Detailed Lesson Plan in Introduction To The Philosophy of Human Person

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School Teaching Dates/ August 24-28, 2020

Calulut Integrated School (SHS) Week

(Week 1)
Teacher JOMAR M. MACAPAGAL Semester First/ SY 2020-2021
Quarter 1st



A. Content Standard
The learners understand understands the meaning and process of doing philosophy

B. Performance Standard
The learner reflects on a concrete experience in a philosophical way
C. Learning Competency
1.1 Distinguish a holistic perspective from a partial point of view ./Nakikilala ang pagkakaiba ng pangkabuuang
pananaw mula sa pananaw ng mga bahagi lamang PPT11/12-Ia-1.1

1.2 Realize the value of doing philosophy in obtaining a broad perspective on life/ Nahihinuha na: Mahalaga
ang pamimilosopiya upang magkaroon ng malawakang pananaw sa buhay.


1. Doing Philosophy


Introduction to the Philosophy of Human Person, R. Abella, P.14-16

Ariel Gibuena, Deped Cebu province, Doing Philosophy posted at www.
Laptop, deck slides

A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

Good Morning! How have you been doing?

In this time of pandemic, where everybody has become so anxious and weary living in the so called “New
Normal” life. As a young one, at your age, what thoughts are running in your mind during this time? Are there positive
thoughts? Are there negative ones? Please write at least one for each. (Ano ang mga naiisip mo ngayong panahon ng
pandemya. Magbigay ng iasng positibo at isang negatibo)

Positive thought:____________________________________________________________________

Negative thought:___________________________________________________________________

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

As a student, how do you see the situation during this pandemic? (Paano mo nakikita o tinitignan ang sitwasyon
ngayong panahong may pandemya)

Write your thoughts in 5 sentences.


C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson

In a few years, you will gain new experiences in life that you may have never dreamed of. Such experiences may excite or
challenge you, while some can make you rethink your life and decisions.

At your age, you may have already asked yourself important questions about your life that cannot be directly answered
through research or education, such as “What do I want?” or “What will make me happy?”
Throughout your life, you have wondered about many things which lead you to ask a lot of questions.
If you have already asked yourself those big question, then you have already engaged in philosophy.
– What is Philosophy?
– Is it a way of life? Why or why not?
– How do you apply it in everyday life?

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills

Learn about it!

Doing philosophy helps you think many things, including those that leave you confused or without an acceptable
answer. You can do philosophy by yourself, with a partner, or with a group.

The Meaning of Philosophy and Philosophy of the Human Person

Philosophy, meaning "love of wisdom," is a science where reason and logic are used to understand reality and answer
questions of knowledge, morality, and human nature. It can be described as either a body of knowledge or an intellectual

Philosophy as a body of knowledge provides methodologies and insights on how societal questions, such as moral
dilemmas of euthanasia or same-sex marriage, can be answered.

On the other hand, philosophy as an intellectual activity is an analytic procedure of addressing individual
thought processes such as resolving conflict and confusion, testing positions, and analyzing beliefs. In all instances,
doing philosophy is prescribed by logic, reason, and ethics leading to wisdom.

Philosophy applied to human experience or everyday life denotes the use of philosophy as an intellectual activity. Also
known as philosophy in life, this concept is important because it serves as the guiding principle on how one ought to
live life.


What is your philosophy/ guiding principle in life that you can share? Explain why you imbibe (sinasabuhay) that
philosophy, in 5 sentences.

Philosophy: ______________________________________________________________________________________


E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills 2

Meaning and Process of Doing Philosophy

Doing philosophy means engaging oneself in “matters of utility” and methodologies to eliminate any practical problem or
abstract idea.In the process of doing philosophy, it is critical to have a holistic point of view—the perception of looking at
all aspects of a situation first before making a conclusion. Some other skills involved in doing philosophy are critical,
logical, and analytical thinking, observation, and communicative skills. Before engaging in philosophical inquiry, one must
be able to distinguish between a holistic and partial point of view. This is critical for anyone doing philosophy because it
sets a limit in coming up with conclusions about a given situation.

