Values Education Revised Course Outline I. Prelim Period

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Values Education (VED 123)

VALUES EDUCATION 3. Double Standard Mentality

Revised Course Outline 4. Erroneous Norms of Morality
5. Reorientation of Attitude
I. Prelim Period 6. Moral Commitment
7. Characteristics of a
A. GIST Student Code of Discipline Responsible Person
B. The 4 Way Test 8. Core Value of the New Filipino
C. GIST Hymn
D. GIST Alma Mater Song Note : With Activity (Film Viewing)
E. Man as a Person ( Chap 9)
F. Values and Values Theories ( Chap 7) III. Prefinal Period
1. Values
2. Kinds of Values A. Marriage ( Chap 16)
3. Hierarchy of Values 1. Nature of Marriage
4. Choosing Values 2. Legal Requirements of
5. God: The Highest Value Marriage
6. Ethical Systems 3. Purpose of Marriage
4. Sanctity of Marriage
Note : With Activity (Sharing) 5. Indissolubility of Marriage
6. Meaning of Conjugal Love
II. Midterm Period 7. Responsible Parenthood
8. Sex and Marriage
A. Manners in Public Places 9. Duties of Husband and wife
1. At a mass 10. Authority of Husband
2. At Mass or inside Church 11. Legal Separation
3. In the streets 12. Adultery
4. In the Movie Houses
5. In Formal Concerts Note : Activity (Debate)
6. In Hotel and Restaurants
a. Paying the Check and B. The Family (Chap 7)
Tipping 1. Society in general
7. In School 2. The Family
8. Attire in attending a Wedding 3. The Ideal Family
a. Casual 4. The Family and the Child
b. Semi-Formal 5. Education of the Child
c. Formal 6. Parental Authority
d. Black Tie Wedding 7. Emancipation of the Child
9. Funeral Etiquette 8. Filial Piety
a. Proper Etiquette for 9. Rights and duties of Parents
visitation 10. Duties of Children
10. Pedestrian Safety 11. Exploitation of Children
12. Child Prostitution
B. Understanding Filipinos and It’s Culture 13. Child Labor
1. Diversity in Languages
2. Food
3. Common Filipino Customs
4. Traditional Health Practices
and Common Health Beliefs

C. Filipino Values (Chap 8)

1. Filipino Moral Ideal
2. Objective and Subjective
Values Education (VED 123)

IV. Final Period

A. Work Ethics
1. Meaning of Work
2. Right to Work
3. Work as a Natural Duty
4. Capital and Labor
5. The question of wages
6. The Family wage
7. Factors determining Wages
8. Unionism
9. Morality of Strike
10. Rights of Labor
11. Morality and Personnel
12. Management
13. Basic Duties of Workers
14. Basic Duties of Employers

B. Love of Oneself
C. Love of Neighbor
D. Love of Country
E. Love of God

Note: Activity (Film Making)

REFERENCES Ethics and the Filipino People

By RamonAgapay

GIST Code of Discipline

Values Education (VED 123)

Man as Person an individual human nature manifested in the history of

time and place.
Every man act presupposes doer. This is the
subject of an act, the one who is motivated to act and is Etymology, person comes from the Greek
accountable for the act and its consequences. He is prosophon which refers to be mask used by stage actor.
rational and he is free. He is a person. The Latin personare alludes to the mask which is so
constructed that the voice of the actor is projected
Certain Philosophies of Man forcefully.

All men share the basic anatomical and A person, therefore, is an individual, existing
physiological features. One may expect a physician to separately and independently from others, capable of
treat every man, regardless of race and color, using the knowing and loving in an intellectual way and of deciding
same prescription. That all men have the same human for himself the purpose or end of his actions.
nature is the premise of both Buddhism and Judaeo-
Christian philosophy. Thomistic philosophers define person as the
actual existence of an intellectual substance.
1. For Buddhism, all men are subject to the same
psychic laws, since the human condition is the Man as Cosmic Perfection
same for it. Man is a person. As such, he occupies the top
most rung in the ladder of corporeal substance. He is the
2. In Jadaeo-Christian thought, man is the most perfect being composed of body and soul.
“image of God” all men belong to one family.
They share the same basic features that make Man is perfect in comparison with other creatures
them human and enable them to know and to because he has the gift of intellect and will.
love another.
Person, Personality, and Character
3. Today the idea of a human nature common to
all men is being eroded by that concept which Person is human nature manifested as an
suggests human nature to be a blank sheet individual. It is defined as a complete substance.
(tabula rasa) on which each culture writes its Subsisting by itself, separate from all else, and endowed
text. with a rational nature.

