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Computerized Automation

This article Reprinted from The Official Journal of ISPE

describes how a PHARMACEUTICAL ENGINEERING® November/December 2002, Vol. 22 No. 6
approach to
Computerized Automation:
benefits both
suppliers and
from Process Control to Validation
users in an
where regulatory by Carlo Bestetti
inspections are
focused on Introduction The Validation Process in the
computerized/ Pharmaceutical Industry

n a modern pharmaceutical enterprise, the
automated role of computerized/automated systems The requirement for a validation process in the
systems. has an increasing impact on all processes pharmaceutical industry is summed up by a
associated with the development, manufactur- statement contained in the “FDA Guidelines on
ing, storage, and distribution of drug products. General Principles of Process Validation,” May
Consequently, the regulatory inspections of 1987, where validation is defined as:
pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities are
focused on computerized/automated systems. “Establishing documented evidence which pro-
The process that is known as validation has vides a high degree of assurance that a specific
become well established for demonstrating the process will consistently produce a product meet-
fitness for intended use of pharmaceutical equip- ing its pre-determined specifications and quality
ment and processes. System suppliers are attributes.”1
deemed to be ready to include evidence that the
supplied systems meet their pre-determined The legal basis for the general implementation
specifications and quality attributes. Increased of the European Union - Good Manufacturing
quality of the results, reduced execution time, Practice (EU-GMP) was created from two direc-
and costs are the advantages of this cooperative tives adopted in 1991 by the European Commis-
approach to both the user (the pharmaceutical sion (EC) Working Party on Control of Medi-
manufacturer) and the supplier. cines and Inspections:

Guidelines and Regulations • 91/356/ECC for humans

Computers have been used for industrial appli- • 91/412/ECC for veterinary use
cations for many years and the pharmaceutical
industry is no exception, where computerized Reference is made to earlier directives such as
systems are playing an increasingly important 75/319/ECC, 81/851/ECC, and 89/381/ECC,
part in the manufacture of pharmaceutical and “Computerized Systems” which are the subject
other healthcare products. Therefore, regula- of Annex 11 to the EU Guide to Good Manufac-
tory inspections are focusing more and more on turing Practice, Volume 4.2
computerized/automated systems. Although reference to other regulations and
The need for guidance originated at indi- standards, such as EU or ISO, are being prac-
vidual company sites and in regions where local ticed outside the US and particularly in Europe,
regulations had to be satisfied. The few compa- the requirements of the FDA are increasingly
nies that produced guidelines, which were de- adopted as a specific reference for applications
signed and intended exclusively for internal use with international value.
and similar to those adopted for manufacturing The result of the harmonization effort is an
equipment, were the first to understand the approach that should be acceptable to the FDA
need for a structured approach for an auto- and also should enable compliance with the
mated system. The development of such guide- requirements of EC Directive 356 as explained
lines may have been driven by an unsuccessful in the European Guide to GMP including Annex
inspection or a more precise interpretation of 11 “Computerized Systems.” This Annex de-
the published regulations, but they soon be- scribes the requirements for using computer-
came a useful reference outside the original ized systems in the GMP sector. Validation and
geographical or company limits. life cycle and software quality are particularly
Many guidelines are now accepted interna- important for development of validated sys-
tionally following discussions, seminars, and tems. In addition, this Annex also is applicable
dedicated forums, in addition to the significant to the data entry part of the GCP area as
effort that has gone into the production of inter- described in the EU-GCP Guideline.
national agreements and harmonization. It is important to note that a guideline repre-
Computerized Automation

