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Presentation & Assignment Topics Critical Theories M.Phil Eng Lit.

Sem I
Sr No Name DueDate Presentation & Assignment Topic
1 Rana Haider 27-10 Charles Darwin’s Influence on Critical Theory
2 Kinza Hussain 27-10 Sigmund Freud & Carle Yung’s Influence on Critical Theory
3 Kashifa Nawaz 27-10 Kant & Friedrich Nietzsche’s Influence on Critical Theory
4 Nadia Mushtaq 27-10 Introduction to William Empson’s Epilogue to Seven Types of Ambiguity.
Mary Wollstonecraft’s – A Vindication of the Rights of Women:
5 Sumbal Khalid 27-10
a seminal feministic text
6 Umbreen Alam 27-10 Critical Analysis of Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own
An Introduction to the “Gang of Four” of Structuralism:
7 Iqra Fajar 27-10
Lévi-Strauss, Lacan, Barthes and Foucault.
Elaine Showalter’s Toward a Feminist Poetics:
8 Maria Hanif 3-11
A Seminal Text of Gynocriticism
A Vindication of the Rights of Women &
9 Tehniat Mehmood 3-11
A Room of One’s Own: A Comparative Study
Terry Eagleton’s “Categories for a Materialist Criticism”
10 Javaria Iram 3-11
from Criticism and Ideology
Ferdinand De Saussure. “Nature of the Linguistic Sign”
11 Uzma Kiran 3-11
from The Course in General Linguistics.
12 Khatoon Ramzan 3-11 Claude Levi-Strauss. “The Structural Study of Myth.”
3-11 Karl Marx. “Consciousness Derived from Material Conditions”
13 Ayesha Waheed
from The German Ideology
3-11 Jacques Derrida. “Structure, Sign and Play in the Discourse of the
14 Lubna Anwar
Human Sciences.”
15 Afifa Firdous 3-11 Michel Foucault. “What is an Author?”
16 Alina Ijaz 3-11 Jacques Derrida 1967 “Of Grammatology”.
17 Maryam Javed 3-11 Umberto Eco. “The Myth of Superman” from The Role of the Reader.
18 Ayesha Nazir 3-11 Sigmund Freud: Creative Writers and Daydreaming
3-11 Jacques Lacan. “The Mirror Stage as Formative of the I Function as
19 Sidra Ashraf
Revealed in Psychoanalytic Experience” From m Écrits: A Selection.
20 Shumaila Siddique 3-11 Julia Kristeva: Psychoanalysis and Polis
3-11 Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar. “Infection in the Sentence” from The
21 Maqaddas
Madwoman in the Attic.
22 Sadia Rasheed 3-11 Hélène Cixous: The Laugh of the Medusa
23 Kamal Yasir 3-11 Adorno, Theodor W. From Minima Moralia
24 Awais Faheem 3-11 Roland Barthes From Work to Text from Image – Music – Text
25 Waqas Iqbal 10-11 Beauvoir, Simone de. The Nomads
26 Bilal 10-11 Michel de Certeau Walking in the City from The Practice of Everyday Life
27 M. Asif 10-11 Rey Chow Where Have All the Natives Gone?
28 Hafiz M. Nadeem 10-11 Pierre Clastres Power in Primitive Societies
29 Zafar Iqbal 10-11 Clastres, Pierre. The Duty to Speak
30 M. Haneef 10-11 Jacques Derrida Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of Human Sciences
31 Sarfraz Ali 10-11 Jacques Derrida Racism’s Last Word
32 Qaisar Ali 10-11 Michel Foucault From The History of Sexuality
33 M. Saqib Khan 10-11 Luce Irigaray From This Sex Which is not One
34 M. Yousaf 10-11 Friedrich Nietzsche On Truth and Lie in an Extra moral Sense
35 M. Zaman 10-11 Susan Sontag Against Interpretation
36 Khalid Mehmood 10-11 Gayatri C. Spivak Can the Subaltern Speak?
37 Nayyar 10-11 I. A. Richards, William Empson & F. R. Leavis & new Critical Trends
38 Memoona 10-11 Derrida and Ferdinand de Saussure: A Comparative Study
39 Rabia Qasim 10-11 Karl Marx’s Influence on Critical Theory
40 Zunaira 10-11 William Rueckert Literature and Ecology: An Experiment in Ecocriticism
10-11 Lawrence Coupe The Green Studies Reader: From Romanticism to
41 M. Sharjeel
42 Raisa Iqbal 10-11 Sojourner Truth: 1851 Ain’t I a Woman
43 Nazish 10-11 Simone De Beauvoir: 1945 Le Deuxième Sexe (The Second Sex)
10-11 The Empire Writes Back: Theory and Practice in Post-Colonial
44 Simal Abbassi
Literature (1989) by Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths and Helen Tiffin
45 Javeria 17-11 Edward Said: Introduction to Culture and Imperialism & Orientalism
46 Rani 17-11 Frantz Fanon: “On National Culture” from The Wretched of the Earth
47 Amna 17-11 An Introduction to Frantz Fanon’s Black Skin, White Masks
48 Tasleem 17-11 An Introduction to Homi K. Bhabha’s The Location of Culture
49 Sobia Kaleem 17-11 Frantz Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earth (1962)
17-11 Ferdinand De Saussure. “Nature of the Linguistic Sign”
50 Adeela Fareed
from The Course in General Linguistics.
51 Hira Jameel 17-11 Sigmund Freud: Creative Writers and Daydreaming
52 Shahbaz 17-11 Julia Kristeva: Psychoanalysis and Polis
53 M. Sufiyan 17-11 Hélène Cixous: The Laugh of the Medusa
54 M. Mobeen 17-11 Adorno, Theodor W. From Minima Moralia
55 Hafsa Jabeen 17-11 Michel de Certeau Walking in the City from The Practice of Everyday Life
17-11 A Vindication of the Rights of Women &
56 Maria Gulzar
A Room of One’s Own: A Comparative Study
57 Rehman Zaheer 17-11 Derrida and Ferdinand de Saussure: A Comparative Study
58 Ammara 17-11 Karl Marx’s Influence on Critical Theory
59 Humaira 17-11 William Rueckert Literature and Ecology: An Experiment in Ecocriticism
17-11 Lawrence Coupe The Green Studies Reader: From Romanticism to
60 Adil Mahmood
61 M. Mubashir Khan 17-11 Sojourner Truth: 1851 Ain’t I a Woman
62 Asim Ali 17-11 Simone De Beauvoir: 1945 Le Deuxième Sexe (The Second Sex)
63 Aamir Shahzad 17-11 Sigmund Freud & Carle Yung’s Influence on Critical Theory
64 Rao Ghulam Abbas 17-11 Kant & Friedrich Nietzsche’s Influence on Critical Theory
65 Nabila Jabeen 17-11 An Introduction to Homi K. Bhabha’s The Location of Culture
24-11 An Introduction to the “Gang of Four” of Structuralism:
66 Nimra Iftikhar
Lévi-Strauss, Lacan, Barthes and Foucault.
67 Sania Ferooz 24-11 Elaine Showalter’s Toward a Feminist Poetics:

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