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John Dunnicliff


John Dunnicliff
Geotechnical Instrumentation Consultant
Lexington, Massachusetts

With the assistance of:

Gordon E. Green
Geotechnical Engineer
Seattle, Washington

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A Wiley-lnterscience Publication
John Wiley & Sons
New York I Chichester I Brisbane I Toronto I Singapore
Copyright© 1988 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
All rights reserved. Published simultaneously in Canada.
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beyond that permitted by Section 107 or 108 of the
1976 United States Copyright Act without the permission
of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for
permission or further information should be addressed to
the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data:

Dunnicliff, John.
Geotechnical instrumentation for monitoring field performance/
John Dunnicliff with the assistance of Gordon E. Green.
"A Wiley-Interscience publication."
ISBN 0-471-09614-8
1. Engineering geology-Instruments. 2. Soils-Testing.
I. Green, Gordon E. II. Title.
TA705.D86 1988
624.1'51'028-dcl9 87-27709
Printed in the United States of America
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
To the manufacturers of
geotechnical instruments,
without whom there would be no
geotechnical instrumentation
for monitoring field performance

Every geotechnical design is to some extent hypo- desire to save money, can be more than false econ-
thetical, and every construction job involving earth omy: it can even be dangerous.
or rock runs the risk of encountering surprises. Every instrument installed on a project should be
These circumstances are the inevitable result of selected and placed to assist in answering a specific
working with materials created by nature, often be- question. Following this simple rule is the key to
fore the advent of human beings, by processes sel- successful field instrumentation. Unfortunately, it
dom resulting in uniform conditions. The inability is easier to install instruments, collect the readings,
of exploratory procedures to detect in advance all and then wonder if there are any questions to which
the possibly significant properties and conditions of the results might provide an answer. Instrumenta-
natural materials requires the designer to make as- tion is currently in vogue. Some design agencies
sumptions that may be at variance with reality and and many regulatory bodies mandate instrumenta-
the constructor to choose equipment and construc- tion whether the results might be useful or not. It is
tion procedures without full knowledge of what a widely held dogma, for instance, that every earth
might be encountered. dam should be instrumented, in the hope that some
Field observations, including quantitative mea- unsuspected defect will reveal itself in the observa-
surements obtained by field instrumentation, pro- tions and give warning of an impending failure. Part
vide the means by which the geotechnical engineer, of the criticism directed at Teton Dam following its
in spite of these inherent limitations, can design a failure was paucity of instrumentation. Yet, it is
project to be safe and efficient, and the constructor extremely doubtful that any instrumental observa-
can execute the work with safety and economy. tions could have given timely warning of the partic-
Thus, field instrumentation is vital to the practice of ular failure that occurred. Instruments cannot cure
geotechnics, in contrast to the practice of most defective designs, nor can they indicate signs of im-
other branches of engineering in which people have pending deterioration or failure unless, fortuitously,
greater control over the materials with which they they happen to be of the right type and in the right
deal. For this reason geotechnical engineers, unlike place.
their colleagues in other fields, must have more than The engineer should bring the best knowledge
casual knowledge of instrumentation: to them it is a and judgment to bear on every geotechnical prob-
working tool, not merely one of the components of lem that arises and should analyze the quality of the
research. information on which a design is based. The en-
Notwithstanding its vital role, instrumentation is gineer should judge not only the way the design will
not an end in itself. It cannot guarantee good design function if the information is essentially correct, but
or trouble-free construction. The wrong instru- how the gaps or shortcomings might influence the
ments in the wrong places provide information that performance of the project. Then, and only then,
may at best be confusing and at worst divert atten- can specific items be identified that will reveal
tion from telltale signs of trouble. Too much in- whether the project is performing in accordance
strumentation is wasteful and may disillusion those with design assumptions or, if not, in what signifi-
who pay the bills, while too little, arising from a cant way the performance differs. Then the critical


questions can be framed-the answers to which will sure that dependable data can be obtained through-
fill the gaps or correct the errors in the original de- out the period when the observations are needed.
sign assumptions-and the engineer can determine Usually, the most dependable devices are the sim-
what instruments, at what locations, can answer plest.
those questions. If one can with sufficient accuracy make a direct
Of course, not all instruments are installed to visual observation with a graduated scale, then a
monitor the safety of a structure or construction micrometer should not be used. If one can use a
operation or to confirm design assumptions. Some micrometer, a mechanical strain gage should not be
are used to determine initial or background condi- used. If one can use a mechanical strain gage, an
tions. Observations of groundwater prior to con- electrical one should not be used. Mechanical in-
struction, or in situ stresses in rock masses, or of struments are to be preferred to electrical devices
elevations of structures before the start of adjacent and simple electrical devices depending on simple
construction are examples. Certain types of con- circuits are to be preferred to more complex elec-
struction, such as the installation of tiebacks, are tronic equipment. That is, where a choice exists,
inherently dependent on instrumentation. Further- the simpler equipment is likely to have the best
more, advancements in the state of our knowledge chance for success.
require large-scale or full-scale observations of an Nevertheless, simple instruments are sometimes
extent and complexity far beyond the requirements inappropriate and more complex ones must be
of the practicing engineer. Yet, in all these applica- used. An open standpipe may be the simplest de-
tions, it is equally true that every instrument should vice for observing a piezometric level, but the point
be selected and located to assist in answering a at which the pore pressure needs to be measured
specific question. may be located where direct access is impossible. A
Instrumentation needs to be kept in perspective. more sophisticated arrangement is then necessary.
It is one part of the broader activities of observation If one wishes to determine the state of stress in a
and surveillance. Trained people, using the best of mass of rock, there is no choice but to install
all instruments, the human eye, can often provide sophisticated equipment to make measurements at
all the information necessary and are always an es- a considerable distance from the position of the ob-
sential part of the field observations on any project. server, and the strains likely to be observed will be
Even when instruments are used because the neces- too small to detect by any mechanical device. Thus,
sary quantities are too small to be observed by eye, nothing but a sophisticated system will serve.
or the events are taking place out of the reach of a Not all sophisticated systems are equally reli-
human being, the findings must be related to other able. Equipment that has an excellent record of per-
activities. Without good records of the progress of formance can be rendered unreliable if a single
excavation and of details of the excavation and essential but apparently minor requirement is over-
bracing procedures, for example, the results of looked during the installation. The best of instruc-
measurements of deformations or earth pressure tion manuals cannot provide for every field condi-
associated with a braced cut become almost mean- tion that may affect the results. Therefore, even
ingless. Among the most valuable uses of instru- slavish attention to instructions cannot guarantee
mentation are empirical correlations between con- success. The installer must have a background in
struction procedures and deformations or pres- the fundamentals of geotechnics as well as knowl-
sures, correlations that can be used immediately to edge of the intricacies of the device being installed.
improve the procedures so as to reduce the move- Sometimes the installer must consciously depart
ments or pressures. Thus, highly sophisticated, from the installation manual.
fully automated installations for obtaining and pre- The installer must also want desperately to do
senting data, sometimes held in high favor by those the job well and must often work under difficult and
intrigued with gadgetry, may fail to serve a useful unpleasant conditions, trying to do precision work
purpose because the simple visual observations of while surrounded by workers whose teamwork or
what may be affecting the readings are overlooked. operation of equipment is being interrupted, or
Not only is instrumentation not an end in itself, working the graveyard shift in an attempt to reduce
but neither is sophistication or automation. The two such interruptions. Dedication of this sort is the
prime requirements are sensitivity sufficient to pro- price of success, and it is rarely found at the price
vide the necessary information and reliability to en- tendered by the lowest bidder. Moreover, the in-

staller can hardly be motivated to be dedicated to the struts for bracing open cuts were measured, it
the task of installing instruments of inferior quality was observed that struts at the same elevation in the
that are likely to fail prematurely or to produce same cut carried widely different loads. To some
questionable data. Rugged, reliable instruments are extent the difference was the result of slight differ-
not necessarily expensive, but lowest cost of the ences in soil properties. To a much greater extent,
hardware is rarely a valid reason for its choice. No however, the differences were associated with con-
arrangement for a program of instrumentation is a struction procedures. When a strut was placed as
candidate for success if it sets cost above quality of soon as possible, it always carried a load substan-
instruments or fee above experience and dedication tially greater than the load in another strut at the
of the installer. same elevation but not placed until excavation had
Instruments are discontinuities, nonrepresenta- advanced considerably beyond its future location.
tive objects introduced into soil/rock structure sys- If the strut loads had been measured on only a few
tems. Their presence or the flows or displacements struts, for example, along a single vertical line, the
required to generate an observation alter the very influence of the construction procedure on strut
quantities they are intended to measure. The alter- loads could not have been detected, and entirely
ation may be significant or negligible; its extent de- erroneous conclusions might have been drawn
pends on the nature of the phenomenon being ob- about the magnitude of the earth pressures resisted
served, on the design of the instrument, and on the by the bracing. Since the variability of the quan-
operations required for installation. The engineer tities measured by geotechnical instrumentation de-
who embarks on a program of field instrumentation pends not only on the kind of measurement itself-
needs to understand the fundamental physics and whether it be pore pressure, displacement, or load
mechanics involved and how the various available in a structural member-but also on the geology
instruments will perform under the conditions to and on details of the construction procedures, the
which they will be subjected. In addition, the en- design of a system of measurements requires ma-
gineer needs to know whether corrections can be ture judgment based on experience and understand-
made by calibration or by theoretical calculations, ing of the geotechnical problems at hand.
or whether under the circumstances no valid result Use of field-instrumentation therefore requires a
is possible. Perhaps the classic examples of the lat- thorough grounding in geotechnical principles, a de-
ter eventuality were the attempts in the early 1920s tailed conception of the variations that may be ex-
to measure earth pressures against braced cuts by pected in the natural or artificial deposit in which
observing deflections of the wales between struts, a the observations are to be made, a realistic notion
procedure made futile because of the then unsus- of the construction procedures likely to be fol-
pected phenomenon of arching. The same phenom- lowed, a thorough knowledge of the capabilities and
enon affects to greater or lesser degree the results of shortcomings of the instruments themselves, and an
all earth-pressure cells. appreciation of the practical problems of installa-
Finally, there must be enough instruments not tion. It also requires a clear perception of the way in
only to allow for the inevitable losses resulting from which the results of the observations will be ob-
malfunction and damage by construction activities, tained, recorded, digested, and used on the particu-
but also to provide a meaningful picture of the scat- lar project for which the design is being prepared.
ter in results inherent in geotechnics as a conse- Small wonder that the need exists for a book dealing
quence of variations in geology and in construction comprehensively with this subject.
procedures. For example, in the early days of con- RALPH B. PECK-
struction of the Chicago subways, when the loads in

This is intended to be a practical book for use by literature abounds with descriptions of prototype
practitioners. There is information for all those who gadgets that have found little real use in practice. In
plan or implement geotechnical instrumentation selecting information to be included, I have been
programs: owners, project managers, geotechnical guided by the title of the book, and thus there is
engineers, geologists, instrument manufacturers, nothing on geotechnical instrumentation for in situ
specialty geotechnical contractors, civil engineers, measurement of soil and rock properties. Detailed
and technicians. The book should also be helpful to case histories have been excluded in favor of guide-
students and faculty members during graduate lines directed toward the problem-oriented reader.
courses in geotechnical engineering. However, summaries of selected case histories are
A practical book about geotechnical instrumenta- included in Part 5.
tion must go beyond a mere summary of the techni- Finally, a few words about the organization of
cal literature and manufacturers' brochures: it must the book and how it may be used. The book is di-
hold the hands of readers and guide them along the vided into seven parts, each with a self-explanatory
way. This need has created two difficulties for me. title. Readers looking for an overview may start
First, my own practical experience is that of one with the Foreword and Chapter 1, then scan
person and does not arm me to write a comprehen- through Chapter 26, The Key to Success. In my
sive guide on my own. I have tried to fill this gap by view, the greatest shortcoming in the state-of-the-
drawing on the experience and opinions of many practice is inadequate planning of monitoring pro-
colleagues, who are identified elsewhere. grams, and therefore problem-oriented readers
Second, it is certain that, soon after publication should give their first concentrated attention to
of this book, I will alter some of my opinions as my Chapter 4, Systematic Approach to Planning Moni-
experience increases. I am well aware that the sub- toring Programs Using Geotechnical Instrumenta-
ject of geotechnical instrumentation is a contentious tion. The various steps in this chapter lead readers
subject, made so by strongly held views among to each of the chapters in Parts 2, 3, and 4: Chapter
practitioners and by vested commercial interests. 4 is therefore the hub of the book. The chapters in
The guidelines in this book are an attempt to convey Part 5, Examples of Instrumentation Applications,
the "best ways" as I see them today. You, the are intended as supplementary chapters to open the
reader, will have your own experience and your minds of readers to the possible role of geotechnical
own best ways, which may differ from mine. I instrumentation 'on various types of construction
therefore have a plea: when you see possibilities for projects and to guide them toward implementation.
improving the content of this book, send me rea- They are not intended as exhaustive summaries,
sonable evidence. My address is in the Directory of state-of-the-art papers, or "cookbooks." If a reader
the American Society of Civil Engineers. Not only uses this book by (1) turning to the chapter in Part 5
will I learn from you, but I will try to disseminate that discusses his or her type of project, (2) noting
the improvements, perhaps ultimately in a second the types of instruments suggested in Part 5, (3)
edition of this book. noting the sketched layouts in Part 5, (4) studying
Length restrictions have strongly influenced the Part 3, Monitoring Methods, for details of the in-
contents. There is no attempt to describe every in- struments, and (5) proceeding with a monitoring
strument, either currently available or described in program, that reader is misusing the book. Turn
published papers. Some available instruments are back to Chapter 4!
not well suited to their intended purpose, and the JOHN DUNNICLIFF


I would not have been able to write this book without the help of many
First, Gordon E. Green, Associate, Golder Associates, Inc., Seattle, WA
(formerly with Shannon & Wilson, Inc., Seattle, WA), has made an extraor-
dinary commitment of time and enthusiasm to this book. He has given many
hours to guide me with content and format, to provide a second opinion on
numerous issues of judgment, and to make detailed reviews of the chapters
in Parts 2, 3, and 4. For this untiring dedication, I can only express my great
gratitude. No author could hope for more.
Second, some colleagues have coauthored or assisted with sections or
chapters. When I felt that my own experience of a subject has been too
limited, I asked one or more engineers to help me with the text. Their names
and affiliations are given in footnotes on appropriate pages. To these col-
leagues I say, thank you-for enduring my persistent questioning and for
helping me to convert my shaky drafts into texts fit for a book. Your roles
have been crucial.
Third, some colleagues have helped me by providing facts or opinions on
a multitude of subjects. These include the following:

Arild Andresen Herbert J. Dix Thomas K. Liu

William R. Beloff James Dorsey C. Leroy McAnear
Douglas J. Belshaw Edward J. Drelich Verne C. McGuffey
Bradford P. Boisen Charles N. Easton John B. McRae
Jean-Louis Bordes Alex I. Feldman P. Erik Mikkelsen
Jean Boucher Bengt H. Fellenius Anthony Minnitti
Michael Bozozuk Rainer Glotzl Dewayne L. Misterek
Ed Brylawski Charles W. Hancock, Jr. Ian Mitchell
Georgi A. Buckley Leo D. Handfelt John G. Morrison
Thomas G. Bumala Richard K. Harris Michael W. O'Neill
Roy W. Carlson David G. F. Hedley Walter Nold
Pierre Carrier Anwar Hirany Ralph B. Peck
David J. Clements Robert D. Holtz Arthur D. M. Penman
J. Barrie Cooke Gary R. Holzhausen Edward C. Pritchett
Christopher B. H. Cragg Robert G. Horvath Red Robinson
J. Clive P. Dalton Bob Joy Arthur Ross
Richard R. Davidson Kunsoo Kim Birger Schmidt
Brian J. Dawes Peter Lang Ernest T. Selig
George B. Deardorff Pierre LeFrancois Dale Shoup
Elmo B. DiBiagio Jeffrey M. Lingham Tony Simmonds
Walter Dieden G. Stuart Littlejohn Patrick D. K. Smith


Terry Stevens Peter R. Vaughan James R. Wheeler

Kalman Szalay James Warner Stanley D. Wilson
Duncan Tharp Robert C. Weeks Anwar E. Z. Wissa
Petur Thordarson William A. Weiler, Jr. Stephen P. Wnuk
Arno Thut Clark Welden John R. Wolosick
Bengt-Arne Torstensson

To these colleagues-thank you for passing on your experience and for

guiding me as I tried to resolve so many uncertainties.
Fourth, I thank Judy Grande and Sarah Matthews, whose word process-
ing skills and responsiveness to deadlines have been outstanding.
Last, but never least, my wife, Margaret, and my children, Christopher,
Jonathan, and Tanya. Their tolerance and understanding during the 5 years
of writing have made it all possible.


Chapter 1 Geotechnical Instrumentation: An Overview I 3

1.1 What Is Geotechnical Instrumentation?, 3
1.2 Why Do We Need to Monitor Field Performance?, 3
1.3 What Capabilities Must the People Have?, 5
1.4 What Capabilities Must the Instruments Have?, 5
1.5 Where Have We Been?, 5
1.6 Where Are We Now?, 5
1.7 Where Are We Going?, 10
1.8 The Key to Success, 12

Chapter 2 Behavior of Soil and Rock I 13

2.1 Behavior of Soil, 13
2.2 Behavior of Rock, 23


Chapter 3 Benefits of Using Geotechnical Instrumentation I 33

3.1 Benefits During Design, 33
3.2 Benefits During Construction, 34
3.3 Benefits After Construction Is Complete, 36
3.4 General Considerations, 36

Chapter 4 Systematic Approach to Planning Monitoring Programs Using

Geotechnical Instrumentation I 37
4.1 Define the Project Conditions, 37
4.2 Predict Mechanisms that Control Behavior, 38
4.3 Define the Geotechnical Questions that Need to Be Answered, 38
4.4 Define the Purpose of the Instrumentation, 38
4.5 Select the Parameters to Be Monitored, 38
4.6 Predict Magnitudes of Change, 38
4. 7 Devise Remedial Action, 39
4.8 Assign Tasks for Design, Construction, and Operation Phases, 39
4.9 Select Instruments, 40
4.10 Select Instrument Locations, 42

4.11 Plan Recording of Factors that May Influence Measured Data, 43

4.12 Establish Procedures for Ensuring Reading Correctness, 43
4.13 List the Specific Purpose of Each Instrument, 43
4.14 Prepare Budget, 43
4.15 Write Instrument Procurement Specifications, 44
4.16 Plan Installation, 44
4.17 Plan Regular Calibration and Maintenance, 44
4.18 Plan Data Collection, Processing, Presentation, Interpretation,
Reporting, and Implementation, 44
4.19 Write Contractual Arrangements for Field Instrumentation
Services, 44
4.20 Update Budget, 44

Chapter 5 Specifications for Procurement of Instruments I 45

5.1 Task Assignment for Procurement, 45
5.2 Specifying Method, 46
5.3 Basis for Determining Price, 47
5.4 Content of Specifications for Procurement of Instruments, 49

Chapter 6 Contractual Arrangements for Field Instrumentation

Services I 57
6.1 Goals of Contractual Arrangements, 57
6.2 Definition of Terms, 57
6.3 Contractual Arrangements for Instrument Installation, 59
6.4 Contractual Arrangements for Regular Calibration and
Maintenance, 61
6.5 Contractual Arrangements for Data Collection, Processing,
Presentation, Interpretation, and Reporting, 61
6.6 Content of Specifications for Field Instrumentation Services, 63


Chapter 7 Measurement Uncertainty I 75
7.1 Conformance, 75
7.2 Accuracy, 75
7.3 Precision, 75
7.4 Resolution, 76
7.5 Sensitivity, 76
7.6 Linearity, 76
7.7 Hysteresis, 76
7.8 Noise, 77
7.9 Error, 77

Chapter 8 Instrumentation Transducers and Data Acquisition

Systems I 79
8.1 Mechanical Instruments, 79
8.2 Hydraulic Instruments, 80
8.3 Pneumatic Instruments, 87
8.4 Electrical Instruments, 92

Chapter 9 Measurement of Groundwater Pressure I 117

9.1 Instrument Categories and Applications, 117
9.2 Observation Wells, 118
9.3 Open Standpipe Piezometers, 118
9.4 Twin-Tube Hydraulic Piezometers, 123
9.5 Pneumatic Piezometers, 126
9.6 Vibrating Wire Piezometers, 127
9.7 Electrical Resistance Piezometers, 128
9.8 Miscellaneous Single-Point Piezometers, 130
9.9 Multipoint Piezometers, 136
9.10 Hydrodynamic Time Lag, 139
9.11 Types of Filter, 141
9.12 Recommended Instruments for Measuring Groundwater Pressure
in Saturated Soil and Rock, 141
9.13 Recommended Instruments for Measuring Pore Water Pressure in
Unsaturated Soil, 144
9.14 Saturation of Filters, 146
9.15 Installation of Piezometers in Fill, 148
9.16 Installation of Piezometers by the Push-in Method, 148
9.17 Installation of Piezometers in Boreholes in Soil, 150
9.18 Installation of Piezometers in Boreholes in Rock, 163

Chapter 10 Measurement of Total Stress in Soil I 165

10.1 Instrument Categories and Applications, 165
10.2 Embedment Earth Pressure Cells, 165
10.3 Contact Earth Pressure Cells, 177

Chapter 11 Measurement of Stress Change in Rock I 185

11.1 Applications, 185
11.2 Instrument Categories, 185
11.3 Soft Inclusion Gages, 186
, 11.4 Rigid Inclusion Gages, 191
11.5 Recommended Procedures for Measurement of Stress Change in
Rock, 195

Chapter 12 Measurement of Deformation I 199

12.1 Instrument Categories, 199
12.2 Surveying Methods, 199
12.3 Surface Extensometers, 209
12.4 Tiltmeters, 216
12.5 Probe Extensometers, 219
12.6 Fixed Embankment Extensometers, 233
12.7 Fixed Borehole Extensometers, 237
12.8 Inclinometers, 250
12.9 Transverse Deformation Gages, 268
12.10 Liquid Level Gages, 275
12.11 Miscellaneous Deformation Gages, 292

Chapter 13 Measurement of Load and Strain in Structural Members I 297

13.1 Instrument Categories and Applications, 297
13.2 Load Cells, 297

13.3 Surface-Mounted Strain Gages, 306

13.4 Embedment Strain Gages, 320
13.5 Determination of Existing Stress, 326
13.6 Concrete Stress Cells, 327

Chapter 14 Measurement of Temperature I 331

14.1 Applications, 331
14.2 Mercury Thermometer, 332
14.3 Bimetal Thermometer, 332
14.4 Thermistor, 333
14.5 Thermocouple, 333
14.6 Resistance Temperature Device (RTD), 334
14.7 Frost Gages, 335
14.8 Other Transducers for Measurement of Temperature, 336
14.9 Comparison Among Transducers for Remote Measurements, 336
14.10 Installation of Transducers for Measurement of Temperature, 338



Chapter 15 A Recipe for Reliability of Performance Monitoring I 341

15.1 Instrument Ingredients in a Recipe for Reliability, 341
15.2 People Ingredients in a Recipe for Reliability, 342

Chapter 16 Calibration and Maintenance of Instruments I 343

16.1 Instrument Calibration, 343
16.2 Instrument Maintenance, 345

Chapter 17 Installation of Instruments I 347

17.1 Contractual Arrangements for Installing Instruments, 34 7
17.2 Locations of Instruments, 347
17.3 Detailed Installation Procedures, 348
17.4 Installation at the Ground Surface, 348
17.5 Installation in Boreholes, 348
17.6 Installation in Fill, 358
17.7 Installation in Underground Excavations, 363
17.8 Protection from Damage, 363
17.9 Acceptance Tests, 364
17.10 Installation Records, 364
17.11 Installation Schedule, 364
17.12 Coordination of Installation Plans, 365
17.13 Field Work, 365
17.14 Installation Report, 366

Chapter 18 Collection, Processing, Presentation, Interpretation, and

Reporting of Instrumentation Data I 367
18.1 Collection of Instrumentation Data, 367
18.2 Processing and Presentation of Instrumentation Data, 374
18.3 Interpretation of Instrumentation Data, 382
18.4 Reporting of Conclusions, 384


Chapter 19 Braced Excavations I 389
19.1 General Role of Instrumentation, 389
19.2 Principal Geotechnical Questions, 390
19.3 Overview of Routine and Special Applications, 400
19.4 Selected Case Histories, 400

Chapter 20 Embankments on Soft Ground I 407

20.1 General Role of Instrumentation, 407
20.2 Principal Geotechnical Questions, 407
20.3 Overview of Routine and Special Applications, 410
20.4 Selected Case Histories, 410

Chapter 21 Embankment Dams I 417

21.1 General Role of Instrumentation, 417
21.2 Principal Geotechnical Questions, 418
21.3 Long-Term Performance Monitoring of Embankment Dams, 423
21.4 General Guidelines on the Execution of Monitoring Programs for
Embankment Dams, 432
21.5 Selected Case Histories, 435

Chapter 22 Excavated and Natural Slopes I 443

22.1 General Role of Instrumentation, 443
22.2 Principal Geotechnical Questions, 443
22.3 Overview of Routine and Special Applications, 448
22.4 Selected Case Histories, 448

Chapter 23 Underground Excavations I 453

23.1 General Role of Instrumentation, 453
23.2 Principal Geotechnical Questions, 455
23.3 Overview of Routine and Special Applications, 461
23.4 Selected Case Histories, 461

Chapter 24 Driven Piles I 467

24.1 General Role of Instrumentation, 467
24.2 Principal Geotechnical Questions, 467
24.3 Overview of Routine and Special Applications, 479
24.4 Selected Case Histories, 479

Chapter 25 Drilled Shafts I 483

25.1 General Role of Instrumentation, 483
25.2 Principal Geotechnical Questions, 483
25.3 Overview of Routine and Special Applications, 489
25.4 Selected Case Histories, 489


Chapter 26 The Key to Success: The Chain with 25 links I 493

A. Checklist for Planning Steps I 501
B. Checklist for Content of Specifications for Procurement of
Instruments I 505
C. Checklist for Content of Specifications for Field Instrumentation
Services I 507
D. Commercially Available Geotechnical Instruments I 511
E. Details of Twin-Tube Hydraulic Piezometer System I 519
F. Dimensions of Drill Rods, Flush-Joint Casing, Diamond Coring Bits,
Hollow-Stem Augers, and U.S. Pipe I 527
G. Example of Installation Procedure, with Materials and Equipment
List I 533
H. Conversion Factors I 539
References I 541
Index I 563
Every instrument on a project should be
selected and placed to assist with answering
a specific question: if there is no question,
there should be no instrumentation.
Part 1


Part 1 is intended to serve as a general introduction. Chapter 1 sets the stage for the
book, describing the role of geotechnical instrumentation and giving a historical
perspective and a look into the future. It is hoped that Chapter I will motivate the
reader toward a deeper study of the subject. Chapter 2 presents an overview of key
aspects of soil and rock behavior, targeted for the practitioners who become in-
volved with geotechnical instrumentation programs and who do not have formal
training in soil or rock mechanics.




The engineering practice of geotechnical instrumen- The use of geotechnical instrumentation is not
tation involves a marriage between the capabilities merely the selection of instruments but a com-
of measuring instruments and the capabilities of prehensive step-by-step engineering process begin-
people. ning with a definition of the objective and ending
There are two general categories of measuring with implementation of the data. Each step is criti-
instruments. The first category is used for in situ cal to the success or failure of the entire program,
determination of soil or rock properties, for ex- and the engineering process involves combining the
ample, strength, compressibility, and permeability, capabilities of instruments and people.
normally during the design phase of a project. Ex-
amples are shown in Figure 1.1. The second cate-
gory is used for monitoring performance, normally 1.2. WHY DO WE NEED TO MONITOR
during the construction or operation phase of a proj- FIELD PERFORMANCE?
ect, and may involve measurement of groundwater
pressure, total stress, deformation, load, or strain. The term geotechnical construction can be used for
Examples are shown in Figure 1.2. This book is construction requiring consideration of the en-
concerned only with the second category. gineering properties of soil or rock. In the design of
During the past few decades, manufacturers of a surface facility, the ability of the ground to sup-
geotechnical instrumentation have developed a port the construction must be considered. In the
large assortment of valuable and versatile products design of a subsurface facility, consideration must
for the monitoring of geotechnically related parame- also be given to the ability of the ground to support
ters. Those unfamiliar with instrumentation might itself or be supported by other means. In both
believe that obtaining needed information entails cases, the engineering properties of the soil or
nothing more than pulling an instrument from a rock are the factors of interest. The designer of
shelf, installing it, and taking readings. Although geotechnical construction works with a wide vari-
successful utilization may at first appear simple and ety of naturally occurring heterogeneous materials,
straightforward, considerable engineering and plan- which may be altered to make them more suitable,
ning are required to obtain the desired end results. but exact numerical values of their engineering


Figure 1.1. Examples of measuring instruments for in situ determination of soil or rock properties: (a)
Piezocone: combined static cone and pore pressure probe (courtesy of Geotechniques International,
Inc., Middleton, MAl; (b) vane shear equipment (courtesy of Geonor AIS, Oslo, Norway); (c) self·boring
pressuremeter (courtesy of Cambridge lnsitu, Cambridge, England); and (d) borehole defonnation gage
(courtesy of Geokon, Inc., lebanon, NH).


properties cannot be assigned. Laboratory or field instrument procurement on a low-bid basis will re-
tests may be performed on selected samples to ob- main a stumbling block to good field performance.
tain values for engineering properties, but these
tests will only provide a range of possible values.
The significance of these statements about 1.5. WHERE HAVE WE BEEN?
geotechnical construction can be demonstrated by
comparison with steel construction. A designer of a Figures 1.3-1.15 show examples of past uses of
steel structure works with manufactured materials. geotechnical instrumentation.
The materials are specified, their manufacture is The birth of geotechnical instrumentation, as a
controlled, and fairly exact numerical values of en- tool to assist with field observations, occurred in
gineering properties are available for design. An ac- the 1930s and 1940s. During the first 50 years of its
curate analysis can be made and design plans and life, a general trend can be observed. In the early
specifications prepared. Then, provided construc- years, simple mechanical and hydraulic instruments
tion is in accordance with those plans, the structure predominated, and most instrumentation programs
will perform as designed. There will generally be no were in the hands of diligent engineers who had a
need to monitor field performance. Similar remarks clear sense of purpose and the motivation to make
apply to reinforced concrete. In contrast, the design the programs succeed. There were successes and
of geotechnical construction will be based on judg- failures, but the marriage between instruments and
ment in selecting the most probable values within people was generally sound. In more recent years,
the ranges of possible values for engineering prop- as technology has advanced and the role of geo-
erties. As construction progresses and geotechnical technical instrumentation has become more secure,
conditions are observed or behavior monitored, the more complex devices with electrical and pneu-
design judgments can be evaluated and, if neces- matic transducers have become commonplace.
sary, updated. Thus, engineering observations dur- Some of these devices have performed well, while
ing geotechnical construction are often an integral others have not. At the same time, the technology
part of the design process, and geotechnical in- has attracted an increasingly large proportion of the
strumentation is a tool to assist with these obser- geotechnical engineering profession, and an in-
vations. creasing number of instrumentation programs have
been in the hands of people with incomplete motiva-
tion and sense of purpose. There have continued to
1.3. WHAT CAPABILITIES MUST THE be successes and failures but, in contrast to the
PEOPLE HAVE? early years, a significant number of the failures can
be attributed to an unsound marriage between in-
Basic capabilities required for instrumentation per- struments and people.
sonnel are reliability and patience, perseverance, a
background in the fundamentals of geotechnical en-
gineering, mechanical and electrical ability, atten- 1.6. WHERE ARE WE NOW?
tion to detail, and a high degree of motivation.
The state of the art of instrument design is now far
ahead of the state of the practice by users, and
1.4. WHAT CAPABILITIES MUST THE many more imperfections in current instrumenta-
INSTRUMENTS HAVE? tion programs result from user-caused people prob-
lems rather than from manufacturer-caused instru-
Reliability is the overriding desirable capability for ment problems. As users we are fortunate in having
instruments. Inherent in reliability is maximum access to such a wide variety of good instruments.
simplicity, and in general the order of decreasing It is our responsibility to develop an adequate level
simplicity and reliability is optical, mechanical, of understanding of the instruments that we select
hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical. Also inherent in and to maximize the quality of our own work if we
reliability is maximum quality. Lowest cost of an are to take full advantage of instrumentation tech-
instrument is rarely a valid reason for its choice, nology. The greatest shortcoming in the state of the
and unless high quality can be specified adequately, practice is failure to plan monitoring programs in a



(d )

(e) (fl

Figure 1.2. Examples of measuring instruments for monitoring field performance : (a) twin-tube hy-
draulic piezometer (courtesy of Geotechnical Instruments (U.K.) Ltd., leamington Spa, England); (b)
vibrating wire piezometer (courtesy of Telemac, Asnieres, France); (c) vibrating wire stressmeter
(courtesy of Geolcon, Inc., lebanon, NH); (d) load cell (courtesy of Proceq SA, ZOrich, Switzerland);
(e) embedment earth pressu.re cell (courtesy of Thor International, Inc., Seatlle, WA); (f) surface-
mounted vibrating wire strain gage (courtesy of lrad Gage, a Division of Klein Associates, Inc., Salem,
NH); (g) multipoint fixed borehole extensometer (courtesy of Soil Instruments Ltd., Uckfield, England);
and (h) inclinometer (courtesy of Slope Indicator Company, Seatlle, WA).


(h )


Figure 1.5. Installing twi n-tube hydraulic piezometers. Usk Dam,

England, 1952 (courtesy of Arthur D. M. Penman).

rational and systematic manner, and therefore plan-

ning procedures are emphasized in this book.
Users of geotechnical instrumentation often have
a misconception of the size of the industry that
Figure 1.3. Measuring load in a timber strut, using a hydraulic manufactures instruments for performance moni-
jack. Open cut for station in clay. Chicago Subway, 1940 (cour- toring. It is not a large industry: it is in fact very
tesy of Ralph B. Peck). small. The manufacturing industry employs be-
tween 300 and 400 people worldwide, and the total
annual volume ofsaJes is about30 million U.S. dol-
lars. This misconception sometimes leads to un-
reasonable expectations on the part of users: we
cannot expect the manufacturers to make large ex-
penditures on research, development, and testing of
special instruments, unless justified by the size of
the market. If the market is small, special funding is

Figure 1.4. Determination of load in a steel strut, using a mechani- Figure 1.6. Installing fixed emba nkment extensometer with vibrat-
cal strain gage. Open cut for station in clay. Chicago Subway, ing wire transducer. Balderhead Dam, England, 1963 (courtesy of
1948 (courtesy of Ralph B. Peck). Arthur D. M. Penman).

Figure 1.7. Manometer panels for twin-tube hydraulic piezometers. Plover Cove Main Dam, Hong
Kong, 1965 (after Dunnicliff, 1968). Reprinted by permission of Institution of Civil Engineers, London.

This book includes chapters that describe avail-

able methods for monitoring various geotechnically
related parameters. The followi ng is a summary rat-
ing of our current ability to obtain reliable measure-
ments of these parameters, in order of increasing

• Total stress in soil and stress change in rock

• Groundwater pressure
• Load and strain in structural members
• Deformation
• Temperature

Figure 1.8. Installing fixed embankment extensometers in em- Figure 1.9. Bonded resistance st rain gages on segmented steel
bankment dam. Ludington Pumped Storage Project, Ludington, liner for soft ground tunnel. Port Richmond Water Pollution Con-
Ml, 1972. trol Project, Staten Island, NY, 1974.

Figure 1.10. Installing multipoint fixed borehole extensometer

above alignment of rock tunnel. East 63rd Street Subway, New
York, NY, 1976.
Figure 1.11. Pneumatic piezometer and earth pressure cell on
opposite faces of precast concrete pile, prior to concreting. Keehi
Interchange, Honolulu, HI, 1977.

Reliability is strongly influenced by the extent to

which measurements are dependent on local char-
acteristics of the zone in which the instruments are 1.7. WHERE ARE WE GOING?
installed. Most measurements of pressure, stress,
load, strain, and temperature are influenced by con- As we look ahead, there is no reason to believe in a
ditions within a very small zone and are therefore decreasing role for geotechnical instrumentation.
dependent on local characteristics of that zone. Geotechnical design and construction will always
They are often essentiaUy point measurements, be subject to uncertainties, and instrumentation will
subject to any variability in geologic or other char- continue to be an important item in our tool box.
acteristics, and may therefore not represent condi- However, several current trends can be identified,
tions on a Larger scale. When this is the case, a large each of which will continue in the future and change
number of measurement points may be required be- the state of the practice.
fore confidence can be placed in the data. On the First, there is the advent of automatic data acqui-
other hand, many deformation measuring devices sition systems and computerized data processing
respond to movements within a Large and represen- and presentation procedures. Clearly, these sys-
tative zone. Data provided by a single instrument tems and procedures have many advantages, yet we
can therefore be meaningful, and deformation mea- must remain aware of their Limitations. No auto-
surements are generally the most reliable and least matic system can replace engineering judgment.
ambiguous. When automatic data acquisition systems are used,

Figure 1.13. Installing gage with induction coil transducers, for

Figure 1.12. Electrical transducers for monitoring movement of
monitoring convergence of slurry trench test panel in soft day,
multiple telltales during load test of precast concrete pile. Keehi
Alewife Station, Cambridge, MA, 1978.
Interchange, Honolulu, HI, 1977.

there is a real possibility that visual observations

wiJJ not be made, that other factors influencing
measured data will not be recorded, and that in-
formation will therefore not be available for relat-
ing measured effects to their likely causes. When
computerized data processing and presentation pro-
cedures are used, there is a real possibility that en-
gineering judgment will be given second place and
that correlations between causes and effects will
not be made. We should take all possible advantage
of this exciting new technology but should never
forget that judgment plays an important and often
overriding role in the practice of geotechnical en-
Figure 1.14. Heads of multipoint fiKed borehole utensometers,
Second, increasing labor costs in many countries
installed to monitor rock movements during full-scale heater test
have sharply reduced the availabiJity of competent for studies relating to disposal of high-level nuclear waste. Basalt
personnel. This trend of course encourages the use Waste Isolation Program, Hanford, WA, 1980 (courtesy of De-
of automatic systems and procedures, yet reduces partment of Energy).

Fourth , there is a trend to develop and improve

transducers and to include built-in features that
create redundancy and that provide direct output in
engineering units. The trend includes provisions for
calibrations and zero checks.
Fifth, there is a trend toward use of new con-
struction methods. Examples of innovations in the
recent past include earth reinforcement, Lateral sup-
port, and ground modification. These innovations
often require field verification before they become
widely accepted , and geotechnical instrumentation
will always play a role.
The above five trends, good or bad, are inevita-
ble. There is a sixth trend , which the author views
as wholly bad: the procurement of instruments and
the awarding of field instrumentation service con-
tracts on the basis of the lowest bid. If an in-
strumentation program sets cost above quality of
instruments, or fee above experience, dedication,
and motivation of people, it deserves to be a failure.
We must work hard to reverse this trend.


Full benefit can be achieved from geotechnical in-

Figure 1.15. Reading inclinometer during construction of under·
water test fill. Chek lap Kok Replacement Airport, Hong Kong,
strumentation programs only if every step in the
1981 (courtesy of leo D. Handfelt). planning and execution process is taken with great
care. The analogy can be drawn to a chain with
many potential weak links: this chain breaks down
the number of personnel available for exercising en- with greater facility and frequency than in most
gineering judgment. other geotechnicaJ engineering endeavors. The
Third , the use of design tools such as finite and links in the chain are defined in Chapter 26: their
boundary element modeling techniques leads to a strength depends both on the capabilities of measur-
need for fi eld verification. Geotechnical instrumen- ing instruments and the capabilities of people. The
tation is likely to play an increasing role in provid- success of performance monitoring will be max-
ing a check on these advanced analytic predictions. imized by maximizing the strength of each link.


Many practitioners who become involved with ments of rocks or minerals that have not been al-
geotechnical instrumentation programs do not have tered by chemical decomposition. Inorganic silt is a
formal training in soil or rock mechanics. The pur- fine-grained soil with little or no plasticity and can
pose of this chapter is to present a brief and simple generally be classified as cohesionless. Organic silt
overview of the key aspects of soil and rock behav- is a fine-grained soil with an admixture of organic
ior that relate to the use of geotechnical instrumen- particles and behaves as a plastic cohesive soil.
tation. For a thorough treatment of soil behavior Clay is a cohesive soil consisting of microscopic
readers are referred to Holtz and Kovacs (1981) and and submicroscopic particles derived from the
Terzaghi and Peck (1967). McCarthy (1977) pres- chemical decomposition of rock constituents.
ents similar material oriented for students at techni-
cal colleges. Rock behavior is well described by 2.1.3. Stress and Pressure
Blyth and DeFreitas (1974) and Franklin (1988).
Stress and pressure are defined as force per unit
area, with typical units of pounds per square inch
2.1. BEHAVIOR OF SOIL (lb/in. 2) or pascals (Pa). Strictly, pressure is a gen-
eral term meaning force per unit area, and stress is
2.1.1. Constituents of Soil the force per unit area that exists within a mass.
Soil is composed of solid particles with intervening However, in geotechnical engineering, the terms
spaces. As shown in Figure 2.1, the particles are
referred to as the mineral skeleton and the spaces as
pore spaces, pores, or voids. The pore spaces are
usually filled with air and/or water. A soil in which
the pore spaces are completely filled with water is
called a saturated soil. If any gas is present in the ~~~ ....::~IH!+-:':~~4--.., Mineral
pore spaces, the soil is called an unsaturated soil. skeleton

The term partially saturated is sometimes used, but

because it's either saturated or it isn't, this is not a
satisfactory term. Pore spaces,
7~d·:::[:;~~iii1:+':4,:.~1---=- pores, or
2.1.2. Basic Types of Soil
Soil can be categorized into two broad groups:
cohesionless soil and cohesive soil. Cohesionless
soils include sand and gravel, which consist offrag- Figure 2.1. Constituents of soil.


are applied more loosely; for example, as will be

discussed later, earth pressure and soil stress are
used as synonyms.

2.1.4. Pore Water Pressure

When the pore spaces are filled with water (satu-
rated soil) , the pressure in the water is called the
pore water pressure (Figure 2.2). It acts in aUdirec- Figure 2.2. Pore water pressure caught in 10- 6 fill (after Partially
tions with equal intensity. Integrated, 1962).

2.1 .5. Total and Effective Stresses

in plan , of 1 square inch. Figure 2.3b shows an anal-
Total stress is the total force transmitted across a ogy in which the resistance of the mineral skeleton
given area, divided by that area. Thus, if a 2-foot to compression is represented by a spring, and the
square piece of wood is placed on the ground surface porous piston is replaced by an impermeable piston
and a person weighing 200 pounds stands on the with a valved orifice. The orifice represents the re-
wood, the total stress in the ground immediately sistance to the flow of water through the soil. The
below the wood is increased by 50 lb/ft2 • piston is assumed to be weightless, and the water is
Effective stress can be explained by use of an incompressible. Initially, the valve is closed. The
analogy. Figure 2.3a shows saturated soil placed in spring has a stiffness of 10 lb/in. , meaning that a
a cylindrical container with a cross-sectional area, force of I 0 pounds is required to produce an axial

Water 101b
surface Porous

.· ...
. •,.
. . .. .. . . ...
.. '•
:· ·. Saturated · · .'
· soil · ·
. : : ...
:: ·.: .. .·.·.:.
!---Area 1 in.2 ~ 1---- Area 1 in. ~
2 stiffness
10 lb/in.

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Figure 2.3. Spring analogy for soil behavior.


Table 2.1. Sharing of Applied Force

Force on Force Carried Force Carried
Valve Piston by Spring by Water
Figure 2.3 Condition Position (!b) (!b) (!b)
(b) Initial Closed 0 0 0
(c) 10 lb force Closed 10 0 10
(d) Piston Open 10 4 6
0.4 in.
(e) Piston Open 10 8 2
0.8 in.
(f) Piston Open 10 10 0
1.0 in.

deflection of 1 inch. In Figure 2.3c, a 10-pound force total stress = effective stress + pore water pressure.
has been applied to the piston. The water is not free
to escape; therefore, the spring cannot compress This is Terzaghi's principle of effective stress. The
and cannot carry the newly applied force. The wa- following symbols are normally used:
ter must therefore carry all the force, and the pres-
sure gage will show an increase immediately as the Total stress, (J'
force is applied. If the valve is now opened, water Effective stress, U''
will pass through the orifice and the piston will de- Pore water pressure, u
scend. Figures 2.3d and 2.3e show intermediate
steps, and Figure 2.3f shows the condition when the Thus,
piston has descended 1 inch and there is no further
flow of water. Because the spring has now been (J' = (J'' + u.
compressed 1 inch, it must be carrying a force of 10
pounds. The spring is now carrying all the force, Forces and stresses are plotted in Figure 2.4a. It
and the pressure gage has returned to the same can be seen from the figure that the rates of pressure
reading as in Figure 2.3b. Table 2.1 summarizes the change decrease as time increases: this is consistent
steps and shows the sharing of applied force be- with the observation that the flow of water through
tween the spring and water. It can be seen from the the orifice in the piston decreases as the water pres-
table that the sum of the forces carried by the spring sure in the container decreases.
and the water is always equal to the force on the
2.1.6. Consolidation
Effective stress is defined as the force acting be-
tween the points of the mineral skeleton per total The process of gradual squeezing out of water, with
area. Because a cross-sectional area of 1 square the accompanying transfer of total stress to effec-
inch has been chosen in the above analogy, all the tive stress and decrease in pore water pressure, is
forces in Table 2.1 are numerically equal to stresses called consolidation. Figure 2.4b shows the vol-
in lb/in. 2 if a real soil is considered. By thinking now ume change that occurs during consolidation. The
in terms of stresses, it can be seen that the force on amount by which the pore water pressure exceeds
the piston represents the total stress, the force car- the equilibrium pore water pressure is called the
ried by the spring represents the effective stress, excess pore water pressure, and the gradual de-
and the force carried by the water represents the crease of this pressure is often referred to as dissi-
pore water pressure. The following relationship al- pation of pore water pressure.
ways applies: As a practical example of consolidation, consider

Force carried by water, or pore stress in a particular soil , the greater is its shear
water pressure
strength. The shear strength is a measure of the
resistance to sliding between grains that are trying
to move laterally past each other.
It can now be seen that the gain in shear strength
during the consolidation process can be monitored
by measuring pore water pressure.
(a) 2.1.8. Normally Consolidated and
Overconsolidated Soil
A normally consolidated soil is one that has never
been subjected to an effective stress greater than
the existing overburden pressure. Examples include
ocean and lake-bed clays. An overconsolidated soil
is one that has been subjected to an effective stress
greater than the existing overburden pressure. Ex-
amples include clays such as London clay, where
thousands of feet of overburden have been eroded.
2.1.9. Difference Between Pore Water Pressure
figure 2.4. (a) Sharing of applied force and stress. (b) Volume
change. and Groundwater Level
The groundwater level is defined as the upper sur-
face of a body of groundwater at which the pressure
is atmospheric.
a layer of fill for a highway embankment, placed on Figure 2.5 shows three perforated pipes installed
a clayey foun dation soil. As the fill is placed, pore in a soil within which there is no flow of groundwa-
water pressure in the foundation immediately in- ter; therefore, groundwater pressure increases uni-
creases and then starts to dissipate, resulting in set- formly with depth. When such equilibrium condi-
tlement. The rate of settlement depends primarily tions exist, the level of water within the pipe will
on the permeability of the foundation soil . Perme- rise to the groundwater level, independent of the
ability is a measure of the rate at which water can location of the perforations.
move through the soil. Cohesive soils have lower Now consider what happens when a layer of fill
permeability than cohesionless soils, and therefore is placed above the sand shown in Figure 2.5. Fig-
consolidation and settlement of cohesive soils occur
more slowly.

2.1.7. Shear Strength Groundwater ..J:-:.." .:..:.- "..:. : _

level . • . ·• ·. ·. 0

• • 1
It has been shown above that effective stresses in- 0 0
. ·1
I · Sand

crease as consolidation progresses. Because an in-

•• •• 0

crease of effective stress means that the grains

within the mineral skeleton are pressing more Clay
tightly together, it becomes increasingly harder to
cause sliding between the grains. As an analogy, a
brick can be placed on a concrete floor and pushed Three vertical pipes,
with perforations
sideways to cause it to slide. If a second brick is near bottom
now placed on top of the first brick, it takes more
sideways force to cause sliding. It is therefore evi-
dent that the ability of a soil to resist sliding is re- Figure 2.5. Groundwater level when there is no flow of ground-
lated to the effective stress: the larger the effective water.

pipe will usually be misleading. This situation is dis-

cussed further in Sections 9.1 and 9.12.2, and pipe
(b) should not be used in practice.
Pipe (b) is called an observation well. Pipes (a),
(c), and (d) indicate pore water pressure and its
dissipation within the sand or clay and are called
piezometers. Details of both types of instrument are
· ·.·: Sand··
given in Chapter 9. As a general rule, piezometers
are sealed within the soil so that they respond only
to changes of pore water pressure at a local zone,
whereas observation wells are not sealed within the
I I soil, so that they respond to changes of groundwa-
Clay ter pressure throughout their length.

I I 2.1.1 0. Positive and Negative Pore

LJ u(2) Water Pressures
(b) (d)
All references to pore water pressures in earlier
Figure 2.6. Groundwater level and pore water pressure when parts of this chapter have been to pressures that are
there is flow of groundwater. above atmospheric pressure. These are called posi-
tive pore water pressures. As shown in Figures 2.4a
and 2.6, pore water pressure can be increased by
ure 2.6 shows the condition soon after fill place- applying a compressive force to the soil. The ex-
ment, when consolidation is not yet complete; ample of placing fill for a highway embankment has
therefore, excess pore water pressures exist in the been given. Pore water pressure can also increase
clay and the groundwater is no longer in equilib- when a shear force is applied to a soil in which the
rium. The four perforated pipes in Figure 2.6 are mineral skeleton is in a loosely packed state. When
installed such that soil is in intimate contact with the array shown in Figure 2.7a is sheared, it de-
the outsides of the pipes. Pipe (b) is perforated creases in volume. When the pore spaces are filled
throughout its length; the remaining pipes are with water, and water is prevented from leaving,
perforated only near the bottom. Because of the pore water pressure will increase. As a practical
high permeability of sand, excess pore water pres- example, consider a foundation failure of an em-
sures in the sand dissipate almost immediately and bankment on soft ground, with a foundation of
do not exist there. As in Figure 2.5, pipe (a) indi- loose alluvial material. The material beneath the toe
cates the groundwater level. Pipes (c) and (d) indi- is subjected to lateral shear forces as the embank-
cate the pore water pressures in the clay at loca- ment is constructed. These shear forces cause de-
tions (J) and (2). The water level in pipe (c) is formation, increased pore water pressure, and de-
shown lower than in pipe (d) because more dissipa- creased strength, and therefore increase the
tion of pore water pressure has occurred at level (1) tendency toward failure.
than at level (2): the drainage path for excess pore Pore water pressure can also be negative,
water pressure is shorter, and therefore the rate of defined as pore water pressure that is less than at-
dissipation is greater. In the case illustrated, pipe mospheric pressure. Negative pore water pressure
(b) is likely to indicate the groundwater level be- can sometimes be caused by removing a compres-
cause the permeability of the sand is substantially sive force that has been applied to a soil. For ex-
greater than that of the clay: excess pore water ample, when an excavation is made in clay, the soil
pressures in the clay will cause an upward flow of below the base of the excavation is unloaded, caus-
water from the clay to the sand, via the pipe. ing an initial decrease of pore water pressure, which
In the more general case of a perforated pipe may become negative. Pore water pressure can also
installed through two or more strata, either with decrease when a shear force is applied to a soil in
perforations throughout or surrounded with sand which the mineral skeleton is in a densely packed
throughout, an undesirable vertical connection be- state. When the array shown in Figure 2.7b is
tween strata is created, and the water level in the sheared, it increases in volume. If the pore spaces

Point B
(pressure= Pw)


P, = Pressure in air above meniscus

Pw = Pressure in water below
Straw-~~;:;;{ meniscus
Water P,>Pw


Air in pore space at pressure u,

,'P-::~;.,_a_water in pore space at
pressure uw


Figure 2.7. (a) Positive and (b) negative pore water pressure
caused by application of shear force. Figure 2.8. Pore gas and pore water pressure: (a) straw in con-
tainer of water and (b) element of unsaturated soil.

are filled with water, and additional water is pre- Figure 2.8a. The water level in the straw rises to a
vented from entering, pore water pressure de- level higher than in the container and is "held up"
creases. As a practical example, consider the exca- by surface tension forces between the straw and
vation of a slope in overconsolidated clay. Pore water at the meniscus. The pressure in the air is
water pressure decreases as a result of unloading, atmospheric pressure Pa; therefore, the pressure at
but significant additional decrease can be caused by point A must also be P a: if it were not so, there
the development of lateral shear forces. These would be a flow of water to create equality of pres-
shear forces cause deformation, a temporary de- sures at the same level. The pressure at point A
crease in pore water pressure, and a temporary in- must be greater than that at point B (Pw), because
crease in strength. the pressure in water increases as depth below the
surface increases. Pais therefore greater than Pw,
and the pressure at the air side of the meniscus is
2.1.11. Pore Gas Pressure
greater than the pressure at the water side. It is well
In an unsaturated soil, both gas and water are pres- known that water in a smaller diameter straw rises
ent in the pore spaces, and the pressure in the gas is to a greater height: the pressure difference across
called the pore gas pressure. As with pore water the meniscus is therefore greater, and the radius of
pressure, pore gas pressure act in all directions with curvature of the meniscus is smaller.
equal intensity. Examples of unsaturated soil in- Now consider a meniscus between air and water
clude compacted fills for embankment dams and or- in a pore space within soil, as shown in Figure 2.8b.
ganic soil deposits in which gas is generated as or- The same rule applies as in the analogy: the pore air
ganic material decomposes. When the gas is air, the pressure ua is greater than the pore water pressure
term pore air pressure may be used. Uw- The smaller the pore space, the smaller the ra-
The pore gas pressure is always greater than the dius of curvature of the meniscus, and therefore the
pore water pressure. Consider the analogy of a difference between pore air pressure and pore water
straw placed in a container of water, as shown in pressure is greater.

2.1.12. Other Terms Relating to Behavior of Soil caused by rearrangement of the relative positions of
grains as shear deformation occurs.
A perched groundwater level is above and not hy-
Shear strength is governed by the nature, size
draulically connected to the more general ground-
and shape of the soil grains, packing density and
water level. For example, groundwater may be
effective stresses within the soil. Shear failure oc-
trapped above a clay layer at shallow depth,
curs when the stresses increase beyond those that
whereas the general groundwater level is in a lower
can be sustained by the soil and the strength is ex-
layer of sand.
An aquifer is a pervious soil or rock stratum that
contains water. An artesian aquifer is confined be-
tween two relatively impervious layers and capable Footing Foundations
of carrying groundwater under pressure. Figure 2.9 depicts a load applied to a footing foun-
The piezometric elevation, or piezometric level, dation located on a soil mass. In the upper figure,
is the elevation to which water will rise in a pipe the load is substantially less than that required to
sealed within the soil, as shown for pipes (c) and (d)
cause failure. The footing transfers the stress to the
in Figure 2.6.
soil, causing the soil to compress in the vertical
direction, and the footing settles. In the lower
figure, a larger load is applied to the footing, stress-
2.1.13. Primary Mechanisms that Control
ing the soil and causing a rotation that tends to push
Behavior of Soil*
the adjacent block of soil out of the ground, as if it
The primary mechanisms that control the engineer- were a rigid body. This movement is opposed by the
ing behavior of soil may be categorized as hy- shearing resistance of the soil along the potential
draulic, stress-deformation, and strength mecha- failure surface. In a cohesionless soil, this shearing
nisms. resistance is frictional, and the magnitude of friction
When a soil is subjected to excess pore water depends directly on the normal stresses against the
pressure, the water flows through the pore spaces in potential failure surface. In a cohesive soil, this
the soil. These may be fairly large, as are the spaces shearing resistance is often purely cohesive, inde-
in openwork gravel, or microscopic, as in the spaces pendent of the normal stresses during the shearing
between the finest clay particles. As it flows, water process but dependent on the history of previous
reacts against the particles, causing friction and a effective stresses.
resistance to flow. The amount of friction depends
on both the velocity of flow and the size of the soil
Deep Foundations
particles. In a very fine-grained soil, there is a larger
area of contact between the water and soil particles Figure 2.10 shows a loaded pile or drilled shaft,
than in a coarse-grained soil, so that there is more embedded in soil. The pile moves downward in re-
friction. The permeability of the soil is governed by sponse to the load and, as it moves with respect to
the amount of friction and resistance to flow. Just as the soil, it mobilizes the skin friction or shearing
the soil acts on the water to retard the flow, so also stress, which resists the sliding along the soil/pile
does the water act on the soil. Water exerts a trac- interface. This accounts for part of the support that
tive force on the soil, in the direction of flow, owing the pile receives from the soil. The rest of the sup-
to the friction. If the soil is saturated, water acts port is from point bearing, the same mechanism that
also with a buoyant force on the soil, whether or not supports a footing on soil.
the water is moving. When soil settles with respect to a pile or drilled
Stress-deformation characteristics of cohesive shaft, the pile is loaded by frictional forces at the
soil are governed by the time required for water interface, causing an increase in stress within the
to flow through the pore spaces in the soil and pile and/or increased settlement. The loading is
for consequent volume changes to occur. For referred to as downdrag or negative skin fric-
cohesionless soils, most of the volume change is tion. Downdrag loading may be caused by several
events. First, when piles are driven through fill
that overlies clay, the loading from the fill may
*Written with the assistance of Norbert 0. Schmidt, Professor of cause continuing primary consolidation or second-
Civil Engineering, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO. ary time effects. Second, settlements are caused


Load Upper block

slides on

~ lower block


Figure 2.9. Behavior of a footing foundation: (a) settlement of footing and (b) bearing failure.

when ground smface loading is increased after piles Excavated and Natural Slopes
are driven, for example, by placing an approach fill
Excavated and natural slopes often involve layered
alongside a pile-supported bridge abutment. Third,
sediments, which may be parallel to the original sur-
dewatering, site grading, and/or vibration during
face of the slope. One of these layers is usually
pile driving may cause settlement and downdrag
weaker than the others, so the potential surface of
sliding is noncircular and tends to follow the weak-
est layer as depicted in Figure 2.11. When the soil
Load is relatively homogeneous, the potential surface
of sliding may be more circular. The stability of

slopes in soil is controlled by the ratio between
available shearing resistance along a potential sur-
face of sliding and the shear stress on that surface.
Any increase in pore water pressure along the po-
tential surface of sliding decreases the shearing re-
:;3 Shearing resistance sistance and the factor of safety against sliding.
n ~
opposes sliding
of pile against soil
Retaining Walls
Soil is only partially capable of supporting itself.
Sand requires a retaining structure if it is to stand
vertically, but clay may support itself vertically for
Development of limited heights for some period of time. Figure 2.12
"point" bearing shows a retaining wall with forces against it. The
Figure 2.1 0. Behavior of a driven pile or drilled shaft. earth pressure shown pushing the wall towards the

Force caused
_...- by active earth
~pressure pushing
·' on wall
Force caused
by passive . . . :c:. :. p'. ·. (). ·.o. a.
earth pressure - -
+----...___Shearing resistance
f f f fBearing stress
1 opposes sliding

opposes holding wall up
Figure 2.12. Behavior of a retaining wall.
Figure 2.11. Failure of a slope in layered soil.

left is that portion of the pressure that remains after tion, shown in Figure 2.9, the soil behaves as if it
the soil tries to support itself. It is known as the were a rigid body. Rotation is resisted by mobiliza-
active earth pressure and is reduced to its minimum tion of shearing resistance along the arc, as de-
value when the wall slides and tilts slightly to the scribed for footing foundations.
left. The sliding also mobilizes the shearing resis-
tance between the soil and the base of the wall. In Embankments on Soft Ground
front of the wall on the left, the passive earth pres-
The behavior of embankments on soft ground tends
sure is mobilized as the soil resists sliding.
to be dominated by the properties of the soft
ground. A potential circular failure surface may de-
Braced Excavations
velop, with a large portion of the surface in the
When compared with retaining walls, braced exca- weak foundation material as shown in Figure 2.14a.
vations differ in their mobilization of earth resis- However, the loading of the embankment may
tance because significant sliding or tilting toward cause settlement and lateral bulging of the founda-
the excavation is not permitted. The wall of a tion, as shown in Figure 2.14b, long before the rota-
braced excavation may be braced against the oppo- tional failure occurs. The lateral bulging of the soft
site wall with cross-lot bracing, braced against the ground transfers horizontal tension to the embank-
bottom or the adjacent wall with rakers, or held in ment, which may experience tension cracking,
place by tieback anchors that pull against the soil since it is less deformable than the soft foundation.
outside the excavation. Stresses against a braced
wall are greater than against a retaining wall be- Embankment Dams
cause the passive pressure is greater. However, if
Embankment dams may experience distress or fail-
bracing is properly installed, deformation of the soil
ure in a variety of ways.
is small and buildings on adjacent sites may there-
Overtopping may result from incorrect estima-
fore experience only small settlements and little dis-
tress. When a deep braced excavation is made in
soft soil, soil tends to move into the bottom of the
excavation: this is called bottom heave, and special
construction techniques may be required to control

Embankments of relatively homogeneous soils opposes
overlying hard ground tend to fail by rotation along movement
an almost circular arc. This is depicted in Figure Figure 2.13. Behavior of an embankment of relatively homoge-
2.13. As with the bearing failure of a footing founda- neous soil.

Original elevation
of crest


Figure 2.15. Transverse cracking of an embankment dam.

cially silty sand, an earthquake can cause the foun-

dation to liquify and flow, as with the near failure of
Figure 2.14. Behavior of an embankment on soft ground: (a) rota- the San Fernando Dam in California.
tional slide along arc and (b) settlement and lateral bulging of soft Even if the design of the dam is adequate, the
foundation. weight of the embankment dam on the underlying
soil or rock must be considered. Heavily loaded soil
under the dam may settle, and there will be down-
ward and lateral movements of the base of the
tion of storm water volume or duration. It may also
dam. Moreover, even well-compacted fill material
be the result of slope failure on the reservoir rim,
will experience settlements when loaded with over-
causing a large volume of material to slide into the
lying material. and poor compaction procedures
reservoir and induce a wave, as occurred at Viaont
will result in greater settlements. If the crest of the
Dam in Italy.
dam is initially level, with time it will settle, and the
Internal erosion, or piping, can cause distress to
center of the dam will settle the most. If the abut-
an embankment dam. Erosion occurs where seep-
ments are steep, the settlements may put the crest
age water is flowing at a velocity sufficient to carry
of the dam in tension, as shown in Figure 2.15, pos-
soil particles along with the water. If the soil has
sibly causing cracks transverse to the axis of the
some measure of cohesion, a pipe or small tunnel
may form at the downstream exit of the seepage
path as the soil is eroded. As the pipe lengthens in-
Soft Ground Tunnels
side the embankment, there is less resistance to
flow, the flow in the pipe increases, and piping ac- When a tunnel is excavated in soft ground, it may
celerates. Silts and fine sands are most prone to be excavated to a diameter slightly larger than its
piping, because they erode easily, and when moist lining so that the lining may be placed, and the
are sufficiently cohesive to form the walls of a pipe soil may be unsupported for a short time period.
without collapsing. In a well-designed embankment Stresses are relieved and soil tends to move inwards
dam, piping is prevented by sizing downstream ma- toward the tunnel cross section as well as into the
terial such that the pore spaces of that material are face. Although the space between the soil and lining
just smaller than the larger sizes of the mineral is usually small and may be grouted, the ground
skeleton in the adjacent upstream material, so that surface may settle, with greatest settlements occur-
migration of particles is blocked. Such a down- ring directly over the tunnel as shown in Figure
stream material is known as ajilter. 2.16.
When the slopes of a dam are too steep, the dam If the groundwater level was previously above
may fail as described above in the discussion on the invert of the tunnel, the tunnel may drain the
embankments. Many river sediments consist of soft soil. In granular soils, the groundwater may have to
ground, and a dam constructed over these materials be predrained to the level. of the invert, so that the
may behave as shown in Figure 2.14. tunnel can be constructed. The reduction in ground-
If a dam is built on loose granular material, espe- water level will increase effective stresses in the soil

Settlement trough such as sandstones, limestones, and shales, are

--------------r Settled
those formed when soils are welded or cemented
together by overburden pressure or by intergranular
cements deposited from groundwater solutions.
surface Other sedimentary rocks, termed evaporites, such
as rock salt, potash, anhydrite, and gypsum, are
Soil movement formed as crystalline residues when a saline lake
dries up. The third main category, metamorphic
rocks, such as slates, marbles, and schists, are
those formed from either igneous or sedimentary
Tunnel types as a result of extreme geologic heating or
pressure, sufficient to cause recrystallization and
the formation of new minerals.
Grout or
gravel fill The microtexture of most rocks is characteris-
tically granular, as shown in Figure 2.17. Igneous
rocks are composed of grains that are angular and
interlocked, with microcracks along the grain
Figure 2.16. Behavior of a soft ground tunnel. Note that soil also boundaries that give a very low level of intergranu-
tends to move toward the face of the tunnel. lar porosity. Sedimentary rocks, in contrast, usu-
ally have rounded grains with not much interlock-
ing. The intergranular porosity of sedimentary
profile below the original water level, and in cohe- rocks is generally greater than igneous rocks, but
sive soils this will cause the initiation of consoli- depends on the degree to which the pore spaces
dation settlements. In cohesionless soils, the in- have been filled by finer-grained fragments or ce-
creased stresses will tend to cause immediate ment. Metamorphic rocks tend to have elongated
strains in the soil and therefore settlement. grains, oriented subparallel to each other as a result
of recrystallization, which makes them fissile,
meaning easily split along the alignment of the
2.2. BEHAVIOR OF ROCK* grains.
Rocks are composed of minerals. Simple rock
2.2.1. Geologists' View of Rock types are formed from just one mineral variety, for
example, marble is composed of interlocking crys-
Rock is by definition a material older than about 1
tals of calcite only and quartzite from interlocking
million years; a material formed before the Pleis-
quartz. Most rocks, however, are polymineralic,
tocene ice age. The oldest rocks, which are more
meaning composed of several mineral types. Gran-
than 2 billion years old, have been welded by
ite, for example, is composed of quartz, feldspar,
geologic processes and so are usually stronger than
and mica.
the more recent rock formations.
Geologic names are assigned to rock materials
Rock types are classified geologically accord-
according to their mineral composition and also
ing to their genesis, the way in which they were
their grain size. For example, rocks composed
formed. Igneous rocks, such as granites and ba-
mainly of calcite fragments are called limestones,
salts, are those formed by the cooling and solid-
and rocks composed mainly of quartz fragments are
ification of a hot molten magma originating in the
called siltstones, sandstones, or conglomerates, de-
earth's core. Although in our life span they are
pending on whether the typical grain size is small,
strong and durable, over geologic time periods they
medium, or large.
dissolve in the groundwater or break down to form
On the larger scale, different primary structures
soils through heating and cooling, freezing and
have become solidified into rock formations by the
thawing, and chemical attack. Sedimentary rocks,
very different processes of sedimentary and igneous
rock formation. Sedimentary rocks are characteris-
*This section has been coauthored by John A. Franklin, Consul- tically bedded, being composed of beds (layers) of
tant and Research Professor, University of Waterloo, Ontario, materials such as sandstone and shale, separated by
Canada. bedding planes that run continuously through the

Igneous rock: angular, Sedimentary rock: rounded Metamorphic rock: elongated,

interlocking grains with grains in a fine-grained matrix, subparallel grains imparting
low porosity with high porosity fissility to the rock

Figure 2.17. Microtexture of rocks.

deposit and form planes of weakness. Flow banding geologist yet are critical to the mechanical character
is a characteristic of igneous volcanic rocks such as and behavior of the rock mass.
basalt, in which layers of lava are often separated On the small scale, the engineer has to consider
by volcanic froth (pumice stone) and windborne or how mineral composition and microtexture affect
water-deposited layers of ash or bentonite clay. properties such as rock strength and durability.
Tension joints (cracks) have been formed by con- Pores are by far the weakest rock-forming compo-
traction of igneous rocks during cooling and of nent, and porous rocks are much weaker and more
sedimentary rocks during the accumulation of over- deformable than dense ones. Porosity (the ratio of
lying material. pore volume to total volume) can exceed 50% in
Secondary structures have been generated by the some sandstones and highly weathered granites.
subsequent action of metamorphism, heat, and Hard rocks (competent rocks) are usually formed
pressure, caused mainly by drifting of rigid conti- from hard and resistant minerals. Soft rocks such as
nental blocks on the more fluid mantle and core of shales are usually composed of clay and similar
the earth. Slowly but continuously the continents minerals that are themselves weak and deformable.
are being thrust one beneath the other, in a process These rocks often break down when subjected to
of continental drift that is creating mountain chains wetting and drying because their minerals tend to
and belts of volcanic and earthquake activity along attract a boundary layer of water. Limestones com-
the lines of impact. This has resulted in the folding posed of calcite and salt rocks composed of saline
and sometimes complete overturning of beds that minerals, although quite strong and brittle when
were originally horizontal. The same forces acting found in near-surface engineering construction, de-
on more brittle rocks have created not only further form and flow quite readily when subjected to the
tension joints but also faults, defined as surfaces of higher temperature and pressures found in deep
sliding and shearing. Fault zones are common, con- underground mines.
sisting of several subparallel faults or shears (small Mineral composition has an important influence
faults) with interposed fault breccia (broken rock) on how rocks deform in response to stress. Those
and fault gouge (finely crushed rock and clay). like granite that are composed mainly of hard min-
erals are usually elastic, because when moderate
levels of stress are applied and then removed the
2.2.2. Engineers' View of Rock
rocks return to their original size and shape. If the
The many hundreds of rock names assigned by small deformations that occur are in direct pro-
geologists often mean little in the context of an en- portion to the magnitude of the applied stresses,
gineering project. The engineer is concerned not so the rock is described as linearly elastic. At higher
much with the history of the rock or its precise stresses and after very little deformation, they fail
mineral composition as with its potential behavior suddenly in a brittle manner. Rocks like potash that
in an excavation or foundation. When classifying contain soft minerals are often inelastic and may
rocks for engineering purposes, the engineer must creep (continue to distort) when a high level of
consider properties that often go unreported by the stress is maintained. This is termed viscous or vis-

Intact rock or Contours of rock

rock material quality index
see ·Figure 2. 17)



rock block

Rock mass
set 2

Figure 2.18. Rock mass terminology.

Point load strength, MPa

coelastic behavior. Their failure is ductile (gradual Figure 2.19. Size-strength rock mass classification diagram (after
and accompanied by large deformations). Franklin, 1986).
Rocks with subparallel platy minerals, as noted
earlier, tend to be fissile and are also anisotropic
(with strengths that vary according to the direction
of loading). Slates are characterized by slaty cleav- and the terms jointing and jointed (e.g., widely or
age so that they can be split readily into thin plates, closely jointed) are often used to apply to discon-
and schists and gneisses by foliation surfaces along tinuities irrespective of their origin. Nearly all as-
which platy mica minerals are abundant. In general, pects of rock behavior, both at the surface and
such rocks are much weaker than those with ran- underground, are controlled much more by the
domly oriented, equidimensional, and interlocking characteristics of such discontinuities than by those
grains. of the intact rock blocks within the mass.
Even more important in an engineering context Figure 2.19 shows a multipurpose size-strength
than minerals and microtexture are the features of rock mass classification that takes into account the
rock on a larger scale. Rock engineers distinguish two features of the rock mass that are usually the
between intact rock and rock mass. The properties most important in engineering applications: the size
of intact rock, otherwise termed rock material, are of rock blocks and their strength, plotted respec-
those that can be measured by testing a small speci- tively along the vertical and horizontal axes. Zones
men of solid rock in the laboratory. The same prop- in the rock mass that plot toward the lower left of
erties measured on the scale of the rock mass are the diagram are broken and weak and easy to exca-
affected by large-scale structural features and can vate but difficult to support in excavations. Those
only be measured directly by large-scale in situ toward the upper right are massive and strong and
tests. Figure 2.18 shows the difference between in- require blasting for excavation but are often self-
tact rock and rock mass. The r:ock mass is nearly supporting. The diagram is contoured to give a rock
always much weaker, more deformable, and more quality index, which is a combined measure of
permeable than the intact material it contains. This block size and strength.
is because of the presence of discontinuities, a Note must be taken of other discontinuity char-
global term used for the various types of fracture acteristics that affect rock mass character and be-
and weakness planes discussed earlier: joints, havior, such as the orientation (dip magnitude and
faults, shears, bedding planes, and surfaces of direction) of joint sets. In a rock slope, for example,
cleavage and foliation. Joints are the most common, horizontal jointing generally has little effect on sta-

bility, whereas joints that dip steeply into the exca- 2.2.4. Stress in Rock
vation may well be a source of sliding failures.
In contrast to soils, which are usually deformable,
Other characteristics of discontinuities such as
rocks are rigid and permit the transfer and storage
roughness, continuity, and the presence or absence
of high stresses. Stability of a rock mass therefore
of a clay infilling determine the shear strength of the
depends on three principal factors: the characteris-
discontinuity surfaces. Roughjoints with no infilling
tic of the intact rock and particularly of the discon-
are strong compared with smooth, slickensided,
tinuities, the characteristics of the groundwater
and clay-filled fault planes.
regime, and the magnitudes of ground stress in rela-
tion to rock strength and brittleness.
The stresses acting vertically at depth can be es-
2.2.3. Water in Rock
timated, as for soils, from the weight of overlying
Seepage through rock masses occurs almost exclu- materials. The magnitudes of horizontal stresses
sively along discontinuities, with little or no flow cannot be estimated in this way and can be much
through the intact rock blocks unless these are ex- greater than those acting vertically. At some loca-
tremely porous. Discontinuity characteristics gov- tions, even close to the surface, horizontal stresses
ern water pressures and flow rates through the rock can be ten or more times greater than vertical
mass, just as they govern mechanical characteris- stresses. High horizontal stresses close to the
tics such as rock mass strength and deformability. surface can result in buckling and heaving of shal-
Flow and pressures are governed by the aperture low excavations and in squeezing and cracking of
(openness or tightness) of the discontinuities and by tunnel linings and buried concrete pipes. When high
their spacing and continuity. stresses surround an underground excavation, they
Joint water pressures within a rock mass can can be a stabilizing influence, helping to hold in
have a most important influence on stability. When place the rock arch above a tunnel, a mine stope, or
there is a need to monitor these pressures, measure- an underground powerhouse cavern. However, if
ments must be made within zones of open jointing. excessive they can cause extensive damage in the
The principle of effective stress discussed for soil in form of squeezing or rockbursting.
Section 2.1.5 applies equally to the rock mass, ex- Rock engineers distinguish between virgin
cept that the pore water and mineral skeleton sys- stresses (also called in situ stresses) created by geo-
tem are replaced by the joint water and rock block logic processes and induced stresses caused by ex-
system. cavation. We can speculate that the virgin stresses
In strong and durable rock masses, high joint were first established by continental drift as dis-
water pressures are the main problem related to cussed in Section 2.2.1. They have since been
groundwater, and these can usually be relieved ef- modified by the deposition and erosion of geologic
fectively by drainage. In weaker and less durable materials. In the past, many locations on the sur-
rock types such as shales, further problems may face of the earth were overlain by several miles of
result from swelling, and rocks containing clay min- soil, rock, or ice. Geologic weathering and erosion
erals are particularly prone to breakdown. Closely over many millions of years have removed this
jointed or less durable rock types are also suscepti- overburden. However, the horizontal stresses ex-
ble to internal erosion within the jointing or to ex- isting in rocks that were once deeply buried may not
ternal erosion by processes of raveling and slaking. be entirely relieved by erosion. Rigid rock types, in
Vertical rock cliffs are often undercut by erosion, particular, often contain large virgin horizontal
and groundwater can be a hazard also in tunnels and stresses that reflect their geologic history and that
underground chambers. Clayey fault gouge acts as a have important influences on present-day engineer-
barrier to high-pressure water. Tunnels penetrating ing construction.
such faults can encounter sudden and catastrophic When an excavation is made in rock, the stresses
inflows of water and broken rock. originally carried by the excavated material are
In other respects, the groundwater regime in transferred to the rock that remains in place. Stress
rocks is similar to that found in soils, so that terms levels around tunnels are amplified to several times
such as groundwater level, perched groundwater their virgin values. The rocks may become over-
level, aquifer, artesian aquifer, and piezometric ele- stressed and may suffer from squeezing or explo-
vation and level, defined in Section 2.1, apply with sive bursting, depending on whether the materials
the same definitions in a rock engineering context. are comparatively ductile or brittle.

Rotational failure Slab slide

Wedge slide Toppling failure

Figure 2.20. Primary mechanisms of rock slope failure (after Hoek and Bray, 1974). By permission of
the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy.

2.2.5. Primary Mechanisms that Control Slopes in Rock

Behavior of Rock
Slopes in rock fail predominantly by sliding along
The important differences between rocks and soils, preexisting discontinuities, particularly along those
and between their respective groundwater and bedding planes or faults that cut extensively
ground stress regimes, result in different patterns of through the rock and appear in the face of the slope.
behavior. Whereas soft rocks behave similarly to The rotational failures that are characteristic of soil
soils, the stronger, more competent and massive happen only occasionally in rock because they re-
rock types behave quite differently. Examples are quire rupturing of intact rock blocks, which are
given below. much stronger than discontinuities. Rotational fail-
ures do occur, however, in very closely jointed and
Foundations on Rock weak rock masses that behave like soils. Ground-
water pressures that develop within discontinuities
Foundations on rock are rarely subject to general-
and within tension cracks behind the crest of the
ized or rotational failures such as outlined in Sec-
slope are often the cause of instability. Depending
tion 2.1.13 for footing foundations on soil. General-
on the number of discontinuity sets and their rela-
ized failure is a real possibility only in the case of
tive orientations, failure of a rock slope may occur
foundations near the crest of a rock cut, which can
either as slab sliding, wedge sliding, or toppling
be considered as a special type of slope stability
(Figure 2.20). Undercutting and raveling of steep
problem. Slopes in rock are discussed in the next
rock faces may also result from toe erosion, particu-
larly if the rock is closely jointed or of low durabil-
Differential settlement, however, remains a po-
tential problem. Settlement magnitudes are again
governed by the presence and characteristics of dis-
Underground Openings in Rock
continuities. They depend on whether the discon-
tinuities are closely or widely spaced, open or tight, Yield and failure of rock around underground open-
filled or unfilled. Foundation loading may cause ings occur by a variety of mechanisms, depending
open discontinuities to close, unless they have been on the stress levels, groundwater conditions and
filled with a suitable grout. rock characteristics, the shape and size of the open-

Gravitational failure
(caving and raveling)

Squeezing and swelling Stress rei ief closure

Figure 2.21. Primary mechanisms of yield and failure of underground openings in rock.

ing, the methods used for excavation (e.g., blasting intact rock is exceeded by the magnitudes of exca-
or boring machine), and the type and quality of sup- vation-induced stresses. Classic examples occur in
port installed. Each of these mechanisms, shown in South African mines at depths approaching 2-3
Figure 2.21, is characteristically different and calls miles (3-5 km) where even the high-strength
for its own individual approach to monitoring and rocks are incapable of sustaining the stresses that
design of instrumentation systems. develop.
Gravitational failures (caving and raveling Squeezing behavior is characteristic of rock
mechanisms) occur when rock blocks fall from the masses that are overstressed but relatively weak or
roof of an underground opening without appreciable closely jointed. The rock mass yields by shearing
breakage of intact rock material. Such failures are along weak discontinuity surfaces or by crushing or
governed entirely by discontinuities. They start distortion of the rock blocks. Tunnel closures in
with the fall of small keystone blocks and progress excess of 3 ft (1 m) have been recorded, for ex-
upward until they either reach the ground surface or ample, by convergence monitoring in the Austrian
are arrested by bulking of broken rock within the Alps.
opening (broken rock occupies a greater volume Swelling behavior is encountered when the min-
than undisturbed rock). Uncontrolled caving in a erals of the rock are themselves of a swelling vari-
Quebec mine in 1980 migrated upward until it ety. Clay minerals are the most common in this cat-
reached the saturated overburden soils, which egory. Some shales contain montmorillonite and
liquified and flowed into the workings. Miners were similar clay minerals that adsorb water, expand,
killed, and the affected levels of the mine had to be and eventually generate high pressures on tunnel
closed. liners and support systems. Swelling problems are
Rockbursting is the characteristic mode of failure also experienced in anhydrite rock types that con-
in brittle rock materials where the strength of the vert to gypsum when wetted.

Stress relief closure occurs most commonly in riods, sometimes of years or decades. Hydroelec-
openings excavated in horizontally bedded sedi- tric turbine pits in Niagara have suffered from stress
mentary rocks. The beds expand as a result of relief closure. The inward movement in one pit has
stress relief and slide inward, exerting very high been monitored monthly since 1905, and total
pressures on liners and supports. Some sliding oc- movement has exceeded 4 in. (100 mm), sufficient
curs immediately when the rock is blasted, but con- to cause severe misalignment problems and shatter-
tinuing creep along the bedding planes results in the ing of a cast iron support strut.
development of squeeze over much longer time pe-
Part 2

Planning Monitoring Programs

Part 2 is addressed primarily to people who make important decisions during the
design phase of civil engineering projects: owners, project managers, project en-
gineers, and project geologists.
Chapter 3 enumerates the benefits of using geotechnical instrumentation. Proba-
bly the greatest shortcoming in the state of the practice of geotechnical instrumen-
tation is inadequate planning of monitoring programs, and this is the subject of
Chapter 4. Chapter 4 is the hub of the book and sets out a logical step-by-step
planning process that is vital to success. Chapters 5 and 6 describe the various
contractual arrangements that are available for procuring instruments and field
instrumentation services. Recommendations are made for contractual arrange-
ments that maximize the quality of instrumentation data.



The role of geotechnical instrumentation is de- excavation. Preconstruction conditions surveys are
scribed in Chapter 1. In the foreword to this book, often made to define initial ground elevations and
Ralph Peck states: "every instrument installed on a the condition of any structures that may be in-
project should be selected and placed to assist in fluenced by future construction.
answering a specific question. Following this simple
rule is the key to successful field instrumentation."
3.1.2. Proof Testing
Unfortunately, many practitioners select and place
instrumentation when there is no specific question, Because of uncertainties inherent in a design,
perhaps because everybody is doing it. Benefits of specifications for geotechnical construction may re-
using geotechnical instrumentation are described in quire that the contractor conduct one or more proof
this chapter, and examples of instrumentation appli- tests to verify adequacy of design. Ideally, proof
cations for various project types are given in Part 5. tests are performed as part of the design phase so
that construction specifications can reflect test re-
sults, but time constraints or contractual restric-
3.1. BENEFITS DURING DESIGN tions often make this impossible.
A proof test will always include observations,
Instrumentation is used to provide input to the ini- which may include instrumentation. For example,
tial design of a facility or for the design of remedial specifications for pile-supported foundations usu-
treatment. ally call for one or more load tests before produc-
tion pile driving, requiring the use of deformation
gages and a load cell. Similar instrumentation is re-
3.1.1. Definition of Initial Site Conditions
quired for proof testing of tiebacks. When ground
Instrumentation often plays a role in defining site conditions differ from past experience and con-
conditions during the design phase of a project. For struction methods are uncertain, the designer can
example, groundwater pressures and fluctuations choose between an ultraconservative design, or an
must often be determined for design purposes, re- economical design based on results of a full-scale
quiring use of piezometers. Knowledge of in situ proof test. There are many examples in geotech-
stress and deformability conditions is sometimes re- nical engineering practice of full-scale tests de-
quired to permit rational design of a tunnel lining or signed to answer specific questions, including test
as input to predictions of movements around a large embankments, test excavations, evaluation of verti-

cal drain performance, and evaluation of effec- use of the observational method. Peck (1969a) lists
tiveness of bitumen coating in reducing downdrag the following ingredients for complete application
load on driven piles. of the observational method:

3.1.3. Fact-Finding in Crisis Situations (a) Exploration sufficient to establish at least the
general nature, pattern and properties of the
If a crisis situation occurs, its characteristics must deposits, but not necessarily in detail.
be defined so that remedial measures can be (b) Assessment of the most probable conditions
planned and put into practice. Instrumentation of- and the most unfavourable conceivable devia-
ten plays a role in defining these characteristics. For tions from these conditions. In this assessment
example, measurements of water table position and geology often plays a major role.
fluctuation, together with failure plane depth, are (c) Establishment of the design based on a working
needed to define the nature of a landslide. hypothesis of behaviour anticipated under the
most probable conditions.
(d) Selection of quantities to be observed as con-
3.2. BENEFITS DURING CONSTRUCTION struction proceeds and calculation of their an-
ticipated values on the basis of the working hy-
Instrumentation is used during construction to en- pothesis.
sure safety, minimize construction costs, control (e) Calculation of values of the same quantities
construction procedures or schedules, provide legal under the most unfavourable conditions com-
protection, provide data for measurement of quan- patible with the available data concerning the
tities, enhance public relations, and advance the subsurface conditions.
state of the art. (f) Selection in advance of a course of action or
Inherent in the use of instrumentation for con- modification of design for every foreseeable
significant deviation of the observational find-
struction reasons is the absolute necessity for de-
ings from those predicted on the basis of the
ciding, in advance, a positive means for solving any
working hypothesis.
problem that may be disclosed by the results of
(g) Measurement of quantities to be observed and
the observations (Peck, 1973). If the observations
evaluation of actual conditions.
should demonstrate that remedial action is needed,
(h) Modification of design to suit actual conditions.
that action must be based on appropriate, previ-
ously anticipated plans.
Peck cites several examples of the method, two
of which will illustrate the application. First, rather
3.2.1. Safety
than accept the owner's conservative design for
Safety is an essential consideration in all construc- support of a braced excavation, the eontractor
tion projects. Instrumentation programs can pro- opted to work with a lower factor of safety and
vide the needed safeguards, by indicating behavior ensure adequacy of support by measuring load in
with respect to threshold limits and by providing a every strut. The contractor had additional struts
forewarning of any adverse effects of construction. available for immediate insertion if needed and
For example, there is often a need to monitor the achieved overall economy while providing positive
effect of construction on adjacent structures, such assurance that no strut would become overloaded.
as the measurement of deformation in and around Second, Peck describes use of the observational
an excavation as a means of ensuring safety of the method during construction of a soft ground tunnel.
lateral support. Use of instrumentation for safety It was feared that tunneling beneath a large building
monitoring is routine during excavations for build- would cause settlement and resultant building dam-
ings, subway tunnels, and highways in urban areas. age. Protective work was designed-not included in
the tunnel contract but available if the need should
develop. The contractor started work several
3.2.2. Observational Method
thousand feet from the building and advanced to-
Construction is becoming increasingly expensive, ward it, making extensive deformation measure-
nullifying the justification for overconservative de- ments to judge the effect of construction on surface
signs, and construction costs can be reduced by the facilities. Well before reaching the critical building

it became evident that the planned protective work tom of the fill. Settlement gages can be used for this
would not be required. purpose.

3.2.3. Construction Control 3.2.6. Enhancing Public Relations

Uncertainties in engineering properties or behavior Plans for an instrumentation program, indicating

during the design phase often affect construction that the construction will be watched carefully, can
procedures or schedules. The designer may there- give reassurance to the public and thus can expedite
fore specify a program to monitor actual behavior approval of the project. In situations where commu-
during construction so that procedures or schedules nity or political obstacles threaten delays to ap-
can be modified in accordance with actual behavior. proval, it may be appropriate for an owner to
This use of instrumentation is normally referred to specify extensive instrumentation-more than is
as construction control, even though it also plays a needed for technical reasons-to reassure the
role in ensuring safety and reducing construction public that safety will be enhanced and that adverse
costs. For example, in the construction of an em- problems will be minimized. Although such an ap-
bankment on a soft clay deposit using staged con- proach will result in higher-than-normal instrumen-
struction procedures, instrumentation will normally tation costs, it may in fact create an overall cost
be used to determine when the clay can support the saving because the effects of inflation and other
next stage of fill. Similarly, instrumentation can be costs of delays will be reduced.
used to monitor contractor performance, thereby
ensuring that contract requirements are met. For 3.2.7. Advancing the State of the Art
example, during excavation alongside an existing
building, the designer may require that movements Many advances in geotechnical engineering have
are limited to a specified amount to avoid damage to resulted from field measurements. Often these mea-
the building. surements have been made for one of the project-
specific reasons described above, and the general
advance of knowledge has been a by-product. How-
3.2.4. Providing Legal Protection ever, several notable practical research tests have
been made to check and extend existing theories for
Where construction may affect neighboring prop- soil and rock behavior and thus provide a basis for
erty, instrumentation is useful in determining if extending the state of the art for design of geotech-
there is a relationship between construction and nical construction. These research-oriented investi-
changing conditions of that property. For example, gations, which usually require much more extensive
if an open cut is to be excavated in a city, the de- field instrumentation than is required for other pur-
signer or a building owner may use instrumentation poses, include the following:
to provide a bank of data concerning performance
of adjacent structures during excavation, for possi-
• Measurement of stress and deformation in em-
ble use in the event of litigation. Instrumentation to
bankment dams to advance the state of the art
provide legal protection will be used to a greater
of dam design.
extent if the construction procedure is relatively
new, or if there is a possible direct link between • Measurement of total stress on culverts be-
the construction procedure and damage to the prop- neath highway embankments.
erty off the right of way, such as dewatering, or • Full-scale tests on individual piles and pile
if nearby structures are particularly sensitive to groups to determine load transfer relationships.
ground movements or vibrations. • Measurement of tunnel support load and
ground deformation as input to improved sup-
port design procedures.
3.2.5. Measurement of Fill Quantities • Measurement of the effectiveness of various
When embankments are constructed on soft foun- types of vertical drains.
dations and payment for fill quantities is based on • Measurement of rock behavior at elevated tem-
measurements to the actual bottom of the fill, there peratures during studies relating to the disposal
is a need to determine the final elevation of the bot- of high-level nuclear waste.

3.3. BENEFITS AFTER CONSTRUCTION • If drainage arrangements have been provided

IS COMPLETE to increase the stability of a slope or retaining
wall, piezometers may be installed to check on
Engineers have an obligation to build safe struc- long-term performance.
tures, particularly if loss of life would result from
lack of safety. Performance monitoring over the life
of a structure, using observations and instrumenta- 3.4. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS
tion, may be the expedient way to ensure long-term
safety. Examples are given below: When the need for instrumentation is properly and
correctly established, and when the program is
• Long-term measurements of leakage, pore wa- properly planned, cost savings may be a direct re-
ter pressure, and deformation are made fre- sult, as indicated by previous examples. However,
quently during the operating life of embank- instrumentation does not have to reduce costs to be
ment dams. justified. In some cases, instrumentation has been
• If permanent tiebacks are used for support of valuable in proving that the design is correct. In
an excavation, surface and subsurface ground other cases, instrumentation might show that the
deformations may be measured, and perhaps design is inadequate, which may result in increased
also load in representative tiebacks. construction costs. However, the value of added
• Where rockbolts have been used to stabilize a safety and the avoidance of failure (and saving the
natural or an excavated slope in rock, fixed cost of repairs) will make the instrumentation pro-
borehole extensometers may be installed to gram cost effective.
provide a means of indicating long-term per-
formance of the rockbolts.


Planning a monitoring program using geotechnical these personnel should be capable of working in a
instrumentation is similar to other engineering de- team-player capacity with the project design team.
sign efforts. A typical engineering design effort be- Planning should proceed through the steps listed
gins with a definition of an objective and proceeds below. The steps are summarized in checklist
through a series of logical steps to preparation of form in Appendix A. All steps should, if possible,
plans and specifications. Similarly, the task of plan- be completed before instrumentation work com-
ning a monitoring program should be a logical and mences in the field.
comprehensive engineering process that begins
with defining the objective and ends with planning
how the measurement data will be implemented. 4.1. DEFINE THE PROJECT CONDITIONS
Unfortunately, there is a tendency among some
engineers and geologists to proceed in an illogical If the engineer or geologist responsible for planning
manner, often first selecting an instrument, making a monitoring program is familiar with the project,
measurements, and then wondering what to do with this step will usually be unnecessary. However, if
the measurement data. Franklin (1977) indicates the program is planned by others, a special effort
that a monitoring program is a chain with many po- must be made to become familiar with project con-
tential weak links and breaks down with greater fa- ditions. These include project type and layout, sub-
cility and frequency than most other tasks in geo- surface stratigraphy and engineering properties of
technical engineering. subsurface materials, groundwater conditions, sta-
Systematic planning requires special effort and tus of nearby structures or other facilities, envi-
dedication on the part of responsible personnel. The ronmental conditions, and planned construction
planning effort should be undertaken by personnel method. If the monitoring program has been in-
with specialist expertise in applications of geotech- stigated to assist in finding facts during a crisis situ-
nical instrumentation. Recognizing that instrumen- ation (Chapter 3), all available knowledge of the
tation is merely a tool, rather than an end in itself, situation should also be assimilated.

4.2. PREDICT MECHANISMS THAT CONTROL Variations in parameters can result both from
BEHAVIOR causes and effects. For example, the primary pa-
rameter of interest in a slope stability problem is
Prior to developing a program of instrumentation, usually deformation, which can be considered as
one or more working hypotheses must be developed the effect of the problem, but the cause is frequently
for mechanisms that are likely to control behavior. groundwater conditions. By monitoring both cause
The hypotheses must be based on a comprehen- and effect, a relationship between the two can often
sive knowledge of project conditions, as described be developed, and action can be taken to remedy
above. Various mechanisms that control the behav- any undesirable effect by removing the cause.
ior of soil and rock are described in Chapter 2. Most measurements of pressure, stress, load,
strain, and temperature are influenced by condi-
tions within a very small zone and are therefore
4.3. DEFINE THE GEOTECHNICAL QUESTIONS dependent on local characteristics of that zone.
THAT NEED TO BE ANSWERED They are often essentially point measurements,
subject to any variability in geologic or other char-
Every instrument on a project should be selected acteristics, and may therefore not represent condi-
and placed to assist in answering a specific ques- tions on a larger scale. When this is the case, a large
tion: if there is no question, there should be no number of measurement points may be required be-
instrumentation. Before addressing measurement fore confidence can be placed in the data. On the
methods themselves, a listing should be made of other hand, many deformation measuring devices
geotechnical questions that are likely to arise during respond to movements within a large and represen-
the design, construction, or operation phases. Various tative zone. Data provided by a single instrument
potential geotechnical questions are posed in Part 5 can therefore be meaningful, and deformation mea-
of this book. surements are generally the most reliable and least


Predictions are necessary so that required instru-
Instrumentation should not be used unless there is a ment ranges and required instrument sensitivities or
valid reason that can be defended. Benefits of using accuracies can be selected.
instrumentation are discussed in Chapter 3. When An estimate of the maximum possible value, or
using this chapter to assist with planning a moni- the maximum value of interest, leads to a selection
toring program, if engineers or geologists are unable of instrument range. This estimate often requires
to define a clear purpose for the program, they substantial engineering judgment, but on occasion it
should cancel the program and proceed no further can be made with a straightforward calculation, as
through this chapter. Peck (1984) states, "The legit- is the case with maximum pore water pressure in a
imate uses of instrumentation are so many, and the clay foundation beneath the centerline of an em-
questions that instruments and observation can an- bankment.
swer so vital, that we should not risk discrediting An estimate of the minimum value of interest
their value by using them improperly or unneces- leads to a selection of instrument sensitivity or ac-
sarily." curacy. There is a tendency to seek unnecessarily
high accuracy, when in fact high accuracy should
often be sacrificed for high reliability if the two are
4.5. SELECT THE PARAMETERS TO BE in conflict. High accuracy often goes hand in hand
MONITORED with delicacy and fragility. In some instances, high
accuracy may be necessary where small changes in
Parameters include pore water pressure, joint water the measured variable have significant meaning, or
pressure, total stress, deformation, load and strain where only a short time is available for defining
in structural members, and temperature. The ques- trends, for example, when establishing the rate of
tion which parameters are most significant? should slide movement from inclinometer data. Parametric
be answered. studies with the aid of a computer can often be car-

ried out to assist in establishing range, accuracy, Table 4.1. Example of Hazard Warning levels
and sensitivity. Warning
If measurements are for construction control Level Criterion Action
or safety purposes, a predetermination should be
made of numerical values that indicate the need for Movement greater Report to mine man-
than 10 mm at any agement
remedial action. These numerical values will often one survey station
be in terms of rate of measured change, rather than 2 Movement greater Verbal report and
absolute magnitude. In his ingredients for the obser- than 15 mm at two site meeting fol-
vational method, defined in Chapter 3, Peck (1969a) adjacent stations; lowed by written
includes the following: or velocity ex- report and recom-
ceeding 15 mm mendations
• Selection of quantities to be observed . . . and per month at any
calculation of their anticipated values on the basis one station
of the working hypothesis. 3 Movement greater Immediate site in-
• Calculation of values of the same quantities under than 15 mm plus spection by con-
the most unfavourable conditions. acceleration at sulting engineer,
any one station site meeting and
The first of the above steps allows any abnor- probable remedial
~easures (accord-
malities to be recognized. The first and second steps ing to contingency
allow the determination of hazard warning levels. plans)
Hazard warning levels may be based on clearly
defined performance criteria-for example, where Source: Franklin (1977). Reprinted with permission.
an acceptable differential settlement has been es-
tablished for a structural foundation-or may be
based on substantial engineering judgment, requir- levels may be identified, each requiring a different
ing a general assessment of ground behavior modes plan. Planning should ensure that required labor
and mechanisms of potential problems or failures. and materials will be available so that remedial ac-
When in doubt, several hazard warning levels tion can proceed with minimum and acceptable de-
should be established. As an example, Table 4.1 lay and so that personnel responsible for interpreta-
shows a hypothetical example of hazard warning tion of instrumentation data will have contractual
levels and contingency actions for slope monitoring authority to initiate remedial action. An open com-
at an open pit mine. munication channel should be maintained between
The concept of green, yellow, and red hazard design and construction personnel, so that remedial
warning levels is also useful. Green indicates that action can be discussed at any time. A special effort
all is well, yellow indicates the need for cautionary will often be required to keep this channel open,
measures including an increase in monitoring fre- both because the two groups sometimes tend to
quency, and red indicates the need for timely reme- avoid communication and because the contract for
dial action. Fellenius et al. (1982) present a case design personnel may have been terminated. Ar-
history that illustrates this concept. rangements should be made to determine how all
parties will be forewarned of the planned remedial

Inherent in the use of instrumentation for construc- 4.8. ASSIGN TASKS FOR DESIGN,
tion purposes is the absolute necessity for deciding, CONSTRUCTION, AND OPERATION PHASES
in advance, a positive means for solving any prob-
lem that may be disclosed by the results of the ob- When assigning tasks for monitoring, the party with
servations (Peck, 1973). If the observations should the greatest vested interest in the data should be
demonstrate that remedial action is needed, that ac- given direct line responsibility for producing it ac-
tion must be based on appropriate, previously antic- curately. The various tasks involved in accomplish-
ipated plans. ing a monitoring program, together with alternative
As described above, several hazard warning choices of the parties available for performing

Table 4.2. Chart Used for Task Assignment

Responsible Party
Design Instrumentation Construction
Task Owner Consultant Specialist Contractor
Plan monitoring program
Procure instruments and make factory
Install instruments
Maintain and calibrate instruments on
regular schedule
Establish and update data collection
Collect data
Process and present data
Interpret and report data
Decide on implementation of results

them, are listed in Table 4.2. It is useful to complete under the direct control of the owner or instrumen-
this chart during the planning stage by indicating the tation specialist selected by the owner. When any of
responsible party for each task. these tasks are performed by the construction con-
Several of the tasks involve the participation of tractor, data quality is often in doubt. Data interpre-
more than one party. In cases where the owner is tation and reporting should be the direct respon-
also the designer, there will be no design consul- sibility of the owner, the design consultant, or
tant. Instrumentation specialists may be employees instrumentation specialist selected by the owner.
of the owner or the design consultant or may be Table 4.3 gives an example of task assignments for
consultants with special expertise in geotechnical an owner-instigated monitoring program for which
instrumentation. All tasks assigned to instrumenta- the contractor's cooperation is not assured. It is
tion specialists should be under the supervision of emphasized that Table 4.3 should not be used as
one individual. a "cookbook": it is merely an example, and the
Chapters 5 and 6 include guidance on assigning needs of each project should be considered individ-
tasks for instrument procurement and field services, ually.
and Section 6.6.5 indicates required qualifications While completing Table 4.2, it may become evi-
of instrumentation specialists. dent that personnel are not available for all tasks,
If construction contractors have economic or leading either to assignment of additional personnel
professional incentive to contribute toward good or to a change in direction of the monitoring pro-
data, they should be assigned major responsibil- gram. For example, if personnel available for data
ities. If the instrumentation program has been in- collection are insufficient, it may be appropriate to
stigated by the contractor, clearly the contractor turn toward use of automatic data acquisition sys-
will have responsibility for all tasks. However, if tems: this decision will affect instrument selection.
the instrumentation program has been instigated by Task assignment should include planning of liai-
the owner, as is usually the case, the construction son and reporting channels. Assignments should
contractor will often regard it as an interference clearly indicate who has overall responsibility and
with normal construction work and the contractor's contractual authority for implementing the results
participation should be minimized. The contractor of the observations.
will usually be responsible for providing support
services during installation and access during the
data collection phase. Instrument selection and pro- 4.9. SELECT INSTRUMENTS
curement, factory calibration, installation, regular
calibration and maintenance, and data collection, The preceding eight steps should be completed be-
processing, and presentation should preferably be fore instruments are selected. Instruments are de-

Table 4.3. Example of Task Assignment for Owner-Instigated Monitoring Program

Responsible Party
Design Instrumentation Construction
Task Owner Consultant Specialist Contractor
Plan monitoring program • • •
Procure instruments and make factory
calibrations • •
Install instruments • •
Maintain and calibrate instruments on
regular schedule • •
Establish and update data collection
schedule • •
Collect data • •
Process and present data •
Interpret and report data • •
Decide on implementation of results • •
scribed in Part 3, and commercial sources are listed Instruments should have a good past perfor-
in Appendix D. mance record and should always have maximum
When selecting instruments, the overriding de- durability in the installed environment. The envi-
sirable feature is reliability. A recipe for reliability is ronment for geotechnical instruments is harsh, and
given in Chapter 15. Inherent in reliability is max- unfortunately some instruments are not sufficiently
imum simplicity, and in general transducers can be well designed for reliable operation in such an envi-
placed in the following order of decreasing simplic- ronment. Table 4.4 is a list of some of the main
ity and reliability: features of the instrument environment. Trans-
ducer, readout unit, and the communication system
• Optical between the transducer and readout unit should be
• Mechanical considered separately because different criteria
• Hydraulic may apply to each.
• Pneumatic
• Electrical
Table 4.4. Instrument Environments
Lowest cost of an instrument should never be 1. Large deformations-often shearing deformations
allowed to dominate the selection, and the least ex- 2. High pressures-both solids and fluids
pensive instrument is not likely to result in mini- 3. Corrosive-chemical (groundwater, grouts, con-
mum total cost. In evaluating the economics of al- crete additives, bacteria) and electrolytic (electroly-
ternative instruments, the overall cost of procuring, sis of dissimilar materials, stray electrical currents)
calibration, installation, maintenance, monitoring, 4. Temperature extremes-subfreezing to 100°F + in
the sun (temperature can be higher in certain in-
and data processing should be compared. stances, such~ as nuclear waste storage)
The state of the art in hardware design is far 5. Shock-blasting, construction activities, rough han-
ahead of the state of the art in user technology. It is dling during transportation to and from site
the responsibility of users to develop an adequate 6. Vandalism, destruction by construction equipment,
level of understanding of the instruments that they fly rock
select, and users will often benefit from discussing 7. Dust, dirt, mud, rain, chemical precipitates
their application with geotechnical engineers or 8. High humidity, flowing or standing water
geologists on the manufacturer's staff before select- 9. Erratic power supplies (electrical instruments)
ing instruments. They should discuss as much as 10. Loss of accessibility to instruments when covered
possible about the application and seek out any lim- by rock, soil, shotcrete, and other supports
itations of the proposed instruments. Source: After Cording et al. (1975).

With certain instruments, if a reading can be ob- normally cross sections, where predicted behavior
tained, that reading is necessarily correct, while is considered representative of behavior as a whole.
other instruments have a feature whereby calibra- When considering which zones are representative,
tion can be verified after installation; clearly, either variations in both geology and construction proce-
feature is very desirable. dures should be considered. These cross sections
Instrument selection should recognize any limi- are then regarded as primary instrumented sections,
tations in skill or quantity of available personnel, and instruments are located to provide comprehen-
identified while completing Table 4.2, and should sive performance data. There should usually be at
consider both construction and long-term needs and least two such primary instrumented sections.
conditions. Criteria for the two phases may be dif- Third, because the selection of representative zones
ferent and may entail selection of two different may be incorrect, instrumentation should be in-
monitoring methods. stalled at a number of secondary instrumented sec-
Other goals for instrument selection include good tions, to serve as indices of comparative behavior.
conformance (Chapter 7), minimum interference to Instruments at these secondary sections should be
construction, and minimum access difficulties while as simple as possible and should also be installed at
installing and reading. the primary sections so that comparisons can be
The need for an automatic data acquisition sys- made. For example, instrumentation of a tieback
tem should be determined, and readouts should be wall might entail selection of two or three primary
selected in recognition of planned frequency and cross sections for installation of optical survey
duration of readings. Unnecessary sophistication points, inclinometers, and load cells. Optical survey
and automation should be avoided. points would also be installed at a large number of
Action should be planned in the event any part of secondary sections and used for monitoring both
the system malfunctions, and the need for spare horizontal and vertical deformation of the wall. If in
parts and standby readout units should be identi- fact the behavior at a secondary section appears to
fied. Lead time for delivery and time available for be significantly different from the behavior at the
instrument installation may affect instrument selec- primary sections, additional instrumentation may
tion. be installed at the secondary section as construction
The final question is: Will the selected instrument progresses.
achieve the objective? If an unproven instrument is When selecting locations, survivability of instru-
selected, all parties should recognize the experi- ments should be considered, and additional quan-
mental nature of the instrument, and maximum tities should be selected to replace instruments that
backup should be provided, as described in Section may become inoperative. For example, Abramson
4.12. and Green (1985) report on a survey of users, con-
ducted to establish the required number of strain
gages and load cells to compensate for losses occur-
4.10. SELECT INSTRUMENT LOCATIONS ring after installation. The survey indicates an aver-
age survivability rate for load cells of75%, while for
The selection of instrument locations should reflect strain gages it is 60%.
predicted behavior and should be compatible with Locations should generally be selected so that
the method of analysis that will later be used when data can be obtained as early as possible during the
interpreting the data. Finite element analyses are construction process. Because of the inherent vari-
often helpful in identifying critical locations and ability of soil and rock, it is usually unwise to rely
preferred instrument orientations. A practical ap- on a single instrument as an indicator of perfor-
proach to selecting instrument locations entails mance.
three steps. Wherever possible, locations should be arranged
First, zones of particular concern are identified, to provide cross-checks between instrument types.
such as structurally weak zones, most heavily For example, if both subsurface settlement and
loaded zones, or zones where highest pore water pore water pressure are to be measured in a clay
pressures are anticipated, and appropriate instru- subject to consolidation, piezometers should be
mentation is located. If there are no such zones, or located at mid-depth between settlement points. If
if instruments are also to be located elsewhere, a both vertical inclinometers and horizontal fixed em-
second step is taken. A selection is made of zones, bankment extensometers are installed near each

other and at the same cross section in the ground, In critical situations, duplicate instruments can
an extensometer anchor should be installed near the be used. A backup system is often useful and will
inclinometer casing. However, care should be taken often provide an answer to the question even when
to avoid creating nonconformance or zones of its accuracy is significantly less than that of the pri-
weakness by excessive concentration of instru- mary system. For example, optical survey can often
ments in clusters. be used to examine correctness of apparent move-
Although instrument locations will usually be ments at surface-mounted heads of instruments in-
shown on the contract plans, flexibility should be stalled for monitoring subsurface deformation. Con-
maintained so that locations can be changed as new vergence measurements across an excavation can
information becomes available during construction; sometimes be used in a similar way when fixed
thus, flexible installation specifications are re- borehole extensometers or inclinometers have been
quired. Installation specifications are discussed in installed in adjacent ground.
Chapter 6. Data correctness can also be evaluated by exam-
ining consistency. For example, in a consolidation
situation, dissipation of pore water pressure should
4.11. PLAN RECORDING OF FACTORS THAT be consistent with measured settlement, and in-
MAY INFLUENCE MEASURED DATA crease of pore water pressure should be consistent
with added loading. Repeatability can also give a
Measurements by themselves are rarely sufficient clue to data correctness, and it is often worthwhile
to provide useful conclusions. The use of instru- to take many readings over a short time span to
mentation normally involves relating measurements disclose whether or not lack of normal repeatability
to causes, and therefore complete records and indicates suspect data.
diaries must be maintained of all factors that might Certain instruments have features that allow an
cause changes in the measured parameters. As dis- in-place check to be made, and these checks should
cussed in Section 4.5, a decision may have been be made on a regular basis. For example, perme-
made to monitor various causal parameters, and ability tests can be made in twin-tube hydraulic
these should always include construction details piezometers to examine correct functioning. Some
and progress. Visual observations of expected and instruments have dual transducers. Some fixed
unusual behavior should also be recorded. Records borehole extensometers can be checked for free-
should be kept of geology and other subsurface con- sliding of the wire or rod by moving the instrument
ditions and of environmental factors that may, in head outward and measuring elongation of the wire
themselves, affect monitored data, for example, or rod.
temperature, rainfall, snow, sun, and shade.
Details of each instrument installation should be
recorded on installation record sheets, because lo- 4.13. LIST THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE OF EACH
cal or unusual conditions often influence measured INSTRUMENT
variables. Installation record sheets are discussed
further in Chapter 17. At this point in the planning, it is useful to question
whether all planned instruments are justified. Each
planned instrument should be numbered and its pur-
4.12. ESTABLISH PROCEDURES FOR ENSURING pose listed. If no viable specific purpose can be
READING CORRECTNESS found for a planned instrument, it should be de-
Personnel responsible for instrumentation must be
able to answer the question: Is the instrument func-
tioning correctly? The ability to answer depends on 4.14. PREPARE BUDGET
availability of good evidence, for which planning is
required. The answer can sometimes be provided Even though the planning task is not complete, a
by visual observations. For example, visual obser- budget should be prepared at this stage for all tasks
vations of tunnel lining behavior are essential when listed in Table 4.2, to ensure that sufficient funds
questioning correctness of apparently large lining are indeed available. A frequent error in budget
strains or ground deformations during tunneling. preparation is to underestimate the duration of the

project and the real data collection and processing 4.17. PLAN REGULAR CALIBRATION
costs. If insufficient funds are available, the in- AND MAINTENANCE
strumentation program may have to be curtailed or
more funds sought from the owner on a timely Regular calibration and maintenance should be
basis. Clearly, an application for more funds must planned, following the guidelines given in Chapter
be supported by reasons that can be defended. 16.


Attempts by users to design and manufacture in- AND IMPLEMENTATION
struments generally have not been successful, al-
though joint efforts by user and manufacturer are Written procedures for data collection, processing,
sometimes undertaken. Instruments should there- presentation, and interpretation should be pre-
fore be purchased from established manufacturers, pared, following the guidelines given in Chapter 18.
for which procurement specifications are usually The effort required for these tasks should not be
needed. Alternative approaches are described in underestimated. Many consulting engineering firms
Chapter 5. At this time, the requirements for fac- have files filled with large quantities of partially pro-
tory calibration should be determined and accep- cessed and undigested data because sufficient time
tance tests planned to ensure correct functioning or funds were not available for these tasks. The
when instruments are first received by the user. Re- computer is a substantial aid but is no panacea.
sponsibility for performing acceptance tests should Staff training should be planned. At this stage in
be assigned. Guidelines for factory calibrations and the planning a verification should be made to ensure
acceptance tests are given in Chapter 16. that remedial actions have been planned, that per-
sonnel responsible for interpretation of instrumen-
tation data have contractual authority to initiate
4.16. PLAN INSTALLATION remedial action, that communication channels be-
tween design and construction personnel are open,
Installation procedures should be planned well in and that arrangements have been made to forewarn
advance of scheduled installation dates, following all parties of the planned remedial actions.
the guidelines given in Chapter 17.
Written step-by-step procedures should be pre-
pared, making use ofthe manufacturer's instruction 4.19. WRITE CONTRACTUAL ARRANGEMENTS
manual and the designer's knowledge of specific FOR FIELD INSTRUMENTATION SERVICES
site geotechnical conditions. The written proce-
dures should include a detailed listing of required Field services include instrument installation, regu-
materials and tools, and installation record sheets lar calibration and maintenance, and data collec-
should be prepared, for documenting factors that tion, processing, presentation, interpretation, and
may influence measured data. The fact that the reporting. Contractual arrangements for the selec-
owner's personnel will install the instruments does tion of personnel to provide these services may gov-
not eliminate the need for written procedures. An ern success or failure of a monitoring program.
example of an instrument installation procedure Alternative approaches are described in Chapter 6.
and an installation record sheet is included in Ap-
pendix G.
Staff training should be planned. Installation
plans should be coordinated with the construction 4.20. UPDATE BUDGET
contractor and arrangements made for access and
for protection of installed instruments from dam- Planning is now complete, and the budget for all
age. An installation schedule should be prepared, tasks listed in Table 4.2 should be updated in light of
consistent with the construction schedule. all planning steps.



Watson (1964) defines a specification as follows: ment of tasks will have been made, including re-
sponsibility for instrument procurement and factory
A statement containing a minute description or enu- calibration. Justification is given in this chapter for
meration of particulars, as of the terms of a contract the procurement task assignment recommended in
or the details of construction not shown in an ar- Chapter 4.
chitect's drawings. A specification is definite, de- After the procurement task has been assigned,
terminate, distinctly and plainly set forth, and the next steps in preparation of procurement
stated in full and explicit terms. The reader will specifications are selection of specifying method
note from this definition that specifications are ex-
and basis for determining price. In making these
pected to be all-encompassing and exact. We may
simply say that specifications should be clear, con-
selections, the specifier should remember that the
cise, complete and correct. primary needs are high quality and reliability. The
final step is to write the detailed specifications.
The last sentence of this definition should be em- These steps are described in tum.
phasized. If specifications are clear, concise, com-
plete, and correct, there is less chance of misunder-
standing, delay, and conflict. 5.1. TASK ASSIGNMENT FOR PROCUREMENT
Procurement of other than the most simple
geotechnical instruments should not be considered Instruments can be procured by the construction
as a routine construction procurement item be- contractor, by the owner, or by the design consul-
cause, if valid measurements are to be made, ex- tant. Alternatively, an assigned subcontract ap-
treme attention must be paid to quality and details. proach can be used, as described in Chapter 6, with
However, simple devices such as settlement plat- instrument suppliers acting as assigned subcontrac-
forms may be procured as routine construction tors. Advantages and limitations of the four options
items. are given in Table 5 .1. Procurement by the con-
When planning the monitoring program in accor- struction contractor is the least desirable option.
dance with guidelines given in Chapter 4, an assign- Selection among the other three options depends on
factors specific to each project.
In its manual on instrumentation for concrete
*Written with the assistance of Robert E. Vansant, Black & structures, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Veatch, Kansas City, MO. (Corps of Engineers, 1980) acknowledges the need

Table 5.1. Advantages and Limitations of Task Assignments for Procurementa

Procurement by Advantages Limitations
Construction Contractor's liability is clear If or equal provision is required, specifica-
contractor tion covering all salient points is needed
to guard against supply of an undesirable
Contractor will generally buy lowest-cost
instruments, with risk of low quality and
invalid measurement data
Owner Minimum cost (because no markup) Contractor has no liability for nonperfor-
Owner has direct control over substitutions, mance
inspection during manufacture, accepta- Owner may purchase lowest price instru-
bility on receipt, and warranty service ments rather than highest quality
Can select between competitive bid method
or (if permitted by owner's regulations)
negotiation with one or more suppliers
Flexible to accommodate changes
Design consultant Design consultant has direct control over Contractor has no liability for nonperfor-
substitutions, inspection during manufac- mance
ture, acceptability on receipt, and war- Cost is included in design fee
ranty service
Can select between competitive bid method
or (if permitted by owner's regulations)
negotiation with one or more suppliers
Flexible to accommodate changes
Instrument suppliers Owner or design consultant has direct con- Contractor has no liability for nonperfor-
acting as assigned trol over substitutions, inspection during mance
subcontractors manufacture, and acceptability on receipt
Can select between competitive bid method
or (if permitted by owner's regulations)
negotiation with one or more suppliers
Flexible to accommodate changes
Procurement should preferably be under the direct control of the owner or design consultant; thus, the first option is the least
desirable. Selection among the other three options depends on factors specific to each project.

to avoid procurement by the construction contrac- 5.2. SPECIFYING METHOD

There are two general categories of specifications:
The general policy of the Chief of Engineers is to descriptive specifications, in which the details of
perform all civil works by contract unless it is in the the required instruments are specified, and perfor-
best interest of the United States to accomplish the mance specifications, in which the end result is
work by Government forces. However, the special- specified. Descriptive specifications can be divided
ized nature of instrumentation facilities and the further into specifications with or without brand
care required in the preparation, calibration, and name and model number. A definition of each is
placement of test apparatus demands that these fea-
given next, followed by recommendations.
tures of work be retained under close operational
control of the Corps of Engineers. In view of these
conditions, direct procurement by the Government 5.2.1. Descriptive Specification, with Brand Name
of embedded meters, cable, tubing, ... , indicating and Model Number
or recording equipment, and similar items not nor-
mally encountered in construction work ... is rec- The specifier selects the method for making a mea-
ommended. surement, including one or more preferred instru-

ment models. The selection may be based on the thorough generic specification, generally not within
specifier's previous experience, on the experience the capability of geotechnical engineer specifiers,
of others, or on the reputation of a particular manu- and therefore it is not often used. The third method
facturer. When brand names are used in public assumes that the manufacturer will understand in-
work contracts, there should be at least two and strument design criteria dictated by the specific
preferably at least three sources to make sure that geotechnical environment and thus is applicable
there is effective competition. If only one model is only if the manufacturer's staff includes geotech-
considered suitable, the specifier may write a sole nical engineers and if the geotechnical environment
source procurement specification, excluding use of is clearly specified. Although the second or third
a substitution. On public work where there is only a method may on occasion be the method of choice,
single source, a rigorous sole source procurement the first method is the most common and is satisfac-
justification will generally be required, and it will tory provided that a specification covering all sa-
usually be preferable for the owner to purchase the lient features is written to guard against supply of an
instruments and furnish them to the construction undesirable substitution.
contractor. Such an approach facilitates the justifi-
cation of sole source, allows more effective price
negotiation, and precludes the sole source manufac- 5.3. BASIS FOR DETERMINING PRICE
turer from "packaging" that instrument with other
instruments required for the project. If instruments are procured directly by the owner or
The owner may require the specifier to add an or design consultant, price can be determined either
equal provision to the brand name and model num- by bidding or by negotiation. If instruments are pro-
ber, in which case great care must be taken to define cured through the construction contract, bid items
what is acceptable as a substitution. Or equal speci- can be included, or the assigned subcontract ap-
fications are discussed in Section 5.4.6. proach (Chapter 6) can be used to allow the owner
or design consultant to retain control over selection
5.2.2. Descriptive Specification, without Brand of the equipment and basis for determining price.
Name and Model Number Advantages and limitations of negotiation and
bidding are given in Table 5.3.
The specifier selects the method for making a mea- If instruments are procured by the owner or de-
surement and writes a generic specification to de- sign consultant, negotiation is generally preferable,
fine the required characteristics of the system and but public agencies may be required to take bids.
components. For example, a specification may call However, it was a surprise to the author to read
for pneumatic piezometers, with certain size, me- (Perlman, 1985):
chanical, pneumatic, and other requirements. A de-
scriptive specification may be so limiting that the Despite the fact that the general policy of the
requirements can be satisfied only by one commer- Government is to acquire goods and services on
cial model. a competitive basis, most Government procure-
ment dollars are spent on contracts awarded
5.2.3. Performance Specification noncompetitively (i.e., sole source contracts). Of
the $146.9 billion spent by the Federal Government
In this method the end result is specified. For exam- in fiscal year (FY) 1982 for goods, $79.2 billion
ple, the specification might state that water pressure (54%) was expended noncompetitively.
measurement devices shall have a certain range and Questions regarding the use (or overuse) of sole
accuracy and must operate for a certain period in the source procurements concern every member of the
geotechnical environment described in the specifi- procurement community. From the Government's
cations. The specification should state how the manu- standpoint, if a contract is improperly awarded on a
facturer's proposed instrument will be evaluated. sole source basis, the Government may pay higher
prices than if competition had been sought. On the
5.2.4. Advantages and Limitations of Specifying other hand, failure to permit a sole source award in
Methods appropriate circumstances may unnecessarily (a)
increase the price paid for the item, (b) place a
Advantages and limitations of the three methods are greater administrative burden on Government per-
given in Table 5.2. The second method requires a sonnel, since competitive procurements require ap-

Table 5.2. Advantages and limitations of Various Specifying Methods for Procurement of lnstrumentsa
Method Advantages Limitations
Descriptive specifica- Most direct way of defining preferred in- If or equal provision is required, specifica-
tion, with brand strument tion covering all salient features is needed
name and model to guard against supply of an undesirable
number substitution
Owner may have to accept responsibility if
specified model number does not perform
Descriptive specifica- No bias toward particular model(s) Specifier must have necessary knowledge to
tion, without brand Can specify general material requirements write specification
name and model Specified requirements may limit innovation
number on part of manufacturer
Performance specifi- Allows maximum innovation on part of Assumes manufacturer will understand de-
cation manufacturer sign criteria dictated by the specific geo-
Manufacturer has contractual commitment technical environment; thus, applicable
to furnish a device that performs ade- only if manufacturer's staff includes
quately geotechnical engineers
Permits maximum competition Can be difficult to evaluate whether manu-
No bias toward particular model(s) facturer's proposed instrument will per-
form as needed
a Thefirst method is the most common and is satisfactory provided that a specification covering all salient features is written to guard
against supply of an undesirable substitution.

proximately twice as much work as sole source product that merely meets the mmzmum require-
awards, and (c) cause the Government user tore- ments of a solicitation, instead of the one that is
ceive a product that merely meets the minimum best for the job.
requirements of a solicitation, instead of the one If instruments are procured through the con-
that is best for the job. struction contract, the assigned subcontract ap-
proach is preferable, with price negotiation by the
owner or design consultant.
It is therefore apparent that there is ample prece- Two discussions of a paper by Sherard (1981)
dent for procuring geotechnical instruments on a reinforce quality concerns inherent in the bid proce-
sole source basis, in order to avoid receiving a dure. Green (1982) states:

Table 5.3. Advantages and limitations of Procedures for Determining Pricea

Procedure Advantages Limitations
Bid Procurement may be least costly Requires preparation of comprehensive bid
Lowest cost runs risk of low quality and in-
valid measurement data
Not flexible to accommodate changes
Adequate lead time required
Negotiation Owner or design consultant has direct con- Often resisted by public agency procure-
trol over quality and price ment community
Can use preferred sources
Flexible to accommodate changes
a Negotiation is generally preferable. If instruments are procured through the construction contract, negotiation procedure entails use
of the assigned subcontract approach.

On the subject of cost, the writer is in entire agree- 5.4. CONTENT OF SPECIFICATIONS FOR
ment with the author [Sherard] that instrumentation PROCUREMENT OF INSTRUMENTS
hardware cost is so small that it should not be the
deciding factor. However, this is not the case in Depending on the selection of specifying method
practice. In far too many instances, instrumenta- and basis for determining price, the procurement
tion hardware is put out to bid on the basis of a ...
specification should address some or all of the re-
make and model number, or approved equal. De-
spite specification writers' good intentions, it is
quirements discussed in this section. Greatest detail
possible for manufacturers to use lower quality is required when the low-bid procedure with an or
components, for example, the leads, and the com- equal provision is used. Some requirements apply
monly used low bid process encourages this. Until to the entire instrumentation system, usually con-
high quality can be adequately specified, instru- sisting of a transducer, readout unit, and a com-
ment procurement on a low bid basis will remain a munication system, and some apply only to one or
stumbling block to good field performance. more of these components.
The specification will usually be written with
Mikkelsen (1982) presents a manufacturer's per- three main headings. The first heading, Part 1. Gen-
spective: eral, will include wording applicable to all instru-
ments, as described in Sections 5.4.1-5.4.10. The
Sales often go to the lowest bidder on materials. second heading, Part 2. Instrument Details, will in-
Such practices are often unwise since a customer clude wording under separate subheadings for each
generally gets what he pays for. Also, it is unwise instrument, as described in Sections 5.4.11-5.4.17.
because, as the author [Sherard] also points out, The third heading, Part 3. Measurement and Pay-
material costs are only a small part of the instru- ment, will include content described in Section
ment program cost. This practice also promotes use 5.4.18.
of marginal and inferior materials. A manufactur- The procurement specification is sometimes
er's dilemma is created because there is little incen- combined with a specification for field services, fol-
tive to make product improvements and use higher
lowing the recommendations given in Chapter 6.
quality materials that increase the product cost. A
well-designed, high quality product, thoroughly
Technical information for the specification
tested, is a total loss to the manufacturer unless it is should be provided by geotechnical engineers work-
sold. Unless more informed buyers come forth and ing on the project design, and these same engineers
a change in the practices of low bid procurement may draft the technical specification, following
occurs, desirable advances in field instrumentation guidelines given in this chapter. However, the final
will be slow and unsatisfying. specification should be reviewed by an experienced
specification writer. A review by an instrumenta-
In his closure, Sherard (1982) agrees: tion specialist may also be necessary. If instruments
are to be procured as part of a construction con-
The writer agrees completely with Mikkelsen's tract, the specification should also be reviewed by
comments under the heading Cost, and similar opin- personnel familiar with the General Conditions and
ions of Green. Clearly, there is an important prob- other sections of the technical specifications, to en-
lem in the industry created by common low-bid pro- sure consistency.
curement and specification of a certain instrument, Before enumerating the items that should be con-
or equal. To combat this problem, the writer sug- sidered when writing specifications for procurement
gests that designers should consider to select the of instruments, the author will reiterate a key point.
instrument (or two) believed to be most suitable, The quotations in Section 5.3 will illustrate prob-
and specify it with no substitution allowed. This lems inherent in the low-bid procedure. Unless you
practice would allow instrument manufacturers to
must, don't use the low-bid procedure! The author
market products of consistently high quality. The
common or equal clause, combined with competi-
regrets very much the need to write such a lengthy
tive bidding, leads inevitably to excessive emphasis section as Section 5.4: the length is necessary only
on economy, with the result that high-quality in- because the low-bid procedure continues to be used.
struments cannot compete. This keeps the quality Its use creates lengthy specifications that appear
of the average instrument on the market just above out of proportion to other parts of the specifica-
the "acceptable" level, a highly undesirable situa- tions, and the author believes that its use is not in
tion. the best interests of either manufacturers or users.

5.4.1. Division of Responsibilities 5.4.5. General Material Requirements

As described in Chapter 4, the division of respon- Descriptive specifications should include appropri-
sibilities among owner, design consultant, instru- ate mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, and electri-
mentation specialist, and construction contractor cal requirements. The transducer, readout unit, and
will have been determined during the planning communication system should each be covered sep-
phase. Section 5.1 indicates preferred responsibil- arately. Recommendations for selection of trans-
ity for instrument procurement. The procurement ducers and components are given in Chapter 8.
specification should contain a clear statement of the To assist the manufacturer in selecting materials,
work included and should indicate who will be re- desired longevity should be stated, but it is difficult
sponsible for factory calibration and quality assur- to hold manufacturers to longevity specifications. If
ance, for review of proposed instruments, and for an instrument malfunctions after installation, it will
performing acceptance tests to ensure correct func- generally be unclear whether the problem has been
tioning when instruments are first received by the caused by a manufacturing defect or an installation
user. error. When a brand name or equal specification is
used, good practice dictates that the specification
5.4.2. Submittals identify all salient characteristics that are consid-
ered important for the evaluation of substitutions.
The specification will usually include a summary Table 5.4 indicates some of the factors to be consid-
listing of required submittals to the owner or design ered when specifying general material requirements
consultant. Submittals are described in later sec- and acceptability of substitutions.
tions and may include experience lists, requests
for review of proposed instruments, calibration
certificates, quality assurance checklists, warran- 5.4.6. Review of Proposed Instruments
ties, instruction manuals, shipping documents, and For all cases except sole source procurement, the
instrument samples. The schedule for all submittals specification should include requirements for re-
should be specified. view of proposed instruments, including review of
substitutions if brand names and model numbers
5.4.3. Operating Environment have been specified.
If instruments are procured by the construction
Instruments are normally required to operate in ad-·
contractor, using the low-bid procedure, the follow-
verse environments. The specification should pro-
ing wording, under a heading Or Equal in the Gen-
vide a general description of the operating environ-
eral Conditions or in the procurement specification,
ment, including soil or rock type, and all relevant
will minimize the possibility of an unacceptable
environmental factors listed in Table 4.4. Recogniz-
substitution. Similar wording is applicable when in-
ing that many instrument failures occur as the
struments are procured by the owner or design con-
ground deforms around them, potential deforma-
sultant and the low-bid procedure is used.
tions should be evaluated and defined, with particu-
lar attention given to deformations of buried tubes,
cables, and pipes. The term or equal shall be understood to in-
dicate that the equal product is the same or
better than the product named in the Spec-
5.4.4. Experience
ifications in function, performance, reliability,
Manufacturers may be required to submit an experi- quality, and general configuration.
ence list indicating records of prior instrument use. Except for Owner-selected materials and
However, requirements for extensive experience materials where no substitution is clearly
should not be imposed if they may exclude compe- specified, whenever any material is indicated
tent new suppliers. Experience lists should include or specified by proprietary name, by name
names of firms who have used the instrument, proj- of manufacturer, or by catalog number, such
ect names, and names and telephone numbers of specifications shall be deemed to be used for
responsible individuals. When the procurement en- the purpose of establishing a standard of qual-
tails innovation, manufacturers may be required to ity and facilitating the description of the mate-
cite examples of previous successful innovations. rial desired. This procedure is not to be con-

Table 5.4. General Material Requirements tute materials shall not be ordered, delivered
to the site, or used in the work unless ap-
Instrument Type Requirement
proved by the Engineer in writing. The En-
All (mechanical, hy- Transducer type gineer will be the sole judge of the substituted
draulic, pneumatic, Materials specification
and electrical) Environmental factors in Table 4.4,
article or material.
with particular attention to (1) Requests for review of equivalency will not
surviving ground deformations, be accepted from anyone except the Contrac-
(2) waterproofing needs, (3) chem- tor and such request will not be considered
ical corrosion, (4) electrolytic cor- until after the bids have been opened. All re-
rosion (dissimilar metals can be
separated by inert materials or by
quests from the Contractor for consideration
passivation methods), (5) temper- of a substitution shall clearly state any devia-
ature sensitivity, and (6) packag- tion from the Contract, and differences in
ing for outdoor operation and cost.
rough handling
Permanent labeling of all controls
and connectors 5.4.7. Factory Calibration and Quality Assurance
Dust covers on all connectors, an-
chored to the connector Instruments should be calibrated, inspected, and
Humidity indicator in readout unit tested before shipment to the user, and the procure-
Hydraulic Constituents of liquid ment specification should indicate required factory
Dissolved gas content in liquid calibrations.
Liquid freezing point Calibrations should be made while the variable
Tubing material
parameter is both increasing and decreasing for at
Tubing valves and fittings
Pressure indicator least two cycles, to document hysteresis, through-
out the maximum range expected to occur in the
Pneumatic Container for gas
Constituents of gas
field. Readings should be taken at about ten equal
Moisture content in gas increments, and the manufacturer should be re-
Filter for gas quired to supply a calibration curve with data points
Tubing material clearly indicated, and a tabulation of the data. Each
Tubing valves and fittings instrument should be marked with a unique identi-
Pressure indicator
Gas flow rate
fication number. In general, the readout unit that is
Gas flow controller to be supplied to the user should be used during
Gas flow indicator factory calibrations, and calibrations should be
Electrical Battery characteristics made at several different temperatures to determine
Auxiliary power supply the effect of temperature change on the instru-
Fuse ments. Calibration specifications should include the
Lightning protection following wording:
Cable splices Certification shall be provided with each ship-
Indicator ment to indicate that the manufacturer's test
Electrical safety equipment is calibrated and maintained in ac-
Power consumption cordance with the test equipment manufactur-
er's calibration requirements, and that all cali-
brations are traceable to . . .
strued as eliminating from competition other
materials of equal quality by other manufac- In the United States, traceability should be to the
turers where fully suitable in design, and shall National Bureau of Standards. However, the prac-
be deemed to be followed by the words or ticability of such a requirement should be verified
equal. The Contractor may, in such cases, sub- with manufacturers whose products are being con-
mit complete comparative data to the En- sidered, since calibration of some commonly used
gineer for consideration of another material instruments such as inclinometer probes is gener-
which shall be substantially equal in every re- ally not traceable to standard agencies. Manufactur-
spect to that so indicated or specified. Substi- ers, of course, may make an additional charge for

calibrations requiring more effort than their stan- Theory of Operation

dard procedure.
• Basic measuring principle of instrument with
Manufacturers will generally apply their own
appropriate illustrations, schematics, and cir-
quality control procedures, but these may not al-
cuit diagrams for each component.
ways be adequate, and it is often worthwhile to
specify preshipment inspections: • Limitations of system.
• Factors that affect measurement uncertainty.
A final quality assurance inspection shall be • Specification sheet.
made of each instrument prior to shipment.
During the inspection, a checklist shall be Calibration Procedure
completed to indicate each inspection and test • Step-by-step acceptance test procedure to en-
detail. A completed copy of the checklist shall sure correct functioning when instruments are
be supplied with each instrument. first received by the user. The manual should
emphasize the importance of making accep-
5.4.8. Warranty tance tests immediately on receipt.
• Procedure for any possible regular in-place cal-
Manufacturers will generally warrant their products ibration checks on embedded components, in-
against defects in material and workmanship for a cluding equipment required and recommended
period ranging from 3 months to 1 year after deliv- frequency.
ery, and such a requirement should be included in
• Procedure for regular calibration of readout in-
the procurement specification. Standard warranties
struments, including equipment required and
o~ the manufacturers whose products are being con-
recommended frequency. If possible, these
sidered should be studied before specifying war-
procedures should be in such a form that check
ranty terms and duration. However, unless indis-
calibrations can be performed by the user or by
putable evidence is provided, most manufacturers
local calibration houses, thereby avoiding the
will not accept responsibility for malfunction of em-
necessity of returning instruments to the fac-
bedded components after installation, and therefore
tory for calibration.
every effort should be made to specify instruments
with proven longevity. Installation Procedure
• Step-by-step procedure for installation, with il-
5.4.9. Instruction Manual lustrations of the system and components,
The procurement specification should indicate in- showing their correct juxtaposition when in-
struction manual requirements. Instruction manu- stalled. Alternative procedures may be re-
als of t~e various instrument manufacturers vary quired if installation methods are dependent on
greatly m content and quality. Although a com- the application or on field conditions. The pro-
~rehensive manual is valuable to the user, it may be
cedures should include a listing of materials,
Impracticable to require a custom-made manual be- tools, and spares required during assembly and
cause of time or cost. The requirements should be installation and any borehole requirements, in-
realistic in light of manufacturers' existing manuals dicating maximum and minimum borehole di-
available time, and the cost of preparing a custo~ ameters and restrictions on wall roughness.
manual. Procedures should emphasize the most critical
A comprehensive instruction manual need not steps and should indicate pitfalls to be avoided.
and should not be complicated: if it is, it will rarely (The user should recognize that, although the
be read. However, it should contain at least the manufacturer can suggest installation proce-
following: dures, those procedures should be planned to
suit the specific site geotechnical conditions,
well in advance of scheduled installation dates.
Purpose of Instrument
Planning guidelines are given in Chapter 4.)
• Parameter measured. • Statement of all factors that should be recorded
• Applications. during installation for later use during data

evaluation. (These factors, as discussed in Data Processing, Presentation, and Interpretation

Chapter 17, will be included on the installation Procedures
record sheet.)
• Data calculation sheet.
• Step-by-step calculation procedure, including
Maintenance Procedure
an instruction manual for any computer pro-
• Regular maintenance procedures, with illustra- gram supplied by the manufacturer.
tions, including any appropriate disassembly • Sample data calculation.
instructions. • Alternative methods of plotting data.
• Cleaning, drying, and lubricating instructions. • Sample data plots.
• Battery service and charging instructions, if re- • Notes on data interpretation.
• Frequency of required maintenance.
• Recommended spare parts list, including con- 5.4.1 0. Shipment and Delivery
sumables. Delivery dates should be specified, or suppliers
• List of part numbers and manufacturers of should be required to state the time for delivery. If
standard parts to facilitate local procurement lead time is short and installations are to be made at
by user. several different times, a schedule of partial ship-
• Troubleshooting guide, with appropriate illus- ments and dates should be prepared. The method of
trations, including a list of failure indications shipment can be specified, or manufacturers can be
and probable cause and corrective action re- given freedom to ship at their own option to meet
quirements for each listed failure. the specified delivery dates. Specifications should
• Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of indicate whether freight charges should be prepaid.
instrument service representatives. Unless specified otherwise, the manufacturer's
responsibility for the instruments ends when they
have been delivered to the carrier for shipment.
Data Collection Procedure Therefore, the specification should indicate require-
• Step-by-step procedure for equipment set-up ments for insurance against loss and damage in
and turn-on. transit. Standard transit insurance often requires
• Functional explanation of each connector and notice of damage within a relatively short period
control. after delivery; thus, the user should make a careful
• Cautions pertaining to personnel and equip- inspection before this time has expired.
• Statement of procedure for obtaining initial 5.4.11. Instrument Operating Principles
reading, with appropriate illustrations.
This is the first section of the specification under the
• Statement of procedure for obtaining readings
heading, Part 2. Instrument Details, requiring word-
subsequent to initial reading.
ing under separate subheadings for each instru-
• Statement of construction or environmental ment.
factors that might cause changes in the mea- A general description of each system and its
sured data. (Users should recognize that, al- components should be given. The operating princi-
though the manufacturer can suggest these fac- ple should be stated, and general characteristics of
tors, specific procedures should be planned for the transducer, readout unit, and communication
recording factors that may influence measured system should be defined.
data, well in advance of instrument installation.
Planning guidelines are given in Chapter 4.)
• List of equipment and tools required during 5.4.12. Component Specifications
reading. The general approach to specification of compo-
• Field data sheet. nents will depend on the selection of specifying
• Sample completed field data sheet. method. With this in mind, the general criteria given

in Section 4.9 for selecting instruments should be 5.4.17. Spare Parts

reviewed. Component specifications should for-
Spare parts may be required either to replace com-
malize decisions made while systematically plan-
ponents damaged during installation or to replace
ning the monitoring program: instrument range, ac-
accessible malfunctioning components during oper-
ceptable uncertainty, conformance requirements,
ation. A listing of appropriate spare parts should
and method of verifying reading correctness. If non-
be made and included in the procurement specifica-
standard instruments or components are required,
detail design may be necessary at this stage.
Provision should be made for spare or standby
Manufacturers' price lists are often very helpful
readout units, for use in case of malfunction. Op-
when identifying and specifying components that
tions are procurement of a spare unit, arrangement
make up an instrumentation system. The product
with the manufacturer for rental of a spare unit if
literature may not convey clearly the need for each
needed, and a standby equipment lease. A standby
component, but component listings in price lists will
equipment lease entails making arrangements with
usually do so, and a study of these lists will help to
the manufacturer for a spare unit to be held in readi-
avoid omission of an essential component.
ness at the factory, to be called on if needed. The
manufacturer will generally charge either a lump
5.4.13. Compatibility with Other Instruments sum or a monthly amount for holding the equip-
ment. If the spare is in fact called on, payment will
A newly procured instrument may be used in con-
either be covered by the lease, or an additional pay-
junction with previously procured instruments. For
ment will be made. However, the standby equip-
example, a new inclinometer probe may be required
ment lease procedure is not available from all in-
for use in existing inclinometer casing, or additional
strument manufacturers. Some prefer to rent spare
strain gages may be required for use with a previ-
items and allow some or all of the rental cost to
ously purchased readout unit. In these cases, care
apply to a later purchase. A readout unit may also
must be taken to specify the features required for
be available at short notice on a temporary basis
mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, and/or electrical
from another user whose current day-to-day needs
are low.

5.4.14. Physical Size Limitations

5.4.18. Measurement and Payment
Physical size limitations of each component should
be defined. Components may have to fit in a certain When instruments are procured as part of a con-
diameter or length of borehole, or terminal size may struction contract, a measurement and payment
be limited by terminal enclosure dimensions. Physi- specification section is required. Instrument pro-
cal size and weight of readout instruments are often curement should be measured and paid for on a unit
limited to permit easy carrying. price basis rather than a lump sum, to allow for
changes in quantities as work proceeds. The unit
price schedule should contain sufficient items so
5.4.15. Submittal of Samples
that major component prices are defined. For ex-
The specification may require submittal of a sample ample, when requiring piezometers with attached
instrument or instruments for testing, in which case tubing, either the length of tubing should be speci-
the characteristics to be tested and a submittal fied for each piezometer, or a separate unit price
schedule should be indicated. item should be provided for tubing. When requiring
multipoint fixed borehole extensometers, either the
distances between each anchor and the head should
5.4.16. Installation Tools and Materials
be specified, or a separate unit price item should be
As described in Chapter 4, written installation pro- provided for heads, anchors, and connecting link-
cedures should include a listing of required tools age.
and materials. The tools and materials should either A special effort should be made to ensure that a
be included in the instrument procurement specifi- unit price pay item is included for every specified
cation or be procured separately. requirement. If payment for a specified requirement

is deemed to be included in the price bid for a par- invoices and will be reimbursed in accordance
ticular item (e.g., if payment for factory calibra- with those invoices, plus the specified (or bid)
tion is deemed to be included in the unit price markup. If the actual total cost of instruments
for a diaphragm piezometer), this should be stated is more or less than the allowance, the con-
clearly. tract price will be adjusted to the actual ap-
If instruments are to be procured by use of the proved amount.
assigned subcontract approach, clear wording is re-
quired to define quantities, payment, and markup. Payment for procurement of instruments is often
The following wording is suitable: combined with payment for installation by using
several furnish and install unit price items in the
Payment for procurement of instruments will bid. Measurement and payment recommendations
be made under allowance item no. _ __ for this case are given in Chapter 6.
The Owner's Representative will determine
instrument descriptions, sources, quantities,
5.4.19. Checklist for Specification Content
and prices and will provide this information to
the Contractor. The Contractor shall place or- Appendix B contains a checklist for content of
ders with assigned instrument suppliers within specifications for procurement of instruments. Use
three working days after receipt of instruc- of the checklist will help ensure completeness.
tions from the Owner's Representative. The However, each individual specification may require
Contractor shall submit copies of suppliers' only some of this content.


Field instrumentation services include installation, 6.1. GOALS OF CONTRACTUAL

regular calibration and maintenance, and data col- ARRANGEMENTS
lection, processing, presentation, and interpreta-
tion. Selection of personnel responsible for field The primary goals of contractual arrangements for
services may govern the success or failure of a mon- field instrumentation services are (1) to ensure high-
itoring program. Even if the program has been quality work at acceptable cost to the owner, (2) to
planned in a complete and systematic way and ap- create a cooperative working relationship between
propriate instruments have been procured, mea- specialty intsrumentation personnel and the con-
sured data may not be reliable unless field personnel struction contractor, and (3) to permit flexibility to
perform high-quality work. Geotechnical instru- accommodate changes during progress of the work.
mentation field work should not be considered a Flexibility is needed because unforeseen factors are
routine item of construction work, because success- often revealed during construction, requiring a
ful measurements require extreme dedication to change of instrument types and/or locations.
detail throughout all phases of the work. Specifica-
tions should be clear, concise, complete, and cor-
rect (Watson, 1964). 6.2. DEFINITION OF TERMS
When planning the monitoring program in accor-
dance with guidelines given in Chapter 4, an assign- Definitions of terms used in the discussion on con-
ment of tasks will have been made. Contractual ar- tractual arrangements are given below.
rangements for each field task are discussed in this
chapter, and justifications are given for task assign- 6.2.1. Support Work
ments recommended in Chapter 4. Tasks that are within the capability of the average
construction contractor are considered support

6.2.2. Biddable Support Work

*Written with the assistance of Robert E. Vansant, Black & Support work of a production nature, for example,
Veatch, Kansas City, MO. production drilling, protection from damage, and


furnishing and installing simple instruments such as plant and equipment are normally based on rental
settlement platforms, is considered biddable sup- rates accepted by the industry. Payment rates for
port work. Support work that can be bid by the materials are based on actual cost, supported by
hour, for example, drill rig and crew to assist during receipts. The construction contactor is normally al-
instrument installation, is also considered biddable lowed a specified or agreed markup on all payment
support work. rates. If force account work is performed by a sub-
contractor, both the construction contractor and
subcontractor are normally allowed a markup.
6.2.3. Nonbiddable Support Work
Support work that will be controlled by the owner's 6.2.6. Assigned Subcontract
instrumentation schedules or procedures, for ex-
ample, access for reading; support work that is not For an assigned subcontract, the owner negotiates
defined at the time of bid, for example, revised in- the purchase and assigns the contract to the con-
strumentation owing to geologic conditions re- struction contractor for administration. Payment is
vealed during construction; and contractor's assis- made on the basis of actual work done, and the cost
tance that will be needed on an as required basis, is included in the total bid price. A line item in the
for example, assistance of tradespeople, are all con- bid schedule is designated as an allowance item and
sidered nonbiddable support work. appropriate wording entered in the description col-
umn to define the work category. The owner's cost
estimate is included in the bid schedule. After con-
6.2.4. Specialist Work tract award, the construction contractor is in-
All instrumentation tasks outside the capability of structed to enter into a subcontract with the as-
the average construction contractor are considered signed subcontractor, and payment is made to the
specialist work. subcontractor via the construction contractor under
the allowance item. The contractor's monthly pay-
ment requests to the owner are supported by includ-
6.2.5. Force Account and Contingency Allowance ing copies of subcontractor invoices.
Force account is a method of payment to the con- There are two circumstances in which assigned
struction contractor for work additional to the subcontracts are expedient in geotechnical in-
specified work, whereby reimbursement is on a strumentation specifications:
time and materials basis. The cost of force account
work may be included in the total bid price by add- 1. For Procurement of Instruments. When in-
ing a contingency allowance in the contract. A line struments are procured through the construc-
item in the bid schedule is identified as a contin- tion contractor (Chapter 5), the assigned sub-
gency allowance, and the owner's cost estimate is contractor approach can be used to allow the
entered in the amount column. Because the work is owner or design consultant to retain control
not specified, a single contingency allowance can be over selection of equipment and basis for de-
used for many items of work. The cost of force termining price. The item description will be
account work is sometimes not included in the total Furnish instruments. The owner specifies
bid price, in which case there must be a separate that, after contract award, the owner's repre-
contingency fund. sentative will determine instrument descrip-
The contingency allowance procedure can also tions, sources, quantities, and prices and will
be used to pay for nonbiddable support work, in provide this information to the contractor.
which case the item description in the bid schedule The contractor is then required to place or-
will be Instrumentation support work and the spec- ders, within a specified time period, and the
ification will indicate the work included and the instrument suppliers become assigned sub-
method of establishing payment rates, which are contractors.
normally the same as force account rates. 2. For Specialist Field Work. When specialist
Payment rates for labor are normally based on field work is to be performed by specialist per-
wage rates actually paid by the contractor, plus di- sonnel selected by the owner, the cost can be
rect payroll overhead such as social security, unem- included in the total bid price by use of the
ployment, and pension funds. Payment rates for assigned subcontractor approach. The item

description will be Provide services of spe- should include sections on procurement of instru-
cialty field instrumentation personnel. The ments, as described in Chapter 5.
owner specifies that, after contract award, the
contractor will be instructed to enter into a
subcontract with an organization selected by 6.3.3. Method 3. Bid Items in Construction
the owner and agreeable to the contractor, Contract, with Prequalification
and the organization becomes an assigned Contractual arrangements are similar to the preced-
subcontractor. ing method, and all instrument installation work is
bid. However, the specification includes a require-
Payment to the construction contractor can be at ment that all installation work shall be performed
actual cost without markup, but this inhibits the under the direct supervision of suitably qualified
contractor's willingness to cooperate and is not rec- personnel. Qualification requirements are discussed
ommended. A markup for overhead and profit can in Section 6.6.5.
be specified, in which case the cost estimate entered
by the owner in the bid schedule will be the marked
up amount. Alternatively, bidders can be invited to 6.3.4. Method 4. Instrumentation Specialist
bid a markup, in which case bidders will enter the Selected by and Contracting with Owner
percent markup in the bid schedule and extend the Specialist work is performed by an instrumentation
marked up estimate to the amount column. specialist under contract to the owner, the design
The owner's estimate should not be regarded as a consultant, or the construction manager. The owner
not to exceed figure, and the contract price should or design consultant determines which tasks are
be increased by change order if needed. within the capability of the average construction
contractor and designates these as support work.
The remainder of the instrument installation tasks
6.3. CONTRACTUAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR are designated as specialist work, and the owner or
INSTRUMENT INSTALLATION design consultant selects personnel to perform spe-
cialist work, in accordance with appropriate parts of
Five basic contractual arrangements for installing the following recommendations given in the pro-
instruments are described below. Recommenda- posed new text of ASCE Manual No. 45 (ASCE,
tions are given in Section 6.3.6. 1987). In this extract, consulting engineers refers to
instrumentation specialists:

6.3.1. Method 1. Specialist Installation Work 1. By invitation or by public notice, state the gen-
by Owner's Personnel eral nature of the project and services required
and request statements of qualifications and ex-
The owner's personnel perform all specialist work, perience from consulting engineers who appear
sometimes using their own equipment such as drill to be capable of meeting the project require-
rigs, and support work is performed by the con- ments ....
struction contractor. Biddable support work is bid, 2. Evaluate the statements of qualifications re-
and nonbiddable support work is paid for at force ceived. Select at least three consulting en-
account rates under a contingency allowance. gineers that appear to be best qualified for the
specific project. ...
3. Write a letter to each consulting engineer, de-
6.3.2. Method 2. Bid Items in Construction scribing the proposed project in as much detail
Contract, without Prequalification as possible, including a scope of work and out-
All instrument installation work is included in the line of services required, and asking for a pro-
posal describing in detail the consulting en-
construction contract, usually specified as furnish
gineer's plan for managing and performing the
and install, and bid on a unit price or lump sum required work, the personnel to be assigned,
basis. No qualification requirements for specialist the proposed work schedule, experience in
personnel are included, and no distinction is made similar work, and other appropriate informa-
between specialist and support work. If the work is tion such as office location in which work is to
specified as furnish and install, the specification be performed, financial standing, present work-

load, and references. Each selected firm should 10. When agreement has been reached on scope of
have an opportunity to visit the site, review all work, schedule and compensation the client
pertinent data, and obtain clarification of any and selected consulting engineer should for-
items as required. malize their agreement in a written contract. . . .
4. On receipt of proposals, invite the firms to
meet individually with the selection committee
for interviews and discussions of the desired Qualification guidelines are given in Section
end results of the project and the engineering 6.6.5. If the owner has had satisfactory experience
services required. During each interview, the with one or more instrumentation specialists in the
selection committee should review the qualifi- past, it may not be necessary to follow all the above
cations and experience of each firm, its capabil- steps. In fact, as discussed in Chapter 5 for procure-
ity to complete the work within the time al- ment of instruments, a sole source approach may be
lotted, and the specific key personnel to be used, both by private and public agencies. Perlman
assigned to the project; and should be satisfied
(1985) indicates that in 1982 more than half of pro-
that each firm understands the scope and re-
quirements of the project. curement dollars spent by the U.S. government to
acquire goods and services were spent on sole
5. Check carefully with recent clients of each firm
to determine the quality of their performance. source contracts.
This check should not be limited only to refer- The contract will be for specialist work only, and
ences specified by the consulting engineer. payment provisions will normally be on a time and
6. List the firms in the order of preference, again materials basis. Contracts and charges for engineer-
taking into account their reputation, experi- ing services are also discussed in ASCE Manual
ence, financial standing, size, personnel avail- No. 45 (ASCE, 1987).
able, quality of references, workload, location, Support work is performed by the construction
and any other factors peculiar to the project contractor. As for Method 1, biddable support work
being considered. is bid, and nonbiddable support work is paid for at
7. Invite the consulting engineer considered to be force account rates under a contingency allowance.
best qualified to appear for a second interview
to discuss the project and agree on a detailed
scope of work and work products, the sched-
ule, and negotiate fair compensation for the 6.3.5. Method 5. Instrumentation Specialist
work and services. Selected by Owner and Contractor, and
8. The compensation proposed by the consulting Contracting with Contractor as an Assigned
engineer should be evaluated on the basis of Subcontractor
the client's previous experience, taking ac-
Specialist work is performed by an instrumentation
count of the range of charges reported by other
users of engineering services, ... giving con- specialist under contract to the construction con-
sideration to the project's special characteris- tractor. As with Method 4, the owner or design con-
tics and the scope of services agreed upon. Fair sultant determines which tasks are support work
and reasonable compensation to the consulting and which are specialist work. After the construc-
engineer is vital to the success of the project to tion contract is awarded, the owner and contractor
enable the expertise of the consulting engineer mutually select an instrumentation specialist in the
to be fully utilized. following manner. The owner supplies a list of suit-
9. If satisfactory agreement is not reached with able instrumentation specialists to the contractor.
the first consulting engineer, the negotiations From this list the contractor selects and submits the
should be terminated and the consulting en- names of three specialists. The owner finally selects
gineer notified in writing to that effect. An in- an instrumentation specialist from this short list,
terview should then follow with the second following the qualification guidelines given in Sec-
firm; and failing an accord, the third should be
tion 6.6.5 and the selection procedures described in
called in for negotiations. Such a procedure
will usually result in development of a satisfac- ASCE Manual No. 45 (ASCE, 1987) and Section
tory contract. All such negotiations should be 6.3.4. The owner negotiates a time and materials
on a strictly confidential basis, and in no case payment method with the selected instrumentation
should the compensation discussed with one specialist, who then becomes an assigned subcon-
consulting engineer be disclosed to another. tractor.

