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BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) – Overarching Course Goal

All English I learners will work with teachers to create an ePortfolio that they will
continue to self regulate and add onto throughout their entire high school career.

Learning Goals Learning Activities Assessment Activities


Learners will deFine what Learners will research Learners will complete an
an ePortfolio is an what is other high school level ePortfolio planning form.
means to them personally. ePortfolios and write
down all of their ideas.
Learners will choose a
platform in which they
want to complete their

Learners will use prior Learners will discuss the Learners will continue to
knowledge to make an use of implementation work on their ePortfolio
outline of everything they strategies through critical planning form and
are wanting to include in thinking skills. outline.
their ePortfolio. ( They
will use the ePortfolio
planning form to help Learners will have a
guide them) discussion with their
teachers about
Learners will use critical opportunities presented
thinking skills to apply within their ePortfolio.
online resources within
their ePortfolio and
provide additional

Learners will analyze Learners will have an "in Learners will be given a
opportunities to class” discussion in small “group-reFlection” rubric
communicate with groups and update their as well as “self-reFlection”
students and teachers “Blogs” within their rubric.
about projects, daily work ePortfolio.
and classroom
expectations within their
Human Dimension:

Learners will be able to Learners will work with Learners will complete a
explore how their students from other project reFlection and add
ePortfolio can have a English I classes and as it onto their ePortfolio.
positive impact on their well as other English I
daily lives. teachers to get their
Learners will engage self
awarenesses when Students will update their
working with teachers “blog” within their
and other students during ePortfolio.
this process.


Learners will develop a Learners will complete a Learners will create a 1-2
better understanding of survey on Google Forms minute video explaining
who they are as a learner to Find out if their learning their learning style.
and develop self style is Constructivist,
conFidence in their voice Behaviorist, Cognitivist.
and learning style.
Learning How to Learn:

Learners will analyze the Learners will have an Learners will create a
positive impact of critical “spider web” discussion Final reFlection. This
thinking skills on creating as a whole class and we reFlection will include
their very own space for will document everything both “class-reFlections”
learning and everyone says on the and “self-reFlections”.
documentation. white board.

Learners will be able to Learners will document

utilize technology to seek what their classmates said
out creative and useful as a whole and compare it
solutions. to their own thoughts and
Learning Environment & Situational Factors to Consider

1. Specific Context of the Teaching/Learning Situation

How many students are in the class? Is the course primary, secondary, undergraduate, or
graduate level? How long and frequent are the class meetings? How will the course be delivered:
live, online, blended, flipped or in a classroom or lab? What physical elements of the learning
environment will affect the class? What technology, networking and access issues will affect the

There are approximately 550 freshmen divided between 5 freshmen English I teachers. This
course will be at the secondary level. Each class meets for 55 minutes 5 days a week. This course
will be a blended course. Each classroom uses 1:1 with chrome books.

2. General Context of the Learning Situation

What learning expectations are placed on this course or curriculum by: the school, district,
university, college and/or department? the profession? society?
Learners will be required to follow grade 9 TEKs English I standards. The districts expectations are
to provide the highest level quality of instruction and learning opportunities that produce
motivated and successful learners; promote excellence, teamwork, and a commitment to
continuous improvement.

3. Nature of the Subject

Is this subject primarily theoretical, practical, or a combination? Is the subject primarily
convergent or divergent? Are there important changes or controversies occurring within the field?
Learners will be using practical applications when building their ePortfolio. ePortfolios will use
divergent thinking.

4. Characteristics of the Learners

What is the life situation of the learners (e.g., socio-economic, cultural, personal, family,
professional goals)? What prior knowledge, experiences, and initial feelings do students usually
have about this subject? What are their learning goals and expectations?
The learners I will be working with have higher economic families and all have professional goals.
Students should have extensive knowledge within the area of English. I believe their initial feelings
are positive about his subject as long as we are making the lessons engaging.

5. Characteristics of the Teacher

What beliefs and values does the teacher have about teaching and learning? What is his/her
attitude toward: the subject? students? What level of knowledge or familiarity does s/he have
with this subject? What are his/her strengths in teaching?

