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Society of Petroleum Engineers

SPE 28182

Quantitative Analysis of Radial Effects on Centrifuge Capillary

Pressure Curves
P.L. Forbes,* lnst. Franc;ais du Petrole, and Z.A. Chen and D.W. Ruth,* U. of Manitoba
* SPE Members

Copyright 1994, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE 69th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in New Orleans, LA, U.S.A., 25-28 September 1994.

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Abstract and a number of problems associated with fundamental

assumptions made in the traditional Hassler-Brunner
Much progress has been made during the past decade on the analysis remain to be clarified. Recently, a survey on
centrifuge capillary pressure technique. However, many centrifuge capillary pressure measurements organized by
fundamental problems concerning flow mechanisms in a the Society of Core Analysts (SCA) has shown that
centrifuge experiment need to be further understood. These various problems exist with the experimental design,
problems include the definition of boundary conditions on running, recording, data processing and reporting of
both endfaces of a core plug, the gravity degradation effect centrifuge experiments. A review addressing pitfalls and
at low speeds, the characterization of core sample problems in light of the SCA survey can be found
heterogeneity, and the effect of the radial centrifugal field elsewhere [2].
distribution inside a core sample. In this paper we present
a quantitative analysis of the radial effect of the centrifugal The most pressing problems with the centrifuge technique
field in core plugs for capillary pressure curves. Using the are focused on the validity of the fundamental assumptions
N factor defined by Christiansen UJ, we re-derive the associated with the Hassler-Brunner equation. These
equation for converting mean saturations into local include (1) the assumption of zero-capillary pressure at the
saturations. The results show that when the radial effect is outlet endface of the core plug. A great deal of effort has
taken into account, the capillary pressure curve is shifted been made to investigate this assumption but so far no
to higher values (not lower as Christiansen indicated) with definitive conclusions have been drawn [3-51; (2) the
the magnitude of the changes of saturations being as high omission of core sample heterogeneity effects on the flow
as 3/4 N. Differences higher than 3 saturation units can be mechanism; (3) the assumption of no vertical gravitational
obtained for a standard centrifuge equipment and core acceleration effect on the horizontal centrifugal field [6];
sample geometry. and finally (4) the assumption of a one-dimensional
distribution of centrifugal field inside core samples, which
has turned out to be inaccurate. Christiansen [ 1] singled
Introduction out the significance of this phenomenon, and established a
two-dimensional model to describe the effect. However, he
The centrifuge technique has been widely used in the oil did not provide any solutions to quantify the effect on
and gas industry for determining petrophysical properties capillary pressure-saturation relationships. In addition, one
of reservoir rock core samples, and especially for of his conclusions, according to our derivations, turns out
measuring experimentally capillary pressure behaviour. to be wrong. Ayappa et al [7] also proposed a capillary
Other applications include measuring wettability, electrical pressure model for arbitrary shaped samples, but they did
properties and relative permeability, and performing not use their models to develop practical applications.
recovery studies. Others researchers have also pointed out the significance of
the radial effect on capillary pressure information [8-101.
During the past decades, advances have been made in many
aspects of the centrifuge technique, particularly in data The present paper gives a detailed analysis to quantitatively
interpretation. However, people have realized in recent characterize the effect of the radial centrifugal field on
years that the centrifuge technique has not been perfected, capillary pressure curves determination. The factor N

References and illustrations at end of paper


defined by Christiansen [11 is used in a strict derivation of - P Ci dS(Pci)] B

the saturation equation which is used to convert S(Pci) = [ S(Pci) + 1+ a dPc; (1- 2)
experimental datasets from mean saturation values into
local values. Furthermore, modified algorithms based on 1
any one-dimensional solution are proposed to account for + ~ (I+ J3)JxJ3 SHB(xPc;) dx ......... (5)
the radial centrifugal field effect in deriving a capillary
pressure curve.
where the factors a and J3 are defined as
' 1--vl-B 2
a= 1+2-vl-B and J3 = ~ ........... ;..................... (6)
Hassler-Brunner Theory

