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Bahrain Laws

Bahrain, officially the Kingdom of Bahrain, is a sovereign state in the Persian Gulf. The island nation comprises a small
archipelago made up of 33 natural islands and an additional 51 artificial islands, centered around Bahrain Island which
makes up around 83 percent of the country's landmass.Bahrain is a Islamic country.So that the most of the laws are stand
upon the holy Quran.The law of Bahrain is set out in the constitution of Bahrain.But,among them there are several
controversial laws have been also passed in the history the country.The state security law of 1974 was a law used by the
government of Bahrain to crush political unrest from 1974 to 2001.In 2001,Bahrain’s current chief of state,king Hamad
bin Isa Al Khalifa abolished the lawand declared Bahrain a constitutional monarchy following a national referendum.State
Security law has nine articles in the constitution of the Bahrain.Articles 1 is the declaration that any person are involved in
the natural violation of security and peace will be punished accordion to the constitutional law’s.The second articles state
that The proceedings of the Court shall always be held in camera and shall only be attended by the prosecution, the
complainant and his representative. The proceedings shall be held at the headquarters of the Supreme Court of Appeal.
They may be held elsewhere within or outside Manama, if the Court deems it necessary for the maintenance of the
security of the country or for considerations of public policy.Following these articles Bahrain Security laws have seven
more articles introduced to the Bahrain Constitution.

The Kingdom of Bahrain have an affective commercial growth available that’s why for regulation and monitering this
kind of activity the laws has been act upon the system.First the applying sector have been declared in the four articles and
then there are the 24 articles in the part-I and total 363 articles have been introduced.First of all the definition of a
company by the Kingdm of Bahrain” A company is a contract whereby two persons or more undertake to participate in an
economic venture which is oriented to make profit, with each of them contributing a share in the form of money or work
to divide up the profits made or losses sustained as a result of such venture.”According to the declaration of all the
company inder is definition have been act upon the law.Some highlighted laws are as “All the provisional law have been
applicable to the all kind of the companies according to definition of the Company in articles-1”.In the articles 9 in the
company partnership have been mentioned in the law.Which is “The share of the partner may be a certain amount of
money (cash share), and it may be in specie (in-kind share). However, in cases not provided for in this Law, it may be in
the form of work, but it may not be in the form of his influence or financial standing. Only cash and in-kind shares form
the company’s capital”.The that commercial law have been affectful all kind of companies under the definition in articles
no 1.

The Kingdom of Bahrain has the Family law’s which disputed in law-19 in May,2009. The Family
law organizes the marriage relationship and all matters arising in connection with marriage, such as engagement,
dowry, maintenance, parentage, separation, and custody. There is no specific law in Bahrain governing child
custody, with each dispute examined on a case-by-case basis. When child custody disputes arise between
parents, one of whom is a citizen of Bahrain, custody decisions are based on Islamic (Shari'a) law. The
minimum legal age of marriage is 16 years. However girls can marry before 16 with the permission of the
Sharia Court as per Article 20 of the Family Act. Bahrain has committed to eliminate child, early and forced
marriage by 2030 in line with target 5.3 of the Sustainable Development Goals.Bahrain acceded to
the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1992, which sets a minimum age of marriage of 18, and acceded to
the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in 2002, which
obligates states to ensure free and full consent to marriage.During Bahrain’s 2014 review, the CEDAW
Committee reiterated recommendations for the government to raise the minimum age of marriage to 18. Child
marriage is driven by gender inequality and the belief that women and girls are somehow inferior to men and
boys.There is very limited information on child marriage in Bahrain.

The kingdom of Bahrain has the law in the scope of the Real-state Business system to monitor and regulation
this Business.Like more other”s developing country Bahrain has also the growthing Real-state Business upon
the economy of the Bahrain.The kingdom of Bahrain has the law of the Real-state is law no 27 in the 2017 have
officially come into the March 1,2018. The Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) will review and issue
resolutions on a regular basis. There is no legal regulation of security deposits.Security deposits are not very
common in Bahrain, but some landlords and agents require a deposit, usually equivalent to a month (or a month
and a half) rent. The deposit is held by the landlord against unpaid bills and liabilities. The security deposit
cannot be used as payment for rent. If a lease agreement is entered between the parties without specifying a
term, the rent payment term governs the term of the lease. In the case of a fixed term contract (a long term
contract is more common), both tenant and landlord have the right to terminate the agreement by serving notice
three months prior to the end of the lease period.

The usual time period to obtain a final judgment is quite lengthy. There may be numerous appeals by either party, which
will normally be heard by a Civil Court. Matters accepted as urgent can take considerably less time, and are heard before a
Summary Court.

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