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Nirmal Birth Chart

Date of birth : 5 January 1999, Tuesday Longitude/Latitude : 85E24'00 26N07'00
Time of birth : 15:15:00 hrs Time zone : -05:30:00 hrs
Place of birth : Muzaffarpur, Bihar, India DST : 00:00:00 hrs

Planetary Details
Planet R/C Sign Degree Speed Nakshatra Pada RL NL SL SS Status SB
Lagna Tau 25:18:53 Mrigasira 1 Ve Ma Ra Ke
Sun Sag 20:45:16 01:01:08 Poorvashadha 3 Ju Ve Ju Me Grt.Fr. 1.08
Moon Leo 02:50:56 13:09:02 Magha 1 Su Ke Ve Me Neutr. 1.00
Mars Vir 26:41:53 00:29:00 Chitra 2 Me Ma Ju Me Neutr. 1.19
Mercury Sag 03:42:27 01:27:04 Moola 2 Ju Ke Mo Mo Frnd. 0.86
Jupiter Aqu 28:46:02 00:09:23 Poorvabhadra 3 Sa Ju Ve Ke Frnd. 1.14
Venus Cap 07:03:51 01:15:10 Uttarashadha 4 Sa Su Ke Ve Grt.Fr. 0.97
Saturn Ari 02:58:10 00:00:45 Ashwini 1 Ma Ke Ve Ke Debil. 0.71
Rahu Can 28:45:59 00:00:27 Ashlesha 4 Mo Me Sa Ve Neutr.
Ketu Cap 28:45:59 00:00:27 Dhanishta 2 Sa Ma Sa Ve Neutr.
Uranus Cap 17:20:58 00:03:13 Shravana 3 Sa Mo Sa Ra
Neptune Cap 07:22:42 00:02:12 Uttarashadha 4 Sa Su Ke Ra
Pluto Sco 15:25:27 00:02:01 Anuradha 4 Ma Sa Ju Me
Abbreviations : R/C : Retrograde/Combust RL : Rashi lord SL : Nakshatra Sub lord
SB : Shadbala strength of planets NL : Nakshatra lord SS : Nakshatra Sub Sub lord

Birth Chart

Sa 02:58
3 1

Ra 28:45 4 As 25:18 12

Mo 02:50 5 11 Ju 28:46

6 10 Ke 28:45
Ma 26:41
7 9
Ve 07:03
Su 20:45
Me 03:42

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~ Vedic Astrology ~
The Vedas are the foremost among all ancient books. All the classics of the world have been born out of the
Vedas. The root verb of the word ‘Veda’ is ‘vid’ meaning knowledge. Through the classics of Indian
astrology, one can easily acquire knowledge about God while learning about living beings. For this reason,
astrology is considered to be the eyes of the Vedas. Thousands of years ago, the Saints who were
knowledgeable about the past, the present and the future, through the power of their meditation and yoga,
have described in detail in their astrological classics the characteristics, features, appearance and nature of
the planets and their auspicious and inauspicious effects on the living and non living world. The depiction
of the position of planets in the zodiac at the time and place of a person’s birth is called the Janma Kundali
or the Horoscope. The sign which was rising in the eastern horizon at the time of birth is called Lagna or the
Ascendant. The sign where the Moon is positioned is called the Birth Rashi and the constellation in which
the Moon is situated is called the Birth Nakshatra. A description of the different parts of the Panchanga or
the Hindu calendar at the time of your birth are given below:

Avakhada Chakra

Lagna : Taurus
Rashi (Moon Sign) : Leo
Rashi lord : Sun
Birth Nakshatra : Magha
Nakshatra Charana : 1
First alphabet of name : Mah
Rashi paya : Iron
Nakshatra paya : Silver
Varana : Kshatriya
Vashya : Vanachara
Nadi : Antya
Yoni : Mushaka
Gana : Rakshasa

Indian Calendar
Vikram Samvat : 2055
Lunar Month : Magha
Birth Tithi : Krishna Chaturthi
Yoga : Preeti
Karana : Balava
Western Weekday : Tuesday
Astrological weekday : Tuesday

Ghat Chakra
Ghat Month : Jyeshtha Ghat Yoga : Dhriti
Ghat Tithi : 3/8/13 Ghat Karana : Bava
Ghat Day : Saturday Ghat Prahar : 1
Ghat Nakshatra : Mula Ghat Chandra : Makar

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Nirmal Vimshottari MD and AD

