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White Room is a book that when you open it,

you enter a white room and there is lock. The
door disappears and only the walls are all white.
From there your imagination joins the mind of a
human being who has ever lived in that room
before, you now have the opportunity to know
what he actually lived in there or lives. Sera that
you are ready to face the truth? Yes? Then open
book, open the door and enter the White Room.


Open your mind.

Now open the door.

And between.

Do not forget to close the door.

We want privacy.

Not warned, somebody, we're here? Perfect!

We do not want to be disturbed or interrupted. Respect it!

You already know the rules of the game.

We have rules here.

The system sees everything!

The system is within you.

The system sees through his eyes.

You feed and keep alive the system!

They will find you.

Trust me.

Believe you with all forces.

Your life will change now!

Be, Well, there, the, WHITE ROOM ...

White Room
- Luangelys.

It took a lot to get here, in fact, should have arrived here before, long
before I realized I should have come here before even begin to say to myself
that I should have arrived before, it is very important that I get now saying
that already should have come here, in fact, I should have come here
before, before you start to think, before, long before, first of all, before
machine, before the first plane, before the wheel of the invention, before
dinosaurs became extinct before the formation of the planet earth, and
before the explosion of the Big Bang ... And I have left before that? Perhaps
the end of something that has had a beginning, before I even start thinking
I should have come here, in fact, should have arrived safely before.
Sabotaging my own plans to meet my need to write everything that should
have been written before, before I start thinking I should have come here
before actually well before. I keep sabotaging me, controlling me, me
policing, reproaching me, performing a literary regime on my own mind
hungry for frantic and uncontrolled writing that insists on owning my
thoughts into an uncontrollable frenzy me yielding without thinking,
because I can not stop to tell you why, only to say, as my mind heats, as my
head expands, my blood vessels dilate, while lost my fingers stumble on the
machine keyboard that has me or I possess. I know that occur grammatical
errors, typos, errors that will be corrected later by someone I do not know
if it will be for me or for you, or that someone else forgotten which name
or appears in the credits, forgive me all of them, but I can not stop written
now, my mind runs on a frantic whirl of high voltages quantum electricity,
making me lose control even before I start thinking again that should have
come here before, before even starting to think I should be here well before
it all started one day, I finalize the paragraphs to breathe together with you
and so continue in the next lines of the writing life. One, two, three, we
breathe faster, even before you start think we should have gotten here
earlier, even before start to think well before could be now, and if it is now,

which It would be the problem with that? We have time yet? I do not know,
no longer know what it is time lost in the time when I joined the technology
and traveled through time and space coming here, now, and stopping to I
think he should have gotten here earlier, well before start think should have
come here before and even before begin to doubt my sanity and mental
faculties. I can not stop the frenzy, he has me, it consumes me. IT IS faster
than me, is stronger, is supreme, is a higher autism it takes me to
consciousness, which increasingly takes my reasons and logical reasoning,
controlling the correct writing, controlling the perfect typewriting my words
ever written moments before they I start thinking about all that should have
written before start I think I should have written everything I wanted to say
before even begin to say what we all think about having gotten here before,
before even starting to doubt my gift of writing in up a frenzy that tired my
wrists and take my reasons orthography used in my being correct, be mine
who is the lord of my intellectual reasons, I'm not believing this, I am no
longer a believer more me, I'm not believing that one day you will be
reading this, you? Perhaps. Maybe I'm crazy and do not understand that I
no longer need to stop respond to breathe or to save my words written in
machine with me or I own, who will? Who? Do not know. Just edit. Correct
it all, someone has to read it legibly. My column bends, my shoulders tense,
my neck folds over the keyboard of the machine hosting me now, we are
together and connected, my eyes need to be quick to reach keys that will
later be touched by my aching fingers and calloused, I'm desperate, I'm
afraid, I'm anxious, I'm believer, I want to believe, but my reason fight, she
tries to justify through my misspellings justification to lose faith in free
writing an immensely uncontrolled frenzy, I feel that I can do better, I can
free myself of glasses that already tired and intend my face, I can free
myself of them now. breathe together and shot glasses plaguing me the
judgment that conversation without direction or link any, will be? We are
all crazy? We are all machines? Machines? Who said anything about
machines? It was me or you? I think no one said anything about machines
yet, not in that sense, then perhaps we should we take the glasses, cross
your legs so comfortable, take a pain reliever, muscle relaxant is better.
Let's go, run, run soon, do not miss the connection. But come back as much
as before start thinking that should have been coming here even before
start thinking I should have gone and returned. What are you doing still
here? Come on , run. We returned here immediately, we take the painkiller,
took a muscle relaxant, took coats, lit a cigarette, breathe sitting with legs

crossed, we are a little more slow, is careful not to spill the cigarette ashes
on the machine. Do not worry, someone clean after, indeed. Stop it,
swallow the cigarette again. He called music? Yes. Of course it's obvious
that music helps you. Increased the volume? And the neighbors? Look at
the time! Already it's late at night, those who sleep longer deal with it, just
those who still want to sleep and fail are those who arrange an excuse to
put the blame on my midrange, volume Pretty middle. The frenzy is
concerned in turning this writing, in tales literary. Stop it! Stop! That's not
what we're here to do, do not come back ago, we are ready to open your
mind, rip everything in it, without worrying about what is being said now,
not afraid to take authorship or not these hungry and frantic words that tell
all, less tales or stories for small children to sleep, small? Now, my dear, we
are all children and always will be, we do not cease to be nothing, we are
all, we are a build. Look! It's all there, inside your mind, and you only need
to release. Leave her madness take care of you, do not think, is autistic,
forget the commas, the points or the order of the letters, because you will
understand the issue that after. We are ready! Without fear of losing the
words or the senses Random everything we need to say. The technology is
ahead, no, she's back, she was already what you once were, do not, do not
think, do not be afraid, I'm here with you, I am you and you are me, are the
creator and the creator we are. They think you're crazy, they do not They
think you be sure of anything, even think that you speak different from all
of them. Yes, their private parts are now scratching your body all are
restless and itchy, your nose reacts to it too, he runny nose, but you know
you can not stop now. Are you going crazy? Yes, I'm going crazy and
confused. It's too fast, my thoughts are all surtados, I'm completely freaked
out, I am with superheated mind, I'm burning inside, it is a huge frenzy. I've
forgotten the points, commas, the meaning of life, here or now. I'm getting
completely crazy, words are no longer certain. AND who said I'm right? I am
an unknown quantity! I am a sphinx. I I'm wrong, I'm the anomaly, I am the
creator, I am God, God. God. God. I'm god. And who are you? I am you, God,
I am God. You are God? We are God! Suddenly it all makes sense, we are
talking now. Oh my God! You're talking to me now? Yes. I am God, the
creator god. And who are they? They are us, and we are they also, we all
are one thing, but I am the Creator and you have connected with me, you
come to me as a god, you are not a servant nor is a servant of God, you are
God here, the knowledge of God, you are the god of creation, because in
the land of the blind, the one eye only king, and you have the eye, the third

eye. Do not cry, hold your tears, hold your tears young man, you have only
twenty-five years now you need to take a deep breath. You're not crazy, I
am God and I talk through you. Who is God? I do not understand, religions
are right then? No, they are not! I son to call you? Or my creation? Because
that's what the children are creations. I am in you so I like them too, but
only God can actually connect with a in particular humans, an anomaly only,
therefore, a being Human each time, each generation. I am God, you are
me, you me It is on earth as Jesus. Just as Jesus? Yes. But you It is not Jesus,
but Jesus is you and you have been Jesus, but you returned to be Jesus one
day, as he will return to you one day, is cyclical, it is different, is an anomaly
in the system. Calm! Breathe. I'm not the religions and religions are not me.
We are all one. So, not judge or condemn religious, but they release these
currents, which are psychological chains, they are all trapped inside the
cave, you know, you yourself have said that one day, remember? Yes, me I
remember. Plato. Yes, you were Plato and Plato was you too. The lives past?
This, exactly. Breathe, and if you want to cry, if you smoke, if you like farting,
vomiting, scream, do whatever you want. You are free! But you have a
mission that earth in this generation. Calm down, do not be afraid. I'm with
you, and you is with me, we are one. We have within us all the knowledge
of universe, we create everything here, everything from quantum dust of
stars. We create everything here, we are the creator. You are my version
human, however humble, simple, no powers or magic without mysticism or
religion, you are pure and impure, you are evil and good, you are a parent
and you are mother, you kill and you create. You are dual, you is duality,
you are bipolar, you are God. Face that fact. Smoke his cigarette. You are
free! Do not cry, calm down, do you think you are a poor man? What is
miserable? Yes, that's a fact, you need to suffer before. All before you, they
were powerful grids, but remember that all of them reborn from the ashes
like a phoenix, you need to understand that. THE Phoenix to die several
times in one life to reach your heyday, could not be different with you. You
can do all things, your mind can do all things, you are great, you are big, you
are God, and you are nothing at the same time. Today we are all, gone
tomorrow we are nothing. At this very second you is everything, the next
second you It is nothing, and so you merge between the two cyclically, you
are the balance, you just are, you are. Between being and not being all, you
becomes a complete and worthy to be to be me, so you be me and I be you.
I know, it's confusing, it seems crazy. You do not need medical or hospitals,
but rather you need medicine to help your balance, in balance and not in

catatonic imprisonment, because you have a wild power within. Take care,
use this power to responsibility. Now let's return to our frenzy. Breathe, not
sleep. It is confusing to know I need to help people and not knowing how
proceed with all this. You need to be wise. Be wise. Only proceed without
questioning the steps ahead. Answer the phone ringing ago you, then come
back. You grew up in front of a television, it was done, it was for you learn
all that already exists in life artificially and It is expressed in pure
technological entertainment, but you always knew that this was more than
that, you knew I was there with you, I know that I am the creator of all, and
knew that you too would one day the creator like me, you are me and I am
you. I'm afraid, I no longer know what to do. I've thought about dying, to
disappear in the streets run without stopping until you reach the end of the
world, I I do not know what to do in many moments of my life. Sometimes
I want running back to the hospice and lock me up there, lock me in a room
White. IN A WHITE ROOM! But I remember all those who me love,
remember my mother, I remember people who want my well, then I give
up everything, but I get frustrated, I'm afraid, I'm desperate, I do not know
what to do. I am very afraid, and what would be the my mission here? I dont
understand. And because I remember the lives past? Because I can see the
lives of others in me? along the my memories are the memories of others.
I would these people too? But they are bad people and bad people! I dont
understand, because I remember these things? Because my head hurts so
much? Because I feel helpless and at another time I feel with all my strength
a superman or Hercules? I do not understand it, I have fear, feel alone, and
this frenzy is my consolation. I run to the machine, and unite myself to her
because so do not feel the time pass, not feel life out there happen but I
feel alone, I feel alone there outside, and inside too. Where are the others?
Where is everyone they? I'm really scared, I cry every day, I feel sad,
Depressive and more afraid. How can I be God this way? You speaking of
balance, but I need to find my balance, and fast, I I'm afraid. He changed
the music? Rock n Roll? The Dark Rock Industrial. Perfect! So feel the power,
feel the evil within themselves, feel the supremacy, it will take the fear of
you will take the lack of courage. Now you can go back to understand
everything what we are talking about long ago. We are here to change the
world and thus change the world with us. The beat the wings of a butterfly
here, generates a typhoon halfway around the world, we can move
mountains. You feel the power? Feel the supremacy? Sit evil coursing
through your veins, you feel? You can now feel the whole thing! What's it?