Support work is performed by the construction Section 6.6. 7, this concern is generally unfounded.
contractor and paid for in the same way as Method Guertin and Flanagan (1979) used Method 5 for a
4. major tunnel project in Rochester, New York, and
comment that the day-to-day operations during the
monitoring program proceeded smoothly with a
6.3.6. Recommended Contractual Arrangements minimum of conflict between the instrumentation
for Installing Instruments specialist, design consultant, construction contrac-
tor, and owner. A spirit of common purpose existed
The major advantages and limitations of the five
during the project that, the writers believe, would
arrangements are given in Table 6.1.
not have developed as readily under a different con-
Method 2 can be used for simple installations
tractual arrangement. Where space limitations are
that can be considered as normal construction
severe (and they are particularly severe during tun-
items, such as settlement platforms, but should
nel construction), the construction contractor and
never be used for more complex installations.
instrumentation specialist must have a cooperative
Method 3 should be used only when owner regula-
working relationship so that instrument installation
tions require use of the low-bid method because
schedules and access needs can be coordinated with
even with prequalification requirements, construc-
construction needs. In these cases Method 5 is most
tion contractors will generally shop for the lowest
price, with risk of subcontractor cost cutting and suitable.
possible invalid measurement data. Use of Method
3 entails a very comprehensive specification ad-
dressing all issues discussed in Section 6.6. 6.4. CONTRACTUAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR
Methods 1, 4, and 5 are all satisfactory, the selec- REGULAR CALIBRATION AND MAINTENANCE
tion depending on factors specific to each project.
Methods 1 and 4 sometimes raise concerns about Contractual arrangements for regular calibration
adversary relationships between owner's and con- and maintenance should preferably follow Method
struction contractor's personnel, but in practice 1, 4, or 5. If Method 3 is used, procedures, sched-
cooperation can normally be achieved by following ules, and personnel qualifications should be
the suggestions given in Section 6.6. 7. defined. Use of Method 2 entails a similar speci-
Use of Method 1 is supported by a major U.S. fication, but without personnel qualifications. How-
public agency. In its manual on instrumentation for ever, Method 2 should be used only for very simple
concrete structures, the U.S. Army Corps of En- calibration and maintenance.
gineers (Corps of Engineers, 1980) states:

The general policy of the Chief of Engineers is to 6.5. CONTRACTUAL ARRANGEMENTS

perform all civil works by contract unless it is in the FOR DATA COLLECTION, PROCESSING,
best interest of the United States to accomplish the
work by Government forces. However, the special-
ized nature of instrumentation facilities and the
care required in the preparation, calibration, and
placement oftest apparatus demands that these fea- Contractual arrangements for data collection, pro-
tures of work be retained under close operational cessing, and presentation should preferably follow
control of the Corps of Engineers. In view of these Method 1, 4, or 5. If Method 3 is used, the pay item
conditions ... , utilization of Government person- unit should be data set or man-hour with clear
nel to accomplish certain phases of the fabrication definition of procedures and personnel qualifica-
and installation work, such as embedment of instru- tions. Use of Method 2 entails a similar specifica-
ments and splicing of cables, is recommended. tion, but without personnel qualifications. How-
ever, Method 2 should be used only for very simple
Method 5 sometimes raises concerns about pro- data collection, processing, and presentation.
fessionalism on the part of the instrumentation spe- Data interpretation and reporting must be the di-
cialist, who has negotiated with the owner but con- rect responsibility of the owner or the owner's rep-
tracted with the construction contractor. However, resentative; therefore, Methods 2 and 3 are not suit-
in practice, again by following the suggestions in able.
Table 6.1. Advantages and Limitations of Various Contractual Arrangements for Instrumentation Installation"

Method Advantages Limitations

l. Specialist installation work by Owner has direct control over cost Potential problems with contractor coop-
owner's personnel and quality eration if instrumentation work inter-
Flexible to accommodate changes feres with other work, but see Section
Owner must plan for workload well in
Assumes owner has necessary in-house
Cannot always be financed by construc-
tion funds
2. Bid items in construction con- Installation costs will usually be Generally, contractor will shop for low-
tract, without prequalification low est price subcontractor, with risk of
Financed by construction funds lowest quality and invalid measure-
ment data
Requires strong and experienced supervi-
sion by owner's representative
Not flexible to accommodate changes
3. Bid items in construction con- Installation costs will usually be Generally, contractor will shop for low-
tract, with prequalification low est price "qualified" subcontractor,
Excludes inexperienced instrumen- with risk of subcontractor having in-
tation subcontractors adequate price, cutting corners, and
Financed by construction funds thus invalid measurement data
Often difficult to substantiate desire to
reject questionably qualified subcon-
Usually requires strong and experienced
supervision by owner's representative
Not flexible to accommodate changes
4. Instrumentation specialist se- Owner has direct control over cost Potential problems with contractor coop-
lected by and contracting with and quality eration if instrumentation work inter-
owner Flexible to accommodate changes feres with other work, but see Section
Instrumentation specialist can, if 6.6.7
retained early enough, assist Cannot always be financed by construc-
with design of monitoring pro- tion funds
gram Requires some effort by owner to select
5. Instrumentation specialist se- Owner has direct control over cost Selection is made after award of con-
lected by owner and contrac- and, via the owner's representa- struction contract: instrumentation
tor, and contracting with con- tive, quality specialist therefore cannot assist with
tractor as an assigned Facilitates cooperation and design of monitoring program
subcontractor scheduling with contractor Assumes "professionalism" on part of
Flexible to accommodate changes instrumentation specialist, who has ne-
Financed by construction funds gotiated with the owner but contracted
with the construction contractor, but
see Section 6.6.7
Requires some effort by owner to select
Not permitted under some public agency
aMethod 2 should be used only for simple installations that can be considered as normal construction items. Methods I, 4, and 5 are
more likely to result in valid measurement data than Method 3.


6.6. CONTENT OF SPECIFICATIONS FOR FIELD afford to take this risk. Unless you must, don't use
INSTRUMENTATION SERVICES the low-bid procedure! The author regrets very much
the need to write such a lengthy section as Section
Depending on selection among the five methods for 6.6.: the length is necessary only because the low-bid
instrument installation, regular calibration and procedure continues to be used. Its use creates
maintenance, and data collection, processing, pre- lengthy specifications that appear out of proportion
sentation, and interpretation, the specification for to other parts of the specifications, and the author
field instrumentation services should address some believes that its use is not in the best interests of the
or all of the requirements discussed in this section. owner.
It is not intended that all specifications should ad-
dress all these requirements but, if Method 2 or 3
6.6.1. Purpose of Instrumentation Program
has been selected for any task, extra care must be
taken to write a comprehensive specification and all Many construction contractors view instrumenta-
relevant requirements should be specified. tion as an interference with their normal construc-
The specification for field instrumentation ser- tion work. However, if contractors are aware of a
vices will sometimes be combined with a specifi- clear purpose for an instrumentation program, their
cation for procurement of instruments, following willingness to cooperate is likely to be increased.
the recommendations given in Chapter 5. Therefore, specifications should include a brief
The specification will often be written with four statement of purpose, of the parameters monitored
main headings. The first heading, Part 1. General, by each instrument, and of how the data will be
will include wording relating to the overall ap- used. More detailed statements on use of data
proach, as described in Sections 6.6.1-6.6. 7. The should be included under the heading Implementa-
second heading, Part 2. Products, will include word- tion of Data (see Section 6.6.15).
ing relating to materials, including procured instru-
ments, as described in Section 6.6.8 and part of
6.6.2. Division of Responsibilities
Section 6.6.9. The third heading, Part 3. Execution,
will include detailed wording related to the field As described in Chapter 4, the division of respon-
work, as described in Sections 6.6.9-6.6.18. The sibilities among owner, design consultant, instru-
fourth heading, Part 4. Measurement and Payment, mentation specialist, and construction contractor
will include content as described in Section 6.6.19. will have been determined during the planning
Technical information for the specification phase. Specifications should include a clear state-
should be provided by geotechnical engineers work- ment of the work items for which the construction
ing on the project design, and these same engineers contractor is responsible and the work items to be
may draft the technical specification, following undertaken by others.
guidelines given in this chapter. However, the final
specification should be reviewed by an experienced
6.6.3. Specification Method
specification writer. A review by an instrumenta-
tion specialist may also be necessary. The specifi- The specification should indicate which of the five
cation should also be reviewed by personnel famil- contractual arrangements has been selected for
iar with the General Conditions and other sections each field task. Table 6.2 summarizes the recom-
of the technical specifications, to ensure consis- mendations made earlier in this chapter. For
tency. Methods 1, 4, and 5, a clear definition should also
Before enumerating the items that should be con- be made of which tasks are specialist work and
sidered when writing specifications for field instru- which are support work.
mentation services, the author will reiterate a key If a contingency allowance or an assigned sub-
point. When the low-bid procedure is used, even contract procedure is being used, a brief definition
when prequalification requirements are included, should be given, based on appropriate parts of Sec-
construction contractors will generally shop for the tions 6.2.5 and 6.2.6, and the relevant work items
lowest price, with risk of subcontractor cost cutting should be listed. A more detailed specification
and possible invalid measurement data. An en- should be included under the heading Measurement
gineer who has a serious need for valid data cannot and Payment (see Section 6.6.19).

Table 6.2. Summary of Recommendations for Specifying Field Instrumentation Services

Task 2 3 4 5
Installation, regular calibration Satisfactory Only very simple Less satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory
and maintenance, and data instrumentation than Methods
collection, processing, and 1, 4, and 5
Data interpretation and report- Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory

6.6.4. Related Work Specified Elsewhere struments shall be supervised by a representative of

the manufacturer. If instrumentation field work re-
A listing should be made of related work that is
quires combining a knowledge of an instrument
specified elsewhere, for example, dewatering, sup-
with a knowledge of appropriate geotechnical con-
port of excavation, and other work items that are
ditions, it will usually be necessary to involve a
affected by implementation of instrumentation data.
geotechnical engineer having comprehensive experi-
Section numbers of related parts of the specification
ence with the selected instrument.
should be given.
Qualification wording should address require-
ments for the firm responsible for field instrumenta-
6.6.5. Qualifications of Specialist Field tion services and also for the individuals who will be
Instrumentation Personnel directly performing the field work. The specification
will usually require the demonstration of certain
Successful operation of an instrumentation program
specific previous experience. All specialist field in-
requires a special effort. Reliability and patience,
strumentation personnel should be subject to the
perseverance, a background in the fundamentals of
owner's approval.
geotechnical engineering, mechanical and electrical
When specification Method 3 is used, if in-
ability, attention to detail, and a high degree of
strumentation work is the primary part of the con-
motivation are the _basic requirements for qualities
struction contract, qualifications will usually be re-
needed in instrumentation personnel.
quired with the bid, and attention will normally be
If the safety of the project depends on the mea-
drawn to this requirement both in the invitation to
surements, then the requirements for reliable per-
bid and at the prebid conference when one is held.
sonnel are doubly important. Personnel must also
If instrumentation work is not the primary part of
be flexible and ingenious to adapt to constantly
the construction contract, qualifications will be re-
changing situations. In selecting personnel to per-
quired within a certain period after award. For ex-
form or supervise field work, consulting firms with
ample, the following wording may be appropriate
special expertise in geotechnical instrumentation
for an instrumentation program of substantial size,
should be considered. Geotechnical consulting
but which is not the primary part of the construction
~rms ar~ listed in various professional magazines,
~~ the dtrectory of the American Consulting En-
gmeers Council,* and in the membership list of the
Installation of piezometers and inclinometers
Association of Soil and Foundation Engineers. t
shall be under the full-time supervision of a
Some instrumentation manufacturers do not main-
geotechnical engineering consulting firm with
tain a staff of experienced geotechnical engineers
previous experience in installing similar in-
and field technicians; therefore, caution should be
struments. The two senior individuals who
exercised in specifying that installation of the in-
will actually be performing the supervision
shall be a qualified Geotechnical Instrumenta-
* 101515th Street, N.W., Suite 802, Washington, DC 20005. tion Engineer and a qualified Field Supervisor.
t8811 Colesville Road, Suite G106, Silver Spring, MD 20910. The Geotechnical Instrumentation Engineer

shall be a registered professional engineer 6.6.7. Cooperation Between Construction

with a minimum of a Master of Science degree Contractor and Owner's Specialist Field
in geotechnical engineering. The Geotechnical Instrumentation Personnel
Instrumentation Engineer shall have at least 4
When Method 1 or 4 is used, a cooperative working
years experience in geotechnical engineering
relationship between the construction contractor
and geotechnical instrumentation and shall
and the owner's field personnel is essential. The
have direct field experience in the installation
specification should convey that extreme attention
of geotechnical instruments including piezom-
to detail is necessary and should include a general
eters and inclinometers. The Geotechnical In-
requirement for the contractor's cooperation. How-
strumentation Engineer shall prepare detailed
ever, if the contractor has no economic incentive to
written procedures for installation of each
cooperate, it can be difficult to enforce such re-
type of instrument, shall personally supervise
quirements, and the owner's field personnel should
the installation of at least the first two instru-
make a special effort to establish a cooperative rela-
ments of each type, shall review and sign all
tionship. The best way of establishing such a rela-
submittals, shall instruct the installation crews
tionship is for instrumentation personnel to initiate
regarding installation procedures, and shall be
thorough communication with all levels of the con-
available for consultation with the crews at all
tractor's personnel several weeks or months before
times. All geotechnical instruments shall be
anything has to be accomplished physically in the
installed under the full-time field supervision
field. The instrumentation personnel should meet
of the Field Supervisor, who shall have a
with the contractor's engineers and supervisors to
minimum of a Bachelor of Science degree in
explain what will be done, why it must be done and
civil engineering or geology, and at least 2
what will be required of the contractor. They should
years field experience in the drilling and log-
prepare sketches to forewarn the contractor of the
ging of soil and rock borings. The firm, the
impact on normal construction work, provide lists
Geotechnical Instrumentation Engineer, and
of materials that will be required for support work
and be willing to adjust their own plans to creat~
the Field Supervisor shall be subject to the
approval of the Authority. The firm's name
minimum interference to the contractor's work. In
and individuals' names shall be submitted to
short, mutual respect can usually be established
the Authority for approval no later than 120
by thorough communication, dispelling the adver-
days prior to installing the first piezometer or
sary relationship that sometimes arises between
inclinometer. The submission shall include a
architect-engineers and construction contractors.
statement of past similar experience of the
Having established this respect, instrumentation
firm and the individuals.
personnel should maintain the contractor's respect
by performing top-quality work, be responsive to
6.6.6. Submittals During Construction the effects of the program on the contractor and
work with the contractor to minimize any ad~erse
If details of any work items are to be determined by
the construction contractor or subcontractor draw-
When Method 5 is used, the specification should
ings and procedures should be submitted 'to the
also include a general requirement for the contrac-
owner for approval, a specified time period prior to
~or's cooperation. Concerns related to professional-
commencing that work in the field. Sufficient time
Ism on the part of the instrumentation specialist,
should be allowed for suppliers' lead times and for
who has negotiated with the owner but contracted
one or more resubmittals in the event that the first
wit~ the construction contractor, can usually be
submittal is not approved. Such a requirement
nullified by establishing mutual respect as suggested
creates a contractual commitment to plan the work
well in advance and gives the owner an opportunity
for timely review. Submittals may include detailed
step-by-step installation procedures with a listing of
6.6.8. Procurement of Instruments
materials and equipment, logs of installation activi-
ties, and procedures for any other tasks assigned to This is the first section of the specification under the
the construction contractor (Table 4.2). heading, Part 2. Products.

If instruments are to be procured under a sepa- provided) should also be specified in detail. Non-
rate contract and provided to the construction con- biddable support work that is to be paid for under
tractor for installation, the specification for field in- a contingency allowance should be described but
strumentation services should include a full listing need not be specified in detail.
of all instruments, spare parts, tools, and associated If the owner will be responsible for specialist
materials that will be provided. The construction work (specification Method 1 or 4), scheduling of
contractor's understanding and therefore coopera- support work should be under the control of the
tion will be increased by including a brief descrip- owner, and the following wording is appropriate:
tion of instrument operating principles and physical
sizes. Information should be included on factory The Contractor's instrument-related support
calibration and quality assurance, checking and work shall be scheduled with the Owner.
testing by the owner on first receipt (acceptance These work items shall not be conducted or
tests), warranties, shipment and delivery arrange- paid for unless the Owner's Representative is
ments, schedules and insurances, and procedures present.
for handing over to and checking by the construc-
tion contractor. These last procedures must ensure
6.6.1 0. Locations of Instruments
that the contractor accepts responsibility for the
condition of the instruments at the time of handing The exact location of instruments should usually be
over. determined in the field, when geologic details and
If instrument procurement is included in the construction procedures are defined more closely
same specification as field instrumentation services, than during the design phase. The specification
the Chapter 5 guidelines should be followed. In this should state that the owner's representative will in-
case a special effort should be made to include in dicate the final locations, orientations, depths, and
the plans and specifications the required quantities number of instruments in the field and will confer
of instruments, communication systems, readout with the contractor as to the suitability of all loca-
units, and terminals. All too often this information tions. The approximate locations of instruments,
is unclear, and a tabular listing would resolve the communication systems, and terminals should be
difficulty. shown on the contract plans, but a note should be
The specification will normally require the con- added to indicate that they are approximate and
struction contractor to provide clean, dry, secure subject to change. The contractor should be re-
storage space for instruments, including require- quired to perform a record survey of all instrument
ments for size, windows, doors, benches, furniture, locations to define the vertical and lateral positions
tools, power outlets, lighting, heating, air condition- of the exposed parts, and the required measurement
ing, locks, completion date, and ownership at the accuracy should be specified.
end of the construction period.
6.6.11. Installation of Instruments
6.6.9. Support Work
The five basic contractual arrangements for install-
Typical support work items are listed in Table 6.3. ing instruments are described in Section 6.3. Instal-
The first two items relate to products and will be lation will normally require both specialist and sup-
included under the heading Part 2. Products. The port work.
remaining items relate to execution and will be in- If Method 2 or 3 has been selected, comprehen-
cluded under the heading Part 3. Execution. sive step-by-step installation procedures should be
Each biddable support work item should be specified, and details should be included on the con-
specified in sufficient detail, either in this section or tract plans. The procedures will be abbreviated ver-
in later sections, so that bidders can understand re- sions of the procedures described in Chapter 17,
quirements and bid an appropriate amount. Use of retaining key items for enforcement by the owner's
the term as directed by the Owner's Representative representative. The wording installation proce-
is strongly discouraged: if the owner is unable to dures shall be in accordance with the manufactur-
specify a work item, how can bidders be expected er's recommendations is applicable only if the
to prepare a bid for the item? Support work speci- manufacturer's procedures are first reviewed, in or-
fied as incidental (i.e., when no separate pay item is der to ensure that they are complete and applicable
Table 6.3. Typical Support Work Items

U sua! Category
Item Nonbiddable Biddable Usual Bid Unit
Take delivery of instruments procured
under a separate contract
• Lump sum

Furnish simple components and instru-

ments such as settlement platforms
• Each

Check instruments procured under a sepa-

rate contract
• Lump sum (usually combined with the first
item in this table)
Install simple instruments such as settle-
ment platforms
• Each (usually combined with the second
item in this table)
Provide storage space for instruments • Month or lump sum
Obtain permits for drilling • None: incidental work item
Production drilling • Linear foot
Drilling or grouting as directed by the
• Hour

Drill rig and crew to assist during instru-

ment installation
• Hour

Standby of drill rig and crew • Hour

Excavation of trenches, backfilling and
compaction for instrument tubes
• Linear foot or cubic yard

Tradespeople to assist owner on as needed

basis, e.g., cutting, welding, fabrication
• None: force account or contingency allow-
Use of air, water, and electrical power
• None: incidental work item

Hoisting and transportation equipment to

move instruments
• None: incidental work item, force account,
or contingency allowance
Protection from damage • None: incidental work item
Optical survey work to lay out instruments
and to record location
• None: incidental work item

Access for installation or reading by owner • None: incidental work item, force account,
or contingency allowance
Make initial instrument readings jointly
with the owner's representative
• None: incidental work item

Optical survey work to read instrumentsa • Each, data set, hour, or lump sum
Provide information to owner on construc-
tion events and progress that may in-
• None: incidental work item

fluence measured data

Revised instrumentation due to geologic
conditions revealed during construction
• None: force account or contingency allow-
Remove or salvage instruments or restore
surface or subsurface
• None: incidental work item

aBut data are usually more reliable if optical survey measurements are made as specialist work.


to the specific site geotechnical conditions. The The sections describing installation of each in-
contractor should be required to submit detailed strument will usually include maximum and min-
step-by-step installation procedures to the owner imum borehole or casing diameter, tolerance on
for review, a specified time period prior to com- borehole alignment, and sampling frequency. Speci-
mencing field installation work. The contractor fications for soil borings will include acceptability of
should also be required to submit logs of installation drilling without casing and acceptability of using
activities for inclusion on installation record sheets. hollow-stem augers or drilling mud. Where grout is
A listing of items to be recorded is given in Section to be used, the mix for each instrument should be
17.10. Installation schedules should be specified, in- specified.
cluding a deadline for instruments to be operational, If practicable, acceptance tests should be speci-
normally in relation to a construction activity. If fied to verify that installations have been completed
instruments are to be installed as geologic or con- satisfactorily. For example, falling and rising head
struction conditions indicate, the contractor should tests can be made in open standpipe and twin-tube
be required to complete installations within a cer- hydraulic piezometers, groove tracking tests and
tain fixed time after being notified by the owner's spiral survey measurements can be made in in-
representative. Any work restrictions, such as dis- clinometer casings, and rod sliding tests can be
posal of surplus grout, should also be specified. made in fixed borehole extensometers equipped
If Method 1, 4, or 5 has been selected, installa- with a disconnect between rod and anchor. Re-
tion procedures should also be specified, but in less peatability should be examined by taking several in-
detail. strument readings.
If instrument installation requires drilling in soil
or rock, drilling requirements will usually be speci-
6.6.12. Regular Calibration and Maintenance
fied in a separate section. However, when using site
investigation drilling specifications as a basis for Recommendations for specifying regular calibration
wording, care should be taken to tailor the wording, and maintenance are given in Section 6.4.
recognizing that the primary purpose is instrument Use of Method 3 requires specifying personnel
installation rather than sampling and definition of qualifications, as well as procedures and schedules
stratigraphy. The separate drilling section will usu- following the guidelines in Chapter 16. Method 2
ally include requirements for drilling equipment, requires a similar specification, but without person-
soil boring and sampling methods, rock drilling and nel qualifications. If Method 5 has been selected, a
coring methods, drilling fluid, drilling records, sam- similar specification is required, but in less detail,
ple containers, sample storage and submittal. The since detailed requirements will be addressed in
following wording is often applicable in the general the subcontract. No specification is necessary if
drilling section: Method 1 or 4 is used.

Whenever withdrawing drill casing during in-

6.6.13. Data Collection, Processing,
strument installation, care shall be taken to
and Presentation
minimize the increments and rate of casing
withdrawal so that collapse of the borehole Recommendations for specifying data collection,
does not occur and to ensure that backfill ma- processing, and presentation are given in Section
terial does not build up inside the casing such 6.5.
that the instrument is lifted as the casing is Use of Method 3 requires specifying personnel
withdrawn. The casing shall be withdrawn qualifications and procedures following the guide-
without rotation. The casing may be omitted lines in Chapter 18, including the format and sched-
only where permitted in accordance with ule for submission of data to the owner's represen-
specifications herein describing installation of tative. If the construction contractor is responsible
each instrument, and where it can be shown to for any data collection, for example, optical survey
the satisfaction of the Engineer that instru- work, the required accuracy should be specified.
ment installation without the casing will not Reading frequency should preferably be as directed
cause collapse of the borehole or in any way by the owner's representative-thus necessitating a
adversely affect instrument installation. data set or man-hour pay item unit. If reading fre-

quency must be specified, the start, termination, lected by the Contractor shall be made avail-
and frequency should be defined. For example, able to the Engineer within one working day of
daily may or may not include nonworking days and reading. The Owner is not responsible for
will normally terminate in relation to construction guaranteeing the safety of the work based on
activity. However, such specifications do not allow the instrumentation data. The Contractor shall
flexibility to collect data when it is most beneficial not disclose instrumentation data to third par-
to do so and should therefore be avoided wherever ties and shall not publish data without prior
possible. approval of the Owner.
Use of Method 2 requires a specification similar
to Method 3, but without personnel qualifications.
6.6.15. Implementation of Data
Method 5 also requires a specification similar to
Method 3, but in less detail, since detailed require- Data interpretation and reporting must be the direct
ments will be addressed in the subcontract. No responsibility ofthe owner or the owner's represen-
specification for regular data collection, processing, tative; therefore, Method 1, 4, or 5 must be used.
and presentation is necessary if Method 1 or 4 is If instrumentation is used to provide benefits
used. during construction (Chapter 3), the specification
To avoid the possibility of disputed measure- should include clear statements defining how the
ments of change, the contractor and owner's repre- data will be used and what action will be taken. If
sentative should jointly make initial readings and observations are to be used to control construction
agree on appropriate values. The method and schedules or quality of work, these requirements
schedule should be specified for each instrument. should also be clearly specified. If remedial action
has been devised to solve problems that may be
disclosed by observations (Chapter 4), the con-
6.6.14. Availability of Data
struction contractor should be forewarned of the
If the owner is responsible for reading instruments, actions. If hazard warning levels have been as-
the data should be made available to the construc- signed, the action for each level should be indi-
tion contractor. The specification should state cated. Contractual responsibility for initiating reme-
whether raw or interpreted data will be made avail- dial action and the method of forewarning all parties
able and on what schedule. Care should be taken to should be stated.
ensure that construction contractors are not re- Great care should be taken to ensure that this
lieved of their responsibility to ensure safety. The section of the specifications is consistent with all
following wording is usually appropriate: other sections of the specifications.

Raw data will be made available to the Con-

6.6.16. Delay to Construction
trator within one working day of reading. The
Contractor may observe the readings at any If Method 1 or 4 is used for any task and if the
time or take supplementary readings at no ad- owner's instrumentation work is likely to delay con-
ditional cost to the Owner. The Owner's Rep- struction progress, the specification should provide
resentative will interpret the data and make for appropriate payment. The following wording
interpretations available to the Contractor as can be used:
soon as practicable. The Contractor is ex-
pected to make his own interpretations of the The Owner will schedule to minimize
data for his own purposes. Furthermore, the interference with the Contractor's operations.
Contractor shall install, monitor, and interpret Delays of up to hours per for
data from additional instrumentation that the a total of hours should be anticipated.
Contractor deems necessary to ensure the No additional payment will be made to the
safety of the work. Raw data collected by Contractor for such delays.
the Contractor, whether from specified instru-
ments or from additional instruments of the Delay estimates should be conservative, because
same type, shall be taken in the same manner field instrumentation work often takes longer than
as adopted by the Engineer. All raw data col- expected. Alternatively, delay compensation can be

paid in accordance with actual delay. An hourly bid and dispose of protruding parts below the finished
item can be included for delay to construction, or an surface, grout the open casing or tubing and restore
hourly rate can be stipulated in the contract. How- the surface. Sometimes instruments such as load
ever, this is not applicable where a delay can upset cells and vibrating wire strain gages can be sal-
an entire construction cycle, as is often the case vaged, overhauled, recalibrated, and reused. Porta-
with tunnel construction, and in such cases the ble instruments and readout units will often be reus-
problem should be avoided by using Method 5. able. If the instruments are to be used for long-term
measurements, the specification should require
them to be overhauled to first class condition and to
6.6.17. Damage to Instrumentation
have permanent protection and access provisions.
Installed instruments are usually prone to damage
by construction activities. The specification should
6.6.19. Measurement and Payment
include requirements for protection and should indi-
cate the responsibility of the construction contrac- Measurement and payment should be specified, in
tor in the event of damage. accordance with recommendations given earlier in
If the contractor installs and damages instru- this chapter. The work should be measured and
ments, repair or replacement should be required at paid for on a unit price basis rather than a lump sum
no additional cost to the owner, and timeliness basis, to allow for changes in quantities as work
should be specified. The owner's representative proceeds. Great care should be taken to ensure
should be the sole judge of whether repair or re- that, for every work item specified for the construc-
placement is required. If data are vital, a work stop- tion contractor, there is either a pay item or a state-
page within a specified distance of the damaged in- ment that the item will be considered incidental for
struments may be appropriate, until instruments are payment purposes.
operational. If repair or replacement is not possible, There should be no ambiguity in the method of
payment for that installation can be negated. In- measurement: for example, if an instrument is to be
creased incentive to avoid damage can be created installed near the end of a borehole, and measure-
by imposing an additional financial penalty. How- ment of drilling and installation is by the linear foot,
ever, the owner will normally lose needed data and the specification should indicate whether measure-
therefore should make every effort during the plan- ment will be made to the specified instrument loca-
ning phase to select measurement methods with tion or to the actual end of the borehole.
minimum damage potential. If the construction con- When payment for procurement of instruments is
tractor damages instruments installed by the owner, combined with payment for installation, by using
some of the same specification provisions can be several furnish and install unit price items in the
included, and the owner's costs can be deducted bid, special care must be taken to satisfy the re-
from payments to the contractor. However, devel- quirements of Section 5.4.18 for definition of major
opment of mutual respect and cooperation (Section component prices. For example, a single expensive
6.6. 7) is usually more productive than penalty readout unit should be included in a separate bid
clauses. item, so that a change in the quantity of installed
In general, the owner's representative must exer- instruments can be accommodated under the fur-
cise good judgment in deciding whether damage nish and install item.
was avoidable by the contractor or was due to con- Each pay item should be clarified by using a clear
ditions beyond the contractor's control. statement to define the work included. For ex-
ample, the introductory part of the measurement
and payment section might include the following
6.6.18. Disposition of Instruments
The specification should define who will own porta-
ble or recoverable components at the end of the The contract prices for furnishing and install-
construction period. If not required for long-term ing each instrument shall be full compensation
monitoring, instruments such as inclinometer cas- for all materials, labor, tools, and equipment
ing, borehole extensometers, and piezometers are necessary for submittals, furnishing all materi-
usually abandoned in place, and the specification als for installation, drilling, sampling, with-
should require the construction contractor to cut off drawing casing, installation, acceptance test-

ing, protection, replacement or repair of any how payment will be made, including provisions for
instruments damaged as a result of the Con- a markup. The following wording is suitable:
tractor's operation and/or vandalism, initial
readings, restoration of surface and subsur-
Payment for specialist geotechnical instru-
face, providing access to the Engineer for
mentation work will be made under allowance
reading, and all other specified items of work
item no. . After contract award the
for which no separate bid item is provided, all
Owner's Representative will select a specialist
to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
organization, acceptable to the Contractor, to
perform specialist work, and will instruct the
For a bid item per linear foot for Furnish and Install
Contractor to enter into a subcontract with
Piezometers, the specification might state:
that organization, which will then become an
assigned subcontractor. The Contractor shall
Measurement will be based on the total num-
submit copies of the subcontractor's invoices
ber of linear feet of drilling. Payment will be
and will be reimbursed in accordance with
based on the unit price per linear foot for fur-
those invoices plus the specified (or bid)
nish and install piezometers as stated in the
markup. Measurement will be in accordance
with the units included in the subcontract. If
the actual total cost of the work is more or less
If a data-set unit is used for any instrument read-
than the allowance, the contract price will be
ings, the unit must be defined.
adjusted to the actual approved amount.
If nonbiddable support work is to be paid for
under a contingency allowance, the specification
should indicate which are the applicable work items
6.6.20. Checklist for Specification Content
and how payment rates for labor, plant, equipment,
and materials will be determined, including provi- Appendix C contains a checklist for content of
sions for a markup. specifications for field instrumentation services.
If an assigned subcontract procedure has been Use of the checklist will help ensure completeness.
used for specialist work, the specification should However, each individual specification may require
indicate which are the applicable work items and only some of this content.
Part 3

Monitoring Methods

Part 3 is addressed to people who are involved in the details of instrumentation

use. The primary emphasis is on a presentation of various monitoring methods, in-
cluding comparative information and recommendations for selection among the
The first two chapters are applicable to all monitoring methods. Chapter 7
defines the meaning of terms associated with measurement uncertainty, examines
the various types of error that can affect a measurement, and suggests how they
may be eliminated. Chapter 8 provides a description of various mechanical, hy-
draulic, pneumatic, and electrical transducers and communication and data acquisi-
tion systems that are used with geotechnical instrumentation.
Chapters 9-14 describe instruments for monitoring six parameters: groundwater
pressure, total stress in soil, stress change in rock, deformation, load and strain in
structural members, and temperature. Each chapter includes a categorization of
available instruments and a brief indication of applications. Monitoring methods
are described and compared, and guidelines are given for selection and use. In
many cases the comparisons are summarized by listing advantages and limitations
in tabular form. The comparative data in each of these tables are with respect to
other entries in the same table and are generally qualitative rather than quantita-
tive. Significant emphasis is given in Chapters 9-14 to installation of instruments
and to appropriate aspects of calibration and data collection and processing.


Instrumentation is used for making measurements, 7.2. ACCURACY

and every measurement involves error and uncer-
tainty. The purpose of this chapter is to define the Accuracy is the closeness of approach of a mea-
meaning of terms associated with uncertainty, to surement to the true value of the quantity mea-
examine the various types of error that can affect a sured. Accuracy is synonymous with degree of cor-
measurement, and to suggest how they may be min- rectness. Accuracy of an instrument is evaluated
imized. during calibration, when the true value is the value
indicated by an instrument whose accuracy is
verified and traceable to an accepted standard. In
7.1. CONFORMANCE the United States, traceability should be, wherever
possible, to the National Bureau of Standards. It is
Ideally, the presence of a measuring instrument customary to express accuracy as a ± number. An
should not alter the value of the parameter being accuracy of ± 1 mm means that the measured value
measured. If in fact the instrument alters the value, is within 1 mm of the true value, and an accuracy of
it is said to have poor conformance. For example, ± 1% means that the measured value is within 1% of
fixed borehole extensometers and any surrounding the true value. However, an accuracy of ± 1% full
grout should be sufficiently deformable so that de- scale (FS) indicates a lesser accuracy, because the
formation of the soil or rock is not inhibited, and percentage applies to the full scale of the indicator
embedment earth pressure cells should ideally have rather than the measured value.
the same deformability characteristics as the soil in When selecting an instrument with appropriate
which they are placed. In addition, the act of drill- accuracy, the entire system must be considered, in-
ing a borehole or compacting fill around an instru- cluding accuracy of each component and each
ment should not result in a significantly different source of error. Errors are discussed in Section 7. 9.
condition within the geologic material. Thus, pi-
ezometers should not create drainage paths that
would reduce the measured pore water pressure be-
low the value elsewhere. Conformance is a desir-
Precision is the closeness of approach of each of a
able ingredient of high accuracy.
number of similar measurements to the arithmetic
mean. Precision is synonymous with reproducibility
*Written with the assistance of RalphS. Carson, Professor of and repeatability. It is customary to express preci-
Electrical Engineering, University of Missouri-Rolla, MO, and sion as a ± number. The number of significant
J. Barrie Sellers, President, Geokon, Inc., Lebanon, NH. figures quoted for a measurement reflects the preci-


Precise but not Not precise but Precise as well

accurate average is accurate as accurate

Figure 7 .1. Accuracy and precision.

sion of the measurement; thus, ± 1.00 indicates a

higher precision than ± 1.0. Conversely, a recorded
Actual value
measurement should reflect the precision of the in-
strument used. The fact that an instrument yields a Figure 7.2. Linearity.
measurement to three significant figures is no assur-
ance that it is accurate to ± 0.1, and it is pointless
to attempt to obtain a reading to three significant 7.6. LINEARITY
figures from an instrument known to be accurate to
only ± 10%. An instrument is said to be linear when its indicated
The difference between accuracy and precision measured values are directly proportional to the
is illustrated in Figure 7 .1. The bull' s eye represents quantity being measured. As illustrated in Figure
the true value. In the first case the measurements 7.2, the graphic relationship between indicated and
are precise but not accurate, as would occur when actual value is often slightly curved, owing to in-
using a survey tape with a bad kink or a pressure strument limitations. If a straight line is drawn on
gage with a zero shift. Such errors are systematic. this plot such that the widest gap between straight
In the second case the measurements lack preci- line and curve is a minimum, the gap is a measure of
sion but, if sufficient readings are taken, the aver- linearity. Thus, a linearity of 1% FS means that the
age will be accurate. Such errors are random. In maximum error incurred by assuming a linear cali-
the third case the measurements are both precise bration factor will be 1% of the full-scale reading.
and accurate.

When the quantity being measured is subjected to
Resolution is the smallest division on the instru-
cyclic change, the indicated measured value some-
ment readout scale. In some cases it may be possi-
times depends on whether the measurement is in-
ble and convenient to interpolate between divisions
creasing or decreasing. If the two relationships are
on the readout scale, but interpolation is subjective
plotted as shown in Figure 7.3, the separation be-
and does not increase the resolution of the instru-
tween the two curves is a measure of hysteresis.
ment. The resolution for a digital display is one digit
Hysteresis is commonly caused by friction or back-
of change in the last digit.
lash and occurs, for example, in hydraulic jacks as


Sensitivity refers to the amount of output response

that an instrument or transducer produces when an .,
input quantity is applied to it. For example, the sen- ::J
sitivity of a linear variable differential transformer ""0

(L VDT) used to monitor displacement across a rock e

joint might be given as 1000 millivolts per inch (m VI ""0
in.). When the same amount of input is applied to
several instruments or transducers, the one whose
sensitivity is the highest produces the most output.
High sensitivity does not imply high accuracy or Actual value

precision. Figure 7.3. Hysteresis.


load is increased and decreased while proof testing to accuracy. Errors arise from many causes, de-
tieback anchors. Instruments with large hysteresis scribed below and summarized in Table 7 .1.
are not suitable for measurement of rapidly chang- Gross errors are caused by carelessness, fatigue,
ing parameters. and inexperience. They include misreading, misre-
cording, computational errors, failure to operate the
readout instrument correctly, incorrect installation,
7.8. NOISE improper electrical connections, and wrong switch
positions. Gross errors are avoidable and can be
Noise is a term used to cover random measurement minimized by taking duplicate readings, using more
variations caused by external factors, creating lack than one observer, checking present readings
of precision and accuracy. Excessive noise in a sys- against previous readings, and insisting on proper
tem may mask small real changes. Radio frequency care and training.
(RF) interference from high-voltage sources and TV Systematic errors are caused by improper cali-
or radio transmitters is an example of an external bration, by alteration of calibration with time such
factor that creates noise. that readings are consistently high or low, and also
by hysteresis and nonlinearity. The first data set in
Figure 7 .I shows systematic error. These errors can
7.9. ERROR be minimized by periodic recalibration and by
checking readings against "standards" and "no-
Error is the deviation between the measured value load" gages kept in the laboratory or in the field. If
and the true value; thus, it is mathematically equal readings on standards or no-load gages change, cor-

Table 7.1. Causes and Remedies of Measurement Error

Type of Error Causes Remedies
Gross error Inexperience Care
Misreading Training
Misrecording Duplicate readings
Computational error Dual observers
Checking against previous readings
Systematic error Improper calibration Use of correct calibration
Loss of calibration Recalibration
Hysteresis Use of standards
Nonlinearity Use of consistent reading procedures
Conformance error Inappropriate installation details Select appropriate instrument
Instrument design limitations Modify installation procedure
Improve instrument design
Environmental error Weather Record environmental changes and apply correc-
Temperature tions
Vibration Make correct choice of instrument materials
Observational error Variation between observers Training
Use of automatic data acquisition systems
Sampling error Variability in the measured parameter Install a sufficient number of instruments at repre-
Incorrect sampling techniques sentative locations
Random error Noise Correct choice of instrument
Friction Temporary elimination of noise
Environmental effects Multiple readings
Statistical analysis
Murphy's law If something can go wrong, it will None-any attempt to remedy the situation will
only make things worse

rection factors can be applied. Errors caused by riodic refresher courses on readout procedures.
hysteresis can sometimes be minimized by operat- Use of automatic data acquisition systems will pre-
ing an indicator such that a measurement is always vent observational errors.
decreasing or always increasing. Linearity errors Sampling errors are common when making mea-
can be minimized by using the correct calibration. surements of geotechnical parameters, because of
Conformance errors are caused by poor selec- inherent variability in the geologic materials. Cor-
tion of installation procedures and by limitations in rect measurements made at one location may not be
the instrument design. They can be avoided by use representative of overall behavior. Sampling errors
of correct installation procedures and by ensuring are minimized by installing a sufficient number of
that the instrument design is appropriate for the ap- instruments at representative locations.
plication. Even when errors are recognized and remedied,
Environmental errors arise because of the in- readings will still show variation due to random er-
fluence of heat, humidity, vibration, shock waves, ror. The second data set in Figure 7.1 shows ran-
moisture, pressure, corrosion, and so on. Two ap- dom error. These errors are caused by noise, inter-
proaches are possible for minimizing environmental nal friction, hysteresis, and environmental effects.
errors: first, by measuring the extent of the in- They can be minimized by correct choice of instru-
fluence, such as temperature, and applying suitable ment and by multiple readings and can be treated
correction factors; and second, by choosing an in- mathematically using statistical analyses, so that
strument that is not adversely affected by the envi- measurements are presented as average values with
ronment. Environmental conditions should always a standard deviation and confidence limits. How-
be recorded when data are collected, because they ever, average values should be used with caution,
may correlate with real changes in measured quan- because extreme values may in fact be true and may
tities. indicate a critical situation. As an example, a per-
Observational errors arise when different ob- son standing with one foot in boiling water and one
servers use different observation techniques. They foot in ice water might, on the basis of the average
are minimized by regular training sessions and pe- water temperature, be said to be comfortable.


Most geotechnical instruments consist of a trans- fixed borehole extensometers, mechanical strain
ducer, a data acquisition system, and a communi- gages, and mechanical load cells.
cation system between the two. A transducer is a
device that converts a physical change into a
8.1.1. Dial Indicator
corresponding output signal. Data acquisition sys-
tems range from simple portable readout units to A dial indicator is used to convert the linear move-
complex automatic systems. This chapter provides ment of a spring-loaded plunger to larger and more
a description of various mechanical, hydraulic, visible movement of a pointer that rotates above a
pneumatic, and electrical transducers and com- dial. Mechanical parts include a rack and pinion and
munication and data acquisition systems that are gear train.
used with geotechnical instrumentation. Accuracies are generally ± 0.001 in. ( ± 0.025
Many geotechnical instruments are not required mm) or ±0.0001 in. (±0.0025 mm), with typical
to survive longer than the construction period. ranges up to 2 in. (50 mm). Special long-range dial
However, many are required to survive as long as indicators can be obtained, with ranges up to 12 in.
practicable, for example, for monitoring long-term (300 mm). Dial indicators are somewhat fragile and
performance of embankment dams. Factors that in- susceptible to the effect of dirt entering the gear
fluence the selection of transducer and communica- train but, because they are mass produced for many
tion and data acquisition systems, when they are industrial purposes, they are inexpensive and can
required to survive as long as practicable, are dis- often be considered expendable. Sealed and water-
cussed in this chapter. proof versions are available, with rubber bellows
around the plunger where it exits from the indicator
body. Others are oil-filled, also with rubber bel-
8.1. MECHANICAL INSTRUMENTS lows, and are preferable for long-term applications
and for use in adverse environments.
The two mechanical devices used most frequently
in geotechnical instrumentation are dial indicators
8.1.2. Micrometer
and micrometers. Although dial indicators are more
common, both can be used in mechanical crack Rotation of a finely threaded plunger causes the
gages, convergence gages, mechanical tiltmeters, plunger to travel in or out of a housing. Longitudi-


nal movement of the plunger is measured, using a Dial

scale on the housing, to indicate the number of rev-

olutions of the plunger. Fractional revolutions are
determined using graduations marked around the
plunger and a vernier on the housing.
Accuracies are limited to about ± 0.001 in.
( ±0.025 mm), because the reading is sensitive to
the force applied to the plunger as it is rotated to
touch the reference point. Good quality microme-
ters incorporate a simple clutch to minimize this
effect. By changing the length of the plunger, the
range of a micrometer can readily be extended to 6 Mechanical
in. (150 mm). Verniers can be difficult to read , and
micrometers are now available with digital counters
that greatly ease the reading task. Micrometers are
more robust than dial indicators and thus are often
favored for portable use when they are not built into
a protective housing, for example, when used to
read fixed borehole extensometers.


Figure 8.1. Bourdon tube pressure gage (courtesy of Dresser In-
dustries, Newtown, CT).
The two hydraulic devices used most frequently
in geotechnical instrumentation to measure liquid
pressure are Bourdon tube pressure gages and ma-
nometers. Bourdon tube pressure gages are more accuracy is usually expressed as percentage of full-
common and are used with hydraulic piezometers, scale reading, not as percentage of gage reading.
hydraulic load cells, borehole pressure cells, and Thus, in selecting an appropriate range for a Bour-
in some readout units for pneumatic transducers. don gage, an unnecessarily high range should be
Manometers are sometimes used with twin-tube avoided.
hydraulic piezometers and liquid level settlement For long-term permanent installations, Bourdon
gages. gages must be of high quality, without risk of gal-
vanic corrosion. The primary long-term application
is in terminal enclosures for twin-tube hydraulic
8.2.1. Bourdon Tube Pressure Gage
piezometers, and recommendations for gage selec-
A Bourdon tube is made by flattening a metal tion are given in Appendix E.
tube and coiling it into a C-shaped configuration.
When the tube is pressurized internally , the flat-
8.2.2. Manometer
tened cross section expands , causing the tube to
straighten. The uncoiling motion is transmitted via a A manometer is formed by a Liquid-filled U-tube. A
mechanical linkage to a pointer that rotates over a pressure on one side of the U-tube is balanced by an
circular scale, as shown in Figure 8.1. equal pressure on the other side.
Typical accuracy is ± 0.5% full scale (FS) for Figure 8.2 shows pressure readings using an
commonly used gages with 4 or 6 in. (100 or 150 open-ended tube, a Bourdon tube pressure gage,
mm) dial sizes, but ± 0.1 % FS " test quaHty" gages and a mercury manometer. Manometers have been
are available. Caution should be used in relying on used extensively for long-term monitoring of pore
the accuracy of ± 0.5% FS gages, because when water pressure in embankment dams with twin-tube
checked with a dead-weight tester these gages hydraulic piezometers where adequate headroom is
sometimes do not meet specification. The author available in the terminal enclosure. They are also
recommends use of ±0.25% FS gages when ± 0.5% useful for measuring very small positive or negative
FS accuracy is required. It should be noted that pressures and are easily calibrated. Manometers

Open-ended Bourdon Mercury

tube gage manometer

gage reads
(A-B) -yw

pressure -
= A-yw Water

'Yw = density of water

= density of mercury

When using Bourdon gage, water pressure =gage reading+ B-yw

When using mercury manometer, water pressure = (D- ChH 9 + C-yw

Figure 8.2. Schematic of hydraulic measuring devices.

have greater longevity than most Bourdon tube Discontinuity in Liquid

pressure gages.
The source of greatest potential error is discon-
tinuity of liquid in supposedly liquid-filled tubes. A
2 in. (50 mm) long gas bubble in the vertical segment
8.2.3. Liquid-Filled Tubes for Hydraulic
of a tube will cause a reading error equivalent to 2
in. (50 mm) of liquid head. A single large gas bubble
Twin-tube hydraulic piezometers and liquid level in the horizontal segment of a tube is of no conse-
settlement gages incorporate liquid-filled tubes as quence, but in practice it may migrate to a nonhori-
an essential part of the pressure measuring system. zontal part of the tube and cause an error.
In these systems the pressure difference between Penman (1978) reports on findings by Jamin that
the liquid surfaces at opposite ends of a tube is as- a small tube can effectively be blocked if it contains
sumed to bear a known relationship to the elevation a sufficient number of gas/water interfaces. At each
difference, via an assumed or measured density of gas/water meniscus, surface tension causes the gas
liquid. The three primary causes of error that have bubbles to be at a slightly higher pressure than the
long plagued this measurement method appear to be water, as in unsaturated soil (Figure 2.8). When
discontinuity in the liquid, liquid density changes pressure is applied at one end of the tube to cause
caused by temperature variation, and surface ten- flow, the gas/water menisci yield to the attempted
sion effects. Each is discussed in tum, after which direction of flow, thereby opposing the flow. To
recommendations are given for tubing material and achieve flow, the applied pressure must be in-
diameter, tubing fittings, liquid, and routing of creased sufficiently. As an example of this effect,
liquid-filled tubes. about 1000 gas bubbles in an otherwise liquid-filled

tube (or 1000 water drops in an otherwise gas-tilled

tube) of 0.11 in. (3 mm) inside diameter will resist an
applied pressure of 15 lb/in.2 (100 kPa). Dissolved
gas is also a major source of corrosion to metallic
components. There is therefore ample evidence that
all possible sources of gas should be eliminated
from Liquid-titled tubes. Gas can enter the system
and form bubbles from three sources: dissolved gas
in the liquid , diffusion through the tubing itself, and
through the ends of the tubing.
When water is exposed to the atmosphere for an
adequate length of time, it becomes saturated with
air gases and thereafter acts somewhat as a sponge.
Nitrogen and oxygen are absorbed when tempera-
ture decreases and are expelled when the tempera-
ture rises. When fully saturated with air, at room
temperature and sea level, water contains approxi-
mately 10 parts per million of dissolved oxygen Figure 8.3. Boilers for preparation of de-aired water (courtesy of
(ppm DO) by weight, equivalent to approximately Geotechnical Instruments (U.K.) Ltd., Leamington Spa, England).
2% of air gases (oxygen and nitrogen) by volume.
DO terminology is generally accepted as a method
of specifying dissolved gas levels in water. Unless tation (e.g., Figure 8.3). The boiler is normally
water is specifically indicated as de-aired (the word operated for about 4 hours and the liquid allowed to
"de-aired" is used in this book to describe a liquid cool overnight. Dyer (1986) made tests to determine
from which dissolved gases have been removed), it the effectiveness of this method on water that had
should be assumed to be saturated with gas. Com- initially been saturated by bubbling air for 2 hours,
mercially available bottled distilled and drinking with a result of 0.5 ppm DO (0.1% air). The method
waters are generally saturated with gas. may not be suitable for liquids other than water if
Many soil mechanics laboratories have ' 'home- their properties are affected by boiling.
made" de-airing systems for use in preparing water Second, the Nold DeAerator'.. can be used. The
for permeability and triaxial testing. These systems apparatus, shown in Figure 8.4, consists of a sealed
generally operate either by boiling water under a tank, electric motor, impeller, and electric vacuum
vacuum or by spraying water through a column to pump or water-powered aspirator for obtaining the
which a vacuum is applied and usually reduce the necessary vacuum, which is applied to the space
dissolved air gas content to between 2 and 5 ppm above the liquid. The phenomena of cavitation and
DO (0.4 and 1% air). The effectiveness of de-airing nucleation generate an ultrahigh vacuum that va-
systems can be tested with a DO test kit, but mea- porizes dissolved gases and volatile Liquids. Cen-
surements will be misleading if the liquid was ini- trifugal force directs the released vapors outward ,
tially saturated with gases other than oxygen. If a where they bubble up to the partially evacuated
DO kit is to be used, air should be bubbled through space above the Liquid surface. From there the
the Liquid for about half an hour before de-airing, to gases are withdrawn through the aspirator or vac-
ensure initial saturation with air rather than with uum pump to the atmosphere. Six Liters of water
other gases. can be reduced from air saturation to less than
For liquids in twin-tube hydraulic piezometers 0.5 ppm DO (0. I% air) in 4 minutes running time
and liquid level settlement gages, dissolved gas con- without use of beat and to less than 0.05 ppm DO
tent should preferably be reduced to less than I ppm (0.01% air) in 15 minutes. This apparatus is suitable
DO (0.2% air); otherwise, frequent flushing may be for de-airing antifreeze liquids as well as water. An
required to ensure continuity of liquid. Two types automatic version is available for continuous prepa-
of equipment are commercially available for prepar- ration of de-aired liquid .
ing suitable liquid. When transferring de-aired liquid from either a
First, gas and electric boilers are supplied by boiler or the DeAerator to the instrument tubes or
several manufacturers of geotechnical instrumen- to other vessels, agitation must be avoided to pre-

hydraulic piezometers are installed in unsaturated

fills, they must incorporate high air entry filters
(Section 9.11). The ends of twin-tube hydraulic
piezometer tubes will be connected in the terminal
enclosure either to Bourdon gages or manometers,
and gas-tight tubing fittings and valves should be
used. Liquid level settlement gages are usually
sealed at one end but open to the atmosphere at the
readout end, and arrangements must be made to
close this end when readings are not being taken , to
avoid reabsorbing air.

Liquid Density Changes Caused by Temperature

When the temperature of a liquid is increased, it
expands and its density is reduced. Therefore, a
temperature change in a nonhorizontal part of tub-
ing will cause a reading error if the density variation
is not taken into account. The error is unlikely to be
significant for twin-tube hydraulic piezometer read-
ings, but it is of great concern for liquid level settle-
ment gages, which depend on the accurate measure-
ment of small pressure changes. One solution is to
measure temperature at various points along the
tubing and apply a correction , but this is normally
impracticable. Thus, a goal is selection of a liquid
with the least coefficient of thermal expansion, but
Figure 8.4. Nold DeAerator"' (courtesy of Walter Nold Com- this may be in conflict with the need for a low freez-
pany, Inc., Natick, MA). ing point, desirable density, and chemical compati-
bility with tubing.
As can be seen from Figure 8.5, of the aqueous
vent reintroduction of air, and careless decanting solutions typically used in liquid level settlement
gages, water has the least coefficient of thermal ex-
can easiJ y increase the DO content by I ppm or
pansion and therefore introduces the least thermal
more. Transfer of de-aired liquid from one vessel to
error. The coefficient of thermal expansion in-
another is best done by evacuating the receiving
creases with increasing ethylene glycol content;
vessel. De-aired liquid can be stored and trans-
thus, unnecessarily high concentrations s hould be
ported either in a steel boiler (Figure 8.3) or in glass
avoided. As an example of the error magnitude, if
(not plastic) bottles with rubber stoppers; the con-
the temperature of a 50% ethylene glycol and water
tainer must be full. A convenient Pressurized De-
mix rises from - 10°C to + 20°C over a 4 ft (1.2 m)
Aired Water Containment System is available from
vertical height of liquid, an error of about 0.7 in. (18
the manufacturer of the DeAerator for transporting
de-aired liquid, at up to 70 lb/in. 2 (480 kPa) , to in- mm) will be introduced into a settlement measure-
strument terminals in the field without reabsorbing ment. The error increases with increase in height
air. The system is described in Appendix E. of the liquid column affected by the temperature
Reabsorption of air must be minimized after the change. Attention is drawn to the unusual freezing
point curve, shown in Figure 8.5, for high concen-
tubes are filled with liquid. This may be accom-
trations of ethylene glycol.
plished by appropriate selection of tubing and by
inhibiting air entry at tubing ends. Recommenda-
Surface Tension Effects
tions for selection of tubing are given later in this
section. Inhibition of gas entry at tubing ends de- A decrease in surface tension will decrease the time
pends on the type of instrument. When twin-tube required for equilibrium in a liquid-filled tube and

Degrees Centigrade
-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 so so 70 80 nylon 11 with a polyurethane sheath also appears to
1.15oo 'I I __ I jl
be a good choice. Polyethylene with a polyvinyl-
1.1400 - FR~Eli~G ~UR~E f-f-- -+-1-++-f-+-+--t- --- -- --- 9.5 choloride (PVC) sheath appears to be satisfactory
11300' ~ from the standpoint of minimizing permeability to
liquid and gas, but there is evidence that when com-
pression fittings are attached to polyethylene tub-
ing, the polyethylene creeps at the compression
sleeve and long-term sealing is uncertain. The inner
tube should therefore be unplasticized nylon 11.
Nylon 66 (trade name type H) is not a suitable
choice because of its water absorption characteris-
tics. Saran tubing deteriorates with time and with
exposure to sunlight and should never be used.
Because nylon tends to absorb water and also to
leach gas until it becomes saturated with water, one
or two flushes are usually required before the liquid-
filled tubes can be fully commissioned.

Recommendations for Tubing Diameter

All tubing diameters referred to in this section are
-40 -20 20 40 60 80
Temperature, Degrees Fahrenheit
100 120 140 160 180 inside diameters, -because the inside diameter im-
pacts on the behavior of fluid within the tubing. The
Figure 8.5. Densities of aqueous solutions of ethylene glycol at reader is cautioned about the possible confusion:
various temperatures (after Dow, 1981 ).
industry standards use the outside diameter when
referring to tubing sizes. The inside diameter of
liquid-filled tubes depends on the application, but
guidelines on upper and lower limits can be given.
thus will tend to increase measurement accuracy.
When using water and aqueous solutions, 0.25
Water has a higher surface tension than typically
in. (6 mm) appears to be the largest inside diameter
used antifreeze mixes, but surface tension can be
from which gas bubbles can readily be displaced
reduced to an acceptable level by adding a wetting
during flushing. A lower limit results both from the
agent, as discussed later in this section.
need to avoid the Jamin effect described earlier in
this section and the need to reach equilibrium
Recommendations for Tubing Material
within an acceptable time. Penman et al. (1975) indi-
Certain plastics are permeable to liquids but im- cate that, when using the overflow type of liquid
permeable to gas; others exhibit the converse. level gage (Section 12.10) in dams, a 0.1 in. (2.5
Tests reported by Penman (1960) indicate that mm) inside diameter water-filled tube could require
polyethylene is permeable to air and that nylon ab- more than half an hour to reach acceptable equilib-
sorbs water, thereby causing loss of water by evap- rium. Poiseuille's equation for laminar flow in pipes
oration. When filled with de-aired liquid under pres- shows that the time required for a given degree of
sure and exposed to the atmosphere or to gas in equalization varies inversely as the fourth power of
unsaturated soil, the permeability of tubing to both the pipe diameter. By using a tube of0.25 in. (6 mm)
liquid and gas must be minimized. inside diameter, the 99.9% equilibrium time was re-
Unplasticized nylon 11 with a polyethylene duced to under 1 minute.
(polythene) sheath is generally accepted as the tub- For liquid level settlement gages with aqueous
ing of choice for use with twin-tube hydraulic solutions, 0.25 in. (6 mm) inside diameter appears to
piezometer systems when making long-term mea- be a good choice for the liquid-filled tubes. This
surements in embankment dams and is a good diameter is strongly recommended if any movement
choice in most other cases. There is more than one of the liquid column occurs at the time of reading,
type of nylon 11, and a specification for the appro- caused, for example, by deformation of a bladder or
priate type is given in Appendix E. Unplasticized diaphragm. If no such movement occurs, 0.17 in.

(4.3 mm) inside diameter appears to be suitable. For twin-tube hydraulic piezometers, antifreeze
When using mercury in liquid level settlement solutions should not be used since they tend to plug
gages, an inside diameter between 0.07 and 0.2 in. piezometer filters and appear to have generated os-
(2-5 mm) appears to be satisfactory. However, a motic pressures. Tubes should be installed below
general caution about use of mercury is appropri- the frost line and terminal enclosure temperatures
ate. In the United States, mercury is considered to should be maintained above freezing. Tap or well
be a hazardous material, and environmental restric- water may be polluted and should not be used. In
tions prevent its use in many applications. In addi- the author's view the preferred liquid is filtered dis-
tion, if mercury remains in plastic tubing in the long tilled water, produced by steam distillation. The
term, there is evidence that it can leach gas from the water should be de-aired to reduce the dissolved gas
tubing and create discontinuities in the mercury. content to less than 1 ppm DO. A wetting agent
Also, oxidation can cause contamination and block- should be added and, for long-term applications, a
age of the tubing. bacterial inhibitor should also be added to minimize
For twin-tube hydraulic piezometers, the need organic growth-two practices are in common use.
for rapid equilibrium is less critical, and an inside First, quaternary ammonium compound (QAC)* is
diameter between 0.1 and 0.2 in. (2.5-5 mm) ap- used (e.g., Houlsby, 1982; USBR, 1974) both as a
pears to be the best choice. wetting agent and bacterial inhibitor. Some users
have argued that the chloride ions in QAC are cor-
Recommendations for Tubing Fittings rosive to brass and copper, but this does not appear
to be a realistic concern when the recommended
Compression fittings should be of the type that en-
concentration is used. The more likely cause of any
sures positive alignment of the compression sleeve,
observed corrosion is dissolved gases in the liquid.
by contact with either a shoulder in the body of the
Second, copper sulfatet is used as a bacterial in-
fitting or the nut. The type with a single olive com-
hibitor and Aerosol OT:j: as a wetting agent (e.g.,
pression sleeve that is aligned only by the tubing
Corps of Engineers, 1971). Either practice appears
itself should not be used. Brass compression fittings
to be satisfactory, with a preference for QAC, as
are suitable for short-term measurements, for ex-
this appears to be more effective as a bacterial in-
ample, measurements made during a typical con-
hibitor than copper sulfate. Houlsby (1982) reports
struction period, but nylon fittings are too weak and
that tubes for twin-tube hydraulic piezometers de-
are not a good choice. For long-term measurements
veloped constrictions over a period of 10 or 15 years
the possibility of corrosion should be recognized.
of regular flushing with uninhibited water. When
Brass is subject to corrosion by dissolved gases in
QAC was added to the water, tubes were freed from
the liquid within the tubing and in any water sur-
constrictions, and regular usage of QAC was then
rounding the fittings and, although there is no
able to keep tubes clean and free of organically
specific evidence that excessive corrosion of inac-
caused bubbles.
cessible fittings has occurred, it appears worthwhile
For liquid level settlement gages not subjected
to use stainless steel fittings at all inaccessible loca-
to freezing temperatures, thermal errors are mini-
tions when long-term measurements are required.
mized by using de-aired distilled water as described
Stainless steel should be type 316: this is a nonmag-
above for twin-tube hydraulic piezometers. For
netic stainless steel that is corrosion-resistant, and
short-term (construction period) applications, a
compression fittings of this type are readily avail-
wetting agent should be added. For long-term appli-
able. When sheathed tubing is used, compression
cations, QAC should be added, and inaccessible
fittings should fit over the inner tubing, not the
metal components should be type 316 stainless
sheath. The sheath must therefore be pared back,
steel. Accessible components for long-term applica-
using a cutting tool made for the purpose, and the
tions should, wherever possible, be selected for
protruding nylon tube inspected carefully to ensure
that it has not been cut.
*For example, Hyamine 1622 or 3500, available from Lonza AG.
Recommendations for Liquid See Appendix D. Use a 60 parts per million solution.
tUse two approximately 0.25 in. (6 mm) size crystals per 10 U.S.
Despite extensive research and trial use of a variety gallons (40 liters) of liquid.
ofliquids, no single liquid appears to be suitable for *Available from American Cyanamid Company. See Appendix
all purposes. D. Use a 50 parts per million solution.

their resistance to corrosion (e.g., plastics or type gages require more frequent flushing, because
316 stainless steel), but if brass components are highly accurate measurements of small pressure
used they can be replaced if corrosion occurs. Rec- changes are required. For these gages, the author
ognition of deterioration assumes vigilance on the recommends developing a history of the need to
part of reading personnel, and it is better practice to flush, by periodic flushing, noting resulting reading
design for a maintenance-free system. If tubes are change and adopting a job-specific standard proce-
subjected to freezing, the minimum required anti- dure based on the data. Liquid-filled tubes in full-
freeze should be added prior to de-airing. Anti- profile liquid level settlement gages should be in-
freeze mixtures given in Fig_ure 8.5 are suitable, but spected for continuity of liquid prior to each use and
the commercial types that include a plugging anti- flushed when there is evidence of discontinuity.
leak additive should not be used. A wetting agent is
not necessary with ethylene glycol mixes. Specific Routing of Liquid-Filled Tubes
gravity must be known in most cases (Section
De-aired liquid can withstand significant subatmos-
12.10). If in doubt about specific gravity and its vari-
pheric pressure without breaking its continuity.
ation with temperature and dissolved gas content,
When the dissolved gas content has been reduced to
the user should make laboratory determinations us-
below 1 ppm DO (0.2% air), a practical limit of sub-
ing a volumetric flask and an accurate balance hav-
atmospheric pressure appears to be about 20 ft
ing about ± 0.1% accuracy. Some manufacturers
(6 m), and liquid-filled tubes should be routed so
of liquid level settlement gages recommend use of
that no part is above the internal pressure head level
methanol/ethylene glycol/water mixes to create a
by more than this amount. Even within this limit
specific gravity of 1.0 so that standard pressure indi-
there is a tendency for the liquid to become discon-
cator scales graduated in water head can be used.
tinuous with time, and if possible tubes should be
However, distillation occurs while de-airing this
routed so that a positive pressure exists at all times.
mixture, thus changing the specific gravity, and
methanol can damage the plastic components of the
Closed Hydraulic Systems
de-airing system and liquid level gage. It is prefera-
ble to avoid use of methanol and to apply a calibra- All closed hydraulic systems unfortunately act as
tion constant to correct for specific gravity. excellent thermometers, because changes in tem-
There is some evidence that aqueous solutions of perature cause the enclosed liquid to expand and
technical grade ethylene glycol may not remain uni- contract, which in turn causes the internal pressure
formly mixed after filling tubes in liquid-filled settle- to rise and fall. For example, liquid-filled earth pres-
ment gages. However, it appears that if duplicate sure cells are sensitive to temperature and may re-
liquid-filled tubes are used and the liquid freely con- quire temperature measurements and appropriate
nects between both ends of the tube so that flow can corrections. Liquid level settlement gages generally
occur throughout, the molecules of the mixture will have valves on the open ends of liquid-filled tubes
remain in motion and specific gravity will remain that are closed on completion of readings to avoid
uniform. re-airation of the liquid, and thus they become
Some users have added a coloring agent (e.g., closed systems. If any part of the gage could be
ink or food coloring) to liquid in full-profile liquid damaged by significant rise in internal pressure
level settlement gages to facilitate regular inspec- owing to temperature or pressure surges during
tion for gas bubbles. However, the coloring agent handling and transportation, precautions must be
eventually stains the tubing and makes it harder to taken, for example, by including a cylinder with a
see bubbles. The author knows of no suitable color- spring-loaded piston in the liquid-filled tube.
ing agent and recommends against its use.
Experience has shown that, despite all precau-
8.2.4. Data Acquisition Systems for Hydraulic
tions discussed above, liquid in supposedly liquid-
filled tubes is likely to become discontinuous after a
period of months or perhaps years, requiring pe- Use of Bourdon tube pressure gages and manome-
riodic flushing with fresh de-aired liquid. For twin- ters requires visual access to the readout location.
tube hydraulic piezometers with appropriate tubing Where remote reading is required, an electrical
and high air entry filters, flushing frequency is likely pressure transducer can replace the pressure gage
to be once every few years. Liquid level settlement or manometer.

Gas supply

Inlet gage
Pressure P __...

__... ~~:=:::~==!

Flexible diaphragm attached to Gas flow

transducer body around rim detector

Figure 8.6. Schematic of normally closed transducer, read under a condition of no gas flow.

Automatic data acquisition systems for double- pressure is applied to the inlet tube and, while the
fluid full-profile settlement gages and twin-tube hy- gas pressure is less than P, it merely builds up in
draulic piezometers are described in Chapter 12 and the inlet tube. When the gas pressure exceeds P, the
Appendix E respectively. diaphragm deflects, allowing gas to circulate behind
the diaphragm into the outlet tube, and flow is rec-
ognized using a gas flow detector. The gas supply is
8.3. PNEUMATIC INSTRUMENTS* then shut off at the inlet valve, and any pressure in
the tubes greater than P bleeds away, such that the
Pneumatic transducers and data acquisition sys- diaphragm returns to its original position when the
tems are used for pneumatic piezometers, earth pressure in the inlet tube equals P. This pressure is
pressure cells, load cells, and liquid level settlement read on a Bourdon tube or electrical pressure gage.
gages. This type of transducer has a variety of dia-
phragm types, depending on the manufacturer, in-
8.3.1. Basic Types of Pneumatic Transducer cluding flat, hat-shaped, or convoluted (rolling) dia-
phragms of synthetic rubber or metal.
There are two basic types of pneumatic transducer,
depending on whether a pneumatic circuit is nor-
mally closed or normally open when external pres- Normally Closed Transducers, Read as Gas
sure is applied to the transducer. Most modern is Flowing
transducers are of the first type.
The basic arrangement is the same as in Figure 8.6,
but with a gas flow controller and sometimes also a
8.3.2. Normally Closed Transducers gas flow meter in the inlet tube, and the outlet tube
The normally closed type of transducer is also vents directly to the atmosphere. A schematic of
called venting type. The type can be subdivided ac- the arrangement is shown in Figure 8.7. Gas pres-
cording to whether the reading is made under a con- sure is increased, under a constant very small flow,
dition of no gas flow or as gas is flowing. causing a rise in pressure gage reading. When the
gas pressure exceeds P, the diaphragm moves out-
Normally Closed Transducers, Read Under ward, allowing gas to circulate through the outlet
a Condition of No Gas Flow tube, such that the maximum indicated pressure
gage reading is equal to P.
Figure 8.6 shows the basic arrangement. The pres-
As will be seen later, the readings of all types of
sure P is the pressure of interest. An increasing gas
pneumatic transducer are affected by the rate of gas
*Written with the assistance of the manufacturers listed in Table flow. The version shown in Figure 8.8 incorporates
8.1. a third tube, such that no gas flow occurs in the tube
Gas supply

Gas flow

Gas flow meter

(at end of outlet tube
on some versions,
omitted on others)

Inlet gage

Outlet Vent to
tube atmosphere
Flexible diaphragm attached to
transducer body around rim

Figure 8.7. Schematic of normally closed transducer, with two tubes, read as gas is flowing.

Gas supply

Gas flow

Gas flow

Chamber connecting I'

Vent to
inlet and
Transducer outlet tubes



Figure 8.8. Schematic of normally closed transducer, with three tubes, read as gas is flowing.


Gas supply




Figure 8.9. Schematic of normally open transducer.

to which the pressure gage is attached, thereby re- been submitted to the listed manufacturers for re-
ducing errors caused by any variations in the rate of view, new developments and product line changes
gas flow. are likely to occur on a regular basis; thus, readers
are advised to contact manufacturers for a current
8.3.3. Normally Open Transducers status. Manufacturers' addresses are given in Ap-
pendix D.
The normally open type of transducer is also called
check valve type. The version shown in Figure 8.9
Reading Mode
has a steel ball/coil spring/0-ring arrangement that
serves as a check valve. Other versions have a dif- The reading mode, shown in Table 8.1, indicates
ferent type of check valve. The diaphragm may be whether the reading is made under a condition of no
of synthetic rubber or may be metal bellows. The gas flow or as gas is flowing.
check valve remains open until the gas pressure first
exceeds P, at which point the diaphragm moves Sensitivity to Diaphragm Displacement
outward, the check valve closes, and pressurized
If a pneumatic transducer is to provide an accurate
gas is locked in the outlet tube. The pressure gage is
indication of the actual pressure P, it is important
presumed to indicate P but, as discussed later, the
that diaphragm displacement should not cause a
reading is affected by the rate of gas flow. Reading
change of P at the moment when the transducer is
errors caused by an excessive rate of gas flow can
being read. For example, when used in a piezome-
be minimized by including a flow controller and
ter installed in clayey soils, diaphragm displace-
flow meter in the inlet tube, so that gas flows at a
ment f!lay in fact cause a change of P because out-
slow constant rate and gas pressure is reasonably
ward diaphragm displacement causes a decrease in
uniform throughout the inlet and outlet tubes.
the volume of pore water on the outer side of the
There is a potential problem with these transduc-
diaphragm. This volume decrease causes a pressure
ers if water accidentally enters the tubes. If the
increase. All pneumatic transducers are sensitive to
transducer is at a lower elevation than the pressure
diaphragm displacement.
gage, and if the pressure P is less than the head of
For the transducer shown in Figure 8.6, a rapid
water in the tubes, the check valve will close, and
rise of gas pressure in the inlet tube ''hammers'' the
the water cannot be purged through the tubes. Wa-
diaphragm, and this shock causes an immediate
ter can sometimes be removed by connecting a
pressure increase on the outer side of the dia-
vacuum pump, fitted to a water trap, but this is
phragm. When used in a piezometer, water is forced
possible only if the head of water in the tube is less
into the ground rapidly, owing to the high pressure
than about 25 ft (8 m).
differential existing across the diaphragm at that
time. However, during diaphragm resetting as gas
8.3.4. Features of Commercially Available Systems
pressure falls, differential water/gas pressures are
Table 8.1 indicates commercially available systems. smaller and there is little driving force to encourage
Readers are cautioned that, although the text has the diaphragm to return to its original position. Gas

Table 8.1. Commercially Available Pneumatic Transducers and Data Acquisition Systems
Basic Type of Normal
Transducer Branda Figure Number Reading Mode
Normally closed (venting Apparatus Specialties Co. 8.6 No flow
type) Earl B. Hall, Inc. 8.7b Flow
Geotechnical Instruments (U.K.) Ltd. 8.6 No flow
Geosistemas 8.6 No flow
Glotzl GmbH 8.7 Flow
Slope Indicator Co. (Model #514177, 514178) 8.7c Flow
Slope Indicator Co. (Model #51481) 8.8d Flow
Soil Instruments Ltd. 8.6 No flow
Thor International, Inc. 8.7 Flow
Normally open (check Slope Indicator Co. (Model #51401, 51471) 8.9d No flow
valve type) Terra Technology Corp. 8.9e No flow
a Manufacturers' addresses are given in Appendix D.
bOas flow meter is on outlet tube.
c Also available with three tubes as in Figure 8.8.
dNo longer manufactured; included here for completeness.
• Also available, when used in a piezometer, with one or two additional tubes connecting to the space outside the diaphragm. Strongly
not recommended. See Chapter 9.

Sensitivity to Gas Flow Rate and Length of Tubing

pressure may therefore fall to a value significantly
lower than the water pressure before the diaphragm Pressure loss (loss of velocity head) occurs as gas
reseats to seal the pressure in the inlet tube, and the flows through tubing. For a given pressure at one
resulting reading will be too low. The error de- end of a tube, the pressure at the other end will be
scribed above is minimized by using a low-volume affected by a change in the flow rate. The magnitude
displacement diaphragm and by very careful control of pressure loss is also affected by the length of
of gas pressure. Some commercially available sys- tubing. All pneumatic transducers are sensitive to
tems have a reading sequence that is manually in- pressure loss.
stigated but automatically conducted, thus permit- The above discussion on sensitivity to diaphragm
ting complete control of gas pressure and removing displacement, for the transducer shown in Figure
the variable quality of human input from the critical 8.6, concluded that the error is minimized by very
stages. Geotechnical Instruments (U.K.) Ltd. in- careful control of gas pressure. This careful control
corporates a "softening" arrangement on the outer also minimizes errors caused by sensitivity to gas
side of the diaphragm, consisting of an air-filled rub- flow rate and length of tubing. It is important to
ber tube, such that sensitivity to diaphragm dis- recognize that this type of transducer must be to-
placement is minimized. tally free from gas leaks in the inlet tube and at the
The transducers shown in Figures 8.7 and 8.8 are diaphragm closure arrangement: this can sometimes
sensitive to diaphragm displacement for the reasons be difficult to achieve when quick-connect fittings
given above. Errors are minimized by using a dia- are used between inlet tube and readout unit, be-
phragm with minimum volumetric displacement, cause the slightest dirt or damage to the 0-ring seal
and commercial versions with displacements ofO.Ol in the fitting may create a leak.
cm 3 (0.0006 in. 3) or less are preferred. The effect The transducers shown in Figures 8.7 and 8.8 are
of diaphragm displacement will be reduced if the read as gas is flowing, therefore they are sensitive to
operator waits until the reading stabilizes under a the gas flow rate and length of tubing. Addition of
constant gas flow rate. the third tube reduces errors caused by pressure
The transducer shown in Figure 8.9 is sensitive loss, because no gas is flowing in the tube to which
to diaphragm displacement because the volumetric the pressure gage is attached. However, the addi-
displacement is large, and readings are made after tion does not eliminate these errors, because pres-
the diaphragm has moved to a new position. sure is lost as the gas flow passes from the inlet to

the vent tube. Tests by Slope Indicator Company be provided with outputs for connection to a variety
(Mikkelsen, 1986a) to compare their two- and three- of automatic data acquisition and processing equip-
tube systems show that the sensitivity to gas flow ment.
rate and length of tubing is approximately halved by
adding the third tube. For these transducers, a con-
8.3.6. Recommendations for System Selection
stant gas flow rate is therefore essential. The need is
particularly critical for liquid level settlement gages, Normally closed transducers have largely super-
when required repeatability of liquid head measure- seded the normally open type, and use of the latter
ment is usually a fraction of an inch. The purpose of type is not recommended. They are more sensitive
the gas flow controller is to maintain a constant gas than normally closed transducers to diaphragm dis-
flow. Some manufacturers assume that the flow re- placement, gas flow rate, and length of tubing, and
mains constant once the controller is set, and others water that may enter the tubing accidentally cannot
provide a gas flow meter in the circuit so that the always be removed.
flow rate can be monitored. Recent experience has All the commercially available normally closed
shown that gas flow controllers provided in some transducers are suitable choices. When selecting a
commercially available readout units do not main- system from among those listed in Table 8.1, users
tain a gas flow that is adequately constant for use should consider the general guidelines given in Sec-
with liquid level settlement gages and that the posi- tion 4.9. Their own familiarity and previous experi-
tion of the indicator ball in some gas flow meters is ence with one or more brands will weigh heavily in
affected by static electrical charge on the ball. The the selection. The overriding need is very close
charge builds up with time as gas passes by, the ball adherence to the instrumentation manufacturer's
falls even when the gas flow remains constant, and recommendations for operation of the selected sys-
the operator is likely to increase the flow to com- tem.
pensate. Improved flow controllers and flow meters
are now available for use with liquid level settle-
8.3.7. Recommendations for Various System
ment gages. For this application the flow meter
should be provided with a bypass valve so that gas
flows through it only momentarily when the oper- Several general recommendations can be made for
ator turns the valve to check the flow. system components.
The transducer shown in Figure 8.9 is sensitive
to gas flow rate and length of tubing. The check Components Within a Transducer
valve will close when the gas pressure against the
Transducer materials should not be subject to cor-
diaphragm first exceeds P. If significant pressure
rosion or electrolytic breakdown. Some stainless
loss is occurring along the outlet tube as the check
steels are not corrosion-free under geotechnical
valve closes, subsequent pressure equalization
field conditions and some plastics are inadequately
along the outlet tube will cause the pressure gage to
stable. The diaphragm should be resilient so that a
read less than P.
permanent distortion will not be created if the tubes
are accidentally overpressured, and nitrile rubber is
8.3.5. Readout Units preferable to steel if overpressurization is possible.
Preferably, a positive stop should be provided to
Gas pressure is measured by using either a Bourdon
protect against overpressurization.
tube pressure gage or an electrical pressure trans-
ducer with a digital indicator. When an electrical
pressure transducer is used, a keyboard selection
can usually be made of the desired pressure mea- Most manufacturers of pneumatic instruments
surement unit (e.g., lb/in. 2 , kg/cm 2 , or ft head). In- agree that a dry gas (carbon dioxide or dry nitrogen)
dicators can be connected to a large gas tank and should be used rather than air to avoid condensa-
continuously energized, and the systems can be tion of water in the tubing. Carbon dioxide can
programmed to scan multiple transducers and dis- readily be obtained from companies that service fire
play measurements sequentially on the digital dis- extinguishers, and dry nitrogen is available from
play and on a printed paper tape. These systems can welding supply companies (water pumped, not oil

pumped nitrogen). Portable indicators cont~i? a m) length are in use, but 2000 ft (600 m) is consid-
small rechargeable gas cylinder, and an auxthary ered to be a reasonable maximum length.
larger cylinder can be used where tubes are long or
where a large number of transducers are to be read. Tubing Fittings
Economy can be achieved by using a tank of
Recommendations for tubing fittings for liquid-filled
compressed air and a desiccant canister. Use of a
tubes are given in Section 8.2.3. The same recom-
hand air pump and no desiccant runs the risk of
mendations apply to fittings for gas-filled tubes.
water entering the tubing and, if the water is not
blown out by flowing air, large reading errors may
result from the summation of surface tension forces
at gas/water menisci (Section 8.2.3).
Electrical transducers and data acquisition systems
Tubing are used in numerous geotechnical instruments.
Comprehensive references describing electrical
Section 8.2.3 describes requirements for liquid-
transducers include Arthur (1970), Cerni and Foster
filled tubes. Gas-filled tubes are not subject to
(1965), Considine (1971), Herceg (1972), Lion
concerns about discontinuity of liquid, tempera-
(1959), Norton (1969), Perry and Lissner (196~),
ture variation, surface tension, freezing, bacterial
Prensky (1963), Spitzer and Howarth (1972), Stem
growth, or routing limitations, but nevertheless cer-
(1964), and Wolf (1973).
tain precautions are necessary. Materials for gas-
Electrical transducers and associated manual
filled tubes should be impermeable to water so that,
data acquisition systems are described in turn be-
when submerged below water or embedded in soil,
low. Automatic data acquisition systems, power
moisture does not migrate through the walls of the
supplies, and communication systems are described
tube. The following tubings appear to have appro-
in Sections 8.4.15 and 8.4.16. General guidelines on
priate properties: unplasticized nylon 11 with a
the use of electrical transducers and data acquisi-
polyethylene (polythene) sheath, unplasticized ny-
tion systems, including selection of electrical cable,
lon 11 with a polyurethane sheath, and polyamide.
are given in Section 8.4.17.
Polyethylene with a polyvinylcholoride (PVC) or
polyethylene sheath is not a good choice: it is less
robust than the above three types; nylon creates a 8.4.1. Basic Types of Electrical Resistance
better seal than polyethylene at the entry point to Strain Gage
the transducer; and there is evidence that when
Electrical resistance strain gages are used in many
compression fittings are attached to polyethyl~ne
geotechnical instruments. An electrical resistance
tubing, the polyethylene creeps at the compressiOn
strain gage is a conductor with the basic property
sleeve and long-term sealing is uncertain. Saran
that resistance changes in direct proportion to
tubing deteriorates with time and with exposure to
change in length. The relationship between resis-
sunlight and should never be used.
tance change !J.R and length change !J.L is given by
A 3/16 in. (5 mm) diameter tubing is suitable for all
the gage factor (GF), where
applications. A Ys in. (3 mm) tubing is sometimes
used when lengths are less than about 250ft (75 m),
and Y4 in. (6 mm) tubing is also used on occasion. It !J.R = !J.L x GF.
should be noted that these tubing dimensions are
the outside diameters of the individual tubes, not the
The gage factor for bonded foil and bonded wire
gages is usually close to 2. Semiconductor strain
The maximum length of tubing depends on the
length of time considered tolerable for reading. A
rule of thumb for reading time is 0.5-1 minute per *Sections 8.4.1-8.4.14 have been written with the assistance of
100ft (30 m) of tubing, the longer time being neces- RalphS. Carson, Professor of Electrical Engineering, University
of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO, and J. Barrie Sellers, President,
sary when requiring maximum accuracy. The tub-
Geokon, Inc., Lebanon, NH. Leon J. Weymouth, Principal En-
ing can be brought up to pressure with an initial high gineer, Teledyne Engineering Services, Waltham, MA, assist~d
gas flow, but these reading times are required after with writing Sections 8.4.1-8.4.4 on electrical resistance stram
such initial pressurization. Tubings of 3000 ft (900 gages.

Figure 8.1 0. Schematic of uniaxial Figure 8.11. Schematic of unbonded Figure 8.12. Uniaxial bonded foil resis-
bonded wire resistance strain gage. wire resistance strain gage. tance strain gage.

gages have a much larger gage factor, between 50 strain occurs while the other decreases. The ratio of
and 200. the two resistances is independent of temperature
The five basic types of electrical resistance strain and therefore the change in resistance ratio is a
gage-bonded wire, unbonded wire, bonded foil, measure of strain. The total resistance is indepen-
semiconductor, and weldable-are described in dent of strain since the resistance change in one coil
tum below. Guidelines on the use of resistance is equal and opposite to the resistance change in the
strain gages for measurement of strain in structural other coil, and therefore total resistance is a mea-
members are given in Chapter 13. sure of temperature. Wiring diagrams are given by
the Corps of Engineers (1980).
Bonded Wire Resistance Strain Gage
Bonded Foil Resistance Strain Gage
A bonded wire strain gage is fabricated with fine
copper-nickel or nickel-chromium wire, looped A bonded foil strain gage is composed of a thin foil
back and forth, and bonded to a thin elastic mount- of resistance alloy, such as constantan or nichrome,
ing of paper or plastic, which in tum is bonded to bonded to a thin plastic film, which in tum is
the structure being monitored. Figure 8.10 shows a bonded to the structure being monitored. The foil is
uniaxial gage. They are commonly used where long usually photofabricated and etched or die-cut dur-
gages are needed for testing rock or concrete speci- ing manufacture to produce grid patterns of varying
mens, enabling strains to be measured over a repre- designs. A uniaxial gage is shown in Figure 8.12.
sentative sample, but for short gage lengths the Temperature compensation is provided by match-
bonded foil gage is usually preferred. ing the temperature characteristics of the foil to
those of the material being studied and, if neces-
Unbonded Wire Resistance Strain Gage sary, by adding additional resistors in the Wheat-
stone bridge circuit. Most strain gages have a nom-
In the unbonded wire strain gage (Figure 8.11), a
inal resistance of 120 or 350 ohms. The higher
fine wire is looped around two sets of electrically
resistance varieties are generally favored for trans-
insulated posts that are attached to the structure
ducer applications because they permit the use of
being monitored. The device is less robust than the
higher voltage inputs, with correspondingly higher
bonded gage and was developed at a time when
outputs, thus minimizing effects of extraneous re-
bonding techniques were unreliable. With the ad-
sistance changes.
vent of improved bonding cements, unbonded wire
strain gages have become less common. However,
Semiconductor Resistance Strain Gage
the Carlson unbonded wire strain gage transducer,
referred to as an elastic wire strainmeter, is fre- This gage uses highly doped semiconductor crystals
quently used in embedment strain gages and con- of silicon or germanium. The doping is necessary to
crete stress cells and has proven reliability and give the crystals specific gage factors and thermal
longevity. The Carlson transducer contains two coefficients. When strain is applied to the crystal, it
similar coils of highly elastic carbon-steel wire each undergoes a change in resistance proportional to the
looped around two posts, arranged such that one strain. Gage factors of 50-200 make this type of
increases in length and electrical resistance when gage much more sensitive than other types. Its main

Waterproofing A

(a) --=--Battery

Thin stainless steel mounting flange Figure 8.14. Wheatstone bridge circuit.


Figure 8.13. Weldable strain gages: (a) bonded foil transducer

ing, and protection are specialists with wide experi-
(courtesy of HITEC Products, Inc., Ayer, MA) and (b) strain ence in field application of resistance strain gages.
filament encased in small tube (courtesy of Eaton Corporation, Strain gages installed by inexperienced users nor-
Los Angeles, CA). mally have a short life. Recommendations for gage
installation, sealing, and protection are given in
Chapter 13.
disadvantage is the relatively complicated tech-
niques required for correction of errors induced by
temperature change. The effect can be minimized 8.4.2. Wheatstone Bridge Circuits for Use with
by choosing the correct gage type and by using tem- Electrical Resistance Strain Gages
perature matched gages, but the gage is not suitable
Output from electrical resistance strain gages is nor-
for environments with large temperature gradients
mally measured using a Wheatstone bridge circuit,
or rapid fluctuations. The output of semiconductor
shown in Figure 8.14. The circuit has four "arms"
gages is nonlinear, and their use is normally limited
formed by resistances, R~> R 2 , R 3 , and R 4 . A voltage
to monitoring strains of 100 microstrain or less.
is applied between A and B and the resistance R 4 is
altered until no current flows between C and D. At
Weldable Resistance Strain Gage
this point the needle of the galvanometer is not
During manufacture of the weldable gage, a resis- deflected and the bridge is balanced. Under these
tance element is permanently attached to a thin conditions,
stainless steel mounting flange. The resistance ele-
ment may be a conventional bonded foil gage (Fig-
ure 8.13a; Wnuk, 1981) or a strain filament encased
in a small tube (Figure 8.13b). The mounting flange
is later welded to the steel structure being moni- and since R~> R 2 , and R 4 are known, R 3 can be cal-
tored, using a small portable capacitive discharge spot culated. Bridge networks are described below, and
welder. Weldable gages with integral leads are more advantages and limitations are summarized in Table
suitable for field attachment than bonded gages. 8.2.

Longevity of Resistance Strain Gages Quarter Bridge Networks

Longevity of resistance strain gages is dependent The simplest network is the quarter bridge with two
primarily on methods of gage installation, sealing, lead wires, shown in Figure 8.15a. However, the
and protection, rather than on inherent properties resistance of the lead wires in series with the active
of the gages themselves. Bonded wire, unbonded strain gage desensitizes the bridge and any change
wire, bonded foil, semiconductor, and weldable re- in lead wire resistance with temperature change
sistance strain gages can all be used for long-term cannot be differentiated from strain. The effect can
performance measurements, provided that person- be substantial if temperature changes and/or lead
nel responsible for gage selection, installation, seal- wire lengths are large but can be eliminated by using
Table 8.2. Wheatstone Bridge Networks
Type Advantages Limitations Factor" Usage
Quarter, two-wire Least expensive Sensitive to tern- 1.0 Use only in laboratory environ-
system; Figure Easiest to use perature change ment at constant temperature
8.15a at gage and leads Never use in geotechnical field
Nonlinear at high applications
strain levels
Quarter, three- Eliminates error Sensitive to tern- 1.0 Most popular network for stress/
wire system; caused by perature change strain analysis on structures
Figure 8.15b temperature at gage
changes at Nonlinear at high
leads strain levels
Half, with dummy No temperature Dummy must be 1.0 Long-term tests on structures
gage; Figure effects unstressed and where temperature variations
8.16a bonded to same are great and increased accu-
material and at racy is required
same tempera-
ture as active
Half, with both No temperature Not suitable for bi- 1.3 May be used on long columns or
gages active, at effects axial stress fields tendons subject to uniaxial
90° to each loads
other (Poisson
effect); Figure
Half, with both No temperature Bridge network not 2.0 Measurement of bending of beams
gages fully ac- effects always possible Cantilever type transducers
tive, equal ten- to achieve Torsional transducers
sile and com-
strains; Figure
Full, with dummy No temperature Most expensive 2.0 Rare
gages; Figure effects
Full, with all No temperature Most expensive 2.6 Tension links or compression col-
gages active, effects Not suitable for bi- umns, for example, load cells
two at 90o to axial stress fields
other two (Pois-
son effect); Fig-
ure 8.17b
Full, with all No temperature Most expensive 4.0 Bending beams
gages fully ac- effects
tive, two ten- Maximum out-
sile, two com- put
pressive, equal
strains; Figure
aoutput relative to quarter bridge network. See Figures 8.15-8.17. Assumes Ar = 0, J.L = 0.3, AR is small compared with R, uniaxial
stress field, and all gages at same temperature.


r + Ar ·-----------,
Readout unit

A c t £ · v e .!"\/
r + Ar I
/"\../ ---;-~---; VB I
I __________ jI
R + AR = gage resistance plus gage resistance change
r + Ar = lead wire resistance plus lead wire resistance change
R = resistance of bridge completion resistors
VA AR + 2Ar
VB = 4[(R + 2r) + t(AR + 2Ar)]


r + Ar r----------l
---A/ I
r + Ar I
-------/\./---;-----{ VB I
r + Ar I
I._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j I

VB = 4 [(R + 2r) +tAR]


Figure 8.15. Wheatstone bridge quarter bridge networks: (a) two-wire system and (b) three-wire

a quarter bridge with three lead wires. As shown in

Figure 8.15b, a third wire is connected to one end of
the active strain gage and wired into the bridge net-
work. This cancels the thermally induced error Note that because ~r may be significant with re-
caused by lead wire resistance changes. However, spect to ~R, the term ~r remains in the equation for
the circuit remains sensitive to temperature change a two-wire system, indicating the effect of changing
at the gage. lead wire resistance caused by temperature change.
In practice, lead wire resistance is minimized and
gage resistance is maximized, often by using 350
Half Bridge Networks
ohm gages instead of the originally standard 120
ohm type. Thus, because r may be small compared Temperature effects that plague a quarter bridge
with R, the equations in Figure 8.15 can be rewrit- network can almost be eliminated by using a half
ten: bridge circuit. A second strain gage is connected to
the bridge at the measuring location rather than in
~R + 2~r the readout unit, either as an active gage or a
4 [R + Yz(~R + 2~r)] "dummy" gage. Two arrangements are possible for
the active gage; thus, there are three possible
and configurations, as shown in Figure 8.16. Lead wire

Readout unit


VA tl.R
VB 4(R+ttJ.R)


-----/'\./ I
- - - - - rv - r - - - - - 4 - - - - - - - ' I
VA (1 +11) tl.R
VB= 4[R+t(1-!1)tl.R]


,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j


Figure 8.16. Wheatstone bridge half bridge networks: (a) dummy gage, (b) both gages active, at 90
degrees to each other (Poisson effect), and (c) both gages fully active, equal tensile and compressive

resistance r and resistance change !lr have been that it undergoes no stress caused by temperature
omitted from the figure because !lr cancels in the change. It is placed adjacent to the active gage so
bridge circuit and, if r is small compared with R, that both experience the same temperature change
lead wire effects become negligible. or gradient, thereby providing temperature com-
In the first configuration, Figure 8.16a, the pensation.
dummy gage, also termed inactive or compensating When the second gage is an active gage, it must
gage, is mounted on a piece of the same material as be located on the structure in a position that will
the active gage but isolated from the stress field so cause it to be in tension if the first gage is in com-

pression, or vice versa. This can often be arranged 8.4.3. Use of a Circuit Tester to Check Integrity
by aligning the second gage at 90 degrees adjacent of Electrical Resistance Strain Gages and Cables
to the first gage, as in Figure 8.16b, thereby measur-
A circuit tester should be used after strain gage in-
ing the Poisson effect. This increases the output of
stallation, and on a regular schedule thereafter, to
the network by a factor of 1.3. If the second gage is
check integrity of electrical resistance strain gages
positioned so that it experiences an equal and oppo-
and cables by measuring gage and insulation resis-
site strain to that at the first gage, as in Figure 8.16c,
tance. The circuit tester should apply 2 volts or less
the output is doubled. Strain gages positioned on
for gage resistance testing and 15 volts or less for
opposite sides of the neutral axis of a flexing beam
insulation testing.* The following tests should be
fulfill this condition. Note that two gages experienc-
made (the term ground refers to the structural mem-
ing the same strain in both magnitude and sign
ber to which gages are attached):
would cancel each other out if connected in a half
bridge network. Such an arrangement allows use of
• Leakage, Bridge to Ground. A connection is
a half bridge to isolate for bending measurements,
made between ground and any one (or all) of
because axial load has no effect on the measure-
the bridge lead wires. Resistance should be a
minimum of 1000 megohms, and preferably 10-
20 gigohms.
Full Bridge Networks
• Leakage, Shield to Ground. A connection is
A full bridge network, shown in Figure 8.17, pro- made between shield and ground (shield iso-
vides a maximum output and almost full compensa- lated from structural member to which gage is
tion for temperature change at the gage and along attached). Resistance should be a minimum of
the leads; thus, this is the optimum arrangement. 5 megohms.
Three networks are possible, corresponding to the • Leakage, Bridge to Shield. A connection is
half bridge networks. As for the half bridge net- made between the shield and any one (or all) of
works, lead wire resistance rand resistance change the bridge lead wires. Resistance should be a
D.r have been omitted from the figures. minimum of 1000 megohms.
• Gage Resistance. If an individual gage can be
Lead Wire Effects
isolated from the bridge, a connection is made
The problem of changing lead wire temperature has between the pair oflead wires attached directly
been discussed previously and can be solved by to that gage. If the gages are connected as a
avoiding use of two-wire quarter bridge networks. Wheatstone bridge and cannot be isolated, the
However, two additional errors remain, caused by readout unit should be disconnected and the
thermocouple and desensitization effects. Thermo- bridge resistance measured across the input
couple effects are discussed in Section 8.4.4 and corners and output corners. The individual
can be overcome by use of an AC excitation volt- gage resistance, input bridge resistance, and
age. Desensitization error can become significant if output bridge resistance should not vary by
long runs of cable are used. Since the parasitic lead more than ± 2% from the nominal 120 or 350
resistance appears as a larger gage resistance, with ohm resistance plus any lead wire resistance in
no equivalent change in resistance due to strain, the series. Lead wire resistance is determined from
effective gage factor is reduced. This can be cal- standard tables. However, commercial strain
culated by gage transducers may include auxiliary resis-
tances in the bridge circuit for balancing, ther-
- R---
Rg G Fn, mal correction, or calibration, and in· these
G Fd-
g +r cases the transducer manufacturer should be
contacted for gage resistance testing specifica-
where GFd = desensitized gage factor, tions.
Rg = basic gage resistance,
r = cable resistance per lead,
GFn = natural gage factor as reported by *For example, Model 1300 gage installation tester, Measure-
the manufacturer. ments Group, Inc. (see Appendix D).
Readout unit
, ----------l

1 II
: • Cb--7 VB I

L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
• jI
VB = 2 (R + t ll.R)



1 II
: . Cb--7 T l VB

!L- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. j
(1 + 11l Ll.R
2 [R t- t (1 -l.l)Ll.R]

: . Cb--7 VB I

L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. T j

Figure 8.17. Wheatstone bridge full bridge networks: (a) dummy gages, (b) all gages active, two at 90
degrees to the other two (Poisson effect), and (c) all gages fully active, two in compression, two in
tension, equal strains.


Low bridge resistance to ground or shield usually ....--- - - - -- Primary

indicates failure of the waterproofing or other envi- voltage
ronmental protection over the gage or bridge, or
breakdown of the insulation cover over the shield Movable
and individual lead conductors. It is sometimes pos- ----.
sible to locate the damaged area, dry out the mois- being ' - - -.... Secondary
ture causing the partial grounding condition, and measured output
repair the waterproofing or insulation. Soap bubble voltage
or helium leak detection techniques can sometimes Figure 8.18. Schematic of linear variable differential transformer
be used to locate the damaged area. The soap bub- (LVDn.
ble technique entails covering the gages and con-
nections with liquid soap and applying light air
pressure to the ends of the lead wires, but this pro- fiuenced by temperature changes, and batteries
cedure is very crude. A much more effective proce- ~ ........! with these instruments have a much shorter
dure is to apply a vacuum to the ends of the lead life when subjected to below freezing temperatures.
wires, connect the vacuum to a mass spectrometer ,
and spray helium around the gages and connec-
8.4.5. linear Variable Differential Transformer
tions, using a fine nozzle. In this way, the exact
location of minute leaks can be detected rapidly .
Low shield to ground resistance usually indicates LVDTs are used in fixed borehole extensometers
moisture in the cable. Excessively high or low gage and in other instruments for measurement of defor-
or bridge resistances usually indicate damage to one mation .
or more gages during installation , and gage perfor- An LVDT (Figure 8.18) consists of a movable
mance and bridge balance wiU be affected ad- magnetic core passing through one primary and two
versely. secondary coils. An AC voltage, called the excita-
tion voltage, is applied to the primary coil, thereby
inducing an AC voltage in each secondary coil, with
8.4.4. Manual Data Acquisition Systems
a magnitude that depends on the proximity between
for Electrical Resistance Strain Gages
the magnetic core and each secondary coil. The sec-
A portable strain indicator is used for manual data ondary voltages are connected in series opposition,
acquisition. The indicator uses a second set of resis- so that the net output of the L VDT is the difference
tors to null the output voltage of the gage network between these two voltages. When the core is at its
and provides a measurement of the resistance re- midposition , the net output voltage is zero. When
quired to null the circuit. Most portable indicators the core moves off center, the net output voltage
provide the excitation voltage to the gage. For increases linearly in magnitude with a polarity de-
geotechnical field applications, an AC excitation pending on the direction of core displacement.
voltage is recommended and is available in most A manual data acquisition system for an LVDT
commercial strain indicators.* When a DC power includes a means of generating the excitation volt-
supply is used, all conductors in the lead wire must age, a demodulator/amplifier, and a meter display.
be of the same material, otherwise a thermocouple The meter display can be either analog or digital.
junction is formed, and a signal error may be in- Since the core of an LVDT does not contact the
troduced if a thermal gradient is present between coils, friction is avoided . There is oo hysteresis and
junctions of dissimilar materials. L VDTs are particularly suitable for measuring dy-
Particular attention should be paid to keeping namic motions and very small displacements. Many
portable strain indicators clean and dry, because types of L VDT have excellent resistance to humid-
small current leakage to ground can influence read- ity and corrosion and good long-term stability, and
ings. Also, some portable indicators may be in- they can be protected within oil-filled housings to
maximize longevity. However, the transmission of
alternating currents through long lead wires in-
• For example, Model P-350A or P-3500, Measurements Group. troduces unwanted cable effects, which can seri-
lnc., or Model HWI-D, Strainsert Company (see Appendix D). ously degrade the output signal.



DC AC Readout
power 1- carrier ~ regulator
Demodulator f- Amplifier
supply generator

Figure 8.19. Schematic of direct current differential transformer (DCDT).

8.4.6. Direct Current Differential Transformer called a linear potentiometer. By reading voltages
(DCDT) between B and C, and between A and C, a checking
feature is created because the sum should equal the
DCDTs have similar applications to L VDTs and are
input voltage. An alternative method of readout is
usually preferred for geotechnical use. The need for
to measure the resistance between the wiper and
special means of exciting the L VDT primary coil
one end of the resistance strip and to relate the
and modifying its secondary output voltage is pro-
measured resistance to the total resistance of the
vided for by miniaturizing the electrical circuitry
strip. In this way, the position of the wiper can be
and placing components within the transducer
measured using an ohmmeter or digital multimeter.
housing as shown in Figure 8.19. The device is now
In a third readout method, the potentiometer forms
called a DC L VDT, or DCDT. The signal cable car-
two arms of a Wheatstone bridge circuit, and mea-
ries only DC voltages and unwanted cable effects
surement of wiper position is made by using a porta-
are avoided.
~le indicator that contains a balancing poten-
DCDT manual data acquisition systems require
only a stable DC power supply and a DC voltmeter.
Potentiometers are not suitable for measuring
Most DCDTs have excellent resistance to humidity
rapidly varying motions. However, the readout is
and corrosion effects and good long-term stability.
simple and can be arranged to give a high output
They can also be protected within oil-filled hous-
voltage, which is not readily degraded by long lead
wire effects or electrical noise. The resistance strip
and wiper must be sealed to prevent moisture intru-
8.4.7. Potentiometer sion and, provided there are no leaks whatsoever
potentiometers can successfully be used for long~
Linear potentiometers are an alternative to L VDTs
term measurements. In adverse environments, it
and DCDTs for remote measurement of linear de-
may be worthwhile to seal potentiometers in oil-
formation. Rotary potentiometers are used for mea-
filled housings: oil-filled rotary potentiometers are
surement of rotational deformation and where
available commercially, but the author is not aware
linear deformation can readily be converted to rota-
of commercially available oil-filled linear poten-
tional deformation.
tiometers. However, because of the difficulty in en-
A potentiometer (pot) is a device with a movable
slider, usually called a wiper, that makes electrical
contact along a fixed resistance strip. As shown in
Figure 8.20, a regulated DC voltage is applied to the
two ends of the resistance strip and the voltage be-
tween B and C is measured as the output signal. The
voltage varies between the voltage at A and the
voltage at B as the wiper moves from A to B. When
the device is used for measurement of linear defor-
mation and the relationship between wiper position
and output signal is proportional, the device is Figure 8.20. Schematic of linear potentiometer.

Digital DC
Armature AC (square or sine wave)
voltmeter Electrical

AC Signal amplifier Tensioned

and demodulator steel

Figure 8.21. Schematic of variable reluctance transducer.

suring a long-term perfect seal on a linear poten-

tiometer, LVDTs and DCDTs are now often
'------- L
preferred for long-term applications.
Figure 8.22. Schematic of surface-mounted vibrating wire strain
8.4.8. Variable Reluctance Transducer
Variable reluctance transducers (VRTs) are used in sealed in a similar way to perform the same func-
electrical crack gages and fixed embankment exten- tion.
someters to measure linear deformation.
A VRT (Figure 8.21) consists of a center-tapped 8.4.9. Vibrating Wire Transducer
coil, positioned around a movable armature. The
Vibrating wire transducers (Dreyer, 1977; Thomas,
armature is magnetically permeable. An AC excita-
1966) are used in pressure sensors for piezometers,
tion voltage is applied to the ends of the coil, and an
earth pressure cells, and liquid level settlement
output voltage is sensed on the third wire. Move-
gages, in numerous deformation gages, in load cells,
ment of the armature away from the center, or null
and directly as surface and embedment strain gages.
position, causes an imbalance in magnetic flux den-
sity between the two coil sections, which in turn Operating Principle
causes the voltage in one section of the coil to in-
crease, and the other to decrease. The signal A length of steel wire is clamped at its ends and
amplifier and demodulator, shown in Figure 8.21, is tensioned so that it is free to vibrate at its natural
normally positioned near the transducer. DC signals frequency. As with a piano string, the frequency of
can be displayed on analog or digital meters or vibration varies with the wire tension, and thus with
transferred to conventional data loggers and other small relative movements between the two end
voltage sensing devices. VRTs can also be read clamps. The wire can therefore be used as a strain
with portable strain indicators that are used with gage by plucking the wire, measuring natural fre-
electrical resistance strain gages. quency, and relating frequency change to strain.
The coil is normally enclosed, both outside and The wire is plucked magnetically by an electrical
inside, by stainless steel tubing sealed at the ends, coil attached near the wire at its midpoint, and
and waterproofing of the lead wires is maintained to either this same coil or a second coil is used to
the signal amplifier and demodulator. Some leakage measure the frequency of vibration. Figure 8.22
of moisture into the lead wires can be tolerated, and shows a vibrating wire transducer arranged for
unless very low electrical resistance paths are measuring surface strain.
created by free moisture between conductors, little
Reading Methods
degrading of the signal results. Water in the arma-
ture cavity is of no consequence. VRTs are there- There are two methods of wire plucking and read-
fore particularly suitable for installations below wa- ing, the pluck and read method and the continuous
ter, and they have been used very successfully in excitation (or autoresonant) method. The latter al-
crack gages installed to monitor movement across lows measurement of low-frequency dynamic
perimeter joints on the upstream faces of concrete strains.
face rockfill dams. However, they should not be The pluck and read method entails application of
considered as the only transducers that are suitable one or more voltage pulses to the coil, thereby
for this purpose, since an L VDT or a DCDT could be creating a magnetic attraction that causes the wire

to vibrate. The coil then becomes a listening device In terms of wire strain,
because wire vibrations cause an alternating voltage
to be induced in the plucking coil, of frequency
identical to the natural frequency of the vibrating f = _1_ )Egc
2L p '
wire. The voltage signal is transmitted along the
signal cable to a frequency counter, which is used to where E = modulus of elasticity of the wire
measure the time for a predetermined number of (lb/in. 3 ),
vibration cycles. £ = strain in the wire.
The continuous excitation or autoresonant
method entails a similar procedure to initiate vibra- Thus,
tion, but a second coil is used to detect the fre-
quency. The signal is fed back to the driving coil so
that it applies a continuously pulsing voltage with
frequency identical to the natural frequency of the
vibrating wire. As the wire frequency changes, so where
does the driving frequency. The wire frequency can
be determined, as above, by measuring the time for
a predetermined number of vibration cycles. Alter-
natively, the pulsing voltage can be converted di-
rectly and continuously, by a frequency to voltage Because the transducer is always installed with
converter, into a voltage that is proportional to the wire under an initial tension, both the initial
pulse frequency and can be displayed on a digital frequency fo and the new frequency f enter into the
voltmeter or recorded on magnetic tape or a strip calibration relationship:
chart recorder. In this way, the transducer can be
used for measuring dynamic strains, provided that
the cycle frequency of the changing strain is less £ = K(P- !5).
than about 100 hertz (Hz). It can also be used for
control and alarm systems. However, when the Primary Advantage of Frequency Signal
continuous excitation method is used, readings can
The output signal contains the required information
become unstable under the influence of radio fre-
in the form of a frequency rather than magnitude of
quency or electromagnetic interference, and the
a resistance or voltage, and therefore undesirable
cable should be shielded as described in Section
effects involving signal cable resistance, contact re-
sistance, leakage to ground, or length of signal cable
For both methods, frequency may be displayed
are negligible. Very long cable lengths are accept-
directly on the frequency counter, requiring use of a
able. The stability of a frequency signal can be dem-
calibration curve or table for calculating strain from
onstrated dramatically by inserting bare conductors
frequency change, or the readout unit may include a
in water and observing no change in measured fre-
linearizing circuit such that strain is displayed di-
quency: therein is a major reason for favoring a
frequency rather than resistance or voltage signal
Relationship Between Frequency and Strain when making measurements in a field environment.

The equation for frequency of a vibrating wire in Sources of Error

terms of wire stress (Hawkes and Bailey, 1973) is
Historically, the major disadvantages of vibrating
wire transducers have been wire corrosion, creep of
f = 2i ~ (J:' the vibrating wire under permanent tension, and
slippage at the wire clamping points, all of which
where f = natural frequency (sec - 1), usually result in a reduction in vibrating frequency.
L = length of vibrating wire (in.), Corrosion can be minimized by selection of ma-
a = stress in the wire (lb/in. 2 ), terials that are not subject to galvanic corrosion
p = density of the wire material (lb/in. 3), and by drying and hermetically sealing the cavity
g = acceleration due to gravity (in./sec 2). around the wire. Attempts to minimize corrosion in

vibrating wire pressure transducers by circulating Table 8.3. Changes in Zero Reading of Vibrating Wire
dry nitrogen through them continuously, while suc- Piezometers During 17 Month Period
cessful in the short term, have proved difficult to Change in Zero Reading
maintain, for example, because of changes in oper- Instrument
ating personnel. Number lb/sq.in.a % full scaleb
If the vibrating wire creeps under permanent ten- 10-603 -2.58 2.58
sion, or if slippage occurs at the wire clamping 10-606 +0.65 0.65
points, a frequency reduction occurs that is unre- 10-607 -0.16 0.16
lated to strain, and a zero drift has occurred. Al- 10-655 +0.09 0.09
though various investigators indicate that zero drift 10-663 +0.23 0.23
is minor (e.g., Bordes and Debreuille, 1985; Browne 10-666 -0.33 0.33
10-667 -1.12 1.12
and McCurrich, 1967; DiBiagio, 1986; Londe, 1982;
10-668 -1.15 1.15
Thomas, 1966), others report that zero drift can be 10-669 -0.36 0.36
significant (e.g., Bozozuk, 1984; Jaworski, 1973; 10-670 +0.53 0.53
Kleiner and Logani, 1982; O'Rourke and Cording, 10-671 -0.19 0.19
1975; Szalay and Marino, 1981). 10-685 -0.06 0.06
Tharp (1986) reports on measurements of zero 10-686 +0.09 0.09
readings made 17 months after the original calibra- 10-689 +0.08 0.08
tions, prior to installation of 16 vibrating wire 10-697 -0.49 0.49
piezometers manufactured by Irad Gage. Data are 10-699 +0.49 0.49
shown in Table 8.3. The accuracy quoted by the a The negative sign indicates an increase in frequency of vibra-
manufacturer is ±0.5% full scale. During subse- tion.
quent discussions, a representative of the manufac- bRange of piezometers: 100 lb/in. 2
turer (LeFrancois, 1986) indicated his personal ex- Source: Tharp (1986).
perience that evaluations of data should not be
made on the basis of readings from a single instru- an excessively high piezometer reading is consis-
ment: tent with wire slippage or creep. The fact that sev-
Advanced manufacturing techniques greatly mini-
eral recent versions of vibrating wire piezometers
mize drift, but no manufacturer can ever guarantee are provided with an in-place check feature
that every unit built will not drift beyond the accu- whereby zero drift can be checked at any time dur-
racy specified over an indefinite period of time. The ing the life of the instrument (Chapter 9) appears to
remedy is, whenever the piezometer is retrievable, support the contention that the potential for zero
to perform periodic verification of the zero and cali- drift should not be ignored.
bration. Otherwise the accuracy is achieved by an Zero drift can be minimized by stress relieving
average from a group of piezometers. the vibrating wire, clamps, and transducer body af-
ter they have been assembled, either by using high
As can be seen from Table 8.3, 5 of the 16 piezome- temperature or by load cycling, and most manufac-
ters show a change in zero reading greater than the turers insist that this is essential for long-term sta-
quoted accuracy, but the average change (- 0.27lb/ bility. On the other hand, some users report excel-
in.Z) is within the quoted accuracy ( ± 0.5 lb/in. 2 ). lent results when this precaution was not taken.
The author is aware of two unpublished cases in Wire attachment at the clamping points should not
which vibrating wire transducers have apparently weaken the wire, and squeezed capillary tube
experienced significant zero drift. They both in- clamps or swaged pins appear to be the preferred
volve measurements with piezometers, supplied by methods. Bordes and Debreuille (1985) recommend
two different manufacturers, in two embankment that wire tension should be within the range 9-13%
dams. During first filling of each reservoir, one vi- of yield strength, and comment:
brating wire piezometer indicated a high piezom-
etric level that caused concern, and filling was Experience shows it is desirable for the instruments
stopped. The piezometer reading continued to rise to undergo a period of aging after manufacture, to
and, when the indicated piezometric level rose provide time for strain hardening of the compo-
above pool level, the measurements were dis- nents and attachment points and for the relaxation
counted and filling continued. It may be noted that of internal stresses that are inevitably set up in the

(a) -c-- second case, changes can occur at the point of at-
tachment to the diaphragm and in the diaphragm
____ untouched -
itself, requiring more thermal cycles before stability
\ _ _ one -20• + so•c cyc lei-
:z: \ on 3rd day
1-- is reached.
If a vibrating wire transducer is designed such
' that the electrical coil can be attached after the vi-
~- brating wire, clamps, and transducer body are as-
\ Ill""- ... sembled (e.g., the transducers manufactured by
Geokon), the body can be stress relieved rapidly
under high temperature, and no further aging is re-
\ quired.
In summary, on the issue of zero drift, four mea-
1 5 1 50 tiO sures appear to be highly desirable: minimizing the
potential for corrosion, use of appropriate wire at-
(b) tachment procedures at the clamping points, adher-
!! ence to maximum tension limits, and appropriate
~ BY -20•c +60•c CYCLES
:z: aging by thermal and/or strain cycling. These mea-
Readings at +20•c and 1000mbor sures are not adopted by all manufacturers. The
author therefore does not support the viewpoint
that all vibrating wire transducers are suitable for
long-term applications. This opinion should not be
taken as a vote in favor of alternative electrical
transducers: when compared with other electrical
transducers, a high-quality vibrating wire trans-
ducer is often the transducer of choice for long-term
0 10 20 30 40 50 applications. However, the author favors the inher-
ently more simple and reliable optical, mechanical,
Figure 8.23. Response of vibrating wire transducers to thermal hydraulic, or pneumatic transducers for long-term
cycling (after Bordes and Debreuille, 1985). measurements wherever they can provide the re-
quired data. There is a need for further documenta-
tion of long-term stability characteristics of vibrat-
manufacturing process. The aging process can be ing wire transducers, both in the laboratory and in
accelerated by high temperature or a shaking table, the field, and users are encouraged to examine the
although the two methods are not equally effective. potential for zero drift and report their findings to
[High] temperature accelerates the aging process. the profession.

Figure 8.23 illustrates the reactions of two Telemac Applications when Transducers Are Subjected
vibrating wire transducers to thermal cycling. The to Vibration
upper figure shows readings of two embedment
If transducers will be subjected to vibration, the
strain gages (the writers use the term extensometer
user should ensure that zero drift will not be
for an embedment strain gage). The data indicate
caused. O'Rourke and Cording (1975) indicate that
that readings stabilized immediately after a single
impact in the vicinity of surface-mounted strain
thermal cycle (variations less than 1 hertz re-
gages during laboratory testing caused large zero
sult from temperature and atmospheric pressure
drift, but Elson and Reddaway (1980) report in-
changes). The lower figure shows readings of a
significant zero drift when gages were embedded in
piezometer subjected to thermal cycles, indicating
driven piles. The writers conclude:
changes up to the 14th cycle. The writers make a
distinction between the relatively simple strain gage Generally, the first few blows of the hammer (up
arrangement, in which the only factors involved are to 100) produced a slight permanent extension in
changes in the wire itself and in its clamping ar- the strain gauges (typically 10 to 20 microstrain).
rangements, and the more complex transducer ge- Thereafter, driving the pile had little effect on the
ometry of a wire attached to a diaphragm. In the readings. It is not clear whether the permanent ex-

Flexible pivot


Figure 8.25. Magnet/reed switch (after Burland et al., 1972). Re·
printed by permission of Institution of Civil Engineers, london.
Figure 8.24. Schematic of force balance accelerometer. Voltage
VIs proportional to the force required to bold the mass In tbe null
position. voltage across a precision resistor. This voltage is
directly proportional to the input force.
The simplest and least expensive manual data
tension recorded is a real or an apparent value, al- acquisition system is a portable digital voltmeter.
though it would be reasonable to suppose that the Automatic data acquisition systems for use with in-
recorded extension reflected the development of clinometers are described in Chapter 12.
microcracks in the pile. Force balance accelerometers have a good track
record when used in portable tiltmeters and in-
Strain measurement on driven steel piles is best ac- clinometers where the transducer can be reversed
complished with low-mass weldable vibrating wire to eliminate errors caused by zero shift. However,
gages, with additional epoxy encapsulation for ex- they are not yet proved for long-term measurements
tra mechanical strength during driving. When trans- requiring permanent embedment of the transducer,
lucers will be subjected to vibration, the user is although recent design improvements have in-
tdvised to contact manufacturers whose transduc- creased their longevity.
ers are being considered for names of others who
have used their transducers in similar applications.
8.4.11. Magnet/Reed Switch
If in doubt, tests should be conducted to check
transducer performance under conditions similar to The magnet/ reed switch system (Burland et al.,
those anticipated in the field. 1972) is used in probe extensometers.
It is an on/off position detector, arranged to indi-
cate when the reed switch is in a certain position
8 .4.1 0. Force Balance Accelerometer
with respect to a ring magnet, as shown in Figure
Force balance accelerometers are used as tilt sen- 8.25. The switch contacts are normally open and
sors in tiltmeters, inclinometers, and in-place in- one of the reeds must be magnetically susceptible.
clinometers. When the switch enters a sufficiently strong mag-
The device consists of a mass suspended in the netic field, the reed contacts snap closed and remain
magnetic field of a position detector (Figure 8.24). closed as long as they stay in the magnetic field. The
When the mass is subjected to a gravity force along closed contacts actuate a buzzer or indicator light in
its sensitive axis, it tries to move, and the motion a portable readout unit.
induces a current change in the position detector. The repeatability of closure depends on the ra-
This current change is fed back through a servo- dial position of the reed switch within the ring mag-
amplifier to a restoring coil , which imparts an elec- net and also on the orientation of the reed about its
tromagnetic force to the mass that is equal and op- own axis, because it is difficult to manufacture ring
posite to the initiating gravity force. The mass is magnets that are polarized uniformly. If the reed
thus held in balance and does not move. The cur- switch remains within the middle third of a 1.25 in.
rent through the restoring coil is measured by the (32 mm) inside diameter ring magnet, the repeatabil-

ity will be within about ± 0.01 in. ( ± 0.25 mm). rent the transducer can be used as a proximity sen-
However, tests have shown (Burland et al., 1972) sor. The readout unit contains an ammeter for cur-
that with very precise guidance repeatability can be rent indication. In some versions of the probe
improved to about ± 0.001 in. ( ± 0.025 mm). More- extensometer, the secondary coil is a steel plate
over, no detectable drift has been observed over a with a central hole instead of a single steel wire ring.
period of 12 months in the laboratory. The system
is simple, reliable, precise, inexpensive, and well Transducer with Frequency-Displacement
suited for long-term performance measurements. Induction Coil
The only hazard known to the author is the possibil-
ity of permanent loss of magnetism if magnets are The third transducer functions as a linear displace-
allowed in prolonged contact with each other prior ment gage with frequency output and is used in
to installation. crack gages (Section 12.3.2), probe extensometers
(Section 12.5.6), fixed embankment extensometers
(Section 12.6.4), and fixed borehole extensome-
8.4.12. Induction Coil Transducers ters (Section 12.7.4). The secondary coil is a non-
Induction coil transducers are used in probe exten- ferrous ring, with no external electrical connection.
someters, fixed embankment extensometers, fixed The primary coil includes a coil-capacitance reso-
borehole extensometers, and crack gages. nant frequency circuit. As the primary coil moves
If an electrical coil is powered by an AC source, relative to the secondary coil, the mutual induc-
a magnetic field is created around the coil. This coil tance between the two changes. As the mutual in-
is referred to as the primary coil. If a second coil is ductance changes so does the resonant frequency of
within the influence of the magnetic field, a voltage the circuit. Frequency can be measured and dis-
is induced in this secondary coil. The principle is played automatically by digital electronics or by a
termed inductive coupling. The inductive coupling manually operated frequency-sensitive bridge cir-
principle is used in three transducers for geotech- cuit, and displacement is determined from a fre-
nical applications. In all cases the two coils are sep- quency /displacement calibration.
arated both electrically and mechanically. The dif-
ference is in output and configuration. Induction coil transducers have excellent long-
term stability. For long-term applications any em-
Soil Strain Gage bedded steel components should be protected from
In the first transducer, the soil strain gage (Section
12.6.5), the magnitude of voltage induced in the sec-
ondary coil is a function of spacing between the two 8.4.13. Magnetostrictive Transducer
coils. Thus, by maintaining constant input voltage
The magnetostrictive transducer (Hawkes, 1978) is
and measuring induced voltage, coil separation can
used in fixed borehole extensometers, probe exten-
be determined. The readout unit contains a Wheat-
someters, and tube convergence gages.
stone bridge circuit to null out the voltage from the
The transducer is also referred to as a sonic
secondary coil. Coil spacing is calculated from the
probe. It consists of at least two permanent magnets
amount of adjustment needed to balance the bridge.
attached to points between which displacement is to
be measured. A nickel-iron alloy tube is placed
Transducer with Current-Displacement
alongside the magnets and a copper wire is threaded
Induction Coil
inside the tube, as shown in Figure 8.26. The
The second transducer is used in probe extensome- nickel-iron alloy experiences a physical distortion
ters (Section 12.5.6). The secondary coil is a single when subjected to a change in magnetization, thus
steel wire ring, with no external electrical connec- the term magnetostrictive. An instantaneous elec-
tion. When the primary coil is placed inside the trical pulse is applied to the copper wire, thereby
ring, a voltage is induced in the ring, which in turn inducing an instantaneous magnetic field along its
alters the current in the primary coil because its length. The magnetic field interacts with the mag-
inductance changes. The current in the primary coil netic field at each of the permanent magnets and
is a maximum when the primary coil is centered causes a strain pulse to be initiated in the nickel-
inside the ring; thus, by measuring primary coil cur- iron tube. These strain pulses travel along the tube

~Magnets~ , Magnetostrictive
Sensor ,
head [_}---D--{_J tube
~ ~ Copper
' When level,
Cable Pulses--- ' wire are equal

Instantaneous electric pulse in copper wire generates

pulse in magnetostrictive tube at each magnet location.

