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Guided Generalization

Essential Text 1 Text 2 Text 3

Question Title : Title: Title:
“World Leaders “ Duterte says he “Duterte committed to
Grasping for Peace” threatened total Peace Talk in Mindanao”
deployment ban if UAE
executed Jennifer

Answer: Answer: Answer:

An effective argumentative An effective argumentative An effective argumentative
What makes for an speech needs to promote speech has to propose speech must promote
effective collaboration and consensus effective and well thought of negotiation to arrive in conflict
argumentative to both parties. argument and wise resolution.
speech to resolve compromise.
individual or group
Supporting Texts: Supporting Texts: Supporting Texts:
Par 6.calls for peace involves Par. 2: “If you execute her, I Par 1. -The government
proposed international will pull out every Filipino in remains committed to pursue
cooperation or programs to your country. Everyone talks with the Muslim
bring stability to struggling needs to be protected. It is my insurgents in Mindanao
locales. duty to protect them all.” Par. 2 – “we continue to hang
Par. 11 – “ that both china Duterte said in his remarks on to the talks because we
and united states and united during the Cabinet meeting believe historically that are
states shoulder important held in Malacañang. deprived and that is why we
responsibilities on a host of Par. 4: “I said, the President continue to talk to Murad and
major issues concerning Nur”
peace and development of respect[s] your justice system.
mankind. But the President feels that if
you hang his countrymen,
then he [will] just declare a
total deployment ban for the
entire United Arab Emirates,”
Bello said.

Reason: Reason: Reason:

The supporting texts justify Had it not been for that Negotiation should happen so
the that in order to resolve strong argument, it would to arrive at a fair resolution.
conflicts, argumentative not arrive to the best
speech should must promote compromise.
collaboration and consensus
to both parties.

Common Ideas in Reasons

 Negotiation
 Collaboration
 Compromise
Essential Understanding:
An effective argumentative speech to resolve individual conflicts is influenced by
negotiation and collaboration to find the best compromise that will eventually promote
conflict resolution.

Duterte says he threatened total deployment

ban if UAE executed Jennifer Dalquez
Published November 6, 2018 9:47pm 
Updated November 6, 2018 9:49pm

President Rodrigo Duterte on Tuesday revealed that he had threatened to impose a total deployment ban to
the United Arab Emirates if a Filipino domestic helper who was accused of murdering her employer was

“If you execute her, I will pull out every Filipino in your country. Everyone needs to be protected. It is my duty
to protect them all.” Duterte said in his remarks during the Cabinet meeting held in Malacañang.

Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III confirmed the President’s statement, telling everyone present that he and
Philippine Overseas Employment Administration Administrator Hans Leo Cacdac flew to Abu Dhabi to relay
to UAE officials the President’s sentiments.

“I said, the President respect[s] your justice system. But the President feels that if you hang his countrymen,
then he [will] just declare a total deployment ban for the entire United Arab Emirates,” Bello said.

“So after that, Mr. President, two months after, we learned na kinomute (commute) ‘yung sentence niya of
death to only three years. Eh hindi pa nase-serve ‘yung three years, pinalaya na siya eh. Obviously natakot
sila doon sa sabi niyo, sir.”

Jennifer Dalquez, who was saved from the death row, returned to the Philippines on November 2.

A native of General Santos City, Dalquez was arrested on December 12, 2014, days after stabbing her
employer who the Filipina worker claimed was trying to rape her at knifepoint.
She was sentenced to death by the Al Ain Court of First Instance on May 20, 2015. She was given an
opportunity, under Islamic law, to have the decision reversed if the victim's sons will not swear in the name
of Allah that she killed their father and instead opt for the payment of blood money.

The sons reportedly failed to attend the hearings as required by the court, prompting Dalquez's lawyer to
move for her acquittal.

Upon her return to the country, Dalquez said  that it was not her intention to kill her former boss.

Dalquez recalled that she has always been hopeful that she would be freed from prison and be able to
return to the Philippines to be with her family.

Duterte had previously imposed a deployment ban on new hires to Kuwait following reports of abuse and
maltreatment involving Filipino household service workers.

Following negotiations, both countries in May entered into an agreement on the protection and welfare of
overseas Filipino workers, prompting Duterte to lift the deployment ban.

Among the key features of the agreement are the provision for food, housing, clothing, and the registration in
the health insurance system for domestic workers, as well as the use of cellular phones so that OFWs could
communicate with their relatives in the Philippines. — BAP, GMA News

Duterte committed to peace talks in Mindanao

Published September 23, 2017, 7:55 AM
By Zea Capistrano

DAVAO CITY — President Rodrigo Duterte said the government remains committed to pursue talks
with the Muslim insurgents in Mindanao, adding that failure of such will not solve the injustice done
against the Moro people.

