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Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part

A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental
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Ambient levels and temporal variations of PM2.5 and

PM10 at a residential site in the mega-city, Nanjing, in
the western Yangtze River Delta, China
a b b a b b b b
Guo F. Shen , Si Y. Yuan , Yu N. Xie , Si J. Xia , Li Li , Yu K. Yao , Yue Z. Qiao ,
b b a b b
Jie Zhang , Qiu Y. Zhao , Ai J. Ding , Bin Li & Hai S. Wu
Institute for Climate and Global Change Research, School of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing
University , Nanjing , China
Institute of Atmospheric Sciences, Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Environmental Sciences ,
Nanjing , China
Published online: 30 Oct 2013.

To cite this article: Guo F. Shen , Si Y. Yuan , Yu N. Xie , Si J. Xia , Li Li , Yu K. Yao , Yue Z. Qiao , Jie Zhang , Qiu Y. Zhao ,
Ai J. Ding , Bin Li & Hai S. Wu (2014) Ambient levels and temporal variations of PM2.5 and PM10 at a residential site in the
mega-city, Nanjing, in the western Yangtze River Delta, China, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/
Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, 49:2, 171-178, DOI: 10.1080/10934529.2013.838851

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Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A (2014) 49, 171–178
Copyright C Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

ISSN: 1093-4529 (Print); 1532-4117 (Online)

DOI: 10.1080/10934529.2013.838851

Ambient levels and temporal variations of PM2.5 and PM10

at a residential site in the mega-city, Nanjing, in the western
Yangtze River Delta, China

Institute for Climate and Global Change Research, School of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China
Institute of Atmospheric Sciences, Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Environmental Sciences, Nanjing, China
Downloaded by [Universitat Politècnica de València] at 07:06 28 October 2014

The deteriorating air quality in eastern China including the Yangtze River Delta is attracting growing public concern. In this study, we
measured the ambient PM10 and fine PM2.5 in the mega-city, Nanjing at four different times. The 24-h average PM2.5 and PM10 mass
concentrations were 0.033–0.234 and 0.042–0.328 mg/m3, respectively. The daily PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations were 2.9 (2.7–3.2,
at 95% confidence interval) and 4.2 (3.8–4.6) times the WHO air quality guidelines of 0.025 mg/m3 for PM2.5 and 0.050 mg/m3 for
PM10 , respectively, which indicated serious air pollution in the city. There was no obvious weekend effect. The highest PM10 pollution
occurred in the wintertime, with higher PM2.5 loadings in the winter and summer. PM2.5 was correlated significantly with PM10 and
the average mass fraction of PM2.5 in PM10 was about 72.5%. This fraction varied during different sampling periods, with the lowest
PM2.5 fraction in the spring but minor differences among the other three seasons.
Keywords: Particulate matter, temporal variation, weekend effect, western YRD region.

