Energy: Bruno A. Storti, Jonathan J. Dorella, Nadia D. Roman, Ignacio Peralta, Alejandro E. Albanesi

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Energy 186 (2019) 115814

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Improving the efficiency of a Savonius wind turbine by designing a set

of deflector plates with a metamodel-based optimization approach
Bruno A. Storti a, b, Jonathan J. Dorella a, Nadia D. Roman a, c, Ignacio Peralta a, b,
Alejandro E. Albanesi a, b, *
a n de M
Centro de Investigacio etodos Computacionales (CIMEC), UNL, CONICET, Predio “Dr. Alberto Cassano”, Colectora Ruta Nacional 168 s/n, 3000, Santa
Fe, Argentina
Laboratorio de Flujometría (FLOW), Facultad Regional Santa Fe (FRSF), Universidad Tecnolo gica Nacional (UTN), Lavaise 610, 3000, Santa Fe, Argentina
c n en M
Grupo de Investigacio etodos Num gica Nacional (UTN), Lavaise
ericos en Ingeniería (GIMNI), Facultad Regional Santa Fe (FRSF), Universidad Tecnolo
610, 3000, Santa Fe, Argentina

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Savonius wind turbines are the most suitable devices used in urban areas to produce electrical power.
Received 11 March 2019 This is due to their simplicity, ease of maintenance, and acceptable power output with a low speed and
Received in revised form highly variable wind profile. However, their efficiency is low, and the development of optimization tools
10 July 2019
is necessary to increase the total power output. This work presents a metamodel-based method to
Accepted 22 July 2019
optimize the size and shape of a set of deflector plates to reduce the reverse moment of the turbine, using
Available online 25 July 2019
a genetic algorithm combined with an artificial neural network, reducing the computational cost. A
parametrization of the deflectors geometry is proposed, and a Computational Fluid Dynamics model was
Savonius wind turbine
implemented to train and validate the artificial neural network. The method was applied to design the
Optimization deflectors of an actual 8-blade, 1[kW], 2.5[m] height turbine. Results showed an efficiency increment of
Artificial neural networks 30%, from 0.215, to 0.279 in the turbine with the optimized deflectors. Furthermore, it is capable of
Genetic algorithm producing power at 4[m/s], while the reference design had null power at that point. This methodology
Deflectors plates demanded 159 h, a substantial reduction of the computational cost of up to 97% in contrast to the
Computational fluid dynamics classical simulation-based optimization approach.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction grid, with a favorable payback.

In this context, vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT) are the most
Energy has become a vital element for the economic growth of common devices used in urban areas to convert the kinetic energy
most countries. The rising concern about pollution caused by fossil of the wind into electrical power, mainly due to the fact that vari-
fuel and carbon emissions, and problems associated with climate ations in the wind direction (such as wind variations caused by
change, have led to the development and improvement of renew- surrounding houses or buildings) do not affect the power generated
able energy sources. Wind energy is the fastest-growing renewable by the turbine [6,7]. In particular, the drag-driven Savonius VAWT
source, and the World Energy Council Scenarios to the year 2050 [1] (S-VAWT) is a great candidate due to its high starting torque, low
predict it will continue its expansion in any of the given policy cost, easy installation and maintenance, and robustness [6,8]. The
scenarios. For instance, several countries such as United States [2], working principle of these VAWTs consists in the difference be-
United Kingdom [3], Germany [4] and Argentina [5] to name but a tween the positive and negative torque generated by the blades.
few, have introduced policies and regulations that allow domestic Despite the aforementioned appealing characteristics, the effi-
users to supply energy from renewable sources to the electrical ciency of the classical two-blade S-VAWT is approximately 15%
[6,7,9,10] and it is mandatory to raise it.
S-VAWTs can be improved via appropriate parametric modifi-
cations of the rotor geometry, or by using external deflectors to
* Corresponding author. Centro de Investigacio  n de Metodos Computacionales
shield the returning blades of the turbine, reducing the reverse
(CIMEC), UNL, CONICET, Predio “Dr. Alberto Cassano”, Colectora Ruta Nacional 168
s/n, 3000, Santa Fe, Argentina. negative torque (also referred to as curtaining) [11,12]. Classical
E-mail address: (A.E. Albanesi). experimental studies by means of wind tunnel testing can be found
0360-5442/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 B.A. Storti et al. / Energy 186 (2019) 115814