The teacher is a constructivist learner and always has a positive attitude. Teacher will show
enthusiasm towards each lesson. This will allow her students to become more excited as well.
Teacher strengths include patience, using “student voice”, and communication.

Learning environment & Situational factors adopted from: by L. Dee Fink, (2003) Creating Significant Learning
Experiences: An Integrated Approach to Designing College Courses. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
Questions for Formulating Significant Learning Goals

"A year (or more) after this course is over, I want and hope that students will see the
importance of having an ePortfolio and continue to add on throughout their entire high school

My Big Harry Audacious Goal (BHAG) for the course is:

All English I learners will work with teachers to create an ePortfolio that they will continue
to self regulate and add onto throughout their entire high school career.

Foundational Knowledge
• What key information (e.g., facts, terms, formulae, concepts, principles, relationships, etc.)
is/are important for students to understand and remember in the future?
• What key ideas (or perspectives) are important for students to understand in this course?
Students will understand the importance of using their critical thinking skills. Students will also
understand the importance of creating something completely on their own and based off their
own beliefs.
One key idea that is important for students to understand is that they need to develop a growth
mindset in order to become passionate about their learning style.

Application Goals
• What kinds of thinking are important for students to learn?
♦ Critical thinking, in which students analyze and evaluate
♦ Creative thinking, in which students imagine and create
♦ Practical thinking, in which students solve problems and make decisions
All of these thinking skills are very important for students to learn. Students will need to learn
how to use all of these thinking skills when completing their ePortfolio.

• What important skills do students need to gain?

Students will need to gain communication skills, personal skills, collaboration skills, using
feedback for revisions and working with a team.

• Do students need to learn how to manage complex projects?

Yes, students will need to learn how to manage complex projects.

Worksheet questions adopted from: L. Dee Fink, (2003) Creating Significant Learning Experiences: An Integrated
Approach to Designing College Courses. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
Integration Goals
• What connections (similarities and interactions) should students recognize and make…:
♦ Among ideas within this course?
♦ Among the information, ideas, and perspectives in this course and those in other
courses or areas?
♦ Among material in this course and the students' own personal, social, and/or
work life?

Connections students should recognize and make include communicating with other students
and teachers about projects, daily work and classroom expectations within their ePortfolio.
Students should also be able to reflect within a group and by themselves. This will allow them
to make connections through their peers’ feedback as well as their own.

Human Dimensions Goals

• What could or should students learn about themselves?

Students should learn how they how to make their own choices. Students should be able to
learn about who they are as students and how to better themselves.

• What could or should students learn about understanding others and/or interacting with
Students should learn empathy when working with/understanding others. Students should learn
that everyone has an opinion and everyone deserves to be heard.

Caring Goals
• What changes/values do you hope students will adopt?
As their teacher, I hope my students develop self-awareness and self-confidence, as well as,
obtaining a growth mindset.

As their teacher, I hope my students learn how to be creative and comfortable within their own
learning style.

As their teacher, I hope my students value their peers and learn how to work with a team to
accomplish a specific goal.

Worksheet questions adopted from: L. Dee Fink, (2003) Creating Significant Learning Experiences: An Integrated
Approach to Designing College Courses. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
"Learning-How-to-Learn" Goals
• What would you like for students to learn about:
♦ how to be good students in a course like this?
As their teacher, I would like for my students to become intentional about the work they
produce and how to use their critical thinking skills in order to create their very own unique

♦ how to learn about this particular subject?

As their teacher, I would like for my students to understand the importance of creating
something of their very own and being able to utilize their work in the future.

♦ how to become a self-directed learner of this subject, i.e., having a learning agenda
of what they need/want to learn, and a plan for learning it?
As their teacher, I would like for my students to become a self-directed learner by using their
own learning agenda as well as using guided rubrics to complete their ePortfolio.

Worksheet questions adopted from: L. Dee Fink, (2003) Creating Significant Learning Experiences: An Integrated
Approach to Designing College Courses. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass

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