Holistic and Partial Points of View

Holistic Partial
- Looks at all aspects in the given - Looks at only a limited number of
problem or situation aspects of the given problem or
- All aspects are given importance when situation.
making conclusion. - Conclusions are based on considering
- All aspects are tied together to form a some, but not all, sides of the problem
general overview of the problem or or situation.
Example: A teacher scolds Student A after
Example: The teacher listens first to both sides Student B accused him of stealing her pencil
of stories of her two arguing students before case. However, the teacher only listened to the
making conclusion about the issue story of student B, and not to student A, Before
deciding to scold the student.

Importance of Philosophical Reflection

Philosophical reflection is the process by which a person undergoes a reflective state or evaluates his or her
experiences first before making any related action. The use of philosophical reflection is important as it enables thought
to be looked into using a deeper, holistic perspective. In effect, actions are directed towards greater sources of wisdom
and truth.


Have you experienced not being heard or being treated unfairly in a situation you are involved in? Tell your story briefly in
10 sentences. (Naranasan mo na bang hindi mapakinggan ang iyong panig o eksplanasyon sa isang pangyayari na
sangkot ka? Ikwento ang karanasan sa loob ng 10 pangungusap)


F. Developing mastery

Analyze each situation then provide your solution to the problem (Basahin at intindihing Mabuti ang mga sitwasyon at
magbigay ng personal na solusyon sa problema)

1. You heard that one of your friends was hurt in a fight with some students from a nearby school. Your other friends
approached you saying that they want you to go with them after class to look for the students who hurt your friend.
What will you do? Explain your answer in 5-8 sentences only.

2. You have been saving your extra allowance in order to buy a new pair of shoes. Your Mother, however, is asking
you to give your money to your sister so she can buy a new bag for school. What will you do? Explain your
answer in 5-8 sentences only.

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Describe a situation in your life when you were able to engage in philosophy by answering the following questions:

What circumstances or dilemma brought about your need to philosophize?

How did philosophy help you address your situation?

(May mga pagkakataon at pagsubok ba sa iyong buhay na nagamit mo ang ilang mga pilosopoya? Paano natugunan ng
pilosopiya ang mga pagkakataon at pagsubok na ito?)

H. Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson

As a youth of this generation, it is very important to have a philosophy o a guiding principle in living your life. Knowing the
importance of having a philosophy in life can help you see things, people and situation in a wider, clearer perspective.

The need to philosophize is traced to a person’s sense of wonder and doubt, the need to make sense of challenging
experiences and the love for wisdom.

A holistic view also means that one does not confine one’s understanding of the world to one’s own perspective but also
includes the perspective of others. This is very helpful in coming up with a sound judgement and well-defined decision.
This view also enables a person to better appreciate his or her experiences as vital components that give meaning to life.

I. Evaluate Learning

Make a poster/slogan/drawing showing a holistic view of your life. Come up with a creative visualization that will show
your life in its totality. (*use a short bond paper) (Gumawa ng isang slogan/poster/drawing na magpapakita at
maglalarawan ng iyong buhay ngayon. Maging malikhain sa paglalarawan ng kabuuan ng iyong buhay)

CATEGORY 5 4 3 1
Graphics All graphics are All graphics are All graphics Graphics do not
-Relevance related to the related to the relate to the relate to the topic
topic and make it topic and most topic. Most or several
easier to make it easier to borrowed borrowed
understand. All understand. All graphics have a graphics do not
borrowed borrowed source citation. have a source
graphics have a graphics have a citation
source citation. source citation.
Attractiveness The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is
exceptionally attractive in acceptably distractingly
attractive in terms of design, attractive though messy or very
terms of design, layout and it may be a bit poorly designed.
layout, and neatness. messy. It is not attractive.
Graphics -Clarity Graphics are all Most graphics Most graphics Many graphics
in focus and the are in focus and are in focus and are not clear or
content easily the content easily the content is are too small.
viewed and viewed and easily viewed
identified from 2 identified from 2 and identified
ft. away. ft. away from 1 ft. away.
Spelling/Gramma There are no There is one There are two There are more
r spelling or spelling or spelling or than two spelling
grammatical grammatical grammatical to grammatical
mistakes on the mistake on the errors on the mistakes.
poster. poster. poster

J. Additional activities for application or remedial

Make a reflection journal where you will write your answers to the following questions:

1. List down five philosophical questions do you wish to be answered as you study this course.

Prepared by: Noted by:


Teacher II OIC, School Head SHS

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