in Refs. [13e20]. Alternatively, numerical techniques using compared to numerical simulations. Given their speed and
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) are sometimes preferred robustness, ANNs are becoming frequently used in the design and
given the possibility of testing many design candidates at lower optimization of energy systems [42e44]. In the field of S-VAWTs,
costs compared to experimental techniques, and they can be found Sargolzaei and Kianifar [45] predicted the power factor and torque
in Refs. [8,17,18,21e24]. of the rotor using ANNs trained by wind tunnel testing data, in
Nevertheless, when the optimum design of a VAWT is sought, which the Tip Speed Ratio (TSR) was the main input of the network.
simulation-based optimization becomes necessary because of the Debnath and Das [46] used ANNs to predict the power and torque
large number of design variables involved, and requires the use of coefficient of a three-bucket VAWT. The blade overlap ratio, the
an optimization algorithm to handle variables and a numerical TSR, and the angular velocity of the turbine were the selected input
solver to compute the nonlinear response of the VAWT [25]. variables. Eight different networks were tested, and training was
Simulation-based optimization of S-VAWTs can be found in the performed experimentally with wind tunnel testing data. Biswas
pioneering works of Mohamed at al. [8,26], where Evolutionary et al. [47] trained ANNs to determine the torque and power coef-
Algorithms inspired by “biological evolution” have been used to ficient (CP ) of Savonius and Darrieus VATWs. A small set of exper-
design optimal rotors. Chan et al. [27] and Zhou et al. [28] used imental results was used to train the networks, and a hit and trial
Genetic Algorithms (GA) based in the nature principle of “survival method was used to determine the number of hidden layers (HLs).
of the fittest” [25,29] due to their robustness and global searching Wind speed, TSR and rotation speed of the turbine (u) were the
capability to find optimal blade shape in S-VAWTs. Tian et al. [30] input design variables. Recently, Mohammadi et al. [48] addressed
used Particle Swarm Optimization to determine the optimal the optimization of Savonius rotors by combining GA and ANNs to
concave and convex shapes for Savonius blades. Antar and Elkhoury compute the aerodynamic response of the turbine. CFD results
[9] improved the performance of a VAWT by implementing a nu- were used to train the ANN. Input design variables include
merical parametric optimization process of the shape and size of a geometrical dimensions, such as rotor aspect ratio and blade
turbine case (rotor guide plates), based on the findings of El-Askary overlap, and aerodynamic information such as Reynolds number
et al. [31]. and TSR.
It is known that in nonlinear problems (particularly nonconvex The aim and novelty of this work is to present a metamodel-
problems [32]), finding an optimal solution does not ensure that we based method to optimize the size and shape of a set of deflector
are in the presence of a global optimum [33e35]. A way to face plates to reduce the reverse moment of the turbine, using GA
these kind of problems is the implementation of GA [36,37], that combined with an ANN in order to reduce the computational cost of
are being used since some decades ago. For instance Ref. [8], relied the optimization procedure. This allows the improvement of the
on the implementation of them for the optimization process of S- efficiency of an existing 8-blade, 1[kW], 2.5[m] height, S-VAWT
VAWTs due to its robustness: they obtained a solution avoiding prototype by reducing the reverse moment of the returning blades.
local optimum values. The ANNs were developed to compute the CP of the turbine for a
In processes that require several function evaluations (such as given deflector geometry, replacing numerical models that demand
optimization with GA), the computational cost could be signifi- a higher computational cost. To this end, a parametrization of the
cantly high if the problem is large and presents a complex deflectors is proposed, which is implemented to obtain a repre-
nonlinearity. Namely, if the function evaluation is done through sentative sample of all the possible configurations. CFD simulations
computational simulations like CFD, and these simulations are are performed in order to generate the samples needed to train and
highly time-consuming, the whole optimization task becomes validate the metamodel, in which wind information data used was
unfeasible. In this context the necessity of developing a model that obtained by experimental measurements taken at the location site.
assure the feasibility of the optimization process is crucial. In This S-VAWT prototype is currently being installed in the rooftop of
Ref. [38], Barton and Meckesheimer expounded the metamodel- a 6 story, 25[m] height building.
based simulation optimization technique, being a metamodel a
“model of the model”. These surrogates models need to satisfy two 2. Case study
main properties: be “cheap-to-compute” and achieve a high quality
when being developed from a limited sample size. Several meta- This work deals with the optimal design of deflectors plates in
modeling techniques have advanced in the last years, such as Spline order to improve the performance of an actual 8-blade, 1[kW], 2.5
Method, Gaussian Kriging Models, Bayesian Models, Polynomial [m] height S-VAWT, fabricated to operate in the urban area of Santa
Regression and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). Fe city, Argentina (latitude 31[+]38[’]S, longitude 6[+]42[’]W, mean
ANNs are inspired in the human brain, specifically in how it altitude 25[m]a.s.l.), see Fig. 1. The installation site is the rooftop of a
processes the information through the net of neurons that are part 6 story, 25[m] height building, shown in Fig. 2 (b). This building is in
of the nervous system. As defined by Haykin [39], an ANN is “a an open area (there are no other tall constructions nearby) and it is
massively parallel distributed processor made up of simple pro- in front of the Setubal Lake that runs in the east side of the city, see
cessing units that has a natural propensity for storing experiential Fig. 2(a).
knowledge and making it available for use”. They are similar to the Prior to its design, experimental wind measurements were
brain in two aspects: they acquire knowledge from its environment made at the site with a cup anemometer manufactured by Davis
through a learning process, and the interneuron connections instruments, for a two year period. Registered wind speed ranges
strengths (synaptic weights) are used to store this acquired from 0 to 26[m/s], with a mean average velocity of 5[m/s] (deter-
knowledge. mined by the Weibull distribution). Remarkably, experimental
Under these circumstances, models based on ANNs are getting wind measurements revealed that the wind direction is predomi-
increasing attention since they are capable of mapping non-linear nant in the main four cardinal directions: north-south-east-west
relationships between a large number of inputs and outputs, (N-S-E-W), with almost negligible occurrence of diagonal wind.
solving non-linear problems with very low computational time The aerodynamic design of this turbine consisted in a three-
[40,41]. With the correct number of sampling points, ANNs are able dimensional parametric study performed with CFD in order to
to reproduce the aerodynamic response of a S-VAWT in less time maximize the CP [21,22], defined as
B.A. Storti et al. / Energy 186 (2019) 115814 3

Fig. 1. VAWT prototype. (a) The steel support, turbine, and instrumentation. (b) Power curve.