Introduction air pollution in China and the economic burden of prema-

ture mortality and morbidity was conservatively estimated
Ambient particulate matter (PM) pollution is a growing at about 157 billion RMB (1.16% of the GDP) in 2003, and
public concern worldwide because of the significant may be as high as 520 billion RMB using the willing-to-pay
impacts on air quality, human health, and local/regional estimation.[14,15]
climate change.[1–6] High level PM loadings are generally The Yangtze River Delta (YRD), which includes the city
thought to be responsible for the increased occurrence of of Shanghai and the Provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, is
haze because the atmospheric visibility could be reduced one of the most developed and fastest growing urbanized
due to light extinction (absorption and scattering) by PM, regions in China. A serious air pollution problem has been
especially the fine PM2.5 (PM with diameter less than documented in the region.[16–19] Relatively high emission
2.5 µm).[7–9] It has been estimated that exposure to ambient densities of primary air pollutants, such as particulate mat-
PM pollution accounted for 3.1 million deaths and 3.1% ter, black carbon, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,
of global DALYs (disability-adjusted life years) during have been reported in this region.[20–23] The regional air
2010.[10] Globally, ambient PM pollution was the ninth quality is deteriorating in the YRD region and the atmo-
highest risk factor among all of the factors investigated, spheric visibility has decreased significantly during the past
while it was the fourth highest risk factor in East Asia and three decades.[7,17] The YRD region has been identified as
the single largest environmental risk factor.[10] a key area in the recent plan for the joint prevention and
Experimental measurements and model simulation stud- control of air pollution in China.[24]
ies have identified severe air pollution in China, especially Nanjing, the capital of Jiangsu Province, locates in the
in the eastern area.[11–13] It is estimated that about 350–400 western YRD and it has an area of about 6587 km2 with
thousands premature deaths were attributable to ambient a population of about 8.1 million. As a highly industrial-
ized and urbanized city, Nanjing suffers from severe atmo-
Address correspondence to Guo F. Shen, School of Atmosphe- spheric problems. It was reported that the average visibility
ric Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing; E-mail: gfshen12@ in Nanjing during 2004 was only 8.8 km and days with daily or average visibility of <10 km comprised about 58% through-
Received May 8, 2013. out whole year.[25] A very limited number of studies have
172 Shen et al.
focused on the air pollutants in this city, such as PM, heavy certainty was derived from errors in the sampling procedure
metals and toxic organics.[26–30] More studies are required (i.e., the absorption of volatile organic compounds was not
urgently, particularly those focused on the air pollution and considered in the present study) and weight measurement.
its sources, to support the environmental protection deci- A field blank was also conducted and the results reported
sions of policy makers. The main objective of this study here were blank corrected.
was to obtain a basic understanding of the ambient PM
pollution levels, especially the fine PM2.5 pollution in the
Data analysis
city, the fine PM mass fraction, and seasonal variations.
A NOAA Hysplit (hybrid single-particle Lagrangian inte-
grated trajectory) model was used to calculate the air mass
trajectories,[31] to investigate the potential pollution source
Materials and methods and long-rang transport of the airborne mass. The 72-h
backward trajectory that originated from the sampling site
Sampling site was calculated.[32] SPSS (Chicago, IL, USA) was used for
Downloaded by [Universitat Politècnica de València] at 07:06 28 October 2014

the data analysis with a significance level of 0.05.

Ambient PM2.5 and PM10 samples were collected simulta-
neously for 24 h using quartz fiber filters (47 mm, Millipore)
in November 2011, and March, June, and August, 2012. Ac-
Results and discussion
tive samplers (16.7 L/min, Wuhan Tianhong Instruments,
China) were set up on the top roof of a seven-floor building
PM mass concentration
in a residential area with a college nearby. The sampling
site was downwind of the downtown city area, which was a Figure 1 shows the daily PM2.5 and PM10 mass con-
representative site for the dynamic characterization of air centrations throughout the sampling period. The straight
pollution in the city. [16] lines show the Chinese National Ambient Air Quality
Standards (0.075 mg/m3 for PM2.5 and 0.150 mg/m3 for
PM10 in the second grade Ambient air functional Zone)[33]
PM measurement and quality control
and the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines
The filters was prebaked at 500◦ C for 4 h, and stored in (0.025 mg/m3 for PM2.5 and 0.050 mg/m3 for PM10 ).[34]
a desiccator for 24 h prior to use. After sampling, the There were very high variations in the daily PM load-
particle-loaded filters were conditioned in the desiccator ings. The daily PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations were 0.033-
for another 24 h to reach equilibrium. Before and after 0.234 mg/m3 and from 0.042–0.328 mg/m3, respectively.
sampling, the filters were weighed gravimetrically using a The overall PM2.5 and PM10 means were 0.106 and
high precision digital balance (XP105DR, Mettler-Toledo, 0.146 mg/m3, respectively. The daily average of PM10
Greifensee, Switzerland). The PM mass concentration was concentration in this study was 0.97 times (0.89–1.1 as
calculated based on the mass difference and the total sam- 95% Confidence Interval) of the national standard of
pling volume. The detection limit was estimated to be 0.150 mg/m3, while the PM2.5 concentration was 1.4 (1.3-
0.42 µg/m3 by assigning a sampling volume of 24.048 m3 1.5) times the standard. Compared with the WHO PM
and a balance sensitivity of 0.01 mg. The measurement un- guidelines for a 24 h period, the PM pollution was much

