when dry.
soil. That way you wi!J harvest a resource that You can split roots many times to make
finer binding materials, and semicircular or flat
binding strips that become attractive, strong
and functional lashings . In northern Europe
fine roots have been used to weave intricate

Wit hies
Withies are the wire of the woods, made from
thin, flexible birch, hazel, ash, and willow
wands. In our rural past, withies were used to
bind together faggots of firewood for
transportation to bakeries in cities, to hold in
place the staves of barrels and lash together
frameworks of rustic poles. You will find them
Roots can be a strong and easily available material, particularly most useful in the construction of shelters,
in coniferous forests campsites and all manner of backwoods

142 Essential Bushcraft

proj ects. They have even been used to make
ropes for crossin g rivers. In th e archaeological
record, withies have been fo und attached to
heavy o bj ec ts for hauling, and lashing together
the planks of ea rly rafts.
Withies can be made in wi nter, but yo u
will find it easier in th e summ er w hen th e sa p
is well up in th e tree and the fibres are most
fle xible. First, search for a suitable wand - it
should be a yo un g shooting sapling or branch.
Choose one that is flexible, long enou gh for
its in tended purpose, and w hich is free of In deciduous forests withies have boundless uses.
strong branching stems. Begin by stretchin g
th e wand and trimming off any side branches woodland outside Londo n sent the withies
about 4mm from the main shoot. N ext, back to the woods for recycling. If they dry
graspin g th e wand close to where it is attached out, soaking will restore their flexibili ty.
to the parent tree, twist it until you hear the
fibres pop. N ow co ntinue to twist gently, Bark
moving yo ur hands towards the tip of the The ca mbium or inner bark of so me trees ca n
shoot. Hold th e tip and b end the wand into an be removed and processed into wide sheets or
S shape rather li ke pedals and cranks on a thin strips of fibre. Although I shalJ desc ribe
bicycle. Turn the pedals carefully, wh ich how to do this with the trees to be found in
loosens the fibres, grad ually working your way the northern temperate zone, the same
towa rds the base. Don't over-twist it or the techniqu es ca n be applied to a w ide range of
fibres will fray and break. Almost inevitabl y in trees fo und in other parts of the wo rld.
some places they wi ll be less willing to loosen;
at these spots yo u ca n en co urage the twistin g Willow bark
by stretc hi ng the withy and working it gently The willow is widespread in th e north ern
between your hands. Once you have soft ened temperate zone, favour ing wetl and habitats. Its
the withy to its fulJ length, yo u can cut it bark is easily removed between March and
cleanly from th e tree. Jul y. If yo u are goin g to use it for bi nding or
You ca n use it as it is, or split it in half to lashing, yo u need only remove suitabl e strips
lash together poles or bundles of materials. and leave on the outer bark. I tend to take it
Withies are remarkably strong and endu r ing, from sapli ngs 4-6cm in diam eter: they provide
and can even be tied together with a stro ng, thick bark which when cut into
conventio nal kn ots, particularly the fisherman's Smm-lcm wide strips, produces an excelJent
knot (see page 157). I have used withies binding material. For finer work remove the
regularly to esta blish a rustic camp, lashin g outer bark from the willow, or the inner bark
together ridgepo les, or support poles for wi lJ dry an d become brittle. For weaving or
kitchen utensils and implements. T he las hings maki ng string, yo u wilJ need a thinn er, more
las t a yea r eas il y and so m.etimes two befo re fl exible inner bark, found on saplings of an
th ey have to be replaced . even small er diameter.
W ithies ca n also be re-used: in the T he best place to look for suitable sa plings
eighteenth century bakers w ho recei ved or thi ck wa nds is in wet areas at woodland
faggots of hornbeam bound with withies from edges or along the banks of streams and small

Cordage 143
Scrape away green outer bark. Slice open length of in ner bark.

Peel bark halfway off. Lift out wood from bark.

Save the outer bark: boil it in water with ash and bark fibres
to increase the fibre's durability.

With care you wi ll have a sheet of bark that can

be split down to desired widths.

144 Essential Bushcraft

rivers. I try to find a willow tree that has fa llen
over with side shoots risin g vertically from the
trunk. Choose a straight sapling 3cm in
diameter, with as few side branches as possible
Prune it ca refull y, using a folding saw; in this
way th e tree is not damaged. Next, trim off
the to p of the sapling and plant it in the
ground, w here, beca use of the willow's
tenacious nature, it may take root and grow
into a new tree.
Scrape off the dark green outer bark with
th e back of yo ur knife blade. Keep th e bark
scrapings. Now slit the bark all the way along
the sapling, th en peel it half-way off th e stic k
on either side of the split, then lift it free. It
ca n be used straight away to tie undemanding
lashings, but fo r more prolonged use, or for
th e manu fac ture of fine cordage, yo u will need
to process it. C ut the inner bark into useful-
size d strips, th en put it into a pot with so me
wood ash and the saved outer bark scrapings .
Sim.mer it for at least 40 nunutes; by this tim e
the bark will have changed colour to a deep
ruddy brown. It is now more durable and
fl exible. W illow-bark strips ca n be woven into
multi-colou red straps by nuxing unprocessed
with processed strips twisted into two or more
ply cordage.
Alth o ugh in theory it is impossible to
remove the inner bark from the willow during
winter, I have found that by using a knife to
strip off the fibres it is possible to collect tlun
strips 20-30cm long by 4m.m wide. The fibres
from winter- stripp ed bark are stron ge r, makin g
th em th e best choice for thin strong cord.

Lime bark
The inner bark from th e lime tree was once
one of the most important sources of natural
Lime trees reproduce well by suckering -
that is, produ cin g new saplings from th e base
of the mature tree - and suckers 5- 1Scm in Now fibres ca n be easily split down as
diameter can be felled with no fear of necessary, rinsed and dried.

damaging th e mature tree. To remove the bark

Cordage 145
from a sucker, split it the full len gth and pull it Turn the leaf round and beat the basal end,
off like a j acket. Save the wood to season and where it attaches to the main stem, against a
carve: soft and light-coloured, it is a delightful rock to soften it. Then take the leaf in the
wood to work with. Straight from the tree centre between your teeth and pull
lim e bark is stiff and incredibly inflexible, like downwards with your hands until the leaf is
plastic guttering, and seems the most unlikely halved. Repeat the process to quarter it. These
material to turn into flexible cord. For quick strips ofleaf fibre can be knotted together base
makeshift cordage, a few fibres can be peeled end to base end, pointy end to pointy end,
away from the inside of the bark jacket. For and with a simple reef or square knot. In this
the best cordage, though, the bark must be way you can produce several metres of just the
soaked in water for several weeks - a slow- right sort of cordage for a wickiup (see page
flowing stream is ideal. After soaking it takes 122).
on a strong smell of vegetative decay and
tannin which can be quite overpowering, but Agave (Agave sp.)
the layers of bark w ill separate freely and you The tip of the agave leaf has a hard sharp
can strip out large quantities of broad fibres. spike, which can be left attached to the fibres
Wash them in fresh water to get rid of the of the agave leaf for use as a needle. When
strong smell and then hang them out to dry. In green leaves are thick, fleshy, and cactus-like in
the past these were used to make strong rope, texture soak them until the fibres pull off
and are well suited for use in fishing lin es, easily, or scrape them free, the more usual
string, and strong cords. They can also be used method. A word of caution here: the leaf juice
for weaving. may cause severe skin irritation unless it is
washed off immediately after contact.
Other barks Begin by cutting a fleshy leaf with a good
Many other trees yield fibre from their inner point low at the base of the plant - take care
bark, including wych elm, oak and sweet because the edge is covered with many tiny
chestnut. Once you're familiar with the thorns - then sli ce off the edge. Next use a
processes by which lime and willow bark can sharpened piece of wood or perhaps the back
be treated, you can adapt them to other trees. of your knife to scrape the flesh off the leaf -
Sweet chestnut and oak inner barks can be sometimes it helps to pound it a little first.
stripped from the partially rotting bark found Soon yo u see the fibres starting to free
on fallen timbers. When dried, they make themselves.You can speed up the process by
wonderfully soft flexible string. rubbing them round a nearby branch. When
clean of flesh, the fibres are extremely strong
Plant fibres and remain attached to the sharp point of the
Many hundreds of plants around the world leaf. These natural 'needles and thread' were
will provide you with fibres. Once you have carried by Apache warriors and were strong
become familiar with the ones available in enough to repair a damaged moccasin.
your homeland you quickly learn to adapt the Remove the sharp point to use the fibres as
techniques for extracting them to strange strong cord or string.
plants in other countries.
Wild sisal, mother-in-law's tongue
Yucca (Yucca sp.) (Sansevieria aethiopica)
Take fresh green leaves and begin by battering Wild sisal is found in Africa and grows well in
the sharp point at the leaf tip against a rock. extremely arid conditions. It is easily

146 Essential Bushcraft

How to produce cordage from yucca leaves

Pull off green yucca leaf. Blunt the sharp point on a rock.

Bash the base of the leaf against a rock to soften it. From the middle of the leaf, strip down the fibres four or
more times.

Tie leaf strips together into long cord. Long cord, strips and whole leaves from yucca.

Cordage 147
San bushman stripping pulp from fibres Stinging nettle (Urtica sp.) Willowherb (Epilobium sp.)
of Sansevieria aethiopica.

recognised as it looks like pieces of green lengths. The fibres can be used as they are for
rubber hose-pipe standing upright in the many jobs - for example, tying a fish to a stick
ground. It is used by Bushmen in the Kalahari for cooking - or can be made up into strong
to produce string strong enough to snare deer cord. The finest nettle cordage is produced by
or birds. A long sisal plant is cut low down, drying the fibres then dampening them
pounded with the blunt end of a digging slightly before laying into string.
stick, then scraped of its thick pulp with the
sharp end until the strong internal fibres have Willowherb (Epilobium sp.)
been freed. Willowherb can be used in the winter to
provide fibres when many other fibre-
Stinging nettle (Urtica sp.) producing plants are no longer available. It is
Stinging nettle produces inferior cordage but the outer fibres on the stem of great
it is adequate for short-term needs. First, select willowherb, Epilobium hirsutum, that are used
tall nettles: they are best collected late in their for cordage. The plant can often be found in
growing season just before they begin to dry large stands beside ponds, ditches and damp
and rot. Avoid being stung: if you do not have ground. It is quite easy to remove the fibres as
gloves with you, use a pair of socks to protect there are no stings or acrid juices to contend
your hands or coat your hands heavily with with. Rosebay Willowherb Epilobium
mud. Remove the leaves, flatten the stems angustifolium (above) may also be used.
gently either by squeezing them between your Take a dry stem and pull off any leaf stalks
index finger and thumb or, if they are strong then gently crush the stem as you would with
and resistant, by rolling a small stick over them stinging nettles. Open the stem flat and you
on a log. Now bend the nettle in the middle will find that the pith is woody: to remove it
to break the strong, fibrous pith inside. snap it every 8cm along the full length of the
Remove the pith, leaving the fibres attached to stem, then lift out each section of woody pith
the outer bark, then peel the bark into four from the fibrous outer bark. The fibres need

148 Essential Bushcraft

no further processing as they are usually dry
already. They can be laid into cordage strong
enough to make a snare or fishing line.
Other plants that can be used in a similar
way include evening primrose, milkweed,
Indian hemp and dogbane.

One of the best cordage resources, found in
the tropical rainforests. Hanging like pieces
of telephone cable from the highest
branches, lianas trail down towards the
ground. Little needs to be done to make
these fibres ready for use other than to tug
carefully on the end so that they snap high
up. Be careful not to pull too hard and bring
down dead branches on top of your head.
Also, don't look up: liana is elastic and can
snap like a bungee cord .
Lianas can be found in many diameters
from 3nm1 to 20mm; they have been used to
tie bundles of leaves, for construction
purposes, and even to niake improvised rope
bridges across fast-flowing rivers or deep
chasms. When using them, watch out for the
sap: if you get it on your hands don't rub your
eyes or the tender parts of your body until you
have washed them thoroughly.


The 2 ply pygmy roll (right)

1. Begin by tying together two strands of

cordage fibres. These are held together with
one hand (here using the left hand) while
the other hand effects the twisting. Hold
the strands where they meet and, using the
thumb and middle finger of your free hand,
roll the two strands simultaneously in the
same direction until they are tightly
twisted , being sure to keep them apart so
that they twist independently.

2. At the end of the roll, clamp the two

strands between thumb and middle finger.

Cordage 149
Release the left hand and the strands will Handling cordage
twist together as cord. Repeat the process Although today's ropes are generally lighter
until you have the necessary length of and stronger than the ropes of yesteryear, they
cordage. As the fibres in the strand start to may be more susceptible to some forms of
run out twist in new fibres to each strand. damage than the natural ropes used in the
Strive to maintain an even thickness in past. For example, climbing ropes left in the
each strand. boot of a car in hot weather may be severely
weakened by exposure to high temperatures.
The rope lay Here are some rope rules.
For larger cords a similar process can be
adopted. Clamp the point where the strands • Know the history of your rope : never lend any
meet with your thumb. Clamp the lower rope which you use in a life-preserving role.
twisted strand between the index and middle
fingers of the left hand and hold the upper • Familiarise yourself with the manufacturer's
strand at the end of rolling. Releasing the recommendations: most reputable rope-
thumb allows the cord to twist together. manufacturing companies can supply you
with all the relevant information you will
need to care for and maintain your rope.

• Don't carry a rope when it has exceeded its

recommended life.

• Handle your rope with care: many

professional mountaineers insist on coiling
their own rope, as others' poor technique can
damage it.

• Don't tread on your rope: this forces dirt

into the weave of the rope, which will
abrade the fibres and weaken it.
3-strand flat plait
• Don't let your rope come into contact with
chemicals, which may affect its strength.

• Don't pass a rope over a sharp edge or a

rough surface: pad the rope where it passes
over rock with a rucksack or item of
0 clothing. Alternatively, use a strop or sling
and a karabiner to reposition the rope's
passing point away from the abrasive edge.

• Small-diameter rope can become more

tangled than larger rope: learn to hank your
cord and avoid this. It will save you many
hours of frustration.

150 Essential Bushcraft

4-strand round plait

8-strand flat plait

cordage 151
Rope terminology

1. Working End
2. Bight
3. Loop or a single turn
4. Twist
5. Two round tu rns
6. Standing part
7. Standing end

How to coil ropes

Securing the coil.

CD ®

Lap coiling: a method kind to rope,

popular for coiling climbing ropes as it ©
does not kink the rope.

15 2 Essential Bushcraft

Alpine Coiling

Chaining (right): chaining is useful for canoe

lines as it prevents tangles, particularly in
Chaining a rope. capsizes.

Cordage 153
How to hank cordage KNOTS
In an ideal world one kno t would be used for
every purpose, but this isn't an ideal world and
we need to be able to tie different knots for
different purposes. For instance, you may have
to moor a boat, cross a river, set up a camp,
and abseil down a cliff all in one j ourney:
knowledge of a wide variety of knottin g
techniques wi lJ get yo u past these hurdles.

The overhand knot and its useful relatives

Probably the simplest of all knots, and
fortunately it is incorporated in many others
used in the bushcraft world, all of w hi ch are
easily tied and relatively secure. The drawback
of the overhand knot is that once tightened
under load it can be hard to untie: use it with
small-diameter cordage rather than ropes.

The overhand knot.

Used as a stopper to prevent a cord slipping through an eyelet
or to prevent the sealed end of a cord fraying.

Above: Tied in doubled cord

to provide a secure loop.

Right: Two-strand overhand

Hanking keeping lengths of cord tidy is an everyday chore. knot. A common and effective
This technique prevents tangles way to tie off drawcords.

154 Essential Bushcraft

Overhand bend.
A moderately secure way to join ropes and cord.

Double frost knot.

For joini ng climbing tapes

Cordage 155
Slip knot.
The slip knot is the basis for several other useful knots.

Bow string knot.

Secu ring a slip knot with an overhand knot as a stopper,
this knot is used for bow strings by ma ny indigenous

Slip knot secured with a half hitch.

Honda knot.
This knot was used to form the loop in a cowboy lariat as it
forms a round open eye.

156 Essential Bushcraft

Fisherman's eye knot.
A sli p knot secured with an overhand knot around the standing part forms a strong eye.

Overhand bend or fish erman's knot.

Two sliding overhand knots form a join between cords.


Double fisherman's knot.

More secure than the overhand bend, this knot has been used widely in mountaineering to join ropes and make strops.

Cordage 157

Slippery hitch (above).

A useful knot for suspending items like stuff sacks
from a branch or a taut line.

Mooring line hitch (right).

A knot widely used for temporarily mooring small boats,
which releases when the working end is pulled.

Evenk overhand hitch.
In Siberia, nomadic reindeer-herders employ
quickly-tied release knots to minimise the time
their fingers are exposed to the cold. These
knots are very useful.

158 Essential Bushcraft


The jam knot.

The jam knot is a simple lashing, which
provides strength for a minimal
expenditure of cordage. It is intended for
tying in nylon cord.


',,· ·

Cordage 159
The figure-eight knot and its useful relatives of their widespread adoption by climbers and
The figure-eight knot - or, as it is sometimes mountaineers. If the figure -eight knot is tied
called, the Flemish knot - is a more reliable wrongly an overhand version is the result. This
knot than the overhand knot in that it is both may be difficult to untie but will hold under
secure and easily untied after loading. The strain. Use it in much the same circumstances
figure-eight family of knots are among the as you wo uld the overhand knot.
most important used in the outdoors because

The figure-of-eight knot.

Similar to the overhand, the figure-of-eight knot is less prone to
jam tight. If tied incorrectly you end up with an overhand knot
which is secure, hence the figure-of-eight's popularity amongst

The figure-of-eight loop.

The most popular knot for tying into climbing
harnesses and belays, the figure-of-eight is a very
important knot.

The figure-of-eight bend.

A secure method of joining ropes

160 Essential Bushcraft


The double figure-of-eight knot.

This knot provides two non-slip loops and can be used to
improvise emergency climbing harnesses.

The triple figure -of-eight knot.

This knot produces three non-slip loops -
excellent for an improvised harness for
lowering, with one long loop around the
back and shoulder and two smaller leg

Cordage 161
The bowline knot and its useful relatives The clove hitch and its useful relatives
The bowline is one of the most widely Another widely used knot, easy to tie, untie,
employed of all knots, used to form a secure adjust and to learn because of its clear
loop at the end of a rope. In mountaineering symmetry. It is an essential knot to be familiar
and climbing it has been superseded largely by with. The constrictor knot is a moclification of
the figure-eight, although it is still widely used the clove hitch: its exceptional security makes
in alpine mountaineering and at sea. Because it one of the most useful of all knots.
of its strength, reliability and speed of tying, it
is a knot with which we should all be familiar.