Fig. 2. (a) Satellite view of Santa Fe, with the Setubal Lake in the east. The round dot represents the location site of the VAWT. (b) Picture of the 6 story, 25[m] height building. (c)
Specific location site on the rooftop (notice the presence of the lake in the back).

of deflectors, that maximizes the output power of the VAWT, at an

P average wind velocity of 5[m/s].
CP ¼ (1)
rRhU 3
3. Methodology
where P is the power generated by the turbine, r is the air density, R
and h are the radius and height of the turbine respectively, and U is The proposed methodology is depicted in Fig. 5, and covers the
the velocity of the incoming wind [49]. The best configuration [21] complete process from the creation of the samples to the obtaining
(see Fig. 3(a) and Table 1 for parametric and dimensions details) of the optimal solution. The first step is to define the variables xi of
consists in 8 semicircular blades with upper and lower plates, and the problem that parametrize the deflectors geometry, as it is
achieved a CP of 0.215 [21] with a TSR of 0.40 (it rotates at 20[RPM] stated in Section 3.1. The second step (box 1 in Fig. 5) consists of the
under a U of 5[m/s]). This was a considerable improvement over the creation of the samples to train and validate the metamodel (blue
standard two-blade Savonius rotor coefficient CP ¼ 0.15 [6,9]. The block “LHS”). To this aim, the Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) was
blades of the prototype are made of multiple plies of E-type selected because it ensures an adequate representativeness of the
random-mat fiberglass and polyester resin, while the upper and design domain of the variables, as it is explained in Section 3.2. Two
lower plates are made of a sandwich laminate that consists in E- samples were obtained: one for the training (size xi ¼ 1 : 300) and
type random-mat and a foam core [22], see Fig. 3(b). one for the validation (size xi ¼ 1 : 50) of the metamodels. Both
Since the wind is predominant in the main four cardinal di- samples were simulated with CFD (see Section 3.3) to obtain the
rections at the location site (see Fig. 2(c)), an additional improve- corresponding outputs values for the two-dimensional CP (blue
ment to the power coefficient CP could easily be obtained by blocks “CFD”).
installing four fixed deflectors around the turbine, at 90[+] from Afterwards (box 2 in Fig. 5), different characteristics for the
each other, to curtain the returning convex blades and reduce the ANNs were chosen, such as number of layers and neurons per layer
reverse negative torque, see Fig. 4. Furthermore, with the appro- (Section 3.4). Once the several metamodels Fj ðxi Þ were trained
priate design, these deflector plates could also be used as omnidi- (green block “ANN”), the validation sample variables were evalu-
rectional guide-vanes with a Venturi-effect, a similar approach ated with them in order to compare the outputs obtained with the
followed by Chong et al. [50] for an urban VAWT. The objective of CFD results, and select the metamodel FðxÞ that presented the best
this work can then be stated as finding the geometry of the best set performance, i.e. lowest mean square error (MSE) and/or maximum
4 B.A. Storti et al. / Energy 186 (2019) 115814

Fig. 3. Actual VAWT. (a) Schematic diagram, with dimensions listed in Table 1. (b) and (c) Image of the manufactured prototype, in which the semicircular blades and upper and
lower plates are clearly visible.

Table 1 3.1. Geometric parametrization of deflectors plates

Dimensions of the VAWT (in meters).

D d a e h Each deflector is characterized by three points using a third-

order spline interpolation. Each of them ði ¼ 1; 2; 3Þis determined
2.00 0.40 0.08 0.01 2.50
by polar coordinates ðri ; qi Þ, locating the origin in coincidence with
the axis of the VAWT (see Fig. 6). To avoid complex geometries that
do not represent a typical deflector design, the first point i ¼ 1 was
correlation factor R (green block “Validation Fj ðxi Þ”). referenced to the origin, while the others i ¼ 2; 3 were related to
In the last stage (box 3 in Fig. 5), the optimization problem the previous point, as it is represented in Eq. (2).
(maximizing the CP ) was performed (pink block “GA”) by the
implementation of the GA described in Section 3.5, utilizing as
objective function the output of the best metamodel obtained in r2 ¼ r1 þ Dr2 q2 ¼ q1 þ Dq2
the previous step. To validate the process, the optimal solution xopt r3 ¼ r2 þ Dr3 q3 ¼ q2 þ Dq3
was simulated with CFD (pink block “CFD”) to obtain the CP of the The range of the parameters described in Eq. (2) are shown in
VAWT. If the error between the solution obtained with GAþANN Table 2, and they take into account the available physical space left
(C 2D 2D
Popt ) and CFD (C PCFD ) was smaller than a given tolerance (pink in the VAWT emplacement site to locate the deflectors. Distances
block “Validation”), the process could be considered as finished; if are measured in centimeters and the angles in sexadecimal de-
not, more ANNs should be trained, returning to box 2. In the grees, considering 1[cm] and 1[+] as the minimum units of mea-
following Sections, all the steps showed in the flow chart in Fig. 5 sure. By this way, the resulting design space consists of 8:38  106
are further detailed. possible combinations of discrete variables. For this wind turbine,

Fig. 4. Because the wind is predominant in the main four cardinal directions, four fixed deflector plates around the turbine located at 90[+] from each other could improve its
performance. (a) Top view of the position of the deflector plates relative to the VAWT. (b) Scaled schematic of the VAWT and deflector plates compared to a 1.8[m] tall person.
B.A. Storti et al. / Energy 186 (2019) 115814 5

Fig. 5. Flow chart of the proposed methodology. The first step (box 1) is the sampling and numerical simulation to feed the ANN, the second step (box 2) is the training and
validation of the ANN, and the third step (box 3) is the optimization process by combination of GAþANN.

Fig. 6. Parametrization of a single deflector plate.

Table 2 3.2. Sample variable generation

Range of the deflector parameters.

Variable Min Max In order to train the metamodel using a supervised learning
r1 [cm] 130 160
process, a representative sample composed by both inputs and
q1 ½  0 15 outputs is needed. McKay and Beckman [51] introduced the LHS,
Dr2 [cm] 5 30 which ensures that each input variable has all portions of its dis-
Dq2 ½  1 5 tribution represented by input values [52e54]. This technique
Dr3 [cm] 5 30 consists in dividing the range of each input variable into N intervals
Dq3 ½  1 5
to create a sample of size N. Afterwards, a value from each interval
is selected, matching them randomly, as it is shown in the example
of Fig. 7.
four identical deflectors are adopted, each of them aligned with a Following [55], different samples are created: one for training
cardinal direction. Therefore, only one deflector needs to be the metamodel (with size Ntr ¼ 300) and one for testing it (with
parametrized, and the six parameters defined before will act as size Nte ¼ 50). The variables for the implementation of the LHS are
design variables of the optimization problem proposed (see Section the parameters described in Eq. (2), which range and intervals are
3.5). exposed in Table 2.
6 B.A. Storti et al. / Energy 186 (2019) 115814