Personality is the sum total of those factors of

4. Karl Marx proposes that human nature is a physique and constitution and those enduring, underlying
given potential, a set of condition, the human tendencies of a person which determine his characteristic
raw material, so to speak, which cannot behavior.
Character is often taken as synonymous with
5. Existentialism considers that the existence of personality. This is correct if personality is taken as the
man as an individual endowed with free-will is sum-total psychophysical systems in an individual which
the fundamental fact of life. There is no enable him to adjust to this environment.
universal essence shared by all men.
Character as Moral Creativity

Man as a Rational Organism Thinkers do not agree as to how much personality

is inherited from parents or from environment. But they
Man is an organism composed of body and soul. agree that character is the will of the individual to direct
The human body is the material shell within which the his effort towards a recognized ideal.
soul operates. The soul is the principle of life. It is that by
which we live, sense and reason. Character is the process of becoming a man, by
unfolding the innate goodness of human nature. It is a
Man as Person conscious effort to grow “in age and wisdom”. Character is
not the result of good act done in a moment of
Man is born into this world as an individual. We inspiration. Character is the habit of doing well at all
call him thus a person and not human nature. A person is times.
Values Education (VED 123)

Human Habits Understanding, science and wisdom pertain to

speculative intellect. Art and prudence pertain
Man is a creature of habits. He is born with a wide to practical intellect.
assortment of powers that open up limitless horizons for
development. The Moral Virtues

Habit comes from the Latin haberemeaning to The moral virtues are those that build the
have. Habit is either the disposition to have something, or character of a person. These are justice, temperance and
the disposition to act in a certain manner. The first is fortitude.
called entitative manner, that which disposes a thing to
have a certain nature or quality of being. The later is called 1. Justice is the virtue which inclines us to render
operative habit, that which disposes for doing something to another what is due to him. Justice is the
in a certain manner. foundation of any interpersonal relationships.
It is the basis of every reasonable law and
promotes peace and harmony within a
community of persons.
Moral Significance of Habits
2. Fortitude is the virtue which gives us the
Habits modify not only the power of operation but
strength in facing dangers and vicissitudes of
the person himself who is the subject of such power. Thus,
life. Fortitude must be tempered with
the habits are either good or bad depending on whether
prudence. It belongs to the prudent man to
they promote the well being of the person or not.
decide whether assume to risk it or to avoid it.
In ethical sense, habit which is in conformity with
the nature of man is also in conformity with right reason 3. Temperanceis the virtue which helps us
and, therefore, is good. It leads to man’s perfection and to regulate our passion and our use of earthly
his ultimate happiness. In ethics, such good habits are goods.
called virtues.Bad habits are calledvices

The Intellectual Virtues

Virtues either pertain to the intellect or to the

The Effects of Vices
A vice is the habit of doing an evil acquired
The intellect virtues are:
through the repetition of an evil act. A vice is opposed to
1. Understanding.Which is the habit of the first virtue either by excess or defect.
principle, such as”dogood and avoid evil”.
1. Vices opposed to prudence by excess.
2. Sciencewhich is the habit of proximate causes,
2. Vices opposed to justice by excess.
such as, concluding from the facts of
experience or inference.
3. Vices opposed to fortitude by excess.
3. Wisdomwhich is the habit of ultimate causes,
4. Vices opposed to temperance by excess.
such as, being aware that the ecosystem binds
both man and lower creatures.

4. Art which is the habit of making or producing

things, such as, painting, music and sculpture.