The bowline.
A secure, quickly-tied knot with a non-slip loop, the
bowline remains popular amongst mariners and


The triple bowline. The clove hitch.

Tied with doubled cordage, a triple bowline is formed Used to attach a line to a post or rail, this is a secure fastening
with three non-slip loops. This can be used to improvise so long as the strain comes from 90° to the post.
a harness for lowering.
Clove hitch (tied in the bight).

Slippery clove hitch.

A useful knot for temporary fixing, which is
easily released. It can be used to guy out to

Round turn and two half hitches.

This knot can be tied under strain and forms a strong
attachment. Take a round turn around post or beam and
pass two half hitches around the standing part.

The anchor bend or fisherman's bend.

This cannot be tied under strain but with the first
half hitch tucked through, the round turn forms a
very secure attachment.
The buntline hitch.
With the end of this hitch constrained within the loop of
the hitch, this knot does not work loose. Consequently it is
a good knot for tarps and tents, remaining secure even
when they are flapping in strong winds.

The constrictor knot (tied with an end).

A modified clove hitch, the constrictor knot binds tightly upon itself and does not work loose.

The constrictor knot (tied in the bight).

164 Essential Bushcraft

Other useful knots


The sheet bend.

The sheet bend is a quick way to join two cords - very effective if they are of differing thicknesses. It ca n also be used to attach
cords to the corners of a sheet of material which has no eyelets. To do th is, twist the corner unti l it can be doubled back,
forming a big ht through wh ich to sheet-bend the guy.

=========~. ,gg' :::

The double sheet bend.

A more secure form of the sheet bend.

Modified or hauling sheet bend .

In this knot the working end is tucked away, streamlining
the knot for hauling.

Cordage 165
CD \i t
The lark's foot hitch.
Simple and widely used, it should not be relied upon
in rescue situations with man-made fibres - under
load they can heat up and melt through.

The plank sling.

The plank sling is more easily learned when it is tied as
shown here. This knot is a first-rate binding for a
bundle of tent poles or sticks. Pull the sticks tight and
tie off the ends.

............ ;::~-:-• .

The timber hitch. The highwayman's hitch.

Elegant and simple, this hitch is a secure and A secure hitch which will release cleanly and
econom ical method to begin lashings and taut lines It quickly.
is pa rticu larly useful tied in natu ral cordage.

166 Essential Bushcraft


The alpine butterfly knot.

This is a non-slip knot of strength, used to tie
a loop in the middle of a rope - a traditional
middleman knot in mountaineering. Use it
when loops are needed in a line.

Cordage 167
The waggoner's hitch.
A simple and effective means of tensioning a rope.

The vice-versa knot.

Will join elastic shock cord - useful for repairing the cord

i in tent poles.

l_ This is better still.

It can be improved by
pinning here with a stout bar. The adjustable loop.
Quick and easy to tie, this knot is perfect for
adjustable guylines.

The blood knot with inwa rd coil.

A secure and easily tied knot for joining fishing line. When tying monofilament, wet the knot before making tight
to ensure proper tightening.

168 Essential Bushcraft


The surgeon's knot. /o\

Used to tie off sutures, the surgeon's knot will secure 0
the ends of nylon cord where other more conventional
knots - such as the reef knot - will loosen and come

The first coil provides the weight The second coil provides
and sufficient cord to reach from sufficient rope to reach from the
the branch down to the ground ground to the branch.

The half blood knot.

A quick and easy knot for attaching a hook to fishing
line. Wet the line before tightening.

The tree-surgeon 's throwing coil (right).

This technique is used by tree surgeons to cast a rope
over high branches with ease, without tangles and jams.

Cordage 169
Th roughout the planning of your journey it may seem as
though setting out is the smal lest part of the who le
endeavour and in many ways that is true. But when you
do, it is important that you are working both physically
and mentally at 100 per cent. Leave behind any menta l
baggage that may distract you .
MENTAL PREPARATION not assum e that th ey w ill be of the hi ghes t
The moment the door shuts behind me I calibre: on seve ral occasions I have been
switch into an expedition frame of ni.ind, and surprised by the in competence of guides
so should yo u. From that point forward you w ho came bearin g th e highest
must pay pro per attention to all the details of recomm endati ons. The im po rtant thing is to
the journ ey, run over the details so that you be responsible for yo ur ow n sa fety. Do not
are co mp letely au fail with the ni.inutia e.You be too willing to abdicate such responsibility
mu st beco me active and sharp, spotting signs to others.
in the airport ahead of others, and th ereby • If you are ac ting as guide, be receptive to the
preparin g yourself for the kind of alertn ess history and experience of other members of
th at makes the difference w hen yo u are in the your party: th ey may be highly co mp etent,
bush.You must beco me willjng to adapt to ye t in the ea rly stages of an expedition see m
new circumstances and bend with th e fl ow of not to be so because th ey are ada pting and
th e j o urney, like the proverbial tree on th e acclimatising to new environm ental
mountain . challenges. Orientati o n is a key ea rly phase
of any expedition.
• Push aside any fea rs yo u may harbour so th at • Switch on your memo ry: make certain yo u
they don't cloud your judgement at times of know w hat items of eq uipm ent yo u have
crisis. with you, where yo u put th em last and what
• Become co nsiderate to others around you, you used them for so that yo u don't lose
suppressi ng your own idiosyncrasies in th e anything. The si mpl er your o utfit, th e easier
interests of tea m morale. it is to maintain.
• Exercise yo ur ability to think qui ckly and • Stay alert to possible threats: yo u may be
responsively; stay alert to your location and travelling throu gh an area w here you are at
the details of yo ur expedition so that yo u risk of theft, so don 't make yo urself a targe t.
remain totally involved. • Lastly, develop empathy with yo ur
• Be prepared to respond to w hatever environment: allow nature into yo ur life
circumstances you meet. while you are on the trail. M ake th e most of
• Take a pride in negotiating challenges and enj oying yo ur surroundi ngs. After all, that is
obstacles and be prepared always to respond why you are th ere.
with physical as well as mental energy. It may
be that yo u will need to be actively SETTING THE PACE
aggressive to solve some problems. When we are walking in th e back country we
• Watch out for times w hen your mental foc us will most likely be ca rryin g rucksacks loaded
slips: be prepared to tighten the nut w hen with a co nsiderable amo unt of eq uipment,
yo u are tired. food and clothing; we w ill be unable to walk
• Taking ca re of exp edition chores yourself as freely as we would unburd ened in a city
should be your first priority: only when yo u street. It is easy in the bush to find ourselves
have taken ca re of everything should yo u tiring, twisting ankles an d endin g up with
attend to yo ur own kit, relax and rest. blisters on our feet. If you are new to walking
• Expect the unexpec ted: things inevitabl y go with a ru cksack and boots, bear in ni.ind w hil e
wrong w hen you are on the trail, but w hen you are planning th e j o urn ey that yo u must
th ey do, don't co mplain - do somethin g condition yo urself to thi s. Get used to wear ing
about it. a ru cksack with a load in it and lea rn to walk
• When yo u are wo rking with local gui des do effici ently for long peri ods without injuring

172 Essential Bushcraft

yourself: move at a steady pace, taking care not still warm from the hiking but it takes only a
to twist an ankle or to shift your feet few moments, especially in a breeze, to
unn ecessarily within your boots, acquiring becom e chilled.
One of the most important things about CARING FOR YOUR FEET
wa lkin g w ith a ru cksac k is to es tablish a At the end of a hard day's walking, take o ff
co mfortable pace : a good guide is your your boots. Leave your so cks on for a few
heartbea t. Try to fi nd a speed at w hich you are extra moments to allow your body heat to
not exertin g yourself on th e level. As you drive o ut some of th eir acc umulated moisture,
move uphill , shorten your strid e and reduce but then take th em off, turn th em inside out
your speed to maintain an even heart-rate. and air them. Now attend to your fee t. If you
Althou gh at first this may see m slow and have enou gh time, wash them w ith soap and
uncomfortable, in th e long run those w ho water so th ey do no t build up bacteria that
keep th e steadi est pace tend to travel furth er can cause probl ems like athl ete's fo ot. All ow
for the expenditure of fewer calori es . It's a th em to dry, and as they are dryin g, m assage
go od idea to sto p every ho ur and rest for a them. This is important if th ey have be en
few m o m ents - anyon e who has a sore spot damp all day or if they have been cold: a
on a fo ot ca n take off their boot and apply
som e m oleskin to prevent rubbing .You can
also check your navigation , th en update
eve ryo ne o n w here you are going . Frequ ent
brea ks enabl e th e party leader to maintain
prop er co mmuni cation w ith th e group. Don 't
stop fo r to o long, thou gh: your body will cool
and w hen you start again you will be stiff and
more pro n e to muscular injuries.
Perhaps it is in the high mountains w here
you really see th e advantage o f maintaining a
stea dy pace. Alpine mountaineers learn to
move at an almost painfully slow pace: they
plod alo ng, moving only a few inch es at each
step, co ntendin g not only with th e load on massage will h elp to revitalise th em. Dust
th eir bac k and th e snow under their fee t but them w ith fo o t powder. If you do this every
also with the thin air of the Alpine day or eve n every other day, your feet will stay
environment. in goo d shape.
W ith experience the pace w ill quicke n and N ow fo r fresh so cks, and if you have w ith
a party of experienced hikers will be able to you some lightweight shoes, put them on and
move swiftl y all day. But in a group of mixed leave your bo ots to air. Take very good care of
abili ty the pace must be set to suit the slowest your socks: try not to drop them into grit,
person. sa nd o r pine needl es, w hi ch m ay get into th e
In cold conditions w h en you stop on th e weave of th e so ck and later cause a blister.
trai l you w ill probabl y n eed to put on a
garment to keep you wa rm . It is a good idea Blisters
to keep this to hand at the top of your T he bane of all fo o t traveLl e rs, they ca n be
ru cksack. When you first stop yo u are initially painful and debilitating. Once es tablish ed th ey

Hitting the Trail 173

last for several days and are difficult to cure. If method of dealing with it is to scrape the top
you detect a hot spot developing within yo ur of the nail with the edge of your knife, a file, a
boot, stop immed iately and do something piece of emery paper or even a roughened
about it. rock like a pumice ston e until it can be easily
The way to treat a hot spot is to apply some depressed in the middle by your thumbnail.
moleskin or mole foam, which provides The pressure on the in-growing part of the
padding and reduces friction between your nail is lessened and your foot wi ll be more
foot and your boot. If necessary you can cut comfortable.
out a ring bandage from the mole foam so
that the boot is held away from the tender Sprained ankles
spot on your foot. Perhaps the most common walking injury, a
Advice with regard to the treatment of severely sprained ankle often resembles a
blisters varies enormously, but this works for fracture, causing lameness, swelling and pain,
me. and may mean two or three days' rest on the
First, assess the position of the blister. If it is trail. Try to avoid ankle injuries: cut a staff
on a part of your foot that is likely to be when you are traversing steep, slippery slop es
continuously rubbed, like your heel or the ball for extra support.
of your foot, you will need to drain it then If you do sprain your ankle, remember the
pad and dress it. Wash your foot carefully. If old medical treatment RICE: it stands for
this is not possible use an antiseptic wipe from Rest; Ice or cold compress treatment to reduce
your medical kit around the area of the blister. the swelling; a Compressive bandage - use the
Then take a needle from your first-aid kit and cohesive bandage from your medical kit (see
your lighter. Heat the needle to sterilise it, and page 16); and Elevation of the limb to help
when it is cool, carefully pierce the blister reduce inflammation. If you take off your boot
bubble close to its edge and gently sq ueeze straight away w ith such an injury yo u may
out the £luid. Apply a topical antiseptic to the find it impossible to get it back on because
spot where it has b een drained then dress the your foot has swollen. It may be more
blister with a non-adhesive dressing. This may appropriate to continue moving with your
provide sufficient padding but, if not, apply a boot on until you reach a safer and more
small strip of mole foam over the top. appropriate place to stop and examine the
If the blister has burst, you must prevent it injury.
becoming infected. It must be kept clean, and
if necessary apply some topical antiseptic in
the early stages of treatment. Cover the blister
with a non-adhesive dressing then pad it
carefully to prevent further abrasion or
rubbing. Hydrocolloid dressings are excellent
for treating such blisters. If yo u are carrying an
antibacterial ointment use some to facilitate
rapid healing - I have had great success with

Nails should be kept short. An in-growing
toenail may hinder your progress. An old Bandaging an ankle.

174 Essential Bushcraft

Trench foot If you find that your foot is beco g cold
Non-freezing cold injuries are associated with yo u ca n help to rewarm it by it, and
bac kco untry travel after prolonged exposure to the same is true of your hands to increase the
moderate or severe cold when th e weather is blood supply to th ese. If that fails to work
damp and the gro und sodden. If yo ur feet th en you must consider asking your teammate
have been consistently wet for three days or to rewa rm yo ur foot under his armpit next to
thereabouts, you are likely to develop trench his skin , skin-to-skin co ntact, makin g sure that
foot. In severe cases the toes or foot may swell you keep yo ur boot off the gro und w here it
and even blister. Trench foot is serious and the will not freeze solid. If yo u are standing
cas ualty should be taken to hospital. aro und a lot in very cold co nditions put
To prevent it, dry yo ur feet properly at the insulation between your feet and the gro und.
end of each day, warm them and massage Use spruce boughs or any other such material.
them. Non-freezing cold injuries are more If yo ur foo t does freeze yo u will find that
prevalent in people w ho are und ern ourished your toes become white and waxy; you must
an d dehydrated: make sure you eat and drink th en consider how seri ously frostbitten th ey
eno ugh . are. Minor frostbite is onl y superfi cial an d can
be rewarmed effectively, but deep tissue
frostbite w here your foot or toes are solidl y
frozen is more se rio us. With serious frostb ite it
is better to continue travelling with yo ur foot
frozen but try co prevent any deepenin g of the
freezing rather than thawing it, w hich is
painfu l, leading co swelling and usually blisters.
If yo u have fro stbitten feet yo u will need co
seek medical assistance. Under no
circumstances should yo u attempt amputation.
Today hospital treatme nt allows the foot to
regenerate and heal gradually, protecting it
from infection with antibiotics.
At -48°(, to prevent frostbite, students in the arctic learn to
rewarm cold feet on the stomach of a team mate. Clothing Drying socks and boots
removed (note glove) shou ld be stuffed inside other cloth ing,
not leh to freeze on the ground.
As damp footwear ca n ca use seriou s problems,
co nsider carefully how you will dry it. If you
Frost bite take with you some waterproof socks, you will
Frostbite occurs in te1nperatures below always be able to keep your feet dry even if
freezing w hen th e tissues of your foot have yo ur boots are wet. H owever, at the end of a
frozen. It is usually associated with either day's hiking you shou ld still dry yo ur footwear
footwear w hich is too tight or w here you r as best you can. Don 't place your boots too
whole body has become chilled: due co vaso- close to a fire: the leather will dry o ut, shrink
constriction insufficient blood supply to the an d crac k. Dry yo ur boots slowly with th e
extrem.i ties has resulted in their freezing. When opening upward. Today, if yo u are in a cabin,
the thermometer reads -30 degrees yo u may be able to stu ff them with
Cen ti gra de or below we ca nnot afford co newspaper.
make a mistake in terms of the care of our In the bush open yo ur boots as wide as
feet. possible, scrub away dirt from th e outside and

Hitting the Trail 175

River crossing
In w ild areas, ri vers and other wateiways are
an essential mea ns of travel for canoeists and
eve n walkers. In rainforests they are a vital
naviga tional aid. As you travel furth er into the
wilderness, bridges, cables or basket crossings
are few and far between. Sometimes th ere may
be no alternative but to cross a river as it may
be too large to hike round. R emember that
aft er heavy rainfall eve n small streams turn
in to raging torrents, and that th e force of
water must neve r be und erestimated. Train
yo urself to deal with it.

When using a tarp, set your boots on sticks to prevent them Ri sks
filling with rain. Whenever we cross a river we are at risk from
the debris being ca rri ed within the river, such
leave them in a dry, shady place, off the as trees and branches; in really strong currents,
gro und. even rocks and giant boulders ca n be moved
In cold weather take them into yo ur along. Sometimes you ca n even hea r th em
sleepi ng-bag at ni ght to preve nt th em freezing bein g moved along in th e water. When this is
so lid: place th em in the sleeping-bag stuff sack the case we should not attempt to cross it.
first to keep yourself and yo ur sleepin g-bag But apa rt from its stre ngth , perhaps the
dry. At the end of a trip clean and reproof most dangerous aspect of water is the cold.
yo ur boots with Nikwax aqueous wax. Store Many w ildern ess rivers are fed from glacial
th em in a coo l, dry place. melt waters and mountain streams and th e
temperature may only be a few degrees above
WATER OBSTACLES freezing point. Certainly more than cold
Water is a powerful natural force in the enough to ca use us serious problems. It is not
landscape. Whenever yo u cross it, pay attention un co mmon for travellers in the bush to
to safety. Drow nin g accounts for a large attempt to cross a river, only to decid e that the
number of backco untry deaths - and it is water is too cold to cross at that point, then
often experienced swimmers who drown. sea rch for a narrower point to cross. Whenever
Water in the w ild presents a different set of we enter cold water o ur body suffers cold
problems from that of a swi mmin g pool. For a shock (see above, water obstacles) w hi ch may
start it may be moving, and although make it difficult for us to exit th e water at the
see mingly movin g slowly actually moving far bank.
with immense force. Water in wild areas is There are other dangers associated w ith
often ve ry cold, perh aps even fed by glacial wate r: of bein g swept away by a strong
melt waters: if yo u fall in the shock wi ll make current, bashed against branches and held
you gasp and th ereby inha le wa ter. Also wa ter aga inst the current, w hirlpool s, an ankle
may obscure obstacles on the riverbed. When trapped between rocks.
travelling in wi ld areas avoid direc tl y crossing a Perhaps th e most dangerous thin g of all is
water haza rd. If this is not possible searc h for overco nfidence. Whenever we are in vo lved in
th e easiest way of crossin g. crossi ng wa ter we mu st pay th e greatest

176 Essential Bushcraft

attention to safety procedures and plan our point. What about w hirlpools? Judge th e speed
crossing with great care. of the river by throwing a sti ck into th e fl ow
and walking along beside it. Assess the nature
Crossing wate r of the riverb ed. Is it muddy? If so, you may get
W hen confronted with a wa ter obstacle, stuck. Are there slippery boulders that might
evalu ate th e level of risk, decid e w hether the trap a foot? Assess the depth of the water: is it
crossing is feas ible, find th e most suitable place deep all the way across or is there a point at
to cross and orga nise it. Remember w hich the depth is more co ntained? Perhaps
there is a sa ndbar half-way. Assess the human
w Water aspect of th e crossin g. Are th e members of
A Assess your party strong swinm1ers1 If you are go ing
s Search into th e wild yo u sho uld be able to swi m.
p Plan Lastly, co nsider any alternatives : consult yo ur
T Technique map or send someone on a sco uting
A Anticipate recon naissance; you may discover a point
R Rewarm furth er upstream w here the river is braided
and you ca n wade over throu gh shallows from
Begin by considerin g the type of water that sa ndbar to sa ndbar.
co nfronts you. Is it tidal? ls it cold? Is it deep Search fo r the ideal place to cross. Avoid
or shallow? Co nsider any hazards that might crossing a stream just up from where it j oins a
lu rk within it, particularly animals li ke river: th e speed of the water is faster here and
crocodiles. Now yo u wi ll know w hether it is anyone w ho is swept away m ay end up
feasible or not to cross it. beyond rescue. Avoid bends in the river and
If it is, assess the crossing. Look fo r the run- look for a straight section between bends to
out of th e river: in other words, w hat is cross with a gentle bend below yo ur crossing
downstream of w here you may cross' Notice point. The current moves fastest on th e o utside
haza rds, such as trees, branches or snags, either of a bend so don 't aim to comple te your
natural or man-made: swept away, yo u might crossing here. Arrange yo ur crossing so that the
end up hangin g on these. Are there rapids or, far bank is just upstream of the inside of a
worse, waterfalls below your current locati on? bend: yo u will find that if someone is swept
If so, it wo uld be foolha rdy to cross at that away, th ey will be able to swim more easily in
th e slower-movin g water or even find a safe
eddy to exi t from. Consider carefully your
potential entry an d exit points: find an easy
place to enter, not a steep-sided slippery or
rocky bank w here so meone may fall and bang
their head .
Plan the river crossing. T his must involve
the whole team so that everyone understands
w hat is going to happen: th e order in w hi ch
th e team will cross, th e techniqu e to be
empl oyed and any contingency plans - you
may need to take into account so meon e's
If you are swept off your feet, keep your head out of the water, nervousness. It is so metimes a good idea to
with your feet raised and pointing downstream. tea m wea ker people with stronger ones.

