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18 JUNE 2020
Table of Content

1.1 Introduction 3

2.1 Efforts of the Agency 4

2.1.1 Public Sanitation Operations 4

2.1.2 Six Month Rent Exemption for PPR and Transit 4

2.1.3 Solid Waste Management and Public Cleansing Operations 4

3.1 Benefits to the Target Groups 4

3.1.1 First Benefit: Public Sanitation Operations 4

3.1.2 Second Benefit: Six Month Rent Exemption for PPR and Transit 4

3.1.3 Third Benefit: Solid Waste Management and Public Cleansing Operations 4

4.1 Conclusion 11

References 11

1.1 Introduction

By using your own words (please provide citations), describe the public agency / NGO that you


- The name of the agency/NGO. Ministry of Housing and Local Government

- When it was established 18 July 1978

- Branches / departments

- The main functions of the agency / NGO

- Why you choose the agency / NGO.

2.1 Efforts of the Ministry of housing and Local Government in Mitigating the Impact of

Since the Covid-19 outbreak has spread throughout Malaysia, various initiatives and

efforts have been put forward by the Malaysian government, in assisting the country and the

people in addressing issues arising from the impact of the Covid-19 outbreak. Similarly, the

Ministry of Housing and Local Government (MHLG) has also come forward to help the

Malaysian government in its efforts to mitigate the impact of the Covid-19 outbreak on the

country and the people. Further, the Ministry of Housing and Local Government (MHLG) has

provided various initiatives for the purpose, including providing public sanitation operations, six

month rent exemption for PPR and Transit, and solid waste management and public cleansing


2.1.1 Public Sanitation Operations

2.1.2 Six Month Rent Exemption for PPR and Transit

2.1.3 Solid Waste Management and Public Cleansing Operations

According to Fadil Othman (1996), solid waste management is defined as an effective

and orderly management of solid waste that will be removed so, as not to disturb the well-being

and harmony of other living things on earth. Therefore, solid waste management is an important

service in any community. Moreover, solid waste refers to a variety of waste, arising from

animal and human activities, which is disposed of as unwanted and useless. Besides, all of these

waste materials are generated from human and animal activities, and solid waste includes

municipal waste, industrial waste and hazardous waste. Whereas public cleaning is, in fact, a

public service cleaning by incorporating higher performance standards and service delivery to

the public. For instance, these include the responsibility of cleaning public areas such as public

roads, industrial areas, community parks, and residential areas and so on.

For this purpose, the target group that will benefit from solid waste management is the

enforcement agency of the Solid Waste Management and Public Cleansing Company (SWCorp),

a concession company such as Alam Flora Sdn. Bhd., SWM Environment Sdn. Bhd., and Idaman

Environment Sdn. Bhd., as they are among the essential services. Therefore, having the right to

carry out solid management operations activities would help the agencies involved in carrying

out their services normally even during the Movement Control Order (MCO). As management

operations are very important in addressing the problem of solid waste disposal, they also

benefit, not just government agencies, especially the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH), the

private sector, but also the public throughout Malaysia.

In particular, solid waste management and public cleansing operations are among the

initiatives provided by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government (MHLG) in dealing with

Covid-19, aimed at assisting government agencies, private agencies, and the people involved. It

was announced on March 18, 2020 by 8th Prime Minister, YAB Tan Sri Muhyiddin bin Mohd

Yassin based on the Federal Government Gazette on the Prevention and Control of Infectious

Diseases (Measures within the Infected Local Areas) Regulations 2020 set by the National

Security Council (NSC). Since it was among the most important services they are effective

immediately following the date on which the Movement Control Order (MCO) is implemented.

Furthermore, SWCorp is the agency responsible for collection and cleaning services, and

they work with the State and Local Governments to address all issues arising during the MCO.

Additionally, SWCorp members will be on duty as usual, where concession monitoring is done

through a centralized online system. However, the SOP to operate the MCO's solid waste

management facilities during the Covid-19 pandemic issued by the Ministry of Housing and

Local Government (MHLG) should be complied with. Then, the collection of all types of waste

will run according to the schedule set in each service area. Therefore, the people should use

proper methods to sort and dispose of garbage in bin. In fact, people do not need to apply it, as

this service is run on a regular basis.