Vimshottari Mahadasha and Antardashas
Dasha balance at birth : Ketu 5y 6m 3d
Dasha at the time of birth : Ke-Ve-Me-Sa-Su

Ketu (7y) Venus (20y) Sun (6y)

From 0 yrs. to 5y6m From 5y6m to 25y6m From 25y6m to 31y6m
Antar Beginning Ending Antar Beginning Ending Antar Beginning Ending

Ketu Venus 08-07-2004 07-11-2007 Sun 07-07-2024 25-10-2024

Venus 05-01-1999 03-02-1999 Sun 07-11-2007 06-11-2008 Moon 25-10-2024 26-04-2025
Sun 03-02-1999 11-06-1999 Moon 06-11-2008 08-07-2010 Mars 26-04-2025 31-08-2025
Moon 11-06-1999 10-01-2000 Mars 08-07-2010 07-09-2011 Rahu 31-08-2025 26-07-2026
Mars 10-01-2000 07-06-2000 Rahu 07-09-2011 07-09-2014 Jupiter 26-07-2026 14-05-2027
Rahu 07-06-2000 26-06-2001 Jupiter 07-09-2014 08-05-2017 Saturn 14-05-2027 25-04-2028
Jupiter 26-06-2001 02-06-2002 Saturn 08-05-2017 07-07-2020 Mercury 25-04-2028 02-03-2029
Saturn 02-06-2002 11-07-2003 Mercury 07-07-2020 08-05-2023 Ketu 02-03-2029 08-07-2029
Mercury 11-07-2003 08-07-2004 Ketu 08-05-2023 07-07-2024 Venus 08-07-2029 08-07-2030

Moon (10y) Mars (7y) Rahu (18y)

From 31y6m to 41y6m From 41y6m to 48y6m From 48y6m to 66y6m
Antar Beginning Ending Antar Beginning Ending Antar Beginning Ending

Moon 08-07-2030 08-05-2031 Mars 07-07-2040 03-12-2040 Rahu 08-07-2047 20-03-2050

Mars 08-05-2031 07-12-2031 Rahu 03-12-2040 22-12-2041 Jupiter 20-03-2050 13-08-2052
Rahu 07-12-2031 07-06-2033 Jupiter 22-12-2041 28-11-2042 Saturn 13-08-2052 20-06-2055
Jupiter 07-06-2033 07-10-2034 Saturn 28-11-2042 07-01-2044 Mercury 20-06-2055 06-01-2058
Saturn 07-10-2034 07-05-2036 Mercury 07-01-2044 03-01-2045 Ketu 06-01-2058 25-01-2059
Mercury 07-05-2036 07-10-2037 Ketu 03-01-2045 01-06-2045 Venus 25-01-2059 24-01-2062
Ketu 07-10-2037 08-05-2038 Venus 01-06-2045 01-08-2046 Sun 24-01-2062 19-12-2062
Venus 08-05-2038 07-01-2040 Sun 01-08-2046 07-12-2046 Moon 19-12-2062 19-06-2064
Sun 07-01-2040 07-07-2040 Moon 07-12-2046 08-07-2047 Mars 19-06-2064 07-07-2065

Jupiter (16y) Saturn (19y) Mercury (17y)

From 66y6m to 82y6m From 82y6m to 101y6m From 101y6m to 118y6m
Antar Beginning Ending Antar Beginning Ending Antar Beginning Ending

Jupiter 07-07-2065 26-08-2067 Saturn 07-07-2081 10-07-2084 Mercury 08-07-2100 04-12-2102

Saturn 26-08-2067 08-03-2070 Mercury 10-07-2084 20-03-2087 Ketu 04-12-2102 02-12-2103
Mercury 08-03-2070 13-06-2072 Ketu 20-03-2087 28-04-2088 Venus 02-12-2103 01-10-2106
Ketu 13-06-2072 20-05-2073 Venus 28-04-2088 28-06-2091 Sun 01-10-2106 08-08-2107
Venus 20-05-2073 19-01-2076 Sun 28-06-2091 09-06-2092 Moon 08-08-2107 06-01-2109
Sun 19-01-2076 06-11-2076 Moon 09-06-2092 09-01-2094 Mars 06-01-2109 04-01-2110
Moon 06-11-2076 08-03-2078 Mars 09-01-2094 18-02-2095 Rahu 04-01-2110 23-07-2112
Mars 08-03-2078 12-02-2079 Rahu 18-02-2095 25-12-2097 Jupiter 23-07-2112 29-10-2114
Rahu 12-02-2079 07-07-2081 Jupiter 25-12-2097 08-07-2100 Saturn 29-10-2114 08-07-2117

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Sadhesati of Saturn
According to Jyotish Tatva Prakash
ादशे ज गे राशौ ि तीये च शनै र:।
साधािन स वषािण तथा दु :खैयुतो भवेत्।।

The seven and a half year period during which Saturn transits in the twelfth, first and second
houses from the birth rashi (Moon sign) is called the Sadhesati of Saturn.

