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Introduction to Information and Communications

EXPLORE ・ Recitation
Logo Quiz
Identify the following logos:

Google Chrome



Introduction to Information and Communications Technology
History of Computers

The Abacus

Devices have been used to aid computation for thousands of years, mostly using one-
to-one correspondence with fingers. The earliest counting device was probably a form
of tally stick. Later record keeping aids throughout the Fertile Crescent included calculi
(clay spheres, cones, etc.) which represented counts of items, probably livestock or
grains, sealed in hollow unbaked clay containers. The use of counting rods is one

The abacus was initially used for arithmetic tasks. The Roman abacus was developed
from devices used in Babylonia as early as 2400 BC. Since then, many other forms of
reckoning boards or tables have been invented. In a medieval European counting
house, a checkered cloth would be placed on a table, and markers moved around on it
according to certain rules, as an aid to calculating sums of money.

Napier’s Bones

"Napier's bones" is a manually-operated calculating device created by John Napier of

Merchiston, Scotland for the calculation of products and quotients of numbers. The
method was based on lattice multiplication, and was also called Rabdology. Napier
published his version in 1617 in Rabdology, printed in Edinburgh, Scotland, dedicated to
his patron Alexander Seton.

Using the multiplication tables embedded in the rods, multiplication can be reduced to
addition operations and division to subtractions. More advanced use of the rods can
even extract square roots. Napier's bones are not the same as logarithms, with which
Napier's name is also associated.

The complete device usually includes a base board with a rim; the user places Napier's
rods inside the rim to conduct multiplication or division. The board's left edge is
divided into 9 squares, holding the numbers 1 to 9. The Napier's rods consist of strips
of wood, metal or heavy cardboard. Napier's bones are three-dimensional, square in
cross-section, with four different rods engraved on each one. A set of such bones
might be enclosed in a convenient carrying case.

A rod's surface comprises 9 squares, and each square, except for the top one,
comprises two halves divided by a diagonal line. The first square of each rod holds a
single digit, and the other squares hold this number's double, triple, quadruple,
quintuple, and so on until the last square contains nine times the number in the top
square. The digits of each product are written one to each side of the diagonal;
numbers less than 10 occupy the lower triangle.

The Pascaline

Pascal's calculator (also known as the arithmetic machine or Pascaline) is a mechanical

calculator invented by Blaise Pascal in the early 17th century. Pascal was led to develop
a calculator by the laborious arithmetical calculations required by his father's work as
the supervisor of taxes in Rouen. He designed the machine to add and subtract two
numbers directly and to perform multiplication and division through repeated addition
or subtraction.

Pascal's calculator was especially successful in the design of its carry mechanism, which
adds 1 to 9 on one dial, and carries 1 to the next dial when the first dial changes from 9
to 0. His innovation made each digit independent of the state of the others, enabling
multiple carries to rapidly cascade from one digit to another regardless of the
machine's capacity. Pascal was also the first to shrink and adapt for his purpose a
lantern gear, used in turret clocks and water wheels. This innovation allowed the
device to resist the strength of any operator input with very little added friction.

Analytical Engine
The Analytical Engine was a proposed mechanical general-purpose computer designed
by English mathematician and computer pioneer Charles Babbage. It was first described
in 1837 as the successor to Babbage's difference engine, a design for a simpler
mechanical computer.

The Analytical Engine incorporated an arithmetic logic unit, control flow in the form of
conditional branching and loops, and integrated memory, making it the first design for
a general-purpose computer that could be described in modern terms as Turing-
complete. In other words, the logical structure of the Analytical Engine was essentially
the same as that which has dominated computer design in the electronic era. The
Analytical Engine is one of the most successful achievements of Charles Babbage.

Babbage was never able to complete construction of any of his machines due to
conflicts with his chief engineer and inadequate funding It was not until 1941 that the
first general-purpose computer, Z3, was actually built, more than a century after
Babbage had proposed the pioneering Analytical Engine in 1837

ENIAC was the first electronic general-purpose digital computer. It was Turing-complete,
and able to solve "a large class of numerical problems" through reprogramming.
Although ENIAC was designed and primarily used to calculate artillery firing tables for
the United States Army's Ballistic Research Laboratory (which later became a part of
the Army Research Laboratory), its first program was a study of the feasibility of the
thermonuclear weapon. ENIAC was completed in 1945 and first put to work for practical
purposes on December 10, 1945.

