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Lower back pain summary

● It is important to differentially diagnose-ask yourself, where is the pain

coming from?

Lower Back Pain Questionnaire

Let's say a client comes to see you. After saying hello, how are you etc my
first question is always

Me: "How may I help you?"

Client: "I have lower back pain'

Further questions should be directed along these lines

" Where exactly is the pain?"

"Do you know how you did it? For example, did you do something a
feel it hurt(lift something, bend over etc)?

"How long have you had it for?"

"Is the pain getting better, staying the same or getting worse?"

"Have you had this problem before?"

"Do you have any buttock or leg symptoms such as pain, numbness
and/or tingling?"
"Does it hurt worse if you slouch/sit in poor posture and/or bend
forwards such as sweeping, working in the garden, vacuuming etc?"

"Are you generally better when you are up and about walking

"Have you had any other treatment for this?"

"Are you taking any medications for the pain?"

By questioning your client like this you will then get a good picture of their
condition, when it feels better or worse, if they have lower back pain with
sciatic symptoms or not and then when you are seeing them again for the
next treatment you can then once again ask them things such as:

"Hi, how is your back feeling?"

"Do you still have symptoms in your legs?"

"Are you still on medications?"

And so on and so forth.As i have said, this is not a comprehensive

questionnaire as such but it will give you a good idea of how they were
when you first saw them and if they are now feeling improvement since the
last time.

An enormous amount of people that suffer from lower back pain are due to
poor posture and/or poor bending and lifting techniques.
Address The Causes

1. A large impact(rare)
2. Repeated flexion of the lumbar spine
3. Sustained flexion of the lumbar spine

Generally, it is a combination of 2 and 3 that causes the dreaded 'my back

has gone out' leaving you flat on your back for two days on muscle

You need to keep the inward lumbar curve. When you round your lower
back, (think slouching at the computer) or bending forwards rounding your
lower back, this is causing the trauma to your lower back little by little.

Remember the balloon analogy that I use with what happens with your

Working on the back

Work along the back from the neck and go out about half an inch from the
spine. Have your thumbs on top of the muscle belly. Have the person
breathe in as they then breathe out, you push down. You can do each
press per breath or press whilst they do several breaths.

Now, work slightly lateral to the first meridian which is around about the
lateral edge of the erector spinae muscles. Make sure that your presses
are not jagged. Slowly down on the outbreath and slowly up on the

Get feedback to about your pressure from your client.

You can also work areas that are sensitive called áshi' points

As I work the lower back slightly lateral(and below the ribs) I press more
inwards towards the navel( a 45 degree angle)

Work along the sacral points.

You should work along the tight bands of muscles and also ask your client
if any points are sensitive-if so, spend longer on them.

Do not get too caught up on where the points are. Between the ashi points
and the acupressure points(which are normally sensitive when there is a
problem area) ,you will get great results.

Use your elbow on the buttock/hip region and get feedback as to how is the

Press onto the point right in the middle of the leg up at the gluteal fold. This
is an important point for back pain. It is still on the bladder channel like the
ones we have been stimulating on the back. This is UB 36.

Then move down the midline of the back of the thigh and press mid way
down between the last point and the knee. This is UB 37. It is another great
point for back pain and sciatica.

Now in the middle of the knee crease. It is a very famous point UB 40 and
great for all lower back pain. You should always stimulate this point!

The final point is UB 57 in the middle of the calf where you feel the
indentation as the gastrocnemius muscle bellies fall away.
Deep Tissue Massage to Compliment The

Apart from doing straight acupressure, if you want to get even better
results, I recommend that you do the deep tissue massage that I show you
in this lecture.

The main exercises for treating lower back

pain and sciatica
Remember that there may be a slight increase in localized pain but NOT
and increase in sciatica symptoms.

1. Lie on your stomach for 2 minutes with toes pointing inwards.

2. Lie on your forearms for 2 minutes
3. Press your hands into the floor and push upwards to extend your
lower back even more. Keep your hips on the ground. Lock out your
elbows . If it is too painful to get to the top point, just go to the edge of
pain. You are trying to extend your lower back as much as possible.
Do 10 repetitions OR , if it feels better, sustain the extended position
for 30 seconds to 2 minutes.

Do these exercises 6 to 8 times per day until pain is relieved. Then do them
once a day, or every couple of days.

Use a tennis ball to help loosen up your muscles in your back.

You can also do foam rolling which is great for a DIY deep tissue massage.

Pain Points

For any pain in the body, you could always use also: L.I.4 and Liv. 3

LI 4​ is a very common and the best point for headaches.It is useful for any
condition related to the face and head.
​ nywhere there is pain, use LI
LI 4​ is known as the pain point in the body.​ A
It is located on the back of the hand, in the webbing where the thumb and
index finger meet. Find the exact point by bringing your thumb and index
finger together. The muscle will bulge a little--that's the spot.
Liv 3 Great Surge (Liver 3)

This point is on the top of your foot and helps address ​fatigue, headaches,
insomnia related to “busy mind”, hangovers, eye issues (swelling,
pain)​ and ​alleviates pain​. It’s also helpful in ​energizing. ​Some people
feel a “great surge” of energy move from their feet, up their legs and
bodies; hence the name.The point is on the top of your foot, in the “valley”
at the point where your big toe and second toe bones meet, above the arch
of your foot.

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