5. Prudencewhich is the habit of doing or

choosing from the alternative values, such as,
saving for the “rainy days”.
Values Education (VED 123)

HUMAN VALUES AND THEORIES Characteristic of Moral Values

Human values are ideas, actions, habits, or experiences 1. Moral values are goods having intrinsic qualities of
that contribute to the promotion of human life. Since values are desirability.
not equal in their worth, the conduct of a person depends
largely on his wise choice of values. 2. Moral values are universal, that is, they appeal to
man as man and to man as a specific individual.
Man is not only an animal; he is a person. No other 3. Moral values are obligatory. They come as a
corporeal substance is a person. Only man is. Man is a person natural duty, because possession of them is
because he has the gift if insight (intellect) and volition (will). expected as an integral quality to man as rational
We often refer to a person as self or ego. There is no basic creature directed by natural powers towards truth,
difference between these two terms. Both imply self-sufficiency beauty, and goodness.
of a person.
Other values include what we functionally call religious, cultural
and social values:
Self is the first and the most fundamental of values. All
others are in such relation to the sublime dignity of a person.
1. Religious values are those which pertain to
Actions, for example, are the values because they are the result
man’s relationship with the Deity.
of intellect and will, motivated towards something desirable:
another value.
2. Cultural valuesare those man shares with
others in a given community of persons.
Kinds of Values
Values are classified according to the level of human
3. Social values are those that are necessary for
life to which they correspond.
the promotion of human society as a whole.
1. Biological Values. These are necessary in physical
survival of man as an organism:
The Hierarchy of Values
a. Life and health
The hierarchy of values refers to the order of values
b. Food and shelter
from the lowest to the highest in importance. Speaking of their
c. Work
intrinsic worth, values do not have the same degree of
desirability. Neither it is possible to incorporate all values at the
2. Social Values. These are necessary to the sensual
same time in our lives. Accordingly, people will have to choose
need and fulfillment:
their values. The science of ethics may help people in their
a. Leisure and sex
choices, but for all practical purposes it is the responsibility of
b. Marriage
each person.
c. Family and home
d. Parental authority
Choosing our Values
e. Education
Every man has to choose his values. He is wise indeed
who chooses values according to their intrinsic worth. Our
3. Rational Values.Those are necessary to the
preference should be guided by the following:
functions and fulfillment of intellect and will:
1. Permanent lasting values must be preferred over
a. Understanding and control of nature
temporary or perishable values.
b. Guide and control to oneself
c. Solidarity with fellowmen
2. Values favored by a greater number of people
d. Religion
must be preferred over those that appeal only to a
The three levels of man’s life are the foundation of
moral, socio-political and religious rights of man. All values,
3. Values that are essential must be preferred over
therefore, are interrelated.
those are accidental.

4. Values that give greater satisfaction must be

Moral Values
preferred over those that provide short-lived
Moral values are those that pertain to the function of
intellect and will: those choices, decisions, and actions by which
man’s rational faculties are involved and perfected. All other
Our values preferences determine our life-style and our
values - biological, social or rational - when they fall within the
character as a person. In this sense, we speak negatively of
exercise of man’s freedom of choice assume the quality of
certain people as mukhangpera, lakwatsero, tsismoso,
moral. In this sense, all values are moral in reference to their use
lasengero, babaero or walangsilbi. On the other hand, we refer
or abuse by man as a free agent.
Values Education (VED 123)

positively to people who are maka-Diyos, masipag, abandonment of all egoistic desires. The Four
matulungin, maka-tao or mapapagkatiwalaan. Noble Truth of Buddhism are:

God the Highest Value a. Life is the root of all sufferings;

God is goodness, the perfect good. He is exemplar of all b. Sufferings are caused by desires;
goodness found in all creatures. He is the plenitude of c. Desires can be eliminated by negating life;
everything desirable. Thus, He is the SummumBonum, the d. Elimination of desires can be achieved by
ultimate and absolute good that will fulfill all human desires. St. accumulating karma or deeds that eventually free
Augustine says that our hearts are restless until we find God. the individual.
God is the ultimate end of human life.
God is not the only Alpha and Omega of the created 3. Utilitarianism. The greatest value according
universe; He is the preserver of values. Without God, nothing is Jeremy Bentham, one of its proponents is pleasure.
worth valuing, for them even the person of a human being loses
its meaning and life itself becomes a useless and aimless 4. Communism.Communism is based on the
wandering in the avenues of time. teachings of Karl Marx. The Greatest Good is
absolute equality. The mission of communism is
Ethical Theories the production of material wealth by means of
Values are related to the purpose of human life. collective labor, so that the goods of this world
Throughout the ages, theologians and philosophers have tried might be enjoyed in a paradise where each would
to explain the meaning and the purpose of existence. We give according to his powers and would receive
summarize below a few of the most significant ethical theories: according to his needs.
1. Plato. Plato believed that man is free. Thus, man
deserves t be punished for the “sins” he freely 5. Christianism. Christianity is based on the teaching
commits. Happiness is not found in the things and life of Jesus Christ. Christ taught that the
merely serve man’s use, (utilitarianism), nor in the greatest value is love. God is love. Christian
pleasures of earthly life (hedonism), but in making morality is essential based on love which embraces
the soul like to God by the contemplation of the even the enemy.
Idea of Good and by the exercise of virtues.