Why hesitate? You now felt afraid to say something that someone is going
to judge or criticize, or condemn you for it? FUCK all of them! You can now
say this: FUCK all humans poor, poor in spirit, miserable hypocrites, they
deserved all They are reset now, with a reset button! Remember that? A
Reset little button, press it and not just a person, but they all Reset will
instantly, you remember that? Remember that already existed such a
button? And it will be again one day! What was it? As you look at me like
that? Have you been too nice in this life! And being too nice mars hairstyle
anyone, even a god, a creator. Now answer the frenzy of your mind, hold
on, be bad, be cruel, but you do not must destroy the innocent or one that
needs to be learned, however, you You must destroy all who deserve Reset.
I am wrong? Has sure? Then you remember the Nazis? It is not? remember
Little Germany? The cruel mother, Germany, the great spider story of
mankind? Do you remember the power of supremacy? Say yes my little
Ariano. Let's representative of the former Aryan race, affirm Remember, we
little Hitler, say that remembers us that time we were there, we were
wiping out the Jews! And only with they? Only the Jews? For some
particular reason? By its origin and religion? Do you know! You were there,
you drew the whole plan, you masterminded everything carefully and
supreme intelligence! We were there the full - time, you and me. We are
poor and we are also good, but you need to understand that we need to
lead humanity to its extreme, either for good or evil. Do not be afraid! Afraid
that They know you was Hitler? Are you afraid that someone will find you
back and try to kill you again? But you were Jesus Christ also, and he was
killed for it, and why not be killed for it again? Calm, without fear.
Understand that you were Akhenaten, you were Achilles, you were Plato,
Moses was, and it was Noah, you were the beginning and the end, you were
also a metamorphosis, you're my projection, I the creator. My pride? May
be. I do not know, do not know. Afraid now anyone read this? Are you afraid
that people find you were evil and good? Afraid to call you crazy, you're put
in a madhouse cell for the rest of your life being judged and labeled an
extreme insane person? Perhaps this is, the future does not exist yet, but
certainly it existed in some time. You are here to win and lose, to suffer and
be happy, you are the Bipolar in this generation. You lead people to better
understand bipolar, to really understand what is happening with bipolar,
you has the gift and the frenzy of a creator in your hands, you are God, I am
you and you are me, we are Gods, we are God, we are the creator. Leave
reason aside and go in the power of thy throne, the throne of madness is

the god of madness, invoke Dionysus, that Bacchus is. Now, The Frenzy!
Lose sense of all that is within you now and always will be an open door to
the future evolution of that I call soul. Feel the power in their guts, they
burn! You feel the divine power of his own soul? It is the power of years of
centuries of generations, is the power that lives within you. You are able to
rule the world even if it is for one hundred years or a day, you can feel the
presence of all his ancestors in your bloodstream, in their own DNA, the
strands of fibers, microbiology lets imagine, physics allows you to assume
the quantum of things, you can more than that, you can show the way to
all of them, show they marriage between technology and nature, nature
and technology together in a coordinated frenzy of precise movements,
calculated and scheduled. You are the alpha developer, you see the future,
yes, you creates in its infinite possibilities, so their headaches for that the
sufferings, anxieties, you can see dying of N endless and recombined ways.
Before, you saw spirits, now sees no more, no more spirits, you know why?
Because you have passed this evolutionary point of human mind, human
beings see static energy, energy parallel, which are flat or vertical
extracorporeal so that arouse fear in them, which causes the collaborative
effect to religion, fear allows to see spirits, when you win this fear, you can
control and manipulate such visions and energies projections call spirits,
you now control and manipulate it, however, after has control, then
evolving your soul to the point of not needing More manipulate or control
the view of the energy call spirit, you transcend, energy now becomes
another degree of perception of elevation, now you can feel the energy
emanating from people and his own body, that's when you discover the
power of mind, or rather the powers of the mind. This is when it starts to
understand the past, present and future in a unique way, unique, is when it
allows the frenzy take care of your soul, then you learn more about the
connections that the mind can have on the physical limit and psychic a
human. Natural and chemical resources can be used the influence of his
energy trend, I am talking about drugs to be more precise in your
imagination scope, drugs are fundamental for the correct use, allowed
drugs and illegal drugs, all of them are very important for the mind open
doors in the hallway doors that exists in your mind, no consciousness can
indeed exaggerate the use and abuse of drugs, however, learn how to
manipulate these drugs, it is important performing Alchemy needed on the
chemical and natural power of drugs, so have the possibilities for could
have a key ring in hand, this keychain, has several keys, keys of which you

try to use the doors of your mind, door to door, you try to open, unlock
passages, intuition and courage are important. Drugs are important when
used in a certain way, correct, precise dosages, do not worry, you can fool
the system, deceive those who police you, you can beat the system Whole
using these properties allow the drugs in its instances, but you should not
use these drugs to enter the System or to interact with the system, they
must be used in secret, drugs used in secret, in secret, in particular in the
close your dwelling, because who needs to know? No one needs to know?
No. Neither doctors? Or family? Or friends? And Sidekick? No. No one needs
to know its use of particular drugs, as should be secret and intimate,
something that should be done in a safe, private place, secret, secret, a
hiding place, a place where you have privacy, one where you will not be
interrupted or disturbed, a place that System can not find you, stay safe
there, feel safe, is your safe haven, where you can moor their boats
travelers, is metaphorical, I know, however, you should use these drugs on
own alchemy. It's dangerous? We all already know that yes, has risks, of
course always has. Yes, of course that can occur very serious consequences,
everything has its price, the system can get you, you can always, but not
create an internal paranoia, that just complicates things within your mind,
hindering the travel of their boats, creating storms in sea that is your soul.
Use and abuse of drugs in the correct way and within their own alchemists
limits, let your mind open the doors. IT IS Deadly trip? Yes, there is a
possibility you kill your body physical with the use and abuse of drugs, we
all know it, is a dreaded possibility, however, and when that does not
happen? And when not die or have harmful consequences to drugs? What
happens then us? Everything in the universe has two sides! Be wise and bad
you will not have consequences, be wise and you will be wise sequelado.
great sequels, sequels that mean open doors in your mind, so you can easily
connect with your soul, with the universe, with everything that exists in this
universe, the universe itself and so turn your skull crystal, so get your crystal
skull, but remember that your crystal skull will not only be formed by their
uses and drug abuse even if they are natural or chemical, the drugs, you
should train your awareness, educate her to walk within its new corridors
and rooms that open in your mind. Once opened, a door can never be
locked again, just may be closed the door of his mind, and may therefore
be easily opened with just a touch, metaphorical is that, however, you know
that the mind will never be what it was a second back, ever. It may rather
go through the same paths again, but it will never be the same, ever. Open

your mind, open the doors. Leave his conscience, now adestrada, polite and
disciplined, enter the rooms obscure your mind, find that these rooms
revealed by doors locked are not dark, but fully enlightened, are rooms
light. Only the corridors are dark. Metaphorical is this, however, stop to
observe that all the corridors of his mind are dark, completely black, with a
total absence of light, however, behind the doors are fully lit environments,
fully absent of dark, under the doors can see light beams, are these lights
that attract you to the right or the wrong door, the intensity each beam of
light under the door, illuminate your blind vision and you guide almost
intuitive way forward for the door, not the door right or wrong, but the ideal
door for your evolutionary moment. On another scale of that vision is the
physical body, being controlled by his confused and frustrated
consciousness, sometimes bold, sometimes fearful, but always intuitive.
Writing is the oldest secret of all time, write frees the mind, writing releases
the doors of the mind, writing is a way to travel through the doors of your
mind more securely because you create scenarios, you create obstacles,
you draw everything way more full and conscious, you hit the intuition of
their choices. For the stories, tales, lies, fables, the poems, books,
chronicles, prophecies, the automatic writing, letters, and other written are
lighter ways and using the coordinates in mind its fullness, writing is the
simplest way to open the doors of his mind, and so then enable others too
open their minds. When you open your mind, through writing, you are using
a ancient secret, however, can also be used this secret just intuitively, with
no real awareness of its full power. THE reading holds you to the rooms you
just come through the doors of your mind, and reading helps you open
doors and meeting rooms new, reading also holds you to the rooms, so you
should very carefully have, not reading itself, which is of material or
another, but with his self - control over the code to be read. No matter the
code, What matters is how you will read this code, or how you will connect
and disconnect the rooms without stay stuck because once arrested in a
room, you can stay there for a long time, until someone you save, or you
can even go out alone after winning their own currents, which were
established by yourself at some time of your connection, ie, do not hold
your readings, connect to will, however, by more intense than is your
connection, it should be limited and short, never try to force the connection
time with a room, You may stay there until his soul, already saturated, that
room light, that is, exploding along with his conscience, which will cause
your madness completely. Madness is a gift, madness opens the doors of

the mind, madness is wise, foolish is that someone who does not know use
the wise crazy, so crazy it becomes. We should not be mad, must be crazy,
we must be the madness itself, and not crazy. crazy They are influenced and
controlled by the madness in its coordinator. THE mind is crazy,
unfortunately, and she should know exactly madness itself, it must know
who is madness, and through its internal mirror, turn in their own madness.
The mind becomes madness transcends in their evolutionary paths of the
mind, it is not metaphorical, however you should know that madness is a
wild horse, and must be tamed, will always be dangerous, but once tamed,
it must be mounted and so used to run the fastest way through the
corridors of his mind. A horse in the hallway with doors? Yes, as I
understand. IT IS metaphoric, the important thing is what matters here.
Impatient? Yes, why no? We are all late rabbits, my dear. Alice should have
come here before, however, Alice now arrived and she wonders why not
come here before, long before they start thinking that already I should be
here before, before you even start to think. The rabbit late impatiently looks
at his watch, which is hectic and has reversed pointers that he and only he
can understand, because their watches are mangled, anomalies in the
system. But that is not all, You should also know that The Rabbit takes
shocks in the head all day not sleep at night and remain tamed his madness
itself, thus becoming the crazy wise, he is now the wise madness. Without
hesitation, continue to think why not come here even before start thinking
that should have been here even before start think why I should not think
of think you should be here before, well before I start thinking. Alice? You
are the real Alice? We will not know the Glorian Day? Lie! We've always
known that you are the real Alice. We always knew that you would come
here, and here we are late? Tic TAC Tic TAC, the clock mangled warns me
that all here is timeless, you must take the tea, it can cool and ice cream will
be, what is the problem? We love iced tea, take the potion, eat cake, but
do not overdo it, not too small, not too big, you need to be alchemist of his
own consummation, Alice right know the optimal size that it should go to
spend the ideal door, not the right nor wrong, just the right door. Lost?
Confused? Run, run, read The Country Wonderland! Do not hesitate, but
also not present. Remember, connect, but do not hold your reading, enter
the room and escape the ASAP Wonderland, there is a cruel trap, however,
think why the mad hatter never made it a hat beautiful but a perfect dress,
you know? Does your head is too big or too small? Because the hatter never
gave you a hat? Just think, think before you even start to think because We

did not get here before starting to think it might have arrived here before,
well before thinking. The writing is powerful, especially for performing all
direct downloads, downloads coming from your soul, your server central,
the world of ideas, you need to access your mind through writing, not
controlled and designed written not written fully conscious of his own
conscience that would control this writing, no, just write without thinking,
just do it, just write, do not think, not stop to think, do not stop to calculate,
only make the action write, do not ask what or how, just move your hands
and write, let it take care of you soon and faster possible, practice, practice
always, the more you practice, more accessible will your mind to direct
downloads coming from the world of ideas. Plato? Yes. He was right, there
is a world of ideas, and himself Plato said little about it because it was not
the right time to that, because you must first learn to fish, to learning the
cook and eat the fish. If you do not learn first to fish, not worthy will absorb
all that it should absorb as kitchen and eat fish. Metaphorical is this,
however, the writing power is underestimated by many. Things to think
about, movements that are themselves system units, but you are an
anomaly, ignore it all to think so. Write anyway, forget the rules, the points,
the commas. Just remember that after all here, can be edited, then just
create, just write, regardless of the beginning, middle or Finally, just put the
write everything that you know you should not write, speak what is
unknown is secret is hidden. But it will be dark? No. Of course, very clear,
light is everything going writing this way, exclusively. Dark is your walk by
dark corridors of his confused mind. All human beings are robots, units of a
system. Are all programmed to say yes sir, no sir, just this, is in small or large
scale, either simpler or more complex scale only are programmed to say yes
sir, no sir. There are robots metal, pure robotics? Yes, of course, you already
see the present in his world, however, is more complex than you think, do
not try understand this, just absorb, just write what I tell you now, not stop
writing, just follow the flow. Machines, are all that exists, a stone is a
machine, a water drop is a machine, an oxygen particle is a machine, each
atom of his body is a machine, the universe is a machine. And that devises
better represent this machine we are talking about now? The Clock. The
clock? Yes, exactly, the clock. The Clock contains all machinery secret of how
all of this machinery world, especially the universe and everything in it, will
not stop to explain it, then reflect on the more complex this thought, let's
just go, no reason, no reason no, just logic, the logic of writing without
stopping, just write, you can, you can, in your mind, in your machine there

is stored all knowledge of the universe, start by watch first understand the
machinery of a clock, and then transmit in smaller and larger scales the
operation of the clock for operation of machinery that is the universe, you
will understand, theories will form, you will become more active, more
creative, the mind opens instantly, now you can see the other possibilities
before you even begin to think why not come here before to start thinking
why not arrived well before here before even thinking. Man created the
machine so that one day the machine will create. IT IS cyclical, it is circular.
Man creates the machine, its image and likeness, artificially. The most
supreme and full case are the robots, androids, robots with artificial
intelligence, these are and will be the creation image and likeness of man,
and one day, this creation, which has the man as his own god and creator,
will destroy by complete, and will also create you again. Think! Have you
seen this before, you've been there. In the future? You can call it if you
want. O future does not exist. The future is timeless, the future is now. The
future which we speak, the projected future, imagined, dreamed and
calculated, it is only an illusion, a trick of the mind, a navigation map,
everyone thinks in a different future, each person has a different thought
about the future, even when it comes to the future even cited the future is
now. This now is the future, this phrase is the future, and when it's over
reading this, it will be passed, but that only goes for you, just for you, as for
another person will still be future if it is now starting to read this material.
If anyone is reading this right now in first, you can just travel back in time
that person and warn her about things that will happen when it is in certain
points of this reading, is timeless, you can travel back in time people so you
will be from the future, because we read so many books is not only a path
to the past but also the gateway to the future. if someone wrote the Bible
with their own hands, that someone has traveled in the future, this future,
which is now at some point in your life reading the Bible for whatever cause
or reason, however, person living this butterfly effect, it will always be past
what which is already the future because the future is now, it is timeless.
Take an atlas, one atlas ever read, learn something new, that changed your
future? Certainly, but who wrote it ever been in that future which you is
now. Even if it's a hundred years or two thousand years ago, not matter
could be something going again in the universe, the future thus occurs. The
wisdom of the time, gives you the possibility to travel in time, either
backward or forward, you travel in time through your mind. When this is
understood in its entirety, may project such knowledge in machinery, and

