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Eagle Eye Equities May 29, 2020 Index Punter's Call Looking Trendy Nifty Trader Smart Charts Bank Nifty Bank Nifty Trader Day Trader's Hit List Visit us at Sharekhan Pant For Private Circulation only Shareknan Punter’s Call Make or Break May 28, 2020 The Nifty opened on @ positive note and traded steadily throughout the day to close with handsome gains for the second consecutive day. Similar price action was witnessed in the April series as well, when the last two trading session saw a sharp surge but faltered on the very next day. We are expecting similar price action this time too, The Nifty is currently trading around the 61.82% Fibonacci retracement level (9476) of the fall from 9889 to 8807, which shall act as a major hurdle going ahead. Also, the Bank Nifty, which was providing leadership to the rally Is approaching its crucial Fibonacci resistance levels. With both the Indices trading around crucial resistance levels, it makes a case for a limited upside fram current levels. In term of levels, 9550-9590 shall act as crucial resistance while 9320-9220 shalll act as support zone for the Nifty. Overall, we maintain Bearish stance on the Nifty for a short-term target of 8,250, Other technical observations On the dally chart, the Nifty is above the 20-day moving average (DMA) and the 40-DEMA, of 9224 and 9320, respectively. The momentum indicator is bullish on the daily chart. (On the hourly chart, the Nifty is above the 20-hour moving average (HMA) and the 40-HEMA, i.e, 9241 and 9203, respectively. The hourly momentum Indicator Is bullish. Market breadth was positive with 1245 advances and 531 declines on the National Stock Exchange. May 29, 2020 Eagle Eye Equities Nity dally: 949010 ryt Todays Close 3220058 S4s010 Aavanees 1526 as, Decline 209) sat Unchanged 165 343 Volume (Rs) 302212Cr 56,888.55 cr Shareknan Eagle Eye Equities Looking Trendy ‘Short Term Trend ‘Medium Term Trend oo Support ra eae co corn arene Ney 3250 9900 8250/9900, Nity ses 10360, 6825 /10360 NOTE: Reversal on closing basis NOTE: Reversal on closing basis leon gule tv Y down © saeways | VA pownswingmatures — / Upswing matures Nifty Trader erm ‘9400 9320 9224 20 sma 9228 Smart Charts ores Soe Cras ea aes pean Me Comey Pa pore Basis) Cicer 18 May 20 | DLF May Fut Sell Stopped Out 131,422) 58a, NOTE: Kindy note that all stop losses in Smart Charts ae on closing basis unless specited, TPB: Trallng prott booked May 29, 2020 3 Shareknan Bank Nifty ‘Short Term Trend Bank Nity | 16116 20130| tet NOTE: Reversal on closing basis ® up Y down Bank Nifty Trader 16/ 20120 9938 18500 18300 20 sma, 18938 Key Indices 19495 19937 20830 40 DEMA 19937 Medium Term Trend SS Bank Nity | 14500 NOTE: Reversal on closing basis guide © sicoways \A bownsning matures Bank Nity Daily Eagle Eye Equities Erne 14500 / 22000 7™ voswing matures Terr Tit ity Auto Nit Fin. Service Nity Fes Nity IT ity Metal ity Pharma ity Mie Cap 100 ity Small Cap 100 May 29, 2020 4600 8520 25560 1700! vaso: 10000 | ‘400 3500 eer erxrece 6500 10700 29240 13140 1872 8500 13600 4162 14600 / 6500 8520 /10700 25560/ 29240 13140714700 990 /1872 8500 /10000 ‘1400 / 13600 3500/4162 Shareknan Eagle Eye Equities Day Trader’s Hit List eres ere 52 A RI R2 NIFTY June Futures 93300, 93800, 9426.00, 94500, 9560.0 Buy Above Rt Bonk Nity June Futures | 187000 188300 18990.00, 192000 "9640.0 Buy Above Rt ‘Axis Bank 3525 9725, 391004077 4971 Selton rise near RI Bajo) Finance 18215/18920, 194770, 1983020340 SellBelowSt OFC 15440 S720, 16287016580, 1750.0 Buy Above Rt HOFC Bank 9020 $226 $45.30 9600, 9840 Sel onrisenear RI Hinduston Unilever 19020| 19750, 2090.00, 20440, 2076.5 Buy Above RI/SellBelow Si INFOSYS 6750/6930 70740| 7200/7443 Buy Above Rt IIc Bank 3020-3207, 32680 «3367, «355.4 Sel onrisenear RI He 1161878 190.70, 19502040 Buy Above Rt Sel Below St Kotok Bonk W623, 12037, 122950, 12550, 12950 Sellonrise near RI fa 8640, 885090550, 9430-9920 Sellonrisenear RI Maruti 51190, 5335.0, $468.40 5605.0, 59430 Sell onrisenear RI Reliance Industries "3900 4544, 147230 14850, ‘15216 | Buy Above R/ Sell Below St sal M56 155515820, 16181700 SellBelowst SunPherme 4270, «4487, ——«A5910 «4650, 478.0 Buy Above Rt Toto Steet 2791-2894, 295.50, «30003086 SelLon ise near RI Tes 19250| 19730 200430, 2032020770 Buy Above RI/ Sell Below Si Tikan 6280, 8750 89950, 9145 «956.0 Buy Above’ Zeet 1650, 1735/ | *18070 ©1895-1978 Buy Above Rt “Note: Closing pce of Nity“utures is last traded price of Nifty futures on NSE Sl=Stoploss May 29, 2020 Sharekhan by BNP PARIBAS, Know more about our products and services For Private Circulation only Disclaimer: This document has been prepored by Shorekhan Lt. 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Comatience Otficer Mr. Joby John Melecen; Te: 022-61150000; emeil i:; For eny queries o: grievances kindly email igce' or contact: myaccountesharekhon com Registered Office: Sharekon Limited, 10th Floor, Beto Building, Logha IThink Techno Compus, Off. JVLR, Opp. Kanjutmorg Reliwey Station, Kanjurmarg East), Mumbel ~ 400042, Mahareshtra. Tl: 022 - 6150000. Sharekhon Lid: SEB Regn. Nos: BSE J NSE 1 MSEI {CASH J FRO / CD) | MCX - Commodity: INZOOOT71337; DP: NSDLICDSLIN-DP-365.2018; PMS: INPOOOOOS786; "Mutual Fund: ARN 20663; Reseorch Anolyst: INHOOOOOGIES; Discloimer: Clont should read the Risk Disclosure Document Issued by SEBI & relovant exchenge’ ond the T&C on wirw Investment in securties markot cre subject to market risks, read all the related documents carefully Before investing,

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