Generations of Computers
Nowadays, a computer can be used to type documents, send email, play games, and
browse the Web. It can also be used to edit or create spreadsheets, presentations, and
even videos. But the evolution of this complex system started around 1940 with the
first Generation of Computer and evolving ever since.
There are five generations of computers.
1. Vacuum Tubes
A vacuum tube is a device that controls electric current flow in a high vacuum
between electrodes to which an electric potential difference has been applied.
2. Transistors
A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electronic
signals and electrical power. It is composed of semiconductor material usually
with at least three terminals for connection to an external circuit. A voltage or
current applied to one pair of the transistor's terminals controls the current
through another pair of terminals. Because the controlled (output) power can be
higher than the controlling (input) power, a transistor can amplify a signal. Today,
some transistors are packaged individually, but many more are found embedded
in integrated circuits.
3. Integrated Circuits
An integrated circuit or monolithic integrated circuit (also referred to as an IC, a
chip, or a microchip) is a set of electronic circuits on one small flat piece (or
"chip") of semiconductor material that is normally silicon. The integration of large
numbers of tiny MOS transistors into a small chip results in circuits that are
orders of magnitude smaller, faster, and less expensive than those constructed
of discrete electronic components. The IC's mass production capability, reliability,
and building-block approach to circuit design has ensured the rapid adoption of
standardized ICs in place of designs using discrete transistors. ICs are now used
in virtually all electronic equipment and have revolutionized the world of
electronics. Computers, mobile phones, and other digital home appliances are
now inextricable parts of the structure of modern societies, made possible by
the small size and low cost of ICs.
4. Microprocessor
A microprocessor is a computer processor that incorporates the functions of a
central processing unit on a single integrated circuit (IC), or sometimes up to 8
integrated circuits] The microprocessor is a multipurpose, clock driven, register
based, digital integrated circuit that accepts binary data as input, processes it
according to instructions stored in its memory and provides results (also in
binary form) as output. Microprocessors contain both combinational logic and
sequential digital logic. Microprocessors operate on numbers and symbols
represented in the binary number system.
DEEPEN ・ Quiz 1.1
Answer the following questions on 1/4 sheet of pad paper.
1. What is a multipurpose digital integrated circuit? ANSWER: microprocessor
2. What is the first computer ever? ANSWER: abacus
3. What was the first electronic computer? ANSWER: ENIAC
4. Who invented the Analytical Engine? ANSWER: Charles Babbage
5. Who invented the Pascaline? ANSWER: Blaise Pascal

TRANSFER ・ Activity #1
How Do Computers Help You as a Student?
On a sheet of pad paper, write an essay that answers the question “How do computers
help you as a student?”

Data Representation
EXPLORE ・ Recitation
Data Representation
Before starting the discussion proper, ask the students the following questions:
1. How does your senses work?
2. How does your brain know the different colors that you see, the sounds you
hear, the scents you smell, the tastes you enjoy, and the textures that you feel?
3. If you were to create a robot that is exactly like a human, how do you think
would it take in knowledge from the outside world?

Data Representation
The Binary Number System
The binary number system is a base-2 number system. This means it only has two
numbers: 0 and 1. The number system that we normally use is the decimal number
system. It has 10 numbers: 0-9.

Why use binary numbers?

Binary numbers are very useful in electronics and computer systems. Digital electronics
can easily work with a sort of "on" or "off" system where "on" is a 1 and "off" is a zero.
Often times the 1 is a "high" voltage, while the 0 is a "low" voltage or ground.

How do binary numbers work?

Binary numbers only use the numbers 1 and 0. In a binary number each "place"
represents a power of 2. For example:

1 = 20 = 1
10 = 21 = 2
100 = 22 = 4
1000 = 23 = 8
10000 = 24 = 16

Converting from Binary to Decimal

If you want to convert a number from binary to decimal, you can add up the "places"
that we showed above. Each place that has a "1" represents a power of 2, starting with
the 0s place.


