Lost - in My Homeland

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Lost--- In My Homeland

Lost--- I am lost--- lost in my homeland,

Lost in my Grandfather’s homeland.
Delicate--- exceptionally delicate it was!
Before I closed my eyes on his old lap---
His words--- a picture--- so homely:
Different siblings--- Pillars for each other;
Mohammad--- preparing Parvati Celestial;
Ram-Laxman’s sweating labour for Mohammad’s Holy place;
Diverse Sacred sermons--- at one place;
Little Vishnu and Faizan---Hurly-burly together--- so Silly---;
The earth:
Enchanting Reddish in sun-up and in sun-down,
And Winsome like white flowers of Full-moon night;
And in Spring---
The burbling voice of the brook,
Through the tender wind and the
Scintillating of the Moonbeam on it---
Bewitching---! Bewitching---!

But--- when I opened my eyes---

Lost--- lost I am--- lost in my homeland
Lost in my Grandfather’s homeland---
A Desolate, Dismal, Dark land:
Different siblings--- breaking pillars of each other;
Only the shivering--- blanched-to-death shadow of Mohammad is seen;
Annihilation of Mohammad’s Holy place;
“Hail Lord Ram”---Mohammad is unheard---
So are Ram and Laxman;
Now Big Vishnu and Faizan:
Eyes are Fiery---blood is oozing from their hands;
The earth:
Horrendous of Reddish brown both in sun-up and sun-down;
Solemn morning, Golden evening are falling into the sea of Red;
The wind is tender no more--- in spring too---!
Dark Day--- Dark Night;
Unlike sounds: fuss-hoo-ha-hubbub--- Pandemonium;
So woeful for the same eyes of his old lap.

You are not my homeland--- nor of my Grandfather---
I am lost!
----- William Wss

Membership details: user id- Williamsajid ---email- williamsajidsultan@gmail.com

Profile: I don’t write regularly. Sometimes in leisure I like to read and write poetry. I am
confident that someday I will give my masterpiece. I read in M.A ( English) in Aliah
University. If I am lucky then it will be my first published poem.

This is a Poem.

Thanking you.

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