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“Ellos son el tesoro que Dios nos ha confiado”

Idioma Extranjero: Inglés – Octavos Básicos

Guía de Aprendizaje 6


- Identifican palabras en ingles relacionadas a cultura, paises y costumbres.

- Reconocen tiempos verbales en presente simple
- Refuerzan comprensión lectora relacionado a lugares de Chile.

Countries, Culture and Customs

I. Answer the following questions:

a) Where do you think most people go on vacation?

b) Do you think Chile is an attractive tourist destination? Why?

c) Do you think it is important to learn about our indigenous people?

d) Why do you think it is important to respect the legacy of ancient civilizations?

e) If you have the chance to travel to another country, where would you like to

go? Why?

II. Read the following Text and answer the questions below.
“Ellos son el tesoro que Dios nos ha confiado”
Idioma Extranjero: Inglés – Octavos Básicos

a) What is the text about?

b) What is your opinion about our native people (Pueblos Originarios)?

c) Which activities can we do in Temuco and Budi Lake?

d) What is the best place have you visited in Chile? Why is the best?

e) What is the place in Chile would you like to visit? Why?

III. Read the brochure again and match the adjectives in bold with their

corresponding synonym.

Adjective Synonym

1) Last a) Incredible
2) High b) Fascinating
3) Amazing c) Pretty
4) Crowded d) Final
5) Interesting e) Congested
6) Beautiful f) Tall

IV. Read the text above again and find the same idea for each of the descriptions in

the table below.

- Flavor your meal with a spicy kind of chili.

- Reveal your inner fighter and discover the way these native peoples see and

interpret the world.

- You will be able to see the perfect mix of the rural and urban sides of the city.

- End your daytime in the heart of the rowdy side of the city.

1) __________________________________________________________________
2) __________________________________________________________________
3) __________________________________________________________________
4) __________________________________________________________________

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