the wind velocity was considered aligned with only one cardinal
direction, with a magnitude of 5[m/s] in concordance with [21,22].
To determine the optimal u, a study was conducted to deter-
mine the variation of the C 2D P with respect to TSR, by using an inlet
wind velocity of 5[m/s], and sweeping through TSR values of 0.1,
0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, and 0.7. The results of this study are depicted in
Fig. 9, where it can be seen that the optimal TSR is 0.4.
The assumed average environmental conditions are tempera-
ture T ¼ 28[C], atmospheric pressure P ¼ 1:01325  105 [Pa],
constant density r ¼ 1:168[kg/m3], and kinematic viscosity n ¼
1:45  106 [m2/s]. Also, due to TSR ¼ 0.4, U is 5[m/s] and u is 20
[RPM]. The C 2D P without deflectors is 0.1451, and performance im-
provements during the optimization process will be measured
relative to this value.
Fig. 7. Illustration of a LHS sample for 2-input variable problem and a sample size N ¼ Regarding the domain discretization, the Deflector Zone Mesh
(Stationary Domain A, Fig. 8) is the only domain remeshed in each
CFD simulation. The coupling between the Stationary Domains A
and B, and between the Stationary Domain A and the Rotating
3.3. CFD model
Domain depicted in Fig. 8 is achieved by using the conforming
joining mesh algorithm implemented in Code_Saturne [65], where
Once the input variables are defined, the corresponding outputs
new faces are created in the interfaces from the initial faces to be
are obtained by CFD simulations using the open source software
joined. Mesh size is listed in Table 3, in which values for the mesh
Code_Saturne [56,57], which is based on the Finite Volume Method
corresponding to the deflector plates are an average of all cases.
[58e60], and it is used to solve the unsteady Reynolds Average
This mesh configuration was obtained as the most suitable from the
Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations. These equations were solved in a
mesh convergence analysis presented in Appendix B. . The two-
segregated way, using the semi-implicit method for pressure-
dimensional CFD finite volume mesh is depicted in Fig. 10.
linked equations consistent (SIMPLEC) algorithm for the coupling
An appropriate time step value has been chosen based on two
between velocity and pressure [61]. A second-order linear upwind
criteria: the CouranteFriedrichseLewy (CFL) condition, and a time
(SOLU) method [62e64] is considered for the convective flux. The
step increment dependency study. Large time steps leads to high
Sliding-Mesh Model has been used for the stationary-rotating
CFL numbers that may result in loss of accuracy or unphysical
subdomains coupling in the interface. A detailed description of
values in the solution, while very little time steps imply a signifi-
the equation discretization and implementation can be found in the
cant increase in computation time. Therefore, a value of 0.001[s]
Code_Saturne: Theory guide [65].
was chosen for all the CFD simulations, since it proved to be the
The three primary approaches for turbulence modelization on
most suitable in the time step convergence study presented in
CFD computations are the RANS method, the Large Eddy Simulation
Appendix B.
(LES), and the Hybrid RANS-LES method [66]. Despite LES-based
methods are more accurate, they are computationally expensive.
3.4. Metamodel
Hence, RANS methods were used in this work, which are still the
predominant CFD solver for the aerodynamics of VAWTs [67]. The
ANNs are parallel computational models that consist in ar-
realizable k-ε RANS model [68] was used following the works of
rangements of interconnected neurons (processing units), which
Mohammed et al. [8,26], who have shown that it is appropriate for a
perform a process of learning in order to reach their objective (for
quantitative analysis on the performance of a S-VAWT. As blades
example, function approximation, filtering and pattern association
geometry does not change along the z-axis, a two-dimensional
or recognition) [39]. In this work, several feedforward networks are
model was employed to reduce the total computational cost
implemented to substitute the CFD simulations, as depicted in
(neglecting tip effects), whereas for the final analysis to assess the
Fig. 11. The architecture of these networks is arranged in several
best solution, a complete three-dimensional CFD study using the
layers of neurons placed one after another in order that the outputs
Shear Stress Transport (SST) k-u turbulence model [69,70] was
of one layer become the inputs of the following one. The Input Layer
implemented (see Section 4.4). Several studies have shown that the
contains the input variables of the problem (in this work the 6
SST k-u model outperformed the k-ε models on fully three-
parameters explained in Section 3.1) and the Output Layer the tar-
dimensional VAWT simulations [71e74].
gets that the metamodel has to estimate (in this work the C 2D P ). The
The boundary conditions are prescribed wind velocity at the
HLs in between enable the network to extract higher-order
inlet, free-slip in the lateral surface, and uniform atmospheric
pressure in the outlet, see Fig. 8. The blades surface is assumed to be
As proposed by Haykin [39], the characterization of a neuron is
a smooth no-slip wall. The numerical model was validated against
carried out by: inputs signals xi , a set of synaptic weights wki (that
published experimental and numerical measurements in Appendix
measures the contribution of each input to the neuron), a bias bk
(that increases or lowers the input of the activation function), a
The aerodynamic performance of the two-dimensional VAWT P
summing junction (which constitutes a linear combiner of the
model is assessed by computing the corresponding two-
weighted input signals), an activation function 4ð,Þ (that limits the
dimensional power coefficient C 2D P defined as:
amplitude of the output of the neuron), and the output yk , as it is
seen in Fig. 12.
t2D ,u Fonseca et al. [75] propose a method for the development of an
C 2D
P ¼ (3)
rRhU 3 ANN metamodel. It consists in deciding the number of HLs by trial
and error, training several architectures. Then, the number of
where t2D is the torque generated by the turbine in the two- neurons is adjusted increasing one neuron at a time. For this work,
dimensional model. Due to the axial symmetry of the problem, one to three HLs were used, each one with 6e20 neurons. The
B.A. Storti et al. / Energy 186 (2019) 115814 7

Fig. 8. Size and boundary conditions of the two-dimensional CFD computational domain. The VAWT diameter is D ¼ 2[m].