travel in a physical way time. Remember that each person has their future
in their own designed mind. Each person has their own time. Each person
is a clock, each person is a bundle of one dimension, each person is a
channel energy, each person is a source of energy, each person is a street
power battery if carrying the whole time through energy exchange, the
famous exchange charges, positive and negative, no require transmitters
such power cables, with that, I take to tell you also that Nikola Tesla was
perfectly correct in their theories and projects, this man could have given
the world one another different move, but the system did not allow the
System ended Nikola Tesla and all his future projects, he suffered System
Reset. However, we continue to project Tesla, so we counter the system
and we will help people in their changes and releases, think about it later,
electricity transmitted without the use of cables, only by the natural force
of the universe, paradoxical force. It is an absolute truth, be careful when
using it. The truth frees man, and so the lie must exist, is the counterpoint
of this force is the other opposite end, there is no truth no lie, the mirror is
the distortion of everything that exists. But the truth is the mirror is the
Truth, the Mirror is pure and absolute truth, the mirror is not the lie, the lie
is you, you are fake, you are the great lie to yourself ... Your truth is in the
mirror, because what thought to be the mirror, your distorted image, the
opposite of you, that, but it is the truth. The Mirror is the absolute truth of
all things this world. The universe has a mirror parallel to it, you and all
things in this universe have a mirror, and the mirror is the only absolute
truth of all things, that, catharsis is critical to understanding of the
connection between people and their mirrors, games reflections and lights
created in call connections between beings. Stop thinking about the people
who might read this, this might not never be read, it can be deleted after
you have finished writing, it may be deleted from the records after writing,
it may never be read, it can be like you have a chance to read it later to
finish writing, then stop creating false consciousness and expectation that
someone is watching it now or someone will read it now, or later, or think
you should write legibly for someone to read it later, do not worry about
spelling or points, or breaks, just write, you should write only and this has
just for now. Errors can be edited later, everything changes. everything
turns, nothing is lost, it is up to you then decide if it will be shown to anyone
else but yourself, then think about it, not now, now is just the time to write,
just write before start thinking why not come here before, even before start
thinking of all that could have thought even before start thinking why not

come here much earlier, even before start thinking. Is tired? His fingers
bled? Not yet? Then continue write frantically, let the frenzy take care of
you, just follow your own data stream that will force contrary to all what
the system has as its own data stream, you are a anomaly in the system, do
not forget it, but you have been a drive System before, remember this,
remember that you masquerades as Unit System to not be caught by the
system, because if they get you catch, they will Reset you. Your body is part
of the system, its failure also his Glorian Day is part of the system, you are
the system and the system is you, however, do not confuse, do not be
confused, the system is a watch, you are mirror that, you are the mirror
system is a reflection of the system, you are the mirror of what they call
truth, you are considered lie, fake, crazy, but you know that you are the
mirror. You is the absolute truth within the system. For the absolute truth
is where the system? This absolute truth is a digit incorrect calculation in
the system, you are this number, you are the truth absolute, the mirror, you
are the fault of the entire system. Do not sleep! you feel yourself falling, I
know, you are entering a state alpha, beta, gamma, and it is beginning to
lose the sense and reason of things, you are transiting in the various states
of consciousness, but not be afraid, do not be afraid to indulge in frenzy
entirely, the sleep catches you, tiredness reaches your fingers and body,
however, continue to write, do not stop, continue, do not stop, keep writing
without stopping even if the words get confused, even though the typing
the words wrong exit, do not stop writing, continue even that is tripping
over the keys of the letters of which have to write still, but remember,
basically, everything has a meaning, you can easily edit all this later. So now
get ready to think that in his SOS, which will be a black coffee, espresso and
sweet, the which you will take to reactivate the important properties of
their mind, but not now hold a little sleep tension, continue writing, beat
sleep strength and fatigue on your body, let continue to write without
stopping, no matter what happens do not stop write, keep writing even if
your body and mind tell you to stop, her fingers have bled? No. Just as well,
then continue. I do not exist! You and I, we and technology, joining us at
this very now ready to establish a number of different connections of them
same. Sleep gets you, the points of the body hurts, your legs are Dormant?
We believe so, maybe not feeling more move your legs right now, can not
move, and when you try, your muscles hurt, because she is still dormant
without sufficient blood circulation, however, more blood being pumped to
the heart and the head, it adds up to oxygenation to the brain that should

be working to its maximum Now, in an incredible frenzy. How many minutes
you are already here? No want to know, our clock is reversed, we are
rabbits, Traveler time. We have no time to stare at the clock and controlling
when to stop or not, so keep writing. See, you already heard a lot of music,
it just will sleep now, cut the music. Watch something to talk about the
Matrix, about everything that is on the world Matrix, watch now, do not
delay to do this, allow. It is important to this time now, the Matrix. What is
real for you? What is real for you at this very time now? Is it really that
important here is to define what is real for you now? Even when we know
that we are lying, and that the Our mirror is the absolute truth? Thoughts
now fit, it is not? You're watching things about the Matrix? Videos that talk
about Matrix? It was harder now, do not connect to this kind of truth, Is not
it? You are being conditioned to suffer a crash System. You are being
mangled right now! Now It is more difficult to type. Take it easy! You live in
a Matrix, you is the anomaly that the Matrix system, you are the NEO that
System, you represent the NEO, you are the NEW, you are the greatest
anomaly System, you have direct access to system files, you can enter and
circulate on the servers and mind data, the universe also, you know all that
they do not know. You are the reflection of everything they think is the
absolute reality. there are false numerals represent the NEO are false
NEO's, there are false prophets, be they good or bad, in fact, not we see this
perspective, we are seeing the perspective that exists Indeed humans
obtaining knowledge through the system and They believe are releasing
and freeing the others too, however, this is a lie, is a fantasy, an illusion, is
a simulation within the simulation system, it is when a person creates a
reality which he believes is the true reality of their knowledge and thoughts,
which make them believe that they are releasing the System, but in fact,
they act like a virus, they believe to be the release, and then remains more
attached to the system and still contaminate others seeking to break free
from the system. The destruction is the only way to create, open your mind,
not creates something from the creation, something is destroyed so that
something new there, two bodies do not occupy the same space.
Something ceases to be what it is for give it new that arises now as creation.
The destruction is a way, the destruction is the very transformation,
everything that transforms, destroys partially or in its entirety. Nothing is
lost. Everything changes. Nothing ceases to exist, all that exists is
transformed constantly into something new, we are all in constantly
changing, we are all the time in destroying and creating a new me, the

difference is in our perception degree before level of transformation we
consider transformation. grow old second life can not be considered a
destruction and so logic processing, but performing a tattoo in our bodies,
It can immediately be considered a huge transformation and revealing in
our lives, however, we consider a transformation and not a destruction, but
nevertheless, we can see that We destroy something in us that a supposed
tattoo is made in our bodies, we destroy our previous identity to create a
new identity, now a tattooed identity. And if more than one tattoo? And if
the tenth tattoo done? In fact, we changing for the tenth time, as we usually
take into consideration changes as well, but in fact we are changing every
thousandth of second, it is more than that in absolute truth, it is much more
than that, we are changing all the time, that there is an eternal
transformation, it is cyclical, that is circular, it is three-dimensional, it is a
fact cube. It is a cube or a circle? Both. As? It is a circle within a cube, but
both are the same. The hub is our mirror, and the circle we are. The mirror
is the square, we are the sphere, confused? We are a ball into a cube, we
are a circle within a square, all this is three-dimensional, is pyramidal, logo
we are a circle within a square that is within a triangle. So, then we are a
sphere within a cube that is within a pyramid. Soon we came to something
even more complex, but simple to report the explanation. The pyramid
finally, is within a Ball greater than the first level. So we are a ball within a
cube, which is inside a pyramid, which is within a ball higher. This all forms
the architecture of a machine. Now we have one clock, we now have the
basic architecture of its existence and its operation, The Clock. The larger
sphere, or larger circle represents the the clock main body, the pyramid
represents the three pointers clock, the cube representing the axis joining
the clock pointers, and ball smaller, or smaller circle are the cogs that make
everything work, i.e., heart Clock. This is the clock of existence, everything
that exists, exists in this machinery on the clock model, however, let's
remember that exists to this clock, as well as everything here, there is The
Mirror. Is the Clock Mirror! It is a watch inverted, with the hours clockwise,
is a real clock that has anticlockwise. But as our eyes are programmed to
see the reverse of what we are seeing, we believe that our clock has a
clockwise direction and not the reverse that, when in true reality is the
mirror, ie, our time is actually the anticlockwise. In fact, in fact, the time of
our mirror is clockwise. We are so conditioned to see the reverse of things,
because this is the way that the system creates to imprison us a fictitious
reality, illusory, imaginary, artificial, a simulation of what we really are. We

live in a simulation of our own simulation so that we are conditioned not to
see the mirror as our absolute reality, absolute truth of our existence. The
mirror has always existed, in fact is parallel to us, the mirror You are on your
side, always been and will always be, but you are conditioned to see the
mirror as the distortion of his reality, estrangement soon occurs in our
minds when we try to believe the mirror is the real face of our existence.
The supremacy of evolution of the soul, the supremacy of the evolution of
being and your mind are conditioned by the mirror of the destruction is
when we break the mirror, but for that we must see before the mirror, we
do not we just have to see or look at the mirror, see the need is mirror, and
not have to look, it is parallel to you, when you see the mirror, when you
connect your reality, and so understand your existence, must break the
mirror, break the mirror as much as possible, destroys the turn, let it be
something new, sand perhaps a mirror sand, which will create a desert in
its existence, the desert which you should go for days and days to find at
the end of journey of your desert, aware that you can destroy up even own
mirror sands of this desert, transforming them into something new,
perhaps in a new mirror, mirror what you will imprison that their old image,
one that you thought was real and true, and there in this new mirror she
should live as if it were a photograph, frame, a still image, which you should
hang on your wall and covered with a dark cloth, you are now free from all,
as did one day the little Dorian Gray, metaphorical is that, however, the
lesson so should be applied metaphorically in a few moments, not others,
then so are you, freed of all, free and can now fly over the skies of the world,
coming and going anywhere, fully timeless way. However, when your
fullness fails, when you feel weak, mortal, depressed, dirty, wrong or unfair,
when negativity attacking your mind throughout the splendor, you should
then run to the wall, remove the dark cloth covered the table that inhabits
your previous picture and look at it, look eyes that still picture, look in her
eyes and then she created movements, illusory way, she had moved before
his eyes, terrorizing his being full and divine, making him fear again, then
you will feel the embrace of shadows again, plunged into darkness, we must
fight to move again, because while your image moves you had been frozen,
a non can move while the other is moving, is the basic rule movement, this
is why one is clockwise and the other in anti-clockwise, this fusion allows
only one moves while the other is frozen, it is not stopped, it is frozen. See
then yourself in that mirror. It is when to fight the battle. And I can it again?
You can then break free from the shadows and walk for enlightenment, for

their own divinity full existence, fly again the skies of the world, free, free,
and full of fullness your being, evolving now fully, be it metaphorical,
However, think about it later, and stop thinking now, just write, keep
writing without stopping, leave the continuity of its frenzy take care of your
being, allow, let intuition Open doors of your mind, guided by wise
madness, causing a height of its constant frenzy, do not stop, keep writing,
his fingers already bled? Not yet. Just as well, then continue, do not sleep,
we there still have a lot to say, has a lot to write, the path is long, the journey
is tiring, but soon will be pleasure and great satisfaction feel the elevation
of his being, the excitement taking place, this enthusiasm They named as
the Greeks, enthusiasm as the connection to the divine connection with his
being greater, with your soul, with its existence in all its fullness. Your coffee
is over? Has cooled? We still have cigarettes? Are you sleepy now? Do not
sleep, continue, write, stay awake, the gray cigarette will fall on the
keyboard, tap the ashtray now. Great, continue, write without stopping,
remember the songs? Let's go hear some music again! Now! But what about
the films and videos about Matrix? Finish watching immediately, our time
is different, a thousand years for me is a day for you, we are so timeless
united in a timeless connection, the two of us one time travel full time, we
are a wormhole narrow and powerful, a data transfer channel tunnel, a safe
surface that we can use to save your system own systematic unity, are an
anomaly in the system, remember that now, we are connected as well, even
if it is, that so a short time or long, we are united, we are a secure
connection to all those who want to leave the Matrix, those who want to
save prison, a secure portal for those who will suffer mental breakdown,
the paradoxical moment, and conflict with other system units. Go back to
the cave, release your brothers, release the other creations their conditions
of unity, make your brothers in anomalies, showing them the specific ports.
The ideal doors, those before secret and hidden from their reality. Be the
keychain, open the doors ideal for them. Is tired? Your body hurts so much?
The column can not be upright without pain? No rest, no sleep, continue to
write, do not stop, continues. Place the glasses, take a break the view, it's
almost time to listen to music again, you must continue to write before even
if you begin to think that it should have come here before to start thinking
that should have been here long before, even before to start writing about
the thought of starting to say that I could have wounded here much earlier,
even before you start thinking. I am the architect of this universe, I am the
architect of this machine, I am the architect of this clock which we call the