quality of the result and the savings obtained from avoiding

implementation of unnecessary activities and production of
unusable documentation soon become apparent, i.e., improved
control of planned activities and limited amount of enhanced
The approach is based on the concept of prospective valida-
tion following a life cycle model. It is not intended for retrospec-
tive validation of existing systems. The extent to which this
approach may be used for retrospective work, i.e., existing
systems, which are already installed, should be determined on
a case-by-case basis, according to the state of the documenta-
tion that is available, recoverable, or producible.
Where product quality may be affected, other specific items
Figure 1. Automated production plant scheme. also should be considered and assessed, such as operating
environment and operating procedures, e.g., security, back up,
sents just one method to develop and operate computerized
and recovery.
systems. It is the responsibility of the pharmaceutical manu-
In principle, the approach is general and thus suitable for
facturer to determine priorities and to reduce or increase the
all types of automated systems. However, since significant
stringency of the applicable procedures on the basis of indi-
distinctions exist between different types of systems, the user
vidually defined criteria.
specifies the required activities, standards, and responsibili-
It is the responsibility of the supplier to execute a manage-
ties in the Validation Plan to accommodate these distinctions.
ment system for the development, supply, and maintenance of
The user ensures that the requirements of the Validation Plan
an automated system. Adherence to this management system
are reflected in any quality and project plan agreed between
by the supplier should provide sufficient documentary evi-
the user and supplier. This means, e.g., that separate life
dence to enable the system to be accepted and validated by the
cycles may be defined after assessing different systems (differ-
user (pharmaceutical manufacturer).
ent suppliers) such as “embedded” or “stand-alone.” In particu-
In addition, the supplier should consider Good Manufactur-
lar, it is important to distinguish between control systems for
ing Practice (GMP) along with any quality standards already
manufacturing equipment, such as autoclaves or filling lines,
adopted by the supplier, such as ISO 9001.3
and IT systems, such as MRPII, warehouse systems, and
Suppliers of automated systems to the pharmaceutical
laboratory systems – Figure 1.4
industry are expected to share the responsibility for the vali-
Furthermore, any existing, new concept, or technology that
dation process with pharmaceutical manufacturers. This ac-
is capable of achieving the objective of adequately validated
tive cooperation includes the definition and production of
automated systems should be considered to determine any
validation documentation, and is evolving toward a new orga-
possible benefit from its use.
nizational approach capable of reducing the customary docu-
menting/design approach, while still accomplishing the level
System Life Cycle (SLC) Applied to Automated Systems
of documented evidence, as required for the validation of a
All the systems implemented for any industrial application
system that is considered critical under FDA and EU regula-
should follow a specific, defined life cycle. This is a requisite in
the case of applications that may affect the quality of a
This formal acceptance of the system supplied and its
pharmaceutical product. The most popular guidelines apply a
related documentation are an integral part of system valida-
‘Life Cycle Concept’ to computer system development.
tion. Validation is a user responsibility and is achieved by
Today, the life cycle concept is well known and has been in
implementing the activities defined in a Validation Plan (VP).
use for some time for critical applications. The increasing need
The VP is typically based on the “system life cycle” methodol-
for automation in the pharmaceutical industry is well covered
ogy and defines validation activities, responsibilities, and
by the extent of implementation, and the possibility of modifi-
procedures, i.e., all significant steps, including revision and
cation of the concept to consider the increasing number/type of
approval of the documentation produced by the supplier.
computerized/automated systems in use4 - Figure 2.
Once the defined activities are completed, a Validation
A sound basis for the development and support of a comput-
Report is written, which confirms that all of the planned
erized/automated system used for regulated operations is the
activities and documented evidence are complete. On accep-
issuing (and approval) of the associated guidelines and proce-
tance of the Validation Report, the user releases the system for
dures including:
use. The validated state is maintained by formally applying
appropriate procedures for proper system operation, mainte-
• Development
nance, and change control.
• Operation
• Change Control
• System Maintenance
When an automated system is to be installed for use related to
production in a pharmaceutical plant, it is crucial - not only for
This applies both to a new system and for modification of an
validation purposes - that the suppliers understand the ap-
existing system.
proach summarized above. The correct understanding of the
The Validation Report is not the end of the story; the
requirements for validation combined with a precise approach
validated state needs to be maintained. Associated procedures
become advantageous for the supplier although at the begin-
and guidelines also need to be maintained, stored, and con-
ning of the project, it would seem to imply additional work.
trolled together with system documentation, according to
However, the benefits of the subsequent improvements in


