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Author: Makola M.K

I believe that when every man is called is given a certain type of message to preach and I am highly
motivated that the message that I was given to teach is getting knowledge and having good
understanding and of course all these are accompanied by us being wise (having the Holy Spirit). My first
book subtitle is regaining of wisdom and good understanding of God and every time when I am called to
teach somewhere I find myself speaking of having good understanding and in this chapter I also want to
teach about this. Knowledge and good understanding they walk hand in hand, the one who has good
understanding has knowledge but not always the one with knowledge has good understanding. Many
when I speak of this they think I want to depend on my mind to do things and not on God or the Holy
Spirit but for a lesson I don’t have my mind anymore, I have lost my mind and now I have the mind of
1Co 2:16 KJV For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we
have the mind of Christ.

Having the mind of Christ means that my thoughts are the thoughts of Christ but this depends on the
time I spent with him. The more you spent time with him, it is the more you think like him or become
like him. It is like when people spent time together as friends by time people start to see them alike. I
love speaking of the spirit giving us all these capacities and reasoning but now when we accept Christ we
receive the Holy Spirit that gives us the same functions but different from ours that is why Paul in the
book of first Corinthians 13:11 says that “When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I
thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things”. We know that when he speaks
of a child he speaks of when he was starting to know Christ and a man is a sign of maturity. When he is
matured he is not afraid to make decisions because he has full understanding that he has the mind of
Christ and when he is about to do something he does not stop and think what would Christ say because
the thoughts that he has are the thoughts of Christ. For example if you are a new born and you want
something, you start crying and the mother will know what you need, when you are a child you start to
ask your parents what you want but when now are grown you start to discuss important matters with
the parents and when you need something from them you don’t ask them as a child but as a grown
man. My teachings are like these, I don’t force people to take what I teach but I know that every time
after teaching there are things that were working for you before but after I teach they stop working for
you. If I was you I could just go with the teaching because if you take what I say then you will enjoy the
benefits thereof but if you don’t accept the teaching then it won’t benefit you neither the old things that
were working for you.

Knowledge is something very important for the child of God to have. Something important to
understand is that we don’t get knowledge in prayer. Prayer is very helpful for you to have knowledge
but it does not give you knowledge. Sometimes Christians because of laziness they become conformed
and think that they can get everything when they are praying. We don’t just relax and have knowledge;
we go out and look for knowledge. We can get knowledge from teachings in our churches, listening to
sermons, reading books, etc. knowledge comes when you get more information.
Understanding is different because we get good understanding because we have the Holy Spirit.
Understanding you can get it by a good explanation from someone who has the Spirit of God, it does not
mean that person has to be a pastor or what but they will give you a good understanding but sometimes
it can be difficult for you to understand even if they can give you good explanation if you don’t have the
spirit of God.

God says my people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge but I want us to study that verse to
speak better about it. We will study the book of Hosea chapter 4. When we look at people like Hosea we
can learn more about God and how does he really work in us. This man of God he is the perfect example
that we are not to live scripture but the word of God because most people want to live scriptures but
they don’t live the word of God. In the other chapter I explained that the bible is not the word of God
but the word of God is what you hear when studying the same bible because God can speak to you in
many different ways. The bible is there to guide us on how to be like God but in these days I see it as the
one that is limiting people to obey God. People don’t want to experience anything new; they always
want to check if it is recorded in the bible then if it is not recorded it is not from God. My question is in
which bible did the apostles read all those things that they were doing or saying? If this man of God
Hosea wanted to follow the scriptures he could have disobeyed the word of God.

