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Lesson Plan

Lesson Name: Question word Date: / /2019

Class: 1/ Session: Duration : 80 Min.
By the end of the session students should be able to:
1. Practice of the question words in the context of social and regular activities [Activity 1]
2.  Provide some questions as they use the question word. [Activity 2]
3. The meaning, form and the usage of the question word. [Activity 3]
Procedures: [5 Mins.]
Teacher will start to set lesson context and engage students, by asking them some questions.
Draw Ss' attention by asking them: What do you know about question word?
Elicit sentences from the class as much as possible.
Activity [1]: PS (20 mins), Un-guided practice.
Objective: Practice of the question words in the context of social and regular activities
Strategy: Flipped TPS KWL Heads Together Jig Saw
Groups : Home group Formal Informal No. of groups: [ ]
Steps Instructions
1. Students will work in pairs to answer the SB.
Page 26, Ex A, page 27 Ex B
Students will think in pairs about the sentences
given. (5 mins)
I will float among students to ensure that all
students are working efficiently.
Students will share their answers with the class.
(5 mins)
Teacher’s Intervention: (10 Min.)
The teacher will intervene to correct and clarify
the main idea of the lesson.

Activity [2] Semi- controlled practice. [20 Mins.]

Objective: Provide vocabulary for actions and prepositions as they use present continuous statements
Strategy: Flipped TPS KWL Heads Together Jig Saw
Groups: Home group Formal Informal No. of groups: [ ]
Steps Instructions
1. Students will be working in informal groups.
2. Teacher will display the sentences on the smart board and they will be
given a sheet to answer in it, students will be asked to answer the questions
given. (5 Min.)
3. I will float among groups to ensure that all members are participating.
4. After the time is up, groups should be ready to share/discuss their
answers. (5 Minutes)
** Teacher’s Intervention: (10 Min.)
The teacher will intervene to explain the
ways of using the question word also to clarify the usage and new key
words & correct the answers .

Activity [3] CL [35 Min]

Objective: “Use personal and impersonal passive forms to answer the given questions.”
Strategy: Flipped TPS KWL Heads Together Jig Saw
Groups: Home group Formal Informal No. of groups: [ ]

Steps Instructions
1. Students will work in groups to answer the SB. Page 29, Ex F, G
3. I will float among groups to ensure that all members are participating.
4. After the time is up, groups should be ready to share/discuss their
5. Discussion Time (5 Min.). Throughout the discussion, the teacher will
discuss the answers will the whole class.
** Teacher’s Intervention: (20 Min.)
The teacher will intervene to correct/ help/ clarify if needed and wrap up
the whole idea.

Home Work:

Grammar Book

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