Modem centrifuge techniques are primarily based on the

pioneer work by Hassler and Brunner in 1945 [121, Radial Centrifugal Field
although centrifuges were used much earlier than Hassler-
Brunner [131. The centrifuge method consists in measuring As many workers recognized [1,2, 8-10, 151, the
mean saturation values, S, versus capillary pressure, PCi• centrifugal field in a centrifuge experiment is not one-
at the inlet end face of a sample at equilibrium during dimensional but has a radial component. Equations 1-3 in
rotation at various angular velocities, ro. Several the Hassler-Brunner analysis hold for a short, slender core
assumptions have to be made in order to obtain an accurate plug for which R/L = 0 and ri =r 0 . Here R is the radius
approximation of explicit solutions (an exact closed-form of the sample and L is its length. However for larger
solution is unavailable) for a capillary pressure curve, the values of R/L, the effect of the core plug width will
most important of which is that a one-dimensional become significant. This concern can be visualized by
centrifugal force field exists inside the core plug as shown considering the top-view configuration of the core sample
in Figure 1. Then the classic Hassler-Brunner saturation given in Figure 3. When radial effects are considered, the
equation, also known as the fundamental equation, is capillary pressure is better expressed as
written as
1 Pc=!~p ro2(q2- r2) ........................................ (7)

1 +~ J·_5~dx, ........................... (1)
where f4 is defined as the maximum radius of
-v 1-Bx rotation from the axis and it is postulated that at f4 the
0 endface zero-capillary pressure condition should hold, that
where PCi is the capillary pressure at the inlet endface of is, P c = 0. In addition, it is obvious that the maximum
capillary pressure takes place at the minimum rotation ·
the core plug,
radius rt = ri where
Pci =!~p ro2 (r 0 2- ri 2) ...................................... (2)
Pc =! ~p ro 2(r4 2 - r1 2) ...................................... (8)
and P c the capillary pressure at location r from the
rotating axis inside the core plug.
When taking into account the radial effect, a dimensionless
Pc =!~p ro2(ro2_ r2) ...................................... (3) geometric factor, N, was defined by Christiansen et al
[1,151 as
Here r E [ri, r 0 ], B = 1- c-!'i)2, x = PPc , ri and r0 are the P CJ radial r42- rt 2
'ro Ci N= - 1 - 1................. (9)
inlet and outlet rotation radii, ~p is the difference in the P c1 non-radial r3 2 - rt 2
fluid pair densities. or in short
N=r32-r12 .................................................... (10)
Many approximate solutions to obtain S(P c) from Eq. 1
have been proposed [7, 11, 141. The most simplified and N is, according to Christiansen [11, a measure of departure
widely-used is the solution suggested by Hassler and from the capillary pressure distribution, of Eqs. 2 and 3,
Brunner [121 which is expressed as caused by the non-linear nature of the actual centrifugal
dS(Pci) field, Eqs. 7 and 8.
S(PCi) = SHB(PCi) = "S(PCi) + p Ci dP Ci ••••.•.•• (4)
In order to minimize the radial effect in a centrifuge
This solution assumes B = 0. This means in fact that the experiment, it has long been recommended that short,
centrifugal aspect of the force field is neglected and that the narrow core samples be used in the experiment. However,
field is considered to have a constant (uniform) acceleration for the oil and gas industry, the most popular centrifuges
inside the whole core plug, as is shown in Figure 1. Other operate with conventional 1" x 1" (2.54 em x 2.54 em)
solutions in the literature considered the B ::~: 0 case, sample . Under most circumstances the configurations and
assuming a one-dimensional distribution of the centrifugal sizes used for the rotor buckets and core sample ensure that
force field (see Figure 2). One of these solutions, which is radial effects are important in the centrifugal field.
simple and has also proved to be very accurate, was
proposed by Forbes [11]: To assess the significance of radial effects, new models
must be constructed. For the saturation material balance

SPE 28182 P. L. FORBES, Z. A. CHEN and D. W. RUTH 3

equation, the following equation can be written (neglecting capillary pressure curve. For a given set of data, the P c1
gravity effects): from Eq. 8 is always greater than from Eq. 2, which
r4 82(r) indicates a move of P c1' at a fixed S, to a higher value.

