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Broadcaster4utechre: all the synths are just playing whatevers in the frame at that point

Broadcaster4utechre: it scans the frame line by line top to bottom

Broadcaster4utechre: r g b are 3 diff channels so i use all 3 but i put red stuff lower, green around
the mid and blue for the cooler feeling higher stuff, idk i did it by taste

Broadcaster4utechre: and then combine the 3 and the output is the oscilattor out

Broadcaster4utechre: the frame is actually 3 diff matrices overlaid if you like, r g and b

Broadcaster4utechre: so i can use all 3 so i used a crossover to split them across the spectrum

Broadcaster4utechre: 2 crossovers

Broadcaster4utechre: so i put red stuff lower freq, green stuff is sort of melodic midrange, and
blue is anything above that

Broadcaster4utechre: i did it to how the sort of warm/cool axis works around sounds in my head

Broadcaster4utechre: yeah

_: So, can you dial in colours, or are they chosen randomly

Broadcaster4utechre: its an algorithm

Broadcaster4utechre: colour is p interesting it turns out

Broadcaster4utechre: i like colour best of all the things i got into doing this

Broadcaster4utechre: the visuals are being controlled by certain events but its minimal interaction

Broadcaster4utechre: mostly its about the image changing the sound

_: I guess I’m curious how the visuals are informing the audio if the algorithm is taking the music
into account. Is it a feedback loop?

Broadcaster4utechre: its luminance across all 3 clour planes

_: So i dont think s ean programmed key changes

Broadcaster4utechre: yeah the key i just set

Broadcaster4utechre: i can make it keep changing but u might feel sick after a bit

Broadcaster4utechre: all the oscillators in all the synths (incl drums) are reading the same
wavetable are their respective frequencies

Broadcaster4utechre: it reads what's on the screen the same way a tv shows an image
Broadcaster4utechre: line by line, across and down

Broadcaster4utechre: each full frame is one cycle

Broadcaster4utechre: but as the oscillators are going at different rates sometimes the data in the
wavetable changes before a cycle is complete

Broadcaster4utechre: it interpolates pretty well though

_: So the linear vector of RGB values is the wavetable? What triggers the envelopes?

Broadcaster4utechre: am just using stock objects to do this

Broadcaster4utechre: all the sequencing etc is just existing stuff, as were the synths before i
swapped in these oscillators

Broadcaster4utechre: i mean the music is new but the patches used to sequence are existing

_: ahhh yeh so there's still a sequence of on off in each synth yeh?

Broadcaster4utechre: yeah the synths and drums etc are all doing what they would do anyway,
just the wavetable in all the oscillators is changing

how many layers do you usually have in your tracks?

4utechre: always in 3s

tebbisimo: se an do u ever think the birds whistle back to you

Broadcaster4utechre: all same patter

tebbisimo: cos i think theyn are

tebbisimo: tri repetae guys its gd for u

tebbisimo: and rotate nice n stuff

tebbisimo: damn u make it sound easy

4utechre: layers idk what layers even are in max its all so gluey

tebbisimo: welll if you slow elseq down

tebbisimo: its like complete slices

Broadcaster4utechre: but i dont generally mix through many 'channels'

elehphoo: That explains why you need 3 laptops for a bassline

nixtrove: Its like a big onion so many layers man

emskidoodlepip: this backface culling is gorgeous

tebbisimo: each sound islike on its own

Broadcaster4utechre: not that it means anything any more especially with mc

Broadcaster4utechre: but also with poly~ etc

tebbisimo: mc??

tebbisimo: mind control??

tebbisimo: sjeeeeeet

tebbisimo: i knew it

slacktheplanet: lol

Vueaou: ur jam folder sounded almost like release

tebbisimo: se an part of MK ultra confirmed

Vueaou: i was like whaaaa

Broadcaster4utechre: im like talking to one person lol

2020pizza: hi

tebbisimo: hi

tebbisimo: se an if a lorry drives past u see a co lour or just music

slacktheplanet: lol

evilslob666: its just your cat

tebbisimo: dont bring my pussy into thi

tebbisimo: hey Daniella and aleksey are awfully quiet

Broadcaster4utechre: idk probably not just a matter of using enough cpu really but mc is making
things accessible sooner

Vueaou: guys feel tired and bit of sick, gota sleep. cya. thanks everyone for chat n unban stuff,
cya , Se4n have a good one < 3

tebbisimo: what is this!>??