Your birth rashi is Leo therefore the period during which Saturn transits in
Cancer, Leo and Virgo is called Sadhesati of Saturn
One Sadhesati is made up of three periods of approximately two and half years each, because
Saturn travels in one rashi for two and half years.
Normally in the lifetime of a person, the Sadhesati of Saturn occurs three times.

The following table shows the beginning and end of each Sadhesati.

Sadhesati Cycle Transit Beginning Ending Duration Ashtakavarga

of Saturn Date Date Yr-Mn-Dy Saturn Sarva
First Cycle of Sadhesati
First Dhayya Cancer 05-09-2004 13-01-2005 0-4-8 5 30
(Twelfth from birth rashi) Cancer 26-05-2005 01-11-2006 1-5-5
Second Dhayya Leo 01-11-2006 10-01-2007 0-2-9 4 26
(On birth rashi) Leo 15-07-2007 09-09-2009 2-1-24
Third Dhayya Virgo 09-09-2009 15-11-2011 2-2-6 3 30
(Second from birth rashi) Virgo 16-05-2012 04-08-2012 0-2-18

Second Cycle of Sadhesati

First Dhayya Cancer 12-07-2034 27-08-2036 2-1-15 5 30
(Twelfth from birth rashi) Cancer --
Second Dhayya Leo 27-08-2036 22-10-2038 2-1-25 4 26
(On birth rashi) Leo 05-04-2039 12-07-2039 0-3-7
Third Dhayya Virgo 22-10-2038 05-04-2039 0-5-13 3 30
(Second from birth rashi) Virgo 12-07-2039 27-01-2041 1-6-15

Third Cycle of Sadhesati

First Dhayya Cancer 24-08-2063 05-02-2064 0-5-11 5 30
(Twelfth from birth rashi) Cancer 09-05-2064 12-10-2065 1-5-3
Second Dhayya Leo 12-10-2065 03-02-2066 0-3-21 4 26
(On birth rashi) Leo 03-07-2066 30-08-2068 2-1-27
Third Dhayya Virgo 30-08-2068 04-11-2070 2-2-4 3 30
(Second from birth rashi) Virgo --

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Nirmal Consideration of Mangala Dosha

Consideration of Mangala Dosha
1. According to Agastya Samhita –
धने ये च पाताले जािम े चा मे कुजे।
भाया भतु िवनाशाय भतु ी िवनाशनम्।।
2. According to Maanasagari –
धने ये च पाताले जािम े चा मे कुजे।
क ा भतुिवनाशाय भतु: क ा िवन ित।।
3. According to Brihat Jyotishasara –
ल े ये चतुथ च स मे वा अ मे कुज:।
भतारं नाशयेद् भाया भताभाया िवना ेत्।।
4. According to Bhava Deepika –
ल े ये च पाताले जािम े चा मे कुजे।
ीणां भतु िवनाश: ात् पुंसां भाया िवन ित।।
5. According to Brihat Parashara Hora –
ल े ये सुखे वािप स मे वा अ मे कुजे।
शुभ ग् योग हीने च पितं ह न संशयम्।।
Mangala Dosha or Kuja Dosha occurs when Mars is placed in the first, second, fourth,
seventh, eighth or twelfth house from the Birth Lagna.

According to some ancient rishis, Mangala dosha also occurs when Mars is placed in the first,
second, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house from the Moon, Venus and the seventh lord.

According to classics –
ल े दु शु ाद् दु : थाने य ि ित संभव:।
त शापाक समये दोषमा मनीिषण:।।

When Mars is placed in a malefic house from the Lagna, Moon or Venus then the
dasha of Mars may give inauspicious results according to sages.

In general practice Mangala Dosha is considered from the Lagna and the Moon.
Nirmal : In the birth chart of Nirmal Mars is placed in the fifth house from the lagna while in
the Moon chart Mars is placed in second house from the Moon. Hence Nirmal is not
Mangalik from the Birth Chart but Chandra Mangalik from the Moon Chart.

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