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Proceedings of the 2016 5th International Conference on FrAA.

Systems and Control, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh,
Morocco, May 25-27, 2016

Optimization of hybrid renewable energy power systems using

Evolutionary algorithms

Abstract— the power produced from PV panel and wind Optimization methods can be used to achieve a good
turbine generators are based on weather condition, as a result compromise between load and system cost.
this system is unreliable. The hybridization of this system with Recently different methods have been applied to size a
another source such as batteries or diesel generator increases hybrid renewable energy system. Chedid and Rahman in [7]
significantly the reliability of the whole system. This paper
use linear programming to optimize their system, in [8]
recommends an optimization method of hybrid solar-wind
battery systems based on BSA (Backtracking Search Yang and Zhou present an iterative technique to minimize a
Algorithm) algorithm, following its steps the BSA algorithm system cost. Another technique in [9], Genetic algorithm, is
attains the global optimum with reasonable time and presents introduced by Xu Kang.
a good results comparing with other algorithm (Genetic Sizing such system is an important step to
Algorithm). The decision variables have included in the guarantee its reliability; therefore it is necessary to choose
optimization process are the number of PV module, the the best combination of components and their numbers.
number of wind turbines and the number of batteries. This paper introduces a methodology for optimizing a
hybrid system composed of photo-voltaic (PV) panels, wind
I. INTRODUCTION turbines generators and batteries. This methodology is based
Aware of its infinite reserve, alternative energy on BSA algorithm, which is an evolutionary algorithm, to
have attracted energy sectors to produce power, the main find the best combination between PV panels, wind turbines
ones have been used widely are hydro, wind and and batteries. This combination must meet the energy
photovoltaic [1]. demand with an optimal cost, and then the previous
In remote and isolated area, it is difficult to have a power algorithm is compared with other meta-heuristic algorithm
from the electrical grid. They usually use diesel generators (GA).
to supply power demand. However, many problems can As shown in the figure 1, the system is composed of
occur [1, 2]. photovoltaic generator, wind turbines and batteries which
The PV system, wind turbine system or both of them are a provide energy to the load. The battery stores the excess of
good compromise to resolve such problems, in order to feed energy.
the power demand. In this case the backup devices like The paper is organized as follows: First, the system model
diesel generator or batteries are necessaries [2]. is presented in details. Then, an overview of the BSA
The system combined solar source with wind algorithm is developed, to introduce its theory.
turbine and battery bank is called hybrid system, the most Subsequently, the Section 4 and section 5 present
advantage of such system is its reliability [3-5] and respectively the simulation results and the paper conclusion.
complementarity in producing power. It is the best solution
for electrifying remote and isolated places. These
independent energy systems are becoming more popular for PV
some reasons; increasing fossil fuel costs and decreasing panels
prices of turbines and PV panels [4].
Designing a hybrid system involves many
variables, therefore classical methods of optimization do not Wind Bidirectional
give optimal results, for this reason the evolutionary turbine inverter Load
methods must be used [6]. s

J.Kartite is with Electrical Engineering Department, Mohammedia

school of engineers, MOROCCO (corresponding author to provide phone: Battery
+212 658 673 415; e-mail: kartite.jihane@
M.Cherkaoui is with Electrical Engineering Department, Mohammedia
school of engineers, MOROCCO (e-mail:
Figure 1. Simple renewable energy hybrid system