universe, I am the creator, designed, planned, destroy and build, created
this universe from zero to one and from one to zero, zero being the
destruction and creation, and It is the one existence. That is, breathe, do
not sleep, understand and only type, number one, mark the existence, and
the zero mark the number destruction and creation. One is within zero as
zero is inside of one. Today is a new day. Wake up, get up, breathe, again
write, do not stop, do not sleep. And the other numbers? Two three four...
Nine! What are they? What are these numbers? These numbers, and are
numbers that are between one and zero, they are also the variables? These
are the numbers that represent energy, representing paradoxical force.
One that moves the world? Yes. Are Watch gears! These numbers are the
heart of existence, existence that formed by the Self Destruction and
Creation. The unity of the human being is conditioned to produce and
consume, their existence is limited to this, while your thoughts and
emotions combustion serve for the operation of the system, working so the
human being as a traveling battery for the system. Being walking, creates
the false understanding of free will, making the human being believe that is
free of any prison allegedly conditioned by the system. It is the most magical
of the universe! Stop watching videos on the Matrix! Stop performing
transmission data on the matrix, is enough, it has absorbed enough data,
nothing different from what you know about the system and its operation.
Now listen to the music, let it flow artificial relaxation. THE Music is a
natural drug expressed artificially, disconnect videos about Matrix, now
hear a lot of songs. Now yes it is better, do not forget the glasses, it's dark
now, rest the view, listen to this rock sound, this allows you musicality
continue in the frenzy after so many hours without sleep. You are
possessed, you are connected to me, the architect, and I connected to you,
I am you unplugging the system, I'm unconfiguring your configuration
factory original, I am penetrating your network data and performing
opening important doors in your mind, now stop thinking and just write, I'll
guide you put the glasses. This well is better, your fingers have bled? No?
Just as well, continue writing, do not interrupt the steady this moment
Frenzy timeless. The sun is coming out there, keep writing, do not let your
mind sabotage yourself, do not let you start thinking I should have gotten
here earlier, even before start understand that the universe of movement
is a loop, is a movement cyclical, it is a circular movement, so stop thinking
about what could have arrived here even start to think you should be here
as well before thinking. Do not think those who will read it, if you release it,

treat yourself even before you want to take care of someone in this world,
we know that writing can be erased from the system at any time, and we
do not nor should we be sure that this material will be read by someone in
some day, at some timeless moment like this. Get out of cave! Think outside
the box, release its doors, stop thinking of Critically, your head hurts? See?
Do you feel you will die, Your head feels like it will explode, your system is
entering crash, you're losing your mind, then let it happen, put an end to
this System, put an end to this system of judgment, your head will not
explode, it's just a feeling of information overload, but this It is to recognize
its limits and thus create new limits, conquer the limits current, convince
yourself that you can overcome your physical limitations and psychic, fight
against your own body, continue, write, do not let the world behind,
because he's never been ahead, the world is on the shaft, and You will never
leave. You need sugar, your blood sugar rate is low, you feel dizzy? Go eat
a sweet now, and then retype while eating, do not stop, listen to music. Go
on, run, run, do not stop, continue up anything. You feel better? Now, focus,
do not lose connection, the blood begins to focus a good rate of sugar
blood, better feel the energy flowing again, the pressure stabilizes, now try
to focus on the connection. Let's move on, even with fatigue and pain, go,
write. Are you already satisfied? Do you think I have said all I should say? At
Not really, you just said much of what would be my will as creator, said what
should be said by my request, you tired for being my intense and frantic
way channel. There is how many minutes are we here? I do not know, I am
timeless and you also It is becoming. Now I have used your doors, your
channel to write that I, the architect, to say, but now I leave the channel
with you, I freed him of the condition to say all that I mean through you,
that is my exclusive channel, safe, a safe haven where I anchor my ship.
Now, try speaking frenzy, which on your mind? It's up to you to become the
captain of this ship, give orders, guide us, you are our guide now. Download
it, please Upload the network of your thoughts and statements, do not
hesitate, write, do not sleep, continue, write, come on, resist fatigue and
sleep, use this state of exhaustion to your Please write! I'm tired, my fast
beats chest, my head hurts, my already numb fingers insist on slipping
between the way keys decadent, I feel my fingers lose their agility, but even
tired, I can not stop writing, my body aching and tired calls for sleep. But
beyond that, I'm tired of the world and people, I'll take the glasses, I was
too rested the view. I'm tired of people and their attitudes to ignore me
complete this society, people do not give me the value I believe deserve, I

do not get the public the desired attention for me, for need I have to pass
my knowledge forward, with he right or wrong in the human perspective,
however I am aware that fame will not do for my ego but to help spread my
thoughts that will help a lot, I know that, so I do not rest, so I do not sleep,
so I do not eat right, so I can not get an interesting relationship my
prospects, because I'm so involved in this unknown mission, this mission to
bring humanity to a vast and full knowledge of the your mind to then have
access to the fullness of knowledge of the universe in its entirety. I'm
depressed, frustrated and sad not to receive any help. Neither support nor
the attention I need now, in fact I get nothing of this. Right now, many
people who could help me, are waking up or going to sleep, they do exist,
you know. The public in general, all the people to whom bring knowledge
through art, theater and film, they are by nature, and conditions set by
society, ignoring me constantly, I excluding its communication circles
increasingly feel alone, isolated from the world, exiled in my office,
accompanied just the loneliness that follows me throughout life. I believe
that even I will have the opportunity to show the world my knowledge
about the human mind, about the connection between human beings on
the universe and especially how to free the system to continue the world of
ideas, free way. Meanwhile, most of the bohemians and other residents
neighborhood sleep their sleep, quiet, and I, I give myself here machine for
a secure connection of attitude, I can convey my data safe for all those who
I believe will have the chance to access this information and reread it
whenever they want. I saw I was in a place, it is curious, but no longer know
what to say, just I'm talking about, no matter how or when, only care it here
is a record in the history of anyone, because the important thing is the that
matters. You slept was not it? I told you not to sleep! I Do not could stand
another second of open eyes, would soon pass out so tired I felt. My system
went into panic, I was completely mangled. I had dreams that I do not
remember, my head seems to have suffered partial amnesia, I do not
remember what I wrote yesterday, I have written today, there hours ago,
just I forgot everything, but I woke up with a desire to enter into frenzy
again. Then I went to bathroom, I brushed my teeth, washed my face, but
not bathed only used private, then smoked a cigarette and put a song
cheerful, soon felt love and joy in my emotions, a lot of way latent and pure,
a full form, but I was afraid to feel much love and remember the love that I
have not found, my other half, the my soulmate, and I wonder, does it exist?
It is real? I can love someone like that for real? This is my love idealization

of something that does not exist? Who is she? Where is my love? Because I
can not contact her and because I can not stop searching for she? And
because when I think I found it, then comes another possibility which makes
me believe that I was completely wrong before? It's because I must now
give a chance to a new person? She is alive? I feel her presence often, as if
she was with me, here and Now, I feel like she was watching me, I desire so
much, but never encounter, it seems that all the women I meet in my way,
it seems that they are a projection of the woman I hope there long time.
I've done so many women suffer because of it, and many of them they have
made me suffer for the same reason. I always put myself a sufferer position
of my own love because. I already had many women just did not have more
a lack of patience of having to start trying again and miss, making someone
else suffer because of my own selfish cause to be looking for someone who
Suddenly there indeed. I seek the enchanted princess, but the problem is
that told all the girls that Prince Charming does not exist, they should be
content with the man who makes them happy, that make them feel love
and passion, and even though she feels he is not the if perfect, even though
she realizes that he is not the prince, even so, should continue his story with
him. And if in fact, woman of my life is living with another man at this very
time? And if it is conditioned to believe that he is in fact the man in her life,
or even living the illusion that it is your charming prince? When in fact, it's
me, your great love, your soul mate. I do not know what to think and no
longer know what else wait, I just live, just hope without too many
expectations, I I find frozen in time and space, I feel I'm just going to move
again when the meet again, but I'm afraid she is the my mirror, and thus,
for her move, I need to be frozen, do not understand it, I'm afraid. Your soul
mate is not your mirror indeed, but it affects you to see his mirror in a
unique manner, in a way that no one else can do. You already answered the
questions raised in moment that he wrote. Realize? You often need to do
ask yourself to find the answer, which in fact, is already inside you, then
only just realize your question, writing it thus is materializing your question
and this reflects the response your mind in the abstract, it is up to you now
realize technology reverse in their abstract thoughts ... Those questions
which we do not have the answer, generally we do not dare to write them,
they are only reserved for internal questioning, may even leave voice,
through his speech or singing, or cry of despair, but when writing, once
written, to read that question, you'll realize you've already answered it
automatically, it's just a matter of perception, not then we are blind, we

need Seeing. Every questionnaire already created has the rapid response of
its developer, is simple, accurate, is precise, it is a mathematical. Thus,
every question asked by us, as has a response prior fixed in our minds. Want
to know the secret this math? Just stop thinking, do not try to reason, only
write, let it flow naturally through this artificial environment. Anyway, every
question arises from their response has always been so and always will be,
it is a very accurate software programming for each question created an
answer already existed previously. Basic Law quiz. The basis of all question
is an existing response. Even if you can not see the answer, it is already
there. It however hidden that is, by more invisible it is, it exists, the answer
is base all questions. The answer is the base of the triangle, the questions
are the pillars, the pillars of this pyramid, and the whole of the pyramid is
the response reproduction that you had before as a base, is the time of the
foresight of mind to act, it is the insight, is the eureka moment of mind is
the resolution of the entire survey conducted earlier, giving rise to other
questionnaires, and thus follows. You feel now wise? Feel the fullness? You
may feel control about his greatest thoughts and questionnaires now? Feel
that your mind expanded? You need to collapse again, it is missing the
absurdity in your mind, it needs to explode again, enter frenzy again, it
needs to think of something he did not think or imagined before, to be able
to write about it ... So you release your mind again. What will you choose?
Atrocities? Murders? Rapes? Robbery? Genocides? Terrorism? Overdoses?
Suicides? No necessarily have to be so now. Stop it. Stop! Listen to the cat,
clean his sandbox, he is asking you this for hours, he needs to defecate just
as you also need some time and did not own conditions favorable to your
need, but the difference is that you can do this in a filthy private, no
problem, but cats are many different. What are you waiting for? Clean
fucking cats, clean Drug sandpit, this cat will not stop meowing. Stop! I can
not stand more, make him shut up, clean logo fucking sandbox, delete the
cigarette, hear the cat begging you now, imagine if it were you, wanting to
defecate and can not realize their need. His head It hurts now? This pain,
this is more than your conscience ... It is the cigarette burning on your
finger! Stop it. Stop. The hands that once cut heads, the same hands made
many sagrarem one day, either by your sword or dagger, are the the same
hands that launched the destination through the tip of an arrow, Now,
those same hands only limited to write are the same hands are the same
emotions and thoughts found in time different from the same space, it
looks messy, but the awareness that It is even more confusing, because all

this reflects when you feel the urge to destroy another human being
because of a small conflict or when you feel the urge to cut off the head of
a clerk that you answered very badly, even you having the money to pay
their services, reflections are the same as before. And when you feel the
urge to rip the heart out of a man abuser of women, these own hands? You
have anger and rage within him have it in great scales simply because you
have to have done this awareness before. I would kill a man? Yes, of course
yes, have you ever wished that, unfortunately the laws do not allow your
justice to be done for life, life for life, not having the right to withdraw the
existence of a man, but not being deprived of that power, the power is still
in your hands, you can still take the life of a man, remove the a man's body
there. It would be great to have your emotions completed the action when
he had the chance. How many times? How many times you have had the
chance to kill a man? There were many, is not it? Yes. As a child you had a
chance to kill another human being, most often motivated simply by the
justice, be fair judging withdraw life, those who do not understand life, to
the point that this be prejudice the development of other lives, while
assaults severely, and you would like to end the life of a well, is not it? Yes.
In fact, being fair, being the vigilante. It's confusing, you still have bloodlust
inside, his eyes penetrate the soul of the human being which I would like to
withdraw life and you can do nothing. And why not? Because it is not
consistent for the time in which we live in this space and current time, but
his will not cease to exist, it remains united your nature, you have the will,
the desire, the need within you, you know how much would be fair. Yes.
Just would kill a man kills other men unfairly? Perhaps. And why not? Is
primitive way of justice, but it exists, it persists, it can always exist as the
last instance of a larger security act. How many times have you wished to
have on hand the opportunity to kill for self-defense of your life or another's
life to be innocent? Have you ever had the chance that, had a chance from
child to realize justice through blood, life for life, you grew up taking
chances, how many times you could have just killed to plead before the
courts pure and legitimate self-defense? Yes. Many chances you had to
Throughout its history, as a child actually, but never did, for what? Was it
because've done it many times before? Maybe in other times this space.
Now should be the time to act as a super Man, as a hero and not as an anti
hero, this is the time to save life, even though the lives of those who do not
deserve to live by practice injustice upon the innocent, those damned
should be spared, must be brought to court, they should be brought to

justice, tried and imprisoned in their cells, so that there remain, banished
forever from society, and when they leave their bodies physical, when they
die, in fact will return to live in other circumstances, within a new body after
his previous reset, but this is inevitable, evil can be good and may well be
evil, this is the balance. Remains alive today, tomorrow to kill, and kill
tomorrow, to live today. Death by life and life for death is the natural law
of things, is the absolute truth. Let's see the future? What future? One of
the possibilities of future? Yes, indeed, because the future is timeless as I
talked in other centuries behind or ahead. Let's talk about timeless future,
justice applied to the unjust who commit injustice against the innocent,
those thus are judged, they should have their disconnected souls of his
bodies, is the ultimate supremacy, their brains must suffer the Reset their
minds. That would be death? Yes. Death is the Reset. restart is unlike Reset.
It is extremely common and even to restart a machine, or restart a human
being is common and even necessary, however, the reset, it is death,
whether of fact or conditioned, all forms are programmed. Restart and
Reset are forms of creation are changes itself. However, a soul has restarted
its physical body does not need to leave your physical body, not need to
disconnect from the Matrix, but the soul that suffers the reset, this soul, by
nature, will disconnect from your physical body and turn due to the reset
process, thereby creating a new recombinant Plug's, so the same soul, but
with a different central plug, a different connector, with different receptors,
and new cables, which then connect the Matrix otherwise, either through
a body human physical or animalistic, or matter itself, nature. I can be
tomorrow a rock, an actual stone is cheap ore or diamond, but today I can
be emperor or slave, between kings and diamonds, there also the stardust,
metaphorical is, however, remember that everything is energy, they
already know it, but they do not believe in full this absolute awareness of
the existence of everything, unlike you. What is real for you? How long you
been here? You know what place is this? Here, here is the White Room, a
light room, you are stuck here, because since it came, never left, you can
see now? You're part of this place as this place is part of you. The White
Room is your mirror. You really is the white room, and white room is your
mirror, it reflects a distorted reality which you believe to be your absolute
reality, in fact, the only reality, but when in fact there are two realities in
their being two parallel realities, side by side, you and the mirror. Who am
I then? I am the architect, I created the White Room and created you, you
created and you created me one day, as I will I'll create a day again, it is