Hitting the Trail 177

Remember that when you are dealing w ith a At other times yo u will have to rely on dry
movin g body of water it can be impossible to bags, which w ill make yo ur ru cksack more
hear so meo ne on the far side of the river or buoya nt in water. Som e suggest making your
even if th ey are beside you. ru cksac k into a buoya ncy aid by attac hi ng
Your techniqu e is all important: select one your sleeping mat to th e top and wear ing both
that is approp ri ate, si mpl e and safe. Don't shou lde r straps. I don't recommend this: there
in co rporate rope unl ess this is abso lu tely have bee n acc idents w here people have bee n
necessa ry. A simple m e thod of crossing a rive r, trapped by their ru cksac k o n a snag o r
such as wading side by sid e, providing eac h betwee n rocks and drown ed. It is wiser to rely
other w ith suppo rt, js usually easie r to carry on th e old-fashioned m ethod of wear in g yo ur
th ro ugh. R ehea rse on dry land befo re you ru cksack ove r o ne should er. In th is way, if you
enter th e water. fall in , you can easily let go of yo ur ru cksack .
Anticipate problem s - and ask fo r help in If yo u are strapped into it and it fill s w ith
this. H ere two experi enced rnjnds are always water, it may drag and hol d you under wate r.
better than o ne.Yo u may come up with sim ple Whi le crossin g wa ter, keep with yo u your
things , like being unabl e to communicate most impo rtant items of survival equipm ent:
verbally above the din of the ri ve r: be prepared your kn ife and a mea ns of starting a fire. Keep
to use hand signals. H ave a rescue procedure yo ur boo ts o n: if yo u cross a stream barefoo t
in place in case anyo ne is swept downstrea m. you may slip on slimy rocks, slide into th e
Co nsider the consequ ences for eac h in dividual crevi ces between chem and end up with severe
of crossi ng the water: after heavy ra in fa ll rive r bruising, tw isted o r fractured an kles - o r,
wa ter m ay be full of bacteri a and anyo ne w ith worse still, trapped. I ta ke off my soc ks and,
an open wo und wi ll need to wash it once I'm back on dry land, I put o n
afterwards . Also, if the water is cold yo u must waterproof socks betwe en dry socks and th e
be prepared to produce hot drinks: pack we t boots.
kindling and timber o r a stove, dr ink
ing redi ents and mu gs in a dry bag close to th e To cross shallow water
top of th e first ru cksack to go across. Perhaps surprisin gly eve n the small est brook
Rewarm after crossing, and allow at least an ca n be a safety haza rd. Wh ile most people w ill
hour for th is.You will be mu ch colder than yo u stride or leap across, o th ers are less co nfid ent,
anticipate, unless you are in th e trop ics. Make especiall y w hen th ey are carrying a ru cksac k.
sure that everyone changes into dry clothes, In rainforests yo u ca n often cross streams o n
then gathers together around a fire o r hjki ng fa llen trees, w hi ch act as natu ral bridges. B ut
stove, and has a, calorie rich drink. this requires nerve and a good sense of
balance. Make sure to watch wea ker memb ers
Dressing to cross a river of a party and enco urage th e m to cross bolclly.
So me hikers prefer to remove most of th eir Sometimes it's easier for th em to sit astride the
clothin g before crossing water. H owever, in log and ease th eir way across; someon e more
cold cond itio ns it is w ise to keep so m e on. I confident can ca rry ove r th eir rucksack. If
usually op t to wea r lightweight, fast-drying yo u plan to travel regula rly in the rai nfores t it
spare clothi ng, and pack my slee ping is a good idea co train yo urself to walk w ith a
equipment and everyday clothes ca refully to ru cksack across such obstacles : often th e tops
stop th em ge tting we t. W hen wading across a of these logs are slip pery, especially w hen
slow-flowin g stream, tote your ru cksack hi gh you're wearing boots - and th e water may be
up on your should ers. six or seve n metres below.

178 Essential Bushcraft

A common way for a parry to cross a strea m
is hoppin g fro m ro ck to rock - natural
stepping sto nes. However, not everyone is
nimbl e-foo ted, especiall y if th ey aren 't used to
wea ring hikin g boots. B eware of slips, whi ch
may result in ankle injuries and distress from
the shock o f fa lling into water, soa ked
equipment and clothing. You ca n va ult over
some small rivers with a stout walking staff, a
fun and effi cient way to do it th at ensures
yo ur fe et stay dry. The staff must be strong
eno ugh to support yo ur body weight plus
yo ur loaded ru cksack. D o n't attempt it with a
collapsible walking staff.
Unless th e current is ve ry strong, yo u can
wade throu gh rive rs that come up to your
kn ees. Bu t th ere are still a few thin gs to keep A stout staff gives strong triangular support.
in mind. W henever you wa de across a stream ,
face upstrea m so that yo u will see any obj ec ts
being carried towards yo u in the water and be
able to avoid th em. Also if the wa ter is deep er
th an yo u th ought and yo u are fac in g upstrea m ,
th e fo rce of th e wa ter loc ks your knees so th at
yo u stay upri ght.
Take grea t care in placi ng your feet: move
sideways g radu ally in sho rt steps and wait until
yo u are balanced after o ne step before tryin g
to take the next - you ca n't walk ac ross a --------------- • Heading . ~
stream in the sa me way that you wo uld across
paving sto nes . D o n 't try to hurry it. Good support but difficult to co-ordinate.
When th e water reac hes above th e knee,
perhaps to wa ist height, I like to take a stout
staff w ith m e. It acts as a third leg, giving m e a
w id er, mo re stable base fo r suppo rt. If you do
thi s fac e upstrea m and place the staff well
ahead of you, keeping your legs w ide apart to
crea te a tri angular base fo r your body. Keep
two points of support in co ntac t w ith the
ri verbed at all times.
If th ere are several p eo ple in yo ur party yo u
ca n wa de across a river providin g each o ther
w ith supp ort. Link arms, grasp clothing or
eac h other's ru cksack straps. If th ere are three
of you, face in wa rds towa rds eac h o th er, th en Excellent triangular support, excellen t co-ordination. Remember
take hold to for m a human trip od . An o ther to watch upstream.

Hitting the Trai l 179

method involves supporting each oth er as in a
qu eue, one perso n b ehind the other. When
using this method the fourth person uses a
staff and faces upstream.

To cross deep wa ter

Wh en cross ing deep er water you won't be
abl e to remain in contact with the riverbed, so
consider making flotation aids, particularly if
the water is very cold.
For example, if you remove your tro users,
knot th em at th e bottom of each leg, draw
th em over th e top of your head to fill with air
and th en tu ck th em under your armpits th ey
may ac t as wa ter win gs; or inflate your
therma-res t mattress; empty your wa ter bottles Trousers can be used as a buoya ncy aid • knot the ends of the
and tie them toge th er. Or put the contents of legs and draw them quickly over your head to fill with air.
Passed under your armpits, they function as very effective water
your ru cksack into a dry bag, then into a stu ff
sack. Wrap th e whole thing in a lightwe ight
shelter sheet to make an effective float. The last
option is perhaps the most efficient of all: the To cross a large body of slow or still water
Archim edes principle says that an item fl oats If you have to cross a large body o f slow-
because it is lighter than the weight of th e moving water or a lake, the wa ter may be too
volume of wa ter it displaces, and one ru cksack cold to swim across, eve n with a fl otation aid.
so w rapped will help two people stay afloat. If Instead , you will have to improvise a boat. This
you ti e several toge ther you can improvise a ca n be done in a variety of ways; usually the
crude raft so th at it supports your chests with safest and easiest is th e improvised tarpaulin
your legs kicking to propel you along. dinghy.
Wh en you enter cold, deep water you will
experi ence the cold-shock reaction.You can SNOW OBSTACLES
reduce its severity with training, for example In the far north, you will probably travel by
by taking a cold shower each day before you snowmobile. Th ese ma chin es enabl e you to
set off Roya l Navy helicopter pilots are travel great distances swiftly and are made to
encoura ged to do thi s in case th ey have to be reliable.
ditch in cold wa ter. When you experi ence However, operatin g in so me of th e most
cold shock, keep calm, hang on to your hostile conditions on Earth, th ey occasionally
flotati o n aid and stay close to the shore. After a brea k dow n and you will have to be able to
few moments it will wear off as you get used walk on deep snow. Also, snowmobile travel
to the wa ter temperature. Then strike out for gives you a fal se imp ression of how far you
th e opposite shore. But the cold will sap your have come in walking terms. The rul e is that if
energy : before you reach the half-way point you travel for fiftee n minutes on a snowmobile
decide wh ether or not you have energy left to it will take you twenty-four hours without
make it aJJ th e way. Cross in pairs, if possible, snowshoes. So always carry with you a pair of
and enco urage each other on the way. snowshoes that fit conveni ently on a
snow mobile - and ca n b e used to dig a track

180 Essential Bushcraft

How to cross a large body of slow or still water

Make two oval rings of 60cm stakes. Fill between the stakes with brushwood Bind around the brushwood to complete
oval facine

Remove stakes and fit deck. Lay down tarp and grass or bracken Place facine on tarp deck-side down.
padd ing.

Tie tarp over facine. Improvise a paddle Away you go. A very stable platform with which to reach
the best fishing spots.

Hitting the Trail 181

Tie boot in place with heel
free to lift.

Point of ba lance.

In higher latitudes, use small wispy branches and cord to form a inaccuracy: map-makers often have to
snow shoe like this. com.promise on position, perhaps to reduce
crowding on a small-scale map. Compass
if it gets bogged down in snow - or skis . But accuracy depends on the movement and
what if you forget them? If you 're in forested mechanics of the instrument. When we are
country, you can improvise snowshoes. They navigating we must avoid introducing further
won't be as effective as the real thing, but inaccuracy into the equa tio n . If you ask
they're better than nothing. someone to show you on a map where you
are, they normally point their finger at the area
Navigation where they think they are and say, 'Here,
The most important bushcraft skill of all.You somewhere.'That won't do. Instead they
must be able to navigate to find your way should be able to reply, 'We are 100111 east of
safely through remote areas.You should be this fenced junction,' or 'You're 250111 north of
familiar with the use of maps, compasses and the river junction indi cated here,' and point at
global positioning system (GPS) in their basic the map w ith the corner of a corn.pass, the tip
operation and the techniques associated with of a knife or a pine needle. All it takes is a
them. Then, learn to emphasise certain aspects little practice.
of those techniques: you train yourself to think A few things are worth bearing in mind
in navigational terms, to recognise signs in the here.You wi ll normally march on a 1:50,000
landscape to keep you on your path. or 1 :25,000 scale map. If you are using a
Naviga tion is a holistic process: a good 1:50,000 scale map, 1km is represented by
navigator doesn't slavishly follow map and 2cm, therefore 1cm = 500111, 2mm = 100m, so
compass. As you gain experience you will when you are working on a 1 :50,000 scale
acquire the ability to correct mistakes in map you can estimate hundreds of metres
estimation and direction swiftly. Most easily. T he same is true for a 1 :25 ,000 where
important of all, w h en your map, com.pass and 1km is represented by 4cm, 500111 = 2cm and
conventional navigation equipment fail you, 100m = 4mm.
you will be able to find your way. To estimate distances travelled across land
you can use a timing c hart: with this you time
Map work your travel across a known distance measured
Whenever we navigate with a map or from your map then relate that to the chart to
com.pass, we have to work with a degree of find your speed. It's especially useful in open

182 Essential Bushcraft

terrain, particularly when travelling at night or landscape. Again experience helps, and the
in poor visibility. I have one taped to the lid of only way to learn to relate contour lin es to
my compass . land surfaces is to get out on the ground with
In close cover it is easier to use pacing to a map. There is no other way. Experience on
estimate distances covered; here you will need the ground is vita l in learning to navigate.
to establish how many steps you take to cover Consider buying an altimeter in the form of
100111. Count the pacing of one foot only.You a wristwatch; Sunto make an excellent one.
w ill find tha t your pacing vari es according to Altimeters indicate altitude accurately as long
the ground state and your load, so w ill need to as you follow the manufacturers' instructions
pace yourself over 100m in varying terrains and re-zero it regularly at known points of
and conditions to find an average. Some altitude taken from you r map: atmospheric
people carry a string of beads to count out the pressure may cause it to give a false reading.
paces they take and from that work out the When you are working w ith contour lines,
kilometres covered. Others use a mechanical watch for an increase in the contour interval.
co unter. W ith practice you can become more Us ually it is 5111 but in mountainous terrain
accurate than a GPS (global positioning cartographers often use a 20111 interval so that
system) or at least equal to it. the lin es do not become too complicated on
the map. Also in some parts of the world no
Contours symbols are used to indicate a cliff face: yo u
The undulation of the terrain affects our will see tightly packed contours of a large
ability to judge distance. In learning map- interval - stay alert to this and check the map's
reading we are taught that the map is a two- legend. In some co untries it's wise to check
dimensional representation of a three- the reliability of the local mapping: yo u can't
dimensional land surface, and that contour always rely on it!
lines indicate the rise and fall of a slop e: the
tighter together the contour lin es, the steeper River direction
the ground; the w ider apart, the more level. W hen travelling in wild areas it's important to
From studying conto ur lines, you w ill be able know in which direction rivers flow. Work this
to build an accurate representation of how the out before you go and if yo u feel it will help
going will be when you travel across the put an arrow on the map to indicate it.

Hitting the Trail 183

In most survival episodes shelter, water, fire and signalling
must be attended to before food needs. But when lack of
food does become an issue, it becomes the key obstacle
to human survival.
Foraging skills have traditionally been an important
part of the outfit of wilderness professionals. If you
intend to step or paddle out of the far side of a national
park you will need to become acquainted with them.
Bear in mind that successful foraging is not a process of
ruthless exploitation, but one of respect.
To live we burn food as fu el to generate
energy, usuaL!y measured in joules or kca l.
B efore we begin to coll ect calories we mu st
take steps to redu ce energy wastage,
particularly in cold climates: clothing and
shelter mu st be adeq uate or improved to
provid e a war m, dry calorie-trapping
environm ent.
Every environment provides its ow n
problems from the point of view of fo ragin g,
but perhaps th e most difficult of aLI are those
of extreme co ld or damp cold, w here o ur
calorific req uiremen t is higher and where Long after the flesh of the marula fruit has rotted away the seeds
calo ri es are difficu lt to o btain, there bein g can be smashed open to obtain an edible kernel.
fewer plant so urces available. As we move
towards th e tropics more ene rgy-r ich plant w hi ch we exhaust o ur store of carbo hydrate
foods become available, although meat sti!J depends on how hard we are working, but can
plays an impo rtant role in a surviva l diet. be as little as three or fo ur ho urs w hen
H owever, th ere are many places where working hard in a cold environment. When
foraging may be futile - high in mountain our reserve of carbohydrate is ex hausted our
environ ments o r w here food reso urces are o ut blood-sugar level drops, resultin g in a redu ced
of seaso n. Noma di c gro ups travel m ore by supply of energy to the brain . Because the
necessity th an choi ce. brain is unable to store energy for itself it
demands a co ntinu o us supply; w hen there is a
The effects of food deprivation redu ction in suppl y vari o us symptoms are
The first few days w itho ut food are a criti ca l triggered: tiredness; heada che; easy irritation;
time for anyone tryin g to make the step from loss of co ncentra ti on; reduced abili ty to make
survivin g to li vin g in the wilderness. It is in decisio ns; depressio n; in creased susceptibili ty to
this p eriod that we exhaust the body's store of cold ; increased co ncern w ith onese lf.
ca rbohydrate. As time goes on, fast intensive work
Because ca rbohydrates such as starc hes and becom es difficult; eve n wa lking up a moderate
sugars are composed of simple, easily digested slope seem s impossible. Tasks w hi ch at other
molecules, they are an effi cient food so urce times would be straightforwa rd , such as
that ca n be digested with little waste. Quickly crossing water, now become hazardo us.
and easily co nverted to energy, carbohyd rates
are vital in th e supply of energy to the brain Adjusting to the exhaustion of carbohydrate
and nervo us system and are consequ en tl y \Vhen our reserves of carbohydra te have been
utili sed befo re the other food so urces of fat exhausted the body mobilises fats and proteins
and prote in. to ensure a co ntinuing supply of energy to the
We sto re ca rbohydrate in the muscles, th e brain.
liver and a small amount in th e blood. Fo r use Fats are found in butter, cheese, oils, nuts,
this is co nverted to glucose then transported egg yolks, animal fats and vegetable oils. They
to w herever it is needed , particularl y the brain are more complex foods th an ca rb ohydrates,
and nervo us system., by the blood. The rate at consequently the energy in fat is more slowly
released than that in carbohydrate, providing
a longer lasting form of energy. This is
particularly well suited to slow, monotonou s
work, but provides a poo r source of energy
for fast, intensive activity. A fat-ri ch diet
in creases th e need for water. In extremely
cold climates a lower ca rbohydrate intake
(40%) and a higher fa t intake sho uld be
ea ten to help maintain body warmth. If we
ea t fat-rich food before sleeping, we sleep
wa rmer.

