Is Global Climate Change Caused by Humans?

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Is Global Climate Change Caused by Humans?

What is climate change? The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
defines it as a change of climate that is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity, altering the
composition of the global atmosphere. Therefore, from that definition, we can say that climate change is not just
about the natural disasters or calamities, it is also caused by human activities and the negligence or carelessness
of people.

This has been one of the threatening problems that the world is facing nowadays. The incessant
earthquakes, flooding, landslides, and a lot of catastrophes in many countries especially the Philippines is a very
serious matter that shouldn’t be taken for granted.

For a student like me, we are very much worried about what is happening in our environment. We are no
longer living in a safe and harmless place. And there is no one to be blame but us, human beings. It is our fault
why we are facing different calamities and unexpected changes in our atmosphere.

The continuous illegal cutting of trees, littering, increasing numbers of factories, and the different kinds
of pollutions, these are just some of our activities that directly affect the climate.

According to a study conducted by Union of Concerned Scientists, scientists have devised different
methods to answer whether humans are the major cause of climate change. Scientists agree that today’s
warming is primarily caused by humans putting too much carbon in the atmosphere, like when we choose to
extract and burn coal, oil, and gas, or cut down and burn forests. Scientists have gathered evidence and have
improved their methods for teasing apart natural and human factors. 

Yes there are occurrences of natural disasters and calamities but we cannot deny the fact that human
activities somehow also affect them. The changes that we are experiencing right now are all results of our
inconsiderate actions.

I have a question for you. Is this the kind of world or environment you want to live? A place that is little
by little being ruined. I know that your answer is no. So let’s wake up and do something productive to save the
Mother Earth. Together we can do so much!

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