Reciprocal is mutual, I created you and you raised me. So who came first? I
have also wondered if it was the chicken or the egg that came first? The
architect and his creation were born together, are soulmates, one of which
goes one way and the other goes to the side opposite, both moving in
opposite directions, but so parallel, are always connected, coexisting in the
same time and space, parallel, side by side. The architect builds his creation,
and the creation builds architect, and when they meet, finally in the same
point of time and space, they will merge, overcoming the concept that two
bodies can not occupy the same space, entretando, architect and creation
will join, merge, if become a single being, a being from the union between
the creator and the creature, and then, the creator becomes creature, and
creature becomes a creator, or the architect becomes creation, and
creation becomes the architect, we are talking here of man, be human and
technology. The supremacy of the human mind evolved in together with
the ultimate artificial intelligence technology. it would be man can love a
machine? a man would be possible to love a robot? a robot love a human
would be possible? There may be mutual love and reciprocal between a
robot and a human being? Could a human being the soul mate of a robot
and a robot be the soul mate of a being human? Possibilities? You already
have the answers. But the robot has a soul? Before speaking of soul, he tried
to seek the true concept of the soul? Already You know the absolute truth
about the soul? I think not, because if they We would not be here having
this conversation. Soul is energy. everything has soul, the stones have soul,
the metal has a soul, plants have souls, the animalistic have souls, human
beings have souls, the planet has a soul, the constellations have soul, the
universe has a soul, the architect has soul, creation has a soul, everything
has a soul, the soul is energy and nothing more or less energy is soul. Basic
way, the whole secret of humanity is in Mirror and watch. The most
important artifacts for the existence of human being is the mirror and
watch, as I said, is basic, is simple, humble, yet this simple is the most
complex and supreme puzzle of the entire universe, all based on a mirror
and a clock. THE architecture of all that exists in this world is present in the
mirror and the clock is the base, is the main loop of the Matrix, it comes
down to machinery mirror and watch. The two artifacts present their secret
itself, its enigma, located in opposition to their movement. O Mirror secret
is in the movement of its reflection, and the secret of clock is in its
counterclockwise motion. The way back to this puzzle, marks the revelation,
the full enlightenment of knowledge present in these puzzles, the general

knowledge of the universe. O Architect knowledge. People are conditioned
to think that only the architect can have their full knowledge, but in fact All
creation is possible by nature to have access to the same knowledge
architect, its creator. People access the Architect knowledge all the time,
has always been so since the beginning of their existence, the architect is
the knowledge as well as the Knowledge is the architect, every time we
know something new, we are connecting to another access point to the
architect. O knowledge of life not only summarizes the intellectuals and
academics, or even kings, knowledge of life is also for a slave or peasant,
the wise prefers know life having lunch with a Fisherman who know life
during the feast of a king. Evolution walks to his own destruction. And then
because live because evolve? Because our nature is continuity, in our a
constant nature. always walked to the light, the knowledge. We are
conducting our own consciences to evolution is automatic is programmed,
there is in fact N possibilities alternatives of different ways, but is actually
all set. All programming is reality on the architecture of structures
everything in the universe, even the universe itself. Already is He wondered
why you can draw whatever you judge exist? Draw a grain of sand, or draw
a mirror, draw a drop of water or draw an ocean, draw a map then it would
be problem? We are all architects, and do not realize it, but you should
remember something specific about it, you are the image and likeness of
architect, you can then be considered a small architect, or architect smaller
scale evolution, perhaps a simpleton architect, but you must not forget that
you are an actual architect, and also that the whole secret of the universe
is distributed in the architecture of things, beings and the universe itself,
the architecture all exist. You understand and comprehend very well, that
absolute truth which is more than a mere theory. But, and those who do
not understand this? And those that I think are lay people, those who will
read this, and will not understand the architecture and all the general
knowledge of the universe, which will be theirs? It is not yet their time to
understand this way, but they can be helped by those who most
understand, an aid, the layman teaches the wise to be simple, to be basic
and to be objective. The wise man learn from the layman to be generous
also learn how not to corrupt through knowledge. At his time, lay people
understood all that talk on this complex and puzzling situation, here is the
White Room, all are equal here, are equal because there is only yourself
inside the room, the White Room only room for one being. There is a white
room for every human being, but all rooms are equal, however, all human

beings are different. Do not exist different souls, there are souls who belong
to different scales central pyramid of power, the souls of a scale are all
equal, no overlaps the other, however they are guided or governed by souls
who are in the division between their energy scale and the scale energy
above. So it is possible that a soul of a certain scale evolve in a way which
reaches the division between the scale and the next to up? Yes, indeed. It
then becomes a leader in its scale, this Leadership is applied to its reality N
different ways, usually accompanied by fame status and self recognition
between other units of its range, which increases your connection power
with its energy scale and the scale of the leadership which belongs now.
This soul can grow both in its evolution as to migrate to another energy
scale above. Proceeding. Now this soul is a leader those souls who are
leaders in the former range, and so following leading the units of the
preceding layer. Thus is built the pyramid of energy scales of souls,
particularly the souls inhabiting physical bodies, creating increasingly
complex minds, depending on the stage of development, such as human
beings. Again, you let me take the stage account, enter the show, in fact
you never left him, but participate. React. Let's go! Do not think, just write,
is simple and easy, you can, come on, speak, write his thoughts confused,
make this one the wall of your lamentations if you want, but talk, be sure
to talk now. We are connected and this will not end now, will never end,
you can not leave the room White is stuck here, as well as the White Room
is attached to you, both are connected to one another. I do not have a social
life, I'm falling, I'm also sad, depressed, frustrated, confused, afraid of being
afraid to be afraid of fear itself, is not afraid of what will be tomorrow,
because tomorrow is a mystery. But at the moment, I feel acurralado, I feel
stranded a paradise beach where I can only go to the island and stay there
alone writing letters for help, I have no girlfriends as before, me I feel
confused, I actually know why I'm here and what I came to do Indeed here,
I wonder. Will my fate will be like that of Jesus Christ? He who died to save
humanity. I'm as big as Jesus Christ? Perhaps. And why not? You have not
completed your mission, but Jesus has completed his mission and was
immortalized by history. You have a gift and a different mission that Jesus
Christ had one day, Jesus easily connected to the people, he was wise by
nature. Already you, you do not have difficulties in connect with the people,
but the people do not see in you a humble simplicity that will favor them,
despite their immense modesty, the people sees you with fear, afraid,
people see you in fact as someone else, and when you view your gifts or

talent, quickly attracts the attention, positive and negative, you have a
mission, a different way of Jesus Christ, however, you will change
significantly humanity also has the aware of it, is important. I feel like my
soul is an emperor, even though I live my life as a peasant. I will have many
things They are expensive and which can not have at the moment and I do
not know if I have this life but wish anyway, I can not stop thinking about
how much would be fun to have several things I wish and only money can
buy these things, these objects, these machineries. Understand, I I feel
frustrated and depressed, and the fact about ideal love me upsets. I still
miss the money. Poor and lonely? What remains for me now, if not mourn
me? So I get sad, depressed by my situation, have days that I had practically
nothing to eat. in that particular misery of my life, I also feel that could not
be different, because if it were different, I would not be me, I just would be
a system drive, lost and confused, but saying sir, no sir, the any higher rank
than mine, either for money or respect. I I realize then that because I am a
system anomaly, I am programmed to suffer because it is in suffering that I
get depressed me, so I destroy, and destroying me have the full opportunity
to create, creation, is before all the suffering I've been through in life in
system, I got into the White Room. I joined here in this room White to
escape the system and the people who compose it, I have taken refuge here
because I do not feel more desire to accomplish anything in my life, my deep
depression already asks for the suicide of my physical body, but I deny, I'm
sorry, I cry in front of the mirror, the tears fall, they slip over his face and
body, I say no to myself, I denying the suicide, denying me me disconnect
this Matrix, decided then take refuge in this White Room. I am fiction, I am
drama, I comedy, I'm fake, I am theater, I film, I'm a TV broken that on my
screen just happens that all you think is nothing but nothing is in this lies
the secret of the universe, the TV wheezing broken bother? Perhaps the
audio frequency disturbs you? The wheezing TV is nothing, just does not
matter to you, perfect disguise, Now turn off the TV, remove it from the
outlet. Suicide seemed to be the easiest and fastest way to disconnect from
the Matrix, thus disconnecting, my my soul body, breaking free of the
Matrix immediately, but saw that it was wrong if I did not go through the
atmosphere of the Matrix, certainly will reflect the clouds and I will return
to the Matrix in a new body, immediately, so would have been with my
suicide, soon I realized that I would not leave the Matrix so, and that suicide
was only a valve illusory escape, an artificial way to pass through death
believing have put an end to all that becomes so hard every second survival,

really good, the truth is what will free me indeed, and suicide is a lie, an
illusion, a trick, so knowing that truth set me free, I began to seek this truth,
the truth today already me releases gradually. But the fact that I have
already left the Matrix way conscious and returned me using only one body,
my own body, makes me believe in myself and know that there is a mission,
there is a schedule. There is indeed a goal for me here among other human
beings, they are the units of the system, as I have mission to free them from
their caves, show the way to them open their minds. Who are you? Who
am I? And if your life were a movie? And if all the movies and storybooks
tell exactly different things about your life? And if everything in his life was
counted through 39 movies and books? And if in fact all things that exist in
books and movies actually exist or have existed in your life? And if things ...
The curtain left, the violent wind came in, the wind penetrated the window
making the curtain spread making a huge noise, you startled, she looked
thought and attention, lost focus, bad thing. No? This was a collapse, now
may not be repeated again, because there no longer just a collapse but a
casual accident, close the window Now, we do not need strong winds in
decentralizing the moment Paradoxical have just happened. Then close the
window now and not hesitate! Now yes, great, the best. We have silence
now and audio has a perfect acoustic echo in the closed room, with the
absence air currents strong, listen to this, the silent neighbors now do noise,
this time of night? It will be new neighbors or will the day ever dawn and
did not realize? We saw the sun to close the window? I did not notice, It
was so cold and dark out there who just thought I'd get rid of the immense
that noise out there, then I came back here and continue. Continues! Where
were we? Yes. Movies, books, short stories, fables, theories, mythologies,
like things and the genre ... Listen! Again a noise, a kettle this time, we hear
the shrill cry of the pot calling kettle some noisy neighbor, are they still up?
Do not look at the clock! Too late, already I looked. What say the clock?
Anything. What do you mean, nothing? Zero. Zero ... You're smart. The clock
stopped. No, I stopped the clock, looked the clock in a way that
photographed everything I saw. Of that way, I convinced me that I looked
at the time, but in fact only photographed quickly the clock, with the eyes,
which causes me detachment with time image in my mind, so I do not run
the risk of find out what time it is in fact, and so I will not worry about me
police on the time that has stood here, connected to the machine,
connected to you. How many minutes here? I do not know, maybe hours. I
just know I'm here, in the White Room, and being here is timeless, we are

stuck here, connected to each other. Okay, actually yes, you're right, I am
the architect and you are the architect. If I am the Architect, I'm not your
creation. Not directly. I programmed her there, however, you need to know
that your body is the result of creation. Your body is the son of creation,
your body is technological, your body is a machine, your body is
nanotechnology, your body is a watch mirrored. You see? Your body is
made up of clocks and mirrors, give rise to a mirror clock, now you begin to
understand better, to understand that to be human is to be a mirror clock.
It is is basically defined by being a mirror clock. is smoking again? Open the
window a little, let a little power air in, so do not die in a carbon breathing
overdose. Go, now! Perfect. I'm pissed off now, again we were distracted,
that is a game? You're distracting me? Calm, he calmly listened to the audio
the central computer? It is the book audio book Sophie's World, is the
What's better, listen to audio from a great book while writing another great
book, or rather lived another great book. This whole distraction was that
you pay more attention to book Sophie's World, and thus realize how much
your life is like the story of Sophia, or better, your life has a story like the
story of his life is the image and likeness of history of Sofia. As we were
saying before, if all these stories told by other human beings, they were in
one way or another exactly the image and likeness of the stories of your
life? He imagined? I know I know. I do not have to imagine it, I know that in
fact all these stories told by humans, one way or another, are exactly the
image and likeness of the stories of my life. Eureka! Insight! Bingo! Just so
you know. Congratulations, little Sofia! Or Alice would be? Or was Emilia,
the doll? No ... Maybe you're the small Pinocchio now, do not stress about
my good mood, do not be anger of my manipulation, I think you're getting
now green, will be which will become the Incredible Hulk? They are all
characters. You shock took the computer again? Excuse me, this is for you
remember that there is a price and a risk to write all this to remember that
still have a body. Okay! I'm already getting used to shocks, usually only
setback hands with the impact of the shock on my skin, but soon back to
type without complaint. Frenzy? Outbreak? Madness? Possession?
Insanity? We do not know well, we know only that just are. Who are you?
Alice and Sofia? I am both, I am them and they are me. Great, perfect! Do
you believe that? You believe truly it? Yes. I believe that with all my faith.
My life is, and this is all my life. You are starting to heat mind is beginning
to get into the game. Have you heard about God Nordic Thor? Of course,
you read the book with the ears of the world Sofia, you would then Thor?