101 binary = 4 + 0 + 1 = 5 decimal

11110 binary = 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 0 = 30 decimal
10001 binary = 16 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 17 decimal

Converting from Decimal to Binary

Converting a decimal number to a binary number can be more difficult. It helps if you
know the powers of two (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, …).

First subtract the largest power of two possible from the number you are
Then put a "1" in that place of the binary number.
Next, you subtract the next biggest power of two possible from the remainder.
You put a 1 in that position.
You keep repeating the above until there is no remainder left.
All the places without a "1" get a "0".

What is 27 decimal in binary?

1. What is the largest power of 2 that is less than or equal to 27? That is 16. So subtract
16 from 27. 27 - 16 = 11
2. Put a 1 in the 16's place. That is 24, which is the 5th place because it starts with the
0's place. So we have 1xxxx so far.
3. Now do the same for the remainder, 11. The largest power of two number we can
subtract from 11 is 23, or 8. So, 11 - 8 = 3.
4. Put a 1 in the 8's place. Now we have 11xxx.
5. Next is to subtract 21, or 2 which is 2 -1 = 1.
6. 11x1x
7. Lastly is 1-1 = 0.
8. 11x11
9. Put zero's in the places without 1's and we get the answer = 11011.

Other examples:
14 = 8 + 4 + 2 + 0 = 1110
21 = 16 + 0 + 4 + 0 + 1 = 10101
44 = 32 + 0 + 8 + 4 + 0 + 0 = 101100

Representing Data Using Binary

We have all seen computers do seemingly miraculous things with all kinds of sounds,
pictures, graphics, numbers, and text. It seems that we can build a replica of parts of
our world inside the computer. You might think that this amazing machine is also
amazingly complicated - it really is not. In fact, all of the wonderful multi-media that we
see on modern computers is all constructed from simple ON/OFF switches - millions of
them - but really nothing much more complicated than a switch. The trick is to take all
of the real-world sound, picture, number etc data that we want in the computer and
convert it into the kind of data that can be represented in switches, as shown in Figure

Figure 1: Representing Real-World Data In The Computer

Computers Are Electronic Machines. The computer uses electricity, not mechanical parts,
for its data processing and storage. Electricity is plentiful, moves very fast through
wires, and electrical parts fail less much less frequently than mechanical parts. The
computer does have some mechanical parts, like its disk drive (which are often the
sources for computer failures), but the internal data processing and storage is
electronic, which is fast and reliable (as long as the computer is plugged in).
Electricity can flow through switches: if the switch is closed, the electricity flows; if the
switch is open, the electricity does not flow. To process real-world data in the
computer, we need a way to represent the data in switches. Computers do this
representation using a binary coding system.

Binary and Switches. Binary is a mathematical number system: a way of counting. We

have all learned to count using ten digits: 0-9. One probable reason is that we have ten
fingers to represent numbers. The computer has switches to represent data and
switches have only two states: ON and OFF. Binary has two digits to do the counting: 0
and 1 - a natural fit to the two states of a switch (0 = OFF, 1 = ON).
As you can read about in the part of this course on the history of computers, the
evolution of how switches were built made computers faster, cheaper, and smaller.
Originally, a switch was a vacuum tube, about the size of a human thumb. In the 1950's
the transistor was invented (and won its inventors a Noble Prize). It allowed a switch to
be the size of a human finger nail. The development of integrated circuits in the 1960s
allowed millions of transistors to be fabricated on a silicon chip - which allowed millions
of switches on something the size of a finger nail.
Bits and Bytes One binary digit (0 or 1) is referred to as a bit, which is short for binary
digit. Thus, one bit can be implemented by one switch, as shown in Figure 2.
In the following table, we see that bits can be grouped together into larger chunks to
represent data.

