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EXERCISE 4: short term and long term plans

a) Short term plans:

1. I´m going to cook pastel de papa the next week.
2. I´m going to buy a new computer in August because I need a better one.
3. I´m going to clean whole house on Tuesday.
4.I´m going to have a party this weekend.
5. I´m going to study this weekend for my exams.

b) Long term plans:

1. I´m going to do a master degree in Spain about Quality Control.
2. I´m going to buy a car in two years.
3. I´m going to finish my degree this year.
4. When I star to work in my degree, I´m going save to buy a house.
5. When I have my home, I´m going to have two dogs.
6.I´m going have two children.


'Be going to' - exercises

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They are going to play football

 The girl is going to read a book

 The rabbit is going to eat a carrot

 She is going to get up

 I am going to wash my hands

 We are going to listen to music

 It is going to rain

 You are going to go to bed

 It is going to go to the cinema

 Your dog is going to jump


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'Be going to' - future

I am hot.
I am going to have a shower.

We are tired.
We are going to go to bed early.

He is thirsty.
He is going to have a drink.

They are bored.

They are going to watch television.

My sister is ill.
She is going to take some tablets.
You are hungry.
You are going to get some food.

It is very cold.
It is going to snow.

I have got a toothache.

I am going to see the dentist.

It's dark. They can't see.

They are going to put on the light.

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Choose the best ending for each of these situations.

1. I think the exam will be very difficult and you are not studying
at all.

     you are not going to fail the exam

     you are not passing the exam

 you are not going to pass the exam

2. Get down off that table. It doesn't look very stable at all.

     you are going to stand on the table

     you are going fall off the table

     you are going to fall off the table

3. The lion is chasing the deer and the deer has an injured leg.

     the deer is going to escape

     the lion is going to catch the deer

     the deer is going to catch the lion

4. It is raining very hard and Liam is walking in the street without

an umbrella.

     Liam is going to get very wet

     it is going to rain

     Liam is going to forget his umbrella

5. The wind is blowing very hard and one of the big trees in the
garden is making strange creaking noises.

     it is going to rain

     the tree is going to creak

     the tree is going to fall down

6. The room is full of dust and John is holding his nose and making
a strange expression with his face.

     John is going to clean the room

     John is going sneeze

     John is going to sneeze

7. The Chicago Bulls are winning the basketball match against the
Los Angeles Lakers by 98 points to 81. There are only 90 seconds

     the LA Lakers going to lose the match

     the Chicago Bulls will winning the match

     the Chicago Bulls are going to win the match

8. It is raining and the sky is very dark. The temperature is falling

very quickly and there are gritting lorries out in the town.

     there is going to be bad weather

     it is going to snow

     it is going to cold

9. Molly is an emotional type. She is watching a very sad film and

the heroine has just died. Molly is reaching for her tissues.
     Molly is going to cry

     Molly is going to telephone her friend

     Molly is going to watch a film

10. The fishing boat has a hole in its side and the waves are
getting higher and higher.

     The fishing boat is going to sink

     The fishing boat going to sink

     The fishing boat is going to the home port


1. They are going to   watch music videos on MTV this afternoon.

2. We are going to   go to the shopping centre to see our favourite

3. Wait for me! I will   go with you.

4. If you visit the shopping malls, you will   see the influence of rap
on teen style.
5. I promise I will   give you your favourite CD.

6. I think he will   win the contest next year.

7. I will   do my best, I promise.

8. I love America. I am going to   go there next week.

9. Have you phoned Jim? No, I forgot. I will   phone him later.

10. This is my last day at school here. I am going to   go back to
the Algarve tomorrow.

EXERCISE 9: Sentences with “going to”


1. Sara is going to have too many exams this week.

2. I´m going to have a dinner with my boyfriend this night.
3.They are going to work very early tomorrow.
4. It´s going to be very cold tomorrow. It will be very crazy.

1. Sara is not going to have too many exams this week.

2. I´m not going to have a dinner with my boyfriend this night.
3.They aren’t going to work very early tomorrow.
4. It´s not going to be very cold tomorrow. It will be very crazy.

1. Is Sara going to have too many exams this week?

Yes, She’s.
2. When are you going to have a dinner with your boyfriend?
I´m going to have a dinner with him this night.
3.Are they going to work very early tomorrow?
No. They aren’t.
4. Why is it going to be very cold tomorrow?
Because the weather is crazy.

EXERCISE 10: Sentences with “Will”

1. I will learn to swim.

2. I will dance salsa with my husband.
3. I will buy a red car the next year.
4. I will pay my rent.
5. My sister will have a baby.
6. I will have 2 beagles like pets.
7. I will cook pastel de papa for my brother.
8. My mon buy a motorcycle for me.
9. It will rain tomorrow.
10. My father not will work tomorrow.

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