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Dunn’s First Grade Disclosure


Dear Parents,
Welcome to an exciting and fun-filled year at Oak Hollow. I am pleased to have the privilege
of teaching your child. I love teaching. It is so rewarding to see the progress the children
make throughout the school year.

Backpack: Your child needs to bring a backpack to school EVERY DAY. Label the backpack
with their name. Labeling everything your student brings to school is very helpful (coats,
hats, mittens, etc.). PLEASE check your child’s backpack every day for important school
notes and reminders.

Water bottle: I am requesting that each student has a clearly labeled water bottle to
keep in the classroom. Trips to the drinking fountain disrupt class and take up valuable
teaching time after lunch and recesses. In addition to this it is much more sanitary for
your child to drink from their own water bottle rather than the drinking fountain that is
being shared with hundreds of other kids. The water bottle can be disposable or one that
is refillable. In either case they will be sent home (if not disposable) or thrown away on the
last day of the school week. Students should return the following week with a water
bottle. The students will be able to fill up their water bottles in our classroom sink. No
one will be putting their mouth on the faucet.

Homework Folder: Your child will bring home a blue folder daily. The left side of the folder
is for papers that will return to school. The right side is for papers that stay at home.
Please check this folder daily and complete or empty the items. Your student will check
the “return to school pocket” every morning. Anything I need to see should be put into the
left side “return to school” pocket.

Classroom Rules:
1) Follow Directions quickly.
2) Raise your hand for permission to speak.
3) Be a kind and caring friend.
4) Make smart choices.
5) Let’s keep each other happy

Positive Incentives for obeying rules are gold tags, prize box, and class rewards. Rules
that are broken earn a warning and possible loss of privileges or time away from the
group. Please refer to the discipline plan for more specific explanations.
Serious infractions (hitting, bullying etc.) of any kind go directly to the principal and/or
receive a phone call home.
Gold Tags: Students will earn gold tags for good behavior, great choices, a positive
attitude, kind words, participation, work completion etc. Please see the following page
that fully explains the program.
Table/Team Points: Students are given table points when their table is following
directions, using inside voices, working during work time, being good listeners and following
class rules.
Prize box: The students will earn the privilege of choosing prizes from our prize box for
table points and following classroom rules consistently.
Feathers: Students can earn feathers as part of our school wide behavior plan. Feathers
are collected and are entered in a school wide drawing. Each grade level has 2 winners
every week to be entered into a school wide drawing. After our class earns 100 feathers
they earn a class party.

Discipline Plan
I try to keep all our interactions in class positive. I use precision requests when needed to
redirect behavior. Students are given the chance to redirect their behavior. If the
behavior continues the following will occur.
1st reminder: Individual points taken away-gold tags
2nd reminder: loses 30 seconds of recess
3rd reminder: loses 60 seconds of recess.
4th reminder: loses 120 seconds of recess
5th reminder: Think Time- the student will go into another classroom.
6th severe clause: Student is sent to the office and a parent contact.

Volunteers: I love volunteers! I have several things you can do to help our class. If you
are not able to help in the classroom I have other projects that can be done at home.
There are also opportunities to help with seasonal class parties and field trips. I will send
out a monthly calendar with a schedule. Please fill out the volunteer form in the Back to
School packet so I can put you on the schedule.
Canyons School District requires that all volunteers complete an application before
helping in the classroom.
The online link to apply is
I will start having volunteers come in the 3rd week of school.

Absences: Please call the school in the morning if your child will be absent. I also
appreciate an email if you know your child will be
absent. Visit the office to fill out a vacation form if you plan to be out of school for a
trip. Thank you for not sending sick children to school.

Tardies: It is extremely important that your child arrives at school on time each day.
Thanks for helping your student be on time!

Birthdays: Each child will be recognized on his/her birthday. If you’d like to send treats on
this special day they must be purchased at the store and packaged. Please only send
treats that are nut free and have not been manufactured in a factory that processes

Books: After reading groups are established, I will send home a book baggie with your
child. Please read the books with your student for 10-15 minutes each night. Keep track of
your reading on the page that is enclosed in the book baggie. This is a great opportunity
for your student to read books that are on their reading level.

• A monthly reading calendar/chart will be sent home as a reminder and incentive.
• An ELA (English Language Arts) practice packet will be sent home weekly on Monday
to be returned on Friday.

Scholastic Book Orders: This is the best way I have found to build a home library. I will
send home a book order flyer each month. You can order books safely and securely from
home on the website, For new customers go to the parent
page. Click “register” on the “First Time Here” box. When prompted, enter the one-time
class code of GKYXQ.

Weather: Please be sure to dress your child for inclement weather. Students will not be
allowed to stay in during recess and should have appropriate clothing on those days. On
PE brain booster days (Tuesday and Wednesday) please send your student in athletic
Signature Page
Please return this signed form within the first week of school.

I have read Mrs. Dunn’s disclosure and understand the expectations for my first grade

Student Name____________________________

____________________________________________ ______________________

Parent Signature Date

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