2. Aristotle. Man has three fold nature: vegetal,

animal and rational. Man must realize his nature
by evaluating all his natural tendencies. The
highest good correspond to the tendency of the

3. St. Thomas Aquinas.The Highest Good or

SummumBonum consists in “beatific vision” of
God. No earthly good can fully satisfy human
desires. Man, because of his rational appetites of
intellect and freewill, can only be completely
happy in God himself.

Ethical Systems
1. Islamism.Islam is a philosophy of life, a complete
system of living, based on the Word of God
revealed to Mohammed. Islam teaches that the
Greatest Values is one’s surrender to God. This
consist in the fulfillment of the Five Pillars:
a. Confession of Creed: “There is no God but Allah,
and Mohammed is his prophet.
b. Prayer brings man in the right relationship with
c. Charity
d. Observance of Ramadan
e. Pilgrimage on Mecca

2. Buddhism. The greatest value according to Buddha

is the liberation of man from suffering though the
Values Education (VED 123)

MANNERS IN PUBLIC PLACES  Avoid smoking in the non-smoking area.

A. At mass or inside church

 The church is a place of worship. It is formal, quiet
 People who take their meals are decent people. Your
place. It is not a play for socializing or meeting one’s
behavior and actions will speak for the kind of breeding
friends. Boisterous behavior and unnecessary chatting
you have.
are not proper in the church.
 Call the waiter properly by waiting for the water to
 Focus your attention on priest or on the altar.
notice your table and ask him what you want. Clapping
Appropriate dressing is a must.
hands, whistling, shouting or saying “pssst” is
 Punctuality is a must as much as participation in
considered rude.
activities, singing and reciting prayers. Participate
 Don’t engage in loud conversation.
actively, but do not attract attention by praying too
 While waiting for someone, order a drink to keep you
loud or singing at the top of your voice.
busy on the table.
 Do not allow the children to play while inside the
 Make inquiries politely at the information desk.
 If you need a reservation, wait 2-3 days in advance, and
 Avoid eating or chewing gum inside the church.
pay reservation fees if required.
 Finish the ceremony before leaving the church.
B. In the street
When everyone has finished, the host catches the eye
 Don’t attract attention if you are in the street. Be
of the waiter and says “Check please”. The check is
careful not to talk loudly. Avoid speaking in loud voice,
presented face down on a small plate. He looks at t
staring at people, bumping into them, calling a name in
quickly for mistakes, and return it to the plate with the
public unless it is absolutely unavoidable, or making
personal remarks that attract passing attention.
 Exposing your private affairs, feelings, or innermost
If there is a notation at the bottom of the check “Please
thoughts in public is improper.
pay cashier” put the tip on the table, collect your
 A gentlemen should walk on the curb side of the
belongings and leave.
 When friends approach each other, the one who F. IN SCHOOL
recognizes the other person first is the first who nods,
smiles or speaks, whether he be a man or woman.
 Students should always be courteous and respectful
 Walk with your friends not more than two abreast. No
 Students should at all times be neat, clean, and
one has a monopoly of the sidewalk.
appropriately presentable in their manner of dressing.
 Avoid eating while walking in the street. Behave
 Should observe rules and regulations in laboratories
properly when passing or meeting a funeral.
and workshops.
 Avoid grooming oneself in public.
 Students should not make unnecessary noise such as
singing, boisterous conversation, etc. , that will disturb
 Students should refrain from loitering in the corridors
 Avoid wearing large hats.
during class hours.
 Avoid resting your feet on the seats before you.
 Students should keep to the right when traversing
 Put your cellular phones in the silent mode or turn corridors and stairways.
them off.
 Observe strictly rules and regulations in cases of
 Avoid speaking too loud, or making too many emergencies such as earthquakes, fire, etc.
comments regarding the film. FUNERAL ETIQUETTE
 Observe cleanliness by proper disposal of garbage.
What is Proper Etiquette for the Visitation?
The visitation provides an opportunity for the survivors and
 Concerts are popular nowadays. It may be formal or others who share in the loss to express their love, respect and
informal concerts. appreciation for a life that has been lived. Common sense and
 Be there before the concert starts. good discretion are always the best guides when attending a
 Dress properly. visitation. Below are additional guidelines for the visitation.
 Clap your hands moderately.
 Conversation should be carried softly. 1. Attend the visitation. 
Values Education (VED 123)