Computerized Automation

predetermined rules and criteria. System documentation needs usually called the Quality and Project Plan. It may be a single
to be readily available, complete, and current for the entire life document or it may be distributed in multiple documents,
of the system. according to the complexity of the computerized/automated
The design and development of a computerized/automated system. This applies in a similar way to the other documents
system is said to follow a system life cycle methodology, where in the life cycle; which refer back to the higher-level Validation
all the phases are highlighted, from the identification of the Plan.
user’s requirements, through design, integration, qualifica- The URS specifies the requirements of the user and ini-
tion, user validation, control and maintenance, and ends only tiates the project. Following the URS, a set of specifications is
when commercial use of the system is discontinued. produced, based on the URS, with a level of detail appropriate
Good Engineering Practices should be emphasized through- for the project phase. Requirements should be traceable back
out all phases to ensure that essential tasks are completed to the requirements stated in the URS throughout the project
during the development of new systems and the deliverable both for consistency and to clarify any – real or apparent –
items are suitably defined. inconsistencies, which should be clearly documented to avoid
The most appropriate validation approach is determined by misunderstanding. The specified requirements and the docu-
considering the complexity and use of the system to evaluate mented modifications will be taken into account and will form
the relative importance of each phase. The combined experi- the core reference throughout the entire life of the project and
ence of the user and the supplier provide the most appropriate the ongoing operation of the system.
framework for categorizing systems and supporting specific Validation requires, by definition, such “pre-determined
project validation strategies. specifications” and any need for change is to be managed
The validation strategy should be defined and stated in according to a dedicated procedure, e.g., configuration man-
advance, applied in every phase, and reported as evidence of agement, assessing and documenting the impact of any modi-
the result. fication on the activities and deliverables already performed/
It is not a matter of “inventing” new practices or procedures, issued.
but of providing evidence of the good practices applied, the The subsequent phase covers the Specification, Design, and
procedures in use, documenting the activities, and reporting Construction activities and deliverables by detailing the user
the results in a professional manner. When maintaining con-
ventional techniques, especially those that are consolidated
within a company, the efforts can be concentrated on the
improvement to integrate standard routines with validation.
The proper balancing of all the above has a positive effect on
the project, allowing for definition of specific details, as re-
quired by the complexity of the application and its intended
The user has the primary responsibility for the project team
including both the production personnel and the engineering
team (plant project team and system project team). The sup-
plier is required to comply with the requirements, which
include rules and regulations. Therefore, the first step to the
success of a validation project is defining the project method-
ology which details phases and responsibilities in a project/
system quality plan.

An Example of Activities and Deliverables

Once the Validation Guidelines and the Validation Plan are
available, the user defines the User Requirement Specification
(URS). During the Planning phase, the resources are allocated
and suppliers are audited before being selected. The Audit
Report(s) documents the Audit(s) of the supplier(s). This should
be performed before assigning a supplier and may require
follow up, depending on the recommendations stated in the
Audit Report.
The planning phase is closed after settling the quality
aspects and the configuration management of the system,
addressing main topics such as:

• the standard used

• the applicable procedures
• the documentation produced
• the specific responsibilities

All these issues - and the resources needed to implement them

- are tailored to the project activities so that they deal with the
regulations and the aimed purposes. The relevant document is
Figure 2. The Life Cycle Concept.4


