Table Tennis Vic Return To Play Principles

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ABN: 85 824 834 342

Melbourne Sports & Aquatic Centre
Box 5, MSAC
Aughtie Drive
+61 (03) 9682 2011

‘Return to Play’ principles – Table Tennis Victoria - 18/06/2020

Dear Affiliates & Individual Members,

As you are aware, the sports and recreation sector is now working towards a resumption of activity
at community level. At federal level, the AIS Framework Re-Booting Sport acts as a generic guide to
the States & Territories.

However, each State & Territory is able to adopt a tailored approach to its own circumstances.
Accordingly, the Victorian State Government have issued further guidelines of their own which apply
specifically to Victorian activity.

From 22 June 2020, the Victorian Chief Health Officer has approved community sport and recreation
activities can resume according to certain Restricted Activity Directions.
Ultimately, each State Sports Association has the responsibility for developing its own ‘Return to Play’
principles which best suit their sport, factoring in the specific nature of each individual sport.

It is envisaged that each Affiliate will adopt the State-wide ‘Return to Play’ principles for application
to their own venue. Failure to do so could lead to a prohibition a venue being able to be accessed for
table tennis purposes.

How do they apply to Table Tennis in Victoria?

Table Tennis Victoria (TTV) has a duty as the custodian so the sport in Victoria to look after the safety
of its members as its top priority. TTV adopts a ‘No Risk’ approach to developing these principles and
supports the message of ‘Get In, Train, Get Out’.

The following ‘Return to Play’ principles for TTV are supported by Sport & Recreation Victoria, and
have been developed with reference to the Restricted Activity Directions, and we encourage them
to be adopted by all Affiliates & Individual Members:
ABN: 85 824 834 342
Melbourne Sports & Aquatic Centre
Box 5, MSAC
Aughtie Drive
+61 (03) 9682 2011

Return to Play Principles

• A limit of 20 players per indoor venue, plus coaching and support staff as reasonably required

• Clubs/Associations encouraged to implement a booking system to limit numbers and track attendance

• Social distancing of 1.5m to be maintained between all individuals

• Parents and guardians taking children to and from training activities are required to follow the Chief Health Officers’
Directions for public gatherings and maintain physical distancing of 1.5 metres

• If they remain with their children during participation in sport, parents and guardians will be considered part of the group up
to 20 people, unless they are formally coaching or instructing the activity.

• No Doubles play is recommended

• No use of communal areas, except for toilets

• No use of facility for pre or post event socializing

• No food or beverage facilities to be provided

• Use of hand sanitizer between games

• Players to use own balls

• No touching tables

• No use of shared equipment or food (e.g. bats, towels, clothing, drinks bottles, snacks).

• No handshakes

• Players to consider wearing protective glove on non-playing hand

• Venues to be subject to heightened cleaning levels, including use of disinfectant daily on all surfaces and maintenance of a
basic cleaning record.
• Restriction of travel between different clubs – players & coaches should not attend multiple venues - this also prevents
players and coaches from attending events hosted by different entities, even if held at the same venue

TTV acknowledges that the 20-player limit is likely to cause issues with a full return to pre-COVID 19 levels
of play.
Whilst every Affiliate and venue runs varying activities, TTV encourages Affiliates to identify creative yet
safe ways to maximize the utilization of their facility, such as staggered timings.
All Affiliates & Individual Members are encouraged to contact TTV for advice on compliance with the
Restricted Activity Directions.
Important note: These Return to Play principles are subject to change, will be updated in line with
any updates to the Victorian Chief Health Officer Restricted Activity Directions.

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