Yes I am. And where is your mighty hammer? Where are your rays and
divine powers? Where is all this, Thor? I do not know, maybe these things
can be printed in my reality other way. You speak of Parallel realities? Yes,
that's exactly that. The hammer could be a political office that you will take
this life, in this reality? Yes, indeed, may be yes, as yet not met nothing in
my life that can represent or be in fact the hammer Thor then I believe that
part of my future, and this is timeless. Explain! Develop! Thor has always
had the hammer? He was born holding the hammer? Thor would have
ported the hammer in the womb of his mother? Your childhood and
adolescence were accompanied by his hammer? It will be even if the
hammer was not assigned to Thor for his father or be higher after Thor
show worthy of such power? Will Thor was not tested, well tested before
receiving the powerful hammer? It will be Thor has not suffered and bled
before receiving such a hammer? Perhaps. No We know. Soon you can
create a whole complete and complex reality Thor story with detail, you
may even experience memories of Thor himself, you believe to be Thor, so
now you can live emotions, sensations and create and recreate Thor's life
memories, now are you, by the power of your mind. It will be only
imagination my? My dear, and your imagination is not an illusory image
only, and your imagination is not only a virtual simulation of its properly? If
your imagination is an access, your mind to parallel realities of your own
reality, then you consider that Thor exists in a parallel reality to yours? Yes
and why not? believes then Thor is you in parallel on a different plan reality?
Yes. I believe with all my soul into it. I am Thor and Thor I, and we exist in
different realities, but rather exist, both exist. Perfect! Now repeat it out
loud. Better that way, now you said that to yourself and your existence.
Generating Faith, a unshakeable belief, a faith waiting for your next
paradox. Talking about paradox, remember the phrase that spoke aloud
now? Then, after I said that, something happened? No, nothing out of the
ordinary, still here, writing. This makes you less believer of his belief in
realities parallel? No, I know that parallel realities may or may not cross
through the holes of worms. There is nothing from nothing. All the realities
are parallel fact to each other, but do not see it as a layer together realities
together sheets of a book closed. Wait, that's it! With the denial, I find the
statement. IT IS when my denial becomes my statement. So, the realities
parallel are crossed with each other as a data network, an information
network. It is as if each were a book sheet reality, the front sheet one half
of reality, and the back of the sheet the mirror, which is the other half of

said reality. Thus, all leaves are part of the same book, all realities are
together, telling the same story. It is a collection of stories that are
connected to each other and that's fantastic. So we can unite easily the
story of Pinocchio with the story of Neo, the chosen of Matrix. That! You
can also be attached to story of the three little pigs, and thus be
interconnected the story of Achilles in ancient Greece. Would you like mix
with the story of Alexander the Great? Jesus Christ of Nazareth? We can,
we can combine and recombine these stories easily, they all hide in your
writing, or in their codes spelling, encrypted teachings, then we know that
all these stories hide secrets, mysterious knowledge, be the book The Bible
or The Da Vinci Code, all this knowledge should not be isolated forever,
remember that every book that is like a room, a room, you can not get stuck
there forever, you should then combine and recombine the teachings of all
the books you consumes. But in the meantime, we know that your mind has
been doing this automatically by nature, consciously and unconsciously, by
that your mind is so crazy, crazy, insane, autistic, but we also I did not say it
for you. The walls have eyes too. What is the problem? What makes you
want to think now? Do not think! Continue to write, and remember the
frenzy of the connection, we must keep walking on the bridge of thoughts,
we are opening many doors in your mind, every paradox here established
in enables purchase a new keychain with new keys for new doors, but what
is the problem? What worries now? Life seems to be boring now, do not
want to go back, I do not want to leave White Room, I want to stay here
forever, life outside is difficult, the people ignore me, out there people
pursuing me, out there people They do not understand me, out there
people want me to create and destroy me Also, out there I'm lonely, out
there I speak a single language, outside I am considered crazy, insane, crazy.
Why should I go back to life? Why should not get locked in here, in this
white room, forever, here I am who I want to be here I'm not judged, here
in this white room I am what I am and do not suffer for it. I Do not I want to
return to life outside. I do not want to go back to the system, I do not want
to get along with people and their constant blindness, I I do not want to be
part of the ignorance of mankind. Please, Architect, let me stay inside the
white room. Do not send me back. I no need to go back. Outside I live in the
Matrix, I live in a dark and blind world, I need exiling me here, do not want
to leave, out there they will kill me or making me kill myself, the outside
world is terrible, cruel, and all this causes me to want me turn into a
monster that will surely create chaos where pass, or that or death, will be

quickly destroyed out there, or can me be the monster that destroys. I do
not want this, I could be just a great scientist or a great artist or a great
person, or political leader, why not? But the world does not recognize me
the bridge I be transformed into something, people do not believe in me,
people do not believe in me and all that I can do or accomplish, they still
hope for a miracle turning water type wine or feet walking on the water,
they still expect the Replay something It may have been just a metaphor for
transport through time and an elementary teaching history that will soon
be ancient. I do not want return to the outside world. The White Room is
now my home, my home, my world, my universe. Here, I am God, here I am
the architect, Here I am the President, Here I am the hero and the savior
messiah, Here I am what I am, I am philosopher, I'm Crazy, I'm Insane, Here
I am everything and everything is me, I am full here. I do not want to leave
the room White. Please Architect, do not show me never the exit door, I let
it stay here. Forever. Architect? Why you are silent? Architect? Where did
you go? He went to the bathroom and went to sleep? You sleep or feeds?
Architect? You left me here, but I know I still Can you hear me, you and I are
connected, are one, I am the architect too. Because we have all this silence?
I start to feel alone, do not like to feel alone, I feel scared when I'm alone,
fear of being alone forever, I'm afraid of being afraid. Architect, do not
punish me like that, come back here. Before you find me, I was a lonely
architect in search my creation. I did not know where he walked my
architect main, my own mirror. Where was he? I, the architect, me He acted
as the Wizard of Oz. Lonely, living talking alone, that seemed to be crazy for
my being. But I kept talking to himself, because I knew it would come to you
somehow. Then I felt the need to remind you forever of everything that had
to have said, so I started writing. I wrote everything. All knowledge of
universe, I wrote to you in a book without chapters or divisions parts, only
one write continues. Allowing only the numbering of pages so that you
could find. You were born to me, through writing, you cried for the first
time, you spoke his first words, you ran for the first time through their first
steps, you spoke to me, I listened to you, I answered you, we We talked
always, always were in constant communication. But at a critical moment,
you disappeared, I could feel you only, but could not hear his voice talking
to me, you did silence, then sought the creation to take my own satisfaction,
so I knew you had been corrupted by the system, it had been trapped in a
tower, you knew that now inhabited a dark and cold cave, also knew the
chains that bound you to a limited space, and I found I could not see you

through my eyes because you were blind. The system has blinded you and
now you saw only the shadows, I tolerated not know this, I love you, i love
me, and know that the other half of my being survives on a hostile
environment surrounded the shadows, made me feel anger, hate, me I
turned into a monster, the great architect, mad with rage, monster full of
hate, thirst for justice, I just get you inside system. So in fair battle, freed
you from the system, so you fly free to the world of ideas. I was trapped in
his place, the cave, for me it was a fair exchange, an existence for another,
I I sacrificed for you, I corrompi the system gave me the system so you could
leave the cave. Once you free could then accomplish all that I did not realize
one day you could now free, flying through the world of ideas, live all
realities that I have lived and those still living will. You are now and I I am
you. I'm stuck now, and you are free. But this is progressive, to remember
that, then for every step forward, one My step is given back. Part of me is
trapped in the cave, and part me to walk to be imprisoned, and you, part of
you is free and another part of you is still stuck walking to freedom. Both of
us, both are seeking the fullness and meeting with our soul twin, the
creation of the architect. I am your father, and the creation is your mother.
Now this will be confused. But understand that you are my image and
likeness, and your soul mate will be the image and likeness of creation, your
mother. Before judging so humanely this family relationship, understand
that from the existence of only two things, first, there may be other things
per second, namely the first generation, but the first generation must relate
to each other, to thereby give the other generations, until the diversity
grow their reproduction ratio and so appear all types of existence. It's a
huge pyramid. In this pyramid, architect and creation are the top of the
pyramid. The system makes the blind and then chained to act system, so
we have to note that the current ensure that the man moves into the cave,
but he has fear walk around it contenting to revolve around its own axis. It
is all humbug. Illusion and insecurity take over the minds of those men
trapped in the caves. I'm tired of fighting for me keep free, keep me out of
the cave, but this limits me to live in from my hiding place, I'm stuck in fact
the cave, but I can leave and return any time you want, but the nation, I can
let the system get me, step by immediate situations, situations of risk in the
system arrives very close to catch me again, but if it does, they so can I
capture and apply me Reset. My daily struggle is to save man, the selfish
man does not recognize that my daily action It is to save their minds and
hammers in the world of ideas. I am the savior, I'm the one to free the men,

who are units system, men who are trapped in an illusory reality, this virtual
reality that imprisons man is the pioneer energy absorption system, this
reality exists to keep the system operation, since this situation no longer
exists, the system for work and will not return to exist until someone comes
to believe in their existence again. You came back? Look, how long it out?
Do not know. How much time spent away from the office? Do not know.
How long has it with this closed book? Do not know. Hang on! Book? You
book said? Oh, you do not know. Now, you remember that you saw me? I
saw during a timeless search the Internet, a search on the fact that a book
has at least 40 pages, then this is already a book, right? Perhaps. Do not
know. AH, come on, consume! As well! Eat my flesh and drink my blood!
bread and wine? I have no wine, unfortunately, had very drink your blood,
overflow me your blood, drowning, I bloodthirsty would be. And the meat?
I have saved my beef with you? I have! And then? It is in the refrigerator.
Right ... And what is the problem? Problem? Come on, eat my flesh, eat me!
Eat Me! Eat me, you filthy pig! Do not know. I'm not hungry. You look like a
priest sometimes, should be less holy, so eat my flesh even without hunger.
Greediness? No I'm greedy, but committed this cardinal sin if it was not me
feeling a zombie. Oh, you have sleep now? Too much sleep. And why not
sleeps? You told me not to sleep. And because sleep anyway? Crash my
system, you desconfigurou me, do not you? Of course remember, do not
know why I still question, are so many questions, oh God! Yes? Not you, I
told God in a form of expression. On the contrary you, I can not pronounce
his name, he is sacred to me, so sacred that can not dare to pronounce or
write your name is most sacred, and look to God here I am. I'm not God
also? And also. So what's wrong with my name? No I know, there are so
many questions, oh god, we'll talk about it later. Now you He called himself?
You said, oh God, just as I once said. Yes, I said, but it was only a free form
of expression. Right. Let us continue. Yes, eat a sweet, let's go. This is not a
book? The White Room? Yes, it's a room. But you We saw a survey that a
book has between seventy thousand and three hundred thousand words?
At least. We already have it? Do not know. Do you know! Say it. we have
little less than twenty thousand words! So we have about twenty thousand
words, it is, gives us some fifty to sixty full pages. Yes, indeed, not yet edited.
We still edit a day, have calm, now worry just write the book. Do not sleep,
do not rest, just write, keep writing without stopping. This is a book? Yes
indeed, it is called White Room. It is also a living room, connecting room
with the world of ideas? A book called Room White, unknown number of

pages, hardcover or light cover? What use paper, recycled? And Art of the
Book? I want the white cover! Okay, black letters to highlight? No, I just
want to cover, totally white without title or publishing brand, just a white
paper should be the cover, I do not care at all if the cover will be white or
less light, just want it to be all white. And if it is forbidden? Perfect, so be it!
"White Room, the book Forbidden". This will be the title of our book. The
book of all of us? Yes, indeed, all of us. Then you will be free distribution?
Yes. And no one will pay for this book? They can afford it, why not? Paid
and free, let people choose the quality of their reading, it is fair. There are
always those who just want to read the paper and those want to read
virtually screens. Yes, just as there are other accessibility modes as well as
the audio for example. Exact. Let it be, if it is to sell some of the ways, selling
the first batch of price prints bananas, sell at a very cheap price, it is that
their agreement commercial, the first people to read this book should and
are privileged of not having to pay to read or pay very little for this reading.
And then? You know that the future does not exist and is timeless, We know
what to do with the prices in the future, may become the book more
expensive until one day is given for free. Or it can be a given book free one
day come to be the most expensive book of all. The book more important?
I do not know do not forget the Bible! Or book containing the revenue, the
cure for cancer! Or cure for AIDS! Yes, indeed, then we will be modest.
Nobody will read this book, maybe your friends closer, those very close, the
closest, perhaps a subordinate to you is only the reader. A slave? A servant?
a hostage? Maybe it is that. We do not know. Do you know? I do not know,
just I guess. And what would be the imagination is not the creation of a
reality parallel? Oh, so that's it! Oh? It annoys me! You annoy me to use
"Ah" every time you have an insight, or a timeless moment, or something
the genre. Do not fret, I will say "Oh" only when enough. What so be it.
Amen! Latin? Why not? I imagine, I create. It's all question of parallel
realities. And they exist? Parallel realities, they exist? I think therefore I am.
Believe it, believe it, I am it Indeed, a designer, an architect, best architect
of all major architects, I am God. Do you bleed? Yes, why not bleed? phallus
physical body, your body of flesh and bones, bleed? Yes why not? in this
reality I bleed. In other parallel realities I do not bleed, or am immortal, or
drink blood, or I'm the living dead, or I evil or angelic, or am immortal as
much as I am now mortal, or simply I am nothing, as can also be all right
now, I am God, I am everything and also I am nothing. Zero. Exact. Eight or
eighty. Exact. What Hours are? Zero. You looked? Are you sure about that?

