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Automated Negotiation Decision Making Approaches: Experimental Study

Laila M. El-Fangary Sherif Kholeif Ghada M. Afify

Associate Professor of Lecturer of Information Instructor of Information
Information Systems Systems Systems
Faculty of Computers and Faculty of Computers and Modern Academy, Maadi
Information Information
Helwan University Helwan University

can range from supporting human negotiators (e.g.

Abstract information search, offer evaluation) to fully automating
the conduct of negotiations.
The automation of negotiation requires a decision model
In a multi-agent system context, the challenge of to capture the negotiation knowledge of policymakers and
automated negotiation is to design decision making negotiation experts so that the decision-making process can
approaches for allocating resources among intelligent be carried out automatically [4]. There are several models
software agents to improve their performance. Recent of decision making used by negotiation software agents.
research work investigated the advantages of the interest- Classical models include decision making by explicitly
based negotiation approach over the classical negotiation reasoning about the opponent’s behavior and decision
approaches and proved that the reframing strategy making by finding the current best solution [5].
significantly improves the quantity of successful An alternative approach to classical models is the use of
negotiations. In this paper, we built over this research work dialogues or argumentation to resolve conflicts. The idea is
by studying the performance of three reframing strategies that the agents are able to provide meta-information on why
by conducting simulation applications and comparing they have a particular objection to a proposal.
between them using qualitative and quantitative Argumentation can also be used to influence the
dimensions. Statistical results show that the sequential preferences, beliefs and/or goals of other players [6].
reframing strategies outperform the parallel reframing Interest-based negotiation (IBN) is a sub-class of
strategy. argumentation-based negotiation (ABN). It refers to
negotiation frameworks where the arguments involved
1. Introduction pertain particularly to agents' interests.
Recent research work explored the advantages of the
Business negotiation is a decision-making process that interest-based negotiation approach over the classical
seeks to find an agreement which will satisfy the negotiation approaches and proved that the reframing –a
requirements of two or more parties in the presence of particular IBN strategy– significantly improves the quantity
limited common knowledge and conflicting preferences [1]. of successful negotiations. In this paper, we extend this
The computerization of the negotiation processes will research work by conducting an experimental study of three
increasingly affect the way businesses interact with their reframing strategies and comparing between them using
business partners. The rationale for e-negotiation is, qualitative and quantitative dimensions.
therefore, the promise of higher levels of process efficiency This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents an
and effectiveness [2]. overview of automated negotiation approaches. Section 3
In multi-agent systems, agents often need to interact in illustrates the negotiation framework. In section 4 we
order to fulfill their objectives or improve their demonstrate the three reframing strategies. The
performance [3]. These agents could be intelligent software experimental evaluation is discussed in section 5. Finally,
entities that take part in the negotiation process. The degree section 6 concludes the paper.
of involvement of these “intelligent agents” in negotiations
INFOS2008, March 27-29, 2008 Cairo-Egypt
© 2008 Faculty of Computers & Information-Cairo University

terms of interests. Interests are the underlying reasons why
2. Literature review people hold the positions that they do.
Reframing is a sub-type of interest-based negotiation
2.1. Automated negotiation approaches strategy that enhances bargaining by allowing the
negotiators to ask for the underlying goal of the negotiation
Automated negotiation is a key form of interaction in and propose alternative plan(s) which may entail a deal on
systems that are composed of multiple autonomous agents. alternative issues [11]. Reframing overcomes the
The aim of such interactions is to reach agreements through limitations of positional approaches.
an iterative process of making offers and counter proposals
between a proponent and an opponent until either a 3. Negotiation framework
mutually acceptable agreement is reached or one of the
parties withdraws. The interest-based negotiation framework was defined in
In the multi-agent systems literature, various interaction details in [12].
and decision mechanisms for automated negotiation have
been proposed and studied. These approaches have been 3.1. Bargaining protocol
classified into two categories: Positional Approaches and
Integrative Approaches. Figure 1 part (a) describes a bargaining protocol (BO
Positional bargaining is the traditional form of case) initiated by agent i with agent j and it is divided in
negotiation. It is characterized by the assertion of opposing two parts as follows:
positions by the parties over a single mutually exclusive  Part one: negotiating the resources to be exchanged,
goal. It’s a “win-lose” type of negotiation. It tends to view each agent discloses the set of resources that he wants.
the object of the negotiation as fixed, such that a better deal  Part two: bargaining over the payment:
for one means a lesser beneficial deal for the other. 1. Agent i makes a first offer
Examples of positional approaches are Game-theoretic 2. Agent j chooses between the three following
approach and Heuristic approach [7]. options:
Integrative bargaining is a negotiation strategy in which o Accept agent i's proposal
parties collaborate to find a “win-win” solution to their o Reject agent i's proposal.
dispute. This strategy focuses on developing mutually o Make a counter proposal.
beneficial agreements based on the interests of the parties.
Interests include the needs, desires, concerns, and fears
3.2. Reframing protocol
important to each side [8]. It usually produces more
satisfactory outcomes than does positional bargaining.
Figure 1 part (b) describes the (recursive) reframing
Examples of Integrative Approaches: Argumentation-based protocol (BR case).
Negotiation [9] and Interest-based Negotiation. In this
 Initiated by agent i, this protocol allows agent i to ask
paper we focus on the interest-based negotiation (IBN).
agent j what is (are) his underlying goal(s).
 Agent j can then:
2.2. Interest-based negotiation 1. Disclose his set of underlying goals gj.
2. Reject the question, thus ending the reframing
Interest-based Negotiation (IBN) is a sub-class of protocol.
argumentation-based negotiation (ABN). While ABN  Agent i then generates all the possible plans for
encompasses any negotiation framework where agents can achieving the goals of gj and can either:
exchange arguments to influence each others' mental states, 1. Inform agent j of one alternative plan to achieve
IBN refers to those frameworks where the arguments one of his underlying goals that agent i believes to
involved pertain particularly to agents' interests. Here be preferable (cheaper) than the one previously
"interests" refers to the agent's underlying desires and the selected by agent j.
goals adopted to fulfill those desires. IBN, therefore, 2. Reject the reframing.
excludes non-interest-based arguments, such as those 3. Start a new reframing protocol to inquire about the
pertaining purely to authority or resorting to threats [10]. super-goals of gj.