Ketone toxicity
One of th e by-products of carbohydrate
depletion is an increase in the use of fatty
acids within our muscles as our activity levels
in crease. R emember th at fat burns in a
carbohydrate flame: w hen we are low on
ca rbohydrate we are un able to burn body fat
efficiently. In these circumstances too large a
consumption of fat results in the production
of was te products called ketones, w hich leads The poisonous puff-adder may seem a threat to some; to others,
to heada ches, nausea, difficulty in drinking, it is a meal.

th e loss of body salts and energy.

Ketones are excreted in the urin e and poultry; blood. In complete proteins lack o ne
breath, identifi ed by a c haracteristi c acetone or mo re of the amin o acids: for exa mple,
(pear-drop) scent. If yo u over-exert yourself cheese; milk; cereal; grains; legume seeds.
under such ci rcumstan ces you may be Id eally a survival diet should co ntain
overw helmed by the build-up ofketones in 75-S0g complete proteins eac h day.
yo ur blood, leading to a coma si mil ar to that H owever, if only incomplete proteins are
experienced by a diab etic. available two or more types of food may need
to be ea ten in combination to provide
Protein complete protein. Grains and legume seeds
Proteins have th e most complex mol ecules of ea ten in co mbinatio n contain all of the
any food type; this m eans that th ey are the essential amino acids.
most inefficient food for energy produ ction. Beca use proteins are the m ost complex
The digestive process brea ks proteins dow n type of food they supply en ergy after
into various ami no acids, w hi ch are co nverted carbohydrate and fa t rese rves have been used
into new body tissue proteins such as up. La ck of protein results in malnutrition, skin
muscle. and hai r di sorders as well as mu scle atrophy.
Complete proteins, provide th e body with The average body contains approximately
the exact balan ce of amino acids it requi res to six kil ograms of protein in th e muscles, as a
rebuild itself; so me amino acids are essential so urce of energy it is less important: its prime
for the body to function. Examples of functi on is as the building mater ial for celJs
co mplete protein sources are: fish; m ea t; and stomac h enzym es. Without protein the
body ca nnot repa ir itself, a hi gh protein intake shou ld strive to attain this each day, bearing in
in creases our need fo r water. mind that in co lder weather, when injured, ill
or workin g hard this wi ll need to in crease. In
Minerals those circumsta nces, we must provide
Minerals (salts) are needed so th e ran ge of o urselves w ith mo re th an 500 calories of
different chemical processes can wo rk w ithin ca rbohydtrate per day, and fat.
the body. For exa mple, iron binds oxygen
w ithin the blood ; potassium and sodium aid Types of food
nerve function; ca lcium is the building block Carbo hydrate, fo und in plants, is easier to
of th e skeleton . Problems associated with obtain than meat. Search first for edible plants.
n1in eral defici ency are onl y likely to occur If ga me is readily obtain ed it is possible to
when you have not eaten a balanced di et over subsist indefinitely in good health on a di et of
several weeks. mea t, fat and wate r.

Vitamins Methods of obtaining food

Vitamins carry out important work in Nothing ventured; nothing gained
different body processes.Vitamin B is involved Wh en it comes to finding food we need to be
in energy co nversio n; vitamin C is important open minded; many so urces of nutriti o n will
in th e intake of iron w ithin the in testine, assists be strange to us, so me eve n repugnant. But if
ce!Js and tissues in holding togeth er, and it is a matter of survival we must not allow
maintains a hea lthy immune system ; vitamins prejudice to deter us from obtaining
A, D and K assist eyesight, intake of calc ium nouri shment. It is im portant to note that
and blood coagulati o n. many of th e best tec hniqu es for obtain ing
Vitamins B and C ca nnot be stored within food in the w ild are now regulated or banned.
th e body: vitamin C is fo und in man y plants In a rea l emergency no one is goin g to
w hil e vitamin B is found in som e plants and quibbl e over th e way yo u find food, but if yo u
th e li ver of an im als. w ish to travel and suppl em ent yo ur rations
It is worth bear in g in mind that some with w ild food yo u mu st stay within the law,
plants contain toxin s that reduce the effi cacy restricting yourself to the foods and tec hniques
of vitamin B. permi ssible.
Sadly, regula tions are sweeping over many
Fibre w ild plant food s that do not need savin g from
Fibre aids th e effi cie nt functionin g of th e foragers . As yo u will discover, th e most
sto mach and in testin e. If eating again after a important wild foods are th e most co mmon
period of starvatio n , take only small amounts and readil y available plants.
of fibre, in creasin g g radually.
Pl ants
A foraging strategy Lea rning to recognise edible plants is a
Calories rewarding study: even if yo u are no amateur
Th e requirem ent of an average person doing botanist you ca n lea rn to identify a few
an average j ob is approximately 3000 calories im portant edibl e species.
per day. Exp erim ents show that a hea lthy Fo r survival use a plant should be co mmon,
person can subsist fo r a considerable period of provide carbohydrate, ideally for a prolonged
tim e on 500 calori es o f carbo hydrate a day period of th e yea r, be easily used without the
with out harmful effec t. For thi s reason we need fo r compli cated processin g, and easil y
recogni sed. If it ca n be co nfused for a toxic
species yo u must know how to differentiate
betwee n them. Try always to know th e habitat
in w hi ch a plant grows.
Bea r in mind that th e most energy-rich
plant foods are those wi th edible roots, seeds
(including nuts), or fruits. O f lesser surviva l
va lu e are the gree ns, which co ntain less
nouri shment but whic h will supply a ready
so urce of vitamins and min erals.
Once yo u can correctly identify an edible
plant yo u must also know how to process it.
Plan ts have a wide range of defence mechanisms
from thorns to a complex array of toxins th at
ca n kill quickly, cause serious dermatitis and
bliste r the predator's mouth , interfere with th e
predator's ability to reprodu ce, or even ca use
slow starvation by preventing the conversion of
ca rbohydrate to energy.

Energy equation
Almost nothing about foraging is
straightfmward, and it is important to
ma ximise your return w hile reducing yo ur
energy expenditure. This means being able to
prioritise yo ur lo cally ava il able food so urces
and havin g the right knowledge to obtain
th em easily. For exa mpl e, roots growin g in
sa ndy soils are frequ ently larger than those in
clay an d are considerably easier to extra ct.
Bea r in mind that it may be better to co ll ec t
seve ral small roots that are easily du g up than
stru ggle to excavate o ne large root from
difficult soil. Bear in mind that there are Cat-tail roots
tec hniqu es to maxirnise th e collection and
processing of wild foods; for example, beech that loo ks like a sa usage o n a stick and grows
nuts o pen w hen warmed by the fire, saving in ditches at the margins of ponds and in areas
tedious wo rk in splitting open th e cases. of very slow-flo win g water.
Acorns ca n be winnowed from leaflitter or Reach down und ern ea th the plant into th e
put into a slow flow ing stream w here th ey ooze in w hi ch it grows and you will find
si nk while the leaf litter floats away. rope-like rhizomes stretc hing sid eways as a
subterran ean mat intertw ining and
Roots interl ocking with each other. If you pulJ these
Cat-tail Typha spp: Provides ca rbohydrate at up ca refuU y they are a crea my yelJow colour
any seaso n of th e year. Ca t- tail has a seed head w ith lots of small rootl ets on the outsid e. They
feel so mewhat leathery and a little hoLl ow. If the previous year makes a good hand driLI ,
yo u cut o ne thro ugh yo u will find a spongy althou gh somewhat delica te, and the seed head
layer j ust und ernea th th e outer surface ca n be used fo r tinder. T he seed heads ca n also
enclosing a tightly compressed bundle of long be coLl ec ted and used to stu ff clo thing to
fi bres cove red in a sta rchy substance. T his is im provise a du vet by placing th e broken open
the m ost importa nt part of th e plant and has a seed heads in betwee n the linin g and o uter
ve ry high food va lu e. The easiest way to use layer of a jacket.
this is to harvest these roots, break th em in to
lengths of abo ut 30-40cm and throw th em o n Burdock Arctium spp; A wo nd erful wild food
to th e embers of a fire until th ey are char red that occurs at the edge of woodland and in
black aLI over. Remove them from th e fire, disturb ed open ground. It com prises a large
brea k th e outer surface, pull the ce ntra l fibres heart- shaped
free with yo ur teeth and suck the starchy pulp leaf with a
fro m th em, spitting th e fibres out. Coo ked distincti ve rich,
co rrectly they taste like warm sweet chestnut musty odour. In
and are deli cio us. T hey can also be eaten raw its seco nd year it
bu t th ey don't taste anyvvhere nea r as good grows with a
and yo u may run th e risk of picking up a fl owering stalk
parasite fro m the water. on which are
Other parts of th e Cat-tail are also edibl e. spiky round seed
T he yo un g shoo ts or corms emerging from heads that attach
th e base of th e ce ntral flowering stem o f th e th emselves to
plant ca n be collected and stir-fri ed. T he woollen
central starc hy core at the base of th e clo thing as we
fl owe ring stem, which is very hard and w hite, bru sh past them.
ca n be diced and added to stews fo r long slow Burdock Arctium spp Burdock is a
coo kin g or ca n even be sliced thinly and deep biennial, w hich
fr ied to make an im.provised form of potato mea ns it completes its li fe cycle over a period
chip. As the fl owering shoot emerges fro m a of two years.
new plant th e base of th e plant in th e early Coll ec t th e roo t of th e burdoc k from the
summer and late spring can be cut free fro m completion of its first yea r's growth to th e
th e roo t and yo u will see that it rese mbl es a
lee k, often referred to as Cossac k Asparagus.
The w hite tip to this part of th e plan t is
fre qu ently eaten raw or sliced and add ed to
salads. As the flower head begins to develo p
you will fi nd that, like an ear of sweetco rn , it
w ill be encased in fo lded leaves and a Li ght
emerald gree n in colour. This provides a good
mjd-seaso n snac k steamed and served with
butter (if ava il able) just like corn on the cob.
The plant has quite a few other uses : the
leaves can be used to improvise rope and o th er
co rdage and wove n into mats for cookjng and The root of a burdock aher a year's growth is swollen with
oth er purposes . The dri ed flowering stalk fro m starchy goodness.
Dandelion Taraxacum officinale Sow Thistle Sonchus oleraceus Bristly Ox Tongue Picris echioides

Pig Nut Conopodium majus - likes shady Pig Nut Conopodium majus - note the 90° Pig Nut Conopodium majus
woods. turn in the stern.

beginning of its seco nd year's growth. Spring after first scraping away the o uter rind, slicing
roots are sweeter than autumn gathered roots and soaking in plenty of water for an hour or
and ca n be eaten raw, while autumn and 1nore. Then add them to stews or roast as
w inter ga thered roots are bes t roasted in hot parsnips. Dandelion and Sow Thistle ca n be
ashes or di ced into stews. Roast it in th e rind , rather bitter, but th e Bristly O x Tongue is less
but peel before stewin g it. The only difficulty so. They are less bitter w hen coll ected before
with coll ec ti ng burdock is that it prefers to the p lant flowers.
grow in ha rd ground .
These related plants are widespread, Pig Nut Co no podiu m majus: Pig Nut is a tru e
considered weeds. Their roots can be ea ten w ild deli cacy. Its deli cate leaves ca n be found
Lesser Celandine Ranunculus ficaria in Ramsons Allium ursinum Lesser Celandine Ranunculus ficaria

Rosebay Willowherb Epilobium Thistles Cirsium sp Water Plantain Alisma plantago-aquatica


True Bulrush Scirpus lacustris Sweet Chestnut Castanea sativa Acorns Quercus spp
by the observant forager from May to July. It is Thistles Cirsium sp: All thistles are edible. Some
the raw radish- li ke root that is ea ten, and are perennial, others bienni al; w hi chever, the
ra nges in size from marble to golfball . Fresh secre t to harvesting succ ulent roots is to
and crunchy, it is a favo urite spring nibbl e or collect them at the compl eti on of th eir first
salad plant. The plant defends itself from year's growth. Cook them by roasting in hot
foragers by means of a thread-thin attachmen t as hes.
between the stem and tuber, w hich turns
through ninety degrees just as it leaves the Water Plantain Alisma plantago-aquatica:
tuber. Consequ ently these tubers can only be Water Plantain's distin ctive leaf emerges from
harvested by ca refully foll owing the stem mud beside slow Oowing wa ter. The root can
down to the tuber. The tuber has a thin brown be gathered and eaten after boiling with two
skin whi ch can be easily squeezed off before changes of water.
True Bulrush Scirpus lacustris
Lesser Celandine Ranunculus ficaria : An ea rly Club Rush Scirpus maritimus:
spring Oower that exploits the light of the Both these wa ter plants have edible
forest Ooor prior to the grow th of leaves in underground parts w hich can be eaten after
the forest canopy. It has small flask shaped roasting in hot ashes. However, the most
tub ers up to two centimetres in length w hi ch productive part of th e plant has to be
ca n be harvested in large quantities in the late harvested from the deepest water.
spring after the Oower has begun to die back
and th e leaves have turned yellow. These must Seeds
be cooked before eating; boil in two changes Next in importance to carbo hyd rates found in
of water or roast in hot ashes. No other parts roots and inner bark is that fo und in the seeds
of this plant should be eaten. of trees, plants and grasses. Fat hens and melds
are heavily endowed with seeds w hich can be
Ramsons Allium ursinum : R am.sons are wild added to stews or soups as a thickening, or
onions and frequently announce their presence dried, then ground with a small amount of
to the nose before the eye. They can be wa ter and dribbled on to a h ot rock or hot
collected and used like spring onions. as hes to form a simple banno ck. The seeds of
However, ea ten raw their onion flavour is Greater Plantain can also be used in this way.
overpowering: better to collect the tubers and
roast them gently in hot embers until golden Acorns Quercus spp: One of the most
brow n, after w hi ch th ey taste like shall ots. Or important of all seeds throughout the
try braising them in a beef or vegetable stock. temperate and semi-arid areas is that from the
oak tree. Acorns ca n be collected by gatheri ng
Rosebay Willowherb Epilobium angustifolium: them with leaf litter from underneath th e tree.
The roots of Rose bay Willow herb can be used Place this into slow Oowing wa ter where the
for foo d; however, witho ut careful prepa ration acor ns sink and the leaves are carri ed away.
they will be disappointingly bitter. Collect the They ca n then be dried in fro nt of the fire,
roots before th e plant Oowers , scrape th e w hich will open the shell, and they are then
outside of th e root and remove the central removed laboriously from the shells. The dried
brown thread in the root before roasting the and roasted acorn can be used to make coffee,
roots in hot ashes. or if yo u boil the acorn in m any changes of
water to remove the tannins that turn th e
wa ter brown th ey ca n then be ground up to GREENS
make a fl o ur substitute, w hich ca n be used to Nettle Urtica spp: The prime green food of the
make a wa mush cooked with a hot northern temperate zo ne has to be th e
rock or coo ked into a bann ock in hot ashes. stinging nettle. Use onl y the young leaf tops at
the top of the nettle stem. Once cooked they
Sweet Chestnut Castanea sativa: Mu ch more lose th e sting. They can be bitter if you don 't
palatable than acor ns are sweet chestnuts. Ca n have any other ingredients to add to them.
be eaten raw, but at th eir best cooked. I like to
add th em to a bannock recipe with crab app le. Mallow Malva sylvestris: Mall ow leaves make
Delicious. so me of the best so up of all th e wild greens,
very popular in the Middle East. Today it is
Hazelnuts Corylus avellana: Hazelnuts are usually found growin g alongside roads and
usually collected from low bushes . They are at motorways.
th eir best w hen th ey are just ripe, but you
have to beat the squirrels to them , whi ch is Rosebay Willowherb Epilobium angustifolium:
not always easy ! Delicious raw - yo u just need The young leaves can be used as a poth erb, or
to improvise a nutcracker from a fork of a dri ed and used to produce a tea; the youn g
hazel branch. shoots can be stea med th en peeled and eaten.
The pith can be removed from th e mature
Walnuts Juglans regia: Walnuts, now mu ch less stalks and used to thi cken soups.
co mmon than they were in the past, are a
familiar food an d can be collected w here th ere Hedge Garlic Alliaria petiolata: H edge Garlic
are plenty of walnut trees . or Jack by the H edge grows as its name
suggests in the dark shade beside hedgerows . It
Beechnuts Fagus sylvatica: Beechnuts, or beech has a very strong ga rlic fl avour and ca n be
mast to use th e traditional name, are one of used in small quantiti es in salads or to stuff
my favourite foo ds. They are very high in oil foo d stea med under th e fire.
but the trees do no t always produce good
kern els. Collec t them, then hold th em in front Sorrels 0xalis acetosella, Rumex acetosa, Rumex
of th e fire to wa rm, burst open and reveal th e acetosella: Wood so rrel, com.mon sorrel and
three-sided nut. has a brown outer layer, sheep sorrel have an acidic fl avour so mewhat
which must be broken open to reveal th e mea t akin to apple peel and ca n be used raw in
insid e. small quantities to improve th e fl avo ur ofless
palatable wild foods or stuffed into fish
Grass and Sedge Seeds: Some grasses can be steamed underground .
used to produce good seed but you must take
care here to ensure there is no black Ergot Sea Beet Beta vulgaris: Sea Beet is often
fungus growin g in the seed heads. This mistaken for spinach, and can be used in
infestation is potentially lethal. All sedges are exactly th e same way. It is fo und commonly
edible. Perhaps the most useful of th ese is the along rivers close to estu ar ies and along the
Pendul o us Sedge, w hich grows in th e open coastal shorelin e.
shade of temperate woodland. Collect th e seed
heads, dry, th en grind with a small amount of Sea Purslane Halimione portulacoides: Sea
water to a paste, then dribble on to hot as hes Purslane inhabits th e sal ty margins of estuarine
or rock and cook as a damp er. rivers, estuaries and mud fl ats. These fl eshy
Walnuts Jug/ans regia Beechnuts Fagus sylvatica Grass and Sedge Seeds

Nettle Urtica spp Mallow Malva sylvestris Hedge Garlic Alliaria petio/ata

Oxalis acetosella Rumex acetosa Sea Purslane Halimione portulacoides

Bilberry Vaccinium myrtillus Elderberry Sambucus nigra Wi ld Apples Ma/us sylvestris