Your presence is an eloquent statement that you care, and there rodeo-themed weddings probably beg for Wrangler jeans, big
is no replacement for your physical presence. The visitation will buckles and cowboy boots.
give you the opportunity to express your condolences, rather
than awkwardly approaching the bereaved at the office, Late morning or mid-afternoon weddings, and
supermarket or other place. The length of your stay at the particularly outdoor ceremonies, tend to be more casual. Casual
visitation is matter of discretion. After talking with the family for weddings usually means something along the lines of
and viewing the deceased, you can then visit with others in "business casual." Women can wear a nice sweater or blouse
attendance. with light slacks, a medium to long skirt or a nice summer dress.
If the wedding is outdoors, make sure your outfit won't billow in
2. Dress appropriately.  the wind. Men can wear khakis or dress pants with a button-up
Although black dress is no longer required, choose subdued or shirt or polo shirt. Children should dress in comfortable,
darker colors for your attire. Loud colors or busy prints should breathable materials in the same fashion as their parents. Avoid
be avoided. If you are unsure of what to wear, a conservative stiletto heels when attending outdoor weddings as the heels will
choice is always best. likely sink into the grass or sand.
Semi-Formal Weddings
3. Express your sympathy. 
When you attend a wake you should approach the family and You should dress up for a semi-formal evening wedding
express your sympathy in a caring and thoughtful manner. It is like you would for a nice dinner date. Women should wear nice
appropriate to relate your memories of the deceased. Introduce dresses, such as simple cocktail dresses, in the evening. Light
yourself to each family member if you are not previously suits or dresses are standard in the afternoon.
acquainted. It is not appropriate to ask about the cause of
Men should wear suits complete with jackets and ties.
For early or summer weddings, lighter colored suits work well.
For later or winter weddings, dark suits in navy and charcoal are
4. Sign the guest registry.
appropriate. Dress slacks with a button-up shirt, tie and sweater
 Use your full name and address. Additional written comments
are fine as well.
are not appropriate for the registry. If the person is a business
associate, it is proper to list the affiliation, as the family may not Little girls should wear pretty dresses such as they
be familiar with the relationship to the deceased. might wear on a holiday, but it should not compete with the
flower girl's dress and should certainly not be white. Boys can
5. Give a memorial gift.  wear dress pants and button-up shirts with ties or sweaters.
Gifts in memory of the deceased are often made, particularly
when the family has requested gifts in lieu of flowers. If the Formal Weddings
family designates a specific organization or charity, please honor Formal weddings usually take place in late afternoon or evening.
this request instead of giving other memorial gifts. Remember Nice cocktail dresses, floor length dresses or dressy suits in
to provide the family’s name and address to the charity for darker colors are appropriate attire for women. Pantyhose and a
proper notification of your gift. If your choose flowers, they can pair of slingback heels or pumps complete the outfit. Men
be sent to the funeral home prior to the funeral. Memorial should wear dark suits with elegant ties and perhaps cuff links.
flowers or gifts can be sent to the family residence at any time. Proper dress socks in a darker color should be worn with shined
or polished dress shoes. Children should dress in fancy dresses
and suits as well.

Proper Attire to Attend a Wedding Black Tie Weddings

When attending a wedding, it is important to dress Black tie weddings are the most formal of weddings.
appropriately. Besides being viewed as a sign of disrespect, Women should wear their nicest cocktail dresses, or, preferably,
over- or under-dressing for a wedding will make you stick out floor length gowns. Use your nicest jewelry and accessories to
like a sore thumb and probably cause embarrassment or embellish the outfit including formal wraps, furs (faux is more
awkwardness. Use the formality of the wedding invitation, along than acceptable) and beaded purses. Your makeup and hair
with the time of day and location of the ceremony and reception should also be luxuriously elegant and dramatic. Tuxedos are a
to decide how formally you should dress must for the men, even if you have to rent one. While only the
fanciest attire is appropriate for black tie weddings, wear shoes
Casual Weddings
that will be comfortable for dancing.
Once you know the wedding will be casual, you'll have
to determine the level of casualness. Some beach or backyard
ceremonies are "barefoot" or "shoes optional", which means
exactly what they state. Denim, shorts and tank tops should
For adults:
never be worn to a wedding, unless specifically stated or the
theme of the wedding calls for it. For example, western style
Values Education (VED 123)