2.3. Reframing strategy 3.3. Update strategy

Rather than describing a conflict in terms of positions, it After reframing terminates, on the reception of the
is often helpful to redefine or "reframe" the conflict in information that there is an alternative plan for achieving a

Figure 1. UML 2.0 specification of the bargaining and reframing protocols.

goal from g j that is evaluated by agent i to be cheaper than 5. Expiremental evaluation

the one selected by agent j, agent j will update his valuation
function over the resources not owned according to this This section elaborates on the experimental evaluation
new information and the valuation of the resources owned of the simulations of the three reframing strategies.
is fixed.

4. Reframing strategies 5.1. Simulation parameters

There are many reframing meta-strategies; in this study,  Domain Parameters

we divided them into two main categories which we called: Three simulation applications include a synthetic domain
Parallel Reframing and Sequential Reframing. generation module which allows defining the depth of the
trees (i.e. plans) generated as well as their branching
4.1. Parallel reframing factors. The number of alternative ways to achieve each
goal can be manipulated as well. The simulation was
Parallel strategy means that the agents execute their conducted using randomly generated IBN domain with
negotiation processes simultaneously and this strategy was trees of depth 3, branching factor 2 and number of
studied in [12]. alternatives 4 that is 4 different plans generated per agent
As shown in Figure 2 part (a), the agents will start with for a total of 32 resources in the system.
complete bargaining. If bargaining fails, both agents will
attempt reframing before initiating a new bargaining. All  Agent Parameters
reframing have to terminate before the agents (eventually) For each agent introduced in the system, the resources
update their valuation functions and a new bargaining is to owned are distinguished from the resources not owned. For
be initiated. each resource, a valuation for the agent who owns it is
chosen randomly between 50 and 500. Then, the valuation
4.2. Sequential reframing for the other agent is calculated according to the "error" the
agent is doing in evaluating the resources he does not own.
By sequential strategy we mean that the agents execute We use a Gaussian distribution to encode this error,
their negotiation processes one after the other. The agents where the mean (noted error) of the distribution and
in this strategy may execute symmetrically (i.e. execute standard deviation (noted variance) are expressed as
identical processes) as in Figure 2 part (b) or percentages.
asymmetrically as in Figure 2 part (c).

Figure 2. Reframing strategies (a) parallel execution
(b) symmetric execution (c) asymmetric execution

We assume that the agents' variance of the error was set

to null and the potential benefit was set to 10 %. The mean 5.2.2. Quantitative dimensions. In cases where both the
of the error varies from -70% to 70% using step of 5%. For BO and BR cases lead to the same results in terms of goal
each combination of errors, 10 different IBN domains were achievement (i.e. achieveiBO;BR and achievei⌐BO;⌐BR),
generated and both BO and BR negotiations were quantitative dimensions of the quality of the deals are used
conducted. In other words, each curve in the results has such as the benefit in terms of the cost of the plans.
been generated using 29 x 29 x 20 = 16820 negotiations. Definition (benefit on plan's cost)
plan-benefiti = costi(PBO) - cost i(P BR)
5.2. Evaluation dimensions
5.3. Experimental results
The main aim is to evaluate the differences among the
three reframing strategies by studying the simulation In this section, we discuss the statistical results of the
outcomes. In this section, we illustrate the factors used to simulation applications of the three reframing strategies.
compare the performance of these strategies.
5.3.1. Qualitative dimension: goal benefit. The outcomes
5.2.1. Qualitative dimensions. The first qualitative of Figure 3 demonstrate that, on average, the goal benefits
dimension of a negotiation is whether a deal is reached or in the symmetric and asymmetric executions of sequential
not. In our case, it is interesting to see which reframing reframing strategies are greater than that of parallel
strategy allows agents to achieve their goals more often (by reframing which means that that the sequential reframing
reaching deals when bargaining only strategy is allows the agents to reach a deal more often than with
unsuccessful). parallel reframing.
Definition (Goal achievement) We note achievei(⌐)BO;
to indicate that Agent i failed ( ⌐ ) or succeeded to 5.3.2. Qualitative dimension: number of updates. The
reach his goal in respectively the BO and the BR cases. outcomes of Figure 4 demonstrate that, on average, the
Definition (benefit in goals) number of updates of the agent's valuation functions in the
goal-benefit i = ∑ achievei ⌐BO;BR - ∑ achievei BO;⌐BR symmetric and asymmetric executions of sequential
Another qualitative dimension is the number of updates reframing strategies is greater than that of parallel
of the agents valuation functions conducted in the reframing which means that the sequential reframing allows
negotiation process. the agents to propose an alternative plan

Figure 3. Benefit in term of number of goals achieved in
reframing strategies: a) symmetric b) asymmetric c) parallel

Figure 4. Mean of the number of valuation updates per negotiation in

reframing strategies: a) symmetric b) asymmetric c) parallel

Figure 5. Benefit on the cost of the plan used in the negotiation in

reframing strategies: a) symmetric b) asymmetric c) parallel

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not only more deals are reached in the sequential
executions, but also the deals reached are of better quality
(cheaper plans) for the agent.

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