slacktheplanet: np cya vu

elehphoo: Cya vu

Vueaou: teb@ i always do lol

Broadcaster4utechre: idk theres no usual really with me can be 99% or 5%

tebbisimo: cant kid a kidda

Broadcaster4utechre: depending on methods

instrumentsdisorder: i've been wondering if there's any reason to use poly~ instead of mc besides
just that i'm used to it
Broadcaster4utechre: not particularly

elehphoo: Do you ever miss busting out the R8 or Monomachine?

instrumentsdisorder: but i don't really understand mc very well

tebbisimo: yeh do u miss gear and knobs man

Broadcaster4utechre: mainly just expansion of what was there more channels, porting a chunk of
it to m4l

Broadcaster4utechre: there are like 4 concurrent systems now

emskidoodlepip: i've been teaching myself max/msp for a month or two after i treated myself to a
subscription under lockdown... how was the learning curve, for those here that are experienced
with it? any advice for getting to grips?

nixtrove: this is slightly tilted

Broadcaster4utechre: i mean mine and robs and this thing im mutating into a video thing and the
m4 things, oh and robs m4l things so i guess 5 now

instrumentsdisorder: the basic tutorials and documentation are indispensable tbh

Direct Relief - Charity 2018miunau: the mc aggregate control messages are nice, i use harmonic a

instrumentsdisorder: also if you can phrase your question right, searching the forums is always a
good idea imo

elixir315: this rips

Broadcaster4utechre: yeah its all a bit mad but we can manage this stuff p easy now

emskidoodlepip: i've been following the inbuilt ones thus far, yeah. they're brilliant

nixtrove: nice man

Broadcaster4utechre: yeah always do tutorials im learing a lot in like idk been doing this 4 days

knivstik: whats m4 things?

instrumentsdisorder: a big part of learning for me was opening up the tutorials and going ham on
them with what i already know

Broadcaster4utechre: the opengl stuff anyway

emskidoodlepip: ah, that's a good idea! an empty patch is just really intimidating for me right now,
but tinkering with pre-built ones sounds like it could teach me a lot

instrumentsdisorder: also greg taylor's sequencing book is really great

tiltifgibbersebb: is there any relation between this and the confield art?
dopplir: The Tom hall YouTube workshop from a few weeks ago was really good


emskidoodlepip: @knivstik thank you! i take it that it's from scratch?

Broadcaster4utechre: yeah u know when u realise all those 2d processes that are a bit choppy on
video are actually useful with gl

dopplir: You can follow that along as a complete beginner

instrumentsdisorder: omg yes

knivstik: and very well explained

dopplir: Even though there’s some advanced stuff in there

Broadcaster4utechre: im enjoying jitter it feels like its made to be fun

knivstik: do you reuse a lot of your modules?

instrumentsdisorder: s mentioned reading manuals, i learned a lot personally by recreating

common synth configurations from hardware in the box

nixtrove: on the phone with cycling 74 they said to use more snare rolls

elixir315: lol

slacktheplanet: they always say that

knivstik: if so do you have some sort of strategy for keeping a standard for the input the modules

Broadcaster4utechre: yeah

Broadcaster4utechre: we do

instrumentsdisorder: oh yeah they said they don't use MIDI anymore

instrumentsdisorder: so i imagine they have their own protocol

instrumentsdisorder: i have dreams about it

Noneuclidean: no need for tdr anymore just take screenshots from this stream for album covers

5474n01d: did you see that the guy who made the plyPhon fan music video uploaded a 4K high
quality version of it few days back?

knivstik: can you explain some more about this standard?

nixtrove: that music vifro is dope

nixtrove: video

nixtrove: very accurate

instrumentsdisorder: i built a thing to "load patches on the downbeat", as it were. thx for that one
s :3

instrumentsdisorder: except the thing i built loads them on the note-off

tebbisimo: se an if we bought NTS are we allowed to sample it?

Broadcaster4utechre: i mean u can but i dont own the rights to it

tebbisimo: ah shit yeh

Broadcaster4utechre: they prob dont want you to

tebbisimo: they prob can never work it out tho eh



Broadcaster4utechre: my views on sampling are not the laws view

tebbisimo: good enough for me

slacktheplanet: boss

nixtrove: one my fav track is Lowride

tebbisimo: just didnt wanna be a cnt

knivstik: are you still making music in sunvox?

slacktheplanet: dont ask you dont get

tebbisimo: it nice to jam with u cause you got this weird angularity that realllllly jams with me u

tebbisimo: exactly

instrumentsdisorder: i wonder how much of the oversteps sequencing informs your modern