u u
~~~~ When tilted
~+1•---D----1 R,._B > Rae
Pulses travel along tube at the speed of sound ( V) .
First pulse arrives at sensor and starts clock. B
(b) Figure 8.27. Schematic of electrolytic level.

u u 8.4.14. Electrolytic Level

~;::::==:=Se:=c:=o:=nd:=p:=u:=lse=ar:=ri:=ve:=s:=at:=se:=n:=so:=r:=a:=nd:=s:=to:=p:=s===3 Electrolytic levels are used in tiltmeters and in-
clock after time T; distance D = VT. clinometers.
An electrolytic level (Figure 8.27) consists of a
Figure 8.26. Schematic of magnetostrictive transducer. sealed glass vial similar to the vial on a conventional
builder's level, partly filled with a conductive liq-
uid. Output resistance can be read with a portable
strain indicator, in which case the two resistances
at the speed of sound and are detected at the read- form two arms of a Wheatstone bridge circuit, or
out end of the tube. The first pulse, from the nearest
the device can be read in the same way as a linear
magnet, arrives at the sensor head and starts a potentiometer. Criteria for the design of accurate
quartz crystal clock. The second pulse, from the electrolytic levels are discussed in Section 12.4.
next nearest magnet, stops the clock. Given the
time between pulses and the velocity of pulse
travel, the distance between adjacent magnets is de- 8.4.15. Automatic Data Acquisition Systems
termined readily. for Electrical Transducers*
Transducer accuracy is ±0.001 in. (±0.025 mm)
Advantages and limitations of automatic data acqui-
and the range can be as much as several feet. The
sition systems, when contrasted with manual sys-
transducer is noncontacting and bas low hysteresis
tems, are discussed in Chapter 18. This section is
and high stability. Temperature effects are minimal,
confined to a description of the equipment and a
because the time measurement depends only on the
discussion of the applicability of automatic data
pulse travel velocity and the distance between mag-
acquisition systems for monitoring various trans-
nets. The nickel-iron alloy tube can expand or con- ducers. ·
tract without affecting the time measurement. The
time measurement is affected by change in the pulse
DescriptWn of Equipment
travel velocity with temperature, but materials have
been selected such that the error is negligible. The An automatic data acquisition system (ADAS) may
magnetostrictive transducer was not used in geo- consist of simple components or may be a complex
technical applications until 1977; therefore, its lon- computer system. All ADASs have certain common
gevity has not yet been proved. However, perfor- characteristics. First, the systems are programmed
mance to date has been good and there appear to be
no basic reasons for questioning longevity if access
remains available to the sensor head for any neces- *Written with the assistance of David A. Roberts, Senior En-
sary maintenance. gineer, Shannon & Wilson, Inc. , Seattle, WA.

to collect data automatically on a predetermined Electrical

I ,..,o. 1/ I
schedule, without human intervention. Second, the
systems are designed to accommodate more than I Analog
I transducer .
one transducer. Third, some type of signal condi-
t t
tioning is performed. Fourth, the data are either
recorded or retransmitted to other equipment for
The heart of an ADAS is either a data logger, Signal
supply I
data controller, or small computer. With the ad- I conditioning or
excitation I
vancement of electronics, the differences between I ~ I
these three devices have blurred. The data logger is I
Controlling~ I
an instrument designed to record information from to-
Data / 1 electronics
various transducers, usually at high speed. The data logg er converter
controller not only collects data but also uses a pro-
gram to evaluate the data and to control various
ord ata
con troller
com puter 1

Memory and
equipment such as an industrial process assembly
line. The small mini, micro, or personal computer
functions I
will generally be incorporated into the ADAS L-~---·1 1·--J
through the use of an interface device and will not Permanent
have been designed for this particular application. Off-site
Computers usually allow more sophisticated im-
mediate data processing than the other two devices,
but the most frequently used ADAS for geotech- Figure 8.28. Generalized block diagram of automatic data acqui-
sition system (ADAS).
nical instrumentation applications is the data log-
Data loggers can be separated into two catego-
ries: dedicated loggers andjlexible loggers. A dedi- electronics have some memory but data must then
cated logger is a device designed for connection be stored or printed out for further analysis. The
to one or two types of transducer. Data loggers controlling electronics usually have the capability
manufactured by geotechnical instrumentation to store the data on a variety of media including
manufacturers are generally dedicated data loggers, paper, magnetic tape, and in some cases magnetic
designed for extended field use with that manufac- disk. Some ADASs also can be polled to collect
turer's transducers. Flexible data loggers are appli- data or to transmit data over the telephone to a
cable for use with a large variety of transducer separate processing center.
types and a large number of transducers and may be Recently, several manufacturers of geotechnical
capable of handling digital data. Flexible loggers instrumentation have begun offering data loggers
generally have more sophisticated data handling, for field use, which are claimed to withstand ex-
storage, and processing capability than dedicated tremes of temperature and humidity and yet are
loggers. flexible enough to handle more than one or two
Figure 8.28 shows the basic configuration of an types of transducer. The continuing improvement in
ADAS. The power supply and signal conditioning low-power electronics permits these units to be pro-
convert the output of analog transducers into a sig- grammed for unattended, battery operation from a
nal that can be measured and converted to a number month to up to a year. Figure 8.29 shows a data
by an analog-to-digital converter. In most ADASs, logger manufactured by Terrascience Systems Ltd.,
the signals from the transducers are conditioned to which is designed for installation within a protective
produce a DC voltage or a binary decimal signal. enclosure at the collar of a borehole. A larger data
The electronics controlling the ADAS performs logger is shown in Figure 8.30.
various functions such as controlling measurement Slope Indicator Company has recently devel-
frequency, scaling and displaying the data, convert- oped a line of "smart" vibrating wire transducers
ing to engineering units, averaging data, checking (Figure 8.31), the IDArM (intelligent data acquisi-
for alarm limits, and controlling external equipment tion) system, which includes additional electronics
such as alarms and annunciators. The controlling integral to the transducer package. The main pur-

Figure 8.29. In-borehole data logger. Terrascience Systems

Model TERRA 8/D'" (courtesy of Terrascience Systems Ltd., Van-
couver, BC, Canada).

poses of these "smart" transducers are to simplify

on-site connection of large numbers of transducers,
simplify data acquisition, and reduce cabling costs
on large projects. This line of transducers is new
and therefore no information is yet available on field figure 8.30. Computer-based data logger for 1000 instruments,
reliability. Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, Carlsbad, NM (courtesy of Soil & Rock
Instrumentation Division, Gold berg-Zoino & Associates, Inc.,
Newton, MA).
Applicabilily of ADASs for Monitoring Various
The primary considerations for transducer selection
should be reliability and required accuracy. If an
ADAS is required , these primary considerations

Figure 8.31. Slope Indicator Company IDA'" system (courtesy of Slope Indicator Company, Seattle,

should override considerations of easy interfacing, puters. Vibrating wire transducers require an
and significant effort may be needed to design, ADAS that is able to convert frequency to a digital
build, and test interfacing between the preferred signal. Soil strain gages require an adequate excita-
transducer and existing ADAS equipment. tion voltage and an ADAS that is sufficiently sensi-
A single model of data logger, data controller, or tive to resolve small voltage changes resulting from
computer is not likely to be compatible with all changes in coil separation. Magnetostrictive trans-
transducers that are normally used in geotechnical ducers rely on the measurement of pulse travel
instrumentation. If the transducers are supplied by time; therefore, an interface is required for connec-
a single manufacturer, and the same manufacturer tion to an ADAS, and at the present time there is no
sells a compatible dedicated data logger, this is flexible data logger, data controller, or computer
likely to be the first choice. The following discus- that could be connected directly to these transduc-
sion is generally limited to flexible data loggers, ers. For all transducers in this second category, a
data controllers, and computers. Applicability of dedicated data logger is the best choice, preferably
ADASs for monitoring various transducers can be supplied by the manufacturer of the transducer.
grouped into four categories, discussed in tum be- The third category consists of electrical trans-
low. ducers that require manual operation, normally by
Use of an ADAS is straightforward with some traversing a sensing probe through a pipe, and thus
transducers. Included in this category are transduc- there is little reason to use an ADAS. Examples are
ers that produce a full-scale DC output voltage of magnet/reed switch and induction coil transducers
1 volt or higher because these require minimum in- used with probe extensometers.
terfacing and signal conditioning. Examples are Fourth, several non electrical transducers can be
LVDTs, DCDTs, potentiometers, force balance read with ADASs, using arrangements described
accelerometers, electrolytic levels, high-output elsewhere in this book. These include pneumatic
capacitance pressure transducers, and high-output transducers (Section 8.3), plumb lines and double-
electrical resistance strain gage networks. High- fluid full-profile settlement gages (Chapter 12), and
output electrical resistance strain gage networks are twin-tube hydraulic piezometers (Appendix E).
a relatively new development in which amplifying Publications describing geotechnical applications
and signal conditioning electronics are built into for automatic data acquisition systems include
the transducer, producing a full-scale DC output Bailey (1980), Brough and Patrick (1982), Carpenter
voltage of approximately 5 volts. Thermocouples, (1984b), Carpentier and Verdonck (1986), Chedsey
thermistors, and resistance temperature devices and Dorey (1983), DiBiagio (1979), DiBiagio et al.
(RTDs), described in Chapter 14 and used for tem- (1981), Green and Roberts (1983a, 1983b), ICOLD
perature measurement, require only minor inter- (1982), Lytle (1982), Murray (1986), Steenfelt
facing. However, as discussed in Chapter 14, a (1983), USCOLD (1988) and Weeks and Starzew-
different method is used for each of the three trans- ski (1986).
The second category of transducers requires
8.4.16. Power Supplies and Communication
more complex signal conditioning. Examples in-
Systems for Electrical Transducers*
clude all five of the low-output electrical resistance
strain gages described in Section 8.4.1, the type of Electrical transducers generally require an electric
signal conditioning depending on the bridge net- power supply, either to a portable readout unit, an
work. Some ADASs can provide this conditioning ADAS, or in some cases directly to the transducer.
in the form of plug-in modules. Alternatively, stand- Options are mains power, batteries, portable gener-
alone electronic interface equipment can be pur- ators, and solar, wind, and water power. Electrical
chased to produce a high-level output voltage suit- instruments also require a communication linkage
able for most commercially available AD ASs. Other between the transducer and data acquisition system
transducers in this second category include vibrat- and in some cases between the data acquisition sys-
ing wire, magnetostrictive, and induction coil trans- tem and a remote facility. Options are hard-wiring,
ducers of both the soil strain gage type and the type telephone lines, and radio transmission.
with frequency output, all of which require either
special excitation or signal conditioning when used *Written with the assistance of David A. Roberts, Senior En-
with flexible data loggers, data controllers, or com- gineer, Shannon & Wilson, Inc., Seattle, WA.

Overview of Electrical Power Supplies volts each but can be connected in series to provide
the required voltage. They are available with capac-
The primary sources of electrical power are mains
ities of up to 2000 ampere-hours and will operate at
power and battery power. Mains power in the
temperatures as low as -40°C. Their main disad-
United States is 110 volts or 220 volts AC, 60 hertz
vantages are high price, large bulk, and the caustic
single phase, and is usually available only near in-
property of the electrolyte.
habited areas. Some other countries have 240 volts
AC, 50 hertz single phase as a standard. Battery
power is used in most portable instruments, and Rechargeable Batteries
batteries may be disposable or rechargeable. Alter-
Rechargeable batteries are of two general types,
native power supplies, used when batteries cannot
nicad and lead-acid. Nicad (nickel-cadmium) bat-
provide sufficient power economically and when
teries are normally used where power requirements
the site is too remote for mains power, include die-
are small, physical space is limited, and repeated
sel or gasoline generators, thermoelectric genera-
deep discharge cycles are anticipated. Lead-acid
tors, and solar, wind, and water power. A good
batteries are available with a wide variety of volt-
overview of some electrical power supply systems
ages and power capacities, but they are vulnerable
is given by Ball (1987).
to damage if fully discharged for a long period.
Automobile batteries are lead-acid type. Low-
Mains Power capacity sealed lead-acid batteries that use a gelled
electrolyte are now used widely in portable readout
Mains power is preferred for automatic data acqui- units. Shoup and Dutro (1985) describe various
sition systems. Many components of an ADAS re- types of disposable and rechargeable batteries.
quire 110 or 220 volts AC, and control of envi-
ronmental conditions such as temperature and
humidity is simplified when mains power is used. Diesel and Gasoline Generators
The quality and reliability of mains power varies In remote areas where high-capacity power is re-
considerably, and conditioning may be necessary quired, diesel or gasoline electric generators are
where quality is poor. Low voltage, commonly commonly used. Diesel units are generally pre-
called brownout, can cause erratic behavior and can ferred because maintenance is minimized and
damage electronic equipment. Overvoltage caused stored fuel is safer, but use of either type entails
by lightning strikes can destroy unprotected equip- maintenance and refueling costs. Most diesel gener-
ment, and high-voltage transients can cause errors ators in the United States are designed to produce
in data collected by ADASs. Undervoltage, over- 110 or 220 volts AC, but convertors can be added to
voltage, and transients can be cured by a combin- reduce the power output to a convenient DC volt-
ation of lightning protection equipment (Section age such as 12 volts.
8.4.17), circuit breakers, and power line condition-
ers. The problem of power outages can be ad-
dressed by use of uninterruptable power supplies: Solar Power
these are essentially switching devices that use re- Solar power is used with increasing frequency, but
chargeable batteries to supply power during outages several variables must be considered before select-
of mains power. ing this approach. Northern areas such as Canada
and Alaska receive much smaller amounts of solar
radiation than other parts of North America and
Disposable Batteries
have a wide variation in summer/winter radiation.
Disposable batteries are used in portable readout When solar power is required in northern areas,
units that have low power consumption and also in either the system must be sized on winter needs,
areas where rechargeable batteries would be dif- entailing significant overcapacity in summer, or ad-
ficult to service. Common types are carbon-zinc, ditional batteries are required for winter use. In
mercury, and alkaline cells. Alternatively, air- more southerly latitudes, similar needs can arise if a
depolarized cells can be used in remote areas where south-facing location is not available or if the solar
other power supplies are inadequate and where high panels are affected by shade. For high-capacity
capacity is required. These cells provide only 1.2 solar power, large arrays of panels must be used,

and specialized batteries are required to smooth the Table 8.4. Typical Range of Power Output for Various
variations in power supply. Electrical Power Supplies
Power Output
Thermoelectric Generators
Minimum Maximum
In remote locations that are unsuitable for solar Power Supply (watts) (watts)
power and where power requirements are moder-
Diesel generator 1000 50,000
ate, thermoelectric generators are sometimes used Solar panela 4 70
in preference to diesel or gasoline generators or bat- Thermoelectric generator 7 90
teries. These generators are powered by natural Rechargeable batteryb 0.4 4
gas, propane, or butane, with either a flame burner Nonrechargeable batteryc 4 x w- 4 3
or catalytic burner. Capacities range from 10 to 90
a Fora location in central United States. Normally more than one
watts, and various output voltages can be selected. panel is required to obtain maximum power output.
These units are relatively small, weigh between 30 bOne month recharge cycle.
and 200 lb (14-90 kg), have very low maintenance cYearly replacement.
needs, but of course require periodic refueling. Note: All calculations based on a 12 volt DC system.

Wind and Water Power

Wind- and water-powered generators can also be and the on-site collection station is usually per-
used for power supply in remote areas. However, formed with low-power line-of-sight transmitters.
both methods are relatively expensive, require fre- Communication between on-site and off-site sta-
quent maintenance, and are rarely used in geo- tions will usually be via telephone lines or radio.
technical applications. When available, telephone lines provide the most
convenient and least expensive link. Telephone
Ranges of Power Output for Various Electrical lines are rented from local telephone companies and
Power Supplies can be either dedicated or standard voice grade.
Dedicated lines can handle higher rates of transmis-
Table 8.4 presents a range of power output available
sion but are more expensive and may not be avail-
from various electrical power supplies. The values
able. Standard dial-up voice grade lines are the
cited in this table are approximate, and the ranges
more common method and require a modem at each
are those that are economically feasible for in-
end of the line. Transmission rates for dial-up lines
strumentation purposes.
vary from 10 to 120 characters per second and de-
pend both on the sophistication of the transmitting
Communication Systems
and receiving equipment used and on the quality of
Electrical transducers are generally hard-wired to the telephone lines over which the signal is sent.
the data acquisition system, using electrical cable. Data transmission over telephone lines can be
Cable may be buried in the ground or concrete, or either analog or digital but the digital method, using
attached to the surface of a structure, or suspended an ASCII protocol, is generally the preferred
in air. Guidelines for selection of cable are given in method. Data transmission from the on-site station
Section 8.4.17. to an off-site station can be initiated by any of four
When an automatic data acquisition system is methods: manually from the on-site station, timed
used, data can be collected from the system by automatically from the on-site station, polled manu-
visiting the site. Alternati_vely, a communication ally from the off-site station, or polled automatically
system can link the on-site system to an off-site from the off-site station.
master collection station as shown in Figure 8.32, Where telephone lines are not available, and the
so that data can be collected and processed without site is too remote for installation of a private line to
visiting the site. Communication between the on- the nearest telephone line, radio transmission can
site junction boxes and collection station will often be used to link the on-site and off-site stations, but
be via hard-wiring, or occasionally radio transmis- radio transmission over more than a few miles re-
sion may be used when rugged terrain, roads, or quires use of a relay system. Relay systems can be
other obstacles prevent the use of hard-wiring. simple single channel relays, radio networks, or
Radio transmission between remote on-site stations satellites. It is likely that, in the future, satellite

remote station
or junction box


or radio

Figure 8.32. Schematic of transducers and communication system for remote monitoring.

links will play an increasing role in communication 8.4.17. General Guidelines on Use of Electrical
of data. As for telephone lines, radio transmission Transducers and Data Acquisition Systems*
of data can be either analog or digital, but digital
This section includes only brief general guidelines.
transmission usually has less errors. Radio frequen-
Most of the issues discussed require knowledge be-
cies, power, and protocols for transmitting data
yond that of the typical user of instrumentation. •
vary greatly among different systems and are usu-
Unless users have sound experience with field elec-
ally regulated by government agencies. Baur (1987)
tronics, they are encouraged to seek the detailed
presents a good overview of the role of radio trans-
guidance of others with appropriate experience.
mission systems.
An innovative system is described by Teal (1986)
Selection of Cable
for communicating data from inaccessible transduc-
ers to an on-site data collection station. The system Manufacturers of geotechnical instruments nor-
uses a technique akin to that used in geophysical mally standardize the type of cable for each instru-
resistivity surveys. An alternating electrical poten- ment: to do otherwise would create difficulties in
tial field is established between a pair of buried supply to the end user. However, the standard type
electrodes and a digitally encoded signal is transmit- may not be suitable for all applications, and the user
ted. This signal is received at the monitoring station should participate in selection of cable. The follow-
by a second pair of electrodes, thereby avoiding ing items must all be considered:
hard-wiring. Arrangements are being made to install
a prototype system in England.
Whenever data are transmitted without use of
hard-wiring, there is a possibility of transmission *Written with the assistance of Howard B. Dutro, Vice Presi-
dent, Slope Indicator Company, Seattle, WA, and Charles T.
error. The data should be transmitted more than McNeillie, Senior Instrumentation Technician, Soil & Rock In-
once and any errors identified by comparing trans- strumentation Division, Goldberg-Zoino & Associates, Inc.,
missions. Newton, MA.

• Length of run type. MS connectors are available with from two to

• Frequency and magnitude of signal several hundred connecting pins, which are nor-
• Environment (e.g., underground, aerial, indoor, mally gold plated to provide long-term stable con-
marine sunlight) nections. The crimp versions are preferable to the
soldered versions because, although they are more
• Temperature of environment
expensive, they provide the most reliable connec-
• Altitude tion and are less dependent on variations in quality
• Longevity requirements of work when connecting cables to connectors. The
• Susceptibility to damage (e.g., need for conduit back shells of the connectors are environmentally
or armoring, likelihood of axial or shear strains sealed, and when properly mated by turning 90°, the
such as when embedded in fill) male/female connection is also sealed. However,
• Proximity to sources of electrical noise the connectors are not waterproof.
It is advisable to discourage water from wicking
Electrical noise is a term used to cover random along the cable from a cut in the outer insulation
measurement variations caused by external factors, and entering the connector. This is best done by
and excessive noise in a system may mask small sealing the back shell around the individual conduc-
real changes. It is therefore important that electrical tors where they fan out. The two-part epoxy sealers
signals should be as free as possible from noise. used in cable splice kits (see next subsection) are
Primary causes of noise are radio frequency inter- suitable, and alternatively room temperature curing
ference (RFI) and electromagnetic interference silicone rubber (e.g. RTV, room temperature vul-
(EMI) from such sources as power lines, electrical canize) can be used. Noncorrosive RTV should be
generators and motors, commercial TV, radio or used*-the type available from electronic supply
radar stations, defective fluorescent signs, elec- houses, not the type available from hardware
tronic navigation systems, nearby thermostats and stores. RTV should be applied and allowed to cure
other switch closures, welding, and dirty terminals in layers not exceeding 0.25 in. (6 mm) thick.
of power line transformers. Problems created by It must be emphasized that the connection
some of these sources can be corrected, for ex- method described above will not create waterproof
ample by replacing defective fluorescent signs and connections. Sealing materials will generally not
cleaning terminals of power line transformers. The bond to cable insulation materials such as Teflon and

best protection against noise is the use of shielding. polyethylene. In extreme cases, such as underwater
Individually shielded twisted pairs, bundled in- applications, it is necessary to use special marine
side an overall shield, are recommended for all ap- connectors, but these are very expensive.
plications. For some applications this may indeed Connectors should be kept scrupulously clean
be "overkill," but it is inexpensive insurance and dry. A non-contact cleaner-a high pressure
against the many unknowns associated with a field inert gas contained in a spray can-is best for clean-
environment. As a rule of thumb, the shield should ing. t Whenever connectors are not mated, they
be grounded with respect to the measuring circuit at should be sealed by dust caps and each attached to
one end only, as close as possible to the chassis the connector by a chain so that it will not be lost.
ground for a portable instrument and as close as
possible to the earth ground on a mains instrument. Cable Splices
The primary sources of guidance on selection of
cable are the manufacturers of cable, and several Cable splices should be reserved for repair work
manufacturers who have applications engineers are and should not be planned into a system unless
listed in Appendix D. The end user should make the there is no alternative. Commercial splice kits
final decision, after discussions with manufacturers should be used, available from the manufacturers
of the instrument and the cable. From a delivery listed in Appendix D. The kits generally consist of
and cost standpoint, it is always cost effective to crimp splices and a two-part epoxy sealer with a
use a standard stocked cable. forming mold. It is essential to match the crimp
splice size with the cable conductor size, and to use
Cable Connectors a rachet-type crimping tool that can be calibrated to
The most suitable types of connector for field in- *For example, Dow Coming Type 3140 or 3141.
strumentation are the Mil. Spec. (MS) bayonet lock tFor example, Chemtronics 70 p.s.i. cleaner.

the proper crimp size. Great attention to detail must be the type used for testing radios and TYs, not the
be paid when making a splice, and the instructions type used for power line measurements. Specific
provided with the kits assume significant knowl- procedures appropriate for checking each instru-
edge. The guidance of a good electronics techni- ment should be obtained from the manufacturer of
cian, such as a person who repairs TYs, should be the instrument.
"Homemade" splice kits, consisting of crimp Charging and Maintenance of BaUeries
splices, mastic, RTY, and electrical tape should not
Rechargeable batteries are of two general types,
be used. They generally develop leakage to mois-
nickel-cadmium (nicad) and lead-acid. Recharging
ture over the long term and deteriorate more rapidly
procedures for the two types are quite different.
than the commercial kits. Unless made indoors by
Nicad batteries must be discharged completely at
skilled personnel, soldered splices will generally be
maximum intervals of 3 months, whereas lead-acid
inferior to a high-quality crimp splice.
batteries must never be discharged completely and
should be fully charged at maximum intervals of 3
Lightning Protection
months when not being used. Shoup and Dutro
Lightning can damage electrical instruments in (1985) give detailed guidelines on charging and
three ways: power surges caused by a direct strike, maintenance of both types.
induced transients caused by a nearby strike, and
electromagnetic pulses induced by the magnetic Operating Spares
field of a strike. Transient protection devices should
Components of an instrumentation system can
be incorporated into the system whenever there is a
malfunction as a result of mechanical damage, wa-
possibility of serious damage by lightning. Commer-
ter damage, deterioration, defects, or wear and
cial sources are listed in Appendix D. Both the
tear. Chapter 5 includes a recommendation for pro-
power input and the transducer should be pro-
curement of appropriate spare parts at the time of
tected. Good sources of information on lightning
initial procurement, together with suggestions for
protection include Baker (1978, 1980), Burkitt
obtaining spare or standby readout units. The stock
(1980), DiBiagio and Myrvoll (1985), and General
of operating spares should be reviewed on a regular
Electric (1976).
basis during service life.
Protection from Water
Handling and Transporting Transducers
If it can find a way to the inside of an electrical and Data Acquisition Systems
system, water will find a way. Methods of prevent-
Instruments should be handled with great care. As
ing water from entering cables, connectors, and
an illustration of this need, when transporting in-
splices have been described earlier in this section.
struments and personnel in a pickup truck, the in-
Water-blocked cable is available to prevent migra-
struments should be on the seat and the personnel
tion of water along the conductors in case of dam-
in the back, not the other way around. A classic and
age to a cable.
recurrent blunder is to carry an instrument by its
Readout units should be kept dry, and a humidity
signal cable: this should never be permitted.
indicator can be incorporated to indicate when
there is a need to dry out the unit. The indicator
Regular Calibration and Maintenance
contains a chemical that changes color when the
of Readout Units
humidity exceeds a predetermined level.
General guidelines for calibration and maintenance
Field Checks with Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter of readout units are given in Chapter 16.
Section 8.4.3 describes the use of a circuit tester to
Use of Electrical Transducers and Data Acquisition
check the integrity of electrical resistance strain
Systems in Cold Conditions
gages and cables. The integrity of cables connected
to other types of instrument can be checked with a Guidelines for use of electrical instruments in cold
volt-ohm-milliammeter (YOM). The YOM should conditions are given by Atkins (1981).


9.1. INSTRUMENT CATEGORIES AND toring of pore water pressure to control staged con-
APPLICA liONS struction over soft clay foundations.
Applications for observation wells are very lim-
Definitions of the terms groundwater level, pore ited. In current practice they are frequently in-
water pressure, and joint water pressure are given stalled in boreholes during the site investigation
in Chapter 2. In this book the term piezometer is phase of a project, ostensibly to define initial
used to indicate a device that is sealed within the groundwater pressures and seasonal fluctuations.
ground so that it responds only to groundwater However, because observation wells create a verti-
pressure around itself and not to groundwater pres- cal connection between strata, their only applica-
sures at other elevations. Piezometers are used to tion is in continuously permeable ground in which
monitor pore water pressure and joint water pres- groundwater pressure increases uniformly with
sure. The term pore pressure cell is sometimes used depth. This condition can rarely be assumed. The
as a synonym for piezometer. An observation well author believes that many practitioners do not ap-
is a device that has no subsurface seals, and it preciate the need to make pore water pressure mea-
creates a vertical connection between strata. surements at many different depths, rather than
Applications for piezometers fall into two general measuring at one or two points and assuming a
categories. First, for monitoring the pattern of wa- straight line pressure-depth relation. Detailed pore
ter flow and second, to provide an index of soil or water pressure data provided by recently developed
rock mass strength. Examples in the first category multipoint piezometers with movable probes (Sec-
include monitoring subsurface water flow during tion 9.9) have shown that pressure-depth profiles
large-scale pumping tests to determine permeability can be quite irregular and very different from that
in situ, monitoring the long-term seepage pattern in which one would infer from measurements at one or
embankment dams and slopes, and monitoring up- two points. Perhaps the major reason for the fre-
lift pressures below concrete dams. In the second quent and continued use of observation wells is that
category, monitoring of pore or joint water pressure they can be installed by drillers without the partici-
allows an estimate of effective stress to be made pation of geotechnical personnel: this is certainly
and thus an assessment of strength. Examples in- not the case for installation of piezometers. Obser-
clude assessing the strength along a potential failure vation wells are therefore inexpensive, but in the
plane behind a cut slope in soil or rock, and moni- view of the author are often misleading and should


be used only when the groundwater regime is well

known. If the groundwater regime is well known,
measurements may be unnecessary: therefore, a
practitioner must have a strong argument in favor of
an observation well before selecting this option.
Additional applications for measurement of
groundwater pressure are given in Part 5.
Clean washed coarse
Piezometers can be grouped into those that have sand or fine gravel
a diaphragm between the transducer and the pore or
joint water and those that do not. Instruments in the Groundwater level

first group are piezometers with pneumatic, vibrat-

ing wire, and electrical resistance strain gage trans- Riser pipe, typically
1.25 in. diameter
ducers. Instruments in the second group are open
standpipe and twin-tube hydraulic piezometers. Borehole, diameter
typically 2 in. larger than
In general, piezometers used for measuring pore o.d. of couplings on riser pipe
water pressure in soil are no different from
Slotted plastic
piezometers used for measuring joint water pres- or steel pipe,
sure in a rock mass: the difference is in the installa- or wellpoint; typically
2ft long
tion arrangements. These differences are discussed
in Section 9.18.
Various instruments for measuring groundwater
pressure are described and compared below. Other
descriptions and comparisons are given by Bozozuk Figure 9.1. Schematic of observation well.
(1960), Cording et al. (1975), Corps of Engineers
(1971), Hanna (1985), USBR (1974), and Wilson and
Mikkelsen (1978).
lar aquifer, requiring an arrangement similar to an
open standpipe piezometer.
As shown in Figure 9.1, an observation well con-
sists of a perforated section of pipe attached to a
9.3.1. Description
riser pipe, installed in a sand-filled borehole. The
surface seal, with cement mortar or other material, An open standpipe piezometer requires sealing off a
is needed to prevent surface runoff from entering porous filter element so that the instrument re-
the borehole, and a vent is required in the pipe cap sponds only to groundwater pressure around the
so that water is free to flow through the wellpoint. filter element and not to groundwater pressures at
The elevation of the water surface in the observa- other elevations. Piezometers can be installed in
tion well is determined by sounding with one of the fill, sealed in boreholes (Figure 9.2), or pushed or
probes described in Section 9.3.2 for measurements driven into place.
within open standpipe piezometers. The components are identical in principle to
As discussed in Section 9.1, observation wells components of an observation well, with the addi-
create an undesirable vertical connection between tion of seals. The water surface in the standpipe
strata and should rarely be used. The water level stabilizes at the piezometric elevation and is deter-
within the observation well is likely to correspond mined by sounding with a probe. Care must be
to the head in the most permeable zone and will taken to prevent rainwater runoff from entering
usually be misleading. At sites where a contaminant open standpipes, and an appropriate stopcock
exists in one aquifer, installation of an observation cover can be used, ensuring that venting of the
well also leads to contamination of other aquifers. standpipe is not obstructed.
The term observation well should not be con- The open standpipe piezometer is also referred
fused with monitoring well, which is a system for to as a Casagrande piezometer, after publication of
sampling and monitoring water quality in a particu- measurement methods for monitoring pore water

·al sealing

Bentonite seal

Figure 9.2. Schematic of open standpipe piezometer installed in a


pressure during construction of Logan Airport in

Boston (Casagrande, 1949, 1958). The Casagrande
version consisted of a cylindrical porous ceramic
tube, connected with a rubber bushing to 0.375 in.
(10 mm) inside diameter saran plastic tubing. To-
day, high-density porous hydrophilic polyethylene
(Figure 9.3) usually replaces the brittle ceramic, and
PVC or ABS plastic pipe or polyethylene tubing
replaces the saran tubing, which becomes brittle
with age and exposure to sunlight. Standpipe inside
diameter typicaJiy ranges from 0.2 to 3 in. (5-76
Flush-coupled Schedule 80 PVC or ABS pipe is a
good choice for standpipes, with either cemented or Figure 9.3. Open standpipe piezometer with porous polyethylene
filter and self-sealing threaded PVC standpipe (courtesy of
threaded couplings that allow easy passage of the
Piezometer Research & Development, Bridgeport, en.
reading device and the sounding hammer (Section
9. 17.8). When cemented couplings are used, one
end of each length of pipe is machined as a male, the
other as a female, and the coupling connected using not suitable for Hush couplings, and conventional
solvent cement. A primer should be used to etch the square threads will often not sustain significant in-
surfaces and ensure proper adhesion of the cement. ternal water pressure.
When threaded couplings are used, they should be Open standpipe piezometers are generally con-
of the self-sealing type shown in Figure 9.3. These sidered to be more reliable than other types , and the
special threads are undersized at the female end and reliability of unproven piezometers is usually evalu-
create a watertight connection without any sealer, ated on the basis of how well the results agree with
merely by tightening with vice grips or small pipe those of adjacent open standpipe piezometers. Ad-
wrenches. Conventional tapered pipe threads are vantages and limitations are summarized in Section

9.12. A major limitation is their slow response to

changes in piezometric head, because a significant
volume of water must flow out of or into the soil or
rock mass to register a change in head. This slow
response is referred to as hydrodynamic time lag
and is discussed further in Section 9. 10. A second
major limitation is caused by the existence of the
standpipe: when embankment fill is placed around
the standpipe, nearby compaction tends to be in-
ferior, interruption to normal filling operations is
costly, and the standpipe is subject to damage by
construction equipment.
Open standpipe piezometers of the type de-
scribed in Section 9.8 can be installed by pushing or
driving into place. The term push-in piezometer is
used in this book for piezometers that are con-
nected to a pipe or drill rod and pushed or driven
into place. A special type of open standpipe
piezometer, the heavy liquid piezometer, is also de-
scribed in Section 9.8.

9.3.2. Methods of Reading Open Standpipe

Figure 9.4. Electrical dipmeter (courtesy of Geotechnical lnstru·
Various methods are available for reading open ments (U.K.) ltd., Leamington Spa, England).
standpipe piezometers , most of which involve
sounding the elevation of the water surface with a
probe. liquid in a small-diameter tube. The air valve is held
open to allow the two surfaces of colored liquid to
Electrical Dipmeter
stabilize at the same level , and the nylon tubing is
The most commonly used probe is an electrical pushed down the standpipe until the lower end is
dipmeter (Figure 9.4) , consisting of a two- submerged below the water surface. Submergence
conductor cable with a cylindrical stainless steel is indicated by a lowering of liquid level in the grad-
weight at its lower end. The weight is divided elec- uated sight tube. The nylon tubing is then slowly
trically into two parts, with a plastic bushing be- withdrawn and the level of colored liquid rises until
tween, and one conductor is connected to each the surface of the water in the standpipe is reached ,
part. The upper end of the cable is connected to a and at this point the graduation on the tubing is
battery and either an indicator light, buzzer, or am- read . A 0.125 in. (3 mm) outside diameter tubing is
meter. When the probe is lowered within the stand- normally used, such that it can be inserted in stand-
pipe and encounters the water surface, the electri- pipes with inside diameter as small as 0.2 in. (5
cal circuit is completed through the water and the mm): an electrical dipmeter cannot normally be
surface indicator is actuated. For small-diameter used in such small-diameter standpipes. When used
standpipes where the water level is no deeper than in a large-diameter standpipe a smaU weight is usu-
about 15 ft (5 m), a coaxial cable with bared ends ally added to the lower end.
can be used.
Audio Reader
Capillary Reader
Sandroni (1980) describes an audio reader, shown in
An alternative device is manufactured by Piezome- Figure 9.6, that can be assembled from readily
ter Research and Development and shown in Figure available components. The arrows on the figure
9.5. The term capillary reader originates from an show the path of a noise created, for example, by a
earlier device that relied on the capillary action of transistor radio. The graduated measuring tube is

air valve

Detachable scale
~~ Headphones
tube Noise-
nylon tubing,
graduated at
close intervals

"1*1--- Measuring tube

Graduation on measuring tube

Standpipe Impervious seal


- Sand pocket

Figure 9.5. Schematic of capillary reader.

Figure 9.6. Audio reader (after Sandroni, 1980). Reprinted by

permission of Institution of Civil Engineers, London.
inserted within the standpipe and, when the lower
end of the tube touches water, the noise transmitted
to the headphones ceases. The detachable scale is
low the lowest possible piezometric level and sealing
used to subdivide graduations on the measuring
just above the transducer. A packer inflated with air
can be used for the seal and allows recovery of the
transducer for recalibration (e.g., Tao et al., 1980).
Survey Tape and Weight
This adaptation shortens the response time and re-
If the standpipe diameter is large enough, a survey duces the possibility of clogging by repeated inflow
tape with a weight on its lower end can often be and outflow of water through the porous tip.
used by listening for the weight to contact the water
surface. A small bell, with the striker removed, is Purge Bubble System
sometimes used to increase the noise on contact.
The purge bubble principle can be used to read an
open standpipe piezometer, as shown in Figure 9.7,
Pressure Transducer
and this system also allows readings to be made at a
A pneumatic, vibrating wire, or electrical resistance remote location. A length of plastic tubing is in-
strain gage pressure transducer can be inserted into serted within the standpipe to a point below the
the standpipe below the lowest possible piezometric lowest piezometric level, and the elevation of the
level, thereby allowing readings to be made at a lower end is recorded. A small controlled flow of air
remote location. The transducer can be left hang- depresses the level of water within the plastic tub-
ing in place and recovered for periodic recalibra- ing until it falls to the lower end of the tubing, at
tion. which time air bubbles rise to the surface of water in
Alternatively, an open standpipe piezometer can the standpipe. The measured air pressure is then
be converted to a diaphragm piezometer by insert- equal to the water pressure at the lower end of the
ing a pressure transducer within the standpipe be- plastic tubing, and the piezometric elevation is cal-


iTransducer to
1 read
I pressure P


0 valve
0 and
0 Air
and coarse

Figure 9.7. Purge bubble principle (after Penman, 1982).

culated as shown in the figure. Most readout units important design information when expensive auto-
for pneumatic transducers can readily be adapted matic monitoring systems cannot be justified.
for this purpose.
The system shown in Figure 9.8 can be used for Float and Recorder
continuous recording by maintaining a constant
Open standpipe piezometers are sometimes read
small flow of air and recording pressure (e.g., Brand
et al., 1983; Pope et al., 1982). with an automatic recorder by inserting a float and
counterweight arrangement in the standpipe. How-
When the purge bubble system is used, the
ever, this arrangement requires a minimum stand-
standpipe need not be vertical, provided that the
pipe diameter of about 3 in. (76 mm) and therefore
elevation of the lower end of the plastic tubing is
has a large response time.
known. However, the system should not be used if
the inside diameter of the standpipe is less than 0.3
in. (8 mm) because, as discussed in Section 9.3.3, Bourdon Tube Pressure Gage
the air bubbles may not rise to the top of the stand- If the piezometric level rises above the top of the
pipe, resulting in a false reading. standpipe, a Bourdon tube pressure gage can be
Halcrow Bucket
Brand et al. (1983) describe the Halcrow bucket for
9.3.3. Open Standpipe Piezometers in Unsaturated
recording peak water levels in standpipes. A chain
or Gaseous Soils
of plastic cylinders, each with an intake hole, is
fixed along a weighted nylon string at selected depth When an open standpipe piezometer is installed in
intervals above the normal base water level in the unsaturated or gaseous soils, gas may enter the
standpipe. When the string of buckets is withdrawn, standpipe. If the inside diameter of the standpipe is
the highest transient water level is indicated by the less than about 0.3 in. (8 mm), gas bubbles may not
upper limit of water-filled buckets. This system is rise to the top of the standpipe, and the water level
cheap and simple, and it can be used to provide in the standpipe will be elevated to give a false read-

readout probe. Examples are shown in Figure

17. 10. When this potential exists, either a telescop-
ing pipe should be installed around the standpipe or
an alternative type of piezometer should be used.
When it is necessary to prevent leakage of water
along the annulus between the pipes, the annulus
should be filled with a slurry .

9.3.5. Freezing of Water in Open Standpipe

If the piezometric level rises above the frost line,
the water in the standpipe will freeze and the
piezometer will become inoperable. However, the
upper portion of water in the standpipe can be re-
placed with an antifreeze mixture with specific
gravity less than unity. A mixture containing 4 parts
methanol, 2 parts glycerol , and 3 parts water by
volume has been used (Soderman, 1961). The mixture
has a specific gravity of approximately 0.99 at 26°C
(79°F) and a freezing point of -51 °C (-60°F).
However, methanol can damage some plastics, and
it is safer to use a thin oil such as hydraulic oil, and
to make a correction to the piezometric level be-
cause of the lower specific gravity. In this case an
electrical dipmeter will not function , and one of the
alternative reading methods must be used. ln freez-
ing situations, an alternative approach is use of the
heavy liquid piezometer, described in Section 9.8.

9.3.6. Checking Integrity of Seal

A falling or constant head permeability test can be
made through the piezometer in an attempt to check
the integrity of the seal. The test should be made
only after allowing dissipation of any pore water
pressure generated during installation , as indicated
by a stable water level in the standpipe. However,
{b) Vaughan (1969) points out that these tests are only
Figure 9.8. Continuous recording purge bubble system: (a) data of limited value because a seal has to be extremely
logger and (b) scanner system used in conjunction with logger bad before it will be detected by this method. De-
(courtesy of Geotechnical Instruments (U.K.) Ltd., leamington spite this limitation, the test appears to be worth-
Spa, England). while as an acceptance test.
Equations for calculating permeability from fall-
ing. In such soils the inside diameter of the stand- ing and constant head tests are given by Hanna
pipe must therefore be greater than 0.3 in. (8 mm). (1985) and Hvorslev (1951).

9.3.4. Open Standpipe Piezometers in

Consolidating Soils
When an open standpipe piezometer is installed in The twin-tube hydraulic piezometer (Figure 9.9),
consolidating soils, the standpipe may buckle or sometimes referred to as a closed hydraulic pi-
shear, creating a leak or obstructing passage of the ezometer, was developed for installation in the

Surface of fill

Filter element

Figure 9.9. Schematic of twin-tube hydraulic piezometer installed in fill.

foundations and fill during construction of embank- piezometer tip is shown in Figure 9.11 and the Im-
ment dams. It consists of a porous filter element perial College (Bishop) tip in Figures 9.12 and 9.13.
connected to two plastic tubes, with a Bourdon tube Each system has been used widely in embankment
pressure gage on the end of each tube. U-tube ma- dams throughout the world with very variable suc-
nometers or electrical pressure transducers can be cess. The system developed in England appears to
used instead of Bourdon tube pressure gages. The have a better success record than the system devel-
piezometric elevation is determined by adding the oped in the United States, and successful long-term
average pressure gage reading to the elevation of
the pressure gages. If both plastic tubes are com-
pletely filled with liquid, both pressure gages will
indicate the same pressure. However, if gas has en- Tubing for twin-tube
hydraulic piezometer
tered the system through the filter, tubing, or
fittings, the gas must be removed by flushing: this is
the reason for requiring two tubes.
Figure 9.10 shows a method of converting an
open standpipe piezometer to a twin-tube hydraulic
piezometer. The standpipe is cut to a level such that
the special head is protected by installing it slightly
below the ground surface. The instrument is ini-
tially read by using the purge bubble principle. Top of standpipe

When the piezometric level rises to a level above

the top of the standpipe, a valve at the upper end
of the central tube can be closed permanently, and
the instrument is read as a twin-tube hydraulic
piezometer. Standpipe

The application for twin-tube hydraulic piezome- Plastic tubing tor

ters is almost exclusively limited to long-term moni- reading by purge
bubble principle
toring of pore water pressures in embankment
dams, and therefore longevity is a primary need.
Twin-tube hydraulic piezometer systems have been
developed in the United States by the U.S. Bureau
of Reclamation (Bartholomew et al., 1987; USBR,
1974) and in England by Imperial College, London Figure 9.10. Conversion of open standpipe piezometer to twin-
(Bishop et al., 1960; Penman, 1960). The USBR tube hydraulic piezometer (after Penman, 1982).

ft inch o.d. tubing from terminal well



Section A·A

Figure 9.11. USBR embankment-type twin-tube hydraulic piezometer (after USBR, 1974). Courtesy of
Bureau of Reclamation.

use of twin-tube hydraulic piezometers requires When compared with diaphragm piezometers,
close adherence to many proven details. Some en- the major advantages of twin-tube hydraulic pi-
gineers believe that the twin-tube hydraulic pi- ezometers are the absence of inaccessible moving
ezometer should be superseded by diaphragm pi- parts or electrical components and the capability of
ezometers, but the author has a different view, and flushing the piezometer cavity. They are therefore
the arguments for and against both points of view very attractive for long-term monitoring. The sys-
are given in Chapter 21. Because the many proven tem developed in England is reliable and has a long
details are not available in compact form in the liter- successful performance record. When installed in
ature, and because the author advocates the use of fill, the integrity of twin-tube hydraulic piezometers
twin-tube hydraulic piezometers for long-term mon- can be checked after installation by performing fall-
itoring of pore water pressure in embankment ing or constant head permeability tests. Automatic
dams, these details are given in Appendix E. Details data acquisition systems are available, with a scan-
relate to selection of components, method of instal- ner allowing an electrical pressure transducer to be
lation, initial filling with liquid, and maintenance. coupled hydraulically to each piezometer in turn.

High air entry (fine-pored)

Figure 9.13. Bishop piezometer tip with attached tubing (cour-
ceramic filter tesy of Soil Instruments Ltd., Uckfield, England).

Periodic flushing with de-aired water may be

needed to remove any gas bubbles that have ac-
cumulated, and some engineers contend that this
maintenance burden is unacceptable. However, the
author believes that the maintenance burden has
been exaggerated by improper selection of compo-
nents, and flu shing is seldom necessary in a prop-
erly designed and installed system when positive
pore water pressures are being monitored.


The various types of normally closed and normally

open pneumatic transducers and associated data ac-
Figure 9.12. Bishop twin-tube hydraulic piezometer (after Pen- quisition systems are described and compared in
man, 1960). Chapter 8. When these transducers are used for
monitoring pore water pressure, a filter is added to
separate the flexibl e diaphragm from the material in
which the piezometer is installed (Warlam and
Disadvantages include the need for a terminal Thomas, 1965). Figure 9. 14 shows a schematic ar-
enclosure to contain the readout and flushing ar- rangement of a pneumatic piezometer, and a photo-
rangements; in addition, the enclosure must be pro- graph of the version manufactured by Thor Interna-
tected from freezing either by heating or by con- tional , Inc. is shown in Figure 9.15. Similar
structing it below the frost line. Also, routing of piezometers, in which oil is used instead of gas, are
tubing must be planned so that it does not rise available; however, they do not appear to offer any
significantly above the minimum piezometric eleva- advantages over pneumatic piezometers.
tion, otherwise the liquid will be required to sustain Pneumatic piezometers can be packaged within
a subatmospheric pressure, and the liquid is likely push-in housings but are subject to the limitations
to become discontinuous. However, if all compo- discussed in Section 9. I 6. A special version of
nents are selected to minimize gas entry, as de- pneumatic piezometer, designed for pushing into
scribed in Appendix E , and if high-quality de-aired place below the bottom of a borehole, is described
water is used, the tubing can be installed up to 20ft in Section 9.8.
(6 m) above the minimum piezometric elevation. Some pneumatic piezometers can be used for

Gassup ply t
Gas flo w

Gas flow meter

(ommcd in
some vers1o ns)


tube Vent to
tle=t = --

Figure 9.15. Pneumatic piezometer (courtesy of Thor Interna-

tional, Inc., Seattle, WA).

placement remains. If the end is not capped, water

will rise in the tube as the check vaJve closes during
reading, possibly creating a false reading because of
the increased head. Therefore, addition of this third
tube appears to be a disadvantage in all cases. The
intent of adding a fourth tube and connecting it to
the cavity is apparently to permit flushing any ac-
Transducer body cumulated gas from the cavity, thus minimizing re-
(-~+- Flexible diaphragm attached to
sponse time and ensuring that pore water pressure
transducer body around rim rather than pore gas pressure is measured in un-
saturated soils. However, the limitations described
above for the single additional tube are applicable ,
Figure 9.14. Schematic of pneumatic piezometer installed in a
borehole. (Normally closed transducer, with two tubes, read as gas and aiJ the limitations of twin-tube hydraulic
is flowing.) piezometers have been added. The author believes
that a better solution to problems caused by large
diaphragm displacement is use of an appropriately
designed normally closed pneumatic piezometer.
monitoring negative (subatmospheric) pore water When selecting a pneumatic piezometer, a user
pressures by applying a vacuum to the outlet tube . must pay attention to the details discussed in Sec-
The normally open transducer is available from tion 8.3. The author does not favor use of normally
Terra Technology Corporation with one or two ad- open pneumatic piezometers.
ditional plastic tubes connected to the cavity be-
tween the filter and the flexible diaphragm. The in-
tent of adding one tube is apparently to reduce the 9.6. VIBRATING WIRE PI EZOMETERS
error caused by diaphragm displacement (Chapter
8) and also to aJlow unclogging a blocked filter by The vibrating wire piezometer has a metaiJic dia-
applying water pressure to this tube. If the phragm separating the pore water from the measur-
piezometric level is below the end of the additional ing system. As shown in Figure 9. 16, a tensioned
tube, and the end of the tube is capped, an air space wire is attached to the midpoint of the diaphragm
is likely to exist above the water in this tube such such that deflection of the diaphragm causes
that the error caused by diaphragm displacement is changes in wire tension, and measurements are
reduced, but the rapid response feature is impaired. made by following the procedure described in
If the piezometric level is above the end , and the Chapter 8. Figure 9.17 shows the version manufac-
end is capped, the error caused by diaphragm dis- tured by Telemac.


figure 9.17. Vibrating wire piezometer (courtesy of Telemac, As-

ni~res, france).

within a thick-walled cylinder (DiBiagio and Myr-

voll , 1985) or within a n outer protective shell, and
this appears to be a worthwhile precaution for aJJ
vibrating wire piezometers that are to be installed
within embankments. More details of this rubust
instrument are given in Section 9.8.
Vibrating wire piezometers can be packaged
within push-in housings, as shown on Figure 9.1 8.
Vibrating wire However, they are subject to the limitations dis-
Transducer body
cussed in Section 9. 16.


Operating principles and commercial versions of
figure 9.16. Schematic of vibrating wire piezometer installed in a
unbonded and bonded electrical resistance strain
gage piezometers are shown in Figures 9. 19-9.2~.
T he unbonded version uses a transducer In-
vented by Roy Carlson in 1928 and patented by him
Chapter 8 describes advantages and limitations
in 1936.
of vibrating wire transducers, identifies the major
Bonded versions generally include semiconduc-
historical disadvantages as the potential for errors
tor resistance strain gages. Although highly stable
caused by zero drift and by corrosion of the vibrat-
bonded resistance strain gage transducers are avail-
ing wire, and indicates methods for minimizing er-
able, their cost is high, at present they cannot be
rors. Most vibrating wire strain gage piezometers
used in piezometers that are competitively priced ,
have a dried and hermetically sealed cavity around
and commercially available piezometers have trans-
the vibrating wire, thereby minimizing the corro-
ducers for which long-term stability is uncertain.
sion problem.
Bozozuk (1984) reports that numerous cases of
In recognition of the concern for zero drift, sev-
long-term drift have been observed in the field.
eral versions of vibrating wire piezometer are pro- 1-{owever. ongoing improvements in semiconductor
vided with an in-place check feature whereby the
zero reading and in some cases the calibration can
be checked at any time during the life of the
piezometer. These versions are described in Sec-
tion 9.8.
There has bee n recent evidence in Norway that if
standard vibrating wire piezometers are installed in
compacted fill , they may show a reading change
caused by total stresses acting on the piezometer
body. The problem can be overcome at the manu- Figure 9.18. Push-in vibrating wire piezometer (courtesy of
facturing stage by constructing the piezometer Geokon, Inc., l ebanon, NH ).

Readout Readout
un it Signal unit

_ 1 = Z
P = K 1 (Z-Z0 )
Temperature = K2 (R 1 + R 2)

Bentonite seal
11,t.IM-- (usually compressed
pell ets)

Bonded electrical resistance

strain gage pressure transducer

figure 9.21. Schematic of bonded electrical resistance strain gage

piezometer installed in a borehole.

Figure 9.19. Schematic of Carlson unbonded electrical resistance strain gage technology may lead to development of
strain gage piezometer installed in a borehole. more reliable and competitive piezometers of this
type in the near future.
Bonded electrical resistance strain gage pi-
ezometers can be packaged within push-in housings
(e.g. , Torstensson, 1975; Wissa et at., 1975) and are
used primarily for in situ determination of soil prop-
erties , where small size is critical and periodic re-
calibration is possible. They can, however, be left
in place for monitoring pore water pressure, in
which case they are subject to the limitations dis-
cussed in Section 9.16. They can also be used as
profiling piezometers for measuring pore water
pressure at many points, by pushing in increments
and waiting for the reading to stabilize after each
A version of the bonded electrical resistance
strain gage piezometer referred to as the BAT
piezometer is arranged so that the transducer can be
detached from the porous tip. The piezometer is
described in Section 9.8.
Figure 9.20. Unbonded electrical resistance strain gage piezom~
When electrical resistance strain gage piezome-
ter (pore pressure ceU) (courtesy of Carlson Instruments, Camp- ters are installed in compacted fill they should , as
bell, CA). described above for vibrating wire piezometers, be

Figure 9.22. Bonded electrical resistance strain gage piezometers (courtesy of Slope Indicator Com-
pany, Seattle, WA).

housed within an adequately strong body so that 9.8.2. Push-in Open Standpipe Piezometer:
reading changes are not caused by total stresses Geonor Type
acting on the outside of the body.
The Geonor Model M-206 field piezometer (Figure
9.23) was developed for use in soft sensitive clays in
9.8. MISCELLANEOUS SINGLE-POINT Norway and is pushed into place by attachment to
PIEZOMETERS EX-size drill rods.
EW-size drill rods will also fit on the piezometer,
Numerous single-point piezometers are available, but the connection between an EX male and EW
based in principle on one of the five types described female thread will not be watertight, and excess
above. The following sections describe examples pore water pressure is likely to bleed through this
that have a practical application. connection and dissipate along the inside of the drill
rod. If EW rods are used, a special effort must be
made to seal the connection. Sintered bronze filters
9.8.1 . Push-in Open Standpipe Piezometer:
are standard, and epoxy filters are used in corrosive
Wellpoint Type
environments. The outside diameters of EX and
A standard wellpoint (Section 9.2) is connected to EW drill rods (Appendix F) are slightly larger than
galvanized pipe with threaded couplings. Nominal the outside diameter of the piezometer (1.30 in. ,
pipe diameter is typicaiJy 1.0 or 1.25 in. (25 or 32 33.0 mm). The rods remain in place, and the
mm). The author believes that use of this standard piezometer and rods are recovered when measure-
system will not result in an adequate seal above the ments are no longer required , but economy can be
piezometer and that it must be amended by adding a achieved by using 1 in. (25 mm) steel pipe with
length of larger-diameter pipe above the wellpoint, threaded couplings above a sufficient length of EX
as described in Section 9. 16. Section 9.16 also de- rod for adequate sealing.
scribes other limitations of push-in open standpipe The piezometer has been used successfully as a
piezometers. profiling piezometer for measuring pore water pres-

25.4 mm

f 0.25 locl> (6 mm) l.d. !' 1

·I Hydraulic plug
with transducer I I
polyethylene tubing ·h---,
., I...' may be ~ r'
located here I
' II
Thread for EX
drill rod

Sleeve of
S1ntered bronze driving shoe
or epoxy bears against
- - filter over shoulder during II
perforated II
hollow brass driving II II
or stainless II II
steel core Y-- .. ~
Fine mesh or
other porous ~:
itl 1·~..
medium j)l 111
Ill II!

4.8mm. diameter i"
·l l I~
!,1 li!
:o:1 holes In
alternate rows
,,. '•l
10 of 5 and 6
LJ __ .J.I
: I

Tip during
Driving shoe

Co meal pom t

Figure 9.23. Geonor Model M-206 field piezometer (courtesy of

Geonor A/S, Oslo, Norway).
Figure 9.24. Cambridge drive-in piezometer (after Parry, 1971 ).
sure at many points in a very soft marine clay by Reprinted by permission of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Lon·
pushing in 1.5 ft (0.5 m) increments and waiting for
the water level in the standpipe to stabilize after
each push, normally requiring an overnight wait
(Handfelt et al. , 1987). In addition to providing data except the gauze mesh are mild steel. The piezome-
at many points, this procedure can be used to check ter is attached with a flush joint to a length of steel
permanently installed piezometers. The version of pipe and driven into the ground with the sliding
piezometer with sintered bronze filters should be driving shoe covering the porous section as shown
used for this purpose, because the version with on the right side of Figure 9.24. When in place, a
epoxy filters has a smaller-diameter core that tends mandrel is inserted within the standpipe and the
to break while pushing or withdrawing the piezome- driving shoe tapped down approximately 900 mm
ter. (35 in.) relative to the standpipe, thereby exposing
the porous element to the soil.
The piezometer is available from Geotechnical
9.8.3. Push-in Open Standpipe Piezometer:
Instruments (U.K.) Ltd. and Soil Instruments Ltd.
Cambridge Type
The Cambridge drive-in piezometer (Parry , 1971) is
9.8.4. Heavy Liquid Piezometer
shown in Figures 9.24 and 9.25 and was developed
for pushing or driving through soil containing stones The heavy liquid piezometer (Figure 9.26) is a spe-
and hard seams without damaging, smearing, or cial type of open standpipe piezometer, developed
clogging the porous element. All parts of the tip by Piezometer Research and Development. The

duces response time and overcomes freezing prob-

lems. When the piezometric level rises above the
top of the standpipe it also overcomes the need to
attach a Bourdon tube pressure gage and therefore
reduces the possibility of damage by vandals.

9.8.5. Diaphragm Piezometers with In-Place

Check Features
Several versions of vibrating wire piezometers are
provided with an in-place check feature whereby
the zero reading can be checked at a ny time during
the life of the piezometer.
Figure 9.25. Cambrdge drive-in piezometer (courtesy of Soil In- DiBiagio (1 974) describes a feature, shown in
struments Ltd., Uckfield, England).
Figure 9.27, for checking the zero reading and the
standpipe and part of the piezometer tip are filled
with acetylene tetrabromide, a liquid with a specific
/ Gas pressure
gravity of 2.96, and in the tip there is a stable inter-
face between acetylene tetrabromide and water.
The surface of liquid in the standpipe is therefore
lower than the piezometric level, and the known
specific gravity is used to convert measured liquid
level to piezometric level.
When compared with a conventional open stand-
pipe piezometer, the heavy liquid piezometer re-

, - - + - - - - - -:Perforated steel

Neoprene diaphragm


p Gas pressure

Figure 9.27. Schematic of Norwegian Geotechnical Institute vi-

Figure 9.26. Heavy liquid piezometer (courtesy of Piezometer brating wire piezometer with feature for checking calibration in
Research & Development, Bridgeport, CT). place.

flow control, and
pressure measuring

Figure 9.28. Vibrating wire piezometer with feature for checking calibration in place (courtesy of
Geonor A/S, Oslo, Norway).

complete calibration in place. The instrument is ezometers now offer this feature as an option, and
available from Geonor (Figure 9.28). The body of the feature could also be used for checking electri-
the gage is ventilated through a tube, and the back cal resistance piezometers. Although an ingenious
of the neoprene diaphragm is normally at atmo- arrangement, it is incompatible with a hermetically
spheric pressure. Under normal working conditions sealed cavity within the piezometer tip and in-
the two diaphragms are in contact, and the instru- creases the potential for corrosion because any
ment behaves as a conventional vented vibrating damage to the ventilating tube may provide a direct
wire piezometer. To check the zero reading and cal- path for moisture to enter the cavity. Deterioration
ibration, gas pressure is applied to the back of the of the neoprene diaphragm may also result in
diaphragm through the ventilating tube. Readings of malfunction. The instrument is therefore best suited
gage wire frequency are taken at various pressure to obtaining verified data of high accuracy over a
increments until eventually, when the gas pressure short term , rather than as an in-place check over a
is slightly greater than the pore water pressure, the long term.
neoprene diaphragm moves away from the metal The Swedish manufacturer Geotech AB has de-
diaphragm, leaving it with equal gas pressure on veloped a method for checking the zero reading in
both sides, and the frequency of vibration of the place without the above limitation. As shown in
gage wire reaches an asymptotic value. Any further Figure 9.29, bellows and a stem are added between
increase in the applied gas pressure does not cause the diaphragm and the filter. The zero reading can
further change in the vibrating frequency of the be checked (but not the slope of the calibration) by
gage wire, and this Limiting frequency value is the applying a voltage to the electromagnet to move the
zero frequency for the instrument. The calibration stem downward, thereby separating the stem from
of the instrument is indicated by the slope of the the diaphragm and returning the vibrating wire to its
pressure versus frequency plot. zero condition . The downward movement is ap-
Various manufacturers of vibrating wire pi- proximately 0.05 mm (0.002 in.).

1 inch diameter pipe

VIbrating wire




II!!!!!!!IH+- - Rubber disk



Figure 9.29. Schematic of Geotech AB vibrating wire piezometer

Model PZ 4000, with feature for checking zero reading in place.

9.8.6. BAT piezometer
The BAT piezometer (Torstensson, 1984a) aUows a
bonded resistance strain gage transducer to be de-
tached at any time from the porous tip, permitting
servicing and recalibration of the transducer. The Figure 9.30. BAT piezometer (after Torstensson, 1984a). Re-
instrument is available from BAT Envitech, and a printed by permission of Ground WaJer Monitoring Review, ~
single transducer can be used for many piezome- 1984. All rights reserved.
ters. The porous tip has a short nozzle at its top,
sealed with a rubber disk. The tip is saturated, at-
tached to 1 in . (25 mm) galvanized pipe, and in-
9.8.7. Piezometer Designed to Be Installed by
stalled by the push-in method. Whenever a mea-
Pushing in Place Below the Bottom of a Borehole
surement of pore water pressure is required , a
transducer unit is lowered down the standpipe to A special version of pneumatic piezometer, manu-
mate with the porous tip. A hypodermic needle at factured by Slope Indicator Company, is designed
the base of the transducer unit pierces the rubber for pushing into place below lhe bottom of a
disk to create a hydraulic connection, and the disk borehole (Handfelt et al. , 1987). Figure 9.31 shows
is self-sealing when the transducer unit and needle a version suitable for use in very soft clay (standard
are withdrawn. The arrangement is shown in Figure penetration test blowcount of less than about 2
9.30. Torstensson (1984a) reports that the rubber blows per foot). Figure 9.32 shows a photograph of
disk can be penetrated by the hypodermic needle this version and also a more robust version suitable
several hundred times without loss of its self-sealing for pushing into stiffer clay (lhis has been installed
function. Separate units can be lowered down the in clay with a standard penetration test blowcount
standpipe for groundwater sampling and for in situ of 15 blows per foot , but is likely to be suitable for
permeability testing. installation in stiffer clays). A similar packaging

plastic tubing

Version for
use in
very soft clay
't: Annu lar space for
installation mandrel
+I .£


Epoxy I
t» 0 - rings
.!!! Pneumatic transducer
Q; ~ use in
g Diaphragm level stiffer clay

Filter, strengthened with

internal PVC pipe
Weep holes in PVC pipe Figure 9.32. Pneumatic piezometers for installation by pushing in
place below bottom of borehole (courtesy of Slope Indicator
Company, Seattle, WA).

Figure 9.31. Pneumatic piezometer for installation by pushing in 9.8.9. Piezometers with Duplicate Transducers
place below bottom of a borehole in very soft clay (courtesy of
Piezometers are available with one pneumatic and
RMP Encon Ltd. and Dames & Moore).
one vibrating wire transducer housed in the same
body, so that one transducer acts as a backup to the
other. An example is shown in Figure 9.35. Alterna-
could be arranged for other types of diaphragm pi- tively, two separate piezometers can be installed ,
ezometer. The method of installation is described in but the combination arrangement simplifies installa-
Section 9.17.1. tion of the tubing/signal cable. Vibrating wire
piezometers and also pneumatic piezometers are
9.8.8. Vibrating Wire Piezometers for
Embankment Dams
DiBiagio and MyrvoU (1985) describe a vibrating
wire piezometer specifically designed for installa-
tion in embankment dams. The piezometer is manu-
factured by Geonor and is shown in Figures 9.33
and 9.34. It has a thick-walled stainless steel hous-
ing to prevent the vibrating wire transducer from
responding to total stresses acting on the housing, a
very robust and water-blocked signal cable, heavy-
duty seals, and long high air entry filters. The pi-
ezometer, and aJso a heavy-duty vibrating wire
piezometer manufactured by Geokoo, are good ex-
amples of instruments designed for long-term sur- Figure 9.33. Vibrating wire piezometer for use in embankment
vivability. dams (after DiBiagio and Myrvoll, 1985).

Fil ter for

Filter for pneumatic
vibrating transducer

Vibraung wire transducer
transducer within
within housing
Figure 9.35. Piezometer with one pneumatic and one vibrating
wire transducer (courtesy of Geokon, Inc., lebanon, NH).

9.9.1 . Multipoint Piezometers with Packers

Several piezometers can be assembled with a
packer above and below each piezometer to create
a seal.
Inflatable packers (e.g. , Figure 9.36) are most
frequently used and are filled with air, water, or
Copper conductor epoxy. Commercial sources of inflatable packers,
Polyethyl ene insulati on with multiple central holes for passage of leads from
Petroleum jelly lower piezometers and packers, are given in Appen-
'>-< ~=-LL I nner shea th of polyethylene
Galvani zed steel wire dix D.
Petroleum jelly
Outer sheath of polyethy lene
An innovative s ys tem has recently been devel-
oped by Solinst Canada Ltd. , based on a design by
(b )
the University of Waterloo (Cherry and Johnson,
Figure 9.34. Vibrating wire piezometer for use in embankment 1982). The arrangement , s hown in Figure 9.37 , uses
dams: (a) Model S-411 piezometer and (b) cross section or P-430 Dowell chemical sealant (Section 9. 17.8), which
signal cable (courtesy or Geooor AlS, Oslo, Norway).
swells when in contact with water that is poured
down the central PVC pipe. The figure shows stand-
pipe piezometers , but alternatively pneumatic or
available with two hydraulic tubes connected to the vibrating wire piezometers can be used. The in-
cavity between the fi lter and diaphragm, thereby strument can also be adapted for groundwater
adding a twin-tube hydraulic piezometer as backup, sampling. T he system is s upplied in modular form ,
and this arrangement also allows for flu shing any with threaded connections in the PVC pipe between
gas out of the cavity via the hydrauljc tubes. modules. An 0-ring seal is included in each connec-
Whenever considering a piezometer with dupli- tion , as shown in Figure 9.37 , to ensure that con-
cate transducers, the combination will generaUy be nections are watertight.
subject to the combined limitations of both but will
not necessarily be s ubject to the combined advan-
9.9.2. Multipoint Piezometers Surrounded with
tages of both. For example, addition of twin hy-
draulic tubes to a pneumatic piezometer requires
that the tubes must not be instaUed significantly Several piezometers can be packaged within a
above the minimum piezometric elevation , a limita- length of pipe to create a multipoint piezometer,
tion that does not apply to pneumatic piezometers. which is then inserted within a borehole in soil and
entirely surrounded with grout.
Vaughan (1%9) describes a multipoint open
9.9. MULTIPOINT PIEZOMETERS standpipe piezometer that is installed in this way .
Vaughan reports that the response times of the
Multipoint piezometers can be created by four piezometers in grout are adequate for most en-
methods, described in turn. gineering purposes for all permeabilities of the soil.

Slotted PVC pipe

Dowell chemical sealant

Gum rubber sleeves

Woven kevlar fiber

... :;


a. . '

Detail of flush coupling

figure 9.37. Schematic of Waterloo Multilevel System (courtesy

of Solinst Canada Ltd., Burlington, Ontario, Canada).
figure 9.36. Multipoint pneumatic piezometers with inflatable
packers (courtesy of Thor International, Inc., Seattle, WA).

When the permeability of the grout is greater than zones and plastic tubes and pushed into place. Mas-
that of the soil the response time of the piezometer sarsch et al. (1975) report on good performance of a
in grout is only slightly greater than that of a multipoint vibrating wire piezometer, with trans-
piezometer with a sand filter. When the soil has a ducers J m (3 ft) apart and installed by pushing into
permeability more than two orders of magnitude clay, and indicate that leakage did not occur along
greater than the permeability of the grout, the re- the flush-coupled pipe. Carpentier and Verdonck
sponse time is controlled by the grout annulus only. (1986) describe a multipoint piezometL- with electri-
However, bearing in mind permeabiUty and confor- cal resistance strain gage transducers, used for
mance criteria, the author believes that the applica- measuring the influence of tides and waves on pore
bility of this method is limited to use in a uniform water pressures below the seabed.
clay of known properties, such as the core of an Push-in piezometers are subject to the limitations
embankment dam. It is also limited by the discussed in Section 9.16.
difficulties of manufacturing and installing a grout
so that its in-place compressibility and permeability
9.9.4. Multipoint Piezometers with Movable
are reasonably uniform.
A pipe is installed and sealed within a borehole and
9.9.3. Multipoint Push-in Piezometers
a movable probe periodically inserted within the
A multipoint open standpipe piezometer can be as- pipe. The development of multipoint piezometers
sembled from flu sh-coupled pipe with several filter with movable probes bas created a significant

2 4
Figure 9.38. Operating procedure for Piezofor multipoint piezometer (courtesy of Telemac, Asnieres,

breakthrough in the measurement of groundwater the inside pressure to rise asymptotically until the
pressure. They allow a detailed pressure-depth two balance. The inside pressure is monitored with
profile to be defined, with an almost unlimited num- an electrical pressure transducer. The procedure
ber of measurement points. Although they have a can be repeated along the entire length of the
high initial cost, their use may result in substantial borehole to provide the full piezometric profile,
cost savings by ensuring that a project is designed without affecting the natural seepage pattern. The
with a reliable knowledge of the pressure-depth rate at which equilibrium occurs between inside and
profile. outside pressures allows an estimate to be made of
Three configurations are commercially available. the permeability of the ground at that level. A pres-
sure lock can be fitted at the top of the pipe if re-
Piezofor System quired, so that the probe can be inserted within the
membrane without depressurizing the borehole.
The Piezofor system was developed in France for
The system has been used successfully in
measurement of joint water pressure in rock (Hoek
boreholes 330 ft (100m) deep, and a system for use
and Londe, 1974; Londe, 1982) . A slotted pipe is
in 5000 ft (1500 m) boreholes is currently being
grouted into a borehole with a brittle slurry that
cracks as it shrinks. A soft waterproof tubular mem-
brane is inserted into the pipe and pressurized to a
Westbay Multiple Piezometer
higher value than the expected groundwater pres-
sure. More recently, a movable probe device has been
Joint water pressure measurements are taken by developed by Westbay Instruments Ltd. in Canada
following the steps shown in Figure 9.38. The (Patton, 1979; Rehtlane and Patton, 1982) and is
Piezofor probe is lowered to the desired point, and referred to as the MP (multiple piezometer) System.
water is forced out of the test section between the Installations can be made in soil and rock.
packers by inflating the air bag. The packers are Figure 9.39 shows the general arrangement and
inflated to isolate the test section and the air bag is the probe. The system consists of pipe, couplings
deflated. The membrane is now forced inward by and packers permanently installed in a borehole, a
the outside pressure from the groundwater, causing portable pressure measurement probe, and installa-

a check valve, and a measurement made. The pro-

cedure is repeated at each measurement port.
Pipe and couplings are manufactured in PVC or
probe stainless steel. Pneumatic pressure probes are avail-
able for depths up to 250 ft (75 m) and standard
electrical probes for depths up to 1000 ft (300 m).
Recently a system has been used in boreholes 3000 ft
port coupling
(900 m) deep with 10-15 measurement ports in each
and is designed for operation to a depth of 5000 ft
(1500 m). Separate pneumatic and electrical probes
are also available for taking pressurized or unpres-
surized samples of groundwater tnrough the mea-
Pumping surement ports. Additional valved couplings, re-
1tn,.._-port Probe located at
coupling measurement port ferred to as pumping port couplings, can be
coupling included in the pipe for permeability testing or de-
contamination pumping. Grooved inclinometer cas-
ing can be used instead of smooth-walled pipe to
create a combined piezometer and inclinometer sys-
tem (Westbay Instruments Ltd. , CPI system).

Piezodex System
The Piezodex system has recently been developed
Locatton by the Federal Institute of Technology , Zurich , and
arm Solexperts AG (Kovari and Koppel, 1987). Pressure
Valve shoe transmitters are mounted in the waH of the access
End cap pipe and isolated with pneumatic packers. Each
pressure transmitter consists of a piston with very
General arrangement low volumetric displacement. When the movable
In borehole
Probe measuring probe makes contact with a piston, the piston
groundwater preuure
outside coupling moves outward slightly (0.1-0.2 mm , 0.004-0.008
in.), and groundwater pressure is transmitted to a
Figure 9.39. Multiple piezometer (MP) system (courtesy of West- force transducer mounted in the probe. The depth
bay Instruments Ltd., North Vancouver, BC, Canada).
capability is currently limited to 50 m (165ft), but a
system with twice this depth capability is under de-


tion tools. Measurement port couplings are in-
stalled in the pipe wherever groundwater pressure
When a piezometer is installed and groundwater
measurements are desired. Each of these couplings
pressure changes, the time required for water to
bas a hole through its wall, with a filter on the out-
flow into or out of the piezometer to effect equaliza-
side and spring-loaded check valve on the inside. tion is called the hydrodynamic time lag. It is de-
The remainder of the pipe is connected with sealed pendent primarily on the type and dimensions of
couplings, and a packer is instaiJed around the pipe
the piezometer and the permeability of the ground.
above and below each measurement port coupling. Open standpipe piezometers have a much greater
The assembly is lowered into the borehole, and the
hydrodynamic time lag than diaphragm piezometers
packers inflated one at a time with water, using a
probe temporarily inserted within the pipe. To take
readings , a pressure measurement probe is lowered • Sections 9. 10-9.14 have been written with the assistance of
within the pipe to locate a measurement port, Arthur D. M. Penman, Consulting Geotechnical Engineer, Har-
jacked against the opposite wall of the pipe to open penden, England.

k = 1 X 10- 8
• Wdh Tubinq 8ft Lonq em/sec
• • Wdhout Sand Filter
Surrounding Pomt

Ttme for 90% Response- Days

Figure 9.40. Approximate response times for various types of

piezometer (after Terzaghi and Peck, 1967).

because a much greater movement of pore or joint

water is involved. The term slow response time is
used to describe a long hydrodynamic time lag. D = 80 mm 1/J (3 in.)
Methods of estimating time lag are presented by
Time for 90% response, t = 15 days
Hvorslev (1951) and Terzaghi and Peck (1967).
Brooker and Lindberg (1965) evaluate time lag ef- Figure 9.41. Example of time lag for open standpipe piezometer.
fects for twin-tube hydraulic piezometers. Brand
and Premchitt (1982), Penman (1960), Premchitt and
Brand (1981), and Vaughan (1974a) report on the
effects for various types of piezometers. around the filter) m centimeters
The order of magnitude of the time required for (em),
90% response of several types of piezometer in- D diameter of intake filter (or sand
stalled in homogeneous soils can be obtained from zone) in centimeters (em),
Figure 9.40, in which the Geonor open piezometer k permeability of soil in centimeters
is the push-in instrument shown in Figure 9.23. The per second (em/sec).
90% response is considered adequate for many
practical purposes, and of course the time for 100% Figure 9.41 gives an example for an open stand-
response is infinite. The response time of open pipe piezometer surrounded by a sand zone. It
standpipe piezometers can be estimated from equa- should be noted that time lag can be minimized by
tions given by Penman (1960). For example, using a minimum-diameter standpipe and a max-
imum-sized sand zone. However, as discussed in
t = 3.3 X 10-6 dzln[L!D + Yl + (L/D)z] Section 9.3, a minimum-diameter standpipe can
kL nullify the self-de-airing feature of the piezometer
and will often create problems with insertion of the
where time required for 90% response in readout probe. For borehole installations, the diam-
days, eter of the sand zone is limited by the economics of
d inside diameter of standpipe in centi- drilling large-diameter boreholes, and the length is
meters (em), often limited by the need to make measurements
L length of intake filter (or sand zone within a short length of the borehole.

The significance of hydrodynamic time lag de- Wall of

pends primarily on the purpose of the measure- Water container

ments and on the anticipated fluctuations of the Fine-pored filter,

groundwater pressure. For example, if measure- saturated
·. ·.· ·.· · with water
ments are made to determine joint water pressure in
a rock slope in which pressure fluctuations are not Menisci
Gas at pressure
likely to be significant, an open standpipe piezome- at surface
higher than
of water
ter may be suitable. If an embankment is being con- water pressure

structed on soft ground, and piezometers are used

to monitor gain in strength, the rate of embankment
placement and anticipated rates of pore water pres-
Figure 9.42. Separation of gas from water by a fine-pored filter.
sure dissipation will enter into judgments concern-
ing time lag. If pore water pressure measurements
are made with a push-in piezometer by leaving it in
place for a short time and then pushing it deeper for differential before blow-through occurs. Because
additional measurements, a long time lag will not be such a filter also has a low permeability, the terms
acceptable. If the groundwater pressure is subject can be confusing. Although the fluids in Figure 9.42
to daily fluctuations, for example, near the ocean or are in equilibrium, the longevity of the fluid separa-
in an embankment or slope that forms part of a tion is uncertain because gas may enter the water by
pumped storage hydroelectric project, a time lag of diffusion.
more than a few hours would obscure real varia- Low air entry filters are coarse filters that readily
tions in pressure and the measurements would have allow passage of both gas and water. Typical low air
no value. Time lag criteria should be evaluated on a entry filters have a pore diameter of 0.001-0.003 in.
case-by-case basis. (0.02-0.08 mm, 20-80 microns). Typical air entry
values range from 0.4 to 4.0 lb/in. 2 (3-30 kPa). A
filter with a pore diameter of 0.002 in. (50 microns)
9.11. TYPES OF FILTER has a permeability to water of about 3 x 10- 2 em/
All piezometers include an intake filter. The filter High air entry filters are fine filters that can be
separates the pore fluid from the structure of the used when piezometers are installed in unsaturated
soil in which the piezometer is installed and must be soil with the intent of measuring pore water pres-
strong enough to avoid damage during installation sure as opposed to pore gas pressure, in an attempt
and to resist the total stresses without undue defor- to keep gas out of the measuring system. Filters
mation. Filters can be classified in two general cate- used for this purpose typically have a pore diameter
gories: high air entry and low air entry. of 4 x 10- 5 in. (0.001 mm, 1 micron), an air entry
Figure 9.42 shows a fine-pored filter placed be- value of at least 15 lb/in. 2 (100 kPa), and a perme-
tween two parts of a container, one part containing ability to water of about 3 x 10- 6 em/sec.
gas, the other part containing water. The gas pres-
sure is higher than the water pressure, but the fluids
are in equilibrium because the pressure differential
is balanced by surface tension forces at the gas/
water interface. The smaller the radius of curvature
of the menisci at the interface, the larger can be the
pressure difference between water and gas. The
9.12.1. General
minimum radius of curvature of the menisci is dic-
tated by the pore diameter in the filter; thus, the General guidelines on the selection of instruments
finer the filter, the greater can be the pressure differ- are given in Chapter 4, and a recommenda-
ential. The air entry value or bubbling pressure of tion is made to maximize reliability by using
the filter is defined as the pressure differential at the simplest instrument that will achieve the pur-
which blow-through of gas occurs. Thus, a filter pose. Advantages and limitations of instruments for
with a high air entry value (or high bubbling pres- measuring groundwater level are summarized in
sure) is a fine filter that will allow a high pressure Table 9.1.
Table 9.1. Instruments for Measuring Groundwater Pressure
Instrument Type Advantages Limitations a
Observation well Can be installed by drillers without partici- Provides undesirable vertical connection be-
(Figure 9.1) pation of geotechnical personnel tween strata and is therefore often mis-
leading; should rarely be used
Open standpipe Reliable Long time lag
piezometer Long successful performance record Subject to damage by construction equip-
(Figure 9.2) Self-de-airing if inside diameter of standpipe ment and by vertical compression of soil
is adequate around standpipe
Integrity of seal can be checked after instal- Extension of standpipe through embank-
lation ment fill interrupts construction and
Can be converted to diaphragm piezometer causes inferior compaction
Can be used for sampling groundwater Porous filter can plug owing to repeated wa-
Can be used to measure permeability ter inflow and outflow
Push-in versions subject to several potential
errors: see Section 9.16
Twin-tube hydraulic Inaccessible components have no moving Application generally limited to long-term
piezometer parts monitoring of pore water pressure in em-
(Figure 9.9) Reliable bankment dams
Long successful performance record Elaborate terminal arrangements needed
When installed in fill, integrity can be Tubing must not be significantly above
checked after installation minimum piezometric elevation
Piezometer cavity can be flushed Periodic flushing may be required
Can be used to measure permeability Attention to many details is necessary: see
Appendix E
Pneumatic piezometer Short time lag Attention must be paid to many details
(Figure 9.14) Calibrated part of system accessible when making selection: see Section 8.3
Minimum interference to construction: level Push-in version subject to several potential
of tubes and readout independent of level errors: see Section 9.16
of tip
No freezing problems
Vibrating wire Easy to read Special manufacturing techniques required
piezometer Short time lag to minimize zero drift
(Figure 9.16) Minimum interference to construction: level Need for lightning protection should be
of lead wires and readout independent of evaluated
level of tip Push-in version subject to several potential
Lead wire effects minimal errors: see Section 9.16
Can be used to read negative pore water
No freezing problems
Unbonded electrical Easy to read Low electrical output
resistance piezome- Short time lag Lead wire effects
ter (Figure 9.19) Minimum interference to construction: level Errors caused by moisture and electrical
of lead wires and readout independent of connections are possible
level of tip Need for lightning protection should be
Can be used to read negative pore water evaluated
No freezing problems
Provides temperature measurement
Some types suitable for dynamic measure-


Table 9.1. (Continued)

Instrument Type Advantages Limitations a
Bonded electrical re- Easy to read Low electrical output
sistance piezometer Short time lag Lead wire effects
(Figure 9.21) Minimum interlerence to construction: level Errors caused by moisture, temperature,
of lead wires and readout independent of and electrical connections are possible.
level of tip Long-term stability uncertain
Suitable for dynamic measurements Need for lightning protection should be
Can be used to read negative pore water evaluated
pressures Push-in version subject to several potential
No freezing problems errors: see Section 9.16
Multipoint piezome- Provides detailed pressure-depth measure- Limited number of measurement points
ter, with packers ments Other limitations depend on type of
(e.g., Figures 9.36 Can be installed in horizontal or upward piezometer: see above in table
and 9.37) boreholes
Other advantages depend on type of
piezometer: see above in table
Multipoint piezome- Provides detailed pressure-depth measure- Limited number of measurement points
ter, surrounded ments Applicable only in uniform clay of known
with grout Simple installation procedure properties
Other advantages depend on type of Difficult to ensure in-place grout of known
piezometer: see above in table properties
Other limitations depend on type of
piezometer: see above in table
Multipoint push-in Provides detailed pressure-depth measure- Limited number of measurement points
piezometer ments Subject to several potential errors: see Sec-
Simple installation procedure tion 9.16
Other advantages depend on type of Other limitations depend on type of
piezometer: see above in table piezometer: see above in table
Multipoint piezome- Provides detailed pressure-depth measure- Complex installation procedure
ter, with movable ments Periodic manual readings only
probe (e.g., Figures Unlimited number of measurement points
9.38 and 9.39) Allows determination of permeability
Calibrated part of system accessible
Great depth capability
Westbay Instruments system can be used
for sampling groundwater and can be
combined with inclinometer casing
aDiaphragm piezometer readings indicate the head above the piezometer, and the elevation of the piezometer must be measured or
estimated if piezometric elevation is required. All diaphragm piezometers, except those provided with a vent to the atmosphere, are
sensitive to barometric pressure changes.

Reliability and durability are often of greater im- piezometers can be within 6 in. (150 mm) of water
portance than sensitivity and high accuracy. The head. High-accuracy requirements of course neces-
fact that the actual head may be in error by 1 ft (300 sitate selection of high-accuracy components, such
mm) as a result of time lag may not matter in some as test quality pressure gages in pneumatic readout
cases provided the piezometer is functioning prop- units.
erly. If a malfunction occurs, it is of little impor-
tance that the apparent head can be recorded to 0.01
in. (0.25 mm). It is generally believed that if the
9.12.2. Use of Observation Wells
instrument is installed correctly, that it is function- As indicated in Section 9.1, applications for obser-
ing, and that no time lag remains, the accuracy of all vation wells are very limited. They create a vertical

connection between strata, and their only applica- nearby. However, the author does not favor their
tion is in continuously permeable ground in which use except under circumstances where frequent
groundwater pressure increases uniformly with checks on zero reading and calibration can be
depth. This condition can rarely be assumed. In the made. They provide a convenient method for moni-
view of the author, observation wells are often mis- toring and recording pressures during short-term
leading and should be used only when the ground- tests, such as pumping tests to determine perme-
water regime is well known. If the groundwater re- ability in situ, and in such cases frequent calibration
gime is well known, measurements may be presents no difficulties.
unnecessary: therefore, a practitioner must have a
strong argument in favor of an observation well be-
9.12.5. long-Term Applications
fore selecting this option.
For long-term applications, selection criteria are
similar, but twin-tube hydraulic piezometers be-
9.12.3. Use of Open Standpipe Piezometers
come an attractive option. General recommenda-
For measurements of pore or joint water pressure, tions for long-term applications are given in Chapter
an open standpipe piezometer is the first choice and 15. Recommendations specific to long-term moni-
should be used provided that the time lag and other toring of pore water pressure in embankment dams
limitations listed in Table 9.1 are acceptable. When are given in Chapter 21.
these limitations are unacceptable, a choice must be
made among the remaining piezometer types.
9.12.6. Detailed Monitoring of Pressure-Depth
9.12.4. Short-Term Applications
When detailed monitoring of the pressure-depth
Short-term applications are defined as applications profile is required, multipoint piezometers will nor-
that require reliable data for a period of a few years, mally be the instruments of choice. Comparative
for example, during the typical construction period. information is given in Table 9.1.
When open standpipe piezometers are unsuitable,
the choice is generally between pneumatic and vi-
9.12.7. Filter Requirements
brating wire piezometers. The choice will depend
on the factors in Table 9.1, on the user's own When selected for installation in saturated soil or
confidence in one or the other type, and on a com- rock, all piezometers should have low air entry
parison of cost of the total monitoring program. filters. Open standpipe and twin-tube hydraulic
When the economics of alternative piezometers piezometers that are sealed into boreholes below
are being evaluated, the total cost should be deter- the water table require low air entry filters so that
mined, considering costs of instrument procure- the seal can be checked after installation by per-
ment, calibration, installation, maintenance, moni- forming permeability tests. The permeability of the
toring, and data processing. The cost of the filter should be at least ten times greater than the
instrument itself is rarely the controlling factor and permeability of the ground. There is no benefit in
should never dominate the choice. Until recently, using a high air entry filter on a diaphragm piezome-
vibrating wire piezometers were preferable to pneu- ter installed in saturated soil or rock and, if such a
matic piezometers when automatic acquisition of filter is used and not fully saturated, readings will be
data was required, but now both types can be read incorrect.
with automatic data acquisition systems, and sig-
nals can be transmitted using the various communi-
cation systems described in Chapter 8. 9.13. RECOMMENDED INSTRUMENTS FOR
Twin-tube hydraulic piezometers are rarely cho- MEASURING PORE WATER PRESSURE IN
sen for short-term applications: their primary role is UNSATURATED SOil
for long-term monitoring of pore water pressure in
embankment dams. Resistance piezometers are the If the pores in a soil contain both water and gas, the
only type capable of monitoring pore water pres- pressure in the gas will be greater than the pressure
sures that are varying with high dynamic frequency, in the water (Chapter 2). In fine-grained soils the
such as during earthquakes or while piles are driven pressure difference can be substantial, and special

techniques may be required to ensure measurement their ends. It is believed that, with this arrangement
of pore water pressure rather than pore gas pres- for the filter, it is difficult to avoid entrapping air
sure. Applications for pore water pressure measure- between the filter and soil; therefore, subatmo-
ments in unsaturated soil are generally limited to spheric pressures will not be monitored.
two situations: first, measurements in compacted Despite use of saturated high air entry filters, the
fills for embankment dams, and second, measure- longevity of filter saturation is uncertain because
ments in organic soil deposits, in which gas is gener- gas may enter the filters by diffusion. The com-
ated as organic material decomposes. These appli- pacted fill in an embankment dam may remain un-
cations are discussed in turn. saturated for a prolonged period after the reservoir
is filled, and in fact the fill may never become per-
manently saturated by reservoir water. Increase of
9.13.1 Measurements in Compacted Fills for
water pressure causes air to go into solution, and
Embankment Dams
the air is then removed only when there is enough
When measurements of pore water pressure are re- flow through the fill to bring in a supply of less
quired in compacted fills for embankment dams, saturated water. The pressure and time required to
piezometer selection criteria are similar to those obtain saturation depend on the soil type, degree of
given in Section 9.12. However, open standpipe compaction, and degree of initial saturation. Pore
piezometers are generally unsuitable for installation gas pressure may therefore remain significantly
during construction, because they interfere with fill higher than pore water pressure for a substantial
placement. length of time, perhaps permanently. The vibrating
Twin-tube hydraulic piezometers and diaphragm wire piezometer shown in Figures 9.33 and 9.34 has
piezometers should have high air entry filters to en- a high air entry filter that is much longer than in
sure that pore water pressure rather than pore gas other versions, so that filter saturation is maintained
pressure is measured. for a maximum time. However, even with this long
Twin-tube hydraulic piezometers should have filter, permanent saturation is not ensured.
filters sized to minimize response time, and the size Twin-tube hydraulic piezometers allow for flush-
used in the Bishop piezometer (Figures 9.12 and ing of the filter and cavity with de-aired liquid,
9.13 and Appendix E) is recommended. Penman thereby ensuring that pore water pressure continues
(1960) has compared the measured response time of to be measured, and are preferable to diaphragm
the filter used in the Bishop piezometer with that of piezometers when long-term measurements are re-
a smaller filter in the form of a 2 in. (50 mm) diame- quired. A more detailed justification for this recom-
ter disk and reports on the significant advantage of mendation is given in Chapter 21.
the larger filter. Clearly, it is undesirable for a filter As discussed in Section 9.15, no sand pocket
unit to present too small an area to the soil, but a should be placed around piezometers when they are
diaphragm piezometer, because it requires a much installed in compacted fills for embankment dams.
smaller volume of water to operate its transducer,
can tolerate a smaller contact area than a twin-tube
9.13.2. Measurements in Organic Soil Deposits
hydraulic piezometer.
When required for installation in compacted fills When pore water pressure measurements are re-
for embankment dams, diaphragm piezometers quired in organic soil deposits, difficulties caused
should either have hollow cylindrical filters (e.g., by the presence of gas are usually overcome by
the Telemac instrument shown in Figure 9.17) or installing open standpipe piezometers fitted with
filters emerging at the tapered nose of the piezome- low air entry filters and with standpipes of adequate
ter (e.g., the Geonor instrument shown in Figure diameter to ensure self-de-airing. The use of twin-
9.34), so that the surface of the filter can be installed tube hydraulic piezometers may be limited by a
in intimate contact with the fill. Sherard (1980) re- piezometric elevation that will be too far below the
ports on measurements with vibrating wire elevation of the tubing.
piezometers installed in fine clayey soil at Porto If the response time or other limitation of an
Colombia Dam in Brazil, where all piezometers open standpipe or twin-tube hydraulic piezometer is
read zero during a time when the true pressures unacceptable, a diaphragm piezometer must be
were clearly subatmospheric. The piezometers, used. A short-term method entails use of a dia-
manufactured by Maihak, had disk-shaped filters on phragm piezometer with high air entry filter. The

Table 9.2. Filter and Saturation Requirements for Piezometers

Saturated Soil Unsaturated
or Rock Soil
Type of Method of Type of Need for Type of Need for
Piezometer Installation Filtera Saturation b Filtera Saturation b
Open Push-in Low Yes Lowd Yes
standpipe Sealed within Low Yese Lowd Yese
Placed in Lowd Yese
Twin-tube Push-in Low Yes High Yes
hydraulic Sealed within Low Yes High Yes
Placed in High Yes
Diaphragm Push-in Low Yesf High Yesf
Sealed within Low Yesf High Yesf
Placed in High Yes 1
"Low" indicates low air entry. "High" indicates high air entry.
b"Yes" indicates that complete saturation is required, including any cavity between filter and diaphragm.
c Surrounded by zone of saturated sand.

dMinimum inside diameter of standpipe is 0.3 in. (8 mm).

•saturation not required if permeability tests will not be made through the piezometer.
fSee discussion in text on saturation of filters attached to diaphragm piezometers.

filter and the cavity between filter and diaphragm necessary if the filter is to separate water from gas
must be completely saturated before installation in unsaturated soils.
but, as described previously, the longevity of the
fluid separation is uncertain. Piezometers with long
9.14.2. Recommendations for Type of Filter and
high air entry filters have been made for this pur-
Need for Saturation
pose, to prolong the time for gas to infiltrate. For
longer-term applications, two hydraulic tubes can Recommendations for filter type and the need for
be connected to the cavity between the filter and the saturation are summarized in Table 9.2.
diaphragm (Section 9.8.9), to allow flushing any gas Table 9.2 indicates that filters attached to dia-
out of the cavity, using the procedure described in phragm piezometers should always be saturated,
Appendix E. but there is one exception to this rule. Saturation is
not necessary for a diaphragm piezometer that is
sealed within a borehole in saturated soil or rock if
there is no interest either in minimizing the time
after installation during which readings are per-
turbed by the installation process or in minimizing
9.14.1. Reasons for Saturating Filters
subsequent response time. Saturation of a dia-
Saturation of filters serves four major purposes. phragm piezometer should include the cavity be-
First, if the pores in the filter are filled with water, tween the filter and the diaphragm and of course
the chance of clogging is reduced. Second, if gas is requires selection of a piezometer that can be satu-
removed from the filter the response time is mini- rated. Some diaphragm piezometers are available
mized. Third, saturation allows permeability tests with permanently attached high air entry filters and
to be made through open standpipe and twin-tube are supplied by the manufacturers in a dry condi-
hydraulic piezometers. Fourth, filter saturation is tion. Such piezometers will cause the measured

pressure to be higher than the pore water pressure Short lengths

of tubing
because of trapped air, and they should not be used.

9.14.3. Methods of Saturating Low Air •-

Entry Filters
Low air entry filters can be saturated by forcing
II r I
water through the pores.
A low air entry filter on an open standpipe De-aired
piezometer can be saturated by immersing the filter water
in water and applying a suction to the standpipe, for ...... Container
example, with a bilge pump: when a piezometer is
installed in a borehole, this can usually be done Piezometer
within the borehole. A low air entry filter on a twin-
tube hydraulic piezometer can be saturated in the
same way or the filter can be saturated before at-
tachment to the tubing by plugging one tube and
connecting a pressurized supply of water to the
other tube. If a low air entry filter on a diaphragm
piezometer can be removed from the piezometer, it
Figure 9.43. Method of saturating twin-tube hydraulic piezom-

can be saturated in a similar way. If the filter cannot

be removed and saturation is required for minimiz- ing the dry filter in a container of de-aired water for
ing response time, a vacuum should be applied to 24 hours. The water will pass through the filter and
the dry filter (having determined from the manufac- drive out the air. Even though some air will enter
turer that the instrument will not be damaged by the the de-aired water through the water surface, the
vacuum) and the filter then allowed to flood with amount appears to be small during the 24 hour pe-
water as the vacuum is released. The cycle should riod provided that the container is not moved or the
be repeated two or three times until no gas bubbles water stirred. Suction can be applied to the tubes to
appear from the filter as the vacuum is applied. speed up the process, but this is usually unneces-
Filters should preferably be saturated at the site sary.
rather than before shipment. When filters are satu- A high air entry filter for a diaphragm piezometer
rated before shipment and shipped in a sealed satu- can be saturated by detaching it from the piezome-
rated container, there is a risk that they may be ter, placing the dry filter in a container, and apply-
damaged if freezing occurs in transit. After satura- ing a vacuum. The filter should then be allowed to
tion, filters should be stored under water. When flood with water, preferably warm de-aired water,
transferring a saturated filter from one container to allowing it to rise in the container so that it wets the
another or from a container to a water-filled lower side of the filter and rises slowly through it,
borehole, a water-filled plastic bag or rubber sheath thereby driving out the air. If the vacuum is high
can be placed around the filter and later removed by enough, the water will boil. The vacuum should
tearing. then be released gradually and the filter kept sub-
merged in the water for at least 1 hour. Attempts to
saturate a high air entry filter by complete immer-
9.14.4. Methods of Saturating High Air
sion in water and applying suction will often not be
Entry Filters
successful. Whatever the applied suction, air within
High air entry filters require a more intensive sat- the pores of the filter may be retained by the sur-
uration procedure than low air entry filters. Some rounding water and simply expand and contract as
manufacturers recommend total immersion in water the pressure is lowered and raised.
for 24 hours, but this is ineffective because air will There is no general rule about whether high air
not escape. entry filters should be saturated at the manufactur-
A high air entry filter for a twin-tube hydraulic er's facility or at the site. Because saturation re-
piezometer can be saturated, as shown in Figure quires significantly more care and effort than for
9.43, by attaching short lengths of tubing and plac- low air entry filters, there is an argument favoring

saturation at the manufacturer's facility. Bordes with a thin coat of saturated soil paste, mixed to a
(1986) reports that, because of numerous problems consistency near the liquid limit, is probably desir-
in the field, Telemac saturates its filters in its work- able to aid in ensuring continuity between the water
shop and, in addition, that freezing of submerged in the pores of the filter and the pore water in the
pre saturated filters in a sealed container at - 40°F embankment material (Sherard, 1981). The length
( -40°C) has resulted in no damage. However, if of the hole above the piezometer is backfilled with
appropriate facilities are available at the site, field tamped layers of embankment material, after re-
saturation may be the more conservative approach. moval of any larger stones.
No sand pocket should be allowed around the
9.15. INSTALLATION OF PIEZOMETERS IN FILL piezometer: sand would create a reservoir of air.
Guidelines for installation of piezometer tubing
As indicated in Section 9.6, there has been recent and cables are given in Chapter 17.
evidence that diaphragm piezometers that are in-
stalled in fill can show a reading change caused by 9.15.2. Granular Fill
total stresses acting on the piezometer body. Dia-
Piezometers in granular fill are normally installed by
phragm piezometers that are to be installed in fill
excavating pockets alongside the trench, as de-
should therefore have thick-walled housings or an
scribed above for compacted clay, and placing the
outer protective shell.
piezometer within backfill in the pocket. In rockfill
or coarse granular material, it is necessary to place
9.15.1. Compacted Clay Fill
a zone of coarse clean sand around the piezometer
A trench should be excavated to contain the to prevent damage. In rockfill, it may also be neces-
piezometer tubes or cables, as described in Chapter sary to place a graded filter, from coarse gravel to
17, and piezometers are normally pushed into the sand, to prevent passage of material through the
wall of the trench. If the clay contains any material rockfill.
larger than 0.2 in. (5 mm), a pocket should be hand-
excavated for each piezometer, alongside the
trench, and backfilled with screened clay. The 9.16. INSTALLATION OF PIEZOMETERS BY THE
pocket is typically 18 x 18 x 30 in. (460 x 460 x PUSH-IN METHOD
760 mm) deep. The backfill material should have a
water content and density similar to the adjacent Three types of push-in open standpipe piezometer
compacted clay and should be compacted with have been described in Section 9.8: wellpoint type,
hand-operated equipment in 4 in. (100 mm) layers. Geonor type, and Cambridge type. Pneumatic, vi-
Because piezometers with high air entry filters brating wire, and bonded electrical resistance strain
will be used, it is essential that a good contact be gage piezometers are also available as push-in ver-
obtained between the filter and the embankment sions. Multipoint push-in piezometers have been
material. Even a small thickness ofloose, poorly com- described in Section 9.9.3.
pacted soil adjacent to the filter can prevent the pie- Installation of push-in piezometers is much less
zometer from functioning correctly. Piezometers with expensive than installation and sealing within a
conical filters, such as Bishop twin-tube hydraulic borehole, and therefore they tend to be used with-
tips, are normally installed by pushing a mandrel out recognition of their limitations. In addition to
approximately 12 in. (300 mm) into the clay soil and the limitations given in Sections 9.3-9.9 and sum-
pressing the piezometer into the hole. The mandrel marized in Table 9.1, push-in piezometers are lim-
is exactly the same size as the piezometer and thus ited by the potential for an inadequate seal, for
the piezometer makes close contact with the soil. smearing or clogging, and for false readings caused
As discussed in Section 9.13, diaphragm piezome- by gas generation. These limitations are discussed
ters should have either hollow cylindrical filters as in turn and installation guidelines are given.
shown in Figure 9.17 or filters emerging at the
tapered nose of the piezometer as shown in Figure
9.16.1. Sealing
9.34. They should be installed by forming a cylin-
drical hole in the side of the trench, with diameter Sealing of a push-in piezometer requires an ade-
slightly smaller than the piezometer body, and forc- quately intimate contact between the soil and pipe
ing the piezometer into the hole. Smearing the filter immediately above the piezometer.

The open standpipe configuration with wellpoint tion and then performing a falling or constant head
apd steel pipe has a standard coupling immediately permeability test as described in Section 9.3.6.
above the wellpoint, with a pipe of smaller outside
diameter above the coupling. During installation,
9.16.2. Smearing and Clogging
this coupling scores a hole of larger diameter than
the outside of the steel pipe, and adequate sealing Various approaches are taken to prevent excessive
assumes that the soil will squeeze in to make inti- smearing or clogging of push-in piezometers during
mate contact with the pipe. However, despite rec- installation.
ommendations by AASHTO (1976) in favor of this The Geonor field piezometer has a maximum
procedure, the author believes that this may be an pore size of 0.03 mm (0.001 in.) and is installed by
unwarranted assumption and that the configuration first filling the standpipe totally with water and plug-
should not be used unless a length of pipe, with ging the top, so that soil cannot enter the pores as
minimum diameter equal to the coupling diameter, the piezometer is pushed into place. Alternatively,
is attached to the top of the wellpoint. This length of water is pumped down the standpipe (a conven-
pipe will then be in contact with the soil for sealing tional garden spray tank, fitted with a pressure gage
purposes. and flowmeter, is suitable) during all except the last
The drill rods attached to the Geonor field 10ft (3 m) of the push and a valve closed at the top
piezometer (Figure 9.23) have an outside diameter of the standpipe for the remainder of the push. This
slightly larger than the outside diameter of the alternative procedure requires that the pressure
piezometer and have no protruding couplings; thus, supply system is disconnected when each new
they are in intimate contact with the soil. A length of pipe or rod is added during installation but
minimum of 10ft (3m) of EX-size drill rod is gener- ensures complete filling with water and minimum
ally used when the piezometer is installed in soft possibility of clogging. Pore water pressures are
sensitive clays. Parry (1971) obtained good data by generated at the tip as the piezometer is pushed into
installing the Cambridge drive-in piezometer (Fig- clay and these must be allowed to dissipate before
ures 9.24 and 9.25) in porous deposits underlying the standpipe plug is removed, to discourage clog-
clay, using a 1 m (3ft) sealing length of pipe. Tor- ging. The waiting time of course depends on the soil
stensson (1984b) reports that, when using the BAT type: in the Norwegian soft sensitive marine clays
piezometer, a sealing length of 20 in. (500 mm) has for which the piezometer was developed, 24 hours
been shown to be adequate for installations in clays, is a typical waiting time.
silts, and fine sands. The author has used a push-in The Cambridge drive-in piezometer is protected
open standpipe piezometer for falling head perme- from smearing and clogging by use of the sliding
ability measurements in the core of an embankment driving shoe and by selection of an appropriate
dam, with a 6ft (2 m) sealing length of pipe. The mesh size.
core material was decomposed granite, a clay con- When a diaphragm piezometer is packaged
taining residual grains of angular coarse sand, and within a push-in housing, the filter and cavity be-
leakage occurred along the soil/pipe contact, pre- tween the filter and diaphragm should be thoroughly
sumably along channels created by the sand grains. saturated with water prior to installation, to prevent
It is therefore evident that push-in piezometers smearing and clogging.
are not appropriate for all soil conditions. No posi-
tive guidelines can be given on the length of the
9.16.3. Gas Generation
sealing pipe because the length depends on soil con-
ditions, but it appears unwise to economize on the A further limitation of push-in piezometers results
length: the longer the better. When a pipe surrounds from the potential for gas generation if dissimilar
the piezometer leads or standpipe, for use during metals are in contact.
pushing, connections in this pipe should also be DiBiagio (1977) reports that when piezometers
sealed so that hydraulic short circuits are pre- were recovered after each use and reused at other
vented. For example, when installing the Geonor sites, they sometimes provided good data and
field piezometer, all drill rod threads should be sometimes highly erratic data. The piezometers had
sealed. When an open standpipe piezometer is in- vibrating wire transducers housed within stainless
stalled by the push-in method, the adequacy of the steel bodies and were attached to mild steel EX-size
seal should be checked by allowing dissipation of drill rod and installed by the push-in method. The
any pore water pressure generated during installa- drill rods remained in place, so that the mild and

stainless steels were in contact. At sites where good tip to move from one stratum to another. It may be
measurements were obtained, the soil was quick necessary to monitor the changing elevation by sur-
clay, which has a low concentration of salt in the veying methods on the top of the pipe and to inter-
pores. At sites where erratic measurements were pret data accordingly. If the Cambridge drive-in
obtained, the clay had a high salt content in the pore piezometer is installed in consolidating clays, the
water, such that the two dissimilar metals and the downdrag forces will tend to close up the sliding
adjacent soil formed a galvanic cell (battery circuit), arrangement at the tip, and the gap between the
which can influence the measured pore water pres- shoulder and driving shoe should be checked pe-
sure in two ways. First, the corrosion process may riodically by probing inside the standpipe and the
include liberation of hydrogen gas at the stainless driving shoe tapped further down if necessary.
steel cathode (the piezometer). Second, the electric When a piezometer is installed in very soft clay
current generated by the corrosion process may by the push-in method, the drill rod or pipe used for
have an electro-osmotic effect on the pore water. pushing may descend under its own weight after the
Both these effects tend to increase the pore water piezometer is in place, and a steel plate should be
pressure around the stainless steel piezometer and clamped around the pipe to rest on the ground sur-
also could account for fluctuations in measured face. This of course aggravates the problem just
pressures. A simple nylon bushing, inserted be- described, because the piezometer tip will then
tween the piezometer and the extension rods, was move downward by the full amount of vertical com-
all that was needed to separate them electrically and pression between tip and steel plate.
eliminate the problem: this has been confirmed by
numerous subsequent piezometer installations.
There is no reason to believe that this potential 9.17. INSTALLATION OF PIEZOMETERS IN
error is limited to vibrating wire piezometers. Pre- BOREHOLES IN SOIL
sumably, the same problem could occur with any
type of piezometer that is installed by the push-in When it is not possible or satisfactory to install a
method, if the push pipe is left in place. piezometer below the ground surface by pushing or
driving from the surface, a borehole method is re-
quired. The author is aware of seven methods that
9.16.4. Some Detailed Guidelines for Installation
are in use for installing single piezometers in
of Piezometers by the Push-in Method
boreholes in soil, each of which is included in Table
Several details must be addressed when using push- 9.3 and outlined in Sections 9.17.1-9.17.7.
in piezometers. The first method entails pushing from the bottom
As a piezometer is pushed through soil, tempo- of a borehole, while the remaining six entail place-
rary changes in pore water pressure will generally ment of the piezometer within a sand pocket and
occur around the piezometer. If a diaphragm pi- sealing above with bentonite pellets and/or grout.
ezometer is used, and these pore water pressures Recommendations and various practical details are
exceed the measuring range of the instrument, the given after the methods have been outlined.
piezometer may permanently be damaged. Pi-
ezometer readings should therefore be made con-
9.17.1. Method 1. Push-in Below Bottom of
tinuously as the instrument is pushed and the rate of
pushing controlled as appropriate. The feature
shown in Figure 9.27, for checking the calibration of Installations in very soft to stiff clay can be made by
a diaphragm piezometer in-place, allows the appli- using a variation of the push-in method, employing
cation of a controlled backpressure during pushing: the instruments described in Section 9.8.7. A
this type of piezometer can therefore often be in- borehole is advanced to a short distance above the
stalled more rapidly than a piezometer with a sealed piezometer elevation and the piezometer pushed
cavity behind the diaphragm. into place below the bottom of the borehole.
When installed in clays that are later subject to A borehole is drilled to the planned elevation of
consolidation, the push pipe or rod will be subjected the top of the mandrel housing (Figure 9.31), the
to downdrag forces, the piezometer tip will be piezometer saturated, the tubing prespiraled as de-
pushed downward with respect to clay around it, scribed in Chapter 17, and a mandrel inserted into
and in extreme cases this may cause the piezometer the housing. The mandrel consists of a length of
Table 9.3. Methods for Installing Single Piezometers in Boreholes in Soil
Method of Casing Ability to Sand
Borehole With- Take Soil Around
Method Support drawn Sample Piezometer Sealing Method Advantages Limitations

I. Push-in below Casing or bio- Yes Yes No Grout and contact Rapid installation Possible only in relatively
bottom of degradable between soil and method soft soils
borehole drilling mud mandrel housing Requires special piezome-
Precautions necessary to
prevent excessive
smearing or clogging
2. Bentonite pellet Casing Yes Yes Yes Pellets and grout High-quality seal Requires significant time
seal, casing with- for installation
drawn Great care needed to clean
inside of casing
Spiraled tubing or cable
cannot be used
3. Bentonite pellet Casing No Yes Yes Pellets and casing/ None Casing not recovered
seal, casing soil contact Relies on seal between soil
left in place and outside of casing
(AASHTO Great care needed to clean
method) inside of casing
Risk of damage to piezom-
eter if casing is dragged
Problems often caused by
sticky bentonite pellets
4. Bentonite pellet Casing No No Yes Pellets and casing/ Use of bottom plug Casing not recovered
seal, casing soil contact keeps casing wall Relies on seal between soil
left in place clean and mini- and outside of casing
(Piezometer mizes bridging
R&D method) problems
Rapid installation
5. Grout seal, Casing Yes Yes Yes Pellets and grout Rapid installation Requires skill to design
casing with- method grout mix
drawn Great care needed to clean
inside of casing
Layer of bentonite pellets
recommended over sand
to avoid contamination
by grout
Grouting pressure must be
6. Bentonite pellet Augers N/A Yes Yes Pellets and grout Convenient method Grout seal has same lim-
or grout seal, if augers are itations as Method 5
using hollow- more readily Great care needed to clean
stem augers available than inside of augers
casing Requires large volume of
backfill material
Augers must not be with-
drawn by rotation
7. Bentonite pellet Biodegradable N/A Yes Yes Pellets and grout Convenient method Requires skill and experi-
or grout seal, drilling mud if local practice ence to avoid borehole
using bio- favors use of collapse and ensure en-
degradable drill- biodegradable zyme breakdown
ing mud drilling mud for Grout seal has same limita-
site investigation tions as Method 5
borings Difficult to ensure that ben-
tonite seal is in place if
poured into mud-filled
Increases response time of
diaphragm piezometers


appropriately sized drill rod, with a slot milled out 9.17.3. Method 3. AASHTO Method: Bentonite
of one side to allow passage of the tubing. A nylon Pellet Seal, Casing Left in Place
line is attached to the top of the housing with a hose
The method is described by AASHTO (1984) and is
clamp and used to hold the piezometer on to the
based on the procedure described by Casagrande
mandrel as more drill rods are added and the
(1949, 1958). For the reasons given later in this sec-
piezometer is lowered to the bottom of the bore-
tion and in Section 9.17.8, this method is not recom-
hole. On contacting the bottom of the borehole, the
mended for use but is included here for com-
piezometer is pushed into place using the mandrel,
pleteness. The steps for this method are as follows:
the borehole filled with a cement/bentonite grout
pumped down the drill rods as they are withdrawn,
1. Drive 2 in. (50 mm) diameter casing, without a
and the borehole topped up with grout. The
drive shoe and without a coupling in the low-
borehole may be either cased temporarily, with-
est 10 ft (3 m), to 1 ft (300 mm) below the
drawing casing without rotation, or supported by
elevation of the bottom of the piezometer,
biodegradable drilling mud (Section 9.17. 7).
taking a soil sample at the piezometer eleva-
tion. Do not wash in advance of the casing as
the last 10ft (3 m) are driven. After driving is
9.17 .2. Method 2. Bentonite Pellet Seal, Casing complete, wash until water runs clear, using
Withdrawn the reverse circulation method.
The steps for this method are as follows: 2. Pull the casing 1 ft (300 mm) while pouring in
enough sand to fill the borehole below the bot-
1. Drive the casing, without a drive shoe, to 1 ft tom of the casing. Check the borehole depth.
(300 mm) below the elevation of the bottom of Lower the piezometer to the top of the sand.
the piezometer, taking a soil sample at the 3. If less than 3 ft (900 mm) of settlement is an-
piezometer elevation, and wash until the wa- ticipated, pull the casing 1 ft (300 mm) while
ter runs clear. The washing is extremely im- pouring in enough sand to fill to a level 30 in.
portant because, if clay adheres to the inner (760 mm) above the bottom of the casing.
wall of the casing, backfill materials will stick Check the borehole depth. If more than 3 ft
to the casing and form a plug. The reverse (900 mm) of settlement is anticipated, the cas-
circulation method, described in Section ing is not pulled during this step.
9.17.8, should be used. 4. Pour in a 1 in. (25 mm) layer of0.5 in. (13 mm)
2. Pull the casing 6 in. (150 mm) and pour in rounded pebbles and tamp.
enough sand to fill the borehole below the 5. Pour in a 3 in. (76 mm) layer of bentonite pel-
bottom of the casing. Check the borehole lets, followed by a 1 in. (25 mm) layer of peb-
depth. bles, and tamp.
3. Repeat step 2. Lower the piezometer to the 6. Repeat step 5 four times, to form a five-layer
top of the sand. seal.
4. Pull the casing 6 in. (150 mm) and pour sand to 7. Pour in a 2 ft (600 mm) layer of sand, cover
fill the borehole below the bottom of the cas- with pebbles, and tamp.
ing. Repeat until the sand and casing are 1 ft 8. Repeat steps 5 and 6 to form a second five-
(300 mm) above the top of the piezometer, layer seal.
checking the depth after each pour. 9. Fill at least 10ft (3m) of the casing with sand.
5. Pull the casing 6 in. (150 mm) and pour com-
pressed dry bentonite pellets to fill the The method suffers from several disadvantages.
borehole below the bottom of the casing. Re- The cost of each installation includes the cost of
peat until a 4 ft (1.2 m) layer of pellets is in casing left in place. The method relies on the ade-
place, checking the depth after each pour. quacy of the seal between the soil and a 10 ft (3 m)
6. Fill the casing with cement/bentonite grout, length of casing. Although this is no doubt justified
withdraw all casing, without rotation, and top for installations in soft clay as described by Casa-
up the borehole with grout. grande (1949), there may be doubts about adequacy

in other soils. If the bottom of the casing is above 1. Ensure that all casing ends are reamed and
the piezometer tip and the natural ground above the that the bottom section is 10 ft (3 m) long
tip is subjected to vertical compression, the casing without threads on the bottom end. Insert a
will be dragged down with respect to the tip, possi- special steel and rubber plug in the bottom
bly resulting in damage to the installation. Blocked end. Drive casing to 2ft (600 mm) below the
standpipes have been reported on several projects bottom of the piezometer, adding water as
where significant vertical compression has oc- each new section is connected.
curred, indicating kinked standpipes. The provi- 2. Lower a tamping hammer to rest on the plug,
sions of step 3 are supposed to overcome this prob- and tap lightly. A solid "feel" indicates that
lem, but the author believes that the casing should no soil has bypassed the plug. Verify the cas-
not be pulled during step 3 even when as little as 6 ing depth. Pull the casing 3 in. (76 mm), and
in. (150 mm) of settlement is anticipated. ensure that the plug leaves the casing by ob-
The method was developed before the advent of serving no upward movement of the tamping
compressed dry bentonite pellets, and bentonite hammer cable. (If the plug follows the cas-
was prepared by mixing powdered bentonite with ing, it is likely that artesian conditions or
water to the consistency of putty, and rolling into excess pore water pressures exist, and the
small balls. Tamping was necessary to ensure a procedure described in Section 9.17. 8 should
good seal, and pebbles were needed over each layer be followed.) Remove the tamping hammer.
of bentonite to prevent bentonite from sticking to 3. Pour in sufficient sand to fill 2ft (600 mm) of
the tamping hammer, but use of pebbles risks dam- the borehole.
age to the piezometer leads while tamping. As dis-
4. With the casing water-filled, lower the
cussed later, compressed dry bentonite pellets do
piezometer, fitted with plastic centering fins,
not need tamping and do not need a layer of peb-
to rest on the sand.
5. Pour in sufficient sand to fill around the
9.17.4. Method 4. Piezometer R&D Method: piezometer and 2 ft (600 mm) of borehole
Bentonite Pellet Seal, Casing Left in Place above the piezometer.
6. Pull the casing 2 ft (600 mm) plus half the
A variation on Method 3 is described by Piezometer length of the piezometer. The sand and
R&D (1968, 1983). The major variations are as fol- piezometer will remain at their original
lows: elevation.
7. Pour in a 3 in. (76 mm) layer of bentonite
• Use of a temporary bottom plug in the casing,
pellets and tamp.
thus ensuring that the inside of the casing is
clean. Sand can therefore be poured inside the 8. Repeat step 7 four times, to form a five-layer
casing before it is pulled, without risk of form- seal.
ing a "sand-grab." All casing ends are reamed 9. Pour in a 2 ft (600 mm) layer of sand.
to discourage bridging. 10. Repeat steps 7 and 8 to form a second five-
• Use of plastic centering fins around the pi- layer seal.
ezometer to allow the piezometer to be in- 11. Fill at least 2 ft (600 mm) of the casing with
stalled half in and half out of the lower end of sand. The remainder of the casing is not
the casing, so that when casing is dragged filled.
downward as vertical compression occurs the 12. Install a rubber plug in the top of the casing,
piezometer and/or standpipe will not be dam- with the piezometer lead passing through a
aged. central hole and clamped above the plug.
• Use of2.5 in. (63 mm) instead of2 in. (50 mm)
casing. Use of this method overcomes most of the prob-
• Use of compressed dry bentonite pellets, with- lems associated with bridging of backfill, because
out pebbles. the inside of the casing is flush and clean. However,
no soil sample can be taken, and use of the bottom
The primary steps for this method are as follows: plug creates a closed-ended driving method and

concern for unwarranted soil disturbance. How- 9.17.6. Method 6. Bentonite Pellet or Grout Seal,
ever, Piezometer R&D (1983) report on many tests Using Hollow-Stem Augers
to evaluate the effect of the plugs, by installing
The method is essentially the same as either
pairs of piezometers 5 ft (1.5 m) apart, one by the
Method 2 or 5, depending on the selection of sealing
bottom plug method and one by the more conven-
material, except that hollow-stem augers are used
tional method of driving casing and washing out
instead of drill casing.
thoroughly. Falling head permeability tests and
piezometer readings as fill was placed over the
piezometers indicated no difference in behavior. 9.17 .7. Method 7. Bentonite Pellet or Grout Seal,
Using Biodegradable Drilling Mud
9.17.5. Method 5. Grout Seal, Casing Withdrawn Biodegradable mud* is composed of an organic
polymer (no bentonite) that self-destructs through
The method is described by USBR (1974) and is
enzyme breakdown with time, leaving only the wa-
essentially the same as Method 2, except that grout
ter used to mix the mud in the borehole. This type
replaces the bentonite pellets.
of drilling mud provides the necessary hole stabili-
The Corps of Engineers (1971), Fetzer (1982),
zation and cutting removal during drilling and then,
and USBR (1974) suggest various grout mixes: de-
upon reverting to water, leaves the borehole free of
tails are given in Chapter 17. Lambe (1959) de-
the organic polymer that was originally added to the
scribes use of a chemical grout and, although the
water, providing a suitable environment for ground-
grout used by Lambe is no longer acceptable for
water pressure measurement.
environmental reasons, other chemical grouts are a
The primary steps for this method are as follows:
viable option provided that the advice of grouting
specialists is obtained and that the chemicals have
1. Mix the biodegradable mud with water until it
no adverse effects on piezometer materials. Lambe
is free from lumps.
recommends a thin layer of bentonite pellets above
the sand to prevent the grout from invading the sand 2. Advance a borehole to 1 ft (300 mm) below the
around the piezometer tip, and in general a thin elevation of the piezometer.
grout should be avoided for this reason. A general 3. Flush the borehole with "clean" mud, to re-
and significant concern with any grout seal is the move any clay that has mixed with the mud
possibility of grout mixing with the sand around the while advancing the borehole. This clean mud
piezometer as it flows under pressure from the end should be as thin as possible, so that place-
of the tremie pipe, and sand has on occasion been ment of backfill material is not obstructed, but
washed upward and out of the borehole. Grout not so thin that the borehole wall collapses.
pressure should therefore be minimized, and a grout Clearly, this step requires judgment and expe-
pipe with a bottom plug and several side ports is rience.
preferable to an open-ended grout pipe. 4. Proceed with installing the sand, piezometer,
Vaughan (1969) indicates that in relatively and either a bentonite pellet or grout seal,
permeable material it is not difficult to select a grout generally as described above for Method 2
with a lower permeability than the surrounding ma- or 5.
terial, but in an impermeable material this may not 5. If standpipe piezometers are used, "develop"
be possible. For example, the permeability of a the completed installation by clearing any
pumpable cement/bentonite grout may be on the filter cake of silt or clay from the borehole
order of 5 X 10- 8 em/sec, whereas the in situ per- wall alongside the piezometer. Outward flow
meability of an overconsolidated clay may be as low from the piezometer is usually not successful.
as 2 X w- 9 em/sec. However, Vaughan describes a The preferred method involves using com-
method for calculating the reading error when the pressed air to blow water out of the standpipe,
grout has higher permeability than the ground and allowing formation water to flow inward and
indicates that the error is minor if the two differ by break down the filter cake. If diaphragm
one order of magnitude. piezometers are used, the filter cake cannot
Whenever one is designing a grout mix for seal-
ing piezometers in boreholes, the recommendations
given in Chapter 17 should be followed. *For example, Revert. See Appendix D.

be removed and hydrodynamic time lag is Table 9.4. Some Questions to be Answered when
likely to be increased. Selecting a Method for Installing Single Piezometers in
Boreholes in Soil
Where potable water supplies can be affected, a 1. What is the soil type?
mud formulation that meets environmental protec- 2. Can a piezometer be pushed from the bottom of the
tion standards must be used. borehole, and is sufficient lead time available for pro-
Biodegradable mud that is supplied in liquid form curing special piezometers?
is easier to mix but is expensive and needs an addi- 3. Are there artesian conditions?
tive to trigger breakdown. Quality control tends to 4. Are there excess pore water pressures?
be difficult, and this material is not recommended. 5. What are the local drilling customs?
6. What drilling methods are available?
7. What skill/care/experience is available among per-
9.17.8. Recommendations for Installing Single sonnel who will be responsible for installations?
Piezometers in Boreholes in Soil. 8. Is adequate skill available for designing an appropri-
ate grout mix?
The author believes that, with the exception of 9. How much vertical compression will occur in the soil
Method 3, all of the above seven methods are vi- above the piezometer?
able. Each method may be the method of choice, 10. Are soil samples required?
the selection depending on the specifics of each ap- 11. How can the borehole be supported?
plication. Users are therefore advised to study the 12. Can the soil be relied on to seal against the outside of
descriptions of the seven methods, Table 9.3, the the casing?
13. How much time is available for installation?
many details included in Section 9.17 .8, to answer
14. How much time is available between completion of
the questions listed in Table 9.4, and to plan a installation and the need to establish zero readings?
method most suited to their particular case. The 15. What are the requirements for response time?
planning should include preparation of written step- 16. What borehole diameter will be used?
by-step procedures, including a detailed listing of 17. How will the casing or augers be prepared?
required materials and tools, following the guide- 18. How will the casing or augers be cleaned?
lines given in Chapter 17. 19. How will the casing or augers be backfilled?
Reservations about Method 3 stem from the pos- 20. How will the casing or augers be pulled?
sibility of damage to the piezometer when casing is 21. If required, what will be the design of the sounding
dragged down, use of small-diameter casing and hammer?
hand-rolled sticky pellets that aggravate the bridg- 22. Do bentonite pellets swell adequately, with or with-
out a retarder?
ing problem, use of pebbles that may damage the
23. What is the required waiting time for swell?
piezometer leads, and reliance on the seal between 24. Is there a need to retard the swell and, if yes, what
the casing and soil. The author believes that Meth- method will be used?
od 3 should not be used. 25. Do pellets behave satisfactorily when tested in flow-
It appears that, if the soil is sufficiently clayey so ing water?
that a seal can be assured between the soil and the 26. Is one of the alternative bentonite seals preferable to
outside of the casing and if the longer response time compressed dry bentonite pellets?
is acceptable, the push-in method using the Geonor 27. Is there a need to form a seal below the piezometer?
field piezometer or Cambridge drive-in piezometer 28. If artesian conditions or excess pore water pressures
will perform as well as Method 4 and will be more exist, how will they affect the installation?
economical. If adequacy of the seal is in doubt, 29. Which method of installation is most appropriate?
none of these methods should be used.
Various practical details for installing piezome-
ters in boreholes in soil are given below. Borehole Diameter
Borehole diameter will be controlled primarily by
Role of Drillers and Specialist Personnel
the size of the piezometer or leads, the need for an
Drilling crews should not be relied on to install annular space adequate for backfilling purposes,
piezometers in boreholes unless specialist person- sampling needs, and the availability of drilling
nel are intimately involved: the task should be a equipment. Boreholes drilled with hollow-stem au-
team effort. gers may be as large as 10.2 in. (260 mm) in diame-

ter, but casing as small as 2 in. (50 mm) has been (1982). A standpipe piezometer with 3 in. (76 mm)
used, for example, by Casagrande (1949), although diameter PVC flush jointed standpipe was installed
this minimizes the space available for backfilling through 6 in. (150 mm) casing. Sand was poured to
and is not recommended. A common borehole di- a level as high as 3 ft (1 m) above the bottom of
ameter in the United States is 3 in. (76 mm), and the casing before the casing was pulled, but the
NW casing is often used. piezometer could be held in place by weighting the
top. This would not be possible with a less robust
standpipe or with another type of piezometer.
Guidelines for Preparation and Cleaning of Casing
Volumes of solid backfill should be controlled by
and Augers
using a small container with a volume equal to a
When casing is used with Method 2, 3, 4, or 5, all known depth of borehole, remembering to calculate
casing ends should have a flush inside diameter so required volumes using the outside diameter of cas-
that backfill material will not bridge. If standard ing or augers. Quantities of Ottawa sand and com-
pipe is used as casing, the inside wall will normally pressed bentonite pellets, required to fill various
turn inward at the ends to form a sharp protrusion, sizes of borehole, are given in Figure 17.9.
and ends must be reamed. Sand should be saturated with water before pour-
When Method 2, 3, 5 or 6 is used, the casing or ing and should be poured slowly to avoid bridging in
augers must be cleaned very thoroughly before sand the borehole. Any washed and screened sand be-
is poured. If this is not done, sand and bentonite tween U.S. standard sieve size #20 and #40 (ap-
pellets are likely to stick to the casing or augers and proximately 0.034 and 0.017 in.; 0.9 and 0.4 mm) is
prevent a good installation. The most effective suitable and is usually available from suppliers of
method is to reverse the jetting pump and to use the sand blasting materials. Screening and washing con-
jet pipe as the intake, with its lower end a few crete sand is usually impracticable. Ottawa sand is
inches from the bottom of the borehole. The bore- often used, but it should be noted that this term
hole is kept filled by pouring clean water in until all does not define the gradation, and gradation limits
cloudy water is pumped out. This is referred to as must be included in specifications. No sand finer
the reverse circulation method, and in this way the than #40 sieve size should be included because this
velocity of the outgoing water is maximized. will take too long to settle and will mix with the
sealing material. These gradation requirements are
made in consideration of filter criteria and must be
Guidelines for Backfilling and Pulling Casing
maintained for sand around open standpipe pi-
and Augers
ezometers. However, the upper size limit can be
General guidelines are given in Chapter 17. relaxed for diaphragm piezometers, because no
When backfill is placed around piezometers as significant flow of water occurs. The lower size limit
casing or augers are pulled, they should be pulled in should be maintained to ensure that sand falls to the
short increments, to avoid collapse of the borehole bottom of the borehole. Sand falls through water in
prior to backfilling. They should be pulled without the borehole at a rate of about 3 seconds per foot ( 10
rotation, to avoid spiraling piezometer leads. The seconds per meter).
installation methods outlined above refer to incre- Bentonite pellets should be poured very slowly,
ments of as little as 6 in. (150 mm), and this is a good and the best way to avoid bridging is to drop them
starting point for each installation. However, expe- individually at a rate of about 3 per second and to
rience with each installation will indicate whether allow enough time for their descent before measur-
larger increments are acceptable or whether smaller ing borehole depth. They fall at a rate of about 1
increments are necessary. second per foot (3 seconds per meter). If given
For all methods except Method 4, pulling of cas- sufficient space to do so, compressed dry bentonite
ing should precede backfilling with solid material, pellets will swell to between 10 and 15 times their
because if backfill is allowed to settle within the original volume, and they should not be tamped. If
casing it may "grab" the piezometer leads, causing they are tamped, the dry pellets may be forced into
the piezometer to be lifted when casing is pulled. the soil beyond the walls of the borehole, where
The same applies to the use of hollow-stem augers. they are not required. Moreover, as discussed later
An exception to this rule, at a site where borehole in this section, if tamping causes the pellets to as-
caving was of great concern, is described by Fetzer sume a denser packing, expansion of the pellets

against the soil may create artificially high piezome- pellets and flooding with water did not result in a
. ter readings for a substantial time after installation. good seal.
The rule is: make sure that the pellets are where A sounding hammer is required whenever plac-
they should be, and leave them alone. The ade- ing sand and whenever using a bentonite pellet seal
quacy of a seal created by this method can be dem- and is advisable for centering purposes when using
onstrated by placing one layer of pellets at the bot- a grout seal around all piezometer leads except ex-
tom of a glass filled with water, and observing how terior coupled standpipes.
they swell and form a complete seal around the When used around a single piezometer lead or a
glass. No pebbles are needed over a layer of com- multiple-lead with a single jacket, the sounding ham-
pressed bentonite pellets. It is absolutely essential mer should be a steel cylinder with outside diameter
that pellets are allowed to expand before overlying 0.3-0.5 in. (8-13 mm) less than the inside diameter
material is placed, otherwise overlying material of the casing or augers, inside diameter approxi-
may descend through the pellets and prevent a seal. mately 0.2 in. (5 mm) larger than the outside diame-
When pouring sand or bentonite pellets in the ter of the piezometer lead, a length of not less than 2
borehole, the piezometer leads should be kept taut ft (600 mm), and a weight of approximately 15 lb (7
to discourage bridging, and depth measurements kg). The diameter limits are necessary so that back-
should be made repeatedly to verify correctness of fill is forced to the bottom of the borehole, the
the backfill level. length limit so that the hammer does not become
When a grout seal is used (Method 5, 6, or 7), angled and stuck in the borehole, and the weight
care must be taken to avoid contaminating the sand limit for handling purposes. For small-diameter
with grout. It appears worthwhile to place a 6 in. boreholes, the hammer can be made from solid
(150 mm) layer of bentonite pellets above the sand steel, but usually it is necessary to weld one pipe
and to allow them to expand before grouting, for a inside another, with donut-shaped top and bottom
time determined while testing pellets in water as plates, to keep the weight adequately low. If the
described later in this section. If a stiff grout has required outside diameter cannot be achieved by
been selected, with a slump of about 4 in. (100 mm) using standard steel pipe, the next smaller pipe size
or less, the bentonite pellets are not needed. In can be used and the top and bottom plates made to
either case, a grout pipe with a bottom plug and protrude beyond the outside diameter by the re-
several side ports should be used, and care should quired amount. All corners on the hammer should
be taken to pump grout slowly and to raise the grout be thoroughly rounded. A bridle should be attached
pipe slowly. to the top of the hammer and a cable attached to the
bridle with a secure smooth connection that will not
damage the piezometer lead. A 0.125 in. (3 mm)
Sounding Hammer
stainless steel airplane cable, covered with a plastic
A tamping hammer is often used to tamp the ben- sheath, is ideal for the bridle and cable. The cable
tonite seal and to center the piezometer leads or should be graduated, using a hot stamping machine,
standpipe. In fact the tamping hammer serves two with zero at the bottom of the hammer. Figure 9.44
more purposes: to measure depths and to assist in shows a typical sounding hammer.
dislodging any bridges of backfill material that may The arrangement shown in Figure 9.44 requires
form in the borehole. As indicated above, com- that the sounding hammer is inserted over the entire
pressed bentonite pellets should not be tamped. length of piezometer lead: a laborious task for long
However, the device is required for the other three leads. This can be overcome by milling a slot along
purposes: centering, depth measurement, and dis- one side of the cylinder so that the lead can be
lodging bridges. By persisting with the term tamp- inserted sideways. Removable top and bottom
ing hammer, users are encouraged to use the device plates, each with a slot, are attached to the cylinder
for tamping, and the author proposes the new term with their slots rotated 180 degrees with respect to
sounding hammer. the slot in the cylinder, so that they can also be
The need for centering the leads or standpipe inserted sideways but can retain the lead within the
within a bentonite pellet seal has been demon- cylinder.
strated during laboratory tests by Guarino (1985). When a piezometer has two separate leads, for
When a single lead ran continuously along the in- example, a pneumatic or twin-tube hydraulic pi-
side wall of a pipe, filling the pipe with bentonite ezometer for which a common tubing jacket has not

Bridle: 1/s in. stainless

steel airplane cable,
with plastic sheath;
approximately 3 h long

Crimp connection
Figure 9.45. Bentonite pellets (courtesy of Piezometer Research
Threaded eye bolt, & Development, Br,idgeport, CT).
tapped into top plate
Top plate, 2.6 in. ~.
0.5 in. thick
they can be inserted in the borehole at the required
location. Typical pellets are shown in Figure 9.45.
The swelling properties of bentonite pellets de-
pend both on the properties of the constituents of
30 in.
3/4 in . extra heavy the pellets and on the chemistry of the water in
steel pipe ( 1.050 in.
o.d .. 0.742 in. i.d.)
which they are immersed. Users should always
verify that the pellets swell to at least five times
their original volume when placed in a container of
water for 24 hours. The water should be from the
source that will be used in the field. During this test
a j udgment should be made on the length of waiting
time required before overlying material can be
Figure 9.44. Typical sounding hammer for use inside NW flush- placed without risk of the material descending past
joint casing (casing i.d. 3.0 in.). Note: (1) plates and pipe welded
the bentonite. A typical waiting time is 30 minutes.
together; (2) all comers well rounded; (3) weight approximately
15 lb (7 kg); (4) graduated cable attached to bridle with loop and Most people who have installed piezometers in
crimp connection. boreholes with bentonite pellets have experienced
the problem of peUets becoming stuck part way
down the borehole, and the problem is aggravated if
been ~ sed ,
the tubes must be separated by the pellets are poured too fast. Fetzer (1982) reports
soun~mg hammer. lf the arrangement for a single that, when installing an open standpipe piezometer
lead as used, the two leads will be forced into close with a 3 in. (76 mm) flu sh coupled standpipe within
contact and a seal may not form along the contact.
a 6 in . (1 50 mm) casing, pellets became lodged in the
S~paration is achieved by use of a bottom plate
annular space. Some manufacturers add retarding
~ath two holes or by welding two separate smatl-
agents to their pellets.* Users have tried a variety of
daameter pipes within a larger pipe. methods for retarding the onset of swelling and
There is a temptation to use a sounding rod stickiness. Brief soaking in diesel fuel , hydraulic
rather than a sounding hammer, because a rod is oil , alcohol, or varnish has sometimes been suc-
much easier to use. However, this practice is likely
cessful but on other occasions has caused pellets to
to push the standpipe or leads to one side of the break apart or to become sticky very rapidly. Other
borehole and may result in an inferior seal methods include coating with hair spray, or soaking
(Guarino, 1985). Bozozuk ( 1960) describes a sound-
in a shellac solution and allowing to dry. Biodegrad-
ing hammer consisting of an enlarged foot attached able drilling mud is also used: the powder is mixed
to pipe, and both foot and pipe are inserted over the with water, using no more than 0.1 lb per U.S. gal-
piezometer lead. While a suitable method for shal- lon (12 g/liter), which creates a very viscous liquid.
low holes, the need for repeated coupling and un-
The mixture is allowed to hydrate for at least 2
coupling of pipes makes this a more laborious pro-
hours before briefly soaking the pellets and placing
cedure. them in the borehole. Other users have tried freez-
ing pellets before use. When there is a need to re-
Bentonite Pellets
Compressed dry bentonite pellets have been shown • For example, Piezometer Research & Development "Non-
to form an adequate seal (Filho, 1976) provided that stick" pellets.

tard the onset of swelling and stickiness, no unique

procedure can be recommended for all pellets and Activated bentonite
all water, and users must therefore make their own pellets extrude
through coarse
tests. mesh fabric to
When making such tests, pellets should be from isolate and seal
the same shipment as those to be used in the field,
because pellets do not always have uniform proper-
ties. The water should be from the field source.
Although swelling can be demonstrated by placing
pellets in a container of water, this is an inappropri-
ate test for investigating the onset of swelling and
stickiness when pellets are falling through water,
because the action of flowing water has a marked
effect on behavior. Piezometer Research & Devel-
opment base their reported pellet behavior on tests
Size: 2 1/2 in. diameter X
in flowing water, and the author recommends this 30 in. length.
approach. A short length of transparent pipe, with
diameter similar to the diameter of the borehole, is
placed vertically and plugged at its lower end.* A Figure 9.46. Piezometer with integral sand pocket and bentonite
water supply is connected to an opening in the plug, pellet seal (courtesy of Thor International, Inc., Seattle, WA).
the pipe filled with water, pellets inserted at the top,
and the water flow controlled so that pellets remain
at about the midheight of the pipe. This arrange- of compressed dry bentonite pellets but may be
ment is now a good model of field conditions, pellet used if the manufactured pellets are not available.
behavior can be observed, and the effect of retard- However, as described in Section 9.17.3, tamping is
ers can be evaluated. The time required to achieve a needed, as also is a layer of pebbles to prevent
particular observed condition can be recorded and sticking to the sounding hammer. Despite great care
converted to an equivalent borehole depth by using during installation, pellets tend to stick to the cas-
the measured flow of water spilling from the top of ing, and a heavy residue of bentonite tends to re-
the pipe. main in the casing, obstructing the passage of pel-
If a retarder is employed, users should verify that lets and reducing the quality of the seal. This
pellets swell to at least five times their original vol- method should be avoided wherever possible.
ume when placed in a container of water for 24 When piezometers are installed offshore or in
hours. other environments where groundwater is saline,
Commercial sources of bentonite pellets are conventional compressed bentonite pellets will not
given in Appendix D. swell adequately unless special precautions are
taken. Attempts to solve the problem with pellets
Alternative Bentonite Seals made by compressing salt water bentonite appear to
have been unsuccessful, and better success has
The above methods have referred to use of com-
been achieved by creating a local freshwater envi-
pressed dry bentonite pellets, installed by pouring
ronment in which the conventional pellets can swell
into the borehole, but several other methods have
and remain swollen. This has been done success-
been used, one of which may be the method of
fully by using Method 4 and filling the casing with
choice when planning an installation.
fresh water. Alternative approaches are to use a
Casagrande (1949) describes use of bentonite
push-in method, Method 1, Method 5, 6, or 7 with a
balls of0.5 in. (13 mm) diameter, formed by mixing
suitable grout, or a chemical sealant (Driscoll, 1986;
powdered bentonite to a putty-like consistency,
Senger and Perpich, 1983).
rolled in talcum powder to minimize sticking, and
Pellets can be prepackaged within a cylindrical
stored in glass jars to prevent drying. This proce-
bag as shown in Figure 9.46. The sand-filled part of
dure has in general been superseded by the advent
the bag will normally be of canvas and the upper
*The test apparatus is available from Piezometer Research & part of a coarser mesh. The arrangement must be
Development. See Appendix D. sized to match the diameter of the borehole and the

required lengths of sand and seal zone and substan-

tially decreases the time and effort required for seal
placement. As with all bentonite seals, sufficient
waiting time must be allowed for swelling before
placing overlying materials.
Pellets can be tremied to the bottom of the
borehole by adding them to flowing water, using the
150 mm diameter drillhole
method described in Chapter 17 for backfilling
boreholes with sand or pea gravel, but with a larger-
diameter pipe. A 1.5 in. (38 mm) Schedule 80 PVC IH>-+--25 mm steel, 900 mm long
pipe with flush threaded couplings is inserted within
the borehole as the piezometer is lowered, and a 45
111-1-oo+-- Sliding steel weight
degree Y-branch is fitted to the pipe near its upper
end. A water supply is connected to the branch and
water circulated down the pipe until it spills out at
the top of the borehole. Pellets are poured slowly
into the top of the pipe and washed to the bottom of
the borehole, and the pipe is gradually raised as lh:ol+-- Steel head of tamping hammer
~~- Leather facing
backfilling progresses. The same tremie pipe ar-
Bentonite ring
rangement can be used for placing sand. 90 mm diameter, 150 mm
Bentonite gravel (Appendix D) is often used in long with 20 mm diameter
eastern Canada in preference to bentonite pellets.
The gravel ranges in size from 0.3 to 0.8 in. (8-20 Sand backfill

mm) and is significantly less expensive than com-

pressed pellets. Figure 9.47. Tamping hammer and bentonite ring seal (after Pe-
Peters and Long (1981) describe the development ters and Long, 1981 ).
of bentonite rings, installed with the aid of a
modified tamping hammer around open standpipe
piezometers in 6 in. (150 mm) diameter boreholes.
Each bentonite ring was made by compacting bento-
Chemical Sealant
nite at 75% water content in a 3.5 in. (90 mm) diam-
eter by 6 in. (150 mm) long cylindrical mold and A chemical sealant has been developed by the Dow-
forcing a 0.8 in. (20 mm) rod through the center. ell Division Laboratory of Dow Chemical Com-
Each ring was lowered around the standpipe with the pany, Tulsa, OK, for sealing groundwater moni-
special tamping hammer shown in Figure 9.47. To toring wells where the groundwater is highly
compact a ring, the hammer was lowered to the mineralized (Senger and Perpich, 1983). The sealant
bentonite ring and the sliding steel weight raised contains a polymer that swells in water and can be
and dropped. A series of four to six compacted preformed by pouring into a mold of appropriate
rings constituted a seal. This method appears to be size and allowing it to set overnight to a consistency
an attractive alternative to bentonite pellets but of soft rubber. Swelling time can be adjusted by
necessitates an effort by the user to prepare the changing the formulation of the sealant.
rings and special hammer. Dowell chemical sealant is used in the Waterloo
"Volclay sausages" are available from American Multilevel System (Figure 9.37) and is being consid-
Colloid Company (Appendix D), consisting of ered as a borehole seal during studies relating to
granular bentonite packaged within soluble plastic disposal of high-level nuclear waste.
tubes 2 in. (50 mm) in diameter by 22 in. (560 mm) This chemical sealant appears to have applica-
long. They are designed for curing loss of circula- tions for sealing conventional piezometers in
tion in wireline drilling operations by using a down- boreholes, although the author is not aware of prac-
hole grouting technique. The author is not aware of tical experience to date. Because of the very sub-
their use for sealing piezometers, but smaller- stantial effort involved in ensuring that compressed
diameter tubes appear to have a potential for this dry bentonite pellets are placed in the borehole at
purpose. the required location, the alternative of an easy-to-

place chemical sealant is extremely attractive. Us- that the rule is: make sure that the pellets are where
ers are encouraged to conduct comparative tests they should be, and leave them alone.
between seals made with compressed dry bentonite In general, whenever bentonite pellets are used,
pellets and with chemical sealant and to report their seals should be installed well ahead of the need for
findings to the profession. measurements of pore water pressure so that any
changes caused by the swelling of bentonite have
had time to dissipate.
Change of Pore Water Pressure Caused by Swelling
of Bentonite
Sealing Below Piezometer
The high-expansive property of bentonite pellets
When a piezometer is installed at the bottom of a
clearly has the potential for causing changes of pore
borehole, no seal is needed below the piezometer.
water pressure. Depending on the soil conditions,
However, if the borehole has been advanced below
confining conditions, and the bulk density of the
the elevation where measurements are required, a
pellets in place, there is a potential for an increase
seal must be placed up to the bottom of the sand
in pore water pressure as the pellets expand against
zone. Sealing options and procedures are the same
the soil, but on the other hand there is a potential
as for the seal above the piezometer, but care must
for a decrease in pore water pressure as the pellets
be taken to prevent sealing material from contacting
hydrate and draw water from the pores.
the wall of the borehole where the sand zone will be
Casagrande (1949) indicates that the purpose of
placed, usually by protecting the zone with casing.
the sand below, within, and above the bentonite
seals in Method 3 is "to minimize the effect of
Installation Under Artesian Conditions
swelling pressures of the overlying bentonite.'' The
sand also increases frictional forces between When a piezometer is to be installed under artesian
backfill and casing, thereby discouraging a "blow- conditions or where excess pore water pressures
out" of the seal. exist, arrangements must be made to place the seal
Binnie & Partners (1979) warn that "compressed while water is not flowing up the borehole and to
bentonite pellets, which swell to many times their overcome the problem of soil rising up inside the
original size . . . can artificially reduce the pore casing or augers. The most straightforward method
pressures for long periods and should, therefore, is to extend the casing or augers to a level above the
only be used with caution." Guarino (1985) has piezometric level and to counterbalance the flow
made two sets of tests to examine this hypothesis. with a static head of water, but this can only be
In the first set, a sand zone containing a piezometer done for a limited excess head. The author is aware
was placed in the bottom of a closed-ended pipe, of four methods for coping with the problem for
followed by a layer of pellets and water. Pressure larger excess heads.
was applied to the water and the piezometer moni- First, in appropriate soil conditions a push-in
tored. In every case the piezometer reading de- piezometer can be installed.
creased as hydration of the bentonite progressed. In Second, Method 4 can be used. Under artesian
the second set of tests, a piezometer was installed in conditions the casing plug tends to follow the casing
a 12 in. (300 mm) diameter clay-filled pipe, in an when the casing is first pulled. An extension is
attempt to model field conditions. A sand zone was added to the casing, filled with water to minimize
provided around the piezometer and pellets above. any flow of water around the casing plug, the lower
The magnitude of pressure changes and the elapsed sand, piezometer, and upper sand placed within the
time before equilibrium pressure was established casing, the casing pulled to its final position, and
depended on the method of installation of the pel- the extension casing removed. The remainder of the
lets. Use of a tamping hammer to pack the pellets in procedure is as described in Section 9.17 .4.
place caused excessively high readings of pore wa- Third, Kinner and Dugan (1982, 1985) describe
ter pressure, in some cases for more than 1 month installation of piezometers offshore in sands and
after installation. When pellets were poured into the gravels in which the piezometric elevation ranged
"borehole" but not subsequently tamped, the from 25 to 35 ft (8-11 m) above mean sea level. The
piezometer readings decreased as hydration pro- arrangement is shown in Figure 9.48. The boreholes
gressed, but equilibrium pressure was always estab- were advanced with heavy-weight conventional
lished within 1 day. It is apparent from these tests drilling mud. The wellpoint, riser pipe, and packer

Piezometer cable to
be connected to
electric terminal \4---- Pressure gage
Hood Canal in a safety box
Armored cable stuffing box for
to instrument piezometer cable
house on shore
Upper coupling grout pump
Recent alluvium stuffing box
for grout pipe

Grouted borehole Valve to regulate

pressure in the hole
Glacial till

Casing grouted
Aquifer sands in hole
and gravels Coupling connection
Ad it invert or
PVC grout pipe to a
ground surface
depth 1/2 m above
I the bentonite seal
Figure 9.48. Piezometer installed in soil under artesian conditions ,,

(after Kinner and Dugan, 1982). Electric cable spliced ~ 111

to piezometer cell
I 1
1~ ~ NX size piezometer hole

(not to scale)'

were inserted into the mud-filled borehole, the Figure 9.49. Special equipment for installation of a piezometer
packer inflated, and the borehole grouted. After under artesian conditions (after Logani, 1983).
grout setup, the wellpoint and riser pipe were
purged with water until artesian flow was gener-
and the pressure regulating valve closed, allowing
ated, thereby cleansing the system of drilling mud.
the sand to settle under no-flow conditions. After
While the sensing head was being attached, the valve
again opening the valve and removing the upper
at the top of the assembly was opened to allow water
coupling, the piezometer, placed within a saturated
flow and closed after making the connection. The
sand-filled pervious bag, was lowered into the
dual sensing head contained both a pneumatic
borehole, followed by more sand, using the same
transducer and a single hydraulic tube and was
procedure to allow the sand to settle. A 2 m (7 ft)
packaged in this way to allow replacement of the
layer of bentonite pellets was placed in increments
head by a diver if damage or malfunction occurred.
in the same way and the grout pipe lowered within
For a more conventional on-shore installation, a di-
the borehole. The borehole was filled with a ce-
aphragm piezometer could be set within the stand-
ment/bentonite grout under pressure to counter the
pipe with an inflatable packer.
artesian head. At this site the artesian pressure was
Fourth, Logani (1983) describes a method for in-
as much as 40ft (12 m) above the ground surface.
stalling piezometers under artesian conditions in
Logani (1985) and Reyes (1985) both describe
rock, which could perhaps be adapted for use in soil
methods for installing piezometers under higher
provided that the borehole could be supported ade-
artesian pressures, by using a two-valve pressure
quately during installation. The equipment shown in
loading chamber for introducing backfill material
Figure 9.49, but without the grout pipe and pi-
into the borehole under very low or no-flow condi-
ezometer cable, was attached to the borehole collar
and the artesian pressure recorded. The pressure
regulating valve was opened to allow free water
Some "Don'ts"
flow and to release artesian pressure, and coarse
sand was poured into the borehole by removing the Never advance the borehole using conventional
upper coupling. The upper coupling was replaced drilling mud (unless using the method shown in Fig-

ure 9.48 for an installation under artesian condi- not great, but more normally the intervening space
tions), as this will seal the soil and inhibit piezome- is grouted, and it is generally necessary to allow the
ter response. grout to set overnight. The upper piezometer is then
When casing is withdrawn after placing a bento- installed in the same way, with special attention to
nite seal, never fill the remainder of the borehole the seal around and between the two leads. When a
with sand or drilling cuttings. Always use a cement/ bentonite pellet seal is used, the sounding hammer
bentonite grout. The practice of filling the remain- must ensure separation between the two leads, as
der of the borehole with sand presumably has its described in Section 9.17.8. When a grout seal is
origin in the procedure described by Casagrande used, spacers should be placed between the leads to
(1949), in which the sand is bounded by casing. If ensure that grout seals the intervening space: a
the casing is withdrawn and sand is placed, confor- short length of small-diameter PVC pipe can be
mance has been violated by creation of a pervious taped every few feet to the lead for the upper
column that allows drainage of pore water pressure piezometer. Because these spacers interfere with
and may feed surface runoff into the zone around placement of a bentonite pellet layer between sand
the piezometer. and grout, a low slump grout should be used to
When installing diaphragm piezometers, do not avoid contamination of the sand.
allow any damage to the outer sheath of the tubing When more than one open standpipe piezometer
or cable. Pneumatic piezometer tubing often con- is installed in a single borehole, acceptance testing
sists of individual tubes with a common sheath, and should include a verification of seal integrity by
in many cases water can travel between the tubes adding water to each standpipe in turn and verifying
and the sheath. Electrical piezometers may have that the others do not respond.
cable that allows "wicking" inside the sheath. If the
sheath is damaged just above the piezometer, a Installation of Multipoint Piezometers
pathway may be created for drainage of pore water
pressure and/or for water ingress to the transducer. Section 9.9 describes several methods for installing
Whenever planning to use a bentonite pellet seal, more than two piezometers in a borehole in soil,
using multipoint piezometers. Methods include use
do not allow any subsurface couplings in plastic
of inflatable or chemical packers, piezometers sur-
tubes, connections in electrical cables, or exterior
rounded with grout, push-in piezometers, and mov-
couplings in steel or plastic pipes. Apart from creat-
able probes. Advantages and limitations of the
ing weaknesses, these protrusions interrupt the pas-
methods are given in Table 9.1.
sage of the pellets and sounding hammer.

9.17.9. Installation of More than One Piezometer 9.18. INSTALLATION OF PIEZOMETERS IN

in a Borehole in Soil BOREHOLES IN ROCK
Adaptations of Methods for Installing Single
As indicated in Chapter 2, measurements of joint
water pressure in rock must be made within zones
It is generally agreed that if more than one piezome- of open jointing. The core should be examined care-
ter is installed in a borehole in soil by adapting one fully, and additional in-hole studies such as water
of the seven methods described previously, seals pressure tests using packers, sonic velocity profiles,
may be inferior. Two piezometers can be installed borehole camera photographs, and impression
successfully if great care is taken and if each packers may be required. Piezometers must be in-
piezometer has only a single lead, but more than stalled within a section of the borehole of sufficient
two are not recommended. For this purpose multi- length to intersect several discontinuities, and the
ple tubes encased within a common jacket are con- borehole should be flushed thoroughly with water to
sidered as single leads. clean out the fractures prior to placing backfill.
When two piezometers are installed in a bore-
hole, clearly Methods 1, 3, and 4 are unsuitable.
9.18.1. Installation of Single Piezometer in a
The lower piezometer is installed by using one of
Borehole in Rock
the remaining four methods, and a seal must then be
formed up to a level just below the upper piezome- If support is required for the borehole, a single
ter. Bentonite pellets can be used if the distance is piezometer can be installed by using Method 2, 5, or

7, as described previously for boreholes in soil, but in boreholes drilled downward at an angle of 40 de-
with longer sand zones. Simplified versions of grees to the horizontal and upward at an angle of 45
Methods 2 and 5 are suitable for installing a single degrees. Packers were used as plugs while grouting
piezometer when support is not required. the upward holes.
Second, if the borehole does not require support,
an adaptation of Method 5 can be used. An example
9.18.2. Installation of More than One Piezometer
of this approach is described by Lang (1983), who
in a Borehole in Rock
installed four open standpipe piezometers per hole
Adaptations of Methods for Installing Single in 1200 ft (365 m) deep boreholes drilled with HQ
Piezometer wireline equipment. A 0.5 in. (13 mm) diameter
PVC pipe was used to deliver alternate layers of
As described in Section 9.17 .9 for boreholes in soil,
sand and grout down the borehole.
two piezometers can be installed successfully in a
Both of the above procedures are painstaking
borehole in rock by using Method 2, 5, or 7, with
and laborious, and use of a multipoint piezometer is
longer sand zones, if each piezometer has only a
likely to be more economical.
single lead and if great care is taken.
More than two piezometers have been installed
by using alternate layers of granular backfill and Installation of Multipoint Piezometers
grout. Although not acceptable in soil because seals
Section 9.9 describes several methods for installing
be ween three or more leads are likely to be inferior,
more than two piezometers in a borehole in rock,
in rock the interval between piezometers will tend
using multipoint piezometers. Methods include use
to be long, allowing use of long grout seals and
of inflatable or chemical packers, piezometers sur-
overcoming concerns for leakage along the seals.
rounded with grout, and movable probes. Advan-
Two methods are possible.
tages and limitations of the methods are given in
First, if the borehole requires support, biode-
Table 9.1. In almost every case where more than
gradable drilling mud and an adaptation of Method 7
two piezometers are required in a single borehole in
can be used, with a grout seal. An example of this
rock, a multipoint piezometer system with inflatable
approach is described by Deardorff et al. (1980),
or chemical packers, using either several single
who installed three pneumatic piezometers per hole
piezometers or a movable probe, is the system of
in 6.5 in. (165 mm) diameter boreholes up to 900 ft
(275m) deep. A single 1.5 in. (38 mm) diameter steel
pipe was used both as a grout pipe and for circula-
tion of drilling mud. Gravel was poured into the
9.18.3. Installation Under Artesian Conditions
borehole to create the pervious zone around each
piezometer, and the grout was stiff enough to pro- When a single piezometer is to be installed in a
vide a firm base to support successive gravel zones borehole in rock under artesian conditions, it may
and grout without waiting for individual seals to be possible to set an inflatable packer in an aqua-
harden. The writers indicate that grout penetration elude above the piezometer, thereby stopping the
into the gravel was negligible provided that the flow and allowing the borehole above the packer to
gravel was given adequate time to settle through the be grouted. Alternatively, either the third or fourth
drilling mud, and provided that care was taken to method described in Section 9.17 .8 (Kinner and Du-
pump grout slowly and to raise the pipe slowly after gan, 1982, 1985; Logani, 1983, 1985; Reyes, 1985)
completion of a grout stage. Deardorff et al. (1980) can be used. Multipoint piezometers with inflatable
also describe installation of pneumatic piezometers packers can also be used in this application.



10.1. INSTRUMENT CATEGORIES AND has been used successfully in the determination of
APPLICATIONS earth pressures in braced excavations from mea-
surements of support loads.
Total stress measurements in soil fall into two basic Most earth pressure cells are designed to mea-
categories: measurements within a soil mass and sure static or slowly varying stresses only. When
measurements at the face of a structural element. cells are required for seismic or large-scale dynamic
Instruments are referred to as earth pressure cells, loading studies, they must be designed to have a
soil stress cells, and soil pressure cells, and in this sufficiently rapid response time.
book the terms embedment earth pressure cells and
contact earth pressure cells will be used for the two
basic categories.
Embedment earth pressure cells are installed 10.2. EMBEDMENT EARTH PRESSURE CELLS
within fill, for example, to determine the distribu-
tion, magnitude, and direction of total stress within Attempts to measure total stress within a soil mass
an embankment dam or within fill overlying a cul- are plagued by errors resulting from poor confor-
vert. Applications for contact earth pressure cells mance, because both the presence of the cell and
include measurement of total stress against retain- the installation method generally create significant
ing walls, culverts, piles, and slurry walls and be- changes in the free-field stress. It is difficult and
neath shallow foundations. expensive to match the elastic modulus of the earth
The primary reasons for use of earth pressure pressure cell to that of an individual soil. It is also
cells are to confirm design assumptions and to pro- very hard to place the cell under field conditions so
vide information for the improvement of future de- that the material around the cell has the same mod-
signs; they are less commonly used for construction ulus and density as the surrounding soil or rockfill
control or other reasons. When concerned with and with both faces of the cell in intimate contact
stresses acting on a structure during construction or with the material. It is also very difficult and costly
after construction is complete, it is usually prefera- to perform a truly representative calibration in the
ble to isolate a portion of the structure and to deter- laboratory to determine the cell response or calibra-
mine stresses by use of load cells and strain gages tion factor. Therefore, it is usually impossible to
within the structure. For example, this approach measure total stress with great accuracy.


stiff edge

Vibrat 10g lnact•ve lace (also active if gaged)


Figure 1 0.2. Diaphragm earth pressure cell with vibrati ng wi re

transducers (courtesy of Soil Instruments Ltd., Udcfield, England).
to ~ncrease flexibility
(some versions only)
creating adequate sensitivity. A diaphragm cell may
have one or two independent active faces. In the
latter case, the two independent measurements pro-
Thin film vide an important check on the quality of the instal-
of liquid Pressure lation, in particular whether both faces are in simi-
(water, glycol. transducer :
or oil) pneumatic. lar contact with the surrounding soil. Thomas and
vibrating wire, Ward (1969) describe the design , construction, and
or resistance
strain gage performance of a diaphragm cell with two active
faces and vibrating wire transducers. Induction coil
transducers of the soil strain gage type (Chapter 8)
have also been used in diaphragm cells.
The hydraulic type of cell consists of two circular
ring Filler Liquid (water, glycol, or oil)
or rectangular steel plates, welded together around
(b) their periphery, with liquid filling the intervening
Figure 1 0.1 . Basic types of earth pressure cell: (a) diaphragm cells cavity and a length of high-pressure steel tubing
and (b) hydraulic cells. connecting the cavity to a nearby pressure trans-
ducer. Total stress acting on the outside of the cell
is balanced by an equal pressure induced in the in-
ternal liquid. It is essential that the cell is filled with
10.2.1. Types of Embedment Earth Pressure Cells
de-aired liquid and that no gas bubbles are trapped
There are two basic types of embedment earth pres- within the cavity during filling.
sure cells: diaphragm cells and hydraulic cells. Ex- Two versions of hydraulic cell are shown in Fig-
amples of the two types are shown in Figure 10.1. ure 10.1. In the first version, also shown in Figure
In the diaphragm type, a stiff circular membrane, 10.3, the active face is relatively thick (typically
fully supported by an integral stiff edge ring, is de- 0.1-0.25 in. , 2.5-6 mm). Grooves are sometimes
flected by the external soil pressure. The deflection machined around the edge to increase edge flexibil-
is sensed by an electrical resistance strain gage ity, so that the active face tends to work as a piston.
transducer bonded directly on the interior face of ln addition, the layer of liquid is thin (0.02-0.08 in .,
the cell or by a vibrating wire transducer, as shown 0.5-2 rom) so that the stiffness of the cell is high and
in Figure 10.2. T he vibrating wire transducer is usu- more closely matches that of the surrounding soil ,
ally mounted on two posts located at the points of and the installed cell experiences minimal effects
contraflexure of the diaphragm, causing maximum caused by thermal expansion and contraction of the
rotation of the posts, magnifying the strain, and liquid. In the second version of the hydraulic cell ,

slev (1976) , O'Rourke (1978}, Reese et al. (1968),

Selig (1964), State of California ( 1968, 1971), and
Weiler and Kulhawy (1978, 1982). A report by the
International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM,
1981c) includes a comprehensive description of the
hydraulic type of cell with a pneumatic transducer,
in addition to guidelines on installation, reading,
calculation, and reporting procedures.

10.2.2. limitations Imposed by Soil Environment

Ia I Measurement of total stress at a point within a soil

mass requires the fo llowing:

1. An earth pressure cell that will not apprecia-

bly alter the state of stress within the soil
mass because of its presence (conformance).
2. A large enough sensing area to average out
local nonuniformities.
3. Minimum cell sensitivity to nonuniform bed-
4. A method of installation that will not seriously
change the state of stress. "

The last requirement generally Limits these mea-

surements to fill s and other artificial soil conditions.
Figure 10.3. Hydrau lic earth pressure cells with grooved thick However, some success has been achieved in
active faces. (a) Cell with pneumatic transducer, (courtesy of measuring horizontal stress in soft soils by pushing
Glotz.l GmbH, karlsruhe, West Germany and Geo Group, Inc., specially designed earth pressure cells downward
Wheaton, MD). (b) Cell with vibrating wire transducer (courtesy
into natural ground (e.g., Massarsch, 1975). Other
of Soil Instruments Ltd., Uckfield, Engla nd).
instruments used for this purpose include the
stepped blade (Handy et al. , 1982), pressuremeters
both faces are fabricated from relatively thin sheet (Baguelin et al., 1972, 1977; Wroth and Hughes,
metal, usually with a rolled edge. The layer of liquid 1973), and the flat plate dilatometer (Marchetti ,
is much thicker (0. 1- 0.4 in., 2.5- 10 mm), so that the 1980; Schmertman n, 1982). Earth pressure mea-
cell is less stiff. It is therefore subject to confor- surements have also been made in natural ground
mance errors in stiffer soils and is more susceptible by hydraulic fract uring through hydraulic piezom-
to temperature effects. A guard ring may be pro- eters (e.g., Penman , 1975). Wroth (1975) discusses
vided to protect the thin sheet metal ceU from radial and compares the various methods. Attempts to
edge loads. The active faces are usually domed out- measure stress in soil by advancing a large-diameter
ward, which makes installation against a prepared borehole, inserting earth pressure cells, and back-
surface more difficult than a flat-faced cell. filling around the cells are generally subject to gross
Pressure transducer options for both versions of conformance errors.
hydraulic cell are the same as for diaphragm pi-
ezometers: pneumatic, vibrating wire, and bonded
10.2.3. Factors Affecting Measurements
or unbonded resistance strain gage type, with the
advantages and limitations given in Chapter 8 and 9. Hvorslev (1976), Selig ( 1964), and Weiler and Kul-
Comprehensive evaluations of various types of hawy (1978, 1982) report on studies of factors af-
commercially available earth pressure cells , along fecting measurements with embedment earth pres-
with criteria for cell design and manufacture, are sure ceUs. Table 10. 1 is based on a table presented
given by Brown (1977), Corbett et al. (1971), Hvor- by Weiler and Kulhawy ( 1982), with substantial re-
Table 10.1. Major Factors Affecting Measurements with Embedment Earth Pressure Cells
Factor Description of Error Correction Method"
Aspect ratio (ratio of Cell thickness alters stress field around cell Use relatively thin cells (TID < 1/10)
cell thickness to di-
Soil/ cell stiffness May cause cell to under- or overregister Design cell for high stiffness and use cor-
ratio (ratio of soil Error will change if soil stiffness changes rection factor
stiffness to cell
Size of cell Very small cells subject to scale effects and Use intermediate size of cell: typically 9-12
placement errors in. (230-300 mm) diameterb
Very large cells difficult to install and sub-
ject to nonuniform bedding
Stress-strain behav- Measurements influenced by confining con- Calibrate cell under near-usage conditionsb
ior of soil ditions
Placement effects Physical placement and backfilling causes Use placement technique that causes min-
alteration of material properties and imum alteration of material properties and
stress field around cell stress fieldb
Eccentric, non- Soil grain size too large for cell size used Increase active diameter of cellb
uniform, and point Nonuniform bedding causes nonuniform Use hydraulic cells with grooved thick ac-
loads loading tive faces in preference to other typesb
Take great care to maximize uniformity of
Proximity of struc- Interaction of stress fields near instruments Use adequate spacing
tures and other em- and structure causes errors
bedded instruments
Orientation of cell Changing orientation while placing fill over Use placement methods that minimize
cell causes reading change orientation changes
Attach tiltmeters to cell
Concentrations of Causes cell to under- or overregister, de- For diaphragm cell, use inactive stiff edge
normal stress at pending on stiffness of cell relative to soil ring to reduce sensitive area (diD = 0.6)b
edges of cell For hydraulic cell, use grooved thick active
face and thin layer of liquid
Deflection of active Excessive deflection of active face changes Design cell for low deflection: for dia-
face stress distribution around cell by arching phragm cell, diaphragm diameter/dia-
phragm deflection at center> 2000-5000;
for hydraulic cell, use thin layer of liquidb
Placement stresses Overstressing during soil compaction may Check cell and transducer design for yield
permanently damage cell strength (hydraulic cells with pneumatic
transducers have high overload capacity)b
Corrosion and mois- May cause failure of cell by attacking cell Use appropriate materials and high-quality
ture materials waterproofingb
Temperature Temperature change causes change of cell Design cell for minimum sensitivity to tem-
reading perature; if significant temperature change
is likely, measure temperature and apply
correction factor determined during cali-
Dynamic stress mea- Response time, natural frequency, and iner- Use appropriate type of cell and transducer,
surements tia of cell cause errors together with dynamic calibrationb
aD = cell diameter; T = cell thickness; d = diaphragm diameter.
b Applies also to contact earth pressure cells. See Section 10.3.2.

minimized by designing for high stiffness and an
aspect ratio of less than 1: 10. It can be seen from
Figure 10.4 that if the transducer is mounted above
the cell, the error will tend to be larger than if it is
Thick cell mounted at the end of a steel tube emerging through
the rim ofthe cell as shown in Figure 10.3b. Mount-
ing the transducer above the cell provides greater
Cell stiffer than soil (overregistration) protection for the transducer, but makes compac-
tion of soil around the cell more difficult.

Size of Cell
ITI~IDIIIT~IJTO The typical diameter of cells available for field use
Th1ck cell Thin cell is 9-12 in. (230-300 mm). Small cells of2-3 in. (50-
75 mm) diameter are available, but they are not
recommended for general field use because scale
Cell less stiff than soil (underregistration)
effects and placement problems are likely to cause
greater errors than for larger cells. Very large hy-
Figure 10.4. Effect of embedment earth pressure cell aspect ratio
and soil/cell stiffness ratio (after Selig, 1964).
draulic cells (e.g., Alberro and Borb6n, 1985; Spar-
row, 1967), up to 3 or 4ft (1 or 1.2 m) in diameter,
have been used in limited numbers but, although
visions by the author, and summarizes the major
they may provide measurements of the average
factors and correction methods. Various factors
stress over a large area and thus be more accurate
that affect measurements are discussed in the fol-
than cells of conventional size, they are very expen-
lowing subsections.
sive and awkward to handle and install, and it is
very difficult to create a uniform bedding over such
Aspect Ratio and Soil/Cell Stiffness Ratio
a large area.
The effects of aspect ratio (ratio of cell thickness to Figure 10.5 shows stresses measured at Chico-
diameter) and soil/cell stiffness ratio (ratio of soil asen Dam in Mexico by installing a group of embed-
stiffness to cell stiffness) are illustrated in Figure ment hydraulic earth pressure cells of different
10.4. The error resulting from these causes can be sizes and shapes. Sizes and shapes are identified on

12 60

10 J 50
"' I 36 em rjJ 60emrjJ 40
~N I / / "'
E E•
"'E I .L
]~ 6 30 ""'~
']~ "'"'

2 II/
100 em rjJ - - 6 0 em square
60 em square- 10
0 0
1979 1980 1981 1982 1983

v~EI . >J52
:ells installed in
horizontal plane

Figure 10.5. Measurements with embedment earth pressure cells installed in Chicoasen Dam (after
Alberro and Borbon, 1985).

.....-- --- "" --.....

/ "'
I ,--------, \
I I I \
I I F===~~~~ ~--'
\ I I I
\ : I 1
\ L-------~ I
'\,. /
...._,___ /
....___ __...-

~----21 in. (53.3 em)---__,

Air hose

c::::::::3 ) ) )) )) ))~ L

Figure 1 0.6. Assembled fluid calibration chamber for earth pressure cells (after Selig, 1980). Reprinted
with permission from ASTM Geotechnical Testing journal. Copyright ASTM, 1916 Race Street, Phila-
delphia, PA 19103.

the plots. The cells have thin active faces and guard stantial influence on measurements, and during lab-
rings, and the layer of liquid is 0.375 in. (9.5 mm) oratory calibrations it is most important that instal-
thick. The data show a scatter of about ± 25% with lation procedures represent the intended field
respect to the mean value and generally indicate methods as closely as possible. Calibration within
that the measured stress decreased with increasing large chambers is an expensive and difficult under-
size of cell. taking, and chambers that have been used are de-
scribed by Alberro and Borb6n (1985), Bozozuk
Laboratory Calibrations (1970, 1972b), Hadala (1967), and Selig (1980). The
chamber should be at least three times, and prefera-
Each cell should be calibrated under fluid pressure
bly five times, the diameter of the cell.
to be sure that it is functioning correctly and not
The chamber shown in Figure 10.7 was used by
leaking, and most manufacturers of commercial
Hadala at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
earth pressure cells provide a calibration chart
Waterways Experiment Station at Vicksburg, Mis-
based on all-round fluid pressure loading, using air
sissippi, to calibrate 2 in. (50 mm) diameter cells in
or water. Selig (1980) describes a simple and inex-
both sand and clay. The chamber would also be
pensive calibration chamber for use with a labora-
suitable for calibrating the 9-12 in. (230-300 mm)
tory load reaction frame or compression testing
diameter cells that are more typically used in the
machine for performing all-round fluid pressure cal-
field. Hadala reports on the effect of the placement
ibrations. The chamber is constructed of easily fab-
method used. The cells satisfied the Table 10.1 rec-
ricated layers of metal, plywood, and rubber and
ommendations for stiffness and diaphragm deflec-
assembled as shown in Figure 10.6.
tion, and the aspect ratio was 1:9, yet Hadala con-
Unless installations are to be made in soft clay,
cludes the following:
fluid pressure calibrations are insufficient. If mea-
surement accuracy must be maximized, each cell • The placement method used has a definite influ-
should be calibrated in a large calibration chamber, ence on the mean over-registration ratio and the
using the soil in which it will be embedded. Cell scatter of the data about the mean. In some cases,
design and soil placement details have a very sub- over-registration ratio changed as much as 40 per-

Static bonnet Bourdon gage Selig (1980) describes a chamber similar to

High-pressure _
nitrogen supply
Hadala's and provides practical guidelines on its
use for calibrating field-sized cells. Bozozuk's
Midplane, chamber consisted of a heavily reinforced plywood
cells installed at
this elevation t
box constructed in two sections, one fitting on top
of the other. The cell was installed in the same plane
as the junction between the two sections. As each
loading increment was applied, the two parts of the
box were jacked vertically apart to create a thin,
continuous crack separating the two parts of the
box. This crack forced all of the applied vertical
load to be transmitted past the cell in grain-to-grain
contact, since none of the load was lost in wall fric-
The Comision Federal de Electricidad at their
Experimental Laboratories in Mexico City have
(b) constructed a large laboratory facility to test the
response of embedment earth pressure cells to ap-
Figure 10.7. (a) Test chamber for calibration of embedment earth
pressure cells and (b) array of cells at midplane (after Hadala, plied loads (Alberro and Borb6n, 1985). The diame-
1967). ter of the test chamber is 3 m (10 ft) and the height
3.18 m (10.4 ft). Preliminary calibrations have been
made to date in sand, and additional tests are
cent due to placement method changes. In the
planned to examine the effects of placement proce-
case of scatter, it was noted that the simpler pro- dure, geometry and dimensions of the cells, and cell
cedures resulted in less data scatter. location and orientation within the chamber.
• Both over- and under-registration of this very stiff
gage are possible, depending on the soil in which Field Placement Effects
it is embedded and the way it is placed.
• The tests in clay generally exhibited lower over- The above comments on placement effects refer to
registration ratios than those in sand. laboratory calibrations, and field placement effects
• Of the sand test placement methods, the set-on- add an additional source of error that may well be of
surface method [cells simply set on the surface, even greater magnitude. As discussed in Section
followed by normal construction procedures to 10.2.4, the accepted field installation procedure in-
complete the fill] was determined to be the best, volves compacting fill with heavy equipment, in-
while of the clay placement methods examined, stalling the cells in an excavated trench, and
the cut/no-cover method [cells placed in a shal- backfilling around and over them by hand tamping
low excavation of the same diameter and depth as or light machine. The probability is high that cells
the cell] was selected as the best. are therefore surrounded by a zone of soil with
• The data scatter noted in this study suggests that greater compressibility than the remainder of the
the use of a single soil stress gage to measure the fill, that imposed stresses are therefore redistrib-
magnitude of stress in a soil mass with any rea-
uted by arching, and that substantial underregistra-
sonable degree of confidence is a fruitless effort.
When attempting to measure earth pressure mag-
tion occurs.
nitudes in virgin-loaded, compacted specimens Binnie et al. (1967) report that when diaphragm
similar to those used in this study, the average of cells with two active faces and vibrating wire trans-
at least three soil stress gage measurements ducers were installed in washed gravel fill at Mangla
should be used if 20 percent accuracy is required Dam, no cell recorded more than halfthe calculated
nine times out of ten. added vertical stress. Opposite faces generally re-
corded different pressures, even for initial readings.
It is likely that the small size of Hadala's cells ag- The initial difference persisted as fill was placed,
gravated placement effects, and it is believed that and in some cases increased so that one face
the effects are not so severe for more conventional showed a pressure less than half that of the other
field-sized cells. face. The writers comment that the initial differ-

- - - --r~r~ I•
v- ,2
1' " BlJ r. 1
o r r o
1962 1963 1964 1965 1966-

Figure 10.8. Measurements with embedment earth pressure cells in the clay core at Balderhead dam:
A-overburden pressure; 8-reservoir pressure (after Kennard et al., 1967).

ences were probably caused by nonplanar trimming itations are clear, and further research on the be-
of fill surfaces or uneven backfilling, whereas a part havior of embedment earth pressure cells is needed
of the later differences may be due to stress varia- to establish an improved procedure for installation
tions in the fill caused by the cells themselves. within compacted fills. There is a need to develop a
Kennard et al. (1967) and Thomas and Ward controlled method of field compaction around the
(1969) report on use of diaphragm cells with two cells that prestresses the soil to match the prestress
active faces and vibrating wire transducers in the in the remainder of the fill that is compacted by
clay core of Balderhead Dam. Cells placed verti- heavy equipment, without damaging the cells. It is
cally showed good agreement between the two hoped that improved installation techniques will re-
faces, as might be expected. During the first two sult from the tests now in progress in Mexico (Al-
filling seasons the average reading from a cell berro and Borb6n, 1985).
placed horizontally coincided approximately with The second general observation relates to the ef-
the calculated overburden pressure, but thereafter fect of nonuniform bedding and leads to a recom-
the readings from the upper face increased at a mendation for selection of type of cell. Diaphragm
greater rate than those from the lower face. On cells are designed and calibrated for a uniformly
completion of the dam the average reading was distributed load on the active faces, and point loads,
about 80% of the overburden pressure. Data are stress nonuniformities, or arching will cause signifi-
shown in Figure 10.8. cant errors. Hydraulic cells are also subject to er-
Wilson (1984) comments that when earth pres- rors from these causes but to a lesser extent than
sure cells are installed in a horizontal plane in com- diaphragm cells. The best choice appears to be a flat
pacted fills for embankment dams, the cells typi- hydraulic cell with thick active face, preferably with
cally register only 50-70% of the calculated added grooves to increase flexibility, and a thin layer of
vertical stress as embankment construction con- liquid.
tinues. Wilson also comments that, because it is Thomas and Ward (1969) state that their dia-
often difficult to shape the bottom of the excavation phragm cell, with two active faces and vibrating
to the exact shape of the cell, bedding may be un- wire transducers, was designed for use in clay,
even and the application of vertical stress may de- therefore the effect of non-uniform bedding was not
form the cell and cause additional error. considered important. Uff (1970) demonstrated the
It appears to the author that two general observa- high sensitivity of the same cell to uniformity of
tions can be made from a review of reported field bedding by installing it as a contact cell, as shown in
placement effects. The first relates to the method of Figure 10.9, and loading the outer face with a 50 lb
installation, the second to selection of type of cell. (23 kg) point load. Uff found that measurements at
First, although the conventional installation pro- the outer face were highly dependent on the point of
cedure usually prevents damage to the cells, its lim- application of the load, whereas measurements at

Section cast Cast iron

into concrete
rubber seal


r---... ~
N 5
c '\
=· 4
c Equivalent
0 Outer
uniform pressure
~ 3 for 6 in. diameter
~ ~dge of diaphragm /
Q) diaphragm
c_ ( 1. 77 lb/in.2 )
Jnner face
--- f-·\ --- r--..L- Equivalent
_.... uniform pressure
1-- 1 - - · -r - - - --- I-~ r--__.a::: for 11 in. diameter cell
(0.53 lb/in. 2 )
0 2 3
Distance from center of 11 in. diameter cell, in.


Figure 10.9. Response of diaphragm cell to nonuniform loading: (a) installation arrangement and (b)
response of cell to moving a 50 lb point load across the diaphragm (after Uff, 1970).

the inner face were relatively uniform. The "equiv- installed the same cells at the contact between con-
alent uniform pressures" are calculated by applying crete and compacted clay, using Uffs arrangement,
the 50 lb load over circular areas having 6 and 11 in. and in four out of five cases the pressure measured
diameters. Figure 10.9 shows that the response of by the outer face was higher than the pressure mea-
the inner face is independent of the position of the sured by the inner face. In most cases the pore wa-
point load on the outer face, and that the measured ter pressure was about 80% of the measured total
pressure is close to that calculated assuming the stress, and therefore the two faces indicated very
point load is uniformly distributed over a circular significant differences in effective stress. The writ-
area of 11 in. diameter. Binnie et al. (1967) report on ers comment that the inner face may well give the
substantial underregistration and differences be- more accurate measurement.
tween the two faces when the same diaphragm cells This review of reported placement effects on dia-
were installed as embedment cells in gravel. phragm cells with vibrating wire transducers makes
Thomas and Ward (1969) report on smaller under- it clear that they are very sensitive to nonuniformity
registration and smaller differences between the of bedding.
two faces when the cells were installed as embed- In contrast, Figure 10.10 shows the results of
ment cells in clay. Vaughan and Kennard (1972) tests by McRae and Sellers (1986), similar to those

""t•------~9 i n . ¢ - - - - - - - - -
0.0625 in.

,,I,. '§LT~ ~,,,,.j

j_ tzzo_zzz; )i125m.t
Standard cell

Grooves 0.093 in. wide, All other

0.140 in. deep 0.250 in. dimensions
0.125 in. I• •I• •I J+-0.061 in. same as


Grooves 0.093 in. wide, Grooved cell A Grooved cell B

0.205 in. deep

1.0 r----...,------,---..,..---...,

[" Equivalent
::J uniform
[" pressure
c. for 9 in.
diameter cell
(0.39 lb/in. 2 )

Distance from center of 9 in. diameter cell, in.

Figure 10.1 0. Response of hydraulic cells to nonuniform loading. (a) Configuration of cells: all 9 in. in
diameter, filled with antifreeze. Vibrating wire transducer is connected at the rim. (b) Response of cells
to moving a 25 lb point load across the upper faces of cells (after McRae and Sellers, 1986).

by Uff, made on hydraulic cells with thick active applied at the center of the cell. McRae and Sellers
faces and vibrating wire pressure transducers. Cells made similar tests by omitting the rubber pad, by
A and B were grooved, following the procedure first changing the loading from a point load to a 25 lb (II
adopted by Glotzl. The cells were placed on a 0.1 kg) load applied over an area of 0.5 in. 2 (320 mm 2 ),
in. (2.5 mm) thick rubber pad, resting on a firm flat and by using point loads of 13 and 67 lb (6 and 30
horizontal surface and loaded on the upper face kg), all with similar results to those shown in Figure
with a 25 lb (11 kg) point load. When compared with 10.10. The wide groove in the face of cell B evi-
Uffs test results on diaphragm cells, all the hy- dently reduces bending when the cell is subjected to
draulic cells showed less deviation from the "equiv- nonuniform loading and clearly is a worthwhile fea-
alent uniform pressure" when the point load was ture. A reasonable minimum thickness of the active

face, when grooves are included, appears to be 0.25 The cell with a grooved thick active face has a
in. (6.3 mm). uniform modulus across most of its face, and if the
It is appreciated that all the point loading tests liquid film is thin the modulus can be close to that of
described above are extreme tests and that in prac- the soil. Under these conditions there is no need for
tice great efforts are made to minimize nonunifor- an edge ring, and in fact an edge ring would distort
mity of bedding by appropriate field installation pro- the stress normal to the face of the cell.
cedures. However, since uniformity of bedding The cell with thin active faces is generally pro-
cannot be assured, it is apparent that hydraulic cells vided with an edge ring (also called a guard ring,
with grooved thick active faces are preferable to stiffening ring, or confining ring) for three reasons.
diaphragm cells. More tests are needed to define the First, it adds strength to an otherwise weak and
optimum grooving pattern. In practice this observa- flexible cell. Second, it tends to reduce the sensitiv-
tion limits the application of diaphragm cells to in- ity to temperature changes. Third, it reduces the
stallations in clay. Even for installations in clay it effect of inward radial stresses on the edge of the
cannot be said with certainty that the two indepen- cell and the possibility of buckling the thin sheet
dent measurements with a diaphragm cell should metal faces.
be preferred to the single measurement with a hy-
draulic cell. Comparative tests are needed to estab- Orientation of Cell
lish this preference. The cost of a hydraulic cell is
typically less than half the cost of a diaphragm cell. An additional factor affecting measurements arises
Until further comparative data are available, the au- if the orientation of a cell changes as overlying fill is
thor favors selection of hydraulic cells with grooved placed. DiBiagio (1977) reports on changing orienta-
thick active faces for all applications. tion of cells installed in a vertical plane in the
Green (1986) suggests that a "best of both moraine core of a dam, as indicated by biaxial tilt-
worlds" type of hydraulic cell could be created with meters mounted on the cells. As overlying fill was
two back-to-back hydraulic chambers, each with placed and compacted, the inclination of a cell to
its own pressure transducer. Each outer face would vertical typically varied up to 18 degrees by the time
be grooved, and the stiff disk between the two hy- the fill surface was 11 feet (3.4 m) above the cell.
draulic chambers would have fiat faces. The cell
would therefore provide two independent measure- Consequence of Factors Affecting Measurements:
ments and would have minimum sensitivity to An Overview
nonuniform bedding. Weiler and Kulhawy (1982) conclude:
Design of Cell Rim: Diaphragm Cells A stress cell which performs well mechanically as
For a diaphragm cell it is important to minimize the installed does not guarantee that the measured
effect on the diaphragm of stress concentrations stress is representative of the correct free-field
stress. In-soil calibration of the stress cells under
normal to the cell near the rim. An inactive integral
the conditions expected in the field combined with
stiff edge ring is used at the rim. Peattie and Spar-
an understanding of the cell-soil system behavior is
row (1954) recommend that the ratio of the sensitive essential to achieve good results. The time and ex-
area to the total facial area should be less than about pense [and difficulty] of in-soil calibration make the
0.45. Typical diaphragm cells with vibrating wire procedure unattractive to most engineers, so the
transducers, such as the cell shown in Figure 10.9a, number and accuracy of stress measurements are
have a ratio of about 0.3. not high. Further research is needed before the
The diaphnfgm must deflect, so that a measur- understanding of stress cell behavior is complete,
able strain is achieved, and thus the effective mod- but it is believed that successful stress measure-
ulus of the center of a diaphragm cell is much lower ments may be made even now, in soils placed by
than that of the solid steel edge ring. Stress there- man, if sufficient time and care are taken in making
the stress measurement and in interpreting the re-
fore tends to be concentrated on the edge ring.
Design of Cell Rim: Hydraulic Cells
The author agrees that successful stress measure-
The two versions of hydraulic cell shown in Figure ments can be made in clayey soils but has doubts
10.1 will be considered separately. about success in sands and rockfill. In contrast to

and checked for correct functioning and for

alignment and level. The pocket should then
be backfilled, whenever possible using the ex-
cavated soil, stone-free and at unchanged wa-
ter content, to a density similar to that of the
surrounding soil. The main excavation should
then be backfilled with embankment material
at unchanged water content, having removed
rocks larger than the size of the cell. Three
lifts of 4-8 in. (100-200 mm) each should first
be placed and compacted by hand-operated
Pockets for pressure cells
equipment before completing the backfill with
Figure 10.11. Typical layout of embedment earth pressure cells light mechanical equipment. No heavy vibra-
(courtesy of Soil Instruments Ltd., Uckfield, England).
tory rollers should be used until at least 6 ft (2
m) of fill has been so placed. When installing
cells in rockfill, the pocket for each cell should
the view of Weiler and Kulhawy, Wilson (1984) be- be larger than in soil and should be backfilled
lieves that the error caused by arching of stresses with thoroughly compacted material of pro-
around embedment earth pressure cells can be so gressively smaller size, until the soil in contact
great that the very expensive in-soil calibrations with the cell is of a grain size less than 0.2 in.
(which cannot match site conditions) are often of (5 mm).
marginal value.
In summary, the many factors that affect mea- Although the above procedure appears to pre-
surements can result in substantial errors, so that vent damage to the cells and to be accepted by
measurements with embedment earth pressure cells many users, the author believes that several im-
can rarely be made with high accuracy. provements are warranted in an attempt to increase
accuracy. First, a 3 ft (1 m) deep excavation is
preferable to an excavation twice that depth, and
1 0.2.4. Installation of Embedment Earth
vibratory rollers can generally be used after 3 ft (1
Pressure Cells
m) of fill has been placed over the cells if they have
A report by the International Society for Rock Me- been designed for high short-term overload capac-
chanics (ISRM, 198lc) includes detailed recom- ity. Second, the procedure of installing cells in
mendations for installation of embedment earth small pockets at the base of an excavation clearly
pressure cells. The report recommends the follow- runs the risk of decreasing measurement accuracy.
ing procedure: Although no clear recommendations can be made,
perhaps a procedure similar to that described in
An excavation to accommodate a cluster of Chapter 17 (Clements, 1982) for installing horizon-
five cells should be as shown in Figure 10.11, tal tubes and cables in fill by mounding rather than
with dimensions not less than 13 x 13 x 6 ft excavating may be workable. Cells would be re-
deep (4 x 4 x 2 m), with side slopes not quired to withstand temporary stress caused during
steeper than I vertical in 5 horizontal. The compaction, and a robust hydraulic cell appears
base of the excavation should be compacted to be the best choice. The transducer should be
and level. The cells should be individually in- housed within a thick-walled steel cylinder and a
stalled in small pockets at the base of the exca- thick-walled annealed steel tube used to connect the
vation, each being approximately twice the transducer to the cell. The tests currently planned
size of the cell. Pockets should be separated in Mexico (Alberro and Borb6n, 1985) may result
from each other by at least 3 ft (1 m). Cell in improved placement procedures. Third, Wilson
locations should be marked out, the pockets (1984) suggests that if a layer of plaster of Paris or
hand dug very carefully, and trimmed. Pro- weak cement is used as bedding for each cell and
truding stones should be removed and the the cell worked into the bedding, errors caused by
holes filled with compacted stone-free soil. nonuniform bedding may be reduced, but the im-
Each cell should be positioned in its pocket provement, if any, resulting from this modification

has not yet been verified. Fourth, where knowledge

of cell orientation is critical, consideration should
be given to attaching two electrolytic levels to the
cell , mounted 90° apart.
T he author believes that, for installations in
rockfill , the free-field stress may be so perturbed by
installation that measurements made with cells as
small as 9 in. (230 mm) in diameter may not be
worthwhile. Larger cells up to 3 or 4 ft. (I or 1.2 m)
in diameter appear to be preferable, despite their
substantial installation difficulties and high cost.
A variation on the procedure described by ISRM
( 1981c) involves placing the earth pressure cell
within a hole in the middle of a plate approximately
2ft (600 mm) square. Diaphragm cells with a vibrat-
ing wire transducer mounted on one active face,
and with a diameter to thickness ratio of 4.5, are
customarily installed in this way in Norway (Di-
Biagio and MyrvoU, 1985). Each cell is mounted in (a)
the middle of either a steel or a segmented concrete
plate, flush front and back, as shown in Figure
10. 12. The segmented concrete plate creates flexi-
bility and best possible conformance with the pre-
pared surface of the fill, both immediately after in-
stallation and when compaction equipment passes
over the plate. T he diameter to thickness ratio is
increased to 15, and it is claimed that because the
edge effects shown in Figure 10.4 now occur near
the edges of the plate rather than the cell, the stress
Earth pressure cell
against the cell will be more uniform and represen-
tative of free-field conditions. However, it appears Steel formwork
(not installed with cell)
to the author that use of an appropriately designed
hydraulic cell, of uniform stiffness across the face (b)
of the cell , would make the plate unnecessary.
Figure 1 0.12. Mounting a diaphragm earth pressure cell (a) in the
As indicated in Section 10.2.2, some success has middle of a large steel plate and (b) in segmented concrete plate
been achieved in measuring horizontal stress in soft to increase diameter to thickness ratio (courtesy of Geonor A/S,
soils by using specially designed "push-in" earth Oslo, Norway).
pressure cells, stepped blades, pressuremeters, and
flat plate dilatometers. installation procedures for
these instruments are described in the references 10.3.1. Types of Contact Earth Pressure Cells
cited in Section 10.2.2.
Standard Types of Cell
Some embedment earth pressure cells can be used
10.3. CONTACT EARTH PRESSURE CELLS directly as contact cells. All the cells shown in Fig-
ure 10.1 are suitable, with two exceptions. First, a
Measurements of total stress against a structure are hydraul ic cell with a thi n active face is unsuitable,
not plagued by so many of the errors associated because it is not readily possible to install this type
with measurements within a soil mass, and it is pos- of cell completely flush with the surface of a struc-
sible to measure total stress at the face of a struc- ture. Its stiffness is too low, and is also sensitive to
tural element with greater accuracy than within a the temperature changes that often occur at the lo-
soil mass. However , cell stiffness and the infl uence cations of contact cells. Second, a diaphragm cell
of temperature are often critical. with a single active face is not likely to be suitable

Load cell
divided into
4 quadrants

..•• ...
sand Access port
grout filled with
epoxy mortar
Filler plug
concrete pile

II Pneumatic
II transducer
..·: leads

II Access tube
I I o

protective tube -.....rr-11---11-..,
Petur Pl 00
50/50 Blackout in
1 Cement -f.;;J---r='ll""~j.' concrete plug
water/ethylene 2 .ln. t h'IC k
glycol grout
steel plates
g~g~~~~~~~gj~§...__ weld Epoxy
Pile tip
load cell

Figure 10.13. Contact earth pressure cell for measurement of pile tip load: (a) construction details of
cell and (b) cell mounted on pile (after Green et al., 1983).

because, as indicated by Uti's (1970) test results, mea- tip load on driven prestressed concrete piles. The
surements on the outer face are subject to signifi- cell is divided into four independent quadrants as
cant errors caused by uneven loading. A diaphragm shown in Figure 10.13, each with a pneumatic pres-
cell with two active faces can be used, with the sure transducer, and covers almost the entire area
mounting arrangement shown in Figure 10.9, plac- of the pile tip. Design criteria included adequate
ing more reliance on measurements at the inner face. robustness to withstand driving forces and a thin
When installing a hydraulic cell to measure con- enough active face to transmit tip pressure to the
tact stress between soil and concrete, there is a pos- liquid in the cell. High-quality welding and leak test-
sibility of uncoupling between the cell and concrete ing procedures were used. The piles were 24 in. (610
when temperature rises and the liquid in the cell mm) octagonal, with a 15 in. (380 mm) diameter
expands during concrete cure (Section 13.6). It is hollow core. A 5 ft (1.5 m) long solid concrete plug
therefore preferable to construct the cell with one was cast into the tip of each instrumented pile and
steel plate approximately 0.5 in. (13 mm) thick and the pneumatic transducer tubing carried up through
to place that plate against the concrete, thereby en- the core. The writers discuss the difficulties of
suring that any expansion occurs outward. The calibrating such a cell and justify their adopted
layer of liquid should be as thin as possible. check calibration procedure, whereby the pile was
first lifted into a vertical position and cell readings
taken in air, then lowered on to four wood blocks,
Cells for Measurement of Load at Tips of Driven
one centered on each quadrant. The measured load
Piles or Drilled Shafts
was within 10% of the dead weight of the pile. Three
Various types of cells have been developed for mea- instrumented piles were driven as part of a bridge
surements of load at the tips of driven piles and foundation, through loose to medium dense sand
drilled shafts. The cells can be considered as load into dense to very dense sand. Tubing to one of the
cells but are classified in this book as contact earth 12 quadrants was damaged during driving, but the
pressure cells. remaining quadrants have provided consistent and
A hydraulic cell with pneumatic transducers is apparently reliable data during a 5 year monitoring
described by Green et al. (1983) for measurement of period.

3/a in. lowering cable

ASTM A36 steel
backing ring

cell Inflatable tube
unit (air supply system
concrete not shown)

Inflatable Skirt, attached
tube with cement and
metal banding All void space
between plates
plate filled with
ASTM A36 steel urethane foam
Figure 10.14. Contact earth pressure cell for measurement of circular plates,
load at the tip of a drilled shaft (after Price and Wardle, 1983). By 3'-2" diameter.
courtesy of Building Research Establishment, Crown copyright. 1Y, in. thick top and
2 in. thick bottom

Figure 10.14 shows a cell designed at the Build-

ing Research Establishment in England (Price and
Wardle, 1983) for measurement of tip loads in
drilled shafts. The load cell units are steel tubes Pickup ring
with internal strain gages, usually the vibrating wire (three (a· 120°)

type. The steel base plate is isolated from the con-

crete shaft by a soft membrane sheet, so that the tip
load is transferred entirely into the load cells. The
load is prevented from bridging the cell by the in-
flated tube. Load from the load cells is then trans-
ferred to the concrete shaft through pressure pads Center hole in
top plate is
and bonding bars, located above the load cells. The the exit for
cell is lowered into place on a small bed of concrete, signal cable and
air tube in
the inflatable tube pressurized to form a seal, and protective flexible Plan
the shaft concrete poured. After 24 hours the air conduit
pressure is released. Figure 10.15. Schematic of contact earth pressure cell for mea-
Barker and Reese (1969) describe a "bottomhole surement of load at the tip of a drilled shaft: vibrating wire load
cell," also designed for measuring tip loads in cells mounted between two thick circular plates.
drilled shafts, consisting of electrical resistance
strain gaged load cells mounted between two thick
circular steel plates. The cell is similar to one de- series with intervening bearing plates. The second
signed by Whitaker (1964) at the Building Research flatjack served as a backup in the event of malfunc-
Station, which has been superseded by the Price- tion.
Wardle cell. The author has recently been involved in plan-
Nowack and Gartung (1983) used a hydraulic cell ning an instrumented load test of a drilled shaft in
with a pneumatic transducer for measuring tip loads sand and gravel, with cobbles and boulders, to be
in a drilled shaft. The cell was bedded on a concrete conducted by the State of Ohio Department of
pad and the annular space around the cell filled with Transportation, that requires measurement of tip
a soft material to ensure that the entire tip load was load. Steel casing and drilling mud will be used to
transmitted through the cell. Horvath (1985) used drill the shaft, and the bottom cannot be inspected.
two flatjacks for the same purpose, positioned in The selected cell is shown in Figure 10.15, and will

be manufactured by Geokon. The circular steel Measurements on the sides of driven concrete
plates will be held together by three steel bolts, one piles can be made satisfactorily (e.g., Clemente,
through the hollow-core of each load cell, with 1979), provided that a flat face (piles square or oc-
heads flush with the bottom face of the lower steel tagonal) is available.
plate. The bolts will be tightened only hand tight, Hydraulic cells with pneumatic transducers have
and steel domed covers (not shown in the figure) been shown to survive pile driving and are generally
will be attached to the top plate over each bolt to preferred.
ensure that no load will be carried by the bolts. This
provision allows use of a calibration based on the
10.3.2. Factors Affecting Measurements
sum of the three separate load cell calibrations. The
skirt and inflatable tube ensure that no load can Overall requirements for contact earth pressure
bridge the cell during the load test. The cell will be cells are the same as given in Section 10.2.2 for
placed on a 6 in. (150 mm) layer of either stiff grout embedment cells: good conformance, adequate
or leveled and compacted sand, the inflatable tube sensing area, minimum sensitivity to nonuniform
pressurized to center the cell, the tube depres- bedding, and a method of installation that will not
surized, the reinforcing cage inserted over the low- seriously change the state of stress. These require-
ering cable and conduit, the shaft concrete poured ments can usually be accomplished by installing a
and casing raised. Early during pouring concrete flat-faced cell of adequate size with its sensitive face
and raising casing the inflatable tube will again be absolutely flush with the surface of the structure
pressurized to form a seal, and the air pressure will and by attention to correction methods for minimiz-
be released after 24 hours. ing various sources of error. These methods are
identified by a superscript b in Table 10.1. Various
additional factors that affect measurements are dis-
Cells for Measurement of Stress on Sides
cussed in the following subsections.
of Driven Piles
Various types of cells are commercially available Number of Cells
for attachment to sheet and H-piles, but measure-
Although contact stresses may be reasonably uni-
ment difficulties are great in both cases. If a cell is
form for the structure as a whole, stresses measured
attached on the face of a pile, the stress field is
over areas the size of most contact earth pressure
likely to be disturbed significantly, with the possible
cells may be very irregular, owing to local varia-
exception of piles driven through soft clay. If the
tions in soil conditions. Measurements with contact
cell is attached within a cutout in an attempt to
earth pressure cells therefore often show consid-
place the sensitive face in the same plane as the face
erable scatter. The more cells the better, but it is
of the pile, the cutout will usually weaken the sec-
usually difficult to determine whether scatter results
tion excessively. Even if an accurate measurement
from real variations in stress or from measurement
could be made, stresses on the surfaces of the sheet
and H-piles are likely to be irregular, and a few
As indicated in Section 10.1, it is sometimes pref-
point measurements are therefore of limited value.
erable to isolate a portion of the structure and to
Measurements on the sides of pipe piles are also
determine stresses by use of load cells and strain
difficult, because of the need to mount the sensitive
gages within the structure.
face flush with the outside of the pile. Possibly the
best approach is to manufacture special hydraulic
Laboratory Calibrations
cells with curvature to match the outside of the pipe
and to use a thick grooved outer face. If the grooves Each cell should be calibrated under fluid pressure
are omitted, the curved face is likely to prevent to be sure that it is functioning correctly and not
flexing. Alternatively, rectangular cells could be leaking, and the calibration chamber shown in Fig-
used, with the long side parallel to the axis of the u~e 1.0.6 can be adapted for performing fluid calibra-
pipe, but the face would not be flush with the out- tions of contact earth pressure cells. Selig (1980)
side of the pile. For either option, the cells should presents details of the procedure, whereby the bot-
be installed in cutouts, and measurement accuracy tom half of the chamber is replaced with a concrete
is likely to increase with increasing pile diameter. block containing the cell cast in place. The cell can

be removed and the concrete block reused by cast- Stiffness of Cell

ing an oversized cavity in the block and seating
As for embedment cells, errors will normally be
each cell in the cavity with a thin layer of high-
caused by excessive diaphragm displacement.
modulus gypsum plaster.
When installed at a contact between concrete and
Selig also describes calibrations in contact with
all materials other than soft clay, it is recommended
soil, by placing the cell and concrete block within a
that the same modulus criterion should be adopted
3 ft (910 mm) diameter chamber used for soil cali-
as for concrete stress cells (Chapter 13): the mod-
bration of embedment cells. A similar procedure is
ulus of elasticity of the cell should be at least one-
described by Felio and Bauer (1986), but it is be-
half that of the concrete.
lieved that their 2ft (610 mm) diameter chamber is
too small for calibrating their 12 in. (300 mm) diame-
ter cells. Irregularity of Surface of Structure
When contact earth pressure cells are installed at
Temperature Effects on Cell an irregular surface, significant measurement errors
can be expected. As an example, DiBiagio (1977)
Embedment earth pressure cells are not usually describes measurements on a sheet pile wall. Be-
subject to temperature changes, but contact cells cause of the corrugations in the wall, the cells must
are often near the atmosphere or near concrete be placed either on the protruding or indented cor-
pours that create changes in temperature. rugation, as shown in Figure 10.16. Cells were
As discussed in Section 10.3.1, hydraulic cells placed at both locations at the same depth in soft
used to measure contact stress between soil and clay. Measurements were almost equal immediately
concrete should have an inner thick inactive face, after pile driving but later followed the pattern
and the layer of liquid within the cell should be as shown in Figure 10.16, presumably because of
thin as possible. The active face should also be sheeting movements or consolidation and arching.
thick and grooved. Examples of the significant in- A "best estimate" of the average total stress per
fluence of temperature on hydraulic cells are given unit length of the wall can be made by averaging P 1
by Coyle and Bartoskewitz (1976) and Felio and and P2, but clearly this average may be significantly
Bauer (1986), but the cells in both examples did not in error.
satisfy the above guidelines. Calibrations to exam-
ine temperature sensitivity under unconfined condi-
tions, for example, in a heated water bath, are 10.3.3. Installation of Contact Earth Pressure Cells
sometimes quoted but are of limited value. When
Installation at Interface Between Soil and Concrete
confined, the cell is likely to be much more suscep-
tible to temperature effects that cause expansion or As indicated in Section 10.3.1, when a hydraulic
contraction of the layer ofliquid, and this condition cell is to be installed at an interface between soil
is very difficult to simulate correctly in a laboratory and concrete, a thick steel plate should be used for
test. In both the laboratory and in the field there the face of the cell adjacent to concrete.
may also be real stress changes occurring at the ISRM (1981c) indicates that, when placing cells
interface, owing to temperature effects on the soil to measure contact stress between soil and con-
and the structure. The best solution to this dilemma crete, the cells may be installed by any one of three
is to design the cell for minimum sensitivity to tem- methods: (1) attached to the formwork and placed
perature. in the structure before concreting, (2) fastened to
A properly designed diaphragm cell is not sig- the structure after concreting and prior to back-
nificantly affected by temperature changes and, if filling, or (3) embedded in the backfill a short dis-
temperature changes are great, diaphragm cells may tance away from the structure. In the view of the
be more appropriate than hydraulic cells. However, author, the overriding need is to ensure that the sen-
the cells should have two active faces, the mounting sitive face of the cell is absolutely flush with the
arrangements shown in Figure 10.9 should be used, interface. The first method is therefore suitable, and
care should be taken to minimize nonuniform load- also the second if the cell is grouted into a blockout.
ing, and more reliance should be placed on mea- The second method is not suitable if the cell pro-
surements at the inner face. trudes outside the profile of the structure, because

I Excavati:

E 0

0 "' 10


0 20 40 60 80
Day number
Figure 10.16. Variation in measured earth pressure on the corrugated surface of a sheet pile wall (after
DiBiagio, 1977).

conformance errors may be significant. The third should not be allowed to touch the cell. In cases
method creates the potential for all the errors de- where cells cannot be installed in this way, a block-
scribed above for embedment cells. Also, leads may out can sometimes be made in the concrete and the
be sheared if they are installed through the con- cell subsequently embedded within the blockout.
crete, and leads are exposed to damage if they are in- Where concrete is cast directly against soil, for
stalled in the soil. It is therefore not recommended. slurry walls, drilled shafts, base slabs, spread foot-
The first method, whereby cells are attached to ings, cast-in-place tunnel linings, and other struc-
the formwork and placed in the structure, can gen- tures, installation is less straightforward, and a
erally be used for measurements against retaining method must be devised whereby the cell is held
walls, culverts, precast concrete piles, and precast against a suitably flat surface of soil and protected
concrete tunnel linings. The cell can sometimes be during concreting. DiBiagio and Roti (1972) de-
held in place during concreting by light bracing scribe installation of cells in a slurry trench by using
against the form at the opposite face, or alterna- an expendable hydraulic jack to hold the cell in po-
tively, the cell can be attached by bolts with heads sition against the soft clay. Each cell was first
on the outside of the form. The back face of the cell mounted in the center of a flat steel plate such that
should be cleaned and degreased to ensure good its sensitive face was flush with the surface of the
contact between cell and concrete. A ring of soft plate. The cell and plate were attached to one end of
sealing material, about 0.1 in. (2.5 mm) thick, the hydraulic jack with a flexible coupling and a
around the edge of the cell is useful to prevent con- reaction plate of similar size attached to the other
crete fouling the outside face of the cell and to limit end. The cells and hydraulic jacks were attached to
the influence of stresses that may act on the edge of the reinforcing cage before lowering into the trench
the cell as the concrete cures. The same soft sealing and, to avoid exerting forces on the cage during
material should be used during calibration. When installation of the cells, the body of each jack was
using diaphragm cells, the mounting arrangement placed inside a short length of oversized pipe
shown in Figure 10.9 is suitable. Concrete vibrators welded to the cage. Actuation of jacks forced the

cells in contact with the sides of the trench; pres- Installation at Tips of Driven Piles or Drilled
sure was maintained during concreting and released Shafts and on Sides of Driven Piles
after the concrete had set. A similar installation pro-
Installation for these special applications is dis-
cedure is described by Uff(1970), and this approach
cussed in Section 10.3.1.
can be used in other applications where concrete is
cast directly against a vertical soil face. Bier-
Installation at Interface Between Soil and Rock
schwale et al. (1981) describe use of steel pins to
attach contact earth pressure cells to the soil in the Three approaches are possible, depending on the
wall of a dry hole for a drilled shaft. irregularity of the rock surface at and near the place
Where there is concern for damage or distur- of installation and the strength of the rock.
bance to cells during concreting, each cell may be First, if the surface at and near the place of in-
cast in a briquette of concrete identical to the parent stallation is generally planar and the rock is strong,
concrete. The sensitive face of the cell should be a location should be selected for the cell where the
absolutely flush with the face of the briquette that surface is flat within about± 0.4 in.(± 10 mm), and
will be in contact with the soil. It is essential that the any loose material should be removed. A cement
briquette be cast not more than 24-48 hours ahead mortar or epoxy resin pad should be troweled on
of the main concrete pour, otherwise, accuracy will to the rock surface and the cell pushed into the
be severely reduced because of poor conformance. pad, squeezing out mortar or resin until a layer no
When cells are installed against a horizontal soil thicker than 0.2-0.4 in. (5-10 mm) remains beneath
surface, for example, at the base of a foundation the cell. Entrapment of air bubbles must be
slab or spread footing, it is best to use a briquette avoided, and the cell may need to be secured in
over the entire cell, and to cast it in place so that position by tying to pins in the rock. The area
good contact with the soil is ensured. A typical bri- around the cell should be blended into the surround-
quette size for a 9 in. (230 mm) diameter cell with ing rock surface by troweling cement or epoxy after
transducer attached to a tube emerging from the rim the pad has hardened.
of the cell is 2 ft x 1 ft x 3 in. (600 x 300 x 76 Second, if the surface at and near the place of
mm). When cells are installed in situations where installation is generally planar and the rock is weak,
the briquette cannot be cast in place, it should be 6 a hollow can be excavated in the rock and the cell
in. (150 mm) thick to ensure adequate strength for installed with its sensitive face outward, flush with
moving. the surface of the rock, as described for installation
Wherever possible, grains larger than about 0.2 at an interface between soil and concrete.
in. (5 mm) should not be allowed in contact with the Third, if the surface of the rock is irregular, such
cell, and if necessary a thin layer of grout or fine- that either of the above methods might result in
grained material should be placed against the face of measurement anomalies, an embedment earth pres-
the cell. sure cell should be used and installed entirely within
the soil as described in Section 10.2.4.
Installation at Interface Between Soil and Steel
Installation at Interface Between Rock and Concrete
Wherever possible, the cell should be mounted such
that its face is absolutely flush with the surface of The three approaches decribed above for an inter-
the steel structure. If a hole can be cut in the struc- face between soil and rock are generally applicable.
ture, the cell can be attached to studs welded on the However, additional precautions are necessary to
back face, and any irregularities in the front face minimize the problem of cell/ concrete uncoupling
can be smoothed with a suitable filler material such when temperature rises and falls during concrete
as epoxy resin. cure (Section 13.6), and a stiff concrete stress cell
rather than a contact earth pressure cell should be



11.1. APPLICAliONS Stress change monitoring is used to diagnose

critical stability in situations where the rock ap-
The primary application for measurement of stress proaches a failure condition caused either by an in-
change in rock is to monitor the stability of pillars crease or decrease in stress. A decrease in stress
and walls formed during underground mining. can lead to failure by reducing confinement, thereby
Similar measurements are occasionally made causing rock blocks to slide or unravel. It is impor-
during excavation of underground openings for civil tant to realize that the actual stress within a rock
engineering purposes, but most civil engineers pre- mass may vary significantly from point to point,
fer to monitor opening stability by measuring defor- depending on geologic features and the local stress
mation. The mining engineer is accustomed to concentrating effect of an opening. A single point
working with much lower factors of safety than the measurement of stress may therefore be misleading,
civil engineer and is therefore generally more con- and if reliable data are required it is usually neces-
cerned with critical stress conditions. However, the sary to make measurements at numerous points
current and frequent use of design tools such as throughout the rock mass of interest.
finite and boundary element modeling techniques Extensive measurements of stress change are
has greatly increased the importance of monitoring made during thermomechanical testing in under-
stress change in rock. The primary output from ground excavations for studies relating to the dis-
these design aids are estimates of rock deformation posal of high-level nuclear waste. This application
and stress, and the effectiveness of an adopted de- requires devices capable of withstanding the high
sign can only be confirmed by monitoring one or temperatures created to simulate anticipated re-
both of these variables in situ. pository conditions and is not discussed in this

*Coauthored by Robert J. Walton, Senior Experimental Scien-

tist, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organiza-
tion (CSIRO), Victoria, Australia. J. Barrie Sellers, President,
Geokon, Inc., Lebanon, NH, and Frank S. Shuri, Senior En-
gineer, Golder Associates, Inc., Seattle, WA, have also assisted The following three methods can be used for moni-
in preparation of this chapter. toring stress change in rock.


Repeated Measurements of in Situ Stress tutive behavior only within broad bounds. For prac-
tical purposes, a rigid inclusion gage is a gage hav-
Repeated measurement of rock stress can be made
ing a modulus of elasticity exceeding that of the
in situ by using one of the absolute stress measure-
surrounding intact rock by a factor of at least 3.
ment techniques such as borehole overcoring.
Rock deformations are resisted by the gage so that
However, this approach is not often used because
strains in the gage have minimum sensitivity to rock
the cost is high, absolute accuracy is low, and there
modulus. Rigid inclusion gages are usually referred
is a possibility that important data may be missed
to as stressmeters.
between measurements. Even when the most accu-
It is evident that an instrument that is a soft in-
rate borehole overcoring measurements are made,
clusion when installed in one type of host rock
the variation between tests is generally at least
could be deemed a rigid inclusion when installed in
± 25% for magnitude and ± 15 degrees for orienta-
rock of lower modulus.
tion of the principal stresses. These variations are
Comprehensive descriptions of measurement
caused both by measurement inaccuracy and by
methods are given by IECO (1979), LBL (1982),
real variations in stress from one point in the rock
Lemcoe et al. (1980), Lingle et al. (1981), RKE/PB
mass to another.
(1984), and Schrauf and Pratt (1979). Methods in
practical use are described and compared in Sec-
Geophysical Techniques
tions 11.3 and 11.4, and recommendations are given
Several geophysical techniques use the relationship in Section 11.5.
between deformability and stress-hence the prop-
agation of seismic waves-in an attempt to deter-
mine in situ stress. For example, the time can be mea- 11.3. SOFT INCLUSION GAGES
sured for an energy pulse to travel through the rock,
or the rise time of a similar pulse can be measured. As discussed in Section 11.2, soft inclusion gages
Geophysical techniques for monitoring stress have small stiffness relative to the host rock, and
change in rock are still at an early stage of under- stress determination requires knowledge of rock
standing and development and are not discussed in properties and constitutive behavior. This definition
this book. clearly places borehole deformation gages and bi-
axial and triaxial strain cells in the category of soft
inclusions, but the categorization may be less ap-
Measurements in a Borehole
propriate for borehole pressure cells. Borehole
An instrument can be installed in a borehole to mea- pressure cells have been used to measure stress
sure displacement, strain, or pressure caused by change in a wide variety of rock types; in some
changes in the near-field stress. This approach is the cases stress determination requires knowledge of
most viable method for monitoring stress change rock properties, while in other cases it does not.
and is the subject of the remainder of this chapter. Some borehole pressure cells can be filled with mer-
Instruments can be divided into two general cate- cury specifically to increase their stiffness so that
gories: soft and hard (rigid) inclusions. they can be considered as rigid inclusions when
Soft inclusion gages have small stiffness relative used in low-modulus rocks. Despite this qualifica-
to the host rock, and stress determination requires tion, borehole pressure cells are classified in this
knowledge of rock properties and constitutive be- book as soft inclusion gages.
havior. In practice, a gage having an intact modulus
of elasticity less than that of the surrounding rock
11.3.1. Flat and Cylindrical Borehole
by a factor of 3 or more is considered to be a soft
Pressure Cells
inclusion gage. These gages therefore offer mini-
mum resistance to rock deformation, so that gage A borehole pressure cell consists of a flat or cylin-
readings depend on rock stress and elastic proper- drical metal chamber, filled with a liquid and fitted
ties but are independent of the modulus of the gage. with pressure regulation and monitoring capabili-
Rigid inclusion gages are designed to be stiff ties. The term borehole pressure cell (BPC) is nor-
relative to the host rock, and stress determination mally used for a flat cell and the term cylindrical
requires knowledge of rock properties and consti- pressure cell (CPC) for a cylindrical cell.

rock stress can be determined by using the pump-up

Bourdon tube procedure described by Sellers ( 1970), but rock de-
pressure gage ~ formabilit y values must be known. The BPC re-
sponds primarily to stresses acting perpendicular to
the plane of the ftatjack but also has a small sensitiv-

/ \
ity to stress changes in the plane of the ftatjack.
Two BPCs oriented at right angles to each other in
the same borehole will , provided the orie ntations
valve and of the principal stresses in the plane perpendicular
to the axis of the borehole are known , a llow deter-
\ mination of changes in these stresses. It is generaJiy
High- pressure
assumed that in viscoelastic rocks the BPC will

stainless steel
tubing achieve an equilibrium pressure that is close to the
actual rock stress.
Stainless steel
or copper
CPCs are typically 1.5 in . (38 mm) in diameter
flatjack and 8 in . (200 mm) long. The U .S. Bureau of Mines
Figure 11 .1. Flat borehole pressure cell (courtesy of Geokon, CPC (Hall and Hoskins, 1972; Panek et al ., 1964;
Inc., lebanon, NH). Smith , 1972) consists of a cylindrical copper jack-
eted inflatable probe connected to a screw pump
for pressure application. The Colorado School of
F lat cells are essentially miniature ftatjacks and Mines dilatometer, which is 3 in. (76 mm) in diame-
are typically about 2 in. wide, 0.25 in. thick, and 8 ter and has a flexible plastic j acket (Hustrulid a nd
in. long (50 x 6 x 200 mm). A BPC is shown in Hustrulid , 1973), can also be used as a CPC.
Figure II . I. A remote reading pressure transducer For a CPC the diameter and smoothness of the
can replace the Bourdon tube pressure gage. borehole are critical, and every effort should be
The U.S. Bureau of Mines BPC is described by made to keep the tolerance within approximately
Panek and Stock (1964) and Smith ( 1972). Embed- 0.02 in . (0.5 mm). The borehole should preferably
ment earth pressure cells with pneumatic transduc- be drilled with a rotary diamond bit, and if percus-
ers have been used as BPCs (e.g., Sauer and sion drilling is used a reaming shell should be in-
Sharma, 1977). serted behind the bit. The CPC is inserted into the
A BPC can be installed in any one of four ways. borehole and pressure is applied with the screw
First, the cell can be inserted into a borehole al- pump to seat the cell against the wall of the
ready filled with grout. Second , grout can be borehole. As for the BPC, the cell is then pumped
pumped into the borehole after the cell is in place. up until the hydraulic pressure is somewhat greater
Third , the cell may be preencaps ulated inside an than the estimated rock stress, a valve in the pres-
appropriately sized cylinder of mortar or epoxy, or sure line is closed , and the system is allowed to
sandwiched between two curved aluminum platens, stabilize. The procedure for calculation of stress
inserted into a borehole, and pumped up to create change is described by Sellers (1970). It should be
adequate contact with the wall of the borehole. noted that CPC data provide a measurement of the
Fourth, a preencapsulated cell can be grouted average change of the two principal stresses in the
within a borehole. A method that includes grouting plane perpendicular to the axis of the borehole, and
is highly recommended , because it results in more this may not be appropriate for strongly anisotropic
intimate contact between the cell and borehole stress conditions.
wall. After the grout has set, the cell is pumped up A typical range of commercially available BPCs
until the hydraulic pressure is somewhat greater and CPCs is 0-10,000 lb/in. 2 (0-70 MPa), with a
than the estimated rock stress, a valve in the pres- sensitivity of 40 lb/in? (300 kPa).
sure line is closed , and the system is allowed to If biaxial stress measurements are required,
stabilize. three BPCs can be installed in the same borehole.
In elastic (the terms elastic and viscoelastic are Lu ( 1981 ) describes determination of stress changes
defined in Chapter 2) rocks the relationship between in viscoelastic rock by using one CPC and two
change in BPC pressure gage reading and change in BPCs in the same borehole.

Centralizing Cantilever Contact po1nt

spnng attached to end
(three @I 120° of cantilever

Figure 11 .2. U.S. Bureau of Mines borehole deformation gage (courtesy of Rogers Arms and Machine
Company, Inc., Grand Junction, CO).

11.3.2. Borehole Deformation Gages the transducer area. The version shown in Figure
11 .2 is believed to be the most stable version avail-
A borehole deformation gage (BDG) is designed to
able and has been used for stress change monitoring
measure diametral cha nges in a small-diameter
during in situ tests related to underground high-
borehole, using remotely read electrical transduc-
level nuclear waste repositories. However, even
this version has been proved reliable for stress
change monitoring only for short-term applications
U.S. Bureau of Mines Gage at ambient temperature.
The USBM gage is designed as a reusable device
The most weU-known BDG is the U.S. Bureau of
and is held in place in the borehole by frictional
Mines (USBM) instrument, shown in Figure 11.2,
forces. For long-term monitoring purposes, the in-
allowing measurement of changes in three diame-
strument would have to be held in place by grouting
ters 120 degrees apart. The gage bas three pairs
to prevent movement caused by blasting or other
of contact points, the outer ends contacting the
vibrations. However, the cost of the instrument
borehole wall and the inner ends bearing against
usually prevents grouting in place.
cantilevers, each of which is clamped to the gage
The USBM BDG is not recommended for moni-
body. Electrical resistance strain gages are bonded
toring stress change in rock.
to both faces of each cantilever and the strain gages
on opposite cantilevers are wired into a full Wheat-
CSIRO Yoke Gage
stone bridge configuration. A conventional strain
indicator is used as a readout unit. Changes in The yoke BDG has been designed by the CSIRO
borehole diameter cause bending of appropriate (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research
cantilevers and changes in strain gage resistances. Organization) in Australia specifically for stress
Borehole deformations are related, via an assumed change monitoring. It has been used to monitor
or measured deformability and Poisson's ratio, to stress changes in the roof of a coal mine (Walton
stress changes in the plane perpendicular to the axis and Fuller, 1980) and in pillars of metalliferous
of the borehole. Most versions of the USBM BDG mines (Walton and Worotnicki , 1986). As shown in
are designed for measurements within 1.5 in. (38 Figure ll. 3, three strain gaged yokes are used to
mm) diameter boreholes, but larger and smaller measure changes in three diameters 120 degrees
sizes are available. apart. As for the USB M gage, output is related , via
The USBM BDG was developed for determina- an assumed or measured deformability and Pois-
tion of absolute in situ stress by using the overcor- son's ratio , to stress changes in the plane perpen-
ing procedure (Hooker and Bickel , 1974; Hooker dicular to the axis of the borehole.
et al. , 1974; Obert, 1966), a test that involves read- The instrument is held in place in a borehole by
ing the gage for less than 30 minutes. Most com- epoxy cement, but the cement merely fiU s the annu-
merciaUy available USBM BDGs have transducers lar space and plays no part in transmitting rock de-
that are insufficiently stable for monitoring stress formations to the yokes. T he tips of the yokes are
change over a longer period , and the design makes rounded, so that they slide freely along the wall of
it very difficult to prevent ingress of moisture into the borehole during installation. A front-to-rear

Seals to confine
Prston to Reservoir flow of epoxy
extrude for cement around
epoxy the gage
Spacer cement