Computerized Automation

The set of manuals accompanying the supplied system,

such as User Manuals and Maintenance Manuals, complete
the system documentation.
To enable the On-Going Operation phase, the training of
personnel involved (such as operators and maintenance per-
sonnel) must be completed and the relevant Standard Operat-
ing Procedures (SOP) must be in place, approved, and in force.
The “as built” version of the documentation freezes the final
characteristics of the system and of its components. The
change control and the system maintenance are activated
through dedicated procedures to guarantee that the validated
state is maintained.
The automated system is ready to cooperate with all the
other components of the plant, e.g., equipment to qualify the
performance of the process related to the requirements, thus
“establishing documented evidence which provides a high de-
gree of assurance that a specific process will consistently pro-
Figure 3. Automation levels.
duce a product meeting its pre-determined specifications and
quality attributes.”1
requirements in several documents that ratify the project
steps, activities, and results.
PLC, DCS, IT Infrastructures
During this phase, the original user requirements develop
The vulnerability of pharmaceutical equipment, plants, or
into detailed specifications, expressed according to the project
even organizations due to lack of effective validation should
characteristics, and then to the design phase, e.g., general/
not be underestimated. The consequences of an automated
functional specification and detailed specification, which may
system, e.g., PLC, DCS, infrastructure being out of effective
be divided, if convenient for clarity, into Hardware and Soft-
control can be potentially immense. Depending on the extent,
ware Specifications and/or Mechanical, Electrical, and Soft-
severity, and impact of a failure, equipment, an entire plant or
ware Specifications.
site or region of manufacturing operations could be brought to
The components of the system are then constructed, cabled,
a standstill while the failure is resolved. The same is true when
and coded according to specification so that the product, i.e.,
that failure is not compliant with the regulations.
the computerized/automated system responds reliably to all
Typical examples are controls performed by means of Pro-
the requirements specified.
grammable Logic Controllers (PLC), with or without a Super-
This is verified (and formally documented when requested
visory Control and Data Acquisition implementation (SCADA),
in the test plan, with or without user intervention) through
and Distributed Control Systems (DCS). The communication
internal tests, executed by the supplier including:
network, e.g., LAN, also is considered, along with the entire IT
infrastructure. The validation status of validated applications
• Unit Testing
that are dependent upon an underlying infrastructure is com-
• Module Testing
promised if the latter is not maintained in a demonstrable
• Integration Testing
state of control - Figure 3.
• System Testing
Programmable Logic Controllers
One or more referenced documents may require revision to
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) are used extensively
manage any unforeseen requirements or those arising after
to control a variety of plant equipment. Therefore, the valida-
issue of the original document(s).
tion strategy adopted for PLCs takes into account both the
Any follow-up audits of the supplier should be performed,
equipment and also the (embedded) PLC.
where recommended in the Audit Report. This is often done
The validation approach is based on the intrinsic character-
during the Factory Acceptance Test (FAT), which is the formal
istics of the PLCs which have a definite instruction set verified
conclusion of testing at the supplier’s site.
during compilation. Most have provisions for structuring in-
This leads to the Testing and Acceptance phase, as detailed
struction blocks and a high-level language modular interface.
in the Test Plan and executed according to the Test Specifica-
This classification and the intrinsic modularity help testing
tions. These dedicated protocols include test procedures and
and compliance work. PLC and SCADA application examples
result tables with the purpose of verifying the system and
may be used as a starting point for the guidelines.
documenting the result against all the precise design specifi-
For example, the most prominent unit operation in process
industries, Batch Processing, is evolving in its approach to
According to Good Engineering Practice (GEP), the system
automation, which is resulting in increased productivity and
is installed on site and passes the Site Acceptance Test (SAT)
improved plant and corporate efficiencies.5 The Standards and
in preparation for qualification. Qualification is divided into
Practices Division (committee number 88, hence SP88) of the
two steps: the Installation Qualification (IQ) and the Opera-
Instrument Society of America (ISA) has developed a standard
tional Qualification (OQ). These documents (specifications
for automated Batch Control. The Control Recipe and execu-
and test results) detail the evidence that the system is in-
tion is done in the PLC rather than in a PC, while Recipe
stalled and operates as specified. (A third step, i.e., the Perfor-
Handling, the Master Recipe, Production Planning, and Batch
mance Qualification (PQ), is often executed as part of the
Records are maintained in the Supervisory Computer.
equipment qualification.)