S(Pc1 )=~ JS(r) J-vR 2- r2Sin(8)2 rd8dr (11-a)

Therefore, as a new insight into data interpretation (Figure
4 shows such a procedure), the capillary pressure curve
1tLR r 1 81 (r) should also be shifted upward to both higher pressure and
where saturation values (Figure 5). This comprehensive change is
81(r) = 0, r1:$;r~3 illustrated by Figure 6, in which three typical solutions are
used for a comparative analysis:
e1(r) = cos- 1( r3/r) r3:$;r:$;r4 ......................... (11-b)
• The Hassler and Brunner solution (Eq. 4 and Figure 1),
82(r) = cos- 1( r 1/r ), r1:$;r~2
which assumes B == 0 and N = 0 for a constant acceleration
e2(r) = sin-1( R/r) r2:$;r:$;q ......................... (11-c) field in the core sample;

Both Christiansen et al [1,15] and Ayappa et al [7] • Forbes' improved solution (Eq. 5 and Figure 2), for a
established the above equation. As N == 0, the above one-dimensional centrifugal acceleration distribution in the
double integral will be reduced to the case corresponding to sample (B :;tO, in which the factor N remains zero); and
Eq. I [1] or

-o 1 JI'3 • A new solution of Eq. 11, which will be detailed in the

S (Pc 1)=L S(Pc(r))dr ..................................... (12) present paper, that takes into account the radial distribution
f} of the centrifugal field, for which case neither B nor N is
Here the 0 is added at the upper-right of the saturation
zero (Figure 3).
S(Pc 1). indicating N = 0, and this symbol will be used in
the following discussion. Data Interpretation Techniques

The Effect of the Radial Field on Raw We have discussed the effect of the radial centrifugal
Experimental Drainage Data acceleration on the field distribution in a centrifuge
experiment. This effect requires that capillary pressure
curves for a given set of experimental data must be
The previous analysis gives a mathematical description of interpreted quantitatively on the basis of new equations. In
the effect of the radial centrifugal field on the centrifuge Eq. 7 Pc is a function of r while in Eq. 8 P c1 is not. It
measurements. The significance of such an effect can be
characterized, as Christiansen pointed out Ul, by the fact follows that
that for a single drainage capillary pressure curve, the _(q2- r2)
Pc=Pc1 ( 2 2) ......................................... (13)
synthesized mean saturations obtained with Eq. 11 are q-q
always lower than those obtained from Eq. 1. In other
words, Eq. 1 gives a larger change between the local If we choose B, N, and r3 as variables, all other parameters
saturation curve and the mean saturation curve. can be expressed as functions of these variables.
In practice, interpreting centrifuge capillary pressure curves
from raw experimental data is an inverse process, that is to
say, we measure a fixed set of centrifuge production r2=r3...J,....1--B-+-NB-
perfonnance data, that is mean saturation data, "S(P c1). and r3=r3
we need to convert this set of data into local saturation q=r3..J 1+NB
curve, S(P c1). Neglecting gravitational effects, Eq. 11
gives the correct prediction of mean saturation for a given
capillary pressure curve. It follows that, because Eq. 1 L=r3(1--{i:B)
gives a larger change between the local saturation curve 1+NB- (r/r3)2
and the mean saturation curve, inverse techniques based on Pc=Pc1 B(I+N) ...................................... (14)
Eq. 1, that is techniques which neglect radial effects, will
always underpredict the local saturation. As discussed by A new pair of integrating variables, x and a., are introduced
Forbes [9] and Forbes et al. [16] this conclusion is opposite to convert the integration domain of the core plug to a
to that one of Christiansen [1], which stated that domain with normalized boundaries. As shown in Figure
"centrifuge data that are reduced without accounting for 7, these variables are defined by
radial effects will give capillary pressure relationships that
are shifted to higher-than-correct saturations ...... ". 1- (r/r3)2Cos(8)2
X= B ............................... (15)

(r/r3)~n(e)2 ' O.s.a..s. ~ ............... (16)

Note that the above discussion is based on saturation
conversion only. The radial effect also embodies a change and Sin(a.)2 =
of reference capillary pressure P c1 • For the double
integral, Eq. 8 instead of Eq. 2 has to be used to plot a It follows that