 Make sure that motorists can see you. Wear spiritual development of a Filipino as a person in a community
fluorescent colored clothing during daylight hours and, of persons. They lend support to the effort of building a nation.
if walking when it's dark, carry a flashlight and wear
retro-reflective material. Filipino Cultural Values

Values do not belong exclusively to Filipinos. But

 Know what traffic control signals mean. Don't enter a
certain universal values find different meaning and application
crosswalk while the "Don't Walk" sign is flashing. Be
within the experiential and historical circumstances of the
alert to turning vehicles even if the "Walk" signal is on.
Filipino. What we call a Filipino values are those we derive from
our culture or way of life, from “our distinctive way of becoming
Walk against the flow of traffic. This enables you to see
human in this peculiar place and time”.
any oncoming traffic. Walking in the same direction as
traffic forces you to rely only on your hearing to warn The values of the Filipino spring from their peculiar way
you of approaching vehicles. This also makes you of viewing life, its origin, its meaning, and its purpose. For
slightly less visible to drivers.  example, the value of pananaligsaMaykapal comes from the
belief that God is the Supreme Creator. The values of pag-ibig,
 Joggers are pedestrians too. Joggers should run on pakikipagkapwa, pagpapahalagasapamilya, hiya,
sidewalks or pathways; it's considered illegal to run on utangnaloob – take roots on their awareness of social
roadway pavement if alternatives are available. When relatedness. And from the awareness of his worth as a person,
no alternative is available, joggers should run facing dignified and responsible, - come dangal, amorpropio,
traffic.  delicadeza, and palabra de honor.

About children: Filipino Moral Idea

It is important to teach children about traffic safety and Filipinos subscribe to the concept of moral integrity as
the proper way to cross the street. Adults often overestimate a the ideal ultimately desirable ideal. Success is measured in term
child's ability to walk and cross streets safely. Children under of moral respectability. “Di baling mahirap, basta’t may
age 10 do not always have the necessary skills to judge the dangal” expresses this noble aspiration.
speed or distance of oncoming traffic; in addition, their
peripheral (side) vision is 1/3 less than adults'. Children often act One who falls short from the general expectation does
quickly and behave unpredictably in traffic situations. Here are not deserve respect. In the mental frame of a Filipino, one who
some tips to keep children safe. chooses to reduce himself to the level of the brutes, does not
deserve to be in the company of decent people. Thus, such
 Don't play play in streets or driveways. unfortunate individual is ostracized and dismissed as “hayop”,
or “”walanghiya”, implying that only a brute can act so
 Look left, right, and left again to make sure there are no
cars approaching.
 If crossing at a corner, be aware of cars turning the Objective and Subjective Values
corner. You should enter the street only if there is no
approaching traffic. Continue looking both left and Values are both objective and subjective. They are
right. objective in the sense that they are things that are valuable and
desirable. They are subjective in the sense that they presuppose
When preparing to cross in front of a vehicle, you should a subject, that is, a person is valuing or experiencing such value.
make eye contact with the driver before proceeding.Pedestrian
injuries can be prevented. Take care to be a defensive Double-Standard Mentality
pedestrian and a pedestrian-alert driver.
The Filipino moral behavior is characterized as
ambivalent, meaning, that the Filipino is comfortable with a
FILIPINO VALUES double-standard mentality. Plainly, the values recognized are
allowed to play with a dual role not unlike that of Jekyl and
Values are universal, shared by all people. What we call Hyde. “The truth”, says Fr. Gorospe, “is that Filipino values are
“Filipino Values” are those given emphasis in the culture and ambivalent in the sense that they are a potential for good or
tradition of the Filipinos. They shape character, or evil, they may help or hinder personal and national
ugalingpilipino. development, depending on how they are understood or
practiced or lived.”
The study of cultural values belongs also to Ethics. They
are cultural habits that define the Filipino attitude towards life in Erroneous Norms of Morality
general and towards specific action in particular. They may
rightly be regarded as modifiers of human acts, influencing their Fr. Gorospe traces the roots of double-standard
motivation. They are besides the raw materials of the social and morality to the adherence of Filipinos to false norms or morality.
Values Education (VED 123)

