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“Youth and the Informal Market”

Concept Note

Background and Introduction

The VISET, YETT and UDUGU Institute as part of the EGI will be undertaking a combined field visit
and documentation during the week of the 8 rd of June to the 17 th of June. This combined visit is part
of the agenda on the Youth Dialogue Framework, Informal Sector Dialogue framework and
Devolution Framework that are part of the EGI. The visits are also informed by the COVID-19
Pandemic and the national response plan which has affected youth and informal trader’s livelihoods.
The objective is to document how youth and informal traders have been affected and inform state
responses. These twin goals contribute towards the EGI’s outcomes of local authorities and
government being responsive to citizen’s demands and growth in incomes and employment by
enterprises and SMEs.

Justification of a Rapid Assessment

The state responses of market stall demolitions and suspension of interprovincial movement has had
negative effects on the livelihoods of citizens. This reveals a need to urgently document experiences
and provide recommendations for local authorities and central government.

YETT and VISET as member organizations have identified areas of key interest that need to be visited
and documented to ensure evidence-based knowledge action.

A team made up EGI members from VISET, YETT and UDUGU will travel to document experiences
and conduct rapid assessments which will inform policy briefs to be developed and handed over to
The material will also be used for the Udugu I AM CREATING JOBS series, informing on the
livelihoods of youth in business post COVID

Date Province Town Markets Contact Person

08/06/2020 Harare Harare Lusaka Michael Chideme

- City of Harare

09/06/2020 Masvingo Masvingo Chitima Council


10/06/2020 Mat South Beitbridge Dulibadzimu Council


11/06/2020 – Manicaland Chipinge Ward 5 (Chipinge
14/06/2020 Province West

Ward 9 ( Chipinge

Ward 20

15/06/2020 Midlands Gweru Kudzanai Council


16/06/2020 Bulawayo Bulawayo Egodini Council


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