Rosehips Rosa canina Sloes Prunus spinosa Bullace

Blackberries Rubus fruticosus Raspberry Rubus idaeus

salty leaves ca n be a wo nderful addition to a Sloes Prunu s spinosa: Round blue berries the
wild meal if lightly stea med first; a particularly size of a marble that grow on the blackthorn
good accompaniment to fish ca ught on the bush. They are very tart and have a h.igh
coast such as sea bass. tannin content but this ca n be grea tly redu ced
by cooking. Deseed and dry them , th en add
FRUIT them to bread and bannock mi xes.
Bilberries Vacc inium myrtillus: The bilberry
grows on low bushes in much of the Bu/lace: Related to the sloe. Bu!Jace is the tiny
temperate zo ne. Bilberries an d blueberries are wild plu m, a delicious wild food, well worth
not good for nibbling in a survival situation as out fo r.
they tend to lower the blood sugar, but used
with other ingredients , such as bread and Blackberries Rubus fruti cosus: Blackberries
bannock m..ixes with a little sugar, they are need li ttle introduction. They are one of the
wonderful. most co mmon and popular w ild foods. Dried
blackberry leaves can be used to make a tea.
Elderb erries Sambu cus nigra: Elderberries ca n
prove eme ti c if ea ten in large quantities from Raspberry Rubus idaeus: Wild raspberri es are
the bush. Do not co nfuse the ordinary to be found in many woodland edges and
elderberry with th e poisonous dwarf hedgerows. The leaves mixed with dri ed
elderberry. Elderberries can be dried and blackberry leaves make an acceptable tea .
added to bread and bannocks as flavouring, or
cooked, or add ed to stews. Cloudberries Rubus cham aemorus:
Cloudberries are found mainly in
Wild Apples Ma lus sylvest ris: Crab app les are mo untainous and moorland regions or in th e
the ancestor of all of o ur domestic appl es, ye t forests of the very far north. They are a rich-
beca use of their bitter taste they are often flavoured, raspberry growing
disrega rded. Once cooked they taste like any o n a low shrub, more of an Arctic berry, but
ordinary apple. They can be collected in large found sometimes on the edge of the
quantities in th e autumn. Consider them not temp erate zone.
j ust as a survival source of sugar but even a
potential addition to some savo ury dishes, Cherries Prunus avium, Prunus padus: Wild
particularly in ri sottos with wild m ushrooms . cherries are very small and th e large pit must
Or toast th em over the fire until the skin is be removed because it contains cyanide. The
soft and ca n be squ eezed off. flesh is every bit as good as the cultivated
variety. The problem is getting to the cherries
Rosehips Rosa can in a: Rosehips are well before the birds do. The wild cherry, Pru nus
known for their C content. avi um, occurs quite high up in the forest
Remember, thou gh that their seeds are ca nopy and is difficult to reac h, but the Bird
covered in tiny hairs, which can irritate the C herry, which is more common in the west of
gut, so discard th em before eating. Take the th e UK, is a shrub, and th e cherri es ca n be
bright orange seed cases and infuse them in more easily collected.
water for ten or fifteen rn.inutes : drink th e
rosehip tea, th en ea t the seed cases. Rosehips
can be found throu gho u t the winter.
FUNGI most sought after edible mushrooms. However,
Around the world edible fungi are collected in fo r survival purposes we err on the side of
the wild; many are hi ghly prized. In terms of caution, considering all members of this family
survival edu ca tion th ey are frequently ignored, to be poisonous. Members of this fa mily
it being suggested that the poor calorific possess characteristic features that you should
return from fungi does not compensate fo r the learn to recognise. (see page 199).
potential risk of collecting a poisonous variety.
Some fungi can cause irreversible and fatal Poisonous Amanitas
poisoning. H owever, they should not be • The Death Cap Arnanita phalloides
dismissed: they are rich in minerals, filling and, • Destroying Angel Arnanita virosa
above all, can transform bland dishes into • Fly Agaric A manita rnusca ria
cordon bleu feasts. • Panther Cap Amanita pantherina
T he forager for any wild food must be able • The Blusher Amanita rubescens
to differentiate edible from poisonous. The real • Grisette Arnanita vagina /a
problem with fungi is that they can pose more • Tawny Grisette Amanita j,.dva
sub tle problems in identification than plants. • The Spring Amanita Amanita verna
While it is feasible for a novice to teac h • Amanita echinocephala
themselves to identify plants by the sole use of • Amanita gemmata
a field gui de, it is not wise to attempt this with
fun gi. If you are interested in eating wild Other poisonous families
mushrooms yo u should attend a field study Apart from th e Death Cap family th ere are
course and learn to identify them accurately. many other poisono us fungi to be avoided.
Then a field gu ide will be infinitely more Certain other families pose a threa t to the
usefu l. Do not eat any fungus unless you are un wary forager, most notably th e:
certain of its identification. For all practical • Cortinarius family Cortiariaceae (particularly
purposes poisonous fungi are not rendered safe Cortinarius speciosissimus and Cortinarius
by cooking. Indeed the testimony of victims orellanus)
reveals that many of the most lethal species Also included in the family are:
actually taste pleasant before and after • The lnocybe family (particularly the Red
cooking, including the aptly named Death Staining lnocybe Inocybe patouillardi1)
Cap, Amanita phalloides. Lethal fungi are also • The H ebeloma family
frequently consumed by animals and
invertebrates, but this is not an indication that In addition to these families the fo llowing
we can eat them. species have been mistaken for edible
.. ~FIN DOUBT - LEAVE IT OUT • False Morel Gyromitra esculenta
• Entoloma sin11atum
• Yellow Stainer Agaricus xanthoderma
Know your poisonous fungi • Brown Roll-rim Pax illus involutus
The most poisonous fungi belong to th e • Satan's Boletus Boletus satanus
Death Cap family Amanitaceae, of which there • Boletus erythropus
are over twenty species to be found within th e • Boletus luridus
UK. Not all members of the family are • Woolly Milk Cap Lactarius torminosus
poisonous : Caesar's Mushroom , Arnanita • Lactarius pubescens
caesa rea (not fo und in the UK) is one of the • Co mmon Earthball Scleroderma citrinum
How to recognise the Amanita family

3 . All members of this family have white

These can sometimes be seen in the
characteristic gill pattern coating leaves
beneath the toadstool. If not they can be
observed by placing the cap on to a
smooth dark surface overnight. The spores
of poisonous Amanitas are also extremely
poiso nous.

4. All British species have w hite/ cream gills,

free of the stem.

5. Cap colour varies

• Olive-green cap for the Death Cap
Amanita phalloides.
• W hite for Destroying Angel Amanita
Death Cap (Amanita phalloides): note the basal sac virosa.
reaching up the stem, the white skirt beneath the cap • Red for Fly Agaric Amanita muscaria.
and the olive green colour of the cap.
• Brown for Panther Cap Amanita
1. A universal veil which encloses the
immature fruit body.
In some species (such as the Fly Agari c
Amanita muscaria and Panther Cap Amanita
pantherina) remnants of this remain as
wh ite spots/scales on the cap surface of
th e mature fungus. These spots/scales can
be easily brushed off or washed away by

- 2. Askirt or ring under the cap.

lllii In other species (such as the Death Cap
~ Amanita phalloides, and Grisette Amanita
vagina/a) re01J1ants of the universal veil

remain as a basa l sac or volva.
A skirt is commonly fo und around th e
stem benea th the cap, although it is
sometimes absent
• Scleroderma verrucosum 7. Having p ositively identifi ed an edibl e fungus
• Sulphu r Tuft H ypholoma Jasiculare always cook it before ea ting.
• False C hanterelle Hygroph oropsis aurantiaca
• The Sickener Russula ernetica
• Beechwood Sickener Russula 1nairei

Most cases of poisoning occur when toxic Fungi growing from the ground
species are confused with edible species, and a
useful question to ask of th e victims or their With a spongy layer under the cap
mu shroom-picking benefactors is the identity These fungi are generally referred to as
of the mushroom they tho ught they were 'Boletus' fungi. They are very prized and
picking. In the absen ce of a we ll-preserved collected in many countries in large numbers.
specimen, th e answer to this qu estion could They are one of the safest forms of fungi fo r
narrow the possible suspects considerably. beginners. If you cut the cap in half you will
SENS ITIVITY : some people are see that the sponge-like layer is comprised of
undoubtedly sensitive to some kinds of many parallel tubes. Some of these fun gi will
mu shrooms, especially if eaten raw, e.g. the exhibit a rapid colour change to blue on
Wood Blewit Lepista nuda, and C hicken of the cutting or bruising; this is not an indicator of
Woods Laetiporus sulpureus. the edibili ty of the fungus.

Collecting fungi for food • Penny Bu n Boletus edulis

Many fungi are good eating, and if ca re and • Bitter Bolete 7j1/opilus Jelleus
caution is exe rcised a large proportion of them • Bay Boletus Xerocomus badius
can be identified in the field by eye. • Summer Boletus Boletus aereus
When yo u are collecting fungi for eating • Brown Birch Boletus Leccinun·, scabn11n
follow these rules to avoid making • O range Birch Boletus Leccinum versipelle
unn ecessary mistakes in identification: • Oak Boletus Leccinum quercinum
• Asp en Boletus Leccinwn aurantiacurn
1. Do not collect baby/ button stage fungi. It • Sli ppery Jack Suillus luteus
can be difficult to positively identify • Larch Bolete Suillus bovinus
immature fungi.
2 . Handle the fungus carefu lly to prevent With spines under the cap
damage that may impair its identifica tion. T hese fungi are ge nerally referred co as
3 . Make certain chat yo u have all of th e 'Hedge hog' fungi. Within th e UK non e is
fungus; th e base of the stem can be vital to poisonous although some are too tough to eat.
correct identification.
4. Do not collect old or decaying fungi. Fungi Hedgehog Fungus Hydnum repandum:
that are old can b e difficu lt to identi fy Yell owish with pale fl esh coloured cap. Can
correctly because their colours change and grow in large numbers. Deciduous and
their di stinguishin g features become coniferous woodland. Excellent eatin g.
5. Do not eat any fungus unless yo u are 100% Hedgehog Fungus Hydnum rufescens:
certain of its identification. Salmony orange-brown cap. Can grow in large
6. W hen collecting do not mix poisonous with numbers. D eciduous and c011iferous woodland .
edible species. Excellent eating.
Brown Birch Boletus Penny Bun Boletus edulis Penny Bun (a lternative form).
Leccinum scabrum

Bitter Bolete Bay Boletus Oak Boletus

Ty/opilus felleus Xerocomus badiu Leccinum quercinum

Slippery Jack Hedgehog Fungus Hydnum repandum

Suillus luteus
Horn of Plenty Giant Puffball Calvatia utriformis
Craterellus cornucopides Langermannia gigantea

Judge's Wig/Shaggy lnkcap Magpie lnkcap - not edible.

Coprinus comatus Coprinus picaceus
Sarcodo n imbricatum: Velvety reddish-purplish flesh with no signs of any fe atures such as stem
brown cap, cracking into overlapping scales or gills developing internally.
(not removable). Pale fl esh coloured
background. Most frequ ent in Scottish pine Ca lvatia utriformis: A white ball- shaped fungus
forests . abo ut the size of a ten nis ball with a short
stubby stem.
Trumpet shaped without gills, sponge or spines
Th e Common Puffball Lyco pe rdo n pe rl atum: A
Horn of Plenty Cratere llus co rnu co pides: Black wh ite puffball abo ut the size of a ping-pong
trump et-like fungus fading grey with age. ball , with a short stem. Its outer surface is
Often found in large groups in leaf litter. They covered with tiny spin es that brush off easily.
dry well and are good flavouring for a survival
stew. Th e Stump Puffball Lyco perd on pyrifo rm e: A
beige to brown colo ured puffball slightly
Ball shap ed fungi smaller tha n a ping-pong ball with a short
Ball shaped fungi are called puffballs beca use stem. Th is puffball only grows on wood which
of the way they dispe rse th eir spores. Before may be buried in leaf li tter.
they mature to this puffing stage they ca n be
coll ec ted for food. Fungi with gills
(like the common/true mushroomO
Puffba ll guidelines Most poisonings occur with gill bearing fungi.
The fl esh of a puffball must be pure white Parti cularly when confused for the true
w hen cut throu gh without any signs of the mushroom or th e chanterelle.
develo pment of oth er fea tures.
• - ---- ..:"!
~ - --.....-;:::;.:"1-....---:'!lla;::=.-'.'!
• Puffballs that have a yellow or purple
llli1 colour inside or th at have turned to
111111 spo res.
Tru e Mushro oms: The tru e mushroom MUST
l . Earthballs which can be mistaken for ~
~ puffballs. These have a rubbery outer
have a ring round the stem and MUST have
gills turning pink to chocolate.

ij layer and a ri ch cream interior w hen

very young w hich turns deep purple to
black inside as th e fun gus matures.
- One member of the mu shroom family can
give alarming symptoms of sweating and
stom ac h cramps - Yellow Stainer Agaricus
xa nthoderma . T his is a tru e mushroom but
• Button stage fun gi that show th e shape
when handled or bruised it turns a very bright
of the developing toadstool.
yellow and has an unpl easa nt smell of carbolic.
It does not affect everyo ne, but it is bes t
avoided. It is frequ ently found on the margin
Giant Puff Ball Lange rman ni a gigantea: The of deciduous woodland.
Giant puffball is difficult to mistake, a large
ro und white fun gus mo st often about the size Judge's Wig /Shaggy Ink Cap Co prinus co matus:
of a football. When cut through it should A very distinctive fun gus like its common
exhi bit smooth, firm, textured, creamy w hite name. Also know n as Shaggy Ink Cap beca use
of th e large w hite scales with brow nish tips. also edible it can ca use stoma ch upsets in some
This fungus is upright and all w hite in colour. people.
(Do not confu se it with the black and w hite
capped Magpi e Ink Cap Coprinus picaceus.) Chanterelle Cantharellus cibarius: A wondetful
Eat only yo ung specimens, befo re the gills fun gus to find w hi ch is seldom wormy and one
have started to dissolve into th e inky spore- of th e best edible species. It can grow in large
bea ring liquid. numbers in woodland, often near pine. It is a
wavy edged trumpet-shaped fun gus with egg-
Parasol Mushroom Lepiota procera: A very yellow gills, whi ch more resemble veins running
large fungus with an excellent taste. Sometimes down the stem. Smells of apricots. The stem is
almost as big as a dinner plate. Cream coloured robust and tends to snap cleanly when bent.
gills and cap with shaggy scales (scales ca nnot
be brushed oil). T he stem has a large double Honey Fungus Armillaria mellea; Th is fungus
'sliding' ring and snake-like markings. ca n be fo und in large areas of woodland and can
grow in dense clusters at the base of trees .
Shaggy Parasol Lepiota rhacodes: A similar Although edible, honey fungus ca n be mi ldly
fun gus to L. procera, cream coloured gills, cap toxic if eaten raw, so it must be cooked, eve n if
with very shaggy scales (scales ca nnot be only boiled up for a few minutes (th e wa ter then
brushed oil) . The stem has a large double disca rded). H oney fungus is very varied in form
'sliding' ring but without the snake-like but generally spea king, as the name suggests, is
markings. Flesh turns red on cuttin g. Although honey-coloured and has gills off-white to dark

1--.....-::;."."!a ~ ~ ......-::- -...-.:=:-• .:=::oa.: ::oa.: _ ,_ __,

C hanterelle is one of the colour, more blade like gills
most sought after of edible w hich do run down the
fungi ; inevitably there have stem. The stem is more
been deaths and serious fl exible and tends to green-
poisonings w hen the unwary sti ck frac ture w hen bent. The
have mistaken it for other scent of apricots is absent.
species. Particularly In the USA C hanterelle
• Cortinarius speciosissii-nus, can be confused with Jack
1111 Cortinarius orellanus, neither O'La ntern Omphalotus
• of w hich has gills running illudens. This has crowded
11111down the stem and have a bright orange blade-like gills
Iii distinctive radi shy scent. that run down the stem, but
1111 More easily mistaken for lacks the distinctive apricot
C hanterelle is the False odour of Chanterelle. An
C hanterelle, H ygrophoropsis unusual feature of this fungus
aurantiaca, w hi ch can grow is that fresh th e gills glow a
- near to the tru e chanterelle. bright greenish yellow in the
This has a more red-orange dark.

-.. ~ ~ - ...---- ~ ~ ..... :~ ..-:=--"II.-::;;;.;

Parasol Mushroom Shaggy Parasol Chanterelle
Lepiota procera Lepiota rhacodes Cantharellus cibarius

Honey Fungus The Cauliflower Fungus Chicken of the Woods

Armillaria me/lea Sparassis crispa Laetiporus sulphureus

brown.The stem has a ring. Several other fungus nearby. This soft, rubbery, brain-like fun gus is
species grow in groups in thi s mann er and ca n very distinctive and large sp ecimens w ill last
be harmful (in particular the toxic SulphurTuft for days . Portions dry well hung up on strings.
Hypholomafasiculare, w hich has sulphur- Excellent eating.
coloured gills) so care must be taken in the
identification of this species. IF IN DOUBT On the trunks of standing mature trees above

Fungi growing on trees Chicken of the Woods Laetiporus sulphureus:

At the base of mature Scots Pine Trees 15-S0c m across. A spec tacular fungu s growing
mostly on yew, cherry, sweet chestnut, oak
The Cauliflower Fungus Sparassis crispa: and mature willow. Brilliant yellow to orange
20-S0cm across. Found usually in a large with a velvet-like texture, it usually grows in
clump at the base of m ature Scots pines or tiers and resembles polystyrene pouring out
Ox Tongue or Beef Steak Oyster fungu s Pleurotus cornucopiae
Fungus Fistulina hepatica Pleurotus ostreatus

of th e tree. It darkens with age before Growing on the stems and branches of elder
even tually fadi ng wh ite w hen it dries. Best
sliced finely and fri ed or added to a survival Jew's Ear Auricularia auricula judae: 2-4 cm
stew. across . This brow n ear-like fungus is easi ly
recognised, particularly w hen growing on
Ox Tongue or Beef Steak Fungus Fistulina elder. R ubbery and elastic, its outer surface is
hepatica: As its name suggests it resembles a velvety. In dry weather it shrinks and dries
large liver or tongue. It usually grows above hard, in w hi ch state it ca n be picked and
sho ulder height on oak and sweet chestnut stored for rehydrating by soaking in warm
trees, large logs and stumps. When cut throu gh water or dropping into th e survival stew at a
it looks like steak and has a blood-like sap. later time.
Bitter to taste, it is b est sliced into chunks
soaked in salt water fo r at least two hours
befo re kebabing wi th other wild foods. Eaten
hot it rese mbl es steak.

Oyster Fungus Pleurotus ostreatus: 6-14cm

across. Blue-grey shell shaped fungus growing
in clusters, o ne on top of the other. Found
on th e trunks and stumps of dead or
decaying trees, particu larly beech , often m
large masses .