When God began to call this man He told him to marry a prostitute and it was written in the book of
laws that they must not marry a prostitute (Leviticus 21:7). I don’t say that we must go out and marry
prostitutes or people outside the body of Christ but we must be flexible and don’t say just because it is
not written we must not do it. God want us that when we do his work, we must do it with a full
understanding and when we preach or teach it must be something that we feel and not just nice words
from the bible. God called Hosea for a specific purpose and He wanted him to fully understand the
message that he will be preaching that is why He wanted him to marry a prostitutes. The history of what
happened is found in the 1st kings 12:25-33. When Jeroboam 1 rebelled against Roboam, God gave him
the eleven nations of Israel and he was situated in the north but the people continued to go down in the
south (Jerusalem) to worship God on the days that God had ordained. This king had fear that the people
will leave him and join the southern king and form armies to kill him and what he did was to build two
golden calves and told the children of Israel to worship them because they were the gods that they took
them out of captivity. He also took out the priests in the temples and he put the younger ones that were
not from the lineage of Aaron because he also wanted to have control on God/spiritual. This is why the
Levites left to go and join the southern nation known as Judah. After this nation divided when the bible
speaks of Israelites refers to only the ten tripe’s that were in the north or sometimes you can see them
referred as Manasseh because he was the strongest of those nations and when speaking of Judah is the
southern nations, the tribe of Levi, Judah and half of Benjamin.

At first the people continued to go to the south to worship but when time past they stopped and
worshipped those two calves. When Hosea was called it was when the northern part was ruled by the
second Jeroboam and they had all stopped worshipping God of Israel and followed the other gods. God
considered this to be adultery because adultery it is when someone comes out of the marriage to make
love. When two people they get married they are united by a covenant that is why they have to declare
some words and when maybe the woman go and gives her love to another man apart from the one who
married her that is called adultery. God had a perpetual covenant with Israel, in other words he was
married to Israel and Israel was like a wife to her but Israel went out of that marriage to fall in love with
the other gods that were made by Jeroboam the king of Israel. When God called Hosea and told him to
marry a prostitute, he wanted Hosea to be cheated by that prostitute so that Hosea can feel the pain
and preach the message of God with pain and something that he feels it in the heart. He wanted him to
do this because there was a lesson to be learned by Hosea. God was cheated by his own wife and he
also wanted Hosea to be cheated by his wife because this was for Hosea to have an understanding.
Hosea was preaching the message of God with understanding and it shows that he really depended on
God and not on what it is written because even after his wife cheated him God told him to forgive her,
and he did as he was told. I love the obedience of this man because the bible records that after he
forgave her he continued to by her presence and he did not say that because this one can just go and
cheat me again let me just love her for the sake of God but he loved her as his wife and forgot about all
the cheatings. This man forgave his wife that cheated on him but there are many today in the church
that they cannot forgive someone for doing something that looks like it is out of the way, maybe if a
saint he was preaching and he went to drink alcohol now he is back in the church some they can’t even
listen to his teachings. I know sometimes when there are things that I say they will sound like I defend
myself or maybe I say it is not bad to sin but I will keep teaching this until God says stop. I am the same
when drinking alcohol and I am still the same person when I preach or pray in tongues but I am not
saying we can go out there and do all those bad things what I am teaching is that we must not judge
people about what they do but on who they are. What I am doing it is not always who I am then you
cannot define me with what I am doing. We cannot take the principles of the world on how to judge a
man and apply them when we are the spiritual. We have to learn to judge a righteous judgment, the
people of Israel they were condemning the wife of Hosea without the understanding that it was God
who told Hosea to marry that wife and they themselves they were swimming in sin without noticing.
Sometimes we look more on what people are doing and forget to look what God is doing in our lives. We
have to focus on God and forget about what other people are doing because we will find us teaching
more on the behavior of a man than God.

We have to look at Hosea chapter 4 because this is where God spoke about knowledge and
Hos 4:1 Hear the word of the LORD, ye children of Israel: for the LORD hath a controversy with
the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the

God have a controversy with the inhabitants of the land because there is no knowledge but we know
that those that had knowledge were the priests but they couldn’t give it to the people. With
understanding I know that God did not change and start being against the children of Israel, but the
ways that the children of Israel chose they were against the ways of God and actually it was them that
they had controversy with God. When we choose ways that are against the ways of God we
automatically turn God against us because God will not change to join our ways, he is who he is because
he never changes. There was no knowledge of this God of Israel because I already spoke of what king
Jeroboam did and the ones that were born after that they only knew that the gods that existed and
liberated them from the land of Egypt were the two golden calves.
Hos 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I
will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy
God, I will also forget thy children.

