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Bachelor of Engineering & Allied Department

Technological University of the Philippines – Taguig Campus

Km 14 East Service Road, Western Bicutan

Engineering Maintenance Management

Assessment Module 1 | 3rd Semester AY 19-20

“We swear upon our honor that we answered the assessment module diligently as a pair. We did not consult anybody
nor did we engage in discussion related to the solutions of the problems that follow. We understand that our instructor
will file an intellectual dishonesty case with the Student Disciplinary Tribunal given sufficient proof or if our work is
greatly similar to that of any other pairs in our class. We take the responsibility for all the actions and in doing so, we
submit ourselves to any and all of its consequences.”

Sign: Sign:
Student's Full Name Guardian's Signature Full Name
Date: Date:

Sign: Sign:
Student's Full Name Guardian's Signature Full Name
Date: Date:


1. Write or type your answers on used white paper.

2. Use black or blue pen only (if you will write)
3. Font style: Arial, Font size: 11, Margins: Narrow, Spacing: 1.0 (if you will type)
4. Fill-up the conforme. Forging signature is punishable by law.
5. You instructor reserves the right not to check your assessment module if any of these directions is violated.
6. This module is due on Sunday of the week it was given, at exactly 11:59 PM.


1. Each problem should start in a new page. No 2 problems will share the same sheet.
2. It should be compiled in a PDF. The pdf should be named using the surnames of the pair (ex. Badilla_Sanchez)
3. One person in class will collect the pdfs and compile it in one folder and email it to me
4. Another option for submission is uploading the folder in a google drive, and send me an editable link
5. The assessment module will not be acknowledged unless the agreement is signed by the parents/guardians.
6. Practice honesty

Assessment 1 | Engineering Maintenance Management

HCBongao | 3rd Term AY 19-20
Problem 1 | Small Wine Business

1. Determine the general resources used in wine-making industry then explain. (5 pts.)
(note: classify the resources according to their category, use EXHIBIT A.5 as reference)
(maximum of 5 sentences per resource)

2. Explain each step of the wine-making process. Which management theory can be applied to it? (5 pts.)
(note: provide diagrams if necessary)
(maximum of 10 sentences)

3. Who are the personnel involved in the wine-making business (at 20,000 Case Winery)? (5 pts.)

a. Classify them according to management function. (5 pts.)

b. Classify them according to management decision they do. (5 pts.)

Problem 2 | Nestle Case

1. What is/are the reasons why the structure of organization of Nestle will shift? (5 pts.)
2. Describe the transition of organizational structure, in your own point of view
a. What are the advantages & disadvantages of this shift? (6 pts.)
b. Based on (a) do you still consider shifting strategies? (4 pts.)

3. What do you think are the reasons behind the transition in coordination strategy? (5 pts.)

Problem 3 | Practical Applications

1. How can you apply the management theories at your home and in your life? (5 pts.)

2. What do you think is the organizational structure of our school? (5 pts.)

3. If you are given a chance (and funds) to establish a company, what kind of organizational
structure will you choose. (5 pts.)

Assessment 1 | Engineering Maintenance Management

HCBongao | 3rd Term AY 19-20
Problem 4 | Case Study Analysis

1. What is the motivation of the case study? (5 pts.)

2. Why maintenance was chosen to be the focus of this study? (3 pts.)

3. What is/are the objectives of the study?

a. General objective (2 pts.)
b. Specific objectives (3 pts.)

4. Identify the relevant functions and the people behind each in Loviisa case. (5 pts. Each)
a. Planning
b. Organizing
c. Directing
d. Controlling
e. Managing

5. Explain the ownership or equipment responsibilities in TVO maintenance case. (5 pts.)

6. What are the changes in the organization in OKG? Create a chart for their new maintenance organization (5 pts.)

Assessment 1 | Engineering Maintenance Management

HCBongao | 3rd Term AY 19-20

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