For several reasons which we do not go into here, computer

designers use eight bit chunks called bytes as the basic unit of
data. A byte is implemented with eight switches as shown in
Figure 3.
For several reasons which we do not go into here, computer
designers use eight bit chunks called bytes as the basic unit of
data. A byte is implemented with eight switches as shown in
Figure 3. Figure 2
Computer manufacturers express the capacity of
memory and storage in terms of the number of bytes it
can hold. The number of bytes can be expressed as
kilobytes. Kilo represents 2 to the tenth power, or 1024.
Kilobyte is abbreviated KB, or simply K. (Sometimes K
is used casually to mean 1000, as in "I earned $30K last
year.") A kilobyte is 1024 bytes. Thus, the memory of a
640K computer can store 640x1024, or 655,360 bytes.
Memory capacity may also be expressed in terms of
megabytes (1024x1024 bytes). One megabyte,
abbreviated MB, means, roughly, one million bytes.
With storage devices, manufacturers sometimes
Figure 3: Implementing a Byte express memory amounts in terms of gigabytes
(abbreviated GB); a gigabyte is roughly a billion bytes.
Memory in older personal computers may hold only 640K bytes; in newer machines,
memory may hold anywhere from 1MB to 32MB and more. Mainframe memories can
hold gigabytes. Modern hard disks hold gigabytes.
Here is an important thing to keep in mind:

A single byte can represent many different kinds of data. What

data it actually represents depends on how the computer uses
the byte.

For instance, the byte:


can represent the integer 67, the character 'C', the 67th decibel level for a part of a
sound, the 67th level of darkness for a dot in a picture, an instruction to the computer
like "move to memory", and other kinds of data too.

Integer numbers are represented by counting in binary.
Think for a minute how we count in decimal. We start with 0 and every new thing we
count, we go to the next decimal digit. When we reach the end of the decimal digits
(9), we use two digits to count by putting a digit in the "tens place" and then starting
over again using our 10 digits. Thus, the decimal number 10 is a 1 in the "tens place"
and a zero in the "ones place". Eleven is a 1 in the "tens place" and a 1 in the "ones
place". And so on. If we need three digits, like 158, we use a third digit in the
"hundred's place".

We do a similar thing to count in binary - except now we only have two digits: 0 and 1.
So we start with 0, then 1, then we run out of digits, so we need to use two digits to
keep counting. We do this by putting a 1 in the "two's place" and then using our two
digits. Thus two is 10 binary: a 1 in the "two's place" and a 0 is the "one's place". Three is
11: a 1 in the "two's place" and a 1 in the "one's place". We ran out of digits again! Thus,
four is 100: a one in the "four's place" a 0 in the "two's place" a 0 in the "one's place".
What "places" we use depends on the counting system. In our decimal system, which
we call Base 10, we use powers of 10. Ten to the zero power is 1, so the counting starts
in the "one's place". Ten to the one power is 10, so the counting continues in the "ten's
place". Ten to the second power (10 squared) is 100, so we continue in the "hundred's
place". And so on. Binary is Base 2. Thus, the "places" are two to the zero power ("one's
place"), two to the one power ("two's place"), two to the second power ("four's place"),
two to the third power ("eight's place"), and so on.
When you look at a byte, the rightmost bit is the "one's place". The next bit is the
"two's place". The next the "four's place", The next the "eight's place" and so on. So,
when we said that the byte:


represents the decimal integer 67, we got that by adding up a 1 in the "ones place" and
1 in the "two's place" and a 1 in the "64's place" (two to the 6 power is 64). Add them up
1+2+64= 67. The largest integer that can represented in one byte is:


which is 128+64+32+16+8+4+2+1 = 255. Thus, the largest decimal integer you can store in
one byte is 255. Computers use several bytes together to store larger integers.

The computer also uses a single byte to represent a single character. But just what
particular set of bits is equivalent to which character? In theory we could each make
up our own definitions, declaring certain bit patterns to represent certain characters.
Needless to say, this would be about as practical as each person speaking his or her
own special language. Since we need to communicate with the computer and with each
other, it is appropriate that we use a common scheme for data representation. That is,
there must be agreement on which groups of bits represent which characters.
The code called ASCII (pronounced "AS-key"), which stands for American Standard
Code for Information Interchange, uses 7 bits for each character. Since there are
exactly 128 unique combinations of 7 bits, this 7-bit code can represent only characters.
A more common version is ASCII-8, also called extended ASCII, which uses 8 bits per
character and can represent 256 different characters. For example, the letter A is
represented by 01000001. The ASCII representation has been adopted as a standard
by the U.S. government and is found in a variety of computers, particularly
minicomputers and microcomputers. The following table shows part of the ASCII-8 code.
Note that the byte:


does represent the character 'C'.