The first thing we saw that God has controversy with us when we don’t have knowledge and secondly
we see that without this knowledge we get destroyed, some version says that we perish without
knowledge. This people they were denied knowledge and they kept going very far from God. They knew
that the people that can teach them the laws of God are the priests because they had knowledge of
what is written by Malachi.

Mal 2:7 For the priest's lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth:
for he is the messenger of the LORD of hosts.

This verse that what a priest speak is knowledge, they are full of knowledge, the knowledge of who is
God. If anyone want to know about the law, has to go to the priests and they will teach him/her the law.
To the children of Israel it was not like this because for them when they went to a priest to get
knowledge of God and understand the laws it was like falling into the trap because they came back
Hos 4:7 As they were increased, so they sinned against me: therefore will I change their glory
into shame.

These priests that were not the descendants of Aaron they were very wicked and selfish. What was
happening is that when the people had sin they had to go and offer sacrifices for their sins. When these
offerings were made the priests ate some, some they gave to their families and friends and the rest they
sold them. When now the more they sinned against God, the more they offered sacrifices for their sins
and it is the more they made profit, this means it is the more they got richer. They turned this into some
sort of a business and it worked for their advantage when people turned their backs against God. They
couldn’t tell them the truth about their real God because people will stop sinning and turn towards God
and they did not want that to happen because it was bad for their business. We see in the opening of
the chapter when God says that there is no truth because the people did not know the truth because
those who had it did not want to give it away. This is where I add my third point that without knowledge
you remain under slavery.

Many prophets and pastors have put people into slavery today and they are working for them to enrich
them. God gave them knowledge on how to prophesy and how to heal the sick but they can’t share that
knowledge with the children of God. Why? Because they think if they can give away that knowledge
people will not exalt them anymore and they will also lose members. What they do is that when they
speak of how they began to do these things they speak of impossible things so that you must think that
the things they are doing only they can do them. They tell you things like they were sleeping and God
took them in a vision He showed them hell and they were moved by the spirit they were in a huge
desert were there was no one and they had a loud strong voice. Some will say they fasted for forty days
and forty nights. They know that you are busy; you are a student or working so you can’t fast for so long.
You without understanding you will wait for a vision and a loud voice because you believe that when
God is speaking to you it must be through a loud voice.
1Ki 19:11-12 And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And, behold,
the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the
rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake;
but the LORD was not in the earthquake: (12) And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD
was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.

We spent time expecting God to be in the wind, earthquake and fire because we are not told the real
truth that God is not in those things. The more we keep waiting for a loud strong voice to come from
heaven to speak to us that is we keep praising them and that is when they gain more fame and rich.
God gave me wisdom to see that the spiritual things they are not that difficult to achieve is just that, we
were denied knowledge. There are some people that still see speaking in tongues as for people that are
very spiritual some still teach that tongues are from the devil you can clearly see that people are denied
knowledge. God gave me understanding that we can achieve whatever we think of as long as we have
the right information. We sometimes need someone to come and tell us that you can do this thing and
explain to us on how to do it. We conformed to believing, not everything spiritual we will get it by
believing. And there is this thing that people like to say and I don’t know where do they get it that we
can only do things that we are called for. This is what limits us to do what we can do in the spirit. We are
given the same spirit that was in Christ. I want to speak about the characteristics of this spirit because
we are expected to have the same characters that it has.

Joh 14:26 AMP But the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener,
Standby), the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me
and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will cause you to recall (will remind
you of, bring to your remembrance) everything I have told you.

