Employement Engagement Committee Membership Form

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Employment Engagement Committee (EEC)

Membership Application
EEC Mission: The Employment Engagement Committee was created with the
purpose of coordinating all organizational health-related programs and initiatives
within the Atlanta VA Health Care System. It strives to create and sustain an
efficient and healthy organization as evidenced through selected organizational
qualitative and quantitative performance measures.

Name: _________________________________________________________________
Unit/Service: __________________________________________________________________
Your current role: ________________________________________________
Years at the Atlanta VAHCS: ____________________________________________________
Years in your current position: ____________________________________________________

Expectations of Council Members:

• Demonstrate an interest in and commitment to improving employee engagement.
• Solicit ideas related to your committee’s initiatives from colleagues working on your
unit/area of service.
• Communicate decision and activities of EEG to colleagues working on your unit/area of
• Attend at least 80% of the bimonthly committee meetings. Communicate with your
committee chairperson in advance when unable to attend a meeting.

In your own words, please describe you interest in becoming a committee member and what
you would contribute to this committee:

Supervisor Endorsement:

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