Character Bit pattern Byte Character Bit pattern Byte
number number

A 01000001 65 ¼ 10111100 188

B 01000010 66 . 00101110 46

C 01000011 67 : 00111010 58

a 01100001 97 $ 00100100 36

b 01100010 98 \ 01011100 92

o 01101111 111 ~ 01111110 126

p 01110000 112 1 00110001 49

q 01110001 113 2 00110010 50

r 01110010 114 9 00111001 57

x 01111000 120 © 10101001 169

y 01111001 121 > 00111110 62

z 01111010 122 ‰ 10001001 137

DEEPEN ・ Quiz 2.1

On a sheet of 1/2 crosswise pad, convert the following decimal numbers into binary
1. 25
2. 40
3. 28
4. 75
5. 90
TRANSFER ・ Activity #2
Beep! Boop! What’s my Name?
Using the following ASCII table, write your name in binary. First, take your name’s ASCII
codes and convert them one by one into binary.
Letter ASCII Code Letter ASCII Code
a 097 A 065

b 098 B 066

c 099 C 067

d 100 D 068

e 101 E 069

f 102 F 070

g 103 G 071

h 104 H 072

i 105 I 073

j 106 J 074

k 107 K 075

l 108 L 076

m 109 M 077

n 110 N 078

o 111 O 079

p 112 P 080

q 113 Q 081

r 114 R 082

s 115 S 083

t 116 T 084

u 117 U 085

v 118 V 086

w 119 W 087

x 120 X 088

y 121 Y 089

z 122 Z 090

Word Processor
EXPLORE ・ Recitation
Before starting the discussion proper, ask the students the following questions:
1. Before we used computers as a part of our everyday life, how did people do
certain things like
● Printing books
● Creating music
2. How did computers change the common life in the past few years?

Overview of the Word Processor

What is Microsoft Word (MS Word)? MS Word is the most popular word processing
software used today. A word processor is essentially a computerized version of the
standard typewriter. However, the computer adds features typewriters never dreamed
of having like spell check, the ability to save and store documents, copy and past
functions, the ability to add images and shapes to documents, and many more. When
attached to an email, electronic documents, created by MS Word can be delivered in
seconds. Another benefit is that it helps the user to type faster and more accurate.

What is MS Word Used For? This software is used to create, edit, and format written
documents in the workplace, at school, and at home. Examples include personal and
formal business letters, resumes, cover sheets, and homework. Intermediate and
advanced level knowledge of this software could lead to job opportunities since MS
Word is used a lot in the workplace.

Change Page Orientation

The following steps will help you understand how to change the page orientation of a
word document.

Step 1 − Open the Word document the orientation of which needs to be changed. By
default, orientation will be Portrait Orientation as shown below.
Step 2 − Click the Page Layout tab, and click the Orientation button available in the
Page Setup group. This will display an Option Menu having both the options (Portrait &
Landscape) to be selected.

Step 3 − Click any of the options you want to set to orientation. Because our page is
already in portrait orientation, we will click the Landscape option to change my
orientation to landscape orientation.

Set Standard Watermark

The following steps will help you set standard watermark in word document. A
standard watermark is the one which is already defined by words and cannot modify
their font or color etc.
Step 1 − Open a word document in which you want to add a watermark.

Step 2 − Click the Page Layout tab and then click the Watermark button to display a list
of standard watermark options.

Step 3 − You can select any of the available standard watermarks by simply clicking
over it. This will be applied to all the pages of the word. Assume we select the
Confidential watermark.

Set Custom Watermark

The following steps will help you set custom watermark in word document. A custom
watermark is the one which can be modified text and its font, color and size etc.

Step 1 − Open a Word document in which you want to add a watermark.

Step 2 − Click the Page Layout tab and then click the Watermark button to display a list
of standard watermark options. At the bottom, you will find the Custom Watermark

Step 3 − Click over the Custom Watermark option; this will display the Printed
Watermark dialog box.