~~~ \ H tu~


Stratn gaged
Silicone section

Section A-A ' Bervllrlrm copper yoke

(three@ so· apart)

Figure 11 .3. CSIRO yoke borehole deformation gage (courtesy of Commonwealth Scientific and Indus-
trial Research Organization, Australia).

opening allows passage of signal cables from instru- et al. , 1984) is bonded to the end of a borehole. Four
ments installed deeper in the borehole. versions of triaxial cell are bonded to the wall of
To date , instruments have been installed in 56.5 a borehole: CSIR, South Africa (Herget, 1973;
mm (2.22 in.) diameter boreholes. The instrument Leeman , 1971); Lulea, Sweden (Gregory et al. ,
bas a large range in both tension and compression . 1983; Hiltscher et al., 1979; Stillborg and Leijon,
For example, the tensile range is 100 MPa (1.4 x 1982); LNEC, Portugal (Rocha and Silverio, 1969:
104 1b/in. 2) in rock of modulus 70 GPa (10 x 106 lb/ Rocha et al., 1974); and CSIRO, Australia (Jagger
in. 2). The compressive range is greater than the ten- and Enever, 1978; Walton and Worotnicki , 1978;
sile range. Worotnicki and Walton, 1976).
The CSIRO cell has been used for stress change
monitoring on more occasions than the other four
11.3.3. Biaxial and Triaxial Strain Cells
cells. Likely reasons are its high degree of water-
Biaxial and triaxial strain cells are designed to mea- proofing of the strain gages, use of a hard-wired
sure strains on the wall or end of a borehole. The cable, which eliminates the need for downhole con-
cells include electrical resistance strain gage trans- nectors, and ready commercial availability.
ducers and are bonded to the rock. Their primary The CSIR doorstopper and triaxial strain cells
application , as for the USBM borehole deformation and the Lulea cell all require bonding of strain gages
gage, is the determination of absolute in situ stress directly to the rock surface. For analytical reasons
by using the overcoring procedure, and five ver- it is preferable for the strain gages to be on the rock
sions are in practical use for this very short-term surface, but moisture can cause severe degradation
application. of the resistance signal , and in practice it is better to
The South African CSIR (Council for Scientific ensure complete waterproofing by full encapsula-
and Industrial Research) doorstopper biaxial strain tion of the strain gages, accepting that a correction
cell (Gregory et al. , 1983; Leeman, 1971; Stickney factor is required to account for the annulus of en-

Seals to confine
flow of epoxy
around the cell
Signal cable

cement ,. • • • \• \'
•• ·T~r~~ strain gage
rosetres, each of
/ three gages
Centimeter Three linear strain
scale gages (12 strain
gage wpe only)



Figure 11.4. CSIRO hollow inclusion stress cell- 12 strain gage type: (a) general arrangement and (b)
detail of epoxy body of cell, containing strain gages (courtesy of Commonwealth Scientific and Indus-
trial Research Organization, Australia).

capsulating material. The LNEC and CSlRO cells formulated epoxy cement, attaching the piston and
have strain gages that are fu ll y encapsulated in spacer rod , and pushing with a setting tool to the
epoxy resin. end of the borehole. The cement is extruded be-
The CSIRO cell, referred to as a hollow inclusion tween the ceU and rock and allowed to set before
(H./. ) cell, is shown Figure 11.4. lt consists of a thin initial strain readings are taken.
epoxy tube, with three strain gage rosettes, each of Methods of converting measured strain to rock
three gages, embedded within the epoxy. The strain stress are described by Duncan Fama and Pender
gage layout provides for some duplication of gages, (1980) and by Worotnicki and Walton (1976). An
so that in the event of malfunction of two and some- example of successful measurements is given by
times three of the nine gages it is still possible to Kohlbeck and Scheidegger (1986).
determine the full stress tensor. When all nine gages The cell can be used to monitor changes in com-
are functional , the extra readings are a significant pressive stress up to the point where nonlinear con-
benefit, in that they allow data evaluation by least- ditions occur in the rock around the borehole. The
squares fitting methods. Gages are wired in three- ultimate sensitivity of the instrument is dependent
wire quarter bridge circuits. A version with 12 on the resolution and accuracy of the readout equip-
strain gages is available for use in anisotropic rock ment used: between 1 and 5 microstrain is common.
or to give greater redundancy of measured strains. Despite the advantages of the CSlRO cell when
The cell is installed in a 1.5 in. (38 mm) diameter compared with the other four versions, the user
borehole by filling the hollow core with specially should be aware of four sources of error.

First, the cell may exhibit an output that implies measuring in situ stress by the overcoring proce-
a radial biaxial compression, which is in fact caused dure. When used as stress monitoring instruments,
by a slight volumetric expansion of the epoxy as solid soft inclusion cells appear to offer no advan-
moisture is absorbed. The effect is largest soon af- tages over hollow soft inclusion cells and in fact
ter the cell is installed and decreases significantly have a disadvantage when monitoring reduction in
after 30-100 days (Walton and Worotnicki, 1986). compressive stress. In this application the solid
Windsor and Worotnicki (1986) state that cells used cells require a more effective cell-to-rock bond than
for long-term monitoring should preferably be in- the hollow cells, because higher tensile stresses
stalled at least 1 month before reliable data are re- must be maintained across the interface.
quired. The writers also present more than 1 year of
data for cells that were installed 6-12 months before
the monitoring period commenced, indicating ap- 11.3.5. Comparison Among Soft Inclusion Gages
parent stability of the cells. Comparative information is summarized in Table
Second, the cell is sensitive to temperature 11.1.
changes, particularly in the circumferential direc-
tion, but the magnitude of the temperature response
is known (Walton and Worotnicki, 1986). The cells 11.4. RIGID INCLUSION GAGES
are supplied with a thermistor to monitor tempera-
ture; therefore, a correction can be applied, but this Section 11.2 indicates that rigid inclusion gages,
is often unnecessary because many installed loca- usually referred to as stressmeters, are designed to
tions are deep underground where the rock under- be stiff relative to the host rock and that stress de-
goes little change in temperature. termination does not require accurate knowledge of
Third, the epoxy body of the cell could continue rock properties and constitutive behavior. Clearly,
to polymerize after the cell has been installed, this is an advantage when comparing rigid gages
which would cause a small volume change of the with soft inclusion gages. The definition of a rigid
epoxy to occur. This effect is significantly reduced inclusion gage, also given in Section 11.2, sets a
by curing the instrument at a temperature in excess practical upper limit of intact rock modulus for
of the field temperature. All commercially available which rigid inclusions remain "rigid" as one-third
instruments are cured by the manufacturer at 50°C the modulus of the gage. Steel, which has a modulus
(122°F) for 6 days, and most experience with long- of approximately 30 x 106 lb/in. 2 (200 GPa), is the
term use of the cell has been at temperatures below most practical material from which to manufacture
40°C (104°F). Long-term performance above this rigid inclusion gages. If a steel inclusion totally fills
temperature is unknown, although the cell has been the cross section of the borehole, the upper limit of
used for overcoring at temperatures up to 60°C intact rock modulus for which a rigid gage can be
(140°F). considered "rigid" is therefore 10 x 106 lb/in. 2 (70
Fourth, the body of the cell and the cement may GPa). When used in rock with a higher modulus, the
creep. Walton and Worotnicki (1986) have demon- gage must be calibrated in the host rock if maximum
strated that, over a 1 year period and at a tempera- accuracy is required.
ture of 18-25°C (64-77°F), the creep rate is approxi-
mately 0.3 microstrain/day radial compression and
almost zero in the axial direction. They have also 11.4.1. Vibrating Wire Stressmeters
carried out a long-term laboratory test of a conven- The vibrating wire transducer, together with meth-
tional and prototype thin-wall version of the cell, ods for minimizing errors caused by zero drift and
showing that the thin-wall version had superior by corrosion of the vibrating wire, is described in
long-term stability. However, no field experience Chapter 8.
was reported.
Uniaxial Stressmeter
11.3.4. Miscellaneous Soft Inclusion Gages
The most commonly used and commercially avail-
Blackwood (1977), Rocha and Silverio (1969), and able rigid inclusion gage is the uniaxial version of
Worotnicki and Walton (1976) all describe varia- the vibrating wire stressmeter, which was devel-
tions of a solid soft inclusion cell for use when oped for measuring stress change in underground

Table 11.1. Soft Inclusion Gages

Method Advantages Limitationsa
Flat (e.g., Figure Economical Small measurement scaleb
11.1) and cylindri- Rock deformability needed for pressure/
cal borehole pres- stress conversion in elastic rocks
sure cells
USBM borehole de- Recoverable Small measurement scaleb
formation gage Suitable for monitoring reductions in com- Low electrical output; lead wire effects; er-
(e.g., Figure 11.2) pressive stress rors resulting from moisture, temperature,
and electrical connections are possible
Not proved for other than short-term moni-
Movement of gage causes false readings:
expensive to grout in place
Rock deformability needed for strain/stress
Not recommended for use
CSIRO yoke borehole Suitable for monitoring reductions in com- Small measurement scaleb
deformation gage pressive stress Low electrical output; lead wire effects; er-
(Figure 11.3) rors resulting from moisture, temperature,
and electrical connections are possible
Rock deformability needed for strain/stress
Limited field experience
CSIRO hollow inclu- Triaxial data Small measurement scaleb
sion triaxial strain Strain gages encapsulated in epoxy resin Low electrical output; lead wire effects; er-
cell (Figure 11.4)c Suitable for monitoring changes in tensile rors resulting from moisture, temperature,
stress and electrical connections are possible
Rock deformability needed for strain/stress
Cementing difficulties in wet holes
Potential errors caused by creep and mois-
ture absorption of the epoxy
Should be installed at least 1 month before
requiring data
"Requires knowledge of rock properties and constitutive behavior.
hLimitation of small measurement scale can be minimized by installing several instruments in the rock mass of interest.
cwhen compared with other four versions of biaxial and triaxial strain cell, CSIRO cell is preferred: see Section 11.3.3. Other versions
are therefore not included in this table.

coal mines (Hawkes and Bailey, 1973; Sellers, Indicator

1977). As shown in Figures 11.5 and 11.6, the

stressmeter consists of a thick-walled steel cylinder
with a vibrating wire transducer mounted across a
diameter at approximately midlength. The cylinder
is wedged in the borehole and acts as a proving ring.
Figure 11.5 shows the vibrating wire in line with the
wedge, a configuration adopted during the original
development of the stressmeter. This configuration
causes a range limitation, because the tension in the
wire decreases as stress across the proving ring in-
creases, and the wire can eventually become too Figure 11.5. Schematic of uniaxial vibrating wire stressmeter.

the device is somewhat sensitive to rock deforma-

bility throughout its range. Dutta et at. ( 1981) and
others have determined that the amount of surface
contact between the gage platen and the borehole
wall has a major influence on gage readings, and it is
therefore important to control borehole size, shape,
and surface condition at gage locations. When these
factors are controlled carefully, the sensitivity to
rock deformability approximately halves when in-
tact rock deformability changes from I to 10 x 106
lb/in.2 (7-70 GPa). Rock deformability should
therefore be measured or estimated and the calibra-
Figure 11.6. Uniaxial vibrating wire stressmeter (courtesy of lrad tion determined from data supplied by the instru-
Gage, a Division of Klein Associates, Inc., Salem, NH). ment manufacturer.
When using the stressmeters in rocks with intact
modulus higher than about 2 x 106 1b/in.2 (15 GPa),
two cautions are applicable. First, if the modulus of
slack. The device is now available in an alternative the gage is taken as about 7.5 x I06 lb/in. 2 (50 GPa)
configuration , with the vibrating wire perpendicular (Dutta et al., 1981), the definition given in Section
to the alignment shown , such that the tension in the 11.2 for a rigid inclusion indicates that the gage is no
wire increases as stress increases. The range of this longer a true stressmeter when used in a host rock
version is 15,000 lb/in. 2 (100 MPa) compression with an intact modulus greater than about 2.5 x 106
and, by setting the wedge to create a high preload , it lb/in. 2 (17 GPa). The higher the modulus of the host
can be used to monitor a stress reduction of about rock , the greater is the need for calibrations specific
5000 lb/in.2 (35 MPa). Sensitivity is 0.5-5 1b/in .2 (3- to the rock type in which the gage will be used.
30 kPa). Second, Dutta et al. (1981) have established that, in
The stressmeter is available for installation in stiffer rock, it is not always possible to reproduce
boreholes of nominal diameter 1.5, 2.4, and 3.0 in. the amount of surface contact between the gage and
(38, 60, and 76 mm), using special setting tools, and borehole for each installation. Because the amount
is preloaded across a diameter by pulling the wedge of surface contact has a major influence on gage
between the body and platen. A nigh preload is nec- readings, it is desirable to install several gages in
essary so that both positive and negative stress one location if maximum accuracy is required.
changes can be monitored. Various platen sizes are When a uniaxial vibrating wire stressmeter is in-
available, and in soft rocks wide platens are used so stalled in rock subject to biaxial or triaxial stress
that stress at the borehole wall is minimized. If this changes, it may not give a correct indication of
stress is excessive, local crushing of the rock can be stress changes in the direction of measurement.
caused at the line of contact between platen and When a complete evaluation is required of stress
rock. For rock moduli less than about 3 x 106 lb/ change in the plane normal to the borehole axis,
in. 2 (20 GPa), the soft rock platens should be used. three uniaxial stressmeters can be set at known ori-
The borehole should preferably be drilled with a entations to each other (Pariseau, 1985). Alterna-
rotary diamond bit, because if the contact between tively, a biaxial stressmeter can be used.
the stressmeter and the wall of the borehole is not
uniform , the in-place loading wiU not match the
Biaxial Stressmeters
loading during stressmeter calibration. If percus-
sion drilling is used, a reaming shell should be in- A biaxial stressmeter, shown in Figure 11.7, has
serted behind the bit. Installation details are given been developed by the Soil and Rock Instrumenta-
by Hawkes and Bailey (1973), Sellers (1977), and tion Division of Goldberg-Zoino and Associates,
manufacturers of the instrument. Inc., Newton, MA, in conjunction with Geokon,
Early work with the stressmeter suggested that Inc., Lebanon, NH, for thermomechanicaJ testing
readings are insensitive to rock deformability when in an underground excavation for studies relating to
deformability of the intact rock is less than about 2 disposal of high-level nuclear waste in salt rock
x 106 tb/in. 2 (15 GPa), but recent tests indicate that (Sburi and Green, 1987).

Radial Longitudinal
vibrating vibrating

Longitudinal section

vibrating wire

Radial vibrating

Cross section

Figure 11.7. Biaxial vibrating wire stressmeter (courtesy of Soil & Rock Instrumentation Division, Gold-
berg-Zoino & Associates, Inc., Newton, MA, and Geokon, Inc., Lebanon, NH).

Radial deformation is measured using three vi- 11.4.2. Photoelastic Stressmeters

brating wire transducers mounted at 60 degree in-
A photoelastic stressmeter (Hall and Hoskin~, 1~72;
tervals, and two such sets are included to provide
Roberts and Hawkes, 1979) consists of a cyhndncal
redundancy. Two longitudinal transducers are also
glass plug with an axial hole, together w!th a light
included to allow for correction of extensional ef-
source and polarizing filter. The meter ts bond~d
fects, and two additional vibrating wire transducers
around its periphery into a borehole as shown m
are incorporated to provide data for thermal correc-
Figure 11.8. When the glass plug is subjected to
tions. The stressmeter is grouted into the borehole
stress, light and dark areas are visible when th~ plug
using a cement/water mix. Extensive large-scale
is illuminated with polarized light and vtewed
laboratory testing has been performed under triaxial
through a hand analyzer. The light and dark areas
stress conditions and at elevated temperatures.
are referred to as photoelastic interference fringes,
There is currently no field experience with this
and the change in the number of fringes is prop~r­
stressmeter, but a similar instrument has been used
tional to shear strain in the glass. Methods for m-
successfully in the field to monitor stress in ice. The
stallation and reading photoelastic stressmeters are
scale and extent of the laboratory testing program
described by Roberts and Hawkes (1979).
are both large, and the development appears prom-
Use of photoelastic stressmeters is limited by the
ising. The results of the testing program indicate
need for experienced reading personnel, and they
that, when installed in salt rock, the stressmeter has
are not viable instruments for general usage.
only minor dependence on characteristics of the
rock and of the grout between stressmeter and rock.
11.4.3. Tapered Plugs
Test results were also satisfactory under compres-
sive loading in granite with an intact modulus up to Several solid metal instruments with a tapered outer
10 x 106 lb/in. 2 (70 GPa). surface have evolved in an attempt to create a posi-


Polarizing filter

Figure 11.8. Photoelastic stressmeter (after Roberts and Hawkes, 1979).

tive contact between the instrument and the rock. transducer is described by Cook and Ames (1979).
They are forced into a matching tapered socket Peng et al. (1982) describe a biaxial stressmeter con-
drilled at the bottom of a borehole. sisting of a thick steel pipe with a transverse central
Most designs are variations on those of Potts and portion on which a resistance strain gage rosette is
Tomlin (1960) and of Wilson (1961). Wilson's gage mounted. It is bonded into a borehole with epoxy
consists of a tapered brass plug, split longitudinally resin.
to form a plane to which resistance strain gages are Spathis and Truong (1987) have analyzed the ef-
bonded, then rejoined. The instrument is designed fect of placing a layer of in-fill material between a
for measuring stress change in coal and is forced cylindrical plug and the wall of the borehole. A bi-
into a matching tapered socket drilled at the bottom axial inclusion design that is bonded to the rock
of a borehole. It can be used for determination of using a thick layer of high-modulus cement grout
stress change across one diameter of the borehole has been proposed, but no laboratory or field trials
only; that is, it is a uniaxial device. Enever et al. have been reported. Percussion drilled boreholes
(1977) describe a similar uniaxial instrument, manu- could be used with this design.
factured from steel, for determining stress changes
in rock of higher modulus. Variations of this instru-
11.4.5. Comparison Among Rigid Inclusion Gages
ment, with strain gage rosettes mounted on planes
transverse to the axis of the instrument to create Comparative information is summarized in Table
biaxial gages, are described by Truong (1977) and 11.2.
Walton and Matthews (1978). Several of the gages fill the borehole completely.
The main disadvantage of tapered plugs is their This is considered an advantage in all rock types,
requirement for nonstandard boreholes and the con- because when compressive stress is high, the sup-
sequent increased drilling cost. Walton and Mat- port provided by the gage will help to minimize
thews (1978) report that it is sometimes difficult stress concentrations around the borehole. In con-
to achieve adequate and reproducible transfer of trast, with the "open" borehole condition that ex-
stress from the rock to the gage, owing to uneven ists with most soft inclusion gages, failure of the
contact with the rock. It is also difficult to install rock around the borehole may occur because of
these gages into a borehole in a way that produces concentration of stress. In viscoelastic rocks, if the
moderate radial compression within the gage. They gage does not fill the borehole completely, the rock
can therefore be used to monitor increase in stress will creep around the gage and results are likely to
but not reduction in stress, unless first radially com- be incorrect.
pressed by a stress increase.
11.4.4. Miscellaneous Rigid Inclusion Gages
A rigid inclusion stressmeter with mechanical com-
ponents similar to the vibrating wire stressmeter but Methods for the determination of stress change in
with a bonded electrical resistance strain gage rock masses have been a major area of research for

Table 11.2. Rigid Inclusion Gages

Method Advantagesa Limitationsb
Uniaxial vibrating Lead wire effects minimal Calibration dependent on contact geometry
wire stressmeter Installation is relatively simple and initial preload
(Figure 11.5) Can be used to monitor reduction in com- Calibration somewhat dependent on rock
pressive stress of up to about 5000 lb/in. 2 deformability in high-modulus rock
(35 MPa) Gage does not fill borehole completely
Single measurement axis
Risk of wedge slippage if blasting nearby
Biaxial vibrating wire Biaxial Cannot be used to monitor large reductions
stressmeter (e.g., Lead wire effects minimal in compressive stressc
Figure 11. 7) Gage fills borehole completely No field experience in rock
Photoelastic stress- Biaxial Cannot be used to monitor large reductions
meter (Figure 11.8) Gage fills borehole completely in compressive stressc
Poor cementing is immediately apparent Lack of wide commercial availability
Shows principal stress directions very well Readings subjective
Not amenable to remote readout
Tapered plugs Gage fills borehole completely Lack of wide commercial availability
Custom drilling equipment required
Low electrical output; lead wire effects; er-
rors resulting from moisture, temperature,
and electrical connections are possible
Cannot be used to monitor large reductions
in compressive stressc
Not recommended for use
a Requires knowledge of rock properties and constitutive behavior only within broad bounds.
bSmall measurement scale, but limitation can be minimized by installing several instruments in the rock mass of interest.
cunless first subjected to a significant increase in compressive stress.

many years. Because it is impossible to measure When deciding on a technique to monitor stress
stress or stress change directly, indirect techniques change, consideration must be given to the type
are required, and theoretical and practical difficul- and condition of the rock mass, its stiffness, and
ties are common. Monitoring stress changes in- whether uniaxial, biaxial, or triaxial measurements
volves the accurate measurement of small quan- are required. The problem of attaching a measuring
tities over a long time period, often in a harsh instrument to the rock and ensuring that the instru-
environment, and at this stage of development there ment experiences the correct stress is a general
is no universal technique that can be applied to problem, common to nearly all instruments. Firm
every rock type, rock mass condition, and measure- recommendations are impossible and the following
ment situation. recommendations are intended as guidelines only,
As indicated in Section 11.1, it is important to to be used while bearing in mind the advantages and
realize that the actual stress within a rock mass may limitations given earlier. The guidelines are sum-
vary significantly from point to point, depending on marized in Table 11.3.
geologic features and the local stress concentrating When considering accuracy of measurements,
effect of an opening. A single point measurement of the authors concur with the following views ex-
stress may therefore be misleading, and if reliable pressed by IECO (1979):
data are required it is usually necessary to make
measurements at numerous points throughout the Evaluation of the accuracy of in situ stress-change
rock mass of interest. Whenever possible, attempts measurement devices is difficult. Many types of
should be made to determine the locations of dis- gages ... have produced data for periods of a year
continuities and to install the instruments in zones or more after emplacement. In most cases, the con-
of intact rock. sistency of the stress change readings has led inves-

Table 11.3. Guide to Recommended Procedures for Measurement of Stress Change in Rock"

Number of
Measurement Axes Elastic Rock Viscoelastic Rock
Uniaxial Uniaxial vibrating wire stressmeter Borehole pressure cell
Biaxial Three uniaxial vibrating wire stressmeters Three borehole pressure cells
Biaxial vibrating wire stressmeter Biaxial vibrating wire stressmeter
CSIRO H.l. triaxial strain cell
CSIRO yoke gage
Triaxial CSIRO H.l. triaxial strain cell No instrument available
a comparative information among options is given in Sections 11.3 and 11.4, and summarized in Tables II. I and 11.2.

tigators to assume the results are reliable to at least the uniaxial stressmeter, the vibrating wire trans-
± 25 percent. . . . But no detailed effort has been ducers provide a stable signal.
reported to document either gage accuracy or the The CSIRO H.l. cell has been used successfully
rock and gage characteristics that affect the gage for measuring stress change, but there is a potential
accuracy. for errors caused by creep and moisture absorption.
The errors can be minimized by installing the cell at
least 1 month before requiring data. Measurement
11.5.1. Uniaxial Measurements in Elastic Rock
accuracy depends on the accuracy of deformability
The uniaxial vibrating wire stressmeter is well estimates or measurements, and electrical resis-
suited to applications in this category. However, tance transducers are subject to lead wire effects,
the guidelines given in Section 11.4.1 should be fol- and to the possibility of errors caused by moisture,
lowed carefully. temperature, and electrical connections.
The CSIRO yoke gage, although having limited
field experience, has also been used successfully for
11.5.2. Biaxial Measurements in Elastic Rock monitoring stress change. As for the H.I. cell, mea-
surement accuracy depends on the accuracy of de-
The choice for biaxial measurements is among four
formability estimates or measurements, and the
gages: a group of three uniaxial vibrating wire
electrical resistance transducers can be sources of
stressmeters, the biaxial vibrating wire stressmeter,
the CSIRO H.l. cell, and the CSIRO yoke gage.
It is important that readers should not make a
Provided that the Section 11.4.1 guidelines are
selection among these four options, based merely
followed, three uniaxial vibrating wire stressme-
on a reading of this summary section. The factors
ters, installed at different but known orientations in
discussed earlier and summarized in Tables 11.1
a single borehole, can be used in an attempt to make
and 11.2 should also be studied. Any one of the four
biaxial measurements. The dependence on defor-
options, depending on the specifics of each case and
mability characteristics is within reasonable limits,
on comparative costs, may be the instrument of
and the vibrating wire transducers provide a stable
signal that cannot be degraded readily. However,
recognizing that contact geometry and initial pre-
load cause uncertainties in calibration, substantial
11.5.3. Triaxial Measurements in Elastic Rock
errors may arise from the combination of data from
three stressmeters. Also, the capability for measur- When monitoring stress changes in elastic rock, use
ing large reductions in compressive stress depends of nontriaxial instruments involves assumptions for
greatly on the amount of preload created during in- the magnitude of stress changes that occur in direc-
stallation. tions or planes in which there is no measurement. A
The biaxial vibrating wire stressmeter, although triaxial instrument is required to measure any rota-
having no field experience in rock, is an option for tion of the principal stresses and to monitor stress
use in elastic rock with an intact modulus up to changes in a situation where a borehole cannot be
about 10 x 106 lb/in. 2 (70 GPa), provided that the drilled perpendicular to the stress direction or plane
stress change is known to be compressive. As for of interest. Although the CSIRO hollow inclusion

triaxial strain cell was not originally designed for 11.5.4. Measurements in Viscoelastic Rock
monitoring stress change, with due care and consid-
Borehole pressure cells are suitable for measure-
eration it can be used in elastic rocks when triaxial
ment of stress change in viscoelastic rock. The bi-
data are required. Because of the limitations re-
axial vibrating wire stressmeter, although having no
viewed in the previous section, it is best suited to
field experience in rock, is an attractive alternative
monitoring three-dimensional stress changes that
for biaxial measurements, and of course it can also
occur over short time periods (approximately 1-2
be used if only uniaxial data are required.
months), rather than a slow buildup or decrease in
stress levels.


12.1. INSTRUMENT CATEGORIES ble parts of subsurface instruments in a wide vari-

ety of construction situations. Frequently, these
Instruments for measuring deformation can be methods are entirely adequate for performance
grouped in the categories listed in Table 12.1. monitoring, and geotechnical instruments are re-
Definitions of each category, together with an indi- quired only if greater accuracy is required or if
cation of typical applications, are given in later sec- measuring points are inaccessible to surveying
tions of this chapter. It can be seen that there is a methods, as is the case for subsurface measure-
vast array of instruments for monitoring deforma- ments. In general, whenever geotechnical instru-
tion, but Peck (1972) warns: ments are used to monitor deformation, surveying
methods are also used to relate measurements to a
An instrument too often overlooked in our techni- reference datum.
cal world is a human eye connected to the brain of Surveying methods are described briefly in the
an intelligent human being. It can detect most of following subsections, and comparative information
what we need to know about subsurface construc- is given in Table 12.2. Reference datums and
tion. Only when the eye cannot directly obtain the measuring points for monitoring surface deforma-
necessary data is there a need to supplement it by
tion are also described in this section.
more specialized instruments. Few are the in-
stances in which measurements by themselves fur-
Surveyors who work on construction sites often
nish a sufficiently complete picture to warrant use- have little experience with the accuracies required
ful conclusions. for deformation monitoring, and a well-trained sur-
vey crew is essential when maximum accuracy is
required. Measurement accuracy is controlled by
12.2. SURVEYING METHODS* the choice and quality of surveying technique and
by characteristics of reference datums and measur-
Surveying methods are used to monitor the mag- ing points. Survey instrument technology is welles-
nitude and rate of horizontal and vertical deforma- tablished, and most reputable manufacturers in-
tions of structures, the ground surface, and accessi- clude a statement of accuracy in their instrument
specifications, which can be relied on if the instru-
ment is calibrated and operated in accordance with
*Written with the assistance of Thomas S. McGrath, Land Sur-
veyor, Upper Montclair, NJ, and Joseph H. Senne, Professor instructions.
and Chairman, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Discussions of surveying methods by Cording et
Missouri-Rolla, MO. al. (1975), Gould and Dunnicliff (1971), and Senne

Table 12.1. Categories of Instruments for Measuring Deformation
Type of Measured Deformation
Category ~
t .1' :> Section
• • • • 12.2
Optical and other methods
Horizontal control stations
Surface measuring points
Crack gages
• • • • 12.3

Convergence gages
• • • 12.4
• • • • 12.5
Mechanical heave gage
Mechanical probe gages
Electrical probe gages
Combined probe extensometers and inclinometer casings
• • • • 12.6
Settlement platform
Buried plate
Mechanical gage with tensioned wires
Gages with electrical linear displacement transducers
Soil strain gage
Single-point and multipoint extensometers
• • • • 12.7

Subsurface settlement points

Rod settlement gage
• • • • • 12.8
• • • • 12.9
Shear plane indicators
Plumb lines
Inverted P.endulums
In-place inclinometers
Borehole directional survey instruments
• • 12.10
Single-point and multipoint gages
Full-profile gages
Telltales • • • • •
Convergence gages for slurry trenches • •
Time domain reflectometry • • • • •
Fiber-optic sensors • • • • •
Acoustic emission monitoring • • • •
Key: - horizontal deformation .1' axial deformation (- or t or in between) ~ surface deformation
t vertical deformation :;) rotational deformation ~ subsurface deformation.

Table 12.2. Surveying Methods
Method Advantages Limitations Accuracy
Elevations by opti- Fast, particularly First-order leveling requires Third order: ± 0.05 ft x villi
cal leveling with self-leveling high-grade equipment and (± 12 mm X Ykm)a
instruments careful adherence to standard Second order: ± 0.025-0.033 ft x
Uses widely avail- procedures villi (±6-8 mm x Ykm)
able technology First order: ± 0.012-0.020 ft x
villi ( ± 3-5 mm x Ykm)
Distance measure- Direct measure- Requires clear, relatively flat Third order: ± V3ooo-1f60oo of dis-
ments by taping ments surface between measuring tance
points and reference datum Second order: ± Yzo,ooo-Yso.ooo of
Tape should be checked against distance
a standard frequently First order: ± lfJoo,ooo of distance
Offsets from a base- Direct measure- Requires baseline unaffected by ±0.001-0.005 ft (±0.3-2 mm)
line using theodo- ments movement
lite and scale
Traverse lines Usable where direct Accuracy decreases as number ± lfJo.ooo- Vtso,ooo of distance
measurements are of legs in the traverse line in-
not possible creases
If possible, traverse should be
Triangulation Usable where direct Requires accurate measurement ± V3o,ooo-VI.ooo,ooo of distance
measurements are of angles and baseline length
not possible Very slow when compared with
trilateration by EDM
Laser beam leveling Faster than conven- Seriously affected by air turbu- ±0.01-0.03 ft (±3-10 mm)
and offsets tional optical lence, humidity, and tempera-
methods ture differential
Readings can be Requires curvature and refrac-
made by one per- tion corrections beyond about
son 650 ft (200 m)
Limited to about 0.25 mile (0.4 km)
Electronic distance Long range Accuracy is influenced by atmo- For distance: ±0.001-0.03 ft
measurement Fast and convenient spheric conditions (±0.3-10 mm) ±2-5 ppm
(EDM) Very accurate For lateral position change by
trilateration: ± 0.005-0.03 ft
(±2-10 mm) ±2-5 ppm
Trigonometric level- Long range Accuracy is influenced by atmo- Third order: ± 0.05 ft x Vml
ing Fast and convenient spheric conditions (± 12 mm X Ykm)a
Can be done simul- Requires a very accurate mea- Second order: ± 0.025-0.033 ft x
taneously with surement of zenith angle Vm1 ( ± 6-8 mm x Ykm)
Photogrammetric Can record move- Weather conditions can limit ± Vsooo-Vtoo.ooo of distance
methods ment of hundreds use
of potential points Interpretation requires specialist
at one time for skill
determination of For good accuracy the baseline
overall deforma- should be not less than one-
tion pattern fifth of the sight distance
Global positioning Operates with little Very expensive ±0.0005-3 ft (±0.2 mm to 1 m);
system attention from Availability very limited at pres- average accuracy is ± 0.03-0.1
personnel ent ft ( ± 10-30 mm) with 1'/z hours
Can be set to trigger Requires special ephemeris and of observation per point
a warning device computer software
Very accurate
ami = distance in miles; km = distance in kilometers.


12.2.2. Distance Measurements by Taping

Taping over distances greater than about 200 ft (60
m) has largely been superseded by electronic di s-
tance measurements (EDM). However, if no EDM
is available, distance measurements can be made by
taping. A thorough treatment of sources of error
and methods of improving accuracy of tape mea-
surements is given by Milner (1969).

12.2.3. Offsets from a Baseline Using Theodolite

and Scale
Measurements are made from a baseline by simple
right angle offset, using a scale or steel tape.

12.2.4. Traverse Lines

A traverse to determine change in lateral position is
a survey made by measuring successive distances
and angles. 1f the traverse returns to the starting
point it is called a closed traverse, in which the sum
of interior angles of the polygon can be calculated
Figure 12.1. Second-order automatic level, Kern Model GK2-A
and adjusted. The sides can also be adjusted for
(courtesy of Kern Instruments, Inc., Brewster, NY).
error of closure, which gives a good indication of
the overall precision of the traverse.
The accuracy of angular measurements depends
(1980) have provided substantial material for prepa-
on the theodolite, sighting target, and atmospheric
ration of this section. General texts describing sur-
turbulence. Theodolites reading to I arc-second
veying methods include Bouchard and Moffitt
generally do not have the resolving power to align
(1987) and Davis et al. ( 198 1): these should be con-
on a target to that accuracy, but six to eight posi-
sulted by the reader who needs more detail.
tions wiU yield a standard error within 1 arc-second.

12.2.1. Elevations by Optical Leveling

12.2.5. Triangulation
Construction site settlement surveys are usually
carried out using engineer's levels (e.g., Figure Where direct taping is impracticable, triangulation
12.1) at second- or third-order accuracy. can be used to determine change in lateral position .
Second-order leveling requires limiting sight dis- A fixed baseline is measured accurately by EDM or
tances, balancing foresight and backsight, carefully precise taping techniques, and two angles are deter-
plumbing the rod, and reading on well-defined mined between the baseline and the measuring
marks and stable turning points. The circuit should points. It is vital that the reference baseline is estab-
be closed on a benchmark and the apparent closing lished on stable ground outside the zone of move-
error distributed. A two-peg test should be made ment. Once the baseline has been established , it is
prior to measurements and the engineer's level ad- necessary only to determine angles to the measur-
justed if necessary. ing points and to calculate their positions and prop-
First-order leveling requires an optical microm- agated errors. Use of equi-angular figures increases
eter attachment and a pair of invar survey rods. accuracy. Greatest accuracy, for example, when
Requirements for first-order leveling include very- monitoring movements of the downstream face of
high-quality equipment, careful adherence to stan- an arch dam, requires first-order triangulation. Fig-
dard procedures, a minimum of atmospheric distur- ure 12.2 shows a theodolite suitable for first-order
bance, and minimum temperature variation. triangulation.

Figure 12.3. Electronic level, Spectra-Physics Model EL-1 (cour-

tesy of Spectra-Physics, Dayton, OH).

Figure 12.2. Precision theodolite, Wild Model T3 (courtesy of

Wild Heerbrugg Instruments, Inc., Farmingdale, NY). 12.2.7. Electronic Distance Measurement
Electronic distance measurement (EDM) equip-
ment is used for measurement of distances, either
Most triangulation work is done at night or on for direct determination of distance change or for
cloudy days, since atmospheric turbulence and tem- determination of lateral position change by trilatera-
perature variations are the limiting factors in mak- tion. It is also used for trigonometric leveling, as
ing accurate observations. discussed in the next section. Over the last 20 years
the availability of increasingly reliable and accurate
EDM equipment has radically changed conven-
12.2.6. Laser Beam Leveling and Offsets
tional surveying practices. EDM devices require
The word laser is an acronym for light amplification fewer personnel than conventional optical instru-
by stimulated emission of radiation. Lasers (e.g. , ments, are faster to use , and are more accurate.
Figure 12.3) can be used for alignment measure- EDM equipment makes use of the velocity of
ments and leveling, but the beam is deflected by air electromagnetic radiation to measure the distance
turbulence, humidity , and temperature differential. between the instrument and a reflector prism that is
When these factors are small, measurement accu- placed at the measuring point. Some equipment
racy over distances of up to about 1000 ft (300 m) is uses microwave radiation while others use infrared
about ± 0.01 ft (±3 mm). Attempts have been made or visible light. Since air density has an effect on the
to increase accuracy by using split photocell detec- velocity of light, air temperature, pressure, and
tors, but under typical field conditions accuracy is humidity must be monitored. In the modern EDM,
usually no better than ± 0.0 I ft ( ± 3 mm) even over these factors are monitored and processed inter-
distances as small as 100 ft (30 m). nally with a microcomputer.

theodolite observations are usually made at night to

minimize refraction effects and require the averag-
ing of eight to twelve positions for each angle, in-
volving at least 112 hour at each station.

12.2.8. Trigonometric Leveling

Trigonometric leveling uses EDM equipment to
measure the slope distance from the instrument to a
prism placed at the measuring point. The vertical
angle between this sloping line and horizontal (the
zenith angle) is measured with either a semi-precise
(6 arc-seconds) or precise (2 or 1 arc-second)
theodolite. The elevation difference between the in-
strument and measuring point is calculated from the
measured distance and angle, and corrections are
applied for distortion caused by the curvature of the
earth and by refraction.
Trigonometric leveling is much more economical
than conventional optical leveling when third-order
accuracy is adequate and can be used when measur-
ing points are physically inaccessible. Second-order
trigonometric leveling requires use of special
targets, sight distances not exceeding 1000 ft (300
Figure 12.4. Electronic distance measurement equipment, Top-
con Model GTS-28 (courtesy of Topcon Instrument Corporation m) , more expensive equipment, and longer proce-
of America, Paramus, NJ). dures. However, it is generally more economical
than second-order optical leveling, especially in
hilly terrain.
Depending on the model , an EDM can have a
range of a few feet to several miles. Most instru-
12.2.9. Photogrammetric Methods
ments have two components of error: a random er-
ror plus a small percentage of the sight length. As an Precise photography for measuring structural
example of a highly accurate EDM, the Mekometer, movements employs phototheodolites to take suc-
developed in England in the late 1960s, has a range cessive photographs from a fixed station along a
of 50-10,000 ft (15-3000 m) and an accuracy of fixed baseline. Movements are identified in a
± 0.001 ft ( ± 0.3 mm) ±2 parts per million (ppm). stereocomparator by steroscopic advance or reces-
The Mekometer has been used for monitoring sion of pairs of photographic plates in relation to
movements of embankment dams (Penman and stable background elements. The procedure defines
Charles, 1973; Penman and MitcheU , 1970). Anum- components of movement taking place in the plane
ber of instruments, for example, the instrument of the photograph. The method is similar to triangu-
shown in Figure 12.4, are widely available and in lation and involves the intersection of lines of sight,
use at a more modest price and are capable of as shown in Figure 12.5. The film planes are usually
measuring distances to within ±0.015 ft (±5 mm). paraUel to each other and as nearly perpendicular as
A list of available instruments is given by Hanna possible to a line joining the midpoints of the
(1985). baseline and observation points. To calculate the
K. Robertson (1977 , 1979) describes the operat- position of a point, the focal length and orientation
ing principle of EDM and discusses the usefulness of the camera must be known, as well as the eleva-
of precision EDM in detecting smaU movements of tion of the ends and the length of the baseline. Once
large dams. He reports that surveys can detect the control stations are established for the photo-
movements within 0.01 ft (3 mm) when measure- theodolite, the field work is minimal. The photo-
ments are made during daylight hours, requmng grammetric method has the advantage that hun-
about 5 minutes per measurement. In contrast, dreds of potential movements are recorded on a

tors. Phototheodolites designed for this purpose
should be used. T he baseline should be as long as
topography permits, not less than one-fifth the sight
distance and nearly perpendicular to the line of
Camera lens sight. Stereocomparator measurements should be
made to micron accuracy. ln general , the standard
error of measurement may vary from ± Vsooo to
!110o.ooo of the sight distance, and accuracies as good
as ± 0.02 ft (±6 mm) have been reported for sight
distances less than 200 ft (60 m). For longer sights
up to 1600 ft (500 m), with baselines near 330ft (100
poont m), accuracies of ± 0. 16 ft (±50 mm) have been
Moore ( 1973) describes photogrammetric mea-
surements to determine deformations of a rockfill
dam. A Wild P-30 phototheodolite was used and the
data processed using a Wild A-7 Autograph. The
standard deviations of the mean coordinates were in
figure 12.5. Photogrammetric arrangement using stereo pairs (af- eastings ±20 mm (::!: 0.07 ft) , in northings ± 40 mm
ter Senne, 1980). (± 0.13 ft), and in elevation ± 10 mm (±0.03 ft).
Bozozuk et al. (1978) report on the use of photo-
grammetry for measuring pile head movements as
single stereo photographic pair, allowing an ap- surrounding piles were driven in a large pile group.
praisal of the overall displacement pattern in a Accuracy of measured horizontal deformations is
minimum time. Figure 12.6 shows a stereoplotter reported as ± 0.07 ft ( ± 20 mm), of vertical defor-
system. mations ± 0.02 ft ( ± 6 mm).
Measurement accuracy depends on many fac- McVey et al. (1974) describe experiments with

Model GP I

Model DSR II analytical

stereo restitution
L ~rument

Figure 12.6. Analytical stereoplotter system for photogrammetric measurements (courtesy of Kern
Instruments, Inc., Brewster, NY).

photogrammetric methods for monitoring deforma- Benchmarks

tion of underground openings, report on the diffi-
culty of maintaining a suitable baseline, and suggest Benchmarks established on substantial stable per-
that an accuracy of ± 0.002 ft ( ± 0.6 mm) might be manent structures ordinarily do not contribute error
possible. to settlement observations. However, a verification
should first be made that the structure is not moving
vertically owing to conditions such as groundwater
12.2.1 0. Global Positioning System
lowering, seasonal thermal effects, or loading on
The NA VSTAR Global Positioning System (GPS) piled foundations by negative skin friction.
was originally conceived as a tool for military sea, The author suspects that many "benchmarks"
land, and air navigation. The method is described used on construction projects are not as stable as
by Hoar (1982) and Laurila (1983). the user thinks. If no suitable permanent structure
The system consists of three parts: satellites, a is available that is known to be stable and remote
ground control network, and user equipment. Radio from all possible vertical movement, a deep bench-
signals are used in an interferometric mode. Two or mark should be installed to a depth below the seat
more GPS receivers simultaneously receive signals of vertical movement. Benchmarks placed at shal-
from the same set of satellites, and the resulting low depths in soil probably move to some extent
observations are subsequently processed to obtain and the movement may be sufficient to interfere
the interstation difference in position. If one of the with the desired accuracy of a survey. Apart from
receivers is placed at a known position, the three- effects of frost heave, seasonal moisture changes,
dimensional position of the second receiver may be and nearby trees, construction activities may cause
determined, and the number of stations determined a near-surface benchmark to settle by subsoil
simultaneously is limited only by the number of re- densification from blasting or pile driving, by con-
ceivers available. Calculations require use of a book solidation from nearby loading or drawdown, or as
of satellite positions as a function of time and earth a result of extension strains directed toward an ex-
position (an ephemeris) and special computer soft- cavation.
ware. Accuracy of measurements is highly depen- A deep benchmark consists of a pipe or rod, an-
dent on the time allowed for observations, and thus chored at depth, surrounded by and disconnected
on the available funds, and submillimeter accuracy from a sleeve pipe. The sleeve pipe protects the
is possible in the extreme case. For civil engineer- inner pipe or rod from drag caused by soil move-
ing purposes, such as monitoring the deformation of ment. Details are similar to single-point fixed
dams, a more typical accuracy is ±0.03-0.1 ft borehole extensometers, as described later in this
( ± 10-30 mm), requiring about 1Yz hours of obser- chapter. The anchor may be mechanical, hydraulic,
vation per point, at a cost of U.S. $500-2500 per or grouted. Figure 12.7 shows an arrangement for a
point. benchmark installation in rock, with a grouted an-
At present there are seven GPS satellites in orbit, chor and the inner rod centered in the casing with
and availability for civil engineering purposes is nylon spacers. The space between the rod and cas-
somewhat limited. Original plans called for 18 satel- ing may be filled with heavy oil or bentonite slurry
lites to be operational by 1989, so that availability to minimize friction.
would be unlimited, but these plans are currently Unless protected, exposed benchmarks are af-
delayed by the interruption of the U.S. space pro- fected by thermal expansions and contractions from
gram. temperature changes. In high-precision surveys
where these movements cannot be tolerated, the
top 10-15 ft (3-4.5 m) of the deep benchmark rod
12.2.11. Reference Datums
should be replaced with a temperature compensat-
A stable reference datum is required for all survey ing alloy steel such as invar (Bozozuk, 1984).
measurements of absolute deformation. A reference Bozozuk et al. (1962) give details of deep bench-
datum for measurements of vertical deformation is marks for use in clay and permafrost areas, with a
referred to as a benchmark. A reference datum for steel foot driven to refusal. The Borros anchor, as
measurements of horizontal deformation is gener- described later in this chapter, may be used for a
ally referred to as a horizontal control station or a benchmark if anchored in unyielding strata. Kjell-
reference monument. man et al. (1955) describe a benchmark that is

Steel cover with gasket Concrete monument box with n-Cap

bolted to flange locking cast iron lid
Theodolite centering plate
grouted after concreting
Transverse tube for
Hemispherical stainless cap securing bolt
steel knob

on top

Auger hole 380mm diameter.

Loose lined with PVC tube
2 in. diameter pipe through at least 4 m of
4 in. diameter casing superficial deposits
Nylon spacer at each coupling

PVC tube 300 mm


Top of rock Auger hole 300 mm

diameter. Depth determined
by strata
3 in. diameter hole I NXi)
Figure 12.8. Horizontal control station for a theodolite (after
6 ft of expansive grout .
placed by tremie bucket
.,J Drive pipe to Burland and Moore, 1974).
refusal in grout

1 centering plate for the theodolite. The white con-

Plug end of pipe
crete pipe around the upper part of the pillar shields
Figure 12.7. Benchmark installation in rock (after Cording et al.,
it from the sun, since differential heating of the pil-
lar can cause considerable apparent movement.
It is generally wise to use a horizontal control
station that is at about the average elevation of the
isolated by using a coating of asphalt or silicon
project. This eliminates the need for datum reduc-
grease wrapped with aluminum foil, instead of cas-
tion computations.
ing, to break the soil/rod bond. However, casing
There have been cases where horizontal control
appears to provide a more positive method of bond
stations installed on river banks have moved in-
ward; thus, the distance between such stations
It is good practice to install three benchmarks
should be checked occasionally.
and to survey between them on a regular basis,
Inverted pendulums (Section 12.9.2) can also be
thereby identifying any vertical movement of a par-
used as horizontal control stations.
ticular benchmark. If existing deep "benchmarks"
are being considered, their details should be evalu-
ated carefully, since they may not be designed to 12.2.12. Measuring Points for Monitoring Surface
isolate the inner pipe or rod from soil movements. Deformation
The term measuring point is used in this book for a
Horizontal Control Stations
point that may move. The term observation point
Reference datums for horizontal movements re- can also be used. The word benchmark is some-
quire a pedestal with a force centering device in the times used for a point that may move, but this use is
top for attaching a target and theodolite or elec- incorrect: as discussed in the previous section, a
tronic distance measuring device. The pedestal benchmark is an immovable reference datum.
should be designed to prevent tilting and should be Measuring points may be located on structures
located below the seasonal movement zone. Figure or on the ground surface. The primary requirement
12.8 shows a horizontal control station with a force is for stable and robust points that will survive

throughout their required life. Temporary points Column face

that are later replaced by permanent points should Stainless steel or brass
Expansive grout socket grouted into column
be avoided, as they tend to be easily damaged and
errors may occur when converting to the permanent
points. Measuring points must have a clearly
identified mark or surface to which each measure-
ment is made. For example, for optical leveling, a ~
machined hemispherical corrosion-free seat should
be provided for the rod. Measurements of horizon- Coarse threads for grip
leveling rod
tal deformation may require filed cross-lines on the
head of the measuring point. For procedures using a
theodolite, force centering trivets may be used to Machined and
polished faces
produce repeatable centering of the instrument.
Various surface measuring points are described (a)
in this section. Measuring points for monitoring
subsurface deformation are described in later sec-
tions of this chapter.
Short machine screw kept in
Measuring Points on Structures in
place between readings to
protect anchor
Measuring points on structures may be simple 0.375
in. (10 mm) diameter by 2 in. (50 mm) long nickel
[~~~[==~::.--={:~ Long machine screw inserted
, "for readings; head projects
plated steel carriage bolts cemented into shallow enough to rest leveling rod
on it
holes, using an epoxy-bonded patching compound. anchor max.
They can be used for both horizontal and vertical
deformation measurements. Alternatively, bolts
can be attached by using one of the proprietary
powder actuated or expansion anchoring systems. Figure 12.9. Measuring points on structures, suitable for use with
Figure 12.9 shows two types of measuring point optical leveling: (a) for precise work and (b) for less precise work
for use while optical leveling on vertical surfaces. (after Cording et al., 1975).
Permanent scales may also be attached to struc-
tures for elevation or offset measurements.
concrete pavement, use of paint marks on the pave-
ment can be misleading.
Measuring Points on Surface of Ground
A typical measuring point for monitoring settle-
When measurements of ground surface movement ment of the ground surface is shown in Figure
are required, it is generally necessary to seat the 12.10. Alternatively, a shallow subsurface settle-
measuring point below the zone of frost heave and ment point (Section 12.7.6) can be used. Figure
seasonal moisture changes. Cycles of shrinkage and 12.11 shows a typical measuring point for moni-
swell in clay under grass-covered fields have been toring settlement on the surfaces of embankment
observed to cause vertical movements to depths of dams. Wilson (1967) describes a measuring point
15 ft (5 m) or more in severe climates and in expan- (Figure 12.12) with a vernier gage and movable
sive soils. Bozozuk et al. (1962) indicate that in the target for use with a theodolite when measuring
plastic Leda clay near large elm trees, vertical horizontal deformation of the surfaces of embank-
movements have been measured varying from 3 in. ment dams. Other ground surface measuring points
(80 mm) at the ground surface to 0.5 in. (13 mm) at a are described by Burland and Moore (1974).
depth of 14ft (4 m). Control stakes, also referred to as alignment
If the purpose is to monitor surface settlement stakes, displacement stakes, toe stakes, reference
caused by excavation, and the surface has struc.: stakes, and slope monitoring stakes, are used in
tural strength, the measuring point must be seated highway and other work for monitoring offsets from
below the surface. For example, when monitoring a baseline. An example is shown in Figure 12.13. A
the settlement trough caused by tunneling below a more rugged steel construction can be used in an

3 in. standard Sliding base with

threaded pipe cap micrometer adjustment


Figure 12.12. Measuring point on surface of embankment dam

3 ·m. diameter with vernier gage and target, for monitoring horizontal deforma:
standard pipe tion (after Wilson, 1967).

Minimum 112 in. diameter

steel rod, driven into ment. A scale can also be marked on or attached to
soil at base of 4ft ±
borehole or grouted into the vertical lumber for monitoring settlement. Prob-
bottom of deeper borehole lems in using control stakes include vandalism, dis-

Figure 12.1 0. Measuring point on ground surface, suitable for use
turbance owing to construction activities, and lack
of precision. In addition, when movement is dis-
cerned it is often "too late." Therefore, control
stakes should be used with caution.
with optical leveling.


attempt to resist vandalism, and stakes can be set in
concrete below frost penetration depth to minimize
Surface extensometers are defined in this book as
frost-induced movements. Wherever feasible,
devices for monitoring the changing distance be-
stakes should be installed in a straight line, so that
tween two points on the surface of the ground or a
significant movements can be detected easily and
structure. They may also be used for monitoring
approximate measurements of offsets made by
changing distances between two points on the sur-
reading the scale with binoculars or a survey instru-
face of an excavation. Surface extensometers can
be divided into two categories: crack gages and
convergence gages.

Riprap, topsoil
or original



1 in. reinforcing
bar or equal II
'tl'l .:::
Figure 12.11. Measuring point suitable for monitoring settlement II I
on surfaces of embankment dams (after USBR, 1974; courtesy of
Bureau of Reclamation). Figure 12.13. Typical control stake.

Table 12.3. Mechanical Crack Gages

Method Advantages Limitations Approximate Precision
Wooden wedges Inexpensive Qualitative only Crude
Can be used by all per- Interpretation unreliable
Glass plates or plaster Inexpensive Usually qualitative only ±0.05 in. (± 1 mm)
Pins and tape Inexpensive ±0.1 in. (±3 mm)
Pins and steel rule Inexpensive Span limited ± 0.02 in. ( ± 0.5 mm)
Pins and calipers Inexpensive Span limited ±0.01 in. (±0.3 mm)
Pins and tensioned wire, Inexpensive ±0.1 in. (±3 mm)
using weight Can be adapted to trigger
Pins and mechanical ±0.005 in. (±0.1 mm)
Convergence gages See Section 12.3.3 See Section 12.3.3 ±0.001-0.1 in. (±0.03-3
Grid crack monitor Inexpensive Span limited ±0.05 in. (± 1 mm)
Mechanical strain gage Span limited ±0.0001-0.002 in.
( ± 0.003-0.05 mm)
Dial indicator Inexpensive Span limited ±0.0001-0.001 in.
( ± 0.003-0.03 mm)

Crack gages (sometimes called jointmeters or Wooden Wedges

strainmeters) are typically used for monitoring ten-
The use of wooden wedges driven into open frac-
sion cracks behind slopes and for monitoring cracks
tures, and observing when wedges loosen, has been
in concrete or other structures, pavements or tunnel
a traditional method used by mining personnel to
linings, or joints or faults in rock. Observations of
indicate deformation, but more definitive tech-
fracturing on a rock surface can provide useful in-
niques are usually required.
formation concerning behavior at depth, and
surficial monitoring is usually far less expensive
than borehole instrumentation or other techniques Glass Plates
for subsurface monitoring. The method consists essentially of cementing glass
Convergence gages are typically used for moni- plates across discontinuities and observing break-
toring convergence within tunnels, braced excava- ages. Glass plates, usually about 3 x 1 x 0.1 in. (76
tions, and mines. x 25 x 2.5 mm) thick, are cemented to the cleaned
and roughened surface using epoxy resin adhesive.
The observations are supplemented as necessary by
12.3.1. Mechanical Crack Gages measurement and recording of crack separation and
direction of relative movement. Details of the pro-
There are numerous mechanical devices available cedure are described by ISRM (1984).
for monitoring the width of discontinuities (e.g.,
cracks, faults, and joints). The most common
Plaster Patches
methods are described in the following subsections,
and comparative information is given in Table 12.3. Gypsum plaster, which is brittle, is applied across
All methods require access to the gage location for discontinuities with a flat trowel, and observations
monitoring. are made as described above for glass plates.

Pins and Tape

Tensioned Anchor on
A pin is set on each side of a discontinuity and
separation monitored using a steel tape. The type
and dimensions of the pins and the fixing system to
be used should be appropriate to the condition of
the ground or structure to be monitored, to ensure
that the pins are rigidly attached to the surface and
will remain attached throughout the monitoring pro- (Not to scale)

gram. Steel rule Trip switch

When the surface is strong rock or concrete, un-

affected by local cracking, pins are typically 1 in.
(25 mm) long and 0.25 in. (6 mm) in diameter with a
tapered point at one end and a welded base at the
other. Epoxy resin is used to fix the base to the
surface, or holes can be drilled in the base and a
concrete rivet gun used.
For soils or soft rocks, pins 20 in. (500 mm) long Figure 12.14. Mechanical crack gage, using pins and tensioned
and 0.5 in. (13 mm) in diameter are typically used wire (after Hoek and Bray, 1981 ).
where they are to be driven into the formation. Al-
ternatively, pins may be installed by grouting into a
drilled hole. The exposed ends should be pointed or Pins and Mechanical Extensometer
alternatively have filed cross-lines on flat heads.
Where greater precision is required and the span is
Details of the installation methods are given by
too large for a steel rule or calipers, a slack-wire
ISRM (1984), including equipment description, in-
mechanical extensometer indicator (Section 12.7 .4)
stallation of pins, and reading and calculation pro-
can be used to measure the distance between pins,
as shown in Figure 12.15. A 100ft (30m) steel tape
with punched holes 1.5 in. (38 mm) apart can be
Pins and Steel Rule or Calipers used for measurement of any span. Alternatively, a
length of 0.05 in. (1.3 mm) diameter stainless steel
Pins are set as described previously and separation wire can be used for measuring a designated span,
monitored using a steel rule or calipers. Measure- with a stainless steel button attached at each end of
ments are more precise than when using a tape, but the wire by stainless steel set screws.
the span is limited.
Convergence Gages
Pins and Tensioned Wire, Using Weight
Mechanical tape, wire, rod, or tube convergence
Figure 12.14 illustrates the use of a pin and ten- gages (Section 12.3.3) can be used as mechanical
sioned wire gage for monitoring tension cracks at crack gages by attaching anchors to either side of
the top of a rock slope. A wire is stretched across the discontinuity.
the discontinuities between an anchor on one side
and a pulley mounted on a measurement station on
Grid Crack Monitor
the other side. A weight on the wire below the pul-
ley maintains tension. A scale is attached to the The grid crack monitor, also called a calibrated
measurement station behind the wire, and a mea- crack monitor and calibrated telltale, consists of
surement block is fixed to the wire. Observation of two overlapping transparent plastic plates, one
the position of the measurement block with respect mounted on each side of the discontinuity. As
to the scale provides movement data. A trip block shown in Figure 12.16, crossed cursor lines on the
can be added to the wire, arranged to contact a trip upper plate overlay a graduated grid on the lower
switch on the scale when a predetermined move- plate. Movement is determined by observing the
ment occurs. This can be connected to an alarm if position of the cross on the upper plate with respect
required. to the grid.

Slack-wire mechanical

Anchor pin.
Typically 0.75 in.
rebar, 20 in. long,
Reference pin. with 0.02 in. diameter
Similar to anchor x 1 in. long pin welded
pin, with threaded to upper end for
tee to fit attaching tape
extensometer or wire.
Figure 12.15. Mechanical crack gage, using pins and mechanical extensometer (after Yu, 1983; cour-
tesy of Canadian Mining journal and Kidd Creek Mines Ltd.).

Mechanical Strain Gage 12.3.2. Electrical Crack Gages

Surface-mounted mechanical strain gages (Chapter When access to the gage location is not available for
13) can be used for measurements across discon- monitoring, or when continuous monitoring is
tinuities. needed, a remote reading electrical gage is required.
Three general arrangements are possible. First,
Dial Indicator an electrical linear displacement transducer can be
attached to a bracket on one side of the discon-
A dial indicator can be attached temporarily or per-
tinuity and arranged to bear against a machined ref-
manently to a bracket on one side of the discon-
erence surface on the other side. Second, anchor
tinuity and arranged to bear against a machined ref-
points can be located on either side of a discon-
erence surface on the other side. Three-axis
tinuity and the transducer attached to the anchor
versions are also available for measurements in or-
points via balljoints, as shown in Figure 12.17. De-
thogonal directions. Portable micrometers can be
tails of this arrangement, including instrument de-
used instead of dial indicators.
scription, anchor point installation procedure, and
reading and calculation procedures, are given by
ISRM (1984). Third, an electrical linear displace-
holes ment transducer can be incorporated in the mechan-
ical system shown in Figure 12.14.
Available transducers (Chapter 8) include linear
potentiometers, linear variable differential trans-
formers (LVDTs), direct current differential trans-
Upper plate formers (DCDTs), variable reluctance transducers
with cursor
lines (VRTs), vibrating wire transducers, bonded and un-
bonded resistance strain gage transducers, and
transducers with frequency-displacement induction
Lower plate
with graduated coils. A magnetostrictive convergence gage, de-
grid scribed in Section 12.3.3, can also be used as an
electrical crack gage.
A single gage can be installed to monitor defor-
mation perpendicular to the discontinuity, or a
Figure 12.16. Grid crack monitor (courtesy of Avongard Prod- three-axis version can be used for measurements in
ucts, U.S.A. Ltd., Waukegan, IL). orthogonal directions.

Sliding Extension Ball
bar rod

anchor Discontinuity

" 0

Figure 12.17. Elect rical crack gage (courtesy of lrad Gage, a Division of Klein Associates, Inc., Salem,

Electrical crack gages are more expensive than Tape Convergence Gages
mechanical gages, and their range is limited. How-
A typical tape convergence gage, often called a
ever, range can usually be extended by resetting.
tape extensometer, is shown in Figure 12.18. The
Precision is between ± 0.0001 and 0.005 in. (± 0.003
tape has punched holes at 2 in. (50 mm) intervals.
and 0.13 mm), depending on the transducer. Also
Grouted rebar and expansion shell anchors are
depending on the transducer, readings can be af-
shown, but anchors can be welded or bolted. The
fected by lead wire changes and by temperature and
tension in the tape is controlled by a compression
other environmental conditions.
spring, and to sta ndardize tension the collar is ro-
tated until the scribed lines are in alignment. After
12.3.3. Convergence Gages attachment of the extensometer to the anchors and
standardizing the tension , readings of distance are
A convergence gage usually consists of a tape,
made by adding the dial indicator reading to the
wire, rod , or tube in series with a deformation indi-
tape reading. Precision is typically ± 0.005 in.
cator. The gage is usually portable and is attached
( ± 0. 13 mm) in a 30ft (10m) span, decreasing with
at the time of reading to permanent anchors
increasing span. Maximum span is approximately
mounted at each end of the measuring span . The
200 ft (60 m).
most common gage types are described below.
Protective covers should be provided for an-
Wire Convergence Gages
chors. The stability of all gages should be checked
on a regular schedule, either by using a calibration Conventional portable wire convergence gages, or
frame supplied by the manufacturer or by reading a wire extensometers, are similar to portable tape
span that is known to be stable. The latter is prefer- convergence gages. Either a separate wire can be
able, because it provides a check on the complete used for each span or the wire can be equipped with
gage rather than merely the part containing the de- a series of collars to accommodate variation in
formation indicator. span. Precision with conventional steel wires is


Figure 12.19. ISETH Distometer (courtesy of Kern Instruments,

Inc., Brewster, NY).

!SETH Distometer (Figure 12.19), bas been devel-

oped in Switzerland by the Federal Institute of
Technology, ZOrich (Kovari et at. , 1974). Individual
lengths of invar wire are used for each span. Preci-
sion is ±0.001 in. (±0.03 mm) for spans up to 60ft
(20 m) and ± 1/1,000,000 of the distance for longer
spans up to 150ft (50 m). An alternative invar wire
Figure 12.18. Tape extensometer (courtesy of Slope lndicalor
Company, Seattle, WA). convergence gage, the Distomatic (Figure 12.20), is
widely used in F rance (Londe, 1977). The wire is
tensioned by an electric motor, actuating an elec-
similar to precision of tape convergence gages and tronic limit switch at the required standard tension.
can be improved by using an invar wire: a I ooc The motor is geared to a counter and the reading
temperature increase causes an expansion in a tOft displayed digitally. Precision is reported to be
(3 m) invar wire of approximately 0.002 in. (0.05 ±0.001 in. (±0.03 mm) over a 20ft (6 m) span and
mm). ± 0.002 in. (±0.05 mm) over an 80ft (25m) span.
A precise invar wire convergence gage, the AU the wire convergence gages described above

Four- digit

case cable
Figure 12.20. Distomatic convergence gage (courtesy of Telemac, Asnil!res, France).

Figure 12.21. lnvar tube convergence gage (courtesy of Soiltest,

Inc., Evanston, IL).

are portable. The arrangement shown in Figure

12.14, using a tensioned wire and a pulley, can be
adapted for use as a convergence gage, using either Figure 12.22. Fixed-in-place tube convergence gage (courtesy of
Roctest Ltd., Montreal, Canada).
a mechanical or electrical transducer.

Rod and Tube Convergence Gages

However, precision of horizontal or inclined spans
Rod and rigid tube convergence gages generally
is reduced by sag and fot spans greater than I0 ft (3
consist of telescoping rods or rigid tubes, a dial indi-
m) may be as low as ± 0. 1 in. (±3 mm).
cator or micrometer, and contact seats that mate
Rod and tube convergence gages are also avail-
with anchors. Some gages have invar rods or tubes,
able with electrical displacement transducers for re-
others have aluminum or galvanized or stainless
mote reading, both as fixed-in-place and portable
steel for which a temperature correction can be ap-
instruments. Figure 12.22 shows a fixed-in-place in-
plied to maximize precision. Range of span, de-
pending on the model, is 6 in. to 25ft (150 mm to 8
m). The telescoping arrangement is often spring
Ultrasonic Convergence Gage
loaded. Figure 12.21 shows a gage with telescoping
invar tubes, placed in its calibration frame. Stacey USBM (1984) reports on the recent development of
and Wrench (1985) describe a gage with telescoping an ultrasonic convergence gage. As shown in Fig-
stainless steel tubes and a vernier scale. ure 12.23, the gage consists of a transducer and a
These gages are alternatives to tape or wire gages readout device. The small ultrasonic transducer ,
for vertical spans in tunnels and mines where access similar to an audio speaker diaphragm, is plucked
to the upper anchor is inconvenient, and for vertical with an ultrasonic frequency every 6 seconds. This
spans precision is typically ± 0.005 in. (±0. 13 mm). frequency wave is sent through the air and reflected

ducer within an appropriate housing, and housings

are available for installation either on or below the
surface of the grou nd or structure. Surface versions
may be either fixed-in-place or arranged as portable
devices by mating with reference points perma-
nently attached to the surface. Subsurface versions
are usually fixed-in-place within boreholes.
Applications of tilt meters include morutoring tilt
of retaining walls and concrete dams and moni-
toring landslides in which the failure mode can be
expected to contain a rotational component. Very
precise tiltmeters can sometimes be used during a
short time period to provide a rapid indication of
deformation trends. They are also used for moni-
toring ground subsidence over mined areas, and tilt-
meters are available for detecting earthtides and
other geodetic or seismic events. Tiltmeters have
been used for monitoring safety of buildings along-
side excavations in an attempt to provide forewarn-
ing of distress, but unless a rotational component of
Figure 12.23. Ultrasonic transducer and readout instrument for
mine closure rate measurement (after USBM, 1984).
deformation is expected, settlement measurements
are likely to be more meaningful.
The precision of a tiltmeter is normally ex-
back to the transducer fro m any surface at which pressed in radians, arc-seconds, or gons. Conver-
the transducer is pointed. The time of wave travel is sion factors are given in Appendix H .
measured using a precise oscillator/timer and is
converted into a measure of distance. The 6 second
12.4.1 . Mechanical Tiltmeters
time interval is used to convert any subsequent
changes in the reading to a rate of change. Figure 12.24 shows a mecharucal tiltmeter consist-
The instrument has been developed to provide an ing of a beam and bubble level, similar to a builder's
unobstructive means of measuring changes in dis- level, with a leveling adjustment at one end of the
tance from roof to floor or from rib to rib of a mine beam. The beam is located on two anchored refer-
opening and to indicate the rate of closure so that ence balls, the leveling adjustment turned until the
operators of underground mines can detect hazard- bubble level indicates that the beam is in a horizon-
ous ground conditio ns. Based on use to date, tal plane, and a dial indicator or micrometer in-
USBM comme nts that a convergence of 0.5 in . ( 13 serted through the leveling adjustment to bear on
mm) can readily be measured, but the instrument is the reference ball. Relative movements in the vet1i-
not capable of measuring a convergence of Jess than cal plane are recorded as changes in dial indicator
0.05 in. ( 1.3 mm). Range is 1-35 ft (0.3- ll m) , and readings. E rrors caused by zero shift are accounted
alarm settings can be included. The device is there- for by reversing the tiltmeter, repeating the read-
fore most applicable for meas uring convergence ings, and averaging. Precision is approximately
during longwaU mining, pillar robbing, and other ±0.0005 in. (±0.013 mm) for beams up to 8 in . (200
mining operations resulting in large ground move- mm) long, decreasing to ± 0.005 in. ( ± 0. 13 mm) for
ments. beams 3 ft (900 mm) long. These figures correspond
to ± 13 and 29 arc-seconds. Similar tiltmeters arc
available for monitoring tilt of near-vertical sur-
12.4. TILTMETERS faces.

Tiltmeters , also referred to as clinometers, are used

12.4.2. Tiltmeters with Accelerometer Transducer
to monitor the change in inclination (rotation) of
points on or in the ground or a structure. A portable tiltmeter for meas uring tilt in both a hori-
A tiltmeter consists of a gravity-sensing trans- zontal and vertical plane is shown in Figure 12.25.



Figu re 12.24. Mechanical t.iltmeter (portc1ble clinometer) (courtesy of Soil Instruments Ltd., Uckfield,

A measurement is made by placing the tiltmeter in bonded or bolted to the monitored surface. Details
an exactly reproducible position on a reference of the equipment and procedure for use of this in-
plate, taking a reading, turning the tiltmeter 180 de- strument are given by ISRM (198la). Typical range
grees, and again taking a reading. This method al- is ± 30 degrees from the horizontal or vertical , and
lows use of the check-sum procedure described for precision is typically ±50 arc-seconds. Tempera-
inclinometers in Section 12.8. The reference plate is ture sensitivity is typically 2-3 arc-secondsfOF.
either metallic or ceramic and must be securely A more precise portable tiltmeter with acceler-
ometer transducer. referred to as a clinometer, is
available from Solexperts AG. The instrument is
used for measuring tilt in both horizontal and verti-
cal planes, and measurements are made using the
check-sum procedure. The standard range is ap-
proximately ± 3 degrees from the horizontal or ver-
tical, and tests by Thut (1987) indicate a precision of
less than ± I arc-second. It is believed that this high
precision can be attributed to the highly repeatable
mating arrangement between the portable instru-
ment and the reference plate.

12.4.3. Tiltmeters with Vibrating Wire Transducer

Pendulum-actuated vibrating wire transducers are
available for attachment to the face of a structure or
for embedment below the surface of the ground or
Two configurations are available. First, a pen-
Figure 12.25. Tillmeler with accelerometer transducer (courtesy dulum is rigidly attached to the top of the tiltmeter
of Slope Indicator Company, Seattle, WA). such that tilt causes bending strains in the pen-

ing to the required radius. Any irregularities that

exist in the inside diameter of the tube are com-
pounded during bending; therefore, accuracy is
low. Although price is also low, temperature sen-
sitivity is high , and this category is not recom-
mended for geotechnical applications. In the second
category the vial is made with a vacuum forming
technique that greatly increases accuracy because
exact internal dimensions can be controlled and re-
produced in every vial. Temperature sensitivity is
significantly less than for the fi rst category. Tilt me-
ters in this second category are sometimes referred
to as earthtide tiltmeters or tiltmeters with geodetic
Tiltmeters with electrolytic level transducers and
geodetic sensitivity are available from several
manufacturers, but the only versions known to the
author that are packaged for geotechnical applica-
tions are listed in Appendix D. The tiltmeters manu-
factured by Applied Geomechanics, Inc. (for sur-
face and downhole use) , Sperry Corporation (for
figure 12.26. Tiltmeter with vibrating wire transducers (courtesy surface use), and G + G Technics (for surface and
of Telemac, Asnil!res, f rance). undersea use) all incorporate a transducer manufac-
tured by Spectron Glass and Electronics, Inc.,
Hauppauge, NY. The Sperry Tilt Sensing System ,
dulum, and the strains are monitored by two vibrat- shown in Figure 12.27. is manufactured with ranges
ing wire transducers, one on each side of the pen- from ±20 arc-minutes to ± 45 degrees. A console
dulum in the plane of tilting. Figure 12.26 shows an and recorder are available for monitoring multiple
example. Alternatively, four transducers can be tiJtmeters, and threshold levels can be set individu-
spaced around the pendulum for monitoring tilt in ally to provide hazard warning. Use of the Sperry
two vertical planes 90 degrees apart. ln the second Tilt Sensing System is described by Cape (1984) and
configuration the vibrating wire transducers span ENR (1984).
between the pendulum and the instrument housing. Tests made on the Sperry Tilt Sensing System by
Whenever transducers are mounted on opposite New York State Department of Transportation
sides of the pendulum, in either configuration, tilt-
ing causes equal and opposite strains in the two
transducers, and temperature effects are elimi-
nated. However, the instruments are usually bulky
and heavy. Ranges of avail able tiltmeters typically
vary from ± 0.1 to I degree, with precision approxi-
mately 0.5% of range, that is, ± 2-20 arc-seconds

12.4.4. Tiltmeters with Electrolytic Level

Electrolytic level transducers (Chapter 8) can be
grouped into two categories. In the first category
t he glass vial is made simply by sealing the ends of a
standard glass tube, softening the glass, and bend-

*Written with the assistance of RobertS. Marshall. President. figure 12.27. Sperry Tilt Sensing System (courtesy of Sperry Cor-
Spectron Glass and Electronics, lnc., Hauppauge, NY. poration, Phoenix, AZ).

(Gemme, 1984) indicate that the version with a someters are described below, and comparative in-
range of ± 20 arc-minutes has a repeatability in the formation is given in Table 12.4. Table 12.4 includes
laboratory of ±0.3 arc-seconds. Holhauzen (1985) a column for accuracy, which refers to accuracy of
states that in stable underground vault environ- deformation measurements, assuming that one
ments, the tiltmeter manufactured by Applied measuring point is at a location not subject to defor-
Geomechanics, Inc. consistently achieves a stabil- mation. If a surveying method is used to determine
ity of ± 0.3 arc-seconds or better during tests of 3 or absolute deformation data, accuracy of deforma-
4 days. Firm figures for longer-term repeatability in tion measurements may depend on the surveying
a field environment do not appear to be available. method.
Temperature compensation of tiltmeters with
electrolytic level transducers and geodetic sensitiv-
12.5.1. Mechanical Heave Gage
ity can be provided by including a thermistor with
the same thermal coefficient as the electrolytic level The gage is used for monitoring heave at the bottom
transducer, but compensation is applicable only to of braced or other open cut excavations. As shown
uniform temperature conditions. When the temper- in Figure 12.28, a conical steel point is installed,
ature of the transducer and mounting arrangements facing upward, in a slurry-filled borehole just below
is nonuniform, temperature sensitivity is greatly in- the eventual bottom of the excavation. At any time
creased, and mounting arrangements should there- during excavation, a probing rod of known length is
fore be designed to average any nonuniformity of lowered down the borehole to mate with the conical
temperature or to allow temperatures to equalize point. The elevation of the top of the rod is deter-
quickly. mined by surveying methods, giving the elevation
of the conical point. The borehole can be located
readily during construction by coloring the slurry
12.5. PROBE EXTENSOMETERS with ethrysene dye. The gage is described by Swi-
ger (1972). Bozozuk (1970) gives details of a similar
Probe extensometers are defined in this book as de- gage, using a four-bladed steel vane at the bottom of
vices for monitoring the changing distance between the borehole.
two or more points along a common axis, by pass-
ing a probe through a pipe. Measuring points along
12.5.2. Crossarm Gage
the pipe are identified mechanically or electrically
by the probe, and the distance between points is The crossarm gage was developed by the U.S.
determined by measurements of probe position. For Bureau of Reclamation (Bartholomew et al., 1987;
determination of absolute deformation data, either USBR, 1974) for installation during construction of
one measuring point must be at a location not sub- embankment dams. As shown in Figure 12.29, it
ject to deformation or its position with respect to a consists of a series of telescoping pipe sections with
reference datum must be determined by surveying alternate sections anchored to the embankment by
methods. The pipe may be vertical, providing mea- horizontal steel channel crossarms at 5-10ft (1.5-
surements of settlement or heave, may be horizon- 3m) intervals. The crossarms ensure that the pipes
tal, providing lateral deformation measurements, or move together an amount equal to compression of
may be inclined. the intervening fill. Depths to the measuring point
Typical applications of probe extensometers are at the lower end of each interior pipe are sounded to
monitoring vertical compression within embank- the nearest 0.01 ft (3 mm) by a probe with spring-
ments or embankment foundations, settlement loaded sensing pawls, lowered on a steel tape. The
alongside excavations, heave at the base of open probe is lowered just beyond each interior pipe in
cut excavations, and lateral deformation of em- turn and raised until the pawls latch against the
bankments. In general, they are alternatives to fixed lower end. On reaching the bottom of the pipes, the
borehole extensometers (Section 12.7), allowing for pawls retract and lock within the body of the probe.
more measuring points and minimizing the cost of Installation details are described by USBR (1974)
permanently installed materials, but generally mea- and require that most of the soil immediately sur-
surements are less precise than fixed borehole ex- rounding the pipes be excavated and replaced by
tensometer measurements. hand-compacted backfill. As each successive cross-
Various mechanical and electrical probe exten- arm is placed, the elevation of a reference point on
Table 12.4. Probe Extensometers

Method Advantages Limitations Approximate Accuracya

Mechanical heave gage Inexpensive Requires survey crew ±0.2-1.0 in. (±5-25 mm)
(Figure 12.28) Risk of borehole caving
during excavation
Crossarm gage (Figure Crossarms ensure that Pawls in probe may jam ±0.05-0.2 in. (± 1-5 mm)
12.29) axial deformations of Cannot be installed in
pipe conform with de- boreholes
formations of soil Steel pipes can corrode
Can accommodate large Probe may become
compression wedged if large lateral
deformations occur
Laborious to read
Compaction difficult b
Mechanical probe within Simple Pawls in probe may jam ±0.05-0.2 in. (± 1-5 mm)
inclinometer casing When installed in fill, col- If used in boreholes, axial
(e.g., Figure 12.30) lars provide positive deformations of casing
driving force to slide pipe may not conform with
Both vertical and horizon- deformations of soil
tal deformations may be Laborious to read
monitoredc Compaction difficult b
Sliding micrometer (Fig- Very accurate Very expensive ± 0.0001 in. in 39 in.
ure 12.31) Installation can be vertical Laborious to read (±0.002 mm in 1 m)
or horizontal c,d
Gage with current- Versions available for all Readings somewhat sub- ±0.02-0.2 in. (±0.5-5
displacement induction site conditions jective mm) for vertical installa-
coil (e.g., Figures 12.32, Various installations pos- Accuracy reduced by tions
12.34) siblec,d.e stray electric currents ± 0.02-1.0 in. ( ± 0.5-25
Compaction difficult b mm) for horizontal instal-
Gage with frequency- Very accurate Compaction difficult b ±0.001 in. (±0.03 mm)
displacement induction Various installations pos-
coil (e.g., Figure 12.37) sible c,d,e
Magnet/reed switch gage Versions available for all Compaction difficult b ±0.02-0.2 in. (±0.5-5
(Figure 12.38) site conditions mm) for vertical installa-
Can be used as a heave tions
gage at base of open cut ±0.1-1.0 in. (±3-25 mm)
excavations without in- for horizontal installa-
terference to excavation tions
Various installations pos-
Bellow-hose gage Readings subjective ±0.1-0.3 in. (±3-8 mm)
No positive anchorage at
measuring points
Compaction difficult b
Magnetostrictive gage Suitable for boreholes at Reading depth limited to ± 0.002-0.01 in. ( ± 0.05-
(e.g., Figure 12.41) all inclinations, includ- 25ft(7.6m) 0.3 mm)
ing upwardd Requires careful handling
aAccuracy refers to accuracy of deformation measurements, assuming that one measuring point is at a location not subject to
deformation. If a surveying method is used to determine absolute deformation data, accuracy of deformation measurements may
depend on the surveying method.
bWhen installed vertically through fill, large compaction equipment cannot be used near the pipe; thus, compaction tends to be inferior.
Interruption to normal filling is costly, and damage by construction equipment is possible. Liquid level gages (Section 12.10) sometimes
provide a preferable measurement method.
cvertical installations can be combined with an inclinometer casing (Section 12.8) for monitoring both vertical and horizontal defor-
dThe instrument can be installed either horizontally or vertically.
eHorizontal installations can be combined with a full-profile liquid level gage (Section 12.10) for monitoring both horizontal and vertical

Lower rod to Insert measurement probe
Ground mate cones; measure to locate bottom ends
surface elevation of top of rod of pipe sections; measure
by surveying methods distance to probe Survey


(steel channel)

Figure 12.28. Schematic of mechanical heave gage. Pawls

-tl..l(!}l'l;- Latching
steel pipe
the uppermost pipe section is determined to the
nearest 0.01 ft (3 mm) by optical leveling.
For determination of compression between cross-
arms, the optical leveling error is eliminated and a
precision of ± 0.05 in. ( ± 1.3 mm) can be obtained (a) (b)
by applying a constant tension to the tape, using a
pu lley and counterweight. Figure 12.29. Crossarm gage: (a) Schematic of pipe arrangement
and (b) measurement probe (after USBR, 1974; courtesy of
The original version of the gage used 1.5 and 2 in. Bureau of Reclamation).
(38 and 51 mm) pipes, requiring a slender probe
somewhat prone to malfunction and to becoming
wedged in the pipes. Recent improvements include
the use of 3-4 in. (76-102 mm) pipes, thus permit-
ting the passage of a larger and more rugged probe clinometer casing (Figure 12.30). In embankments,
than the original. Corrosion of the steel pipes has the casing is forced to follow the pattern of soil
caused problems in some older installations, usuaUy compression by attaching settlement collars to its
near the phreatic surface and especially in warmer outside. lf these are omitted, the telescoping action
climates and where soil conditions produce corro- relies solely on frict ion between soil and the surface
sive seepage water. Use of plastic pipe with a of the casing, and precision will be decreased if soil
stainless steel ring at the measuring point o n the slips with respect to the section of casing it sur-
lower end of each interior pipe could obviate the rounds (Rosati and Esquivel, 1981). Settlement col-
difficulty . Poor alignment of pipes or large lateral lars are not possible for borehole installations; thus,
deformations have caused malfunctioning (Peters the telescoping of casing will not necessarily con-
and Long, 1981), but a shorter probe can be tried if form with soil compression, and data may not be
the standard probe will not pass down the pipes. correct.

12.5.3. Mechanical Probe Within 12.5.4. Sliding Micrometer

Inclinomete r Casing
A recent development by the Federal Institute of
Measurements with a mechanical probe can be Technology, Zurich (Kovari and Amstad, 1982;
made in inclinometer casing connected with tele- Kovari et al. , 1979), allows very accurate measure-
scoping couplings (Section 12.8.3). ments of axial deformation to be made within a
Vertical deformations are measured either with a pipe. Measurements in soil and rock do not often
probe similar to the crossarm gage probe or with a merit such accuracy, and the primary application is
special hook supplied by some manufacturers of in- for determination of axial and bending strains in

slurry walls, concrete piles, drilled shafts, and other

concrete structures.
Figure 12.31 shows the basic arrangement. The
pipe casing is either embedded directly within the
concrete or grouted within a borehole. Cone-shaped
measuring points are attached to the pipe casing at
1 m (39 in.) intervals, and the cones are fluted to al-
low passage of the probe. The probe (the microme-
ter) consists of a waterproof spring-loaded protec-
tive sleeve with fluted sphericaJ ends and an invar
tube and linear displacement transducer for measur-
ing the distance between spherical ends. To take a
set of measurements, the probe is attached to an
installation rod , inserted within the pipe casing, the
spherical ends mated with the first two cone-shaped
measuring points, and a reading made. The probe is
then rotated 45 degrees to allow the fluted spheres
to pass through the fluted cones and relocated on
the next pair of measuring points. The procedure is
repeated to the end of the pipe casing, and a further
set of readings is made during withdrawal, thus pro-
viding a check.
Precision of measurement between adjacent
measuring points 1 m (39 in.) apart is reported to be
Figure 12.30. Mechanical probes for use within inclinometer cas-
±0.0001 in. (±0.002 mm, ± 2 microns), corre-
ing (courtesy of Slope Indicator Company, Seattle, WA). sponding to ± 2 rnicrostrain. Temperature change
problems have reportedly been eliminated through

Installing Measuring Protective Pipe Head

rod mark (cone) sleeve casing (sphere)

::~:~. :;~. ~;~-.:· . . . . . . :. -:. ·. -~.:·:~ ~:<~~;;·\:=:. ·:.-::::: ~ ·..-:·.:::: . ~~:::~ ii·:~ ·. .:::·. . :::·;.: .:·:. ·! · . -,~-t,·· . ···.·:.~:!A
Electrical Linear displacement Concrete
lead transducer

Schematic view

0 Slid ing
Figure 12.31. Sliding micrometer (after Kovari and Amstad, 1982). Reprinted by permission of the
Institution of Civil Engineers, London.

self-temperature compensation, and the system is Survey tape

usable at any pipe orientation. A portable invar

steel calibration frame is available to check the
proper functioning of the instrument and its long-
term stability.
The sliding micrometer is also available with a
gravity-sensing transducer mounted within the
probe, so that the system can also be used as an
inclinometer (Section 12.8) for determination of the Stainless steel wire
ring located
three orthogonal displacement vector components where required
along a near-vertical borehole (Koppel et al .• 1983).
The instrument is supplied by Solexperts AG under Fl exible corrugated
polyethylene pipe
the trade name Trivec.
Electrocal cable and
'""" · ' - - survey tape

12.5.5. Gage with Current-Displacement

Induction Coil
lnduction coil transducers with current output, de-
scribed in Chapter 8, are used by several manufac-
turers of probe extensometers. The embedded part
of the instrument consists of a telescoping pipe sur-
rounded by steel rings or plates at the required
measuring points. The reading device consists of a
primary coil housed within a probe and an attached
signal cable connected to a current indicator.
Depth measurements are made either with a sur-
vey tape attached to the probe or by using gradua- Figure 12.32. Schematic of Slope Indicator Company Sondex
tions on the signal cable: the former. is very prefera- probe extensometer, installed in a borehole.
ble because the cable can experience significant
change in length during its Life (Robinson , 1985).
Use of a composite survey tape and signal cable is
preferable (similar to the composite tape and cable sufficient depth to serve as the reference datum,
shown in Figure 9.4 for use with an electrical and precision can be maximized by installing three
dipmeter when reading open standpipe piezome- such measuring points and averaging readings.
ters), allowing accurate measurements to be made Two arrangements are possible for the embedded
without the need for dual lines running along the part of the instrument and are described in the fol-
pipe. Readings are made by traversing the probe lowing subsections.
along the pipe and noting the tape graduation when
output current is a maximum. Various arrange-
Instrument with Corrugated Pipe and Steel
ments for traversing the probe along horizontal
Wire Rings
pipes are described in Chapter 17. Changes in read-
ing with time provide deformation or strain data, A corrugated polyethylene pipe, typically of 3 or 4
either in the horizontal or vertical direction. in. (76 or 102 mm) inside diameter, is surrounded by
For determination of absolute deformation data, rings of stainless steel wire. A schematic of a
either one steel ring or plate must be at a location borehole installation is shown in F igure 12.32 and a
not subject to deformation or its position with re- photograph in Figure 12.33. This arrangement can
spect to a reference datum must be determined by be installed either in a borehole or in fiJJ but, as
surveying methods. The first option maximizes pre- discussed later, the alternative arrangement with
cision and is preferable. For borehole instaHations , rigid plastic pipe, telescoping couplings , and steel
the lowest measuring point should be p laced at plates is preferable for installations in fill.

Figure 12.33. Sondex probe extensometer (courtesy of Slope Indicator Company, Seattle, WA).

Instrument with Rigid Plastic Pipe, Telescoping

Couplings, and Steel Plates
Rigid PVC pipe, typically of2.5 in. (63 mm) nominal
diameter with telescoping couplings, is surrounded
by steel plates when installed horizontally or verti-
cally in fill or by expanding anchors when installed
in a borehole. The steel plates are typical ly 12 in.
(300 mm) square and 0.2 in. (5 mm) thick, each with
a central hole. The version for horizontal installa-
tion in fill is described by Penman and Charles
(1973), who refer to it as a horizontal plate gage
(Figure 12.34).
For horizontal or vertical installations in fill , this
arrangement is preferable to corrugated polyethy-
lene pipe, because PVC pipe is more resistant to
crushing and allows passage of the probe more eas-
ily. Steel plates are preferable to steel wire rings, as
conformance with soil deformation is ensured.
A version of the gage, the Ide/ Sonde, uses a
radio transmitter housed within the probe to trans-
mit a signal when the probe passes a steel ring or
plate. The primary use of the device has been in
embankment dams, and it has generally not per-
formed as well as the simpler and less expensive
conventional version.

The gage is electrically very sensitive and can locate Figure 12.34. Horizontal plate gage (courtesy of Building Re-
a steel ring or plate to within :±:0.02 in. ( :±: 0.5 mm). search Establishment, Watford, England; Crown copyright, 1987).

Table 12.5. Methods for Borehole Installation of Probe Extensometer with Current-Displacement Induction Coil
Applications and Method for
Typical Minimum Attempting Installation
Method Borehole Diametera Conformance Outer Pipe Inner Pipe Anchors Sequence

Widely used in United Grout Corrugated Flush-coupled Steel wire rings Drill, insert double
States polyethylene, or belled- mounted on pipe system
Uniform soils continuous or end PVC corrugated length-by-
Predicted vertical coupled pipe length, grout; or
compression up to drill, insert cor-
about 2% rugated pipe, in-
4 in. (100 mm) sert inner pipe,
2 Uniform soils Grout Corrugated Flush-coupled Steel wire rings Drill, insert double
Predicted vertical polyethylene, or belled- mounted on pipe system
compression up to with tele- end PVC corrugated length-by-
about 5% scoping cou- pipe length, grout
4 in. (100 mm) plings
3 Widely used in Positive an- None PVC with Pneumatically Drill, grout, insert
England chorage telescoping actuated ar- coupled pipe
All soils couplings row heads with surround-
Small and large pre- ing anchors, ac-
dieted vertical com- tuate anchors
8 in. (200 mm)
4 Very large predicted Positive an- PVC with tele- PVC with Spring-actuated Drill, insert outer
vertical compres- chorage scoping cou- standard anchors coupled pipe
sion (up to 30%) plings socket cou- with surround-
6 in. (150 mm) plings or ing anchors, in-
belled ends sert inner
coupled pipe,
grout, actuate
anchors, with-
draw inner pipe
arf drill casing is used, borehole diameter is inside diameter of casing.

When a vertical installation is read by using a plate can be installed permanently within the tele-
survey tape and noting the tape reading at which scoping pipe (Penman and Charles, 1982). Each
output current is a maximum, precision with re- plate can then be located horizontally by switching
spect to the deep measuring point will generally be to the appropriate coil along the rod and inching the
± 0.1-0.2 in. ( ± 3-5 mm). If greater precision is rod along with a rack and pinion mechanism until
required, a long-range dial height gage or microme- the coil coincides exactly with the plate. With this
ter reading head can be placed on a reference sur- system, it is only necessary to move the rod over a
face at the top of the installation, the sliding arm short distance, and a precision of ±0.02 in. (±0.5
inserted within one of a series of holes punched in mm) is possible.
the survey tape, and precision with respect to the
Installation in Boreholes
deep measuring point can be ± 0.02 in. ( ± 0.5 mm).
If the deep measuring point is not a reference datum Installations in boreholes should follow the general
and optical leveling is required, precision will also guidelines given in Chapter 17. Four methods are in
depend on the accuracy of the optical leveling. use, the preferred method depending on the pre-
Measurement precision in horizontal installa- dicted vertical compression, the stratigraphy, other
tions, with respect to a steel plate at one end, gener- site-specific conditions and needs, instrument avail-
ally ranges from ±0.1 to 1.0 in. (±3-25 mm). If ability, and experience of installation personnel.
greater precision is required, a rod containing a pri- The four methods are described in the following
mary induction coil near the position of each steel subsections and summarized in Table 12.5.

Installation in Boreholes, First Method: Co"ugated 2. Stretch out the corrugated pipe and securely
Plastic Pipe and Steel Wire Rings. Conventional connect the weighted bottom cap with its at-
Method tached male check valve.
Corrugated pipe and steel wire rings are arranged as 3. Lower the corrugated pipe into the cased
shown in Figure 12.32: this arrangement is widely borehole, using a safety line, always keeping
used in the United States for installing the Sondex the pipe filled with clean water. Tie the top of
instrument, manufactured by Slope Indicator Com- the corrugated pipe to the top of the drill
pany. casing.
The rigid PVC inner pipe is included to prevent 4. After the weight comes to rest on the bottom
the possibility of the corrugated pipe becoming of the borehole, install the rigid inner pipe
crushed, and it also centers the probe for maximum within the corrugated pipe until it rests on the
reading precision. This installation method relies on bottom cap. The rigid pipe may be flush
conformance between the soil and corrugated pipe coupled Sch. 40 PVC or belled end Class 200
via the grout and, as discussed in Chapter 17, very PVC, installed with female down if settlement
careful attention must be paid to selection of grout is anticipated.
mix. The grout should ideally have a modulus and 5. Lower 1 in. (25 mm) Sch. 40 steel pipe inside
undrained shear strength as similar as possible to the rigid inner pipe, with female check valve
that of the subsoil. If the grout is either excessively attached, filling with water prior to mating
stiff or soft, or if measurements are required in with the bottom cap check valve. Pump a
strata having differing compressibilities, confor- small amount of water to ensure proper
mance is questionable. The method has been used mating.
satisfactorily in uniform soils where vertical com- 6. Mix grout and pump enough grout to fill ap-
pression has not exceeded about 2%, but confor- proximately 30ft (10 m) of annular space be-
mance is open to question for greater compressions. tween the corrugated pipe and drill casing.
Pea gravel has been used as a backfill instead of Pull 30ft (10m) of drill casing.
grout, but a granular backfill should only be used if 7. Continue step (6) until all drill casing is re-
it satisfies the conformance criteria discussed in moved and an undiluted grout return is ob-
Chapter 17: it should never be used for installations served at the top of the borehole.
in clay.
8. Remove the steel grout pipe and flush the in-
The system can be installed by working with 10ft
side of the rigid inner pipe with clean water.
(3m) lengths of corrugated and rigid pipe, coupling
them and installing the two together, length-by-length, 9. Install a protective top cap and secure the cor-
filling the annular space between the two pipes with rugated pipe while the grout sets.
a bentonite slurry to minimize friction, and finally The above procedure uses the double shutoff check
grouting the space outside the corrugated pipe. If valve arrangement for grouting, as described for in-
this method is used, the couplings in the corrugated clinometers in Section 12.8. Alternatively, the an-
pipe must be sealed against intrusion of grout, nor- nular space can be grouted via a tremie pipe low-
mally by generous use of mastic filler and sealing ered to the bottom of the borehole. The single
tape. shutoff arrangement cannot be used for installation
As an alternative for installations less than 100ft of corrugated pipe by this method; because the in-
(30 m) deep, a continuous length of corrugated pipe ner pipe is installed after installation of a continuous
can be installed first, followed by installation of the length of corrugated pipe, there is no seal between
inner pipe. A typical installation procedure for this the bottoms of the two pipes, and grout might enter
alternative, which supplements the guidelines given the annular space between the two pipes at the bot-
in Chapter 17, is as follows: tom of the borehole.
Installation in Boreholes, Second Method:
1. Drill a vertical hole using HW drill casing to
Corrugated Plastic Pipe with Telescoping Couplings
the depth required, allowing length for the
and Steel Wire Rings
weight on the bottom cap (required to over-
come buoyancy while grouting), and flush The second installation method is similar to the
with clean water. first, installing the two pipes length-by-length, ex-

cept that telescoping couplings are provided in the

corrugated pipe. The couplings are typically made
from PVC, with 0 -rings, and they encourage con-
fonnance. This method appears suitable for vertical
compressions up to about 5%, but for larger com-
pressions a positive soil anchorage is recom-

Installation in Boreholes, Third Method: Rigid

Plastic Pipe with Telescoping Couplings and
Pneumatic Anchors
The third installation method , developed by the
Building Research Establishment in England , uses
rigid PVC pipe with telescoping couplings, and ex-
panding anchors at the measuring points.
The expanding anchors have two arrowheads at-
tached to pistons in two smaJJ cylinders and are
placed around the PVC pipe as it is lowered into the
borehole. They are later driven into the sides of the
borehole by applying pneumatic pressure to the cyl-
inders via small-bore nylon tubing. Use of expand-
ing anchors requires an 8 in. (200 mm) diameter
borehole. The annular space between the soil and
pipe should be filled with a grout designed to keep Figure 12.35. Spring anchor for use with Slope Indicator Com-
the borehole open but soft enough so that it does pany Sondex probe extensometer.
not impede telescoping of the pipe.
tying with a second nylon line. This second
Installation in Boreholes, Fourth Method: Rigid line passes through the cutting block and an-
Plastic Pipe with Telescoping Couplings and chor and partly through the wall of the tele-
Spring Anchors scoping pipe.
The fourth installation method has recently been 2. Install the telescoping pipe and anchors
developed by Slope Indicator Company for use in through the drill casing as described above for
very soft clays with their Sondex probe extensome- the alternative first installation method, with
ter. It is based on anchor systems developed earlier grout pipe and double shutoff arrangement.
by the Building Research Establishment in England Insert a trip rod with bottom cutter bead
(Marsland , 1974a), which use explosive cutters to through the cutting blocks as installation pro-
release spring anchors. The system uses rigid ceeds. Great care is needed to avoid prema-
plastic pipe with telescoping couplings and spring ture anchor tripping as the system is lowered.
anchors. An anchor consists of a length of PVC and the inside profile of the drill casing must
pipe, sized to fit over the telescoping pipe, cut , be smooth and the anchor ends beveled.
heated, and allowed to cool as shown in Figure 3. After lowering to the bottom of the borehole,
12.35. A stainless steel wire ring is mounted around verify correct wire ring locations by using the
the anchor to form the measuring point. Shortly be- probe, and insert a rigid PVC stiffening pipe
fore installation, anchors are held in a retracted po- within the telescoping pipe to bear on the bot-
sition by a nylon line with slip knots, passing tom cap. The purpose of this stiffening pipe is
through a cutting block as shown in Figure 12.36. to ensure that all telescoping joints remain in
The system is installed in a cased borehole as fol- their open position during grouting. Fasten
lows: the stiffening pipe and telescoping pipe to-
gether at the top, a nd grout.
1. Place anchors over the telescoping pipe and 4. Withdraw all drill casing entirely, top up with
prevent them from slipping along the pipe by grout, and withdraw grout pipe.

inclinometer casing with special long-range tele-

scoping couplings was used instead of conventional
telescoping pipe, so that both settlement and hori-
zontal deformation could be measured (Section
12.5.10). Since the work in Hong Kong, Syncrude
Canada Ltd. has simplified the installation proce-
dure by eliminating the external cutting block and
trip rod. The first and second nylon lines were re-
placed by two identical lines, one at each end of the
anchor. Each line passed around the end of the an-
chor and through small-diameter holes drilled at op-
posite ends of the diameter through the anchor and
telescoping pipe. Each line therefore held the an-
chor in its retracted position and also prevented it
from slipping along the telescoping pipe. After in-
stallation in the borehole, the nylon lines were cut
by lowering a dummy probe with a cutting blade
fastened to its lower end, and the lines were drawn
out of the drilled holes by the anchor spring action.
The holes were not large enough to allow grout to
pass through. This modification, although a simpli-
fication , prevents use of the internal stiffening pipe,
and the author is reluctant to recommend it for all
applications unless it can be shown that the stiff-
ening pipe is unnecessary.

Installation in Fill
Installations in fill should follow the guidelines
given in Chapter 17. Insta llations in boreholes that
Figure 12.36. Installation of spring anchors for use with Slope
are later extended upward through fill should be
Indicator Company Sondex probe exlensometer. converted to the telescoping pipe and steel plate
system at the ground surface.

5. Pull the trip rod to cut the pair of nylon lines

at each anchor such that anchors positively 12.5.6. Gage with Frequency-Displacement
grip the soil and are free to slide with respect Induction Coil
to the telescoping pipe. induction coil transducers with frequency output,
6. Allow the grout to set, and remove the stiff- described in Chapter 8, are used by Telemac in their
ening pipe. Extenso/or probe extensometer (Bellier and De-
breuille, 1977; Bordes and Debreuille, 1983), shown
It must be emphasized that this fourth installa- in Figure 12.37. The instrument consists of a 6 ft
tion method requires great skill and care and should (2 m) long probe with a primary coil at each end .
not be undertaken by inexperienced personnel. The Steel rings or plates are installed around telescoping
system has recently been installed in very soft PVC pipe, generally as described previously for the
marine clays that form the foundation of a test em- gage with a current-displacement induction coil, at
bankment for a new airport in Hong Kong. Consoli- about 6 ft (2 m) spacing. The center-to-center dis-
dation of the clays was accelerated by using vertical tance between adjacent pairs of steel rings or plates
drains, and predicted vertical compression was is derived from the frequency output, using a con-
greater than 30% (Handfelt et al., 1987). To date, version table, with a measurement precision of
maximum vertical compression bas reached this ±O.()() J in. (±0.03 mm). The probe carries two in-
value, and settlement data appear excellent. Plastic flatable packers to hold it steady while readings are

Readout unit
Survey tape

Magnet { Spring
!spider Circular
magiiiJt) magnet

~:;+- Flush -coupled rigid

PVC access pipe

Figure 12.38. Schematic of probe extensometer with magnet/

reed switch transducer, installed in a borehole.

Figure 12.37. Extensofor probe extensometer (courtesy of Tele-

mac, Asni~res, France).

taken, and the measurement range is about ± 1.5 in. Rigid

( ± 38 mm). The primary application is for moni-
toring axial deformations along boreholes in rock.

12.5.7. MagneUReed Switch Gage

The magnet/reed switch gage was developed by the
Building Research Establishment in England (Bur-
land et al. , 1972; Marsland , 1974a) and incorporates
the magnet/reed switch transducer described in
Chapter 8. When used as a probe extensometer, the
device consists of a series of circular magnetic an-
chors surrounding a rigid or telescoping plastic ac-
cess pipe and is referred to as a magnetic probe
extensometer or magnetic extensometer. A sche-
matic of a borehole installation is shown in Figure
12.38 and various components in Figure 12.39.
An improved probe has been developed in Brazil
(Figueiredo and Negro, 1981) that uses a different
method of signal transmission when the reed switch
is closed by a magnet. When closure occurs, a
coupled oscillator in the probe is activated, generat-
ing square waves that are conducted through a steel
survey tape up to the surface. The oscillator signal
is received and amplified at the surface, enabling Figure 12.39. MagneUreed switch probe extensometer (magnetic
the operator to detect the signal through head- extensometer) (courtesy of Geotechnical Instruments (U.K.) Ltd.,
phones. This improved probe avoids the use of a Leamington Spa, England).

Table 12.6. Methods for Borehole Installation of Probe Extensometer with Magnet/Reed Switch Transducer
Applications and Method for
Typical Minimum Attempting Installation
Method Borehole Diametera Conformance Outer Pipe Inner Pipe Anchors Sequence
Predicted vertical Positive anchorage None PVC with flush Spider magnet with Drill, grout, insert
compression up to (but may be in- couplings three leaf springs coupled pipe,
about 1% hibited by grout) insert anchors
3.5 in. (90 mm)
2 All soils Positive anchorage None PVC with tele- Pneumatically ac- Drill, grout, insert
Small and large pre- scoping cou- tuated arrow- coupled pipe
dieted vertical plings heads with surround-
compressions ing anchors, ac-
6 in. (150 mm) tuate anchors
3 All soils Positive anchorage Corrugated, PVC with flush Spider magnet with Drill, grout, insert
Small and large pre- coupled couplings six leaf springs double pipe and
dieted vertical to an- anchor system
compressions chors length-by-
3.5 in. (90 mm) length, actuate
4 Rock Contact between None PVC with flush Either attached to Drill, insert
3.5 in. (90 mm) leaf springs and couplings pipe; or spider coupled pipe,
rock, or grout magnet with insert spider
three leaf springs magnet; or
drill, grout, in-
sert coupled
pipe with at-
tached magnets
a If drill casing is used, borehole diameter is inside diameter of casing.

separate signal cable and greatly simplifies the twin reed switch probe can also be used. Alterna-
reading task. tively, a rod containing a reed switch near the posi-
As an alternative to the single circular magnet, tion of each magnet can be installed permanently
several small bar magnets can be set in a circle to within the telescoping pipe, making micrometer
form a measuring point. measurements of the movement of the rod that is
Arrangements for reading are generally as de- required to align switches and magnets.
scribed in Section 12.5.5 for the gage with a current-
displacement induction coil. Installation in Boreholes

Precision Installations in boreholes should follow the general

guidelines given in Chapter 17. Four methods are in
Precision of reed switch closure is between ± 0.001 use, the preferred method depending on the pre-
and 0.01 in. (±0.03 and 0.3 mm), depending on dicted vertical compression, the stratigraphy, other
guidance arrangements of the probe. System preci- site-specific conditions and needs, instrument avail-
sion for vertical installations is similar to that of the ability, and experience of installation personnel.
gage with a current-displacement induction coil. The four methods are described in the following
Long probes are available with two reed switches, subsections and summarized in Table 12.6
one near each end, such that readings can be made
at two adjacent magnets in vertical installations by
Installation in Boreholes, First Method: Rigid Plastic
operating a height gage or micrometer and switch-
Pipe with Conventional Spider Magnets
ing from one reed switch to the other. This is the
usual procedure for installations in rock, where high Rigid flush-coupled PVC access pipe and spider
precision is often required, and the entire system magnets are installed as shown in Figure 12.38.
can be traversed by reading magnets in pairs. For Each anchor has three upward leaf springs,
maximum precision in horizontal installations, the mounted at 120 degrees around the anchor. The

borehole is usually cased and filled with a suitable Installation in Boreholes, Fourth Method: Boreholes
grout, the access pipe is greased and inserted, the in Rock with Rigid Plastic Pipe
casing is raised to a level just above the lowest
The magnet/reed switch gage can also be used for
spider magnet, and a magnet is pushed downward
monitoring axial deformation in boreholes in rock.
over the access pipe until the leaf springs snap out
Magnets are either attached directly to the rigid
of the casing bottom and bite into the soil. The pro-
PVC access pipe and the system grouted in place,
cedure is repeated until all anchors are installed and
or the rigid PVC access pipe/spider magnet ar-
casing withdrawn. While this is a simple installation
rangement is used.
method, there appears to be a possibility that an-
chors may become grouted to the access pipe,
Installation in Fill
thereby inhibiting conformance. The method should
therefore be used only for monitoring small vertical For installations in fill, magnets are attached to rect-
compressions, up to about 1%. angular or circular PVC or aluminum plates and in-
stalled around rigid PVC pipe with telescoping
Installation in Boreholes, Second Method: Rigid
Plastic Pipe with Telescoping Couplings and
Installation for Monitoring Heave at Bottom of Open
Pneumatic Anchors
Cut Excavations
The second method uses expanding anchors with
The magnet/reed switch gage can be arranged to
arrowheads, as described in Section 12.5.5 for the
provide measurements of heave at the bottom of
induction coil gage. Because the reed switch probe
braced or other open cut excavations, in a way that
can be of smaller diameter than the induction coil
does not interfere with excavation work. As shown
probe, arrowhead anchors can be installed in a
in Figure 12.40, the installation is made prior to the
smaller diameter borehole, and 6 in. (150 mm) is
start of excavation, using one of the first three
typical. This method overcomes the conformance
borehole installation methods. After taking initial
concerns raised for the first method but entails more
readings, the access pipe is sealed 5-10ft (1.5-3 m)
expensive anchors and a larger diameter borehole.

Installation in Boreholes, Third Method: Rigid and

Corrugated Plastic Pipes and Spring Anchors
The third method consists of spider magnets around
a rigid PVC access pipe, with lengths of plastic cor-
rugated pipe linking adjacent pairs of spider mag-
nets. The spider magnets are set with a pneumatic
or explosive cutter, and the corrugated pipe ensures
that spider magnets are free to slide along the rigid
pipe, thereby ensuring conformance. The system is
Bottom of Flush-coupled rigid PVC
assembled and inserted in the borehole length-by-
length and can be installed in a 3.5 in. (90 mm) ~~c:::~
Three additional leaf springs are mounted on
each spider magnet, at 120 degrees, pointing down-
ward, and the six springs are held in a retracted
position by loops of nylon twine. A pneumatic cut-
ter is placed on each anchor such that when anchors
are in position they can be actuated from the ground
surface by applying pneumatic pressure via 0.19 in.
(5 mm) air lines. The lowest anchor is actuated first,
the air line pulled in an attempt to recover the low- Figure 12.40. Schematic of probe extensometer with magnet/
est cutter, and the other anchors actuated in tum. reed switch transducer, arranged for monitoring heave at the bot-
Typically about 75% of cutters are recovered. tom of open cut excavations.

Flexible probe

Figure 12.41. Flexible sonic probe (courtesy of lrad Gage, a Division of Klein Associates, Inc., Salem,

below the ground surface, using an expandi ng plug chor arrangement is available to ensure confor-
set with an insertion tool, and the pipe is cut with an mance, a nd there appear to be no ad vantages.
internal cutter just above the plug. A good survey
fix is made on the plan position and , j ust before
general excavation reaches the top of the pipe, the
12.5.9. Magnetostrictive Gage
pipe is carefully located , a reading made, and the
pipe again sealed and cut. The procedure is re- The magnetostrictive gage (sonic probe) described
peated until excavation is complete. Clearly, vigi- in Section 12.7.4 is available in a removable flexible
lance on the part of supervisory personnel is re- probe version and is shown in Figure 12.41. A mag-
quired, but the method is far less prone to damage net is attached directly to each anchor and a central
and malfunction than use of fixed borehole exten- access tube (not shown in the figu re) is insta.lled
someters with electrical transducers. throughout the borehole. The flexible probe is in-
serted to the deepest magnet, and distances be-
tween magnets are displayed at the readout unit.
The system has its primary application in under-
12.5.8. Bellow-Hose Gage
ground rock excavations, where more elaborate
The bellow-hose gage (Bozozuk and Fellenius, permanently installed components would be subject
1979) consists of flexible polyethylene tube with to damage, and can be used in upward holes. The
short lengths of copper pipe mounted at predeter- current version has an anchor depth limitation of25
mined locations to serve as measuring points. A ft (7.6 m) .
probe with three protrud ing steel spring contact
arms is lowered within the tube on the end of a
survey tape. The steel springs are electricall y in-
12.5.1 0. Combined Probe Extensometers and
sulated from each other, but two are connected to a
Inclinometer Casings
cable leading from the probe to a voltmeter. When
the probe contacts a copper pipe, the electrical cir- As indicated in Table 12.4, several of the probe ex-
cuit is closed, activating the voltmeter, and a tape tensometers can be used in conjunction with in-
reading is made alongside the top of the tube. The clinometer casing in a vertical borehole, thereby ob-
system is installed in a borehole by grouting, using taining both horizontal and vertical deformation
the first method described above for the gage with data from one installation.
a current-displacement induction coil (Section If a mechanical probe is used within inclinometer
12.5.5). When compared with the induction coil casing, no additional permanently installed featu res
gage, readings are more subj ective, no positive an- are required. However, use of this combination

If the user is concerned that the combined ar-

Borehole rangement may reduce the reliability of either verti-
Inclinometer cal or horizontal deformation measurements, the
casing with
rigid couplings
author recommends separate installations.

12.5.11. Combined Probe Extensometers and

Open Standpipe Piezometers

Two turns of 1 in.

The induction coil and magnet/reed switch instru-
wide x 0.25 in. Stainless
ments can also be combined with the standpipe of
thick close pore
foam weather
steel wire an open standpipe piezometer, so that both ground-
strip water pressure and settlement can be monitored.
polyethylene 12.5.12. Recommendations for Choice of Probe
pipe "'24 in.
long Extensometer
It is not possible to make definitive recommenda-
tions for the choice of a probe extensometer. The
author does not favor use of the bellow-hose gage,
but all the others may on occasion be the instrument
of choice. The selection depends on the application,
the predicted axial compression, the ground condi-
Figure 12.42. Schematic of induction coil ring combined with
inclinometer casing.
tions, other site-specific conditions and needs, the
skill and experience of installation personnel, avail-
ability of hardware, the general factors for selection
of instruments that are given in Section 4.9, and the
should be limited to installations in fill, when settle- more specific factors given in this section.
ment collars can be added. If the induction coil gage When reliable deformation data are essential, the
or the magnet/reed switch gage is installed verti- author recommends use of a positive anchorage,
cally in fill or in a borehole, inclinometer casing rather than reliance on grout for ensuring confor-
with appropriate couplings can replace the inner mance.
pipe. If inclinometer casing is surrounded by cor-
rugated plastic pipe, the intervening space must be
well lubricated, and careful relative sizing of casing 12.6. FIXED EMBANKMENT EXTENSOMETERS
and pipe is required so that the casing is not free to
move laterally with respect to the pipe. It is also Fixed embankment extensometers are defined in
important to fix the inclinometer casing so that it is this book as devices placed in embankment fill as
not free to rotate. filling proceeds for monitoring the changing dis-
Available installation methods are similar to tance between two or more points along a common
those summarized in Tables 12.5 and 12.6, with the axis without use of a movable probe. They are used
exception of the fourth method in Table 12.6. If the for monitoring settlement, horizontal deformation,
gage with current-displacement induction coil is or strain.
used, the arrangement shown in Figure 12.42 pro-
vides an alternative simpler installation method for
12.6.1. Settlement Platform
applications where less than about 2% vertical com-
pression is anticipated. The thickness of weather Settlement platforms are typically used for moni-
strip is selected so that the polyethylene pipe can be toring settlement below embankments on soft
pushed over the strip. The strip is intended to hold ground.
the corrugated pipe in place during installation, to A settlement platform consists of a square plate
prevent grout entering the annular space between of steel, wood, or concrete placed on the original
the casing and pipe and to allow the corrugated pipe ground surface, to which a riser pipe is attached
to break free as needed when settlement occurs. (Figure 12.43). Optical leveling measurements to

Determine settlement of pipe lengths are added, the extensions should be

platform by measuring elevation
of top of riser pipe, using scribed in a similar way by tape measurement from
surveying methods scribes on the lower pipe. An adjustable hose clamp
can be placed around the pipe at the highest scribe
mark to provide a place to rest the survey rod when
Surface of
determining the elevation of the scribe mark. The
embankment clamp is loosened and moved upward as fill is

I placed.
The primary advantage of settlement platforms is
their simplicity. Limitations include their tendency
to be damaged by construction equipment and the
difficulty in compacting around the riser pipe: cases
have occurred in which a highway pavement has
settled directly over a settlement platform, indicat-
ing inadequate compaction. These problems can
Embankment sometimes be avoided by using liquid level gages
(Section 12.10) instead of settlement platforms.
Other limitations are the potential for measurement
Square plate of
errors caused by additions of pipe lengths and
steel, wood, or
ground caused by non-vertical sections of pipe, and there-
quirement for a survey crew when taking readings.
However, with proper care, they can provide reli-
able data of adequate precision, generally in the
Figure 12.43. Typical settlement platform. range ±0.1-1.0 in. (±3-25 mm).
Where an unyielding layer exists at shallow
depth, economy can sometimes be achieved by in-
the top of the riser provide a record of plate eleva- stalling a subsurface settlement point (Section
tions. The plate is typically 3 or 4 ft (1 or 1.2 m) 12.7.6) through a hole in the plate as shown in Fig-
square, and the riser pipe is typically 2 in. (50 mm) ure 12.44. The arrangement allows measurements
standard black iron pipe with threaded couplings.
Either the pipe and plate are welded together or a
floor flange is bolted to a wooden plate or embedded Measure this distance---{ Surface of \bankment
in a concrete plate. A sleeve pipe is sometimes
placed around the riser pipe, with a gap between the
bottom of the sleeve pipe and the plate to prevent I+- Settlement platform pipe
downdrag forces on the riser pipe from being trans-
mitted to the plate. Reasonable practice appears to f-- Outer anchor pipe
require a sleeve pipe only if the embankment is over Embankment

about 25 ft (8 m) high or if the plate is seated on 1--- Inner anchor pipe

highly compressible material such that downdrag

forces might punch the plate below the original
ground surface.
Care must be taken to maintain pipe verticality, Original gr~md surface
and a record of added pipe length must be made as
fill is placed. At the time of plate installation, an Compressible soil
initial reference mark should be scribed on the riser
pipe and its elevation determined and recorded. The
pipe should be scribed to an accuracy of 0.01 ft (3 ----------------liiL~---------­
mm) at maximum intervals of 5 ft (1.5 m), measured ~ Borros anchor
Unyielding layer
from the initial mark. Immediately after the pipe is
scribed, the graduations should be numbered to Figure 12.44. Schematic of combined settlement platform and
reflect the distance from the initial scribe. When Borros anchor.

Measure movement of
plate, using scale.
!!.L = !!. (scale reading)


Figure 12.45. Schematic of typical mechanical gage with tensioned wires.

of absolute settlement to be made-without using a different but standard weights can be used, as de-
survey crew-by using a scale or mechanical gage scribed in Section 12.7 for fixed borehole extensom-
to measure the distance shown. eters, to examine downhole friction characteristics.
Additional guidelines are given in Section 12.7.
The pipe is normally installed in a shallow
12.6.2. Buried Plate
trench, as described in Chapter 17, and a terminal
A buried plate is identical to the steel or concrete enclosure is required to house the pulleys, weights,
base plate of a settlement platform, and its use over- and scale. Precision is generally ± 0.2-0.8 in. ( ± 5-
comes problems associated with the coupled riser 20 mm). When absolute deformation data are re-
pipe. To take an elevation reading on the plate, a quired, the system must be located with respect to a
vertical borehole is drilled, jetted, or augered from horizontal control station, using surveying meth-
an accurately surveyed surface position, the plate ods, and precision may be reduced.
located, and a depth measurement made. An accu-
rate record must of course be made of the initial
12.6.4. Gage with Electrical Linear Displacement
location of the plate in plan and elevation, and the
plate must be large and level. The primary applica-
tion for buried plates is for monitoring settlement These instruments consist of an electrical linear dis-
below embankments on soft ground in cases where placement transducer (L VDT, DCDT, linear poten-
accuracy requirements are not great and where a tiometer, vibrating wire transducer, variable reluc-
boring rig is readily available. tance transducer, or induction coil transducer with
Rozsa and Vidacs (1983) illustrate the application frequency output) mounted in line with a rod that
of buried plates, installed below an embankment on connects two anchors, and cabled to an accessible
soft ground, in a row across an entire cross section. location (Figure 12.46). An oil-filled telescoping

12.6.3. Mechanical Gage with Tensioned Wires

r----Single gage unit -------1 Anchor
Tensioned wire gages are used horizontally within I Rod I
an embankment or along the ground line at the base
of an embankment to measure absolute horizontal
deformation or horizontal strain.
As shown in Figure 12.45, the gage consists of
PVC pipe
vertical anchor plates attached to couplings in tele- with linear
scoping pipe laid horizontally. Steel wires or cables telescoping displacement
joints transducer
attached to each anchor plate are brought through
the pipe to a measuring point where movement of a
mark on the wire is observed relative to a fixed Remote
reference, while a standard tension is applied to the indicator
wire. Hosking and Hilton (1963) used at least ten Figure 12.46. Schematic of fixed embankment extensometer with
wires in each pipe and 20 lb (9 kg) tension. Two electrical linear displacement transducers.

Calibration frame

4 in. diameter 2 in. diameter

soil strain gage soil strain gage

Portable readout unit

Figure 12.48. Soil strain gage (courtesy of Bison Instruments,

Inc., Minneapolis, MN).

Figure 12.47. Installation of fixed embankment extensometer,

with linear potentiometer transducers, in embankmenl dam. 12.6.5. Soil Strain Gage
The soil strain gage (Selig, I975a) is described in
Chapter 8 and is used for measurement of strain in
any direction in earth fiJJs. Components are shown
PVC pipe usually surrounds the rod and transducer, in Figure 12.48.
with 0-rings in the couplings, to provide physical Gages have been used extensively to measure
protection and waterproofing. vertical and horizontal strain beneath moving vehi-
Their use is primarily for measuring horizontal cles, as input to research studies on highway base
strain in embankment dams, and the instruments and subbase materials, and on railroad baJiast. Selig
are sometimes referred to as horizontal strainme- (l975b) describes strain determination around large
ters. If the distance between anchors is too smal l, buried culverts. They have also been used as con-
local variations may produce nonrepresentative vergence gages for monitoring the width of the
data, whereas too long a distance will integrate true trench during a full-scale test of a slurry trench ex-
variations into an "average" value (Wilson, 1967). cavation: this application is described in Section
An appropriate anchor spacing is usually 10-20 ft 12.11.2.
(3-6 m). Gages can be installed singly or several As shown in Figure 12.49, the two coils may be
can be coupled in series as shown in Figure 12.47. related to each other in an orthogonal, coaxial, or
They can be grouped in different alignments coplanar configuration . Strain is determined from
to provide complete strain data in a horizontal the change in spacing between the coils after instal-
plane. lation. The system is designed to operate with the
Typical precision is ± 0.01 in . (±0.3 mm), corre- two coils separated at a distance of less than five
sponding to a strain of ± 0.005% with an anchor coil diameters, and coils are commercially available
spacing of I6 ft (5 m). with diameters from I to 4 in . (25- 100 mm). How-

Measure distance from face of

collar anchor to end of rod:
change in distance= t:.L

Orthogonal Coaxial Coplanar anchor

Figure 12.49. Soil strain gage configurations.

ever, larger coils can readily be manufactured to

allow measurement over larger distances. Lord
and Koerner (1977) describe a modified soil strain Downhole
gage that uses a commercially available metal de-
Figure 12.50. Operating principle of fixed borehole extensom-
The primary advantage is the lack of any me-
chanical linkage between the coils; therefore, place-
ment is simplified and conformance with strain of for monitoring the changing distance between two
the soil is excellent. These devices are applicable or more points along the axis of a borehole, without
for measuring both static and dynamic strains and use of a movable probe. When the location of one
are not affected by soil composition, moisture con- measurement point is determined with respect to a
tent, or temperature changes in the soil between fixed reference datum, the devices also provide ab-
the coils. Long-term precision is approximately solute deformation data.
± 0.05% strain, but dynamic values as small as Typical applications are monitoring deforma-
±0.001% strain can be detected. The primary dis- tions around underground excavation in rock and
advantage is sensitivity to the presence of metal behind the faces of excavated slopes. Fixed
objects, and movement of metal objects can cause a borehole extensometers are also used for moni-
change in the electromagnetic field. This can create toring consolidation settlements in soil, bottom
significant measurement errors unless adequate heave in open cut excavations, and strain in con-
electrical shielding is installed. Stationary metal ob- crete structures.
jects, however, generally do not cause a problem. The operating principle is shown in Figure 12.50.
The gages are also sensitive to changes in relative The distance from the face of the collar anchor to
orientation of the coils. the end of the rod is measured using either a me-
chanical or an electrical transducer. The device
shown is a single-point borehole extensometer
12.7. FIXED BOREHOLE EXTENSOMETERS* (SPBX), but several downhole anchors can be
located in a single borehole, each with an attached
Fixed borehole extensometers are defined in this rod from the downhole anchor to the collar anchor,
book as devices installed in boreholes in soil or rock to create a multipoint borehole extensometer
(MPBX). MPBXs are used to monitor the deforma-
• Written with the assistance of J. Barrie Sellers, President,
tion or strain pattern along the axis of an appropri-
Geokon, Inc., Lebanon, NH, and Howard B. Dutro, Vice Presi- ately oriented borehole, for example, so that poten-
dent, Slope Indicator Company, Seattle, WA. tial failure zones can be located and dangerous deep

seated movements separated from surface spalling. shown in Figure 12.45, they provide good tension
Several SPBXs of different lengths, installed near control and are a good choice for permanently ten-
each other, can serve the same purpose as an MPBX. sioned wire extensometers in applications where
Tensioned wires can be used instead of rods. the head arrangements are acceptable.
Many types of fixed borehole extensometer are
available, the primary variables being choice of
rods or wires, anchor type, SPBX or MPBX, trans-
ducer type, and extensometer head. These vari- Rods are typically 0.2-0.5 in. (5-13 mm) in diame-
ables are discussed in the following sections. Alter- ter and are available in mild steel, stainless steel,
native instrument types and installation, reading, aluminum alloy, fiberglass, and invar. A carbon
data calculation, and processing procedures are de- fiber/vinyl ester composite material has been devel-
scribed in ISRM (1981b). O'Rourke and Ranson oped (Beloff, 1986) for use in high-temperature ap-
(1979) provide comprehensive data on instrument plications, such as studies relating to disposal of
performance. high-level nuclear waste, and can be manufactured
to create a near-zero longitudinal thermal coeffi-
12.7.1. Choice of Rods or Wires Rods are shipped either in coils or in straight
In general, rod extensometers are of a simpler de- lengths typically 10 ft (3 m) long. The straight
sign than wire types and are more easily installed, lengths are generally connected with threaded flush
especially if only one anchor is installed per couplings. Coiled steel and aluminum alloy rods
borehole. They are generally preferred for exten- may need to be straightened before installation, us-
someters up to about 300 ft (90 m) long, but the ing a tool supplied by the manufacturer, but this is
advantages of rods over wires are reduced as the not necessary for coiled fiberglass rods. Rods
length of the extensometer increases. should be encased in individual plastic sleeves to
minimize frictional effects, and sleeves can be filled
with oil if the borehole is inclined downward.
Rods are sometimes allowed to remain slack
Wires are typically single-strand stainless steel, within their sleeves but sometimes are tensioned by
0.02-0.05 in. (0.5-1.3 mm) in diameter. When wires coil springs, and there is no unanimity of opinion on
are used, wires must be straightened by use of a the advantages of tensioning the rods. Proponents
wire straightener before extensometer assembly of tensioning argue that tensioning minimizes slack
and, if this is not done, precision will be greatly in the system. For some types of extensometer
reduced. head, tensioning also allows the head to be moved
When the tension in the wire may vary, for ex- outward a known distance to examine frictional ef-
ample, when coil springs or cantilevers are used, fects. Opponents of tensioning argue that, because
wire stretch must be taken into account. Wire ten- no borehole is perfectly straight, tensioning will in-
sion may vary as movement occurs along the exten- crease normal stresses between a rod and its sleeve,
someter, and wire stretch factors are usually sup- thus increasing frictional effects and reducing preci-
plied by the extensometer manufacturer. These sion. Opponents also argue that use of untensioned
factors can sometimes be verified after the exten- rods allows frictional effects to be examined at any
someter is installed, by moving the extensometer time, by incorporating a bayonet disconnect fitting
head a known amount to and fro in line with the (Figure 12.53a) between the rod and downhole an-
borehole axis and measuring the corresponding chor. The rod can then be turned at the collar an-
reading change. Some extensometer designs at- chor to disconnect it from the downhole anchor and
tempt to overcome wire stretch corrections by us- moved within its sleeve. The author has had good
ing constant-tension devices. Negator springs de- success with this arrangement and generally favors
signed to exert a constant force are appropriate untensioned rods, but there is a need for compara-
when very long range is required, but they should tive evaluations.
not be used when requiring high accuracy over a When using the bayonet disconnect fitting,
small range, because accuracy can be limited by thread sealing compound must be used on all
hysteresis. Despite the cumbersome aspects of pul- threaded rod connections, and the rods must pro-
leys and suspended weights, similar to the system trude beyond the face of the collar anchor so that

they can be gripped and turned. The arrangement Split

also simplifies installation , because rods can gener-
ally be inserted within sleeves as a separate step,
after anchors and sleeves have been installed.
When using the bayonet fitting in upward installa-
tions, a stop should be provided near the upper end
of each rod so that rods cannot fall out of sleeves
and cause injury to reading personnel, and rods
must be installed concurrently with sleeves.