Pleurotus cornucopiae: Similar to P. ostrea tus

but w ith a cream colour and growing usually
on oa k, beech and elm.
This is perhaps one of th e most unlikely food
reso urces. In biological terms li chen are
distinct orga nisms, base d on a symbiotic
relationship between fungi and algae. Some
lichen are edible and have been used as food
in times of famine, while others are eaten as a
rare delicacy. They can sometimes be found in
great quantity, but you will use a lot of energy
in cleaning them. Only a few species of lichen
are toxic, such as wolf lichen, Letharia 111-1/pina.
Slow-growing edible lichen should be
collected for food only in times of extreme
shortage and where they grow in abundance.
They contain acids w hich make them
unpalatable and, more seriously, can ca use an
emetic reaction. The acids can be neutralised
by boiling them in a solution of bica rbonate
of soda or, if this is not available, an alkaline
soluti on made by boiling wood ash in water.
Strain the lichen, then boil again in fresh
water. T hey are an unappealing foodstuff with
little flavo ur, bu t can be added to other wild
foods for their carbohydrate.

Iceland Moss Cetraria islandica: This li chen is

common in Arcti c and sub-Arctic regions. Boil
it in several changes of water then dry it to
reduce the bitterness. Powder it and boil it
aga in . Skim off any scum before consumption.
Flavour is decidedly lacki ng, so use th e lichen
broth as the base of a soup made with other Lichen has to be one of the most unlikely sources of food.
more fl avourful ingredients.
Rock Tripe Umbillicaria: The most unlikely-
Old Man's Beard Lichen Alectoria sp and looking edible lichen . Dark greeny grey, it
Bryoria sp: Like cotton wool, these lichen covers rocky surfaces in the north. Leathery
festoon trees in th e far north. They are w hen moist, it is brittle w hen dry and th e
co mmonly used as tinder but can also be most aci di c of the edible lichens. After
eaten. Collect the lichen and pick out as many collectin g the lichen wash out the grit and dry
needles and twigs as possible, then bo il in a it, th en boil in a solution of bicarbonate of
solution of bicarbonate of soda or wood ash . soda or wood ash.
In Bri tish Colu mbia these lichen were cooked
in ground ovens in layers with wild onion Reindeer Moss Cladonia sp: T his lichen thrives
bulbs. in sandy conditions, particularly on th e tundra.
Grey-green in colour it is multi-bran ched,
growing in tufts, w hi ch can be extensive. As its It has been sta ted th at all species of seaweed
name suggests, it is the food of reindee r, w hich are edible, but this is not strictly true: w hile the
dig down and graze it from under snow in th e majority are edible so me are not worth ea ting
winter. Wash and boil or fry it. and a few, notably the D esmarestia aculeata and
Desn-iarestia lingulata species (sometimes referred
SEAWEED to as sea so rrels), are too acidic. H owever, the
The majority of us have direct co ntact with best and most conu11 on edible seaweeds are
seaweed only w hen walking on th e shoreline, very easily recognised.
or delving into rock pools. Usually it appears Seaweeds are rich in minerals, particularly
lifeless and rubbery in unappealing colours. iodine, and also co ntain notable amounts of
When it rots , seaweed attracts clouds of flies protein and carbo hydrate. In most cases 10 per
and gives off a repellent odour. To apprecia te ce nt or more, of th e dried weight of seaweed is
seaweed, we must get into the wa ter with it. co mprised of protein and over 50 per cen t
The best time to do this is in th e warm ca rb ohydrate. H owever, only a small proportion
sum.mer months, when seaweed growth is at of the carbohydra te is digestible - in fac t unless
its height. Arrange to be on a beac h at low one is accustomed to eating seaweeds it is wise
water of a spring tide: spring tides occu r at first to only ea t small amounts as they have a
fortnightly throu ghout the year in the UK but well-established reputation as a purgative. They
are most extreme in M arch and September. At are also quite fillin g.
th ese times more of the seabed is exposed than The vitamin content of seaweeds is quite
at other times in th e yea r. astonishing: 100g of an average seaweed ca n
Seaweed species prefer different zones of the provide over half yo ur daily requirement of
shore: some, such as Chordafilum , thrive in vi tamin C, and more than the daily
areas of permanent wa ter w hile oth ers, like requirement of vi tamins A, B2, B 12, sodium,
Enteromorpha intestinah's, tolerate exposure at potassium and magnesium. They also co ntains
low tide and therefo re proliferate on th e upper chlorine, calcium and vitamin D.
part of a beac h. C hoose an area that will not
be cut off by the rising tide and snorkel with Sea Lettuce Ulva lactuca: Without a doubt, Sea
the seaweeds as the tide rises. Lettuce is the most appetising seaweed to look
at: its bright emerald gree n is somewhat
reminiscent of lettu ce leaves. Its other
conunon nam e is gree n laver. I like to ea t it
raw, cut up into small segments and included
in seafood salads. Dried and chopped up finely
it is a pleasing addition to seafood so up.

Dulse Palmaria palmata: Dulse has bea utiful

translu cent red fronds , a treat added raw to a
wild salad. It is crispy-textured with a
wonderful ocean fl avo ur. Dried, it can be
gro und to a powder and used as a salt
substitute. It has a high protein content and
contains all of the trace elements we need.
R olled into tight tubes and dried, dulse make
an excellent savoury trail snack for hikers.
Sweet Oarweed Laver Egg Wrack
Laminaria saccharina Porphyra umbi/icaris Ascophyffum nodosum

Surprisin gly it is excell ent deep-fried li ke sugar, mannitol, w hich crystallises when the
potato crisps. seaweed dries.

Irish Moss/Carrageen Chondrus crispus; Laver Porphyra umbilicaris: Laver resembl es a

Gigartina stellata: Irish moss releases gelatine piece of old polyth ene more than an edible
w hen boiled, as does the similar seaweed foo d, bu t it is w idely co nsidered excell ent
C igartina stellata. T hey ca n be used to produ ce ea tin g. It is the best known of our edible
no urishing if bland tas ting j elly or to thi cken seaweeds. Laver bread takes time and effort to
soup or make blancmange: wash a good produce and I prefer to dry !aver and eat it
handful of the seaweed in clean wa ter, ti e it like dulse o r diced in so up s as for
into a pi ece of cheeseclo th w ith a va nill a pod sea lettu ce.
and cook it for 30 minutes w ith 1 li tre of milk
in a bain- marie. R emove the cheesecloth, Egg Wrack Ascophyllum nodosum: T he Egg o r
sweeten, and chill. Knotted W rack is an unli kely loo king food :
to ugh rubbery fro nds w ith large egg- shaped
Enteromorpha intestinalis: A deli ca te emerald fl o tatio n chamb ers. Wi th a high fa t and o il
green seaweed that fl oa ts in the high-wa ter co ntent, it has a deli ca te flavo ur after cooki ng
region of a beach ; it ca n be easily fo un d and in a li ttle water or O nly use th e
used as Sea Lettuce. tenderes t yo ung sa mples.

Sweet Oarweed Laminaria saccharina: Gathering Seaweed

Commo n , and goo d ea ting, particularly th e D o n't j ust emp ty the sho re: cut youn g healthy
fres h yo ung stip es coo ked in a little water o r specimens leaving th e holdfast attached to th e
stea med. As its name suggests it contai ns a rock w ith plenty of fro nd.
SHELLFISH recover it at th e next low tide. In tryin g to
Shellfish provide rich and easily collected food reach the bait, the crabs and lobsters become
and ca n be found in fresh- and salt-wa ter entangled in the snares. In clear water it may
environments. be possible to collect crabs by improvising a
drop net, baited in th e sa me way. Attac h a
Shrimps mosquito net or a piece of old fishing net to a
M arine shrimps are traditionall y collected by weighted frame. Lower it on to the seabed,
either scooping th em from the sea at low tide watc h it, and when crabs scramble over it, lift
using hand nets, or further out to sea using it. In England th e sa me method has bee n used
tranunel nets. On remote shorelines it is in less clear water using an old bicycle wheel
possible to imp rovise a shrimping net from a as the frame for th e drop net. Bait and lower it
mosquito net attached to an H-shaped frame into a likely spot for 10-20 rninutes then haul
of li ght wood w hi ch can be towed through it up swiftly to the surface. In th e tropics crabs
th e surf. are frequen tly to be fo und in freshwater
Freshwater shrimps are mostly fou nd in a strea ms. The classic method for ca tching
useful size in wa rm tropical wa ters: most crayfish is to take an old bucket or large tin
shallow streams in rainforests contain them. can and punch pencil-diameter holes into the
They can be collected with a mosquito sides and bottom so that it will sink, or use a
headnet converted into a dip net or stretched chi cken-wire mesh drum. Bait it with old
taut in a frame. Disturb the leaf li tter in the mea t, the smellier the better, and submerge it
stream to flush out th e shrimps, th en scoop close to a river bank. Crayfish are skilled trap
th em up with yo ur net a little way robbers: to foil them remove th e trap before
dow nstream. daylight.

Crabs, lobsters, squat lobsters and crayfish Bivalves

Crabs, lobsters and crayfish provide so me of Bivalve shellfish include some of th e most
the ta stiest wild food. However, without access popular fruits de mer, like mussels, oysters and
to a boat and crab or lobster pots, it is unlikely clams. However, you must exercise caution in
th at yo u will find large crabs or lobsters, ea ting them. Bivalvular shellfish are filter
although in tropical regions large mud crabs feeders: they strain nutri ents from water passed
can be speared in rock pools at low tide. Even through a siphon organ , and may contain
so it is well worth searching rock pools for pollutants, especially mu ssels, w hi ch live in
smaller crabs, and at very low tide turning open wa ter, so filter more than clams, w hich
over rocks in searc h of squat lobsters. A live in nutrient-ri ch silt and sa nd. For the most
hooked sti ck or croo ked piece of metal rod part pathogenic bacteria are destroyed in
can be a great help in hooking th em out of cooking as long as the shellfish are coo ked at
th eir retreats. You ca n improvise a trap for crab 100 degrees Celsius for longer than 20
and lobster from stro ng fishing line and minutes, or for a shorter time in the mu ch
saplings. Make a hoop of fl exible sa pling or hotter emb ers of an ope n fire.
vines an d reinforce it with two spokes crossing The toxin m ost responsible for shellfish
at its centre. Knot nooses made from fishing poiso ning is a marine algae of the Gonyaulax
lin e around th e circumference, then attach a genus. When preval ent in large numbers, the
weight and bait - dead rotting oil y fish is ideal algae become visible, turning th e coas tal water
- at the centre. Lower this from rocks at high a reddish brown. H ence the term applied to
tide or anchor it to th e seabed at low tide and th eir prese nce, 'red tides' . Unfortunately, they
Top: Many shellfish can be cooked simply in the embers of your
Bottom left: Wild crayfish caught with a headnet in a small stream.
Bottom right: Large jungle crayfish. One of the joys of remote
wilderness can be an abundance of wild food, a lesson in
Top left: Spend enough time in the company of hunter-
gatherers and you become alert to a wealth of potential
food sources, such as these freshwater mussels.
Top right: These clams, called 'wh ite mussels' in Namibia,
are arranged for cooking. Hot ashes and embers are laid
over them; as they cook the meat shrinks back towards the
hinge and away from the sand.
Bottom left: In the urban world we are far removed from the
reality of the life of hunter-gatherers. Consider the demands
of raising children. In the billy can is a meal of freshwater
crabs collected in the headwaters of the Orinoco River.
Bottom right: Limpets are an undervalued source of food.
can be present in sufficient quantity to pose a keyhole- shaped opening in the sand stealthily
serious threat to our health yet not be visible and sprinkle salt, or squirt a concentrated salt-
to the naked eye. R ed tides cause two forms water solution, into the hole.After a few
of poiso ning: diarrhoetic shellfish poisoning seconds the razor-shell will project upwards
(DSP), which causes serious illness , and through the hole by a couple of centimetres .
paralytic shellfish poiso ning (PSP) , which is Grasp it with your thumb and index finger,
life-threa tening and leads to paralysis and the but do not pull.You will feel the razor-shell
ultimate failure of our vital organs. Lo cal attempt to escape but soo n it will exhaust itself
knowledge of seasons when these tides occu r and relax. T hen you can draw it out easily.
is the only way to predict them. Hikers
foraging along shorelines should stay alert to Univalve shellfish
fishery authorities' advice and warnings. Includes whelks, limpets and winkles. Wh elks
Bivalve shellfish also concentrate chemical are usually trapped in baited basket traps and,
pollutants after shipwrecks. with the exception of the occasional whelk
trapp ed in rock pools at extreme low tide, are
Mussels usu ally beyond the reach of foragers. They may
Marine mussels are easily collected from rocks be affected by the red-tide organ.ism (see page
at low tide. They should be cleaned up and 210) as they eat filter feeders.
kept overnight in fresh water. The next day Limpets are one of the 1nost reliable su rvival
chec k that they are still h ealthy before you foods. As grazers, they are less prone to
cook them. Squeeze the shell slightly open: pollutants than filter feeders. They are not
healthy mussels will close again, tight shut. collec ted commercially because they are
Discard any mussels that remain closed after difficu lt to harvest and their texture is rough
cooking by steaming or boiling for at least 20 and chewy. However, neither is reason enough
minutes, or for less time in the embers of an for a forager to discard them. To collect
open fire. Discard any that do not open up limpets, strike them swiftly and firmly with a
durin g coo king. rock to dislodge th em. U se stealth and
surprise: if you are unsu ccessful on your first
Freshwater mussels attempt they will clamp down extra hard.
Found in rivers with silty beds - look for old To cook them, either place them upside
shells washed up on sa ndbars along the river. down in a shallow bed of embers or allow
You will frequently encounter them when th em to clamp down on to a flat rock or
searching for aquatic food plants, such as the metal sheet over which yo u ignite a rapid hot
tub ers of arrowhead Sagittaria. fire of dry grass or small twigs. Wh en th ey are
cooked the shell will easily lift free. C ut away
Clams th e black blister, which contains the internal
Clams and cockles ca n b e raked or dug from organs, and eat the orange mussel-like meat.
sand or silt at low tide depending upon the They ca n be made into kebabs or even diced
species. They can be trea ted in the same way as and used in a chowder.
mussels. Winkl es are still a treat in coastal Britain.
R azor-shells are only available at the lowest Boil them for 20-30 minutes and then use a
tides and they can di g themselves rapidly into pin to lift off their watertight seal and extract
the sa nd to evade you; you must employ the spirally body. The sa me process is used
special means to capture them. My favourite elsewhere with mangrove snails and
method is to approach their distinctive telescopium snails.
Sea urchins raw or cooked qui ckly in hot ashes. They taste
Sea urchins are frequently a thorn in the of scrambled eggs.
forager's foot , but a popular seafood,
particularly in the M editerranean. They are Palm grubs
boiled or steamed then broken open to reveal Large w hite palm grubs are found in the
the soft edible interior. trunks of fallen sago and other palms. They are
such an important food source that some
Octopus peoples deliberately fell palm trees to create a
Octopus are usually harvested by spear habitat for them. When you cut into the soft
fishermen, although occasionally they can be palm wood, look for 2-3cm diameter holes,
found in ro ck pools. Turn th em inside out to which betray their presence. They can be eaten
kill them. To cook, boil or stew them in raw or cooked and have a pleasa nt palm oil
marinades made from fruit or coconut cream. fl avour.

INSECTS Teredo worms

Today the idea of ea ting an insec t is repulsive The Teredo, mangrove or ship worm inhabits
to many people, yet historically insects have dead timber in the marine environment,
been an important source of hum an nutrition. particularly mangrove wo od. They are easily
Indeed, in many tropical countries indigenous found by chopping into dead mangrove wood
peo ples still relish insect foods. High in beside any 8-10cm diameter holes. A mollusc,
nutritional content, insects are an easily this borer is one of the least appealing of all
digested source of protein. edible grubs but tastes good. Eaten raw it is
rather like crab.
Generally, caterpillars are toxi c, w hi ch is Ants
recognisable from their bright colour or Ants are eaten in many parts of the world,
irritant hairs. Never handle hairy caterpillars: particularly the green ant in Australia, which
th ey can cause serio us, long-lasting skin tastes of lemon and has antibiotic properties .
rashes. In Africa the mopane ca terpillar, the During sul1ll1ler in the northern temperate
larval stage of the mopane moth, Conimbrasia
belina, is spiny, hairless, yellow, red and black,
6-Scm long and found in large numb ers on
the mopane tree. They can be eaten raw, sun-
dried or cooked. Discard th e head before

Witchetty grubs
Several different species of witchetty grub are
eaten by Aboriginal people in Australia. They
are found in the roots of the witchetty bush -
yo u will know they're there if yo u ca n find
the empty cases of emergent moths below it.
Excavate the roots of the bush and look for
15111111 diameter holes in them. Break open the
roots and co llec t the grubs. They ca n be eaten
Top and bottom left: Teredo worms were a bane to
ancient mariners, boring through ships' timbers, despite
their appearance they taste fine ... really.

Top right: Witchetty grubs - delicious.

Bottom right: Palm grubs are even tastier than witchetty


Opposite page: Wood ants' nests are a lesson in shelter

1. Cast nest and larvae on to tarp - do not use
all of the nest.

2. Fold over the tarp edge to create shade.

3. The ants do the work for you - aher 20-30

minutes open up the shade and hey presto.
zo ne wood ant larvae w ilJ make an emerge ncy the shells. In Europe, th e giant Roman snail,
meal. Fried gentl y th ey taste of shrimp. To commonly found on chalky dow ns, and th e
collec t th em tri ck th e ants into doing th e smaller common grey snail are edible. It is best
work. Lay your tarp next to th e ants' nest and to purge th em by keeping them for several
brea k open th e nes t, cas ting the larvae, nest days and feedin g them only dandelion or wild
material and ants o n to the centre of th e tarp. ga rli c leaves . If you are co nfident that th ey
Lay so me sticks aro und the edge of th e tarp have not been feeding on toxic plants, you ca n
and fold ove r the sides to create shad e. Th e coo k them immediately. C ooked Aboriginal
ants wilJ collect up th e larvae and deposit style in hot embers until their juices boil over
th em in the shade. After 20 minutes fold back th ey are a tasty if chewy delicacy.
th e tarp edges and scoop up the larvae, w hi ch
look like puffed ri ce. Amphibians and reptiles
A wide range of amphibians are eaten, from
cro codiles to frogs. In an emergency, frogs are
easy to catch but only the hind legs are worth
eatin g. All memb ers of th e R ana genu s are
edible. Beware of tro pical frogs, whi ch may be
highly toxic, such as arrow- poison frogs . Toads
are toxic, although they were used as fo od in
Britain 's rural past. R emove the dange rous
paratoid glands, situated behind th e eyes, and
gut th em before cooki ng. Today, with eve r-

In dire emergency the humble earthwor m has
been used as a source of protein. British
POWs used them to suppl ement th eir meagre
rati ons w hile forced to labour on the Burma
rail road. They kept the worms in salt wa ter,
massaging them until th ey had purged and
were pink in colour. They can also be sun-
dried and powdered for use in bouillon.