“We continue to hang on to the talks because we believe historically they are deprived and that is why
we continue to talk to Murad and Nur,” Duterte told reporters here Friday night, September 22.

President Rodrigo Duterte meets with the members of the media at the Matina Enclaves in Davao City,
Friday (September 22) night.
(Zea Capistrano / MANILA BULLETIN)

Duterte was referring to Moro Islamic Liberation Front chairman Al-Hajj Murad Ebrahim and the
founder of the Moro National Liberation Front chairman Nur Misuari.

Duterte met with members of the Bangsamoro Transition Commission on September 14 in

Malacañang and with Misuari on September 16 in Davao City.

The 21-member BTC is the body tasked to craft the Bangsamoro Basic Law which will give way for the
creation of the new political entity called the Bangsamoro that will replace the Autonomous Region in
Muslim Mindanao.

“I said nobody wins just like Marawi, wala tayong panalo doon puro Pilipino yun,” he said.

He also blamed the “alien ideology” brought by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria for spreading
terrorism in Mindanao.

He said the government is already winding up its operations in Marawi City with the enemies
constricted only to a limited space.

World Leaders Grasping for Peace


World peace. Those two words bring to mind stereotypical images: a plastic-faced, beauty-pageant winner reciting an over-
rehearsed answer between flashes of her bleached toothpaste-ad smile; a worn peace symbol sewn on a hippie’s backpack; or
a photo of children in a poor nation flashing the two-fingered peace sign.

Similar to these clichés, hardly anything can seem more trite or naïve than the desire for world peace. Yet nearly everyone
longs for it.

Even though there is not peace on Earth, it is not for lack of trying: the United Nations attempts to bring it to the world; the
European Union seeks to unify a continent; presidents and prime ministers desire it for their nations.

Yet nation fights nation, drug lords bring countries to their knees, citizens riot when their sports team wins the championship,
and cities brim with murder.

The Politics of Peace

Political press conferences and televised speeches are often laced with the “p” word. Calls for peace involve proposed
international cooperation or programs to bring stability to struggling locales.

Take the Middle East. The Israelis and Palestinians have sought peace for decades, but to no avail.

Refusing Palestinian preconditions for future peace talks, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, “I hope very much
that the Palestinians will come to their senses and enter the peace process…The peace process is an Israeli interest as much as
it is a Palestinian one” (AFP).
In response, Jordan’s King Abdullah II met in Cairo with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Both leaders insisted “on the need
for an immediate halt of all Israeli unilateral actions, which undermine the chances of achieving peace, especially the
settlement construction” (The Associated Press).

What about Russia? President Vladimir Putin told citizens a vote for his United Russia party in an upcoming election would aid
in the peace effort: “Stability and peace on our land have not fallen from the skies, they haven’t yet become absolutely,
automatically secured. This is the result of a very fierce fight, both inside the country and in the international arena” (AP).

Then there are the efforts between China and the United States to denuclearize North Korea. Following the China-U.S. Strategic
and Economic Dialogue in July 2009, Xinhua News Agency paraphrased Chinese President Hu Jintao’s comments on the
responsibilities of the two nations on the global stage.

“As two countries with significant influence in the world, China and the United States also enjoy extensive common interests
and broad space for cooperation,” President Hu said. Xinhua also summarized him as saying “that both China and the United
States shoulder important responsibilities on a host of major issues concerning peace and development of mankind.”

Religions also cry for peace.

“Once again I would repeat that military options are no solution and that violence, wherever it comes from and whatever form
it takes, must be firmly condemned. I express my hope that, with the decisive commitment of the international community, the
ceasefire in the Gaza strip will be re-established—an indispensable condition for restoring acceptable living conditions to the
population—and that negotiations for peace will resume, with the rejection of hatred, acts of provocation and the use of arms”

United States President Barack Obama told reporters of progress in the Iraq War, “The United States will continue to stand
with Iraq as a strong partner and as a friend. Tough challenges remain and I’m sure that there will be difficult days to come.
But this agreement advances the political progress that can bring lasting peace and unity to Iraq, and allow for the orderly and
responsible transition of American combat troops out of Iraq by next September.”
In response to Mr. Obama winning the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize, Brazilian President Luiz Iná cio Lula da Silva said it was in
“collaboration and consensus,” expressing “hope that world peace is a reality and that we have no more nuclear bombs” (AFP).

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