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R2: Air travel

I think that the most important things when someone wanted to travel would be the following:

The first thing is security, that you arrive at your destination safe and sound. This accompanied by comfort so that
you can enjoy the trip without worries. And we must do it in an airline that is reliable, and that takes you to your
destination in the time that you wish and expect to arrive, without delays or inconveniences.
R3: Passive aggressive
I think that passive-aggressive behavior is a pattern of indirectly identifying negative feelings rather than openly
referring to them. There is a disconnect between what the person with passive-aggressive disorder says and what he

For example, a person with passive-aggressive disorder might seem to agree — perhaps even enthusiastically — with
what someone else is asking of him. But instead of fulfilling the request, the way to report the person's anger or
resentment is to not fulfill the request or the deadlines.
R4: Communication
Low-context cultures can be defined as those where messages are transmitted verbally clearly and directly, that is,
what is meant is said. On the contrary, in high-context cultures, the environment and non-verbal messages are more
important; Ambiguity and uncertainty prevail. Germans, Dutch or Americans are examples of "low context", while
Chinese, Japanese, or Arabs make up "high context" cultures. The countries of Latin America and those of southern
Europe (Spain, Italy, Greece) are closer to the "high context". I believe that my culture is “Low Context”, because on
many occasions we say and think clearly and directly.
L2: Risk
Taking risks is important if you want to be successful in life.

Risking to do something you've never done is terrifying out of fear of the unknown. No matter how calculated the
risk is, there is always a chance that you will fail. This likely failure can prevent many people from trying. The truth is
that regardless of whether you risk and fail or succeed, you will always learn valuable lessons. This means that you
will never really fail if you do something new in your life. To fail is to avoid taking the risk.
You don't always have to follow the rules. Not all were worth pursuing. You probably hear them like they have
orders, but they really aren't. They are often overlooked - even by those enforcing them. Never forget the old saying
"It is better to ask forgiveness than to ask permission".
L3: Music
For me, feeling strong emotions when you listen to your favorite songs is something unique. Because in a simple
song sometimes you can find yourself and feel thousands of emotions at the same time. And this is because music
exerts an important emotional force on people, on our behavior at any stage of life.
L4: Crime
I agree with the idea that most crimes occur for social reasons such as poverty and lack of education or work.

In any country and community there is a vicious circle between crime linked as a system to poverty, marginality,
malnutrition, insecurity and the low educational level and training of the inhabitants, which prevents them from
doing jobs that face greater knowledge, skills and competencies.

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