Broadcaster4utechre: i think if ur gonna draw a line anywhere with sampling it should be on does
the sample stop people buying the roiginal, like are they gonna buy the sampled one instead

Broadcaster4utechre: if thats what it is then yeah idk maybe too far

tebbisimo: hahah nah i think ppl like u 4 u m8

emskidoodlepip: ooh, that's a good maxim... i'll use that

hedgehog_legs: Nice.

tebbisimo: who the f am i

instrumentsdisorder: that's a good place to draw the line

nixtrove: Have you ever used an amen break s34n?

instrumentsdisorder: can you please include in your will the source of the deco Loc samples

tebbisimo: haha thats why theres 2 albums coming @nixtrove

Broadcaster4utechre: yeah we did not saying on what though

Broadcaster4utechre: amens

tebbisimo: theyre doing Luke VIbert style

Broadcaster4utechre: also its funny how no one ever noticed

tebbisimo: owww shiiit

nixtrove: i never noticed hahahaha xD

nixtrove: i will keep digging you

mreurostile: lol haha

hedgehog_legs: Haha.

Broadcaster4utechre: i checked the samples on that lockdown loops thing lukes done, right good

tebbisimo: yehhhhhh

tebbisimo: bought them straight away

slacktheplanet: yeah man

Broadcaster4utechre: almost made me want to make some loop music

tebbisimo: se an cant u do some gonks like that

tebbisimo: pleeeease mate

tebbisimo: do it

slacktheplanet: lol

evilslob666: lol

tebbisimo: 4 charity



tebbisimo: charge silly money and give it to homeless

tebbisimo: and half u or whatever

tebbisimo: id snap em up that would be sickl

knivstik: how often do you start a new max patch from scratch?
Broadcaster4utechre: yeah i need to dig into that thing

Broadcaster4utechre: all had that shuffle lol

tebbisimo: bandcamp man

tebbisimo: on the Skam bit

tebbisimo: ah nah thats bleep too ennit

tebbisimo: just make up some BS

Broadcaster4utechre: i love bandcamp

tebbisimo: we'll find ya

tebbisimo: we'll sniff youn out. its the best man

instrumentsdisorder: 6852 is a massive tune

tebbisimo: I just hate they are now in bed with paypal

tebbisimo: I cant order Vinyls now

instrumentsdisorder: rip

tebbisimo: some are wise to it and say email them but

Broadcaster4utechre: yeah idk about paypal

dopplir: Ever make a zero-context Bandcamp find?

Broadcaster4utechre: i just like it for finding cool shit

emskidoodlepip: @tebbisimo what'd i miss with them and paypal??

instrumentsdisorder: what have you been listening to?

slacktheplanet: yeah its begining of the end

slacktheplanet: bandcamp 2.0 needed

enwave64: yeah, i feel like i've been getting more and more music just from bandcamp

Broadcaster4utechre: so much easier on there than anywhere else rn idk why rn its just weird

MAY 15

4utechre: Tbh it’s the same jam I just left it running

Broadcaster4utechre: Have fun enjoy the outside

fffreddy_: I figured you'd have taken the stream down by now to make changes
Broadcaster4utechre: Not too much obviously

Broadcaster4utechre: Yeah I was gonna take a break today

Broadcaster4utechre: Could just leave it as a perma installation

Twitch Primegokuroku420: would be cool

Twitch Primegokuroku420: have several different ones running

fffreddy_: You think you might incorporate some Jitter stuff into your future albums/live sets?

Broadcaster4utechre: No plans to use any of this yet I only started messing with jitter a few weeks
ago and this OpenGL stuff last week

Broadcaster4utechre: But am having loads of fun

fffreddy_: Using the Twitch chat as textures for the models was an A+ idea

Broadcaster4utechre: It’s how we did the confield sleeve. Rob did some videos, the sleeve was a
still from one of them, made same way, video textures mapped onto little objects

Broadcaster4utechre: I wasn’t really messing with video back then but rob did some cool stuff

Broadcaster4utechre: Back then I was still using whatever that paint type thing was called in max
where you draw rectangles and circles etc

Broadcaster4utechre: It was shit

fffreddy_: I remember reading about you guys experimenting with CG images in some interview,
but I didn't know that's how you did the cover for Confield

fffreddy_: neat

Broadcaster4utechre: I actually have some mutant version of the liccflii patch somewhere that had
accompanying visuals made with that drawing thing

Broadcaster4utechre: All diff coloured shapes flying about. Lots of squares. Prob couldn’t use it
now cos Tom did something similar since

