Check List

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Check List

Fill the below table with a  sign if you fulfilled the mentioned requirement.

Note: putting  in fields where you didn’t fulfill will not help you yet negatively impact you as for the
attempt to mislead me!

Requirement /
Title slide 1
Outline slide: 1
Hyperlink on outline 1
15 slides 1
different layout 1
All slide transition (different transition)
Transition sound
Transition Timing
Combination of Entrance/exit/emphases…
Timing/effects and after previous/with previous/…
Images 1
Decorated images
Shapes/chart flows/videos/… 1

Requirement /
At least one page excluding table & reference
Font not exceeding 12 and 20
Presence of titles and subtitles
Create own style and apply it?
Create Reference
Show reference at the end
Table of contents
Decorate the page in your own way
page numbers / headers / footers

To be submitted /
PowerPoint presentation
PowerPoint Presentation as PDF
Word Document
Word Document as PDF
Folder name ?

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