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1-Choose the correct answer.

1. Helen is a … girl. Right now, she’s studying to be a doctor.
a. clever
b. brave
c. funny
2. Kevin’s grandfather … until last month.
a. was working
b. were working
c. working
3. … while I was watching TV?
a. You were sleeping
b. You weren’t sleeping
c. Were you sleeping
4. The children … their grandparents all morning.
a. was helping
b. wasn’t helping
c. were helping
5. Sally is very … . She wants to become an architect.
a. weak
b. shy
c. creative
6. Dan loves doing sport. He’s very … .
a. easy-going
b. athletic
c. clever
7. Pete is very … . He doesn’t want to work.
a. kind
b. athletic
c. lazy
8. I like Bob. He’s very … .
a. lazy
b. nice
c. weak
9. … at 9 pm last night?
a. They were studying
b. They weren’t studying
c. Were they studying
10. Bill and Joe like travelling to remote places. They’re both very … .
a. adventurous
b. generous
c. funny

 Advanced Think Ahead 1 Photocopiable © Burlington Books  1

11. My friends are … . They like going to the amusement park.
a. honest
b. confident
c. fun-loving
12. Jim jumped into the icy water to help a dog. He’s … .
a. hard-working
b. brave
c. outgoing
13. We … a nice place to stay near the beach.
a. was looking for
b. were look for
c. were looking for
14. Charlie Chaplin made comedies. He was very … .
a. funny
b. strong
c. friendly
15. Tina doesn’t like meeting new people. She’s very … .
a. shy
b. friendly
c. confident
16. Edna … the house all day yesterday. At noon, she went to the beach.
a. was cleaning
b. were cleaning
c. wasn’t cleaning
17. A … is a baby dog.
a. chick
b. kitten
c. puppy
18. … in the park. He was at home.
a. Tom was playing
b. Tom wasn’t playing
c. Was Tom playing
19. … homework all afternoon. I didn’t have time to meet a friend.
a. I was doing
b. I wasn’t doing
c. Was I doing
20. Rob’s mum visits old people in hospital. She’s very … to them.
a. strong
b. creative
c. kind

2- Match the sentences in A to the sentences in B to show that you understand the meaning of the words in bold.
1. Sue can’t lift that box. a. She’s very outgoing.
2. Everyone laughs at Ben’s stories. b. He’s very easy-going.
3. Mr Bates donates money to many organisations. c. He’s very generous.
4. Jane knows all the answers. d. She’s too weak.
5. Jack doesn’t think he can win. e. She’s too lazy.
6. Lisa loves meeting people. f. She’s very clever.
7. People often use Tom’s phone and he doesn’t mind. g. He isn’t confident.
8. Gail never works hard. h. He’s very funny.

3- Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple affirmative or negative.

In the 1970s, a British and a French company 1. (make) the first supersonic commercial
aeroplane – Concorde. Concorde (have) 100 seats. It 3. (begin) flying
4. 5.
in 1976. These aeroplanes (fly) 2,173 kilometres an hour. They
(not travel) across the Atlantic Ocean in eight hours, like ordinary commercial aeroplanes. The journey from
London to New York was only 3.5 hours!

In 2000, there was a terrible accident. A Concorde plane 6. (not arrive) at its destination.
7. 8.
It (crash) in France and all the people on the plane (die). After that,
people (not want) to fly on Concorde any more and the supersonic flights stopped. But
the company (not destroy) the planes. They are in museums in Britain and France.

4- Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the correct form of the Past Continuous.
fly • work • tell • study • rain • sleep
1. Lily for her history test for three hours. Now, she knows the material well.
2. At 12 pm, the children , so their mother was angry with them.
3. From 1996 to 2017, my father in a bank. He liked his job.
4. We didn’t go outside yesterday because it all day.
5. I on a plane for ten hours yesterday.
6. Tyler the truth. He isn’t always honest.

5- Complete the questions in the dialogue with suitable verbs. Use the Past Continuous.
A: What 1. you yesterday at 5 pm?
B: I was riding my bike to the park.
A: your brother his bike, too?
B: Yes, he was.
A: you and your brother tennis at 5.30 pm?
B: Yes, we were. How did you know that?
A: I thought I saw you. What 4. your brother ?
B: A green shirt and blue shorts.
A: Yes. I guess that was you and your brother.

6- Complete the text. Write one word in each space.