Broadcaster4utechre: Idk if I ever showed him that

Broadcaster4utechre: Anyway when I got this going Rob was wanting to do loads but I steamed in
on here. He’s setting up an alt account anyway but idk when he’s gonna use it

Broadcaster4utechre: So we’ll have at least 2 going, but idk what any if it’s for yet. So far it’s just
for corona boredom relief

fffreddy_: sick

fffreddy_: looking forward to it

ymlacio: getting fuck all work done tbh

Broadcaster4utechre: This is the closest I can get to working right now

Broadcaster4utechre: Learning is way easier than meeting deadlines right now for some reason

fffreddy_: I'd say learning a new skill counts as being productive

ymlacio: hopefully deadlines will melt away after all this

fffreddy_: Even if you might not use the knowledge right away

Broadcaster4utechre: Yeah I’m sort of protected by doing video stuff I can tell myself it’s not
important or whatever but still finding cool shit to do which is the whole point of everything

Broadcaster4utechre: Lol

MAY 17

Broadcaster4utechre: everyone else can be a noise artist

ccribbe: have you shown any of this to chris cunningam yet

Broadcaster4utechre: chris would prob just laugh

Broadcaster4utechre: its all max and jitter this

metacodex4: to insert some boring grey brutalism textures

martybyrnemusic: class

Broadcaster4utechre: the audio all derives from the video signal

uviol8: i believen you reverred 2 it as the system

Broadcaster4utechre: so its a sort of group composition

rephlexwest: afternoon all

metacodex4: the audio is generated by the video itself ???

Broadcaster4utechre: it sounds better if post lots of coloured emotes

uviol8: i mean pure the music

nixtrove: Weirdcore melted my brain once. its total overload


Broadcaster4utechre: yeah all the synths are using the video signal as data

Broadcaster4utechre: also the drums but u cant tell as much

metacodex4: wow it really changes

metacodex4: maybe the velocity ?

uviol8: Ow Interesting

metacodex4: maybe you should write this into the description or so

martybyrnemusic: Lovely

uviol8: it's cool if u don't wanna Say

Broadcaster4utechre: yeah its a bit of a long description though

Broadcaster4utechre: not really into describing things

Broadcaster4utechre: but i can tell u how it works

uviol8: ok gonna be a big One?

metacodex4: only this i mean ; )

thetwistedprocess: thought it was the reverse relation

bamTommyS: i'd like to hear it

bamTommyS: if you don't mind saying

Broadcaster4utechre: pretty simple just swapped out the oscillators in a load of synths with a
custom oscillator based on jit.peek~

metacodex4: i always wanted to acompany my music with visuals, i hope its not that complicated

nixtrove: i knew they were jit oscillators

metacodex4: awesome thanks !!!

Broadcaster4utechre: the custom osc is actually 3 oscillators

bamTommyS: what does colour do?

Broadcaster4utechre: so basically there are 3 colour channels, r g b

metacodex4: ah ok

Broadcaster4utechre: and each channel has its own oscillator

uviol8: can i ask musical question? how did u do All End

ccribbe: what a simple question^

metacodex4: loool

bamTommyS: that's cool, and weirdly simple

metacodex4: paulstretch

nixtrove: Red sounds tight

metacodex4: its evolving !

nixtrove: You could like hold a sustain pedal and bring up some strings or winds on a keyboard and
layer notes and boom

nixtrove: All end

metacodex4: kick is louder now !

Broadcaster4utechre: the 3 oscillators are mixed using a kind of crossover

tebbisimo: how does the crossover work, cos my man was complaining it just picks the like,
dominant Freak

tebbisimo: or spectrum or whatever

Broadcaster4utechre: so the red is lowest freq and blue is highest, green in the mid

tebbisimo: like there was no nuance for him

Broadcaster4utechre: did it by ear/taste/feel

martybyrnemusic: so is red : more bass?

Broadcaster4utechre: sort of

Broadcaster4utechre: it depends

Broadcaster4utechre: like how ur then filtering the output of the osc

uviol8: u asked for red blue indeed,

martybyrnemusic: aha

Broadcaster4utechre: but yeah in general yellow sounds warm and colourful, red is war, blue is

uviol8: what was White 4

mrgypsum: i really like that the visuals have all been pretty varied on this channel there was like
old bbc stuff and now stuff like this good diversity of stuff

metacodex4: if you would insert yoru faces you would get sort of an a e puzzle

Broadcaster4utechre: *warm

nixtrove: yellow rocks this one

tebbisimo: u said Robs gonna do a twitch????