978-1-4673-8953-2/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 383

II. HYBRID SYSTEM MODEL B. Wind generating model

A. Pv array modeling The power of the wind turbine depends to the

The power output from a PV array depends to wind speed, on the air density and the radius of the rotor
the site. It’s indispensable to have the meteorological data of [11].
the system location to determine the power of the PV The mathematical model is expressed in the following
generator [10]. The power of PV array is highly dependent equations:
on the insulation.
0, v vd
Edirc  Edir  cos  (1)
      R 2  V 3 , v d  v vn
W  2 (9)
Where Edirc is the direct sunlight received by the collector,
 Pn , vn  v vc
Edir is the direct sunlight and  is the incidence angle 
between the sun and the collector. 0, v vc
1  cos  (2)
Where W is the wind power, V is the wind speed, Vd is the
Edifc  Edif  ( )
2 boot speed Vn is the rated speed, Vc is the shutdown
Where Edifc is the diffuse radiation received by the speed.
collector and Edif is the diffuse radiation.
 is the air density, R is the radius of the rotor and Pn is
Ppvc the nominal power.
Ppv  ( Edirc  Edifc )  (3)
En C. Battery model
Where Ppv is the nominal power of PV panel.
The model of the battery is based on the kinetic
The Power of the PV panel is calculated taking model proposed in 1993 (JF Manwell and JG McGowan)
into account the angle of incidence θ between the sun and [12]. The model determines the maximum power P bat, max
the solar panel as shown in (1) to (3). given by the battery and its state of charge.
This angle of incidence must be calculated, it is determined The model principle is simple (see figure 2): the two tanks
from other angles as shown in (4). represent the battery. The tank 1 contains energy Q1 ,
directly available at the output. The tank 2 contains energy
cos  cos   cos( s, c)  sin  sin   cos  (4) Q2 which depends on a coefficient k.
1-c c
Where  the altitude of the sun,  s is the azimuth,  c is
the collector azimuth ∑ is the Angle of inclination of the
solar collector.
Q2 Q1
sin   cos L  cos   cos H  sin L  sin  (5)

Where L is the latitude of the location,  is the solar

Figure 2. Battery kinetic model
declination and H is the hour angle.
The maximum amount of energy Q1max is expressed in terms
of the quantity Q of battery power and a constant
cos   sin H (6) characterizing the battery c.
sin  s  Q1max  c  Q (10)
cos 

360 (7) Q2max  (1  c)  Q (11)

  23, 45  sin( )
365  (n  81)

Where n is the number of days in the year. Q1 (i)  Q1 (i  1)  e k t

(Q(i  1)  k  c  Pbat )  (1  e k t )

H  15  ( HS  12) (8) k (12)

P  c  (k  t  1  e k t )
 bat
Where HS is the solar time. k

978-1-4673-8953-2/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 384

that reaches the input parameter , then the result have been
Q2 (i)  Q2 (i  1)  e  k t compared with the genetic algorithm.
BSA can be expressed in terms of these five main
Q(i  1)  (1  c)  (1  e k t ) (13) parts [14]: initialization, the selection I, mutation, crossover
Pbat  (1  c)  (k t  1  e k t ) and selection II.
 The BSA initializes the population using a uniform
distribution in a range between the lower and the upper
bound. After, it determines a population called the historical
Q(i)  Q1 (i)  Q2 (i) (14)
population which will be used for the calculation of the
objective function. In each iteration the BSA defines a new
Q(i ) population. Once the population is determined, The BSA
SOC  (15) changes randomly the order of the individuals constituting
Q the population.
The BSA mutation process generates the initial form of
mutant. Crossover process generates the final shape of the
k  Q1 (i  1)  e k t  Q(i  1)  k  c  (1  e k t ) test population T. The parsing process has two stages; the
Pbat max  first calculates a binary number which indicates individual
1  e k t  c  (k t  1  e k t ) matrix that will be manipulated (fig. 3).
III. OPTIMIZATION In this study the goal is to determine the
appropriate structure of the hybrid system that should match
D. Objective function the energy requirement (load power) in all conditions. The
data considered during the optimization process are:
The optimal structure of the hybrid system in
insolation, wind speed, state of charge of battery and power
new energies must guarantee an optimal balance between
demanded by the load. It is well known that the power
the power demanded by the load and the total cost of the
demanded by the load varies depending on the season
(winter, summer).
The objective function which will be minimized in this
We suppose that the annual power requirement is
study is the total cost of the energy produced. It includes all
the daily power requirement multiplied by the number of
the costs of the components of the system:
year days.
The power produced by the photovoltaic generator and wind
-The Cost of acquisition of the PV generator.
power is calculated by the predefined equations in Section
-The Cost of acquisition of turbines.
2, using meteorological data presented in Figure 4 to 6. The
-The Cost of acquisition of batteries.
power variation for the battery is determined by a
supervision algorithm.
The total cost of the system is given by (17).
The used value of efficiency of the DC / AC inverter is 0.9.
Ctot  C pv  CEol  Cbat (17)
According to the studies have made in the field of
renewable energy hybrid systems
We can define the cost of an item as the product of CU (unit ,several combinations of hybrid systems were evaluated to
cost of energy), energy produced Pelement and Nelement (the agree on the most appropriate location of installation .The
number of elements) (18). system studied in this paper consists on a photovoltaic
Celement  Nelement  Pelement  CU (18) generator, wind energy and storage capacity. The choice of
this typical system goes in parallel with the energy policy in
So we can express the objective function as follows: Morocco.
Ctot  N pv  Ppv  CU pv  Nw  Pw  CU w  Nbat  Pbat  CUbat To limit the computation time ,the maximum
number of iterations selected is 200 . The initial hybrid
(19) system is composed of a photovoltaic generator 8 kW, a
turbine 10KW, and a 10 KAh battery.
E. Algorithm
The investment costs of PV panels, wind turbine and battery
The previous section showed the objective used in the simulation are shown in table (1) to (3)
function and their different parameter, so it’s important to
integrate an optimization algorithm to minimize the total
The algorithm chosed is the BSA (Backtracking Search
Optimization Algorithm [13]), which is an evolutionary
algorithm; the aim is to find the best value of total costs