Computerized Automation

Distributed Control Systems Conclusions and Trends

The Distributed Control Systems (DCS) are being used for • The users and the suppliers follow good practice and pro-
large scale and complex applications. Since the difference in duce the necessary documentation to achieve validated and
technology used, cost, and performances are progressively compliant automated systems in pharmaceutical manufac-
reduced, the complexity enabled by the modern PLC based turing.
systems is increasing and the scale of the DCS based applica-
tions is reducing. • Harmonization and links with other initiatives are already
This means common problems overlap and a tighter ap- in progress; some of the results are cited.
proach is required, which is closely related to the intrinsic
differences. • Future developments include a harmonized glossary, Mu-
The reference methodology for the management of projects tual Recognition Agreements (MRAs), and GMP equiva-
for automated plant control on a large scale, usually achieved lence.
using a DCS, has been worked out and published by members
of NAMUR (German Standards Association for Control and • Topics that are being investigated and included in new
Measurement in Chemical Industries) and GMA (VDI/VDE guidelines consider:
Society of Measurement and Automation) Technical Commit-
tee 5.8 “Control Technology Validation.”6-9 The initial distribu- - Calibration Management
tion worldwide came with the English version, embodied in the - Electronic Record and Electronic Signatures
GAMP Guide for Validation of Automated Systems in Pharma- - Legacy Systems
ceutical Manufacture (GAMP 3). The GMA/NAMUR docu- - IT Infrastructure
ments are currently being updated for publication in a GAMP - Packaged Systems
4 Good Practice Guide on Validation of Process Control Sys- - Skid Mount Equipment
tems.4 - Analytical Laboratory Equipment
- Global System
Infrastructures - Good Engineering Practice
The IT Infrastructure in a modern pharmaceutical enterprise - Web-based Applications
has an impact on all processes associated with the develop- - Non-Compliance Cost Model
ment, manufacturing, storage, and distribution of drug prod-
ucts. Bibliography
All of the computer systems with their associated hard- Italian
ware, operating software (other than the software applica- 1. Bestetti, C., Dalle UNI EN ISO 9000 alla convalida dei
tions), and the networks used to run them are defined as sistemi, GISI Seminar on “L’Interfaccia Operatore,” Milan,
“Infrastructure.” May ’96; reprint on “Controllo di Processo,” September
While most pharmaceutical equipment is comparatively 1996.
static, modern IT infrastructures are subject to a much higher
rate of change, and evolution of the infrastructure on an almost 2. Bestetti, C., GAMP 96, la breve storia di una rapida
daily basis is commonplace. An effective “state of control,” once crescita, “Automazione oggi,” December 1996.
achieved, is to be maintained as the infrastructure evolves.
This is both cost effective and efficient in relation to the 3. Bestetti, C., Dalle GAMP al manuale per la convalida:
character and management of the infrastructure. breve storia della linea giuda, Seminar on “Sistemi di
Automazione e controllo per la produzione dei farmaci del
Benefits terzo Millennio,” (Siena University), Certosa di
Validation is not an unconnected activity, and it should be Pontignano (SI) April 1998.
integrated within project activities to produce benefits. Criti-
cal aspects may be controlled in an easier and less expensive 4. Bestetti, C., GAMP III guida ai sistemi con calcolatore per
manner if found at an early stage, e.g., an unqualified supplier il nuovo millennio, “NCF,” May 1998.
or a misunderstood requirement and the entire project can
benefit from control and early resolution of such issues. 5. Bestetti, C., Le GAMP si aggiornano, Carlo Bestetti,
Both the user and the supplier can gain the following “imballaggio,” December 1998.
benefits by using the approach described in this article:
6. Bestetti, C., L’automazione nella produzione farmaceutica,
• mutual understanding increases “Global Packaging,” March/April 1999.
• responsibilities are clearly defined in advance
• the system produced is fit for purpose and meets user 7. Bestetti, C., L’automazione nell’industria farmaceutica:
requirements dal controllo di processo alla convalida, “ANIPLA,
• delivery time is reduced Associazione Nazionale Italiana per l’Automazione,” An-
• budget/cost and agreed quality standards are better con- nual Meeting, March/April 1999.
Therefore compliance with regulatory expectation is enhanced. 1. Validation of Computer-Related Systems, PDA Technical
Integration with existing quality systems is no longer an Report No.18, October 1994.
obstacle, but is another path to reduction of project cost and


Computerized Automation

2. Bratt, A., PICSVF Steering Committee, ISPEAK Europe, 3. ISO 9000-3, Guidelines for the Application of ISO 9001 to
Volume 3, Number 4 page 1. the Development, Supply and Maintenance of Software,
1991 (new 2000 version is now available).
3. Jones, Pamela, “GAMP 96 Expands on Original Docu-
ment,” Pharmaceutical Engineering, Sept/Oct 1996, 4. GAMP 4 Guide for Validation of Automated Systems, ISPE
page 40. (GAMP Forum), 2001.