Broadcaster4utechre: if you had only once oscillatr yeah u can re-encode into an image
tebbisimo: whats his called 8utechre

martybyrnemusic: hehe, red is war! Could be interesting... Certain colours dominating triggering
some really wild card moments.

Broadcaster4utechre: but becasue there are many oscillators you get many overlaid differently
scaled images

Broadcaster4utechre: bt still u can sometimes make out the source

tebbisimo: no ketchup

tebbisimo: raw source

nixtrove: so the oscillators are modulating each other?

martybyrnemusic: yellow is doing some cool filtering it seems

Broadcaster4utechre: theres one fm synth in there

Broadcaster4utechre: doing the sort of chirp sound

nixtrove: i hear it its nice

Broadcaster4utechre: the rest are just straight what youd call digi subtractive

Broadcaster4utechre: but with this mutant jit.peek~ osc ting

nixtrove: long the random sustains

nixtrove: love

tebbisimo: and u upgraded the reverb eh

tebbisimo: cos some times its like corrr

Broadcaster4utechre: ah yeah

Broadcaster4utechre: its not really a reverb

tebbisimo: wot issit

Broadcaster4utechre: but it can do some reverby sounding things

tebbisimo: haha

tebbisimo: its a delay

tebbisimo: wait

rephlexwest: how would the patch respond to the tri repetae green/brown/grey color I wonder

nixtrove: its like EG

nixtrove: isnt it
Broadcaster4utechre: yeah sort of compound delay thing

bamTommyS: can we ask how you made other tracks?

Broadcaster4utechre: bit more configurable than a reverb but similar topology

tebbisimo: isnt reverb just a v small delay

AnotherJimmy: Is this just having fun or would you release anything based on this?

nixtrove: thats pretty cool as well

Broadcaster4utechre: theres tons of ways to do it tbh

Broadcaster4utechre: but yeha usually combs delays and apfs

nixtrove: do any colora affect this delay?

tebbisimo: yeh i remember in an interview u were like

nixtrove: s

tebbisimo: We just route off into delays and reverbs like x100

tebbisimo: and we sort of lose a bit of track of it all

Broadcaster4utechre: yeah i shove all kinds of random shit in there

tebbisimo: niiiice

Broadcaster4utechre: feedback loops supergood

tebbisimo: and then just make envelopes around the weirdness

nixtrove: there was this cool dissonant pad yesterday for a hot minute

tebbisimo: "just"

martybyrnemusic: so you mean, you've a load of different oscs / synths / beats etc going off into
many different delay / feedback channels?

Broadcaster4utechre: usually control some aspect of the process in the loop yeah

uviol8: can i ask bout music

neurone45: dor thos who wants a bit of hint about how reverb works (old and new) : ***

Broadcaster4utechre: yeah when i used hardware was always routing things in weird nonlinear

tebbisimo: yeh i noticed in the machinedrum

tebbisimo: like wtf

diurn_: hello good morning all

tebbisimo: how u do dat

tebbisimo: mornin

cognessence: Good morning

pobelterzzzz: does anyone know if they use FL Studio and what sample pack is this?

Broadcaster4utechre: tbh i seen way more impressive stuff out there than out md bits

martybyrnemusic: how long have yous been NOT using hardware?


uviol8: mornin

Broadcaster4utechre: for ages now

Broadcaster4utechre: idk

tebbisimo: you kinda have to live through it yrself to make sense of it tho eh

Broadcaster4utechre: 10 years

nixtrove: s35an any tricks using a nord lead

tebbisimo: like I dunno, for me anyway

martybyrnemusic: I wondered if maybe yous had mad rigs of modular, but I'm actually chuffed to
hear that that's not the case.

tebbisimo: why pay 300£ a pop when he can copy and paste from notepad

Broadcaster4utechre: wow u just reminded me of a whole nord lead thing i did in max ages ago

Broadcaster4utechre: might try to revive that

tebbisimo: niiiiiiice

nixtrove: That is the shit



pobelterzzzz: s34n btw that spectral morphing part in the 2016/18 live sets, around 13 mins is my
favorite sound i have ever heard, can't get enough of it

nixtrove: I picked up a rack version

cognessence: Nord Lead 3 so underrated!

nixtrove: Got the original it really sounds its time

tebbisimo: Are u or Russel undisputed king of the fart noises btw?

tebbisimo: or is it a patch u gave Russ

tebbisimo: like onesix is very gutteral

uviol8: Yeah what's that morphin sound in onesix

Broadcaster4utechre: russ has patches from a few people idk

martybyrnemusic: the Nord Lead has a powerful synth engine, right? And I think there's a software
editor, so you can get into some deep places