12.7.2. Choice of Downhole Anchor
ISRM (l981b) recommends a criterion for anchor
adequacy, based on an applied load of 220 lb (100 Spring
kg) or five times the rod or wire tension, whichever is
greater. ISRM recommends that, when subjected to
this load, the anchor should not move in either di-
rection by an amount greater than the sensitivity of
the instrument. Hawkes ( 1978) describes many of
the available downhole anchors; these and others in
common use are discussed in the following subsec-
Applications for each anchor are suggested, but
the generalizations will not apply to aU cases. Sev-
eral manufacturers of geotechnical instruments
have wide experience in performance of their an- (b)

chors under a variety of conditions, and their advice

should be sought before selecting anchors. Factors Figure 12.51. Expanding wedge anchors: (a} rockbolt expansion
shell anchor (courtesy of lrad Gage, a Division of Klein As·
that affect selection include soil or rock type and sociates, Inc., Salem, NH) and (b) flat wedge spring anchor (cou r-
quality, borehole depth, borehole diameter, inclina- tesy of Slope Indicator Company, Seattle, WA}.
tion and wall roughness, number of downhole an-
chors, use of rods or wires, and type of extensome-
ter head.
wedge-shaped body with two expansionjaws, con-
nected by a bent wire and spring loaded against the
Expanding Wedge Anchors
body as shown. The extensometer wire is attached
Two expanding wedge anchors are shown in Figure to the body. When the anchor is pushed down the
12.51. borehole on the end of a setting rod , the jaws rub
The rockbolt expansion shell anchor consists of a against the sides of the borehole under the action of
one-piece cylindrical split shell and a wedge nut. the spring. The anchor body is then pulled back by
Rotation of the extensometer rod causes the wedge the extensometer wire to lock it into place. The
nut to move axially relative to the shell, expanding anchor is designed for multipoint installations and
it into close contact with the walls of the borehole. the wires from deeper anchors are threaded through
To prevent the shelJ from rotating, it must initially the bail prior to setting.
be in rubbing contact with the borehole wall. Simi- The rockbolt expansion shell anchor is generally
lar anchors are available with a split shell and the preferred anchor for single- and double-point
wedge nut at each end. A steel block can be welded rod extensometers installed in rock. The flat wedge
to each part of the split shell to allow gripping in a spring anchor is useful in upward boreholes in rock ,
large-diameter borehole. The large setting force of where multiple anchors are required. Both anchors
the rockbolt expansion shell anchor enables it to be can be installed rapidly, have wide expansion capa-
used at locations affected by blasting. bilities, and thus are suitable for boreholes with
The flat wedge spring anchor consists of a flat rough uneven walls.

as discussed in Chapter 17. Boreholes directed up-

ward require a stage grouting procedure, and an
alternative anchor is usually preferable.

Hydraulic Anchors
Two types of hydraulic anchor, which can be used
Retaining rings with rods or wires, are shown in Figure 12.54.
The expanding tube type is suitable for use in soil
Locking pin or rock. A soft metal tube is flattened, its ends
sealed, and wrapped around the body of the anchor.
The tube is pressurized by hydraulic oil to expand it
beyond the yield point of the metal and in contact
with the walls of the borehole. When hydraulic
pressure is released, the tube maintains its de-
Figure 12.52. Spring-loaded anchor (after Hawkes, 1978). formed shape.
The prong type is used primarily in soft ground,
where the anchor must be forced outward into the
soil to spread the anchorage forces and prevent slip-
Spring-Loaded Anchors page. Hydraulic oil pumped to the anchor forces the
A typical spring-loaded anchor is shown in Figure prongs outward into the walls of the borehole. Sin-
12.52. The anchor is also referred to as a C-anchor gle- and double-acting versions are available.
and snap-ring anchor. It is installed by pushing into
the borehole to the required depth and tripping the
12.7.3. Choice of Single-Point or Multipoint
rings by pulling out a U-shaped locking pin, allow-
ing the rings to spring out against the wall of the
borehole. These anchors are useful in hard or com- In general, the more anchors installed in one
petent rock where smooth uniform boreholes can be borehole, the greater are installation difficulties and
drilled. Under these conditions, they offer the ulti- duration, with possible consequent delay to con-
mate in installation speed and simplicity, where struction schedules. MPBXs ,typically have be-
several anchors are installed in the same borehole. tween four and eight anchors and generally require
Dutta (1982) reports on pull tests within 3 in. (76 more skilled installation personnel than SPBXs.
mm) diameter steel pipe, indicating a resistance to Several SPBXs installed side by side in bore-
pullout in excess of 200 lb (90 kg). Other tests by holes of different lengths can simulate an MPBX
Dutta indicate that the anchors are not likely to be and may result in overall economy and reduced con-
disturbed by nearby blasting. struction delay. However, the applicability of this
option is affected by many site-specific conditions,
including borehole length, type and number of an-
Groutable Anchors
chors, and type of extensometer head. When a clus-
Groutable anchors (Figure 12.53) are simple to in- ter of SPBXs is used and core recovery is required
stall and are usually the preferred anchors for for planning the installation and interpreting data,
boreholes in rock that are inclined downward. only the deepest SPBX hole need be cored, and the
Nominally horizontal boreholes can often be in- shallower holes can be percussion drilled if that is
clined slightly downward to allow their use. They more economical. If the collar anchors can be set in
are suitable for use at locations affected by blasting the same block of intact rock, anchor movement
but not for use in soil, as the grout may inhibit con- data are calculated as for an MPBX. However, if
formance. The measurement rods or wires are collar anchors may move with respect to each other
sleeved within plastic pipes or tubes to isolate them and if downhole relative deformation data are re-
from the grout. quired, their relative movement must be measured.
Extensometers incorporating groutable anchors If the SPBX heads are installed in a vertical line, the
are preassembled at the surface and pushed into the mechanical tiltmeter described in Section 12.4.1 can
borehole, with tubes for grout outlets and air vents sometimes be used for this purpose.

Plastic sleeve pipe

Deformed and coupling cemented
rebar together prior to



Figure 12.53a. Groutable anchor for rod extensometer (courtesy of Geskon, Inc., lebanon, NH).

Figure 12.53b. Groutable anchor for multipoint wire extensome-

ter (courtesy of Slope Indicator Company, Seattle, WA).

12.7.4. Choice of Transducer and

Extensometer Head Nylon tubing
Mechanical and electrical transducers are available 047 Stainless steel
for reading fixed borehole extensometers. Mecharu-
cal transducers are less expensive and are generally
more reliable and more resistant to damage. When
access to the collar anchor is available , mechanical Single-acting hydraulic anchor, expanded
transducers should be the first choice unless auto-
matic or remote monitoring is required. In other
cases, electrical transducers must be used, but ar-
Single-acting hydraulic anchor
rangements should be made within the measuring
head for backup mechanical reading without dis-
turbing the electrical transducers, so that a periodic
check ca.n be made on the electrical system by Double-acting hydraulic anchor, expanded
creating temporary access.
Mechanical and electrical transducers are de- (b)

scribed and compared in Chapter 8. The following Figure 12.54. Hydraulic anchors: (a) expanding tube type and (b)
subsections provide additional information relevant prong type (courtesy of Slope Indicator Company, Seattle, WA).
Table 12.7. Fixed Borehole Extensometersa
Transducer Rods or Wires Advantages Limitations
Dial indicator or micro- Rods Large range Requires access to exten-
meter Disconnect fittings can be someter head
Dial indicator or micro- Variable-tension wires Downhole wire friction Requires more skill to in-
meter with coil springs can be examined c stall than rod system
Requires access to exten-
someter head
Suspended weights (simi- Constant-tension wires Excellent tension control Bulky head
lar to Figure 12.45) Reliable for deep Requires access to exten-
boreholes someter head
Dual tension reading pro-
vides check
Indicator for slack-wire Wires tensioned during Dual tension reading pro- Tedious reading procedure
extensometer (e.g., Fig- reading vides check Requires access to exten-
ure 12.55) someter head
Electrical resistance strain Variable-tension wires Downhole wire friction Limited range
gage (e.g., Figure 12.56) can be examined c Low electrical output
Can be read with dial indi- Lead wire effects
cator or micrometer to Errors owing to moisture,
check electrical reading temperature, and electri-
cal connections are possi-
Need for lightning protec-
tion should be evaluated
L VDT, DCDT, or linear Rods, or variable-tension Versions available with L VDTs have unwanted lead
potentiometer (e.g., Fig- wires with coil springs transducers mounted in wire effects
ures 12.57, 12.58, 12.59) series between anchors Linear potentiometers re-
for improved physical quire perfect water seal
protection at rod entry
Versions available for use Need for lightning protec-
as heave gages in open tion should be evaluated
cut excavations
Disconnect fittings can be
used h or downhole wire
friction can be exam-
Rotary potentiometer or Constant-tension wires Long range Precision likely to be re-
rotary transformer with constant-force Can be read with dial indi- duced by hysteresis in
springs cator or micrometer to springs
check electrical reading Need for lightning protec-
Can be read initially with tion should be evaluated
dial indicator or mi-
crometer and later con-
verted to electrical
Vibrating wire Rods, or variable-tension Lead wire effects minimal Special manufacturing tech-
wires with coil springs Disconnect fittings can be niques required to mini-
used h or downhole wire mize zero drift
friction can be exam- Need for lightning protec-
inedc tion should be evaluated


Table 12.7. (Continued)

Transducer Rods or Wires Advantages Limitations
Induction coil (e.g., Fig- Rod No need for strong me- Need for lightning protec-
ures 12.60, 12.61) chanical connection be- tion should be evaluated
tween transducers and
Lead wire effects minimal
Radio telemetered SPBX
Magnetostrictive (sonic Rods MPBX requires only one Signal requires amplifica-
probe) (e.g., Figure transducer tion if lead wires are
12.62) MPBX requires only a longer than about 600 ft
single six-conductor (200m)
cable Need for lightning protec-
Disconnect fittings can be tion should be evaluated
Can be read with dial indi-
cator or micrometer to
check electrical read-
Can be read initially with
dial indicator or mi-
crometer and later con-
verted to electrical
•For additional comparative data between use of rods or wires, downhole anchor types, and SPBX or MPBX configurations, see
Sections 12.7.1.-12.7.3. Mechanical transducers should be used in preference to electrical transducers wherever access is available.
Assuming that the deepest anchor or the head can serve as an immovable reference point, precision of all extensometers is generally
±0.001-0.005 in. (±0.03-0.13 mm).
blf untensioned rods are used, or if rods are temporarily detensioned, downhole friction can be examined by using bayonet disconnect
fittings between rods and downhole anchors. See Section 12.7.1.
cThis can sometimes be done by moving the head outward a known distance. See Section 12.7.1.

to their use as transducers for fixed borehole exten- technical instrumentation manufacturers will sup-
someters. In general, each transducer can be used ply a pipe with one end closed for this purpose.
with any of the anchor types, and with a single-
point or multipoint system. Table 12.7 provides Suspended Weights
comparative data on various combinations of trans-
The suspended weight arrangement shown in Fig-
ducers, rods, and wires. Selection of a particular
ure 12.45 can be used for reading fixed borehole
arrangement depends on site-specific conditions
extensometers. Excellent tension control is pro-
and needs, instrument availability, and experience
vided, and the arrangement is well suited for mul-
of installation personnel.
tipoint wire extensometers where access is avail-
able and where the bulky head arrangement can be
Dial Indicator or Micrometer
tolerated. Whittaker and Woodrow (1977) describe
Depth micrometers are more rugged than dial indi- the design and performance of an extensometer
cators and thus are preferred; micrometers with dig- with suspended weights.
ital counters capable of reading movements to 0.001 Hedley (1969) describes a useful technique to ex-
in. (0.03 mm) are preferable. A minimum of two amine downhole friction characteristics and to veri-
should be available in case one is damaged. Dial fy precision, whereby readings are always taken at
indicators and micrometers should be checked reg- two different but standard wire tensions. The differ-
ularly against a standard to verify that there has ence in reading at these two tensions should be the
been no change in the zero reading, and most geo- same every time a set of readings is taken. A small

point for

alloy bodv

Dial indicator for

monitoring extension
of spring, to create
standard tension

Attachment point
for wire or tape
Figure 12.56. E.xtensometer head with electrical resistance strain
gage transducers (courtesy of Slope Indicator Company, Seattle,

ond wire, and the procedure repeated. The indi-

Capstan screw for cator can be used with wires up to 600 ft (180 m)
mounting indicator long and has a reading range of 6 in. (150 mm.)
on collar anchor
The lighter Mark I version is limited to exten-
someter wire lengths up to about 100ft (30 m), and
Figure 12.55. Indicator for slack-wire extensometer: Mark 2 tension is applied directly by turrung the microme-
model (courtesy of Terrasc:ience Systems Ud., Vancouver, Can-
ter. The thread within the micrometer must there-
fore sustain the fuJJ tension; there is a risk of strip-
ping the thread, and the author does not favor this
change could mean that friction in the borehole has version.
altered, while a major change indicates that the wire Readings are usually taken at two different but
is obstructed or the borehole has sheared and standard wire tensions as described previously for
clamped the wires. The readings at two tensions the suspended weight system, and the difference in
provide a means of determining the location of any the two micrometer readings should always be the
obstruction. same.

Indicator for Slack-Wire Extensometer Electrical Resistance Strain Gage Transducer

The slack-wire extensometer indicator (Potts, 1957) Figure 12.56 shows an eight-point extensometer
allows application of standard tension to a wire and head with electrical resistance strain gage transduc-
includes a micrometer for reading deformation. As ers, using cantilevers to exert wire tension. Strain
shown in Figure 12.55, the capstan screw of the gages are connected in half bridge networks, but full
Mark 2 version is threaded on to the collar anchor, bridge networks are available as an option. Relative
the extensometer wire is connected temporarily to deformation bet ween the collar anchor and a down-
the attachment point, tension is applied to the wire hole anchor causes bending of the corresponding
by rotating the micrometer head until the dial indi- cantilever and change in strain gage reading.
cator reads a standard value, and the micrometer is Backup mechanical readings can be made by insert-
read. When used with a multipoint system, the mi- ing a dial indicator through holes in the cover plate,
crometer head is retracted, the first wire removed to bear against each cantilever near its tip. Wire
from the attachment point and replaced with a sec- tension varies as movement occurs, and wire

Reference plate
for dial Protective plug

- -----1
Aluminum I
protective I
I Connection
Adjusting device I nipple for
and mount for transducer

for fixing
base plate

Figure 12.57. Head for fixed borehole extensometer (courtesy of lnterfels GmbH, Bentheim, West

stretch factors must be accounted for by calibration inserting each anchor/transducer/rod module in
or computation. This type of head is not currently turn and setting the mechanical anchor with an in-
used extensively. stallation tool. Each module is spring loaded so that
the downhole end of each rod can contact the adja-
cent anchor at any point on its surface. The system
is retrievable. The series configuration gives a more
LVDT, DCDT, and Linear Potentiometer
direct measurement of relative deformation be-
LVDTs, DCDTs, and linear potentiometers are all tween adjacent anchors and increases reliability
used as transducers for single-point and multipoint where the extensometer head is subject to mechani-
borehole extensometers. Comparisons among the cal damage. However, the transducers are less
three types are given in Chapter 8. readily accessible for any necessary checking and
A single-point version is shown in Figure 12.57, maintenance, and this is generally a disadvantage.
and a similar arrangement is in use for multipoint In very deep holes the series configuration may be
versions. The arrangement allows for remote read- the system of choice, because it overcomes the
ings and also for backup mechanical readings. need for very long rods.
Normally, all transducers are housed in an exten- Rotary transducers can be used when a long
someter head as shown in Figure 12.57, but an alter- range is required. When downhole wires are used,
native multipoint configuration is available with the each wire passes over a pulley in the head and is
transducers in series. In the series configuration, a attached to a constant-force spring. A single-turn or
transducer is mounted between each anchor, using multiturn rotary potentiometer or rotary trans-
appropriate lengths of extensometer rod. An ex- former is mounted on the axle of the pulley, so that
ample is shown in Figure 12.58 and is installed by relative movement between the collar anchor and

Watertight housing

l Signal Mechanical
cable anchor

Figure 12.58. Fixed borehole extensometer, with LVOTs, OCOTs, or linear potentiometers mounted in
series: Roctest Model BOF-EX (courtesy of Roctest Ltd., Montreal, Canada).

the downhole anchor causes an output change. with the extensorneter wire and vibrating wire, ade-
When downhole rods are used, a flexible wire is quate range is created.
attached to the end of each rod and passes over a
puUey. Shuri and Green (1987) describe an exten- Induction Coil Transducer
someter head of this type.
A transducer with a frequency-displacement induc-
Versions of fixed borehole extensometers with
tion coil , described in Chapter 8, is used by Tele-
LVDT, DCDT, and linear potentiometer transduc-
mac in their Distofor fixed borehole extensometer
ers are available for monitoring bottom heave at the
(BeUier and Debreuille, 1977; Bordes and De-
base of open cut excavations. The arrangement is
breuille, 1983). As shown in Figure 12.60, steel
shown in Figure 12.59, requiring that a borehole is
rings are mounted within telescoping PVC pipe cou-
drilled to below the anticipated seat of heave , and
plings, and the system is grouted within a borehole.
setting a deep anchor. A sleeved rod spans between
A single central rod is inserted through all rings,
the anchor and an electrical linear displacement
with a primary coil mounted on the rod alongside
transducer set below the eventual bottom of the ex-
each ring. Changes in frequency output are con-
cavation, such that any change in distance between
the transducer and deep anchor causes an identical
movement within the transducer itself. An electrical Ground
cable passes up the borehole to the ground surface, surface Portable readout unit
and arrangements are made for damage protection
and cable retrieval as described in Section 12.5.7 for
the probe extensometer with a magnet/reed switch ,_ _ _ Coiled electrical cable
transducer. The upper connector on the coiled elec- inside PVC pipe

trical cable is attached to the expanding plug, so

that a gage reading can be made whenever the plug
is retrieved. Several transducers can be set in the
same borehole, each with a rod attached to the deep Weak grout
anchor, to provide a pattern of heave measurement excavation

with depth. If the transducers are functioning on

Sealed electrical linear displacement
completion of excavation , a multiconductor cable transducer, anchored to soil
can be spliced to the separate coiled cables and Steel rod inside
routed to a suitable remote location for subsequent plastic sleeve
monitoring of recompression settlements.

Vibrating Wire Transducer Deep anchor below

seat of heave
Conventional vibrating wire transducers have in- Figure 12.slf. Schematic of fixed borehole extensometer ar-
sufficient range for direct use in fixed borehole ex- ranged for monitoring heave at the bo«om of open cut excava-
tensorneters, but if a coil spring is added in series tions.




Figure 12.60. Distofor fixed borehole extensometer (courtesy of Telemac, Asnieres, France).

verted to deformation, using conversion tables, absence of any strong mechanical connection be-
with a measurement precision of about ± 0.001 in. tween the transducers and the rock.
(±0.03 mm) and a range of ± 2.5 in. ( ±60 mm). The single-point version shown in Figure 12.61 ,
Londe (1982) indicates that the fundamental advan- the Radio/or, can be read remotely with a portable
tage of this instrument over conventional fixed battery-operated indicator. T he frequency output is
borehole extensometers using rods or wires is the transmitted as a radio signal, thus overcoming the
need for lead wires. Operating range for the signal
in tunnels is reported as 60ft (20m), elsewhere 1000
ft (300 m). T he device was originaJiy developed for
monitoring tunnel convergence during driving but is
also suitable for monitoring deformations of rock
slopes. The transmitter and sensor are recoverable.

Magnetostrictive Transducer
The magnetostrictive transducer (sonic probe), de-
scribed in Chapter 8, can be either left in place at
the extensometer head or used as a portable
"wand." T he head arrangement is shown in Figure
12.62. A bar magnet is mou nted on each rod, near
the collar anchor, and the distance is measured be-
tween each magnet and a reference magnet
mounted in the head.

12.7.5. Installation of Fixed Boreho le

When planning installation procedures, one should
follow the Chapter 17 guidelines. Particular atten-
tion should be given to whether groundwater must
be prevented from passing along the borehole. If an
Figu re 12.61. Radiofor single-point fixed borehole extensometer open borehole is unacceptable, it should be fi lled
(courtesy of Telemac, Asnieres, France). with grout, and downhole components must be se-

Rods with
magnets Collar
(no sleeves) anchor


Figure 12.62. Head arrangements for fixed borehole extensometer with magnetostrictive transducer
(sonic probe) (courtesy of lrad Gage, a Division of klein Associates, Inc., Salem, NH).

lected accordingly . Additional points are given in entangled. Correct relative positions must be main-
the following subsections. tained at all times. Color coding is often helpful ,
with corresponding colored marks around the
mouth of the borehole.
Borehole Requirements
When using groutable anchors, the guidelines
Most fixed borehole extensometers have minimum given in Section 17.5.6 should be followed. A thick
and maximum allowable borehole diameters, and cement grout is normally used, and no sand should
selection of the instrument should be influenced by be included in the mix. When used in rock where
available methods for drilling the borehole. Some- predicted deformations are compressive, grout
times the allowable diameter variation is very small , strength should be weakened by use of additives.
and go and no-go gages may be required to check Buoyancy forces must be overcome, and grout
whether the borehole falls within the allowable tol- pressure must be controlled to avoid collapse of the
erance. sleeves protecting extensometer rods or wires. If
If possible, boreholes for multipoint extensome- flexible plastic tubing is used for the sleeves, risk of
ters should be arranged such that either the collar collapse can be avoided by fi lling the tubes with oil
anchor or deepest downhole anchor can be used as and pressurizing the oil with a hand pump until
an immovable reference point. This assessment grout sets. More details of these procedures are
should be based on the geology , the geometry of the given in Chapter 17.
excavation or structure, and on other site-specific
features. If fixity is in doubt, provision should be
made to monitor absolute deformation of the collar
12.7.6. Subsurface Settlement Points
anchor on a regular basis, using surveying methods
or a convergence gage. Anchor locations should Subsurface se/1/ement poi/Its are categorized in this
also be based on geology and geometry, and clearly book as fixed borehole extensometers but are used
cored boles are helpful. If not determined from rock for monitoring absolute deformation rather than rel-
cores, discontinuities can sometimes be located by ative deformation between a collar anchor and a
borehole television or borescope surveys. downhole anchor. Typical applications are for mon-
Where excavation will occur close beneath the itoring settlement below embankments and sur-
deepest anchor, for example, a tunnel, a "telltale" charges, above soft ground tunnels or adjacent to
consisting of a colored plastic tube may be attached braced excavations, and for monitoring uplift dur-
to the anchor to protrude into the path of the future ing grouting operations.
excavation. Subsequent exposure of the telltale in- The device consists essentially of a riser pipe
dicates the borehole location . anchored at the bottom of a vertical borehole and an
outer casing to isolate the riser pipe from downdrag
forces caused by settlement of soil above the an-
Installation of Downhole Components
chor. Settlement of the anchor is determined by
When multipoint borehole extensometers are as- measuring the elevation of the top of the riser pipe,
sembled, the various rods or wires must not become using surveying methods. Three arrangements are

Oetermone settlement of driven anchor b y measuring Oetermme seulement of prongs by measurmg elevauon
elevauon of lop of inner pipe, usong surveymg mel hods of lOP of inner pipe, using surveying methods

Inner riser
Inner riser .,.__ _ pipe, lf4 on.
pipe, 1 in. diameter diame1er
I or =6 rebarl

Outer pipe
casong, 21f2 in.
Outer pipe
casing, 1 in.

hose Left hand t hread
Figure 12.63. Schematic of subsurface settlement poi nt with
driven anchor.

in common use and are described in the following

subsections. Figure 12.64. Schematic of Borros anchor.

Driven or Grouted Anchor

A typical arrangement , sometimes referred to as a mm) pipe has a left-hand thread, and 0.25 in. (6 mm)
deep settlement point, is s hown in Figure 12.63. steel pipe is welded to the tops of the prongs.
Outer pipe casing is driven to the required depth A borehole is advanced to a few feet above the
and cleaned out. If the casing is set in a predriiJed planned anchor depth and the anchor inserted by
hole, the annular space between the casing and attaching extension lengths of riser and outer pipe.
borehole should be backfilled with sand, pea gravel , All threads are wrench-tight, except the left-hand
or grout, and any grout should be allowed to set thread, which is greased a nd hand-tight. When the
before the riser pipe is installed . The riser pipe is point reaches the bottom of the borehole, it is
then inserted and driven 1-3 ft (300 mm to 1 m) driven l-3 ft (300 mm to I m) by driving on the top
below the bottom of the casing. A rounded refer- of the outer pipe. T he prongs are then ejected by
ence surface is often attached to the top of the riser driving on the riser, the left-ha nd thread opened by
pipe and the arrangement protected by a surface turning the outer pipe clockwise, and the outer pipe
cover. Details are given by Cording et al. (1975). bumped back a distance larger than the anticipated
When a more secure a nchor is required , a mea- vertical compression of the soil above the anchor.
sured quantity of grout can be tremied to the bottom Any drill casing used to advance the borehole is
of the borehole before inserting the riser pipe, the then withdrawn .
riser pipe driven through the grout, and the outer The Borros anchor provides a more positive an-
casing bumped back so that its bottom remains chorage than the driven anchor. However, although
about I ft (300 mm) above the top of the grout. a frequently used and s imple device, a problem can
arise owing to binding of the riser where it exits
from the bottom of the outer pipe, such that
Bo"os Anchor
downdrag forces cause settlement of the prongs.
The Borros anchor, or Geonor settlement probe, is The problem can be minimized by installing an 0-
s hown in Figure 12.64. The anc hor consists of three ring bushing or a length of greased garden bose in
steel prongs housed within a short length of 1 in. (25 the annular s pace at the bottom of the pipes. Settle-
mm) steel pipe, with points e merging from slots in a ment of the prongs in soft clays can also be caused
conical drive point. The upper end of the 1 in. (25 by the weight of the riser, particularly during the

Determine settlement of foot by measuring elevation the foot, and up into the outer casing, providing
of top of inner pipe, using surveying methods
protection from corrosion and against damage from
freezing. Increased anchorage can be obtained by
using additional auger turns or a larger diameter
auger, but the arrangement appears to suffer from
Inner riser
the same potential problem of pipe binding, dis-
~--pipe, 1f4 in. cussed previously for the Borros anchor. Again, use
of garden hose or an 0-ring bushing should over-
come this problem, provided that the holes for oil
'-:~ outlet are drilled sufficiently high up the riser pipe.
V Outer pipe,
l+--1112 in. diameter Assuming that the riser pipe is properly anchored
and sleeved, measurement accuracy of all three ar-
rangements depends on accuracy of surveying
methods, and ± 0.1 in. ( ± 3 mm) is typical.
When the riser pipe is carried upward through
fill, compaction around the pipe cannot be made
with large compaction equipment; thus, compaction
tends to be inferior. Interruption to normal filling is
costly, and damage by construction equipment is
possible. Other limitations are the potential for cu-
mulative errors owing to the addition of pipe lengths
~ 17/a in. diameter
and the requirement for a survey crew when taking
... . _ - bronze spiral readings. Liquid level gages (Section 12.10) some-
times provide an alternative measurement method.
Figure 12.65. Schematic of spiral-foot subsurface settlement
12.7. 7. Rod Settlement Gage
A single-point fixed borehole extensometer can be
period soon after installation, when soil strength is
used for precise monitoring of ground surface set-
reduced by high pore water pressures that are
tlement or heave, by using a deep benchmark ar-
created as prongs are ejected. The top of the riser
rangement similar to the one shown in Figure 12.7
should be supported to avoid settlement of the
and attaching a dial indicator to the top sleeve. The
prongs during this period. Longer-term settlement
dial indicator stem bears on the top of the riser pipe
of the prongs with respect to surrounding soft clay
to provide data for direct determination of absolute
can be avoided by counterweighting the riser pipe at
settlement without the need for a survey crew. The
the top with a rope, pulley, and weight.
system is referred to in this book as a rod settlement
gage but is also called a precision settlement gage.
Spiral-foot Anchor
Accuracy is generally ± 0.002-0.005 in. ( ± 0.05-
The spiral-foot anchor, shown in Figure 12.65, 0.13 mm). The gage can also be used as a bench-
overcomes some of the problems described above mark for surveying methods.
for the Borros anchor.
The anchor consists of one or more turns of a 12.8. INCLINOMETERS*
bronze helical auger (Bozozuk, 1968) and is con-
nected to a 0.25 in. (6 mm) steel riser pipe. A Inclinometers fall within the category of transverse
borehole is advanced to a few inches above the deformation gages (Section 12.9) but, because they
planned anchor depth and the spiral-foot, riser pipe, are used so much more widely than alternative
and outer casing inserted. The spiral-foot is transverse deformation gages, they merit a separate
screwed down to the required elevation, and the section in this book.
outer casing is raised and the drill casing withdrawn
as for the Borros anchor. Oil is pumped down the *Written with the assistance of P. Erik Mikkelsen, Vice Presi-
riser pipe, out through holes provided just above dent, Slope Indicator Company, Seattle, WA.

Inclinometers are defined as devices for moni-

toring deformation normal to the axis of a pipe by
means of a probe passing along the pipe. The probe
contains a gravity-sensing transducer designed to
measure inclination with respect to the vertical. The
pipe may be installed either in a borehole or in fill ,
and in most applications is installed in a near-
vertical alignment, so that the inclinometer pro-
vides data for defining subsurface horizontal defor-
mation. Inclinometers are also referred to as slope
inclinometers, probe inclinometers, and slope indi-
Typical applications include the foUowing:

1. Determining the zone of landslide movement.

2. Monitoring the extent and rate of horizontal
movement of embankment dams, embank-
ments on soft ground, and alongside open cut
excavations or tunnels.
3. Monitoring the deflection of bulkheads , piles,
or retaining walls.

Some probes can be operated within a horizontal

pipe, for monitoring settlement of embankments, oil
tanks, and other structures on soft ground , and in
this application are an alternative to full-profile liq-
uid level gages (Section 12.10). Measurements
within an inclined pipe are also possible, for ex- Figure 12.66. Inclinometer system: Slope Indicator Company
ample, when monitoring deformation of the up- Digitilt* system (courtesy of Slope Indicator Company, Seattle,
stream face of concrete face rockfill dams. In addi- WA).
tion to their use for deformation monitoring,
inclinometers can be used for absolute determina-
tion of position, for example, in borehole direc- 4. A graduated electrical cable linking the probe
tional surveys, and for determining the alignment of to the readout unit.
piles and slurry trenches. Inclinometers have also
been used to estimate bending moments: this appli- Examples of these components are shown in Figure
cation is discussed in Section 12.8.11. 12.66.
Most inclinometer systems have four major com- Figure 12.67 shows the normal principle of in-
ponents: clinometer operation for near-vertical guide cas-
ings. After installation of the casing, the probe is
1. A permanently installed guide casing, made of lowered to the·bottom and an inclination reading is
plastic, aluminum aUoy , fiberglass, or steel. made. Additional readings are made as the probe
When horizontal deformation measurements is raised incrementally to the top of the casing, pro-
are required, the casing is instaUed in a near- viding data for determination of initial casing align-
vertical alignment. The guide casing usuaUy ment. The differences between these initial readings
has tracking grooves for controlling o rienta- and a subsequent set define any change in align-
tion of the probe. ment. Provided that one end of the casing is fixed
2. A portable probe containing a gravity-sensing from translation or that translation is measured by
transducer. separate means, these differences allow calculation
3. A portable readout unit for power supply and of absolute horizontal deformation at any point
indication of probe inclination. along the casing.

L:L sine ... I

Actual alignment of
guide casing (exaggerated)

containing Borehole
sensing True vertical

Guide casing

Guide wheels

Figure 12.67. Principle of inclinometer operation.

Inclinometers are described in many publica- calculations. The inclinometer with force balance
tions, including Gould and Dunnicliff (1971), Green accelerometer transducer has become the most
and Mikkelsen (1986), ISRM (1981a), and Wilson widely used type.
and Mikkelsen (1978). Manual and automatic readout units are avail-
able. Manual units are the simplest and least expen-
sive and consist of a power supply, controls, and
12.8.1. Types of Inclinometer one or two digital displays. An example is shown in
Inclinometer types in common use are described in Figure 12.66. The readings are recorded on field
the following subsections, and comparative infor- data sheets, for later calculation by hand or elec-
mation is given in Table 12.8. Most inclinometers tronic calculator or for input to a computer pro-
provide casing inclination data in two mutually per- gram.
pendicular near-vertical planes. Thus, horizontal Automatic readout units contain a power supply,
components of movement, both transverse and par- controls, one or two digital displays, and either
allel to any chosen direction, can be computed from magnetic cassette tape or solid-state recording
the measurements. capability. Weeks and Starzewski (1986) describe
an automatic readout unit developed in England by
Geotechnical Instruments (U.K.) Ltd. and shown in
Inclinometer with Force Balance Accelerometer
Figure 12.68. Mikkelsen and Wilson (1983) describe
a Recorder-Processor-Printer (RPP), developed in
A force balance accelerometer is mounted in the the United States by Slope Indicator Company and
probe such that voltage output is proportional to shown in Figure 12.69, that has field checking, edit-
inclination. The biaxial version includes two trans- ing, data reduction, and plotting capability. Thomas
ducers, one mounted below the other, with sensing (1985) presents time and cost comparisons for
planes 90 degrees apart. The force required to bal- manual and automatic readout units manufactured
ance the mass, and thus the output voltage, is di- by Slope Indicator Company and concludes that
rectly proportional to sin e (Figure 12.67); there- when the volume of inclinometer reading work ex-
fore, the digital readout is used directly in ceeds 600ft (180m) of casing per month, the RPP is
Table 12.8. Inclinometers
Type of Approximate
Inclinometer Advantages Limitations Typical Range Precision a
Force balance ac- Long successful experi- ± 30°, optional ±0.05-0.5 in. in
celerometer trans- ence record to ±90° 100ft(± 1-13
ducer (e.g., Figure Most widely used type mm in 30m)
12.66) Version available with
automatic readout,
recording, data re-
duction, and plotting
Versions available for
use in 1.5 in. (38
mm) inside diameter
grooved casing
Versions available for
use in horizontal cas-
ing for monitoring
Slope Indicator Series Long successful experi- Standard version is ± 12°, optional ± 0.3-1.0 in. in
200B (Figure 12.70) ence record uniaxial to ±2SO 100 ft ( ± 8-25
No provision for auto- mm in 30m)
matic readout
No longer manufac-
Bonded resistance Version available for Errors owing to mois- ±20° ± 0.02-1.0 in. in
strain gage trans- use in smooth 1.5 in. ture, temperature, 100ft (±0.5-25
ducer (38 mm) inside diam- and electrical con- mm in 30m)
eter pipe nections are possible
Abandoned by most
Vibrating wire trans- Long successful experi- Special manufacturing ±20° ±0.1-0.5 in. in
ducer ence record techniques required 100ft (±3-13
to minimize zero mm in 30m)
Bulky transducer re-
sults in large probe
Abandoned by most
Electrolytic level trans- Size of transducer lim- ±40° ±2 in. in 100ft
ducer its use to near-hori- (±50 mm in 30
zontal holes m)
Short experience rec-
Shear probe (poor Simple Poor precision ± 30° Very crude
man's inclinometer) Inexpensive Does not measure incli-
(e.g., Figure 12.78) nation
Cannot determine cur-
vature below point of
smallest curvature
"Defined as repeatability with which the instrument can determine the horizontal position of one end of a near-vertical casing with
respect to the other(± I in. in 100ft corresponds to about ±25 mm in 30m, ± 8 x 10- 4 radian, or ± 170 arc-seconds). Repeatability in
near-horizontal casings is similar. Repeatability is decreased in inclined casing: see Section 12.8.2.

Figure 12.68. Solid-state data logger for inclinometer (courtesy of Geotechnical lnslruments (U.K.) Ltd.,
Leamington Spa, England).

more economical than alternative readout units change in strain gage output. A Wheatstone bridge
available from the same manufacturer. circuit is used for monitoring.
Green ( 1974) compares the performance of a
Slope lndicaJor Series 2008 bonded resistance strain gage inclinometer with the
Slope Indicator Series 2008. Kallstenius and Ber-
The Slope Indicator Series 200B uniaxial inclinome-
ter (Figure 12.70), manufactured until recently by
Slope Indicator Company, has a potentiometric
transducer for measuring inclination. Major compo-
nents of the transducer are a free-swinging pen-
dulum and an arc-shaped resistance coil , mounted
so that the center of the arc corresponds with the
pivot of the pendulum. The tip of the pendulum acts
as a wiper on the resistance coil , subdividing the
coil into two resistances that form one-half of a bal-
ance bridge circuit. Resistance output depends on
the position of the tip on the resistance coil and thus
on the inclination of the probe. The other half of the
bridge, including switches, batteries, and poten-
tiometer indicator, is enclosed in the readout unit.
Cornforth ( 1974) and Green (1974) give perfor-
mance details.

Inclinometer with Bonded Resistance Strain Gage

Bonded resistance strain gages are mounted around
a pendulum that is not free to pivot at its upper end. Figure 12.69. Recorder- Processor- Printer (RPP) for Digitilt"' in·
Tilt causes bending strains in the pendulum and a clinometer (courtesy of Slope Indicator Company, Seattle, WA).

Cooke and Price (1974) report on the use of in-

clinometers with electrolytic level transducers, but
with their version it was not possible to locate the
instrument in exactly the same positions for each
set of readings. An in-place version (Section
12.9.3), with a train of transducers, was found to be
more satisfactory.

Shear Probe
Although it does not measure inclination, the simple
shear probe described in Section 12.9.1 is also re-
ferred to as a poor man's inclinometer.

12.8.2. Factors Affecting Precision of

Inclinometer Data
Figure 12.70. Slope Indicator Series 2008 inclinomeler (courtesy
of Slope Indicator Company, Seattle, WA). Factors affecting precision of inclinometer data are
discussed in the following subsections. However.
gau (1961) describe a bonded resistance strain gage the overriding factor within control of the user is the
inclinometer, developed by the Swedish Geotech- skill and care of personnel responsible for aJI phases
nical Institute, that operates within a standard 1.5 of the measurement program.
in. (38 mm) inside diameter PVC pipe. The in-
clinometer is attached to orientation rods, and pre- Preciswn of Gravity-Sensing Transducer
cision is reported as ± 0.4 in. in 100ft( ± 10 mm in Manufacturers normally specify the precision of the
30m). gravity-sensing transducer, and a systematic check
should be made on a regular basis to ensure that the
Inclinometer with Vibrating Wire Transducer transducer is fu nctioning satisfactorily (Section
Vibrating wire transducers are mounted on a stiff 12.8.6).
pendulum in a similar configuration to the inclinom- Errors can be grouped into three categories:
eter with a bonded resistance strain gage trans- scaling, zero offset, and azimuth rotation . The scal-
ducer. Two transducers are required for uniaxial tilt ing of a transducer is the relationship between input
monitoring, four for biaxial monitoring. The read- and output and defines the slope of the calibration
out unit houses power supply, controls, and a fre- plot. The zero offset (also called bias) of an in-
quency counter. clinometer is the reading when the probe is in a
true-vertical alignment. Azimuth rotation error re-
Inclinometer with Electrolytic Level Transducer sults from the difference in orientation between the
axis of the transducer and the wheel assembly on
An inclinometer with electrolytic level transducer is the probe, and this cannot be set during manufac-
described by Gravina and Carson (I 983) for opera- ture to closer than about ± 0.5 degree. All three
tion within 1.4 in. (36 mm) inside diameter drill rods sources of error can be created by rough handling,
in near-horizontal holes . The instrument has been wear of the wheel carriage, electronic aging, and
designed for borehole directional surveying in coal temperature change.
mines as drilling of gas drainage holes progresses. A
self-orienting mechanism, including a DC motor,
Design and Condition of Wheel Assembly
slip rings , and mercury switch, is provided to orient
the electrolytic level transducer into a vertical plane Wilson and Mikkelsen (1977) indicate that the probe
prior to each reading. A piston is mounted on the should have a well-designed wheel carriage with lit-
front of the probe to allow the probe to be driven tle or no side-play in the wheels, axle, and swing-
along the drill rods under water pressure, while the arm assemblies. Preferably , wheels should have
instrument cable passes through a stuffing box sealed double ball bearings, and the wheel profile
mounted on the outer end of the drill rods. should be compatible with the geometry of the

grooves in the casing. During extensive use, these ments on the upstream face of an embankment dam
parts wear out more than other parts and should be with an upstream asphaltic membrane. Rather than
easy to replace when worn excessively. running an inclinometer within inclined casing, the
inclinometer remains near-vertical and is tracked
down the upstream face on a trolley device, thereby
Casing Alignment
overcoming difficulties associated with inclined
Table 12.8 includes approximate values for preci- measurements.
sion with which various inclinometers can be used
to determine the horizontal position of one end of a Casing Diameter
near-vertical casing with respect to the other end.
When an inclinometer probe is to be used for verti- Precision can be maximized by using large-diameter
cal deformation measurements in near-horizontal casing. For a given wheel thickness and groove
casing, the gravity-sensing transducer is mounted width, rotational "play" decreases as casing diame-
with its axis perpendicular to the long axis of the ter increases, and thus azimuth rotation error also
probe. Precision in near-horizontal casings is simi- decreases.
lar to near-vertical casings and may on occasion be
better because greater control of groove orientation Borehole Baclifilling Procedure
is usually possible when casing is installed horizon- Poor-quality backfilling around the casing may
tally in a trench. Precision degrades as the align- cause scatter in readings shortly after installation,
ment of near-vertical casings deviates from vertical, but usually the backfill will stabilize with time. If
and as the alignment of near-horizontal casings de- maximum precision is required, the boring proce-
viates from horizontal. dure should be planned to minimize disturbance to
When an inclinometer probe is to be used in in- surrounding ground, and backfill should fill the an-
clined casing, two approaches are possible. The nular space completely. Grout backfill is generally
first approach uses a conventional "vertical" probe more effective than a compacted granular backfill.
in casings inclined within 45 degrees of vertical and Installation procedures are described in Section
a conventional "horizontal" probe in casings in- 12.8.4.
clined within 45 degrees of horizontal. With this
approach the transducer will not be working in the
Spiraling of Casing
most sensitive part of its range, but this is a small
price to pay for the ability to use the check-sum When casing is installed in boreholes, the orienta-
procedure, described in Section 12.8.9. The second tion of the casing grooves at depth is not necessarily
approach uses the conventional probes in casings the same as at the surface. Extrusion of aluminum
inclined within approximately 25 degrees of vertical casing may cause a spiral as large as 1 degree per 10
and horizontal and a special probe for the remaining ft (3 m) length, and similar deviations have been
inclinations. In this special probe the transducer is noted in extruded and machine-grooved plastic cas-
mounted so that its axis is approximately vertical ing. Green (1974) measured a spiral of 18 degrees in
when the probe is within the inclined casing. Al- an 80 ft (24 m) length of coupled extruded plastic
though the transducer is now working in the most casing, and others have reported similar measure-
sensitive part of its range, the check-sum procedure ments. Exposure to hot sunlight prior to installation
cannot be used, and the second approach is not will often cause spiraling of initially true plastic cas-
recommended. ing, and lengths should always be stored in the
When measurements are made in inclined cas- shade and supported adequately to avoid bending.
ings, changes in azimuth can cause substantial er- The spiral of each length can be measured before
rors. For example, when the casing is 5 degrees off installation. For example, lengths of casing can be
vertical, an error of 2 in. per 100ft (50 mm per 30m) set on V-blocks on a bench and a plumb line of
is caused if the azimuth changes by 1 degree (Wil- nylon filament hung alongside each end. Spiral can
son and Mikkelsen, 1978). A detailed discussion of be estimated to about 1 degree by setting one end
errors in inclined casings is given by Mikkelsen and parallel to the plumb line, making sure the casing is
Wilson (1983). not twisted by placement in the blocks, and observ-
Penman and Hussain (1984) describe an inge- ing by eye at the other end. Alternative methods for
nious method for making deformation measure- measuring the spiral of individual lengths are avail-

able from casing manufacturers: for example, Slope

Indicator Company has a method that uses a stan- Guide
dard biaxial inclinometer within casing held in a
near-horizontal alignment.
If possible, lengths of casing should be selected
so that successive spirals cancel out each other.
~ Spiraling can also be created by using poor in-
stallation techniques. When lengths of casing are
assembled, alternate couplings should be twisted Orientation
left and right before fixing, because manufacturing rods with tongue-
and -groove
tolerances usually allow for some rotational move- connections
ment. If grooves tum out of the planned orientation sensor
during installation, they should never be forced
back merely by rotating the casing top. If the bot- Figure 12.71. Instruments for measuring spiral in inclinometer
tom of the casing is free to rotate, the top should be casing after installation (courtesy of Slope Indicator Company,
Seattle, WA).
raised and lowered repeatedly as the orientation is
gradually corrected. Drill casing and hollow-stem
augers should be withdrawn without rotation.
When casing is installed in fill, groove orienta- Repeatability of Reading Position
tion is easier to control, and spiraling usually does
not degrade precision in near-vertical and near- Any lack of care in repeating depth measurements
horizontal installations. However, as discussed to the inclinometer probe with each set of readings
above, errors in inclined casings can be large. wiJI markedly reduce precision. The cable should
A survey of spiral after casing installation is rec- not be subject to stretch or slip between the compo-
ommended when difficulties have occurred during nents of the cable and should be marked perma-
installation and for casings deeper than about 200 ft nently and accurately. This source of error in-
(60 m), particularly if it is necessary to know the creases with increasing length of casing and is
exact direction of ground movements at depth. A aggravated if the depth of casing grooves is irregular
survey can be made in one of two ways. First, most or if installed casing is not straight, and its
manufacturers supply a spiral survey instrument significance increases with increase in precision of
(e.g., the spiral checking sensor shown in Figure the gravity-sensing transducer. Methods of reading
12.71), typically consisting of a 5 ft (1.5 m) long rod in casing equipped with telescoping couplings are
between upper and lower guide wheels, with a ro- discussed in Section 12.8.8.
tary transducer mounted at one end. Second, a sys-
tem can be assembled from a dummy inclinometer Depth Interval Between Reading Positions
probe or appropriately sized rectangular plate, con- Maximum precision is achieved by using a reading
nected via a universal joint to orientation rods, interval equal to the spacing between wheels o n the
fitted with high-precision tongue-and-groove con- inclinometer probe. If the interval is greater than
nections (Figure 12.71). The assembly is lowered the wheelbase of the probe and deformations of the
within the casing, and orientation of the rods with casing are not composed of smooth curves or
respect to the top of the casing is recorded as more straight lines between measuring points, significant
rods are added and the probe or plate passes down errors may arise. Reading with a 2 ft (610 mm)
the grooves within the entire casing. Orientation probe at depth intervals as great as 5 ft (I .5 m) could
can be measured with a circular protractor mounted miss shear zones of vital interest entirely. How-
on the top of the casing. ever, in cases where localized movement (e.g., at a
For a particular installation, groove spiraling shear zone) is known to be absent, for example, as
does not change with time, and thus a single set of is often the case when monitoring the bending of
spiral survey data can be used with biaxial in- piles during a lateral load test, reading effort can be
clinometer data to determine true direction of defor- minimized by the fotlowing method:
mation, or deformation in an y predetermined plane.
Adjustment of data to correct for groove spiral en- 1. Taking readings initially at the wheelbase in-
tails graphic or computerized data reduction. terval.

2. Taking subsequent readings at two or three

times the wheelbase interval.
3. Taking periodic readings at the wheelbase in-
terval as a check.

Temperature Effects
If the gravity-sensing transducer is sensitive totem-
perature, a change in reading may be noted as the
probe enters water within the casing. Potentiome-
ter, vibrating wire, and force balance accelerometer
transducers do not exhibit major temperature ef-
fects, but bonded resistance strain gage transducers
may show a greater variation in reading with change
in temperature. However, in all cases a waiting pe-
riod of at least I 0 minutes should be allowed for
Figure 12.72. Inclinometer casing (courtesy of Geotechnical In-
temperature stabilization after the probe has been struments (U.K.) Ltd., Leamington Spa, England).
lowered to the first reading position, before read-
ings are taken. Most readout units also show some
during extrusion. Outside diameters range from I .9
reading variation with temperature, and for max-
to 3.5 in. (48-89 mm).
imum precision the readout unit should not be used
Rigid couplings are available with self-aligning
in extreme temperatures. Errors caused by temper-
grooves or keys and are preferable to couplings re-
ature variation of the readout unit increase with in-
quiring use of a special aligning tool. A self-aligning
creasing departure of the probe from vertical.
coupling developed by Westbay Instruments Ltd.
has 0-rings for sealing, and nylon shear wires to
Handling of Probe
Jock the coupling and casing together. These cou-
Shock to the probe can cause a zero shift of the plings are very convenient since they minimize in-
transducer. Errors can be minimized by careful stallation time and necessary skill and allow for
handling and by operating the probe only when con- easy disassembly if difficulties are encountered dur-
nected to the readout unit with power switched on. ing installation or when casing is used for borehole
The bottom of the probe should be provided with a directional surveys, but they have a larger outside
rubber cushion , and during operation the probe
should never be allowed to contact the bottom of
the casing suddenly .

12.8.3. Types of Inclinometer Casing

Plastic, aluminum alloy, and fiberglass casings are
available, with either rigid or telescoping couplings.
Examples are shown in Figures 12.72 and 12.73.
Steel casing is also available but is used Jess fre-

Pkzstic Casing
ABS (acrylonitrile/ butadiene/styrene) is the most
commonly used plastic casing and is suitable for
most applications. Alternative plastics, such as
PVC (polyvinylcbloride), tend to be more brittle,
especially at low temperatures. Most plastic casing
is manufactured by broaching the grooves in ex- Figure 12.73. Inclinometer casing (cou rtesy of Slope Indicator
truded pipe, but in some cases the pipe is grooved Company, Seattle, WA).

diameter than conventional couplings. The West- surfaces, requiring a larger size of tubing (e.g.,
bay coupling is also available with a spring-loaded DiBiagio and Myrvoll, 1985). Extruded steel tub-
port for use as a multipoint piezometer (Section 9.9) ing usually has excessive twist and is not recom-
and can be installed on inclinometer casing to allow mended, but seamless welded tubing is not twisted
measurements of both transverse deformation and excessively. Couplings are made from suitably
groundwater pressure. sized seamless welded square steel tubing and often
Telescoping plastic couplings also have self- have a very loose fit.
aligning grooves or keys, and standard versions typ-
ically have a telescoping range of up to 6 in. (150 Selection of Inclinometer Casing
mm), allowing for 9% compression when used with
5 ft (1.5 m) casing lengths. Long-range telescoping The type of casing and coupling, together with the
ABS couplings have recently been developed by installation procedure, should be selected to ensure
Slope Indicator Company for use in very soft clays that the casing conforms with soil or rock move-
subjected to large vertical compression and allow ments. Selection among the inclinometer casing and
for up to 30% compression (Handfelt et al., 1987). coupling options depends on the answers to the fol-
lowing questions:
Aluminum Casing
1 . Will the casing be subject to axial compres-
Aluminum alloy casing is grooved during extrusion, sion or extension? If axial compression or
the groove also appearing on the outside profile as a extension in excess of about 1% is expected,
protrusion. Outside diameters, measured across op- telescoping couplings should be used to pre-
posite protrusions, range from 2.4 to 3.4 in. (61-86 vent damage to the casing and to ensure con-
mm), and slightly larger-diameter extrusions of the formance. If a probe extensometer will be
same shape are used for rigid and telescoping cou- used within the inclinometer casing to moni-
plings. The maximum range of telescoping cou- tor axial movements, the guidelines given for
plings is typically 6 in. (150 mm). combined probe extensometers and in-
Aluminum casing is subject to corrosion, either clinometer casings in Section 12.5 .1 0 should
by groundwater or by free lime in cement grout be followed.
used during installation, and several cases of total
2. What is the predicted transverse deforma-
corrosion within a period of a few months have
tion? Users sometimes express concern that
been reported. In most applications casing should
inclinometer casing may be too stiff to follow
therefore be treated both on the inside and outside
transverse ground movements in soft soils.
with a suitable coating (e.g., baked-on epoxy paint),
This concern implies that the soil might flow
but corrosion potential remains at any cut ends or
around the casing, but available evidence
rivet holes.
suggests that casing movement conforms
with soil movement. However, when in-
Steel Casing
stalled in soft soil, deformations at a distinct
Seamless welded square steel tubing, available from shear zone are likely to cause local noncon-
suppliers of steel pipe, can sometimes be used as formance, such that shear measurements are
inclinometer casing, and most inclinometer probes more gradual than actual deformation. De-
allow the wheels to ride in the tubing corners. Possi- formation at a distinct shear zone will cause
ble applications include measurements on driven bending of the casing, and excessive lo-
steel piles, applications where cost must be mini- calized bending will prevent passage of the
mized and where lower accuracy is acceptable, and probe. If substantial deformation is pre-
special applications when other instruments (e.g., dicted at distinct shear zones, a large-
strain gages in piles) are attached to the outside diameter casing and small-diameter probe
of the casing. should be used. In extreme cases the casing
A 2 in. (50 mm) outside, 1.75 in. (44 mm) inside can be installed in a large-diameter borehole
size tubing is typically used, but a larger size should and surrounded by a soft grout, as described
be used when significant transverse deformations in Section 12.8.4. Manufacturers will pro-
are expected. Alternatively, the inclinometer probe vide bending limits for their various probe
can be arranged such that wheels ride on the flat casing combinations.

3. Is maximum preclSlon required? As indi- may be damaged by external grout pressure

cated in Section 12.8.2, precision can be or axial stresses during installation. These
maximized by using large-diameter casing. concerns can be overcome by use of appro-
4. What will be the alignment of the installed priate installation procedures, sometimes in-
casing? When the gravity-sensing transducer cluding stage grouting, and should not be a
is mounted with its axis at an angle to the reason for rejecting plastic casing.
long axis of the inclinometer probe, for ex- 10. What backfill will be used? Plastic couplings
ample, for measurement of settlement in are easier to seal against intrusion of backfill
near-horizontal casing, the diameter of the than aluminum, fiberglass or steel couplings.
probe will generally be larger than standard If grout backfill is used, a good seal is im-
probes, and larger-diameter casing will be perative. If a granular backfill is used in a
required. borehole installation, the outside profile at
5. What will be the climatic conditions during couplings should be flush, otherwise backfill
installation? When plastic casing is exposed may bridge above the couplings.
, to hot sunlight, groove spiraling may in- 11. What are the costs of alternative types of
crease and lengths may become warped. Use casing?
of plastic casing in hot temperatures entails
shaded storage. Solvent cement for plastic
casing cannot be used in very cold condi- 12.8.4. Installation of Inclinometer Casing
tions: options are therefore plastic casing When planning installation procedures, one should
with Westbay Instruments Ltd. self-aligning follow the guidelines given in Chapter 17. Addi-
couplings or aluminum, fiberglass or steel tional guidelines for installation of inclinometer cas-
casing. ing are given in the following subsections.
6. Are there limitations on acceptable casing di- Installation procedures vary widely, according to
ameter? For example, drilling costs usually the type of casing and couplings and to site-specific
increase with borehole diameter. Where cas- conditions. Procedures are described by AASHTO
- 7 ing is installed in concrete, structural consid- (1978), ISRM (1981a), Wilson and Mikkelsen
erations may limit diameter. Where casing is (1977, 1978), and in the instruction manuals of vari-
installed within pipes attached to H-piles, al- ous manufacturers of inclinometers.
lowable pipe diameter may be the controlling When installing inclinometer casing for use in
factor. If the diameter is limited, couplings combination with a probe extensometer, one should
that do not protrude beyond the outside di- follow the guidelines given in Section 12.5.10.
ameter of the casing will usually be pre-
ferred. Coupling Requirements
7. Will installation personnel be skilled and Care must always be taken to seal inclinometer cou-
careful? If not, Westbay Instruments Ltd. plings and bottom caps against intrusion of backfill.
self-aligning couplings may be preferred. Couplings with 0-rings do not require additional
8. Is longevity required? Major factors are sealing, but others usually require sealing mastic
groundwater alkalinity or free lime in cement and tape. Where pop-rivets are intended to shear to
grout used during installation and the exis- allow telescoping movement, sealing mastic and
tence of stray ground currents, which may tape should be used over the rivet heads. Even with
-, be present in urban environments. If pH is rigid riveted couplings, the stem of the rivet occa-
greater than about 10 or if stray ground cur- sionally pulls out during installation, and rivet
rents are suspected, plastic casing should be heads should be filed smooth and sealed. Solvent
used. When aluminum casing is used in al- cement is used on most rigid plastic couplings for
kaline conditions, both the inside and out- sealing and tensile strength, and usually one or
side should be treated with a suitable coating more pop-rivets are installed on each side of the
to prevent corrosion. coupling to provide strength while the cement sets.
9. What is the depth of the installation? Users When maximum tensile strength is required across
sometimes favor aluminum casing in very cemented couplings in ABS or PVC casing, a
deep installations, fearing that plastic casing primer should be used before the solvent cement is

applied. The primer etches the surfaces and allows

proper adhesion. Rivets should not be installed in Modified female
casing grooves or any other location that would in- Pipe, quick--{;onnect
12 in. long coupling with
terfere with tracking of the probe.
check valve
When assembling couplings, one must be careful Rubber
to avoid creating spiraled casing. Alternate cou- gasket
plings should be twisted left and right before fixing. quick-connect
coupling with
.Check check valve
Installation in Fill
Inclinometer casing is installed in fill by using the
methods described in Chapter 17. When a mechani-
cal probe is used within inclinometer casing to mon-
itor compression of the fill, settlement collars must
be attached to the casing (Section 12.5.3).

Borehole Requirements
Inclinometer casing can occasionally be installed in (a) (b)
an unsupported borehole. However, where there is
Figure 12.74. Arrangements for grouting through a pipe within
risk of borehole collapse during installation, the
inclinometer casing: (a) single shutoff arrangement with gasket
borehole should be supported by drilling mud, drill seal and (b) double shutoff arrangement with quick-connect
casing, or hollow-stem augers. Drill casing or (courtesy of Slope Indicator Company, Seattle, WA).
hollow-stem augers should be used if any doubt ex-
ists about the ability of drilling mud to support
the borehole. If maximum precision is required,
difficult to control and will typically have a spiral on
the boring procedure should be planned to mini-
the order of 3-10 degrees per 100 ft (30 m) (Mik-
mize disturbance of the surrounding ground, and
kelsen and Wilson, 1983).
boreholes for vertical installations should be as near
as possible to true vertical.
Installation in Boreholes
In general, the bottom of the inclinometer casing
should be fixed from translation so that absolute The annular space between the borehole wall and
deformation data can be calculated by assuming inclinometer casing should be backfilled with grout,
base fixity, and thus the borehole should be ad- sand, or pea gravel. Grout backfill is more likely
vanced to stable ground. This assessment should be than granular backfill to fill the annular space com-
based on the geology, the geometry of the excava- pletely but cannot be used if grout would be lost
tion or structure, and other site-specific factors. A into the surrounding ground.
depth of 10-20 ft (3-6m) below the expected active When a grout backfill is used, grout can be
deformation zone is suggested for most installa- tremied via a pipe inserted outside the inclinometer
tions. Additional borehole length should be allowed casing, but the arrangements shown in Figure 12.74
for any added weight required at the casing bottom allow installation in a smaller-diameter borehole.
to overcome buoyancy during installation. As de- When the arrangement in Figure 12.74a is used,
scribed in Section 12.8.6, it is often convenient to steel pipe or drill rod is lowered over the 12 in. (300
continue one borehole to a greater depth than re- mm) long pipe to seal against the rubber gasket and
quired for deformation data and to use the bottom is used for grouting. Mter the annular space be-
length of inclinometer casing for checking the in- tween the borehole wall and inclinometer casing is
strument. filled with grout, a measured volume of water is
Samples are normally taken to define stratig- pumped to displace grout from most of the grout
raphy, as input to the decision on borehole depth pipe, the grout pipe is raised a short distance, and
and to assist with interpretation of data. the check valve closes. The remaining grout in the
Inclined boreholes are not recommended for in- grout pipe is removed by flushing thoroughly with
clinometer casings, because groove orientation is water, under low flow to avoid reopening the check

valve. Two methods are available for overcoming Installation when Large Movements Are Expected on
buoyancy until grout sets and for ensuring that the Thin Shear Zones
casing remains as straight as possible in the
As indicated in Section 12.8.3, deformation at a dis-
borehole. First, an adequate bottom weight can be
tinct shear zone will cause bending of the casing,
attached to the bottom cap. Second, the weight of
and excessive localized bending will prevent pas-
the grout pipe can be used, temporarily weighting
sage of the probe. If substantial deformation is pre-
the top of the inclinometer casing while the grout
dicted at distinct shear zones, a large-diameter cas-
pipe is raised to flush with water. The second
ing and small-diameter probe should be used. It is
method is preferable for deep holes, for which the
also helpful to use a large borehole and soft backfill,
magnitude of the bottom weight would become ex-
so that the casing causes the backfill to shear,
cessive. The first method must be used if the in-
thereby prolonging the life of the installation. In this
clinometer casing has telescoping couplings.
case the localized large shear movements will be
When the arrangement in Figure 12.74b is used,
redistributed over a larger casing length, but this is
both check valves are opened when the two fittings
preferable to shearing the casing or blocking probe
mate under the weight of the grout pipe and close
after grouting when the grout pipe is raised, thereby
Careful monitoring, by using the shear probe
preventing spillage of grout into the inclinometer
technique described in Section 12.9.1, can provide a
casing. It is important to fill the grout pipe with
forewarning of blocking probe access and can indi-
water prior to mating the two fittings, otherwise
cate the timeliness of converting the system to a
particles from the bottom of the borehole are likely
slope extensometer (Section 12.9.1). A single an-
to be washed into the check valves and prevent
chor can be installed below the shear zone, usually
later closure. A conservative installation will in-
at the bottom of the casing, and subsequent defor-
clude a check valve below the bottom cap, of the
mation monitored. If the single wire is left slack
type shown in Figure 12.74a, and a spare female
between slope extensometer readings, inclinometer
quick-connect should always be on hand for use if
readings can usually be obtained until blockage oc-
grout is allowed to set in the fitting attached to the
grout pipe. Although the arrangement in Figure
12.74b prevents spillage of grout when the grout
Installation on Piles
pipe is raised, the weight of the grout pipe cannot
readily be used to overcome buoyancy; thus, a bot- When installing casing on solder piles or driven
tom weight must be used. steel piles, two methods are possible. First, square
When an outside tremie pipe is used for grouting, steel tubing can be welded directly to the piles and
buoyancy can be overcome by use of a bottom used as inclinometer casing. Second, a steel pipe
weight, the weight of a temporary internal pipe, or a can be welded to the pile and inclinometer casing
first stage of grout can be allowed to set around the installed within the pipe, using a grout backfill and
bottom 10ft (3m) of the casing so that no buoyancy one of the arrangements shown in Figure 12. 74.
forces remain. This second method allows drilling through the steel
For all methods of overcoming buoyancy, the at- pipe after pile installation, to create base fixity by
tachment between the bottom cap and casing must be setting the inclinometer casing below the tip of the
adequately strong. The manufacturer should be con- pile, and is usually preferable.
sulted for information on the capacity of the stan-
dard attachment and for methods of reinforcement.
12.8.5. General Guidelines on Use of
Drill casing and hollow-stem augers must be
withdrawn without rotation.
An example of a procedure for installing in- General guidelines on instrument calibration and
clinometer casing in a borehole, including a re- maintenance and on data collection, processing,
quired materials and equipment list, is given in Ap- presentation, interpretation, and reporting are given
pendix G. This example procedure should not be in Chapters 16 and 18. Additional guidelines for in-
used as a "cookbook" procedure: each installation clinometer use are given in manufacturers' instruc-
has its own criteria, dependent on site-specific con- tion manuals, by Green and Mikkelsen (1986),
ditions and needs, available materials and equip- ISRM (1981a), and Wilson and Mikkelsen (1978),
ment, and the skill of installation personnel. and are summarized in the following sections.

12.8.6. Calibration
An inclinometer can be returned to the manufac-
turer for regular calibration checks, but it is usually
inconvenient to do this on a frequent schedule.
There are three available methods for making field
checks of an inclinometer for use in near-vertical
casings and additional methods for near-horizontal
and inclined casings. T hese are described in turn.
All the field checks described in the following
subsections can only be used to examine variations
in field readings with time, and these values cannot
be evaluated by referencing to similar data obtained
during factory calibration. For comparison with the
original factory calibration, the probe must be re-
turned to the manufacturer. An inclinometer should
be subjected to one of the field checks regularly and Figure 1 2.75. Inclinometer test stand, master type (courtesy of
repaired by the manufacturer when appropriate. If Geotechnical Instruments (U.K.) Ltd., Leamington Spa, England).
this is done, there should be no need to send it to
the manufacturer on a regular schedule for routine
that, without doubt , will not move throughout the
instrument use period. Prior to taking field readings
Near-Vertical Test Casing on an y day, check measurements should be made
within this zone, following the same procedure de-
A short length of test casing can be installed in suit- scribed previously for a test casing. However, be-
ably stable ground at a location where the tempera- cause the casing will not have significant inclina-
ture remains as constant as possible. T he unheated tion, this method does not provide as good a check
basement of a building founded on bedrock is an on scaling as the previous method.
ideal location . If drilling is inconvenient, the casing
can be embedded in a concrete block formed by a 55 Test Stand
gallon (208 liter) oil drum founded on bedrock. The
casing should be a 4 ft ( 1.2 m) length of standard A test stand is provided by some manufacturers for
inclinometer casing, installed so that one pair of checking the health of the instrument, as described
grooves is in a vertical plane and the other pair I0- previously for a test casing. A highly accurate mas-
15 degrees inclined from the verticaL ter test stand (Ohdedar and Dawes, 1983; Figure
Readings are taken, after waiting for temperature 12.75) can be used or, alternatively, a less accurate
stabilization, with the wheels oriented in the four field test stand (Figure 12.76). When this method is
grooves at 90 degrees apart, with the biaxial probe
hanging on the cable at a standard position within
the test casing. These eight readings (i.e. , transduc- I
ers A and B for each wheel orientation) provide a

check o n azimuth rotation, scaling, and zero offset
(bias) errors and provide data for systematic error
corrections if necessary. More details on the proce-
dure are available from some manufacturers of in-


Test in Bottom of Near-Vertical Field Casing

One inclinometer casing can be installed in the field
to a greater depth than required for deformation
data and the bottom length used as a stable refer-
ence for checking purposes. The bottom 20 or 30ft Figure 12.76. Inclinometer test stand, field type (courtesy of
(6 or 9 m) should be installed in rock or firm soil Geotechnical Instruments (U.K.) Ltd., Leamington Spa, England).

employed, it is essential that the test stand remains 12.8.8. Data Collection
absolutely stable, both as the set of readings 1s
Data collection generally requires two trained tech-
taken and between sets of readings.
Although they may fit other manufacturers' cas-
Checks on Inclinometer for Use in ing, instruments supplied by different manufactur-
Near-Horizontal Casings ers should not be used interchangeably. In the inter-
When an inclinometer probe is to be used for verti- est of accuracy, even the interchangeable use of
cal deformation measurements in near-horizontal probes supplied by the same manufacturer should
casing, it can be checked in a similar way to a con- be avoided (Wilson and Mikkelsen, 1978). Use of
ventional inclinometer. The procedure requires two the same technicians, instrument, and cable for all
test casings, the first near-horizontal with the measurements on a particular project is highly de-
grooves oriented 10 degrees off vertical and the sec- sirable, and mandatory if high precision is required.
ond inclined 10 degrees off horizontal but with the
grooves oriented vertically. Field Check on Inclinometer
Prior to collecting data on any day, a field check
Checks on Inclinometer for Use in Inclined Casings should be made to ensure that the inclinometer sys-
tem is functioning correctly, preferably by using
When an inclinometer probe is to be used for mea-
one of the methods described in Section 12.8.6.
surements in inclined casing, the method of check-
If experienced users consider this recom-
ing depends on the configuration of the transducers,
mendation to be unnecessarily conservative they
as described in Section 12.8.2. If a conventional
should, as a minimum, use the following procedure:
"vertical" or "horizontal" probe is used, the in-
strument can be checked as described above. If a
special probe is used, with its transducer mounted 1. Lower the probe to a point within the casing,
so that its axis is approximately vertical when the preferably about 20 ft (6 m) below the water
probe is within the inclined casing, the instrument level.
can be checked by taking readings in a test casing 2. Wait for temperature stability (usually at least
installed at the average inclination of casings in the 10 minutes).
field. However, the probe cannot be rotated 180 3. Take repeated readings.
degrees or turned end-for-end, so that the check is 4. Remove the probe, rotate it 180 degrees,
less reliable than for a conventional probe. lower it to the same point.
5. Wait for temperature stability and take re-
peated readings.
12.8.7. Maintenance
6. Examine the stability of check-sums (Section
The inclinometer probe should be checked fre- 12.8.9).
quently and wheel fixtures and bearings tightened
and replaced as necessary. After each casing has By using this procedure, any tendency for drift in
been read, guide wheels should be cleaned and the check-sums can be detected before data are col-
oiled. lected. Good stability of check-sums during each
For long-term installations it is particularly im- data setis essential for good accuracy.
portant to minimize wear of the casing grooves. Pri-
mary needs are clean and oiled guide wheels and
Measurement Method
clean casing. If any solid material enters the casing,
it will settle to the bottom, possibly stick to the The probe should be inserted to the bottom of a
guide wheels, and abrade the grooves. It is usually vertical or inclined casing or the "far" end of a
worthwhile to flush the casing occasionally with horizontal casing. A measurement traverse is made
clean water, and a large bottle brush helps to re- by holding the probe stationary at each depth inter-
move any solid material. The need applies to cas- val throughout the casing and recording depth and
ings at all alignments, and horizontal casings are inclination data. Maximum precision is achieved by
particularly prone to deposition of material in the use of a reading interval equal to the inclinometer
lowest groove. wheelbase.

When reading in near-vertical casings, readings Readings Within Telescoping Casing

in one vertical plane are normally taken with the
If the inclinometer casing incorporates telescoping
probe at one orientation and then repeated with the
couplings, the depth below ground surface of each
probe turned through 180 degrees. Measuring loca-
element in the stratigraphic profile and of the corre-
tions must be identical to those in the first traverse.
sponding casing section will not remain constant. In
If a uniaxial probe is used and deformation data in
this situation, two methods of data collection and
both vertical planes are required, two further
processing are possible.
traverses are made, with the probe guide wheels in
First, inclinometer readings are made at constant
the second pair of grooves, 90 degrees from the
locations with respect to the stratigraphic profile.
first. By reducing data based on the differences be-
Telescoping coupling locations are recognized by
tween readings, 180 degrees apart, systematic in-
feeling a "bump" as inclinometer guide wheels pass
strument errors and errors caused by casing irregu-
into or out of a coupling, and inclination readings
larities are minimized. An excellent check on the
are taken at constant distances from the nearest
reliability of each measurement is provided by cal-
coupling. Length changes across couplings are de-
culating the algebraic sum of readings 180 degrees
termined by using a mechanical probe extensometer
apart, and this should be done in the field while
within the inclinometer casing, and these data are
collecting the data. These are referred to as check-
used during data processing.
sums and are discussed further in the following sec-
Second, readings are taken at uniform depth in-
, tion on data processing.
tervals, settlement data are obtained either by using
When reading in near-horizontal casings, the
a probe extensometer or by alternative method, and
same check-sum procedure is used by turning the
a computer program is used to interpolate the incli-
inclinometer probe end-for-end, and a cable con-
nation of the casing at the same elevations as the
nection is provided at each end for this purpose.
initial set of data.
When reading in inclined casings, the check-sum
The first method is the more accurate, because in
procedure is possible if the axis of the transducer is
the second method the guide wheels may rest on a
mounted parallel or perpendicular to the long axis
corner at the end of a section of casing, causing
of the inclinometer probe, but this is not possible
poor repeatability. However, the second method re-
with the inclined mounting arrangement described
quires less overall effort and is suitable if the re-
in Section 12.8.2.
duced accuracy is acceptable.
Initial Readings
Automatic Recording
Measurements of the initial profile, to which all sub-
sequent data will be related, should follow the Although it increases data collection speed, an au-
guidelines for initial readings given in Chapter 18. tomatic readout unit may be subject to a significant
When taking initial readings, a fixed orientation ref- limitation.
erence for the probe should be established and re- With manual data recording, data collection per-
corded and consistently used for all subsequent sonnel can scan the data in the field for variations in
reading sets. For a biaxial inclinometer, generally the check-sums and make corrections or repeat
accepted practice is to orient the A transducer so readings immediately. Automatic readout units with
that it will register deformation in the principal field checking and editing capability also allow
plane of interest as a positive change. these checks to be made. However, some automatic
At the time of initial readings, survey measure- units do not allow the check-sums to be examined in
ments should, if practicable, be made on the top of the field, and data must be scanned for errors after
the casing to establish its lateral position to within being printed out in the office and before computer
the accuracy required of inclinometer measure- processing. Additional field work may be needed if
ments. If base fixity is in doubt, provision should be errors are found, and use of an automatic readout
made to monitor absolute transverse deformation of unit may not necessarily increase overall efficiency.
the top of the casing on a regular basis, using sur-
veying methods. Even with confidence in base
12.8.9. Data Processing
fixity, it is good practice to check calculated data
occasionally by survey measurements on the top of The first step· in data processing should be a review
the casing. of the check-sums, and this should be done while

collecting the data. The check-sum is usually in the data. Green and Mikkelsen (1986) present a
equal to twice the zero offset (bias) of the trans- good summary of data processing procedures and
ducer. sources of error.
Check-sums are used to examine data for errors, If an automatic readout unit has been used, data
and ideally the check-sums should remain constant can be entered into a computer, via a telephone
for all depth intervals in a given data set. In reality, modem if required, after the scan for errors. Use of
the check-sums vary according to casing condi- a Recorder-Processor-Printer allows data reduc-
tions, instrument performance, and operator tech- tion in the field.
nique. If opposite walls of the casing are not paral- When preparing to plot data, special attention
lel, if wheels are influenced by the uneven inside should be paid to the orientation sign convention.
profile of telescoping couplings, or if depth control Some manufacturers provide guidelines in their in-
is not precise, the check-sum may vary randomly struction manual.
about a mean value. Small variations do not usually The two plots shown in Figure 12.77 are in com-
indicate a problem. mon use. The "change" plot is useful to dramatize
Some inclinometer manufacturers will indicate the location of deformation zones. The "cumulative
the magnitude of normal variations in check-sums. change" plot gives a more graphic representation of
For example, for its Digitilt® inclinometer, Slope the actual deformation pattern and is more readily
Indicator Company (1987) states that the check-sum understood by personnel unfamiliar with the data
should remain within ± 10 or 20 units of the mean of reduction procedures. A third plot, of deformation
all check-sums for that data set. Typical standard at a particular depth versus time, is particularly use-
deviations for the A axis are 1-10 and are usually ful in studying deformation trends and making pre-
double for the B axis. In general, a standard devia- dictions. For example, such plots might be prepared
tion greater than 10-20 units indicates problems for the Figure 12.77 data at depths of 16 and 46 feet.
with casing irregularities, the instrument, or opera- If a groove spiral survey has been made, spiral
tor technique. data can be used with biaxial inclinometer data to
After reviewing check-sums, data processing determine true direction of deformation or deforma-
consists of four steps: 180 degree differences, tion in any predetermined plane.
"change" at each reading depth by subtracting each
180 degree difference from the initial value, "cumu-
lative change'' by cumulating change data from the
12.8.1 0. Data Interpretation
bottom of the traverse upward, and conversion of
cumulative change to deformation units via a cali- The normal purpose of inclinometer measurements
bration constant. is to define the location of any deforming zone and
Manual reduction of inclinometer data is tedious to allow an evaluation of that zone as time pro-
and time consuming and, as a minimum, a small gresses, rather than to survey an exact profile of the
programmable calculator should be used. Because casing. Often the deforming zone is only a few feet
the calculations are based on a cumulative process, thick, and the sum of the changes over a few adja-
it only requires one error to produce completely cent reading depths will often be representative of
misleading results. Consequently, manual reduction the magnitude and rate of the entire movement.
of inclinometer data is practicable only where a Thus, the most useful plots are generally plots of
small number of casings are involved and when they deformation at a few selected depths versus time,
are read at infrequent intervals. Powerful IBM-PC and the Figure 12.77 plots are merely steps in visu-
compatible software is available for reduction and alizing what is occurring and in developing the de-
plotting of inclinometer data and for error detection formation-time plots. The cumulative change plot
and correction, and the author strongly recom- may in fact be misleading because, although the in-
mends its use. For example, the PC-SLIN data re- strument may be operating within its range of preci-
duction program, available from Slope Indicator sion, over a period of time it may suggest tilting
Company, has error detection routines that make a back and forth. If a small kink begins to develop
statistical evaluation of variations in check-sums somewhere in the plot, primary concern should lie
from the mean value and provide an expedient with the developing kink and not with the overall
method for detecting mistakes and evaluating errors tilt.

Incremental angular changes, Displacement, in inches

in instrument units

South --+--• North ~North

-100 0 +100 +WO +~0 +400 -0.5 0 +0.5 +1.0 +1.5

o.---.----.-----.----,----, 0

10 Initial
\ 9-1-83


0 0
40 40

50 50 ,/
60 60

70 70

(a) (b)

Figure 12.77. Typical plots of inclinometer data: (a) "change" plot and (b) "cumulative change" plot
(courtesy of Slope Indicator Company, Seattle, WA).

12.8.11. Use of Inclinometer Data to Estimate

Bending Moments*
= (ex -24ex-t) EI X
Mx . EI
= 24 X•

Moments and corresponding stresses in structures

As indicated in Table 12.8, the best possible pre-
can sometimes be back-calculated from inclinome-
cision for inclinometer data, when using a force bal-
ter measurements. The moment diagram can be ob-
ance accelerometer transducer, is ± 0.05 in. in 100
tained from
ft (± 1 mm in 30 m, ±4 x 10- 8 radian, ±9 arc-
seconds). This high precision is possible only when
maximizing the quality of all factors discussed in
Section 12.8.2 and by taking at least three sets of
readings for each data set, so that repeatability can
where: angle measured by inclinometer at
be examined.
section x,
Inclinometer data can give good results when
moment at section x,
used with fiexi\:,!e steel structures such as sheet or
elastic modulus,
steel piles (e.g., Boissier et al., 1978), where deflec-
moment of inertia of section x.
tions are large and the section modulus is known.
However, they are of limited use for stiff composite
If inclinometer readings are taken at 2ft (610 mm)
structures such as drilled shafts, reinforced slurry
depth intervals, the above equation can be rewritten
walls, and reinforced concrete retaining walls, both
because angular changes are likely to be very small
*Written with the assistance of Alex I. Feldman, Senior En- and because the moment of inertia is not known
gineer, Shannon & Wilson, Inc., Seattle, WA. accurately (Wolosick and Feldman, 1987). Because

the behavior of concrete is inelastic, these zones tions can be made by hand, but if a drill rig is re-
also vary with time. For such structures, inclinome- quired, the shear probe described in the following
ter data should be used for estimating bending mo- subsection may be the preferred approach. Because
ments only if other measurements can be used for there is a significant risk of breakage when remov-
checking, such as measurement of internal stresses ing stakes, a large number should be used so that
or external load. Examples of measurements in a false data can be discarded.
sheet pile wall, slurry wall, and cylinder pile wall
are given by Gould and Dunnicliff (1971). Saxena Shear Probe
(1974) and Soares (1983) describe measurements in
slurry walls. , The shear probe, also referred to as a poor man's
inclinometer, slip indicator, and poor boy, consists
of plastic tubing or thin-wall polyvinylchloride
(PVC) pipe, installed in a nominally vertical
borehole. The depth to the top of the shear zone is
determined by lowering a rigid rod within the tubing
Transverse deformation gages are defined in this
or pipe and measuring the depth at which the rod
book as devices installed within a borehole or pipe
stops at a bend. The depth to the bottom of the
for monitoring deformation normal to the axis of the
shear zone can be measured by leaving a rod with
borehole or pipe. Inclinometers fall within this cate-
an attached graduated nylon line at the bottom of
gory but are described separately in Section 12.8.
the tubing or pipe and pulling on the line until the
Typical applications are determination of depth
rod stops. Curvature can be determined by inserting
and extent of sliding zones in natural and excavated
a series of rigid rods of different lengths and noting
slopes and earth fills, and measurement of the pat-
the depth at which each rod will not pass further
tern of horizontal deformation within embankment
down the tubing or pipe. Curvature is given by:
dams and around braced excavations. Transverse
deformation gages include shear plane indicators,
plumb lines, inverted pendulums, in-place in-
clinometers, and deftectometers.
Borehole directional survey instruments are also
discussed in this section. where: R radius of curvature of tubing or
inside diameter of tubing or pipe,
12.9.1. Shear Plane Indicators outside diameter of rod,
length of rod.
Shear plane indicators range from crude and inex-
pensive rupture stakes to more precise and expen-
sive slope extensometers. Components of the system typically used in En-
gland are shown in Figure 12.78. The PVC pipe is
used as temporary sleeving around the plastic tub-
Rupture Stakes
ing, while the borehole is backfilled with sand, and
In soft clays simple wooden stakes can be pushed or is withdrawn as backfilling proceeds. In the United
driven into the ground to a depth beyond the antici- States, thin-wall PVC pipe is normally used instead
pated shear plane. Shearing will break the stakes, of tubing, and therefore the temporary sleeving is
and the depth to the shear plane can be determined unnecessary. Typically, the pipe is 2 in. (50 mm)
by pulling out the upper part of each stake. Stakes SDR 21 PVC with belled ends, and a typical set of
can be 2 x 1 in. (50 x 25 mm) softwood, or hard- four reading rods consists of 1 in. (25 mm) pipe, 6,
wood beading, without knots. Eide and Holmberg 15, 30, and 40 in. (150, 380, 760, and 1020 mm) long,
(1972) made saw cuts halfway through each stake at each arranged for separate attachment to a 100 ft (30
2 in. (50 mm) intervals to ensure breakage. Stakes m) long graduated 0.125 in. (3 mm) diameter steel
are usually installed by first pushing or driving a cable. The shortest rod will stop at a bend of 6 in.
steel pipe with a loose end cap, inserting the stake (150 mm) radius, the longest at a bend of 20ft (6 m)
within the pipe, raising the pipe while pushing on radius.
the stake to dislodge the end cap, and withdrawing In soft clays the pipe can usually be installed by
the pipe. This is an economical procedure if installa- attaching a strong bottom plug and pushing inside


Figure 12.78. Slip indicator components (courtesy of Geotechnical Instruments (U.K.) ltd., Leami ngton
Spa, England).

with drill rods. ln stiffer soils it may be necessary to stallation in rock is similar, but the protect ive pipe
drive casing, clean out, insert the belled-end pipe, is usually unnecessary. The shear strip can be con-
and withdraw the casing. Clearly, the pipe should nected to an automatic recording system and also
be installed as straight as possible. arranged to sound an alarm if the strip breaks.
McGuffey ( 1971) describes use of the shear
probe in observation well pipes , allowing moni- Slope Extensometer
toring of both groundwater level and horizontal de-
The slope extensometer (Kirschke, 1977; MOller et
formation. A similar arrangement would be possible
al., 1977) is a multipoint fixed borehole extensome-
in open standpipe piezometers.
ter with tensioned wires, arranged for monitoring
Shear Strip
The shear strip consists of a parallel electrical cir- Measure resistances R" 8 and RCD
cuit made up of resistors that are mounted on a /.AD
brittle backing strip and waterproofed. As shown in
Figure 12.79, the locations of up to two breaks in LAI>
Lcv = Rcv· -
the strip are determined by measuring resistances at
the top and bottom of the strip. Resistors can be I
spaced at any interval , but 3 ft (I m) is typical , and I
the maximum number of resistors per strip is about
100. Readout
The device is generally installed in soil by drilling
Par allel electrical
a 3 in. (76 mm) diameter borehole, inserting 2 in. (50 circuit
mm) PVC or polyethylene pipe, inserting the shear
strip with a polyethylene grout tube, grouting with - --~
cement grout, and withdrawing the grout tube. In- Figure 12.79. Schematic of shear strip.

To tensioning dams, dam abutments, shafts, and tall buildings. A

typical arrangement is shown in Figure 12.81.
t Measure distance L to
determine shear movement Inverted pendulums are used for the same pur-
poses as plumb lines and are applicable where ac-
T cess is not available to the bottom of the system.
_L They can also be used for accurate measurements
of absolute ground surface deformation and as hori-
zontal control stations for surveying methods
(Marsland , 1974b). A typical arrangement is shown
in Figure 12.82. The float , whjch is free to move in a
water tank, tensions the wire and keeps it vertical.
Clearly, both systems require a near-vertical
duct when installed as construction progresses or a
near-vertical borehole when installed after comple-
Shear tion of construction or in original ground. The in-
plane struments can be read to an accuracy of ± 0.02 in.


Figure 12.60. Schematic of slope extensometer (after Kirschke,

1977). Note: Additional anchors and tensioned wires not shown.

deformations normal to the axis of the borehole

(Figure 12.80). Up to about 10 anchors and wires
can be installed in a borehole.
Initial shear deformation will not cause an equiv-
alent reading change, owing to lateral movement of
the wires within the borehole, but after the borehole
has been separated completely, the reading change
Pendulum wire
will equal the shear deformation. Wires are ten-
sioned either by coil springs or by pulleys and sus-
pended weights, and deformations between wire
markers are read with a ruler. Measurement preci- Measuring u Support frame
sion can be increased by using alternative mechani-
cal or electrical transducers .
When compared with more conventional in-
clinometer measurements , advantages of the slope
extensometer include a simple and rapid reading
procedure, the option to provide an alarm by in-
clusion of limit switches, and the ability to mon-
itor much larger shear deformations. However,
Kirschke (1977) comments that the device is suit-
able onJy for monitoring distinct shear planes or
thin shear zones.
Oil tank

12.9.2. Plumb Line and Inverted Pendulum

Plumb lines , or hanging pendulums, can be used for Figure 12.61. Plumb line (courtesy of Soil Instruments Ltd.,
monitoring horizontal displacements of concrete Uckfield, England).

Float unit duJums include their simplicity and longevity. Their

main disadvantage is the difficulty in creating a
straight vertical duct or borehole, and borehole in-
stallations may require specialized and expensive
drilling. DebreuiJ and Hamelin (1974) describe a
Support frame technique for drilling 3 in. (76 mm) diameter holes
using standard equipment, directional driUing tech-
niques, and an inverted pendulum for monitoring
verticality as drilling proceeds.

12.9.3. In-Place Inclinometers and Multiple

In -place inclinometers and multiple dejlectometers
are typicaUy used for monitoring subsurface defor-
mations around excavations or within slopes, when
rapid or automatic monitoring is required.

In-Place Inclinometers
Cased borehole An in-place inclinometer is generally designed to
operate in a near-vertical borehole and provides es-
sentially the same data as a conventional inclinome-
ter (Section 12.8). The device, shown schematically
in Figure 12.83, consists of a series of gravity-
sensing transducers joined by articulated rods. Uni-
axial or biaxial transducers can be used. The trans-
ducers are positioned at intervals along the
borehole axis and can be concentrated in zones of
expected movement. Movement data are calculated
using the same methods as for conventional in-
Figure 12.84 shows an in-place inclinometer with
force balance accelerometers as gravity-sensing
Figure 12.82. Inverted pendulum (courtesy of Soil lnstrument.s transducers. Londe (1982) describes a system with
ltd., Uckfield, England). a pendulum blade and induction transducers, and
Cooke and Price (1974) report on development of a
( ± 0.5 mm) by using a steel measuring scale or to system with electrolytic level transducers.
±0.()01 in. (±0.03 mrn) by using traveling vernier The device generally uses standard inclinometer
microscopes mounted to sight the wire in orthog- casing as guide pipe and can be removed for repairs.
onal directions. Carpenter (1984a) describes a However , data continuity will be interrupted when
method for remote monitoring of plumb lines that the device is removed and replaced. When com-
have been installed in four dams in the Colorado pared with conventional inclinometers, advantages
River Storage Project. The system was designed include more rapid reading, an option for continu-
around an optical vision system used for control of ous automatic reading, and a n option for connectio n
industrial robots. Rays from light-emitting diodes to a console for transmission of data to remote loca-
are used to sense the shadow of the pendulum wire, tions or for triggering an alarm if deformation
and signals are projected on to a linear photodiode exceeds a predetermined amount. Disadvantages
array that is scanned by a microprocessor. The include greater complexity and expense of the
commercial supplier of the system is given in Ap-
pendix D. •Written with the assistance of Howard B. Dutro and P. Erik
Mikkelsen, Vice Presidents. Slope Indicator Company. Seattle
Advantages of plumb lines and inverted pen- WA. '

In- place
Inclinometer Multiple
3 m, ± 34-69 arc-seconds), and it is believed that
with gravity- dellectometer greater precision can be obtained by careful use of a
sensmg w1th angle
transducers transducers conventional inclinometer with a force balance ac-
celerometer transducer.
o. The in-place inclinometer, together with installa-
tion, calculation, data processing, and reporting
tube procedures, is described by lSRM (198Ja).

Multiple Dejlectometers
Multiple defiectometers, also referred to as chain
defiectometers, operate on a similar principle to in-
place inclinometers, but rotation is measured by an-
gle transducers instead of tilt transducers (Figures
Grav1ty- sensing 12.83 and 12.85).
or angle
Two versions are commercially available: ar-
ticulated rods with full bridge bonded resistance
strain gage transducers attached to cantilevers and
a tensioned wire passing over knife edges with in-
duction transducers.
Multiple deflectometers are usually installed
within inclinometer casing. The system can usually

Figure 12.83. Schematic of in-place inclinometer and multiple


hardware. When conventional inclinometers are

read , any long-term drift of the gravity-sensing
transducers is removed from calculations by taking
a second set of readings with the inclinometer ro-
tated 180 degrees (the check-sum procedure), but
this is not possible with the in-place version. Al-
though the transducers are generally stable, there is
always the possibility of a "rogue transducer," and
this possibility should be recognized if one is plan-
ning to use an in-place inclinometer for long-term
applications where high precision is required.
In-place inclinometers can be used effectively in
combination with a conventional inclinometer. An
in-place version can first be installed to define the
location of any transverse deformation, with min-
imal labor costs for reading. If deformation occurs,
the in-place system can be removed and the moving
zone monitored with a conventional inclinometer.
Alternatively , a conventional inclinometer can be
used first to indicate any deformation and an in-
place version later installed across a critical deform-
ing zone to minimize subsequent effort and perhaps
to provide an alarm trigger.
Typical fiel d precision is ± 0.02-0.04 in. over a Figure 12.84. In-place inclinometer (courtesy of Slope Indicator
10 ft gage length (approximately ± 0.5-1.0 mm in Company, Seattle, WA).

widely a nd performance experience is sparse. Mill-

ler and Muller (1970) describe a tensioned wire ver-
sion with induction transducers and quote a preci-
sion of ± 0.00 15 in. over a 15 ft gage length
(approximately ± 0.04 mm in 4.6 m). T his appears
to be a case of unusualJy high precision, perhaps
when not operating through mechanical zero
(Dutro, 1985). The author believes that, under field
conditions, users should assume a typical precision
similar to that suggested previously for in-place in-

12.9.4. Portable Borehole Deflec tome ters

The deftectometer is also available in a portable ver-
Guide wheel
assembly sion , allowing similar use as a conventional in-
clinometer but without the limitation of borehole
Figure 12.85. Downhole components of multiple deflectometer
inclination. It can therefore be used to provide
(courtesy of Slope Indicator Company, Seattle, WA).
horizontal deformation data in a horizontal bole as
well as for borehole directional surveys.
be removed from the borehole at any time for main- A typical instrument consists of two beams of
tenance a nd calibration, but data continuity will be equal length connected by an articulated joint, with
interrupted whe n the device is removed and re- an angle transducer arranged to sense a ngular rota-
placed. tion between the two beams. Some systems operate
Although advantages and limitations are gener- within grooved inclinometer casing, and othe rs re-
ally the same as for in-place inclinometers, there a re quire use of insertion rods for orie ntation control.
three important differe nces between the two sys- Data reduction procedures are similar to proce-
tems. The first favors multiple detlectometers, dures used in conventional surveying by open
while the second and third favor in-place inclinome- traverse lines a nd are described by Dutro (1977).
ters. First, multiple deftectometers are not limited The most accurate instrument known to the au-
by borehole inclination, because their transducers thor was developed by the Federal Institute of
are not referenced to gravity. They can therefore be Technology, Zurich, (Kovari et al., 1979), and is
used to sense horizontal deformation in a horizontal available from Solexperts AG. It uses the same
borehole. Second, because deftectometer data are sphere/cone-shaped measuring points as the s liding
calculated by determining the position of one arm of micrometer (Figure 12.31), spaced 1.5 m (4.9 ft)
the instrument relative to another, and not with re- apart, has linear displacement transducers, and is
spect to gravity, the device has no means of sensing attached to insertion rods. For a borehole 30m (100
rotation of the system as a whole. Third, deftec- ft) long, the repeatability of transverse deformation
tometer e rrors accumulate exponentially, whereas measurement is reported as ±2-3 mm (±0.08-0. 12
inclinometer errors accumulate arithmeticalJy. in.) (Thut, 1987). Figure 12.86 shows the basic ar-
Multiple deftectometers have not been used rangement, including transducers for measuring

Linear displacement

Figure 12.86. Extenso-Deflectometer (after Kovari et al., 1979). Reprinted from ASCE 4th RETC, At-
lanta, June 1979, "New Developments in the Inst rumentation of Underground Openings."

axial deformation, so that the instrument functions 12.9.6. Borehole Directional Survey Instruments
as a combined portable borehole deflectometer and
Borehole directional surveys are occasionally re-
probe extensometer. The portable borehole deflec-
quired before installing instruments.
tometer is commercially available, but the com-
Portable borehole deflectometers can be used in
bined instrument shown in Figure 12.86 has not
boreholes at any inclination, and inclinometers can
been developed.
be used to survey the vertical profile of boreholes.
Instruments manufactured in the United States
However, both methods are cumbersome because
~y Slope Indicator Company have strain gaged can-
they usually require either orientation rods or the
tilevers to sense angular rotation between the two
temporary insertion of inclinometer casing and may
beams and operate either within grooved inclinome-
be unnecessarily precise.
ter casing or smooth-walled pipes. O'Rourke and
The vertical profile of a borehole that is inclined
Kumbhojkar (1984) provide guidelines on the mea-
downward can be surveyed with a full-profile liquid
surement procedure and sources of error when us-
level gage (Section 12.10). Alternatively, if the
ing these instruments. The major sources of error
borehole holds water, a diaphragm piezometer can
are mechanical interference in the articulation and
be used for the survey, by making measurements of
positioning uncertainties in successive legs of a
water head and lead length as a piezometer is in-
traverse, and both can be minimized by carefully
serted into the borehole. If the borehole will not
following established reading procedures and by re-
hold water, a closed-ended PVC pipe can be in-
peated traverses. Dutro (1984) indicates that when
serted temporarily and filled with water.
following these procedures within a 100 ft C30 m)
A comprehensive description of borehole direc-
long smooth-walled clean pipe, the instrument en-
tional surveying methods, ranging from the simple
ables the true position of one end of the pipe with
acid etch technique to more complex photographic
respect to the other end to be determined to within
and gyroscopic methods, is given by Cumming
±6 in.(± 150 mm). Robinson et al. (1985) report on
(1956). Two methods described by Cumming are
laboratory and field test measurements, indicating
used occasionally for directional surveys of bore-
that the vertical profile for a 15.2 m (50 ft) near-
holes prior to installing geotechnical instruments
horizontal grooved casing could be measured to an
and are outlined in the following subsections. Com-
accuracy of ± 12 mm ( ± 0.5 in.), while the horizon-
mercial sources are included in Table D.7 of Appen-
tal profile could be measured to an accuracy of ± 4
dix D.
mm ( ± 0.15 in.). The particular instrument used
tende~ to change its zero value between readings, Photographic Method
and thts resulted in measurement errors of ±50 mm
( ± 2 in.) over the length of the casing. The use of a Inclination is measured by photographically record-
developed data correction constant was found to ing the position of the tip of a free-swinging pen-
produce accurate measurements to within ± 8 mm dulum, and orientation is indicated by a magnetic
( ± 0.3 in.). It is believed that the above accuracies compass. Single-shot and multiple-shot versions
were limited by mechanical shortcomings in the de- are available, a timing mechanism controlling the
sig~ of the instrument then available from Slope photographic exposures (Figure 12.87). Inclination
Indtcator Company. Design of an improved version angles can be read to the nearest 0.25 degree and
is in progress. compass bearings to the nearest 0.5 degree. Survey
The accuracies reported above should not be services are provided by several companies
converted to a proportion of the length of pipe or specializing in oil field operations.
casing and used to estimate accuracy for pipes and
Pajari Method
casings of different lengths, because the error accu-
mulates with the number of measurements accord- The device used in the Pajari method contains a
ing to the power function given by Dutro (1977). pendulum, magnetic compass, and timing mecha-
nism (Figure 12.88). A single reading is taken for
each insertion, by setting the timing mechanism,
12.9.5. Fiber-Optic Sensor
inserting the instrument to the required measure-
The .fiber-optic microbending sensor has a potential ment point, waiting for the timing mechanism to
use as a transverse deformation gage and is de- lock the pendulum and compass, and retrieving and
scribed in Section 12.11.4. reading the instrument.

Typical record disk

for single-shot
survey instrument

Figure 12.88. Pajari borehole directional survey instrument

(courtesy of Pajari Instruments ltd., Orillia, Ontario, Canada).

Multrple shot The gages only provide a means of measuring

survey onstrument relative elevations between two or more points. If
absolute settlement or heave is required , as is usu-
Figure 12.87. Borehole dire<:tional survey instrument, photo- ally the case, data must be referenced to a bench-
graphic type (courtesy of Eastman Christensen Company, Hous- mark. If one end of the gage cannot be mounted
ton, TX).
directly on a benchmark, a surveying method wiU
normally be used, and accuracy may be dependent
12.10. LIQUID LEVEL GAGES on accuracy of the surveying method.
In general, liquid level gages arc sensitive to Liq-
Liquid level gages are defined in this book as instru- uid density changes caused by temperature varia-
ments that incorporate a liquid-filled tube or pipe tion, to surface tension effects, and to any discon-
for determination of relative vertical deformation. tinuity of liquid in the liquid-filled tube. These three
Relative elevation is determined either from the sources of error are discussed in detail in Section
equivalence of liquid level in a manometer or from 8.2.3 , which also provides guidelines on selection of
the pressure transmitted by the liquid. tubing material and diameter, tubing fittings, liquid ,
The primary application for liquid level gages is and routing of liquid-filled tubes. The greatest po-
monitoring settlements within embankments or em- tential source of error is discontinuity of liquid
bankment foundations. ln general, they are alterna- caused by the presence of gas, and great care must
tives to vertical probe extensometers, settlement always be taken to ensure absence of gas. Precision
platforms, and subsurface settlement points , allow- claimed for these instruments is sometimes unreal-
ing installation to be made without frequent inter- istic, and users are encouraged to study this section
ruption to normal fill placement and compaction and Section 8.2.3 before selecting liquid level gages.
and minimizing the potential for instrument dam- A general caution about the use of mercury in
age. Most liquid level gages also allow measure- these systems is appropriate. ln the United States
ments to be taken at a central reading location. Cer- mercury is considered to be a hazardous material,
tain types of liquid level gage can also be used and environmental restrictions prevent its use in
where more precise measurements are required, many applications. In addition , if mercury remains
such as when monitoring the settlement of struc- in plastic tubing in the long term, there is evidence
tures. that it can leach gas from the tubing and create dis-

continuities in the mercury. Also, oxidation can the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in what is now Iraq.
cause contamination and blockage of the tubing. Modem versions are usually called hose levels and
When mercury is used, it should be triple distilled. are used primarily for precise long-term measure-
Single-point, multipoint, and full-profile liquid ment of differential settlement within buildings,
level gages are available. Single-point gages can be where operating conditions can be well controlled.
grouped into three categories, depending on the rel- The hose level, also called the Terzaghi water
ative elevations of the two ends of the system: both level meter, consists of two burettes connected by a
ends at the same elevation, readout unit higher than length of transparent water-filled tube, normally of
the cell, and readout unit lower than the cell. Gages 0.38 in. (10 mm) inside diameter. The burettes are
are described in tum, and comparative information hung on a pair of wall-mounted observation pins,
is given in Table 12.9. and micrometer spindles are advanced to touch the
All tubing diameters referred to in this discussion water surfaces simultaneously. Relative elevations
of liquid level gages are inside diameters, because of pins are determined from micrometer readings,
the inside diameter impacts on the behavior of fluid and absolute elevations are determined by mount-
within the tubing. The reader is cautioned about a ing one of the pins over a benchmark. The version
possible confusion: industry standards use the out- manufactured earlier by Soiltest, Inc. is shown in
side diameter when referring to tubing sizes. Figure 12.89, but this product has been discon-
tinued, and the author is not aware of a current com-
mercial source.
12.1 0.1. Single-Point Gages with Both Ends at The arrangement is described by the Corps of
Same Elevation Engineers (1980) and Terzaghi (1938), and revisions
to Terzaghi's design are detailed by Casagrande et
Hose Levels
al. (1967). Other versions-together with methods
A simple liquid level manometer was used in an- of minimizing errors resulting from discontinuity of
cient times for establishing relative levels during the liquid, temperature differences along the hose,
construction of canals in Mesopotamia, between and differences in atmospheric pressure between

Table 12.9. Liquid Level Gages

Gage Advantages Limitations a Approximate Precision b
Hose level (e.g., Figure Very precise Great care needed to mini- ±0.001-0.5 in. (±0.03-13
12.89) mize errors mm)
Both ends must be at same
elevation and barometric
Accuracy reduced
significantly if forced air
ventilation systems cause
different air pressures at
Multistation hose level Simple Both ends must be at same ±0.1-0.5 in. (±3-13 mm)
(Figure 12.90) elevation and barometric
Single-point overflow gage Cell can be attached to a Unless cell is attached to a ± 0.02-0.8 in. ( ± 0.5-20
with both ends at same subsurface settlement subsurface settlement mm)
elevation (Figure 12.91) point to allow readout point, both ends must be
above measuring point at same elevation
Both ends must be at same
barometric pressure
Only single point is moni-
Table 12.9. (Continued)

Gage Advantages Limitations a Approximate Precisionh

Single-point gage with Cell can be installed in a Design and operation of With pneumatic trans-
pressure transducer in borehole transducer requires close ducer and aqueous solu-
cell, with readout unit Backpressured version attention to many details tion: ±0.5-1.5 in.
higher than cell (Figure available so that liquid- to ensure precision; see (± 13-38 mm)
12.93) filled tube can readily Section 12.10.2 With vibrating wire trans-
be checked for con- Version with vibrating wire ducer and mercury:
tinuity of liquid transducer may be sub- ±0.1-1.0 in. (±3-25
ject to damage by over- mm)
ranging the transducer if
initial filling with liquid is
completed before ship-
ment; see Section
12.10.6. If transducer
cavity is vented, potential
for corrosion and reading
errors. If transducer cav-
ity is not vented, gage
sensitive to changes in
barometric pressure
Regular de-airing of liquid
required (but backpres-
sured version greatly re-
duces frequency)
Only single point is moni-
to red
Requires accurate know!-
edge of liquid density
Readout unit must be above
Use of mercury creates
possible environmental
Single-point gage with Liquid-filled tube can Only single point is moni- With electrical pressure
pressure transducer in readily be checked for to red transducer and aqueous
readout unit, with read- continuity of liquid by Requires accurate know!- solution: ± 0.25-1.0 in.
out unit higher or lower increasing backpressure edge of liquid density (±6-25 mm)
than cell (Figure 12.96) No buried transducer
Readout can be above or
below cell
Cell can be installed in a
Single-point overflow gage Readout can be above or Regular de-airing of liquid ±0.4-0.8 in. (± 10-20
with readout unit higher below cell required when readout is mm)
or lower than cell (Fig- Cell can be installed in a higher than cell
ure 12.98) borehole Both ends must be at same
barometric pressure
Only single point is moni-
to red
Requires accurate know!-
edge of liquid density
Multipoint gage with inter- Precise All chambers must be at ±0.004-0.1 in. (±0.1-3
connected chambers Automatic recording same elevation and mm)
(e.g., Figure 12.99) barometric pressure

Table 12.9. (Continued)
Gage Advantages Limitations a Approximate Precisionh
Full-profile overflow gage No limit to number of Both ends must be at same ±0.1-0.8 in. (±3-20 mm)
(similar to Figure 12.91) measuring points elevation and barometric
No delicate or expensive pressure
parts buried Buried pipe must slope up-
Can be used with probe ward from access point
extensometer to mea- Longitudinal position of
sure both horizontal and measuring point must be
vertical deformations controlled very carefully
Can be used for elevation
surveys along a near-
horizontal or inclined
borehole, pipeline, or
Full-profile gage with No limit to number of Cumbersome With pneumatic trans-
pressure transducer in measuring points Design and operation of ducer and aqueous solu-
probe and attached No delicate or expensive transducer requires close tion: ±0.5-1.5 in.
liquid-filled tube (similar parts buried attention to many details (± 13-38 mm)
to Figure 12.93; also Can be used with probe to ensure precision; see With vibrating wire or
Figure 12.1 00) extensometer to mea- Section 12.10.2 electrical resistance
sure both horizontal and Versions with vibrating transducer and mer-
vertical deformations wire or electrical resis- cury: ±0.1-1.0 in.
Can be used for elevation tance transducer are sub- (±3-25 mm)
surveys along a near- ject to overranging while With bladder: ±0.3-1.5
horizontal or inclined handling. If transducer in. (±8-38 mm)
borehole, pipeline, or cavity is vented, potential
culvert for corrosion and reading
errors. If transducer cav-
ity is not vented, gage
sensitive to changes in
barometric pressure
Version with bladder has
limited range, and great
operator care is required
Prone to temperature errors
if external air tempera-
ture is very different
from temperature in pipe
Regular de-airing of liquid
Liquid-filled tube must be
Requires accurate knowl-
edge of liquid density
Readout unit must be above
Use of mercury creates
possible environmental
Longitudinal position of
measuring point must be
controlled very carefully
Full profile gage with Liquid-filled tube can Cumbersome With electrical pressure
pressure transducer in be checked for con- Prone to temperature errors transducer and aqueous
readout unit and at- tinuity of liquid by if external air tempera- solution: ±0.25-1.0 in.
tached liquid-filled tube increasing backpres- ture is very different (±6-25 mm)
(similar to Figure 12.96) sure from temperature in pipe
Table 12.9. (Continued)

Gage Advantages Limitations a Approximate Precisionh

No limit to number of Requires accurate knowl-

measuring points edge of liquid density
No delicate or expensive Longitudinal position of
parts buried measuring point must be
Can be used with probe controlled very carefully
extensometer to mea-
sure both horizontal and
vertical deformations
Can be used for elevation
surveys along a near-
horizontal or inclined
borehole, pipeline, or
Full-profile gage with Can be used for elevation Great care needed to en- ±0.05-20 in. (± 1.3-510
pressure transducer in surveys along down- sure pipe is completely mm)
probe but without at- ward inclined boreholes filled with liquid
tached liquid-filled tube No limit to number of Buried pipe must not leak
(Figure 12.103) measuring points Sensitive to barometric
No delicate or expensive pressure rrpressure
parts buried transducer is not vented
Requires accurate knowl-
edge of liquid density
Readout unit must be above
Longitudinal position of
measuring point must be
controlled very carefully
Double fluid full-profile Very long profiles can be Complex control system ±0.1-1.5 in. (±3-38 mm)
gage (DFSD) (Figure monitored Excessive pressure can
12.104) No open pipe required burst tube
Automatic data acquisi- Tube cannot be more than
tion system available 20 ft (6 m) below readout
No limit to number of unit
measuring points Requires accurate knowl-
No delicate or expensive edge of liquid densities
parts buried Readout unit must be above
Use of mercury creates
possible environmental
Longitudinal position of
measuring point must be
controlled very carefully
a All gages are sensitive to liquid density changes caused by temperature variation, to surface tension effects, and to any discontinuity
of liquid in the liquid-filled tube. See this section and Section 8.2.3 for details and recommendations. They are also subject to freezing
bPrecision refers to relative elevations betwen two or more parts of the gage and is highly dependent on factors discussed in Section
8.2.3. If absolute settlement or heave is required, data must be referenced to a benchmark, and accuracy will usually be dependent on
the referencing method.
elf left in tubing long term, mercury can leach gas from tubing and create discontinuities in liquid. Also, oxidation can cause
contamination and blocking of tubing.


\ I
Reservoirs on pavement
Scale remote
or structure where Transparent
movement is to be from
plastic tube filled movement
measured; typically with water or aqueous
3 in. diameter solution; typically
0.25 in. inside
d 1ameter polyethylene

Figure 12.90. Schematic of multistation hose level.

(1975) and shown schematically in Figure 12.91 .

The gage is normally read by adding liquid to the
liquid-filled tube at the readout station, causing
water-filled tube overflow in the cell such that the visible level at the
readout station stabilizes at the same elevation as
Figure 12.89. Terzaghi water level meter (courtesy of Soiltest,
Inc., Evanston, ll). the overflow point. The vent tube is essential to
maintain equal pressure on both surfaces of liquid ,
and the drain tube is needed to allow overflowed
liquid to drain out of the cell. A four-tube version,
the two water surfaces-are described by GouJd
with duplicate liquid-filled tubes, provides a verifi-
and Dunnicliff (1971).
cation of reading correctness and is the preferred
A multistation hose level, Figure 12.90 (Warner,
instrument. Penman et aJ. (1975) indicate that it is
1978), is used for monitoring compaction grouting
necessary to flush the liquid-filled tube with at least
and slab jacking of highway pavements or buildings.
its own volume of de-aired liquid before repro-
The reservoirs are fixed at locations where moni-
ducible readings can be obtained. Forsyth and
toring is required, and the tubes are routed to a
McCauley ( 1973) and the New York Department of
terminal panel and scale alongside the grout pump
Transportation ( 1979) indicate that liquid is not nor-
for direct observation by the pump operator. A sin- maJiy added for highway applications, because liq-
gle hose can also be used for contouring a structure
uid overflows as settlement occurs. However, this
~ri or to compaction grouting or slab jacking, by set-
procedure optimistically assumes no discontinuity
ling the reservoir at a fixed location and placing the
of liquid and no loss of liquid by evaporation, and
other end at successive points on the structure.

Overflow Gages Add de-aired liquid to

cause overflow in cell;
The most frequently used instruments with both measure liquid level
ends at the same elevation are called overflow l
gages, or alternatively hydraulic leveling devices, Overflow -- ~~~~ ~~~d_2~e!__ - ~Scale
water overflow pots, or overflow weirs. They are Cell Tube filled w1th water
commonly used for settlement measurements in
Vent tube
embankment dams and as alternatives to settlement
platforms during construction of embankments on
Drain tube
soft ground, overcoming the need to extend a riser
pipe through the embankment. Figure 12.91. Schematic of overflow gage with both ends at same
The instrument is described by Penman et aJ. elevation.

the tube can be blown out. Penman et at. (1975)

indicate that when 0.6 in. (15 mm) inside diameter
vent tubes were used to satisfy the first criterion,
and they become flooded , it was extremely difficult
to remove a ll the water. Water traps formed and
destroyed the accuracy of the gages. An inside di-
ameter of 0.25 in. (6 mm) appears to be a maximum
for ensuring that water can be blown out, and even
with this diameter a steady continuous flow of dry
gas is needed to remove the film of water remaining
in the tube. lf the film is not removed after blowing
out water, it will collect at a low point and again
form a water trap. With the compromise of 0.25 in .
(6 mm) inside diameter vent tubes, air pressure
equilibrium can be achieved with an error of tess
than 0.005 in. (0.1 mm) head of water in 5 minutes
over 600 ft ( 180 m). The inside diameter of the drain
tube is usually the same as the vent tube.
T he optimum inside diameter of all three (or four)
tubes is therefore 0.25 in. (6 mm). However, avail-
Figu re 12.92. Overflow liquid level gage: (top} cell and (bottom} able commercial versions have liquid-fiJled and vent
readout unit (courtesy of Gl6tzl GmbH, Karlsruhe, West Germany tubes ranging from 0.2 to 0.4 in. (5-10 mm) inside
and Ceo Group, Inc., Wheaton, MO). diameter. T he volume within the cell, between the
overflow point and the drain tube connection,
should be significantly larger than the volume of the
good practice involves establishing a regular flush- liquid-filled tube , so that the overflow point does
ing schedule, reading before and after, and revising not become submerged during flushing. Backup of
the schedule in accordance with changes caused by liquid in the drain tube can cause false readings and
flu shing. can be overcome by applying air pressure to the
Figure 12.92 shows the cell and readout unit vent tube until liquid ceases to flow from the drain
manufactured by Glotzl. The liquid-fi lled tubes tube. It is advisable to install the drain tube on a
from a maximum of five cells are connected to the continuous slope toward the readout unit.
readout unit, and selector switches allow connec- The overflow gage can be used for monitoring
tion to each tube in tum. An electrical pressure vertical deformation below the elevation of the
transducer in the readout unit is used to indicate the readout unit by attaching the cell to the top of a
head of liquid. subsurface settlement point (Section 12.7 .6). lf this
Forsyth and McCauley ( 1973) describe a gage arrangement is used beneath an embankment, a
without a drain tube, in which overflowing liquid protective cover must be provided around and over
drains directly into the embankment. Assumptions the cell, with sufficient internal height to allow set-
when using this gage are fi rst that the embankment tlement of the cover without contacting the cell
is sufficiently pervious to allow free draining, sec- (New York Department of T ransporatio n, 1979).
ond that barometric pressure has free connection to Special precautions must also be made to protect
the buried gage, and third that there is no chance of the tubes near the cell from damage as settlement
a free water surface rising above the level of the proceeds.
overflow at any time during the active life of the
gage. This version of the overflow gage is not rec-
12.1 0.2. Single-Point Gages with Readout Unit
Higher than Cell
As indicated in Section 8.2.3, the optimum inside
diameter of the liquid-filled tube is 0.25 in. (6 mm). Gages that allow the readout unit to be higher than
The diameter of the vent tube should be large the cell include either a pressure transducer or a
enough to create air pressure equilibrium along the method of applying a suction or backpressure to the
tube but small enough so that any water that enters overflow gage described in the previous section.

P : H-y; thus, determine elevation of cell Digital readout

Pressure transducer indicator

Cells containing
pneumatic pressure

Pressure Figure 12.95. Liquid level gage with pneumatic pressure trans-
transducer. ducer in cell, with readout unit higher than cell (courtesy of Soil
Pressure= P
Instruments Ltd., Uckfield, England).
Figure 12.93. Schematic of liquid level gage with pressure trans-
ducer in cell, with readout unit higher than cell.
Figure 12.93 shows only one liquid-filled tube,
but in practice it is preferable to have two tubes so
Gages with Pressure Transducer in Cell
that flushing is possible and independent measure-
The arrangement is shown schematicalJy in Figure ments can be made on each tube as a check.
12.93. The pressure transducer can be either a Precision of these gages is dependent on two ma-
pneumatic (e.g., Figures 12.94 and 12.95) or vibrat- jor factors. First, the pressure transducer must read
ing wire type. The upper surface of the liquid col- the liquid head correctly and second, the liquid
umn is at a known elevation at the readout location; must transmit static head correctly from the free
therefore, relative elevation of the transducer and surface at the reservoir to the diaphragm of the
reservoir can be determined from the pressure mea- pressure transducer. The discussion of the first ma-
surement and liquid density. j or factor will consider pneumatic and vibrating
wire transducers separately.
When using pneumatic pressure transducers, one
must pay close attention to the factors discussed in
Section 8.3. When using the transducer for moni-
toring settlement, precision requirements are much
greater and much more difficult to achieve than
when the transducer is used for monitoring pore
water pressure or total stress. If the transducer is
read under a condition of no gas flow (Figure 8.6),
very carefuJ control of gas pressure is essential. If
the transducer is read as gas is flowing (Figure 8. 7
or 8.8), the rate of gas flow shouJd be as low and
constant as possible, and a flow meter should pref-
erably be included in the system. The flow control-
ler shouJd be insensitive to variations in tempera-
ture, and the accuracy of the flow meter should be
within 0.5 cm3 /min. The types of flow controllers
and flow meters that are adequate when monitoring
pore water pressure and total stress may not be
adequately precise when monitoring settlement.
Figure 12.94. Liquid level gage with pneumatic pressure trans- Also, it is very important to use a pneumatic trans-
ducer in cell, with readout unit higher than cell (courtesy of Slope ducer with a very low volumetric displacement of
Indicator Company, Seattle, WA). the diaphragm (Section 8.3), because large vol-

umetric displacement may cause a pressure surge in aired system does become discontinuous, provided
the liquid-filled tube and errors in the liquid part of the amount of free gas in the liquid is not excessive,
the system. it can often be driven into solution under the back-
When using vibrating wire pressure transducers, pressure.
one must pay close attention to the factors dis- The author believes that the precision of gages
cussed in Section 8.4.9. If the cavity behind the with pneumatic transducers and aqueous solutions
diaphragm is hermetically sealed, the gage is sensi- is generally limited to ± 0.5 in. ( ± 13 mm). This
tive to changes in barometric pressure. On the other precision is possible provided that the above guide-
hand, if the cavity is vented to atmosphere to avoid lines for the diameter of the liquid-filled tube are
this limitation, the transducer is subject to corro- followed and that temperature variations in the
sion, and if any water enters the vent tube sig- liquid-filled tube are not great (Section 8.2.3). Gages
nificant reading errors may be caused by the air/ with vibrating wire transducers and mercury can be
water interfaces (Penman, 1978). These are signifi- used to obtain higher precision but are subject to
cant disadvantages. In addition, if initial filling of the limitations given in Table 12.9. Until a sufficient
the liquid-filled tubes is completed before the gage bank of data has been obtained to demonstrate pre-
is installed, care must be taken while handling the cision, the author recommends that users conduct
system to avoid overranging the vibrating wire full-scale calibrations prior to field installation.
transducer. Bearing in mind these various limita-
tions, the author prefers pneumatic transducers
Gages with Pressure Transducer in Readout Unit
when using this type of liquid level gage.
The second major factor that affects precision is The arrangement is shown in Figures 12.96 and
the liquid part of the system. The system must 12.97.
transmit static head correctly from the free surface Figure 12.96 shows only two tubes, but in prac-
at the reservoir to the diaphragm of the pressure tice it is preferable to have two liquid-filled tubes
transducer, and close attention must be given to the and two tubes for gas, so that flushing is possible
factors discussed in Section 8.2.3. The selection of and independent measurements can be made on
tubing diameter is critical. An upper limit is neces- each liquid-filled tube as a check. The rubber blad-
sary to ensure that any gas in the tube can readily be der is made slightly larger than the rigid case of the
displaced, and a lower limit is necessary to ensure cell and is therefore never in tension. Initially, the
that equilibrium is achieved in an acceptably small liquid-filled tubes are connected to a reservoir to
time. When aqueous solutions are used, the inside ensure that the rubber bladder is expanded to fill the
diameter of the liquid-filled tube should be between rigid case. Sufficient gas pressure is then applied to
0.17 and 0.25 in. (4.3-6 mm). If a larger diameter is overcome the liquid head H, thereby compressing
used, gas cannot readily be displaced during initial the liquid slightly, ensuring that all liquid is at a
filling and subsequent flushing. If a smaller diameter pressure greater than atmospheric pressure and that
is used, the equilibrium time is likely to be too long, gas and liquid pressures across the bladder are
and any gas/liquid interfaces may create significant equal. The magnitude of the gas pressure is not used
errors (Penman, 1978). An inside diameter of 0.25 in calculations, because it is applied to both ends of
in. (6 mm) is strongly recommended if a pressure the system. The change in pressure transducer
surge is caused by movement of the liquid column reading, divided by the specific gravity of the liquid,
at the time of reading, for example, by using a pneu- gives vertical deformation directly.
matic transducer with significant volumetric dis- The gage shown in Figure 12.96 has two major
placement. When mercury is used, the inside diame- advantages when compared with the gage shown in
ter of the tubing normally ranges from 0.07 to 0.2 in. Figure 12.93. First, a check can readily be made for
(2-5 mm). continuity of liquid, by taking readings as the gas
The instrument shown in Figure 12.95 is avail- pressure is increased. If two liquid-filled tubes are
able with a system for backpressuring both the res- provided, separate readings provide an additional
ervoir and pneumatic transducer with air pressure. check. In fact, if an initially de-aired system does
The magnitude of the air pressure is not used in become discontinuous, provided the amount of free
calculations, because it is applied to both ends of gas in the liquid is not excessive, it can often be
the system. This version allows a check to be made driven into solution under the backpressure. Sec-
for continuity ofliquid, by taking readings as the air ond, the transducer is accessible for checking and
pressure is increased. In fact, if an initially de- recalibration if necessary. Additionally, there is no

Open valve to reservoir to ensure that rubber bladder is

expanded to fill rigid case of cell.
Electrical pressure
Close valve.
Apply gas pressure in excess of H'(.
transducer. Pressure =P
Read P. Pressure
Verify that P does not change when gas pressure is increased. transducer
Vertical deformation = - -

Tube filled with water or

aqueous solution. Density= 'f

Porous Rubber
material bladder

Figure 12.96. Schematic of liquid level gage with pressure transducer in readout unit, with readout unit
higher than cell.

error caused by the pressure surge associated with the readout end of the liquid-filled tube or a mea-
using a pneumatic transducer in the system shown sured backpressure to the vent tube.
in Figure 12.93. The former version is shown in Figure 12.98 and
Precision of these gages is dependent on the described by Penman (1982) and Penman et al.
same two major factors discussed for the gage (1975). The 1982 paper describes a revised method
shown in Figure 12.93: the pressure transducer of reading, and this should be used in preference to
must read the liquid head correctly and the liquid the 1975 method. This gage is limited to an elevation
must transmit static head correctly. These condi- difference between the cell and readout unit of
tions are easier to achieve when the system is back- about 15 ft (4.6 m): at a greater distance the liquid
pressured and when the transducer is accessible, tends to become discontinuous. Precision is typi-
and therefore the gage shown in Figure 12.96 is pre- cally ±0.4 in.(± 10 mm).
ferred. A liquid-filled tubing inside diameter of be- The latter version is described by Dunnicliff
tween 0.17 and 0.25 in. (4.3-6 mm) is a good choice (1968) and has duplicate air tubes both to allow cir-
when aqueous solutions are used. A precision of culation of air and to give two independent means of
±0.25 in. (±6 mm) appears to be possible, pro- measuring air pressure. This system allows mea-
vided that the above guidelines for the diameter of surements to be made at up to 100ft (30 m) eleva-
the liquid-filled tube are followed and that tempera- tion difference between the cell and readout unit,
ture variations in the liquid-filled tube are not great and precision is ±0.8 in. (±20 mm).
(Section 8.2.3).
12.1 0.3. Single-Point Gages with Readout Unit
Overflow Gages Lower than Cell
The overflow gage shown in Figure 12.91 can be The backpressured gage shown in Figures 12.96 and
converted for use with the readout unit higher than 12.97 can be used with the readout unit lower than
the cell, by applying either a measured suction to the cell. As an alternative, the overflow gage shown

an open pit mine. The DCDTs are connected to a

console and can be arranged to sou nd an alarm in
the event that a predetermined settlement is ex-
ceeded at any chamber. There are II chambers and
interconnecting pipework, all covered by about 3 ft
(1 m) of fi ll to minimize inaccuracy caused by tem-
perature variations. The liquid is a 3: 2 ethylene gly-
col/water mix, and precision over a I000 ft (300 m)
long system is about ±0.02 in . (±0.5 mm). T he
version is based on an original design by the Build-
ing Research Establishment in England (Ward et
al., 1968), which achieved a precision of ± 0.004 in.
(± 0.1 mm) during a loading test o n chalk, by using
a magnifying lever on each float. Precision of all
versions is affected by temperature variations,
which were greater at the open pit mine than the
loading test on chalk.
Readers may question why this system used such
a large-diameter Liquid-filled pipe (nominal diameter
3 in., 76 mm), whereas for single-point systems 0.25
in. (6 mm) inside diameter tubes are recommended
so that continuity of liquid is ensured. The problem
of filling a near-horizontal large-diameter pipe with
Liquid was demonstrated during recent tests in Col-
orado. A 1.5 in. (38 mm) nominal diameter PVC
pipe was laid on reasonably level ground around a
building, with the two ends terminating in vertical
risers alongside each other. Pouring water in one
riser, supposedly to fill the pipe, resulted in unre-
Figure 12.97. liquid level gage with electrical pressure trans- pealable relative water levels in the two risers, and
ducer in readout unit (courtesy of Thor International, Inc., Seat- levels were up to 1.5 in. (38 mm) different, indicat-
tle, WA).
ing errors resulting from breaks in continuity of liq-
uid. If a pipe or tube with an inside diameter larger
than 0.25 in. (6 mm) is used, trapped air must be
in Figure 12.98 can be used with the readout unit excluded in one of two ways. First, outlets for air
lower than the cell by a pplying a measured pressure bleeding must be provided on the top of the pipe at
to the readout end of the liquid-filled tube (Penman, any point where a crest may form , and in any event
1982). no further apart than about 100 ft (30 m). Second,
the pipe should be installed with a pronounced
slope toward each end (i.e., in a vertical U or
12.10.4. Multipoint Gages
V s hape). The first approach is more reliable and
Various multipoint gages have been developed, but is used in the arrangement shown in Figure 12.99,
most users prefer to install several single-point the connectors to the floats acting as air bleeds. The
gages, usually because failure of a single gage in a author believes that the arrangment shown in Fig-
multipoint system may result in loss of the entire ure 12.99 would be satisfactory during the short-
system. However, a multipoint gage that cons ists of term if a 0.25 in . (6 mm) inside diameter liquid-filled
a series of interconnected liquid-filled chambers, tube had been used instead of the larger-diameter
placed at a similar elevation, is available and useful pipe, but that occasional fl ushing with de-aired Liq-
and is described in the following paragraphs. uid would be needed to maintain continuity of liquid
Figure 12.99 shows a version manufactured by in the long-term. In summary, if air bleeds or pro-
Geokon , Inc., recently developed for monitoring nounced slopes can be provided (with confidence
vertical deformation along a bench on the s lope of that their effectiveness will not be reduced by shape
Instrument house

Water trap

Perspex standpipe
Scale in mm
Perspex manometer
(same diameter as
h standpipe)

__ S_I_e-ev-e+-p-,~
cock val~~~ed I h

1 Polythene-coated
water level tube
Container to measure
volume of returned water Drain tube

Figure 12.98. Schematic of liquid level gage, overflow type, with readout unit higher than cell (after
Penman, 1982).

Settlement of a chamber causes compressive movement at DCDT

2 in. nominal diameter air pipe

aqueous solution on stable
Figure 12.99. Schematic of multipoint gage (courtesy of Geokon, Inc., Lebanon, NH).


changes as vertical deformation occurs), a large- error of about 0.17 in. (4.3 mm). If maximum preci-
diameter pipe can be used. If not, a 0.25 in. (6 mm) sion is required, the pipe should be as horizontal as
inside diameter tube should be used, with occa- possible. If the pipe is also arranged as a probe
sional flushing. extensometer, both vertical and horizontal defor-
Muller et al. (1977) describe a system similar to mations can be monitored, and probe extensometer
the arrangement shown in Figure 12.99, incorporat- data can be used to control longitudinal positioning
ing a capacitance transducer. The instrument is of the full-profile gage.
manufactured by Interfels. Geonor manufactures a Various types of full-profile gage are described in
system that uses a vibrating wire transducer to mea- the following subsections.
sure the buoyancy of a partially submerged float.
Two similar vibrating wire/float systems have Oveiflow Gage
been used satisfactorily in Russia for many years:
The cell of the overflow gage shown in Figure 12.91
first, the arrangement with separate air- and liquid-
is shaped as a probe (Penman, 1982; Penman and
filled pipes as shown in Figure 12.99 and second, a
Charles, 1982). The pipe, typically 2.5 in. (63 mm)
single pipe of about 12 in. (305 mm) diameter, with
Sch. 40 PVC, is inclined slightly upward away from
connections to float chambers at intervals along the
the readout and is free-draining.
pipe. The connection for air enters the pipe at the
top, the connection for liquid at the bottom, and
Gages with Pressure Transducer in Probe and
the pipe remains partly filled with liquid.
Attached Liquid-Filled Tube
Most of the single-point gages based on the arrange-
12.1 0.5. Full-Profile Gages
ment shown in Figure 12.93 can be manufactured as
Most full-profile gages consist of a near-horizontal full-profile gages using pneumatic, electrical resis-
plastic pipe and an instrument that can be pulled tance strain gage, or vibrating wire pressure trans-
along the pipe. Readings are made at points within ducers, with aqueous liquids or mercury. Typical
the pipe, and the entire vertical profile can be deter- pipe diameter is 1.5 in. (38 mm) nominal; require-
mined. Differences in vertical profile with time pro- ments for tubing, transducer, and readout unit are
vide data for determination of vertical deformation. as discussed previously for single-point gages, and
These gages are particularly appropriate where precision is similar. When used as a full-profile
vertical deformation is likely to be nonuniform, gage, the liquid-filled tube should be transparent, so
such that many single-point gages would otherwise that regular inspections can be made for continuity
be required. They provide the same data as an in- of liquid. If any gas is observed in the liquid, the
clinometer used within horizontal inclinometer cas- gage should be flushed with fresh de-aired liquid.
ing, and in fact an inclinometer may often be the Reading correctness should be verified on each day
instrument of choice if high accuracy is required. prior to any field readings, by using the gage to
Most gages can also be used for surveying eleva- measure a known elevation difference.
tions along a near-horizontal or inclined borehole, Bergdahl and Broms (1967) describe a full-profile
or along the invert of a pipeline or culvert. Survival gage, shown schematically in Figure 12.100. With
records are generally excellent, since no delicate the readout unit higher than the probe, air pressure
parts are buried, and the instruments can be is slowly applied to the inside of the bladder until a
checked on a day-to-day basis and any malfunctions small quantity of liquid returns to the readout unit,
corrected in the laboratory. The expensive and indicating an air/liquid pressure balance across the
calibrated part of the system is portable and can be bladder. In the original version the air tube was
used at several locations on one project or on sev- contained coaxially within the liquid-filled tube,
eral projects. thus creating a large wetted surface for the liquid.
The distance of the instrument from one end of This feature created a long time lag between appli-
the pipe is established from graduations on a trac- cation of air pressure and stabilization of the free
tion line and must be controlled carefully. For ex- liquid surface, and precision was poor when tubes
ample, if part ofthe pipe is inclined at an angle of 10 were longer than about 100ft (30m). An improved
degrees to the horizontal when using an aqueous version, manufactured by Water Nold Company,
solution in the system, a longitudinal positioning Inc. under the trade name AquaducerTM (Figure
error of 1 in. (25 mm) will cause a measurement 12.101), uses separate tubes and a 0.25 in. (6 mm)

Insert probe into pipe.

Apply air pressure
until air fills Gage.
bladder. Pressure ~ P
p a fi 'Y

Water or aqueous
so lution. Density ; 'Y

Figure 12.100. Schematic of full-profile gage, with air/ liquid

pressure balance across a bladder.

inside diameter liquid-filled tube. Standard tubing

length is 500 ft (150 m), aUowing profiles of up to
1000 ft (300 m) to be surveyed if access is available
to both ends of the pipe. The elevation difference
between the probe and readout is limited by the
strength of the bladder to about 10ft (3 m).

Gages with Pressure Transducer in Readout Unit and Figure 12.101. Aquaducer'" full-profile liquid level gage (cour-
Attached Liquid-Filled Tube tesy of Water Nold Company, Inc., Natick, MA).
The single-point gage shown in Figure 12.96, with
the pressure transducer in the readout unit, can be
manufactured as a full-profile gage, as illustrated in
Figure 12.102. Because the liquid is backpressured ,
this version is preferable to the version with a pres-
sure transducer in the probe.

Gages with Pressure Tramducer in Probe and

without Attached Liquid-Filled Tube
The types of full-profile gages described previously
have attached liquid-filled tubes and therefore tend
to be cumbersome. Also, the liquid in the liquid-
filled tube may be subject to large temperature
changes during insertion and withdrawal from the
pipe, with consequent thermal errors. In an effort to
overcome these limitations, several gages have
been developed whereby a pressure transducer is
pulled along a liquid-filled pipe or tube. The ar-
rangement is shown in Figure 12.103.
A version described by Bozozuk (1969) used an
unbonded resistance strain gage pressure trans-
ducer within a 1 in. (25 mm) nominal diameter pipe. Figure 12.102. Full-profile gage, with pressure transducer in
The instrument is subject to significant errors (Tao , readout unit, and attached liquid-filled tube (hydrostatic profile
1979), including error caused by temperature sen- gauge) (cou rtesy of Soil Instruments Ltd., Uckfield, England).

Insert pressure transducer into pipe.

Read pressure. Pressure transducer
P= H'Y readout unit. Pressure= P

Original Buried Water or Pressure

ground pipe aqueous transducer
or solution.
tube Density = "f

Figure 12.103. Schematic of full-profile gage, without attached liquid-filled tube.

sitivity of the pressure transducer, and it has not in a field environment. However, future improve-
been widely used. However, with the advent of ments in pressure transducers may make this sys-
small stable bonded and unbonded resistance strain tem more applicable for general field use.
gage, vibrating wire, and pneumatic pressure trans- It is interesting to note that the inside diameter
ducers, this arrangement should be applicable in (0.25 in., 6 mm) chosen by Audibert for the tubing is
cases where access is available to both ends of the the same as the inside diameter recommended by
pipe or tube, where temperature variations are not the author in Section 8.2.3 and that therefore Au-
great, where the barometric pressure at each end of dibert had no difficulties caused by discontinuity of
the system is substantially the same (i.e., where air liquid.
currents are not great), and where complete liquid- The author recommends that, whenever the type
filling can be maintained. As discussed earlier, the of gage shown in Figure 12.103 is used, instrument
last condition requires outlets for air bleeding, pro- data should be compared with elevation data deter-
nounced upward slopes toward the ends ofthe pipe, mined by surveying methods before backfilling over
or a 0.25 in. (6 mm) inside diameter tube. the pipe or tube and that repeatability tests should
The author is not aware of commercially avail- be made before accepting data. In most cases it may
able versions with stable transducers, but Audibert be more prudent to use the type of gage with an
(1985) reports on the successful development and attached liquid-filled tube.
use, by the Houston, TX, office of The Earth Tech- The gage without an attached liquid-filled tube is
nology Corporation, of a system using a miniature particularly suitable for surveying elevations along
piezoresistive pressure transducer within 0.25 in. (6 downward inclined boreholes. If the borehole is
mm) inside diameter thick wall tubing. The pressure watertight, the survey merely involves lowering the
transducer was Model No. 8507-2, manufactured by pressure transducer through the water on a gradu-
Endevco Corporation, San Juan Capistrano, CA, ated cable and recording and plotting pressure and
with an outside diameter of 0.092 in. (2.3 mm), a cable graduation at intervals to the bottom of the
range of 0-2lb/in. 2 (0-14 kPa), a burst pressure of borehole. If the borehole is not watertight, a plastic
±40 lb/in. 2 (275 kPa), and a rated temperature sen- pipe with a bottom cap can be inserted temporarily
sitivity of 0.003 lb/in. 2 JOF (0.037 kPa/°C). The sys- and filled with water.
tem was used to make settlement measurements
within a block of soil during a large-scale model
Double Fluid Settlement Gages
test, conducted in a non-air-conditioned ware-
house, and achieved a precision of ± 0.05 in. ( ± 1.3 A double fluid settlement gage has been developed
mm). This high precision indicates that the trans- by the Road Research Laboratory in England (Ir-
ducer was in a very uniform temperature environ- win, 1964). A buried reservoir containing mercury
ment: the rated temperature sensitivity corresponds is pressurized by air during reading and the mercury
to an error of0.83 in. per 10°F (38 mm per 10°C) and driven along a 0.11 in. (2 .8 mm) inside diameter ny-
illustrates the difficulty of achieving high precision lon tube. The position ofthe mercury is detected by

Mercury/water interface is advanced along tube. face. By maintaining the free surface of the mercury
At any position, P = H (')'Hg -'l'w).
at a constant level and monitoring the pressure on
Position of interface along tube (i.e., plan position) the top of the water column as shown in Figure
is determined from measurements of liquid volume.
12.104, a continuous record of the elevation of the
interface is obtained. The position of the interface is
determined by measuring the volume of water
Terminal forced out of the tubing, and a confirmation of the
I Pressure transducer. I interface position can be obtained by creating small
I Pressure= P Reservoir I
I I discrete risers at several points in the tubing during
----,,--------------'1- I
I I installation and using these as indicators. On com-
I I pletion of the measuring sequence, the mercury is
L--- -------- ____ j removed from the installed tubing and replaced by
H At Tarbela Dam the length of individual tubes
Density= 'l'w
exceeded 4000 ft (1220 m), and clearly no other gage
could have provided a continuous settlement profile
for this application. Since its original development,
Density= 'l'Hg
the system has been improved and used success-
fully in several embankment dams, notably for de-
termining the settlement profile across zones of dif-
ferent compressibilities, for example, between the
Continuous loop of core and downstream filter. Clements and Durney
nylon tubing buried
below ground surface (1982) and Clements (1984) describe three versions
of the DFSD:
Figure 12.104. Schematic of double fluid settlement gage. 1. A manually operated system similar to the
original development, designed to operate
electrical contacts in the tube and settlement is de- over tubing lengths up to approximately 4000
termined by measuring the air pressure. Later, the ft (1220 m) and to accommodate elevation dif-
design was modified to create a multipoint system ferences up to 20ft (6 m). The terminal cannot
with intermediate measuring points (Irwin, 1967). be higher than 20 ft (6 m) above the lowest
Estimated errors were less than ± 0.1 in. ( ± 2.5 part of the tube, otherwise pressures become
mm) over distances up to 200ft (60 m) between the excessive. Precision is dependent on three
reading station and the mercury reservoir. factors. First, the elevation differences in the
Subsequently, a double fluid settlement gage was system: the smaller the differences, the
developed by the project engineers during construc- greater the precision. Second, the length of
tion of Tarbela Dam in Pakistan and subsequently tubing: the longer the tubing, the less is the
named the TAMS double fluid settlement device precision, owing to inertia and wall friction.
(DFSD). The gage is described by Clements (1978) Third, the expertise and patience of the
and Clements and Durney (1982), and some mea- operator: under average conditions a preci-
surement results are given by Szalay and Marino sion of ±0.4-1.5 in.(± 10-38 mm) is typical.
(1981). The operating principle is shown in Figure 2. A portable manual system, designed to oper-
12.104. ate over tubing lengths of up to 650 ft (200 m)
A continuous loop of 0.11 in. (2.8 mm) inside and to accommodate elevation differences
diameter polyethylene-sheathed nylon tubing is in- less than 4ft (1.2 m). A precision of approxi-
stalled in a near-horizontal trench, and the ends of mately ± 0.1 in. ( ± 3 mm) is achievable.
the loop are terminated at a common accessible 3. An automatic system (Figure 12.105), de-
point. Prior to measurement the tubing is filled with signed to accommodate tubing lengths up to
de-aired water. During the measuring phase a wa- 3300 ft (1000 m) and elevation differences in
ter/mercury interface is formed, and mercury is al- excess of 10 ft (3 m). A precision of ± 0.4 in.
lowed to bleed into the tubing to advance the inter- ( ± 10 mm) is achievable.

Figure 12.105. Automatic plotter system for double fluid settlement gage (courtesy of Soil lnstrument.s
Ltd., Uckfield, England).

Clements ( 1984) recommends that the slope of ommendations for tubing material , fittings, and liq-
the tubing should normally not exceed I in 10, to uid are given in Section 8.2.3.
prevent the possibility of interface breakup during In general , initial filling of liquid-filled tubes is
the stop/start transitions when the instrument is best done by applying a vacuum at one end and
read manually. However, interface breakup is nor- allowing liquid to enter from the other end. This
mally encountered only when the operator allows procedure reduces the amount of air in the tube,
an excessive rate of mercury feed. This concern therefore reducing the chance of breaking con-
does not exist with the continuously feeding auto- tinuity of the liquid, and minimizes the time re-
matic system, and it has been demonstrated that no quired. During subsequent flushing, it is usually
breakup occurs even when the interface is forced to best to blow all liquid out of the tube under air
" loop the loop" in a vertically coiled tube. pressure and introduce fresh liquid as described
When installing tubing for the DFSD, a duplicate above.
length should be installed alongside the primary In the United States many manufacturers com-
tube for use in the event of damage by application of plete the initial filling of liquid-filled tubes before
excessive pressure. shipment to the user. This practice runs the risk of
the liquid becoming discontinuous during shipment
and may require that special measures be taken to
12.1 0.6. Filling and Flushing Liquid-Filled Tubes
prevent damage to pressure transducers or other
Two accessible liquid-filled tubes, with appropriate components subjected to the pressure of the liquid.
fittings and valves, are strongly recommended for In Europe it is more common practice to complete
all systems that are left in place, so that they can be the initial filling in the field. This practice requires
flushed if discontinuity of liquid is suspected. Rec- appropriately competent field personnel and may

requir e filling and subsequent emptying at the fac- distance between the two points, the device is often
tory so that factory calibrations can be made. referred to as a telltale . When a telltale is installed
Clearly , there are points in favor of both ap- in the ground , it is the same as a single-point fixed
proaches, but in general the author recommends the borehole extensometer, described in Section 12.7.
European practice. Telltales can also be installed in or on structures for
Nylon tubes are Likely to reqwre more flushing monitoring relative deformation , for example, on a
than polyethylene tubes during their initial use. Ny- tieback anchor for determining movement of the an-
lon tends to absorb water and leach gas until it be- chor with respect to the anchor head or on a driven
comes fully saturated with water, and therefore one pile or drilled shaft for determining tip settlement
or two additional flushes are often needed before during a load test.
the system can be fully commjssioned . As described in Chapter 13, multiple telltales can
be used for determination of strain and load in
structural members. Figure 12.106 shows one of the
12.10.7. Recommendations for Choice of liquid
telltales used for this purpose during a recent drilled
Level Gage
shaft load test with which the author was involved.
It is not possible to make definitive recommenda-
tions for choice of a liquid level gage, and any one
of the types described above may on occasion be Pipe/tube
Body of DCDT.
the instrument of choice. The selection depends on potted with
compression fitting
the application, site-specific conditions and needs, epoxy within
1% in. o.d. mild
the number of measuring points required, the rela- steel pipe
tive elevations of measuring points and readout
unit, availability of and familiarity with hardware,
required precision, and the general factors given in
Section 4.9 and the more specific factors given in
1% in. o.d. mild
steel pipe. 15 in.
this section and in Table 12.9. long (top anchor) Extension to core
---~ of DCDT
(adjustable length)

12.1 0.8. Installation of Liquid Level Gages

PVC connector.
Installation of liquid level gages in boreholes and in socket connection
at bottom. pipe
fiU should follow the guidelines given in Chapter 17. thread connection
When installed in boreholes, tubing can be pre- at top

spiraled, as described in Section 17.5 .1 , to avoid Hydraulic oil

damage caused by large vertical compression of the
surrounding soil . 3/s in. diameter
polished stainless 1}2 in. Sch. 80 PVC
steel rod, flush- pipe, coupled with
coupled wi th Sch. 80 exterior
1f4- 20 stud socket couplings

Various deformation gages do not fit readily into

previously described categories: telltales , conver-
gence gages for slurry trenches, time domain reftec-
tometry, fiber-optic sensors, and acoustic emission
1/2 in. Sch. 80 3/a - 16 thread, 1 in. long
PV C coupling

12.11.1. Telltales No 8 reinforcing

steel bar, 9 in. long
When a sleeved rod or wire is attached to an inac- (bo ttom anchor)

cessible point, routed to an accessible point, and Figure 12.106. Schematic of one telltale that forms part of a
used with a transducer for monitoring the changing remotely-read multiple telltale system for a drilled shaft load test.

in a recent full-scale test with which the author was

air involved and is shown in Figure 12.108. The instru-
ment incorporated a soil strain gage, as described
in Section 12.6.5. Coils 15 in. (380 nun) in diameter
100 100 were embedded in opposite sides of the trench using
Dummy a double-acting hydraulic jack, supported on orien-
gage tation rods. Prior to installation five plastic tent
50 50 pegs were attached to the back of each coil, the jack
retracted , the coils supported on opposite ends of
the jack, the jack and coils attached to the orienta-
tion rods and lowered into the trench, the jack ac-
0 tuated to drive the tent pegs into the soil until the
coils were at the surface of the trench wall, and the
jack retracted and withdrawn. Measurements were
taken while the trench was fiUed with slurry , after
concrete pouring, and after concrete set, with a pre-

--- E . .
nd beartng plates

figure 12.107. Schematic of hydraulic gage used to measure con-

vergence of slurry trench (after DiBiagio and Myrvoll, 1972).

The top of the top anchor was installed about 12 in.

(305 mm) below the shaft butt.

12.11.2. Convergence Gages for Slurry Trenches

Methods of monitoring stability in relation to time,
while conducting full-scale tests of slurry trench ex-
cavations, are outlined in Chapter 19. The methods
include monitoring closure of the trench. Two types
of gage are available: the first gage is applicable if
reinforcing steel is installed in the excavation, the
second gage if reinforcing steel is not installed.
A hydraulic gage is described by DiBiagio and
Myrvoll (1972) and shown in Figure 12. 107. It con-
sists of a piston within an oil-filled piston chamber,
set horizontally across the trench. End bearing
plates contact opposite walls of the trench, one at-
tached to the end of the piston rod, the other to the
opposite end of the assembly. A standpipe rises ver-
tically from the piston chamber. A reduction in the
width of the trench causes movement of the piston
and an upward flow of oil into the standpipe; thus,
the level of oil in the standpipe can be related to
the width of the trench. The gage is attached
to the reinforcing cage prior to installation in the
trench. figure 12.108. Gage used to measure convergence of slurry
An alternative instrument was used successfully trench, based on soil strain gage transducer.

Optical fiber

Applied force

figure 12.109. Time domain reflectometry (TOR) cable tester:

Tektronix Model 1503 (courtesy of Tektronix, Inc., Beaverton, Fixture
OR). figure 12.110. Fiber-optic microbending sensor (after Krohn,
1983). Reprinted by permission. Copyright C 1983, Instrument
Society of America.

cision of approximately ±0. 1 in. (±3 mm). Data

were not influenced by the presence of slurry or
concrete. This alternative would not be possible in a 12.11.4. Fiber-Optic Sensors*
trench with reinforcing steel, because the steel Fiber-optic sensors (Davis, 1985; Davis et al., 1982;
would influence the output of the induction coil Kersten and Kist, 1984; Krohn , 1983) depend on the
transducers. ability of the fibers to carry light from a source to a
photosensitive detector. Fiber-optic sensors can be
used to sense the re lative position between an ob-
12.11 .3. Time Domain Reflectometry ject and the end of a fiber or the distance ~et~een
two points along a fiber; they can also tndtcate
Time domain refiectometry (TDR), originally devel- bending. They are unaffected by temperature. or
oped to locate breaks in power line cables, has been humidity extremes and are immune to electncal
used to monitor the successive collapse of roof noise. Small size and ability to transmit light along
strata after underground mining and the propaga- curved paths can provide access to normally inac-
tion of the resulting cave toward the surface cessible areas, and reliability is high because most
(O'Connor and Dowding, 1984; Wade and Conroy , sensors are passive.
1980). The equipment consists of a coaxial electrical The author is not aware that fiber-optic sensors
cable grouted in a vertical borehole from the ground have been used in geotechnical applications, but
surface to the mine and a standard TDR cable they appear to have good potential for monitoring
tester* (e.g., Figure 12. 109). The cable tester is deformation both along and transverse to the fiber.
used to transmit an electrical pulse along the cable When optical fibers bend, small amounts of light are
and to monitor the return signal, and faults in the lost through the walls. By using the microbending
cable such as crimps, short circuits, or breaks are sensor shown in Figure 12.110, changes in the inten-
indicated as characteristic signals on a cathode ray sity of received light can be related to the magnitude
tube screen and on a paper record . The distance to of transverse deformation. By using a pulsed sys-
the cable fault is proportional to the elapsed time tem axial deformation and bending can be moni-
between transmission and arrival of a reflected sig- tored at aU points along a fiber. Fiber-optic sensors
nal. Accuracy is about 2% of the distance between therefore have the potential for providing the same
the tester and the cable break. This can be im- information as a combination of an inclinometer to-
proved by precrimping the cable at 10ft (3 m) inter- gether with a probe or fixed borehole extensometer,
vals: the crimps distort the signal and act as mark- although precision has not yet been proved . A real-
ers on the arrival waveform, to which any further time continuous fiber-optic strain monitoring sys-
distortions or breaks may be related .

•Written with lhe assistance of Richard W. Griffiths, G2 Consul-

•commercial sources are given in Appendix D. tants, Pacific Palisades. CA.


Tape recorder

Figure 12.111. Schematic of basic single-channel acoustic emission monitoring system for recording
total counts or count rate (after Koerner et al., 1981). Reprinted with permission from ASTM STP 750.
Copyright ASTM, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103.

tern is currently being developed (McKeehan and roof instability. The method is sometimes referred
Griffiths, 1986; McKeehan et al., 1986; Oil & Gas to as microseismic detection and subaudible rock
Journal, 1985), and has been patented. Once the noise monitoring, but the term acoustic emission,
system is developed, geotechnical applications are or simply AE, is becoming the accepted term.
likely to follow. As shown in Figure 12.111, the components of an
acoustic emission monitoring system consist of a
waveguide to bring the signals from within the
12.11.5. Acoustic Emission Monitoring*
ground to a convenient monitoring point, a trans-
Acoustic emissions are sounds generated within a ducer (geophone, accelerometer, or hydrophone) to
soil or rock material that has been stressed and sub- convert the mechanical wave to an electrical signal,
sequently deforms. Sometimes these sounds are au- a preamplifier to amplify the signal if long cable is
dible, for example, wood cracking, ice expanding, being used, filters to eliminate undesirable portions
or soil and rock particles abrading against one an- of the signal, an amplifier to amplify the signal fur-
other, but more often they are not, owing to their ther, and a quantification system. The dashed lines
low amplitude or high frequency or both. in Figure 12.111 indicate components that are
A piezoelectric transducer is generally used as a grouped in self-contained boxes.
"pickup" to detect the acoustic emissions and pro- Field monitoring efforts in AE have been di-
duces an electrical signal proportional to the ampli- rected to the following topics:
tude of sound or vibration being detected. The sig-
nal is then amplified, filtered, and counted or • Stability assessment of earth embankments
recorded in some quantifiable manner. Unwanted • Standup time of excavations in soil and rock
machine and environmental noise are electronically
• Stability of bracing and anchors in ground sup-
filtered from the signal or separately quantified and
port systems
subtracted from the measurements. The counts or
recordings of the emissions are then correlated with • Providing an early warning of subsidence
the basic material behavior to determine empirically • Determination of preconsolidation and pre-
the relative stability of the given material. Usually, stress values in soil
if no acoustic emissions are present, the material is • Detection of seepage, grout penetration, and
in equilibrium and therefore stable. If emissions are hydrofracturing
observed, the material is not in equilibrium and may
be in a condition that eventually leads to failure. AE is most effective when the amplitude of the
The technique was originated by the U.S. Bureau of signals is high and thus is more effective for rock
Mines in the 1930s to detect mine pillar, wall, and and cohesionless soil than for cohesive soil. Guide-
lines for practical use of AE are given by Drnevich
*Written with the assistance of Robert M. Koerner, Professor, and Gray (1981), Hardy and Leighton (1975, 1978,
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA. 1981), and Koerner et al. (1976, 1977, 1978).



13.1. INSTRUMENT CATEGORIES AND temporary or permanent stresses or loads in struts

APPLICATIONS across braced excavations, in rockbolts, bridge
members, tunnel linings, retaining walls, slurry
Instruments for measuring load and strain in struc- walls, sheet piles, and nuclear containment vessels.
tures fall into two groups: load cells and strain Additional applications of load and strain mea-
gages. In each case, the transducers are used to surements in structural members are given in Part 5.
measure small extensions and compressions. Load
cells, sometimes also called dynamometers, are in-
terposed in the structure in such a way that struc- 13.2. LOAD CELLS
tural forces pass through the cells, and strain gages
are attached directly to the surface of the structure The types of load cell in general use are described in
or are embedded within the structure to sense the Sections 13.2.1-13.2.7 and comparative informa-
extensions and compressions in the structure itself. tion is given in Table 13.1.
Typical load cell applications include load testing
of piles, drilled shafts, tiebacks and rockbolts, and
13.2.1. Mechanical Load Cells
long-term performance monitoring of tiebacks and
end-anchored rockbolts. Load cells are also used Mechanical load cells usually contain either a tor-
for monitoring temporary and permanent loads in sion lever system or an elastic cup spring (Bellville
prestressing and other cables and in supports for washer) that is deformed during load application.
underground excavations, for example, under verti- Deformation is sensed by a dial indicator and cali-
cal steel or wood posts. brated to load. A hollow-core load cell with a tor-
Strain gages are used where load cells cannot be sion lever system is manufactured by Proceq SA
interposed in the structure for reasons of geometry, and is shown in Figure 13.1. The compression of
capacity, or economy and where load and stress can four points around a cylinder is amplified, cu-
be calculated with adequate accuracy from knowl- mulated, and linked to a single built-in dial indi-
edge of the relationship between strain and stress. cator. The less accurate cup spring arrangement is
Strain gages are used, for example, to determine available in a hollow-core load cell and is usually
referred to as a disk load cell. The cell is designed
*Written with the assistance of J. Barrie Sellers, President, primarily for use on rockbolts.
Geokon, Inc., Lebanon, NH. A mechanical load measuring arrangement,

Table 13.1. Load Cells

Type of Load Cell Advantages Limitations Approximate Accuracy
Mechanical (e.g., Figure Robust and reliable Requires access to cell
Telltale (Figure 13.19) Simple Requires access to telltale ±2-10%
Inexpensive (but can be converted
Calibrated in place to remote reading de-
Hydraulic (Figure 13.2) Low profile Requires large-area rigid ±2-10%a
Remote readout is possi- bearing plates
Electrical resistance (Fig- Remote readout Low electrical output
ure 13.4) Readout can be automated Lead wire effects
Errors owing to moisture
and electrical connec-
tions are possible
Need for lightning protec-
tion should be evaluated
Vibrating wire (e.g., Fig- Remote readout Special manufacturing Single-gage versions for in-
ure 13.6) Lead wire effects minimal techniques required to line use in tension, better
Readout can be automated minimize zero drift than ±2%
Single-gage versions avail- Need for lightning protec- Multigage versions for gen-
able for in-line use in tion should be evaluated eral use, ± 2-5%a
Photoelastic (Figure 13.8) Robust and reliable Requires access to cell ± 2-5%
Limited capacity
Requires skill to read
Most users prefer more
direct numerical reading
Calibrated hydraulic jack Readily available Low accuracy ± 10-25%
(e.g., Figure 13.10) Error usually on unsafe
side for load testing
Should not be used alone
for load measurement
Cable tension meter (e.g., Removable versions avail- Removable versions re- ±2-5%
Figures 13.12, 13.13, able for use without quire calibration for
13.14) need to unload cable; each cable type and size
one meter can be used
on many cables
These are accuracies of the load cells when used with adequately designed and installed mounting arrangements. However, because
of misalignment of load, off-center loading, and end effects, system accuracy is often no better than ± 5-l 0%, and may be significantly
worse if mounting arrangements are inadequate. Guidelines on mounting arrangements are given in Section 13.2.8.

sometimes referred to as a telltale load cell, is cat- pressure transducer. The edges of the cell have
egorized in this book as a mechanical strain gage either a bonded rubber/metal seal or a welded joint.
and described in Section 13.3.1. A central hole can permit use with tiebacks or rock-
bolts. The pressure transducer can be a Bourdon
tube pressure gage, requiring visual access to the
13.2.2. Hydraulic Load Cells
cell for reading, or an electrical or pneumatic pres-
As shown in Figure 13.2, a hydraulic load cell con- sure transducer can be used to allow remote reading
sists of a flat liquid-filled chamber connected to a (Figure 13.3).