Fig. 1. The 24-h average PM10 (blue) and PM2.5 (red) mass concentrations during the sampling period in Nanjing. The national
standard and WHO guideline values are also shown as unbroken and broken lines, respectively (color figure available online).
Ambient levels and temporal variations of PM2.5 and PM10 in Nanjing 173
more serious. On average, the daily PM10 concentration was reported data. This discrepancy may be explained partly
about 2.9 (2.7–3.2) times the WHO standard, while the fine by the different sampling sites and measurement methods.
PM2.5 was 4.2 (3.8–4.6) times the standard. Zhao et al.’s study [40] calculated the PM10 based on the Air
Up to 40 and 74% of the total sampling days had 24-h Pollution Index (API) reported by the local Environmen-
average PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations above the Chinese tal Protection Bureau, whereas we sampled and weighed
National Standards, respectively. Compared with the WHO the PM10 using quartz fiber filters. API is a dimensionless
Standard, all of the daily PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations index, which is used to describe the air quality in China.
exceeded the standards, which indicated severe PM pollu- It is similar to the Air Quality Index but only considers
tion and the detrimental health impacts of air pollution in five pollutants, i.e. sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon
the city. monoxide, ozone, and PM10 . Each pollutant is measured
The PM10 level found in this study was much higher than separately and used to calculate a sub-pollution index based
the national average level of 0.083 mg/m3.[35] According on linear interpolation of the measured concentration be-
to the national statistics, the annual average PM10 concen- tween the grading limits for each air quality classification
trations in Nanjing during the past 10 years were similar criterion. The final API is the highest sub-pollution index.
Downloaded by [Universitat Politècnica de València] at 07:06 28 October 2014

to those in most major cities, such as Beijing, Tianjin, and The method used to measure the API can be found in Qu
Shanghai, but higher than those in Guangzhou, Haikou et al.,[41] and on the Ministry of Environmental Protection
and Nanning in South China.[36] The annual average website.[42] Moreover, only one sampling site was included
concentration of PM2.5 in Beijing during 2001–2004 was in this study, whereas the API reported for a city is usually
0.096–0.107 mg/m3, [4] which is comparable to the average based on monitoring data from several sites. The sampling
of 0.106 mg/m3 in the present study. In 2003, a field site was located in one of the fastest developing regions in
campaign was conducted to simultaneously measure the the city, so it is not surprising that we detected much higher
ambient PM2.5 and carbon fractions in 14 cities (excluding pollution levels at the site in the present study compared
Nanjing) throughout China.[37] with the average level for the whole city.
Relative to other domestic cities, the PM2.5 concen- The ambient PM10 level has been decreasing in the last
tration in Nanjing during the winter was comparable to few years because of the government’s efforts to reduce
the levels in the Northern China Plain and other YRD pollution, such as eliminating small coal-fired power plants,
regions, such as Beijing (0.126 ± 0.066 mg/m3), Tianjin managing heavy pollution industries, substituting natural
(0.179 ± 0.088 mg/m3), Shanghai (0.151 ± 0.095 mg/m3) gas for coal, and controlling mobile sources.[40,43] However,
and Hangzhou (0.168 ± 0.055 mg/m3), but lower than it is difficult to know whether there is also a decreasing
those in Xi’an (0.375 ± 0.144 mg/m3) in northwest China trend in the ambient PM2.5 because of a lack of sufficient
and Chongqing (0.312 ± 0.114 mg/m3) in southwest representative data. In addition to emissions from local
China. In the summer, the PM2.5 in Nanjing was lower sources, transport and chemical transformation are other
than the levels in Beijing (0.117 ± 0.048 mg/m3), Tianjin important factors that affect the air quality, which is an
(0.103 ± 0.028 mg/m3), Xi’an (0.131 ± 0.059 mg/m3) and obvious phenomenon in this region. It has been reported
Chongqing (0.116 ± 0.038 mg/m3), comparable to the that air pollutants from southern cities affect downwind
levels in Hangzhou (0.091 ± 0.041 mg/m3), but higher cities via the formation of secondary pollution under strong
than the levels in other major cities like Shanghai (0.052 radiation conditions during summer, while the long-range
± 0.019 mg/m3), Guangzhou (0.049 ± 0.009 mg/m3), transport of pollutants from the northern area affects the
Hong Kong (0.040 ± 0.014 mg/m3) and Xiamen (0.025 ± region more obviously during winter.[44]
0.016 mg/m3).
In general, the PM air pollution is severe in China, es-
pecially when compared with the ambient PM levels in the
Temporal variation
United States and European regions.[1–3,38–39] The differ-
ences in the PM pollution levels in these cities are thought The mean PM2.5 concentrations were 0.146 (0.123–0.170
to be related to the higher local emissions and impacts of at 95% CI), 0.089 (0.073–0.105), 0.106 (0.087–0.125), and
regional long-range transport. In the future, it is expected 0.086 (0.071–0.102) mg/m3 in the four sampling months.
that the availability of more monitoring data and informa- In November 2011, the daily PM2.5 concentrations were all
tion on PM sources will provide a better understanding above the national standard of 0.075 mg/m3. The PM2.5
of the dynamic changes between and within cities, thereby exceeded the national standard on 57.9, 83.3 and 55.6%
facilitating an effective pollution control strategy. of the days in March, June, and August 2012, respec-
It was reported that the PM10 levels have tended to de- tively. The average 24-h PM10 concentrations were 0.193
cline between 2005 and 2009 in most cities in this region, (0.161–0.225), 0.138 (0.115–0.161), 0.145 (0.119–0.171) and
In Nanjing, the annual PM10 concentrations ranged be- 0.113 (0.096–0.130) mg/m3 during the four sampling peri-
tween 0.10 and 0.12 mg/m3 during these 5 years,[40] but ods, respectively. The PM10 concentrations exceeded the
the annual average PM10 level in the present study was national standard on 70.6, 36.8, 33.3 and 22.2% of the days
about 0.146 mg/m3, which is higher than the previously in each period, respectively.
174 Shen et al.
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Fig. 2. The 24-h average PM10 and PM2.5 mass concentrations during different sampling months. The data shown are the mean,
median, minimum, maximum, and quartile (25 and 75%) values, and those with statistical significance (P < 0.05) among them are
marked with an asterisk (color figure available online).