Broadcaster4utechre: i think i only ever made him a dj thing

tebbisimo: ahhh fair, I thought he was using ur AE_live bits for Russ_Live

nixtrove: pls revive the nord that would be so damn dope

Broadcaster4utechre: the nord lead doesnt need a software editor

Broadcaster4utechre: idk if there is one

cognessence: It’s true, the interface is so easy

Broadcaster4utechre: i mean its sort of good because of no menu diving

nixtrove: Its a beautiful machine

Broadcaster4utechre: all there on the panel

nixtrove: yeah


4utechre: one of fastest synths for me

nixtrove: Was used a lot on cichlisuite?

solojazzcup: not sure if anyone's asked this yet, but where do you get your ideas from

martybyrnemusic: lol

pobelterzzzz: lol

Broadcaster4utechre: also has a sor tof weirdly distinct thin but nice sound sort of glassy and

Broadcaster4utechre: depending which one they all sound a bit diff

nixtrove: It has amazing engines and it rlly is all so simple

nixtrove: Yeah glassy

martybyrnemusic: I'm picturing you sort of hacking it to incorporate it into some glitchy generative

Broadcaster4utechre: yeah u can do a bit with sysex

nixtrove: Would be cool to dust off and use if you got it lyin around

Broadcaster4utechre: the thing i found though was i had to limit controller data
diurn_: do you like any stuff from behringer? lately they're doing dope synths

diurn_: Im in love w/ deepmind one

Broadcaster4utechre: like it breaks if u send it too much even though it can receive it all

nixtrove: Theres a panic button

uviol8: Well, hmm, more of a bass player myself. Don't have a clue bout this technical stuff

martybyrnemusic: breaks but not in the nice way? hehe

nixtrove: press button to panic lol

Broadcaster4utechre: but if i do something like quantize the controller data to 16ths its a fucking

4utechre: can handle quite a bit of input then

nixtrove: Yea id sequence it with other shit for basic 16 step stuff

nixtrove: i*

uviol8: is xflood same fx used as One - six live recordings

cognessence: That’s so interesting. Like overloading too much polyphony into a synth you’ve made
purposefully lower to make nice sounds with note stealing 😃

nixtrove: but could go way more

nixtrove: yeah note stealing is so fun

Broadcaster4utechre: yeah shit the voice stealing on the first nord leads was hilarious

Broadcaster4utechre: so we abused it loads

nixtrove: What did you mean about drum maps?

Broadcaster4utechre: like if u got 4 sounds in the track off that u can get all sorts of weird
choking/quick morph action

martybyrnemusic: aaaah nice

nixtrove: Oh yeah the layers there, if you sequenced each of them diff

nixtrove: get some overlaps

nixtrove: oversteps

rephlexwest: overlapsteps

nixtrove: Idk i magically found one in mtl

nixtrove: Would not expect to find one

rephlexwest: stepoverlaps
nixtrove: I did 13k steps yesterday btw

nixtrove: Wheres my medal

cognessence: “weirdly distinct thin but nice sound sort of glassy and delicate” sums up NL so well,
it’s why it always works in some many contexts easily with little need for faffing compared to

rephlexwest: nice

cognessence: *so many

Broadcaster4utechre: yeah clavia are smart to hang onto their algos and go after keyboard players,
but still the g2 was a kind of pinnacle imo

Broadcaster4utechre: and the lead basic template isnt gonna age ever

rephlexwest: I wish I understood like a quarter of all the tech jargon going on here rn lol

Broadcaster4utechre: they should do a proper full software release of g2 imo

uviol8: me too 😥

martybyrnemusic: you reckon it wouldn't lose anything in the digital domain?

nixtrove: Its really solid. the fm knob there especs

martybyrnemusic: Is it all digital anyway?

Broadcaster4utechre: it might yeah

Broadcaster4utechre: but i doubt it

cognessence: There would be a tonne of interest for sure!

Broadcaster4utechre: think u could emu what need to

Broadcaster4utechre: its nice having nord sound and that workflow

martybyrnemusic: maybe you'd lose that choking / stealing thing ... or they could offer you that
mode... To make it more like the real thing.

Broadcaster4utechre: i prob prefer using max anyway these days but i like having their sound in
that domain

nixtrove: Youd sequence a nord on max?

Broadcaster4utechre: i used to quie a bit

Broadcaster4utechre: not now at all

Broadcaster4utechre: been 100% itb for ages now

Master_Chang: o/ all

rephlexwest: do you do much field recordings nowadays btw?