Slugs and snails

Slugs are generally best avoided as they feed
on poiso nous fun gi and may also beco me
Snails are widely ea ten. In the tropics giant
land snails are sold in the markets in bundles Happy with this meal, the San bushma n heads home to share
of fi ve with a li ana ti e passed throu gh holes in this lizard with his family.
disappearing wetland habitats, many FISHING
amphibians are protec ted by law - and I Many a skilled fisherman has used rod and line
would far rath er watch them than ea t th em! to feed a party in th e w ilds after th e fo od
Lizards and snakes are eaten in many parts stoc ks have been damaged or lost.
o f th e world, cau ght either by snare or spear. Co nventional fishin g techniqu es are a useful
Th ey are white-fleshed and good ea ting. and important aspec t of wildern ess travel. In
my experience lure and worm fishin g are the
BIRDS most w idely successful techniqu es: a good reel,
On e of the most delightful asp ec ts o f outdoors a good-quality lin e, a carriage rod (in several
life is the constant presence of our fea thered sec ti o ns) and a selec ti o n of hooks and lures
co usins, but of co urse in an emerge ncy they need no t be heavy and bulky. Make sure that
may also be an imp o rtant food source. The yo u have the required licence and th at you
best- know n fo od species are du cks, geese, foll ow the auth orities' g uidelines o n species
g rouse, pheasants and pigeons, alth o ugh many and size. The rules are intended to sa feguard
sma ll er birds are ea ten by indigenou s peoples. th e river ecology, which is, after all , what we
E ggs ca n also be co ll ected, most easily found are th ere to enjoy.
in we tland habitats. Birds are protec ted by law H ere are some tec hniques commo nl y
fro m poaching, but in a true em erge ncy these employed in th e wildern ess w hen fishin g for
traps from our pre-industrial past may save the foo d and not sport. On civilised wa ters they
day. may be considered bad practice or prohibited.
Wh en usin g birds as food, do no t drink H owever, in remote areas w here pressure on
th eir blood or ea t raw flesh: th ey are prone to fish stoc ks is virtuall y non- existent they
parasitic infestati o n. remain an appropriate m eans of fishin g for
fo od.

Whe re t o look fo r fis h

Befo re considerin g the fishing meth od, you
mu st look for the mos t productive wa ter in
your vicini ty. Finding fis h is esse ntially a
co mmonsense process : if it is ho t and sunny
look for cool shady pools; if it is cold, seek
warm, sunny spots. C heck deep eddi es on fast-
moving streams, parti cularly w here insects
falling from ove rh angin g vege tati o n may offer
a popular fe eding place. Wh en wa ter babbles
o r gushes over ro cks it b ecomes oxygenated:
the oxygen-ri ch water below can provide first-
rate fishing oppo rtunities, as can nutri ent-rich
areas of rivers, such as w here a strea m j o ins a
river. On w ide open wa ter look fo r narrows -
fo r example, betwee n islands or between an
island and the sho re wh ere the fish will be
funn elled into a small er area. Observe th e
behavio ur and move me nts of oth er w ildlife:
hero ns, pelica ns, o tters and many other expert
Top left: In Lapland a Sarni man sets a snare for Ptarmigan.
Top right: Detail of the bushman Koran trap - note tree gum
used as bait.
Bottom right: In Namibia a San bushman sets a snare for a
Koran bird
fisher crea tures may point the way to yo ur
own success.

Indicators of fish feeding

The most obvious sign is fish breakin g the
surfa ce to take insects. However, many species
stay close to the bottom, grazing on vegetation
and mo lluscs, disturbing vegetation , w hi ch
rises to the wate r surfa ce.

When to fish
Gene rally, ea rly morning, late afternoon,
twilight and at night are the most prod uctive
times, but here experi rn.entati on w ill be you r
best gui de.

Left: Wild brown trout are a delicious meal, a gift of nature to

the respectful fisherman .
Tickling ge ntl e fli ck of a fin and th e belly of th e fi sh.
Ti cklin g, or guddling as it is known in T he first time you do this yo u w iLI ce rtainl y
Sco tland , is a wid ely prohibited m ethod of flin ch and sca re th e fi sh away. Th e seco nd
fishing. In th e pas t, tickling was the high art of tim e, however, you will be rea dy. Having
non-commercial poa chin g, and no other found th e fish, the secret is to move your
method o f fi shin g is so primal or as satisfyin g . palms und er its b eLly, th en swiftl y and without
Ti cklin g was employed in two types of wa ter: hesitation snatch it with a e n fo ldin g grip that
the first in shall ow wa te r to take fish alm ost bends it preve nting its esca p e. Draw th e fi sh
beached on th eir way to spaw n, the easiest towa rds yo ur stomach and cast it weLI up on to
m etho d , and still used on the Falkland Islan ds; th e bank. Many a fish has esca ped by
th e seco nd in ri ve rs w ith cl ea r wa ter, shady wrigglin g back into th e wate r.
pools and overhanging banks. Classically the Strangely enough trout taste best poa ched.
fi sh is gently enco urage d in to a shady pool
where it takes refuge under a bank. Th en Bailing
wa din g slowly and ge ntl y, with your hands A tec hniqu e I have see n employed in tropical
submerged in front of you , pa lms up, reac h Afri ca . A sec tion of sma ll slow-flowin g strea m
under th e bank exploring with your fin ge rtips. is dammed off in two pla ces and th e wa ter
Am azin gly, you w ill eventually discover th e betwee n the dams bailed o ut to reveal th e bed.
As the water level drops, the fish take refuge wea pon requires co nsiderably more skill than a
under stones, logs and any crevice th ey ca n modern hunting too l. For example, w hen
find . They must be winkled out from in huntin g rays yo u lea rn quickly that tidal
hid ey-hol es, w hi ch is surprisingly diffi cult. It co nditions mu st be in your favour, just on the
must be the least skilful fishin g tec hnique, but ebb so that th e water is clear with goo d
effective none th e less . visibility and not sa ndy. T hen yo u have to
move slowly with stealth and recognise the
Driving - /au subtlest disturbance in the pattern of th e
In Western Samoa [ had the opportunity to sea bed that betrays th e prese nce of the ray.
take part in a !au. This involves a group effort. Once they are seen, yo u mu st throw with
Before low tide people ga ther on th e beach acc ura cy an d witho ut hesitation. T he woornera
and make a long rope of vi nes and coco nut- serves as the club to dispatch the prey. When
palm leaves to use as a co rral: the palm leaves hun ting among Aboriginal people, you will
are spliced in so that th ey will hang down in not easily detect any o bvious process of
th e wa ter like a screen . When it is ready the conserva tion , but eac h hunter's han d is guided
lau is taken out into the water at low tide, by ancient wisdom, a process of conserva tion
held by people 4 - 5 metres apa rt. The party enshrined in stri ctly observed Aboriginal law
grad ually creates a circle at least 100 metres in that dictates w hich species eac h hunter may or
diameter. The reef fi sh are trapp ed inside the may not hunt.
corral as they are no t prepared to pass the leaf In the tropi cs, on re efs and in forest streams,
screen. Wh en th e circle is complete, spear simple harpoons are put to great use. To
fish ermen enter it and ca tch the trapp ed fish. succeed wi th th em you need swim.ming
Afterwards the ca tc h is divided betwee n the goggles or a divin g mas k. Today harpoons are
participants, and with the wisdo m of usually powered by rubber, either with a spear
generations, the reef just fished is left until the and ca tapu lt-like arrangement or, more
stocks have recovered . commo nly, with a loop of rubb er attac hed to
the ta il of a spear with several tin es. To fire it
Spearing the thumb is passed through the loop of
Today spearing survives only in remote rubb er, w hi ch is stretch ed, and the spea r
comnrnnities where fishing is solely a matter grasped well up its shaft. R eleasin g the shaft
of foo d collecting. Of the many methods I ca uses the harpoon to shoot forward. A simple
have encountered the techniqu e that most and effective fishing method.
impresses me is that of the Aboriginal peoples
of northern Australia, who use a long, Li ght Ang ling
spear with fo ur splayed meta l tin es 40cm long. Angling or fishin g with a hook and line is the
Traditionally made from hardwood bound most widespread fi shing method, and if you
with banyan fibre and beeswax, metal and are travelling on water yo u should consider
copper wire or strong mono-filament fishing taking a rod and lures with you, or
li nes are now the norm. This easily made im provising a simple rod from a thi n stiff
hunting too l is used to catch fis h, rays, crabs, sapling: remove th e bark and allow the wood
longnecked turtl es, lizards, birds, crayfish. It is to dry and stiffen for a co uple of days . Attach a
enhanced by th e use of a woomera (spear- stretch of line th e sa me length as th e rod to
thrower), which increases th e speed of th e tip. Or improvise rings from w ire and cast
throwing, aids accuracy and, if necessa ry, ca n a longer line like a fl y line.
impart greater fo rce to the spear. To use this Fish species and tec hniques vary widely
~ Splitshot

Loop of the line weighted

with split shot



Hand line and running ledger rig.


=o ""'
Weighted swim feeder filled with bait 0 0

molds, line near the bottom

"' C, ""

Hand line with fixed paternoster and swim feeder.

Lures - make sure you have a variety of lures, especially
smaller sizes. A smaller fish won't take a big lure.

A small rod like this is ideal for

wilderness travel.
around the globe. Before you enter any wild Night-lines and t ro t lines
area ask lo cal fishermen what ta ckl e and bait Night-lines are strictly prohibited in most
th ey would use. If you ca nnot afford the circumstances, but in the wild th ey remain an
weight of a rod in your outfit, try one of th e effective emergen cy fishin g method . Take a
following techniques. long length of heavy fishing line or thin nylon
cord, attach dropper loops 30cm apart, and to
Hand-line hobo fishing each loop a leader of nylon line 40-S0cm
Hand- line fishing o ffers less control than rod long. Tie on th e hooks and bait th em with
fishing, but it is rewarding in its simplicity. thick leathery-skinned grubs and slu gs rath er
Many different sizes of fi sh ca n be ca ught in th an worms, wh ich many fish can remove
this way in both marine and inland waters.All from th e hook. Attach a rock at one end of
manner oflures ca n be fished from a hand-line, th e line and tie the other end to a thin fl exible
but with a slower retrieve than that provided sapling or overhanging branch on shore. Lay
by geared lure fishing reels. I find that modern the hooks and line into th e wa ter then cast
silicon-bodied jigs work best: they behave in a out th e ro ck from the bank. This will prevent
convincing way, even w hen retrieved slowly. tangling - and yo u hooking yourself. Once
But don 't confine yourself to artificial lures : se t, the night-line will fish many levels within
worm and hook are particularly effec tive on a the water. Check morning and evening,
hand-lin e when set as a simple fi xed rebaiting and setting as necessary. N ight-lin es
paternoster, or running leger. Let the line run need not be large and cumbersome: 4-5-hook
over an o utstretched finger to detec t a bite. lin es are fin e.
One of the joys of hand-lining is its In mar ine environments yo u can make a
compa ctness : you do not need a purpose- similar arrangement, but peg it to th e seabed
made reel - virtu ally any smooth cylinder can at low tide and retri eve it at the next low tide.
be converted into a hand-line reel, and Sandy areas among rock outcrops ca n be
discard ed beer cans or plastic drinks bottles are excellent places to catch flounders, dabs or
ideal. The latter provide a receptacle for tackle plaice - bait with lugworm, limpet or fish .
sto rage. I have even pressed a mosquito- Metal fish hooks are difficult to replace, but
repellent bottle into service as a hand-lin e yo u can make do without them. Until the
reel. Attach the end of yo ur line to your turn of the century trot-lin es were se t on
improvised reel then wind on the lin e by sa ndbars in the Thames estu ary with hooks
hand. Hold the reel securely in one hand, made from hawth orn. Perhaps the most
pointing it to w here you intend th e lure to co mmonly employed alternative is the gorge
fall. Cast the lure with th e other hand in one hook, a toggle that turns side on and embeds
smooch underhand swing, releasing it at just itself in the throat or mouth of th e fish. These
above waist height. With a few minutes' ca n be made from bone, an tler or even hard
prac ti ce you will discover how eco nomical a wood. Hooks almost identical to modern
cast chis is, and that you ca n place the lure metal hooks were once carved from bone, and
with great accuracy. R etrieve the lure by perhaps th e most cunning hook I have ever
windin g the lin e on to the reel, staying alert to see n was fashioned by Stone Age fishermen in
the vibrations ca used by fish nibblin g it. Wh en w hat is now France from a wild-boar tusk
a fish strikes, play him from the reel rather w hich , in cross-section , has a perfect hook
than yo ur hand as yo u reel in. shape. In th e far north of Europe a three-
pronged Y-shaped gorge was sti ll co mmonly
used for ca tching burbot until recent times.
In the wilderness a gill net is a useful survival tool for emergencies.

On the Pacific coast of British Columbia waterways, the most imp ortant of all fishing
and Alaska, the first nations fas hi o ned a w ide techniques for su rvival in a remote land is the
va riety of specialised hooks from wood and use of a gill net. U sing thi s tec hniqu e, yo u can
bone. Th eir steam-b en t and halibut hooks take fish th at are difficult to hook. A gi ll net is
were works of art, but the trollin g hook, made not heavy and takes up little space, so it is easy
from wood, bone and lashed with a spli t root, to bury one in your outfit. Traditionall y nati ve
is easily made and ca n be used to great effect peop le used natural fibre nets dyed red, a
in place of metal hooks. tradition that su rvives today amo ng northern
net fishe rmen because red is difficu lt to see
Snaring under wa ter. I have set a gill net several times
In clear water poachers snared fish. T hey cut a to discove r it had ca ught fis h before I had
hazel or alde r sapling to the required length , fini shed layin g it.
leaving the bark on, and attac hed a single
strand of snare wire to th e point w ith a noose Ice fishing
15cm in diameter. Often the w ire was In winter, lakes and rivers in the far north
blackened with soot from a candle flame o r a freeze and the ice thickens progressively as the
piece of birch ba rk. Then they lowered the seaso n deepens. Despi te its apparent beauty,
snare into th e water and carefull y manoeuvred water in its frozen forms of snow and ice must
it over the fis h's head and back behind th e gill at all times be considered treacherous. Moving
flap. Then they lifted it smartly upwa rds, o n frozen wa ter is haza rdo us at th e beginning
bringing the fish into the air and to shore. and end of w inter and w herever th e water is
traveL!in g fast over rapids or throu gh narrows .
Netting remember travellin g one February for several
Un sporting and o utlawed in m anaged hours by snowmobile over frozen lakes in
Labrador w hen my guid e stopped to show me have no moving part to malfunction and will
fast-moving -wa ter boiling up from an area cut through ve ry thick ice or cut very wide
clear of ice. In darkness or poor visibility and holes . On Baffin Island I have help ed Inuit
witho ut his expert local knowledge, it wo uld fisherm en cu t two holes through 2.5 metres of
have been easy to drive straight in to the wa ter. ice to set a net for Arctic char. It was a long
Generally, the ni.inimum thickness of and labour-intensive process.
fres hwater ice th at will support a sin gle perso n In northern Europe, and increasingly
on skis is Scrn, and it is as well to avoid elsew here, rotary ice augers are preferred.
moving on such thin ice. Bear in mind that a Sometimes these are motorised and wide-
heavy snowfall on ice will load and stress it, as bladed, but more commonly hand-powered.
will a drop of the supporting water level Fitted with two simple cutting blades they
below it. W ith ice 20cm thick, fishin g is a fa r drill nea tly throu gh ice up to a metre th ick.
safer proposi ti on. Frequently in ni.i dwinter ice They are prone to damage from misuse,
ca n be a metre thi ck or more. parti cularly if they are banged down on th e
To brea k throu gh ice, you will need either ice, w hi ch blunts th e blades . Like all sharp
an ice chisel or an ice auger. With both tools, tools, ice chisels and augers should be either
you mu st take great ca re not to injure yo ur masked or set into the ice w hen not in use.
feet w hen using th em. To cut through th e ice, first clea r an area of
Ice chisels are heavy and long- hand led. The snow to expose th e ice surface, th en cut the
tip is either chisel-s haped, about 5cm wide, or hole. Once cut, th e water will gush up so
triangul arly pointed. The chi sel-end ed ones bewa re of soaking your fee t. Clear any lumps of
cut more effici ently but are more diffi cult to ice from th e hole and shovel them away. Almost
keep sharp and in good order th an the as soon as you have don e this the surface of the
trian gular type. Widely used in Canada, they water will begin to freeze over - keep it clear

Hank to undo when fish takes

bait, allowing the fish to swim
1- 1.Sm away. Once the end of the line is
for lake reached, the hook jerks back,
trout. setting tight.

Spring-loaded hook for pike.

Hook set for burbot.

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Using a stick will enable you to chip out the line if the Mark the location of the hole, so that it can be found aher
hole freezes closed, without fear of cutting the line snowfall.
and losing both fish and tackle.

by scooping away the ice. Ice fishermen use popular in th e East End of London. Both
special scoops but the tip of a snow shovel freshwater and mar ine eels are edible but avoid
does equally well. the large tropical marine eels found in coral
Indigeno us people usually fish throu gh ice reefs as they may be toxic.
with a short stick or rod, and meta l lures . They
place spruce boughs, a reindee r or caribou pelt Eel grabbing
benea th their knees for insulation. H oweve r, I T he simplest method of catching eels is to
opt for a set-line left overnight. In this hooks pluck them from clea r, shallow wa ter. As with
can be baited, increasing the prospec t of a aJJ things bushcraft, simple is not necessarily
catch. Ensure that your line is in th e centre of easy - rare indeed is the countryman who is
the hole to preve nt it being frozen in as th e well accomplished in this techniqu e. To grasp
hol e will refreeze in wards from the edge. Then an eel, lock it in a scissor grip berween your
plug the hole opening with some spruce- middle, index and third fingers, hooking the
bough tips and cove r it well with snow as nuddl e finger over th e eel.
insulation to slow the freezing process. If you
attac h the line to an anchor stick longer than Eel line
yo ur knife blade you will be able to reopen Eels ca n be ca ugh t with hook and line, and
th e hole, should it freeze, by chipping without conuT10 nJy with a night-line anchored at the
fear of cutting th e line. bank to a thin sapling or, more traditi onally, a
tied-back branch that acted as a shock
Eels abso rb er, preventing the eel breaking the line.
Eels were once ca ught widely for food by
workers in the British countryside, and to this
day eels and liquor - a type of gravy - are Opposite page: Ice fishing
Babbing, freshwater and marine eels of a co ral head and left overnight. Th e tin-
For freshwater eels: thread a length of wool can /sleeve tunn el ca n also be used with a sack
through a mass of worms and ti e it into a loop instead of a box.
so that the worms are squeezed toge th er.
Atta ch the loop to a stronger line, th en to a MAMMALS
sapling rod. Let th e worms drift dow n with In o ur pre-farming past, trapping was the
the current in a strea m or ditch towa rds w here easiest way to secure 1neac. It is an important
yo u have seen an eel or suspect it to be. When and effec tive survival skill. Unfortunately, in
th e eel takes th e bait the wool beco mes th e past we have all owed indiscriminate
entangled in its needle-like teeth. Pull the eel trapping skilJs to bring some species to the
upward - steadily so it cannot escap e. brink of extinction or beyond it. For
An alternative m ethod involves placi ng the traditional trappers, respect and wisdo m of
bait - rank-smelJing animal intestin e is ideal - generations di ctate the method and quota to
in a small bag woven from thin fibrou s be taken on trap lin es. Employ techniques that
material; onion sac ks and hairnets are popular. are effective yet minimise suffering, and only
use them in times of need.
Ee/ bag
A reliable means of taking eels.You wilJ need a Rabbit snares
cloth sack and so me suitable bait, such as An ancient mea ns of trapping, w hi ch is still in
high-smelling intes tin e. Weight th e sack w ith a relatively widespread usage today. Th e
small rock, half fill it with dry grass or similar traditional British rabbit snare co mprised four
and place the bait in th e middl e. Close the bag parts: the snare itself, id eally made from
and cut some small slits in its side. T hese
sho uld be large enou gh only to encourage the
eel to bite its way into the sack. Attach a line
to the sack and throw it into a dee p pool.
Leave it overni ght and retrieve it ea rly in the
morning. With lu ck you will find one or more
eels inside.