The coefficient of variation (COV), which is defined as pogenic primary pollutants at the weekend, such as NO,
the standard derivation divided by the mean, was calcu- NO2 and CO. Ozone level might be higher on the weekend,
lated to characterize the temporal changes within a month. which can be explained volatile organic compound (VOC)-
The COV values were 23–37% for PM2.5 and 25–33% for limited ozone formation, carryover of higher emissions of
PM10 during the different months. Many factors, such as ozone and the precursors on Friday and Saturday night,
local primary emissions, temperature, and wind, which af- difference in the timing of NOx emission and/or increased
fect the secondary formation, dry/wet deposition, and re- reactivity of VOCs at the weekends.[50,51] The difference in
gional long-range transport, are considered to affect the pollutant concentrations between weekends and weekdays
daily variances. These factors usually affect the ambient may be pollutant-, location-, and time-specific.[49,52–54] For
PM pollution levels simultaneously via complex physical- example, insignificant differences in the PM2.5 concentra-
chemical mechanisms. It would be interesting to study the tion have been reported during the weekends and weekdays
temporal changes and their possible explanation in the fu- in urban areas for some cities. [52,53,55] In New Delhi, it was
ture based on more monitoring data at a large scale, as well even found that in 2002, the PM10 concentration at the
as the potential use of environmental models. weekends was higher than that on weekdays.[54]
The results of the ANOVA analysis showed that the dif- The average PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations for work-
ferences among these four periods were statistically signif- days and weekend days are listed in Table 1. The differences
icant (P < 0.05) for PM2.5 and PM10 . Based on a mul- between workdays and weekend days were not statistically
tiple comparison test, we found that the PM2.5 loadings significant, which suggests that there was no obvious
in November and June, which represented the winter and “weekend effect” in the ambient PM levels in Nanjing
summer, respectively, were significantly higher than those during this study period. It has been reported that the
in March and August. However, the PM10 was significantly average visibility in Nanjing was 8.8 and 8.9 km on work-
higher only during the winter compared with the other days and weekend days, respectively, which also suggested
three periods (Fig. 2). The more severe fine PM2.5 and no significant weekend effect.[25] Changes in local sources
PM10 pollution levels during the winter were associated and long-range transport can lead to variable ambient PM
with a combination of increased primary emissions from concentrations during weekends and weekdays.[49–57]
solid fuel combustion and unfavorable meteorological con- If people stay at home at the weekends, the lower ve-
ditions for pollutant dispersion.[25,45,46] In the summer time hicular activities will produce fewer emissions of primary
(June in this study), the PM10 concentrations were compa- pollutants.[52–58] However, this might not always be the case
rable to the levels in the March and August, whereas PM2.5 in many cities.[53,56,59] In addition to insignificant differ-
was significantly higher. This might be explained partly ences in the PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations, the PM2.5 to
by the enhanced secondary formation of PM2.5 during the PM10 ratio was also comparable at the weekends (0.73 ±
summer.[37,47–48] The determination of sources is expected to 0.08) and on the weekdays (0.69 ± 0.10). It is considered
help explain the phenomenon observed in the present study. that the main sources of PM in the studied site did not
The weekend effect is of wide interest because it can change greatly throughout the sampling period between
provide valuable information that facilitates the evalua- the weekdays and the weekends. Unfortunately, we do not
tion of environmental models, the analysis of the causes of have source information for the ambient PM2.5 and PM10
the pollution, and the development of effective pollution in Nanjing in the present study, which prevents any fur-
control strategies.[49,50] There are reduced levels of anthro- ther discussion of the weekend effect in this context. It is
Ambient levels and temporal variations of PM2.5 and PM10 in Nanjing 175
Table 1. PM2.5 and PM10 mass concentrations for the workdays and weekends in four sampling periods.
Mar. June Aug. Nov. Overall