Step 4 − Now you can set a picture as watermark or you can set predefined text as
watermark; you can also type your text in the Text box available at Printed Watermark
dialog box. We will set text watermark as DUPLICATE and also set its font color and
font size. Once all the parameters are set, click the OK button to set the parameters.
Remove Watermark

The following steps will help you remove an existing watermark from a Word document.

Step 1 − Open a Word document the watermark of which needs to be deleted.

Step 2 − Click the Page Layout tab followed by the Watermark button to display a list
of standard watermark options. At the bottom, you will find the Remove Watermark

Step 3 − Click Remove Watermark option; this will delete the existing watermark from
the document.

Set Document Password

Once you set a password for a document then you will be able to open the document
only if you know the password. If you forget your password, then there is no way to
recover it and to open the document. So you need to be careful while setting a
password for your important document.
The following steps will help you set a password for a Word document.

Step 1 − Open a Word document for which you want to set a password.

Step 2 − Click the File tab and then click the Info option and finally the Protect
Document button which will display a list of options to be selected.

Step 3 − Select the Encrypt with Password option simply by clicking over it. This will
display an Encrypt Document dialog box asking for a password to encrypt the
document. The same dialog box will appear twice to enter the same password. After
entering password each time, click the OK button.

Step 4 − Save the changes, and finally you will have your document password
protected. Next time when someone tries to open this document, it will ask for the
password before displaying the document content, which confirms that now your
document is password protected and you need password to open the document.
Remove Document Password

You can remove a document password only after opening it successfully. The following
steps will help you remove password protection from your Word document.

Step 1 − Open a Word document the password of which needs to be removed. You will
need the correct password to open the document.

Step 2 − Click the File tab followed by the Info option and finally the Protect Document
button which will display a list of options to be selected.

Step 3 − Select the Encrypt with Password option simply by clicking over it. This will
display an Encrypt Document dialog box and password which will be in a dotted
pattern. You need to remove this dotted pattern from the box and make it clear to
remove the password from the document.
Now when you will open your document next time, Word will not ask you for any
password because you have removed the password protection from the document.

Set Editing & Formatting Restrictions

The following steps will help you set editing restrictions in a Word document.

Step 1 − Open a Word document for which you want to set editing restrictions.

Step 2 − Click the File tab and then click the Info option and finally the Protect
Document button which will display a list of options to be selected.

Step 3 − Select the Restrict Editing option simply by clicking over it. This will open the
actual document and it will also give you the option to set editing restrictions in the
Restrict Formatting and Editing area. Here you can set formatting as well as editing
restrictions on the document.
Step 4 − One you are done with your setting, click the Yes, Start Enforcing Protection
button which will display a Start Enforcing Protection dialog box asking for password
so that no one else can change the setting. You can enter the password or you can
leave it simply blank which means there is no password setting for this protection.

Step 5 − Finally click the OK button and you will find that your document is editing (or
formatting if you applied) protected.

Remove Editing & Formatting Restrictions

You can remove the editing restriction from your

document using these simple steps.

Step 1 − Open a Word document for which you want to

remove the editing restriction.

Step 2 − Click the File tab and then click the Info option
and finally the Protect Document button; this will
display a list of options to be selected.
Step 3 − Select the Restrict Editing option simply by clicking over it. This will display the
Restrict Formatting and Editing area as follows.

Step 4 − Now click the Stop Protection button. If

you had set up a password at the time of
setting the editing or formatting restrictions,
then you will need the same password to
remove the editing or formatting restrictions.
Word will now ask for the same using the
Unprotect Document Dialog box , otherwise it
will simply remove the restrictions.

DEEPEN ・ Quiz #3


Answer the following questions on a 1/4 sheet of paper.

1. Portrait and Landscape are types of what? ANSWER: page orientation

2. If you need to change the typeface of a document, which menu will you choose?

3. The Word Count command in the Tools menu displays the number of words as well
as the number of __________ in the current document. ANSWER:

4. What do we use to help reduce spelling errors in the document? ANSWER:


5. What is the smallest font size available in the Font Size tool? ANSWER: 8

TRANSFER ・ Activity 3.1

Love Letter

Using Microsoft Excel, write a love letter to someone you love. Make sure to make it
beautiful and neat. Print it and give it to that person after the teacher checks it.

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