Figure 13.3. Hydraulic load cell with electrical pressure trans-

ducer (courtesy of Glotzl GmbH, Karlsruhe, West Germany, and
Ceo Group, Inc., Wheaton, MD).

Figure 13.1. Mechanical load cell (courtesy of Proceq SA, Zurich, trolled design, were used to monitor tieback loads
Switzerland). on a 150 ft (46 m) deep temporary tieback wall in
Seattle. The cells had an outside diameter of 10 in.
(254 mm) and a hollow-core diameter of 4 in . (102
Good design results in Linear output and relative mm) and were mounted between bearing plates with
insensitivity to temperature fluctuation s, particu- an outside diameter of 10 in. (254 mm) and a thick-
larly when installed on a system that is not stiff, ness of 2.5 in. (63 mm). They showed ±5% varia-
such as a tieback. The cell requires very little head- tion in load over a 6 month period. Green suggests
room. Bourdon gage versions used for tieback load that the load variation was real, caused by thermal
ceUs can easily be read with binoculars from a 100ft and construction-related effects.
(30 m) distance, so that remote pressure transduc- Specially fabricated hydraulic load cells can be
ers are avoided. Since the cell is flexible, it must be used for measurement of load at the tips and sides
mounted between rigid bearing plates; typical bear- of driven piles and at the tips of drilled shafts and
ing plates used for tiebacks flex excessively, and are classified in this book as contact earth pressure
thicker plates should be used where hydraulic load cells. They are described in Chapter 10.
ceiJs are installed. The bearing pads shown in Fig-
ure 13.2 account for any uneven contact between
13.2.3. Electrical Resistance Load Cells
the cell and bearing plates. Non-embossed vinyl
floor tile can be used for bearing pad material. Most electrical resistance load cells used in geo-
Experience with hydraulic load cells is variable, technical applications consist of a cylinder of steel
largely reflecting mounting techniques and detailed or aluminum alloy, with electrical resistance strain
design at the edges of the cell. Green (1985) reports gages bonded to the outer periphery of the cylinder
that two 600 ton (5.3 MN) cells, manufactured by at its midsection as shown in Figures 13.4 and 13.5.
Glotzl and installed on permanent tendons in a tun- Several strain gages are used at regular intervals
nel, have indicated a constant load to within ± 1% around the periphery. Half the gages are oriented to
over a 5 year period. Fifty 70 ton (620 kN) cells, measure tangential strains and half to measure axial
manufactured by Thor International, Inc. to a con- strains. They are connected to form a single full
bridge network, thereby integrating individual
strain gage outputs and reducing errors that result
Bearing pad from load misalignment and off-center loading. In
critical situations, the gages may be duplicated to
provide two full bridge networks , one serving as a
Alternative electrical resistance load cell configu-
rations consist of gages bonded inside transverse
Liqu id- filled Pressure holes drilled through the cylinder at its midsection.
chamber transducer Others consist of three or more gaged cylinders
Figure 13.2. Schematic of hydraulic load cell. Note: The cell is mounted between two steel plates, allowing the
circular in plan. height of the cell to be minimized.

Bonded resistance
strain gages, bonded
to outside of
Protective load- bearing cylinder


Seal Figure 13.5. Electrical resistance load cells (courtesy of Geokon,

Inc., Lebanon, NH).
Cylindrical load -bearing
load-Bearing Member
Inside Outside
Capacity Diameter Diameter Height
Space filled Cell (kips) Material (in.) (in.) (in.)
waterproofing A 400 Steel 4.5 6.5 3.5
compound 8 400 Aluminum 3.0 5.5 4.0
c 300 Aluminum 2.0 4.5 4.0
Figure 13.4. Schematic of electrical resistance load cell.

Various manufacturers of strain gages and pro- load cells for permanent attachment to rockbolts,
cess control equipment provide load cells that are each containing a single vibrating wire transducer.
not waterproofed for field use, and these should be The Telemac instrument (Bellier and Debreuille,
avoided. Strain gages should be protected from me- 1977; Figure 13.7) is screwed by the user on to the
chanical and water damage by an outer protective rock bolt near the free face. The cell is a hollow,
steel cover, sealed at the ends with 0-rings, and high-grade steel cylinder, designed for use with end-
filled with waterproofing compound. anchored rockbolts. Bellier and Debreuille also de-
Specially fabricated electrical resistance load scribe a cell for use with fully grouted rockbolts. in
cells can be used for measurements of tip load on which the normal solid bolt is replaced by a hollow
drilled shafts. These are classified in this book as
contact earth pressure cells and are described in
Chapter 10.

13.2.4. Vibrating Wire load Cells

In most vibrating wire load cells, deformation of the
load-bearing member is measured by using three or
more vibrating wire transducers, and outputs from
each transducer must be measured separately and
averaged. Models are available with and without a
central hole. The arrangement is similar to the elec-
trical resistance load celJ shown in Figure 13.4, but
with vibrating wire transducers instead of bonded
resistance strain gages. Figure 13.6 shows the ver-
sion manufactured by Maihak. Methods for mini-
mizing errors caused by zero drift and by corrosion
of the vibrating wire are discussed in Chapter 8. Figure 13.6. Vibrating wire load cell (courtesy of Maihak AG,
Three manufacturers have recently developed Hamburg, West Germany).


disk Cup and dome

I washers

I : !
Hollow steel
I t I I cylinder
I I Optical glass disk

Side view Front view

Figure 13.8. Schematic of photoelastic rockbolt load cell.

Figure 13.7. Schematic of vibrating wire rockbolt load cell (after

Bellier and Debreuille, 1977). disk of optical glass, normally enclosed within the
end of a hollow steel cylinder. When the cylinder is
loaded diametrically, a stress is applied to the glass
bolt of similar cross-sectional area, and miniature disk, and strain in the disk produces light and dark
vibrating wire transducers are fixed within the core areas when the disk is illuminated with polarized
at required measuring points, using set screws or light and observed through a hand viewer. The light
spot welds. The instrument manufactured by Irad and dark areas are referred to as photoelastic inter-
Gage and Geokon is a complete expansion shell ference fringes. The change in the number of fringes
type rockbolt with a vibrating wire transducer is directly proportional to the change in load on the
mounted in a central longitudinal hole in the bolt steel cylinder. Figure 13.8 shows a schematic of a
near the free face. The gage is available with a con- photoelastic load cell, designed for use on rock-
tact point on the head of the bolt so that readings bolts, that is also suitable for measuring loads in
can be made with a hand-held probe, but difficulties stranded tendon tiebacks (Liu and Dugan, 1972).
are sometimes experienced with the contact, and Figure 13.9 shows the version manufactured by
hard-wiring to either a nearby or a remote terminal Perard Torque Tension Ltd.
is preferable. When using any of the three versions Although a versatile technique, use of photoelas-
of this instrument, individual calibrations are re- tic load cells has been hampered by awkwardness of
quired. reading and lack of wide commercial availability,
Specially fabricated vibrating wire load cells can most cells being manufactured on a custom basis. It
be used for measurement of load at the tips of is suspected that most users prefer a more direct
drilled shafts and are classified in this book as con- numerical reading method, thus reducing the com-
tact earth pressure cells. They are described in mercial market for photoelastic cells. However,
Chapter 10. they are relatively inexpensive, robust, and reli-
Fellenius and Haagen (1969) describe a vibrating able.
wire load cell capable of withstanding pile-driving
forces. A patented feature was adopted to ensure
13.2.6. Calibrated Hydraulic jacks
that dynamic load was not transmitted directly
through the wire clamping points during the large Calibrated hydraulic jacks (Figure 13.1 0) are used
number of impacts while pile driving. for the application of load to rockbolts, tieback an-
chors, piles, drilled shafts, cross-lot struts, and
other structural elements. They are also used for
13.2.5. Photoelastic Load Cells
later determination of load in cross-lot struts and
Photoelastic load cells (Roberts and Hawkes, 1979) tieback anchors by lift-off testing, by determining
have been used, primarily in Europe, for monitoring the load required to free a loaded strut or anchor
loads in tiebacks, rockbolts, piles, mine pillars, from its bearing surface.
scaffolding, cables, and chains. They consist of a Reliance on the measured pressure in the jack

rors. During laboratory calibration, the jack will

usually be inserted in a high-quality testing ma-
chine, fitted with a spherical seating in the loading
head, and rigid bearing plates. The jack will be
placed with its axis in line with the loading axis. ln
the field, however, the jack bearing plates may flex
and will rarely be parallel, loading will usually be
misaligned and off-center, and consequently fric-
tion between the piston and cylinder will be
significant. When used as the active member while
load testing piles or tiebacks, errors will be on the
unsafe side during loading, because the actual load
will be less than the load implied from the labora-
tory calibration. When unloading is accomplished
by releasing jack fluid pressure, the actual load will
be higher than the load implied from the laboratory
Davisson (1966) reports on pile load testing using
calibrated jacks equipped with swivel heads, where
actual load was determined by using high-quality
electrical resistance load cells. Jack fluid pressure
Figure 13.9. Photoelastic load cell (courtesy of Perard Torque
was also recorded. Error in using the jack calibra-
Tension Ltd., Worksop, England).
tion was erratic and ranged up to J0%. Davisson
concludes: "Even under relatively good conditions,
fluid as the sole method for load determination can using a swivel head, we must conclude that the
often lead to significant inaccuracies. Misalignment probable error is approximately 5%, and varies
of load, off-center loading, nonparallel bearing from zero to 10% erratically. Without the swivel
plates, and transverse relative movement of bearing head , the error is probably higher. The foregoing
plates all cause friction between the piston and cyl- behavior probably explains the [erratic] load-
inder, so that hydraulic pressure does not give a settlement curves often observed for pile tests .''
good indication of load. Temperature changes and Davisson recommends use of both a swivel head
pressure gage inaccuracy may cause additional er- and a load cell. Fellenius (1980, 1984) reports on the
use of a load cell and a calibrated hydraulic jack
during pile load testing and indicates that during
loading the jack typically overregisters by 10-25%,
and during unloading it typically underregisters by
5%. Figure l3.ll shows typical errors.
Whenever comparisons are made between the
two methods of load measurement, it should be re-
membered that load cells can be in error by 5-10%
because of load misalignment, off-center loading,
and end effects; therefore, the disagreement be-
tween hydraulic jack and load ceiJ does not neces-
sarily result entirely from inaccuracies in hydraulic
jack data. Load cell inaccuracy should be mini-
mized by following the guidelines given in Section
A further source of error in the use of calibrated
hydraulic jacks results from incorrect calibration. If
figure 13.1 0. Calibrated hydraulic jack: 150 ton capacity, 6 in. the fluid pressure in the jack must be used for load
stroke, with center hole (courtesy of Richard Dudgeon, Inc., determination, the calibration procedure should
Stamford, CT). model the method of field loading, in which the jack

loading and unloading cycles. The pressure/

load calibration determined in step 3 should
Lie within the hysteresis loop from this step 4,
usually nearer the readings made during the
unloading cycle . If it does not, something is

In summary, load measurements based on jack

fluid pressure may be significantly in error, may be
on the unsafe side, and are usually unacceptable.
Good practice when load testing piles, drilled
shafts, and tiebacks includes use of a load cell in
series with the hydraulic jack. When piles and
drilled shafts are being load tested , a swivel head
should also be used. When lift-off tests to determine
load in a structural element are being performed, a
load cell should be used in series with the jack.

13.2.7. Cable Tension Meters

Figure 13.11 . Typical error in load determined from fluid pres-

Vibrating wire, electrical resistance, and photo-
sure in hydraulic jack (after Fellenius, 1984). Reprinted from elastic load cells can be manufactured in a con-
Geotechnical News, Vol. 2, No.4, December 1984. figu ration suitable for measuring tension in cables
and chains. Figure 13.12 shows a version with an
is usually in the active mode as the load is both electrical resistance transducer. Two additional de-
increasing and decreasing. For example, when cali- vices are manufactured specifically for measuring
brating a jack for tieback proof testing, the distance tension in cables. Both are portable devices for use
between the loading plates of the testing machine on cables that are already under tension, and mea-
should initially be set equal to the expected jack surements are made without detensioning the cable.
height at alignment load, the jack activated to align- First, the F ulmer tension meter (Hanna, 1985)
ment load, and the testing machine read as the pas-
sive member. The distance between loading plates
should then be increased to model the expected pis-
ton travel to the next load increment, the jack ac-
tivated to that load , and a calibration reading taken.
The procedure should be repeated in incre ments to
the maximum load. Calibration during load de-
crease should be made in a similar way, with the
jack in the active mode.
The following is a useful procedure for checking
whether a hydraulic jack is fu nctioning correctly:
1. Calibrate the pressure gage against a dead
weight tester.
2. Measure the jack piston diameter (or circum-
ference) and if possible check against the
manufacturer's specification or general as-
sembly drawing.
3. Determine the pressure/load calibration from
steps 1 and 2.
4. Compare this calibration with the loads indi- figure 13.12. Cable tension meter with electrical resistance
cated by a load cell or testing machine, on transducer (courtesy of Strainsert, West Conshohocken, PA).

wheel 'Cr-=""""---n

Wire rope
or strand

mounted center
Handle to cause
central wheel Figure 13.14. Cable Tensiometer (Courtesy oF Roctest Lid.,
to deflect the Montreal, Canada).
wire or strand

CeU Type, Configuration, and Capacity

Table 13.1 provides guidelines for selecting among
the different types of load cell.
The major sources of inaccuracy in hollow-core
load cells are off-center loading, misalignment of
load , and end effects. Many general-purpose load
cells for measuring compressive loads have a solid
Figure 13.13. Fulmer tension meter (after Hanna, 1985).
center, the loads being applied to the cell through a
raised center section incorporating a spherical seat
depends on the relationship between the tension in to allow for initial lack of fit in the loading setup.
the cable and the normal force required to cause a This arrangement is not possible with hollow-core
transverse deflection . As shown in Figure 13.1 3, a load cells, and lack of fit and eccentric loading must
deflecting force is applied via an eccentric wheel , be minimized by using swivel bearing washers and/
causing the frame of the meter to bend in proportion or soft washers. Vibrating wire and electrical resis-
to the applied force. Bending of the frame is mea- tance load cells must be gaged at several intervals
sured with a dial indicator and calibrated to tension around the periphery so that strains can be av-
in the cable. Calibration charts are required for each eraged to compensate for eccentric loading. End
cable type and size. Accuracies of ± 5% on cable effects can be minimized by using large height/
and ±3% on wire are claimed. Second, the Roctest diameter ratios, but if the height is large the cell
cable tensiometer (Figure 13.14) depends on there- becomes cumbersome and difficult to use. Most
lationship between the tension in the cable and the commercially available hollow-core cells have a
travel velocity of a wave generated by impact. An height approximately equal to the outside diameter
impactor and geophone are attached to the cable 5 ft of the hollow-core load member and appear to be
(1.5 m) apart, and the time for wave travel is mea- free from significant end effects. However, there
sured. Given the dimensions and mechanical prop- are many load cells on the market that have much
erties of the cable, tension can then be determined smaller height/diameter ratios, their compact design
from a calibration chart. Accuracy is claimed to be being claimed as an advantage.
better than ± 2% when the tension is at least 15% of The working capacity of the selected load cell
the yield strength of the cable, but accuracy de- should be equal to at least the yield load of the
creases rapidly when tension is lower. structural member, unless the application or previ-
ous experience indicates that substantially less load
is expected. The size of the load-bearing member
13.2.8. Guidelines on Use of Load Cells
within the cell should be selected so that its elastic
General guidelines on instrumentation use are given limit is at least twice the working capacity. Un-
in Part 4. The following additional guidelines apply wanted capacity of course reduces sensitivity and
specifically to load cell use. should be avoided.

Pretreatment of Cell
Residual stresses are usually created in the load-
bearing portion of the cell during fabrication. Dur-
ing subsequent stressing, these residual stresses
may readjust such that measured strains do not
reflect applied stresses, and measurements will be
in error. The load-bearing member should prefera-
bly be stress relieved by heat treatment before Concave inclined platens


Load cell calibrations should model field conditions
as far as possible, using similar bearing plates,
washers, and range of possible off-center loading
and load misalignment. Specific factors relating to
calibration of hydraulic jacks are discussed in Sec- Convex inclined platens
tion 13.2.6. Littlejohn (1981) recommends that,
when basic characteristics of a load cell are being
established, consideration should be given to the
following rigorous tests:

(i) Routine calibration using centric loading and

rigid fiat platens at 20°C, say.
(ii) As in (i) but using (a) concave inclined platens,
(b) convex inclined platens, and (c) 0.3 mm
[0.012 in.] thick shims with irregular spacing to
simulate uneven bedding [Figure 13.15].
(iii) Eccentric loading between rigid fiat platens,
with eccentric distance up to 10% of cell diam-
Layout of shim plates
(iv) Inclined platens up to 1 degree with centric Figure 13.15. Typical types of platen to simulate uneven loading
loading. (after Littlejohn, 1981). Reprinted with permission from Ground
Engineering (1981), Vol. 14, No.3, p. 29.
(v) On completion of the appropriate series of
tests, the cell should finally be subjected to a
repeat routine calibration (i). loading range until the zero and maximum read-
ings are consistent. [This is particularly important
It is emphasized that these rigorous tests are not for electrical resistance load cells.] The load in-
suggested for routine calibration but as a means of crements and decrements should not exceed 10%
evaluating an unproven design. Littlejohn (1981) of the rated capacity of the cell, and short pauses
makes recommendations for routine calibration of at these intervals need only be long enough to
take careful readings.
load cells, including the following:
• To measure the specific effects of temperature, a
centric loading test using rigid fiat platens should
• For routine calibration the load cell should be de-
be carried out at temperatures above and below
livered to the laboratory at least one day before
ambient (20°C), say 40°C and 0°C, respectively.
the test to permit sufficient time for the cell to
attain the correct ambient temperature (20°C). • [When used to monitor load while stressing a
The cell should be subjected to centric loading structural member], load cells should be cali-
between rigid fiat platens using a testing machine brated every 200 stressings or after every 60 days
with an absolute accuracy better than 0.5%. use, whichever is the more frequent.
• Bearing in mind that the load cell may not have
been used for some time, it may be prudent to Prior to accepting load cells for applications sub-
load cycle the cell two or three times over its full jected to dynamic forces at some point in time, such

as measurements of static load within a driven pile, 13.3. SURFACE-MOUNTED STRAIN GAGES
full-scale tests should be made to ensure that zero
readings will not be changed by the dynamic forces. Strain gages in general use for measurements on
When load cells are used for long-term measure- structural surfaces are described in Sections 13.3.1-
ments, provision should be made, if possible, for 13 .3 .4 and compared in Table 13 .2.
periodic checks on the zero reading. In many appli-
cations a lift-off test can be made by measuring the
load required to free the cell from its bearing sur- 13.3.1. Surface-Mounted Mechanical Strain Gages
face, using a hydraulic jack with a second load cell Portable gages with dial indicators are the most
in series. Special arrangements for periodic check- common mechanical gages for measurement of sur-
calibrations of load cells installed on permanent face strain in geotechnical applications. Scratch
tiebacks are discussed in Chapter 19. gages are occasionally used. Telltales are also used
as mechanical strain gages.
Portable Gages with Dial Indicators
Accuracy of load cell data is highly dependent on
the design of the mounting arrangements, and good Portable gages with dial indicators, also called me-
load cells can fail to provide adequate data if chanical extensometers, are available in various
insufficient attention is given to these arrange- configurations. The Demec (demountable mechani-
ments. Bearing plates should be sufficiently cal) gage (Base, 1955; Morice and Base, 1953) was
smooth, flat, and stiff. Load should be axial and developed by the Cement and Concrete Association
concentric, and features to reduce the effect of mis- in England and is shown on Figure 13.16. The in-
alignment should be adequate. Cells and any swivel strument consists of an invar bar with a conical
bearings or soft washers should be aligned with the locating point at each end-one fixed to the bar and
load-bearing member to within Vs in. (3 mm) if possi- the other pivoting on a knife edge. The pivoting
ble. Centralizer bushings are often useful for cen- movement is transmitted to a dial indicator via a
tering hollow-core load cells around tiebacks and lever arm. A 200 mm (approximately 8 in.) gage
rockbolts. A quick-set mortar pad can be used to length is typically used for field measurements. A
provide a firm and square bearing surface for a separate invar bar is supplied with the gage for use
rockbolt load cell. Keil and Hellwig (1987) present as a reference standard. Small stainless steel disks
practical experience compiled over many years of with central indentations are either cemented di-
load cell installation and indicate the most effective rectly to the structure or mounted on anchor pins
mounting methods available. set in drilled holes. A setting-out bar is used to
Where load cells are used on steel tunnel sets or ensure correct initial disk spacing. Under ideal lab-
on struts across braced excavations, the standard oratory conditions a measurement accuracy of ± 5
rib or strut will usually require modification to ac- microstrain is possible, but under field conditions
commodate the cell. The cell may break the con- ± 25-50 microstrain accuracy is more common. De-
tinuity of the structural member, and arrangements tails of the instrument, with procedures for disk in-
should be made to ensure that the cell will not kick stallation, reading, and data calculation are given by
out or allow buckling or shear deformations of the ISRM (1984). Operating guidelines are also given by
member. The load cell should be installed concur- Cording et al. (1975). If maximum accuracy is re-
rently with the structural member rather than in- quired, extreme care must be taken during installa-
serted later, thereby simplifying erection and align- tion and reading. Cording et al. (1975) describe a
ment and ensuring that the total load history will be temperature-compensated standard bar (Figure
recorded. 13 .17) in which the lengths of invar and steel are
Where load cells are used for temporary mea- inversely proportional to their respective linear
surements in permanent supports, arrangements coefficients of thermal expansion. The separation of
must be made for jacking to remove the load cell the reference points therefore does not vary with
and insert permanent spacers, thereby allowing temperature, and the bar can be used to examine
reuse of the cell. Of course, cells should be cali- temperature and zero drift effects on the portable
brated before reuse. gage.

Table 13.2. Surface-Mounted Strain Gages

Typical Approximate
Typical Range Sensitivity Accuracy
Gage Type Advantages Limitations Gage Length (microstrain) (microstrain) (micros train)
Portable dial indi- Simple Requires access to 2-80 in. (50- Up to 50,000 3-50 ± 5-200
cator (e.g., Figure Inexpensive structure 2000 mm)
13.16) Waterproofing not re- Requires extreme
quired care to read
Calibration can be
checked at any
No delicate parts at-
tached to structure
Scratch (e.g., Figure Inexpensive Requires access to 3-48 in. (75- Up to 6000 30-300 ±25-200
13.18) Self-recording structure 1200 mm)
Waterproofing not re- Requires skill to read
quired Strains must be dy-
namic and large
Multiple telltales Simple Requires access to Unlimited Unlimited Depends on ±25-400
Inexpensive telltales (but can application
be converted to re-
mote reading de-
Vibrating wire (e.g., Remote readout Limited range 2-14 in. (50- 3000 0.2-2 ±5-50
Figure 13.20) Lead wire effects Cannot be used to 350 mm)
minimal measure high-fre-
Readout can be auto- quency dynamic
mated strains
Factory Special manufactur-
waterproofing ing techniques re-
Arc welded or bolted quired to minimize
version is reusable zero drift
Need for lightning
protection should
be evaluated
Electrical resistance Remote readout Low electrical output 0.01-6 in. 20,000 1-4 ±1-100
(weldable and Readout can be auto- Lead wire effects (0.25-150
bonded foil) (e.g., mated Errors owing to mm)
Figures 13.22, Suitable for moni- moisture, tempera-
13.23, 13.24) toring dynamic ture, and electrical
strains connections are
Installation of
bonded gages re-
quires great skill
and experience
Need for lightning
protection should
be evaluated

A gage with accuracy similar to that of the De- designed to monitor the change in curvature of a
mec gage is described by Kovari et al. (1977). The straight or curved beam at a given point, so that
Whittemore gage, used primarily for strain mea- bending strains can be determined. The device con-
surements during laboratory testing of concrete, is sists of a mechanical reference bar, with a dial gage
significantly less accurate than the Demec gage. mounted perpendicular to the bar at its midpoint.
Kovari et al. (1977) also describe a curvometer, Use of the curvometer to monitor bending strains in


Pointer Rotator device

Pivoting Figure 13.18. Prewitt scratch gage (courtesy of E.astlex Machine

conical Corporation, Lexington, KY).

Figure 13.16. Demec strai n gage (courtesy of W. H. Mayes & Son, matically by the rotator device. The author at-
Windsor Ltd., Windsor, England).
tempted to use the gage for recording dynamic
strains in struts across a braced excavation as a
steel ribs and concrete segments for tunnel linings is train moved along a railroad immediately adjacent
described by Robinson et al. (1985). to the excavation, but the disk did not rotate.
The scratch gage manufactured by Leigh Instru-
ScraJch Gages ments Ltd. records strain data on metallic tape,
stored in an interchangeable cassette attached to
Scratch gages provide a record of strain by scribing
the gage. The primary application has been on air-
a line on a target. The target is attached to one end
craft structural components , and data are processed
of the gage length, and a pointer attached to the
using a video display unit.
other end bears on the target. A me.c hanical linkage
causes the target to advance or rotate as strain oc-
curs, so that the line scribed on the target by the
pointer does not overlap a previously scribed line. A telltale is an unstressed wire, rod, or pipe,
The scribed lines are usually examined under a mi- mounted alongside or within a structural member to
croscope, and irregularities are converted to strain. indicate change in length of the member. Although a
The Prewitt scratch gage, shown in Figure 13.18, telltale is generally considered as an instrument for
has a disk-shaped brass target. The two ends of the measuring deformation, change in length can be
gage are clamped , bolted, or glued to the structure. converted to strain, and the device is also classified
The rotator device contacts the rim of the disk and in this book as a mechanical strain gage.
causes it to rotate when compressive strain occurs, Figure 13.19 shows a telltale arranged to monitor
and a new disk can be inserted at any time. Scribe load in a tieback anchor. This arrangement is also
lines are interpreted by using a calibrated micro- referred to as a telltale load cell. The telltale rod is
scope or special optical comparator. The device is inserted within a pipe sleeve, and one end is at-
only suited to recording dynamic strains, and use is tached to the tieback near the lower end of the
limited to situations in which strains are sufficiently stressing length. The distanced between the upper
large and dynamic so that the disk is turned auto- end of the telltale rod and the anchor locking plate is
measured, normally using a portable mechanical
Reference point
gage. The change in distance d is equal to AL, the
drilled on the invar change in stressing length L. Because the stressing
Reference point length is acting as an elastic member under tension,
drilled on the steel-,~=~ Welding strain is equal to ALIL, and load change can be
calculated since cross-sectional area and modulus
of the tieback anchor are known. In practice, the
Length of invar steel relationship between AL and load change is deter-
Figure 13.17. Temperature-compensated standard bar for porta- mined in the field while proof testing the anchor,
ble strain gage with dial indicator (after Cording et al., 1975). using a hollow-core load cell in series with the

Theoretical boundary
\ o f active zone

( rod attached
to tieback


Figure 13.19. Schematic of telltale arranged for load measurement in a tieback anchor (tel/tale load

stressing jack. During proof testing, the telltale rod where: d 1 = distance d for first telltale,
can be shortened so that deformation measure- d2 = distance d for second telltale,
ments are made with respect to the water. Alterna- L = distance between attachment points
tively, the rod can be extended outward through the of the two telltales.
jack and hollow-core load cell and deformation
measurements made with respect to the pulling Therefore, average strain between the two attach-
head, applying a correction for travel of the jack ment points can be monitored by measuring
piston. The hollow-core load cell is also used to changes in the distances d 1 and d 2 , and strains can
determine load at lock-off, and load changes are be converted to approximate values of stress by
referenced to that datum. The fact that load is using an estimate of the composite modulus of the
derived from deformation measurements some- tieback and grout within the anchor zone. By using
times raises concerns that slippage of the anchor or multiple telltales, attached to the tieback at differ-
movement of the soldier pile will create errors in ent points within the anchor zone, the pattern of
load measurement. but this is not so. The arrange- load transfer in the tieback can be estimated. It is
ment can be used to monitor change of load result- necessary, however, to assume the shape of the
ing from all causes and thus is an alternative to a load transfer plot between each pair of attachment
hollow-core load cell at the anchor head. A similar points: if a straight line is assumed, the calculated
arrangement, installed on the surface of a structure, stress will be attributed to the location midway be-
can be used to monitor change of load. tween the telltale attachment points. If the load at
A pair of telltales can be used to monitor strain. one attachment point is known , the load at the other
The arrangement is essentially the same as a multi- can be calculated if the same straight line assump-
point fixed borehole extensometer (Section 12.7). tion is made, but if the line is not straight, there may
For example, a second sleeved telltale can be at- be a large error in the calculated load. Fellenius
tached to the tieback shown in Figure 13. 19, within (1980, 1987) provides guidelines on the interpreta-
the anchor zone. The average strain between the tion of telltale data. When planning multiple telltale
two attachment points is given by: measurements in driven piles and drilJed shafts, one
should recognize that any telltale measurement may
f1L _ (change in d 2) - (change in d,) be in error by as much as ±0.02 in. ( ± 0.5 mm).
-y;- - L Errors in load transfer data can be minimized by

installing telltales at more than two attachment

points , so that data from each pair can be evaluated
in light of data from adjacent pairs. Because load
transfer calculations are extremely sensitive to any
error in telltale data, it is advisable to install dupli-
cate telltales at each attachment point. lf they
agree, they provide confidence in the data, and if
they disagree the adjacent telltales are used to eval- __. coil
uate which is likely to be more correct. End
Electrical linear displacement transducers can be
mounted at the accessible ends of the telltales to
permit remote monitoring. An example is shown in
Figure 12.106. Multiple telltales can also be used for
determining the pattern of load transfer in driven
piles and drilled shafts and for monitoring strain in
other structures.

moun tong
13.3.2. Surface-Mounted Vibrating Wire flanges
Strain Gages
The vibrating wire transducer is described in Chap- Pro tective tube
with vibrating
ter 8, and a schematic of a surface-mounted gage is wire inside
shown in Figure 8.22. Chapter 8 also includes a dis- (b)

cussion of techniques for minimizing errors caused Figure 13.20. Surface-mounted vibrating wire strain gages: (a)
by zero drift and by corrosion of the vibrating wire, gage installed by arc welding (gage can also be fitted with differ-
and guidelines on cable selection. The surface- ent end blocks for installation by bolting) and (b) gage installed by
mounted gage is available in the two basic config- spot welding (courtesy of Geokon, Inc., Lebanon, NH).
urations illustrated in Figure 13.20.
The configuration designed for installation by arc
welding (Figure 13.20a) or bolting is generally be- therefore be set with care so that the wire will not
tween 3 and 14 in. (75-350 mm) long. The end become too slack or too tight under the anticipated
blocks are normally installed by arc welding to the tensile or compressive strains. Some versions allow
structure, using a solid spacer bar to hold the blocks the electrical coil assembly to be detached from the
at their correct spacing. Alternatively, the end protective tube to allow for easier repair in the
blocks can be bolted to the structure, requiring ap- event of damage to the signal cable. After attach-
propriate threaded studs or holes in the blocks. The ment of all gage components, a robust protective
remainder of the gage is then fixed into the end cover should be attached, and the signal cable
blocks and bolted in place. Light tapping of the end should be protected, for example, by conduit.
blocks with a hammer will improve the initial stabil- The Norwegian Geotechnical Institute in Oslo
ity of the gage. Most versions have 0-ring seals has recently developed a method of installing the
between the protective tube and the gage end gage on the inside of a closed-ended pipe pile, using
blocks to provide waterproofing and to allow the welded end blocks, thereby minimizing the chance
tube to remain unstressed. All versions permit ad- of damage during pile driving. Four holes are drilled
justment of the initial wire tension, and some con- in the pile, on a straight line parallel to its axis. A
tain internal springs such that the vibrating wire is setting tool is used to insert the gage within the pile
set by the manufacturer in midrange. This arrange- and to locate end block stems through the first and
ment promotes gage stability, allows for easy ac- last holes. The stems are held in place temporarily
ceptance testing on receipt from the manufacturer, with a positioning jig and welded to the pile. The
and eases the task of setting the initial tension. Gage other two holes are used to set the initial wire ten-
range is typically 3000 microstrain, corresponding sion, by using a screwdriver and allen wrench.
to a stress change of approximately 90,000 lb/in. 2 The arc welded gage is also available with two
(620 MPa) in steel , and the initial tension should vibrating wires. The wires are at different distances

covered with a mastic compound as corrosion pro-

tection. A robust protective cover is usually in-
stalled over the gage, and the signal cable is nor-
mally installed in conduit.
When compared with the arc welded gage, ad-
vantages of the spot welded gage are small size, an
installation procedure not requiring arc welding.
and minimum errors that result from bending of the
structure because of the close proximity between
the vibrating wire and the structure surface.
Most manufacturers attempt to match the linear
coefficient of thermal expansion of the vibrating
wire to that of structural steel, so that the gage is
Figure 13.21. Capacitive discharge spot welder for installing insensitive to temperature change when installed
weldable strain gages (courtesy of Eaton Corporation, Los on steel. However, remaining differences in coeffi-
Angeles, CA). cients may be significant enough to require correc-
tion, particularly where the structural member is
exposed to large temperature variations. Tempera-
from the surface of the structure, so that bending ture should therefore be measured at the time of
strains can be monitored by attaching the gage to each reading, and calculated stresses should be cor-
one surface only. rected on the basis of correction factors, developed
The spot welded gage is typically 2 in. (50 mm) as discussed in Section 13.3.9. Most manufacturers
long. The version shown in Figure 13.20b has 0- provide gages with integral thermistors for tempera-
ring seals between the protective tube and end ture measurement, or alternatively the resistance
blocks, so that the tube remains unstressed. An in- change of the plucking coil can be calibrated to tem-
ternal spring holds the wire at an initial tension , perature change and used for temperature measure-
normally preset at midrange, but the initial tension ment.
can be set during installation, allowing for max- Where gages or signal cables are installed in re-
imum range in compression or tension as required. gions of high thunderstorm activity, lightning pro-
Another version has the protective tube welded to a tection (Chapter 8) should be considered. If gages
thin stainless steel mounting Range alo ng the entire will be subjected to vibration , the user should en-
length of the gage, such that the tube is stressed as sure that zero drift will not be caused. Guidelines
strain occurs, and in this version no field adjustment are given in Chapter 8.
of wire tension is made. All versions are installed on
steel by using a small capacitive discharge spot
13.3.3. Surface-Mounted Electrical Resistance
welder (Figure 13.21) to weld t he mounting flange to
Strain Gages•
the structure, with weld points at approximately
0.06 in. (1.5 mm) spacing. The surface is first pre- Five basic types of electrical resistance strain gage
pared by removing surface paint, rust, and scale are described in Chapter 8: bonded wire, unbonded
using a disk sander, with progressively finer grits, to wire, bonded foil, semiconductor, and weldable.
expose the bare metal and remove pits. When weld- Chapter 8 also includes a description a nd compari-
ing, the weld current must be controlled carefully, son of Wheatstone bridge circuits for use with elec-
following the manufacturer's recommendations. It trical resistance strain gages, a discussion of cable
is useful to practice welding and to demonstrate the selection, data acquisition and communication sys-
suitability of the selected weld current by using test tems, gage and cable integrity testing, and general
strips of the same material as the mounting flange. guidelines for the use of electrical transducers and
After welding, the weld points must be sealed with a data acquisition systems.
waterproof coating to prevent later corrosion and Both bonded foil (Figure 13.22) and weldable
gage slippage. Where access is available, the elec-
trical coil and gage cover can be placed on the gage •Written with the assistance of Given A. Brewer, Consultant,
temporarily whenever a reading is required. How- Brewer Engineering Laboratories, Teledyne Engineering Ser-
ever, they are normally spot welded in place and vices, Marion, MA.

Strain Strain tube

filament ~ Compacted MgO powder
I !·...·'·. ,,•.. ...j.. <·.\.. ,:·.;... .,,;1·::!}·: 1.
. , _. .. . .· .· ')..I
. 1. •" •· • . •
' , r ..
• I •. •

@ Thin stainless steel mounting flange
Figure 1 3.24. Weldable e lectrical resistance strain gage with
strain filament encased in a sma ll tube (courtesy of Eaton Corpo-
ration, Los Angeles, CA).

preparation, bonding, waterproofing, connection,

and physical protection, and under field conditions
success is difficult to attain. Installation steps are
discussed later in this section. Successful installa-
tion is easier to achieve in a controlled indoor envi-
Figure 1 3.22. Bonded foil electrical resistance strain gage (cour- ronment, b ut this also requires great experience.
tesy of Measurements Group, Inc., Raleigh, NC).
When bonded gages are installed by experts, they
can be stable and reliable, but there are many case
(Figures 13.23 and 13.24) gages are used for surface histories of unsuccessful installations by geotech-
strain measurements in geotechnical field applica- nical personnel , and a do-it-yourself approach is not
tions. Bonded wire, unbonded wire, and semicon- likely to lead to success.
ductor gages are used for special applications only
and will not be discussed further in this chapter. Accuracy
When one is selecting between weldable and
When bonded foil strain gages for field use are in-
bonded foil gages, the primary issues are environ-
stalled in a controlled indoor environment by ex-
mental conditions, accuracy, cost, and size. Envi-
perts, they can have a short-term accuracy of ±I
ronmental conditions often override aU other con-
microstrain. However, this accuracy will be
siderations, leading to the selection of weldable
gages. downgraded severely if skill is inadequate or if in-
stallation and field conditions are other than ideal.
Accuracy of weldable gages depends on the resis-
Environmental Conditions
tance element. When a bonded foil transducer is
When instruments must be installed in the field , used (Figure 13.23), typical accuracy is :t:5 micro-
weldable gages are usually preferable to bonded strain; for the arrangement shown in Figure 13.24,
gages. Weldable gages can be installed successfully typical accuracy is :t: 15 microstrain.
by relatively inexperienced personnel, but installa-
tion of bonded gages in the field requires personnel Cost
highly experienced in field procedures. Even with
A typicaJ weldable strain gage costs 10-15 times as
experienced personnel, installation of bonded gages
much as a bonded gage. However, installation costs
is limited to warm-weather conditions. Success de-
are generally significantly less, and cost comparison
pends on many painstaking steps, including surface
depends on the application.

Waterproofing Size
Foil strain gage compound
Gage adh~
esive • Hypode~mic Typical weldable strain gages are about l in. (25
_ _ extensoon
Car\r ~~ mm) long, but special gages as small as 0.2 in. (5
mm) long are available. Bonded gages range in
Figure 13.23. Weldable electrical resistance strain gage with length from 0.01 to 6 in. (0.25- 150 mm) and may
bonded foil tra.nsducer (courtesy of HITEC Products, Inc., Ayer, therefore be preferred when available space is very
MA). limited .

Selection and Installation of Bonded Gages • Waterproofing. The type, number of coatings,
vapor barrier and lead wire sealer depend on
Key factors when using bonded gages in a field en-
the field environment and duration of the moni-
vironment include gage selection, selection of
toring program. For a one to two week outdoor
bridge circuit, and installation procedure.
monitoring program a single layer of water-
When one is selecting the type of gage, the fol-
proofing compound may be sufficient. For a
lowing must be considered: gage material, backing
one to two month outdoor monitoring program
material, resistance value, strain limits, fatigue life,
the layer should be covered by aluminum foil
temperature range, temperature compensation,
and in turn covered by a second layer of
static or dynamic application, and use environment.
waterproofing compound. For longer term pro-
Gages with integral terminals are preferred, so that
grams, more comprehensive waterproofing is
the user solders lead wires to a tab rather than to the
required, and a multi-layered patented pro-
gage wires themselves.
cedure has been proved (Brewer, 1972): water-
Guidance on selection of a bridge circuit is given
proofing compound, allowed to cure; water-
in Chapter 8. Many factors influence this decision,
proofing compound extending beyond the first
but the primary consideration is that gages must
layer; stainless steel foil spot welded through
detect the desired strains and properly cancel or
unset waterproofing compound; second layer
eliminate the unwanted strains. In all cases, the lead
of waterproofing compound allowed to cure;
wire shield should be isolated from the structural
third layer of waterproofing compound extend-
member to which the gages are attached.
ing beyond the stainless steel foil.
Selection of the installation procedure for
bonded gages depends primarily on usage and gage • Physical Protection. Protection will generally
type. Installation typically involves the following be a steel cover plate or box or a fiberglas coat-
five steps: ing.

As the installation of gages proceeds, they should

• Swface Preparation. The surface usually must be tested functionally and checked for insulation,
be degreased, sanded, etched, neutralized, and and if possible a leak detection test should be made
cleaned with a solvent and a chemical cleaner. after waterproofing is complete. Gage resistance
• Bonding. Bonding entails extreme care in han- testing, insulation testing, and leak detection testing
dling the gage, application of a layer of suitable are described in Chapter 8. All data should be re-
bonding cement with careful control over glue corded and maintained as initial test records. Strain
thickness, careful positioning, clamping under gage manufacturers will normally provide standard
a controlled pressure, and usually curing under installation procedures but will not necessarily have
a controlled temperature. When bonded in sufficient experience with field installations. If in
humid environments, the surface of the struc- doubt, the guidance of field specialists should be
ture must be heated to prevent formation of a sought.
moisture film. The easy-to-use cyanoacrylate When using bonded strain gages for measuring
contact cements, which cure at room tempera- surface strains on concrete or rock, moisture will
ture and do not require application of con- cause gage deterioration unless special precautions
trolled pressure throughout the bonding period, are taken. All loose surface material should first be
are usually not suitable. When they are used, removed and the surface cleaned with a wire brush
they should be purchased only from strain gage and a chemical cleaner. A room-temperature curing
manufacturers and applied by experienced epoxy should be applied liberally, thus ensuring the
personnel. absence of air bubbles, and allowed to cure. The
• Connection. Interconnect wires are soldered epoxy should then be sanded, to create a smooth
to create the required Wheatstone bridge cir- surface, and checked for absence of air bubbles; the
cuit, connections cleaned with a solvent, the gage should be bonded to the epoxy and water-
gage and connection area coated with a protec- proofed as described above.
tive and vapor barrier, the connectors heat Bonded strain gages can be attached to a spring
treated, and lead wires soldered in place. Rosin steel strip to form a clip-on arrangement that is
core solder should be used. reusable. Fang and Koerner (1977) describe a clip-

on gage for measurement of crack openings in struc-

tures while the structures were subjected to vibra-

Selection and Installation of Weldtlble Gages

Weldable gages are restricted to instaiJation on
steel, and the installation procedure is similar to the
weldable vibrating wire gage procedure described in
Section 13.3.2. Gages with integral leads and fac-
tory waterproofing are most suitable. Quarter
bridge gages are available with integral three-wire
leads. Half bridge gages are also avail5tble, with one
active arm and one dummy.

Figure 13.25. Hydraulic strain gages and soil strain gages af·
13.3.4. Miscellaneous Surface-Mounted tached to woven geotextile fabric (after Rowe et al., 1984a).
Strain Gages
Cragg (l984a) describes various strain gages for use because the gage is sensitive to tilting out of the
on geotextiles in reinforced embankments. Simple initial coplanar arrangement, it should not be used
gages were used by the U.S. Department of Ag- for monitoring strains in geotextiles of less than 1%.
riculture, Forest Service (Steward et al. , 1977; Vi- A demountable electrical gage, caiJed a demount-
scher, 1975), consisting of different lengths of elec- able extensometer, is manufactured by Cambridge
trical wire attached to a standard gage length on Insitu in England. The gage is similar to the Demec
the geotextile. Wire lengths were chosen such that mechanical strain gage (Section 13.3.1) but with an
breakage occurred at strain levels in the geotextile electrical output. Precision is claimed to be ± 5 mi-
of 1, 3, 5, 10, and 20%, and an ohmmeter was used crostraio but, as for the Demec gage, under field
to monitor circuit continuity. Similar gages, using conditions ± 25-50 microstrain is likely to be more
platinum wire and a copper tube, were used in Hol- common.
land (Leeuwen and Volman, 1976), by clamping the A special gage has been used successfu lly to
wire in the tube so that a force of 2 lb (9 N) was monitor axial and bending strains in timber piles.
needed to break the connection. Neither of these The arrangement consists of electrical resistance
gages provided continuous strain readings. Cragg strain gages bonded to the outside of a 0.25 in. (6
(l984a) and Rowe et al. (1984a) describe a hydraulic mm) aluminum alloy tube, which is then embedded
strain gage developed to provide continuous strain in epoxy in longitudinal grooves routed along the
readings. The gage (Figure 13.25) is similar to a piles.
large-diameter, liquid-filled hypodermic syringe, Photoelastic strain gages (Roberts and Hawkes,
connected to a small-diameter sight tube. A smaiJ 1979) depend on the principle that polarized light
movement of the large-diameter piston produces a incident on certain types of plastics and glass will
large movement of the liquid level in the sight tube. produce patterns of light and dark areas, referred to
The magnification factor is about 12. The gages as photoelastic interference fringes. The number
were fitted into wood blocks that were both and position of these fringes changes in response to
clamped and glued to the geotextile, to monitor the strain in the material to which the gage is at-
strains over a gage length of 8 in. (200 mm). Dummy tached , and the magnitude and direction of strain
sight tubes were installed to correct for temperature can be determined from an analysis of the fringe
differences between the gages and the remote moni- patterns. Photoelastic materials are used exten-
toring station . The gages are applicable where strain sively for model studies, and bonded photoelastic
is expected to be up to about 5% and have been strain gages are available for surface mounting.
used successfully for monitoring tensile strains up However, these gages are subject to substantial er-
to 20%. Performance data are given by Rowe et al. rors because of creep or deterioration of the bond-
(1984a, 1984b). The soil strain gage (Section 12.6.4) ing cement and are rarely used for geotechnical ap-
was also used, but Cragg (1984b) comments that plications.

Various electrical crack gages (Section 12.3.2)
can be used for measurement of surface strain. -0-

Threadbar: two
gages Pipe pile or strut:
13.3.5. Selection of Strain Gage Length, Cable, three gages (locate gages
and Connectors on inner face if pipe is
large enough for access)
The selection of strain gage length for measure-
ments on steel depends on the purpose of measure-
ments, gage type, available space, and access. In
general, unless very localized measurements are re-
quired, gages should be as large as possible. For
measurements on concrete the gage length should
be long enough to average out strain differences in
the constituents of the concrete, as aggregate will
Driven H-pile:
four gages
-I-Large 1-beam:
four gages
generally strain less than the cement matrix. If pos-
sible, the gage length should be at least five times
the maximum size of aggregate.
Selection of cable and connectors should follow
Steel sheet
the guidelines given in Chapter 8. piles- tension: Steel sheet
two gages piles- bending:
four gages

Figure 13.26. Typical locations of strain gages on structural steel

13.3.6. Locations of Surface-Mounted members.
Strain Gages
The location of strain gages depends on the purpose
of the measurements, available access, and on pro- stresses. If axial stress alone is required, a mmt-
tection requirements during and after installation. If mum of two gages must be used, equidistant from
stresses at particular points are of interest, the and on opposite sides of the neutral axis. If maxi-
gages should be located at those points. However, mum stress is required and if the member may be
measurements are often required at locations that subjected to bending about any axis, more than two
are not influenced by uneven or eccentric loadings gages must be used. On a pipe pile or pipe strut, a
or by the proximity of irregularities such as holes in minimum of three gages spaced 120 degrees apart is
the structural member. For example, if end effects recommended for determination of maximum
are to be avoided, gages should not be located near stress. Four gages spaced 90 degrees apart provide
the ends of the structural member or near irregu- a worthwhile redundant measurement. On a driven
larities. When gaging struts across braced excava- H-pile, four gages are recommended, back-to-hack
tions, gages are normally located a minimum dis- on each side of the web and as near the flanges as
tance from the end of the strut equal to three times possible. Gages at these locations can usually be
the depth of the strut and a similar distance from protected adequately, using welded channels, an-
any interbracing connections and points of future gles, or corner strips. On large 1-beams, four gages
welding or flame cutting. On tunnel ribs, gages can be located .as for an H-pile, but the accuracy of
should preferably be a minimum distance from con- strain estimates in the flanges is often limited by the
nections, tie-rod holes, and blocking points equal to relative flimsiness of the web. It is usually better to
three times the depth of the rib. install four gages on the inner faces of the flanges as
Figure 13.26 shows typical strain gage locations far from the web as possible, providing a good com-
on the cross section of various structural steel mem- promise between a protected location and the zone
bers. If the member is small and not subjected to of maximum stress. For sheet piles in tension, for
bending (e.g., a threadbar tendon for tiebacks), a example, for cofferdams, a pair of gages midway
single gage may be sufficient, although two are usu- between the clutches is appropriate. For sheet pile
ally more prudent because in most applications the walls in bending, pairs of gages on each of the outer
member will be subjected to both axial and bending portions of the Z-shape are recommended.

It should be remembered that the stress at any Gage cables are usually vulnerable to damage
point in the cross section is the sum of the axial and must be protected by careful selection of loca-
stress and the stress caused by bending, that tion, by placement in conduit, or by embedment.
stresses at the outer edges of the member can there-
fore be very much higher than stresses at the neu-
tral axis, and that failure can consequently be initi- 13.3.8. Initial Reading
ated at the outer edges. Thus, two strain gages are
General guidelines on initial readings are given in
rarely sufficient for providing a forewarning of
Chapter 18. Selection of initial readings depends on
the purpose of the measurements. As an example, if
Where a structural member is subjected to bend-
actual stress in the structural member is required,
ing and only one surface is accessible-for in-
initial readings should be made when the member is
stance, a steel tunnel lining or the outside of sheet
under no load, perhaps when supported evenly on a
piling-bending strains can be monitored by install-
flat surface in a steel storage yard or warehouse.
ing the type of vibrating wire gage with two vibrat-
However, if gage readings are to be used for deter-
ing wires at different heights above the surface of
mination of load imposed on the structural member,
the member.
initial readings should be made after erection of the
13.3.7. Installation of Surface-Mounted
Strain Gages
13.3.9. Relationship Between Strain and Stress*
General guidelines on the installation of instruments
are given in Chapter 17. Methods of strain gage in- Strain data are rarely of interest; the data are
stallation have been outlined in the above sections merely a step in the determination of stress. When
describing the various types of gage. The following making measurements on steel, provided that mod-
additional guidelines apply to the installation of all ulus is known and temperature is measured, con-
types of surface-mounted strain gage. version from strain to stress is straightforward.
Wherever possible, gages should be installed However, stress determination in concrete is by no
when the structural member is in an environment means straightforward, and accurate results should
conducive to maintaining the quality of work, re- not be expected.
mote from pressures of construction progress, such
as in a steel storage yard or warehouse. The work
Causes of Strain in Concrete
area should be protected from adverse weather con-
ditions. Gages should be installed a minimum of 4 Strain in concrete can be caused by several factors
days before erection of the structural member to other than stress change, and a strain gage responds
allow time for stabilization prior to taking initial to all causes of strain. Strain other than that caused
readings. by stress may be due to creep (strain under constant
Most strain gages and cables require protection stress), shrinkage and swelling (moisture content
from water and from mechanical damage caused by change), temperature change, and the progress of
normal construction activities, vehicular traffic, and autogenous volume change (dimensional change
vandalism. Gages usually require protective cover that is self-generated and not due to temperature,
plates, welded, bolted, or epoxied to the structure. moisture change, or stress); other strain may also
Cover plates should not stiffen the structure and occur as concrete cures. Strain due to creep is gen-
should not be tightened or welded so as to distort erally more extensive in highly stressed prestressed
the structure and cause spurious strains at the gage concrete than in conventional reinforced concrete;
location. Use of a stiff cover plate, attached to the therefore, for structural members such as pre-
structure at one end only, with mastic between the stressed concrete piles, creep strains are particu-
structure and cover plate, usually overcomes this larly significant.
problem. Cutting or welding can create significant
stress changes in steel and may damage electrical *Written with the assistance of Stanley L. Paul, Associate Pro-
cables; therefore, welding for attachment of cover fessor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois at
plates should be minimized. Urbana-Champaign, IL.

The importance of creep and shrinkage is related stress, thereby ensuring that the specimen be-
to the duration of the measurement program. For a haves in a similar way to the prototype. For
program lasting a few days, their influence may be example, while load testing a concrete pile or
small, but for a duration of several weeks or drilled shaft, an unconfined compression test
months, they will be much more important. Creep specimen can be created near the pile or shaft
and shrinkage are influenced by mix design parame- butt, either above the ground surface or
ters, type of aggregate, fineness of the cement, and within a sleeved section just below the ground
conditions during and after set, such as moisture surface. It is important to model moisture
content and temperature. The importance of creep conditions correctly, because strains caused
and shrinkage is also related to stress magnitude. by moisture content change can be a
When stresses are greater than about 60% of the significant part of total strain. The specimen
ultimate strength of the concrete, their importance at a pile or shaft butt should therefore be kept
increases substantially. A general discussion of the wet if the subsurface gages are below the wa-
influences of factors that cause strain in concrete, ter table.
and the conditions under which they are important, 2. Interpose a load-measuring device across at
is given by Neville (1981). least one entire cross section and relate the
known load to strain measured at nearby
Methods of Converting Strain to Stress strain gage locations. The same relationship is
applied to strains measured elsewhere. For
To avoid repetition in the later section describing
example, a contact earth pressure cell can be
embedment strain gages, the scope of this subsec- installed at the tip of a pile or drilled shaft, or
tion includes strain measurements made with sur- a load cell can sometimes be installed at a
face-mounted and also embedment strain gages. splice in a driven pile.
The behavior of a concrete member is often pre-
dicted by measuring strains on the surface of the
member or on reinforcement within the member. If neither of the above options is possible, three
Stresses are then calculated by using the method of other approaches can be considered:
transformed areas, requiring knowledge of cross-
sectional areas and moduli of steel and concrete, 1. Use of creep curves developed for each par-
and these stresses are used to calculate axial loads ticular project (e.g., England and Illston,
and moments. This approach suffers from two ma- 1965; Jones, 1961). These curves enable creep
jor limitations. First, significant error may result strains to be estimated from the age of the
from uncertainty in the modulus of the concrete. concrete at the time of loading and the dura-
The modulus may vary from point to point because tion and magnitude of loading. These strains
of variations in concrete properties that are caused are then subtracted from measured strains to
by air voids, trapped moisture, and variation in obtain strains that result from stress.
compaction. This is particularly true of cast-in- 2. Use of averaged empirical data that relate
place concrete. Second, the approach does not ac- creep and shrinkage to environmental and mix
count for strains other than those caused by stress. parameters (e.g., ACI, 1982).
A special effort must therefore be made to deter- 3. If the cross-sectional area is large enough,
mine the relationship between strain and stress. The measure stress directly by using concrete
options are as follows: stress cells, as described in Section 13.6.

1. Subject a specimen of the same concrete to It should be noted that the no-stress method, often
the same influences as the prototype, in a used in large mass concrete structures, is not rec-
known stress field, and measure resulting ommended. In this method a strain gage is installed
strain. This is sometimes attempted in the lab- in a cube of concrete and a gap is formed around the
oratory, but it is usually not possible to match four sides and the top, so that the cube is in contact
laboratory and prototype conditions. A better with surrounding concrete only at its base. Strain at
approach is to install strain gages on a part of the gage is assumed to result from all causes other
the prototype that is subjected to a known than stress and is subtracted from strain readings of

the active gages. However, this does not account Strain gage
for strain of the active gages caused by creep under
stress. It also does not account correctly for shrink- ~'1--------~-----~~
age, because the size of the cube is so different from
the structure that migration of moisture is entirely
Complete end restraint. Temperature
different. decrease causes decrease in compressive
stress but no strain in the strut. Gage
reading will change. Correct decrease in
stress calculated from measured strain
Temperature Effects and known modulus of elasticity.

Temperature effects on the gages themselves have

been discussed in earlier sections describing the
various types of strain gage. However, as discussed
in Chapter 14, temperature change can cause a real
stress change if the structural member is subjected No end restraint. Temperature
decrease causes strain in the strut
to end restraint, and it may be necessary to apply a but no change in stress. No change
correction factor to account for temperature ef- in strain gage reading.
fects. Two cases will be considered: thermally Figure 13.27. Behavior of strain gages as temperature changes:
matched strain gages and gages that indicate actual gages thermally matched to structural steel member.
length change.
First, consider a strain gage that is thermally
matched to the structural member: for example, a corrected for any strain caused by temperature
temperature-compensated electrical resistance change:
strain gage (one for which the change in resistance total strain = da + EdT
caused by thermal strain of the member is compen- E
sated for by change in resistance caused by temper-
ature change in the strain gage material) or a ther- where: .:la = stress change,
mally matched vibrating wire strain gage (one for aT = temperature change,
which the thermal coefficients of the vibrating wire E = modulus of elasticity of steel,
and structural member are equal) attached to steel. E = linear coefficient of thermal expan-
In these cases the gage will respond only to strain sion of steel.
changes that result from stress changes, and the
stress changes can be calculated from the change in Therefore, in this case it is necessary to measure
strain gage reading multiplied by modulus of elastic- temperature of the steel and apply a correction
ity. This rule is independent of end restraint condi- when calculating stress change. As an example of
tions and applies for all causes of stress in an elastic the importance of such corrections, the author has
member: change in applied loading, stress caused used a mechanical strain gage for stress determina-
by temperature change in the member, and a combi- tion in 24 in. (610 mm) diameter, 0.5 in. (13 mm)
nation of both. Figure 13.27 shows the example of wall thickness pipe struts across an internally
thermally matched strain gages installed on a steel braced excavation. Design load was 520 kips (2.3
strut. For both conditions illustrated, and for any MN). An error of 2°C in temperature measurement
intermediate condition, stress changes can be cal- (corresponding to an error of 23 micros train) caused
culated from the change in the strain gage reading, an error of 25 kips (110 kN) in the calculated strut
without the need for temperature corrections. load.
Second, consider a strain gage that is used to In cases where the user is uncertain whether the
indicate actual length change, as would be the case gage is thermally matched, whether the gage indi-
with a mechanical strain gage referenced to the tem- cates actual length change, or whether an inter-
perature-compensated standard bar illustrated in mediate condition exists, a temperature correction
Figure 13.17. The thermal characteristics of the factor can be developed by making strain measure-
gage are now not matched with the member. Actual ments at various temperatures in the laboratory
length change results both from temperature change (Cording et al., 1975). The gage should be mounted
and stress change, and the measurement must be on the same type of material as it will be mounted

on in the field, and the test must be conducted in a rary ground support, no-load gage readings should
way that avoids bending and other strains that are be taken after removal of the structural member and
not related to temperature. If the gages are mounted compared with the initial no-load readings. This
on concrete, the moisture conditions must be main- procedure of course does not provide data for cor-
tained the same as in the field. Corrections to field recting gage readings at the time they are taken, nor
readings can then be made by measuring tempera- does it provide data on any variation of drift with
ture in the field and applying the correction factor. time, but it can give an idea of any total drift that
Alternatively, a temperature correction factor can has occurred. The data may not be exact, because
sometimes be obtained by use of the dummy gage any permanent yielding of the member will affect
procedure, in which a gage is mounted on a speci- the measurements.
men of the same material as the structural member In cases where access for mechanical readings is
and the specimen placed near the active strain gages available and where accuracy of a mechanical strain
in the field so that it will experience the same tem- gage is adequate, an estimate of zero drift at any
perature but no stress. The dummy gage is read at time can be made by making duplicate measure-
the same time as the active strain gages, and its ments with a mechanical strain gage.
change in strain is used to correct the active gage Zero drift can be assumed to be common to a
readings. The dummy gage also serves as an indi- gage type, model, and batch number and can be
cator of any strain caused by factors other than measured or estimated and applied to all gages.
stress and temperature. Several dummy gages However, any abnormal behavior of individual
should be used to obtain average corrections, since gages owing to their own peculiarities will invali-
gages are unlikely to have identical characteristics. date this approach.
An additional temperature error can occur if the Although zero drift can be examined by use of
strain gage and the structural member are at differ- the above procedures, the overriding issue is to
ent temperatures. If possible, readings should be minimize the problem by gage selection and instal-
taken when temperature is uniform throughout the lation methods that promote low drift characteris-
member. If the member is subjected to direct sun, tics.
readings should be taken on cloudy days whenever
practicable. Shading or other insulation is often Summary of Guidelines for Converting Measured
worthwhile and should extend to 1 ft (300 mm) on Strain to Stress
either side of the gage. White paint over gage covers The following outline summarizes the guidelines
and the nearby area can reduce the problem. When given in this section.
readings must be taken on sunny days, they are best
taken in the early morning. All Measurements
• Determine whether gages are thermally
Zero Drift matched to structure by using laboratory tests.
Develop any necessary temperature correction
A discussion of the zero drift potential of vibrating
factors, either in the laboratory or by using the
wire transducers is included in Chapter 8.
dummy gage procedure. If temperature correc-
Zero drift of vibrating wire and electrical resis-
tion factors are required, measure temperature
tance strain gages can be examined by either of two
at each gage location.
methods. First, the dummy gage procedure, de-
scribed above, can be used. When using this proce- • Wherever possible, take readings when tem-
dure, readings should ideally be taken with the perature is uniform throughout the member.
dummy gage at the same temperature as the struc- • Use measurement systems with low zero drift
ture, so that temperature strains are not a factor. characteristics. If zero drift is judged to be a
However, this is often not possible, and attempts possible problem, use dummy gage procedure,
must be made to correct for temperature strains by check gage at constant temperature, and/or
measuring temperature of the dummy gages and ap- check the readings with a mechanical gage.
plying temperature correction factors developed in
Measurements on Steel
the laboratory. Second, a check gage can be placed
in a constant-temperature environment. • Use modulus of steel and any necessary tem-
If the gaged structural member is used for tempo- perature correction factors.

Measurements in or on Concrete
Use one of the following six options.
• Subject specimen of same concrete to same in-
fluences as prototype, in known stress field,
and measure strain. Preferably, the specimen
should be in the field, but sometimes measure-
ments are possible in tbe laboratory. Concrete
must have the same moisture conditions as ac-
tive gages in the field. Use the strain/stress
relationship determined from the specimen and
any necessary temperature correction factors.
• Interpose a load-measuring device across at
least one cross section, relating load to mea-
sured strains.
• Use creep curves developed for each particular
project. Figure 13.28. Vibrating wire strain gage for embedment in con-
• Use averaged empirical data. crete (courtesy of lrad Cage, a Division of Klein Associates, Inc.,
Salem, NH).
• Use concrete stress cells.
• Use combinations of the above options.
in Section 13.3.2, except that large end flanges (Fig-
13.4. EMBEDMENT STRAIN GAGES ure 13.28) replace the end blocks. Most gages are
supplied with a preset tension, which can be speci-
The primary application for embedment strain fied by the user.
gages is measurement of strain in concrete. Embed- The second type of gage consists of a vibrating
ment strain gages in general use are described in wire transducer mounted in the central portion of a
Sections 13.4.1-13.4.4 and compared in Table 13.3. length of steel bar, such as reinforcing steel. The
When using embedment strain gages in concrete, use of a length of steel bar, embedded in concrete to
most geotechnical applications involve simple cross measure strain, is sometimes referred to as a sister
sections subjected to compression and some bend- bar, presumably because the gaged bar exists along-
ing, for example, driven piles and drilled shafts. We side and behaves similarly to the reinforcing steel in
are not well able to monitor strains in complex cross the structural member. It is also referred to as a
sections involving rapid strain gradients, large ten- rebar strainmeter. Figure 13.29 shows a sister bar
sile stresses, and/or cracked tensile sections. suitable for installation in a drilled shaft, to provide
strain data during a load test. Guidelines for mini-
mizing the inclusion effect of sister bars are given in
13.4.1. Embedment Strain Gages: Mechanical Type Section 13.4.7.
The mechanical type of embedment strain gage is
identical in principle to the multiple telltales de- 13.4.3. Embedment Strain Gages: Electrical
scribed in Section 13.3.1. They are sometimes used Resistance Types
for monitoring strain when load transfer data are
required while load testing driven piles and drilled Embedment strain gages with electrical resistance
shafts. transducers can be grouped into five categories:

Bonded Foil or Weldable Resistance Gages Attached

13.4.2. Embedment Strain Gages: Vibrating to Central Portion of Length of Steel Bar
Wire Types
These gages are also referred to as sister bars. Two
There are two types of embedment strain gage with or four foil or weldable gages are installed on the
a vibrating wire transducer. The first type is similar central portion of a length of steel bar, such as rein-
to the arc welded surface-mounted gage described forcing steel, and connected in a half or full bridge

Vibrating wire transducer,

electrical coil, thermistor,
and cable splice all within
Mild steel cylinder. Properties 0.25 in. diameter central hole Bond breaker
same as the No. 4 bar. on outside of
0.56 in. o.d., 0.25 in. l.d. cylinder

Signal No. 4
cable reinforcing steel
/ bar. Grade 60

, ~~~~~~~~~~~
1. 24 in. .l. 6 in. .1. 24 in. .I
Figure 13.29. Schematic of sister bar with vibrating wire transducer.

network. Guidelines on minimizing the inclusion ef- is stabilized by heat treating the resistance wire dur-
fect of sister bars are given in Section 13.4.7. ing manufacture, by fiUing with oil so that the resis-
tance wire is totally immersed at all times , and by
hermetically sealing to prevent the entrance of
Unbonded Gages
moisture. Accuracy is maximized and temperature
The primary unbonded strain gage transducer for effects are reduced by using two separate lengths of
geotechnical applications is the Carlson elastic wire elastic wire, one of which increases in resistance
strain meter, shown in Figure 13.30. The instrument with strain, while the other decreases, and by

Sealing compound
Conductor cable ~ 1.0 in.
--. I

1.19 in.

0-ring seal and cable anchor

PVC tubing

----------------8.0ln. - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 1

Figure 13.30. Carlson elastic wire strain meter (courtesy of Carlson Instruments, Campbell, CA).
Table 13.3. Embedment Strain Gages
Typical Approximate
Typical Range Sensitivity Accuracy
Gage Type Advantages Limitations Gage Length (microstrain) (microstrain) (microstrain)
Multiple telltales Simple Requires access to Unlimited Unlimited Depends on ±25-400
Inexpensive telltales (but can application
be converted to re-
mote reading de-
Vibrating wire; type Lead wire effects Cannot be used to 5-10 in. 3000 0.2-2 ±5-50
similar to arc minimal measure high- (130-250
welded surface- No conformance frequency dy- mm)
mounted gage problem namic strains
(e.g., Figure 13.28) Remote readout Special manufactur-
Readout can be auto- ing techniques re-
mated quired to minimize
Factory water- zero drift
proofing Need for lightning
protection should
be evaluated
Vibrating wire; sister Robust Cannot be used to De bonded 3000 0.2-2 ±5-50
bar type (Figure Easy to install measure high- length,
13.29) Lead wire effects frequency dy- plus IOOx
minimal namic strains bar diame-
Remote readout Special manufactur- ter
Readout can be auto- ing techniques re-
mated quired to minimize
Factory water- zero drift
proofing Special design fea-
tures required to
minimize inclusion
Sister bar must be
small relative to
size of structural
Need for lightning
protection should
be evaluated
Bonded foil or weld- Robust Special design fea- De bonded 20,000 1-4 ± 1-100
able resistance Easy to install tures required to length,
gage; sister bar Suitable for moni- minimize inclusion plus IOOx
type (similar to toring dynamic effects bar diame-
Figure 13.29) strains Low electrical output ter
Remote readout Lead wire effects
Readout can be auto- Errors owing to mois-
mated ture, temperature,
Factory water- and electrical con-
proofing nections are possi-
Need for lightning
protection should
be evaluated

Table 13.3. (Continued)
Typical Approximate
Typical Range Sensitivity Accuracy
Gage Type Advantages Limitations Gage Length (micros train) (micros train) (micros train)
Unbonded resistance Long good perform- Low electrical output 4-20 in. 3000 1.5-6 ±20-75
(e.g., Figure 13.30) ance record Lead wire effects (100-500 (±2% full
No conformance Errors owing to mois- mm) scale)
problem ture, temperature,
Provides temperature and electrical con-
measurement nections are possi-
Remote readout ble
Readout can be auto- Need for lightning
mated protection should
Factory water- be evaluated
Suitable for moni-
toring dynamic
strains but only up
to about 25 Hz
Mustran cell (Figure Robust Large size 6-10 in. 1000 1-4 ± 10-50
13.31) Modulus matched Not available com- (150-250
Remote readout mercially mm)
Readout can be auto- Low electrical output
mated Lead wire effects
Errors owing to
moisture, tempera-
ture, and electrical
connections are
Need for lightning
protection should
be evaluated
Plastic encased gage Low cost Unstable in long 0.5-10 in. 20,000 1-4 ± 10-50
(e.g., Figure 13.32) Robust term (13-250
Easy to install Low electrical output mm)
No conformance Lead wire effects
problem Errors owing to
Remote readout moisture, tempera-
Readout can be auto- ture, and electrical
mated connections are
Suitable for moni- possible
toring dynamic Need for lightning
strains protection should
be evaluated
Eaton Corporation No conformance Must be cast in a bri- 2-6 in. (50- 20,000 1-4 ± 10-50
gage (Figure 13 .33) problem quette before in- 150 mm)
Remote readout stallation
Readout can be auto- Low electrical output
mated Lead wire effects
Factory water- Errors owing to mois-
proofing ture, temperature,
Suitable for moni- and electrical con-
toring dynamic nections are possi-
strains ble
Need for lightning
protection should
be evaluated


Hose clamp

Rubber hose

Figure 13.32. Polyester mold strain gage for embedment in con-

crete (courtesy of Texas Measurements, Inc., College Station, TX).

fal se readings owing to moisture intrusion. The cell

is pressure tested and filled with dessicant prior to

Plastic Encased Gages

A plastic encased gage consists of a standard wire-
,L~ type resistance strain gage, to which lead wires are
attached , and hermetically sealed between thin
Plastic tube ~2.5in.~ plastic plates. The plastic is either given an irregular
surface or coated with a coarse grit to promote
Figure 13.31 . Mustran cell (after Barker and Reese, 1969). bonding to the concrete. Quarter bridge gages are
the most common, with either two or three lead
wires, but gages molded into rosette forms are
measuring the ratio of the two resistances. It has a available for monitoring two-dimensional strains.
more than 40 year good performance record and is The gage works well under dynamic loading condi-
the first choice of many users for measuring strain tions (Hirsch et al. , 1970) but is suitable for short-
within concrete. Variations of the Carlson elastic term measurements only. Attempts by the author to
wire strain meter are the joint meter, for measuring use the version shown in Figure 13.32 for long-term
movements across joints in concrete, and the minia- tests in precast concrete piles showed severe gage
ture strain meter, for use in model studies. Details drift, presumably caused by creep in the polyester,
of the instruments, including installation and read- and usage appears to be limited to tests of I or 2
ing procedures, are given by Carlson (1975). Wiring days duration.
diagrams are given by the Corps of Engineers
(1980). Eaton Corporation Gage
The embedment strain gage manufactured by Eaton
Mustran Cell
Corporation (formerly manufactured by Ailtech)
The Mustran cell was developed by personnel of consists of a thin resistance element placed within a
the University of Texas under sponsorship of the tube in a similar way to the surface-mounted gage
Center for Highway Research (Barker and Reese, shown in Figure 13.24, and wired as a quarter
1969), primarily for measuring strains in driJied bridge three-wire system (Figure 13.33). The annu-
shafts. The name is derived from multiplying strain lar space between the tube and resistance element is
transducer. Strain gages are bonded to a steel rod filled with magnesium oxide powder to ensure fric-
(Figure 13.3 1) with square cross section . The rod tional contact with the concrete. The gage is very
has a large flange on each end and is surrounded by delicate and must be precast in a briquette prior to
a length of rubber hose. The design attempts to installation.
match the stiffness of the cell to the stiffness of the
displaced concrete, thereby ensuring conformance.
13.4.4. Miscellaneous Embedment Strain Gages
The relationship depends on the size of the column
and the diameter of the rubber hose. The plastic Various electrical crack gages (Section 12.3.2) can
tube shown in Figure 13.31 is used for maintaining a be packaged for measurement of strain in concrete.
nitrogen pressure, to minimize the possibility of The soil strain gage (Section 12.6.5) can also be

on to a gage. When the gage is delicate or the risk of

damage large, gages can be precast in briquettes of
concrete identical to that used in the structure, and
if necessary the larger aggregate can be removed.
Briquettes must be cast not more than 24-48 hours
ahead of the main concrete pour to ensure confor-
The need for protection to gage cable depends on
the cable type, and if heavy duty or armored cable
is used, additional protection is usually unneces-
sary. Cables are normally routed alongside reinforc-
ing s teel to the exit point and tied at frequent inter-
vals with plas tic cable ties. A blackout box can
often be attached to the inside of the form at the exit
point, and a coil of cable stored within the box.
After the form is stripped , the cable can be uncoiled
and either terminated or extended to its terminal
Figure 13.33. Strain gage for embedment in concrete (courtesy of
Eaton Corporation, los Angeles, CA).
13.4.7. Relationship Between Strain and Stress*
Relationships between strain and stress for surface
used. T he sliding micrometer (Section 12.5.4) is re-
measurements are discussed in Section 13.3.9 and
ported to be capable of strain measurements in con-
apply also to measurements made within concrete.
crete to an accuracy of ±2 microstrain .
An additional problem for embedment strain
gages is the inclusion effect, whereby the presence
13.4.5. Guidelines on Use of Embedment of the gage may distort the strain field so that the
Strain Gages measured strain is significantly different from the
Criteria for the selection of strain gage length, strain that would occur if the gage were not present;
cable, connectors, locations, and initial readings are that is, there will be poor conformance.
all similar to the criteria given in Sections 13.3.5, The influence of the gage on measured strain de-
13.3.6, and 13.3.8 for surface-mounted strain gages. pends on both the stiffness of the gage relative to
Additional guidelines for the use of e mbedment the concrete and on geometry. If the stiffness of the
strain gages are given in t he following sections. gage is equal to that of the concre te, conformance
requirements will be satisfied and the strain mea-
surements will be correct. If the stiffnesses do not
13.4.6. Installation of Embedment Strain Gages
match, the measurement error depends on the ge-
General guidelines on the installation of instruments ometry of the gage and structural member, and the
are given in Chapter 17. The following additional gage will be more accurate if its stiffness is less than
guidelines apply to the installation of embedment that of the concrete. Loh (1952) indicates that when
strain gages. the stiffness of the gage is less than that of the con-
Embedment strain gages are usually installed by crete, the error will not be excessive provided that
tying them with soft iron wire to nearby reinforcing the length of the gage is greater than five times its
bars. In general, the tie wires s hould be aligned at diameter. This conclusion applies primarily to mea-
90 degrees to the gage axis, so that any movement surements of compressive stress, where bond be-
of reinforcing bars during concrete placement will tween the concrete and gage is not an issue, and to
not cause a direct pull on the gage and resultant the case where the mass of the surrounding con-
damage. Tie wires on vibrating wire gages fitted crete is large relative to the size of the gage.
with end flanges should be wrapped around the pro-
tective tube, leaving the flanges free. Care should • Written with the assistance of Stanley L. Paul, Associate Pro-
be taken to keep concrete vibrators away from fessor, Department of Civil Engineering. University of Illinois at
gages, and concrete should not be poured directly Urbana-Champaign, IL.

The use of sister bars, which are generally very are in a position to research this issue and to publish
long relative to their diameter, is based on a some- the results are encouraged to do so.
what different approach. The bar is long enough on
each side of the gaged portion at the midpoint, so
that adequate bond is created between the bar and
concrete, and therefore at the gaged portion the 13.5. DETERMINATION OF EXISTING STRESS
strain in the bar and concrete are equal. Also, the
bar should be small relative to the size of the struc- Where measurement is required of existing stress in
tural member, so that the response of the member is in-place steel struts, piles, or tunnel supports, strain
not influenced by the presence of the bar. To satisfy gages can be attached and a stress relief technique
bond length requirements, the bond length at each used, whereby the structural member is unloaded
end of the bar shown in Figure 13.29 should be and the strain measured. If the member can be un-
equal to or greater than about 50 times the diameter loaded completely, this is a reliable method.
of the bar. For such a long bar, the inclusion effect For those cases where the member cannot be
is small, even when the gage is stiff relative to the unloaded completely, two methods are possible.
concrete. Threaded connections should not be in- First, a small portion of the member including the
cluded in the bar, as the threads tend to create a strain gages can be removed by cutting around the
zone of the bar with lower stiffness than the un- gages to stress relieve the material and the gages.
threaded portion. The central portion of the bar However, fabrication stresses in the steel member
around the strain gage should be debonded from the and stresses associated with the cutting operations
concrete for a minimum length of 6 in. (150 mm) to may complicate the results considerably, and the
ensure an adequate gage length. This debonded results may be misleading. This point is clearly il-
length should not be included in the length cal- lustrated by DiBiagio (1977), who describes labora-
culated for bond requirements, and hooks can be tory tests to examine the effect of cutting and weld-
provided at each end of the bar to assist with devel- ing. Vibrating wire strain gages were mounted on
oping full bond length. If the cross section at the each face of an unloaded steel plate that had previ-
gage is different from that elsewhere, strain will not ously been burned out of a larger plate. The plate
be uniform along the bar and measurements will be was sequentially reduced in size by cutting with a
misleading. A goal in the design of sister bars metal saw, with an oxygen-acetylene torch, and
should therefore be to create a uniform cross sec- again with a metal saw. Measured apparent stress
tion throughout the debonded length and the length changes ranged from a tensile stress of 2600 lb/in. 2
required for bond. This goal is satisfied by the (18 MPa) to a compressive stress of 11,700 lb/in. 2
configuration shown in Figure 13.29 and essentially (80 MPa) with respect to the starting conditions.
also by the sister bar described by DiBiagio (1983). The second method for use on steel is the hole-
The length of the cylindrical part of the gage shown drilling strain gage method, also referred to as the
in Figure 13.29 results from the need to avoid blind hole drilling method (Measurements Group,
damaging the transducer, thermistor, electrical coil, 1985). A rosette of electrical strain gages is bonded
and cable splice while welding the cylinder to the to the structural surface and a short blind hole
reinforcing bar. The diameter of the sister bar does drilled in the center of the rosette, using a milling
not need to be the same as the reinforcing steel in guide (Figure 13.34). Strains created by the drilling
the structural member: it should be the minimum are analyzed to determine existing stress. However,
required for gage mounting. it seems reasonable to assume that this method may
When the size of the structural member is large also suffer from inaccuracies caused by fabrication
relative to the size of a sister bar, the author be- stresses and stresses associated with the drilling
lieves that sister bars of the type described above operation.
should be given first consideration when selecting Attempts have been made to determine existing
an embedment strain gage. They are robust, reli- stress in concrete by using a stress relief overcoring
able, and easy to install. They should preferably procedure. The procedure was developed for deter-
have vibrating wire transducers. Despite this rec- mination of in situ stress in rock and entails setting a
ommendation, and despite the belief that the inclu- borehole deformation gage or strain cell (Chapter
sion effect is small, there is a need to document the 11) within a small-diameter borehole and overcoring
accuracy of this type of gage, and practitioners who the gage with a larger-diameter borehole. Gage


Problems of converting strain to stress in concrete

have been discussed earlier in this chapter. An al-
ternative approach is to measure stress directly, by
using concrete stress cells, which are similar to the
earth pressure cells described in Chapter 10.
Carlson (1984) indicates that the requirements
for a concrete stress cell include the following:

1. It must not change appreciably the existing

2. It must be embedded so as to be in close and
intimate contact with the concrete.
3. Its composite modulus of elasticity must be at
least one-half that of the concrete.

Concrete stress cells are subjected to a condition

that does not exist for earth pressure cells. As con-
crete cures, its temperaure increases, and the tem-
perature of the stress cell is therefore increased.
T he possibility therefore exists for the cell to ex-
pand, pushing the weak concrete away from the cell
Strain gage rosette and, when the concrete takes its initial set and
Figure 13.34. Hole-drilling strain gage method for determinat.ion cools, for the cell to cool, contract, and uncouple
of existing stress (courtesy of Measurements Group, Inc., Raleigh, itself from the surrounding concrete. In this condi-
NO. tion the cell would not be responsive to subsequent
stress changes in the concrete. The two approaches
adopted for solving this problem are described in
measurements provide strain relief data, which are Sections 13.6.1 and 13.6.2.
converted to stress by an analysis using an assumed Concrete stress cells have one notable weakness:
or measured modulus. The U.S. Bureau of Mines they cannot be used to measure tensile stress . Carl-
overcoring procedure is described by Hooker and son ( 1984) recommends that, whenever tensile
Bickel (1974) and Hooker et al. (1974). AJthough the stress is anticipated, an embedment strain gage
overcoring procedure is used satisfactorily in rock, should be installed alongside each stress cell. When
it has questionable value for measurements in con- the stress changes from compression to tension , the
crete. WhiJe drilling to relieve stresses, cooling wa- stress cell provides a way of knowing when the
ter is used on the bit , and strains resulting from stress is zero, an all important reference point for
concrete swell usually mask out strains resulting interpretation of strain measurements.
from stress relief. This problem does not usually
arise in rock, because the rock will generally be
below the water table. The method can, however, 13.6.1. Carlson Stress Meter
be used to determine approximate relative stress The Carlson stress meter, shown in Figure 13.35,
magnitudes in concrete. If a part of the same con- consists of a mercury-filled circular cell with a Carl-
crete is under a known stress, for example, zero son elastic wire strain meter mounted on one face .
stress, an approximate absolute stress determina- The instrument has a composite elastic modulus of
tion can be made by making several overcoring at least one-half that of concrete.
tests also at this location and using the results as a The problem of uncoupling between the meter
"calibration" to account for strain resulting from and concrete during curing is overcome by mini-
swell at other locations. mizing the thickness of the mercury film. Carl-

6.5 In

Figure 13.35. Carlson concrete stress meter (courtesy of Carlson Instruments, Campbell, CA).

son (1984) indicates that the mercury film should each meter should be tested for compressibility
not be more than 0.011 in. (0.28 mm) thick and that under a pneumatic pressure, using an interferome-
even the finest machining is not adequate for pre- ter to measure compressibility at the low end of the
venting tiny grooves into which the mercury can range. Pirtz and Carlson ( 1963) describe com-
squeeze under pressure. The surface tension of prehensive laboratory tests indicating that the me-
mercury is so great that it tends to span over even ters, used individually, are suitable for use in con-
the slightest groove or imperfection, and the inner crete containing 6 in. (150 mm) aggregate in
steel surfaces should be polished to a tolerance of 6 applications where accuracy of 10-15% is satisfac-
x 10- 6 in. (150 x 10- 6 mm) RMS. After assembly, tory. Carlson (1978) describes additional laboratory

tests, concluding that the worst error registered

during the tests was 12% of the major principal Post- stressing
stress, and this onl y happened when the load was
applied more quickly than would be the case in a
field structure.
The standard instaJiation procedure for measur-
ing stress in a horizontal plane involves installing
the meter on the surface of previously cured con-
crete and later covering with fresh concrete. Great
care must be taken during installation to ensure
good contact between the meter and surrounding
concrete, using a technique described by Carlson
(1975). The technique includes preparing the sur- Figure 13.36. Glotzl concrete stress cell (courtesy of Glotzl
face, placing a mortar pad containing steel filings to GmbH, Karlsruhe, West Germany, and Ceo Group, Inc.,
increase the modulus, painting a film of grout on the Wheaton, MD).
mortar pad, pressing the meter into place with a
rotary motion to squeeze the mortar outward,
weighting the meter temporarily with a metal cell. After the concrete has set, the tube is pinched
tripod, placing the overlying concrete, and remov- repeatedly until the pressure measurement indi-
ing the metal tripod. cates that the ceU has regained contact with the
An alternative installation procedure (Green, concrete. Thereafter, provided that the thickness of
1985) was used at the Mount Baker Ridge Tunnel in the mercury film is restricted to approximately the
Seattle, where restricted access and potential dam- same as in the Carlson stress meter, and the com-
age precluded use of the standard installation proce- posite modulus of elasticity of the cell is at least
dure. Meters were cast, with the active face verti- one-half that of the concrete, the cell will function
cal, within a 12 in. diameter by 12 in. long (300 mm correctly.
by 300 mm) briquette, cast 24-48 hours ahead of the The cell is installed by wiring with soft iron wire
main concrete pour. Laboratory tests on the bri- to nearby reinforcing steel, with care to avoid en-
quette, in a concrete testing machine, indicated an trapment of air as concrete is placed. For measure-
almost I : I ratio between applied and measured ments in concrete containing aggregate larger than I
stress, and field data appear very reasonable. The in. (25 mm), it is advisable to surround the cell with
small size of the briquette apparently allowed tem- a special concrete mix from which the coarser parti-
perature to dissipate rapidly enough so that the me- cles of aggregate have been removed . Alternatively,
ters did not become uncoupled from the concrete. the cell can be installed in a briquette of concrete as
The young age of the concrete in the briquette at the described previously for the Carlson stress meter,
time of the maio concrete pour is vital to the suc- ensuring that the briquette is cast within 24-48
cess of this procedure. hours of the main concrete pour.

13.6.2. Glotzl Cell 13.6.3. Other Concrete Stress Cells

The Glotzl cell, shown in Figure 13.36, is similar to A post-stressing tube arrangement, similar to the
the hydraulic type of earth pressure cell , with pneu- Glotzl cell , has- been adopted by manufacturers of
matic transducer, described in Chapter 10. For concrete stress cells with vibrating wire transduc-
measurements greater than 300 lb/in. 2 (2 MPa), the ers.
transducer is pressurized with oil rather than gas. lnterfels manufactures a concrete stress cell with
The cell is provided with a post-stressing tube, long post-stressing tube and a hydraulic/mechanical
enough to protrude from the concrete pour. If a transducer, and changes in ceU pressure create
length longer than 30ft (JO m) is required , a check movement within a measuring unit that is monitored
valve is inserted in the post-stressing tube near the with a dial indicator.


14.1. APPLICATIONS though the surface is unfrozen. Traffic speeds are

often restricted until complete thaw occurs, using
Temperature measurements in geotechnical en- measurements of temperature to indicate the extent
gineering fall into three general categories: first, of freezing.
where temperature itself is a primary parameter of Where exposed rock cuts or tunnels are sub-
interest; second, where temperature change causes jected to low temperatures, freezing at the surface
a real deformation or stress change in the ground or can cause ice dams to form, holding unfrozen water
in a structure; and third, where a transducer itself is in the rock mass with resulting buildup of joint wa-
sensitive to temperature change. Examples in each ter pressure and decrease in stability. Temperature
category are given in Sections 14.1.1-14.1.3. measurements will show the depth and extent of the
freezing problem. Finally, ambient temperature
should be measured when temperature change may
14.1.1. Temperature as a Primary Parameter of
cause changes in other measured parameters, so
that cause-effect relationships can be established.
Temperature measurements are often made while
supporting excavations by ground freezing, while
limiting the temperature of concrete during curing, 14.1.2. Temperature Change Causing Real
during construction of projects in permafrost, dur- Deformation or Stress Change
ing frost heave and frost penetration studies, and
A temperature increase causes most materials to
while studying ground response to high tempera-
expand and, if expansion is resisted, temperature
tures during studies for underground disposal of nu-
increase will cause a compressive stress increase.
clear waste.
Thus, steel struts across an open cut excavation can
Birman et al. (1971) describe thermal monitoring
be subjected to substantial compressive stresses
in an earth dam to detect leakage and to monitor
when heated by the sun: the greater the end re-
changes in the leakage pattern. Highways are fre-
straint the greater is the stress. The same phenome-
quently damaged during the "mud season," in
non is illustrated by thermal expansion of railroad
spring when a subsurface frozen layer remains al-
The coefficient of linear expansion is the change
in length, per unit of length, for a temperature
*Written with the assistance of Ronald T. Atkins, Chief, Techni-
cal Services Division, U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and
change of 1 degree. A bar, free to move, will in-
Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, NH, and J. Barrie Sellers, crease in length with an increase in temperature and
President, Geokon, Inc., Lebanon, NH. will decrease in length with a decrease in tempera-

Table 14.1. Linear Coefficients of Thermal Expansion 14.1.3. Transducer Sensitive to Temperature
Linear Coefficient of
Thermal Expansion x The third category for temperature measurements,
10- 6 per Degree, where a transducer itself is sensitive to temperature
at 2ooca
change, can be illustrated by hydraulic systems
Material oc op such as earth pressure cells and hydraulic load
cells. Temperature changes cause expansion or
Aluminum, wrought 23.1 12.8 contraction of the liquid in the cell-thus an indi-
Brass 18.8 10.4 cated pressure or load change-and temperature
Copper 16 9 corrections must be applied if these changes are
Invar 1.4 0.8 significant. Similarly, strain gages and extensome-
Iron, cast, gray 10.6 5.9 ters will, if their thermal expansion and contraction
Iron, wrought 12.0 6.7 characteristics are not matched with the monitored
Steel, mild 11.7 6.5 structure, show extraneous sensitivity to tempera-
Steel, stainless, 18-8 17.8 9.9 ture.
Super-invar 0.4 0.2 Three approaches are possible for taking account
STONE AND MASONRY of temperature sensitivity: matching thermal co-
Brick masonry 6.1 3.4 efficients of instrument and structure, use of low
Concrete 10-13 5.5-7.2 coefficient of expansion materials such as invar or
Granite 8.0 4.4 super-invar, and application of temperature correc-
Limestone 7.6 4.2 tions. The first two approaches are often only par-
Marble 8.1 4.5 tially successful, owing to design and/or cost limita-
Sandstone 9.7 5.4 tions. The third approach requires measurement of
Slate 8.0 4.4 temperature and use of temperature sensitivity rela-
"Coefficients of many materials increase very substantially with tionships either provided by the instrument manu-
increasing temperature. facturer or developed by users for their site-specific
Source: After American Institute of Steel Construction. instrument-structure interaction. It also requires
ensuring that the temperature transducer is in good
thermal contact with the instrument to be cor-
ture. The change in length will be ctl.Tl, where:
E linear coefficient of thermal expansion,
tiT change in temperature,
l = length.
The familiar mercury thermometer is useful for spot
If the ends of the bar are fixed, a change in tempera- measurements at accessible locations. However,
ture will cause a change in the unit stress of Ectl.T, mercury thermometers are fragile, are not suitable
where: for remote readout, and are limited to temperatures
above about - 30°C. They have a much larger ther-
E = modulus of elasticity. mal mass than most other devices for measurement
of temperature. They are therefore a poor choice
As an example of stress magnitude when end re- where measurements of rapidly changing tempera-
straint is total, a l°C temperature increase causes a ture are required or where their use might alter the
compressive stress increase of 340 lb/in. 2 (2.3 MPa) thermal characteristics of the material to be moni-
in mild steel. Linear coefficients of thermal expan- tored. Maximum and minimum thermometers are
sion are given in Table 14.1. available for indication of extreme temperatures.
Sellers et al. (1972) give an example of tempera-
ture-induced structural distress in a 60 ft (18 m) 14.3. BIMETAL THERMOMETER
wide mine opening in competent marlstone. During
the winter the roof rock contracted, loosened, and Bimetal thermometers use a bimetallic element in
sagged downward, and several roof falls occurred. which two strips of different metals are bonded to-
No such falls occurred during summer months. gether back to back. The different coefficients of


Figure 14.1. Bimetal thermometer with clock-driven recorder

(courtesy of Omega Engineering, Inc., Stamford, CT).

thermal expansion of the two metals cause the strip

to bend when cooled or heated. The strip is usually (b)
wound into a spiral, so that temperature changes Figure 14.2. Thermistors: (a) suitable for attachment to another
cause the spiral to wind or unwind a nd twist a instrument for monitoring its temperature so that a temperature
pointer over a circular scale. These devices are correction can be applied and (b) for use as a portable probe or
rugged, but accuracy is usually low if the tempera- for permanent embedment (courtesy of Atkins Technical, Inc.,
Gainesville, FL).
ture range is wide. However, narrow range bimetal
thermometers with Y2- l% full-scale accuracy are
available. Figure 14.1 shows a clock-driven 7 day perature units by using a matched thermistor and
recorder, suitable for ambient temperature mea- readout instrument. Any device for reading therm-
surements. Accuracy is 2% full scale. istors must apply only a very small current, since
Johnston (1966) describes a self-contained the temperature of the thermistor will be changed
ground temperature recorder in which a bimetallic significantly when as little as 0.001 watt is applied.
strip moves a pointer on pressure-sensitive recorder The old type of volt-ohm-milliammeter (VOM)
paper. The device is battery powered and has a causes too much self-heating and should not be
range of I1 °C and an accuracy of about ± 0.3°C. used.
The instrument is 3. 75 in. (95 mm) in diameter by 11 Thermistors are most often used in a glass bead
in . (280 mm) long and is designed for installation in configuration, although they are available as disks,
a borehole for recording ground temperature over a washers, rods, and in sizes as small as pin heads.
I year period without attention or servicing. Two configurations are shown in Figure 14.2.
Thermistors are capable of highly accurate temper-
ature measurements. For this reason they are often
14.4. THERMISTOR used where accuracy of ± 0. 1oc or better is re-
quired over a wide temperature range. Robertson et
The name is derived from thermally sensitive resis- al. (1966) present comprehensive guidance for use
tor. A thermistor is composed of semiconductor of thermistors.
material that changes its resistance very markedly
with temperature. Lead wires are used to connect
the thermistor to a measuring instrument. Readout 14.5. THERMOCOUPLE
may be in resistance units (ohms), requiring the use
of commercially available digital multimeters and A thermocouple is composed of two wires of dis-
resistance-temperature tables, or directly in tern- similar metals, with one end of each wire joined

Ice bath or
electronocally conuolled
constant-temperature zone
Thermocouple Extension wires
Metal A
;.,-\o'l-....;_;_~'-1-.. Voltage
MetalS ~+-....;..,;.-1-!-_. readout

Measuring junction Reference junction

(hot juncuonl (cold junction}

figure 14.3. Schematic of thennocouple.

together to form a measuring junction. At any tem-

perature above absolute zero (- 273°C), a s mall figure 14.4. Thennocouple (courtesy of Conax Buffalo Corpora-
voltage is generated between the wires at the other tion, Buffalo, NY).
end . This voltage is proportional to the temperature
of the measuring junction. However, the voltage
cannot be read directly , since connecting any read- sive guidance on the use of thermocouples are
out device will create two more contacts between ASTM (1974) and lSA (1974).
dissimilar metals and thus unwanted thermocouple
connections. To solve this problem , thermocouples
must be " referenced" as shown in Figure 14.3, with 14.6. RESISTANCE TEMPERATURE DEVICE (RTD)
the readout device connected to similar metals so
that no thermocouple is formed. Modem ther- Resistance temperature devices depend on the prin-
mocouple readout devices have internal electronic ciple that change in electrical resistance of a wire is
reference junctions, allowing direct connection to proportional to temperature change. The wire is
the thermocouple leads. They must be matched to a usually mounted on a postage stamp-sized backing
specific type of thermocouple: for example, an or wound on a small-diameter coil. Wire material is
iron-constantan thermocouple cannot be read with usually platinum, copper, nickel , or a copper-
a readout device designed for a copper-constantan nickel alloy . Platinum has the greatest accuracy,
thermocouple. linearity, stability , and repeatability but copper-
Thermocouples are widely used in applications nickel alloys have a much greater sensitivity. Read-
requiring modest accuracy ( ± 0.5°C over a wide out devices normally contain a Wheatstone bridge
temperature range) and in large installations requir- circuit, since for a 100 ohm RTD a 10°C temperature
ing data logging equipment. Readout instruments change normally creates a resistance change of only
read directly in temperature units and are available 2 or 3 ohms. Figure 14.5 shows an example of an
as battery operated units for field applications. Fig- RTD.
ure 14.4 shows an example.
Thermocouple manufacturers should be con-
sulted for guidance when selecting thermocouple
components. Factors that must be considered in-
clude type of thermocouple, proper installation for
the wires, readout equipment, temperature range,
length of service required, lead length, and the am-
bient temperature to which readout equipment will
be subjected in the field. Copper-constantan (Type
T) thermocouples are the most frequent choice for
geotechnical applications. Properly selected and in-
stalled systems are capable of good long-term per-
formance, meeting specification limits for 5 years Figure 14.5. Resistance temperature device (courtesy of Omega
and longer. Other sources that provide comprehen- Engineering, Inc., Stamford, CT).

Term1nal strip
one terminal connected
to each electrode
n.u1 - - - - transparent
acrylic tube


tA.......t::ittf-- - Methylene blue

solution, frozen
and colorless

Frost line

Methy lene blue

- solution, unfrozen
and blue

PVC pipe
~----- casing

Figure 14.6. Schematic of Gandahl frost gage, used to measure

depth to frost line. Figure 14.7. Schematic of Bergau frost gage, used to measure
depth to frost line.

RTDs have not been used widely for measure- generally the case in highway applications whe re
ment of temperature in geotechnical applications. salt has been used on the pavement. The Bergau
However, their excellent stability and accuracy gage, shown in Figure 14.7 , overcomes this prob-
makes them well s uited to long-term installations lem. The electrical conductivity of frozen soil is
(15-20 years) where high accuracy is a requirement. much lower than that of unfrozen soil. Therefore,
by attaching electrodes to a nonconductive pipe and
instalJing the pipe in the ground, conductivity mea-
14.7. FROST GAGES surements betwee n adjacent electrodes will indicate
the depth to the frost line. The electrode spacing
Two gages are described by GandahJ and Be rgau depends on the required accuracy. The gage must
(1957) for measuring the depth to the frost line. The be read us ing alternating current, since direct cur-
Gandahl gage, Figure 14.6, consists of a transparent rent causes polarization of ions in the soil, leading
acrylic tube containing distilled water colored with to erroneous readings. The PVC pipe can be either
methylene blue. A PVC pipe casing is installed in driven into the ground whiJe the soiJ is unfrozen or
the ground , usuaiJy to a depth of between 4 and 8ft instaiJed in an augured hole.
(1.2-2.4 m) and the acrylic tube is left in place Atkins (1979) describes the design and evaluation
within the PVC pipe. To read the gage, the acrylic of two resistivity gages for determining frost pene-
tube is withdrawn. Unfrozen methylene blue solu- tration and indicates their superiority to tempera-
tion is blue but becomes colorless when frozen ; ture transducers when salt has been used to depress
thus, the depth to the frost line can be determined the freezing point or when measurements are re-
from the color transition , using graduations on the quired during s pring thaw. During s pring thaw, s ub-
acrylic tube. surface temperatures often become nearly isother-
Although a simple and inexpensive device, the mal at 0.0°C, making it difficult to establish the frost
Gandahl gage will be in error if the freezing point of line by meas uring temperature. Atkins recommends
the groundwater is de pressed to below ooc, which is use of both temperature and resistivity gages when

Table 14.2. Comparison Among Transducers for Remote Measurement of Temperature in Geotechnical Environments

Feature Thermistor Thermocouple RTD

Readout Digital ohmmeter or mul- Thermocouple reader Wheatstone bridge with
timeter millivolt scale
Sensitivity Very high Low Moderate
Linearity Very poor Fair Fair
Accuracy High Moderate Very high (but may be re-
duced by lead wire ef-
Stability Excellent Good Excellent
Type of lead wire Two-conductor Special (bimetal) Three-conductor
Repairability of lead wire Straightforward Less straightforward (can Straightforward
cause errors)
Temperature range Wide Wide Wide
Rapidity of response Rapid Rapid Rapid
Applicability for instru- Preferred Possible Possible
ment temperature cor-
Suitability for automatic Fair Excellent Good
data acquisition

determining maximum frost depth, since one com- ers for remote or continuous measurement of tem-
plements and increases the confidence level in the perature is restricted to thermistors, thermocou-
other. ples, and RTDs. The three are compared in
Other frost gages are described by Mackay Sections 14.9.1-14.9.6, and comparisons are sum-
(1973) and Wilen and MacConnell (1973). marized in Table 14.2. All three are suitable for use
in geotechnical environments, the choice depending
on the application.
RTDs and thermistors provide a direct measure-.
Vibrating wire transducers are available for mea-
ment of absolute temperature, whereas thermocou-
surement of temperature and may be the preferred
ples provide a measure of the temperature differen-
type if other vibrating wire instruments are being
tial between a measuring junction and a reference
used and an indicator is available, or if a frequency
junction. In practice, however, direct temperature
signal is required. However, they are more expen-
readout devices can be purchased for all three
sive than thermistors, thermocouples, and RTDs
transducers. Thermistors can be read out using
and appear to offer no other inherent advantages.
commonly available digital multimeters set to mea-
Some pressure or strain measuring instruments
sure resistance. Battery operated 4Vz digit multi-
based on the vibrating wire principle use the resis-
meters are normally used with low readout currents
tance of the plucking coil as a measure of tempera-
(a few microamperes) when set to measure resis-
ture. The Carlson type of unbonded resistance
tance. Battery operated thermocouple readout units
strain gage (Chapter 8) can also be used to measure
temperature. are available with sufficient ruggedness for field
use. RTDs are read out using devices containing a
Wheatstone bridge circuit and with a millivolt scale.
14.9.2. Sensitivity, Linearity, Accuracy, and
Apart from vibrating wire and unbonded resistance Typical sensitivities are: thermistors, 200 ohmsfOC;
strain gage transducers, the choice among transduc- thermocouples, 0.04 mV/°C; RTDs, 0.2 ohm/°C.

Thermistors have by far the greatest output signal mocouple data, the addition of two junctions within
and sensitivity but the worst linearity. the circuit creates the possibility of errors, and
RTD transducers have the greatest accuracy, but splices should be avoided whenever possible.
system accuracy may be reduced substantially by
lead wire effects. The overall system accuracy of
thermistors and RTDs is ~imilar and in the region of 14.9.4. Temperature Range and Rapidity of
± 0.1 °C. Thermocouple accuracies of about ± 1oc Response
are normal, but ± 0.5°C accuracies are possible by
using "special limits of error" wire. All three devices are suitable for the range of tem-
Thermistors and RTDs have excellent long-term peratures normally encountered and rapidity of re-
stability. Some thermistor manufacturers claim that sponse required in geotechnical environments.
thermocouples exhibit drift with time, but available
evidence suggests that this is likely only where they
are in an oxidizing environment and unprotected. 14.9.5. Applicability for Instrument Temperature
If thermocouples are protected by heat-shrink Corrections
polyolefin so that no metal oxidization can occur, When a transducer is sensitive to temperature
they can be expected to remain within their accu- change, and data are to be corrected in accordance
racy limits for at least 5 years in most geotechnical with measured temperature, a temperature trans-
applications. ducer is required at the instrument location. Therm-
istors are usually preferred, partly because of their
14.9.3. Lead Wires small size and partly because two conductors in the
multiconductor cable attached to the instrument
The high sensitivity and high nominal resistance of can readily be used for the thermistor. Good ther-
thermistors allows them to be used with two- mal contact between the instrument and thermistor
conductor lead wires, since ambient temperature must be ensured.
changes cause negligible changes in contact or
transmission line resistance. For long lead wires
where high accuracy is required, the resistance of
14.9.6. Suitability for Automatic Data Acquisition
the wires should be subtracted from the resistance
measurement before converting to temperature. If automatic data acquisition equipment is to be
RTDs use a three-conductor cable, for the three- used, thermocouples are the instruments of choice.
wire quarter bridge configuration. Thermocouples Data loggers can readily be used with thermocou-
use special thermocouple wire between the trans- ples since the necessary reference junctions are
ducer and the reference junction location. available from many commercial sources and, be-
Thermistors and RTDs may be procured preen- cause the calibration is common to all thermocou-
capsulated in epoxy resin with lead wires attached. ples of the same type, it can be programmed into the
All lead wires must be suitable for outdoor use and data logger so that readout is in degrees.
should be selected in accordance with guidelines It is less straightforward to read thermistors with
given in Chapter 8 for selection of cable. an automatic data acquisition system because resis-
Field repairs are possible to the lead wires for all tance changes are so very large. A few manufactur-
three transducers. For thermistors and RTDs the ers of data loggers will supply a special input circuit
leads may be repaired by using commercially avail- designed to read thermistors directly, but the selec-
able splice kits with crimp connectors, as described tion of compatible thermistors is limited, and read-
in Chapter 8. Field repair of thermocouple lead out may be in millivolts rather than in degrees.
wires is also possible, though less straightforward However, data can be logged automatically by us-
because errors can be caused. Care must be taken ing a data controller that has an autoranging digital
to ensure that the two thermocouple materials are voltmeter and that has programmed nonlinear scal-
not interchanged at the splice and that close metal- ing functions.
to-metal contact is established. Each conductor RTDs can be read with a data logger since their
should be repaired by gently twisting the two parts resistance change is relatively small. However,
together for about 1 inch (25 mm), followed by the either each RTD must have its own bridge circuit or
crimp procedure described in Chapter 8. Although a a single bridge circuit must be switched to each
high-quality repair will often cause no error in ther- RTD, posing a switching problem for the data log-

ger. Special RTD readout circuits are available from moisture movement. In such cases an accuracy of
some data logger manufacturers, and these special about ± 0.1 oc is required, and the borehole should
circuits usually have readout in degrees. be backfilled with material removed from the bore-
hole. Either the material can be placed and tamped
in layers, or it can be mixed with water and poured
14.10. INSTALLATION OF TRANSDUCERS FOR or tremied into the borehole. When a lesser accu-
MEASUREMENT OF TEMPERATURE racy is acceptable, the borehole can be backfilled
with cement grout or other material that ensures
When planning installation of transducers for mea- complete backfilling.
surement of temperature, care must be taken to en- When transducers are attached to a structural
sure good thermal contact between the transducer surface, thermal contact is sometimes obtained sim-
and the material to be sensed. ply by taping the transducers to the surface. Some
When installing transducers in a borehole to manufacturers supply special rugged versions that
measure subsurface ground temperature, the bore- can be welded to a metal surface for more perma-
hole must be backfilled completely, and the back- nent contact. Good thermal contact can also be
filling procedure should depend on the required created by drilling a small hole in the structure and
measurement accuracy. When maximum accuracy using a heat-conducting epoxy to cement the trans-
is required, for example, when measuring the depth ducer in place. The same epoxy can also be used to
of frost penetration or when measurements are used cement transducers directly to a structural surface,
to make decisions on limiting roadway traffic in the but this arrangement is less rugged.
spring, great care must be taken to minimize distur- General guidelines for installation of cables are
bance to the thermal regime and to the pathway for given in Chapter 17.
Part 4

General Guidelines on the

Execution of Monitoring

Part 4 is addressed to the same audience as Part 3: the people who are involved in
the details of instrumentation use. Chapter 15 presents a recipe for reliability of
performance monitoring, including both instrument ingredients and people ingre-
dients. Guidelines are given in Chapters 16-18 for calibration, maintenance and
installation of instruments, and for collection, processing, presentation, interpreta-
tion and reporting of instrumentation data. These general guidelines are applicable
to all instrumentation and supplement the more instrument-specific guidelines
given in Part 3.



The overriding desirable feature for performance • Water pressure can be increased or decreased
monitoring is reliability. In suggesting a recipe for manually within open standpipe or twin-tube
reliability, the ingredients can be divided into two hydraulic piezometers and the system then al-
types: instrument ingredients and people ingre- lowed to regain equilibrium. Equal readings be-
dients. fore and after the change provide a degree of
self-verification. Rates of increase or decrease
should be consistent with the permeability of
15.1. INSTRUMENT INGREDIENTS IN A RECIPE the ground around the piezometer.
FOR RELIABILITY • Use of duplicate transducers. For example, a
vibrating wire and a pneumatic transducer
As a general goal, the three major ingredients de- packaged within the same housing to create a
scribed in Sections 15.1.1-15 .1. 3 should be sought piezometer with two independent methods of
when selecting reliable instruments. reading.
• When taking readings with an inclinometer, a
15.1.1. Simplicity degree of self-verification is obtained when
check-sums remain reasonably constant for all
Inherent in reliability is maximum simplicity. In depth intervals in a given data set.
general, transducers can be placed in the following
• Addition of an arrangement to a fixed borehole
order of decreasing simplicity and reliability: opti-
extensometer whereby each rod can be discon-
cal, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical.
nected temporarily from its anchor, so that a
check can be made for free-sliding.
15.1.2. Self-Verification
15.1.3. Durability in the Installed Environment
This term means that instrument readings can be
verified in place, as in the following: The transducer must have proven longevity to suit
the application. Cables, tubes, or pipes that connect
• Checking a fixed borehole extensometer fitted the transducer to its readout unit must be able to
with electrical transducers by inserting a dial survive imposed pressure changes, deformation,
indicator at the head. water, sunlight, and chemical effects such as corro-


sion and elettrolytic breakdown. Guidelines on are described in Chapter 4. All twenty steps should
maximizing the longevity of transducers and con- be taken with great care. Paramount among the
necting linkages between transducers and readout steps is the requirement to prevent cost from
units are given in Chapter 8. Chapter 8 also includes dominating the selection of an instrument.
guidelines on lightning protection when electrical
systems are used.
15.2.2. Initial Calibrations and Inspections
Above-ground field terminals must be able to sur-
vive adverse environmental conditions and physical Instruments should be calibrated, inspected, and
abuse. tested before shipment to the user. On receipt by
the user, acceptance tests should be made to ensure
The three goals outlined above are ideals that correct functioning. Guidelines are given in Chap-
cannot always be achieved. Simplicity is not always ter 16.
appropriate, but there is no excuse for unnecessary
complexity. Self-verification is a rare luxury, but it
15.2.3. Installation Care
is often possible to achieve a similar goal by using
the procedures, described in Chapter 4, for ensuring No instrument will be reliable if it is not installed
reading correctness. Good instrument design can correctly. Guidelines for installation care are given
usually create adequate durability in the installed in Chapter 17.
environment. In summary, we must often settle for
a little less than the best recipe, but we should try
15.2.4. Regular Maintenance and Calibration
for the best.
Readout units, field terminals and any accessible
embedded components should be maintained and
15.2. PEOPLE INGREDIENTS IN A RECIPE FOR calibrated on a regular schedule. Guidelines are
RELIABILITY given in Chapter 16.

As a general goal, people responsible for perfor-

15.2.5. Care During Data Collection, Processing,
mance monitoring programs should provide five
and Interpretation
major ingredients, described in Sections 15.2.1-
15.2.5. Careful data collection, processing, and interpreta-
tion require a commitment by experienced and mo-
tivated people. Guidelines are given in Chapter 18.
15.2.1. Thorough Planning
The task of planning a monitoring program should In contrast to the goals for instrument ingre-
be a logical and comprehensive engineering process dients, these five goals for people ingredients can
that begins with defining the objective and ends usually be achieved. If we remember that the pri-
with planning how the measurement data will be mary people need is a high degree of motivation, the
implemented. Twenty steps in the planning process goals will be within our grasp.



An instrument reading is useful only if the correct with users who opt for low-bid procurement pro-
calibration is known. Zero shifts and scale span cedures.
changes of transducers can occur because of normal Chapter 5 indicates that the procurement specifi-
wear and tear, misuse, creep, moisture ingress, and cation should include required factory calibrations
corrosion. If these changes are not accounted for, and quality assurance and provides guidelines on
the entire monitoring program can become worth- methods and documentation. The user may opt to
less. To maximize their effectiveness, all instru- participate in factory calibrations. This is strongly
ments must be calibrated and maintained properly. recommended whenever the procurement includes
newly developed instruments, when calibration re-
quirements differ from the manufacturer's standard
procedures, or when users believe that their needs
cannot be satisfied by the acceptance tests de-
Calibration consists of applying known pressures, scribed in Section 16.1.2. The words participate in
loads, displacements, or temperatures to an instru- rather than inspect are used to convey the need for
ment, under controlled environmental conditions,
and measuring the response.
Instrument calibrations are generally required at 16.1.2. Acceptance Tests
three stages: prior to shipment of instruments to the
user (factory calibrations), when instruments are Instruments often receive rough handling while in
first received by the user (acceptance tests), and transit from the manufacturer to the user and must
during service life. These are discussed in turn. be checked by the user to ensure correct function-
ing before installation. Such checks are called ac-
ceptance tests. If an instrument does not work per-
fectly under laboratory conditions, it is unlikely to
16.1.1. Factory Calibrations
work at all when installed in the field (Cording et al.,
Instruments should be calibrated at the factory be- 1975).
fore shipment to the user. Experience indicates that As indicated in Chapter 5, the instruction manual
factory calibrations are often minimal and may be should include a step-by-step acceptance test pro-
incomplete and insufficient. The responsibility for cedure. Whenever possible, acceptance tests
this shortcoming is not with manufacturers, but should include a verification of calibration data pro-

vided by the manufacturer, by checking two or brations are usually performed by personnel re-
three points within the measurement range, with sponsible for data collection and should be under
transducers and readout unit at the various temper- the direct control of the owner or instrument spe-
atures anticipated in the field during service life. cialists selected by the owner.
Tests at extreme anticipated temperatures are im- Portable readout units are especially vulnerable
portant and may reveal malfunctions that, if not to changes in calibration, often resulting from mis-
corrected, would result in faulty data. handling and lack of regular maintenance. They can
When comprehensive acceptance tests are not sometimes be checked and/or recalibrated by fol-
possible, simple tests should be performed to verify l_owing the acceptance test procedure. When this is
that instruments appear to be working correctly. insufficient, calibrations can often be made at local
These are referred to asfunction checks. Transduc- commercial calibration houses, using equipment
ers should be connected to readout units and tilted, traceable to an accepted standard agency. Certain
pressurized, squeezed, or pulled to induce changes instruments such as inclinometers can only be func-
of magnitude consistent with the calibrations sup- tion-checked by the user or at calibration houses
plied. Each electrical connector should be unmade and must be returned to the manufacturer for any
and remade several times, and the cable immedi- needed complete calibration, adjustment, and re-
ately adjacent to each cable-end connector should pair.
be flexed carefully to disclose any malfunction. The When readout instruments are attached within a
zero readings should agree with the readings sup- permanent terminal enclosure, they also require
plied by the manufacturer. All electrical transduc- regular calibration. Calibrations can be made by use
ers intended for burial should be immersed in water of a standard device located in or carried to the
for as long as possible to check the waterproofing. terminal enclosure, or by detaching the instruments
Instruments such as dial indicators, depth microm- for calibration elsewhere. For example, a "master"
eters, and mechanical strain gages are generally gage can be carried to the terminal enclosure for
reliable but should be checked against reference twin-tube hydraulic piezometers and connected to
standards. Piezometers should be checked by the terminal system when calibrations of Bourdon
immersion under known depths of water, and in- tube pressure gages are required. All readout instru-
clinometers may be function-checked by placing in ments attached within a permanent terminal enclo-
sections of inclinometer casing kept fixed at some sure should be arranged for easy detachment for
constant, known angle in the laboratory. calibration and/or replacement, and shutoff valves
Any instrument that fails an acceptance test or should be provided at all pressure gage connec-
function check should be returned to the manufac- tions.
turer for replacement or repair, with a description When an in situ calibration or function check is
of failure characteristics. In addition to verifying possible, this should be included in the regular cali-
calibrations and detecting faulty instruments, these bration schedule. For example, some fixed borehole
tests and checks provide an opportunity for the user extensometers can be checked for free-sliding of the
to learn how to operate the instruments correctly. wire or rod by moving the instrument head outward
Because standard transit insurance often re- and measuring wire or rod elongation. Some instru-
quires notice of damage within a relatively short ments have two different types of transducer. Per-
period after delivery, acceptance tests and function meability tests can be made in open standpipe and
checks should be made before this time has expired. twin-tube hydraulic piezometers to examine correct
Sufficient lead time must be allowed to permit ade- functioning. Sometimes it is possible to remove the
quate testing and for any needed repair or replace- load from load cells temporarily by making lift-off
ment of faulty instruments. tests, allowing a check on the calibration.
Sections 8.4.3 and 8.4.17 provide guidelines on
field checks of electrical instruments by using a cir-
16.1.3. Calibrations During Service Life
cuit tester and a volt-ohm-milliammeter.
Calibrations or function checks of readout units are Calibration frequency, of course, depends on the
required during service life. Calibrations of any application and use environment, but as a general
embedded components provided with in-place cali- rule the user should arrange for regular calibrations
bration check features are also required. These cali- on a frequent rather than infrequent schedule.
------------- -------


Many users have experienced the dilemma of dis- or readily available. When instruments are used for
covering that changes in calibration have occurred, monitoring long-term performance, maintenance
therefore being unsure of data correctness since the procedures should be included in the operating and
last calibration date. Frequent calibrations mini- maintenance manual.
mize this dilemma. Certain instruments merit cali- The following general guidelines indicate the fac-
bration spot-checks on each day that readings are tors to be considered when planning maintenance
taken. For example, an inclinometer should be details.
checked on each day that readings are taken, in a
test casing, field casing, or test stand as described in
16.2.1. Readout Units
Section 12.8.6, and a portable depth micrometer
should be checked within a portable reference stan- Readout units should be kept clean and dry, follow-
dard. Other instruments require calibration spot- ing the manufacturer's instructions. Particular at-
checks on a weekly or monthly basis, and a com- tention should be given to connections, including 0-
plete calibration is recommended at intervals of rings. If the readout unit includes gold-plated
between 3 months and 1 year. A sticker on each electrical connectors, these must be kept clean to
instrument should indicate the last and next calibra- prevent wear of the plating and corrosion of the
tion dates. underlying metal. Ifthe readout unit is fitted with·a
When instruments are used for monitoring long- humidity indicator, it should be dried whenever in-
term performance, procedures for calibrations dur- dicated. If no indicator is fitted, a special effort
ing service life should be included in the operating must be made to dry the unit when appropriate.
and maintenance manual. Lubrication instructions should also be followed, as
some readout units require periodic lubrication,
whereas others must not be lubricated.
16.2. INSTRUMENT MAINTENANCE Protective caps and plugs are important, and
their integrity should be maintained. If the manufac-
Regular maintenance required during service life is turer has not provided protective caps and plugs for
usually performed by personnel responsible for data terminals on readout units, users are advised to add
collection and should be under the direct control of these to their readout units. Caps and plugs should
the owner or instrument specialists selected by the preferably be anchored to the readout unit to avoid
owner. Personnel responsible for data collection loss and to remind reading personnel that they must
should always be on the lookout for damage, poten- be used.
tial for damage, and deterioration or malfunction Insufficient care is often given to battery charg-
and should initiate repair or replacement without ing and maintenance. Nicad and lead-acid batteries
delay. Detailed maintenance requirements vary require different charging schedules, and either can
with each instrument and should be stated in the be damaged by use of incorrect procedures. Guide-
manufacturer's instruction manual (Chapter 5). The lines on battery charging and maintenance, field
manual should include a troubleshooting guide, checks with a volt-ohm-milliammeter, operating
cleaning, drying, lubricating, and disassembly in- spares, and handling and transporting readout units
structions, and recommended maintenance fre- are given in Section 8.4.17.
quency. If batteries are required, service and charg-
ing instructions should be given in the manual.
16.2.2. Field Terminals
As indicated in Chapter 5, appropriate spare
parts should be ordered when instruments are pro- Regular inspections should be made of field termi-
cured to replace accessible malfunctioning compo- nals to be sure that they are clean, dry, and func-
nents during service life. Provision should also be tioning, that protective plugs, caps, and covers are
made for spare or standby readout units for use in in place, and that instrument numbers are clearly
case of malfunction. Options are procurement of a visible. Terminal accessibility should be verified
spare, arrangements with the manufacturer for and the integrity of enclosures and barricades
rental of a spare if needed, and a standby equipment checked. The inspections should include locations
lease. Maintenance personnel should ensure that where embedded components exit from the ground:
adequate spare parts and readout units are on hand these locations are often susceptible to damage.

16.2.3. Embedded Components clinometer casings may require occasional flushing

to remove accumulated debris.
Various embedded and normally inaccessible com-
When embedded components include retrievable
ponents require maintenance. For example, twin-
parts, these can be removed for maintenance a?d
tube hydraulic piezometer tubes usually require oc-
reinstalled. Examples include transducers for m-
casional flushing to remove gas bubbles, and tubing
place inclinometers, and electrical piezomet~rs
connected to pneumatic transducers may occasion-
either suspended in standpipes or packed-off wtth
ally require flushing with a dry gas to remove mois-
pneumatic packers.
ture. Probe extensometer access pipes and in-


Installation of instruments requires a special effort. 17.1. CONTRACTUAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR

In his foreword to this book, Ralph Peck states: INSTALLING INSTRUMENTS

Equipment that has an excellent record of perfor- Five possible contractual arrangements for install-
mance can be rendered unreliable if a single essen- ing instruments are described in Chapter 6, required
tial but apparently minor requirement is overlooked personnel qualifications are given, and a recommen-
during the installation. The best of instruction dation is made to avoid use of the low-bid method.
manuals cannot provide for every field condition Installation of instruments should preferably be
that may affect the results. Therefore, even slavish under the direct control of the owner or of instru-
attention to instructions cannot guarantee success. mentation specialists selected by the owner.
The installer must have a background in the funda- During the planning phase a designation will
mentals of geotechnics as well as knowledge of the
have been made of which tasks are within the capa-
intricacies of the device being installed. Sometimes
the installer must consciously depart from the in- bility of average construction contractors (support
stallation manual. work) and which tasks require the skill of instru-
mentation specialists (specialist work). In the au-
thor's view, installation of instruments should be a
When planning for instrument installation, Mur-
team effort between support and specialist person-
phy's law (If anything can go wrong, it will) should
nel, following the guidelines for cooperation given
be foremost in mind. If any source of difficulty can
in Section 6.6.7. Drilling crews should not be relied
be postulated, it should be taken care of at this
on to install instruments in boreholes unless special-
ist personnel are intimately involved.
Before installation of instruments can start, the
monitoring program will have been planned and in-
struments will have been procured, following the
guidelines given in Chapters 4 and 5. Planning in- 17.2. LOCATIONS OF INSTRUMENTS
cludes selection of appropriate contractual arrange-
ments for installing instruments, selection of instru- Locations of instruments should be selected in ac-
ment locations, preparation of detailed installation cordance with the three-step approach given in
procedures, preparation of an installation schedule, Chapter 4, considering zones of particular concern,
and coordination of installation plans with other representative zones, and zones to serve as indices
parties. These planning steps are described in detail of comparative behavior. Locations should be
in this chapter, followed by guidelines on field work shown on the contract plans, but the exact location
and preparation of an installation report. of instruments should usually be determined in the

field, when geologic details and construction proce- general guidelines are added in this section, particu-
dures are defined more closely than during the de- larly relating to protection of exposed components
sign phase. to minimize the chance of damage.
Surface-installed instruments should usually be
protected with robust cover plates, welded, bolted,
17.3. DETAILED INSTALLATION PROCEDURES or otherwise attached to the surface. Exposed tubes
and cables are extremely vulnerable to damage and
Planning for installation of instruments should in- should usually be protected by conduit. Flexible
clude preparation of detailed written installation conduit is convenient, as leads can often be snaked
procedures. If instruments are to be installed by the through the conduit prior to installation, thereby
owner's personnel, these procedures will be used minimizing interruption to normal contruction ac-
directly. If they are to be installed by the construc- tivities. Flexible spiral metallic conduit is often
tion contractor, an abbreviated version will be in- used but cannot be bent round a radius less than
cluded in the specifications, retaining key items for about 6 in. (150 mm). If watertightness is important,
enforcement by the owner's representative, and the plastic sheathed flexible metallic conduit can be
procedures will be used when reviewing the con- used (ends of conduit must also be sealed), and
tractor's submittal of proposed installation methods. where small radius bends are required, rubber hose
The instrument manufacturer's instruction man- may be a better choice. In some cases rigid PVC or
ual will often be helpful when preparing detailed steel pipe or flexible corrugated polyethylene pipe
installation procedures, but many manuals provide may be preferable. When considering the options,
insufficient guidelines. When site-specific con- users should bear in mind the smallest allowable
straints must be met, as is normally the case, the bend for the tubes or cables and the need for
manufacturer cannot be expected to provide com- waterproofing. If there is any chance of water enter-
plete and definitive procedures, and the user must ing a supposedly sealed conduit, either at the ends
plan detailed procedures to suit the specific site or through a defect, the sealing feature may in fact
geotechnical conditions. However, these proce- cause ponding of water, and an unsealed conduit
dures must be flexible enough to account for unex- may be a better choice. Cushioning must be pro-
pected conditions that arise during installation, vided between the leads and conduit at the exit
such as unexpected ground conditions or changes in points, for example, by using garden hose or by
the construction contractor's procedure or sched- packing the space with burlap or soft rags.
ule. Instrument terminals must be protected from
The various factors to be considered when pre- damage caused by construction activities, vandal-
paring detailed installation procedures are de- ism, and the environment. Strong metallic cover
scribed in Sections 17.4-17.10. Factors that are ap- plates, boxes, or pipes, with locks if necessary, may
plicable to most instruments are included, and be required as protection from construction activi-
specific factors relevant to one instrument category ties and vandals.
are included in Part 3.
Detailed installation procedures should be in
step-by-step form and should include a complete 17.5. INSTALLATION IN BOREHOLES
"shopping list" of required materials and equip-
ment, including spare parts for replacing compo- Detailed procedures for installation of instruments
nents likely to be damaged during installation. An in boreholes should ensure conformance, should
example of a detailed installation procedure is in- satisfy requirements for borehole diameter, length,
cluded in Appendix G. alignment, and wall roughness, and should include
methods of drilling, installation of downhole com-
ponents, and borehole backfilling. These issues are
17.4. INSTALLATION AT THE GROUND discussed in turn.
17.5 .1. Conformance
Methods for installing instruments at the ground
surface depend on the type of instrument, and vari- When either changes in the length of the borehole or
ous specific guidelines are given in Part 3. Some local shear displacements are anticipated during in-

strument service life, downhole components must to be installed , availability of drilling equipment and
be selected so that conformance is maintained and trained personnel, requirements for borehole di-
so that components are not damaged as deformation ameter, depth, inclination, straightness, and wall
occurs. For example, when inclinometer casings or roughness, access for drilling equipment, and the
probe extensometers are installed vertically in a need for sampling. Detai led discussion and com-
soft clay foundation for monitoring deformations parison of drilling methods are beyond the scope of
beneath an embankment, telescoping couplings this book, but methods in common use are de-
will normalJy be required in the casing or access scribed briefly. Dimensions of drill rods, flush-joint
pipe. Alternatively, axially compressible corru- casing, diamond coring bits, hollow-stem augers,
gated plastic pipe can be installed around rigidJy and U.S . pipe are given in Appendix F.
connected pipe, provided that the outer pipe is free
to slide with respect to the inner pipe. When plastic Wash Boring
tubes or electrical cables are installed in boreholes
The wash boring method (Figure 17.1) is used to
through soils that wilJ undergo substantial verticaJ
advance drive n casing through soiL Soil that enters
compression, tubes and cables can often be pre-
the casing at the bottom during driving is removed
spiraled prior to instalJation, by winding them
by pumping water through a small-diameter wash
around a pipe of suitable size. Spiral in a plastic
pipe, with a washing or chopping bit attached to its
tube can be made permanent by immersing the pipe
lower end. Cuttings of soil are carried upward by
and tube in hot water and aJiowing both to cool
the wash water within the annulus between the
before removing the pipe (Handfelt et aJ., 1987). Of
casing and wash pipe. Standard or heavy-duty
course, temperature limits for the plastic must not
threaded and coupled pipe is sometimes used as
be exceeded , and tests should be made to determine
the minimum required temperature and immersion
l Water

17.5.2. Borehole Requirements

Most instruments that are instaJied in boreholes re-
quire minimum and maximum allowable borehole
diameters, and some have limitations on borehole
aJignment or wall roughness. Where the diameter is
not criticaJ, it should be ample, so that downhole
components pass easily aJong the borehole during
installation. Boreholes should generally be drilled a
few feet longer than the instrument to ensure that
debris falling or pushed to the end of the borehole
will not obstruct the installation. Borehole require-
ments may include an eoJargement or recess at the
collar for the instrument head and additional smaJI
holes for mounting the head and protective arrange-

17.5.3. Drilling Methods*

Various methods are used to drill boreholes for in-
struments. The drilling method selected depends on
the soil or rock type to be drilled, type of instrument

•written with the assistance of Charles 0. Riggs, Manager of

Research and Marketing, Central Mine Equipment Company, St.
Louis, MO. Figure 17.1. Wash bori ng method.

drive casing, but the exterior couplings can impede

casing removal , particularly in granular soils. It
should be used only when removal wilJ present no
problems and, when it is used , individual pipe ends
should be reamed to ensure a flush inside diameter
at the couplings. Flush-coupled casing, of the type
sometimes used to case overburden for core drill-
ing, is generally not suitable for supporting bore-
holes that are to be used for installation of instru-
ments, because the inside diameter at a coupling is Soil
significantly less than the inside diameter of the cas- cuttongs

ing. Flush-joint casing, another type often used dur-

ing core drilling, is flush inside and outside and is
the most suitable choice.
Steel flight

The wash boring method is frequently used for 0

installing instruments in soil when there is a need to
be certain of a clean stable borehole, as is often the Center rod
case when installing piezometers, inclinometer cas-
ings, probe extensometers, and fixed borehole ex- c0
tensometers. The method is slow and therefore ex- ~()
pensive but, in the view of the author, it provides a ()
good defense against Murphy's Law. 00
Auger Drilling with Hollow-Stem Augers
Auger drilling can be performed using either con-
tinuous flight solid-stem or hollow-stem augers, but
solid-stem augers are not usually applicable for ad-
vancing boreholes for installation of instruments.
As shown in Figure 17.2, a hollow-stem auger col-
umn has a continuously open axial stem that allows Figure 17.2. Auger drilling with hollow-stem augers.
the borehole to be drilled and cased simultaneously.
Steel flights are welded to the outside of the stem to
Rotary Drilling
form the auger, which is advanced by rotation and
application of axial force to the top of the auger Rotary drilling (Figure 17 .3), also called hydraulic
column. lt is often necessary to plug the aperture at rotary drilling, straight rotary drilling, or mud ro-
the auger head to prevent problems caused by soil tary drilling, can be used in soil or rock. No core is
entering the hollow stem. The pilot assembly shown recovered while drilling but, when drilling in soil,
in Figure 17.2 is sometimes used for this purpose samples can be recovered by intermittent sampling
and also assists in drilJing. The pilot assembly is at the bottom of the borehole. A bit on the bottom
removed before inserting an instrument through of a column of drill rods is rotated and axially ad-
the hollow stem. Alternatively , a flat expendable vanced. A drilling fluid is pumped downward
knock-off plate can be used on the bottom of the through the drill rods, and cuttings of soil and rock
auger column. are carried upward within the annulus between the
Drilling with hollow-stem augers is used for in- drill rods and the wall of the borehole. A correctly
stallation of piezometers and inclinometer casings " designed " drilling fluid will penetrate the wall of
in soil and occasionally for installation of other in- the borehole and form a thin " mud cake," thereby
struments for measuring deformation. It is usually maintaining the level of fluid in the borehole to pro-
necessary to remove the augers from the ground vide s upporting pressure on the wall of the bore-
without rotation, to prevent twisting of downhole hole. Bentonite (powdered sodium montmorillon-
instrument components. ite) is the most commonly used drilling fluid

Drilling A1r and

fluid cu11ings

fluid and



Figure 17.4. Drilling by double-tube reverse air circulation.

••• eter by severely decreasing the permeability of the

surrounding soil. However, as described in Chapter
9, a drilling fluid containing a biodegradable organic
Figure 17.3. Rotary drilling. polymer can be used.
A special type of rotary drilling, double-tube re-
verse air circulation, bas some application for in-
additive. The most commonly used bit is the tri-
stallation of instruments, and is shown in Figure
cone bit, fitted with three rotating toothed cones,
17.4. With this method an outer pipe is advanced as
but a drag bit with three or four blades is often used
the cuttings are forced upward at high velocity
in soil.
within a smaU inner pipe.
Rotary drilling can be used for installation of in-
struments in soil and rock when the stability of the
Core Drilling
borehole is certain. If there are doubts about stabil-
ity, casing or hollow-stem augers should be used Core drilling can be used in soil or rock, and a core
instead of drilling fluid: the author has experiences is recovered . A core barrel attached to a column of
of instruments becoming stuck in a fluid-filled bore- drill rods is rotated and advanced, and drilling fluid
hole before they have reached the planned depth! flushes and cools the bit on the end of the core
Under some circumstances a flush-joint casing barrel. The soil or rock at the advancing end of the
should be advanced with rotary procedures to en- core barrel is cut or abraded by the bit, cuttings are
sure a stable borehole. Conventional bentonite drill- carried out of the borehole by the drilling fluid , and
ing fluid should not be used in boreholes for pie- a cylinder of soil or rock (the core) enters and is
zometer installations, because the additives will protected by the core barrel. Drill casing is used
permanently impede the functioning of the piezom- when necessary to ensure that overburden soil or

drill rods

·· .,... " · ·:r:J 'Q

.J -

Figure 17.5. Conventional core drilling.

Figure 17.6. Wireline core drilling.

rock does not enter the borehole and interfere with Core drilling is the method of choice for instaUa-
coring, and it also provides a reliable conductor for tion of instruments in rock when there is a need to
the return of drilling fl uid. Core drilling is performed define subsurface stratigraphy and the locations of
either with conventional or wireline systems, as discontinuities: this is typicaUy the case when in-
shown in Figures 17.5 and 17.6. When a conven- stalling instruments to measure deformation, stress
tional core barrel is used, the complete drill rod change, and joint water pressure. Core drilling is
column must be withdrawn fro m the borehole to not often used for installation of instruments in soil.
remove the increment of core from the core barrel.
When a wireline core barrel is used, the inner bar-
Rotary Percussion Drilling
rel, containing the increment of core, is withdrawn
from the borehole on a "wireline ," which attaches Rotary percussion drilling (Figure 17. 7) involves
to the latching device shown in Figure 17.6. The bit, simultaneous rotation and percussion of a drill bit to
outer barrel, and drill rods remain in the borehole. fracture the material at the end of a borehole. No
The hardest rocks, such as quartzite, are often core is recovered. The most common drills are
cored most economically by using impregnated dia- rotary-impact rock drills, called drifters , usually
mond bits, with small manufactured diamonds con- mounted on track carriers. Alternatively, down-the-
tained in the bit crown matrix. Softer rocks, such as hole rotary-impact hammers can be used. The bore-
limestone, are often cored using surface-set bits , bole is flushed with air or water. Rotary percussion
with larger natural diamonds set at the surface of drilling is not a frequent choice for installation of
the crown matrix. Soft rock is often cored using instruments, because locations of discontinuities
carbide insert or polycrystalline (carbide and manu- cannot be defined. Moreover, significant deviations
factured diamond) insert bits. The evaluation of in alignment often occur, so that the locations of
rock cores is usually enhanced greatly if split inner downhole components are unknown. When these
tube core barrels are used . limitations are acceptable, the method can be used

Air or water tion wedge at the bottom of the borehole. Many

experienced and competent core drillers have never
used directional drilling techniques.

Guidelines Applicable to All Drilling Methods

Whichever drilling method is selected, the detailed
written installation procedures should include the
drilling method and requirements for drilling equip-
• . o : o . ·:: •o ment, sampling methods and frequency , maximum
0 :.
and minimum borehole diameters, casing or auger
diameter, drilling fluid additives, drilling records,
sample containers, and storage and submittal of
During drilling, a conventional borehole log
should be maintained, and any required samples
should be taken.
After completion of drilling, the borehole should
be thoroughly cleaned with air, water, or drilling
fluid a nd the length and diameter checked. When
water is used for drilling, many drillers will wash
the borehole by inserting drill rods or a jet pipe to
the bottom of the borehole and flushing water
Percussion bi 1 through the rods or pipe. However, better results
are obtained by reversing the jetting pump and us-
Figure 17.7. Rotary percussion drilling.
ing the drill rods or jet pipe as the intake, with the
lower end a few inches from the bottom of the bore-
hole. The borehole is kept filled by pouring clean
economically, particularly when drilling equipment
water in until all cloudy water is pumped out. This
is on the site for other purposes, such as drilling
is referr~d to as the reverse circulation method and
holes for blasting.
maximizes the velocity of outgoing water. When a
borehole in rock is advanced by diamond coring
Controlling Borehole Alignment
methods, the hole should require minimal cleaning.
When borehole alignment is critical, for example, Minimum diameter can be checked by passing a
when installing piezometers between closely spaced suitably sized " dummy" along the borehole and,
vertical drains after the drains have been installed where more complete data are required , a borehole
or when installing fixed borehole extensometers or caliper can be used. When borehole alignment, in-
inclinometer casings above or alongside a future clination, or straightness is critical, a borehole di-
tunnel, care must be taken to set up the drill rig at rectional survey (Chapter 12) may be appropriate.
the correct alignment and to use drilling procedures If grout is to be used while installing downhole
that minimize deviation from this aJignment. When components, a test should be made to ensure that
using the wash boring method to install drill casing grout will not leak from the borehole. An estimate
in soft ground, an oversized casing shoe should be of grout-tightness can sometimes be made from
used and the casing advanced by spinning and knowledge of stratigraphy and previous boring ex-
washing, rather than by driving. perience at the site. When using grout backfill in an
Directional drilling techniques can be used to unsupported borehole, the borehole should first be
maintain borehole alignment or to deviate deliber- tested for grout-tightness by removing drill rods and
ately from the initial alignment. They have been conducting a permeability test, usuall y by running
developed for use in production of oil and gas but water into the borehole to maintain water level at
are occasionally relevant for installation of instru- the borehole collar. The author has used a max-
ments, for example, plumb lines and inverted pen- imum water inflow of 1 U.S. gallon per 10 feet (l.3
dulums. The technique involves inserting a deflec- liters/meter) of borehole per 15 minutes as an ac-

ceptability criterion. If the inflow exceeds an ac- before installation. Typical grout density ranges
ceptable value, the borehole must be sealed with from 70 to 100 lb/fe (1.1-1.6 Mg/m 3).
bentonite or other sealing compound, or grouted Any required flexible tubes or rigid pipes for
and redrilled, and tested again. Such testing is not backfilling the borehole with grout or granular mate-
possible in boreholes containing drilling fluid or rial should be inserted in the borehole as installation
when drill casing is used throughout the borehole of downhole components proceeds. Typically, 1 in.
length, and a conservative estimate of grout- (25 mm) diameter plastic tubes or pipes are re-
tightness must be made. Testing and sealing can of quired, but a smaller diameter can be used for thin
course be performed in any borehole length below grout mixes, and a larger diameter may be required
the bottom of the drill casing. for very thick mixes or for compressed bentonite
pellets (Chapter 9). If rigid pipe is used, joints
should be flush on both the inside and outside so
17.5.4. Installation of Downhole Components that the pipe does not "hang up" on other down-
If significant time has elapsed since completion of hole components. Schedule 80 rigid PVC pipe, with
drilling and checking for length, diameter, and square threads or threads of the type shown in Fig-
grout-tightness, the checks should be repeated prior ure 9.3, is usually the best choice: sizes are given in
to inserting downhole components and the borehole Appendix F. If tubes or pipes are to be left in place,
again cleaned and sealed if necessary. The method they should be taped securely to other downhole
of installing downhole components depends on the components. If they are to be recovered, light tap-
type of instrument and drilling method, but several ing at the bottom is necessary for tubes but usually
general guidelines can be given. unnecessary for pipes. If backfill is to be placed in
When maximum tensile strength is required stages, a single tremie tube or pipe can be pulled
across socket couplings in plastic pipe or when upward as backfilling progresses, or a separate
plastic pipe is to be used for high-pressure applica- length can be installed for each stage.
tions, a primer should be used before the solvent Many borehole instruments are shipped in short
cement is applied. The primer etches the surfaces lengths, and installation time can often be reduced
and allows proper adhesion. Dimensions of steel by preassembling components into longer lengths
and PVC pipe that are often used as downhole com- prior to installation. Certain instruments such as
ponents are given in Appendix F. fixed borehole extensometers with spring-loaded
anchors require insertion rods, and these must be
inserted in the borehole as installation of downhole
Downward Boreholes
components proceeds. Other instruments such as
If the instrument is heavy, a 1/4 in. (6 mm) manila inclinometer casings and multipoint fixed borehole
rope or Vs in. (3 mm) airplane cable should be at- extensometers require careful control of orientation
tached securely to the bottom and used for lowering as they are installed.
the instrument, thereby avoiding excessive tension
Near-Horizontal Boreholes
in the components and allowing for recovery if
problems arise. A hand-operated winch is useful for When installing in near-horizontal boreholes, inser-
controlling this safety line when instruments are tion rods are often required. These can usually be
heavy or when boreholes are deep. The safety line rented from the instrument manufacturer, or light-
will normally be cut after it has served its purpose weight pipe such as aluminum electrical conduit can
and left in place. If, on the other hand, the instru- be used. Fiberglass chimney sweep rods can also be
ment is very light, it may be necessary to add considered for this purpose.
weight before installation. Instruments such as in- If a grout backfill has to be used, it is preferable
clinometer casings can often be installed in down- to incline the borehole downward 5-l 0 degrees and
ward boreholes under neutral buoyancy by ensuring to use a single grout tube with its outlet at the bot-
that the borehole is water-filled and filling the casing tom of the borehole. If there is any doubt about the
with water as it descends. alignment of the borehole or if it must be as horizon-
If a grout backfill is to be used, an estimate of tal as possible, an alignment survey should be made
grout density should be made, the volume and prior to locating grout outlets and vents. For ex-
weight of downhole components determined, and ample, alignment surveys are essential when near-
any weight necessary for overcoming buoyancy horizontal holes are drilled in rock by percussion
should be added to the bottom of the instrument methods and when a grout backfill will be used,

because borehole alignment is always uncertain. A a goal, the grout should ensure conformance be-
borehole directional survey instrument or full- tween the instrument and the surrounding soil or
profile liquid level gage can be used. Downward rock and should not alter the value of the parameter
boreholes that hold water can be surveyed by being measured. For example, grout in boreholes
traversing a diaphragm piezometer along the hole, for piezometers should satisfy permeability criteria
and at several depths measuring water head and and, if compression is anticipated along the axis of
lead length. If the borehole will not hold water, it the borehole, also compressibility criteria. When
may not hold grout, and it should be sealed as de- probe extensometers rely on grout to ensure confor-
scribed above. Grout outlets must be provided at mance, the grout should satisfy criteria for com-
the lowest point in the borehole and at each trough pressibility and shear strength. Grout for fixed
and a vent at the highest point and at each crest. borehole extensometers in soft ground should not
have significant compressive or tensile strength.
Upward Boreholes
Grout for inclinometer casings should satisfy crite-
When installing in upward boreholes, insertion rods ria for maximum and minimum strength. For these
are also required. A hydraulic anchor designed for reasons there is no universally suitable grout, and
use with fixed borehole extensometers can often be each installation must be considered individually.
attached to the upper end of the instrument and While assembling material for this section of the
used to hold the system in place after insertion rods book, .by reviewing the contents of the technical
are withdrawn. If a grout backfill is to be used, stage literature and by discussing with engineers who
grouting is necessary, first to seal around the instru- have expertise in grouting, two overriding factors
ment head at the collar of the borehole and later to became evident. First, little is known on the subject
fill the remainder of the borehole in one or more of grouting around instruments in boreholes, pre-
stages, and grout outlets and vents must be installed sumably because this use of grout represents such a
for each stage. tiny proportion of overall grout use. The following
are useful references, but none relates specifically
17.5.5. Selection of Backfill Material to instrumentation: ACI (1981), Dames & Moore
(1979), Deere (1982), Jefferis (1982), and Littlejohn
Alternative backfill materials for boreholes include
(1982). Second, even if the "perfect" grout mix can
grout, granular fills such as sand and pea gravel, and
be determined, it probably will not set as a uniform
bentonite pellets. Grout backfill is most frequently
column throughout the borehole. In the view of the
used, is suitable when the borehole must be sealed
author, these realizations should color our reliance
against water flow, and can be used for all borehole
on grout where properties and uniformity are criti-
alignments. Grout backfill is more likely than granu-
cal. For example, when a probe extensometer is to
lar backfill to fill the borehole completely but cannot
be installed to monitor substantial vertical compres-
be used if grout would bleed into the surrounding
sion, reliance on grout may be unwarranted, and
ground. Where permeable strata overlie imperme-
conformance should be ensured by using a positive
able strata, grout backfilling is possible in the im-
anchorage at each measuring point.
permeable zone, and granular backfill can be placed
Some typical mixes will be given, but it is empha-
in the permeable zone after grout has set. Granular
sized that they should not be used as a "cook-
backfill cannot readily be installed in upward bore-
book." Trial mixes should be made for each ap-
holes and should not be used where its high perme-
plication and judgment often made by visual obser-
ability would create nonconformance by allowing
vation and supplemented with simple tests such as
flow of water along the borehole. Bentonite pellet
pressing with a thumb or use of a Torvane. Where a
backfill is used for installation of piezometers in
more exact measurement of grout properties is re-
boreholes. Alternative backfill materials are dis-
quired, laboratory tests of trial mixes will be
cussed in Sections 17.5.6-17.5.8.
needed, following the method described by ASTM
17.5.6. Backfilling Boreholes with Grout*
The properties of grout are often dependent on
When selecting a mix for grout backfill, the first task the sequence of adding ingredients, and the se-
is to define the required engineering properties. As quence should be standardized. As a general rule,
liquids should be mixed first, followed by the finest
*Written with the assistance ofJoseph P. Welsh, Vice President, through the coarsest materials. When using cement/
GKN Hayward Baker, Inc., Odenton, MD. bentonite grout, bentonite should be added to the

water first, because if bentonite is added to a ce- Borehole diameter, mm

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
ment and water mix an ion exchange takes place
and the expansion of the bentonite is reduced signi-
ficantly. Properties are often also dependent on the 3
chemical constituents of the mixing water, and wa-
ter for trial mixes should be from the same source as
the field mix.
The following are some examples of grout mixes

C> v
used during installation of instruments in boreholes. (/)
1. Water/cement/bentonite, 1/0.15/0.06 by weight
(Easton, 1984). Bentonite and water mixed
first. Used for probe extenso meters that rely
.': 1
e v
on grout to ensure conformance in soft clay.
The 28 day unconfined compressive strength
tested as approximately 500 lb/ft 2 (25 kPa). 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Minnitti (1985) tested a similar mix, conclud- Borehole diameter, in.

ing with a 28 day unconfined compressive Figure 17.8. Required grout volumes for borehole installations
strength of approximately 300 lb/ff (15 kPa). (allowing for 20% waste).
Minnitti also tested a water/cement/bentonite
mix, 1/0.08/0.11 by weight, giving a 28 day
unconfined compressive strength of approxi- weight or by volume: there is significant confusion
mately 400 lb/ft2 (20 kPa). in the technical literature because this is not always
2. Bentonite/cement ratio of 0.10/1 by weight, done. Useful conversion factors for preparation of
with sufficient water to allow pumping. Rec- grout mixes are given in Appendix H.
ommended by AASHTO (1978) for backfilling Bentonite is available in a form specifically de-
around inclinometer casings. signed for use in salt water, but a much larger quan-
3. Hydrated lime/cement ratio of 1.6/1 by tity of bentonite is required (Handfelt et al., 1987)
weight, with sufficient water to allow pump- and experience has not always been satisfactory. It
ing. Recommended by AASHTO (1978) for may be more appropriate to mix conventional ben-
backfilling around inclinometer casings. How- tonite with fresh water when grouting boreholes in a
ever, the high pH in hydrated lime can cause salt-water environment or to use a chemical sealant
corrosion of aluminum and should therefore (Driscoll, 1986; Senger and Perpich, 1983).
not be used with aluminum inclinometer Sand is rarely used in grouts for backfilling bore-
casing. holes, but additives such as expanders, fluidizers,
and retarders* may be included, and on occasion
4. Bentonite/cement ratio of 0.15/1 by weight,
chemical grouts may be appropriate, but in all cases
with sufficient water to allow pumping. Rec-
the advice of grouting specialists should be ob-
ommended by Corps of Engineers (1971) for
sealing above open standpipe piezometers.
Various practical guidelines for backfilling bore-
5. Sand/cement ratio of 5/1 by weight. Rec- holes with grout are given in this paragraph.
ommended by USBR (1974) for sealing above Boreholes at all alignments can be backfilled with
open standpipe piezometers. grout but, as discussed earlier in this chapter, multi-
6. Fetzer (1982) used two mixes to seal above ple grout outlets and vents and stage grouting may
open standpipe piezometers. A 5 ft (1.5 m) be required. Prior to grouting, a check should be
seal was first made with a water/bentonite, 1/ made to ensure that a sufficent quantity of each
0.3 mix by weight, followed by a water/ ingredient is readily available. Figure 17.8 indicates
cement/fine sand, 1/1.9/2.7 mix by weight, required grout volumes, including a 20% margin for
with expansion agent and retarder. waste, for various borehole diameters. Water
should be circulated through the grout tube or pipe
Whenever quoting proportions of grout mixes, it is
essential to indicate whether proportions are by *Some commercial sources are listed in Appendix D.

to verify that the circuit is open. When downhole nents in the borehole, the sounding hammer de-
components include a vertical pipe of adequate di- scribed in Chapter 9 should be used. If possible
ameter, the borehole can be grouted from within the there should be no protruding couplings in down-
pipe by using one of the check valve arrangements hole components. Internal vibrators supplied by
shown in Figure 12.74 instead of an outside tremie some manufacturers of inclinometer casing often
pipe. These arrangements often allow use of a have insufficient power for proper compaction of
smaller-diameter borehole. In general, downhole backfill.
vertical pipes and tubes should be filled with water Second, sand or pea gravel can be tremied to the
or oil while grouting to avoid collapse owing to ex- bottom of the borehole. A 1 in. (25 mm) Schedule 80
ternal pressure, and grout pressures should be con- PVC pipe with flush threaded couplings is inserted
trolled to avoid collapse. For very deep installations within the borehole as downhole components are
stage grouting may be required, in which case an installed, and a 45 degree Y-branch is fitted to the
outside tremie pipe must be used. When there is a pipe near its upper end. A water supply is con-
possibility of grout entering instrument compo- nected to the branch, and water is circulated down
nents, for example, the top of a vertical pipe when the pipe until it spills out of the top of the borehole.
grouting outside the pipe, the possible grout entry Sand or pea gravel is poured slowly into the top of
point should be sealed. Grout should be mixed thor- the pipe and washed to the bottom of the borehole,
oughly by circulating through the grout pipe for suf- and the pipe is gradually raised as backfilling pro-
ficient time or by use of a colloidal mixer if avail- gresses.
able. A fine mesh such as window screen should be The second method generally results in more
fitted over the suction intake during grouting to en- complete backfilling than the first. For both
sure that lines are not blocked by lumps resulting methods, if drill casing or hollow-stem augers have
from incomplete mixing. When withdrawing any been used, they should be withdrawn, without
drill casing or augers during or after backfilling a rotating, in small increments to avoid collapse of
borehole, rotation should not be allowed, otherwise the borehole prior to backfilling. Experience with
downhole components may become spiraled. each installation will indicate the allowable incre-
When grouting under artesian conditions, one of ment, which may vary from 6 to 30 in. (150-750
the methods described in Chapter 9 for installing mm). Withdrawal should usually precede back-
piezometers can be used. Alternatively, barium sul- filling, because if backfill is allowed to settle within
fate can be added to the grout to increase density, the casing or augers it may "grab" downhole com-
taking care to top up with grout while withdrawing ponents and cause them to be lifted when casing or
casing. augers are withdrawn. Depth measurements should
be made repeatedly while backfilling to verify cor-
rectness of the backfill level. It is helpful to mark
17.5.7. Backfilling Boreholes with Sand or Pea
the tamping rod or tremie pipe at a distance from its
bottom equal to the length of casing or augers, so
Use of sand or pea gravel backfill is limited to that the mark is alongside the top when the backfill
downward boreholes, and the borehole diameter is placed up to the bottom.
should be large enough to discourage bridging, gen- Figure 17.9 indicates the quantity of Ottawa sand
erally at least 2 in. (50 mm) larger than the outside required to fill various sizes of borehole.
diameter of the downhole components. Rounded
grains are less likely to bridge than angular grains.
17.5.8. Backfilling Boreholes with Bentonite
Two backfilling methods are possible. First, sand
or pea gravel can be poured down the annular
space. The material should be saturated with water Backfilling boreholes with compressed bentonite
before pouring, should be poured slowly to avoid pellets for installation of piezometers is described in
bridging in the borehole, and should be tamped Chapter 9. Figure 17.9 indicates the quantity of
thoroughly in 2 ft (600 mm) maximum layers. A compressed bentonite pellets required to fill various
flush-coupled rod or pipe, such as fixed piston sam- sizes of borehole, assuming a unit weight of74lb/ft 3
pler actuating rods with a special tamping foot, is (1.19 Mg/m 3). This unit weight is typical, but some
useful for tamping, measuring depths, and breaking commercial sources have unit weights up to 82lb/ft 3
bridges. When it is important to center the compo- (1.31 Mg/m 3).

Borehole diameter, mm 17.6. INSTALLATION IN FILL

0 20 40 60 so 100 120 140 160 180 200
/ When deformations are anticipated during instru-

""'.; ment service life, instrument components must be
""~ Ottawa sand 40] selected so that conformance is maintained and so
0 (unit weight ~
.D that they are not damaged as deformation occurs .
.E 20
approx. 97

I i/ 30
For example, probe extensometers, inclinometer
casings, and fixed embankment extensometers wiU

a. E normally require either axially compressible access

pipe or telescoping couplings in rigid access pipe.
/ t/com~ressed Alternatively, a rigid access pipe can be surrounded

/ v bentonite -
(unit weight
approx. 74 -
by an axiaJly compressible or telescoping pipe, pro-
vided that this outer pipe is free to slide with respect
to the access pipe. As an illustration of damage that
l lb/ft3)1
can be caused to pipes by deformation of fill , Figure
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 17.10 shows dramatic rupture of rigid plastic stand-
Borehole diameter, in.
pipes attached to piezometers, found in an explor-
Figure 17.9. Required volumes of O"awa sand and compressed atory shaft in an embankment dam . Plastic tubes
bentonite pellets for borehole installations (no allowance for and electrical cables also often require special mea-
sures to protect them from damage by localized
ground deformation.
The following sections provide guidelines on in-
stallation of pipes, tubes, and cables. Factors rele-
vant to a single instrument category and guidelines

1-} in.