Pc =Pel x+N1:o;(a)2 ..................................... (17) =<> -- 1+V 1-B fS(xPcl) dx
S (Pel)
2 ...J 1-Bx
~ =" 1-Bx+BN Sin(a)2 ................................... (18)
S(bPc 1) +a [ S(abPc1 )- S(bPc1) ] .... (24)
Sin(S) __ fNB .
Cos(S) - 'J 1-Bx Sm(a) ................................... (19)
a = 3/4
( 1+N )
and Where
...!L. ................... (25)
b =1+ 0.23 <1+N )
2 r dr d8
-B Cos(a) _
1-Bx dx da .................. (20)
Equation 24 therefore allows the data set to be corrected in
Substituting these definitions into Eq.ll results in a straightforward manner. Note that N = 0 leads to the
S(Pc1)= usual approximation ofS = S (that is a= 0 and b = 1).
To test Eq. 24, different capillary pressure curves S(P c1 )
1 2 have been chosen to cover the range of typical curves
Js(P c x+NCos(a) ) ~ic
2 which are encountered using various centrifuge geometries,
1+-fliJ ~
(a )2d a B =0.1 and0.9,andN =0.1. Then theexact~(Pc 1 )and
2 1 1+N _
'I 1-Bx 1t
0 0 S(P c1 ) have been calculated using Eqs. 12 and 23
................. (21)
respectively. Finally, ~ (P c1 ) has been evaluated from
S(Pc1 ) according to Eq. 24. Figure 8 and 9 show different
S (P c1 ) curves (solid lines) calculated from Eq. 12 and
their evaluations (the filled circles) according to Eq. 24 for
N = 0.1 (an expected maximum value). Excellent
agreement is obtained in all cases, which shows that Eq.
24 (filled circles) is a very accurate evaluation of~ (P c1 ) •

Quantification of the Radial Effect

As demonstrated in Figures 8 and 9, Equation 24,
accounting for the radial effect, consists in replacing
S (Pc 1 ) =S(Pc 1) ............................ : ................... (1)
To obtain S from these equations, we can either by
i). develop some methods to directly invert 0

these equations; or S (P c1 fb) =S(P c1) +a [ S(aPc1)- S(P c1) ] ............. (26)
ii). develop a method for "correcting" the
mean saturation data to obtain an ~ (P c1) that has the If we make an assessment, approximating "a" by its
maximun value, 3/4 N, and '"b" by 1 + 0.23N, and
property assumed in a non-radial interpretation, that is inserting the maximum value of
S (P c1 ) 1+-fli f S(Pc) .
_~ dx, (correspondmg to Eq. 1
[ S(aP CJ)- S(P c1) ], ........................................... (27)
that is 1, we will find that P c1 will shift downward by a
2 'I 1-Bx
0 factor of 1 + 0.23N and that ~ is shifted to a higher
and 12). This equation may then be inverted using one of value by an amount as high as 3/4 N. In addition, we have
the many accurate semi-analytical solutions already to consider the upward shift of P c1 by a factor of (1 + N)
available, using S instead of S as non-radial mean due to the change in the zero-capillary pressure condition
saturation. (Eq.9). Therefore, the final shift in P c1 will be an upward
shift by a factor of about (1 + 0.77N). Finally the
We have chosen the second way in order to take advantage difference in saturation values can be higher than 10
of existing techniques and to provide a simple saturation units (Figure 5) depending on N, on the sample
methodology to correct for radial effects. The usual geometry and on the shape of the capillary pressure curves.
approaches, neglecting the radial effects, consist in This leads us to the fact that the traditional assumption of
assuming N = 0, i.e., S (P c1 ) = S(P c1). In the Appendix a non-radial centrifugal field can cause an under-evaluation
0 of saturation by as much as 3 to 5 saturation units for the
there is an explanation of how S (P c1 ) can be evaluated conventional Beckman geometry (1" x 1" (2.54 em x 2.54
for various values of N (N is less than 0.1 for practical em) sample, r3 = 8.6 em). Radial effects are therefore
applications). From the Appendix, we obtain significant and should be accounted for in data
interpretation methods.

SPE 28182 P. L. FORBES, Z. A. CHEN and D. W. RUTH 5

G(k p) = A1 F1(k 1 p) + A2 F2(k2 p) will be transformed

Simple Procedures To Account For
Radial Effects into G(k p) =AJ F(kJ p) + A2 F(k2 p).

This means that the transformation, F(p) --->F(p),

commutes with any linear -transformation or a
The pre-process correction method is based on Eq. 24. multiplication of the variable p by a constant. According
Starting with the measurement (S,co), we first calculate
to the scheme Eq.28, the evaluation of{~. Pc 1 jb} is
(S, P c1 ) according to Eq.8 instead of Eq.2. This consists
in multiplying the traditional P c1 values by (1 +N). Then obtained by such a linear correction, r, with S= F1 = F2 ,
{SO, P cJfb} is evaluated based on Eq. 26. 1+N
1 A1 = 1- a, A2 =a, kJ = 1, k2 =a, and k = b

