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Date: Thursay, April 21st 2016

Name: Ana Berrones



Subject: I hope you're well

Hi, Kary

Friend I want to tell you that I did well in the personal training course you
recommended me. In that course I was taught attitudes and skills that should
have each worker.

I tell you that at first it was hard but already now I'm ready to go to work in
the hospital.

Write me soon

I love you friend

Avenue. Isaac Albeniz 203 and El Morlan (El Inca)

23 April 2016

Ms. Luz María Valdiviezo,

Manager of Corporate Affairs and Communications.

Dear Ms. Valdiviezo

I am writing this email in order to apply for the job regarding Public Relations and
Communications, where Coca-Cola Company.

In addition I attach my resume which includes my work experience which informs all the jobs I've
had. I want you to know that my goal is to do my job and my aspiration is gradually getting a
promotion and a fair salary in his company

I remain at your disposal for any questions you may suggest, you can also call me at
0939516494/293018 or write to my email

Thanks for your attention


Ana Berrones

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