Subsequently, solid waste management and public cleansing operations are essential

services that need to be continued even when the Movement Control Order (MCO) is in force. In

that regard, the people have to accept this initiative, this is because the service needs to be

continued to ensure the level of cleanliness of the area is maintained and the people can live

comfortably in limited movement situations. In the end, the public does not have to worry about

owning this service, of course it is in accordance with the SOP, which aims to ensure the spread

of the Covid-19 outbreak.

3.1 Benefits to the Target Groups

Afterward, through the efforts made by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government

(MHLG) with the granting of such initiatives, there are various benefits to the public in helping

to mitigating the impact of Covid-19 outbreaks. In turn, the benefits gained will help the country

and the public in terms of economic development, as well as in rural development.

3.1.1 The First Benefit: Public Sanitation Operations

3.1.2 The Second Benefit: Six Month Rent Exemption for PPR and Transit

3.1.3 The Third Benefit: Solid Waste Management and Public Cleansing Operations

Generally, solid waste management and public cleansing operations is able to protecting

environmental health, because poorly managed solid waste can cause the spread of various

diseases to humans and environmental pollution. Moreover, the World Health Organization

(2006), environmental health refers to aspects of human health including quality of life that are

determined by physical, chemical, biological, social and psychosocial factors in the environment.

For that purpose, the Royal Society of Chemistry (2002), has mentioned, solid waste

management and public cleansing operation can help in protecting the environmental health, as it

is a necessary part of the effort to protect the environment, and ensure the sustainability and

quality of life of the people by ensuring that all unused materials such as rubbish, waste and

sewage from residential and industrial areas can be disposed more systematically..

Certainly, with solid waste management and public cleansing operations, it will indirectly

ensure that management for the control of generation, storage, collection, transfer and

transportation, processing and disposal of solid waste will be managed effectively to ensure that

it will not interfere with the well-being and harmony of the well-being and harmony of the

general public throughout the country. Additionally, regular public cleansing will ensure that the

surrounding areas are kept in a clean and comfortable environment for the public to live in. As

the result, if there is no solid waste management and public cleansing operation, it can cause a lot

of waste collection, as no one is managing it. So that, it has a devastating effect, which will lead

to environmental pollution, especially odor pollution that will disrupt the comfort and health of

the population. Not only that, the pile of rubbish will attract insects and other infectious animals

such as aedes mosquitoes, mice and cockroaches. As such, environmental health cannot be

protected due to disruption of the ecosystem balance.

In the same way, solid waste management and public cleansing operation also is able to

increase the environmental health among rural people. For this reason, rural people will be more

sensitive and disciplined to ensure that solid waste is segregated in accordance with the

government's recommendation to prevent the spread of diseases due to poor environment. Hence,

during COVID-19, rural people also stopped burning garbage due to open burning restrictions

during the Movement Control Order (MCO) period, so they would be more disciplined to ensure

that solid waste have been segregated and collected for disposal purposes, to facilitate local

authorities to collect solid waste. In fact, it can be supported by Mr Ibrahim Tuan Man, Minister

of Environment, he said that the implementation of the Movement Control Order (MCO)

throughout the country, aimed at curbing the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak also had a positive

impact on the environment. For instance, the API recorded on the Department of Environment's

website on March 20, 2020 shows 18 areas of good quality air quality, 50 areas of moderate

quality and no areas of unhealthy air quality reading.

In the end, in terms of economic development, with the solid waste management and

public cleansing operations, it has helped the country to save costs on solid waste generation, due

to lack of solid waste disposal, it also reduces the cost involved to collect waste that is thrown

around as a result of unresponsive behavior by very few people. According to, the Solid Waste

Management and Public Cleansing Corporation (SWCorp), as a result of the irresponsible

attitude of some parties, who like to dispose of garbage everywhere, has led to the increase in the

cost of garbage collection by as much as ten percent. For example, irresponsible disposal of

paper and bottled beverages has increased the cost of cleaning and disposal of waste. Thus,

recycling of recyclable items such as newspapers, plastic bottles, and aluminum can help to make

money from effective and systematic solid waste management.

4.1 Conclusion


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