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Date: Thursday / frebruary / 18th 2016

Name: Ana Berrones

1. Look the video. Find new vocabulary and write the meaning in English and study. This activity don't send

2. Write about online shopping with your own words. This activity send me.


Worldwide: en todo el mundo

Users: usuarios
Purchaded : comprado
Time saving: ahorrar tiempo

Lower prices: precios bajos

No crowds: no hay multitudes

Bittersweet: agridulce

Low quality: Baja calidad

Very late delivery: entrega muy tarde

Untrusted sellers: vendedores no son de confianza

Reviews: opiniones

Trust your instinct: confiar en su instinto

Quantities: cantidades
2. Write about online shopping with your own words

Online purchases

Shopping online is a good option for people who can not go out and buy in
the shops or pass occupied by work, and that through the Internet we can
make a purchase what we like: shoes, shirts, pants, bags, and more. To use
online shopping websites where you can find articles or things that interests
us. In addition to these purchases we can use credit card or deposit to the
company that bought.

It is important to know that shopping online has its disadvantages because

you can be swindled by hackers to steal your personal information or hackear
their bank accounts or credit card, so you should use your own computer to
have done these transactions and also know how to handle well on shopping

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