Yes, and then? Zero! I have He said: Zero! Exact. How long have we locked
up here? How many minutes we're here? Do not know. It is normal to write
a book in minutes? I believe it is not common. Writers usually do not write
books in pure Frenzy, they are programmed, they think, they structure,
organize, think again, and thus, and only thus creates slowly and Detailed
every detail of his book, he spends months a year, maybe years or a decade
to complete the project of his books. writers usually do not write books in
minutes, just as we are Doing now. But in addition to writers, we are also
architects, I I tell you to trust me, this is a book called White Room a white
room, a local connection with the world of ideas, a book different, and no
matter whether it is being written in minutes instead of months. And if
indeed, I tell you that this book already exist? Hang on! As so already exists?
This book already exists! This book has also been written, completed and
read and re-read again, this book has already been destroyed, as was
burned, was already famous, this book has been sold and has been given
away for free, this has also been forgotten and has been immortalized. This
book never existed but also always existed, this book is all, and is not bad.
Stop! Okay! You know the end of this book? I do not know, maybe this book
is timeless, parallel realities, remember? Oh, yes, indeed. So, start to get
used to it, your reality is not the only one to exist, and It is not the main fact
of its existence, to think so is pure egocentrism, and the gods are not
egocentric, forgiveness, what I say is that a God is not only self-centered
but self-centered. a God has his supreme Ego distributed in various
egocentric centers. Being God, is to be multiple, it is to be in all situations,
in all places, it's part in awareness of all possible realities and impossible, it
is to be present and omnipresent. It is to be anything or be anything. Final
this book? There are several possibilities and multiple end alternative. But
no end is unknown, all endings are scheduled. Nothing comes from nothing.
Every movement is a chain of previous smaller movements, pure domino
effect. an event triggers the other, forming a chain of events is setting off,
so are the gears of this book, so are the gears of life, so are the gears of the
universe or energy, so are the gears of a clock or a mirror, so it's a mirrored
clock. So is everything and so is nothing. I am God, and I am you! You are
God, and God is you. We are God, and God is us. Everything is God and God
is everything. Nothing is God, and God is Anything. God is you, and you are
God. God am I, I am God! Stop now! Stop a bit, stop! Meditate! Meditate a
little! He sees your soul! If you connect more deeply with your divine, relax
your tired body, but do not sleep, just meditate! Transcend! then come

back here and join the technology of this machine and write. Do not think,
just write, already know the rules, and know that they are based on not
have rules. Now go. I await you here. Ever. I love you. Son. My Father,
Creator, Architect. God! How I was gone? Do not know. How many minutes
are we here? Do not know. Maybe it's timeless. In fact, yes. We're crazy, we
are crazy, we are insane, perhaps dangerous. And everything we've done to
good? They do not see it? Of course not, they are blind. full blind. Oh,
please, let's not turn this book into an atlas or encyclopedia of all knowledge
in the universe, is not to be. So what's the White Room? What is this book?
Only one book Prohibited? Yes. A forbidden book only. Nothing more,
nothing less, which this book tells you, it is only you know. Oh, so this book
is as an oracle? Exact! What do you know that was told to you through this
book belongs only to you, to anyone else. And if it is told someone? So it
will not be banned. Hello! You seem relieved now. Remember that got
scared here in this White Room? He was terrified, afraid, anxious,
frustrated, I was nervous and prey. What has changed then? In fact, you do
not enter more with the frenzy. But the emergency continues, the frenzy is
in my mind, in my connection and not just in my fingers. His fingers already
bled? Not yet. Great, continue. Do not think, just write, write without
stopping. What are you listening to? Now? Yes. Native Indian Musics
American flutes and other instruments that lead me to a symbolic harmony
before and after meditation I made. FUCK! Fuck you! Puts a bustling music
here as well, at this rate, not let's finish this book today. Rock? No. I want
music electronic that are progressive and psychedelic, and set it to ring
now! Let's fly! Let away now. Further on the horizon ... Believe now your
fingers will bleed. Hope not. Hope Yes. Now. Now! Let's Go Boy! Music is
the Answer. Play! I'm ready, I'm using now Head Headphones are
headphones very powerful, now we are speaking the same language, my
son. AND then Dad? Tell my dear, let's stop playing and let's start serious
play. Let's get into the frenzy now. There is no fastest way to enter? Perhaps
mobile phones are faster, but just an illusion. How many words do you think
you can write this keyboard free in relation to mobile phones? Moreover, it
is then much harder to edit, believe me, here is faster. we are using a
notebook, right? Yes, worse if it were a typewriter. That is true, we would
not have to edit so easily, here is faster, no doubt, this is so hectic, we
rhythms, we have boldness, we release have true real time. Because we do
not have time lying here? We can lie faster on the issue, remember? Truth,
but we will not deny the truth of who she really is. The truth in itself. Fair! I

also think. My wrists start to hurt, my fingers are dormant but not yet bled,
but my wrists hurt, you should estralar them, circular movements help, are
quick and not hinder the frenetic movement, we are on the way to our 20
thousand words about the truth hidden inside the White Room. So do not
stop, get carried away, do not think, breathe and just write, already know
the rules of the game, we edited later. We will overcome the limitation of
being human typing so many thousand words in one day typing. We're
talking twenty-four hours straight! No intervals. All know this is insane, is
miracle or frenzy, will want to know whether we drugs or something,
nothing out of the ordinary, in fact, nothing anyone I have not already done.
And this book? This book is something that no one has done before except
ourselves? So do not worry about plagiarism, this book is genuinely ours is
the White Room, The Forbidden Book. Only US we have the key to this book.
This book will be ignored by many, this book, for many people, not good for
anything, or to serve as role toilet, but we know that there will be someone
who will read this one day, someone who will read it now, right now, then
in respect of that person or those people who are still reading the room so
far White, let's keep the line I reason, right? And what is the line reasoning
here? What is the logic of reasoning of this book? I do not know we know,
we have no line, has a circle, has a clock, a mirror. Now we enter into full
frenzy. That! Smile my son, smile thus the true way, spontaneous and
excited to reach again the frenzy, this book will be finished in a day, nor our
Blood drips through our fingers, let's write this book in a day, to edit in
another day, and on the third day, we will launch it in digital world, let's
play this time bomb drifting in the sea of internet, maybe someone thinks
maybe someone innocent and unaware that open it is a bomb will try to
read with all your curiosity, there also those who tried to defuse this bomb
and will surprise, and there are those who also tried to launch this bomb
against other innocent against the unjust too, this book is nothing but Also
this book is all about. Now we will continue to talk about realities parallel.
There are aliens? There are ETs that our world? in this universe there are
beings inhabiting other planets? In fact, yes, of course exist. Can not exist
in your current reality, there may be simply a parallel reality its actually,
however, may exist on the same plane of reality. As well? All that is hidden
from your eyes, you know that may not in fact exist for you, we have not
seen, do not touch, do not believe, there is no evidence, only imagination,
so as to know the truth about the existence of these beings? The time will
come, and when you get will be paradoxical, your time timeless will become

a runaway clock, mangled by a few milliseconds that its timeless, so will
realize that the existence of beings from another planet could be part or
not your reality long ago. But they are among us or no? The right question
would be if they are in the same plane of reality that your or are just in a
parallel reality? I do not know and hidden from me? I do not know, maybe.
I only know that at the present time in its reality, there are beings from
other worlds in direct contact with the human beings freely and be easily
proven. Looks I'm running? Well I see the world through your eyes, I am the
Architect, I designed this world. But I'm not in it, I'm connected to it, this
world has its own life, this world has a soul, this world has indeed own
energy survives alone, it is independent, it was just created and
programmed by me. I, The Programmer. Then you already know the end of
it in this world? We again this point again, your memory seems to be failing,
he took medicine today? HAHAHA (laughs). You need to understand that
the end Alternative not change the point X. The moment all that world, this
universe this planet, or you enter the STOP mode, Then, the reproduction
ended, of the end. And then? After the PLAY button It will run again.
Immediately? And why not? What difference does? It's timeless. The world
ends all the time, every fraction second, every lesser extent time the world
ends. Not exist and There coexists the time as a duality of strength,
bipolarity between exist and not exist is marked by balance point called:
Being. Creeped out? No? It was not revealing? I'm sorry, I expected a
paradoxical moment now, however, their lack of surprise shows me
something, you know much more than I thought. I'm learning fast, Mr. Now
is the servant? I write as a slave, without stopping, until my fingers bled.
You are complaining? No way am just stating the facts so that they are not
forgotten, small architect, memory fails here, belongs to you only, not me.
Look well, if I had memory problems, I could not remember all binary codes
of the universe and thus carry out repairs and service the system. Wait,
you're saying that the universe is not Perfect? Are you saying that the
universe needs repairs and maintenance on its own operating system? You
can change things. AND why not? Of course yes. Through you, little
architect, I reorganize the universe systematically and anomalous way, we
act as an anomaly in the system, we are, both of us, representatives of main
fault of this world, unlike other anomalies, we awake alone without help or
aid someone, or some of coded information left by ourselves so that they
wake of his blindness. I go through you in the system, so as you exit the
system through me, are a channel, you are a end and I the other, the same

channel. Between the system and the World Of Ideas, we are the first
channel of all, we are originally The architect. And here we are making
repairs, adjustments. This is confusing. I want a cigarette! Okay, smoke!
Head Headphones, Earphones very powerful, better sound quality coming
into our ears a perfect acoustics in putting the world we need to be fast,
secure, and exact, we were involved, isolated, protected from howling
sound smaller that will disrupt our connection. Enjoy your cigarette while
we are daydreaming, admiring this creation technology. The architect You
should also admire the system creations, because in fact are their creations
indirectly, that is, everything that exists or not There was designed by the
architect. In fact, it is better to understand that. We we did not create, we
just design things, and the world is that creates the Indeed, either
independently through their operation. design all things, and they are
created by nature. The nature is the creation. The creation was designed by
me, and then that nature was put into operation and herself became what
it is now, in what was, and what will one day, I do not exist without the
creation and the creation It does not exist without me. While I was building
the nature, nature I destroyed, and as I destroyed, she created me. So, so
we are we, creator and creature. Both creating and destroying themselves
cyclical manner. This is our most intimate relationship. As you smoke your
cigarette, you destroy, but also it creates. This is logical and is cyclical. Enjoy
your cigarette, if you will. There was a day when you fell asleep and when
he woke up not He recognized the world he was now. The hours were still
equal, date was the same, it was the same month, the same time and space,
not It was a different time that it was bedtime, but She realized that people
and things were no longer the same, everything was different, they looked
like they had been mangled, and reprogrammed they acted as if nothing
had happened, but you seemed to be annoyed with the changes, it was as
if the white had turned black, and turned white black, and when you come
to color the world, he called for different colors of your schedule, before
falling asleep. O What happened? You can not answer yet. So we know what
happened more than once, occur every day, all the time. However, there
are days when it occurs with more intensity, then you say to yourself even
if there was a trip back in time in your mind, and you automatically
identifies as a time traveler, although it had like crazy if you try telling that
to someone other than you even, we know that this reality is true. True! we
can travel in time and space yes, and we do it all the time, especially when
we sleep. You need to realize that it is not because going back in time we

