FLSD27 GOP Primary Memo 061920

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TO: Interested Parties

FROM: Remington Research Group

RE: Florida Senate District 27 GOP Primary Election
DATE: June 19th, 2020


Survey conducted June 17 through June 18, 2020. 460 likely 2020 Republican Primary
Election voters participated in the survey. Survey weighted to match expected
turnout demographics for the 2020 Republican Primary Election. Margin of Error is
+/-4.5% with a 95% level of confidence. Totals do not always equal 100% due to


The latest polling conducted by Remington Research Group shows Heather
Fitzenhagen with a strong lead leading up to the August primary election.
Fitzenhagen leads challenger Ray Rodrigues by double digits (34% to 24%).

Upon informing voters of Rodrigues’ ties to the Florida sugar lobby where he has
taken thousands of dollars from big sugar and phosphate groups, that lead widens to
48% support for Heather and only 20% support for Rodrigues. Meanwhile, Rodrigues’
support from Florida legislators doesn’t appear to carry much weight, only earning
him a 14% net margin between those who are more likely and those who are less likely
to vote for him after hearing that message.


Having both served in the Florida legislature as Representatives within Senate District
27, Heather and Rodrigues are starting out with similar in name ID, with Heather
having a slight edge over Rodrigues.

Q: What is your opinion of Heather Fitzenhagen?

Favorable: 30%
Unfavorable: 12%
No opinion: 58%

Q: What is your opinion of Ray Rodrigues?

Favorable: 27%
Unfavorable: 10%
No opinion: 63%


Heather currently has a comfortable lead over Rodrigues, with less than 50% of the
electorate undecided as early voting approaches.

Q: Candidates in the 2020 Republican Primary Election for State Senate are Heather
Fitzenhagen and Ray Rodrigues. If the election were held today, for whom would you

Heather Fitzenhagen: 34%

Ray Rodrigues: 24%
Undecided: 42%


It is clear that the support Rodrigues touts from current lawmakers will not move the
needle to his advantage with about a third of the voters surveyed saying they would
be more likely to vote for Rodrigues after hearing this message.

Q: Dane Eagle, outgoing state Sen. Lizbeth Benacquisto, and a number of Tallahassee
Republicans have endorsed Ray Rodrigues for State Senate because they believe he
has the experience necessary for the job.


After hearing about Heather’s business experience and commitment to preserving
Florida’s resources, and messaging regarding Rodrigues’ support from the Florida
establishment, Heather gains an additional 9 percentage points, while Rodrigues earns
only 1%.

Now, sometimes in a survey like this, people change their minds. I will read you
the original ballot question again.

Q: Candidates in the 2020 Republican Primary Election for State Senate are Heather
Fitzenhagen and Ray Rodrigues. If the election were held today, for whom would you

Heather Fitzenhagen: 43%

Ray Rodrigues: 25%
Undecided: 32%


In the second set of messages, negative messages were tested to see how it would
impact each candidate. While establishment support did not provide much movement
for Rodrigues, when voters heard that he was backed by the big sugar and phosphate
industry, 67% of voters said they would be less likely to vote for him. This is in direct
contrast to Heather’s proven record of standing up for clean water and responsible
water management.

I will now read you another handful of brief statements you may see, read or hear
during the 2020 Election. Please indicate after hearing each statement whether you
are more likely or less likely to support that candidate.

Q: Ray Rodrigues, or "Sugar Ray," is a career politician beholden to the Florida sugar
lobby, having taken hundreds of thousands of dollars from big sugar and phosphate


In a final ballot test after hearing negative messages on each of the candidates, voters
supported Heather over Rodrigues 48% to 20%, showing that Heather’s campaign has
the right message and the right strategy to achieve victory in the August Republican

Again, sometimes in a survey like this, people change their minds. I will read you
the original ballot question one final time.

Q: Candidates in the 2020 Republican Primary Election for State Senate are Heather
Fitzenhagen and Ray Rodrigues. If the election were held today, for whom would you

Heather Fitzenhagen: 48%

Ray Rodrigues: 20%
Undecided: 32%


With the right positive messaging, Heather can create distance between herself and
her opponent by at least 8%. With additional negative messaging, Heather’s margin
grows to 28%. Her strong support in the initial ballot can be partly contributed to her
current House District (78) being located entirely within SD-27, while Rodrigues has a
smaller base in House District 76. Additionally, SD-27 has a slightly higher female
population which could give Heather a small boost.


These numbers are why incoming Senate President Wilton Simpson and the political
establishment are scared. Not only do their endorsements mean nothing in this race,
their hand-anointed candidate, Ray Rodrigues, is embarrassingly behind. Heather
Fitzenhagen not only has the lead today, but her support and work for Florida’s water
resonates with the voters of Florida State Senate District 27. They know Ray
Rodrigues will be nothing more than a puppet for the big sugar industry and corrupt


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