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Show: ​Dr.


Character: ​Sarah Dolittle

Evidence should be from the script or from discussion on how the director and you see the

1. How is your character related to the other characters? (Include familial, professional,
metaphorical and emotional relationships.)

Sarah is the sister of Dr. John Dolittle who she wants to be a “people’s doctor” but instead
becomes an animal doctor. She knows of his friend Matthew Mugg and wants him to stop
feeding the animals in the house. She despises every single one of the animals and wants them

2. What are the character’s roles in life? (include jobs, professions as well as social and
economic statuses or class)

She takes care of her brother, they aren’t destitute but a lot of their money is “wasted” on the
animals that Dolittle has.

3. What does the character think of the other characters?

Sarah is very angry all the time and pessimistic so she generally yells at everyone.

4. What sort of government does the character live under? (there is always some form of
government that effects the character’s lives. There may be more than one form. [Ex. The
UK with a monarchy and or a parliament,]

The English Monarchy and the government of Puddleby-on-the-marsh.

a. Is there some kind of group, or family dynamic that acts as a sub-government,

(Ex. Mom controls the household, or school policies)?

She is the main housekeeper for her and her brother but John brings in the money.

5. What are the character’s desires?

She wants to live a peaceful, normal life with no animals to ruin her house.

6. Describe how strong their will is? (will to live, will to lead, will to be a good mother etc.)
She is very stubborn but never really gets her way. Her brother is a little bit dumb and doesn’t
see how much it’s bothering her that all the animals are around so eventually she just leaves.

7. What is their Moral Stance? (this could be culture or religious, or even just personal)

She isn’t afraid to yell and anyone.

8. What is their decorum? (how do they act in front of people or around people)

She just kinda screams at people a lot.

9. List at least 5 adjectives that would summarize your character?

a. stubborn

b. fussy

c. angry

d. willful

e. upset

10. Pick a scene your character is in. At the opening of that scene what is their: (we may do
this to more scenes as we go through the rehearsal process)
a. Heartbeat: Fast, she’s angry, after all.

b. Perspiration: (heavy, light, where, etc.) A little bit, she’d been running around.

c. Stomach Condition: Nothing out of the ordinary.

d. Muscle tension: Tight, she’s very angry.

e. Breathing: (rate, depth, etc.) Deep breaths to try to calm herself.

Character: ​Monkey #1-Bobo

Evidence should be from the script or from discussion on how the director and you see the

11. How is your character related to the other characters? (Include familial, professional,
metaphorical and emotional relationships.)

Bobo is kind of a leader of the other monkeys besides Chee-Chee and wants to give the doctor a
proper send off but doesn’t really want to see him go.

12. What are the character’s roles in life? (include jobs, professions as well as social and
economic statuses or class)

Bobo hangs around and messes around the jungle with the other monkeys.

13. What does the character think of the other characters?

Bobo likes all the monkeys of course, and is thankful that Dr. Dolittle cured them so is
indebted to him and his helpers.

14. What sort of government does the character live under? (there is always some form of
government that effects the character’s lives. There may be more than one form. [Ex.
The UK with a monarchy and or a parliament,]

There isn’t much of a government, they’re pretty much free in the jungle. Chee-Chee hangs
around and watches over them.

a. Is there some kind of group, or family dynamic that acts as a sub-government,

(Ex. Mom controls the household, or school policies)?

No just Chee-Chee watching over them.

15. What are the character’s desires?

To be cured and live free, then to have the doctor stay, then to give him a good and proper
send off.

16. Describe how strong their will is? (will to live, will to lead, will to be a good mother etc.)

Not very strong, Bobo just follows the crowd but does throw ideas out there.

17. What is their Moral Stance? (this could be culture or religious, or even just personal)

Bobo interrupts sometimes but generally is well mannered.

18. What is their decorum? (how do they act in front of people or around people)

Energetic and happy.

19. List at least 5 adjectives that would summarize your character?

a. Energetic

b. Happy

c. Sweet

d. Creative

e. Friendly

20. Pick a scene your character is in. At the opening of that scene what is their: (we may do
this to more scenes as we go through the rehearsal process)
a. Heartbeat: Normal

b. Perspiration: (heavy, light, where, etc.) Slightly, sick, therefore sweating the
fever out.

c. Stomach Condition: Sick.

d. Muscle tension: Constricted due to the sickness.

e. Breathing: (rate, depth, etc.) Deep breaths to control the sickness.

Character: ​Ticket Vendor-Maud

Evidence should be from the script or from discussion on how the director and you see the

21. How is your character related to the other characters? (Include familial, professional,
metaphorical and emotional relationships.)

Maud works with Blossom as a ticket vendor for the circus but doesn’t interact with anyone
else really except for the audience that she sells tickets to.

22. What are the character’s roles in life? (include jobs, professions as well as social and
economic statuses or class)

A vendor who sells tickets and balloons to guests of the circus.

23. What does the character think of the other characters?

She doesn’t think much, is just there to do her job, she likes working under Dolittle better
than working under Blossom however.

24. What sort of government does the character live under? (there is always some form of
government that effects the character’s lives. There may be more than one form. [Ex.
The UK with a monarchy and or a parliament,]

The English Monarchy, and the government of Blossom’s Circus and his rules.

a. Is there some kind of group, or family dynamic that acts as a sub-government,

(Ex. Mom controls the household, or school policies)?

Blossom is mainly in charge of everyone.

25. What are the character’s desires?

To sell tickets and make her living, to work under Dolittle instead.

26. Describe how strong their will is? (will to live, will to lead, will to be a good mother etc.)

She just kind of hangs around and lets things happen around her, doesn’t necessarily fight for

27. What is their Moral Stance? (this could be culture or religious, or even just personal)

Not much of one, is nice to all guests.

28. What is their decorum? (how do they act in front of people or around people)

Energetic and happy.

29. List at least 5 adjectives that would summarize your character?

a. Energetic

b. Happy

c. Sweet

d. Creative

e. Friendly
30. Pick a scene your character is in. At the opening of that scene what is their: (we may do
this to more scenes as we go through the rehearsal process)
a. Heartbeat: Normal

b. Perspiration: (heavy, light, where, etc.) None.

c. Stomach Condition: Normal.

d. Muscle tension: Normal.

e. Breathing: (rate, depth, etc.) Normal.

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