978-1-4673-8953-2/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 385

Hourly meteorological data in a year

Initialization of the population


PV Wind turbines Battery

panels model
Figure 4. Hourly load profile used in optimization

Generation of trial

Selection I


Crossover Figure 5.Average hourly insolation profile

All Optimal
combination configuration of
optimized N

Selection II

Stop condition

Figure 3. Flowchart of the BSA algorithm Figure 6. Average hourly wind profile

During the process of Simulation operations of the hybrid TABLE I. Investment costs of PV panels
system, The contribution ratio of solar and wind source has
widely and monthly changed . To resolve this problem, a Peak 20 30 60 75 100 160
storage battery is provided to meet the additional load when power(Wp)
renewable sources are insufficient
Cost($) 63.8 87 185 203.37 224.75 324.85
F. Figures and Tables

978-1-4673-8953-2/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 386

Photovoltaic Wind turbine Battery
TABLE II. Investment costs of batteries panel
37 1 40
Nominal 40 50 80 100 150 200
capacity(Ah) 7 1 7
Cost($) 580 690 1050 1300 1900 2400 7 2 7
7 1 2
6 1 2
TABLE III. Specification of wind turbine
6 1 1
Power(W) Hlow Hhigh Capital 9 1 1
cost($) 9 1 1
1 1000 11 35 3400
9 1 1

(c ): Number of PV/W/BAT
The optimization aim is to define a minimum hybrid system
cost insuring continuous power demand. The load type used Figure 7 .The performance of BSA
in the simulation is a domestic one. In projection to the x 10

present study the minimum to seek is related to the cost
function (objective function of the BSA algorithm) 16

expressed in (19). 14
x 10

14 10

Total cost


Total cost


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Number of generation

(a ):Optimal total cost

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Number of generation 18
(a):Optimal total cost 16 BAT

In the next figures we use PV for the photovoltaic panel,W

for the wind turbine and BAT for the battery.
Number of PV/W/BAT

35 BAT


Number of PV/W/BAT

20 2

15 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Number of generation


(b): Number of PV/W/BA


Photovoltaic Wind turbine Battery

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Number of generation
140 160 180 200
11 1 5
(b): Number of PV/W/BAT 19 1 18
19 1 18
19 1 18

978-1-4673-8953-2/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 387

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This paper developed the model of an autonomous

hybrid renewable energy by referring to site meteorological
data and load profile.
First, the power produced by the PV array and
wind turbines is determined, then an optimization algorithm
is integrated to minimize total system cost. Finally the result
obtained from BSA algorithm is compared with genetic
algorithm results.
BSA algorithm results justify its suitability to face
hybrid power system problems.


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978-1-4673-8953-2/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 388

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