Solution 12685

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To travel from one country to another, an airplane is the preferred mode of transport.
To catch a plane, one has to go to the airport.

Hence, the correct option is D.


Ganga and Brahmaputra are rivers used for transport as these do not have many
rocks, waterfalls or strong currents.

The correct answer is C.


The correct match of the different modes of transport and the respective vehicles
used is given below:

Column I Column II
Water Steamer
Land Train
Air Helicopter

Hence, the correct option is B.


The Grand Trunk Road is one of the most important National Highways in India. It
connects Amritsar and Kolkata.

The correct answer is D.


A ship or a cruise is a mode of transport that uses water whereas the other three
modes of transports: rail, truck and car, use land.

Hence, the correct option is D.


The given figure represents a houseboat. Houseboats are common in the state of
Jammu and Kashmir.

The correct answer is B.


The figure given in option B illustrates a helicopter, which is used to drop food,
medicines, and other such items of daily use to places at the time of flood and other

The correct answer is B.


Animals like horses and donkeys are used to carry loads in hilly areas.

The correct answer is B.


Camel is called the “Ship of the Desert”. They are used in desert areas for
transporting people and goods.

The correct answer is B.


Among the given modes of transport Aeroplane is the fastest.

Hence, the correct answer is D.

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