Following the metamodels training, the one that has the best
performance over the Testing sample is selected, so as to obtain an
accurate approximation of the turbine efficiency, i.e., of the C 2D
P .

3.5. Optimization

As stated before, GA have proven their robustness in solving

nonlinear problems, and were also effectively used in the optimi-
zation process of S-VAWTs [27,28]. Moreover, they were success-
fully implemented in our previous works [55,77]) where an
optimization problem of integer type variables was solved, and
experience in the implementation of the algorithm was gained.
Based on the latter, GA are selected for solving the optimization
problem of the present communication. GA can be described as
search algorithms that replicate the principles of natural selection
and genetics proposed by Charles Darwin [78]. The notion of GA
was first introduced by Holland [79], who tried to explain the
Fig. 9. Variation of the C 2D
P with respect to TSR, computed with CFD. adaptive method of natural systems and design artificial systems
that mimic the important mechanisms of those natural systems
[80]. A modest genetic algorithm that leads to good results in some
Table 3
practical optimization problems is mainly composed of three op-
CFD mesh size and quality parameters.
erators: reproduction, crossover and mutation. Reproduction is a
Non- Skewness Number of cells process where the parameters of the optimization problem are
copied considering their objective function values. The objective
max average max hexahedron prism function could be seen as a measure of some profit, utility, and
Stator Mesh 41.70 10.07 0.37 266358 0 goodness that needs to be maximized, or in the case of the present
Deflector Zone Mesh 35.63 4.89 1.13 2300 119788 communication, the efficiency of the VAWT. In this copy, the pa-
Rotor Mesh 34.26 4.56 1.8 4323 39539 rameters with a higher value have a higher probability of providing
one or more offspring in the next generation. When a parameter is
chosen for reproduction, an exact replica of it is made, establishing
neurons were arranged so that the number of them is the same or a possible new population for the next genetic operation action.
less from one Layer to another, i.e., in a decreasing pyramid scheme. Then, crossover is an action where the newly reproduced param-
Table 4 summarizes the characteristics of the trained ANNs. The eters are mated at random. The techniques of reproduction and
Testing sample was used with the aim of choosing the ANN that crossover are incredibly simple, however, the combination of both
presented the best performance, and to avoid a possible overfitting, and the random nature of crossover, gives GA much of their
setting an early-stop criterion [39]: the training would stop if the robustness; a main advantage of these methods. Ultimately, mu-
performance over the Testing sample did not improve over 10 tation is a random modification of parameters values, and plays a
validations (see Appendix C). secondary role, since the frequency of mutation is very low.
Regarding the activation function implemented in the devel- Another advantage of the implementation of GA is that they can
opment of the metamodels, a trial and error methodology was be coupled with both CFD, to carry out a simulation-based opti-
used. The log-sigmoid function presented a better performance mization, or with a surrogate model, in a metamodel-based opti-
compared to other functions (hyperbolic tangent-sigmoid, linear, mization. In the proposed case study, each CFD simulation took
and saturating linear). For the ANN training, MATLAB [76] was used. about 27 min, leading to the infeasibility of performing a
8 B.A. Storti et al. / Energy 186 (2019) 115814

Fig. 10. Detailed view of the two-dimensional CFD domain, shown in real size relative to the VAWT in (a) and (b).

Fig. 11. Artificial Neural Network model implemented in this work.

Table 4
Architecture, configuration and parameters of the trained ANNs.

Type of ANN Multilayer feedfoward

Training data size 300

Validation data size 50
HL 1 to 3
Neurons per layer 6 to 20 in HL and 1 in Output Layer
Training function Levenberg-Marquardt backpropagation
Activation function Log-sigmoid for all the layers
Performance function MSE
Training stop criterion MSE ¼ 1  107
Maximum iterations 1500

Fig. 12. Model of a neuron.

B.A. Storti et al. / Energy 186 (2019) 115814 9

simulation-based optimization because of its high computational

cost. For this reason, the development of the metamodel in Section
3.4 was crucial.
The implementation of GA adopted is based on the algorithm
proposed by Deep et al. [78], who introduced the Laplace crossover
[81] and the power mutation [82] techniques to improve the per-
formance of the GA solver, and was developed to efficiently solve
integer and mixed integer constrained optimization problems. In
the present communication, the aim of the optimization problem is
to maximize the CP of the VAWT by finding an optimal configura-
tion of the deflectors, which are characterized by the parameters
detailed in Table 2, and they are the design variables of the opti-
mization problem. Hence, the optimization problem is defined as:

min  f ðxÞ (4)

where f (the objective function) corresponds to the output of the Fig. 13. Flow chart of the optimization procedure combining GA and ANN.
metamodel (the C 2D
P ), and the vector x groups the design variables.
Briefly, the steps for the current GA optimization process are
4. Numerical results
summarized in the following pseudo-code implemented in previ-
ous works [77,83], where the main three steps of GA detailed before
4.1. ANN metamodel results
can be observed:

Each CFD simulation of the Training and Testing samples took

population ¼ random(popsize)
about 27 min, resulting in a total time of 6.6 days. These were
carried out in a 7[TFLOPS] cluster [85,86], using 120 cores. A total of
Update elite list
8150 metamodels were developed, demanding a training time of
From 1 to #generations do
83.97 min (over a desktop computer with a processor Intel(R) Core
offspring ¼ Selection(population)
i7-7700 3.60[GHz] and 32[GB] of RAM DDR4 2400[MHz]). The ANN
offspring ¼ Crossover(offspring)
model that presented the best performance has 15, 8 and 7 neurons
offspring ¼ Mutation(offspring)
in its HLs (see Fig. 14), a regression coefficient R of 0.98511 and
0.97338 for the Training and Testing samples (see Fig. 15), and a
Update elite list
MSE of 3:74  105 and 2:154  104 for the same samples,
population ¼ offspring
respectively. The training of this ANN stopped because of the early-
stop criterion.
The distribution of the error for the validation samples between
The settings of the GA depend on the characteristics of the
the CFD simulation and the ANN model output is represented in
optimization problem [84]. In this work, the configuration shown in
Fig. 16. The maximum absolute error is nearly 7:70  103, a clearly
Table 5 was adopted.
reasonable low value. Hence, we conclude that the metamodel
satisfactorily approximates the CFD model, with a substantial
reduction of the computational cost of each evaluation. This
3.5.1. Optimization procedure flowchart advantage will allow future optimization tasks, for example, the
Fig. 13 summarizes the optimization procedure. In each GA optimization of the deflector geometry, where it is mandatory that
generation loop, the offspring population is obtained through the the objective function to minimize (or maximize) could be rapidly
selection, crossover and mutation operation as explained before x evaluated.
in Fig. 13). During the fitness step, the C 2D
P is calculated for each
individual in the population using the metamodel. 4.2. GA optimization results
The output of the metamodel is fed to the GA optimizer for
evaluation, and for the proposal of a new set of design candidates of Following the procedure of Section 3.5.1, the optimized solution
the deflectors. This sequence is repeated until convergence. By this obtained with GAþANN was C 2D Popt ¼ 0.176, and corresponds to the
way, an optimized set of design variables is obtained, and the de- deflector configuration summarized in Table 6. Fig. 17 depicts the
flectors that maximize the CP are defined. convergence of the optimization procedure, where the x-axis rep-
resents the number of generations (see Table 5), and the y-axis the
fitness value in each generation. It can be noticed in Fig. 17 that the
Table 5
fitness values are negative, as we are minimizing f (see Eq. (4)).
GA algorithm settings to find the optimal deflector plates. The optimized configuration listed in Table 6 was simulated in
the two-dimensional CFD model to compare the simulation with
Parameter Value
the ANN result. The simulation gives a C 2D PCFD ¼ 0:179, showing a
Number of individuals 64 difference lower than 1.13% with respect to the metamodel result.
Number of generations 200
Furthermore, the performance increase represents a relative gain of
Elite individuals 5%
Selection Tournament 23.3% with respect to the reference,C 2D P , computed in CFD for the
Crossover method Laplace VAWT without deflectors (C 2D PCFD ¼ 0:1451, see Section 3.3).
Crossover probability 90% Fig. 18 (a) depicts the geometry of the optimized deflector in
Mutation method power
contrast with the geometries of the validation data samples, ar-
ranged into groups according to the value of the coefficient C 2DP . The
10 B.A. Storti et al. / Energy 186 (2019) 115814

Fig. 14. Configuration of the best ANNs metamodel.

Fig. 15. Regression plots. (a) for the training sample, (b) for the testing sample.

Fig. 16. Error distribution for the Testing Sample. Fig. 17. Convergence of the GA optimization precess.

Table 6 slight curvature of the optimized defectors can be attributed to the

Optimized deflector configuration obtained with low U used in the optimization process (5[m/s], see Section 3.3),
GAþANN, achieving C 2D
Popt ¼ 0.176. where physical phenomena such as flow detachment and vorticity
Design variable Value have a small effect.
The plots in Fig. 18(b) reveals that r1 is in the middle of the
r1 [cm] 148.3
q1 ½  15 allowable range, thus this is the best distance between the VAWT
Dr2 [cm] 30 and the deflectors. On the other hand, r3 is almost at the upper
Dq2 ½  4.7 value of the admissible range in an effort to maximize the
Dr3 [cm] 23 shrouding of the rotor, and this can also be inferred by the total
Dq3 ½  4.5
radial length of the optimum deflector which is 88.3% of the
B.A. Storti et al. / Energy 186 (2019) 115814 11

Fig. 18. (a) Geometries of the deflectors from the validation sample, and for the optimized set of parameters. (b) Comparison of the optimum deflector, and the maximal and
minimal allowable design space.