(a) Lateral shear (b) Lateral shear (c) Vertical compression

and compression and compression


shaft wall ~u.t

1 ~ ~~ I

18 in. ~~"'~ :c.{ '

L ,r,

(d) Bending/pinching (e) Vertical compression (f) Vertical shear

Figure 17.10. Rupture of piezometer standpipes found in an exploratory shaft in an embankment dam
(after Mikkelsen and Wilson, 1983).

on installation of various individual instruments are type of construction equipment that will operate
included in Part 3. In general, the engineering prop- over the backfilled trench and will normally be be-
erties of fill material around pipes, tubes, and cables tween 0.2 and 0.5 in. (5-12 mm). Horizontal pipes
should match, as closely as possible, the properties installed in rockfill are normally surrounded with a
of the surrounding fill and should not provide a leak- layer of finer material such as sand or pea gravel,
age zone for water. This need is of paramount im- and intermediate layers of coarser material may be
portance in embankment dams. When pipes, tubes, required to prevent migration of particles. A deeper
and cables are installed in fill containing large-sized trench may be necessary if heavy compaction
particles, finer material may be required around equipment will operate over the backfilled trench.
them. The remainder of the trench is then filled with ex-
Pipes, tubes, and cables should be checked for cavated material in 4-8 in. (100-200 mm) lifts and
integrity and correct functioning before installation compacted with hand-controlled power-operated
and again before backfilling. As discussed in Sec- equipment.
tion 17.5.4, when maximum tensile strength is re- An alternative installation method, whereby
quired across socket couplings in plastic pipe or pipes are installed on the surface of previously com-
when plastic pipe is to be used for high-pressure pacted fill rather than within a trench, is included in
applications, a primer should be used before the Section 17.6.3, describing installation of horizontal
solvent cement is applied. Before tubing is in- tubes and cables.
stalled, it should be tested at a pressure well in ex- When horizontal pipes are installed to allow pas-
cess of the anticipated pressure in the field. Con- sage of a probe, such as a probe extensometer, in-
strictions in tubing have been found on several clinometer, or full-profile liquid level gage, a
occasions and, unless prior experience or testing method of traversing the probe must be devised.
indicates that constrictions are not present, an ap- The simplest method, used where access is avail-
propriately sized ball bearing should be blown able to both ends of the pipe, involves leaving a
through the tubing. Tubing should be stored away traction wire within the pipe, clipping the probe to
from direct sunlight, and ends should be capped one end of the wire when readings are required, and
during storage to prevent the entry of dust and in- pulling on the other end. When only one end of the
sects. All pipes, tubes, and cables that are installed pipe is accessible, three methods are possible.
in groups should be marked individually at approxi- First, fiberglass chimney sweep rods can be used to
mately 20 ft (6 m) intervals so that they can be push the probe up to about 200ft (60 m), using a
identified if they are damaged and repairs are at- fitting on the probe for attachment of the rods. This
tempted. method is suitable only if the pipe is reasonably
straight and if there are no irregularities on the in-
side wall of the pipe, such as telescoping couplings.
17.6.1. Horizontal Pipes
Second, an endless traction wire can be installed.
Telescoping couplings must be sealed to prevent The wire can pass around a pulley at the inaccessi-
intrusion of fill material. 0-rings form the best seal ble end of the pipe and return along the same pipe,
or, alternatively, soft rubber tubing can be installed but this arrangement runs a severe risk of the probe
to span between coupling and pipe, with a hose becoming entangled with the return wire, such that
clamp at each end. Various filler materials can be it cannot be moved, and is not recommended. A
packed in the annular space between pipe and cou- better arrangement is to install a second pipe, paral-
pling, including pliable sealing compounds manu- lel to and of smaller diameter than the main pipe,
factured for waterproofing and insulating electrical connecting the two pipes at the inaccessible end
connections, or grease-impregnated tapes. with two large-radius 90 degree steel elbows, such
Pipes are usually placed in a trench 1-2 ft (300- that the wire passes along both pipes. Plastic el-
600 mm) wide by 2-3 ft (600 mm to 1 m) deep, bows are not suitable, because repeated passage of
bedded on and covered by approximately 6 in. (150 the traction wire may wear a slot in the inside wall,
mm) of suitably graded fill material. The allowable allowing soil particles to enter and block the pipe or
maximum particle size in the material depends on causing the wire to become jammed. The third
the required engineering properties of the backfill, method uses a duct motor developed by post office
the strength of the pipe, the depth of cover, and the engineers (Deadman and Slight, 1965; Penman and

Charles, 1973) for threading telephone wires along in the planned arrangements unless absolutely nec-
ducts. The duct motor is driven by compressed air essary. When splices are used, they should be made
and consists of a double-acting telescopic plunger with great care as described in Chapter 8.
with a valve mechanism causing it alternately to Horizontal tubes and cables are normally in-
extend and contract as long as the air supply is stalled in trenches, bedded on and covered by suit-
maintained. The duct motor and probe are driven to ably graded material. Trench size and backfilling
the inaccessible end of the pipe and readings taken arrangements are generally as described in Section
while withdrawing the probe. 17.6.1 for horizontal pipes, but the allowable max-
imum particle size will usually be smaller than for
pipes. Where armoring or conduit is not used, typi-
17.6.2. Vertical Pipes
cal maximum size is 0.2 in. (5 mm). Particle size
Telescoping couplings in vertical pipes must be restrictions may also be needed in the first two lifts
sealed, as described above for horizontal pipes, to of backfill overlying the 6 in. (150 mm) covering
prevent intrusion of fill material. When settlement is layer. In rockfill, two or more layers of protection
anticipated, the couplings must be installed in. an will usually be required, for example, sand and pea
open position, and the sealing arrangements help to gravel, and gradations should follow filter design
prevent closing during installation. When the instru- criteria. Individual tubes and cables should be sepa-
ment consists of a rigid access pipe surrounded by rated by approximately 0.5 in. (12 mm) and, where
an axially compressible or telescoping pipe and several are installed, a wood or metal rake similar to
when water leakage must be prevented, the annu- a garden rake is helpful when controlling spacing.
lar space between the pipes should be filled with a No tube or cable should be allowed to cross over
slurry. another. Installation of tubing for twin-tube hy-
Two methods are available for extending a pipe draulic piezometers, following the general proce-
upward as fill is placed: the mounding method and dures outlined previously, is described by Bar-
the excavate and replace method. In the mounding tholomew et al. (1987) and USBR (1974).
method, the pipe is installed to protrude above the Clements (1982) describes an alternative, which
fill level and protected with a hand-compacted he refers to as the surface installation method, to
mound of fill. Typical maximum height of the installation of horizontal pipes, tubes, and cables in
mound is 5 ft (1.5 m). In the excavate and replace trenches. Clements describes in detail the disadvan-
method, the pipe is capped, filling and compaction tages of trench installation, including high cost,
continued over the pipe for about a 5 ft (1.5 m) lengthy time required, difficulty in excavating to a
depth, a local excavation made to locate the cap, a level bottom, difficulty in maintaining a steep-sided
new pipe length added, and the excavation back- trench in granular fill, problems of maintaining the
filled and compacted with hand-controlled power- maximum particle size, and ponding of rainwater.
operated equipment. The latter method usually re- The writer describes a "tramline" effect, whereby
sults in a more straight and vertical extension than continuous lines of material are disturbed by back-
the former. Whichever metJ:tod is used, great care is hoe teeth to a depth of up to 8 in. (200 mm) below
needed to avoid damaging the pipe, compaction the bottom of the trench. He states that there has
around the pipe tends to be inferior, and interrup- been recent evidence to suggest that isolated in-
tion to normal filling operations is costly. Maximum stances of limited piping have occurred along
particle size and engineering properties of fill adja- instrumentation trenches within completed em-
cent to the pipe should follow the guidelines given bankment dams and comments that although the
above for horizontal pipes. tramline factor is not necessarily the cause of such
happenings, it represents a weakness in the installa-
tion method that could result in piping effects.
17.6.3. Horizontal Tubes and Cables
The alternative recommended by Clements en-
When planning installation of horizontal tubes and tails installation of pipes, tubes, and cables on the
cables, special attention should be paid to routing, surface of previously compacted fill as shown in
avoiding wherever possible traversing zones of Figure 17 .11. The first stage requires cutting a
large differential strain and providing slack at any swath with a bulldozer and dumping a mound of
such transitions. Tube and cable splices should be loose parent material alongside the swath to provide
reserved for repair work and should not be included protection from construction traffic. Figure 17.11

1. Preparation
Loose material terline by a bulldozer and filled using a front end
mound loader. The layer is compacted using a self-
propelled vibratory roller with a dynamic force of
5000 lb (22 kN), the first pass without vibration ,
followed by a specified number of vibrating passes.
Instrument leads are then placed and covered using
a skid-mounted guide and hopper. Before the initial
protection layer is compacted, it is necessary to
support the sides by placing parent zone material
2. Bedding layer placement
against it, and the ridge of protection material at the
-5 mm fraction 150 mm
side of the swath provides a convenient source.

~:I>L;,, T,~;t:'1::~i,,"~)2,,:,}
Once placed, the material is hand-picked to remove
rocks larger than 3 in. (75 mm) in diameter and to
match the level of the uncompacted protection
layer. The whole is then compacted with hand-
3. Tubing/lead installation guided vibratory plate compactors. This is the only
_ 75 mm material - 5 mm fraction 150 mm stage at which heavy compaction equipment is not

·'-·-·"·.: .. ~-·'~ggk55f&~s ~
used. The final stage of the operation involves plac-
ing a 12 in. (300 mm) layer of up to 3 in. (75 mm)
:~:~~t~:~.s:;.:~~~~~0J~~~~J~i~i:J~1;){l~~~~::~t~ig~~~~;f.t::;~~:; material over the swath area. Much of this work can
be done by a bulldozer pushing loose material from
4. Protective cover layer the protective ridge at the side of the swath. Once
spread, the material is hand-picked to remove over-
size rocks. During this operation, care must be
taken to prevent vehicle tracks from advancing over
the instrument leads. Once the layer is leveled ,
compaction is accomplished by the self-propelled
vibratory roller, the first pass being made without
0 0.5 1.0 m 5.0 m vibration. Normal construction and compaction
'"" '"" ' Scale techniques are restored for the next and subsequent
lifts. It is also recommended that 12 in. (300 mm) of
Comparisons added cover is placed over the installation before
Surface method Original Trench method loaded haulage equipment is allowed to cross it.
fill level
The installation procedure is now complete and the
area may be handed over to normal fill placement
~ . ~. .. '·'"'.; _, .
Clements indicates that the surface installation
Shaded areas repr~sent
material ·• ··:-:~;}?::: -~-~,.,,..•
> ".:;,;:.:. method is much quicker than the trench method ,
compacted by hand-guided light equipment f.,~:;:-::·~,;·;.~::~·~'?~~>:',.,,_~::-_:.~-~
,-.:.:.:~;~:~~:~~:>~ ~·:·· ~\;~~·:~~~~:~;~~. ·;·:· uses less personnel, is less disruptive to routine
construction activities, results in better confor-
mance between backfill and surrounding compacted
Figure 17.11. Stages in the surface installation method for tubes
and cables (after Clements, 1982).
fill , and does not allow ponding of rainwater. Clem-
ents also comments that, because the method is
quicker, manual screening of protection material
shows a swath 8 in. (200 mm) deep but , depending may create difficulties, and a small mechanical
on the surface level control prior to cutting, the screening plant may be worthwhile.
depth may vary. During the second stage, a bedding Despite the advantages of the surface insta.llation
layer is placed, using a skid-mounted hopper ap- method , the author believes that it should be used
proximately 8ft (2.5 m) wide and 13ft (4 m) long, only when there is good supervision of general fill
with fixed top and side guide plates at the hopper placement: it is all too easy for mounds of fill to be
discharge mouth to ensure a continuous and regular pushed around during subsequent fill placement ,
layer. The hopper is towed along the swath cen- and bulldozer drivers have a natural tendency to

level out the surface for the next Layer. The attrac-
tiveness of the surface installation method clearly
depends on specific site factors, and the primary
application appears to be for installation of instru-
ment leads during construction of embankment
Armoring or conduit is often the preferred
method for protecting tubes and cables from dam-
age. Use of conduit alleviates stringent criteria on
maximum particle size of backfill and greatly re-
duces the likelihood of damage when the fill de-
forms. lf no conduit is provided , the tubes or cables
must accommodate all strajns experienced by the
fill , but if they are intentionally left slack within (a)
conduit, a greater length is available for accom-
modating local deformation. The benefit of this ar-
rangement for accommodating tensile strajns is self-
evident, but less so for compressive strains.
However, when electrical cables are installed with-
out conduit and subjected to compressive strains,
conductors can break, protrude through the cable
insulation, and create a short circuit. Rigid PVC
pipe is most frequently used as condwt when in-
stalling horizontal leads in fill, but corrugated flex-
ible polyethylene pipe is an alternative in cases
where it is adequately robust. Conduit should not
be used where passage of water along the instru-
ment leads must be prevented, but even in these
cases individual leads can be threaded within
minimum-sized plastic tubing where they pass
through zones that will experience significant Figure 17.12. Typical arrangements for protecting tubes and
strain, and the annular space filled with petroleum cables where they emerge from a borehole: (a) without conduit
and (b) with conduit.
jelly. This arrangement, for example, can be used
for instrument leads that pass from the core of an
embankment dam to the downstream filter, the tub- duit or from boreholes. If there is any possibility of
ing extending 3-10ft (l-3 m) either side of the inter- shear deformation or kinking at the ends of conduit ,
face. cushioning must be provided between the leads and
Many specifications require that instrument conduit at the exit points. Rubber hose, such as
leads are installed in a meander from one side of the automobile radiator hose or thick-walled garden
trench to the other to create slack, but thls arrange- hose, can be used, or the space can be packed with
ment appears to be of marginal value. It cannot pro- burlap or soft rags. Where leads emerge from verti-
vide slack to accommodate tensile strain along the cal boreholes to pass horizontally within fill or at
leads , because any such benefit assumes that leads the bottom of fill , there is generally a concern for
can move laterally with respect to the fill surround- shearing at the top of the boreholes. lf condwt is not
ing them. Perhaps some benefit is gained when de- used, the leads should be cushioned with screened
formation occurs transverse to the leads, particu- sand and routed along a curve as shown in Figure
larly during compaction , but a better solution 17 .12a. If leads emerge from a vertical borehole and
appears to be selection of leads that can accommo- enter pipe conduit, the conduit should be anchored
date deformation and use of condwt where possi- to the borehole by attaching a long-radius elbow
ble. and short length of pipe and inserting the short
Special arrangements must be made for tubes length down the borehole, as shown in Figure
and cables where they emerge from the ends of con- 17.12b.

17.6.4. Vertical Tubes and Cables When embedded components that terminate at
the ground surface are subject to damage by con-
The guidelines on routing, splices, and identifica-
struction activities, special precautions must be
tion tags given above for horizontal leads apply also
taken . For example, inclinometer casings and probe
to vertical leads. However, vertical runs of tubes
extensometers will often require protective bar-
and cables should be avoided wherever possible:
ricades, marked clearly to warn operators of con-
they are a nuisance to construction , are liable to be
struction equipment. When vandalism is the over-
damaged, and impede the quality of compaction.
riding issue, terminals should if possible be buried
Vertical runs have sometimes been protected within
and made unobtrusive, since a strong protective
a vertical pipe, leaving the pipe in place and without
box often encourages a vandal to look for a stronger
backfilling inside the pipe , but this practice runs the
vandal. Burying of course necessitates a foolproof
risk of damaging leads at the point of entry or exit
method of locating the terminal. It is hoped that
and is usually unsatisfactory. When vertical runs
readers of this book will not endure the embarrass-
cannot be avoided, they should be kept to a
ment of the author, who on one occasion buried
minimum. Protection options include surrounding
terminals to instruments installed in a city suburb
the run with suitably graded material or installing
prior to construction of a tunnel and located them
within telescoping pipe fitted with large-radius 90
with respect to nearby buildings. The project was
degree elbows at top and bottom.
delayed , urban renewal took place , and when the
project was reactivated extensive digging was re-
17.7. INSTALLATION IN UNDERGROUND quired before the terminals were found!
EXCAVATIONS All vertical pipes should be provided with a cap
to prevent intrusion of debris. Where construction
When instruments are installed within underground activities might damage the tops of vertical pipes or
excavations , additional constraints often exist, and where vandals might block pipes by dropping
cooperation with the construction contractor is es- stones, a removable plug should be installed at an
sential . The contractor's primary objectives will appropriate depth. A suitable plug is shown in Fig-
usually be to excavate soil or rock and to install ure 17.13. The plug is attached to an insertion tool
support . Interruptions for installation of instru- consisting of two concentric pipes , the inner pip~
ments can delay an entire construction cycle, and connecting to the left-hand thread on the plug, the
installation plans must be coordinated with the con- outer pipe terminating in a socket wrench to fit the
tractor well ahead of installation dates. Guidelines hexagonal nut. Each pipe has a tee handle on
on coordination are given in Section 17. 12. the upper end. The plug and tool are inserted within
Special attention must be given to the provision
of any necessary platforms to support installation
equipment and personnel and to the movement of
installation equipment such as drill rigs. Whenever Stainless steel bolt
possible, any required boreholes should be drilled
with equipment that is used for other construction
activities. Special care must be taken to protect in-
struments from damage, following the guidelines
given in Sections 17.4 and 17 .8.

Soft rubber Teflon, brass, or

17.8. PROTECTION FROM DAMAGE washer stainless steel

Various procedures for minimizing damage to sur-

face and downhole components, to pipes, tubes,
and cables installed in fill , and to instruments in-
stalled in underground excavations have been de-
scribed in the previous sections. Some additional
guidelines can be given to minimize the chance of Figure 17.13. Removable plug for vertical pipe (courtesy of Syn-
damage . crude Canada Ltd, Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada).

the pipe, the plug held in place with the inner pipe If more or less backfill than normal is used in a
and set by turning the outer pipe clockwise, the borehole installation, this fact may be evidence that
insertion tool removed, and the depth of the plug is helpful when evaluating data. If an instrument is
recorded. Plug removal follows the reverse pro- installed in adverse weather conditions, less re-
cedure. liance on data may be justified.
Protection from damage by the environment Installation record sheets should include a record
should consider all the factors listed in Table 4.4. Of of appropriate items from the following list:
particular relevance to terminals are corrosion, wa-
ter, temperature extremes, ice, shock, dust, dirt, • Project name.
mud, chemical precipitates, humidity, and loss of • Instrument type and number, including readout
accessibility. Piezometer tubes and electrical cables unit.
have occasionally been eaten by rodents, who ap- • Planned location in plan and elevation.
parently have a taste for plastic. When appropriate,
• Planned orientation.
protection from this hazard should be provided by
use of metal conduit. All relevant environmental • Planned lengths, widths, diameters, depths,
factors must be addressed on a case-by-case basis. and volumes of backfill.
• Personnel responsible for installation.
• Plant and equipment used, including diameter
17.9. ACCEPTANCE TESTS and depth of any drill casing used.
• Date and time of start and completion.
Acceptance tests should always be performed to • Spaces for necessary measurements or read-
ensure, to the extent practicable, that installations ings required during installation to ensure that
have been completed satisfactorily. For example, all previous steps have been followed cor-
permeability tests can be made in twin-tube hy- rectly, including acceptance tests.
draulic piezometers, groove tracking tests and
• A log of appropriate subsurface data.
spiral survey measurements can be made in in-
clinometer casings, and rod sliding tests can be • Type of backfill used.
made in fixed borehole extensometers equipped • As-built location in plan and elevation.
with a disconnect between rod and anchor. Re- • As-built orientation.
peatability of readings can also provide acceptabil- • As-built lengths, widths, diameters, depths,
ity criteria: a minimum of three sets of instrument and volumes of backfill.
readings can be made, repeatability examined, and • Weather conditions.
an evaluation made of whether data are within ex-
• A space for notes, including problems encoun-
pected tolerances.
tered, delays, unusual features of the installa-
tion, and any events that may have a bearing on
instrument behavior.

As discussed in Chapter 4, "installation record

sheets'' should be prepared during the planning 17.11. INSTALLATION SCHEDULE
phase. These records serve two purposes. First,
when installation personnel are required to enter A deadline should be determined before which each
data in blank spaces on a field form, they are more instrument must be installed. The deadlines will be
likely to follow the installation procedure with care. based on the need to establish preconstruction con-
Second, "as-built" data are required both for rec- ditions, construction activity, availability of instal-
ord purposes and for use during evaluation of data. lation personnel, instrument delivery dates, and
A major task during evaluation of data is develop- other relevant factors.
ment of a relationship between measurements and Instruments should be installed as early as possi-
causes, and details of installation may be one of ble to provide vital initial readings for establishing
those causes. For example, if installation personnel reliable base conditions. Unfortunately, this re-
are unable to set a borehole extensometer anchor quirement is often not fulfilled, and important
correctly, this fact may explain later measurements. baseline data are not obtained. Early installation

will also provide information on faulty instruments 17.13. FIELD WORK

so that they can be repaired or replaced before con-
struction begins. If the guidelines provided in this chapter have been
In cases where an instrument is required to moni- followed, intensive planning will have been com-
tor long-term performance but not required during pleted before field work is started. Decisions will
construction, it may be possible and expedient to have been made on contractual arrangements for
install the instrument in a borehole after construc- installing instruments, locations of instruments, and
tion is complete, thereby reducing interference to installation schedules. Detailed installation proce-
construction and the chance of damage to the in- dures will have been planned, and they will have
strument. been coordinated with all parties involved.
Despite such intensive planning, surprises are
the norm rather than the exception, and field per-
sonnel must make a special effort to complete each
17.12. COORDINATION OF INSTALLATION installation satisfactorily. Chapter 6 indicates that
PLANS the basic requirements for field instrumentation per-
sonnel are reliability and patience, perseverence, a
Detailed planning for installation should be coor- background in the fundamentals of geotechnical en-
dinated among all parties involved, including the gineering, mechanical and electrical ability, atten-
instrument supplier, owner's personnel, and the tion to detail, and a high degree of motivation. If
construction contractor. Arrangements must be installation personnel possess these qualities, they
made to ensure that instruments arrive on time. should be well equipped to solve problems created
When the owner's personnel are responsible for by surprises.
installation, a cooperative working relationship Before starting installation work, field personnel
with the construction contractor is essential, and should study and understand the detailed installa-
the owner's field personnel should make a special tion procedure. They should be aware that the in-
effort to establish a cooperative relationship. The strument may not serve its purpose if a single essen-
best way of establishing such a relationship is for tial but apparently minor requirement is overlooked
instrumentation personnel to initiate thorough com- during the installation. A complete check should be
munication with all levels of the contractor's per- made to ensure that all listed materials and equip-
sonnel several weeks or months before the start of ment are either on hand or readily available, and all
installation work. The instrumentation personnel components should be identified.
should meet with the contractor's engineers and A few golden rules apply to field work. The first
supervisors to explain what will be done, why it rules apply to care of hardware. All instruments and
must be done, and what will be required of the con- components should be stored and protected prior to
tractor. They should discuss access for installation installation. They should be handled carefully.
and prepare sketches of detailed installation ar- Cables and tubes can readily be damaged by nick-
rangements, linked to the contractor's actual ing, bending, or twisting, and they should always be
method of construction, to forewarn the contractor removed from a spool by rotating the spool. Com-
of the impact on normal construction work. They ponents should be kept as clean as possible, and
should provide lists of materials that will be re- ends of tubing and pipe, connectors, and threads
quired for support work and be willing to tailor should be covered with protective material or
their installation plans to create minimum interfer- placed on clean above-ground surfaces. Adequate
ence to the contractor's work. In short, mutual re- cleaning materials should be on hand. Second,
spect can usually be established by thorough com- when installing instruments in boreholes, listen to
munication, dispelling the adversary relationship the advice of the driller. Experience with drilling
that sometimes arises between architect-engineers can often contribute more to the success of a
and construction contractors. Having established borehole installation than a university degree.
this respect, instrumentation personnel should Third, if problems arise while installing downhole
maintain the contractor's respect by performing components and if there is any possibility of col-
top-quality work, by being responsive to the effects lapse of the borehole or of premature setting of
of the program on the contractor, and by working grout, act fast and discuss later: if in doubt, pull it
with the contractor to minimize any adverse effects. out. Fourth, remember that Murphy's law was writ-

ten especially for installation of geotechnical instru- • Appropriate surface and subsurface strati-
ments. graphic and geotechnical data.
• Descriptions of instruments and readout units,
including manufacturer's literature and per-
17.14. INSTALLATION REPORT formance specifications (photographs are often
On completion of installation, an installation report • Details of calibration procedures.
will usually be required to provide a convenient
• Details of installation procedures (photographs
summary of information needed by personnel re-
are often helpful).
sponsible for data collection, processing, presenta-
tion, and interpretation. The installation report • Initial readings.
should contain at least the following information: • A copy of each installation record sheet.

• Plans and sections sufficient to show instru-

ment numbers and locations.


Chapter 4 indicates that data collection, processing, phase and should preferably be under the direct
presentation, interpretation, and reporting proce- control of the owner or instrumentation specialists
dures should be planned before instrumentation selected by the owner. The construction contractor
work commences in the field. This chapter provides may be responsible for support work, such as provi-
guidelines on planning and execution. sion of access to instrumentation locations, and will
A detailed draft of procedures should be pre- sometimes be responsible for optical survey work
pared during the planning phase and finalized after associated with data collection.
instruments have been installed, by which time re-
sponsible personnel are more familiar with opera-
18.1.1. Personnel Qualifications and
tion of instruments and specific site considerations.
Chapter 5 includes a listing of data collection, pro-
cessing, presentation, and interpretation informa- Data are normally collected by technicians or junior
tion that should be included in a comprehensive in- engineers, under the supervision of a more experi-
struction manual, but users should recognize that, enced geotechnical engineer. Qualifications of data
although manufacturers can provide some basic in- collection personnel should be similar to those of
formation, they are usually not familiar with spe- installation personnel: reliability, mechanical and
cific site conditions. Users must therefore prepare electrical ability, computational skill, attention to
their own procedures. detail, a background in the fundamentals of geo-
technical engineering, and a high degree of moti-
18.1. COLLECTION OF INSTRUMENTATION Data collection personnel should work as a team,
DATA the division of responsibilities depending on their
individual capabilities and on project requirements.
Responsibility for collection of instrumentation Technicians and junior engineers should be en-
data will have been determined during the planning couraged to take an interest in the instrumentation

program and be given as much responsibility as sponsibilities listed in Tables 18.1 and 18.2, but it
they can handle, thereby creating a sense of in- serves a different purpose.
volvement and motivation and permitting the more
experienced engineer to concentrate on aspects that • Needs and procedures for coordinating with
require mature engineering capability. other parties for access and other support
Typical personnel responsibilities are given in work.
Tables 18.1 and 18.2, so that data collection person-
• Step-by-step procedure for equipment set-up
nel can be aware of the full scope of their tasks.
and tum-on.
These responsibilities are listed as if data are to be
collected manually. When automatic data acquisi- • Step-by-step procedure for taking readings,
tion systems are used, some of the tasks will be with appropriate illustrations, including a list of
handled automatically. equipment and tools required during reading
and cautions pertaining to personnel and equip-
ment. (It is often advisable to read each instru-
18.1.2. Role of Automatic Data Acquisition ment more than once and to use judgment in
Systems selecting the most appropriate value. Use of
Chapter 8 includes a description of automatic data the same data collection personnel for all mea-
acquisition and communication systems and a dis- surements throughout a particular project is
cussion of suitability for monitoring various trans- highly desirable. Interchange of readout units
ducers. This section is confined to a discussion of should be avoided whenever possible, because
advantages and limitations of automatic systems. readings are often dependent on the particular
Until a few years ago, almost all data were re- transducer and readout unit combination.)
corded by hand: the long way. The advent of auto- • Special procedures for taking initial readings.
matic data acquisition systems has changed the • Guidelines on reading frequency.
state of the practice, for better and for worse, and • Any required instructions for reading two or
users should be aware of the limitations as well as more instruments concurrently, so that data
the advantages of these systems. No automatic sys- can be correlated on a common time basis.
tem can replace engineering judgment. These re- • Guidelines on handling readout units, as given
marks should not be taken as a vote against the use in Section 8.4.17.
of automatic data acquisition systems, but as a plea
• Field data record.
for an honest appraisal of their suitability before
they are selected. Advantages and limitations of • Sample completed field data record.
automatic data acquisition systems are given in • Guidelines to enable data collection personnel
Table 18.3. to answer the question, Is the instrument func-
The guidelines in the remainder of Section 18.1 tioning correctly? (Procedures for ensuring
are written as if data are to be collected manually reading correctness are discussed in Chapter 4
because, when data are collected automatically, the and include visual observations, duplicate in-
goals are the same. When planning to use automatic struments, a backup system, regular in-place
data acquisition systems, users are encouraged to calibration checks, consistency between two or
study these guidelines and to ensure that an essen- more measured parameters, and data re-
tial need is not forgotten. peatability.)
• Procedure for comparing the latest readings
with the previous readings, so that any signifi-
18.1.3. Written Procedure for Data Collection
cant changes can be identified immediately. (If
The experienced geotechnical engineer responsible data are recorded automatically, a comparison
for data collection should finalize the draft proce- step should be programmed into the system.
dure that has been written during the planning When manual recording and field data sheets
phase. The detailed written procedure will be based are used, the previous set of readings should be
on information provided in the manufacturer's in- taken to the field, either by copying the previ-
struction manual and on specific site conditions and ous field data sheets or by transcribing key data
will include the items in the following list. It will be to a column on the new data sheets. Originals
seen that this list has many similarities to the re- of previous data sheets should not be taken into

Table 18.1. Typical Responsibilities of the Experienced Table 18.2. Typical Responsibilities of Technicians and
Geotechnical Engineer Junior Engineers
Phase of Work Responsibility Phase of Work Responsibility
Before and dur- Coordinating with and ensuring the Before collection Understanding why the instru-
ing collection cooperation of all parties of field data ments are necessary, how they
of field data Training and supervising techni- work, and what parameters are
cians or junior engineers and as- being measured
sisting them whenever they have Understanding the project con-
questions or concerns struction procedure
Before collection Familiarity with the planning of the During collection Consciousness of safety consideFa-
of field data monitoring program, as de- of field data tions
scribed in Chapter 4 Reading instruments and recording
Familiarity with the project con- data on field data records
struction procedure Comparing the latest readings with
Familiarity with the calibration and the previous readings
maintenance requirements de- Ability to answer the question, Is
scribed in Chapter 16 the instrument functioning cor-
Familiarity with details of instru- rectly?
ment installation, including the Alerting the experienced geotech-
installation record sheets and in- nical engineer when magnitudes
stallation report, as described in of data change exceed predeter-
Chapter 17 mined critical magnitudes
Familiarity with the general re- Calibrations during service life and
quirements for data collection, maintenance of readout units,
as described in this chapter field terminals, and embedded
Preparing the final version of de- components, as described in
tailed data collection procedures Chapter 16
Establishing and updating data col- Being on the lookout for damage,
lection schedules potential for damage, and deteri-
Conveying, to technicians or junior oration or malfunction of instru-
engineers, hazard warning levels ments and initiating preventative
and other critical measurements action or repair or replacement
that should be brought to the im- without delay
mediate attention of the experi- Verifying that sufficient spare
enced engineer parts, including spare readout
units, are always on hand or
During collection Reviewing data readily available
of field data Advising the owner, the design
consultant, or the construction
contractor of any condition re-
quiring their attention
Communicating with personnel re-
sponsible for data processing, the field. When data are recorded manually in a
presentation, and interpretation field book, previous data are in the book.)
Recording all factors that may in- • Procedure for alerting the experienced geo-
fluence measured data 0 technical engineer when magnitudes of data
Making visual observations of be-
havior, for correlation with in-
change exceed predetermined critical values
strumentation dataa and for advising the owner, the design consul-
tant, or the construction contractor of any con-
a Iftechnicians or junior engineers have sufficient ability· and dition requiring their attention.
motivation, they can handle the last two responsibilities, under
the close supervision of the experienced geotechnical engineer. • Procedure for recording all factors that may in-
fluence measured data, including construction
details and progress, geology and other subsur-
face conditions, and environmental factors

Table 18.3. Advantages and Limitations of Automatic such as temperature, rainfall, snow, sun, and
Data Acquisition Systems shade.
Advantages Limitations • Procedure for making visual observations of
behavior for correlation with instrumentation
Reduced personnel costs Replacement of a knowl-
for reading instruments edgeable observer by an data. (Special care should be taken to continue
and analyzing data item of hardware (there making visual observations during periods
More frequent readings is a real possibility that when instruments are read infrequently, so that
Retrieval of data from re- visual observations will any signs of adverse behavior are identified and
mote or inaccessible lo- not be made, that other a more intensive reading schedule resumed.)
cations factors influencing mea- • Procedure for inspecting for damage, potential
Instantaneous transmittal sured data will not be for damage, and deterioration or malfunction of
of data over long dis- recorded, and that instruments and for initiating preventative ac-
tances, using telemetry causal information will
tion or repair or replacement.
Increased reading sensitiv- therefore not be avail-
ity and accuracy able) • Procedure for calibrations during service life
Increased flexibility in Possibility of generating and for maintenance of readout units, field ter-
selecting required data an excess of data, en- minals, and embedded components.
Measurement of rapid couraging a "file and • Procedure for communicating with personnel
fluctuations, pulsations, forget" attitude, and responsible for data processing, presentation,
and vibrations therefore failing to take and interpretation.
Recording errors are timely action in re-
fewer and immediately sponse to data 18.1.4. Field Data Records
recognizable Possibility of blind accep-
Electronic data storage is tance of data, which When data are collected manually, field data rec-
in a format suitable for may or may not be cor- ords are required. Readings can be recorded either
direct computer analysis rect (garbage in, gar- in a field book or on field data sheets.
and printout bage out) Field books contain previous readings and there-
High initial cost and often fore facilitate immediate comparisons. They are
high maintenance cost easier to handle and to keep dry than field data
Currently, often requires
some custom designed sheets, but loss of a field book can be a serious
components that are un- issue. The author prefers the use of field data
proven sheets, specially prepared for each project and in-
Complexity, requiring an strument.
initial "debugging" pe- Field data sheets should include project name
riod and instrument type, and spaces are required for
Need for regular field date, time, observer, readout unit number, instru-
checks and maintenance ment number, readings, remarks, data correctness
by specialized personnel checks, visual observations, and other causal data
Need for backup manual including weather, temperature, and construction
recording arrangements activities. Data collection personnel are less likely
Need for a reliable and
continuous source of to write down all these important factors when en-
power tering data on a blank page in a field book. The need
Susceptibility to damage for comparing readings immediately with the previ-
caused by weather con- ous set of readings is handled by taking a copy of
ditions and construction previous readings into the field or by transcribing
activity key data to a column on the new data sheets. Spe-
cial paper, available from suppliers of weatherproof
field books, can be used to allow writing in wet
conditions. One or more field data sheets will be
used for each date, with later transcription of data
to one calculation sheet for each instrument. Raw
data should be copied and the copy and original
stored in separate safe places to guard against loss.



Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Observer-------------
Readout Unit No. - - - - - - - - - Air Temperature _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Readings (lb/in. 2 )
Number Time Individual Best Remarks

Additional Remarks (Data correctness checks, visual observations, causal data, weather, construction activities. Con-
tinue on back of sheet if necessary.)

Figure 18.1. Typical field data sheet for pneumatic piezometers.

Figure 18.1 shows a typical field data sheet for a and lowest values until only one central reading re-
pneumatic piezometer, assuming that a copy of pre- mains, this being the median. If two readings re-
vious data will be taken to the field. Space is pro- main (as is the case for an even number of read-
vided for four individual readings, so that data cor- ings), the average of these two is taken as the
rectness can be judged on the basis of repeatability median value. A space is also provided for air tem-
and a judgmental best reading entered. The best perature, because pneumatic readout units can be
reading can be an average or can be a median value. sensitive to temperature, and on occasion a column
The median value is obtained by deleting highest for air temperature may be appropriate. If there is a


DMe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Extensometer No. - - - - - - - - -
Readout Unit N o . - - - - - - - - - Start Time - - - - - - - - - - - -
Survey Tape No. - - - - - - - - - - Finish Time _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Tape Reading (ft)
No. Individual Best Remarks

Additional Remarks (Data correctness checks, visual observations, causal data, weather, construction activities. Con-
tinue on back of sheet if necessary.)

Figure 18.2. Typical field data sheet for a probe extensometer, with deepest measuring point in bedrock.

predominant cause of pore water pressure change, a probe extenso meter, for which a set of data are re-
column may be appropriate for recording those quired rather than a single value, and one full sheet
causal data. For example, if the piezometers are is needed for a single set of readings of one instru-
installed in soft ground beneath an embankment, a ment. In this example the deepest measuring point
column may be appropriate for the current eleva- is always in bedrock. If there is a possibility of set-
tion of the top of the fill. To avoid unnecessary tlement at the deepest measuring point, a space will
writing, it may be convenient to enter instrument be required on the sheet for collar elevation, requir-
numbers on the original of the field data sheet. ing a surveyed elevation of the point on the instru-
Figure 18.2 shows a typical field data sheet for a ment terminal at which survey tape readings are

made. Again, it is assumed that a copy of previous then be taken until data are stable, at which time the
data will be taken to the field. Space is provided for formal initial readings should be made. Initial
three individual readings, but the third set is neces- values should be based on a minimum of two read-
sary only if significant differences occur between ings, and repeatability between these readings
the first two sets. The sheet should be designed for should satisfy the expected tolerance. If the toler-
the largest number of measuring points at an indi- ance is exceeded, the transducer or readout unit
vidual instrument, in this case eight. may be faulty, installation may be faulty, real
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Bartholomew changes may be occurring, or stabilization may not
et al., 1987; Carpenter, 1984b) has pioneered use of be complete. The cause must be evaluated and the
hand-held field data entry devices to replace field problem remedied. Mter the formal initial readings
data sheets. A bar-coded tag is attached to the field have been taken, daily readings should be con-
terminal for each instrument, containing the project tinued for a few days to ensure that data are indeed
name and instrument number. The tag is read using stable.
an optical reader pen attached to the data entry de- In summary, the goal for the initial reading pro-
vice. The device is programmed in a question and cess includes four steps: acceptance tests, daily
answer mode to prompt data collection personnel readings until stable, formal initial readings, and
on what entry is expected, and previous readings daily readings to verify stability.
are stored in the device so that new data can be Readings are often dependent on the particular
compared immediately with previous data. When transducer and readout unit combination, and inter-
all field data are entered, the device is taken to a change of readout units should therefore be avoided
telephone or computer terminal where it transmits whenever possible. When a spare readout unit has
the data to a file at a central computer. Data pro- been procured, for use if the primary unit malfunc-
cessing personnel then access the file, add it to the tions, or when there is a possibility of interchanging
project data base, and process the data by com- units, initial readings should be made with each
puter. Simpler devices are also available, without unit. When an interchange occurs and this has not
the bar-coded tag, such as are used by electric and been done, formal "initial readings" must be taken
gas meter readers. with the replacement unit, and for data continuity it
must be assumed that either there has been no
change since the previous reliable reading or data
18.1.5. Initial Readings
have changed in accordance with an established
Most instrumentation data are referenced to initial trend.
data, and engineering judgments are usually based To avoid the possibility of disputed measure-
on changes rather than on absolute values. Correct ments of change, the contractor and owner's repre-
initial readings are therefore essential. sentative should jointly make initial readings and
Many instruments, including instruments in- agree on appropriate values.
stalled in boreholes and many types of strain gage,
take a few days to stabilize after installation. Instru-
18.1.6. Data Collection Frequency
ments should therefore be installed as early as pos-
sible, before they are affected by construction ac- The frequency of data collection should be related
tivities, and initial readings taken after stabilization. to construction activity, to the rate at which the
The following guidelines are given as a goal when readings are changing, and to the requirements of
establishing initial readings. The guidelines can usu- data interpretation. Too many readings overload
ally be followed with instruments requiring a single the processing and interpretation capacity, whereas
· reading, such as strain gages and piezometers. too few may cause important events to be missed
However, for instruments requiring multiple read- and prevent timely actions from being taken. Good
ings, such as probe extensometers and inclinome- judgment in selecting an appropriate frequency is
ters, this goal may be too demanding and should be vital if these extremes are to be avoided.
tempered by considerations of a reasonable level of When construction commences and approaches
effort. the instrumented location, readings should be taken
Typically, a minimum of two readings will be frequently; for example, once a week, once a day,
taken immediately after installation, as part of the once a shift, or even more frequently in relation to
acceptance test (Chapter 17). Daily readings should construction activity (such as before and after each

blast, during pile driving, or during the placement or 18.2.1. Personnel Qualifications
removal of surcharge). It is often wise to increase
Processing and presentation should be under the
the frequency of readings during heavy rainfalls. As
supervision of the experienced geotechnical en-
construction activity moves away from the instru-
gineer who has been responsible for data collection.
ment location or ceases altogether, and when read-
The engineer will be assisted by other engineers or
ings have stabilized and remained constant, the fre-
by technicians, but only those who have computa-
quency may then be decreased.
tional skill and a background in the fundamentals of
Cording et al. (1975) indicate that data collection
geotechnical engineering. Processing and presenta-
needs generally fall into two categories: those that
tion require significant judgments and should not be
are construction dependent and those that are time
delegated to inexperienced personnel.
dependent. A preliminary schedule should be devel-
oped on this basis during the planning phase so that
requirements can be estimated for access and per- 18.2.2. Role of Automatic Data Processing and
sonnel. This preliminary schedule should assume a Presentation
maximum reading frequency, and once construc-
tion has started and procedures are known, a more The advent of automatic data processing and plot-
realistic schedule can be developed. The schedule ting systems has made an enormous increase in the
should be flexible and should be reviewed fre- efficiency of data processing and presentation. De-
quently, in light of observed trends and predicted spite their obvious advantages they have their limi-
behavior. tations, of which users should be fully aware. No
As indicated in Chapter 6, if the construction automatic system can replace engineering judg-
contractor is responsible for data collection under a ment.
unit price contract, there should not be a predeter-
mination of the reading schedule and frequency. Advantages of Automatic Data Processing and
Frequency should be at the discretion of the own- Presentation
er's representative, necessitating a data set or man
hour pay item unit. DiBiagio (1979) lists the following advantages of
automatic data processing and presentation:

• Computers provide for rapid and accurate pro-

18.2. PROCESSING AND PRESENTATION OF cessing of data, providing the programs are avail-
INSTRUMENTATION DATA able and thoroughly tested.
• Once data are stored in a form that is readily ac-
The first aim of data processing and presentation is cessible by a computer, it is a relatively simple
to provide a rapid assessment of data in order to task to reprocess batches of data if changes in
detect changes that require immediate action. The processing or computational procedures are de-
second aim is to summarize and present the data in
order to show trends and to compare observed with • Computers can be used to generate summary ta-
bles or results for direct use in reports. Thus, the
predicted behavior so that any necessary action can
costly and time consuming task of hand typing
be initiated. and proofreading tables is avoided.
Responsibility for processing and presentation of
• Curves or other forms of graphical representation
instrumentation data will have been determined of data can be generated automatically by the
during the planning phase and should preferably be computer. Very little effort is required, for ex-
under the direct control of the owner or instrumen- ample, to change scales or replot data. This is
tation specialists selected by the owner. Personnel often necessary in reporting data obtained from
requirements for these tasks are frequently under- instrumentation projects, in particular when they
estimated, resulting in the accumulation of unpro- extend over a long period of time.
cessed data and failure to take appropriate action. • Highly skilled personnel are not required to ad-
The time required for data processing and presenta- minister routine computer data processing tasks.
tion is usually similar to, and may even exceed, the • Computers or microprocessors can be used to
time required to collect data. scale signals or to perform computations on input

data in real time if immediate access to results is a The author believes that when automatic data pro-
requirement. cessing procedures are used they should be de-
• On projects involving large amounts of data [such signed so that the product is never inferior to the
as offshore structures] computers may be used product of thorough and judgmental manual data
advantageously to perform a running statistical processing. With this in mind , the remaining sub-
analysis of recorded data, to produce separate sections of Section 18.2 are written as if data are
records of compact statistical data. Analysis of processed manually. This should not be taken as a
reduced data of this kind is useful as a first step in
vote against the use of automatic data processing,
planning subsequent data processing and analysis
procedures to be used on the bulk of the recorded
but merely as a way to define a quality standard to
data. be used as a model when developing detailed
manual or automatic data processing for a particular
Disadvantages of Automatic Data Processing and Figures 18.3- 18.5 show examples of data plots
Presentation prepared by automatic systems during construction
of the Mt. Baker Ridge Tunnel in Seattle.
Disadvantages of automatic data processing and Bartholomew et al. (1987) provide guidelines on
presentation include the foUowing: automatic processing of data for embankment dam

• Replacement of a knowledgeable engineer by

an item of hardware. There is a real possibility 18.2.3. Written Procedure for Data Processing and
that engineering judgment will be given second Presentation
place , that correlations will not be made with The geotechnical engineer responsible for data pro-
visual observations and with factors that in- cessing and presentation should finalize the draft
fluence measured data. procedure that has been written during the planning
• Computer programs must be thoroughly tested phase. The detailed written procedure will be based
before they are accepted. Whenever possible, on information provided in the manufacturer's in-
self-checks should be built into computer pro- struction manual and on specific site conditions and
grams. will include the following:

(J) -1
,..: -3
w -4
After Drift 1
Alter Drift 7 24
-5 -·-
- 0-
After Drift 13
After Drift 19
22 20

-.:.- After Drift 24 15 14

(J) -6
13 12
- ...- After Bench 5
0 25 50
6 L........,d

Figure 18.3. Typical plot of surface settlement data, prepared using Apple Macintosh 5 12k personal
computer. Mt. Baker Ridge Tunnel, Seattle, WA (courtesy of Shannon & Wilson, Inc., Seattle, WA).

WEST Deflection, inches ERST

·-3.llll -2.51l -2.llJl -l.Sll -l.llll -.Sll ll.llll ll.Sll l.llll l.Sll 2.llll 2.5ll 3.llll
.,; I . 0

""" \• t
••~" ••
•••• • "" *"x
•••• •• /.,

• " " *•• 1 B

. ..." """ *** ~¢ r.,

·~," *kk
'*I k ~
·~ ... ** ~
:k It
tio ~ It
'],j, ~k ~
tn Drift 2'1
"' '~
lSI ~ ~
lSI ~ k-~
"' ~

i,; k ~
S\Jmbol Set Date :!! ~~: Symbol Excavation _Qlli_
·····•···· 7
94+93 Dl
1ll3+91 07
.. d
t ··+··· Drift 1 10/13/83
··--A--- 4ll 91+32 Ol4 1ll-29-84 ----M--- Drift 7 6/26/84
·-A-- 43 94+97 019 ll2-19-85 :: t ---o--- Drift 13 10/29/84
··-A-- 54 lll3+68 024 ll7-23-85 •• It ---o---
------ . 61 lllll+75 B-5 ll3-ll-86
~n ---6---
Drift 19 2/15/85
Drift 24 7/23/85
"" t
---!1--- Bench 1 3/11/86
lSI '"'*It
lSI 'tJ
I Drift 1


Figure 18.4. Typical plot of inclinometer data, prepared using Digital Equipment Corporation PDP 111
34 computer and Houston Instruments DMP 29 X-Y plotler. Mt. Baker Ridge Tunnel, Seattle, WA
(courtesy of Shannon & Wilson, Inc., Seatlle, WA).

• List of information that should be provided by • Procedures for data screening.

data collection personnel, including initial • Data calculation sheet.
readings, field data records, information on • Step-by-step calculation procedure.
reading correctness, information on factors
• Sample data calculation.
that may influence measured data, and visual
observations of behavior. • Methods of plotting data.
• Sample data plots.
• Factory calibrations, results of acceptance • Procedure for advising the owner, the design
tests, and procedure for updating calibration
consultant, or the construction contractor of
data in accordance with calibrations made dur- any conditions requiring their attention.
ing service life.
• Procedure for communicating with personnel
• Use of automatic data processing procedures. responsible for interpretation of data.

1983 1984 1985 1986


w Symbol lnclin. Distance from
J: 2.00
u No. Centerline

1.75 • IF-1 36ft South
0 0 IF-3 17ft South
i= 1.50
u IF-5 0 ft South
1.25 ·;··;·--;--·; o IF-7 17ft North :··;···;··;··;·;rf/;~··;··/~·~·~•:• ;··;·· :··;·~:_::.t,·.;_:_:_:;.:.;··;··;··
w ;: :: ;: :: .t. IF-9 37ft North
;: :: ;: :: ·:o :·' :
0 • : •

:;: ;......:-.t.-t" : . : : : : :
;...t.-.t.•.t.: · : : : : : · : : :
<1: 0.75
C/) 0.50
s: 0.25
, ~~~ofoi:•' . , ;t;'li~~·£:=~'~-. . . . . , , . , . , . , , , , , , , . , . , . , , , , ,

10 12 14 16 18 20 22


11 13 15 17 19 21 23 81 82 84

lollt------DRIFT NO.------t~~~.....I-BENCH N0.--1

Figure 18.5. Typical plot of inclinometer data, prepared using Apple Macintosh 512k personal com-
puter. Mt. Baker Ridge Tunnel, Seattle, WA (courtesy of Shannon & Wilson, Inc., Seattle, WA).

18.2.4. Screening of Data tional screening is possible by evaluating plots of

raw data or computer-generated tabulations de-
Data are usually screened, in two steps, prior to
signed specifically for screening purposes, as dis-
data calculation and plotting.
cussed in Section 18.2.6.
The first data screening step is made in the field
by data collection personnel when they examine
reading correctness, by using one or more of the
following procedures: visual observations, dupli-
18.2.5. Calculations
cate instruments, a backup system, regular in-place
calibration checks, consistency between two or After data that appear false are discarded, raw read-
more measured parameters, and data repeatability. ings are transcribed from field data records to calcu-
After this step, an assessment of data can be made in lation sheets for conversion to engineering units.
order to detect changes requiring immediate action. Usually this task should be accomplished within 24
The second data screening step is made in the hours of data collection and should be followed im-
office by data processing personnel and entails mediately by updating routine plots of data versus
scrutinizing the field data, marking any obvious er- time.
rors on the field data records, and reviewing the Calculation sheets should be made specially for
evaluations of data correctness made earlier in the each project and instrument type, to record project
field. When obvious errors are found, repeat read- name, instrument type and number, date and time
ings will usually be required. On occasion, addi- of readings, initials of persons making and checking



Piezometer No. - - - - - - - - - - Initial Piezometric Elev. _ _ _ _ _ _ ft.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Piezo- Elev. Piezo-

Date Best metric of metric
& Reading Head (ft) Piez. Elev. (ft) Cales. by,
Time (lb/in. 2) (2) X 2.31 (ft) (3) + (4) Checked by Remarks

Figure 18.6. Typical calculation sheet for a pneumatic piezometer.

calculations, readings transcribed from field data in Figure 18.2. In this case a full calculation sheet is
record, equations used for calculations (including required for each set of data. The survey tape con-
any calibration or correction factors), and any re- stant is the distance between the sensing point in
marks. Numbering the columns and using these the probe and the zero on the survey tape. The
numbers in defining each calculation step at the elevation of the bottom measuring point is deter-
head of subsequent columns can be helpful. mined when initial readings are made and will not
Figure 18.6 shows a typical calculation sheet for change, because in this example the deepest
a pneumatic piezometer. The initial piezometric ele- measuring point is in bedrock. Spaces (3), (5), and
vation is included so that a comparison can be made (6) are completed by transcription from the field
with subsequent values. The first two columns are data sheet. The collar is the point on the instrument
transcribed from the field data sheet (Figure 18.1). terminal at which survey tape readings are made.
The third column is for a change of units from pres- The collar is settling, and data must be referenced
sure to head and can include any instrument calibra- to the fixed bottom measuring point by calculating
tion factor. The fourth column is required so that as shown on the sheet. The calculated settlement
head can be converted to elevation. The elevation for the bottom measuring point should of course be
must be either estimated or measured at a nearby zero. Settlement will usually be plotted against
settlement gage. The fifth column of data will be time, and the plot for each measuring point will be
plotted against time. The remarks column will in- labeled with the initial elevation of the measuring
clude key items transcribed from the field data sheet point. If there is no interest in elevation data and if
and may also include remarks on reading repeatability. the same survey tape is always used, the calcula-
Figure 18.7 shows a calculation sheet for a probe tions can be simplified by omitting the survey tape
extensometer, compatible with the field data sheet constant and revising the calculation sheet.



Extensometer No. Date _ _ _ _ __ Survey Tape Con st. _ _ _ _ _ _ ft (I)

Elev. at Bottom Measuring Point ft (2)
"Best" Tape Reading for Bottom Measuring Point _ _ _ _ _ _ ft (3)
Collar Elev. ft (4)[(1) + (2) + (3)] Cales. by _ _ _ _ __ Checked by _ _ _ _ __

(5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 00)

Depth Meas. Initial

Best Below Point Meas.
Meas. Tape Collar Elev. Point Settlement
Point Reading (ft) (ft) Elev. (ft)
No. (ft) (6) + (1) (4)- (7) (ft) (9)- (8) Remarks

Figure 18.7. Typical calculation sheet for a probe extensometer, with deepest measuring point in bedrock.

18.2.6. Plots of Data quality can be improved further by plotting raw

readings or by generating computerized tabulations
After calculations have been made, plots of data
designed specifically for screening purposes and ex-
should always be prepared. Some engineers and
ercising engineering judgment. Two prerequisites
geologists struggle to interpret data that is pre-
are needed on these occasions: sufficient data for
sented on field data records or calculation sheets,
use as input to the screening process and the exis-
but the human eye and brain are not able to do this
tence of a known truth about performance, for use
efficiently. Prepare a plot and all becomes clear!
as a basis when judging data. An example will illus-
Various types of plot play a role in the data pro-
trate the procedure.
cessing, presentation, and evaluation process.
A probe extensometer has been installed verti-
Some are described in the following subsections,
cally in an alluvial deposit. The first stage of an
and examples are given. The examples are inten-
embankment has been placed on the deposit, and
tionally simplistic, because their purpose is to show
probe extensometer readings are being used to eval-
concepts rather than actual data.
uate the progress of consolidation settlements dur-
ing a 1 month waiting period. The designers are
Plots to Assist with Data Screening
analyzing vertical compression, within the deposit,
As indicated in Section 18.2.4, data are screened in horizontal slices defined by known stratigraphic
both in the field and in the office. On occasion, data boundaries. Measuring points for the probe exten-

. T I I
time plots. These plots will be used by data collec-

~ . MTeasunng
. Tpomt
. # 1 h1ghest t. ) tion and processing personnel to assist in an assess-
ment of data quality and to show data trends and
will be used as base material for data interpreta-
tion. They will be updated whenever new data are
__ __J...._ _...J......_ _ M..._l._su_r_in..::.g..:...p!.._oi_nt_#_____J2I
Plots to Assist with Predictions

.~-en ~:::k+
v :±· !
"' 14.8 .___ ___L_ ___..L_ ___L_ _Measuring puint
__J_._ _......1....
# 3
_ _ __J
Frequently, the routine plots of data versus time are
adequate for predicting future trends. For example,
when monitoring performance of an embankment
on soft ground, plots of pore water pressure versus
;;::~~==-= l
time may be adequate for predicting the length of
I time required for full consolidation to occur. On
r;o 20.6
other occasions, for example, when deformation is
monitored around a tunnel in rock, trends may not
stand out clearly on plots of deformation versus
time, and it is often helpful to plot velocity or even
acceleration versus time. In many cases the veloc-
ity of deformation is much more important than the

---1 I I absolute magnitude, because an increasing velocity
31.7 (acceleration) will generally indicate potential
~ M~asuring ~oint #6 !'lowest)
32.2 0
5 10 15 20 25 30
Time after completion of first stage, days
Figure 18.8. Plot of raw data for probe extensometer, to assist Plots for Comparing Observed and Predicted
with screening. Behavior
When comparison between observed and predicted
someter have been installed at these boundaries. It behavior is part of data interpretation, the two sets
would be possible to process data directly from raw of data should generally be plotted against time and
field data by plotting vertical compression between on the same axes.
each pair of measuring points versus time, but that
procedure would not make use of the following Plots for Comparison of Measurements and
known truth: under constant applied loading condi- Observations
tions, a plot of settlement versus time should follow
Comparisons between two sets of different data of-
a logical pattern; the slope of the plot may change,
ten form part of data interpretation. For example,
but there should be no significant scatter on either
when monitoring both settlement and pore water
side of a smooth plot. This rule applies to all
pressure in soft ground beneath an embankment,
measuring points in the soil profile and allows an
there should be consistency between the two sets of
opportunity to improve d.ata quality by correcting
data, and data can be evaluated by plotting both
for random reading errors. Plots would first be
sets on the same axes. When both a load cell and
made, for each measuring point, of tape reading
hydraulic jack are used to measure load during a
versus time, and logical and smooth lines would
pile load test or tieback proof test, one can be
then be drawn as best fits to the points, as shown in
plotted against the other, or the ratio of the two can
Figure 18.8. These smooth lines would then be
be plotted against the one assumed to be more cor-
used, in preference to the raw data, as a basis for
rect. An example of such a plot, in which the load
analyzing vertical compression,
cell is assumed to be more correct, is given in Fig-
ure 18.9. When visual observations can be quan-
Routine Plots of Data Versus Time
tified, plots can be made to compare observa-
Immediately after converting data from raw read- tions with measurements and used to assist with
ings to engineering units, they should be added to data interpretation.

115 Settlement platforms



-" (.)


100 -~-

(.) 0
c I
:ti 10
-a "'
"'-a 95 -;:;
--' J..
0 50 100 150
Load according to load cell, kips 0
Figure 18.9. Comparison between load cell and hydraulic jack
during proof test of tieback.

E 2

Plots to Examine Cause and Effect Relationships -



Data interpretation nearly always includes a study 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Time, days
of cause and effect relationships. Causal informa-
tion includes construction details and progress, Figure 18.1 0. Plot to examine cause and effect relationships: set-
tlement of soft ground below an embankment.
geology and other subsurface conditions, and envi-
ronmental factors such as temperature, rainfall,
snow, sun, and shade. Major causal information should not contain all the instruments or all the
and visual observations should be added to the data. In most cases, they should consist only of a
routine plots of data versus time, either by noting few selected instruments that show the significant
the occurrence of relevant events or by plotting trends most clearly and enough data points to show
causal data to the same time scale. the trends and any significant fluctuations. The
Figure 18.10 shows plots of fill thickness and set- plots should be arranged to show which factors are
tlement for an embankment on soft ground, indicat- influencing the data trends. In some cases, both the
ing the relationship between cause and effect. predicted behavior and the hazard warning levels
can be included on the plots.
Summary Plots
Guidelines on Plotting
Many of the plots described above may show too
much detail for submittal to senior personnel or for Lambe (1970) discusses portrayal of data:
use in a report, and often simplified summary plots
are required for presentation of data to personnel The proper portrayal of data is now, and always has
been, essential to good soil [and rock] mechanics.
who may not have the time or technical background
Important trends can be completely hidden in
to understand or digest all the measurements. poorly portrayed data. Further, valuable experi-
As an example of a summary plot, deformation mental or theoretical data incorrectly portrayed can
can often be summarized by preparation of a con- be worthless, or even worse, can be misleading.
tour plot on a plan of the deforming area, each con- The engineer needs to recognize that he must aim
tour indicating a different magnitude of deforma- his plots towards the intended use. He might dis-
tion. Such plots are useful, for example, to show play his data one way, if they are to be used by a
deformation of an embankment dam. Alternatively, researcher looking for a specific phenomenon, but
vector plots can be prepared, showing arrows that display them quite differently if he is trying to show
indicate the magnitude and direction of defor- a general trend to a non-technical person.
mation. Several preliminary stages are usually needed to
Cording et al. (1975) suggest that summary plots produce an outstanding plot. To make an outstand-

ing plot, the engineer needs to know what is • All plots should be initialed by the engineer re-
significant about the data, but to determine what is sponsible for their preparation, thereby ensur-
truly significant he needs a good plot! He thus must ing a sense of responsibility.
make a plot, study it for trends, mechanisms, etc.,
• Whenever possible summary plots should be
and after discovering what is the most important
on a single sheet of report-sized paper.
result to be gathered from the plot, finally prepare it
to show very clearly the discovered result. The en-
gineer is not likely to obtain outstanding plots if he Lambe (1970) presents Figure 18.11 to illustrate
does not fully understand his subject. He is usually poor and good plots of the same data. The poor plot
doomed to failure if he depends on a laboratory or is on the left, the good plot on the right. Shortcom-
field technician aided by a draftsman to prepare his ings of the poor plot include lines drawn too lightly,
plots. The engineer is guaranteeing second-rate a poor selection of scales, use of a legend to denote
work if he so delegates this responsibility. Years the large and small footings rather than direct label-
ago, I made an unsuccessful attempt to establish ing, subsoil described in words rather than in a sim-
rules for plotting data. This attempt failed, as one ple sketch, poor placement of numbers and titles on
would expect, since the most important contribu-
the axes, poor arrangement of title, and data points
tion to outstanding plots is the preparer's own
understanding of his subject and his own creativity.
not shown.

Good portrayal of data therefore requires a full

understanding of the instrumentation program com- 18.3. INTERPRETATION OF INSTRUMENTATION
bined with imagination, ingenuity, sufficient time to DATA
digest the data, and some trial and error. Lambe
(1970) and Hansmire (1978) provide guidelines on Monitoring programs have failed because the data
plotting, including the following: generated were never used. If there is a clear sense
of purpose for a monitoring program, the method of
data interpretation will be guided by that sense of
• All work should be done in pencil. Use symbols
purpose. Without a purpose there can be no inter-
to distinguish between different instruments or
different times. Colored pencils should not be
Early data interpretation steps have already been
used, as the colors do not reproduce.
described: screening of data in the field and office to
• Choose scales so that observations fill the examine reading correctness and to detect changes
space available, but do not use exaggerated requiring immediate action. The essence of subse-
scales that would magnify minor changes to quent data interpretation steps is to correlate the
make them appear alarmingly large. instrument readings with other factors (cause and
• Draw plots slightly darker than the underlying effect relationships) and to study the deviation of
grid so that when copied both are visible but the readings from the predicted behavior. By its
the plots stand out. Make sure data points are very nature, interpretation of data is a people-
visible. intensive activity, and no technique has yet been
• Plot elevations and depths on the vertical axis. developed for automatic interpretation of data.
• Plots should be self-explanatory. Show project
name, the type of instrument, the scale and 18.3.1. Personnel Qualifications
units of measurement, and the time of measure-
ment. Responsibility for data interpretation will have been
determined during the planning phase and should be
• Use sketches on the plot to show the locations
under the direct control of the owner, the design
of the instrument relative to the construction
consultant, or instrumentation specialists selected
activity and the geology.
by the owner. Interpretation is a task for experi-
• Maintain consistency of scales in a given docu- enced geotechnical engineers. They should be
ment so that plots can be compared. familiar with the planning of the monitoring pro-
• Prepare time plots showing the progress of con- gram, the project construction procedure, and de-
struction as well as the measurements. tails of instrument installation, data collection, pro-
• Plot predicted behavior or the limits of safety cessing, and presentation. They should have
on the same axes as the field readings. computational and analytical skills and should be

i';Ltc:;r::' '1' 11 ,, JH "f'

r l Jf ,,i~ ,,
liW' :t1 W'i'.i'~:,T tl!
·v 1: ;;: 1, ·
I''T:::~ " .•• , '; ,;f'!


Figure 18.11. Poor and good portrayal of same data (after Lambe, 1970).

capable of exerciSing engineering judgment. In to the intended purpose of the instrumentation pro-
many cases, the same geotechnical engineer who gram.
has been responsible for data collection, process-
ing, and presentation will play a lead role in data Schedule
interpretation. If a lead role is inappropriate, this
Interpretation should not be delayed until a large
person must at least act in a coordinating and re-
quantity of data has been collected and processed,
view capacity, because interpretation cannot be di-
because the tasks of data collection, processing,
vorced from all preceding tasks.
and interpretation should influence each other. The
process should be iterative, allowing the needs of
18.3.2. General Guidelines on Interpretation any one task to alter any other.
of Data
Details of data interpretation are dependent on fac- Interpretation and Reinterpretation
tors specific to each instrument and project, but a Interpretation and reinterpretation is an ongoing
few general guideines can be given. process. Initial interpretations will be tentative, de-
pendent on collection of further data. Interpreta-
Preliminary Work
tions may change as a clearer understanding of real
A draft procedure for data interpretation should behavior is developed. Assessment of the perfor-
have been written during the planning phase, and mance of an individual instrument often requires a
this should be studied so that interpretation is tuned study of data over a significant time period.

Selection of Plots final report of the monitoring program is often re-

quired, and a technical paper may be prepared.
Various types of plot that are useful when interpret-
ing data have been described in Section 18.2.6.
They include routine plots of data versus time, plots 18.4.1. Interim Monitoring Reports
to assist with predictions, plots for comparing ob- The conclusions from data interpretation should be
served and predicted behavior, plots for compari- communicated to all parties who have a role in data
son of measurements and observations, and plots to implementation. The initial communication may be
examine cause and effect relationships. Selection of verbal but should be confirmed in an interim moni-
plots must be made on a case-by-case basis, with toring report. Reporting will be on a regular sched-
the purpose of the instrumentation program clearly ule to allow timely implementation and will include
in mind. the following:
Questionable Data • Updated summary plots.
When faced with data that on first sight do not ap- • A brief commentary, drawing attention to all
pear to be reasonable, there is a temptation to reject significant changes that have occurred in the
the data as false. However, such data may be real measured parameters since the previous in-
and may in fact carry an important message. A terim monitoring report, together with prob-
significant question to ask is: Can I think of a hy- able causes.
pothesis that is consistent with the data? The resul- • Recommended action
tant discussion, together with the use of appropriate
procedures for ensuring reading correctness, will It may be appropriate also to include copies of cal-
often lead to an assessment of data validity. culation sheets, but the reports should be kept as
Details recorded on installation record sheets simple as possible to avoid delay in preparation and
(Chapter 17) are often helpful when evaluating submittal.
questionable data, because difficulties encountered
during installation may cause abnormal data. Ques- 18.4.2. Final Report of Monitoring Program
tionable data can also be evaluated by reviewing the
studies of data correctness that have been made A formal report is often prepared to document key
earlier, in the field during the data collection phase aspects of the monitoring program and to support
and in the office during the data processing phase. any remedial actions. The report also forms a valu-
able bank of experience and should be distributed to
Communication the owner and design consultant so that any lessons
learned may be incorporated into subsequent de-
An open communication channel should be main- signs. If an installation report (Chapter 17) has been
tained between design and construction personnel, written, the final report can either reference that
so that discussions can be held between design en- report or repeat appropriate content. The final re-
gineers who raised the questions that caused in- port should contain at least the following informa-
strumentation to be used and field engineers who tion:
provide the data. A special effort will often be re-
quired to keep this channel open, both because the • Summary of the report.
two groups sometimes tend to avoid communica- • Introduction, including a brief description of
tion and because the contract for design personnel the project and the reason for using geotech-
may have been terminated. nical instrumentation.
• Any project design and construction informa-
tion that is relevant to the monitoring program.
18.4. REPORTING OF CONCLUSIONS • Summary of the monitoring program planning
After each set of data has been interpreted, conclu- • Descriition of instruments and readout units.*
sions must be reported in the form of an interim
monitoring report and submitted to personnel re- *For a major monitoring program, brief material can be included
sponsible for implementation of data. In addition, a in the body of the report and details in appendixes.

• Plans and sections sufficient to show instru- When instruments are used for monitoring long-
ment numbers and locations. term performance, the final report should form part
• Appropriate surface and subsurface strati- of the operating and maintenance (O&M) manual.
graphic and geotechnical data.* The O&M manual should also provide guidelines to
• Instrument calibration and maintenance pro- assist O&M personnel in judging satisfactory per-
cedures.* formance based on the measurement data. An ex-
ample of guidelines for O&M personnel responsible
• Instrument installation procedures.* for embankment dams is given by Dunnicliff (1981).
• Procedures for data collection, processing, pre- On completion of the final report, all data should
sentation, and interpretation.* be filed in an orderly manner in one location.
• Observed behavior, including summary plots
and factors that influence measured data.
18.4.3. Technical Publication
• Analysis of observed behavior, including com-
parisons between measurements and predic- Well-documented case histories of monitoring pro-
tions, a discussion of significant changes and grams are invaluable for advancing the state of the
probable causes, and comparisons with pub- art of geotechnical design and construction. The
lished information. fact that many geotechnical journals contain more
• Conclusions, discussion, and recommenda- research-oriented papers than case history papers
tions, including a statement of any remedial ac- generally reflects the nature of papers submitted for
tions taken. publication rather than the intent of journal pub-
lishers to emphasize research. Well-documented
Whenever possible, the report should also include case histories are welcomed by journal publishers
an assessment of the monitoring program. This as- and readers, and engineers who are in a position to
sessment should cover instrument performance, prepare these papers are strongly encouraged to do
calibration and installation techniques, adequacy of so. The content will usually be similar to the con-
data collection, processing, presentation, and inter- tent listed above for the final report.
pretation procedures, and recommendations for This plea for well-documented case histories
specifying future monitoring programs. Inclusion of should not be taken as a plea for papers describing
such an assessment may entail some self-criticism every monitoring project. Before embarking on
but will provide valuable input to planning future writing a paper, the writer should have positive an-
monitoring programs. We learn from our mistakes, swers to two questions: Do I have something new to
and we very much welcome learning from the mis- say? and Will my work help to jill a knowledge
takes of others! gap?
Part 5

Examples of Instrumentation

The goal of Part 5 is to describe the role of instrumentation in addressing geotech-

nical questions that may arise during the design, construction, or performance of
typical civil engineering projects.
The chapters are divided into four sections. The first section indicates the gen-
eral role of geotechnical instrumentation. The second section suggests the principal
geotechnical questions that may arise and indicates the types of instruments that
may be used to help provide answers to those questions. The third section provides
an overview of what is typically routine monitoring and what is monitoring for
special applications. The fourth section presents a tabular summary of selected
case histories that illustrate effective use of geotechnical instrumentation. Case
histories are summarized in chronological order, starting with the most recent.
The sequence of geotechnical questions in the second part of each chapter is
intended to match the time sequence in which the question may be addressed
during the design, construction, and performance process and does not indicate any
rating of importance. Sketches are included to convey a possible layout of instru-
ments for addressing some of the geotechnical questions. However, readers are
cautioned that these layouts are intended merely to convey a general approach: as
indicated in Chapter 4, the selection of instrument locations should reflect pre-
dicted behavior for each individual case and should be compatible with the method
of analysis that will later be used when interpreting the data.
The format and content of this part of the book have been strongly influenced by
DiBiagio and Myrvoll (1981), describing use of instrumentation for projects in or on
soft clay.
These chapters are not intended to be exhaustive summaries, state-of-the-art
papers, or "cookbooks." They are intended merely to open the minds of readers to
the possible role of geotechnical instrumentation and to guide them toward im-
It is said in Chapter 4 that geotechnical instrumentation should not be used
unless there is a valid reason that can be defended. Every instrument on a project

should be selected and placed to assist with answering a specific question: if there is
no question, there should be no instrumentation. If a reader uses this book by (1)
studying the chapters in Part 5, (2) noting the types of instruments, (3) noting the
sketched layouts, (4) studying Part 3, Monitoring Methods, for details ofthe instru-
ments, and (5) proceeding with a monitoring program, that reader is misusing the
book. Readers are strongly encouraged to follow the more logical procedure out-
lined in Chapter 4.


Several types of wall are used for supporting the ence. The consequences of poor performance can
sides of braced excavations, including steel sheet be severe and may on occasion be catastrophic. A
piles, soldier piles and lagging, auger piles, inter- monitoring program may not be required if the de-
locking wood sheeting, and slurry walls. Lateral sign is very conservative, if there is previous expe-
support can be provided either by internal or exter- rience with design and construction of similar facili-
nal bracing. Internal bracing consists of structural ties under similar conditions, or if the consequences
members of steel or wood, placed either as horizon- of poor performance will not be severe. However,
tal cross-lot bracing or as inclined or horizontal rak- under other circumstances a monitoring program
ers. The most commonly used external bracing con- will normally be required to demonstrate that the
sists of tieback anchors. excavation is stable and that nearby structures are
Figures 19.1-19.3 show the contrast between not affected adversely. Depending on the specific
how projects will usually appear on engineering needs of each case, the monitoring program may
drawings, and what may actually happen in the apply to the wall and bracing, to the ground beneath
field: the field figures are exaggerated to emphasize or surrounding the excavation and/or to adjacent
the contrast. Figure 19.1 depicts a typical excava- structures or utilities.
tion in clay, supported by interlocking sheet piles The choice between internal and external bracing
and cross-lot bracing, for the case where the sheet has a major influence on the type and role of in-
piles are not driven to bedrock or underlying firm strumentation for a braced excavation. It is possible
stratum. Figure 19.2 shows a typical excavation to make regular visual inspections of internal brac-
supported by soldier piles, lagging, and tieback an- ing, but external bracing cannot be seen. Although
chors. Figure 19.3 shows a cross section through a confidence in the performance of an externally
typical excavation for a slurry wall, prior to con- braced excavation is increased by conducting a
creting. proof test on every tieback anchor, if an anchor
subsequently fails, the failure may be progressive
and catastrophic. In general, therefore, instrumen-
tation plays a role in three phases of external brac-
ing that are not applicable to internal bracing: test-
The design of braced excavations is based for the
ing of test anchors during the design phase or at the
most part on empirical procedures and past experi-
start of construction, performance and proof testing
of anchors during construction, and subsequent
*Written with the assistance of Mark X. Haley, Associate and
Vice President, Steven R. Kraemer, Associate & Vice President, monitoring of selected representative anchors. The
and Cetin Soydemir, Senior Engineer, Haley & Aldrich, Inc., third phase may be omitted if a conservative design
Cambridge, MA. has been used.

Shown on drawings Possible in field

Figure 19.1. Open cut excavation supported by interlocking sheet piles and cross-lot bracing (after
DiBiagio and Myrvoll, 1981 ).

19.2. PRINCIPAL GEOTECHNICAL QUESTIONS mance monitoring instrumentation sometimes plays

a role. For example, initial groundwater pressures
The following principal questions are presented in and fluctuations must often be determined for de-
the normal order of occurrence for a braced excava- sign purposes. Piezometers can be installed well be-
tion. The order does not reflect a rating of impor- fore the start of excavation to define the precon-
tance. struction groundwater pressure regime, including
any perched or artesian water. If the instruments
are installed sufficiently early, seasonal variations
19.2.1. What Are the Initial Site Conditions?
can be defined.
Initial site conditions are determined by use of con- A preconstruction conditions survey will nor-
ventional site investigation procedures, sometimes mally be made by representatives of the construc-
supplemented by in situ testing. However, perfor- tion contractor's insurance company and some-

Shown on drawings Possible In field

Figure 19.2. Open cut excavation supported by soldier piles, lagging, and tieback anchors (after Di-
Biagio and Myrvoll, 1981 ).

Shown on drawings Possible In field

Figure 19.3. Excavated trench for slurry wall (after DiBiagio and Myrvoll, 1981 ).

times also by the owner. The purpose of the end effects are minimized. As a general rule, the
preconstruction survey is to observe and document length of the test section should be at least four
the conditions of structures that may be influenced times the width of the excavation, and it should be
by the excavation, using photographs, written de- located at least three braces away from any
scriptions, and/or videotapes of existing defects in nonuniformity in the cross section. However, this
the structures. The preconstruction conditions sur- ideal must be tempered by cost considerations and
vey is frequently supplemented by use of surveying by knowledge of site and project conditions.
methods to define the elevations of reference points
on the structures and on the ground surface. The
19.2.3. What Is a Suitable Design for Tieback
widths of any existing cracks should also be mea-
The load-movement relationship of a tieback an-
chor depends on the soil or rock properties and the
19.2.2. What Information Can Be Provided by
size and shape of the grouted body of the anchor.
Instrumenting a Full-Scale Test of the Complete
The relationship is generally not governed by the
Excavation and Support System?
properties of the tendon, and computations of al-
The primary goals when designing support are to lowable loads for anchors are therefore only rough
control ground movements and to establish a stable approximations. When design uncertainties are un-
excavation. The designers may identify a combina- acceptable, test anchors can be installed and tested
tion of circumstances that lead them to opt for a either during the design phase or at the start of con-
full-scale test section, as a means of ensuring design struction. The tests include measurement of load
adequacy and economy. The combination of the fol- and displacement at the anchor heads.
lowing four circumstances provides an example. As indicated in Chapter 13, calibrated hydraulic
First, the planned excavation is for a long subway jacks do not provide an accurate measurement of
or water tunnel. Second, subsurface conditions are load, and a good-quality load cell should be used
judged to be relatively uniform along the length of adjacent to the jack. Electrical resistance load cells
the excavation. Third, there is little precedent for are normally used, but mechanical, vibrating wire,
constructing a braced excavation in similar ground. and hydraulic cells are also suitable. The author
Fourth, the designers believe that a full-scale test favors use of the Proceq mechanical load cell (Fig-
section can reduce the conservatism of the loading ure 13.1) for this purpose: it is robust, has adequate
envelope and can therefore be economical. accuracy, is read simply by observing a dial indi-
Instrumentation and observation are essential cator, and does not require attachment of an electri-
components of a full-scale test section. The inten- cal cable or remote readout unit.
sity of instrumentation is usually greater than for Displacement is normally measured by attaching
other applications, so that maximum information a long-range dial indicator to a survey tripod, with
can be learned from the test. The types of in- the dial indicator stem bearing on the anchor head.
strumentation are discussed elsewhere in this chap- A universal joint at the connection between dial in-
ter. dicator and tripod eases the setting up task.
The test section should be long enough so that If the objective of test anchors includes determi-

nation of the pattern of load transfer in the grouted

zone, strain gages and/or multiple telltales should
be used, as described in Section 19.2.9.

19.2.4. What Is a Suitable Design for Slurry

Trench Excavations?
If soil conditions are well defined and if the per-
formance of slurry trench excavations has already
been proved in similar soils, feasibility is not in
doubt. However, in other cases, either the safe and
economical construction method or even the feasi-
bility of constructing a slurry trench may be in
doubt, and a full-scale instrumented test may be
warranted. Various aspects of a typical full-scale .. X
test are discussed in the following subsections.

Stability in Relation to Time + Surveying methods

One objective of a full-scale test is to monitor lateral W Combined probe extensometer

and vertical ground deformations in the vicinity of

n and inclinometer casing

1----1 Gage for monitoring convergence of trench

the trench in relation to time. The magnitude and
rate of observed deformations will provide an indi- 0 Piezometer

cation of trench stability or instability. Figure 19.4. Possible layout of instrumentation for examining the
Lateral deformations in the soil alongside the stability of a slurry trench in relation to time (after DiBiagio and
trench can be monitored by using inclinometer cas- Myrvoll, 1981 ). Note: Use of surveying methods requires bench-
mark, remote from test panel. Piezometers also required, remote
ings installed close to the walls of the trench. The from test panel.
alignment of boreholes for inclinometer casings
should be controlled carefully, so that casings do
not intercept the excavation. However, because
neither the casing nor the trench will be exactly shows a possible layout of instrumentation for ex-
vertical, the top of an inclinometer casing should amining the stability of a slurry trench in relation to
not be closer than about 18 in. (460 mm) to the wall time. The piezometers remote from the test panel
of the trench, and a backup casing is advisable at are required as reference piezometers, to monitor
about 4ft (1.2 m) from the wall. Because inclinome- any variation in groundwater pressure that may re-
ters cannot provide data on lateral deformation of sult from other causes.
the wall of the trench itself, a comprehensive test
includes monitoring of convergence across the Stability in Relation to Panel Length
trench, using one of the gages described in Section
The limiting length to width ratio for which a single
panel can be excavated safely can be established on
Vertical movements of the ground surface and
the basis of full-scale test panels of varying length.
settlement of the guide walls are normally moni-
Comprehensive measurements of the displacement
tored by surveying methods. Although not of pri-
field are needed to evaluate the restraint provided
mary importance, monitoring of subsurface vertical
by the soil at the ends of a trench, using the instru-
deformation may provide valuable input to the
ments shown in Figure 19.4.
evaluation of the test and is usually justified. Probe
extensometers will normally be used. Trends in
Stability in Relation to Slurry Level and Density
measured pore water pressure in the surrounding
soil can also serve as a guide to indicate how fast Trench stability is affected by the difference be-
overall stability is deteriorating with time, and pore tween the level of slurry and the groundwater level
water pressures can be monitored with rapidly re- and by the density of slurry. The effects can be
sponding diaphragm piezometers. Figure 19.4 assessed by varying the slurry level and density

while monitoring ground deformation and ground- walls of the excavation. Contractor performance
water level in the vicinity of the panel, again using can be monitored by observing hydraulic jack pres-
the instruments shown in Figure 19.4. sures, and a special effort must be made to ensure
that the jack is calibrated and aligned correctly, as
Shape and Alignment of Slurry Trench discussed in Chapter 13.
The shape and alignment of the trench may not be
as intended. It is impossible to make a visual exami- External Bracing
nation of an excavated trench; therefore, any final Specifications for external bracing normally require
inspection must rely on instrumentation. The width that each tieback anchor is proof tested to a value in
of the trench at any point can be determined with excess of the working load used in design. A proof
remote reading caliper tools, and the same instru- test either verifies that the carrying capacity is
ment can be used to search for local failures or within acceptable limits or indicates that an anchor
overbreak, particularly in fissured clay where is defective.
blocks of material may fall out during or subsequent The test normally involves loading the anchor
to excavation. Errors in vertical alignment of slurry incrementally to a load greater than the design load,
trenches may have serious consequences, and verti- holding for a creep test, and locking-off at a lesser
cality of the test trench can be measured using an load. Load and displacement at the anchor head are
inclinometer, by lowering inclinometer casing tem- monitored throughout the test, using a load cell and
porarily into the trench and pressing the casing dial indicator as described in Section 19.2.3 for test
against one side with small double-acting pneumatic anchors. The load cell is positioned immediately
jacks. Other measurement methods are described in above or below the jack and is removed after com-
Section 19.2.6. pletion of the proof test.
In addition to proof testing each anchor, it is cus-
Deformation of Trench During Concreting
tomary to conduct a performance test on a specified
Filling a deep slurry trench excavation with fresh percentage of anchors. A performance test nor-
concrete may cause a significant increase in loading mally entails loading and unloading the anchor in-
on the bottom and sides of the trench and may lead crementally in cycles, increasing the load at the end
to local instability. If the trench is excavated in very of each cycle to the same maximum load as for the
soft clay, large local deformations may occur, and proof test, holding for a longer creep test, and lock-
there may even be a chance of a bearing capacity ing-off as usual. Instrumentation is the same as for
type failure of the bottom or sides of the excava- proof testing.
tion. When a test panel is constructed, lateral and When a tieback anchor is proof tested and
vertical deformations and pore water pressures locked-off, the load may be changed in adjacent an-
should be monitored closely during concreting. In- chors that have already been stressed and locked-
strumentation is again as shown in Figure 19.4, with off. For example, in the case of a slurry wall or a
the addition of small settlement platforms set on the tied-back bulkhead, locking-off each anchor at a
bottom of the trench. A sleeve should be provided predetermined load does not necessarily produce
around the riser pipe for each settlement platform. the desired condition, and one or more rounds of
adjustments may be required. Measurements are
19.2.5. Is the Bracing Being Installed Correctly? normally made by lift-off testing, using a load cell
adjacent to the hydraulic jack.
Field measurements play a role in verifying that in-
ternal and external bracing is being installed cor-
rectly. 19.2.6. Is Construction of Slurry Trenches
Adequately Controlled?
Internal Bracing
Observations and measurements are generally re-
Specifications for cross-lot bracing normally require quired for construction control of slurry trenches.
that ground deformation is minimized by preloading Construction contractors will generally measure
the struts. Preloading involves loading the strut to and control the level and properties of the slurry,
some fraction of the design load by using hydraulic including density, pH, viscosity, sand content, and
jacks and then wedging the strut between opposite filtration. They may also monitor verticality, but

this is not common practice, and when verticality is ment of the ground, the top of the supporting wall,
critical to use or appearance, inspection personnel and nearby structures. When tiebacks are used with
should initiate a measuring program. The author is soldier piles and lagging, settlement measurements
aware of five methods for measuring verticality. should normally be made on the tops of all soldier
First, a tiltmeter can be attached to the kelley bar, piles, to monitor any downward movement of a pile
cable, or bucket. Second, a short length of pipe, with owing to the downward component of anchor load.
outside diameter slightly less than the width of the A rod settlement gage (Section 12.7.7) alongside
trench, can be lowered within the trench on the end each important structure will provide accurate set-
of a wire, and the lateral position of the wire with tlement data without need for a survey crew. Hori-
respect to the guide walls can be monitored as the zontal deformation measurements on the top of the
pipe is lowered. Third, if a pipe is used as an end- supporting wall, using surveying methods and a
stop in the panel, it can first be traversed along the horizontal control station, provide routine data for
length of the panel: if it will not pass easily along the stability control when it is critical to minimize
length, the trench is not likely to be vertical. ground movements.
Fourth, an ultrasonic monitoring instrument can be Crack gages across existing cracks in structures
used.* Fifth, an inclinometer can be used, as de- provide important information when there is con-
scribed in Section 19.2.4, but this method is time- cern that excavation may cause additional damage.
consuming and its use is normally limited to test Subsurface settlement alongside important un-
trenches. derground utilities should also be monitored, using
Vertical movements of the ground surface, guide subsurface settlement points.
walls, and adjacent structures should be monitored If the monitoring program consists only of defor-
as panels are excavated, and rate of movement is a mation measurements on the surface and alongside
key factor in evaluating trench stability. Trench sta- utilities, and the measurements indicate adverse be-
bility can also be evaluated by comparing the quan- havior, there will often be inadequate data for
tity of excavated material with the depth of the defining the cause of the problem and for devel-
trench: if material is removed, but the depth does oping an economical solution. A well-planned pro-
not increase, caving is occurring. gram for monitoring stability and for providing
Sonic coring, as described in Chapter 24, can be forewarning of adverse behavior should therefore
used to test the integrity of concrete in a slurry include instrumentation that indicates causes of sur-
trench. face deformation. Inclinometers are primary tools
for this purpose. When soldier piles and lagging are
used, inclinometer casings can be attached to sol-
19.2.7. Is the Excavation Stable and Are Nearby
dier piles, but the bottom should be deep enough to
Structures Being Affected Adversely by Ground
ensure base fixity, and this may require attaching
steel pipes to the soldier piles and drilling through
Ground movements may be caused by lateral defor- the pipes prior to installation of inclinometer casing.
mation of the supporting wall and also by bottom When a slurry wall is used, inclinometer casings can
heave. The movements may lead to an unstable ex- be installed within the trench prior to concreting,
cavation and may also affect nearby structures or again ensuring that the bottom is deep enough for
utilities adversely. Instrumentation can often be base fixity, possibly requiring drilling below the
used to provide a forewarning of adverse behavior, base of the trench. For all types of wall, inclinome-
thereby allowing remedial measures to be imple- ter measurements are often supplemented by using
mented before critical situations arise. A planned convergence gages across the excavation. Fixed
instrumentation program, which indicates that the borehole extensometers are an alternative to in-
construction will be watched carefully, can give clinometers if external bracing is used. A simple
reassurance to building owners and thus can expe- plumb line can sometimes be useful for providing
dite the legal approval and public acceptance of a horizontal deformation data at low cost. Subsurface
project. settlement measurements, using either probe exten-
Whenever there is concern for instability, sur- someters or fixed borehole extensometers, can be
face deformation should be monitored, using sur- used to provide additional causal data.
veying methods. Monitoring should include settle- Figure· 19.5 shows a possible layout of in-
strumentation for monitoring an internally braced
*A commercial source is given in Appendix D. excavation in clay when there is concern that a

Table 19.1. Instruments Suitable for Monitoring

Whether Excavation Is Stable and Whether Nearby
Structures Are Being Affected Adversely by Ground
Measurement Suitable Instruments
Settlement of Surveying methods
ground surface, Rod settlement gages
structures, and
top of support-
ing wall
Clay Horizontal defor- Surveying methods
mation of Convergence gages
ground surface, Plumb lines
structures, and
exposed part of
X supporting wall
. X
Change in width Crack gages
of cracks in
structures and

t -
Surveying methods

Inclinometer casing
Subsurface hori-
zontal defor-
Fixed borehole extensometers

·--- JIL
Convergence gage

Rod settlement gage

mation of
Subsurface settle-
In-place inclinometers

Subsurface settlement points

ment of ground Probe extensometers

- "'
Probe extensometer

Crack gage

Figure 19.5. Possible layout of instrumentation to provide

forewarning of adverse effect on a building alongside an inter-
nally braced excavation in clay. Note: Use of surveying methods
and utilities
Load in internal
Fixed borehole extensometers
Surface-mounted vibrating wire
strain gages
Surface-mounted mechanical strain
requires benchmark and horizontal control station, remote from
Calibrated hydraulic jack and load
excavation. Piezometers also required if lowering of the ground-
water table could cause problems. cell (lift-off test)
Load in external Load cells
building may be affected adversely by ground bracing Calibrated hydraulic jack and load
movements. This is only one example, and it must cell (lift-off test)
be stressed that many other configurations are pos- Surface-mounted vibrating wire
sible, as indicated by the case histories described strain gages
later in this chapter. Groundwater Piezometers
Adverse ground movements, of course, can also pressure
be caused by overload of individual braces, lower- Bottom heave Magnet/reed switch gages
ing of the groundwater table, or bottom heave, and Mechanical heave gages
these issues are addressed in subsequent sections. Fixed borehole extensometers
Table 19.1 lists suitable instruments for moni- Inclinometers
toring whether the excavation is stable and whether
nearby structures are being affected adversely by
ground movements. conservative, if there is previous experience with
design and construction of similar facilities under
similar conditions, or if the consequences of poor
19.2.8. Is an Individual Brace Being Overloaded?
performance will not be severe. However, under
Monitoring of individual braces is not normally re- other circumstances, loads developed in selected
quired if the design of the support system is very representative braces should be monitored.

Internal Bracing 19.2.9. What Is the Magnitude and Distribution of

Load in the Support System?
For an internally braced excavation, strut loads
should be monitored on as many struts as is practi- A change in distribution of load with time can be an
cable or economically justified, and reserve struts indicator of impending instability, but the support
should be available for immediate installation in the system will not normally be instrumented for this
event that measurements indicate that allowable purpose. The question more normally implies an
limits have been reached. Surface-mounted vibrat- interest in improving the state of the art of design,
ing wire strain gages are usually the preferred in- rather than in performance monitoring to benefit the
struments, and mechanical gages are sometimes project under construction. The magnitude and dis-
used as backup. Load cells are not favored for this tribution of load can be determined by making mea-
application, because insertion of a load cell usually surements in a test section of adequate length, as
alters the method of strut installation, thereby discussed in Section 19.2.2.
creating nontypical loading conditions on the strut.
Strut load can also be determined by temporary in- Internal Bracing
sertion of a calibrated hydraulic jack between the
waler and a reaction member welded to the strut Determination of stress in internal bracing requires
and by performing a lift-off test, but this method is either lift-off testing or use of strain gages, as dis-
cumbersome and accuracy is not great. cussed in Section 19.2.8.
When using strain gages for determination of
strut loads, a check on strain gage performance can External Bracing
be made during preloading. O'Rourke and Cording Determination of total load in external bracing re-
(1975) report good correlation between hydraulic quires either lift-off testing or use of load cells or
jack and strain gage measurements soon after cali- strain gages, as discussed in Section 19.2.8.
bration of the jack, but the correlation became less Determination of the pattern of load transfer in
good over a period of months without recalibration. the grouted zone requires measurement of strain,
A load cell in series with each hydraulic jack pro- using strain gages and/or multiple telltales. Very
vides a better check on strain gage performance. great cooperation is essential between personnel re-
Chapter 13 includes a discussion of temperature ef- sponsible for instrumentation and personnel re-
fects on strut loads and on strain gage readings and sponsible for installation of the anchors. When an
indicates that an error can occur if the strain gage anchor instrumented for this purpose is installed,
and the structural member are at different tempera- strain measurements will normally be made during
tures. This problem can be acute when sunlight the proof test to determine a relationship between
causes differential heating of a steel strut, and the measured strain and load and to determine the qual-
guidelines given in Chapter 13 should be followed. ity of strain data. An estimate of the combined mod-
ulus of the steel and grout is needed so that mea-
sured strains can be converted to stresses.
External Bracing
When detailed load transfer data are required for
For an externally braced excavation, anchor loads threadbar tendons, weldable vibrating wire strain
subsequent to lock-off can be determined by lift-off gages are the first choice. Fuglevand et al. (1984)
testing. If several measurements are required on an report that a manufacturer of threadbar tendons
anchor, at different times, it will usually be more recommended against use of weldable strain gages,
economical to install a load cell. Any of the load believing that the heat from welding could affect the
cells discussed in Section 19.2.3 are adequate, and metallurgical characteristics of the bar. However,
telltale load cells provide an economical method, gages were attached to test lengths of bar that were
provided that sufficient annular space is available then pulled to failure, with no notable reduction in
and that access to the anchor head is maintained. capacity. Weldable resistance strain gages are an
Surface-mounted strain gages, preferably of the alternative to vibrating wire gages but, as discussed
weldable vibrating wire type, are an alternative to in Chapter 13, they have many limitations. Damage
load cells if threadbar (threaded solid bar) tendons to all types of strain gages and cables is not unusual
are used. while pulling drill casing and while grouting; there-


mounted on
survey tripod

'V Strain gage

• Anchor point for telltale

Figure 19.6. Setup during proof test, showing possible layout of instrumentation for a threadbar anchor,
when detailed load transfer data are required.

fore, great care must be taken with protection ar- made at various wire tensions and adequate data
rangements, and significant redundancy is recom- obtained for screening. If unstressed rod telltales
mended. Whenever adequate annular space is are used, they should be provided with a disconnect
available, multiple telltales are recommended as between the lower end of each rod and its anchor
backup. Two configurations are possible: first, un- (Section 12.7 .1), so that binding can be examined. If
stressed 0.25 in. (6 mm) diameter flush-coupled rods possible, both wire and rod telltales should be used
within oil-filled sleeves of PVC pipe; and second, on a stranded cable tendon, one as backup to the
the slack-wire type of fixed borehole extensometer other. A telltale can be attached only to a single
system described in Chapter 12, with each wire cable, and the assumption must therefore be made
housed within an oil-filled 0.25 in. (6 mm) outside that the behavior of this single cable is representa-
diameter nylon tubing. The first alternative is sim- tive of the behavior of all the cables that form the
pler but requires more annular space than the slack- tendon: experience has shown that this appears to
wire system. be a valid assumption.
Figure 19.6 shows a possible layout of in-
strumentation for a threadbar anchor when detailed Sheeting and Wafers
load transfer data are required. The figure shows
Stresses in sheeting and walers can be determined
the setup during the proof test.
by use of strain gages, but because stresses may
When detailed load transfer data are required for
vary widely from point to point, data may be mis-
stranded cable tendons, attachment of strain gages
leading. Attempts to measure total stress acting on
is impracticable, and multiple telltales are the only
a sheet pile wall by attaching contact earth pressure
available option. However, an additional difficulty
cells to the sheeting have generally not been suc-
arises with stranded cable tendons that does not
arise with threadbar tendons. As the drill casing is
pulled, it must normally be rotated, tending to cause
Slurry Walls
a spiral in the tendons and binding of the telltale
rods or wires within their sleeves, with significant Stresses in slurry walls can be determined by use of
reduction in accuracy of data. Provisions must be strain gages, with a preference for the sister bar
made for examining the extent of binding and, if type of embedment gage with a vibrating wire trans-
possible, for gathering enough data so that frictional ducer. Alternatively, strain measurements can be
effects can be screened out. The slack-wire exten- made and bending moments determined by measur-
someter is a suitable choice because readings can be ing within sliding micrometer casings installed near

the front and back of the wall. Earth pressure cells 19.2.12. Is Long-Term Performance of the Bracing
and piezometers can be installed at the interface Satisfactory?
between the slurry trench and the soil, using special
Internal bracing is either removed or incorporated
transducer housings and hydraulic jack installation
into the final structure. The question is therefore
procedures, for subsequent monitoring of total
limited to external bracing.
pressure and pore water pressure on the completed
Tieback anchors are now a proven and accepted
wall (DiBiagio and Roti, 1972).
method for temporary support, and there is an in-
creasing trend to install permanent tiebacks for
19.2.10. Is the Groundwater Table Being long-term support. This trend leads to an increased
Lowered? role for instrumentation on critical projects where
there is a need to demonstrate long-term satisfac-
When dewatering has been implemented to predrain
tory performance.
the ground around the excavation, its effectiveness
Long-term performance monitoring can consist
may be monitored by using piezometers.
of monitoring load in and deformation of selected
Prolonged lowering of the groundwater table
anchors, or monitoring deformation on a larger
may cause serious consolidation settlements over a
scale, or both. Monitoring long-term deformation
large area when excavations are made in compress-
on a larger scale than at selected anchors normally
ible soils. Lowering ofthe groundwater table can be
requires surveying methods, with electronic dis-
diagnosed by installing piezometers in any perme-
tance measurements playing a primary role. Moni-
able layers and, if economy permits, also with depth
toring of selected anchors will generally follow the
along several vertical sections behind the support-
procedures outlined in Section 19.2.8 for examining
ing wall. Whenever piezometers are installed in the
whether an individual anchor is overloaded. How-
vicinity of an excavation, reference piezometers
ever, two additional issues must be taken into ac-
should also be installed, remote from the excava-
count when monitoring anchors on a long-term
tion, to monitor any variation in groundwater pres-
basis: longevity ofload cells and interruption to cor-
sure that may result from other causes.
rosion protection.

19.2.11. Is Excessive Bottom Heave Occurring? Longevity of Load Cells

When excavating in soft clay, the possibility must Longevity can be maximized by following the
be considered that the bottom may fail by heaving. guidelines for reliability, given in Chapter 15.
Heave gages can be installed below the bottom of The arrangement shown in Figure 19.7 can be
the excavation and time-heave plots used to indi-
cate if and when critical soil movements start to
occur. Measurements of horizontal deformation Strain gaged
within inclinometer casings installed alongside and pull-bar
below the supporting wall can also be used as indi-
cators of any instability caused by bottom heave. Pull-bar
Three types of heave gage are described in Chap- head
ter 12. First, there is a mechanical heave gage (Sec-
tion 12.5.1) that is simple and inexpensive, but its
accuracy is not great, its use requires a survey Special chair
crew, and there is a risk of the borehole caving Threaded anchor head
during excavation. Second, there is a magnet/reed Load cell
switch gage (Section 12.5.7) that can be used to Lower bearing plate
provide reliable and accurate data without interfer- Waler
ing with excavation work. Third, there is a fixed Threadbar or
stranded cable
borehole extensometer fitted with an electrical tendon
linear displacement transducer (Section 12.7.4) that
is accurate but prone to damage and malfunction.
For most applications the magnet/reed switch gage Figure 19.7. Schematic of arrangement for check-calibrating a
is the instrument of choice. load cell by lift-off testing.

adopted to check-calibrate a load cell by lift-off test- Table 19.2. Overview of Routine and Special Monitoring
ing. The anchor head must have a threaded outside Applications Parameters
diameter or threaded central hole, for later connec-
tion to a pull-bar. The procedure involves placing a Routine moni- Settlement of ground surface,
special chair over the load cell and anchor head, to toring: all structures, top of supporting
types of wall, and utilities
bear on the lower bearing plate, threading a cali-
ground support Horizontal deformation of ground
brated strain gaged pull-bar on to the anchor head, surface, structures, and exposed
and inserting a center-hole hydraulic jack over the part of supporting wall (when it
pull-bar to bear between the top of the chair and the is critical to minimize ground
pull-bar head. As the jack is actuated, load is trans- movements)
ferred from the load cell to the pull-bar, a calibra- Change in width of cracks in struc-
tion of the load cell is made, and the zero reading of tures and utilities
the load cell is determined after lift-off. Convergence within excavation
Nicholson Construction Company, Bridgeville, Groundwater pressure
PA, has devised a method for removing a load cell Routine moni- Load and deformation at anchor
without unloading the tieback, so that the cell can toring: external head during proof and perfor-
be checked and a new cell inserted if necessary. bracing mance testing of tieback anchors
The arrangement is shown in Figure 19.8. A
Routine moni- Preload in bracing
threaded anchor head is used, and the inside diame- toring: internal
ter of the load cell must be larger than the outside bracing
diameter of the anchor head/pull-bar arrangement.
Prior to lock-off, split shims are inserted between Routine moni- Level and properties of slurry
toring: slurry Quantity of excavated material
the load cell and anchor head, with adequate total
trench excava- Verticality of trenches
thickness for transferring load from anchor head to tions
load cell. When preparing to remove the load cell
for checking, a special chair is placed over the load Special applica- Subsurface horizontal and vertical
cell and anchor head to bear on the lower bearing tions: all types deformation around the excava-
plate, with sufficient internal height to contain the of ground sup- tion
port Bottom heave
load cell as described below. A pull-bar is threaded
Stress in support system
on to the anchor head, and a center-hole hydraulic Deformation and support stress in
full-scale test section of com-
Pu 11-bar head plete braced excavation and sup-
port system
Special applica- Load and deformation at anchor
Soldier tions: external head while loading test anchors
pile bracing during design phase or at the
start of construction
Long-term load and deformation in
permanent tieback anchors

Threaded anchor Special applica- Deformation, groundwater pres-

head tions: slurry sure, level, and properties of
trench excava- slurry during full-scale test of
tions slurry trench excavation
Integrity of concrete

Threadbar or
jack is inserted over the pull-bar to bear between
cable the top of the chair and the pull-bar head. The jack
tendon is actuated to lift the anchor head off the split shims,
Figure 19.8. Schematic of arrangement for removing a load cell the split shims removed, the load cell lifted over the
without unloading the tieback (after Nicholson Construction anchor head, and the split shims replaced together
Company, Bridgeville, PA). with additional split shims in the space previously

occupied by the load cell. The jack pressure is then grease, but this option requires use of inaccessible
released, and the pull-bar, jack, and special chair remotely read instruments, with reduced ability to
are removed. Mter checking, the load cell is re- check and replace them if necessary. Selection be-
placed, using the reverse of the above procedure. tween the two approaches depends on likely conse-
The second method of checking is more com- quences of interrupting the protection and on the
prehensive than the straightforward lift-off test, be- availability of instruments that satisfy the criteria
cause it allows for replacement of the load cell with for long-term reliability, discussed in Chapter 15.
a new cell in the event of serious malfunction. Both For the particular case of monitoring load at the
methods require use of special load cells designed anchor head when threadbar tendons are installed,
for long-term use, and of course require that a suffi- the best approach appears to be use of a pair of
cient length of tendon is left in place beyond the weldable vibrating wire strain gages on the bar (Fig-
anchor head and that access is available for testing. ure 13.26), about 6 ft (2 m) from the nut. These
gages can easily be incorporated into a double cor-
Interruption to Corrosion Protection rosion protection system, and are about the same
Instruments installed on a tieback anchor for moni- size as a coupler in the tendon.
toring long-term performance may interrupt the cor-
rosion protection, and in general simple manual in-
struments create greater interruption than more 19.3. OVERVIEW OF ROUTINE AND SPECIAL
complex remotely read instruments. Because sim- APPLICA liONS
plicity leads to longevity, a dilemma is faced, and
the designer must make a selection between two For those readers who seek general guidelines on
approaches. what is typically routine monitoring and what is
First, simple instruments such as mechanically monitoring for special applications, Table 19.2
read telltale load cells can be used, or one of the presents a broad generalization.
above two methods for checking conventional load
cells can be adopted, the interruption to corrosion
protection accepted, and the monitored anchors re- 19.4. SELECTED CASE HISTORIES
garded as worst cases. Second, a waterproof pro-
tective cover can be provided over the head as- Table 19.3 summarizes selected case histories of
sembly and filled with a rust-inhibiting protective instrumented braced excavations.
Table 19.3. Summary of Selected Case Histories of Braced Excavations
Principal Type of Support Measure- Instrumentation Special
Project Concerns and Ground menta Discussed Features Reference
Harvard Square Stability of excava- Externally D Surveying Very comprehen- Rawnsley et al.
Subway Sta- tion braced slurry methods sive instrumenta- (1985)
tion, Cam- Integrity of nearby walls in fill, D Tiltmeters tion Hansmire et al.
bridge, MA, structures sand, and gla- D Inclinometers (1984)
U.S.A. Development of cia! till D In-place in-
improved design clinometers
procedures for D Probe exten-
slurry wall sys- someters
terns D Fixed borehole
G Open standpipe
L Load cells on
s Surface-
mounted and
strain gages
in slurry wall
TS Contact earth
pressure cells
at face of
Good Samaritan Stability of excava- Externally D Surveying Instrumentation Anderson et al.
Hospital, Cin- tion braced soldier methods planned for mon- (1984)
cinnati, OH, piles in resid- D Inclinometers itoring long-term
U.S.A. ual and un- D Fixed borehole performance
weathered extensome-
shale and ters
limestone L Load cells on
Sewer culvert Stability of excava- Internally braced D Surveying Large movements Clough and Reed
in Islais tion sheet pile ex- methods measured (1984)
Creek Basin, Bottom heave cavation in D Inclinometers
San Fran- very soft clay G Pneumatic
cisco, CA, piezometers
U.S.A. s Vibrating wire
strain gages
on internal
Two excava- Stability of excava- Internally braced D Surveying Mohand Song
tions for tions slurry walls in methods (1984)
buildings in silty clay and D Inclinometers
Taipei, silty sand D Heave gages
Taiwan G Observation
G Open standpipe
G Pneumatic
s Vibrating wire
strain gages
on internal
Table 19.3. Summary of Selected Case Histories of Braced Excavations (Continued)

Principal Type of Support Measure- Instrumentation Special

Project Concerns and Ground menta Discussed Features Reference
s Strain gages on
ment in
slurry wall
TS Contact earth
pressure cells
on slurry
Six-story build- Stability of excava- Internally braced D Inclinometers Wood and Perrin
ing, West- tion slurry walls in D Probe exten- (1984)
minster, Lon- London clay so meters
don, England G Open standpipe
s Vibrating wire
strain gages
on internal
bracing and
on reinforce-
ment in
slurry wall
Charles Center Integrity of nearby Internally braced D Surveying Zeigler et a!. (1984)
Station, Balti- structures slurry walls in methods
more Metro, silty sand, D Subsurface set-
Baltimore, gravel, and re- tlement
MD, U.S.A. sidual soil points
D Inclinometers
G Observation
s Vibrating wire
strain gages
on internal
Rio de Janeiro Development of Internally braced D Inclinometers Inclinometer data Soares (1983)
Underground, improved design slurry walls in in soil and used to estimate
Brazil procedures for sandy and slurry wall bending mo-
slurry wall sys- silty clay and D Probe exten- ments in slurry
terns sand someters for wall
bottom heave
D Subsurface set-
G Pneumatic
s Vibrating wire
strain gages
in concrete
and on rein-
forcing steel
in walls
s Vibrating wire
strain gages
on bracing
TS Contact earth
pressure cells
on slurry
Table 19.3. Summary of Selected Case Histories of Braced Excavations (Continued)

Principal Type of Support Measure- Instrumentation Special

Project Concerns and Ground menta Discussed Features Reference
Underpass in Loading on exter- Externally L Electrical resis- Effect of tempera- Morgenstern and
Edmonton, nal bracing in braced sheet tance strain ture change on Sego (1981)
Alberta, winter conditions piles in stiff gage load loading in exter-
Canada fissured clay cells on ex- nal bracing
and till ternal brae-
University of Integrity of nearby Externally D Surveying Rosenberg et a!.
Quebec, structures braced slurry methods (1977)
Montreal, walls in glacial D Crack gages
Canada till D Inclinometers
L Hydraulic load
cells on ex-
ternal brae-
Thorold Tunnel, Define cause of Reinforced con- D Surveying Cracking of 6 ft Bowen and Hew-
St. Catharines, damage crete highway methods (1.8 m) thick son (1976)
Ontario, tunnel in dolo- D Convergence reinforced con-
Canada mite and lime- gages crete side walls
stone D Inclinometers
G Piezometers
s Mechanical
strain gages
T Thermocouples
Railway Tun- Stability of excava- Internally braced D Surveying Excessive move- Karlsrud and Myr-
nel, Oslo, tion sheet pile ex- methods ment arrested by voll (1976)
Norway Development of cavation in D Inclinometers casting concrete
improved design quick clay G Open standpipe beams across ex-
procedures and vibrating cavation below
wire bottom
s Vibrating wire
strain gages
on bracing
TS Contact earth
pressure cells
on sheeting
Washington Stability of excava- Two internally s Vibrating wire O'Rourke and
Metro, Wash- tion braced exca- strain gages Cording (1975)
ington, DC, Development of vations on internal
U.S.A. improved design bracing
Performance of
strain gages
Three excava- Improvement of Externally L Load cells on Trow (1974)
tions in To- design proce- braced exca- external
ron to, dures vations in sand, bracing
Canada silt, and till
Embarcadero Stability of excava- Internally braced D Surveying Armento (1973)
Subway Sta- tion slurry walls in methods
tion, BARTD, clay and sand D Inclinometers
San Fran- G Observation
cisco, CA, wells
U.S.A. s Vibrating wire
strain gages
on internal
Table 19.3. Summary of Selected Case Histories of Braced Excavations (Continued)

Principal Type of Support Measure- Instrumentation Special

Project Concerns and Ground menta Discussed Features Reference
Bank of Califor- Stability of excava- Soldier piles and D Surveying Clough et a!. (1972)
nia Center, tion external brae- methods
Seattle, WA, Verification of de- ing in over- D Inclinometers
U.S.A. sign methods consolidated D Heave gages
clay (fixed
borehole ex-
L Load cells on
CNA Center Stability of excava- Externally D Surveying Cunningham and
and Standard tion braced slurry methods Fernandez (1972)
Oil Building, walls in silty D Inclinometers
Chicago, IL, clay
U.S.A. Internally braced
slurry walls in
medium clay
Test Site at Behavior of slurry Slurry trench ex- D Surveying DiBiagio and Myr-
Studenterlun- trench excava- cavation in methods voll (1972)
den, Oslo, tion: research soft clay: full- D Inclinometers
Norway test scale test D Slurry trench
G Vibrating wire
Subway exten- Integrity of adja- Internally braced D Surveying Lambe et a!. (1972)
sion, South cent building slurry walls in methods
Cove, Bos- clay D Inclinometers
ton, MA, G Open standpipe
U.S.A. and vibrating
wire piezom-
s Vibrating wire
strain gages
on internal
Office Building, Stability of excava- Externally D Surveying McRostie et a!.
Ottawa, tion braced sheet- methods (1972)
Canada Comparison be- ing in fill, stiff D Fixed borehole
tween measured clay, and gla- extensome-
and predicted cia! till ters
movements G Open standpipe
and vibrating
L Load cells on
Greenway Pol- Stability of excava- Internally braced D Surveying Scott et a!. (1972)
lution Control tion sheeting in methods
Centre, Lon- fine sand G Open standpipe
don, Ontario, piezometers
Canada s Mechanical
strain gages
on internal
Table 19.3. Summary of Selected Case Histories of Braced Excavations (Continued)
Principal Type of Support Measure- Instrumentation Special
Project Concerns and Ground menta Discussed Features Reference
TS Contact earth
pressure cells
on sheeting
Various Various Internally and D Deformation State-of-the-art Gould (1970)
externally gages summary of mea-
braced exca- G Piezometers surements
vations L Load cells
s Strain gages
TS Contact earth
pressure calls
Pierre Laclede Stability of excava- Soldier piles and s Mechanical Mansur and
Building, tion external brae- strain gages Alizadeh (1970)
Clayton, MO, ing in silty on soldier
U.S.A. clay and piles
clayey silt s Mechanical and
electrical re-
strain gages
on external
Various Various Internally and D Deformation State-of-the-art Peck (1969b)
externally gages summary of mea-
braced exca- s Strain gages on surements
vations internal brae-
Harris Bank Load in internal Internally braced s Mechanical Measurements ini- Peck (1969a)
and Trust bracing excavation strain gages tiated by con-
Company, on internal struction con-
Chicago, IL, bracing tractor to justify
U.S.A. reduced number
of struts
aD: deformation L: load in bracing T: temperature
G: groundwater pressure S: strain in support TS: total stress between supporting wall and soil



This chapter deals with instrumentation of embank- project will usually appear on engineering drawings
ments that do not retain water. Guidelines for wa- and what may actually happen in the field. Primary
ter-retaining embankments are given in Chapter 21. mechanisms that control the behavior of embank-
In many cases, selection of soil parameters for ments on soft ground are described in Chapter 2.
the foundation soil is reliably conservative. The em- The most frequent uses of instrumentation for
bankment is therefore designed with confidence embankments on soft ground are to monitor the
that performance will be satisfactory, and "com- progress of consolidation and to determine whether
fortable" factors of safety are used. In such cases, the embankment is stable. For example, instrumen-
many projects will proceed without the use of in- tation will normally be used to indicate the progress
strumentation. However, some uncertainties al- of consolidation beneath a single-stage embank-
ways exist. ment, a surcharged embankment, or staged con-
Where design uncertainties are great, factors of struction, so that construction schedules can be de-
safety small, or the consequences of poor perfor- termined. When vertical drains are installed,
mance severe, a prudent designer will include a per- instrumentation will normally be used to evaluate
formance monitoring program in the design. whether they are being effective in accelerating
consolidation. If the calculated factor of safety is
likely to approach unity, instrumentation will gener-
20.1. GENERAL ROLE OF INSTRUMENTATION ally be installed to provide a warning of any instabil-
ity, thereby allowing remedial measures to be im-
In spite of a long record of embankment construc- plemented before critical situations arise.
tion throughout the history of civil engineering, em- If uncertainties in the selection of soil parameters
bankments that are designed with a factor of safety are unacceptably great, or if construction feasibility
greater than unity fail embarrassingly often. On the is in doubt, it may be appropriate to construct a test
other hand, some test embankments that are de- embankment. Instrumentation data provide an es-
signed to fail intentionally, never do. Thus, it is not sential role in evaluating the performance of such a
surprising that instrumentation plays a significant test.
role in design and construction of embankments on
soft ground.
Figure 20.1 shows a typical embankment on soft
ground and conveys the contrast between how the
The following principal questions are presented in
the normal order of occurrence for an embankment
*Written with the assistance of James R. Lambrechts, Senior on soft ground. The order does not reflect a rating of
Engineer, Haley & Aldrich, Inc., Cambridge, MA. importance.

/./. _ _____
_...,-, . - - - - - - -

--:·_.·x·.·.·.·.·-::x:--.-.~. .:X·· . ·X··. . y-"-:-:_-:-._~.--~~X-..-_._.,...._

. .,.._.....

Shown on drawings Possible in field

Figure 20.1. Embankment on soft ground (after DiBiagio and Myrvoll, 1981 ).

20.2.1. What Are the Initial Site Conditions? not been installed, a similar layout may be appropri-
ate. This is only one example, and it must be
Initial site conditions are determined by use of con-
stressed that many other configurations are possi-
ventional site investigation procedures, often sup-
ble, as indicated by the case histories described
plemented by in situ testing. However, perfor-
later in this chapter.
mance monitoring instrumentation sometimes plays
When the test embankment is designed to fail, a
a role. For example, initial groundwater pressures .
knowledge of the location of the failure plane is
and fluctuations must often be determined for de-
required. For this purpose, shear plane indicators
sign purposes. Piezometers can be installed well be-
usually provide adequate data, and it is not always
fore the start of filling, to define the preconstruction
necessary to install inclinometer casings.
groundwater pressure regime, including any perched
or artesian water. If the piezometers are installed
20.2.3. What Is the Progress of Consolidation?
sufficiently early, seasonal variations can be defined.
Settlement measurements may also be required When an embankment is constructed on a soft com-
to establish preconstruction settlement behavior. pressible foundation, the added weight of the em-

20.2.2. What Information Can Be Provided by

Instrumenting a Test Embankment?

- /*
Test embankments are sometimes constructed to
+ Sa
resolve uncertainties in the selection of soil parame- 'bl/

ters, to examine alternative construction methods, " " +'"WfAW/ =··

or to demonstrate construction feasibility. The goal ""' {f,\'I"~
0 0 0
of instrumentation in these tests will generally be to {;

Soft 0 '
provide an indication of incipient failure and/or to 0
0 clay

evaluate the progress of consolidation. In addition, 0 I

instrumentation may be installed to permit a back-
analysis for determining the engineering properties

I ·t :-x
0 0

of the underlying soil. In all cases, the primary pa-

rameters of interest are vertical and horizontal de-
. X· X·: X . .·
Vertical drains
X ·• x· o·
formations and pore water pressure.
Depending on the specifics of the case, in-
strumentation for a test embankment will include
any or all of the monitoring methods discussed else-
- Surveying methods

Inclinometer casing

where in this chapter. The intensity of instrumenta- {; Probe extensometer

tion will usually be greater than for a prototype em- Piezometer
bankment (one that is part of the constructed proj-
Full-profile liquid level gage
ect), so that maximum information is gained from
the test. Figure 20.2. Possible layout of instrumentation for monitoring
Figure 20.2 shows a possible layout of in- progress of consolidation beneath a test embankment when verti-
cal drains have been installed. Note: Use of surveying methods
strumentation for monitoring the progress of con- requires benchmark and horizontal control station, remote from
solidation beneath a test embankment when vertical embankment. Piezometers also required, remote from embank-
drains have been installed. If vertical drains have ment.

bankment causes consolidation in the foundation. value remote from the embankment. Prediction
The process of consolidation is described in Chap- from a plot of settlement versus time is less reliable,
ter 2. Construction of a facility on the top of the because the magnitude of ultimate settlement can-
embankment, such as a building or a highway pave- not be known with certainty. Ladd (1984) provides
ment, will normally be delayed until there is assur- guidelines on the interpretation of field data when
ance that the facility will not be damaged by settle- vertical drains are used.
ment that occurs during subsequent consolidation. Instruments for monitoring the progress of con-
If the predicted delay is unacceptable, the time re- solidation can be selected from the list given in
quired for consolidation can be reduced by sur- Table 20.1. The list is not intended to be exclusive:
charging or by installation of vertical drains. it merely indicates instruments that have provided
Surcharging involves placement of fill material to satisfactory data on projects with which the author
a level higher than required for the embankment, so has been involved. Selection among the various op-
that consolidation proceeds more quickly. The ex- tions will depend on the factors discussed in Chap-
cess material is removed when adequate consolida- ters 9 and 12, including the feasibility of extending
tion has occurred. instrument pipes and leads up through the embank-
Vertical drains are highly permeable columns of ment without risk of damage and the need for re-
material installed at close intervals within the foun- dundancy. In all cases predictions should be made
dation soil. A continuous sand blanket is placed of maximum vertical foundation compression and
over the tops of the drains, so that the drains com- horizontal spreading, and a special effort must be
municate with the blanket and allow pore water made to select instruments that are both capable of
pressures to dissipate more rapidly, thus minimiz- surviving the deformations and capable of providing
ing the time required for consolidation. reliable data as deformation occurs. Installation
If the foundation might become unstable by plac- procedures must also be planned in recognition of
ing the entire embankment rapidly, staged con- the future deformations, following the guidelines
struction can be used. Staged construction involves given in Chapter 17.
placement of a first stage of fill material, waiting for The arrangement shown in Figure 20.2 for a test
consolidation and strength gain, and repeating the embankment is also a possible layout for monitoring
process until the embankment is complete. Staged the progress of consolidation beneath a prototype
construction can be used in conjunction with sur- embankment.
charging or vertical drains or can be used alone When planning a program to monitor the per-
when sufficient time is available for consolidation. formance of vertical drains, a decision must be
When surcharging, vertical drains, or staged con- made on whether to install instruments before or
struction is employed, instrumentation will nor- after installation of drains. Installing instruments
mally be used as a tool to indicate the progress of well before drains ensures that baseline data are
consolidation. Instrumentation data allow sched- obtained but runs the risk of damage to instruments
ules to be determined for surcharge removal and for as drains are installed. The author suggests install-
placement of stages during staged construction and ing up to half of the instruments well before install-
also allow an evaluation of the effectiveness of ver- ing drains, and the remainder afterward.
tical drains.
When evaluating the progress of consolidation
beneath a single-stage embankment, a surcharged
20.2.4. Is the Embankment Stable?
embankment, or staged construction, both settle-
ment and pore water pressure measurements are If the possibility of lateral instability is minor, in-
normally made. Whenever piezometers are in- strumentation will not be required during construc-
stalled in the vicinity of the embankment, reference tion of an embankment on soft ground. However, in
piezometers should also be installed, remote from other cases a monitoring program is generally re-
the embankment, to monitor any variation in quired to provide a forewarning of instability,
groundwater pressure that may result from other thereby allowing remedial measures to be imple-
causes. mented before critical situations arise. Remedial
A predictive extrapolation can be made from a measures may include a waiting period to allow the
plot of pore water pressure versus time because the foundation material to increase in strength as pore
equilibrium piezometric level corresponding to full water pressures dissipate and/or the construction of
consolidation is known to be equal to the reference stabilizing berms or the removal of some fill.

Table 20.1. Instruments Suitable for Monitoring Progress unless experience and proven methods of analysis
of Consolidation can be used to locate the critical zones.
Measurement Suitable Instruments
Vertical deformation of Surveying methods 20.2.5. What Are the Fill Quantities?
embankment surface
and ground surface at Soft clay foundations may experience substantial
and beyond toe of em- settlement during embankment construction. When
bankment embankment fill is paid for on a volume basis and
Vertical deformation of
measured to the actual base of the fill, a determina-
Settlement platforms
original ground surface Buried plates tion must be made of the elevation of the base of the
below embankment Single-point liquid level fill. Settlement platforms are often used, but full-
gages profile liquid level gages are suitable alternatives.
Full-profile liquid level
gages with pressure trans-
ducers and attached
liquid-filled tubesa 20.3. OVERVIEW OF ROUTINE AND SPECIAL
Horizontal inclinometer APPLICATIONS
casings a
For those readers who seek general guidelines on
Vertical deformation and Spiral-foot settlement
what is typically routine monitoring and what is
compression of subsur- gages
face Probe extensometers with
monitoring for special applications, Table 20.2
induction coil or magnet/ presents a broad generalization.
reed switch transducersb
Single-point liquid level
Groundwater pressure Open standpipe "push-in"
piezometers, as in Fig- Table 20.3 summarizes selected case histories of
ure 9.23 instrumented embankments on soft ground. A study
Pneumatic and vibrating of these case histories reveals major similarities
wire piezometers among many of the instrumentation programs, indi-
pushed in place below cating that the general aspects of the state of the
bottom of boreholes, as practice are well established. The general approach
in Figures 9.31 and 9.32
to instrumenting test and prototype embankments is
acasing or pipe should either have telescoping couplings or be similar, although the intensity of instrumentation is
surrounded with a corrugated plastic pipe. usually greater for test embankments.
bRequires careful selection of method for anchoring the measur-
ing points to the soil, depending on the predicted vertical com-
pression (see Chapter 12). Table 20.2. Overview of Routine and Special Monitoring
Application Measurement
Routine moni- Vertical deformation of the embank-
When a monitoring program is required to pro- toring ment surface
vide an indication of incipient failure, horizontal de- Vertical and horizontal deformations
formation measurements will normally provide the of the ground surface at and beyond
most direct data. An inclinometer is the primary the toe of the embankment
tool, supplemented with surface deformation moni- Vertical deformation of the original
toring by surveying methods. However, measure- ground surface below the embank-
ments of pore water pressures may give a better ment
Groundwater pressure
first indication of failure c0nditions developing than
can be derived from deformation data (Clausen et Special appli- Subsurface vertical and horizontal de-
al., 1984). Rapidly responding diaphragm piezome- cations formations of the prototype
ters are required and, to be certain of having mea- Deformation and groundwater pres-
surements in the zones of initial yielding, a rela- sure during performance monitoring
of a test embankment
tively large number of piezometers may be required
Table 20.3. Summary of Selected Case Histories of Embankments on Soft Ground

Principal Type of Measure- Instrumentation Special

Project Concerns Embankment menta Discussed Features Reference
Airport at Chek Feasibility of con- Test, for airport G Open standpipe Offshore reclama- Handfelt et a!.
Lap Kok, struction and pneu- tion (1987)
Hong Kong Need to establish matic pie- Staged construe-
construction pro- zometers tion used
cedures (push-in Instrumentation de-
Performance of type) signed to accom-
wick and sand D Surveying modate up to
drains methods 30% vertical
D Settlement plat- strain in founda-
forms tion, large lateral
D Probe exten- deformation,
someters over-water in-
D Single-point stallation
and full-
profile liquid
level gages
D Inclinometers
Geotextile- Performance of Prototype, for G Open standpipe Rowe eta!.
reinforced embankment highway piezometers (1984a,b)
embankment, during construe- (push-in
Bloomington tion type)
Road, Au- D Full-profile liq-
rora, Ontario, uid level
Canada gages
D Inclinometers
s Strain gages on
fabric (hy-
draulic and
induction coil
Highway B5, Performance of Prototype, for D Settlement plat- Thamm (1984)
Brunsbiittel- embankment highway forms
Itzehoe, West during construe- D Combined
Germany tion: staged con- probe exten-
struction and someters and
surcharge used inclinometers
Jourdan Road Performance of Prototype, for G Pneumatic Castelli et a!. (1983)
Terminal, stone columns wharf piezometers
New Orleans, and wick drains D Settlement plat-
LA, U.S.A. forms
D Probe exten-
D Inclinometers
Jourdan Road Performance of Test, for wharf G Pneumatic Test embankment Munfakh et a!.
Terminal, stone columns in piezometers purposely failed (1983)
New Orleans, stabilizing clay D Probe exten- by excavating
LA, U.S.A. deposit someters adjacent ground
Magnitude of load D Inclinometers Pneumatic
carried by stone D Shear plane in- piezometers
columns dicators fitted with two
TS Embedment hydraulic tubes
earth pres- for flushing gas
sure cells from cavity be-
tween diaphragm
and filter tip

Table 20.3. Summary of Selected Case Histories of Embankments on Soft Ground (Continued)

Principal Type of Measure- Instrumentation Special

Project Concerns Embankment menta Discussed Features Reference
Site near Rio de Progress of con- Test G Twin-tube hy- Failure of test em- Ramalho-Ortigao et
Janeiro, solidation draulic pie- bankment al. (1983)
Brazil Stability zometers
Improvement of D Surveying
design proce- methods
dures D Settlement plat-
D Inclinometers
D Probe exten-
someters (in-
stalled hori-
D Fixed embank-
ment exten-
someters (in-
Site near Szol- Progress of con- Prototype, for D Buried plates R6zsa and Vidacs
nok, Hungary solidation highway (1983)
Queenborough Progress of con- Prototype, for G Twin-tube hy- Vertical drains in- Nicholson and Jar-
Bypass, Isle solidation highway draulic pie- stalled after first dine (1981)
of Sheppey, Stability: staged zometers stage measure-
Kent, En- construction con- (push-in ments indicated
gland trolled by mea- type) need to acceler-
surements D Probe exten- ate consolidation
Performance of someters
wick and sand-
wick drains
River Street Progress of con- Prototype, for G Pneumatic Embankment con- Mikkelsen and
Viaduct, solidation highway pie:wmeters structed along- Bestwick (1976)
Tacoma, WA, Stability: staged (push-in side railroad
U.S.A. construction con- type) tracks and water
trolled by mea- D Settlement plat- main
surements forms
D Inclinometers
195, Saugus, Pore water pres- Test, for high- G Piezometers Ten teams of MIT (1975)
MA, U.S.A. sures, deforma- way D Settlement plat- geotechnical en-
tion, and stabil- forms gineers predicted
ity, as additional D Inclinometers behavior (before
fill was placed fill placement)
Predictions and ac-
tual behavior are
Failure of test em-
Various Various (numerous Test, for high- G Numerous Discussion of role Bishop and Green
case histories) ways, levees, D types of in- of test embank- (1974)
research, TS struments for ments
dams measurement
of groundwa-
ter pressure,
and total

Table 20.3. Summary of Selected Case Histories of Embankments on Soft Ground (Continued)
Principal Type of Measure- Instrumentation Special
Project Concerns Embankment menta Discussed Features Reference
Thames Oil Need to establish Test, for oil stor- G Open standpipe George and Parry
Refinery, design criteria age tanks piezometers (1974)
Canvey Is- D Surveying
land, Essex, methods
England D Probe exten-
D Single-point
and full-
profile liquid
level gages
D Inclinometers
Flood Defense Progress of con- Prototype, for G Pneumatic and Pneumatic piezom- Marsland (1974b)
Banks, River solidation flood defense electrical re- eters in organic
Thames, En- Stability sistance pie- deposits fitted
gland Comparison with zometers with two hy-
predictions D Surveying draulic tubes for
methods flushing gas from
D Probe exten- cavity between
someters diaphragm and
D Inclinometers filter tip
M5 Motorway, Progress of con- Prototype, for G Twin-tube hy- McKenna and Roy
Edithmead solidation: sur- highway draulic pie- (1974)
and Hunt- charge used zometers
worth, En- Stability D Surveying
gland methods
D Settlement plat-
D Probe exten-
someters (in-
stalled hori-
zontally and
D Full-profile liq-
uid level
D Inclinometers
Embankments Need to develop Test, for re- G Pneumatic and Three test embank- Tavenas et al.
at Saint-A!- methods for pre- search vibrating ments, with (1974)
ban, Quebec, dieting mag- wire piezom- same height but
Canada nitude and rate eters (push-in different side
of settlement for type) slopes
high embank- D Surveying
ments methods
D Settlement plat-
D Probe exten-
D Inclinometers
Hampton Roads Progress of con- Prototype, for G Open standpipe Up to 12ft (3.7 m) Kuesel et al. (1973)
Crossing, solidation: jetted highway and pneu- of settlement
VA, U.S.A. sand drains in- matic pie- was measured
stalled zometers
Stability D Surveying
Measurement of fill methods
quantity D Settlement plat-

Table 20.3. Summary of Selected Case Histories of Embankments on Soft Ground (Continued)
Principal Type of Measure- Instrumentation Special
Project Concerns Embankment ment" Discussed Features Reference
D Subsurface set-
D Inclinometers
I295, Portland, Performance of Test, for high- G Vibrating wire Aldrich and John-
ME, U.S.A. driven, augered, way piezometers son (1972)
and jetted drains D Settlement plat-
D Subsurface set-
Gloucester Test Comparison with Test, for re- G Open standpipe Bozozuk and
Fill, Ottawa, predictions search piezometers Leonards (1972)
Canada D Probe exten-
D Full-profile liq-
uid level
TS Embedment
earth pres-
sure cells
Bangkok- Bearing capacity of Test, for high- D Settlement plat- Eide and Holmberg
Siracha soft clay way forms (1972)
Highway, Need for stabilizing D Shear plane in-
Thailand berm dicators
Performance of
sand drains
Embankments Performance of Test, for re- G Hydraulic pie- Summary of 14 Holtz and Broms
at Ska- sand drains in search zometers years of observa- (1972)
Edeby, varved clay D Subsurface tions
Stockholm, Comparison with settlement
Sweden predictions points
I95, Ports- Need to establish Test, for high- G Open standpipe Ladd (1972)
mouth, NH, design criteria way and vibrating
U.S.A. wire piezom-
D Surveying
D Settlement plat-
D Subsurface
D Inclinometers
I95, Ports- Progress of con- Prototype, for G Observation wells Ladd et a!. (1972)
mouth, NH, solidation: sand highway Open standpipe
U.S.A. drains and sur- G piezometers
charge installed (push-in
Stability: staged type)
construction and Pneumatic and
stabilizing berms G twin-tube
used hydraulic
D Settlement plat-
Table 20.3. Summary of Selected Case Histories of Embankments on Soft Ground (Continued)
Principal Type of Measure- Instrumentation Special
Project Concerns Embankment menta Discussed Features Reference
D Subsurface set-
D Inclinometers
Watergate Com- Progress of con- Prototype, for G Pneumatic Margason and
plex, Emery- solidation: jetted apartment and piezometers Arango (1972)
ville, CA, sand drains in- office complex
U.S.A. stalled
King's Lynn Need to establish Test, for high- G Twin-tube hy- Failure of test em- Wilkes (1972)
Bypass, En- design criteria: way draulic pie- bankment
gland augered sand zometers
drains installed D Surveying
D Settlement plat-
D Probe exten-
D Liquid level
D Inclinometers
D Shear plane in-
195, Saugus, Need to develop Test, for high- G Observation Wolfskill and Soy-
MA, U.S.A. methods for pre- way wells demir (1971)
dieting deforma- G Twin-tube hy-
tion and stability draulic and
wire piezom-
D Settlement plat-
D Subsurface
D Inclinometers
TS Embedment
earth pres-
sure cells
Atchafalaya Feasibility of using Test, for levee G Open stand- Kaufman and
Levees, Mis- stabilizing berms pipe, twin- Weaver (1967)
sis sippi tube hydrau-
River, LA, lie and pneu-
U.S.A. matic pie-
D Surveying
D Settlement plat-
D Subsurface
D Inclinometers
D Shear plane in-
an: deformation S: strain in structural member
G: groundwater pressure TS: total stress in soil


Embankment dams generally include earthfill dams signers of the dam know the weaknesses of the par-
of various types, rockfill dams with impervious ticular site and the sensitive features of the design,
earth cores, and rockfill dams with upstream con- they play a leading role in the choice of type and
crete or asphaltic concrete facings. Primary mecha- location of instruments.
nisms that control the behavior of embankment
dams are described in Chapter 2.
21.1.2. Dams Without Special Foundation
Conditions or Uncommon Design Features
The practice of placing instruments routinely in em-
The main purpose of instrumentation installed bankment dams where there is no special problem
within an embankment dam is to study whether or to be studied, for example, a conventional dam of
not the dam is behaving according to design predic- moderate height on a good foundation, has seen
tions. This general statement can be subdivided into several ups and downs in the last 30 years. In the
two categories: first, the study of special problems 1960s, many important dams were constructed with
at individual sites that are related to special founda- essentially no internal instruments. Each failure or
tion conditions or uncommon design features and major problem tends to be widely publicized, and
second, the study of behavior when there are no dam engineers feel pressure to install instruments
such special problems. routinely for their own protection, even if they do
not believe it absolutely necessary. The situation is
similar to the dilemma of medical doctors who, fear-
21.1.1. Dams with Special Foundation Conditions
ing lawsuits if they do otherwise, prescribe suites of
or Uncommon Design Features
laboratory tests that may not be justified on medical
When instrumentation is used for this purpose, it grounds alone. At the present time, the failure of
helps to determine whether design assumptions for the Teton Dam is so recent that most engineers
the special conditions and features are being real- would hesitate to eliminate instruments in an impor-
ized during construction and operation. The design tant dam, for fear of criticism.
of the monitoring program is tuned directly for the Most older dams of less than 50 ft (15 m) height
special conditions and features and, because the de- have no instruments other than V-notch weirs or
other means of measuring leakage. There are very
*Written with the assistance of Arthur D. M. Penman, Consult- many up to 300 ft (90 m) built during 1960-1975
ing Geotechnical Engineer, Harpenden, England, and James L. without additional instruments. Although this is of-
Sherard, Consulting Engineer, San Diego, CA. ten not considered by inspecting engineers to be a

shortcoming, the importance of many higher dams There is another category of problems, which
built during the last two decades has resulted in can be classified as rogue instruments. In this cate-
significant use of instrumentation. gory the dam is performing perfectly well but con-
Peck (1985) comments: cern arises because a malfunctioning instrument in-
dicates unexpected or alarming measurements.
Instrumentation, vital for obtaining quantitative an- Often it is impossible to examine the health of the
swers to significant questions, is too often misused, instrument directly and, after intensive study and
especially in earth and rockfill dams. In some coun- worry, a final conclusion is reached that the instru-
tries regulations concerning the safety of dams de- ment is not functioning correctly.
mand the incorporation of inclinometers, settle- There have been a sufficient number of cases in
ment indicators, and piezometers in the cores of which instruments have been the cause of prob-
virtually all new dams, but for what purpose? Not
for research, because the patterns of deformation lems, so that the designer of an embankment dam is
and pore pressure development for ordinary likely to be very wary of geotechnical instrumenta-
geometries and materials are now well known and tion. The solution to this dilemma has two '])arts.
can be predicted by calculation. Only under un- First, instruments should be used only when there
usual circumstances can it be said that design as- is a valid reason that can be defended. Second, the
sumptions in these regards require verification. overriding feature when selecting instruments
Yet, installation of instruments, even under the should be reliability. A recipe for reliability is given
best of circumstances, introduces inhomogeneities in Chapter 15.
into the cores, and occasionally is the direct cause
of such local defects as sinkholes. The potential
21.1.4. Summary to the General Role of
weakness introduced by an installation should be
balanced against the potential benefit from the ob- Instrumentation
servations. In contrast to those located in cores, Despite the reservations given above, instrumenta-
piezometers in foundation materials near the down- tion can indeed be used to assist in obtaining quan-
stream toes detect upward seepage pressures that titative answers to significant questions during the
cannot be predicted reliably, and can thus give
design, construction, and performance phases, and
timely warning if measures are needed to ensure
safety. There is a danger that instrumentation may guidelines are given in the remainder of this chap-
be discredited because of indiscriminate use. ter.
The general role of instrumentation for embank-
Of all the internal instruments in embankment ment dams is described by !COLD (1969). The In-
dams, piezometers are by far the most common, ternational Commission on Large Dams, Commit-
and an installation consisting only of piezometers tee on Monitoring Dams and their Foundations, is
can serve two purposes. First piezometers in a clay currently assembling a series of national state-of-the-
core indicate rates of dissipation of pore water pres- art reports presenting the instrumentation practices
sure and the approach of equilibrium conditions af- in various countries, which are intended to super-
ter impounding. Second, piezometers may be ap- sede I COLD (1969). USCOLD (1986) is the U.S.
propriate where it is desired to avoid criticism when contribution.
designing a dam of conventional design and moder-
ate height on a good foundation

21.1.3. Instruments that Cause Problems The following principal questions are presented in
the normal order of occurrence for an embankment
Instruments can be a direct cause of problems. Peck dam. The order does not reflect a rating of impor-
refers above to instruments causing local defects tance.
such as sinkholes, and these cases are generally
where inferior compaction has resulted from carry-
21.2.1. What Are the Initial Site Conditions?
ing tubes, cables, or pipes upward as filling pro-
ceeds. The solution to this problem is to avoid verti- Initial site conditions are determined by use of con-
cal risers (except within filters as described in ventional site investigation procedures, sometimes
Section 21.4), following the guidelines given in Sec- supplemented by in situ testing. However, piezom-
tion 21.4 and Chapter 17. eters also play a role.

It is usually of value to install piezometers, pref-

erably of the open standpipe type, in the explor-
atory boreholes made during the investigation of a
dam site, rather than simply backfilling the bore- Clay core
holes. Regular readings can reveal much about
groundwater pressure conditions on the site before
dam construction. They are particularly useful in
the abutments, where knowledge of groundwater
pressures and their seasonal variations is vital to an
understanding of abutment permeability and the
need for grouting in rock abutments. Selected
piezometers can later be converted, as described in
Chapter 9, to be read remotely and form part of the
long-term monitoring system. >-+---+--<f-1--+-+ Fixed embankment extensometer
with electrical linear displacement
transducers, at zone of possible
21.2.2. Is Performance Satisfactory During tensile strain
- - - - D o u b l e fluid settlement gage, at
Dams with Special Foundation Conditions or zone of possible differential
Uncommon Design Features settlement

Figure 21.1. Possible layout of instrumentation for monitoring

If the site includes special foundation conditions or zones of potential tensile strain and differential settlement.
the design of the dam has uncommon features, in-
strumentation is a valuable tool to assist with con-
struction control.
mentation can be used to determine whether or not
For example, soft foundation conditions may
the dam as a whole is behaving according to design
lead to the use of instrumentation for monitoring
foundation stability and the progress of consolida-
As an example, Figure 21.2 shows a possible ar-
tion as described for embankments on soft ground
rangement of instrumentation for monitoring defor-
in Chapter 20. A similar need may arise for moni-
mation of a dam that has been designed in accor-
toring within the embankment itself, when there is
dance with acceptable deformation criteria. If
concern that pore water pressures may become ex-
measured deformations exceed acceptable values,
cessive during construction.
construction procedures can be amended, for ex-
As another example, if there is concern that ten-
ample, by building berms, flattening slopes, or
sile strains may cause adverse behavior, such as in
slowing down the rate of construction.
high dams with irregular foundations or steep abut-
One proven combination of instruments shown in
ments instrumentation can be used to provide per-
Figure 21.2 is a probe extensometer with a current-
forma~ce data and indicate the need for remedial displacement induction coil transducer (sometimes
action. Figure 21.1 illustrates such an application.
called a horizontal plate gage) and an overflow-type
It is not reasonable to make a complete list of
full-profile liquid level gage, both of which are de-
recommended instruments for monitoring such spe-
scribed in Chapter 12. Figure 21.2 shows the system
cial conditions or uncommon features, because the
installed within- a rockfill shell, but it can also be
selection depends on the details of each case. The
installed within downstream shells of other materi-
primary monitored parameter will generally be
als, provided that drainage is provided downstream
either deformation or pore water pressure, but on
of the core. The combined version for use in em-
occasion measurements of total stress may be in-
bankment dams is described by Penman and
Charles (1982), and a precision of ±0.02 in. (±0.5
mm) is possible for both horizontal and vertical de-
Dams Without Special Foundation Conditions or
formation measurements. The pipes are placed at
Uncommon Design Features
the same inclination as lifts of fill, thereby minimiz-
When the dam does not have special foundation ing interference to construction, and no delicate
conditions or uncommon design features, instru- components are embedded. When used, such an ar-

+- Surveying methods

Combined probe extensometer and

full-profile liquid level gage

Figure 21.2. Possible layout of instrumentation for monitoring vertical and horizontal deformation
during construction. Note: Use of surveying methods requires benchmarks and horizontal control
stations, remote from dam.

rangement is typically installed at two cross sec- weirs or the double fluid settlement gage. Measure-
tions, one at or near the maximum height, and ments of horizontal deformation can be made with
permits comparison with a two-dimensional anal- inclinometers, but this practice is discouraged.
ysis. Fixed embankment extensometers with electrical
It should be noted that the instruments shown in linear displacement transducers can also be used for
Figure 21.2 do not require extending leads or pipes measuring horizontal deformation, but these are ex-
upward through the fill. They are therefore prefera- pensive and much more prone to malfunction than
ble to use of vertically installed inclinometers and the instruments shown in Figure 21.2.
probe extensometers, both of which cause interrup-
tion to construction and often inferior compaction
21.2.3. Is Performance Satisfactory During
around the pipes. As indicated in Section 21.1, this
First Filling?
practice can cause significant problems. Despite
these comments, inclinometers are being used with Instrumentation data during first filling of the reser-
increasing frequency, and the author recommends voir provide verification that the performance of the
against this trend. However, when horizontal defor- dam is within acceptable limits or that an unex-
mation data cannot be obtained by alternative in- pected event is occurring.
struments, such as for the special problem of poten- Regular visual observations and monitoring of
tial shear sliding on weak horizontal clay or leakage that emerges downstream are essential to
claystone beds in the foundation, inclinometers are assessing the behavior of a dam during first filling.
the instruments of choice but, as discussed later, The first indication of a potential problem is often
they should be installed only within filter zones. given by an observed change of leakage rate, and
On occasion, designers opt for monitoring hori- monitoring the solids content in the leakage water
zontal and vertical deformations in a plane parallel can provide important information. Effectiveness of
to the axis of the dam, so that analyses can be made drains, relief wells, and grout curtains can be evalu-
in two perpendicular planes. However, the types of ated by measuring pore water pressures.
instruments shown in Figure 21.2 can be read only Equipment to measure leakage quantities formed
from galleries in the abutments, and galleries are some of the earliest instrumentation installed at
not normally justified for instrumentation alone. dam sites. Where underdrains or relief wells are
When such an instrumentation program is war- connected to manholes, flows are often measured
ranted, settlement measurements should be made with V-notch weirs or, when rates are low, by di-
with liquid level gages, with a preference for either verting the flow temporarily into containers of
the single-point overflow version with duplicate known volume. More sophisticated equipment in-

Microprocessor-based readout Data Ground surface

Manhole at downstream
and display unit transmission cover toe of dam

level gage

Buried pipe
drain at toe
of dam


Figure 21.4. Arrangement for monitoring water flows in a buried

Partially submerged
buoyancy cylinders
pipe drain near the toe of a dam.
in stilling basin

ing, and recommend heating of the weir station,

90° discharge weir
temperature monitoring of both water and air, and
electrical level switches in the stilling basin. Bar-
Figure 21.3. Remote-reading weir for monitoring leakage quan-
tities (courtesy of Geonor AJS, Oslo, Norway). tholomew et al. (1987) describe various methods
for monitoring the quantity and quality of leakage
eludes remote-reading level sensors to record water Figure 21.4 illustrates an arrangement for moni-
levels and hence flows over weirs. Figure 21.3 toring water flows in a buried pipe drain near the toe
shows a useful version that uses vibrating wire of a dam, and the addition of the remote-reading
transducers to measure buoyancy of a partially sub- system greatly reduces the reading effort. At Svar-
merged cylinder in the stilling basin. Duplicate cyl- tevann Dam (DiBiagio et al., 1982), a small seepage
inders and transducers are included to provide re- barrier was built on the impervious bedrock directly
dundancy. However, DiBiagio and Myrvoll (1985) under the crest of the sloping core so as to catch
describe false measurements with this device, core leakage but reduce the contribution from rain-
caused both by blockage of water flow and by freez- fall. The arrangement, shown in Figure 21.5, in-

..... -
50 em


Figure 21.5. Arrangement for measurement of leakage water at Svartevann Dam: 1 seepage barrier, 2
partition wall, 3 catchment area, 4 pipelines encased in concrete, 5 instrument house with weir station,
6 conduit for instrument cables (after DiBiagio and Myrvoll, 1985).

eluded a longitudinal concrete partition wall be- 21.2.5. Is Long-Term Performance Satisfactory?
tween the core and the seepage barrier to separate
A perspective on the use of instrumentation for
right- and left-side leakage flows. Pipes were laid
monitoring long-term performance has been given
from the seepage barrier to a terminal enclosure at
in Section 21.1.
the downstream toe, and leakage was measured
The subject of long-term performance moni-
with the system shown in Figure 21.3.
When interpreting measurement data from toring of embankment dams merits a main section in
downstream weirs, one must remember that the this chapter and is included as Section 21.3.
weirs also capture rain runoff. DiBiagio and Myr-
voll (1985) report on the development of a precipita-
21.2.6. Can the State of the Art Be Improved?
tion gage suitable for remote measurements at dam
sites. Instrumentation has provided and will continue to
When internal instrumentation has been installed provide basic data for improvement of design prac-
to monitor performance during construction or tices, and without the knowledge gained from in-
drawdown or to monitor long-term performance, struments during the past 20 years we would not be
the same instrumentation will be monitored during able to design and build embankment dams as we do
first filling to determine whether or not the dam is today. Past measurements have strengthened our
behaving according to design predictions. Apart confidence in building dams with increasing height
from instrumentation to monitor leakage, internal at sites with steep abutments and narrow valleys.
instruments installed specifically for monitoring Past measurements have also shown that well-
performance during first filling are generally limited designed dams are safe despite the important trans-
to piezometers for determining effectiveness of fer of stress that is caued by differential settle-
drains, relief wells, and grout curtains. ments. Measurements with piezometers have
For a rockfill dam with upstream concrete facing, revealed construction pore water pressures and
additional instrumentation is typically used to moni- provided essential data for the design and construc-
tor deformation at perimeter joints in the facing. An tion control of embankment dams with ''wet''
electrical crack gage with a variable reluctance cores. As more instrumentation data become avail-
transducer is typically used. able, future design improvements will be made with
In recent years, the instrumentation of concrete
face dams has contributed significantly to the data
21.2.4. Is Performance Satisfactory During
base for the design of future dams of greater height.
A typical layout for a dam exceeding 400 ft (120 m)
Rapid drawdown may cause instability because of in height is shown in Figure 21.6. The joint meters
the removal of stabilizing water forces. For dams are used to measure joint opening, offset, and paral-
with upstream slopes of impervious soil, it is lel movement below normal minimum water level.
difficult to predict pore water pressures following The joint pins are above minimum water level to
rapid reservoir drawdown. For any such dam re- measure joint opening and are located where open-
taining a reservoir that will be subject to drawdown ing is anticipated. For lower dams, but above about
at periodic intervals, a piezometer installation is 200 ft (60 m) in height, a typical program would
desirable. This applies particularly to upper reser- consist of surface settlement points on the crest,
voirs for pumped storage hydro projects and to res- two levels of three liquid level gages at the max-
ervoirs that will be emptied partially or completely imum section, and a leakage weir. Ninety percent of
at periodic intervals for any purpose. When eval- the face movements typically take place during first
uating the need for piezometer installations, one filling, and crest settlement is essentially complete
must consider the rate of drawdown in light of the in 2 years.
properties of the upstream shell material. With a The profession has no reliable method for pre-
clay, "rapid" may be a drawdown taking several dicting total stresses between earth and concrete
weeks. dams at connections, except with a soft clay core.
Penman (1971) gives examples of pore water The same difficulty exists for total stresses on the
pressures measured during drawdown. surfaces of concrete conduits passing through the

rockfill dam on a sound rock foundation forms one

extreme, and an argument can be supported that
instrument readings are only a formality, that the
dam cannot fail except by severe overtopping. A
dam on a horizontally bedded shale is an example of
the other extreme, where measurements during
construction show shear movement in the shale,
Maximum section and where calculations indicate a marginal safety
factor against shear movement. In this case mea-
surements of deformation and pore water pressure
may be justified for several decades.
Table 21.1 gives a broad generalization, in prior-
ity order, of measurements that may be made for
monitoring long-term performance. However, the
priority must be tempered by the perspective given
in the previous paragraph and in Section 21.1. The
table also indicates recommended instruments and
additional instruments for use in special cases:
justifications for these recommendations are given
later in this section.
Monitoring emphasis should be on regular visual
'\/ Liquid level gage, overflow type observations and leakage quantities. Observations
A Surface settlement point and instrumentation complement each other. When
• Three-axis joint meter (electrical crack gage) reviewing the performance of an existing dam on
•• Joint pins (mechanical crack gage)
- + Embedment strain gage, single and pair the basis of visual observations only, one may miss
0 Terminal enclosure important behavioral trends. However, if judg-
._. Leakage weir ments are made using instrumentation records with-
Figure 21.6. Typical layout of instrumentation to contribute to out visual observation, incorrect conclusions may
the data base for the design of future concrete face rockfill dams be drawn if instruments are not at the critical loca-
(after Cooke, 1986). Note: Use of surveying methods requires tion or if they are not read at the critical time.
benchmark, remote from dam. For dams higher than about 450 ft Instrumentation to monitor seismic events is
(140m), typical layout includes inclinometer casing on or below
face slab. now routine for important dams in areas of poten-
tially strong earthquakes.
The need for additional external or internal in-
bases of dams. Contact earth pressure cells are be- strumentation depends on the individual character-
ing used to provide case history data, and piezome- istics of the dam. The selection of instrument quan-
ters are usually installed nearby so that effective tities and types must consider both technical factors
stresses can be determined. and the capability of the owner to read instruments
and interpret the data and will often be a compro-
mise between criteria put forward by the designer,
21.3. LONG-TERM PERFORMANCE the owner, and regulating agencies.
MONITORING OF EMBANKMENT DAMS If additional instrumentation is used, piezome-
ters should be the first choice, and deformation
Once an embankment dam has reached full height, monitoring should be the second choice. If in-
most failures are the result of internal erosion, over- strumentation has been installed to monitor defor-
topping, or other unexpected event, and a designer mations during construction, instrument readings
should be reluctant to depend on instrumentation are often continued routinely in the long term. Mea-
for an advance warning of adverse behavior. surements of total stress within the embankment
The need for long-term instrumentation depends are rarely reliable enough for long-term perfor-
greatly on the basic conservatism and foundation mance monitoring, but contact earth pressure cells
conditions of the dam. For example, a concrete face can be used to monitor total stresses between earth

Table 21.1. Measurements and Instruments for Long-Term Performance Monitoring

~easurement, in Additional Instruments for
Priority Order Recommended Instruments Special Cases
Condition of entire structure Visual observations
Leakage emerging downstream Leakage weirs
Precipitation gage
Performance of relief wells Leakage weirs
Open standpipe piezometers
Seismic events Strong motion accelerographs

Pore water pressure within the em- Open standpipe piezometersa Vibrating wire piezometers
bankment Twin-tube hydraulic piezometers Pneumatic piezometers
Vertical movement of the embank- Optical leveling
ment surface Trigonometric leveling
Satellite-based system
Lateral movement of the embank- Electronic distance measurements
ment surface Triangulation
Satellite-based system
Horizontal control stations
Vertical deformation within the em- Single-point and full-profile liquid Probe extensometers, installed verti-
bankment level gages, overflow type callya
Double fluid settlement gages
Horizontal inclinometers
Lateral deformation within the em- Probe extensometers with multiple Fixed embankment extensometers
bankment induction coil or magnet/reed with vibrating wire transducers, or
switch transducers, connected induction coil transducers with
by rods and installed horizon- frequency output
Horizontal control stations Inclinometers a
Total stress at contact between the Contact earth pressure cells
embankment and a structure
alf carried up through fill, there will be significant interruption to construction and the probability of inferior compaction.

and concrete dams at connections and on the sur- ally not the case for long-term instruments, when
faces of concrete conduits passing through the durability, simplicity, and ease of reading are pri-
bases of dams. mary criteria.
Instrumentation installed for monitoring long- Recommendations for monitoring various pa-
term behavior during the life of a dam will in general rameters during service life of an embankment dam
impose selection criteria different from short-term are given in Sections 21.3.1-21.3.10. Recommenda-
instrumentation, and a dam designer is advised to tions for monitoring the reservoir rim are given by
view each of the two needs separately. Although in USCOLD (1979).
both cases the overriding desirable feature is reli-
ability, instruments for short-term monitoring may
21.3.1. Regular Visual Observations
be called on to provide extensive data in a short
time period and, provided appropriate contractual In many countries, requirements for regular visual
arrangements have been made, will be read and observation are laid down by regulation. A detailed
maintained by competent personnel. This is gener- discussion of regular visual observations of em-

bankment dams is beyond the scope of this book. Strong Motion Monitoring
They are mentioned here to remind readers that reg-
Strong motion monitoring is used to measure the
ular visual observations are an essential aspect of a
response of the dam to ground shaking. Although
program for monitoring long-term performance. In
measurements can be used to validate seismic de-
fact, visual observations by reservoir staff, trained
sign assumptions, the most important benefit is to
to look for seeps, boils, shallow sloughing, cracks,
guide decisions on inspection and repair after the
or any other signs of distress, to log their observa-
dam has been subjected to a seismic event. For
tions, and to contact the responsible engineer when
example, if an earthquake has caused structural
appropriate, is the primary approach to monitoring
damage to the dam or to its appurtenant structures,
long-term performance of embankment dams. The
the following questions must be answered im-
visual observations should include the spillway and
the abutments. If visual observations indicate a po-
tential problem, it may be necessary to initiate a
quantitative monitoring program to define the prob- 1. Was the earthquake larger or smaller than the
lem and assist in selecting a solution. design earthquake?
2. What will be the performance of the dam in
the event of a larger shock?
21.3.2. Monitoring of Leakage 3. What repair or strengthening is required?
Recommendations for monitoring leakage are given
in Section 21.2.3. If no obvious earthquake damage has occurred, a
Long-term performance of relief wells deserves decision must be made on the extent of elaborate
special attention. Their efficiency can be reduced and expensive inspection operations, and data pro-
by plugging of filter packs or by accumulation of vided by strong motion monitoring equipment pro-
carbonates or bacteria, and it is often worthwhile to vide vital input to answering questions and reaching
install open standpipe piezometers midway be- decisions. Deformation data provided by static in-
tween selected wells and also directly adjacent to strumentation are also valuable, because seismic
some wells. If indicated pressures become exces- events often cause regional tectonic movements
sive, wells should be cleaned out or replaced. and also deformation within cohesionless soil de-
posits. On special occasions the pulses of seismi-
cally induced excess pore water pressures can be
21.3.3. Monitoring of Seismic Events*
monitored during ground shaking, requiring the in-
The outdated concept that seismic instrumentation stallation of piezometers with high dynamic re-
of embankment dams and reservoir sites is only a sponse (Banister et al., 1976; Ishihara, 1981).
research tool has given way to the modern concept Instruments for strong motion monitoring are
that seismic instrumentation is necessary for mod- normally called strong motion accelerographs or
erate to high dams in seismic areas. It is also desir- seismographs. The key element of the instrument is
able in traditionally nonseismic areas. This modern an accelerometer, which can be thought of as a
concept was graphically illustrated in the 1975 mass suspended in a case. The case is itself securely
earthquake that subjected Oroville Dam, previously anchored to the dam. During an earthquake, rela-
considered to be located in a nonseismic area, to tive movement between the mass and the case pro-
significant levels of seismic shaking (Department of vides an electrical signal proportional to either the
Water Resources, 1979). acceleration or velocity of the ground motion. An
Two classes of seismic instrumentation are used accelerograph also contains signal amplifiers, a re-
for monitoring dams and reservoirs: strong motion cording device (paper, photographic film, or mag-
monitoring on and near the dam itself and reservoir netic tape), a rechargeable battery power supply, a
seismicity networks in the area of the project site. highly accurate clock, and a seismic trigger set to
USCOLD (1985) presents a compilation of U.S. turn on the instrument when a preset level of
dams with instruments for monitoring strong mo- ground shaking is exceeded.
tion and reservoir seismicity. Strong motion accelerographs should, as a min-
imum, be located at the base and crest of the dam,
*Written with the assistance of Marshall L. Silver, Marshall Sil- and additional instruments may be located on the
ver & Associates Ltd., Chicago, IL. downstream slope. If possible, an additional instru-

Figure 21.7b. Wherever possible, they should be

located on rock in shallow pits away from noise
from quarries, streams, and spillways. Microseis-
mographs should be installed as soon as the project
site has been selected, using the advice of a seis-
mologist familiar with the seismic characteristics of
the region.