In 2015, at the age of 15, Pemba Tamang 1. working in a hotel in Katmandu. Suddenly,
there an earthquake. For five days, Tamang was 3. in a small hole and
he was for someone to come and help him. He was calling out to people, but they
not hear him. Rescue workers 6. looking for people all this time, but
they not expecting to find any survivors. Finally they 8. Pemba. While
9. 10.
doctors were examining him, reporters were him questions. He
them his amazing story.


1- Choose the correct answer.

1. Betty and Dan are … to go to the Canary Islands in the summer.
a. giving presents
b. having a barbecue
c. making plans
2. Mike is a DJ. He’s going to … for the party.
a. choose the music
b. buy food
c. have fun
3. I asked Edna to … by e-mail.
a. clean the house
b. send invitations
c. get ready
4. It’s October. Soon Mary will … .
a. celebrate her birthday
b. have fun
c. get together
5. The weather is good, so we’re going to … .
a. send invitations
b. choose the music
c. have a barbecue
6. Some guests are coming at the weekend. I really must … .
a. celebrate a birthday
b. clean the house
c. make a guest list
7. Who is going to … for the picnic?
a. give presents
b. decorate the room
c. buy food
8. Most teenagers love … with their friends.
a. getting together
b. making a guest list
c. buying food
9. Our guests will be here in an hour. We must … .
a. have a party
b. get ready
c. make plans
10. Sara is very creative. I’ll ask her to … .
a. celebrate a birthday
b. have fun
c. decorate the room

11.If it rains, we … the picnic.

a. will cancel
b. cancel
c. don’t cancel
12. Sophie won’t clean the house if you … her.
a. will remind
b. won’t remind
c. don’t remind
13. My cousins will visit us if they … to London.
a. will come
b. come
c. don’t come
14. How many people are we going to invite? Let’s … .
a. make a guest list
b. get together
c. have fun
15. We love the amusement park. It’s a great place to … .
a. make plans
b. decorate the room
c. have fun
16. If Sandy … the competition, she will be very happy.
a. will win
b. win
c. wins
17. We usually … at a birthday party.
a. get ready
b. give presents
c. clean the house
18. Bob and Lucy … you if you ask them.
a. help
b. helps
c. will help
19. … with your cousins if they invite you?
a. You will stay
b. Will you stay
c. You won’t stay

2- Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use be going to.
buy • not wear • not celebrate • drink • meet • play
1. Tim Jane’s present at the department store.
2. Where Sam his friends?
3. I my birthday this weekend. I’ve got an exam on Monday.
4. Jack and Rod the guitar at our party.
5. Lisa a Supergirl costume. She wants to be Wonder Woman.
6. you orange juice with your breakfast?

3- Complete the sentences with the correct verb in brackets. Use the Present Continuous with future meaning
1. Next week, I to Rio de Janeiro for the carnival. (fly / protect)
2. the guests at your house tonight? (stay / save)
3. The celebration in an hour. It’s going to start late. (not end / not begin)
4. What Tim his mother for her birthday? (give / receive)

4- Complete the text with the correct form of will and the verbs below
change • see • be • become • not wear • have • not disappear • not know • sell • cover

In the future, companies 1. probably online the perfect costume for

parties – an invisibility cloak. When they do, I one of the first people to buy
one. In the Harry Potter films, you can see Harry wearing this item, but I his
cloak. My invisibility cloak will be real. With this amazing new invention, people really
invisible. I can’t wait to wear one. The cloak my body
6. 7.
and my friends I’m there. Of course, people actually
under these cloaks. The cloaks the direction of the light around
them. So, when I wear one, people only the objects
behind me. My friends and I such fun at parties.

5- Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the First Conditional.
1. If it (rain), the boys   (not have) a barbecue.
2. I (tidy) the living room if you   (help) me.
3. We (not go) to the party if you   (not come) with us.
4. your father (drive) us if we (ask) him?
5. If she (not want) to buy a costume, I (make) one for her.

6- Write the questions for the answers in bold.

The guests are going to have beef for dinner.
We’re making the guest list tomorrow.
No, people won’t go to the cinema in the future.
Yes, Ken will look nice if he wears his new suit.
These animals will disappear if we don’t protect them.

7- Correct the mistakes.

1. Maybe the girls are going to buy Emma some jewellery.

2. If you will invite Bob, he will come.

3. They get together at the park tonight.

4. They won’t dance if you not choose good music.

5. Jim isn’t going clean the house later.

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