allowable length. Finally, the exit angle q1 has taken the maximum completing this task. Also, if we add the necessary time for the
allowable value. From these observations, one may conclude that (i) generation of the Training and Testing samples, and the building of
the deflectors shield the incoming concave blades and thus reduce all the metamodels, the total time demanded was 158.90 h.
the reverse negative torque, and (ii) because of the exit angle q1 and
their slightly curved flat shape, deflectors are guiding the incoming
4.4. 3D CFD validation of the optimized solution
flow to the blades that generate the positive torque.
Fig. 19 depicts the pressure coefficient in the dimensionless
The optimization process performed in this work has been
chord of the blade. The shrouding effect of the deflectors is clearly
carried out by the evaluation of the C 2D P (see Eq. (3)) in the two-
observable in plots (g) and (h), for the positions 270[+] and 315[+],
dimensional CFD domain shown in Fig. 8, and therefore it is not
respectively, thus diminishing the negative torque over these
comparable to the general three-dimensional CP of the VAWT
returning blades. On the other hand, the guiding effect of the de-
defined in Eq. (1). This is mainly due to the effect of the third
flectors, plots (a), (b) and (c) for the rotor positions 0[+], 45[+] and
dimension [9], and by the presence of the upper and lower plates in
90[+], shows an improvement of the pressure coefficient over the
the three-dimensional rotor, which contribute to reduce the
blades that generate the positive torque.
vortices in the flow leaving the blades, and to maintain the pressure
Fig. 20 shows the velocity magnitude field for several blade
inside the rotor [87], thus allowing to increase the torque generated
positions, in which the continuity of the solution across the in-
by the blades. Consequently, a final verification has been performed
terfaces between the three subdomains (stationary domains A and
in a three-dimensional domain to determine the real performance
B and the rotating domain shown in Fig. 8) can be observed. This
improvement of the VAWT with the optimized deflectors,
means that no additional errors or discontinuities are introduced in
compared to our previous simulations results [21,22]. The power
the solution by the conforming joining approach. Hence, this
delivered by the rotor of the 3D-VAWT is measured in [W] and is
methodology allowed us to keep the same meshes for both the
computed as:
rotor and the stationary domain B for all the simulation. Further-
more, from the comparison of Fig. 20, it can be observed that the Prot ¼ t,u (5)
downstream flow velocities for the VAWT with deflectors are
smaller near the returning blades when compared to the VAWT where t is the torque generated by the blades measured in [Nm],
without deflectors. This shrouding effect leads to a great reduction and u is in [rad/s]. The ratio of the power delivered by the rotor to
of the reverse moment produced by those blades. On the contrary, the power available in the wind for the same cross section 2Rh (see
higher velocities can be observed around the advancing blades Eq. (1)), results in the CP of the VAWT:
which eventually leads to an increase in the positive moment
generated by the turbine. t,u
CP ¼ (6)
Fig. 21 shows the variation of the C 2D
P with respect to TSR, for the
rRhU 3
VAWT with and without deflectors. It is interesting to note that the
The three-dimensional CFD simulations were also computed in
optimal TSR is not affected by the presence of the deflectors, and
Code_Saturne, using the Sliding-Mesh Model. The SST k-u model
the optimal value is TSR ¼ 0.4.
was used along a time step of 0.001[s]. The prescribed boundary
conditions were assumed equal to the two-dimensional model in
4.3. Computational cost Section 3.3.
The length, width and height of the computational domain are
As stated before, simulation-based optimization requires a high 30D, 20D, and 10D respectively (where D ¼ 2[m] is the rotor
computational time for several evaluations of the cost function. As diameter), and the distance between the center of the turbine and
it is shown in Table 7 the approximately 12869 function evaluations the inlet is 10D.The mesh was created using SALOME [88], and
made by the GA for convergence would have demanded a total of comprises 20:919399  106 cells and 3:565386  106 nodes.
5788.8 h. It is worth noting that, if the CFD simulations were per- The optimal u was determined by measuring the variation of
formed in a desktop CPU, each of them would demand 817 min, the CP with respect to TSR, by using an inlet U of 5[m/s], and
which would make all the optimization process impractical. In sweeping through TSR values of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, and
contrast, the approach proposed in this work only needs 10 s for 0.8. The results of this study are depicted in Fig. 22, where it can be
12 B.A. Storti et al. / Energy 186 (2019) 115814

Fig. 19. Pressure coefficient as a function of the dimensionless chord of the blade, for the turbine with and without the deflectors. Depicted for the angular position of the rotor: (a) 0
[+], (b) 45[+], (c) 90[+], (d) 135[+], (e) 180[+], (f) 225[+], (g) 270[+] and (h) 315[+].
B.A. Storti et al. / Energy 186 (2019) 115814 13

Fig. 20. Velocity magnitude field for several blade positions at different physic time for the last revolution of the VAWT. The wind incoming speed is 5[m/s]. Without deflector (left)
and with deflector (right).

Table 7
Computational cost of simulation-based and metamodel-based optimization.

Description Metamodel-based Simulation-based

Sample CFD simulations 157.5 h e

Metamodels training 0.45 h e
GA evaluations of C 2D 10 s 5789 h
Total time 158.90 h 5798 h
Time saving 97.26% e

seen that the optimal TSR is also 0.4. Thus, the power output of the
VAWT with deflector plates was computed by sweeping through
wind velocities of 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15[m/s], and a u proportional
to TSR ¼ 0.4.
Table 8 summarizes the comparison of the results between the
VAWT with and without deflectors, showing an average power
improvement of 30%. Another interesting fact is that the VAWT
with deflectors is capable of producing power at 4[m/s], while the
Fig. 21. Variation of the C 2D
P with respect to TSR.
14 B.A. Storti et al. / Energy 186 (2019) 115814

Table 9
3D CFD validation of the optimized solution. Comparison of the
CP of the VAWT.

Average CP

VAWT (original) 0.215

VAWT þ deflectors 0.279
Improvement 30%

5. Conclusion

This work presented a new metamodel-based optimization

approach to determine the optimal shape of the deflector plates for
a drag-driven Savonius vertical axis wind turbine. The methodol-
ogy combines a genetic algorithm with an artificial neural network
model to compute the aerodynamic response of the turbine. Finally,
the method was applied to improve the performance of an actual 8-
blade, 2.5[m] height, 1[kW] nominal power turbine, fabricated to
Fig. 22. Variation of the CP with respect to TSR. operate in an urban area.
Considering the rotational periodicity of the turbine, and
neglecting tip effects, a two-dimensional Computational Fluid Dy-
namics (CFD) model was used to compute the aerodynamic
Table 8
3D CFD validation of the optimal solution. Comparison of the output power for the
response of the turbine. The Latin Hypercube Sampling technique
original VAWT without deflectors ([21,22]), and the VAWT with the optimized de- proved to be an adequate method to obtain a representative sample
flectors. u is proportional to TSR ¼ 0.4. of 300 designs, out of a total 8:36  106 possible deflector config-
Wind speed [m/s]
urations. Different network architectures were trained, and the best
metamodel showed an excellent agreement between the CFD
4 5 7 9 11 13 15
solver and its prediction, attaining a training correlation coefficient
u [RPM] 15 20 27 34 42 50 57 above 0.985 and a testing correlation coefficient above 0.973. The
Power VAWT (original) [W] e 83 227 486 902 1475 2263
use of the artificial neural network in the current optimization task
Power VAWT þ deflectors [W] 55 105 297 635 1162 1944 2978
Power improvement e 27% 31% 31% 29% 32% 32% allowed a substantial reduction of the computational cost in over
97% in contrast with the typical simulation-based optimization
approach if the correct sample size is chosen. The accuracy of the
metamodel was finally validated by using a three-dimensional CFD
original VAWT had almost null available power at that point. model of the turbine.
Fig. 23(a) presents the power curve comparison for the turbine Optimization results showed that the optimized shape of the
with and without deflectors. An schematic figure of the turbine deflectors is slightly curved. This can be attributed to the low wind
with the optimized deflectors is depicted in Fig. 23(b). speed used in the optimization process, in which flow detachment
The comparison of the CP for the VAWT without deflectors and vorticity do not have a significant effect. Also, the optimized
([21,22]), and the VAWT with the optimized deflectors is summa- size of the plates tends to maximize the shrouding of the convex
rized in Table 9. blades producing the negative torque, and the exit angle of the
plates tends to guide the incoming wind towards the concave