= 1+ V1-B JS(Pclx) . . "II .
_,-:-:_- dx IS mverted 10 owmg
{sP c r
2 -v 1-Bx non-radial ~
one of the usual, accurate methods available in the
literature. S(Pc1non-radial)+a[S(aPc1non-radial)-S(Pc1non-radial)]
{ Pc1 non-radial
This procedure can be summarized as follows: (1+N) b
• Non-Radial Procedures: ........... (31)
(S, co}--> (S,Pc1 non-radial}
~ {Current Analysis } ~ (S, Pc1 )
Therefore the evaluation of {S, P c) curves will be obtained
Techniques [11,12,14] as well when applying the current analysis techniques
before the correction, r, is implemented:
• Radial Procedures: _ { Current Analysis }
_ _ _ Pc1 radial {S, co}~ Techniques [11,12,14]
{S, co} --> {S,Pc1 radial}--> {S 0 , b }
~ {Current Analysis } ~ (S, Pc1 ) ~ {Snon-radial , Pc non-radial }~ {S, P c} ·········· (32)
Techniques [11 ,12, 141
·················(28) that is
Pc1 radial= (1+N)Pc1 non-radial
~c 1 non-radial
SO (P c1 radial fb) = · { ~

S(P c1 radial)+ a [ S(aP c1 radial)- S(P c1 radial)]

................. (29) S(Pc1non-radial)+a[S(aPc1non-radial)-S(Pc1non-radial)]
This implies that the radial effect correction can be done { Pc1 non-radial
very simply as a pre-treatment of datasets before any of the (1+N) . b
techniques already in use are implemented. ........... (33)

Equation 33 represents a post-process which allows the

POST-PROCESS CORRECTION direct correction of conventional capillary pressure curves
(Snon-radial, Pc non-radial) obtained without accounting
Because centrifuge capillary pressure curves available in for radial effects.
the literature have been determined without accounting for
radial effects, it is of interest to propose a post-process to
directly correct these curves. Referring to the previous Imbibition Capillary Pressure Curves
scheme Eq.28, it can be observed that what are called the
"current analysis techniques" consist in the transformation The previous analysis focused on drainage capillary
pressure determination. By analogy, a similar approach and
of a function F(p) into F(p) according to similar calculations can be used to account for the radial
effect in imbibition experiments.

-F(p) = 1+m
...J -Bx dx .............................. (30)
The procedure for the pre-process correction is outlined as

{S,Pc3 }~{S(Pc3 )+a[S(aPc3 )-S(Pc3 )]. P~3 }

while the post-process correction will be
Obviously for any constant parameters A 1, A2, k 1, k2,
Pc3 }
and k, it follows that {S, Pc3 }~ { S(Pc3 ) +a [ S(aPc3 )- S(Pc3 )] .-b-


much improved agreement with the porous plate capillary

pressure curve.

