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gealin fen oe, BBCI. Rone icy ; pesae B212- Teooers Bp Knowledge of Coes 4 amet ncntonl Codes applicable ping and pipeline design % Name the relevant ees fr welding piping and pipelines Pits PD spirgylipury What ae the major deta {igfopaton avaiable / req in Wes? axed cet Pop)” Hadad werk prot 2 What iment ns nah arte * _‘Mlutaethe ic sent aablesina ptine WPS / Ont ws “Wt isthe PDO specication fr On it ipl eing? ‘What all tests are required for procedure qualcation? © What i supplementary essential variables? J Whatarethe mir mel spociteaions wy hy Pies, anges 2 How te mata regrouped in ne pipe speifcation? Which sth ine pipe specification /eade? Mi" f pry op ea ‘4 What is meant by APISL.X520¢5L.X60 «).y = 5 What son of jor reuemens or welded pipes says 6 How do you ealeulate carbon equivalent? ar ' eaten tod! G oe 6 sumable Handi \ control Which type of electrodes are normally used in pipene welding? Whats the basic siffrencebetwecn LH type? What ae the ideal conditions fr storing electrodes? 322 Boley wrenusce / alseqeivea! 7 Cellulose eletrode? fay we are using LY electrodes or prefers LH elesiodes over other 1 BEL I Is Meee ‘What are the precautions tobe takes daring banding oF LH clestodes? haw’) ‘What are the normal / typical Baking temperature?/Time? 24° /2 bes What isthe typical / normal Holding temperatures? +¢6'* How many times a LH electrodes can be specification) braked (allowed as pert ‘What are the major points to be noted during the ev ew of electrode Batch test certificate? Pa Z) i} Welding Dy ‘Wa ae the des ad respensilties oF WI before Welding? % What typeof heating equipment normally used for Protesting? Upta whet Aistance pre-heating normaly cari ou? * Memes eet tempertire is menurel? Am! at whee the ‘measurements tobe taken? 4 Watacetheresponsibilies daring welding? $Imapipline welding, when a clamp can be removed? © Imaiptine welding, when pipe canbe lowered of 7. When can be weld joint intemped? * _Wserupion is alow, wi she mininum requiem reste? Mow much deviation canbe mien WPS prancing he welding? 10. Whit rth responsiilis ater competion? 11 When to measure se empertire and where? 12 Fora Factory level suri cleaning is equired or not 18 Fer awedrepsit, How mock gh canbe repaid na sgl in 4 far alt riping, How many tacks ean be made in a Single joint? Minion & maxima, 15, What are the types of tacks allowed? Nbr 1 Acceptance Criteria eee ©. woatarethe us depos of WT before Welding? 7 ‘What type of heating equipment normally wie for pre-heating? Upto what sistance pro-heating normally carted out? How te prefeat temperate is meisued? And at where the smeaprements tobe taken? vide woe avi ® — Woatacertereponstiies vig weting? v5. Toa pipet welding, when a tmp can beremoved? voi Inapipsline welding, when pipe can be lowered off” When canbe wel joint interpted? 8. imterapion is loved, what the minum requirement for estat? 9, How much deviation ean he made in WPS parameter during the welding? GS. What are the respons ike ar compton? _ 11, When to ease VPs tempers and wre? 12 Fora Pectyorel urte esngi epic or ant 13. Fora weld repair, How much length can be repaired ina single joint? 1, For on plot piping, How many tacks can be made ia a single joint? Minimum & maxim, eee arent he Face ge Heak (3S What are the types of tals aloweat = WME a HT us . cabs ea thidsnes of Aberemt makin NBT enw aw i lineal oe, equine PL Oller Mp 1 Acceptance Criteria fe ate We ha aw the Copiesl defumsbion pid enernun eds gaa? Hy Ue Ae gpm a lige ny be hs gee ; daly reed be 2) anaes & Ash ~ 2) poten mtg [Baete 27 a Helevin gealifid wt on thro Meeps Y 56 pocalcon, (seman), ela Which ype of electrodes are normally used in pipeline welding? 2 What isthe basic difference bbiceh LH Cella eesode? 3. Why we are using LA electades or prefers Li eectodes over other types? 4. What are the precautions tote taken during having Li electrodes? 5. What arethe ideal conditions for storing electades? 6 What arethe normal /ypicel Baking temperatre?/Time? 7. Whatis the typical norma Holding toners? 8 How many tes «LI electrodes can be baked (allowed as per specification) ‘What are the major points to be noted during the review of electrode Batch test cetfcate? a mabincls yor came accents $ What are Hepes a sloricf 2 what ane He wat ww Lipced LS fe Lacs eldeong ton te ee Lapiead vadermation ae th that ane the Pog sence Gaia Ay ; inate yon mem Ay eae Ged spuicaim ont be Low Sovdie Radiography 1. What is adiography & various sources use®? 2. How many types of radiography films haveyou reviewed? 3, When you receive fin for interpretation, wat al things do you check. 4. How do you check Density? - 5, How do you check Sensitivity? - 6. What is Geometric unstarpess? 7. How do you calculate? 8. How will you ensure distance for cordoning prior to radiography? to tak ve a meeelet a sat : “ IG Steg tnelerried cttowet ne vic cop hat Aengli Steg sec gwd Core nese f we HRD Y cicenptidls om a Bw wna on eh pide eC oty wee orm FED vat aceuptite OT mise Poe ede avaheus og « OMI? spur an be were chat “Si mam Or ent ane te inc rtlect- pa fb mation } tite ve] eck

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