PM2.5 , mg/m3
Workday 0.087 ± 0.033 0.104 ± 0.041 0.091 ± 0.034 0.137 ± 0.037 0.104 ± 0.040
Weekend 0.093 ± 0.035 0.111 ± 0.034 0.071 ± 0.017 0.175 ± 0.065 0.111 ± 0.054
P = 0.895 P = 0.514 P = 0.334 P = 0.125 P = 0.594
PM10 , mg/m3
Workday 0.132 ± 0.052 0.143 ± 0.055 0.117 ± 0.036 0.179 ± 0.048 0.142 ± 0.052
Weekend 0.156 ± 0.031 0.152 ± 0.046 0.098 ± 0.021 0.239 ± 0.091 0.161 ± 0.069
P = 0.508 P = 0.961 P = 0.418 P = 0.125 P = 0.594
The difference between workday and weekend was tested using non-parametric Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, and statistical P values are also listed.

hoped that the availability of more information on the PM tributed only 64.3% of PM10 , while the PM2.5 fractions
Downloaded by [Universitat Politècnica de València] at 07:06 28 October 2014

chemical compositions, its main sources, and the effects of were 73.0–77.4% in the other months and did not differ
meteorological conditions will allow the PM weekend effect significantly. The significantly lower (P < 0.05) PM2.5 mass
to be better characterized. fraction in March is thought to be related to dust transport
from the northwest of China during this season.[35,40] The
PM2.5 mass fraction results of the backward trajectories also showed that a rel-
Figure 3 shows the relationship between PM2.5 and PM10 . atively large fraction of air came from the western area in
A significantly positive correlation was revealed (P < 0.05), March, which diffreed from the air trajectories in the other
indicating that the ambient PM2.5 and PM10 were probably sampling periods, as shown in Figure 4.
derived from the same source or affected by similar fac- It is important to identify the sources of the fine PM2.5
tors. In generally, PM2.5 contributed about 72.5% of PM10 and PM10 to better understand the reasons for the severe air
during the sampling period. The current Chinese National quality deterioration and to facilitate the development of
Standard PM2.5 value is set at half of that for PM10 . Thus, an effective control strategy for the city. This will require the
the day numbers when the PM2.5 concentration exceeded analysis of chemical composition of PM, such as the car-
the standard were often higher than the days when the PM10 bonaceous carbon fraction, water-soluble ions, elements,
offended the standard (73.6 and 40.3% for PM2.5 and PM10 , and organic tracers, which can be used to in PM source
respectively, in the current study). apportionment. It would also be useful to analyze the ef-
The PM2.5 mass fraction differed among the four sam- fects of meteorological conditions on the ambient air pol-
pling months. In March (springtime), the PM2.5 con- lution. In the future, simultaneous on-line measurements