It is interesting to note that Figure 11 in Christiansen and

Cerise's original paper [15] clearly shows that for the
with ................. (34) inverse process of data reduction, the double integral
successfully recovers the true capillary pressure, while
both the single integral method and the truncated Hassler-
Brunner solution give local saturations that are lower than
the true capillary pressure curve. This figure supports the
derivation and analysis of the present paper.
Note that P c1 is replaced by P c3 , the capillary pressure at
the outlet face and that P c3 non-radial= P c3 radial= P c3 Conclusions
because the zero capillary pressure is imposed at the center
line of the inner face for both the non-radial and radial A new solution has been presented for the centrifuge
considerations. saturation equation. This solution has allowed a
In practical applications (r3 ~ 4 rl, i.e. b <<1), the same quantitative characterization of the effect of the radial
kind of conclusions can be drawn for imbibition capillary centrifugal acceleration on capillary pressure curves. The
pressure curves as for drainage curves. analysis shows that when the radial effect is taken into
account, the resulting drainage capillary pressure curve will
be shifted toward higher saturation and pressure values than
Examples the traditional Hassler-Brunner curve, not lower as
predicted previously. Current analysis techniques that do
Two examples are used in this section to show the not account for radial effect can lead to an under-estimation
significance of the radial effect on data interpretation. of up to 3 to 5 saturation units for conventional centrifuge
geometries. A new inversion technique, which accurately
In l;he first example, Bentsen and Anli's data [17] (Sample accounts for the radial effect, has also been proposed. The
B) Is used to show the proposed technique. The geometric new technique entails correcting for the radial effect on S
parameters include: 2R = 2.44 em, q = 12.45 em, r3 = datasets and processing data with any current, proven
16.31 em. Figure 10 shows a comparison among various method. Therefore the technique can be implemented
simply as a pre-process or a post-process to any method
methods. Little difference is found in this figure. It can be
concluded from this example that for core samples of large already ~n use. It has been shown that the new technique
radii and small diameters, the shift of capillary pressure accountmg for the radial effect significantly changes
curves is not pronounced. Under such circumstances interpretations of data from the current (Beckman)
previously-proposed, semi-analytical, one-dimensionai centrifuges, and then significantly improves the agreement
solutions, such as Forbes' solution (Eqs. 5 and 6), are between centrifuge and porous plate capillary pressure
good approximations, and the regular algorithms hold for curves. Previous disagreement, and agreement as well,
presented in the literature between these two methods,
experimental data reduction.
should be re-analyzed accounting for radial effects.
The dataset for the second example is taken from a recent
paper by Ajufo et al [18]. Data from their Fig.3 were re-
analyzed with three different interpretation techniques:
Hassler-Brunner's solution (Eq. 4), Forbes' improved
solution (Eq. 5), and the new solution developed in the Sincere thanks are extended to J.D. Warne, Core
present paper accounting for the radial effect (pre- and post- Laboratories, for providing the dataset of the second
process corrections have been applied). The centrifuge example in the present paper. One of authors (Z. Andy
geometrical parameters include q = 10.42 em, L= 4.39 em Chen) is supported by a grant from Imperial Oil.
and 2R = 3. 79 em. The final results are illustrated in
Figure 11. It can be seen from this example that the curves
obtained from both Hassler-Brunner's solution and Forbes's
improved solution do have discrepancies with the curve
from a porous plate experiment, the most widely constant parameter
recognized standard technique for capillary pressure constant parameter
measurements, while the curves accounting for the radial parameter defined in Eq. 25
effect are in excellent accord with the porous plate curve. parameter defined in Eq. 25
This example supports the observations that (1) for rock f'
geometric factor, B = 1- ~~)2
samples of small outside endface radius (say~ 10 em) and
large diameter (2R ~ 2.54 em or 1"), the errors due to constant parameter
radial effects are significant; and (2) the newly-developed constant parameter
method does account for the radial effect and provides a constant parameter
core plug length, em

SPE 28182 P. L. FORBES, Z. A. CHEN and D. W. RUTH 7

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4. Baardsen, H., V. Nilsen, J. Leknes and A. Hove, 1991,
Quantifying Saturation Distributions and Capillary 16. Forbes, P.L., D.W. Ruth and Z. Chen, 1994,
Pressures Using Centrifuge and Computer Discussion of "Geometric Concerns for Accurate
Tomography, RESERVOIR CHRACTERIZATION II: Measurement of Capillary Pressure Relationships with
(L.W. Lake, et al., ed.), Academic Press, Inc., San Centrifuge Methods", SPE Formation Evaluation, 9, 1,
Diego, California. 79-80.

5. O'Meara, D.J., Jr., G.J. Hirasaki and J.A. Rohan, 1992, 17. Bentsen, R.G. and J. Anli, 1977, Using Parameter .
Centrifuge measurements of capillary pressure: Part !- Estimation Techniques to Convert Centrifuge Data Into
Outflow boundary condition: SPE Reservoir a Capillary-Pressure Curve, Soc. Pet. Eng. Journal, 17,
Engineering, 7, 133-142. 57-64.

6. Chen, Z.A. and D.W. Ruth, Gravity Degradation Effect 18. Ajufo, A.O., D.H. Daneshjou and J.D. Warne, 1993,
on Low-Speed Centrifuge Capillary Pressure Data, Capillary Pressure Characteristics at Overburden
accepted by AIChE Journal for publication. Pressure Using the Centrifuge Method, SPE paper
26148 presented at The SPE Gas Technology
Symposium, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 28-30.