Broadcaster4utechre: none really

Broadcaster4utechre: not that i dont enjoy that kind of stuff tons

nixtrove: Its funny how getting out of the box kind of makes you still go in the box

MirandaGemini: we're sounding very menacing today

cognessence: I want a Yamaha FS1R in software! Love the plastic sound. Not paying that much for
a module again

rephlexwest: what was the last irl object you recorded, and used in a track?

Broadcaster4utechre: fs1r is amazing i gave mine to daz fitton though

martybyrnemusic: see the live stuff, are yous turning up with your max system and just hitting play
and seeing what happens? Do yous set some new variables and parameters before each show?

martybyrnemusic: Are they based on things specific to that time or place, or more just arbitrary
and whatever feels good at the time? ( I'm being very nosey now hehehe)

Broadcaster4utechre: sometimes theres some little tweaks before we go on but its mainly just see
what happens

nixtrove: does tri repetae have that nord/max seq stuff i kind of hear it there

monoppus: what sample rate u guys work at?

martybyrnemusic: amazing

nixtrove: dw im makin coffee you can go on

4utechre: no nord on tri rep no that was a couple of years before

nixtrove: O right im 20 anyway jeez

pobelterzzzz: not sure if you remember, during onesix in Tourcoing, at the chord part round
44mins, sounded like some cpu issues and the silence part never came, it was just blasting the
chords for a few mins


was that intentional? sounded really sick tho

nixtrove: By the time i was born youll have done so much shit already

Broadcaster4utechre: ok so yeah in 95 we had quite a diff setup

diurn_: can you recommend me any max/msp devices? I guess that you're using a lo of gate'd

Broadcaster4utechre: the main computer was atari st

tebbisimo: i like this bit

nixtrove: Nice atari

Broadcaster4utechre: running c-lab creator

tebbisimo: corrrr

Broadcaster4utechre: and then we had loads of hardware but mosty roland gear

nixtrove: Oh yeah never asked about software you used before max

nixtrove: how was C lab? was it grid style?

cognessence: I like the Alessi Midi/quadraverb (?) vibe from that era, so rusty murky nice vivid
reverb spaces

Broadcaster4utechre: nah creator is cool its weird though sort of like a tracker for midi

Broadcaster4utechre: and can do live jamming by muting unmuting midi channels

Broadcaster4utechre: and can record the muting etc

monoppus: the event list

Broadcaster4utechre: its a cool program

prefuturism_0: which tecker alllllbum sounds the most colourful?

Broadcaster4utechre: also had groove mapping before anything else

nixtrove: Yeah sounds sick. do youd link up all the gear into creator and basically jam?

Broadcaster4utechre: lot of the weird timing stuff on chiastic was done with c-lab

agecp: Really dig sunvox as a tracker


4utechre: yeah

Broadcaster4utechre: the roland r8 was like our main drum machine

agecp: So poweful

Broadcaster4utechre: cos it had the sort of mpc workflow but was pre-mpc

Broadcaster4utechre: also it has tape sync and din sync as well as midi sync

Broadcaster4utechre: so very fucking useful

nixtrove: Yea i discovered it at a friends and hes a bit older so i was intrigued about the R8 for
some time

Broadcaster4utechre: as a result was the centre of the tudio p much

Broadcaster4utechre: *s

nixtrove: Heard you only used it to sequence not the sounds themselves?
martybyrnemusic: then just feed it through tonnes of effects? hehe

Broadcaster4utechre: used the sounds loads

nixtrove: oh wow

4utechre: but also used as a sequencer

Broadcaster4utechre: the thing is u cant do any pitching over midi

nixtrove: Yea seemed like a capable sequencer for that period

Broadcaster4utechre: well u can but its not the same methos it uses for internal pitching

nixtrove: oh no octaves?

Broadcaster4utechre: like if u do a hi hat in r8 and vary pitch param in r8 it stays same midi note

nixtrove: ok i see it doesnt affect the data

Broadcaster4utechre: anyway yeah tons of our early stuff is just r8 sounds heavly edited pitched
around etc

Broadcaster4utechre: like making a kick out of a tom or whatever

nixtrove: was there a workaround for the pitching?

nixtrove: yeah kicks of toms is dope

Broadcaster4utechre: no u just sequence the r8 internally

Broadcaster4utechre: anyone buying an r8m is doing it wrong

Broadcaster4utechre: basically

nixtrove: it just seems to be lyin around in ppl studios

nixtrove: collecting dust

tebbisimo: would u do it all with a view to make the machines do it from start to end?

