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Matrix of Curriculum Standards (Competencies),

with Corresponding Recommended Flexible Learning Delivery Mode and Materials per Grading Period

Grade Level: GGrade 7

Subject: English

Week of the
Grading Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available
Period Most Essential Learning Competencies Learning resources
available developer online)

Express appreciation for sensory images used.

Appreciate literature as a mirror to a shared heritage of people with diverse backgrounds.

Recognize propaganda techniques used in a given text.

Determine the issue and stand presented in the material viewed.

Differentiate facts from opinions.

Distinguish facts from opinion cited in the text listened to.

Determine tone, mood, technique, and purpose of the author.

Use appropriate strategies for unlocking unfamiliar words.

Deliver a self-composed persuasive speech.

Organize information about a chosen subject using a graphic organizer.

Use modals appropriately

Explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute to the theme of a particular literary selection

Judge the relevance and worth of ideas presented in the text listened to.

Explain the meaning of a word

Identify notable literary genres contributed by South and West Asian writers.

Synthesize essential information found in a given text.

Interpret and follow instructions, directions, notices, rules and regulations.

Appreciate literature as an expression of philosophical and religious ideals.

Use effective non-verbal communication strategies: gestures and body movements and eye contact, etc.

Use various strategies in decoding the meaning of words

Explain figurative language used

Draw conclusions from a set of details.

Use the correct production of the sounds of English when delivering a manuscript or memorized
speech in an oration, in a declamation or in a dramatic monologue.

Identify positions of a topic sentence.


Identify details that support the topic sentence.

Identify features of journalistic writing

Distinguish among types of journalistic writing ( news report, opinion article,feature article, and sports
news article).

Use past and past perfect tenses in journalistic writing.

Use past and past perfect tenses in journalistic writing.

Use direct and reported speech in journalistic writing

Use active and passive constructions in journalistic contexts.

Assessment (provide a link if

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