Fig. 23. 3D CFD validation of the optimized solution. (a) Comparison between the original VAWT without deflectors ([21,22]), and the VAWT with the optimized deflectors designed
in this work. (b) Scale image showing the VAWT with the optimized deflectors.
B.A. Storti et al. / Energy 186 (2019) 115814 15

blades that produce the positive torque. The three-dimensional CFD In Fig.A.1 (b) the results of the proposed model are shown,
verification indicated that an outstanding efficiency increase of 30% representing in the coordinates axis the different values of TSR,
was achieved. It is important to remark that this improvement defined as
occurs at the same Tip Speed Ratio of 0.4 as that of the original
turbine. Furthermore, the turbine with the optimized deflectors is uR
TSR ¼ (A.1)
capable of producing output power at 4[m/s], a lower wind speed U
compared to the unimproved turbine.
The proposed methodology proved to be a robust tool to opti- with u in [rad/s]. It can be concluded that for TSR between 0.4 and
mize the aerodynamic performance of a turbine with a low 1.2 the values obtained for the C 2DP accurately approximate the
computational cost, having also a great potential as a comple- experimental and numerical results from Refs. [8,13], with a Root
mentary design tool for existing rotational machinery. Mean Squared Error of 7:267  103 . Thus, it can be concluded that
the configuration of the proposed CFD model is accurately defined.
Data availability

The processed data required to reproduce the results of this Appendix B. CFD mesh and timestep convergence analysis
work are available to download from
datasets/jb2fbzpdb7/2, see Ref. [89].

Acknowledgments Table B.1

Mesh converge analysis for the two-dimensional CFD domain.

This work was developed with a great effort in an adverse ID Mesh Number of cells C 2D
context of budget cuts over the past three years in the Argentinian 1 1:589  105 0.153
scientific and technical research system. Regardless of the current 2 2:726  105 0.155
situation, the authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support 3 4:244  105 0.157
from Argentine Council for Scientific and Technical Research 4 7:714  105 0.157
(CONICET). A. E. Albanesi also acknowledges the National Techno-
logical University of Argentina (UTN) for Grants PID
ENUTNFE0004405 and PID MAUTIFE0005270TC, and the National
Agency of Scientific and Technological Promotion of Argentina
(ANPCYT) for the Grant PICT2015-3396.
A mesh convergence analysis was performed by taking four
different mesh sizes, generated with the open-source software
Appendix A. Validation of the two-dimensional CFD model
SALOME [88]. The analysis was performed with the following
parametrization of the deflector plates: r1 ¼ 156[cm], q1 ¼ 6½ ,
The numerical model was validated by comparison with the
Dr2 ¼ 12[cm], Dq2 ¼ 2½ , Dr3 ¼ 27[cm], Dq3 ¼ 1½ . Table B.1 briefs
experimental and numerical results obtained by Hayashi et al. [13]
the size and CFD response for each mesh, and it can be observed
and Mohamed et al. [8] respectively. Both of them analyze a con-
that for the meshes with ID 3 and 4, mesh size does not influence
ventional Savonius wind turbine depicted in Fig. A.1(a), which di-
the value of the C 2D
P . Hence, the mesh with ID 3 has been selected,
mensions in meters are D ¼ 0.330, d ¼ 0.184, S ¼ 0.380 and
since it represents the best compromise between computational
a ¼ 0.015. The length and width of the two-dimensional compu-
cost and accuracy.
tational domain are 30D and 20D respectively, and the distance
between the center of the turbine and the inlet is 10D.

Fig. A.1. (a) model of the validation turbine. (b) validation of the proposed numerical model.
16 B.A. Storti et al. / Energy 186 (2019) 115814

Fig. B.2. Timestep convergence analysis.

Appendix C. ANN overfitting verification

An early-stop criterion was employed when training the meta-

For the time step dependency analysis, four decreasing constant models to avoid the overfitting, as it was detailed in Section 3.4. To
values of time step were proposed based on the CFL condition. They prove that the ANN is not overfitting, the same metamodel
were set so as the CFL number would be small, avoiding numerical configuration was trained without the early-stop criterion. It is
instabilities. As it is shown in Fig. B.2, the torque data for a time step clearly seen in Fig. 3 that while the training reaches an R of 0.99998
of 0.005[s] is not accurate. A slight difference can be noticed on (Fig. C.3(a)) and a MSE of 9:98  108 , when the ANN is applied to
torque values between using time steps of 0.002[s] and 0.001[s], the testing sample, R is 0.82533 (Fig. C.3(b)) and the maximum
while such difference is negligible for time steps of 0.001[s] and Absolute Error is 3:97  102 . This is clearly an evidence of over-
0.0008[s]. Finally, a time step of 0.001[s] was adopted. fitting in contrast to the performance achieved by the metamodel
developed in this work with the overfitting control (R of 0.97338
and MSE of 2:154  104 ).

Fig. C.3. Regression plots without an early-stop criterion applied during training. (a) for the training sample, (b) for the testing sample.
B.A. Storti et al. / Energy 186 (2019) 115814 17

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