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Grading System

The grading system is averaging and designated

by numerical equivalents. The basis for the
computation of grades is as follows: OUR PHILOSOPHY
“Touching hearts,
Renewing minds, Transforming Lives”
To arrive at the AVERAGE FINAL GRADE, the
computation shall be as follows:

Average Final Grade = (MG+ FG) OUR VISION

2 To be a community
Quizzes and examinations shall be rated based of excellent individuals with values
on the transmutation table which uses a 75%
passing baseline.
1. Prelim and Midterm
Class Standing 65%: OUR MISSION
Attendance : 15% To produce successful, socially responsible, morally
Assignments : 5% upright and highly competent skilled workers and
Recitations : 15% professionals through value-based quality education
Quizzes : 30%
Major Exam
Prelim 10
Midterm) : 25 God-fearing
________ Reciprocating
100% Committed to Excellence EE 12: The Teaching of Listening
2. Finals
Class Standing : and Reading
Attendance : 15% Course Outline
Assignments : 5%
Recitations : 15% Name:
Quizzes : 30% Section:
Major Exam : Student Number:
35% Professor: ______________
Final Exam : 35% Units: 3
_______ Pre-requisite: Eng Ed 8
100% Course Description:
This course teaches future English teachers
principles and theories in teaching the macro-skills of
listening and reading to ensure a communicative
______________________________ learning environment.
Week 4-5  What are the concerns for Teaching
• Listening as a Product Reading?
• Listening as a Process  General instructional objectives for a
Course Objectives: • Bottom-up Listening second/foreign language reading program
 To introduce the principles of teaching • Top-down Listening  Principles for designing effective and
communication arts consonant with trends • Factors that Influence Learners’ Listening interesting reading lessons
and practices in the discipline • Stages in a Listening Lesson
 To enable students to view strategies of - Pre-listening Week 12
teaching and reading not as a rule of - While-listening  Midterm Examination
conduct or a set of formulas but as - Post-listening
responses, option, or alternatives in relation Week 13-14
to the teaching-learning process Week 6  Content-Based Instruction
 To guide students in exploring further • Preliminary Examination  Some Strategies in Teaching Reading
procedures and other literature related to Week 7-9 -Structural Analysis, Context Clue,
teaching skills in listening and reading  Listening Tasks for Communicative Intensive/Extensive Reading, Pleasure Reading
Outcomes -For Comprehension Development: pre-reading plan,
Course Outline  Four Perspectives – Four Models of previewing, anticipation guide,
Listening and Language Instruction QARs – Question-Answer Relationships,
Week 1 - Model #1 Listening and Repeating ReQuest – Reciprocal Questioning
 GRC Vision - Model #2 Listening and Answering -for Activating Prior Knowledge: K-W-L, Mapping,
 Mission Comprehension Questions PLAN
 Philosophy - Model #3 Task Listening
 Core Values - Model #4 Interactive Listening Week 15-17
 Listening Tasks in Three Modes:  Demonstration Teaching
Week 2-3 Bidirectional, Unidirectional, and
Autodirectional Week 18
 Introduction to Teaching Listening -Implications for Instruction  Final Examination Week
 The Goal of Teaching Listening  Communicative Outcomes
 The Nature of Listening  Some Practical Listening Strategies and
 Kinds of Listening
 The Purposes for Listening Week 10-11
 Tracing the History of Listening and  Introduction to the Teaching of Reading
Language Learning - Reading as a complex, interactive
- The Importance of Listening in process
Language Learning - Becoming literate in a second language
- The role of the first language in Literacy
- Emerging Recognition of the Importance
of Listening in Second/Foreign - Varied Experiences, Background
Language Study Knowledge, and Cultures of ESL

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