I like it when it says the Holy Spirit he is a helper. For him to help us we have to be doing something
because he can’t just start and do something for us. What he does is that he perfections what we do, all
these characteristics that I will be explaining of him it is because we start doing all those things and he
helps us to perfect them. When God was renewing the heaven and earth and was about to create a man
the spirit was there waiting to hear what he must do but he did not just start something out of his own.
We are not to expect Him to start things for us; he is there to help us because he is a helper.

Sometimes these characteristics they are referred to be seven spirits of the LORD or the seven eyes of
the lamp on the throne. They are also referred to be the seven arch angels but the bible is not clearly
about all the names of those angels.

Rev 1:4 KJV John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from
him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before
his throne;

Rev 8:2 KJV And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven

The names that we are familiar with are Michael the angel of war, Gabriel the messenger of God also
known as the one who brings blessings and Rafael the protector of traveler’s health and relationships. In
the book of Enoch he continues to speak of the other four who are Ariel, Rachel, Zerachiel and Remiel.
This is just to confuse us but the bible says these are the eyes of the LORD. The other important thing
that we have to know is that the angels are different from the cherubim’s and sarrafines by that they
don’t have wings and the others do.

Zec 4:10 KJV For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see
the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven; they are the eyes of the LORD,
which run to and fro through the whole earth.

We know that the LORD here meant God just that the Old Testament was written in Hebrew in we know
about how they fear to just use the name of God. In the book of revelations it says that they are the
eyes of Christ.

Rev 5:6 KJV And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the
midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes,
which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.

2Ch 16:9 KJV For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth,

As we see this we can say they are the angels as we were reading the previous verses but also these
seven spirits it is one spirit with seven characteristics. The one spirit that I am talking about is the spirit
of the LORD, the Holy Spirit. We find these characteristics in the book of Isaiah.

Isa 11:1 KJV And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow
out of his roots:

Here it was when Isaiah was prophesying about the first coming of Christ. This verse is the continuation
of the last two verses of chapter ten of this book and he was speaking of cutting Assyria like a tree for it
to not stand no more and Judah will be cut until to its trunk. From the trunk there will grow another tree
greater than the one that was before and it will bare much fruit than the one before. According to the
interpretation of prophecies we know that when the bible speaks of a tree it speaks of a nation just like
the parable in the riddle that is found in the book of Ezekiel. Now here God was reassuring the promise
that He made to David.

2Sa 7:16 KJV And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy
throne shall be established for ever.

Judah here we know God is speaking of the lineage of David and now we know that when the messiah
was to come He was to be greater than all that is why the bible says that the tree that will grow from the
trunk will be greater than the one before and it will bare more fruit.

Isa 11:2 KJV And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and
understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear
of the LORD;

We have to understand that when we receive Christ we receive this entire package as I mentioned that
this is one Spirit with different characteristics or the manifestations. All these characters manifest in
different people in a different way but it is not impossible for them to fully manifest in one person just
like they did in Christ. Why? Because we are responsible for this to manifest in our lives. I want you to
understand me on this one so that I don’t be misinterpreted when I say we have no control of what the
Spirit of the Lord does or of the move of the Spirit but we have control of what the Spirit of the LORD
can do in our lives. Why am I saying this? I am saying this because the Holy Spirit is a comforter/helper.

Joh 14:16 AMP And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter
(Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), that He may
remain with you forever--

