User Success Story: T U N: S W

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User Success Story


The Brown-backed Turtles of Boshki-bof

If you had to describe the fantastic style of Traveling Uncle Nat (a.k.a. Nat Harari) to someone
who hadn’t seen any of his images, you might say they were snapshots from a land created by
Roger Dean and Dr. Seuss. Mixing elements of fantasy, realism, and whimsy, Nat has crafted
a collection of images that gives us a peek into this rewardingly varied environment.
“A year and a half ago, after I had been making pictures in 3D software for some months, I came
up with an idea for a scene named The Brown-backed Turtles of Boshki-bof. It looked sort of like
a Dr. Seuss scene to me, so I wrote up a ‘Seussian’ sort of story to go with it, as if it were a post
card. Then I posted it to the newsgroups."
"Everyone liked it. I liked it. :)"

"I decided to tag it with the name Traveling Uncle Nat. That was a nickname I had been given
years ago when I was in Israel as a high school student, due to my recounting these insanely ter-
rific adventures that no one would ever believe. Somebody remarked that it made me sound like
Traveling Uncle Matt from the show Fraggle Rock on HBO. I thought it was a great nickname and
it seemed to fit. So I decided to use it again after it had lain dormant for some 10 years."

The Fishery of Fillipop Fadoop

"Everyone loved the picture so much and the story as well, that I decided that I had finally struck
my little ’motif’ in my 3D artwork. I started making picture after picture with that idea in mind as I
traveled in the Bryce worlds that I created. Now, people are talking about me making a book with
the stories and pictures. I’m still not sure they are good enough, nor do I think I have enough ma-
terial. But, the stories are kinda cute and I could see how they would be nice in a book format."

The Gilded Hall of Thanksgiving at Kiktar Urb The Swamp of Farbish Nork

"Some people ask me what software I use to create my pictures. Well, of course I use Bryce. But,
to model with, I invariably use Nendo ( from Winged Edge
Technologies ( It’s about $100, and incredible. It is so easy to
learn. You can learn everything about it in a simple 2 hour tutorial that they give you where you
learn to make a penguin. At the end of the lesson, you not only know how to model very complex
objects in 3D, but you have a great and cool and fun penguin model to use as well. :)"

The Ice Plains of Nanoork Burr

To see more of Uncle Nat’s fantastic creations, you can visit his website, Something Wonderful

The Towers

Nendo is a trademark of Winged Edge Technologies. All other

trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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