Accordingly, Filipinos judge what is right and what is wrong on UNDERSTANDING THE FILIPINOS AND ITS
the basis of (1) group-centeredness or “group thinking”, or (2) CULTURE
on the basis of shame and fear authority figure.
Re-orientation of attitudes

The solution to the moral ambiguity of the Filipinos  87 MAJOR DIALECTS 

depends largely on the attitude towards the problem itself.  7,107 ISLANDS 
Three difficulties must be overcome: ignorance, complacency,
and rationalization.
Filipinos must be made aware of the problem. One who COMMON) 
is not aware of an illness does not go to a doctor. Similarly, a  CEBUANO OR VISAYAN – MAJOR DIALECT OF THE
Filipino, unaware of the inconsistency in his moral outlook, will CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN REGION (MORE SPANISH
not attempt to correct himself. There is indeed a need to VOCABULARY) 
internalize values, to make them a part of one’s inner character.  ILOCANO – 2ND MAJOR DIALECT IN THE NORTHERN
Values are not clothes to wear. They are the sinews of human REGION 
behavior,\. They are what a person ought to become as a  ENGLISH – MEDIUM OF INSTRUCTION 
Complacencyis the feeling of being comfortable with the
present state of affairs.  FOOD

Rationalization is the mental turning away from the real issues. FOOD IS A BLEND OF MALAY, CHINESE, SPANISH, AND SOME
It is an attitude intended to escape responsibility. AMERICAN/ WESTERN INFLUENCE. 


Values are not acquired genetically; they are personally CHICKEN STEW), LUMPIA (FRIED EGGROLL), FRIED CHICKEN,
cultivated and lived. They involve a commitment where one VARIETIES OF VEGETABLE DISH MIXED WITH MEAT OR
submits himself to the rational demands of his intellect for truth SHRIMPS, PORK RINDS (CHICHARON), DINUGUAN
and the moral demands of the will to abide by what is good. ("CHOCOLATE MEAT" STEW). 

Characteristic of a Responsible Person  Rice with most meals, in certain areas corn meal or
mixed corn meal. 
A responsible person has the following qualities:  Many foods are salty or processed with salt. 
 Fish and sea foods (fried, stewed, salted or dried). 
1. A responsible person has the ability to differentiate
 Pork is preferred meat. 
between what is essential and accidental.
 Frying is common procedure of cooking. 
2. A responsible person has the ability to internalize
his values.  Some dishes and desserts are cooked with coconut oil 
 Topical fruits includes mango, papaya, avocado, guava,
Core Values of the New Filipino banana, pineapple. 
 Common vegetables: ampalaya (bitter melon), variety
Moral maturity is a process of conversion. It means of gourd, variety of beans, eggplants, squash, variety of
shedding off the old self and putting on the new self. For the green/leafy vegetables. 
conversion to be total, it must work within the person. This  Salad greens are not popular, reminds them of grass. 
involves a new way of thinking, a new perception of realities.  Hot chocolate and coffee popular breakfast drinks. 
For the Filipino, this conversion begins with the fresh view of  Sweets are associated with femininity, and not socially
human dignity. While the significance of human dignity has acceptable if habitually consumed by men.
always been part in our Filipino tradition, somehow its true
meaning was lost in our national consciousness. COMMON FILIPINO CUSTOMS: 

On the basis of human dignity, Fr. Gorospe explores the  Highly religious yet simultaneously highly superstitious
potential of values which he consider core or central to the (palm reading, fortune telling, faith-healing is common
education and eventual tranformation of the Filipino. and acceptable). 
 Music and dancing are popular pastimes. 
The core values are: (1)truth, love and faith; (2)hard work, and
 Frequent fiestas (religious) and any excuse for get-
(3)social justice.
togethers (birthdays, death anniversaries, baptismal,
job promotions, bon voyage, house blessings, etc.). 
Values Education (VED 123)