He is a helper, this means He does not start things for you but He is there to help you in what you are
already doing. You have to start working out all these so that he can perfect you in them. Remember
that I am giving you the knowledge that the prophets, workers of miracles and some that that are flying
in spiritual things did not want us to have. God is helping me to reveal all these in my books and
teachings. Now when we are in the body of Christ these things work for us differently and some will
explain them using the concept of spiritual maturity. I understand all that but there are many things that
we can do even if we are not yet spiritually matured we just lack knowledge and understanding. I know
something’s that you can start to fly in them being immature they can stop you from knowing God.
These things work for us differently because when we are in the body of Christ we all desire and some it
end with desire but some they work towards their own desires. In the spirit we don’t receive things
because we desire them, actually in life we don’t just get things because we desire them. When I was
launching my first book by the time I was explaining the discipleship chapter I said when we were still
young some of us knew they wanted to be doctors or be in certain fields. Because we had those desires
we went to primary, secondary and we chose the subjects that were in line with where we want to be
and after we had to apply for varsity into fields where we want to be. But there were some that also
desired but they did not do what was necessary to be in the fields that they desired to be that is why in
today’s day they are not there. We followed the correct procedure to be in the fields that we desired
and God is there and He was always there to help us reach where we are now. God satisfied our desires
and He still continues to satisfy them unto this day. The things of the spirit they are also like that. You
desire the spiritual things and you start working towards them and the Spirit of the Lord will perfect you
in them. For example you want to fly in knowledge you have to study more and God will reveal more
things to you. The other thing is that there are still many people out there that they desire to
teach/preach and what they are waiting for is for their pastor/leaders to give them a chance to
preach/teach in the church. Such a person what he/she can do in that process of waiting is that he/she
can just find one person and start teaching/preaching to that person. There is a man of God that I heard
of that God spoke to him through his pastor that he will have an international church and all those Good
things. Just that I can’t remember the name of the man of God because I hardly listen to preaching’s of
other pastors but I believe God has the purpose about that and you don’t have to follow me in not
listening to other preaching’s/teachings. God said all these but the man spent two years with only five
members but now his church is according to what God had said of him. The reason I am bringing this
man is that you have to know what you want, if you want to preach/teach or maybe you just want to
show off in your church that you know something about God. If it is time for you to hit the nations not
even your pastor can hide you. I am saying this in the form of a testimony because they have tried to
hide me for some time with the mentality that they want to protect people from what comes out of my
mouth and I liked what a friend of mine said in the first book launch when she said I don’t want to be
like any other man of God I just want to be me. That is why when you can check my writings and listen
to my teachings you will see that it is me. I don’t speak of what people do or how other pastors behave
but I just teach the word of God because it is my calling and it is my desire for me to the people to have
full knowledge and understanding of the God we serve.

We can now go back to the seven characteristics of the Holy Spirit and firstly we see that it is the spirit of
the LORD and we now have understanding of why LORD not God. This is the spirit of God because the
source is God. What I am trying to reveal here is that the same spirit is God. Sometimes you will find it
written the Holy Spirit or the Holy Ghost is still the same person who is God. The second character we
see that is the spirit of wisdom. Without God we are foolish because wisdom comes from Him but we
differ in the levels of wisdom because the more we are open to the word of God and do it, it is the more
we become wise. The third character is the Spirit of understanding. These characters are not only to
function when we speak of the spiritual things because we Christians we tend to spiritualize everything.
We are to
have these characteristics in every field where we find ourselves, the people of the world have to know
that we are different not only by we saying it but by the manifestation. The third character is one of the
things that make me to not find myself taking time trying to explain to someone who does not have the
Holy Spirit about the spiritual things because they will never understand unless they receive Christ.
Some maybe they can think I am ashamed to speak of who I am to the people of the world but I know
that they will know that I am different by the way I speak and the things that I say, not by me trying to
convince them to be born again, they will just have a desire to be like me. Trying to explain a spiritual
matter to someone who does not have the Holy Spirit you are wasting your time because they will never
understand you. Who gives understanding is the Holy Spirit. I know one can misinterpret me and say
that I say we must not evangelize because people cannot understand us. What I’m saying here is that we
just speak the word and avoid unnecessary arguments. The other meaning of this understanding is the
spirit of intelligence so we have to be intelligent; if we not intelligent we are limiting the spirit in us. In
schools and in our work place we have to be intelligent people, we are the ones to be trusted to solve
difficult situations. People of the world they have to run to us with the mentality that they will find
solutions from us and not the other way round. These are the keys that if you have them you will find
yourself excelling in life.

The forth character is the Spirit that gives counsel. We know that counsel is the same as advice so we
are not to be confused when we have the Spirit of the LORD…………to be continued

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