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Renaliz M.

MBA – Hotel and Restaurant Management

Technology had a great impact in our lives today. I, myself loves technology very
much. It fascinates me. As we all know technology is fast changing and as well
changing our daily lives. Technology is a product and controlled by us people, and one
of the most commonly used is the Internet. Who could not live without internet?
Everywhere we go we use this through communications, games, e-books and
commerce. Internets helps us to connect to things and now thing can also connect to a
thing through Internet so called the Internet of things. Internet of things is simply
connecting all the surrounding smart devices (things) to Internet. These devices use
sensors and actuators to communicate with each other across the internet. It could be
smart phone, smart television, smart watch even smart car and any things surround us.
This is how Internet of Things works a smart device sends and receives data through
internet to another device and once data had received it takes smart necessary action.
It is being a big thing now, most especially in our generation since we are evolving and
everyone is using the internet. This Internet of Things is also a big help in our industry
today. Things works for us. Internet of Things has been a great help n marketing
industries and as it is growing faster worldwide marketers can use this as a strategy to
have more access to all consumers. Marketers can use this to collect data to all
customer’s product. The impact of this data sharing is huge and unpredictable. This
sharing of data will change the way we live our lives. But now marketers need to take
grips of Internet of Things now only because Internet of Things is going to expand in the
future. Even all of us needs to adapt to this change since it is all over the world. The
Internet of Things would make smart devices and networks joined together with the data
sets combined enabling the customers to form a direct connection with the product they
are using without the intervention of any third party vendor or merchant. The Internet of
Things is the connection of everyday products like cars, alarm clocks, lights to
computing devices via the internet. The Internet of Things technology connects internet
with the objects that are used in our daily lives. The marketers will be able to engage
the customers in every marketing phases. This large amount of data which is generated
by these connected devices will allow them to capture interactions, conversation matrix
and customer behavior. Internet of Things can help the marketers to help access easy
to consumers need. The innovation of Internet of Things have been develop through
years and made a great impact for all marketers and we can be connected to the world
around us. The Internet of Things allows us to connect to the digital world. Internet of
Things data used to track the effectiveness of store layouts, the exposure to
promotions, product interactions and many more usages. Internet of Things helps and
make it easy to marketers know what the consumers desire to make it more
conveniently. It could also help to meet the consumers’ expectation. Our world is driven
by technology and we are all over powered by it. This innovation makes all the things
possible without even worrying. Such a great help to all of us around the world and it is
not just stopping here but, it is getting bigger and bigger. Technology are made by
people and people are over powered by this technology. In this world that we are living
now everywhere and anywhere we go there will always Internet of things that is one
step ahead of us.

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