Eel gaffs and spears

Perhaps the most widespread mea ns of taking

Eel traps and boxes, freshwater and marine

Traps range from simple bamboo tubes to
elega ntly woven wicker baskets, but today eel
baskets are made fro m wire mesh. An
interesting marin e eel trap I saw in Western
Samoa consisted of a wooden box with a
round opening. On the inside a tin fitted with
a cloth sleeve formed a tunnel entrance. When
th e eel entered th e box through th e sleeve it
co uld not find th e way out again. The trap was
baited with a dead fi sh then buried in the side
Hare snare set in the Arctic.

six-eight strands of thin brass wire with a free these newer snares is set at th e same height but
running eyelet twisted in; the cord; the reeler with a larger diameter loop.
stick and th e peg or stake. The snares are The sa me arrangement is freq uently used
placed on a rabbit trail over the low place fo r taking hares but the noose is pear-shaped
w here the rabbit lands w hen moving down and set hand-high on the run .
th e trail. Snares can also be placed on the Rabbits and hares taken by th ese mea ns are
rabbits' look- out post, but never at a bur row usually alive w hen the snares are checked,
entrance. Traditionally the snare was se t with a sitting quie tly. The trapper dispatches th e
noose of fist size diameter held four fingers rabbit witho ut fu ss or alarm. by ge ntly grasping
high by a reeler stick made from a short cleft its neck betwee n two fingers of o ne hand and
of hazel wa nd. The cord was then staked th e hind feet with the other. Then, with a
firmly to the ground. Today a modified snare is smart, firm, stretching action, he breaks its
more commonly employed incorporating a nec k with a simultaneous deft li fting of the
teeler of fencing wire to w hich the wire is rabbit's chin. Done correctly, this is the most
firmly anchored, the cord and peg bei ng made humane and certain way to dispa tch a rabbi t.
fast to a loop in the wire reeler. The w ire of
A dea r fri end once told me that writin g a book is like bein g
pregnant, and this book has been no exception. While publishers
paced the corridors of Hodder & Sto ughto n eager for news of
th e expected ar rival, friends and colleagues proffered advice and
support; th ey are owed the greatest debt of gratitude. Thanks th en
to th e Woodlore team , par ticularly Ben McNutt who has
provided all of the illustrations for Bushcraft. Also to Juh a
Rankin en and James Lock for demonstra tin g for th e ca mera. To
Tom Lutyens, the ablest of US Survival Instru ctors, for
demonstrating banana craft, and to Elea nor Dunn for helpin g
with se tting up photos and ca rrying ca mera bags. Also to Ian
Palmer, w hose hands make a brief appeara nce in Fire.
Special than ks mu st go to : Gordon Hillman for hi s unflin chin g
support and advice, Rob an d Barbara Newin gto n for providing
lo catio ns for mu ch of th e photograp hy, Lord and Lady Selb orn e
and Viscount C helsea for believing in th e value of bushcraft.
To tru e fri ends and men w ho really know the woods - Lars
Falt, Rob ert Colin-S tokes, George N eal and Peter Nicol , and to
the man y different indigenous peoples w ho have invited me to
their firesides and showed n1.e th e way th at they employ
bush craft.
To Jane Brown for typing the manuscr ipt, and the greatest
thanks of all to R ac hel, witho ut w hose strength this book
wo uld neve r have been co mpl eted.
All photograp hs by the author, except: page 50 Tom Lutye ns;
page 64 top left and bottom right D anny Ca ne; pages 126 and
146 Barrie Foste r. From Oxford Scientific Films (OSF): page 192
top left Bob Gibbons; pages 192 bottom right, 195 centre, 204,
205 to p left and centre G.A . Maclean; pages 194 top, 201 bottom
left Barri e E. Watts; page 194 top Mike Slater; pages l 95 middle
right and bottom ri ght Ian West; page 196 top left N iall Benvie,
top cen tre LS F; page 196 centre Faithj of Skibbe, middle ri ght
Tim Shephe rd ; page 201 nl..iddle H.L. Fox; page 206 top centre
Sinclair Stammers, top right Bob Fredri ck; page 208 Laurence
Gou ld; page 204 top ri ght and top left G. l. Bernard , top ce ntre
Fredri ck Ehrensttom; page 201 bottom C.W Helliwell. Fro m
Nature Library: page 205 bottom left Brian Lightfoot.

Throu gho ut Bushcraft the photographs were with Nikon cameras and lenses, mostly using a
taken using Fuji fi lm. For the most part th ey FM2 or FS.
have bee n taken o n Provia 100 or 100 F Panoramic ima ges we re taken on a
although, w here practical , Velvia has bee n used Hasselblad X-Pan, and m edium fo rmat
and, w here necessa ry, Provia 400 and 400F. images on a Hasselblad 203FE.
Al l of th e 35mm images were captured

Whi lst the advice and information in th is they intend to visit. Travellers outside the
book are believed to be true and accurate UK should contact t he equ ivalent
at the date of going to press, neither the government organ isation for advice
author no r the publisher can accept any before departure.
legal responsibility or liability for any
harm arising from the t echn iques, advice
or situat ions described in this book.
If travelling overseas, readers are
advised t o consult the Foreign &
Commonwealth Office w ebsite at
www.fco for
general information about the country

Figures in italics refer to captions. bed 115
bed rolls 14
agave 146 billy-can, melting snow in 70
amphibians 217-18 birds
animals as food source 218,218,219
dependent/non-dependent on water holes indicators of water 58
58 bivalves 210, 212, 213
predatory 113 bivouacs 126, 126, 136
ankles,sprained 174,174 bivvy bags 14
ants blisters 17-18, 173-4
as a food source 214,215,216,217,217 bothy, portable 135
and shelter site 113 bow drill 85-9
Arctic: clothing 20-21, 23 branch hazards 113
arid lands: clothing 18-19
avalanches 114 cacti, water from 67, 67
axe 25, 40-49 calories 186, 188
caring for 42 candles 12, 18
chopping 44, 46 carbohydrate 186-7, 188
felling 44, 45 caterpillars 214
fitting a new handle 48 caves 133
flattening 47 char cloth 83, 85
hewing 47-8 chopping block 46, 48
how to free a stuck axe 44 clams 210,213
how to sharpen 49 clothing 18-23
limbing and trimming 44 safety 43
a loose handle 48-9 compass 15, 15
make of 40 conduction 105-6, 112
notching 47 contours 183
safety 42-4 convection 105, 111-12
shaving 48 cooking equipment 16
slicing 48 cordage 141-69
splitting 46-7, 46, 4 7 improvised 142-9
types of 40-42, 41, 42 bark 143-6
plant fibres 146, 147, 148-9, 148, 149
bamboo, water from 64, 65 roots 142, 142
bandages 18 withies 142-3, 143
bark 143, 144, 145-6, 145 knots 154-69

methods for making 149-54 adapting your fire to your requirements
handling 150 97-9
how to coil ropes 152-3 portable fires 101
how to hank cordage 154 signal fires 100
rope terminology 152 siting and clearing away a fire 96-7
crabs 210 special circumstances 99-101
crayfish 210,211 producing a flame 78-93
crooked knife 51, 51 by chemical means 93
cups 16 by electrical means 93
cutting tools 25-53 by friction 85-93
axe 25, 40-49 drill and bow 85-9
knife 25,26-33,35 drill and hand 89-90, 89
multi-tool 51, 51 fire plough 91-2, 92
parang or machete 25, 49, 50, 51 saw and flexible sawing thongs
saw 25, 35-40 90-91,91
snow tools 52 tinders 92-3, 92
special tools of bushcraft 51-2 lighters 80, 80
matches 78-80
day sacks 12 sparks and tinders 81-5
dehydration 56-7 fire dogs 95
dew traps 61, 62, 63 firewood, cutting up 39
digging tools 51-2, 52 first-aid kit see medical kit
dry bag 12, 14, 19 first-aid training 16
Duluth sacks 12 fishing 218-30
dung 96 angling 222-6
bailing 221-2
earthworms 217 driving - /au 222
eels 228, 230 eels 228, 230
euphorbias 67, 68 ice fishing 226-8, 228
evaporation 106, 112 netting 226, 226
snaring 226
feather sticks 94 spearing 222
Fergusson, Sir Bernard: Chindits, Burma 1943 tickling 221
11 when to fish 220
fibre 188 where to look for fish 218, 220
fighter trench 129-30 flash floods 113
Finnish marshmallow 68, 69 flashlights 18
fire 77-101 flasks 16
flame to fire 93-6 flexible sawing thongs 90-91
choosing your fuel 95-6 flint-and-steel firestarters 83-4
firelighting 94-5 fly-sheets 12
fuel 93 food 16
heat 93 see also living from the land
oxygen 93-4 foot care 173-6
managing a fire 96-101 blisters 173-4

frostbite 175, 175 a food source 214,215,216,217,217
sprained ankles 17 4, 174 indicators of water 58
toenails 174 insulation 15
trench foot 175 Inuit iceberg technique 68, 69
footwear 18, 19-21, 19, 20, 21
drying socks and boots 175-6 jungle clothing 19-20
forks 16
frogs 217 ketone toxicity 187
frostbite 175, 175 KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) 11
fruit 196, 197 knives 25, 26-33, 35
fuel, choosing 95-6 choosing 26
fungi 198-206 crooked 51, 51
ball-shaped 203 cuts 30--32
collecting fungi for food 200 cutting technique 28
with gills 203-5, 205 grips 29, 29
growing from the ground 200,201,203 how to sharpen a knife 32, 33
growing on trees 205-6, 206 safety 27-8
know your poisonous fungi 198-200 spoon 51, 51
trumpet-shaped without gills, sponge or knots 154-69
spines 202, 203 bowline knot and its useful relatives 163
for use with sparks 84-5, 84, 85 clove hitch and its useful relatives 163-4
Evenk slippery figure-of-eight hitch 13 7
Global Positioning System (GPS) 15 figure-eight knot and its useful relatives
gloves 21, 23, 23 160-62
goggles 21 overhand knot and its useful relatives
grass, dry (as a firelighter) 95 154-9
green wood, cutting 39-40 slippery adjustable loop 137
greens 194, 195, 197 tarp taut hitch 137
other useful 165-9
hand drill 89-90, 89
hare snares 231, 231 lanterns 18
hats 19,21,22 leafhuts 115,115,117, 118-19, 118,119
Haukelid, Knud: Skis Against the Atom 9 lean-tos 114, 124-5, 125
head torches 18 LED lights 18
heat gain 110-13 lianas 149, 149
heat loss 104-7, 104 lichen 207-8, 207
hike tents 12, 136, 138-9 lighters 80, 80
hoochi 12 lighting 18
hypothermia 107-10 limpets 213
living from the land 185-231
ice fishing 226---8, 228 amphibians and reptiles 217-18, 217
ice, water from 68, 69 birds 218,218,219
igloo 130 calories 186, 188
insects 12 earthworms 217
avoiding 18, 19, 111 effects of food deprivation 186-8

energy equation 189 navigation 182
fishing 218-30 equipment 15, 15
a foraging strategy 188 notebook and pencil 15
fruit 196, 197
fungi 198-206 octopus 214
greens 194,195,197
insects as food 214,215,216,217,217 pace, setting the 172-3
lichen 207-8, 207 palm grubs 214,215
methods of obtaining food 188 palm-frond hut 123-4, 124
plants 188-9 pans 16
roots 189-93 parachute shelters 135
seaweed 208-9, 209 parangs 25, 49, 50, 51
seeds 186, 193-4, 195 petrol stoves 16, 16
shellfish 210, 211, 212, 213-14 pine kindling 96, 96
slugs and snails 217 plants
trapping mammals 230-31, 230,231 plant fibre cordage 146, 147, 148-9, 148,
lizards 217,218 149
lobsters 210 for use with sparks 84
as a wild food source 188-9
machetes 25, 49 poncho liners 14, 14
mammals, trapping 230-31, 230,231 portable bothy 135
map work 182-3 pot hangers 36
maps 15 protein 187-8
matchboxes, making 81 pygmy hut 124
matches 78-80
drying 79 quinze 125-6, 125
leaving in cabins 80, 80
protecting from moisture 78-9 rabbit snares 230-31, 230
safety 78 radiation 105, 111
strike-anywhere 78 rain traps 61, 62
striking correctly 79-80, 80 reptiles 217
mattresses 14 respiration 106, 112
medical kit 16-18 river crossing 17 6-80
mental preparation 172 river direction 183
metabolism 106-7, 112 rock kettles 59, 59
'Millbank Bag' 71, 71 rock overhangs 133, 133
minerals 188 roots
mosquito nets 12 cordage 142, 142
Mother-in-Law's Tongue 146, 148, 148 food source 189-93
mountain tents 12 water from 65-6, 66, 67
Mazzie Dome 12 ropes see under cordage
mugs 16 rucksacks 12, 172, 173, 178
multi-tool 51, 51
mussels 210,212,213 sangars 134
saw 25, 35-40

bow or swede saw 37 signal fires 100
cutting green wood 39-40 sleeping mats 15
cutting up firewood 39 sleeping-bags 12, 14, 14
fire 90-91, 91 slugs 217
folding 35, 37 snails 217
safe cutting 37-8, 38 snakes 12, 218
splitting 39, 39 snares
support 38 fish 226
trimming a branch 38-9 hare 231,231
sea urchins 214 rabbit 230-31, 230
seaweed 208-9, 209 snow, water from 68, 69, 70
seeds 186, 193-4, 195 snow cave 126, 128, 129
sheeting, polythene 135 snow obstacles 180, 182, 182
shellfish 210,211,212, 213-14 snow tools
shelter 103-39 snow probe 53, 53
building the ideal shelter 114-30 snow saw 52-3, 52
Arctic open lean-to 114, 124-5, 125 snow shovel 52, 52
brush tepee 120-21; 120, 121 snow trench 129
enclosed leaf hut 118-19, 118 snow-shoes 20, 182, 182
fighter trench 129-30 snowdrifts 114
igloo 130 snowmobile 20, 21, 23
making a bed 115 solar still 70
palm-front hut 123-4, 124 sparks 81-5
pygmy hut 124 tinders for use with 84-5
simple leaf hut 115, 115, 117, 118 spills 84, 85
snow cave 126, 128, 129 spirit stoves 16, 16
snow trench 129 split wood 39, 39, 95
spruce-tree bivouac 126, 126 spoon knife 51, 51
two-person shelter 119-20, 119 spoons 16, 35
wickiup 122-3 how to carve a spoon 34
wiltja 122 sprained ankles 174, 174
choosing a shelter site 113-14 sticks, firelighting 94
group 130-33 stinging nettle 148, 148
heat gain 110-13 stoves 16, 16
heat loss 104-7, 104 sunglasses 19
hypothermia 107-10 survival bag, polythene 134-5
knots 137 swags 14
lightweight trail shelters 135-6
fixed-tarp shelter 135-6 tarp shelters 12, 12, 135-6
simple tarp bivouac 136 temperate regions: clothing 20
tarp-and-hammock bivouac 136 tents 12, 12, 136, 138-9, 138
natural 133-4 tepees 12, 12
useful equipment for 134-5 brush 120, 120, 121
tents 12, 12, 136, 138-9, 138 Teredo worms 214
shrimps 210 Thermarest mats 15

tinders 80-85 water canteens 16, 16
for use with sparks 84-5 water carriers 16
toads 217 water holes 58, 59
toenails 174 water obstacles 176-81
tommy cookers 16 crossing water 177-80
trangia 16 dressing to cross a river 178
trees to cross deep water 180
shelters 133, 134 to cross a large body of slow or still
water from 64, 65 water 180, 181
trench foot 17 5 to cross shallow water 178-80, 179
two-person shelter 119-20, 119 risks 176-7
river crossing 17 6
underwear 18, 19, 20, 21, 21 wells
univalve shellfish 213 gypsy 60, 60
reed 61, 61
vegetation sip 60-61, 61
indicators of water 58 whelks 213
water from 63-8 wickiup 122-3
vehicles as shelter 112-13 wild sisal 146, 148, 148
vines, water from 63, 63, 64 willowherb 148-9, 148
vitamins 188 wiltja 122
winkles 213
walls, stone (as shelter) 134 witchetty grub 214, 215
wash kit 18 withies 142-3, 143
water 55-75, 171 wood punk 85
collecting 59-70
dew traps 61, 62, 63 yucca 146, 147
drinking straws 59
from ice and snow 68, 69, 70
from vegetation 63-8
improvised wells 60-61, 60, 61
mopping 59
rain traps 61, 62
roots 65-6, 66, 67
transpiration 68
dehydration 56-7
finding 57-9
importance of 56
purification 12, 16, 17, 57, 70-74
boiling 71-2
chemical disinfection 72, 72
contaminants 70-71
filtration 71-2
water strategy 7 4
sea water and brackish water 75

'If Ray Mears isn't a Great Living
Englishman, then goodness me, who
is? The man is great, and he doesn't
even begin to know how great he is.
Ray is a persuader, pragmatist and
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Attenborough-Bellamy tradition.'
Robert Crampton, The Times Magazine

Ray Mears is well known to

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