Appendix 1

We start from Eq. 22:

1 +~J .~ [S<Pc,x)i ts(o.)2da
1t "'J 1-Bx 1t 0
1 2 0
1+ m 0J2
...J 1-Bxo
Js(P CJ x+N Cos(a)\ icos(a)2 da
1+N 1t
+ S'(Pc 1x)Pc 11 NN i Jcos(a.)4da
................. (22) + 1t0
Replacing Pc 1 by Pc 1 (1+e 1~N) (where e is a free
parameter for the moment) results in - S'(Pc 1x)Pc 11NN (1-e) x i Jcos(a.)2da.] ........ (A-5)

-8 N
(Pci1+£1+N) )=
J dx
...J 1-Bx
+ 1t0

4 2 4 2
1t - fcos(a.) 2da. = 1, - fcos(a.)4da = 3/4,
2 1t0 1t0
Js(p (1+e1+N
N )
CJ 1+N
x + N CosCa) ) Cos("')2
1t u.
i 1
1+-{li JS(xPcl> d -soP
0 2 ...J 1-Bx x - ( c1)
......................... (A-1) 0
2 and
P ·( 1+e_l!_) x + N CosCa) P
CJ 1+N 1+N CJX

+Pc 11~N (Cos(a) 2- (1- e) x) +( 1~N)2Pc1 e (Cos(a.)2- x)

......................... (A-2)
( we use S 0
'(P c) to represent
dS0 (P c) ) then we get
and expanding the saturation term of the integrand through · dPc
the regular Taylor series to the first order in
1 ~N , we
- N - 0
S(Pc1(1+£1+N))= S (PcJ)- (1-e)Pc11+N S '(Pcl)
N -0
S(P (1 +e.J:L) x ~ N 1+N
Cos(a)2 )= S(P x)
+ 3/4l~Nl+~ J~~Bx S'(Pc x)Pc
CJ 1+N Cj 1 1 .............. (A---{j)

+ S'(Pc 1x) Pc 11 ~N (Cos(a.) 2 - (1- e) x) 0

Now consider the integral term on the right-hand side of
.......................... (A-3) Eq. A-6
(note that we use S'(Pc) to denote d%c)) 1
2 -~
S'(P CJ x)P CJ
where the last term on the right-hand side of Eq.A-2 is "'J 1-Bx
eliminated because it is second order. Then we will find 0
- N
S(P c1(1+e 1+N))=
1+mJ ____!L 4
2 ...J 1-Bx 1t
JCos(a)2[S(Pc x)+S'(Pc x)Pc11:N(Cos(a)2-(1-e)x)]da.
1 1
.........................(A--4) =I+~ Jdx S'(Pc1x)Pc,·Ji .. Bx ..................... (A· 7)

SPE 28182 P. L. FORBES, Z. A. CHEN and D. W. RUTH 9

Integrating by parts
1 +~J"' dx. S'(Pe 1x)Pe 1 - BPe1 S '(Pc 1)
0 For drainage capillary pressure curves 0 ~ B ~ 1 and if we
1-Bx plot eo as a function of B, we will find that there exists a
= [ 1+-{1-B S(P
2 elX
)V!-BxX ]x=1
x=O 0.21 S. Eo s. 0.25 .......................................... (A-17)

+ 1+"' 1-B B/2 -~
-v 1-Bx
dx. S(Pe x) .......................(A-8)
As an approximation, we can take eo = 0.23 for any B
value. Therefore
S(Pe/1+ 0.23 1+/'i))=

- 1 +~ [S(Pe1 )~- S(O)] + B/2 S 0

(Pe 1 ) ..... (A-9) S0 (Pe 1 )+3/4 1 ~N 1 +~ [S (Pe 0
1)- S(O)] ..... (A-18)

Defming the parameters

Using B= (1 +~ ) (1- Vl-B )and re-arranging 1+{1-B N
+~"' 1-B [S(Pe )-S (Pe
{ a= 3/4 2N ( l+N ) ....................... (A-19)
= 1 1 )] b =1+ 0.23 ( 1+N )
+ 1+ ~ [S (P e 0
) - S(O)] ............................{A-10) we can obtain an approximation of the solution to Eq.10
to quantitatively characterize the radial centrifugal
acceleration field (note that S(O) = S 0 (0) = S (0) ).
that is
1 +-{1-BJ~S'(P )P
2 "'1-Bx elX el
0 extracting S0 {P e1) gives
_ S (0) - S (bPe 1 )
=BPe1 S0 '(Pe 1 ) +
1 +~ V1-B [S(Pe )-S0 (Pe )] 0
S (P el) = S(b pel)+ a 1 + a ...... (A-21)
1 1

+ 1+ ~ [S (Pe1)- S(O)]0
.......... (A-11)

