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Formative assessment

Discovering what students know while they’re sti ll in the process of learning it. Formati ve
assessments generally just need to be checked, not graded, as the point is to get a basic read on
the progress of individuals, or the class as a whole.
1. Entry and exit slips : use tools like Padlet or Poll Everywhere, Google Classroom’s Questi on
tool, Google Forms, Flubaroo, and Edulasti c.
A quick way to see the big picture if you use paper exit ti ckets is to  sort the papers into three
piles: Students got the point; they sort of got it; and they didn’t get it.
2. Low-stakes quizzes and polls : Socrati ve or Quizlet or in-class games and tools
like Quizalize, Kahoot, FlipQuiz, Gimkit, Plickers, and Flippity.
3. Dipsticks : write a letter explaining a key idea to a friend, draw a sketch to visually represent new
knowledge, or do a think, pair, share exercise with a partner.
4. Interview assessments :

TAG: Tell what you liked, Ask a question, Give a suggesti on.
For more introverted students—or for more private assessments—use  Flipgrid, Explain Everything,
or Seesaw to have students record their answers to prompts and demonstrate what they can do.
5. Misconceptions and errors:  Explain the muddiest point or Misconcepti on Check.
Misconception check is a type of formative assessment.  It is meant to see if students, when given a false fact,
can identify what is the correct answer.
1.The teacher presents a false fact about the lesson being taught. The fact should be written on the
chalkboard or SmartBoard.
2.Each student decides whether he/she agrees or disagrees with the fact.
3. Each student then presents his her agreement/disagreement in
any of the following ways (teacher preference):
· colored card (one color for agree, another color for disagree)
· thumbs up/thumbs down
· stand up/sit down
4.Teacher mentally notes students’ agreement/disagreement with the false fact and their reasoning.
5. Teacher adjusts his/her teaching for the remaining part of the class period or for the next day.
6. Students learn how to evaluate their agreement/disagreement with the false fact and make adjustments for
their learning.
*The teacher can also give out a correct fact and ask students if they agree/or disagree with the answer. 
6. Self-assessment : Rubric, Sticky Notes, Traffi c Light Cups
parti cipati on cards for discussions (each student has three cards—“I agree,” “I disagree,”
and “I don’t know how to respond”) and thumbs-up responses (instead of raising a hand,
students hold a fi st at their belly and put their thumb up when they’re ready to
contribute). Students can instead use six hand gestures to silently signal that they agree,
disagree, have something to add, and more.
7. Warm-Ups: questions to provide valuable information about the extent to which students understood

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