Broadcaster4utechre: yeah its so editable though

tebbisimo: or just to sample and figure out live later

Broadcaster4utechre: like at the time was so OTT

Broadcaster4utechre: yeah so all tri rep was live takes sort of

Broadcaster4utechre: the arrangemnt would be mostly planned and then run thru it by feel

Broadcaster4utechre: do it a few times until u do 'the one'

cognessence: That’s really old school! Nice 👍 It has that feel

nixtrove: yeah i love this livetake approach

Broadcaster4utechre: but some would be like the track made in creator and then we sort of mix it
live, some we'd have the loops going and just do the arrange by ear

tebbisimo: thats even more amazing

Broadcaster4utechre: yeah it can be good

tebbisimo: so the core is there

Broadcaster4utechre: although maybe end up with tracks too long cos ur really into it idk lol

tebbisimo: then human tweaks for feel

nixtrove: those long tracks are something

Broadcaster4utechre: been working really differently recently not like these long jam things

tebbisimo: hahaha yeh man, then going through must be a nightmare.... Quarastice sounds like a
time of many many versions hahaha

uviol8: so it's a mixed approach, planned and jammin

Broadcaster4utechre: this twitch thing is a red herring don't be fooled

ovalvoal: So when can we hear that recent new approach, then? 😜

Broadcaster4utechre: idk warp saying last qtr 2020, but it depends on logistics which idk corona

Broadcaster4utechre: but its in progress

martybyrnemusic: would love to know the process that led to Confield's opening track, it seems to
be like a major progression from the live jams and gear explorations mixed with getting deeper
with the code / Max world, but it also sounds like neither. The tempo changes and morphing
about seems so abstract to my ears, still. Was it different to how yous worked before or since?

tebbisimo: I think they got the cheeddar for full ozs now

Broadcaster4utechre: lol idk what the big deal with confield is

Broadcaster4utechre: that track yeah was a weird method i gues

nixtrove: Confield seemed to be a game changer for ppl idk

martybyrnemusic: hehe, I love it. But I see how some people would be like "where's the beats,
maaaaan" but fuck those people. hehehe

uviol8: it has something different

tebbisimo: well its just a lazy persons way of saying

nixtrove: “Difficult”

tebbisimo: hahaha

tebbisimo: rite
mrgypsum: my favs untilted the beats!!!

Broadcaster4utechre: i think its just cos track one isnt what u normally call a steady beat

uviol8: weird yet normal weird

n05uchk3y: the basss slower sounds even nicer

n05uchk3y: melting in my brain like

uviol8: Yeah but ae has many trx Like that

martybyrnemusic: yeah, it's like this liquid metal sort of trickling thing, it's amazing

Broadcaster4utechre: like when u ask people why its a weird album they always think of only that
track, maybe the last track

uviol8: bine 's also weird

nixtrove: in the mixes

Broadcaster4utechre: yeah bine

n05uchk3y: I think people will get this really in year 4040 aprox

tebbisimo: m,an MCR quarter

tebbisimo: who recorded that

Broadcaster4utechre: but the rest arent that weird i ***

tebbisimo: i fukkkin love that

Broadcaster4utechre: like sort of weird but not that weird

ovalvoal: I recall using Confield those years for studio monitors testing haha

Broadcaster4utechre: idk who recorded mcr qtr

Broadcaster4utechre: iirc we grabbed it of slsk

nixtrove: LOL

tebbisimo: its such a lovely recording

tebbisimo: like the energy is all sucked together

tebbisimo: and then when it breathes to like go round again

tebbisimo: man

n05uchk3y: then should be a sub bass even lower than 5 hz

Broadcaster4utechre: yeah best bootleg 10/10 would dl again

Broadcaster4utechre: the way i see the live things is its so far just 2 albums worth of stuff but with
a ton of versions of one and a few of the other
tebbisimo: wld it have killed u to bookmark it

tebbisimo: i cba to cut em up

Broadcaster4utechre: lol

tebbisimo: but would be so good to cut them all up and listen to THAT TRACK

hellospiral: lol

tebbisimo: u know, the gd bit of C16 Deep tread that u didnt include

Broadcaster4utechre: yeah u can do that though i mean u can dl the wares for free

tebbisimo: the spiral head fuck crescendo ting

tebbisimo: yeh but thyyyyyyyyyme

Broadcaster4utechre: well same

tebbisimo: audacity sure but cba cant a warp temp do it

Broadcaster4utechre: NO

MAY 24











































































































































































































































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