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Why the beast of Over the Garden Wall

Should be a killer
In dead by daylight
Disclaimer: This was inspired by the videos of one of my favorite youtuber I made this
because I got inspired by him not with the intentions or Copying or mocking him that
said let me begin, oh and just my opinion and Spoilers ahead from Over the Garden

Dead by daylight has and probably will have quite famous and loved slashers like
Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers etc. and probably we´ll see more but there is one Killer
that I think could return the creepy atmosphere to the game:

So I will analyze the trypophobia embodiment, tenor of terror, trickster of the lamp,
and creepy gardener in few words why the Beast of over the Garden Wall should be In
Dead By daylight.

First things first I know this is a Cartoon Villain but if you watched the show you
probably would agree with me, the beast is sneaky, devious cruel and sadistic qualities
that the entity would value above all.

Now let´s look into his lore:

The Beast is a mysterious being that lurks in the Unknown Singing dreadful songs and
turning those who get lost in the forest turning them into Edelwood trees and using
the oil that they produce to fuel the lamp where his soul is.

He used his trickery t convince a poor woodsman that the soul of his daughter was on
the lamp and made him chop all the Edelwood trees he could found grind them in the
mill to obtain their oil to light of the lamp, for a time the poor man obeyed the will of
the beast without knowing where the trees came from.

Until the brothers Greg and Wirt came to the Unknown and could see beyond the
words and promises of the Beast making the woodsman blow the light of the lamp
killing the Beast in the process…

Now here is where the Entity could enter offering in an ironic twist of fate a deal that
the beast couldn´t reject keeping him alive and boosting some of his powers in
exchange for servitude and even giving him his own little realm ( if the beast doesn´t
agree the Entity could just kill him again and honestly I think that the Entity is far more
powerful that the beast).
That is how I think the Beast could become a killer in the game, now let´s go into the

Similar to Ghostface The style of the Beast would be based on stealth and stalking the
survivors and obsessing over one of them, he would use the shadows to surprise the
survivors and grabbing them by surprise or attacking them using his claws if a survivor
is not looking at him he wouldn´t have terror radio, like in the show his eyes would
reveal where he is, glowing normally but if he is surprised or blinded they would
change now having the colors of Beatrice dog, revealing also his true form.

He would be a quick killer slightly slower than the spirit.

Apart of dropping pallets on him perhaps we could also put several lanterns that the
survivors could blow off to stun him for a moment; this lanterns would be scattered
around the map and would be reignited over a short time and the beast can teleport to

Another Idea I have is that players would have a Hope meter that would be emptying
every time they fail repairing a generator or are hooked and will refill doing the
opposite or blowing the lanterns , if the Hope meter is empty they will be affected by
the exhausted status.

Now here are some abilities I created for the occasion:

His power would be Songs of the lantern: The beast can sing part of his songs or just
laugh decreasing slowly the Hope meter and affecting the gen repairs

Now some Perks:

There is Only Surrender: The Beast will become obsessed with the survivor with less
Hope in the meter allowing him to make a mori on him/her.

Edelwood Oil: The beast can put Edelwood Oil on Gens making them more difficult to

Let´s make a deal: If the Beast can spare one Survivor allowing him/her to scape, doing
this will give him a Boost on his attacks.

The Memento Mori:

For his Mori The beast will cover the screen in Darkness with his eyes glowing at the
centre after a few seconds an Edelwood tree will appear on the Map all Survivors near
it will loss hope the more they stay close to it.

For his scenario I think The Forest of the Unknown will be just fine, perhaps we can put
the ruins of the Woodsman Mill or his house and a few trees that the beast could use
to stalk.
And for the survivor I think the Woodsman it´s perfect, not Only the Beast has a grudge
against him and turning him into a tree over and over would be a perfect revenge. Also
the Woodsman would be great keeping and raising the Hope of the other survivors,
but he would lose his axe.

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