 Common greetings (good evening, etc.), an  Food cravings of pregnant women should be granted to
acknowledging nod, hugging between friends and avoid miscarriages. 
relatives, traditional practice: younger member bows  "relapse" results FROM BATHING, EATING THE WRONG
and takes the right hand of the elder relative gently FOOD, OVER EXERTION OR NOT RECEIVING ADEQUATE
towards the forehead with reverence, saying "manopo" SLEEP/ REST SOON AFTER BEING SICK. 
or GREETING.   Use of camphor/ menthol rub or liniment for aches/
 Younger people must address the elders with such pains. 
prefix as "tiyo" (uncle), "tiya" (aunt), "aling.." (older  Ginger brew helps relieve colds, sore throat, asthma,
female), "mang.."(older male), ma'am or sir instead of abdominal discomfort. It is a soothing remedy for
calling one by first name only.  rheumatism IN COLD OR RAINY WEATHER. 
 Children assume the mother's maiden name as their  Cutting baby's hair before turning one-year old causes
middle name. Traditional for married woman to replace certain illness. 
HER MAIDEN NAME AS HER MIDDLE NAME.   Certain folks still do not bath or cut their nails on
 Divorce is not recognized in the country. Legal fridays!
separation is allowed in cases of adultery or murder
attempt on spouse.  Filipino Family and Cultural Values
 Each child receives 2 or more godparents at baptism or
christening. "COMPADRE" SYSTEM IS IMPORTANT.  Key Point: Filipinos value family highly and rely on family
 WOMEN have equal rights with men since pre-hispanic relations - whether real or fictive - in defining and seeking help
time.  for problems or disorders. The well-being of the family (or the
 Common for adult children to live with parents. Three family name) is valued more highly than that of the individual.
generations living under the same roof is typical. Adult The following values bind the individual to the family, making
children are expected to financially support and/ or him/her to consider how a decision will impact the family. 
take care of their parents. 
 Preference of body language rather than words. Silence Values relevant to practice: 
and pauses often convey messages. 
 Acceptable for females to hold hands and males to Utangnaloob: debt of gratitude and reciprocal obligation
walk with arms on each other's shoulder. Physical
contact between same sexes does not suggest -- drives the individual to reciprocate any real of perceived favor
homosexuality.  or service; this value drives children to care for their elderly.
 "teasing" is acceptable between close friends and
families.  Hiya: sense of shame
 Everyone has one or more nickname. 
-- drives the individual to reciprocate any real of perceived favor
 Crying in men is a sign of weakness. 
or service; this value drives children to care for their elderly.
 To avoid offending others, will say "maybe" or "i don't
know" when they really mean "no" or "i can't."  Amor propio: sense of self-esteem
 Celebrates christmas until january 6th. 
 Black or white are mourning colors, widow or adult -- drives the individual to protect his/her personal reputation.
family members especially women wears these colors
for one year.  Pakikisama and Pakiramdam: ability to facilitate smooth
 Will avoid asking questions even if they do not interpersonal relations and to sense other people's desires or
understand.  feelings.
 Homosexual men are acceptable as drag queens,
hairdressers, entertaINERS, DANCE INSTRUCTORS, ETC. -- drives the individual to protect his/her social relations with
the closest and dear to him/her.
BELIEFS:  Practice Guidelines
Practitioner needs to be aware of the role of utangnaloob in
It Is Documented That Pre-Hispanic Religious Practices Were responding to client expression of gratitude, and in general
Done By Priestesses (Babaylans) Who Played Roles As Healers. conduct of the client during the treatment plan. 
 Belief in the power of prayer over use of medicine.
Going to religious pilgrimages for healing ailments is Be aware of how direct and confrontational language will be
common.  received and interpreted. In order to reach and not to offend
 Belief in the power of faith healers or alternative Filipino clients, the practitioner needs to be aware of hiya,
medicine (herbs, "hilot" or massage therapy) to cure and amorpropio. 
certain ailments that physician could not. 
 Amulets (anting-anting) protect the wearer from Be aware of how pakikisama may or may not interfere with
certain illness and help counteract witchery.  compliance to treatment. Practitioner must build trust so that
Values Education (VED 123)

clients do not seemly agree in order to get along. 

Family-centered therapy is more effective than individual-

centered therapy when serving this population. The role of the
family is taken into account in reaching the client and guiding
him/her to recovery.

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