Fig. 3. Relationships between the PM10 and PM2.5 concentra- Fig. 4. The backward trajectories for the sampling site during
tions during different sampling periods (color figure available different sampling periods. The four cluster means are shown
online). (color figure available online).
176 Shen et al.
of PM and its composition, as well as gaseous air pollu- C.; Borges, G.; Bourne, R.; Boussinesq, M.; Brauer, M.; Brooks,
tants, would be preferable. P.; Bruce, N.; Brunekreef, B.; Bryan-Hancock, C.; Bucello, C.;
Buchbinder, R.; Bull, F.; Burnett, R.; Byers, T.; Calabria, B.; Cara-
petis, J.; Carnahan, E.; Chafe, Z.; Charlson, F.; Chen, H.; Chen, J.;
Conclusions Cheng, A.; Child, J.; Cohen, A.; Colson, K.; Cowie, B.; Darby, S.;
Darling, S.; Davis, A.; Degenhardt, L.; Dentener, F.; Des Jarlais,
D.; Devries, K.; Dherani, M.; Ding, E.; Dorsey, E.; Driscoll, T.;
The 24-h average PM mass concentrations in Nanjing were Edmond, K.; Ali, S.; Engell, R.; Erwin, P.; Fahimi, S.; Falder, G.;
0.033–0.234 mg/m3 for PM2.5 and 0.042–0.328 mg/m3 for Farzadfar, F.; Ferrari, A.; Finucane, M.; Flaxman, S.; Fowkes, F.;
PM10 . Severe air pollution was detected in the city with Freedman, G.; Freeman, M.; Gakidou, E.; Ghosh, S.; Giovannucci,
mean daily PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations at about 2.9 E.; Gmel, G.; Graham, K.; Grainger, R.; Grant, B.; Gunnell, D.;
Gutierrez, H.; Hall, W.; Hoek, H.; Hogan, A.; Hosgood III, H.;
and 4.2 times the WHO air quality guideline limits, respec- Hoy, D.; Hu, H.; Hubbell, B.; Hutchings, S.; Ibeanusi, S.; Jack-
tively. No obvious weekend effect was found. There were lyn, G.; Jasrasaria, R.; Jonas, J.; Kan, H.; Kanis, J.; Kassebaum,
clear temporal variations in the PM2.5 and PM10 levels N.; Kawakami, N.; Khang, Y.; Khatibzadeh, S.; Khoo, J.; Kok, C.;
during different periods. The highest PM10 concentration Laden, F.; Lalloo, R.; Lan, Q.; Lathlean, T.; Leasher, J.; Leigh, J.;
was measured during the winter (November), while higher Li, Y.; Lin, J.; Lipshultz, S.; London, S.; Lozano, R.; Lu, Y.; Mak, J.;
Downloaded by [Universitat Politècnica de València] at 07:06 28 October 2014

Malekzadeh, R.; Mallinger, L.; Marcenes, W.; March, L.; Marks,

PM2.5 levels occurred in the winter (November) and sum- R.; Martin, R.; McGale, P.; McGrath, J.; Mehta, S.; Mensah, G.;
mer (June). On average, PM2.5 contributed 72.5% of the Merriman, T.; Micha, R.; Michaud, C.; Mishra, V.; Hanafiah, K.;
total PM10 mass, while a significantly low PM2.5 mass frac- Mokdad, A.; Morawska, K.; Mozaffarian, D.; Murphy, T.; Naghavi,
tion was found in the spring. M.; Neal, B.; Nelson, P.; Nolla, J.; Norman, R.; Olives, C.; Omer,
S.; Orchard, J.; Osborne, R.; Ostro, B.; Page, A.; Pandey, K.; Parry,
C.; Passmore, E.; Patra, J.; Pearce, N.; Pelizzari, P.; Petzold, M.;
Acknowledgments Phillips, M.; Pope, D.; Pope III, C.; Powles, J.; Rao, M.; Razavi,
H.; Rehfuess, E.; Rehm, J.; Ritz, B.; Rivara, F.; Roberts, T.; Robin-
son, C.; Rodriguez-Portales, J.; Romieu, I.; Room, P.; Rosenfeld, L.;
Funding for this study was supported by China Postdoc- Roy, A.; Rushton, L.; Salomon, J.; Sampson, U.; Sanchez-Riera, L.;
toral Science Foundation (No. 2013M531322), the Na- Sanman, E.; Sapkota, A.; Seedat, S.; Shi, P.; Shield, K.; Shivakoti,
tional Natural Science Foundation (41301554) and the R.; Singh, G.; Sleet, D.; Smith, E.; Smith, K.; Stapelberg, N.; Steen-
Jiangsu Natural Science Foundation (BK20131031). We land, K.; Stöckl, H.; Stovner, L.; Straif, K.; Straney, L.; Thurston,
G.; Tran, J.; van Dingenen, R.; van Donkelaar, A.; Veerman, J.; Vi-
thank anonymous reviewers for valuable comments. jayakumar, L.; Weintraub, R.; Weissman, M.; White, R.; Whiteford,
H.; Wiersma, S.; Wilkinson, J.; Williams, H.; Williams, W.; Wilson,
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