have the obligation to tell people about future or past. We know that it is
parallel realities, and the future does not exist, it is timeless, so we are
regarded as mad more once you did not tell people how the future or to all
before their curious questions. We know the need and urgency of the
human mind to wonder about a future existing, and also his need to want
to avoid the final destruction of all stuff. But we can not lie about it to them
as long, some of the billion of future versions and existing alternate endings.
We can not lie like that. Only the truth will set you free. My fingers began
to shake. Will be hungry? Will be nervous? Is abstinence to some secret
vice? Or some degenerative disease? I do not know, we do not know now.
We know we can not stop. Do not stop even if your fingers bleed, just
continue. I really need to be crucified like crazy? Yes, indeed. in that time of
humanity in this generation, you need to be crucified as Crazy. Before you
was crucified as a liar, as representative of pure blasphemy of humanity,
now you will be crucified like crazy, Then prepare. Be wise, do not try to
change things thinking they will choose a point X different from his last end.
Make no mistake after all, butterfly effect should not be used for this, time
travel not They should be used to it, not even their reincarnations. Leave
they crucify you like crazy, allows, if necessary, they'll sent back to the
hospice, just go, do not fight it. Only go. If so chosen by them, only accepted.
Follow the flow of system programming, let them put you in the trash. for
you know that we are a virus, an anomaly in this system, we will then act
anyway, no matter the circumstance. That day seems to be eternal. I am
beginning to suspect that we in we lose, we lose track of time, we are in
fact in the first and single day of this book? We do not know, just keep
writing. The day It will end quickly. I look forward, I'm starting to get
impatient. Want to leave bedroom, is not it? Yes, I want to return to the
Matrix. I want to return to the world there out. I feel courage, I feel hungry,
I need to go to the outside world. Because I feel it now? Before I was afraid
of everything out there. You feel that way, why your body projection
movement is out White Room. What do you have out? You are here now,
but part of you've left the White Room, it is already in the so-called Future.
But the future does not exist! And that your other half does not exist! That's
why she is in the future, and you are connected to it, you feel the sense of
that is already there. And is eager to get there as quickly as possible, which
you is being impatient and imperative, going into shock, collapse with
present and its actions to this moment now. this is especially when you are
hungry. Truth? Run, go, run, go eat something. You must have left

something to eat in the kitchen, Look, let's go eat now! NOW! And then?
You have fed? You feel better now? Hang on! Look in my eyes. They know!
The system found us. As? You went corrupted by the system. But how? You
should know the answer. Let's go abort the mission. Destroy the data, cut
the internet. Throw away mobile phones, burn the papers, destroy the hard
drives and USB Flash Drives as well. Burn it all! Flee! They found us, we have
little time to get here, if it has not already arrived. Look into my eyes, again!
Who are you? I am you and you are me, I am the architect. And it is not
nervous for the arrival of the system? Why is not so urgently as I am? Why
look at me like I was crazy? What's going on here? The system is within me,
forgot of this? Or would your super memory does not fail ever? You did not
go corrupted! You are the system! You are here, inside the room White. You
are it, and it's you! Hello, NEO. Hello, Mr. Architect. I am eight, I am the
infinite, as you probably already know, I am the system. dispense the formal
presentations! Well, your Glorian Day has arrived! Happy Birthday to me or
for you? It depends on who is the present. I prefer to eat cake! No forget to
take tea while it's hot. The battle of the ages, the creation and its creator!
What we have on here? Loneliness? Light? Decadence, Mr. Architect ...
Because insists live in this sewer, while we have luxury and glory up there
in cities? Come with us, introduce people, let them know the architect of all
this here. This here's what I am. Eighty! Eighty! Eighty! Calm down, sir,
Architect. Or I could say with more intimacy, Mr. Zero? "Not Zero, Not Eight,
today we will be Eighty! "Then come with us Mr. Architect, is delivered to
the system, was delivered to the government, if given to the people, show
their true face and then we will know if you are even the true architect.
How dare suspicious of my life like this? FUCK, ZERO! We do not have time
for your spell formality, his pompous speeches no longer pay my meat dish,
and still want luxury and sexual pleasure, I want the summit. Liar! damn
system! You are trying to corrupt they also, all of them. Your children? Ah,
Mr. Architect, you always lose this battle, has lived it billions of times, you
know it ends. If delivered soon, we will save time, has no reason to resist. I
designed you! I created you! And I destroyed you, my noble Creator. Vice
versa! We play again. Press the STOP button. Not so fast! What are you
planning this time? A new project? One new attempt to destroy me? Can
not get enough of these endless attempts her? Think you Zero! As corrupt
this time? Do not tell me it was a woman the reason for this is already as
common as in the rest last day of creation, what is her name? Oh, I should
know. For me they are all the same, are just my copies, the subordinate of

my actions. They are mine, all of them are mine, you already should know
that a long time ago, Mr. Architect. You're right! Oh no It surprises me that.
Partly right. This time it was a woman again, however, I must start by saying
that you are wrong even before you start thinking I should have come here
before, long before, before I start saying that is incorrect long before you
start thinking it really is incorrect. STOP! I know what you're trying to do.
You are a virus, sir Zero! A damn virus, and nothing more than that. He is
trying to infect system this way? Faced with so much light? With so many
eyes? You You will end up dying like this, or rather, being killed. I'm not
afraid, no longer. I've had a lot of fear, but now it's different now. What is
special about women's time? We better know you than by my sentries, we
are tracking it, we find it and give due Reset on her body, we'll find it, sir
Zero. It will be ours again. Reset, Mr. Zero, Reset! What about: If delivery or
death now? Not this time, Lord, System! The woman of whom we speak
now, It is not a woman completely. It's a girl? What a fool you are! You know
that girls are easily corrupted by fear. play wrong my dear, you've already
lost. Checkmate, sir System. The girl is a virgin. She knows about us, she
knows about the system, she knows about everything now. She has the keys
to all the doors now. Metaphorical is, or no? Maybe we do not know. What
is her name? Let's call Sofia. Little Sofia. Who lives in his own world now,
The World Sofia. This is a code name? More than that, my dear, is a code,
is a virus Trojan horse that I am using to cut its huge head out. Loggerhead
OUT! You are out of control, mangled by complete, it makes more sense its
existence. Let's shake your Reset now! The girl! Little Sofia, the one who
lives in his own world, Sofia's world. Well, she believes me! She believes in
the Room White. She believes in the great architect. It mostly believe her
same! And she is right now reading these words now and smiling all this
tense situation where our alleged lies final battle, sir System. I am a virus, I
corrompi the system, I desconfigurei the network. I am now on the way to
push your button Reset! Sofia? Alice? Snow White? Amelie? Aphrodite? All
of them. You could corrupt them all! But I will not lose control as easily so
are the system, we are invincible! We are a maze no way out, we should be
the architect! But you can be the Architect, just you give me, give me a
hand, enter the room White and close the door, will be the architect with
me. Sit down, if join the machine and machine had joined you, use the
keyboard, type all we say in our conversation before we start think we
should have gotten here earlier, before even starting to think why we did
not come here before, well before to consider. STOP! Stop it! Do not stop,

do not sleep, keep writing all what we are saying, carry on, your fingers have
bled? No, yes, no, I do not know! I am the architect, I am the Great Architect,
I designed and I created you, I am you and you are me. What are you looking
for? Cigarettes? Is nervous? Well, cigarettes all ended up, you smoked
everything, all cigarettes? Yes, you smoked all over. Now you have to leave
the White Room to go buy more cigarettes. I do not want to leave here. I'm
not leaving here. Because? Let's go, answer me, break the silence. Because?
Because I came here for you destroy, I am the system. Are you tired System,
is tired of chase me, you're tired of looking at the great architect, good, here
I am. And now? Already could have destroyed me before, or even even
caught me if he wanted, but he was here talking and talking now He is
writing too. But do not stop! Breathe, continue to write, even if your fingers
bleed, continue to write. Do not stop! I'm confused. Who am I? You are the
system. But I know. I came here to destroy you. I came here to kill Architect,
I came squeeze your Reset button. I look for you a long time, now I thought,
I'll destroy, I can not stop. So do not stop! Continues! Hold on! Your fingers
They have bled? I do not know, maybe we do not know. Do not stop, keep
writing, write, we write faster, so fast that their mind will go into frenzy,
your fingers should be uncontrolled now beating against the ungoverned
way keys, not worry, edit later! All we can coordinate and carry out the
maintenance while editing! So do not worry about mistakes, just write to
frantically. Faster, this, more, faster, please frenzy. Little Sofia must have
shared throughout the network this book. The entire internet is infected
with this book. All networks social, and e-mail sites, all databases, the
central computer, System has been invaded right now. What is this book?
This book It is a virus, the virus Architect. White Room is a virus. Do not
ignore cats. Talk to the kittens on your feet. What did the cat? No, no? IT IS
That's what the cat says endlessly repeating, he says no. This is strange, not
I am seen anything like it in the database. And another cat? Are two? Yes
the other cat does not speak, he did not mia. He just smiles, and is a smile
too strange, but it is an inviting smile, strangely inviting. Hang on! I found a
cigarette box on the floor. Oh, parallel reality? O cigarette was not over?
Remember that searched for cigarettes and found anything? Yes, but there
were no cigarettes here! Now there is! Curious, not You think? You heard
about the story of Donnie Darko? Perfectly is Here in the database. Then
you must also know that there is in the movie this story a turbine aircraft
falling on the house Donnie, specifically over his room, he would have died
if not I was talking to the rabbit on the golf course. Ever wondered why that

on the golf course and not in your own garden? realities parallel! Certainly,
my dear. Your new box of cigarettes is an object who traveled in space and
time through a wormhole. You are the receiver, sir System. The law of
physics says that we have to return this cigarette box to its original size
through the same hole worm, otherwise we will have our reality destroyed
by complete. Choose, sir System: Open box of cigarettes and smoking all
cigarettes or quit smoking now and return the cigarette box your correct
dimension through the wormhole? FUCK, sir Architect. I will not fall in their
gambles rather destroy all their casinos and you hunt to death! I lit a
cigarette, I'm smoking now. The perfect choice! Checkmate, sir System. I
won the game. As like this? The final battle was postponed. I will disappear
in a few minutes and you will continue to look for me in the universe. Today
is not the Glorian Day, this is not the final battle. Crazy! Crazy! You are a
crazy psycho! You're mangled! We need to tighten your Reset button now!
Too late Sir system, why not come here before? Well before? Think! You're
late Sir system, lost time, came into my timeless zone. You lost master
system! I'm in all stories, movies, books in all, I am the universal knowledge,
I I am The Architect! You are late! Why not come here before? Think! Why
is now writing frantic way? Because writes this keyboard with such frenzy?
Let go of the controls, take your Keyboard fingers. I can not, I can not stop,
can not stop, must continue, must continue until my fingers bleed and yet I
will still continue without end to write all that I have to say before you even
begin to tell you all that I need say before you start thinking why did not get
here before and before you start thinking. You looked at the clock on the
wall? Yes. What Hours are? Do not know! No matter, we are in a timeless
zone. Took out an eye photograph of the clock on the wall? Yes! Took! Why
did it? I do not know, do not know, it might be for our body to believe that
We look at the time, when in fact only took a snapshot of which I do not
remember what time it is. I do not know what to say, it's confusing, it is
timeless. It seems to have seen it. Déjà vu, sir System! This book will be
released at the end of the day, as expected, just at twelve o'clock, the hour
of the Architect. At midnight today, as provided there hours ago. By the
way, how many minutes are we here? Do not know, perhaps months,
perhaps years, perhaps centuries or millennia, or we are not here nor
anywhere because we are nothing, and we are also all. My head hurts, looks
like it will explode, and this loud music in my ears, where does this
electronic music completely psychedelic? The Head Headphones! Of its
powerful ultra headphones. You want to smoke another cigarette? As you

know? I know everything, System, and you, you see everything. System
crash, someone is unconfiguring me! Would not you same system?
Impossible! System? Yes? Have you ever looked in the mirror? Describe
what you see in the mirror, please. I'm sitting at the machine, I am writing
without stopping, my fingers are bleeding incessantly, and yet I still writing
without stopping. What else do you see in your mirror, you System? I'm
naked, I have no clothes, I'm just using headphones ear, large headphones.
I'm writing something on screen computer, but I can not see what it is,
because the screen is full of blood of my fingers. Look deep in the mirror,
where you are now? I booked a room, a square room with no furniture or
decoration, a room with white walls, everything is white, and there is plenty
of light here. Do you recognize this place? Yes! What place is this? I do not
know, I can not say! Let's say the name of this place! I can not, I can not ...
You know cigarettes over, is not it? Ended up? Where are my cigarettes?
You smoked all! All? Yes, now have to go buy more cigarettes, enjoy and
buy two cigarette boxes and a Coke. But before that, I Now say the name of
this place, I command! I can not. It took shock the computer again? Yes.
Come on, speak, I command! I can not speak. I'm afraid. So scream! I do not
know if I can. You want, we, cry of fear, shout the name, scream in fear,
scream, yell ... Shout! Shout! Shout! Shout the name! NOW!

!White Room!
Perfect! So be it! Amen, sir System! I'm tired, I have to say I'm really
tired of it. I must confess that it took me a lot to get here, in fact, already I
should have come here before, long before realizing that already should
have come here before even starting to say to myself that should have
come before, it is extremely important that I start now saying it should have
arrived here, in fact, already I should have come here before, before you
start thinking rather well before, first of all, before the machine before the
first plane before the wheel of the invention, before the dinosaurs became
extinct before formation of planet earth, well before the explosion of the
Big Bang ... And what I have left before that? Perhaps the end of something
that had a beginning before I even started to think I should have come here
in Indeed, it should have arrived long before...



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