4. Federal Register, Vol. 62, No.54, Part II, Department of 5. Mangiarotti, M., “S88.01 Application in Pharmaceutical
Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administra- Industry,” unpublished. (Publication in Pharmaceutical
tion, 21 CFR Part 11, Electronic Records; Electronic Signa- Engineering anticipated January 2003).
tures; Final Rule; Final Rules; Electronic Submissions;
Establishment of Public Docket; Notice. March 20, 1997, 6. NAMUR recommendation NE 58: Execution of Validation
pages 13429-13467. Oriented Control System Projects.

5. Trill, Anthony, MCA NEWS; Mail 104 November/Decem- 7. NAMUR recommendation NE 68: Retrospective Valida-
ber 1997. tion of Legacy Systems.

6. ISPEAK Europe, Volume 11, Number 1, page 7, New 8. NAMUR recommendation NE 71: Operation and Mainte-
Release – GAMP 3.0. nance of Validated Systems (On-going Validation).

7. FDA, Guide to Inspection of Computerized Systems in 9. NAMUR recommendation NE 72: Validation Support by
Drug Processing (“blue book”) Reference Materials and Use of Control Systems. (Note to reader: The GMA/NAMUR
Training Aids for Investigators, US Dept. of Health and documents are currently being updated).
Human Services, FDA, Feb. 1983.
10. Gonzalez, M., “Pharmaceutical Glossary,” Pharmaceuti-
8. The New IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and cal Engineering, Vol. 21, No. 2 (A-B) + No 4 (C-E), July/
Electronics Terms, IEEE Std. 100-1992. August 2001, pp. 80-100.

9. IEEE Standards Collection, Software Engineering, 1994 About the Author

Edition, published by the Institute of Electrical and Elec- Carlo A. Bestetti is a Consultant for the
tronic Engineers, Inc. European Pharmaceutical Group of MI-Ser-
vices, Milan (Italy). With an educational back-
10. American National Standard for Information Systems, ground in Classical Studies, he received a
Dictionary for Information Systems, American National degree in mechanical engineering, c/o
Standards Institute, 1991. Politecnico di Milano with a thesis on the
Integrated Management of a Petrochemical
11. Reviewer Guidance for Computer Controlled Medical De- Plant, developed at Montecatini Edison SpA.
vices Undergoing 510(k) Review, Office of Device Evalua- He has spent his working life in various application fields such
tion, CDRH, FDA, August 1991. as mechanics, electronics, petrochemistry, energy after having
worked in engineering companies, production companies, plant
12. MIL-STD-882C, Military Standard System Safety Pro- maintenance, validation services touching every aspect of
gram Requirements, 19JAN1993. automation engineering and sharing his experience by pub-
lishing articles, presenting papers at international congresses
13. FDA recommendations, Application of the Medical Device and obtaining patents. He has been an active member of
GMP to Computerized Devices and Manufacturing Pro- Gruppo Imprese Strumentazione Italia (GISI) and Associazione
cesses, May 1992. Italiana per l’Automazione (ANIPLA). He joined ISPE in 1995
and has been member of the Steering Committee of the Italian
References Affiliate. He also has been a consultant for ISO 9000 qualifica-
1. FDA, Guideline on General Principles of Process Valida- tion and is now a consultant specializing in the compliance of
tion, May 1987. computerized system and automated equipment used in the
pharmaceutical manufacturing. He can be contacted by e-
2. European Commission; Enterprise Directorate-General; mail:
Single Market, Regulatory Environment, Industries under MI-Services Group, Viale Monza 265, 20126 Milano,
Vertical Legislation; Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics; Italy.
Working Party on Control of Medicines and Inspections;
Annex 11 “Computerized Systems” to the EU Guide to
Good Manufacturing Practice.


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