Recall that a simple approximate solution of Eq. 12 has

been proposed by Forbes [111 as
Now consider
- Pel -
S(Pe 1) = S 0 (Pe 1 ) + + S 0 '(Pe 1) ............... (A-12) f(a) = (1 +a) (S (aPe 1) - S (P e1 )) .................... (A-23)
1 8
where 8 is defined in Eq. 6,
Then we have then for small values of a, f(a) = f(O)
~0 Pel - 0
As far as "a" is of the same order of magnitude as N <<1,
S<Pe 1)- S (Pe 1 ) = + S '(Pe 1) •••••••••••••••• {A-13) Q!is is eg_uivalent to _ _
1 8
S (0)- S (Pe 1) = (1 +a) (S (aPe 1)- S (Pe 1))
Using Eqs.A-11 and A-13 to re-arrange Eq.A-6 we obtain or
- N S (0) - S (P e1 ) _ _
S(Pe1(1+e 1+N))=
+ a = S (aPe 1 )- S (Pe 1 ) ••••••••••• (A-24)

S 0
(Pe 1 )+ 3/4 1 ~N 1 +~ [S (Pe 0
1)- S(O)] Putting this expression into Eq. A-22 results in
S (Pe 1) = S(bPe1) +a [S(abPe1)- S(bPe1)] •••• (A-25)
N [ 1A(B 1+"' 1-B "'1-B) 1 ] p -5 o, p )
+ 1+N 3,.... + 2 1+ 8 - + e e1 < e1
........................ (A-14) The above equation contains both the single and double
integral terms corresponding to the solutions of two cases,
Hassler-Brunner's solution and the solution accounting for
As we have let e be a free parameter, we can choose the radial effect. This equation replaces the fundamental
equation for predicting centrifuge capillary pressure curves
e =eo= 1 - 3/4 (B t 1+-{1-B ..J 1-B) = 7 - 3B ...JI-B - which take into account the radial effect. The evaluation
2 1+ 8 8(2+fu)
A-25 is preferred to A-21 because it accounts for S(P e1)
........................ (A-15)
which makes = S 0 (Pe 1 ) = S (Pe 1 ),
when Pe 1 = oo, which can be
- N deduced from exact equations 11 and 12.
S(Pe/1 +Eo 1+N))=



Axis of Rotation


L 'InletFace H-B Analysis

Figure 1. Assumption of A Linear Field Distribution

Axis of Rotation


L 'InletFace Improved Analysis

Figure 2. Assumption of One Dimensional Distribution For Centrifugal Field


Axis of Rotation

L Radial Analysis
Figure 3. Exact Radial Distribution of Centrifugal Field

SPE 28182 P. L. FORBES, Z. A. CHEN and D. W. RUTH 11


{~ ~}non-radial {S} non-!C' ~ial

' '/

Pet 1 + 0.77 N

Figure 5. Capillary Pressure Curve Shift

--- Hassler & Brunner

------ Forbesirnproved
--- Radial Effect
--- Mean Saturation

Wetting Phase Saturation (frac.)

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Figure 6. Typical Solutions For A 1"xl" Sample and A Centrifuge Geometry with roulet =8.6 em




Figure 7. Transformation of Integration Domains

20 - B=O.l, 0.9

Figure 8. Evaluation of Equation 24

20 ·-
·n• • ~ \ r~·<\, 8=0.1, 0.9
•• • \\ • • N=O.l
\\1\\ K\\\\ '<~:'.
n \} \ ·,~· '~,

~ \

~ 10 ·- \\'!\\ ~·~ ........

\\ ..

J: .,.~~~.
., .~..==, J
~ 5
.. ·-
Wetting Phase Saturation'~A


0 : : : I ;

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Figure 9. Evaluation of Equation 24

I ' '

SPE 28182 P. L. FORBES, Z. A. CHEN and D. W. RUTH 13


• Non-radial
• Bentsen & Anli
·\·· • •

'\ ..
2 ·- ~ ,...~..

L! [~[·.::~ ,.
........ .
•~ •
~ L!l•. [i"~ L!. .!J·~·
1 •-
Wetting Phase Saturation (frac.)
0 : : : : I

0.25 0.35 0.45 0.55 0.65 0.75 0.85 0.95

Figure 10. Bentsen and Anli's Data: Sample B (ref. 17)

• Hassler & Brunner
• Forbes improved
40 c Radial Effect, pre
"' and post process
35 <> Porous Plate
Ajufo et al' Data

•I ~


·~~- (frac.)
""'-+~"" -A
•ot~"::fr. o •r£
0 +---------------------+---------------------~--------------------~------=~~
0.15 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.55
Figure 11. Ajufo et al's Data: Sample 13A (ref. 18)


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