21.3.4. Monitoring of Pore Water Pressure

Instruments for measurement of pore water pres-
sure are described and evaluated in Chapter 9.
(b) There is general agreement that open standpipe
Figure 21.7. Recommended locations for (a) strong motion ac- piezometers are the most reliable instruments for
celerographs and (b) microseismographs. measurement of pore water pressure. When used
for monitoring long-term performance of an em-
bankment dam, they can often be installed in the
ment should be placed on a rock outcrop as close as
foundation under the downstream slope, and at the
possible to the dam to record bedrock motion. A
downstream toe, after completion of the dam. They
recommended layout is shown in Figure 21.7a. In-
are generally unsuitable for installation during con-
stallations should be made as soon as possible after
struction, because they interfere with fill place-
embankment construction.
ment. If open standpipe piezometers are not accept-
Details of instrument selection, installation, and
able, the choice for long-term monitoring is among
data evaluation are given by Bolt and Hudson
twin-tube hydraulic, pneumatic, and vibrating wire
(1975) and the Corps of Engineers (1981). Six im-
portant details are summarized below. First, be-
cause mains power will often fail during the seismic
event being recorded, all instruments must be bat- 21.3.5. Diversity of Views on Selection of
tery operated. Second, lightning protection must be Remote-Reading Piezometer Type
provided. Third, it is important to ensure that any
During recent years several engineers have ex-
structures constructed to house the instruments do
pressed their views in the technical literature on the
not influence dynamic measurements. Fourth, time
advantages and limitations of twin-tube hydraulic,
history records of induced ground motions must be
pneumatic, and vibrating wire piezometers for long-
available at the site immediately after the earth-
term monitoring of pore water pressure in embank-
quake, and little useful information results if the
ment dams. There is no clear unanimity of view.
seismic record must be sent to the instrument
The key points in each view are summarized in this
manufacturer to be read. Fifth, regular maintenance
section and followed by the author's suggestions for
of the instruments is vital. Sixth, all instruments
good practice.
and transmission devices must be secured against
Sherard (1981) generally favors the use of vibrat-
damage from earthquake shaking.
ing wire piezometers. He argues that although twin-
tube hydraulic piezometers are good instruments,
Reservoir Seismicity Networks
diaphragm piezometers are easier to use and require
Seismicity networks are used to measure local small less skill and care in their maintenance. Sherard
earthquakes in the area of the project site. Mea- points out that some models of pneumatic piezome-
sured data provide information on the frequency of ter have not given uniformly good service. When
local earthquakes, the location and depth of seismic diaphragm piezometers are used with saturated
activity, and the magnitude and mechanisms of high air entry filters and saturated interior cavity to
ground shaking. measure pore water pressure, the vibrating wire
Instruments for reservoir seismicity networks piezometer has important advantages over the
are normally called microseismographs. They pneumatic piezometer because the initial saturation
should be located around the reservoir rim at inter- and air tightness of the piezometer can be tested
vals of from 3 to 20 miles (5-30 km), as shown in before installation. The test is made by removing

the assembled and saturated piezometer from its piezometers. Mikkelsen also states that because the
container of water and taking periodic readings pneumatic piezometer has a simple valve that is
while evaporation of the water occurs in the pores either open or closed, there is little or no concern
of the filter. Sherard concludes that, although the for stability of calibration. It is nearly an ideal gage
vibrating wire piezometer and the better types of in that when the gage functions, the reading will
pneumatic piezometer are satisfactory instruments, tend to be correct.
the vibrating wire piezometer has substantial ad- Sherard (1982) responds to the discussions by
vantages and will probably be used more widely in Green and Mikkelsen. He states that many years of
the future. experience have shown that currently available vi-
Green (1982), in his discussion of Sherard's pa- brating wire piezometers have not had significant
per, presents some points in favor of twin-tube hy- problems because of zero drift, corrosion, calibra-
draulic piezometers and favors pneumatic over vi- tion, slope changes, and water leakage. This gener-
brating wire versions. Green points out that the ally good performance record has convinced a large
twin-tube hydraulic piezometer is the simplest, but fraction of engineers designing dams that the vibrat-
the pneumatic piezometer is also mechanically sim- ing wire piezometer is a basically good instrument.
ple and can be made entirely of corrosion-resistant Londe (1982) states that vibrating wire instru-
plastics. In contrast, the vibrating wire piezometer ments are more reliable and more durable than me-
is a complicated electromechanical device in which chanical or hydraulic instruments. In Londe's view,
the calibrated part of the measuring system is vibrating wire instruments are not subject to rust,
buried and is inherently susceptible to corrosion, leaks, or wear and, whenever long-term readings
zero drift, calibration slope changes, and grounding are required, they are preferable to other types.
problems owing to water ingress to the electrical They have the merit of accuracy, extreme reliabil-
system via the buried leads. Green argues that, al- ity, and ability to transmit readings without alter-
though these problems can be minimized by good ation over long distances.
design, defects are all too often present in any in- DiBiagio and Myrvoll (1985) describe a very ro-
strument owing to the manufacturer's lack of bust vibrating wire piezometer, shown in Figures
awareness, inadequately detailed design, or cost- 9.33 and 9.34, that has been designed specifically
cutting production methods forced on manufactur- for embankment dams and report on good perfor-
ers by the user's low-bid procurement procedures. mance.
Green states that the order of increasing complexity Dunnicliff (1981) gives recommendations for se-
is: twin-tube hydraulic, pneumatic, vibrating wire. lection among twin-tube hydraulic, pneumatic, and
Provided a pneumatic piezometer is designed to op- vibrating wire piezometers and contends that twin-
erate at subatmospheric pressure, its initial satura- tube hydraulic piezometers have the best chance of
tion and air tightness can be checked before instal- longevity. Houlsby (1982) endorses this view. Sug-
lation as described by Sherard. Green concludes gestions by both are included in the recommenda-
that the simpler pneumatic piezometer appears to tions given in the following section. Kleiner and
have much more to offer the geotechnical profes- Logani (1982), in their discussion ofDunnicliff's pa-
sion and the dam designer than does the vibrating per, recommend use of open standpipe piezometers
wire piezometer. wherever possible and indicate that both pneumatic
Mikkelsen (1982), in his discussion of Sherard's and vibrating wire piezometers can provide reliable
paper, also favors pneumatic over vibrating wire data over long periods of time, but that a substantial
piezometers, citing many factors similar to those number of instruments can fail.
given by Green. Mikkelsen indicates that if leads Penman (1986) favors hydraulic piezometers. He
over 1000 m (3300 ft) are necessary, pneumatic believes that the primary application for vibrating
piezometers start to become impracticable, wire piezometers is to provide rapid response and it
whereas cables over 4000 m (13,000 ft) long have seems unreasonable to expect the thin diaphragm of
been used on vibrating wire piezometers with suc- a pneumatic piezometer to last for the life of a dam.
cess. Pneumatic piezometers are not subject to Penman comments that the de-airing process seems
damage by lightning strikes, can be read automati- to have given twin-tube hydraulic piezometers a
cally using high-precision electronic pressure gages bad name. In the early days with polyethylene
and microprocessor controlled pneumatic flow sys- (polythene) tubing, air passed through the walls, but
tems, and are less expensive than vibrating wire with polyethylene coated nylon tubing and Bishop

piezometer tips, de-airing needs are infrequent. the long term, readings can be made from a remote
With the recent development of automatic de- location by using one of the methods described in
airing, de-airing is no longer an arduous procedure. Chapter 9.
Twin-tube hydraulic piezometer tubing will accom- If open standpipe piezometers are installed in
modate much more stretch than electrical cable. boreholes after completion of the dam, confor-
mance between the instrument and fill should be
ensured by selection of appropriate standpipes and
21.3.6. Recommended Piezometer Types for backfill materials, and the potential for hydraulic
Long-Term Monitoring fracturing should be recognized. The concern over
The author's suggestions for good practice are hydraulic fracturing caused by drilling fluid is debat-
given in the following subsections. able. Sherard (1986) indicates that hydraulic frac-
turing probably occurs to some degree in most em-
bankment dams, and usually no erosion is caused.
Open Standpipe Piezometers
It appears that the only certain method of prevent-
Open standpipe piezometers are the most reliable ing hydraulic fracturing during drilling is by using
instruments for measurement of pore water pres- augers, either to advance the borehole directly or to
sure. In many countries they are commonly used clean soil from within driven casing. Hydraulic frac-
for monitoring seepage pressures in the foundation turing while grouting the borehole above a piezome-
under the downstream slope and at the downstream ter can be avoided by stage grouting.
toe. Whenever possible, piezometers under the
downstream toe should be installed in boreholes af- Twin-Tube Hydraulic, Pneumatic, and Vibrating
ter completion of the dam so that there is no inter- Wire Piezometers
ference to fill placement.
If open standpipe piezometers are not acceptable,
When open standpipe piezometers are used, they
the choice is among twin-tube hydraulic, pneu-
should have low air entry filters. Standpipes should
matic, and vibrating wire piezometers. Based on his
be of thick wall PVC or ABS plastic pipe, rather
own experience and the diverse views summarized
than steel pipe or plastic tubing. Standpipe inside
above, the author puts forward the following sug-
diameter should be adequate for self-de-airing
gestions. There appear to be three primary ques-
(minimum of 0.3 in., 8 mm) and, unless considera-
tions that need to be answered when selecting
tions of response time dictate otherwise, inside di-
among the three types of piezometer for long-term
ameters of 0.75 or 1.0 in. (19 or 25 mm) are pre-
measurements. These are discussed in the following
ferred so that strength is adequate and insertion of
the reading device presents no problems. Stand-
pipes should always be protected by an outer tele-
First Question
scoping pipe to avoid ruptures of the types shown in
Figure 17.10. When it is necessary to prevent leak- Can I accept not knowing whether the measured
age of water along the annulus between the pipes, pressure corresponds to the pore water pressure,
the annulus should be filled with a slurry. pore gas pressure, or something in between?
Friction problems and breakage of electrical dip- As indicated in Section 9.13, the compacted fill in
meter cables have been common features in very an embankment dam may remain unsaturated for a
deep installations. When a standpipe is deeper than prolonged period after the reservoir is filled, and in
about 300ft (90 m), the deflections of the standpipe fact the fill may never become permanently satu-
owing to its own weight, within the protective pipe, rated by reservoir water. Increase of water pressure
can cause the dipmeter to be trapped by friction so causes air to go into solution, and the air is then
that the effort required to extract it causes cable removed only when there is enough flow through
breakage (Wilson, 1982). This difficulty can be the fill to bring in a supply of less saturated water.
overcome by reading with the purge bubble device, The pressure and time required to obtain saturation
leaving a small-diameter plastic tube within each depend on the soil type, degree of compaction, and
standpipe. Because the tube cannot be pushed degree of initial saturation. Pore gas pressure may
down a long standpipe after installation, it must be therefore remain significantly higher than pore wa-
inserted as the standpipe is assembled. ter pressure for a substantial length of time, perhaps
If access to the top of the standpipes is difficult in permanently. Despite use of saturated high air entry

filters, they may not remain saturated during this by constructing terminal houses within drainage or
time because gas may enter the filters by diffusion, inspection galleries or by use of almost vertical runs
and flushing of the filter and cavity may be neces- of tubing in filters as discussed in Section 21.4. Pen-
sary to ensure that pore water pressure continues to man (1986) indicates that the sluggishness of twin-
be measured. Twin-tube hydraulic piezometers al- tube hydraulic piezometers ceases to be a problem
low for flushing with de-aired liquid, but this is not if an automatic reading and de-airing system is
possible with conventional diaphragm piezometers. used. The same argument can be advanced for auto-
Although it is possible to add flushing tubes to dia- matically read pneumatic piezometers of the nor-
phragm piezometers, their addition dictates that the mally closed type. Thus, for very long connecting
instruments must be installed, terminated, oper- tubes or cables, the options are vibrating wire
ated, and maintained as required for twin-tube hy- piezometers or the remaining two types with auto-
draulic piezometers. matic reading equipment.
If the answer to this first question is no, twin-
tube hydraulic piezometers are required. If the an-
Summary of Recommendations for Selection Among
swer is yes, all three types are suitable.
Twin-Tube Hydraulic, Pneumatic, and Vibrating
Wire Piezometers
Second Question
Answers to the above three questions may dictate
To what extent are skilled personnel available to
selection among the three piezometer types for
maintain instruments during the operating life of
long-term measurements. The selection of filter
the dam?
type, shape, size, and saturation procedure should
Maintenance of all types of piezometer requires
follow the guidelines given in Chapter 9.
regular checking of all components in the terminal
Sherard (1981) states that the likely useful life of
enclosure. Twin-tube hydraulic piezometers may
any of the three types of piezometer is more related
also require occasional flushing of the system with
to the conservatism of the design and construction
de-aired liquid as described in Appendix E. Some
details of the specific piezometer, connecting lines,
users will not consider using a twin-tube hydraulic
and installation care, and to the conditions in which
piezometer system because they claim that the
it is placed, than it is related to differences among
maintenance burden is unacceptable. However, the
the three types. The author totally agrees with this
author believes that the maintenance burden has
been exaggerated by improper selection of compo-
The author also agrees strongly with Green
nents, and flushing is seldom necessary in a prop-
(1982) that cost-cutting production methods, forced
erly designed and installed system, except when
on the manufacturers by use of the user's low-bid
subatmospheric pore water pressures are being
procurement procedures, tend to reduce conserva-
read. A properly designed system entails attention
tism of the design and construction details. Perhaps
to the many details discussed in Appendix E.
this last observation helps to explain the diversity of
Maintenance of pneumatic and vibrating wire
views presented in the previous section: the good
piezometers also requires regular checking and cali-
experiences with vibrating wire piezometers that
bration of readout units, which can if necessary be
have been reported by Londe, Sherard, and Di-
done at an appropriate facility away from the site.
Biagio and Myrvoll are generally with Telemac and
The need for skilled maintenance is therefore appli-
Geonor instruments in situations where lowest cost
cable to all piezometers, but the availability of
does not dominate the choice of instruments.
skilled personnel (local, visiting on a regular basis,
Although some manufactured versions have a
and/or at off-site facility) is likely to impact on the
better success record than others, there appears to
selection among the three types.
be no certain and intrinsic longevity difference be-
tween pneumatic and vibrating wire piezometers.
Third Question
The inaccessible parts of both are self-evidently
Do connecting tubes or cables need to be longer more complex than the twin-tube hydraulic piezom-
than about 2000 ft (600 m)? eter.
If yes, twin-tube hydraulic and pneumatic pie- General requirements for maximizing reliability
zometer readings are sluggish and questionable. of performance monitoring are given in Chapter 15,
The length of tubing can sometimes be minimized including a listing of three major requirements re-

lating to the design of the instruments themselves: 21.3.7. Recommended Instruments for Monitoring
simplicity, self-verification, and durability in the in- Long-Term Settlement
stalled environment. In the view of the author,
Measuring points on the crest and downstream face
these three requirements are satisfied by twin-tube
should be the first choice for long-term measure-
hydraulic piezometers to a greater extent than by
ments of surface settlement. Measurements are nor-
the other two types. Open standpipe piezometers
mally made by optical or trigonometric leveling, but
installed in the foundation can be converted to re-
the satellite-based Navstar Global Positioning Sys-
motely read twin-tube hydraulic piezometers by us-
tem is likely to be used with increasing frequency in
ing the arrangement shown in Figure 9.10. If en-
the future.
gineers are truly committed to long-term readings
If subsurface settlement measurements are re-
that are as verifiable as possible, twin-tube hydraulic
quired, the choice is among liquid level gages, hori-
piezometers should be their first choice.
zontal inclinometers, and probe extensometers, and
Those who disagree with this preference for
selection depends on the specific needs and details
twin-tube hydraulic piezometers and favor use of
of each project. Liquid level gages and horizontal
pneumatic or vibrating wire piezometers for long-
inclinometers are greatly preferable to vertically in-
term measurements are encouraged to make a close
stalled probe extensometers, because they cause
study of recommendations by DiBiagio and Myrvoll
much less interference to construction. Of the many
(1985), Green (1982), Mikkelsen (1982), and Sherard
available types of liquid level gage, the most suit-
(1981, 1982). They are also encouraged to consider
able choices are the following:
very seriously the implications of low-bid procure-
ment procedures and to favor heavy-duty instru-
ments that are designed for long-term survivability, 1. Single-point overflow gages with duplicate
for example, the Geonor vibrating wire piezometer weirs.
shown in Figure 9.34 or the heavy-duty version 2. Full-profile overflow gages, often combined
manufactured by Geokon. They should review pub- with probe extensometers installed horizon-
lished opinions on the likelihood of zero drift of tally as shown in Figure 21.2.
vibrating wire piezometers: reference citations are 3. Double fluid settlement gages.
given in Chapter 8. Chapter 8 also reports on two
unpublished case histories, involving measure-
ments with vibrating wire piezometers supplied by Details of all instrument types are given in Chapter
two different manufacturers and installed in two 12.
embankment dams. During first filling of each reser- A reliable benchmark is essential, beyond the in-
voir, one piezometer indicated a high piezometric fluence of the dam and fluctuating reservoir. When
level that caused concern, and filling was stopped. benchmarks are located close to the dam or on
The piezometer reading continued to rise and, when steep slopes of native overburden soil, their uncer-
the indicated piezometric level rose above pool tain reliability can invalidate the monitoring objec-
level, the measurements were discounted and filling tive.
continued. These cases of a rogue instrument rein-
force the author's preference for twin-tube hy-
21.3.8. Recommended Instruments for Monitoring
draulic piezometers. They also emphasize the view
Long-Term Lateral Deformation
expressed by LeFrancois (1986) (Section 8.4.9) that
evaluations of data should not be made on the basis If lateral deformation measurements are required,
of readings from a single instrument. measuring points on the crest and downstream face
There is a need for comparative evaluations on should be the first choice. Data are normally ob-
long-term performance of the three types of remote- tained by trilateration with electronic distance
reading piezometer, with care to avoid incorrect measuring equipment, but triangulation is also used
general conclusions because of commercial bias, and the satellite-based Navstar Global Positioning
unusual project conditions, improper installation, System is likely to be used more widely in the fu-
improper selection of components, or improper op- ture. Stable horizontal control stations are critical
eration. Engineers who are in a position to pursue and should be located as described in Section 21.3.7
such practical comparisons are strongly encouraged for benchmarks.
to do so and to report their findings to the profes- If subsurface measurements of lateral deforma-
sion. tion are required, the choice is among probe exten-

someters, fixed embankment extensometers, and ically by use of accessible hydraulic/electrical trans-
inclinometers, and selection depends on the specific ducers. The selection of an inaccessible transducer
needs and details of each project. For measure- should be based on inherent longevity criteria, not
ments in the downstream shell, the best choice is on the fact that it provides an electrical signal at the
usually a probe extensometer with a current- source.
displacement induction coil transducer (sometimes
called a horizontal plate gage) installed horizontally Streaming Potential
as shown in Figure 21.2. Precision is maximized by
using the version with a primary induction coil near Streaming potential (also called self-potential) ap-
each steel plate and with interconnecting rods. pears to be a promising new method for long-term
Fixed embankment extensometers with electrical detection of seepage paths (Bartholomew et al.,
linear displacement transducers can be used to de- 1987; USCOLD, 1986). When water is forced to
termine the pattern of horizontal strain in the core flow under laminar conditions through porous earth
or elsewhere. Preferred transducers for long-term materials, it generates an electrical current. The
measurements are vibrating wire transducers or in- current is monitored by embedding electrodes
duction coil transducers with frequency output. In- within the dam. However, there appears to be little
clinometers can be installed to monitor lateral de- practical experience to date.
formation throughout the length of a vertical casing
but, unless the casing is extended upward within a Acoustic Emission Monitoring
filter as described in Section 21.4, this practice is Acoustic emission monitoring is being considered
discouraged. As discussed in Section 12.8.2, accu- for detection of seepage characteristics (Chapter 12)
racy of inclinometer data in inclined casings is poor but, as for streaming potential, there appears to be
(e.g., casings within a filter alongside a sloping little practical experience to date.
Details of available instruments are given in Thermal Monitoring
Chapter 12.
Attempts have been made to monitor leakage
through embankment dams by thermal monitoring,
21.3.9. Additional Approaches to Long-Term also called thermo tic surveys (Bartholomew et al.,
Monitoring 1987; Birman et al., 1971; USCOLD, 1986). The
principle is based on embedding thermistors in the
Automatic Monitoring
fill, drawing isotherms, and deducing flow patterns.
Recent developments in automatic data acquisition The key to success of this approach appears to rest
systems (ADASs), power supplies, and communica- on having a significant temperature difference be-
tion systems are having a major impact on long- tween the water in the reservoir and in the embank-
term monitoring of embankment dams. These de- ment fill.
velopments are described in Chapter 8, including a
discussion of the applicability of ADASs for moni-
21.3.1 0. Guidelines for Operating and
toring various transducers. Advantages and limita-
Maintenance Personnel
tions of ADASs and automatic data processing and
presentation systems are discussed in Chapter 18. Most major public agencies that are responsible for
!COLD (1982) provides guidelines and examples for long-term performance of embankment dams have
automatic monitoring, and the USCOLD Commit- guidelines for emergency preparedness planning.
tee on Measurements is currently preparing a sum- These guidelines generally include regular visual in-
mary of U.S. experience (TJSCOLD, 1988). spections and the use of instrumentation for safety
One caution needs to be given. Adoption of an evaluation. For example, the U.S. Army Corps of
automated monitoring program is not usually a Engineers has prepared several Engineering Regu-
justifiable reason for selecting inaccessible electri- lations that are listed by the Corps of Engineers
cal transducers. For example, the decision to read (1984). The Corps of Engineers (1985) provides ad-
automatically should not in itself cause vibrating ditional guidelines. The U.S. Bureau of Reclama-
wire piezometers to be selected in favor of open tion has a similar list (Misterek, 1986), and the Aus-
standpipe or twin-tube hydraulic piezometers, be- tralian National Committee on Large Dams has
cause these last two types can also be read automat- prepared guidelines (ANCOLD, 1983).

Dunnicliff (1981) attempts to answer the ques-


When instrumentation is installed on and in an

embankment dam for the purpose of moni-
(a) Acceptable
toring long-term performance, what guidelines
should be given to operating and maintenance
(O&M) personnel to assist them in judging
satisfactory performance based on the mea-
surement data?
(b) Acceptable
The suggested guidelines relate to measured pore
water pressures, settlements, lateral deformations,
and seepage flows and to regular visual observa-
tions of the condition of exposed parts of the em-
bankment and spillway.
An operating and maintenance manual should be (c) Acceptable, but (a) or (b)
is preferred. Also acceptable
prepared for the guidance of O&M personnel at all for near-vertical pipes.
dams. If instrumentation has been installed for long-
term performance monitoring, the manual should
include guidelines on regular calibration and main-
tenance procedures (Chapter 16) and on procedures
for collection, processing, presentation, interpreta-
(d) Unacceptable
tion, and reporting of instrumentation data (Chapter
18). The instrument installation report (Chapter 17) Figure 21.8. Examples of acceptable and unacceptable routings
should be made available to O&M personnel. for instrumentation tubes and cables.


EXECUTION OF MONITORING PROGRAMS FOR wherever possible. There is one exception to this
EMBANKMENT DAMS rule: installations can be extended upward through
a filter as discussed later in this section. If installed
General guidelines on the execution of monitoring other than in a filter, they impede the quality of
programs are given in Part 4 of this book. The compaction, and may cause significant problems
guidelines include instrument calibration, mainte- with the performance of the dam.
nance and installation, and collection, processing, It is preferable, wherever possible, to select in-
presentation, interpretation, and reporting of in- struments that do not require vertical runs. For ex-
strumentation data. This section provides general ample remote-reading piezometers can often be se-
guidelines specific to execution of monitoring pro- lected in preference to open standpipe piezometers.
grams for embankment dams. Most of the guide- Liquid level gages can often be selected in prefer-
lines relate to installation of instruments. ence to vertically installed probe extensometers,
and horizontally installed probe extensometers can
21.4.1. Installation of Pipes, Tubes, and Cables often be selected in preference to inclinometers.
Pipes, tubes, and cables for these preferable instru-
Methods of installing pipes, tubes, and cables are ments should be routed along the fill at the slope
described in Chapter 17. The following subsections
adopted for general placement purposes and ter-
elaborate on some important issues for embank- minated in an enclosure buried in the fill near the
ment dams. downstream face. Figure 21.2 shows an acceptable
routing for horizontal pipes. Figure 21.8 shows ac-
Comparison Between Vertical and Horizontal Runs
ceptable and unacceptable routings for tubes and
In embankment dams, vertical and near-vertical cables.
runs of pipes, tubes, and cables should be avoided The arrangement shown in Figure 21.8d has been

used in several dams. Tubes or cables have been Zone B (12 in. minus):
compacted with 15 ton
bundled together, and the vertical parts of the step vibratory roller

have been protected by enclosing them within a

Inclinometer casing
temporary protective steel pipe, often about 3 ft (1 (3.34 in. o.d. ABS)
m) in diameter, jacked up vertically as filling pro-
ceeds. There is ample evidence that this method
causes inadequate compaction around the bundle,
damage to instrument leads, and a potential water
pathway. Adverse behavior of major dams has been
caused as a result of this practice (e.g., Harder,
1982; Mikkelsen and Wilson, 1983), but it is still
considered acceptable by many engineers. The
practice is strongly discouraged. However, if the
pipes, tubes, or cables are extended upward
through a filter as shown in Figure 21.8c, the result 1ft
is much more satisfactory. Electrical cables were
Figure 21.9. Installation of horizontal inclinometer casing in con-
carried up the downstream filter of Srinagarind Dam crete face rockfill dam (after Mikkelsen, 1986b).
in Thailand (Champa and Mahatharadol, 1982) and
pneumatic tubes in the downstream filter of Wadas-
lintang Dam in Indonesia, using the jacked-up pro- trenched-in method: maximized use of fill produc-
tective steel pipe arrangement described above. Fil- tion and compaction equipment; no disturbance ow-
ter material was added inside the pipe as it was ing to trenching; improved initial grade and line;
jacked up, keeping the internal level close to the much faster installation; better access for compac-
bottom end of the pipe to avoid creating tension in tors; less potential for casing damage; and better
the leads as the pipe was jacked up. compaction.
For both horizontal and vertical runs, the en- Mikkelsen and Wilson (1983) maintain that when
gineering properties of fill material around pipes, trenches are excavated for instrumentation tubes or
tubes, and cables should match, as closely as possi- cables, they should not extend in the upstream-
ble, the properties of the surrounding fill. When in- downstream direction through more than one-half,
stalled in ''impervious'' fill, the installations should or preferably not more than one-third, of the width
not provide a leakage zone for water. of the core. It is worthwhile to consider three likely
reasons for this prohibition.
Installation of Vertical Runs First, some engineers are concerned that instru-
ment leads may be broken where they cross zones
When it is necessary to extend vertical or near-
of different compressibility. This issue is discussed
vertical runs of pipes, tubes, or cables upward
in the following subsection and appears not to be a
through the fill, they should be restricted to installa-
major concern. Second, leakage can "develop along
tion within a filter as described above. Either the
the route if instrument leads deteriorate and leave
jacked-up protective steel pipe procedure, or alter-
an open hole. This issue can be minimized by selec-
natively, the mounding method or the excavate and
tion of the types of tubes and cables that are recom-
replace method can be used, as described in Chap-
mended in Chapter 8 and by appropriate design of
ter 17.
the downstream filter. Third, leakage can develop
along the route if fill around the leads is poorly
Installation of Horizontal Runs
placed, such that it does not develop a total pres-
Mikkelsen (1986b) describes an innovative method sure greater than the pressure from reservoir water
for installing a horizontal pipe in rockfill during con- at that elevation. If great care is taken with fill
struction of a concrete face rockfill dam. The pipe placement, there should be no potential for leakage.
was plastic inclinometer casing, for use with a hori- The guidelines given in Chapter 17 should be fol-
zontal inclinometer, and was installed on 6 in. (13 lowed, using the trenching and backfilling method.
mm) of compacted sand as shown in Figure 21.9. In soft clay cores, excavated material should be re-
Mikkelsen reports on several advantages of this compacted into the trench at placement water con-
method of installation when compared with a tent and with at least as much compactive effort as

used for the main fill. In more sandy materials it filter, provided that they can accommodate minor
may be useful to add some bentonite to the ex- tensile and compressive strains. Penman (1986)
cavated material to improve its plasticity and re- shares this view and comments that plastic tubing of
duce its permeability. The "bentonite cutoffs" de- up to 0.25 in. (6 mm) diameter survives the defor-
scribed by USBR (1974) are not necessary. mations. Suitable tubing and cable is recommended
Alternatively, the surface installation method de- in Chapter 8. When using electrical cables, the wa-
scribed by Clements (1982) and in Chapter 17 can be ter-blocked type should be selected to avoid water
used, provided that there is good supervision of passing between the jacket and conductors. Be-
general fill placement. cause most electrical cables have limited ability to
If a leak occurs through the core, of a type that tolerate axial strain, it may be worthwhile to reduce
can be imagined as the most extreme result of the concentrations of strain by threading individual
actions of the above second and third points, the cables within minimum-sized plastic tubing where
leak will be controlled and sealed safely by a good they pass through zones that will experience sig-
downstream filter (Sherard, 1985). For most dams it nificant strain and to fill the annular space with pe-
is necessary for the designer to assume that a small troleumjelly. The tubing should extend at least 10ft
concentrated leak may develop through the core (3 m) on either side of the interface to help distrib-
from other causes, and Sherard et al. (1984) give ute the strain.
criteria for the design of appropriate filters. Others If designers predict more than normal differential
argue that leaks should be prevented to the extent movement between boundaries, an alternative rout-
possible, regardless of the filter design provided, ing will be more conservative. For example, it
because no filter design accounts for placement er- seems reasonable to expect a greater tendency for
rors during construction. the face of an upstream sloping core to "slip" with
In summary, if instrumentation of an embank- respect to the first downstream filter layer than is
ment dam can be achieved without running tubes the case for a vertical core, and more tendency near
and cables through the core, this is the preferred the top of a dam than near the bottom. For high
method. However, if instruments are considered es- dams with steep rock abutments, the core may slip
sential and if there are substantial economic advan- abruptly downward with respect to the abutments
tages to running leads completely through a core, as the core settles, and leads passing through the
the practice is acceptable provided that great care is interface may be sheared. However, it is not usual
taken while placing surrounding fill material. to route instrument leads into abutments unless
drainage galleries are being used for terminal ar-
rangements. At New Don Pedro Dam (Taylor,
Installation of Tubes and Cables Across Zones of
1968), where substantial differential movements be-
Different Compressibility.
tween zones were anticipated, all tubes and cables
The question of running piezometer tubes and were carried parallel to the axis of the dam, entirely
cables through the boundaries between embank- within each zone either to the abutments or to a
ment zones is widely debated, particularly through central backfilled shaft within the core. Today, a
the boundary between the downstream face of a better practice would be to extend the leads upward
central core and the downstream filter. Dogmatic in a filter, as described earlier.
guidelines cannot be given, but it appears to the
author that the practice is acceptable.
21.4.2. Completion of Terminal Enclosure
Shear movements have been measured across
zones of different compressibility in several dams, On some projects, instruments are installed and
for example, between a vertical core and down- leads are left for a significant time as coils on the fill.
stream filter, using double fluid settlement gages. Many instruments, such as twin-tube hydraulic
Wilson (1982) reports on such measurements in An- piezometers and liquid level settlement gages, can-
gostura Dam, a 500ft (150m) high rockfill dam with not be read until terminal arrangements are com-
a central vertical clay core, showing that shear pleted, and if coils are left on the fill no initial read-
movements were not abrupt. This and other experi- ings are taken and early data are not available.
ences convinced Wilson that, in general, it is satis- Without initial readings, no calculations can be
factory to route tubes and cables through the made of total changes. To avoid this shortcoming,
boundary between a vertical core and downstream terminal enclosures must be completed in a timely

manner so that initial instrument readings can be term. The decision should be based on long-term
made immediately after instruments are installed. needs, not on the fact that instruments are there.
Other instruments, such as vibrating wire and pneu- The need for monitoring a typical dam, after the
matic piezometers, can be read while leads are reservoir has been filled for 2 or 3 years, decreases
coiled, and this issue does not arise. rapidly with each passing year. In particular, during
the first few years the settlements and internal
21.4.3. Interpretation of Settlement Measurements strains usually come to equilibrium, after which
in the Core there is little interest in continued monitoring of in-
When measurements of settlement are made within ternal deformation.
the central core of an embankment dam, the data When long-term instruments have been read in-
are often used to compute the modulus of compres- tensively for a period after the dam is in operation,
sion. However, the engineer rarely knows whether and when long-term reading costs must be reduced,
the "compression" measured between two points is data collection frequency will be reviewed. A good
vertical compression (decrease in volume) or if it approach is to select key instruments, based either
may primarily be due to shear deformation at con- on their importance or on previous behavior, and to
stant volume as the sides of the core spread out- continue to read these at an unchanged frequency.
ward. In any given case both actions occur. If the Others will then be read at a greatly reduced fre-
shear deformation is ignored, interpretations of data quency. For instruments requiring multiple read-
showing that the central core of a rockfill dam is ings for a single data set, such as probe extensome-
more compressible than the shells may be incorrect. ters or inclinometers, frequent readings can be
When intending to use settlement data for this pur- limited to the zone of greatest importance or of
pose, one must include additional measurements to greatest previous change.
resolve the uncertainty. The extent of horizontal
spreading of the downstream face of the core can be
measured by using the arrangement shown in Fig- 21.5. SELECTED CASE HISTORIES
ure 21.2. Double fluid settlement gages can be used
to measure settlement in both the core and shell. Table 21.2 summarizes selected case histories of
instrumented embankment dams. Several of the
21.4.4. Data Collection Frequency case histories are selected from the Transactions of
the Fifteenth International Congress on Large
Chapter 18 gives general guidelines for the fre- Dams (ICOLD), held in Lausanne in 1985: there are
quency of data collection, and suggested schedules many more good case histories in Volume 1 of these
for embankment dams are given by Bartholomew et Transactions. A summary is given by Post (1985)
al. (1987) and USCOLD (1986). and a brief overview by Water Power & Dam Con-
When instruments have been installed in an em- struction (1985). Post also lists other recent occa-
bankment dam to monitor performance during con- sions when monitoring of dams and their founda-
struction, first filling, or drawdown, a decision must tions has been the subject of earlier ICOLD
be made on whether to continue readings in the long Congresses.
Table 21.2. Summary of Selected Case Histories of Embankment Dams

Principal Measure- Instrumentation Special

Project Concerns Type of Dam menta Discussedb Features Reference
Fifteen dams in Post-construction Various rockfill D Surveying Summary of post- Dascal (1987)
Canada deformations dams, 30-500 methods construction
ft (10-170 m) settlement and
high horizontal defor-
mation data
Shiroro Dam, Performance during 410ft (125 m) LE Leakage weirs Inclined inclinome- Bodtman and Wy-
Nigeria construction and high concrete G Pneumatic and ter casings in- att (1985)
operation face rockfill vibrating stalled below
wire piezom- concrete face.
D Surveying
D Probe exten-
someters (H)
D Full-profile liq-
uid level
D Crack gages
D Inclinometers
T Thermistors
Various dams in Various Various LE Leakage weirs Summary of types DiBiagio and
Norway G Piezometers and quantities of Kjaemsli (1985)
D Probe exten- instruments in
someters (V) Norwegian dams
D Liquid level
D Fixed embank-
ment exten-
D Inclinometers
TS Embedment
earth pres-
sure cells
Salvajina Dam, Performance during 485ft (150m) LE Leakage weirs Hacelas et a!.
Colombia first filling and high concrete G Pneumatic (1985)
operation face gravel/ piezometers
rockfill D SurveyiiJ£
D Liquid level
D Crack gages
s Embedment
strain gages
TS Embedment
earth pres-
sure cells
SE Strong motion
Monasavu Performance during 280ft (85 m) LE Leakage weirs Very wet residual Knight eta!. (1985)
Dam, Fiji construction and high rockfill G Twin-tube hy- clay core
operation with central draulic
core piezometers
D Surveying
Table 21.2. Summary of Selected Case Histories of Embankment Dams (Continued)

Principal Measure- Instrumentation Special

Project Concerns Type of Dam menta Discussedb Features Reference
D Liquid level
D Fixed embank-
ment exten-
so meters
TS Embedment
earth pres-
sure cells
SE Strong motion
Foz do Areia Deformations dur- 525 ft (160 m) LE Leakage weirs Lagos Marques et
Dam, Brazil ing and after high concrete D Surveying a!. (1985)
construction face rockfill methods
D Probe exten-
someters (H)
D Liquid level
D Crack gages
s Embedment
strain gages
Khao Laem Performance during 430ft (130 m) LE Leakage weirs Inclinometer cas- Mahasandana and
Dam, Thai- construction and high concrete G Observation ings attached to Mahatharadol
land operation face rockfill wells concrete face (1985)
D Surveying
D Settlement plat-
D Liquid level
D Crack gages
D Inclinometers
s Embedment
strain gages
TS Contact earth
pressure cells
Elandsjagt Performance during 250ft (75 m) LE Leakage weirs Very rapid first Melvill (1985)
Dam, South construction and high earth and G Twin-tube hy- filling
Africa operation rockfill draulic and
vibrating wire
D Probe exten-
D Liquid level
TS Contact and
earth pres-
sure cells
Meggett Dam, Performance during 180ft (55 m) D Surveying Comparison be- Penman and
Scotland construction and high dam with methods tween observed Charles (1985)
operation central as- D Probe exten- and predicted de-
phaltic core someters (H) formations
and gravel D Liquid level
shells gages
Table 21.2. Summary of Selected Case Histories of Embankment Dams (Continued)

Principal Measure- Instrumentation Special

Project Concerns Type of Dam menta Discussedh Features Reference
Nurek Dam, Performance during 980 ft (300 m) G Piezometers Height of dam Sokolov et al.
USSR construction and high zoned D Fixed embank- (world's highest) (1985)
operation earthfill ment exten-
D Inclinometers
TS Contact and
earth pres-
sure cells
W. A. C. Ben- Performance during 600 ft (185 m) LE Leakage weirs 16 years of per- Taylor et al. (1985)
nett Dam construction and high zoned G Open stand- formance records Taylor and Chow
(Portage operation earthfill pipe, twin- (1976)
Mountain tube hy-
Dam), BC, draulic,
Canada pneumatic,
and vibrating
wire piezom-
D Surveying
D Probe exten-
someters (V)
D Inclinometers
s Embedment
strain gages
TS Embedment
earth pres-
sure cells
Bath County Performance during 460 ft (140 m) G Pneumatic Dual piezometers Kleiner (1983)
Hydroelectric construction and and 150ft (45 piezometers
Pumped- operation m) high zoned G Dual pneumatic
Storage Proj- earth and and vibrating
ect, Virginia, rockfill wire piezom-
U.S.A. eters
Svartevann Performance during 425 ft (130 m) LE Leakage weirs DiBiagio et al.
Dam, Nor- construction and high rockfill G Vibrating wire (1982)
way operation: height with central piezometers
of dam substan- earth core D Surveying
tially exceeded methods
other dams in D Probe exten-
Norway someters
D Fixed embank-
ment exten-
D Inclinometers
TS Embedment
earth pres-
sure cells
Cethana Dam, Performance during 360ft (110m) LE Leakage weirs Inclinometer cas- Fitzpatrick et al.
Tasmania, construction and high concrete D Surveying • ings attached to (1982)
Australia operation face rockfill methods concrete face
D Liquid level
D Crack gages
Table 21.2. Summary of Selected Case Histories of Embankment Dams (Continued)

Principal Measure- Instrumentation Special

Project Concerns Type of Dam menta Discussedb Features Reference
D Inclinometers
s Embedment
strain gages
Various dams in Long-term per- Various earthfill G Twin-tube hy- Emphasis on Penman and Ken-
Britain formance dams draulic pie- avoiding vertical nard (1981)
zometers pipes and tubes
D Probe exten-
someters (H)
D Liquid level
D Fixed embank-
ment exten-
TS Embedment
earth pres-
sure cells
Various dams in Various Various earthfill LE Leakage weirs Discussion of Peters and Long
western dams G Piezometers needs for limited (1981)
Canada D Surveying and comprehen-
methods sive monitoring
D Probe exten- programs
someters (V)
D Inclinometers
El Infiernillo Long-term per- 480ft (145 m) G Open standpipe 18 years of per- Rosati and Esquivel
Dam, Mexico formance high rockfill piezometers formance records (1981)
with central D Surveying
earth core methods
D Probe exten-
someters (V)
D Fixed embank-
ment exten-
D Inclinometers
SE Strong motion
Tarbela Dam, Performance during 460ft (140m) LE Leakage weirs Szalay and Marino
Pakistan construction and high zoned and flumes (1981)
operation earth and G Open standpipe,
rockfill twin-tube
and vibrating
wire piezom-
D Surveying
D Single-point
and full-
profile liquid
level gages
D Fixed embank-
ment exten-
Table 21.2. Summary of Selected Case Histories of Embankment Dams (Continued)

Principal Measure· Instrumentation Special

Project Concerns Type of Dam menta Discussedb Features Reference
D Tiltmeters
TS Embedment
earth pres-
sure cells
T Thermometers
SE Strong motion
Mica Dam, BC, Cracking 800 ft (245 m) LE Leakage weirs Height of dam Khilnani and Web-
Canada Control of seepage high zoned G Observation ster (1976)
earth fill wells Webster (1970)
G Piezometers
D Surveying
D Probe exten-
someters (V)
D Fixed embank-
ment exten-
D Inclinometers
TS Embedment
earth pres-
sure cells
Ilha Solteira Performance during 230ft (70 m) G Open stand- Water loss, caves, Vargas and Hsu
Project, construction and high earth and pipe, pneu- and cracks re- (1975)
Brazil operation rockfill matic, and suiting from in-
vibrating ferior compac-
wire piezom- tion around
eters vertical pipes
D Probe exten-
someters (V)
D Inclinometers
TS Embedment
earth pres-
sure cells
Oroville Dam, Performance during 770 ft (235 m) LE Leakage weirs O'Rourke (1974)
California, construction and high zoned G Twin-tube hy- Kulhawy and Dun-
U.S.A. operation earthfill draulic pie- can (1972)
Comparison be- zometers
tween measured D Probe exten-
and predicted someters (V)
data D Liquid level
D Fixed embank-
ment exten-
s Embedment
strain gages
TS Embedment
and contact
earth pres-
sure cells
SE Strong motion
Table 21.2. Summary of Selected Case Histories of Embankment Dams (Continued)
Principal Measure- Instrumentation Special
Project Concerns Type of Dam menta Discussedh Features Reference
Various Various Various earth D Surveying Wilson (1973)
and rockfill methods
dams D Probe exten-
someters (V)
D Liquid level
D Fixed embank-
ment exten-
so meters
D Inclinometers
Briones Dam, Performance during 280ft (85 m) LE Leakage weirs Sloping clay core Anton and Dayton
California, construction and high zoned G Open standpipe, placed directly (1972)
U.S.A. operation earthfill twin-tube on upstream face
hydraulic, and
D Surveying
D Probe exten-
someters (V)
Galisteo Dam, Large lateral defor- 160ft (50 m) D Surveying Catanach and
New Mexico, mations during high zoned methods McDaniel (1972)
U.S.A. construction earthfill D Inclinometers
D Tiltmeters
New Don Pedro Performance during 585 ft (180 m) G Pneumatic No pipes, tubes, or Taylor (1968)
Dam, Califor- construction and high zoned piezometers cables crossing
nia, U.S.A. operation earth and D Surveying interfaces be-
rockfill methods tween zones
D Probe exten-
someters (V)
D Liquid level
D Fixed embank-
ment exten-
D Inclinometers
Mangla Dam, Performance during 450 ft (135 m) G Open stand- Binnie et a!. (1967)
Pakistan construction and high zoned pipe, twin-
operation earth fill tube hy-
draulic, and
wire piezom-
D Probe exten-
someters (V)
D Inclinometers
D Plumb lines
D Inverted pen-
TS Embedment
earth pres-
sure cells
an: deformation LE: leakage SE: seismic event monitoring
G: groundwater pressure S: strain in structural members T: temperature
TS: total stress in soil or at contact with structure.
hH: horizontal; I: inclined; V: vertical. 441


22.1. GENERAL ROLE OF INSTRUMENTATION Figures 22.1 and 22.2 show typical excavated
slopes in clay and in rock. The figures convey the
Analysis of slope stability is the principal geotech- contrast between how the project will usually ap-
nical design task for temporary or permanent ex- pear on engineering drawings and what may actu-
cavated slopes. Factors influencing stability include ally happen in the field. A discussion of the role of
stratigraphy, groundwater levels, seepage gradi- instrumentation for slopes in soil is given by Wilson
ents, strength of the soil or rock mass, geometry, and Mikkelsen (1978) and for slopes in rock by
and driving forces. Franklin and Denton (1973), Hoek and Bray (1981),
Stability of slopes in soil is controlled by the ratio and Patton (1983).
between the available shearing resistance along a Instrumentation can be used to define the
potential failure surface and the shear stress on the groundwater regime prior to excavating a slope. Re-
surface. Circular or wedge-shaped surfaces are of- sults of measurements during excavation can be
ten used in analyses that attempt to model actual used as a basis for modification of the designed
conditions. Available strength includes cohesion slope angle. Measurements of ground movement
and frictional components; for long-term considera- and groundwater pressure can assist in docu-
tions, the contribution of cohesion is often reduced menting whether or not performance during and af-
significantly. ter excavation is in accordance with predicted be-
Stability of slopes in rock is usually controlled by havior. Measurements can also be used to docu-
the presence of discontinuities in the rock mass and ment whether short- and long-term surface and/or
the presence of water under pressure in these dis- subsurface drainage measures are performing effec-
continuities. Failures most frequently occur as are- tively. If evidence of instability appears during or
sult of sliding or separation along discontinuities. after construction, instrumentation plays a role in
Primary mechanisms that control the behavior of defining the characteristics of the instability, thus
excavated slopes are outlined in Chapter 2. It is permitting selection of an appropriate remedy.
imperative that, prior to planning an instrumenta- Instrumentation programs for natural slopes are
tion program for a slope in soil or rock, an engineer essentially the same as for excavated slopes.
first develop one or more working hypotheses for a
potential behavior mechanism. The hypotheses
must be based on a comprehensive knowledge of
the locations and properties of discontinuities.
The following principal questions are presented in
*Written with the assistance of Robin B. Dill, Senior Engineer, the normal order of occurrence for an excavated or
and Douglas G. Gifford, Associate and Vice President, Haley & natural slope. The order does not reflect a rating of
Aldrich, Inc., Cambridge, MA. importance.

-~··x·. . ···:x· ::·.·::x-.-:-=:

Shown on drawings Possible in field
Figure 22.1. Excavated slope in day (after DiBiagio and Myrvoll, 1981).

22.2.1. What Are the Initial Site Conditions?

times plays a role in defining initial site conditions.
Initial site conditions are determined by use of con- For example, groundwater pressures can have a
ventional site investigation procedures, sometimes large impact on the stability of slopes. Piezometers
supplemented by in situ testing. Special attention can be installed well before the start of excavation,
should be given to defining possible failure mecha- to define the preconstruction groundwater pressure
nisms. If potential failure zones are identified, the regime, including any perched or artesian water. If
need for reinforcement or other methods of slope piezometers are installed sufficiently early, sea-
stabilization can then be addressed. For slopes in sonal variations can be defined.
rock, comprehensive structural geologic mapping If there is evidence of instability prior to excava-
will indicate critical discontinuities. Particular at- tion of the slope, such as an old landslide, the avail-
tention should be given to persistent, adversely ori- able data should be analyzed to identify potential
ented joint sets, to possible low strength zones, and failure mechanisms. An instrumentation program
to continuous features such as faults and shears at can then be planned to test hypotheses and to deter-
the top of the slope that could allow release of po- mine whether adverse conditions are present.
tentially unstable blocks and wedges. Methods of instrumentation for this purpose are de-
Performance monitoring instrumentation some- scribed in the following sections.

Fault zone

Continuous shear
Shown on drawings Possible in field

Figure 22.2. Excavated slope in rock.


22.2.2. Is the Slope Stable During Excavation? benches of large excavations in rock where there is
concern for a wedge failure (e.g., Stepanov, 1983):
A program to monitor stability during excavation is
the instruments are used to monitor vertical defor-
not usually required if the design is very conserva-
mation and are intended to provide a forewarning of
tive, if there is previous experience with design and
any instability.
construction of similar facilities under similar con-
ditions, or if the consequences of poor performance
Subsurface Monitoring of Deformation
will not be severe. However, under other circum-
stances a monitoring program will normally be re- Subsurface deformation measurements will be re-
quired to demonstrate that the excavation is stable quired if sliding occurs and if the depth of sliding is
and that nearby structures are not affected adverse- not readily apparent from surface measurements
ly. and visual observations. Measurements of subsur-
Deformation and groundwater pressure are the face horizontal deformation are more important
primary parameters that assist in the evaluation of than measurements of subsurface vertical defor-
stability during excavation. Deformation measure- mation.
ments are usually the primary interest but, because For slopes in soil, inclinometers are the instru-
high groundwater pressures can cause deformation, ments of choice, although shear plane indicators
groundwater pressure measurements are also often can be used for crude measurements, and slope ex-
needed so that cause and effect relationships can be tensometers may be preferred if deformation is pre-
established. dicted to occur along thin shear zones.
Critical movements of slopes in rock are often
Surface Monitoring of Deformation smaller than critical movements of slopes in soil,
and therefore the required accuracy of deformation
Deformation monitoring will often be limited to sur-
measurements is generally greater. Fixed borehole
face measurements. Vertical and horizontal defor-
extensometers, installed from the face of the slope
mations are normally monitored by surveying
following excavation of a rock bench, may there-
methods, with electronic distance measurement
fore be selected for monitoring subsurface horizon-
playing a significant role. Surface measurements
tal deformation of slopes in rock in preference to
should extend beyond the uppermost limit of any
possible movement zone to an area that is known to
Multiple deflectometers and in-place inclinome-
be stable, so that possible surface strain in advance
ters can provide real-time monitoring of subsurface
of cracking can be monitored. Any toe heave should
deformation, and these instruments can be con-
also be monitored. Tension cracks at the crest of
nected to alarms if required.
the slope may be the first sign of instability. If
cracks appear at the crest of the slope or elsewhere,
Monitoring of Groundwater Pressure
their widths and vertical offsets should be moni-
tored. Open standpipe piezometers are normally selected
Crack measurements give clues to the behavior for slopes in soil, but diaphragm piezometers are
of the entire slope, and often the direction of move- appropriate if more rapid response is required. If
ment may be inferred from the pattern of cracking, any sliding is occurring, pore water pressures at or
particularly by the matching of the irregular edges near the sliding surface must be measured to enable
of the cracks. an effective stress analysis to be performed.
Acoustic emission techniques can sometimes be For slopes in rock, the heterogeneous nature of
used by experienced personnel over a wide area in most rock masses results in a need for comprehen-
shallow drillholes to determine deformation trends sive monitoring of joint water pressure along,
and locations. above, and below each possible failure plane. Pat-
For slopes in rock, monitoring the tilt of critical ton (1983) presents a strong case for use of the mov-
blocks can provide an assessment of stability if the able probe type of multipoint piezometer, because it
deformation has a rotational component. Tiltmeters (1) provides a large number of measuring points, (2)
with electrolytic level transducers provide the most does not create nonconformance, (3) allows the
precise data, and the high precision allows trends transducer to be calibrated at any time, (4) provides
to be determined in a minimum time period. Multi- redundancy in field data, and (5) reduces the
point liquid level gages have been installed on problems of creating multiple seals when more than

one conventional piezometer is installed in a single Summary of Possible Instrumentation

borehole. Patton comments:
In summary, possible instrumentation for examin-
In my opinion most existing field piezometer instal- ing slope stability during excavation can be selected
lations for [rock] slope stability investigations are from the list given in Table 22.1.
deficient in the number of piezometers (probably by To the degree possible, key instruments should
a factor of 5 to 10) unless the geology and hydrology be installed and initial measurements taken before
of the slope are very simple. However, simple geol- excavation starts. Additional instruments can be in-
ogy and hydrology cannot be demonstrated without stalled as excavation progresses.
a significant number of drillholes to document the
geologic and piezometric data.
22.2.3. How Much Ground Is Moving?
The Westbay Instruments Ltd. combined piezome-
If there is evidence of instability during excavation
ter-inclinometer system provides a comprehensive
or after completion of the slope, its characteristics
profile of both joint water pressure and horizontal
must be defined so that any necessary remedial
deformation in a single borehole.
measures may be taken. The question how much
If stability has been increased by improving
ground is moving? can be answered by use of in-
groundwater drainage before the start of excava-
strumentation. The question why is the ground
tion, effectiveness of the drainage will usually be
moving? will not be answered by instrumentation
monitored by measuring groundwater pressure.
alone: the answer of course also requires a com-
Predicting Stability of Completed Slope plete geotechnical investigation and analysis.
Methods of instrumentation have been described
Measurements during excavation can be used to as- in Section 22.2.2. Possible layouts for determining
sess the stability of the completed slope. Back- how much ground is moving in excavated slopes are
computations are made to examine the validity of shown in Figures 22.3 and 22.4. It must be stressed
parameters used in the original design. On the basis
of these back-computations, new design calcula-
tions are made to predict the performance of the
final slope, and slope angles are modified if neces-
sary. If this approach is taken, clearly the calcula-
tions must be made in a timely manner, and ami- 0
crocomputer will normally be used. 0 \
Water-filled \
surface crack ~
Table 22.1. Instruments Suitable for Examining Slope
Stability During Excavation Potential
Measurement Suitable Instruments
Surface deformation Surveying methods
Crack gages
Multipoint liquid level gages
Subsurface Inclinometers X X X
deformation Fixed borehole extensometers
Slope extensometers
Shear plane indicators
+ - Surveying methods

Multiple deflectometers Inclinometer casing

In-place inclinometers
Combined piezometer-inclinometer o Piezometer
.._... Crack gage
Acoustic emission monitoring
Figure 22.3. Possible layout of instrumentation for monitoring an
Groundwater pressure Single piezometers
excavated slope in soil when there is evidence of instability (after
Multipoint piezometers
DiBiagio and Myrvoll, 1981 ). Note: Use of surveying methods
Combined piezometer-inclinometer
requires benchmark and horizontal control station, remote from

Joint set parallel The choice will be based on many factors, including
to fault
the consequences of failure and the economics of
stabilizing. When planning a monitoring program
for either of the second two options, a two-step
approach is recommended: first, measurements of
Excavated deformation on the surface of the entire slope to
rock slope
indicate the existence of any instability and second,
additional measurements at any location shown to
be unstable. Measurement methods are similar to
Continuous clay- those discussed in Section 22.2.2, and Chapter 15
filled shear provides guidelines on maximizing reliability of
observed during long-term instrumentation.
For the first step, regular visual observations
play an important role. Electronic distance mea-
surement is the primary method for monitoring any
deformation on the surface of the entire slope, and
- Surveying methods crack gages are used to monitor any deformation at
0 Piezometer existing cracks. If necessary, crack gages can be
Combined inclinometer casing
connected to alarms, set to trigger after a predeter-
and multipoint piezometer mined deformation has occurred. The crack gage
Multipoint fixed borehole extenso meter shown in Figure 12.14 is particularly useful.
Acoustic emission techniques and tilt monitoring
Crack gage
can sometimes be helpful when assessing stability.
Figure 22.4. Possible layout of instrumentation for monitoring an If stability has been increased by improving ground-
excavated slope in rock when there is evidence of instability. water drainage, long-term effectiveness of the
Note: Use of surveying methods requires benchmark and horizon-
tal control station, remote from slope.
drainage will usually be monitored as part of the
first step, by measuring groundwater pressure.
If data gathered during the first step indicate an
that these layouts are only examples, and many unstable area, the same surface observations and
other configurations are possible. Other configura- measurements will be concentrated in that area dur-
tions are indicated by the case histories described ing a second step, to define the instability more
later in this chapter. closely. The depth of sliding may become readily
apparent, and it may therefore be possible to plan
22.2.4. Is the Slope Stable in the Long Term? and implement remedial measures without the need
for subsurface instrumentation. When the depth
The question applies primarily to excavated slopes and thickness of the zone of sliding are not appar-
that have been unstable during excavation. How- ent, measurements of subsurface horizontal defor-
ever, there are cases where the question applies mation and groundwater pressure will normally be
also to excavated slopes with no history of instabil- required.
ity, for example, when construction is planned near Two additional factors may cause instability in
the toe. The question may also apply to natural the long term and may merit a monitoring program.
slopes. First, the wedging action of ice can cause serious
In general, a choice must be made among: instability, and freezing at the surface can cause ice
dams to form, which hold unfrozen groundwater
1. doing nothing and accepting the conse- inside the ground. The buildup of internal water
quences of slope failure; pressure, unless relieved by drainage, can lead to
2. monitoring to provide a forewarning of insta- slope failure. The same effect is observed when
bility, so that remedial measures can be im- sunlight acts on the upper slopes of deep valleys,
plemented before critical situations arise; and melting the ice and snow at upper levels, which then
3. stabilizing the slope, perhaps including a mon- percolate downward and exert pressure against the
itoring program to verify that stability has still frozen ground in the lower, more shaded re-
been achieved. gions. To combat this effect, drainage of the slope

may be required, and drains must be prevented rods and expansion shell anchors, anchored deeper
from freezing. Temperature measurements will than the rockbolts. If measurements of load in the
show the depth and extent of any freezing problems. rockbolts are also required for more comprehensive
Second, loss of tension in rockbolts can cause monitoring, load cells or strain gages can be used on
instability. If rockbolts have been installed for slope end-anchored rockbolts but strain gages are the
reinforcement, the opportunity arises to measure only option for use on fully grouted rockbolts.
load in the rockbolts, and these measurements may
be useful for verifying assumed design loads. How-
ever, recognizing that the purpose of rockbolts is to
restrain deformation, it is usually more effective to
monitor deformation of the rock by using fixed
For those readers who seek general guidelines on
borehole extensometers rather than to monitor
what is typically routine monitoring and what is
stress in rockbolts. A typical approach is use of
monitoring for special applications, Table 22.2
single-point fixed borehole extensometers, with
presents a broad generalization.
In practice, the most frequent use of instrumen-
Table 22.2. Overview of Routine and Special Monitoring tation for excavated and natural slopes is to investi-
gate the characteristics of a slope that is observed to
Application Measurement be moving.
Routine monitoring Surface deformation
Groundwater pressure
Special applications Subsurface deformation
Load in rockbolts Table 22.3 summarizes selected case histories of
Temperature instrumented excavated and natural slopes.

Table 22.3. Summary of Selected Case Histories of Excavated and Natural Slopes
Principal Measure- Instrumentation Special
Project Concerns Type of Slope menta Discussed Features Reference
New Liskeard Stability of slope Varved clay G Vibrating wire Lau and Kenney
College of after installation piezometers (1984)
Agriculture of horizontal
and Techno!- drains
ogy, New
Liskeard, On-
tario, Canada
Riverbank at Stability of slope Granular a!- G Piezometers Shafts and radial Von Thun (1984)
Grand Coulee during large flue- luvium, drains installed
Dam, Wash- tuations in river varved silts, to reduce
ington, level and clays groundwater
U.S.A. levels
Riverbank on Stability of slope, Highly plastic D Inclinometers Wardlaw et a!.
Big Sunflower after stabilization clay (1984)
River, Clarks- with gravel
dale, MS, trenches
Two sites in Rate of landside Colluvium and D Surveying Barton and Coles
southern En- movement clay methods (1983)
gland Effectiveness of D Shear plane in-
trench drain rem- dicators
edy D Inclinometers
G Open standpipe
Table 22.3. Summary of Selected Case Histories of Excavated and Natural Slopes (Continued)
Principal Measure- Instrumentation Special
Project Concerns Type of Slope menta Discussed Features Reference

Vaiont Slide, Cause, physical Rock D Surveying Patton (1983)

Italy characteristics, methods
Pillar Mountain activity status of D Crack gages
Slide, Alaska slides D Inclinometers
Downie Slide, Planning remedial D In-place in-
Canada measures clinometers
D Fixed borehole
D Acoustic emis-
sion moni-
to ring
G Open standpipe
G,D Combined mul-
tipoint piezo-
meters and
Various hy- Provide forewarn- Rock D Tiltmeters Use of multipoint Stepanov (1983)
droelectric ing of failure D Fixed borehole liquid level gages
power plants, extensometers to provide
USSR D Multipoint liq- forewarning of
uid level failure
Downie Slide, Physical character- Rock D Surveying Piteau et a!. (1978)
Revelstoke, istics and activ- methods
BC, Canada ity status of slide D Inclinometers
D Acoustic emis-
sion moni-
to ring
Saxon pit, Stability of brickpit Overconsoli- D Surveying Burland et a!.
Whittlesey, dated clay methods (1977)
England D Mechanical
crack gages
D Subsurface
D Inclinometers
D Probe exten-
D Fixed borehole
G Open standpipe
Mine in western Stabilility of slopes Rock D Electrical crack Data transmitted to Weir-Jones and
Canada gages a remote loca- Bumala (1975)
Reservoir area D Tiltmeters tion, using telem-
of a dam D Inclinometers etry system
D In-place incli-
D Fixed borehole
D Acoustic emis-
sion moni-
G Vibrating wire
and pneu-
matic piezo-

Table 22.3. Summary of Selected Case Histories of Excavated and Natural Slopes (Continued)
Principal Measure- Instrumentation Special
Project Concerns Type of Slope menta Discussed Features Reference
Five open pit Stability of slopes Rock D Surveying Brawner (1974)
mines methods
D Mechanical
crack gages
D Inclinometers
D Fixed borehole
G Piezometers
Cabin Creek Stability of slope Rock D Fixed borehole Dutro (1974)
Hydroelectric extensome-
Project, Col- ters
Eleven sites in Stability of natural Champlain Sea D Inclinometers Analyses of failures Lo and Lee (1974)
Canada slopes clays G Piezometers in natural slopes
Fountain Slide, Stability of slope Rock D Inclinometers Munoz (1974)
Oregon, G Pneumatic pie-
U.S.A. zometers
140, Tennessee, Stability of slopes Rock D Surveying Tice and Sams
U.S.A. methods (1974)
126, North D Inclinometers
Minneapolis Cause and physical Rock D Inclinometers Slope failure along Wilson (1974)
Freeway, characteristics of G Open standpipe bentonite seam
Minneapolis, slide piezometers
MN, U.S.A. Planning remedial
Seattle Free- Stability of eight Overconsoli- D Surveying Palladino and Peck
way, Seattle, slopes dated clay methods (1972)
WA, U.S.A. D Inclinometers
G Observation
G Piezometers
Chuquicamata Prediction of fail- Rock D Crack gages Kennedy et a!.
Mine, Chile ure D Acoustic emis- (1971)
sion moni-
to ring
Potrero Hill Stability of slope Rock D Surveying Tunnel below toe Smith and Forsyth
Slide, San methods of slope (1971)
Francisco, D Inclinometers
CA, U.S.A. D Fixed borehole
D Acoustic emis-
sion moni-
Tripp-Veteran Stability of slope Rock D Mechanical Stateham and Van-
Pitt, Ruth, crack gages derpool (1971)
NV, U.S.A. D Acoustic emis-
sion moni-
to ring

Table 22.3. Summary of Selected Case Histories of Excavated and Natural Slopes (Continued)

Principal Measure- Instrumentation Special

Project Concerns Type of Slope menta Discussed Features Reference
Eight slope fail- Various Soil and rock D Surveying Wilson (1970)
ures methods
D Inclinometers
G Open standpipe
Steel Plant Ex- Cause and physical Colluvium D Surveying Slope stabilized D'Appolonia eta!.
pansion, characteristics of methods with flexible (1967)
Weirton, slide D Inclinometers sheet pile wall
WV, U.S.A. Planning remedial G Open standpipe and tension ties
measures piezometers
s Strain gages on
tension ties
Three slides Prediction of fail- Soil and rock D Surveying Recommendations Saito (1965)
alongside rail- ure methods for forecasting
roads in Ja- D Crack gages failure
Portugese Bend Stability of slope Rock D Surveying Unsuccessful at- Merriam (1960)
Landslide, methods tempt to control
Palos Verdes, D Crack gages sliding by install-
CA, U.S.A. D Tiltmeters ing caissons
across sliding
"D: deformation; G: groundwater pressure; S: strain in structural member.



Underground excavations include soft ground and Failures most frequently occur as a result of sliding
rock tunnels, large caverns such as underground or separation along discontinuities.
powerhouses, subway stations, underground re- Stability of soft ground tunnels in soft clay is
positories for nuclear waste, and mines. usually controlled by the undrained shear strength
Figures 23.1 and 23.2 show a typical soft ground of the soil in relation to the total overburden stress
tunnel and a typical tunnel in rock supported by at the depth of the tunnel. In silts and fine sands,
rockbolts. The figures convey the contrast between stability is usually controlled by the effectiveness of
how the projects will usually appear on engineering construction dewatering or compressed air in con-
drawings, and what may actually happen in the trolling the inflow of groundwater. In desiccated
field. The field figures are exaggerated to emphasize hard clays stability is usually controlled by the pres-
the contrast. Primary mechanisms that control the ence of fissures and slickensides.
behavior of underground excavations are described The consequence of poor performance of an
in Chapter 2. underground excavation can be severe and may on
occasion be catastrophic. A monitoring program
may not be required if the design is very conserva-
23.1. GENERAL ROLE OF INSTRUMENTATION tive, if there is previous experience with design and
construction of similar facilities under similar con-
Analysis of stability is a principal geotechnical de- ditions, or if the consequences of poor performance
sign task for underground excavations. Factors in- will not be severe. However, under other circum-
fluencing stability include stratigraphy, ground- stances a monitoring program will normally be re-
water levels, strength of the soil or rock mass, quired to demonstrate that the excavation is stable
geometry, excavation method, type of support, se- and that nearby structures are not affected ad-
quence of excavation and support, and method of versely.
support installation. As with all monitoring programs, planning of a
Stability of underground excavations in rock is monitoring program for an underground excavation
usually controlled by the presence and orientation should follow the systematic approach described in
of discontinuities in the rock mass and the presence Chapter 4. Of particular importance is development
of water under pressure in these discontinuities. of one or more working hypotheses for a mecha-
nism that controls behavior, based on a comprehen-
sive knowledge of the properties of the soil or intact
*Written with the assistance of Bruce E. Beverly, Associate & rock material, and/or the locations, frequency,
Vice President, Haley & Aldrich, Inc., Cambridge, MA. orientation, and properties of discontinuities. To


Shown on drawings Possible In field

Figure 23.1. Soft ground tunnel.

the extent possible, planning of the program should accumulation of knowledge gained from these and
also be based on construction experience with simi- similar future studies, thereby permitting better de-
lar excavations in the same geologic formation, the sign and more efficient construction.
complexity of the excavation geometry, the amount A program of instrumentation and observation
of rock or soil overburden, the location of the proj- can play a major role in evaluating stability of an
ect with respect to structures and utilities, and the underground excavation. When an excavation is not
method of contracting for construction work. stable, underground safety and integrity of nearby
Full-scale instrumented test sections can be very structures become a major concern. When an exca-
beneficial to underground excavation projects by vation is marginally stable, early detection of insta-
confirming economical and safe construction proce- bility is possible through use of instrumentation and
dures, and potentially large cost savings can be real- observations such that supplemental support work
ized. For example, the understanding of the nature can be implemented on a timely basis.
of earth pressures on tunnel liners has increased as When the underground excavation encounters a
a result of data obtained from instrumentation of known or unexpected major geologic feature such
soft ground tunnels during the past decade. Notable as a fault, shear zone, or a highly jointed or weath-
among these are U.S. subway tunnel projects in San ered rock zone, instrumentation can be used to
Francisco, Washington, and Baltimore. Updating of monitor behavior, thereby confirming that the im-
the state of the art will continually occur from the plemented construction methods address the major


Shown on drawings Possible in field

Figure 23.2. Tunnel in rock, supported by rockbolts.

geologic feature such that work proceeds saf~ly and 23.2.1. What Are the Initial Site Conditions?
economically. Instrumentation can play an Impor-
Information on anticipated subsurface conditions is
tant and critical role where two or more excavations
determined by use of conventional site investigation
intersect, by confirming that the chosen excavation
procedures, sometimes supplemented by in situ
and support methods and sequence result in stable
testing. However, performance monitoring instru-
mentation sometimes plays a role. For example,
Where pillars in mines or other underground ex-
piezometers play a role in defining the groundwater
cavations are designed to carry high loads, and
regime, including any perched or artesian water.. If
where integrity of pillars is crucial to stability, in-
they are installed sufficiently early, seasonal vana-
strumentation can be used to monitor loads and de-
tions can be defined. If highly permeable zones that
formations, thereby allowing a rational judgment of
may be connected to a source of groundwater re-
charge are anticipated, full-scale pumping tests may
An instrumentation program can provide per-
be made to assess dewatering requirements and
formance documentation for use in evaluating
methods, and these tests will include use of pie-
claims from the construction contractor associated
zometers. Bonded resistance strain gage piezom-
with support requirements or "differing site condi-
eter systems, with multichannel recorders, are
tions." A program can also be planned to obtain
available for this purpose on a rental basis from
facts for use in legal proceedings if third parties
several manufacturers of geotechnical instruments.
claim that construction work has caused damage to
When a shallow underground excavation is to be
their property. The public can obtain reassurance
made near existing structures, a preconstruction
from a planned instrumentation program, which in-
conditions survey will normally be undertaken by
dicates that the construction will be carefully
representatives of the construction contractor's in-
watched, and this can expedite the legal approval
surance company and sometimes also by the owner.
and public acceptance of a project.
The purpose of the preconstruction survey is to ob-
When new construction techniques are con-
serve and document the conditions of structures
ceived, their implementation is difficult to justify
that may be influenced by the excavation, using
without monitoring the results to permit an ade-
photographs, written descriptions, and/or video-
quate assessment. As an example, instrumentation
tapes of existing defects in the structures. The pre-
was used to evaluate the effectiveness of compac-
construction conditions survey is frequently supple-
tion grouting to reduce building settlement caused
mented by use of surveying methods to define the
by tunneling for the Baltimore subway. This gave
elevations of reference points on the structures and
confidence in the method, which permitted elimina-
on the ground surface. The widths of any existing
tion of costly underpinning of many buildings in
cracks may also be measured.
later parts of the tunnel construction.
Pilot tunnels or exploratory adits are sometimes
More detailed discussions on the role of in-
excavated prior to construction of full-scale rock
strumentation for monitoring underground excava-
tunnels and large caverns such as underground
tions are given by ASCE (1984), Cording et al.
powerhouses and subway stations. The primary
(1975), Dunnicliffet al. (1981), FHWA (198?),.Lane
purposes of these exploratory excavations are to
(1975), and Schmidt (1976). A keyworded btbhogra-
study geologic conditions at excavation depth and
phy of about 300 publications describing instrumen-
to assess various excavation and support methods.
tation methods and applications for underground
In situ tests are sometimes made in holes drilled
excavations has been prepared by FHWA (1980).
from the ground surface and also within the explor-
Keyword groups include ground type, ~up~ort
atory excavations to determine ground permeability
method, excavation method, reason for momtormg,
and grouting requirements, rock mass deformation
and monitored parameters.
properties, and in situ stress conditions.
23.2.2. If an Exploratory Excavation Is Made, Can
Field Measurements Assist with the Design of the
The following principal questions are presented in
the normal order of occurrence for an underground
excavation. The order does not reflect a rating of Although the primary purposes of exploratory exca-
importance. vations are to study geologic conditions at excava-
tion depth and to assess various excavation and and support stresses. Fourth, scale effects severely l
support methods, their construction provides an op-
portunity to use geotechnical field instrumentation.
hamper the use of exploratory excavations for de-
veloping design parameters for the prototype. l
For example, when squeezing ground conditions Most full-scale test sections are initiated by the
are anticipated, measurements of ground deforma- designers of the excavation, but Fox (1980) de-
tions can provide useful information for design of scribes three cases in which the construction con-
the prototype. However, attempts to extrapolate tractor initiated a full-scale instrumented test in a
ground behavior from instrumentation measure- soft ground tunnel. First, the contractor needed to
ments within exploratory excavations are often determine how much reinforcement was needed to
hampered severely by scale effects. Extrapolations a light steel liner plate so that the shield could be
to the scale of the prototype may be unwarranted advanced by shoving against the liner. Second,
unless the size of the exploratory excavation is there was a need to assess whether compressed air
large compared with the spacing between discon- could be taken off when all liner plates were in-
tinuities. If the size is large enough, measurements stalled, so that the final concrete liner could be
of ground deformation and support stress may pro- placed in free air rather than in compressed air.
vide valuable input to the design of the prototype, Third, the contractor needed to determine at what
although local geologic factors and construction de- distance along the tunnel the shield thrust was dis-
tails have a large influence on measurements. Ex- sipated in ground friction, so that a jacking frame
trapolation of the data must always be tempered by could be removed from a shaft to improve access.
engineering judgment and experience. If both an exploratory excavation and a full-scale
When squeezing ground conditions are moni- test section have been selected, the test section will
tored in an exploratory excavation, instrumentation normally be constructed by enlarging the explor-
normally consists of surveying methods, conver- atory excavation. In other cases the test section will
gence gages, and single-point fixed borehole exten- be excavated and supported under the same con-
someters with rods and mechanical readout. When struction contract as the prototype, as early as pos-
support stresses are monitored, strain gages and/or sible during the construction period. Ground condi-
load cells are used, of the types recommended be- tions at a test section should be representative of a
low for full-scale test sections. significant length of the underground excavation.
Ideally, the excavation should be made to the same
size as the prototype and the length should be ade-
23.2.3. What Information Can Be Provided by
quate so that end effects are minimized, typically
Instrumenting a Full-Scale Test Section?
requiring a minimum length of about four times the
The design of underground excavations usually re- width of the excavation. However, this ideal must
quires the selection of the most economical excava- be tempered by cost considerations and by knowl-
tion and support method. The primary goals when edge of site and project conditions. The methods
designing support are to control ground movements and sequence of excavation and support should
and to establish a stable excavation. Ground move- match, as closely as possible, the likely methods
ments and support stress are of course interdepen- and sequence for the prototype.
dent, and both are affected by the method and se- The primary parameter monitored in a test sec-
quence of excavation and support. tion will generally be deformation. Often support
The designers may identify a combination of cir- stresses are also monitored, and measurements of
cumstances that lead them to opt for a full-scale test groundwater pressure may be included. Suitable in-
section, as a means of ensuring design adequacy struments are listed in Table 23.1, and more details
and economy. The combination of the following are given in the following subsections.
four circumstances provides an example. First,
there is little precedent for excavations under simi-
Deformation of Ground Around Soft Ground
lar conditions. Second, new excavation or support
methods are to be used. Third, it appears that cost
savings or increased safety may result from increas- Inclinometers and probe extensometers can be in-
ing site-specific knowledge of the relationships be- stalled from the ground surface alongside a soft
tween excavation and support method, sequence of ground tunnel and sometimes are also installed on
excavation and support, and ground movements the centerline in front of the heading. A probe ex-

Table 23.1. Suitable Instruments for Monitoring a installed from the ground surface in vertical or an-
Full-Scale Test Section gled boreholes prior to excavation, using groutable
Measurement Suitable Instruments anchors and mechanical transducers. Use of grout-
able anchors creates a simple installation procedure
Deformation of ground Surveying methods and avoids possible communication of groundwater
surface and structures Rod settlement gages
into the excavation. Borehole directional surveys
Settlement of utilities Subsurface settlement will normally be required to determine anchor loca-
points tions with respect to the excavation, and a colored
Change in width of cracks Crack gages plastic tube should be attached to the deepest an-
in structures chor to protrude into the path of the excavation to
indicate the location of the borehole.
Deformation within exca- Surveying methods
When the excavation is too deep for installation
vation Convergence gages
of extensometers from the ground surface, exten-
Deformation of ground Inclinometers someters can be installed in boreholes drilled up-
around soft ground tun- Probe extensometers ward from the excavation as soon as access be-
nels Fixed borehole exten- comes available. If a pilot tunnel has been driven at
someters the crown of the future excavation, these exten-
Deformation of ground Fixed borehole exten- someters can be installed from the pilot tunnel be-
around underground ex- someters fore production downward excavation starts, thereby
cavations in rock Acoustic emission moni- avoiding interruption to production excavation. Ex-
toring tensometers installed from within the excavation
Stress in or loading on Strain gages should initially have mechanical transducers, to
soft ground tunnel liners Load cells minimize the potential for damage while excavation
Concrete stress cells continues nearby. Later they can be converted for
Contact earth pressure reading with electrical transducers, either when ac-
cells cess difficulties arise or when a remote reading ar-
Stress in or loading on Strain gages rangement is preferred.
supports for under- Load cells
ground excavations in Concrete stress cells
Stress in Soft Ground Tunnel Liners
Stress change in rock Soft inclusion gages When stress data are required in soft ground tunnel
Rigid inclusion gages liners, strain gages and/or load cells can be used.
Circumferential stresses within steel and precast
Groundwater pressure Piezometers
concrete liners can be determined by using either
vibrating wire or electrical resistance strain gages,
with a preference for the vibrating wire type. Weld-
tensometer and inclinometer casing can be com-
able gages are usually preferred on steel liners, but
bined in a single borehole. Fixed borehole exten-
bonded resistance gages may be appropriate if
someters, installed from the ground surface or from
available space is too limited for weldable gages.
within the tunnel can provide supplementary defor-
The type of vibrating wire gage with two wires at
mation data.
different distances from the liner surface can be
used to monitor bending strains by attaching the
Deformation of Ground Around Underground
gage to the inside face only. Embedment gages with
Excavations in Rock
vibrating wire transducers are usually preferred in
Multipoint fixed borehole extensometers are the precast concrete liners. Measurements in cast-in-
usual instruments of choice for monitoring deforma- place or shotcrete liners normally require use of
tions around underground rock excavations. They concrete stress cells, because if strain gages are
will normally be installed above the crown and also used the strain data cannot meaningfully be con-
at appropriate angles from within the test section to verted to stress.
monitor rock deformation along critical discon- Load cells have been interposed between seg-
tinuities. If the overburden is less than about 200 ft ments of precast concrete liner to measure cir-
(60 m) deep, extensometers above the crown can be cumferential loading (e.g., Tattersall et al., 1955),

thereby overcoming the difficulties of converting zone; data provided by a single instrument can
strain in concrete to stress, but care must be taken therefore be meaningful, and deformation measure-
to prevent the creation of a nontypical liner ring that ments are generally the most reliable and least am-
would result in misleading data. When the total load biguous.
and distribution of load imposed on the outside of When load data are required for rockbolts, load
the liner is required, circumferential strain gages cells can be used on end-anchored bolts, but fully
can be placed at sufficiently close intervals so that grouted bolts require the use of strain gages. Weld-
imposed loads can be derived from stresses in the able strain gages are normally used, with a prefer-
liner (Beloff et al., 1979). Alternatively, contact ence for the vibrating wire rather than the resis-
earth pressure cells with sensitive faces flush with tance type.
the outside of the liner can be used, but data are Stresses in steel sets are normally calculated
very much affected by local contact irregularities, from strain data, using vibrating wire strain gages,
and a large number of cells are required for mean- either the arc welded or spot welded type. Load
ingful measurements. If there is a need to separate cells have been interposed between adjacent seg-
water loading from effective soil loading, piezome- ments of a steel set, but care must be taken to pre-
ters can be installed in shallow holes, drilled vent the creation of a nontypical set that would re-
through grout ports in the lining. sult in misleading data.
When the shield is advanced by shoving against
the previously installed lining, the shoving jacks im- Figure 23.3 shows a possible layout of in-
pose longitudinal stresses in the lining, and these strumentation in a shallow full-scale test section in
stresses are often more critical than circumferential rock. This is only one example, and it must be em-
stresses caused by soil loading. Determination of phasized that many other configurations are possi-
longitudinal stress requires gages with adequate dy- ble. Other configurations are indicated by the case
namic response, vibrating wire strain gages may not histories described later in this chapter.
be suitable, and resistance gages may be required.
Options are weldable or bonded gages on steel liners
and embedment gages in concrete liners, monitored 23.2.4. Is the Excavation Stable?
using a multichannel automatic data acquisition sys- The general role of instrumentation for stability
tem with appropriate dynamic response. Correla- monitoring has been described in Section 23 .1. The
tions between longitudinal stress and jacking thrust types of instruments used are similar to those used
can be made by including electrical resistance strain in full-scale test sections, as listed in Table 23.1.
gage pressure transducers in the hydraulic lines for
the jacks or by placing an electrical resistance strain
Routine Data for Stability Assessment
gage load cell in series with each jack.
Measurements of crown settlement and wall-to-wall
convergence, using surveying methods and conver-
Stress in Supports for Underground Excavations
gence gages within the excavation, provide routine
in Rock
data for stability assessment. As an example, oval-
When stress data for steel support elements are re- ling of the primary lining is a concern when tunnel-
quired in underground rock excavations, strain ing in soft clay. These linings are generally thin and
gages and/or load cells can be used. As for soft deform until all the earth load is carried in lining
ground tunnels, measurements in cast-in-place or thrust. It is important to know when ovalling has
shotcrete liners normally require use of concrete stabilized, such that any secondary lining can be
stress cells. However, although stress data can be constructed and/or if continued ovalling is leading
useful, they are essentially point measurements, to overstress and failure of the lining.
subject to variability in geologic or support charac- When the underground excavation is shallow and
teristics, and may therefore not represent average the consequences of ground loss are significant,
or typical conditions on a larger scale. A large num- measurements of ground surface settlement will of-
ber of measurement points will usually be required ten be made above the excavation at several cross
before confidence can be placed in the data. In con- sections. Measurements of unacceptable settlement
trast, many deformation measuring devices respond will indicate the need to alter the excavation or sup-
to movements within a large and representative port method and/or sequence.

Surveying methods

Multipoint or groups of single-po.mt

fixed borehole extensometers

Convergence gage

Figure 23.3. Possible layout of instrumentation for monitoring a shallow full-scale test section in rock.
Note: Use of surveying methods requires benchmark, remote from excavation. Strain gages and/or load
cells may be installed on steel supports, or concrete stress cells in shotcrete support.

Adverse Effects on Utilities and Buildings monitoring can sometimes be used in shallow
boreholes to provide an indication of deformation
Where there is a concern that ground movements
trends and locations.
may cause an adverse effect on nearby utilities,
pavements, and buildings, additional measurements Stability of Individual Rock Blocks
should be made. Instrumentation can provide a
forewarning of adverse effects, thereby allowing re- Concern for stability of individual rock blocks in
medial measures to be implemented before critical underground rock excavations or of large zones
situations arise. bounded by adverse discontinuities is addressed us-
Settlement of important utilities can be measured ing fixed borehole extensometers, convergence
using subsurface settlement points. A rod settle- gages, and crack gages. For example, during con-
ment gage alongside each important structure will struction of DuPont Circle Station in Washington,
provide accurate settlement data without need for a DC, in poor-quality rock, fixed borehole exten-
survey crew. someter measurements provided essential input to
If the monitoring program consists only of sur- daily decisions on excavation and support methods.
face and shallow subsurface settlement measure- Areas of Special Concern
ments and the measurements indicate adverse be-
havior, there will often be inadequate data for Instrumentation may be used effectively to monitor
defining the cause of the problem and for devel- stability in areas of special concern, such as the
oping an economical solution. A well-planned moni- intersections of the excavation and a major geologic
toring program for providing forewarning of ad- feature or at locations where two or more openings
verse effects will therefore include instrumentation intersect or cross in close proximity.
that indicates comprehensive causal data. Instru-
New Austrian Tunneling Method
ments for this purpose include inclinometers, probe
extensometers, fixed borehole extensometers, Instrumentation plays an important role in the New
crack gages, and piezometers. Acoustic emission Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM). The method

takes maximum advantage of the capacity of the Effect of Dewatering

rock to support itself. As the excavation is made,
When dewatering has been implemented to predrain
forces in the surrounding rock readjust and are
the ground around the excavation, its effectiveness
carefully and deliberately controlled by selecting
may be monitored by using piezometers.
appropriate support (Rabcewicz and Golser, 1973).
Support requirements are a minimum when the
Effectiveness of Innovative Construction Techniques
ground has reacted to the point where loosening of
rock is about to occur. Various categories of ground When an innovative construction technique is being
conditions are established prior to construction, used, instrumentation normally plays a role in mon-
together with commensurate types and amounts itoring the effectiveness of the technique. Selection
of support required to stabilize that category of of measured parameters and instruments of course
ground. The actual support is jointly decided on at depends on the construction technique. As an ex-
the heading by qualified representatives of the ample, Figure 23.4 shows a possible layout of in-
owner and construction contractor, and contracts strumentation for monitoring the effectiveness of
provide for appropriate payment in accordance with chemical grouting in soft ground, to increase face
these decisions. stability and stand-up time and to decrease perme-
Visual observations and convergence measure- ability.
ments provide primary input to the decisions on
actual support. Additional input is often gained by
23.2.5. What Is the Nature and Source of
use of fixed borehole extensometers, to provide
Undesirable Ground Movement?
more comprehensive data on ground movement
with distance from the heading. If there is evidence of instability during excavation,
the depth of sliding may be readily apparent from
Comparison Between Measurements and Predictions visual observations, and the routine stability moni-
toring described in Section 23.2.4 is often sufficient
In large underground excavations in rock, such as for obtaining the rate of movement. When the ex-
underground powerhouses, measurements are often
made to assess stability, by comparing actual rock
deformations with predicted values. Instrumenta-
tion generally includes multipoint fixed borehole ex-
tensometers and convergence gages.

Stability of Underground Mines

Concern for overload of mine pillars is often ad-
dressed by monitoring stress change with rigid or
soft inclusion gages, supplemented with deforma-
tion measurements using fixed borehole extensome-
ters, convergence gages, and crack gages. Bauer
(1985) presents a thorough summary of methods in
current use for monitoring the stability of under-
ground mines.

Overload of Individual Supports

Surveying methods
Concern for overload of individual supports can be
addressed by using the types of strain gage and/or Combined probe extensometer
load cell described in Section 23.2.3. However, and inclinometer casing

stress data are essentially point measurements and, - - Convergence gage

recognizing that the purpose of support is to re-
Figure 23.4. Possible layout of instrumentation for monitoring
strain deformation, it is often more effective and effectiveness of chemical grouting in soft ground (after Clough et
economical to monitor deformation rather than sup- al., 1977, 1979). Note: Use of surveying methods requires bench-
port stress. mark, remote from tunnel.

tent of the moving zone is not readily apparent, Table 23.2. Overview of Routine and Special Monitoring
subsurface deformation measurements should be Application Measurement
made so that an appropriate remedy can be
planned. The question how much ground is mov- Routine moni- Surface settlement
ing? can be answered by the use of instrumentation, toring Settlement of structures and
but the question why is the ground moving? will not
Change in width of cracks in struc-
be answered by instrumentation alone: the answer tures
of course also requires a complete geotechnical in- Convergence within excavation
vestigation and analysis. Groundwater pressure
For soft ground tunnels, surveying methods,
Special applica- Groundwater pressure during full-
convergence gages, and inclinometers are the pri-
tions: design scale pumping test
mary monitoring tools, supplemented if necessary phase Deformation of ground and sup-
by probe extensometers and fixed borehole exten- port, within exploratory excava-
someters. Deformation around the tunnel face is tions
three dimensional, and measurements may include Stress in or loading on support,
the use of inclinometer casings on the tunnel cen- within exploratory excavations
terline ahead of the face. Deformation of ground and sup-
For underground excavations in rock, surveying port, within full-scale test sec-
methods, convergence gages, and fixed borehole tion
extensometers are the primary monitoring tools, Stress in or loading on support,
supplemented as necessary by crack gages and within full-scale test section
acoustic emission monitoring. Special applica- Deformation of ground and sup-
If groundwater pressures are a possible cause of tions: construc- port, within excavation
instability, they should be measured with piezome- tion phase Stress in or loading on support,
ters. within excavation



For those readers who seek general guidelines on

what is typically routine monitoring and what is 23.4. SELECTED CASE HISTORIES
monitoring for special applications, Table 23.2
presents a broad generalization. Approximately 300 case histories of instrumented
In practice, the most frequent use of instrumen- underground excavations are included in a key-
tation for underground excavation projects is to de- worded bibliography by FHWA (1980). Table 23.3
termine whether stability of the excavation has summarizes selected case histories from this and
been achieved. other sources.
Table 23.3. Summary of Selected Case Histories of Underground Excavations
Principal Type of Measure- Instrumentation Special
Project Concerns Excavation menta Discussed Features Reference
Various Stability Underground D Convergence Bauer (1985)
mines gages
D Fixed borehole
SCR Soft and rigid
stress gages
Lafayette Park, Improvement of Subway tunnel G Open standpipe Full-scale test sec- Hansmire and
Washington design and con- in sand, piezometers tion Cording (1985,
Metro, Wash- struction proce- gravel, and D Surveying 1972)
ington, DC, dures clay methods
U.S.A. D Fixed borehole
D Inclinometers
Stillwater Tun- Binding of tunnel 9.6 ft (2.9 m) di- D Convergence Deformations mea- Robinson et al.
nel, Utah, boring machine ameter tunnel gages sured ahead of (1985)
U.S.A. in highly frac- D Fixed borehole heading
tured and extensome-
sheared shales ters
D Horizontal in-
D Deftectometers
s Mechanical and
wire strain
Milchbunk Tun- Effectiveness of Highway tunnel D Surveying Measurements led Mettier (1983)
nel, Ziirich, ground freezing in moraine methods to modification
Switzerland in limiting D Convergence of freezing pro-
ground move- gages cedure
ments D Fixed borehole
D Inclinometers
T Temperature
Demonstration Stability of cavern Storage cavern G Electrical resis- Miyashita et al.
storage Hydraulic behavior for crude oil in tance pie- (1983)
cavern for of rock granite zometers
crude oil, D Convergence
Kikuma, Ja- gages
pan D Fixed borehole
s Strain gages on
Armco No.7 Stability and subsi- Longwall coal D Surveying O'Connor (1983)
Mine, Mont- dence mine in sand- methods
coal, WV, stone, shale, D Convergence
U.S.A. and coal gages
D Fixed borehole

Table 23.3. Summary of Selected Case Histories of Underground Excavations (Continued)
Principal Type of Measure- Instrumentation Special
Project Concerns Excavation menta Discussed Features Reference
D Combined in-
and probe
SCR Soft and rigid
stress gages
Research mine, Stability Open stope mine D Convergence Automatic data ac- Stillborg et al.
Kiruna, Swe- gages quisition system (1983)
den D Fixed borehole used
D Probe exten-
SCR Soft inclusion
stress gages
Kielder Water Improvement of 11 ft (3.3 m) di- D Convergence Various support Ward et al. (1983,
Scheme, design and con- ameter experi- gages systems used: 1976)
Northumbria, struction proce- mental tunnel D Probe exten- e.g., steel ribs,
England dures for water in mudstone so meters steel liner, rock-
tunnels in mud- D Fixed borehole bolts
stone extensome-
L Telltale load
s Mechanical and
wire strain
Bolton Hill Effectiveness of Subway tunnel D Surveying Full-scale test sec- Baker et al. (1981)
Tunnels, Bal- compaction in dense sand methods tion
timore, MD, grouting in lim- D Subsurface set-
U.S.A. iting ground tlement
movements points
D Combined in-
and probe
Massachusetts Stability Subway tunnel D Surveying Mixed face excava- Beloff et al. (1981)
Bay Trans- in clay, glacial methods tion
portation Au- till, and argil- D Subsurface set- Floating crown
thority, Davis lite • tlement bars used for pri-
Square, to points mary support
Porter D Combined in-
Square, clinometers
Somerville, and probe
MA, U.S.A. extensome-
s Vibrating wire
strain gages
Various Various Various G Piezometers Emphasis given to Dunnicliff et al.
D Various defor- purpose and (1981)
mation gages benefits of moni-
L Load cells toring programs
s Strain gages
Table 23.3. Summary of Selected Case Histories of Underground Excavations (Continued)
Principal Type of Measure- Instrumentation Special
Project Concerns Excavation menta Discussed Features Reference
Lexington Mar- Demonstrate suit- Twin subway G Open standpipe Performance and Wightman et a!.
ket Tunnels, ability of precast tunnels in soft piezometers cost of two sys- (1980)
Baltimore, concrete liners ground, one D Surveying terns compared
MD, U.S.A. for soft ground lined with pre- methods
tunnels cast concrete, D Convergence
one with steel gages
D Crack gages
D Subsurface set-
D Fixed borehole
D Inclinometers
D Tiltmeters
L Pressure trans-
ducers in
lines to shov-
s Embedment
strain gages:
sister bars
Port Richmond Justify reduction of 10 ft (3 m) diam- G Pneumatic pie- Tunnel lined with Beloff et a!. (1979)
Water Poilu- liner thickness in ameter tunnel zometers 0.5 in. (13 mm)
tion Control future tunnels in dense sand, D Surveying thick rolled steel
Project, Stat- organic silt, methods liner plates
en Island, weathered ser- D Subsurface Six full-scale test
NY, U.S.A. pentine, and settlement sections
schist points
D Probe exten-
D Convergence
L Pressure trans-
ducers in
lines to shov-
s Electrical resis-
tance strain
Sewer tunnel in Improvement of 14ft (4.3 m) di- G Piezometers DeLory eta!.
Mississauga, design proce- ameter tunnel D Convergence (1979)
Ontario, dures in very dense gages
Canada till D Subsurface set-
D Inclinometers
s Electrical resis-
tance strain
TS Contact earth
pressure cells
Genesee River Effect of high hori- 18.5 ft (5 .6 m) D Convergence Guertin and Flana-
Interceptor zontal stresses diameter tun- gages gan (1979)
Southwest, nel in highly D Fixed borehole
Rochester, stressed dolo- extensome-
NY, U.S.A. stone ters

Table 23.3. Summary of Selected Case Histories of Underground Excavations (Continued)
Principal Type of Measure- Instrumentation Special
Project Concerns Excavation menta Discussed Features Reference
D Inclinometers
D In-place in-
East 63rd Street Improvement of Tunnel in schist, D Surveying Guertin and Plotkin
Tunnel, New design and con- 45ft (13.7 m) methods (1979)
York City struction proce- high and wide D Fixed borehole
Transit Au- dures extensome-
thority, New ters
York, NY, s Vibrating wire
U.S.A. strain gages
Various proj- Stability and settle- Subway tunnels D Surveying NATM used, re- Miiller and Spaun
ects in Ger- ment methods suiting in minor (1977)
many D Convergence settlements and
gages no building dam-
D Fixed borehole age
D Multiple deflec-
to meters
TS Contact earth
pressure cells
London Under- Improvement of Subway tunnel G Pneumatic Barratt and Tyler
ground, Re- design and con- in soft ground, piezometers (1976)
gents Park, struction proce- with expanded D Surveying
London, En- dures concrete lining methods
gland D Convergence
D Combined in-
and probe
L Load cells
TS Contact earth
pressure cells
Various Various Full-scale test G Piezometers Emphasis on Lane (1975)
sections D Various defor- benefits of full-
mation gages scale test sec-
L Load cells tions
s Strain gages
Washington Improvement of Subway tunnels D Fixed borehole Summary of rock Mahar et a!. (1972)
Metro, Wash- design and con- in rock extensome- deformations and
ington, DC, struction proce- ters strains in shot-
U.S.A. dures for subway s Embedment crete linings
tunnels strain gages
Potomac Inter- Determine cause of 1l X 13ft (3.6 D Surveying Rebull (1972)
ceptor Sewer, excessive settle- x 4 m) tunnel methods
Washington, ment in organic and D Crack gages
DC, U.S.A. Improve design clayey silts D Convergence
and construction gages
procedures D Fixed borehole
TS Contact earth
pressure cells

Table 23.3. Summary of Selected Case Histories of Underground Excavations (Continued)

Principal Type of Measure- Instrumentation Special

Project Concerns Excavation menta Discussed Features Reference
Anvil Points Oil Improvement of Underground oil D Fixed borehole Full-scale test sec- Sellers et a!. (1972)
Shale Re- design and con- shale mine extensome- tion
search Cen- struction proce- ters
ter, Rifle, CO, dures L Load cells
U.S.A. SCR Soft and rigid
stress gages
Morrow Point Stability Underground D Surveying Monitoring re- Brown eta!. (1971)
Power Plant, powerhouse in methods vealed moving
Colorado, high-quality D Fixed borehole polyhedron of
U.S.A. metamorphic extensome- rock, requiring
rock ters stabilization
D Acoustic emis-
sion moni-
L Rockholt load
Various Various Soft ground tun- D Surveying State-of-the-art re- Peck (1969b)
nels methods port, including
D Convergence observational
gages data and some
D Inclinometers design recom-
L Load cells mendations
s Strain gages
Garrison Dam, Need to establish 36 ft (II m) di- G Piezometers Substantial cost Burke (1957)
North design criteria ameter test D Surveying savings for pro-
Dakota, tunnel in clay- methods totype tunnels
U.S.A. shale D Convergence
s Mechanical
strain gages
TS Contact earth
pressure cells
"D: deformation L: load in support SCR: stress change in rock
G: groundwater pressure S: strain in support T: temperature
TS: total stress between lining and soil.




The subsurface length of a driven pile cannot usu- The following principal questions are presented in
ally be inspected after driving; thus, its physical the normal order of occurrence for driven piles. The
condition and alignment are unknown. Figure 24.1 order does not reflect a rating of importance.
shows a group of piles, driven to bedrock: the figure
conveys the contrast between how the project will
24.2.1. What Is the Load-Movement Relationship
usually appear on engineering drawings and what
of the Pile? (Determination of Relationship by
may actually happen in the field. Primary mecha-
Static Testing)
nisms that control the behavior of driven piles are
outlined in Chapter 2. The load-movement relationship of the pile and/or
Subsurface geotechnical conditions are rarely designed length of the pile may be uncertain during
known with certainty, and therefore the design of the design phase, and static load tests can be per-
driven piles involves assumptions and uncertainties formed to resolve these uncertainties. Load tests
that are often addressed by conducting instru- may be conducted either during the design phase or
mented full-scale tests. Tests may examine the be- at the beginning of the construction phase. A load
havior of the pile under load applied to the pile butt test allows application of load to the pile butt so that
(head) or under load caused by settlement of soil the actual response to load can be verified experi-
with respect to the pile. mentally. The loading mode may be axial compres-
Defects in piles can be created during driving, sion or uplift, lateral, eccentric, moment, torsional,
and inspection procedures are available for examin- or a combination of these modes.
ing the condition and alignment after driving. Cer-
tain types of driven pile cause large displacements Static Load Tests Without Determination of
and changes of pore water pressure in the surround- Comprehensive Load Transfer Data: Loading in
ing soil, and these may in tum have a detrimental Axial Compression and Uplift
effect on neighboring piles or on the stability of the
site as a whole. Instrumentation can be used to Procedures for static load tests in axial compression
and uplift are described by ASTM (1981a) and
quantify the consequences of pile driving and thus
ASTM (1983), respectively. Load at the pile butt
to assist in plann.ing any necessary action.
should be measured using a load cell, equipped with
a spherical bearing, because load determinations
*Written with the assistance of Douglas G. Gifford, Associate & based on hydraulic jack pressures are often unreli-
Vice President, Haley & Aldrich, Inc., Cambridge, MA. able (Chapter 13). Vertical deformation at the pile


.-:-x-.·.·.-:x·.. · ·.x·... · .x·.·.: ·X·.-:

Shown on drawings Possible in field

Figure 24.1. Pile group driven to bedrock.

butt is normally measured using dial indicators strumentation) to the outside of spiral-welded pipe
attached to a reference beam. A wire/mirror/scale piles: these piles tend to rotate as they are driven,
arrangement is often used as backup. Similar mea- and external instrumentation is not likely to sur-
surements of horizontal deformation are recom- vive. ASTM (1981a) also illustrates a load transfer
mended to indicate whether or not the applied load assembly suitable for creating access to the tops of
is axial and concentric. The reference beam should the telltales. When a load transfer assembly is used,
ideally be supported on ground that is not in- its members should be welded together to ensure
fluenced by the test, but often this is not possible, that no instability develops during load testing.
and any movement of the beam should be measured Evaluations of results of load tests in axial com-
throughout the test by surveying methods. Great pression are severely hampered if tip load is not
care should be taken to minimize the effect of tem- known, because total load cannot be separated into
perature changes on the reference beam. point resistance and skin friction. This statement
Most conventional static load tests in axial com- leads to a recommendation for measurement of tip
pression include measurements of load and defor- load and, although this is not standard procedure,
mation at the pile butt only. However, such mea- measurements of tip load should be made if a
surements are insufficient for evaluating load tests financial payback can be identified. For steel piles,
of relatively short duration on long end-bearing strain gages should be installed near the tip: some
piles because much of the test load is carried by suggestions for gage type and methods for prevent-
skin friction. They are also insufficient for concrete ing damage are given in the following subsection.
piles if they are tested while the concrete is Multiple telltales can be used as backup but, as dis-
"green," as is often the case when available time cussed in the following subsection, they are subject
for testing is very limited. In general, therefore, tip to several limitations. Measurements of tip load in
movement should be measured, using a telltale and concrete piles should be made by attaching a con-
dial indicator, requiring an open hole along the tact earth pressure cell to the pile tip: for the rea-
length of the pile. Installation of telltales in closed- sons given in the following subsection, strain mea-
ended pipe piles is straightforward, but installation surements are not adequate. Figure 24.2 shows a
on other steel piles requires welding one or more possible layout of instrumentation during a static
pipes, channels, or plates to create an open hole load test of a driven concrete pile, loaded in axial
along the length of the pile, through which telltales compression, for the case where comprehensive
are later installed. Access for telltales in a concrete load transfer data are not required.
pile is created by casting a plastic pipe along the When driving a displacement pile through satu-
axis of the pile. The American Society for Testing rated clay, silt, or fine sand, temporary excess pore
and Materials (ASTM, 1981a) illustrates possible water pressures will be developed. If a pile is load
methods for installing telltales in or on steel H, tested while excess pore water pressures exist, the
pipe, and timber piles. A caution needs to be given result is likely to be misleading; therefore, pres-
about attachment of telltales (or any other in- sures should be allowed to dissipate before testing.

ual stress data. Residual stresses are stresses that

remain in a pile after pile driving: without a knowl-
edge of their magnitude, absolute load in a pile can-
not be calculated from telltale data. As discussed in
Chapter 13, multiple telltales are subject to addi-
tional limitations. First, load data are extremely
sensitive to error in telltale data; therefore, dupli-
Clay cate telltales are preferred at each depth. The entire
length of each telltale should be straight (the ar-
rangement with an elbow, as shown in ASTM
(1981a) for pipe piles, is suitable for monitoring tip
settlement but introduces excessive errors when us-
ing multiple telltales for determination of strain),
generally requiring use of a welded load transfer
assembly as illustrated in ASTM (1981a). Second,
Sand and gravel
the shape of the load transfer plot between telltale
0 Dial indicator, mounted on reference beam attachment points must be assumed; therefore, tell-
I (wire/mirror/scale arrangement as backup) tales at two depths are usually inadequate. Third,
an extrapolation must be made for determination of
t Surveying methods (also on reference beam)
tip load. When planning multiple telltale installa-
tions and interpreting data, one must pay careful
1 Telltale, with dial indicator mounted on pile butt
attention to the guidelines given in Section 13.3.1.
For steel piles, strain gages provide the primary
- Contact earth pressure cell
measurements, and multiple telltales can be used as
Figure 24.2. Possible layout of instrumentation during a static backup. A possible layout is shown in Figure 24.3.
load test of a driven prestressed concrete pile, loaded in axial
compression, for the case where comprehensive load transfer Weldable vibrating wire gages are preferred on H-
data are not required. Note: Loading arrangements, load transfer piles and also on pipe piles if they are installed on
assembly, and reference beam are not shown. Also, a load cell is the outside. However, a method of installing the
required. Use of surveying methods requires benchmark, remote larger type of vibrating wire gage inside a closed-
from pile. ended pipe pile is outlined in Chapter 13 and is an
attractive option. Very great care must be taken to
prevent damage to gages and cable during driving,
Normally, a wattmg period of about a week is
and if there is likelihood of damage to the tip of the
sufficient. However, if the test pile is selected from
pile, gages should be located above the potentially
a group of piles, the excess pore water pressures
damaged length. Gages on the outside of the pile
may be significantly higher than for a single pile.
should be protected with robust cover plates
Pore water pressures may also be significantly
tapered toward the pile tip. Cables should usually
higher if the soil is excessively disturbed. In these
be installed within steel angles or channels. An ef-
cases, one or more piezometers should be installed
fective method involves welding channels to the
so that effective stresses at the soil/pile contact can
pile, with 6 in. (150 mm) long windows for cable
be evaluated.
pull-through points. After pulling cables through,
foam material (e.g., the two-part type used for
Static Load Tests with Determination of
home insulation) is injected through holes drilled in
Comprehensive Load Transfer Data: Loading in
the channel at 2ft (600 mm) intervals, to support the
Axial Compression and Uplift
cable during driving. The windows are then closed
When comprehensive load transfer data are re- with small lengths of channel, tack welded to the
quired along the lengths of driven piles during static pile. It is often necessary to protect the cable, be-
load tests in axial compression or uplift, strain yond the point of exit from the channel, with flex-
gages and/or multiple telltales are used. ible metallic conduit. During driving, the cables and
Multiple telltales cannot be the primary measure- conduit can pass around a curved guide (a large-
ment system because they can be installed only af- diameter pulley is suitable) mounted near the pile
ter pile driving and therefore cannot provide resid- head, on the pile or hammer. A rope can be at-

However, if the pile has a central hole for inspec-

tion or other purposes, or if a pipe can readily be
cast on the axis of the pile, an alternative approach
Sand is possible for minimizing the damage potential.
Weldable vibrating wire strain gages can be at-
tached to a suitably sized steel pipe, angle, square
tube, or plate and installed and grouted within the
Soft clay central hole after pile driving. A special effort must
be made to ensure that the gages are subjected to
the same strain as the concrete in the pile: the pipe
used to form the central hole should be steel and not
plastic, and the grout mix should be selected care-
Stiff clay fully. A mix of water and cement in a ratio of 1:0.3
by weight, with an expander additive, has been
used successfully. This alternative approach does
Sand and gravel
not allow determination of residual stresses but may
nevertheless be the preferred approach in cases
0 Dial indicator, mounted on reference beam
where there is a high potential for damaging cables
I (wire/mirror/scale arrangement as backup)
and/or gages during pile driving. If a sliding microm-
t Surveying methods (also on reference beam) eter is available, it can also be considered as an
alternative (Carvalho and Kovari, 1983). Whenever
1 Multiple telltales, with dial indicators mounted
on pile butt. Duplicate telltales at each depth possible, measurements in a concrete pile should
include direct measurement oftip load, by installing
"l Surface-mounted strain gage a contact earth pressure cell at the tip.
Figure 24.3. Possible layout of instrumentation during a static As discussed in Chapter 13, special arrangements
load test of a driven steel pile, loaded in axial compression, for the must be made for converting measured strain to
case where comprehensive load transfer data are required. Note: stress in a prestressed concrete pile. Two methods
Loading arrangements, load transfer assembly, and reference are possible during an axial load test and are de-
beam are not shown. Also, a load cell is required. Use of survey-
ing methods requires benchmark, remote from pile.
scribed below. Preferably, both methods should be
used, to maximize confidence in the data. First, the
top portion of the pile can be used as an unconfined
tached to the ends of the cables and held at the compression test specimen. If possible, the length
ground surface to prevent damage as the pile is should be at least three times the diameter of the
driven. Special arrangements for cable protection pile and should not include any length that may
must be made at any splices in the pile. have been damaged during driving. Strain in the
For concrete piles, strain data can be misleading, specimen is measured with strain gages, backed up
because they may be greatly influenced by cracks with a pair of telltales if the specimen is long
that develop in the concrete during driving. Ideally, enough. Embedment strain gages can be used if the
several load cells should be installed along the elevation to which the pile will be driven is known
length of the pile, but practical and economic con- before driving; otherwise, surface-mounted gages
siderations usually prevent this approach. When can be used. The specimen can be entirely above
comprehensive load transfer data are required for the ground surface or within a sleeve just below the
concrete piles, both embedment strain gages and ground surface. Strain gages should be installed at
multiple telltales should be used, with full regard for the midheight of the specimen. If there is concern
their limitations. Conventional vibrating wire em- that gage readings may be influenced by damaged
bedment strain gages are appropriate in small- concrete or by end effects during loading, a second
diameter concrete piles, but in piles of 10 in. (250 set of gages should be installed at or just below the
mm) or greater diameter, the author favors use of lower end ofthe specimen. Because change in mois-
the sister bar type of embedment strain gage, with a ture content can cause significant strain, the speci-
vibrating wire transducer. Very great care must be men must be under the same moisture conditions as
taken to prevent damage to gages and cables during the length of the pile in which the other strain mea-
driving, as discussed above for steel piles, and spe- surements are made. If that length is below the wa-
cial care must also be taken in the casting yard. ter table, the specimen should also be either below


At this load increment,

all shaft resistance has
been mobi Iized at the
location of the strain gage Soft clay

Stiff clay

Strain in pile, at location of strain gage,

since start of load test
Sand and gravel
Figure 24.4. Typical plot for conversion of strain to stress in a
prestressed concrete pile, using subsurface measurements of
0 Dial indicator, mounted on reference beam
I (wire/mirror/scale arrangement as backup)

the water table or kept wet by artificial means. The + Surveying methods (also on reference beam)
relationship between strain and stress is then deter-
mined during the load test, using strain data from ! Multiple telltales, with dial indicators mounted
on pile butt. Duplicate telltales at each depth

the specimen and load data from the load cell at the '\1 Embedment strain gage
pile butt. The method provides data for every load
• Embedment or surface-mounted strain gage
The second method for strain/stress conversion - Contact earth pressure cell
makes use of load cell data and measurements of Figure 24.5. Possible layout of instrumentation during a static
subsurface strain, determined from strain gages or load test of a driven prestressed concrete pile, loaded in axial
multiple telltales in the pile, plotted as shown in compression, for the case where comprehensive load transfer
data are required. Note: Loading arrangements, load transfer as-
Figure 24.4. During the load test, when all shaft
sembly, and reference beam are not shown. Also, a load cell is
resistance has been mobilized at the location of the required. Use of surveying methods requires benchmark, remote
strain gage, the pile acts as a column in compression from pile. Top of pile should be kept wet.
and the plot becomes straight. The straight line is
likely to be sloping, because the modulus of the pile
sion meter. Deformation measurements at the pile
generally decreases as the pile is loaded. The slope
butt require horizontal and vertical dial indicators
of the straight line part of the plot, together with the
and/or a wire/mirror/scale arrangement. Horizontal
value of the intercept on the vertical axis, are used
deformation measurements should be arranged to
to determine the relationship between strain and
monitor whether or not the loading is causing tor-
stress at the location of the strain gage. Fellenius
sion in the pile. Any movement of the reference
(1987) describes the method in detail.
beam should be measured throughout the test by
Figure 24.5 shows a possible layout of in-
surveying methods, and temperature effects should
strumentation during a static load test of a driven
be minimized.
prestressed concrete pile, loaded in axial compres-
When bending data are required during a lateral
sion, for the case where comprehensive load trans-
load test, strain gages are installed on or near both
fer data are required.
faces of the pile in the plane of loading. Surface-
mounted vibrating wire gages are normally pre-
Static Load Tests: Lateral Loading Mode
ferred on steel piles, of the weldable type if installed
The procedure for static lateral load tests is de- on the outside and of the larger type with bolted end
scribed by ASTM (1981b). Load measurements at blocks if installed on the inside of a pipe pile. Sister
the pile butt require use of a load cell or cable ten- bars with vibrating wire transducers are preferred

Other Static Loading Modes

When moment, eccentric, torsional, or combined
static loading modes are used, appropriate moni-
toring methods should be selected from those de-
Clay scribed for axial and lateral load tests. If loading is
applied during moment or torsional tests by pulling
on a steel cable, load will normally be monitored by
using a cable tension meter. Torsional load tests
may require the use of strain gages mounted hori-
zontally to measure torsional strains.

Clay Cyclic Loading Modes

Cyclic load tests require similar instrumentation to
L...C Gravel static tests, but the dynamic response of instrumen-
tation must be sufficient to follow the loading se-
C? Dial indicator, mounted on reference beam quence.
I (wire/mirror/scale arrangement as backup)

+ Surveying methods (also on reference beam) Remote Readings During Load Tests

" Surface~mounted strain gage During conventional load tests, instruments are
normally read manually, but considerations of
Figure 24.6. Possible layout of instrumentation during a static
load test of a driven steel pile: lateral loading mode. Note: Load- safety and/or convenience may lead to selection of
ing arrangements and reference beam are not shown. Also a load instruments that can be read remotely and perhaps
cell is required. Use of surveying methods requires ben:hmark by an automatic data acquisition system. This op-
remote from pile. ' tion is particularly attractive when the number of
instruments is large. DCDTs can be used instead of
dhil indicators to monitor deformation of the pile
butt and telltales, and it is often worthwhile to use
in concrete piles of 10 in. (250 mm) or greater diam-
both DCDTs and dial indicators in parallel, to pro-
eter. If the test is likely to develop significant lateral
vide backup and to satisfy personnel who are con-
deformation at the butt (more than about 6 in., 150
cerned about trusting electrical devices.
mm), the opportunity exists to estimate bending
stresses from inclinometer data as described in
Chapter 12. However, this approach should only be 24.2.2. What Is the Load-Movement Relationship
used as backup. If it is used, inclinometer readings of the Pile? (Determination of Relationship by
of maximum accuracy should be taken during each Dynamic Testing)*
loading increment, and a tiltmeter should be at-
Static load tests are expensive and time consuming;
tached to the butt so that more frequent readings of
therefore, the small number of piles that are tested
overall tilt can be made during the test. An in-
may not be representative of the behavior of all
clinometer can also be used to determine the de-
piles at a site. As an alternative, the pile-driving
formed shape of a pile at increments during a lateral
system can be used as a loading system, or a load
load test.
can be applied by use of a simple vibrator or ham-
When a lateral load test is conducted in cohesive
mer. These alternative methods allow dynamic load
soils such that deformation is affected by consolida-
tests to be made on a large number of piles. Dy-
ti?n of soil on the compression side of the pile,
namic tests are much less expensive than static
piezometers in the soil will provide additional data
tests, primarily because a static loading system is
for evaluation of the test.
not required. The recent development of on-site
Figure 24.6 shows a possible layout of in-
automatic data acquisition systems has caused a
strumentation during a static lateral load test of a
rapidly increasing application of analytic methods
driven steel pile. This is only one example, and it
based on wave transmission.
must be emphasized that many other configurations
are possible, as indicated by the case histories de- *Written with the assistance of Allen G. Davis, Director, Test-
scribed later in this chapter. consult CEBTP Ltd., Thelwall, England.

Strip chart
Pile recorder
Driving 1---+-• Computer
Digital plotter
Digital storage
butt Telecommunication
Test results include:
• Performance of driving system
• Tensile and compressive driving stresses
• Integrity of pile
• Ultimate axial bearing capacity

Figure 24.7. Schematic of Pile Driving Analyzer'" (courtesy of Pile Dynamics, Inc., Cleveland, OH).

Many successful correlations have been made ily on soil type. The recorded data may be pro-
between dynamic and static load tests. However, it cessed by using an iterative analysis routine known
is clear that much work still remains to be done to as CAPWAP. This analysis, which is based on the
establish appropriate methods of dynamic testing wave equation theory as originally developed by
and analysis, because pile performance is depen- Smith (1960), provides a refined prediction of pile
dent on both strain rate and the magnitude of pore behavior, including the load-movement relation-
water pressure. ships, and aids in evaluating the correctness of the
In the following paragraphs, three dynamic tests soil damping constants. Rausche et al. (1985) de-
are described for determining axial load-movement scribe the method and indicate correlations with
relationships: analysis of stress waves, steady-state static testing.
vibration testing, and transient dynamic response
testing. The last two tests can also be used in the Axial Steady-State Vibration and Transient Dynamic
horizontal mode for determining lateral load- Response Testing
movement relationships.
Stain (1982) describes steady-state vibration and
transient dynamic response testing.
Analysis of Stress Waves
Axial steady-state vibration testing involves at-
The most commonly used and effective method for taching a vibrator to the pile butt to cause the butt
determining the axial load-movement relationships to move up and down at the same frequency as the
of driven piles by dynamic testing involves analysis vibrator. A load cell is placed between the pile butt
of the stress wave during driving. The method, and the vibrator, and the velocity of movement is
which has become known as the Case Method, after measured with an accelerometer, as shown in Figure
research programs conducted at Case Western Re- 24.8. The measured axial stiffness of the pile butt
serve University, requires measurement of strain allows calculation of the displacement of the butt
and acceleration at the pile butt as the pile is driven, under a given load (Davis and Dunn, 1974).
using a Pile Driving AnalyzerTM. By introducing Axial steady-state vibration testing has largely
these parameters into a pile-soil model based on a been superseded by a development referred to as
closed-form analysis of stress wave transmission transient dynamic response testing, TDR, shock
through an elastic medium, an ultimate axial bearing testing, or impact testing. As shown in Figure 24.9,
capacity can be calculated for the pile under test. the method involves placing a load cell centrally on
Figure 24.7 shows a schematic of the test ar- the pile butt, striking the load cell with a hammer,
rangement and indicates some of the test results. and measuring velocity with a geophone.
The model requires a knowledge of the elastic Steady-state vibration and TDR tests were devel-
properties of the pile, and a selection of soil damp- oped principally for drilled shafts, initially for con-
ing constants must also be made, depending primar- crete integrity determination. During their use in

Signal proportional X-Y plotter Lateral Steady-State Vibration and Transient

to velocity Dynamic Response Testing

Signal proportional
S.A. Robertson (1979) describes a dynamic method
Accelerometer to frequency r - - - - , for determining the lateral load-movement relation-
ships of driven piles. The method is a development
Smewave of the axial steady-state vibration test. It involves
generator shaking the pile butt horizontally at controlled fre-
quencies between 1 and 10 Hz and measuring the
lateral velocity of the butt as a function of fre-
quency. The lateral dynamic stiffness at the butt
can be measured as in the axial steady-state vibra-
tion test, thus giving the displacement of the pile
Pile butt butt under a given load . If a vertical tube is built
into the pile, a vertical profile of displacement for a
given applied force can be obtained by measuring
Figure 24.8. Schematic of axial steady-state vibration test. the pile velocity at different depths. The TOR test,
used in the horizontal mode, has been demonstrated
the 1970s, it became apparent that the measurement
to give identical results to the lateral steady-state
of axial dynamic stiffness at the pile butt was a use-
vibration test.
ful parameter in assessing performance under axial
working load. Many correlations have been made
Comparison Among Dynamic Tests for Determining
between axial dynamic stiffness at the pile butt and
Load-Movement Relationships
the linear portion of the load-settlement curve as
determined during static load testing in axial com- When both the load-movement relationship and the
pression (Davis and Robertson, 1976). However, ultimate axial bearing capacity of a driven pile are
the tests cannot be used to estimate ultimate static required , the only practical dynamic method to date
axial capacity: to do so it is necessary to displace is the Case method. The dependency on strain rate
the tip of the pile, and neither method gives ade- and magnitude of pore water pressure must be re-
quate input force. membered when analyzing the results.

Figure 24.9. Schematic of axial transient dynam1c response test (after Stain, 1982).

The Case method creates a higher strain level ~

than the TDR test; therefore, it is generally pre-
ferred when only the axial load-movement relation- "' ql Fill
ships are required. However, the TDR test is a vi- IV
able alternative, and it can be used rapidly and
inexpensively to determine the axial or lateral load- "1 Clay

movement relationships of all piles at a site. Al-

though measurements are made at low strains only,
results of the TDR test can be correlated with re- Sand
sults of a static load test on each size and type of
pile in a population. The TDR test has the great "1
advantage of relatively low cost, and the test can be C!ay
made without involving the pile-driving rig. The "1
steady-state vibration test has largely been super- X·.··.·X·.· X. .. X . . . X .. .X.· .. X.·

seded by the TDR test.

~ Surveying methods

24.2.3. Will There Be Significant Downdrag 1 Settlement platform

"1 Strain gage
When soil settles with respect to a pile, frictional
Multiple telltales, with dial indicators
forces between the soil and pile may cause a load mounted on pile butt. Duplicate
telltales at each depth
increase in end bearing piles or increased settlement
of friction piles. The loading is referred to as Figure 24.10. Possible layout of instrumentation during a full-
downdrag or negative skin friction. Possible causes scale test to determine downdrag loading on a steel pile. Note:
of downdrag loading are described in Chapter 2. Use of surveying methods requires benchmark, remote from pile.
Ongoing settlement prior to pile driving can be
diagnosed by precise settlement surveys, and rod
settlement gages are sometimes useful. Ongoing pri-
mary consolidation prior to pile driving can be diag- example, and it must be emphasized that many
nosed by using piezometers to measure groundwa- other configurations are possible: other configu-
ter pressure. The allowance for downdrag loading rations are indicated in the case histories described
can be based on accepted design procedures but, later in this chapter.
when the allowance is substantial and a large quan- For driven prestressed concrete piles, the meth-
tity of piles are to be driven, a full-scale test to ods described in Section 24.2.1 for converting
determine actual loading may be warranted. A full- strain to stress cannot be used, because no load is
scale test may also be warranted to prove the effec- applied to the pile butt. Measurements of modulus
tiveness of coating piles with a friction-reducing made while load testing other similar piles also can-
material such as bitumen. A full-scale test will nor- not be used, because a typical test to evaluate
mally entail driving several instrumented piles and downdrag loading will be conducted for several
placing a fill to cause the onset of downdrag loading. weeks or months, during which time significant
Primary parameters to be measured during the test creep will usually occur. Load determinations in
are magnitude of load along the piles and relative concrete piles must therefore include at least one
settlement between the soil and piles. direct measurement of load, by incorporating a load
For steel piles, adequate load data can be ob- cell in a pile splice and/or by attaching a contact
tained by measuring strain, preferably by using vi- earth pressure cell to the pile tip. Because instru-
brating wire strain gages, and very great care must ments for direct measurements of load are expen-
be taken to prevent damage to gages and cables sive, their number should be limited. If the soil
during driving. Despite the limitations discussed in profile is uniform, a single instrument deep down in
Section 24.2.1, multiple telltales are recommended the pile may be adequate, but in the general case
as backup. Figure 24.10 shows a possible layout of measurements are preferable at two or three
instrumentation during a full-scale test to determine depths, to provide redundancy and to improve the
downdrag loading on a steel pile. This is only one accuracy of data evaluation. Load data should

be supplemented by installing embedment strain Table 24.1. Types of Integrity Test

gages, and multiple telltales should be used as
Category Test
backup, duplicating telltales at each depth as de-
scribed earlier. Conventional vibrating wire embed- Tests carried out Analysis of stress waves (Case
ment strain gages are appropriate in small-diameter at pile butt method)
concrete piles, but in piles of 10 in. (250 mm) or Echo test
Axial transient dynamic response
greater diameter, the author favors use of the sister
bar type of embedment strain gage, with a vibrating Axial steady-state vibration test
wire transducer. The relationship between load and
strain is determined, at points where load is mea- Tests carried out Sonic coring
sured directly, by relating load to strain measured within pipes in Nuclear density probe, single-hole
pile Nuclear density probe, cross-hole
near those points. The same relationship is applied
to strains measured elsewhere.
Relative settlement between the soil and pile can
be measured simply by installing a settlement plat- usually referred to as an inspection pipe, can be
form at the original ground surface alongside each specified in or on all piles, and information on the
pile and measuring settlement of the platform with condition of the pile below the ground surface can
respect to the pile butt. However, if comprehensive be obtained by using the shear probe as part of the
data are required to define the relationship between routine inspection procedure. The specification in-
relative settlement of soil and loading along the cludes acceptance/rejection criteria, a major design
length of the pile, multiple telltales are needed in or uncertainty is resolved, and the designer can allow
on the pile, along with probe extensometers in the a higher load per pile and therefore fewer piles than
nearby soil. would be allowed without the inspection pipes.
For a full understanding of soil-pile interaction, The condition of a driven pile can also be deter-
it is necessary also to determine pore water pres- mined by static load tests, as described above.
sure in the soil and effective stress at the soil/pile However, they are too expensive for use as routine
interface. Specially manufactured pneumatic quality control tests.
piezometers and contact earth pressure cells have The condition of a driven pile can also be deter-
been used successfully for determining effective mined by integrity testing.* Integrity tests are listed
stress at the soil/pile interface (e.g., Clemente, in Table 24.1 and described in the following subsec-
1979). tions. They are usually applied to concrete piles but
some are also valid for wood and steel piles.
24.2.4. Has the Capacity of the Pile Been Reduced
Analysis of Stress Waves
by Defects Created During Driving?
As indicated in Figure 24.7, the Case method can be
Many building codes impose allowable limits on the
used to determine integrity of driven piles.
curvature of piles, because excessive bending re-
duces capacity and increases deformation of piles
Echo Test
under long-term loading. Capacity is also reduced if
piles are dog-legged. The curvature of piles can be The echo test (Stain, 1982), also referred to as a
determined by using an inclinometer. When used in surface reflection test and seismic test, involves
pipe piles, the inclinometer can be fitted with long striking the pile butt with a hammer and measuring
arms and guide wheels that ride on the inside wall of the time for the resulting compression wave to
the pipe and can be lowered down the pile on orien- travel down the pile and back to the butt by reflec-
tation rods. When used in other types of pile, a steel tion from the tip. The arrangement is shown in Fig-
or plastic guide pipe is required, attached to or em- ure 24.11. For a given quality of concrete, the ap-
bedded in the pile. For an approximate determina- proximate wave velocity is known; therefore,
tion of curvature, the shear probe (Chapter 12) can breaks or other irregularities will be indicated by a
be used within a guide pipe.
The application of the shear probe procedure can *The text on integrity testing has been written with the assis-
be extended to become part of the design/construct tance of Allen G. Davis, Director, Testconsult CEBTP Ltd.,
engineering package. A steel or plastic guide pipe, Thelwall, England.

Oscillosco e Oscilloscope


Electrical impulse

Received signal

Winch Voltage proportional to

Harrmer with the depth of the test
triggering device
Mlp1i fi er


------ Figure 24.12. Schematic of sonic coring with cross-hole measure-
Concrete pile
ments (after Davis and Robertson, 1975).

axis of the pile during construction , as shown in
------ Figure 24. 12. Plastic pipes are not suitable, because
------ the bond between concrete and plastic is sometimes
Figure 24.1 1. Schematic of echo test (after Stain, 1982). imperfect, resulting in a loss of signal that can sug-
gest that a fault is present in the pile. An emitter
short travel time. The method is rapid and inexpen- probe and receiver probe are lowered, one in each
sive but cannot be used if there are splices in the pipe, and measurements are made as the probes are
pile. Damping of the signal causes a further limita- raised in unison. Variations in sonic velocity indi-
tion to the use of echo testing, particularly for long, cate defects. Two, three, or four pipes are used,
slender piles or for piles driven into stiff soils. In depending on the diameter of the pile. Sonic coring
stiff clays, for example, the pile tip can rarely be is not often used for testing driven piles because of
detected when the pile length/diameter ratio ex- the requirement for pipes in the piles: its primary
ceeds 30/1. application is for testing drilled shafts and slurry
trench (diaphragm) walls.
Axial TDR and Steady-State Vibration Tests
Nuclear Density Probe
The TDR test has been used to test the integrity of
driven piles of all types (Higgs and Robertson, A nuclear density probe can be traversed along an
1979). Although having the same limitations as the embedded pipe to examine the integrity of concrete .
echo test, measurements of axial dynamic stiffness Preiss and Caiserman ( 1975) describe use of a probe
can be used to compare piles within a population. in a single pipe of plastic or metal, using the back-
scatter technique, which allows a relatively weak
The axial steady-state vibration test can also be
used but has largely been superseded by the TDR source to be used. Photons emitted from the source
are partially absorbed by the material in the pile,
partiaJJy scattered toward the detector, and
Sonic Coring counted. The count rate is indicative of the density
of the material surrounding the probe. The arrange-
Sonic coring (Stain, 1982), also referred to as sonic ment is shown in Figure 24.13. The Preiss and
logging, requires measuring the propagation time of Caiserrnan equipment allows a radial extent of in-
a sonic signal between a transmitter and a receiver. spection about the pipe of approximately 4 in. (100
Measurements can be made in a single hole on the mm), and measurements can be made within sev-
axis of a pile, but the effective sampling area is eral individual pipes. Alternatively, cross-hole mea-
small and significant defects may be missed. Reli- surements can be made, using a transmission
able data can be obtained by cross-hole measure- method , with the source and detector in different
ments between two metal pipes cast parallel to the pipes. Cross-bole measurements require a stronger

capable of locating any defect and giving a much

greater definition of the type of defect. The sonic
coring method is more able than the nuclear
methods to locate small-scale defects such as fine
1 2 3
Density, g/cm 3 cracks. In addition, the nuclear methods are some-
times restricted, because of problems inherent in
the use of radioactive materials on construction
24.2.5. Is Pile Driving Causing Excessive Lateral
Deformation of the Ground?
When displacement piles are driven in soft clay,
there will normally be a temporary increase of pore

Table 24.2 Overview of Routine and Special Monitoring

Application Measurement
Routine moni- Load and movement at pile butt
toring during Vertical movement of pile tip
static axial
load testing
Routine moni- Load and movement at pile butt
Figure 24.13. Schematic of nuclear density probe in single hole, toring during
using backscatter technique (after Preiss and Caiserman, 1975). static lateral
load testing

source than single-hole measurements and are lim- Special load test- Load at pile tip during axial load
ing applications testing
ited to a cross-hole spacing of about 24 in. (600
Axial stress along length of pile
mm). during axial load testing
Bending stress along length of pile
Comparison Among Integrity Tests during lateral load testing
The four tests carried out at the pile butt will be Moment, eccentric, torsional, or
combined static loading modes:
considered first. Driven precast concrete piles usu-
appropriate parameters as for
ally have a relatively high length/diameter ratio, and static axial and lateral modes
most integrity problems arise during handling and Load, velocity, strain, and/or ac-
driving. These problems are best detected by moni- celeration as required for dy-
toring during driving using the Case method. How- namic tests
ever, because of the need to instrument each pile Deformation and stress during full-
butt during driving, this is a relatively expensive scale test to determine downdrag
approach. As an alternative, integrity testing can be loading
carried out at the pile butt after driving by using the Excess pore water pressure
echo or TDR method. As indicated earlier, the TDR Other special ap- Integrity of pile
method has largely superseded axial steady-state vi- plications As-driven alignment along length
bration testing. The TDR method gives more infor- of pile
mation than the echo method, including a value for Lateral deformation of ground and
axial dynamic stiffness and more detail of any de- excess pore water pressure dur-
fects within the top 6ft (2 m). ing pile driving
In considering the three techniques carried out Surface settlement and/or ground-
water pressure for evaluation of
within pipes, these methods are more costly than
downdrag loading
those carried out at the pile butt. However, they are

water pressure and a reduction of soil strength, per- 24.3. OVERVIEW OF ROUTINE AND SPECIAL
haps leading to excessive lateral deformation and APPLICATIONS
perhaps even a stability failure. Examples include
pile driving on a slope that already has a low factor For those readers who seek general guidelines on
of safety and pile driving nearby an existing struc- what is typically routine monitoring and what is
ture or nearby other piles. When this potential ex- monitoring for special applications, Table 24.2
ists, an instrumentation program can be conducted presents a broad generalization.
to quantify displacements and pore water pressure In practice, the most frequent use of instrumen-
changes, thus allowing adoption of a driving proce- tation for driven piles is to examine load-movement
dure or sequence that minimizes detrimental ef- relationships during static axial load testing.
fects. Primary instruments used for this purpose in-
clude surveying methods, inclinometers or shear
probes in the piles and/or soil, and piezometers. 24.4. SELECTED CASE HISTORIES

Table 24.3 summarizes selected case histories of

instrumented driven piles.

Table 24.3. Summary of Selected Case Histories of Driven Piles

Principal Type of Measure- Instrumentation Special
Project Concerns Load Test Type of Pile ment" Discussed Features Reference
Newport News Load-movement Static axial com- Prestressed con- L Load cell Martin et al.
Shipyard, relationships pression crete s Strain gages (1987)
Tidewater, G Vibrating wire
VA, U.S.A. piezometers
175 near Load-movement Static axial com- Steel H D LVDTs Rieke and Crow-
Tacoma, WA, relationships pression D,S Multiple tell- ser (1986, 1987)
U.S.A. tales
L Load cell
s Strain gages
Various Load-movement Static axial com- Steel H and pipe D Telltales 29 tests, con- AISI (1985)
relationships pression, up- D Inclinometers ducted
lift, lateral s Strain gages 1954-1984
Mar Pequeno Load-movement Static axial com- Large-diameter D Surveying Load transfer data Carvalho and
Highway relationships pression steel (650 mm, methods determined us- Kovari (1983)
Bridge, Sao 26 in.) in silty D Dial indicators ing sliding mi-
Paulo, Brazil clay and fine s Sliding microm- crometer
sand eter
Various Load-movement Static axial com- Various D LVDTs 130 tests Kulhawy et al.
relationships pression, uplift D Telltales (1983)
L Load cells
s Strain gages
TS Contact earth
pressure cells
G Piezometers
Terminal 46, Stability of slop- Prestressed con- D Inclinometers Prediction and use Fellenius et al.
Port of Seat- ing ground dur- crete in fill and G Pneumatic of hazard warn- (1982)
tie, WA, ing pile driving loose silt piezometers ing levels
Group load test, Behavior of pile Static axial com- Steel pipe D,S Multiple tell- Very comprehen- O'Neill et al.
Houston, TX, group in over- pression: re- Single and group tales sive instrumen- (1982a,b)
U.S.A. consolidated search test of nine in over- D Subsurface set- tation
clay consolidated tlement
clay points
D Inclinometers
s Strain gages
TS Contact earth
pressure cells
Table 24.3. Summary of Selected Case Histories of Driven Piles (Continued)

Principal Type of Measure- Instrumentation Special

Project Concerns Load Test Type of Pile menta Discussed Features Reference

G Pneumatic
in soil and
Highway Load-movement Static axial com- Timber, precast D Surveying Blanchet et a!.
bridges be- relationships pression, sin- concrete, and methods (1980)
tween Ber- Performance of gle and group steel pipe in soft D Subsurface set-
thierville and bridge pier sensitive clay tlement
Yamachiche, foundations points
Quebec, G Pneumatic
Canada piezometers
in soil
Test site at Mechanism of Measurements Tubular steel in D LVDTs Very comprehen- Cooke et a!. (1980,
Hendon, En- load transfer made while overconsoli- D Subsurface set- sive instrumen- 1979)
gland from piles in jacking piles dated clay tlement tation
stiff clay into clay points
Behavior of piles D Horizontal in-
at close spacing clinometers
in stiff clay with elec-
trolytic level
L Load cells
within piles
and at pile
Bridge at Load-movement Static axial com- Steel H and pipe D LVDTs Bozozuk et a!.
Fredericton, relationships pression, uplift in granular fill D,S Multiple tell- (1979)
New Bruns- and clayey silt tales
wick, Canada L Load cell
Keehi Inter- Downdrag loading Downdrag Prestressed con- D DCDTs Tests on bitumen- Clemente (1979)
change, Ho- crete in soft D,S Multiple tell- coated and un-
nolulu, HI, undercon- tales coated piles
u_s.A. soli dated clay, D Settlement plat- Very comprehen-
sand, and silty forms sive instrumen-
clay D Subsurface set- tation
D Probe exten-
so meters
D Inclinometer
s Strain gages
TS Contact earth
pressure cells
G Pneumatic
in soil and
G Observation
Metropolitan Load-movement Static axial com- Prestressed con- D Dial indicators Lacy (1979)
Sewage relationships pression crete in sand D,S Multiple tell-
Treatment and silty clay tales
Plant, Syra- D Inclinometer
cuse, NY, L Load cell
U.S.A. s Strain gages
Fuel Reproces- Load-movement Static axial com- Steel H in glacial D Tiltmeters Load applied by Lu et al. (1979)
sing Facility, relationships pression, cy- till D Inclinometer automated
West Valley, clic axial and L Load cells closed-loop sys-
NY, U.S.A. lateral s Strain gages tern

Table 24.3. Summary of Selected Case Histories of Driven Piles (Continued)
Principal Type of Measure- Instrumentation Special
Project Concerns Load Test Type of Pile ment" Discussed Features Reference

Test Site at Load-movement Static and cyclic Steel pipe in D Tiltmeters Price (1979)
Brent, En- relationships lateral weathered over- D Electrical linear
gland consolidated displacement
clay transducers
s Strain gages

Test Site at Behavior of soil Static axial com- Steel pipe in over- D Tiltmeters Measurements Cooke and Price
Hendon, En- around friction pression: re- consolidated D Subsurface set- also made while (1978)
gland piles search test clay tlement jacking pile into
points clay
D Inclinometer
L Load cells
Test Site at Development of Static lateral: re- Steel H D Inclinometer Kim and Brun-
Lewisburg, improved design search test Single and group s Strain gages graber (1976)
PA, U.S.A. procedures for of six in clay
laterally loaded
pile groups
Test Site at Downdrag loading Downdrag: re- Steel pipe in sand, D,S Multiple tell- Tests on bitumen- Walker and Dar-
Melbourne, search test clay, and gravel tales coated and un- vall (1973)
Australia D Settlement plat- coated piles
s Strain gages
G Piezometers
T Thermocouples
Quebec Auto- Downdrag loading Downdrag and Steel pipe in D,S Multiple tell- Pile filled with Bozozuk (1972a,
route, Ber- Load-movement static axial marine clay tales concrete and 1981)
thierville, relationships compression: D Subsurface set- load tested after
Quebec, research test tlement 10 years of
Canada points downdrag mea-
L Load cell surements
s Strain gages
G Open standpipe
Test Site at Downdrag loading Down drag Precast concrete D Probe exten- Vibrating wire Fellenius (1972)
Gothenburg, in soft clay, silt, someters load cells in- cFellenius and
Sweden and sand L Load cells stalled at splices Broms (1%9)
G Piezometers in piles
Arkansas River Load-movement Static axial com- Steel H and pipe, D,S Multiple tell- Various pile Mansur and
Project, Ar- relationships pression, up- concrete, and tales lengths, diame- Hunter (1970)
kansas, lift, lateral timber in sand s Strain gages ters, and driving
U.S.A. procedures
Sorenga and Downdrag loading Downdrag Steel pipe driven s Telltales Tests with bento- Bjerrum et a!.
Heroya, Nor- to rock nite slurry, (1969)
way cathodic protec-
tion, and bitu-
men coating
Test site in Downdrag loading Down drag Steel pipe driven D,S Multiple tell- Johannessen and
Norway to rock tales Bjerrum (1%5)
D Settlement plat-
D Subsurface set-
D Inclinometers
G Piezometers
Old River Con- Load-movement Static axial com- Steel H and pipe s Multiple tell- Mansur and Kauf-
trot Project, relationships pression and in sand, silt, and tales man (1956)
Louisiana, uplift clay
an: deformation L: load in pile T: temperature
G: groundwater pressure S: strain in pile TS: total stress between pile and soil



25.1. GENERAL ROLE OF INSTRUMENTATION inferior. Instrumentation can be used to examine

the integrity of the concrete.
Drilled shafts (also referred to as drilled piers, cais-
sons, drilled piles, bored piles, drilled caissons, and
cast-in-place piles) are constructed by augering a 25.2. PRINCIPAL GEOTECHNICAL QUESTIONS
hole into the ground, placing a reinforcing cage, and
backfilling the hole with concrete. A temporary The following principal questions are presented in
outer casing may be required. Water or drilling mud the normal order of occurrence for a drilled shaft.
may be used during the construction process, and in The order does not reflect a rating of importance.
this case the water or drilling mud is displaced by
tremie concrete as the casing is withdrawn. Con-
25.2.1. What Is the Load-Movement Relationship
struction procedures are described by Reese (1978).
of the Drilled Shaft?
Figure 25.1 shows drilled shafts bearing on bed-
rock: the figure conveys the contrast between how The load-movement relationship of a drilled shaft
the project will appear on engineering drawings and will be uncertain during the design phase, and one
what may actually happen in the field. Primary or more load tests may be conducted either during
mechanisms that control the behavior of drilled the design phase or at the beginning of the construc-
shafts are outlined in Chapter 2. tion phase. A load test allows application of load to
Many uncertainties exist during design, and in- the butt (head) of a shaft, so that the actual response
strumentation plays a role in determining the load- to load can be verified experimentally. The loading
movement relationship by conducting load tests. mode may be axial compression or uplift, lateral.
Concrete integrity is often uncertain during con- eccentric, moment, torsional, or a combination of
struction, particularly when shafts are constructed these modes. Guidelines for conducting load tests
in granular soils below the water table or in softer, are currently being prepared by Cornell University
squeezing clays, when concrete slump is inade- under the sponsorship of the Electric Power Re-
quate, or when concrete placement practices are search Institute, with an estimated publication date
during 1988. This will be a comprehensive and im-
portant reference document.
*Written with the assistance of Fred H. Kulhawy, Professor, Application of sufficient load to large drilled
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell Univer- shafts can be expensive; therefore, the number of
sity, Ithaca, NY. load tests is limited, and instrumentation programs


. i i 1!'1··
x:.:·.·.x·.·:.·.x:· ::·.-:.:.x·:·:.·:.x·.:
Shown on drawings Possible In field
Figure 25.1. Drilled shafts (after DiBiagio and Myrvoll, 1981).

should be planned to provide comprehensive per- sliding micrometer is available, it can be used as an
formance data. The cost of instrumentation is usu- alternative to strain gages. Multiple telltales can be
ally a minor part of the total cost. used as backup to strain gages, and the longest tell-
tale provides data for tip settlement. Figure 12.106
shows one of a group of multiple telltales used dur-
Static Load Tests: Loading in Axial Compression
ing a recent static load test with which the author
and Uplift
was involved. When planning multiple telltale in-
Kulhawy et al. (1983) summarize 410 published and stallations and interpreting data, one must pay care-
unpublished static load tests in axial compression or ful attention to the guidelines given in Section
uplift, indicating that most such tests are conducted 13.3.1. Because the accuracy of loads that are cal-
while measuring load and deformation at the shaft culated from telltale data is highly dependent on the
butt only. Such limited instrumentation does not quality of raw data, duplicate telltales should be
provide comprehensive performance data, and sub- installed at each depth. Data for conversion of
surface measurements should also be made. strain to stress are provided as described in Chapter
Measurement methods at the shaft butt are simi- 24 for driven piles: by gaging an unconfined com-
lar to those described for driven piles in Section pression test specimen within a sleeve or above the
24.2.1. Vertical deformation is measured using dial ground surface, supplemented by use of strain data
indicators, often with a wire/mirror/scale arrange- after all shaft resistance has been mobilized at a
ment as backup. Measurements of horizontal defor- particular depth. However, for a drilled shaft it is
mation, using similar methods, indicate whether or not normally reasonable to leave a length of shaft
not the applied load is axial and concentric. As for above the ground surface, equal to three shaft diam-
driven piles, any movement of the reference beam eters, and end effects in the specimen must be ac-
should be measured throughout the test by survey- counted for by averaging between several strain
ing methods, and great care should be taken to mini- gages installed at one or more cross sections.
mize the effect of temperature changes on the refer- An attempt can be made to determine load at the
ence beam. Load measurements require the use of a tip from either strain gage or multiple telltale data.
load cell. However, both are subject to inaccuracies in con-
Measurements of load in the shaft and at the tip verting strain to stress, and use of multiple telltales
should always be made when load testing large involves an extrapolation. It is recommended that a
drilled shafts that have an anticipated capacity in hard data point be obtained by installing a contact
excess of about 200 tons (1.8 MN). When conduct- earth pressure cell at the tip. Suitable cells are de-
ing a load test to provide a basis for an efficient scribed in Chapter 10.
design, one cannot interpret the overall perfor- Figure 25.2 shows a possible layout of in-
mance of the system completely unless load trans- strumentation during a static load test, loaded in
fer data are available. When a load test is conducted axial compression. This is only one example, and it
during the construction period, as a proof test, the must be emphasized that many other configurations
additional cost of subsurface instrumentation is are possible, as indicated by the case histories de-
minor. Load in the shaft should be measured using scribed later in this chapter. A similar layout is ap-
embedment strain gages, with a preference for the plicable to a static load test, loaded in axial uplift,
sister bar type with vibrating wire transducers. If a except that the contact earth pressure cell would be

Dial indicator (2)

Dial indicator ( 1)
//Pressure gage (3)
Rofornooo ,.,m \ It/Pressure
'V 'V Sand
.~ 9
'V 'V

Stiff clay

'V 'V

± Multiple telltales, with dial indicators mounted

on shaft butt. Duplicate telltales at each depth
End bearing
Figure 25.3. Arrangement for load testing a drilled shaft by ap-
9 Dial indicator, mounted on reference beam
(wire/mirror/scale arrangement as backup) plying load at the bottom (after Osterberg, 1984). Reprinted with
the permission of the ADSC: an international association of foun-
Embedment strain gage
dation drilling contractors.
- Contact earth pressure cell

+ Surveying methods (also on reference beam)

Figure 25.2. Possible layout of instrumentation during static load cell, and another ftatjack activated for load applica-
test: loading in axial compression. Note: Loading arrangements, tion. Although this procedure is not accepted as a
load transfer assembly, and reference beam are not shown. Also, standard, it does present an interesting alternative.
a load cell is required. Use of surveying methods requires bench- Osterberg (1984) describes an innovative method
mark, remote from shaft. Top of shaft should be kept wet.
for determining the load-movement relationship of
a drilled shaft under static axial load by applying
load at the bottom of the shaft. As shown in Figure
omitted. However, it should be recognized that de- 25.3, a special ftatjack is placed at the bottom of the
terminations of stress from strain data during an shaft before the concrete is poured. After the con-
uplift test are subject to significant errors if the crete has cured, the ftatjack is pressurized inter-
concrete cracks. For this reason some engineers nally, creating an upward force on the shaft and an
have installed surface-mounted electrical resistance equal but opposite downward force in end bearing.
strain gages on the reinforcing cage in preference to Attached to the bottom of the device is a steel pipe
installing sister bars or other types of embedment that extends upward within a steel sleeve. As pres-
strain gage. The author prefers use of sister bars, sure is applied, the inner pipe moves downward,
because well-designed sister bars will give the same and the movement is measured by using dial indi-
data as gages on the reinforcing cage, and they are cator (1). Dial indicator (2) is used to measure the
not subject to errors caused by installing gages in a upward movement of the shaft, and a pressure gage
field environment. (3) is used to measure the internal pressure in the
As an alternative to a hydraulic jack for load ap- ftatjack: this pressure is related to the total load
plication, Horvath (1985) used three ftatjacks, posi- during a separate calibration. Failure will occur
tioned in series with intervening bearing plates, either in skin friction or in end bearing, and the test
thereby ensuring that the applied load was axial and is finished. Osterberg indicates that if the same fail-
concentric. The composite system was calibrated ure load is applied as a downward load at the top of
prior to use in the field. During a load test, one the shaft, the factor of safety against failure will be
ftatjack was inflated for load application and also greater than 2 since, after allowing for the weight of
used for load measurement. When the maximum the shaft, the skin friction and end bearing now both
aperture of the jack was reached, its valves were act upward to resist the downward load. When the
closed, the jack subsequently used as a passive load test is completed, the ftatjack is left in the hole.

Clearly, this test is considerably less expensive than or more oflateral deformation at the butt; therefore,
a conventional load test, but additional comparative the opportunity exists to estimate bending stresses
tests will be needed before its general applicability from inclinometer data as described in Chapter 12.
can be accepted. During the test, the major transfer However, this approach should only be used as
of load occurs in the lower length of the shaft, the backup. If it is used, inclinometer readings of max-
opposite of a foundation loaded in compression; imum accuracy should be taken during each loading
thus, the load-movement pattern is different. This increment.
different pattern of load transfer distribution will be The understanding of the behavior under lateral
dependent on variation in soil type and on the state load can be improved if the inclination of the butt of
of in situ stress and requires further examination. the shaft is measured, using a tiltmeter.
Additional testing is planned. When a test with a lateral loading mode is con-
ducted to determine how the soil reaction varies
with depth, contact earth pressure cells can some-
Static Load Tests: Lateral Loading Mode
times be installed at the interface between the shaft
Measurement methods at the shaft butt include the and the ground. However, this is possible only
use of a load cell or cable tension meter and hori- when constructing the shaft in an uncased hole. If
zontal and vertical dial indicators. A wire/mirror/ casing is used, the only feasible approach is installa-
scale arrangement is often used as backup. Hori- tion of an in situ testing device, such as a pres-
zontal deformation measurements should be suremeter or dilatometer, in the ground alongside
arranged to monitor whether or not the loading is the shaft.
causing torsion in the shaft. Any movement of the When a test is conducted in cohesive soils, such
reference beam should be measured throughout the that deformation is affected by consolidation of soil
test by surveying methods, and temperature effects on the compression side of the shaft, piezometers in
should be minimized. the soil will provide additional data for evaluation of
When subjected to lateral loads, the behavior of the test.
a drilled shaft is largely controlled by the flexural Figure 25.4 shows a possible layout of in-
stiffness of the shaft in relation to the stiffness of the strumentation during a static load test with a lateral
surrounding ground. When the shaft is rigid or loading mode.
short, it is often assumed to be infinitely stiff and to
rotate as a rigid body, and failure usually occurs Other Static Loading Modes
when the supporting capacity of the surrounding
ground is reached. On the other hand, a flexible or When moment, eccentric, torsional, or combined
long shaft exhibits elastic behavior; failure is usu- static loading modes are used, appropriate moni-
ally structural and occurs when a plastic hinge toring methods should be selected from those de-
forms at the point of maximum bending moment. scribed for axial and lateral load tests. If loading is
Design of flexible or long shafts usually requires applied during moment or torsional tests by pulling
iterative techniques because the ground response on a steel cable, load will normally be monitored
depends on the magnitude of deformation. The de- by using a cable tension meter. Torsional load
signer of drilled shafts subjected to lateral loading tests may require use of embedment strain gages
must estimate the relative flexibility of the ground mounted horizontally to measure torsional strains.
and shaft before deciding whether to use rigid or
elastic design procedures. The information avail- Cyclic Loading Modes
able to assist with this decision is very limited, and Cyclic load tests require similar instrumentation to
until a sufficient bank of data has been accu- static tests, but the dynamic response of instrumen-
mulated, load tests should include, wherever pos- tation must be sufficient to follow the loading se-
sible, determinations of bending stress in the shaft. quence.
Embedment strain gages can be used, again with a
preference for the sister bar type with vibrating
Remote Readings During Load Tests
wire transducers, and again with limitations if con-
crete cracks. If a sliding micrometer is available, it During conventional load tests, instruments are
can be used as an alternative to strain gages. A well- normally read manually, but considerations of
conducted test could develop up to 6 in. (150 mm) safety and/or convenience may lead to selection of

dynamic response testing (TDR) and steady-state

vibration testing, described for driven piles in
Chapter 24, are suitable for the determination of
static axial and lateral load-movement relation-
ships of drilled shafts. However, as for driven piles,
the tests cannot be used to estimate ultimate static
axial capacity, as neither method gives adequate
input force.
An additional test, referred to as the falling
weight test, has been developed specifically for de-
termining the static axial load-movement relation-
" " ships of drilled shafts and extends the application of
stress wave methods to cases where no pile hammer
is used. The test arrangement is identical to the ar-
" " rangement for the Case pile-driving analyzer,
shown in Figure 24.7: the pile hammer is replaced

" " by a falling weight. Stress waves are generated by a
Dial indicator, mounted on reference beam mass of up to 4500 lb (2000 kg) dropped from vary-
\ (wire/mirror/scale arrangement as backup)
ing heights on to a striker plate fixed to the butt of
+ Surveying methods (also on reference beam) the shaft. The force transmitted to the butt is deter-
mined from strain measurements, using strain gages
'\1 Embedment strain gage
attached to the shaft near the butt. Simultaneously,
II Inclinometer casing the deformation of the butt is determined either by
attaching an accelerometer to the butt or by use of a
• Tiltmeter special laser theodolite. Static axial capacity is de-
Figure 25.4. Possible layout of instrumentation during static load termined by using a similar analysis to the stress
test: lateral loading mode. Note: Loading arrangements and refer- wave method. The major drawback of the falling
ence beam are not shown. Also, a load cell or cable tension meter
weight method is the requirement to use strain mea-
is required. Use of surveying methods requires benchmark, re-
mote from shaft. surements in the concrete near the butt of the shaft
for a determination of force transmitted to the butt.
An assumption must be made for the modulus of the
concrete, and the concrete near the butt may not be
instruments that can be read remotely and perhaps
representative of the total shaft. For determination
by an automatic data acquisition system. This op-
of ultimate static axial capacity, it is necessary to
tion is particularly attractive when the number of
displace the tip of the shaft during the test. This
instruments is large. DCDTs can be used instead of
requirement imposes limitations in the case of large-
dial indicators to monitor deformation of the shaft
diameter drilled shafts, because dynamic forces of
butt and telltales, and it is often worthwhile to use
about 4000 kips (18 MN) or more are required. Ap-
both DCDTs and dial indicators in parallel, to pro-
plication of such large dynamic forces will often
vide backup and to satisfy personnel who are con-
damage the concrete at the shaft butt, and it is usu-
cerned about trusting electrical devices.
ally preferable to lengthen the duration of the im-
pact between the falling weight and the shaft butt by
Dynamic Tests for Determining Load-Movement
placing cushion material on the shaft.
In summary, the application of dynamic methods
As discussed in Chapter 24 for driven piles, static for the determination of load-movement relation-
load tests are expensive and time consuming, and ships of drilled shafts has not progressed as rapidly
less expensive dynamic tests are available. The as for precast concrete driven piles. Much of the
Case method is not appropriate for drilled shafts, experience at lower displacements (up to working
because no pile-driving hammer is used. Transient loads) has been obtained on drilled shafts using
TDR and vibration techniques. Extension of these
*Written with the assistance of Allen G. Davis, Director, Test- methods, incorporating accelerometers in the body
consult CEBTP Ltd., Thelwall, England. of the shaft, will undoubtedly increase their value.

The falling weight test is an advance in the right mation on the integrity of concrete near the bottom
direction. It has not reached the same status as the of the shaft. If sensors are placed in the shaft during
pile-driving analyzer for driven piles, principally be- construction, additional information can be ob-
cause of the problem of using the concrete near the tained, but at extra cost and inconvenience. The
butt of the shaft for determination offorce transmit- echo test cannot differentiate between bulbs formed
ted to the butt. by overbreak of the soil around the shaft and neck-
ing in the shaft.
As discussed for driven piles in Chapter 24, sonic
25.2.2. Will There Be Significant Downdrag
coring and single-hole and cross-hole nuclear den-
sity measurements can be carried out within pipes.
The causes and effects of downdrag loading on Sonic coring is the preferred method for a complete
drilled shafts are described in Chapter 2 and the evaluation of concrete integrity in drilled shafts.
loading may be significant when shafts are con- The method requires three or four embedded metal
structed through soft cohesive soil and founded on pipes along the length of the shaft. When four pipes
firm soil. Settlement measurements, groundwater are used, measurements are made across the four
pressure measurements, and/or a full-scale test may sides and two diagonals. When one of the nuclear
be appropriate, as described for driven piles in density methods is employed, at least four pipes
Chapter 24. should be used, but the methods are subject to the
limitations given in Chapter 24.
25.2.3. What Is the Integrity of the Concrete?
Reese (1978) lists construction problems that can
lead to a drilled shaft of inferior quality. These in-
clude improper excavation that allows collapse of
Table 25.1. Overview of Routine and Special Monitoring
the hole during drilling, inadequate cleaning at the
base, poor concrete, improper placement of con- Application Measurement
crete, and improper pulling of casing. In all these Routine moni- Load and movement at shaft butt
cases, the integrity of the concrete may be question- toring during Load in shaft and at tip
able, and concerns are increased if the contractor is static axial
inexperienced or careless. load testing
Continuous diamond core drilling is sometimes Routine moni- Load and movement at shaft butt
used to obtain samples for assessing the quality of toring during Bending stress in shaft
the concrete and detecting flaws. However, this static lateral
method is expensive and time consuming, and load testing
borehole direction surveys are often required to
Special load test- Earth pressure at contact with
avoid misleading data in long shafts because of ing applications shaft during static lateral load
alignment problems. testing
An alternative procedure for detecting flaws is to Moment, eccentric, torsional, or
survey the shaft by using one of the integrity testing combined static loading modes:
procedures* described in Chapter 24 for driven appropriate parameters as for
piles. Arias (1977) and Weltman (1977) describe and static axial and lateral modes
compare the various procedures for integrity testing Load, velocity, strain, and/or de-
of drilled shafts by nondestructive methods. All formation, as required for dy-
methods that rely on measurements at the shaft butt namic tests
gather maximum information from the upper part of Deformation and stress during full-
scale test to determine downdrag
the shaft and are therefore of limited value. In par-
ticular, for shafts cast in stiff soils, damping out of
the response can result in very limited or no infor- Other special ap- Groundwater pressure
plications Integrity of concrete
Surface settlement and/or ground-
*The text on integrity testing has been written with the assis- water pressure for evaluation of
tance of Allen G. Davis, Director, Testconsult CEBTP Ltd.,
downdrag loading
Thelwall, England.

25.3. OVERVIEW OF ROUTINE AND SPECIAL tation for drilled shafts is to examine load-move-
APPLICATIONS ment relationships during static axial load testing.

For those readers who seek general guidelines on

what is typically routine monitoring and what is 25.4. SELECTED CASE HISTORIES
monitoring for special applications, Table 25.1 pre-
sents a broad generalization. Table 25.2 summarizes selected case histories of
In practice, the most frequent use of instrumen- instrumented drilled shafts.

Table 25.2. Summary of Selected Case Histories of Drilled Shafts

Principal Type of Ground Measure- Instrumentation Special
Project Concerns Load Test Conditions menta Discussed Features Reference

First Intema- Performance of Clay and clay s Embedment Briaud et al.

tiona! Plaza, foundation: shale strain gages (1985)
San Antonio, comparison (Carlson
TX, U.S.A. with predictions type)
Test site at Bur- Load-movement Static axial com- Weak mudstone L Flatjacks Flatjacks used for Horvath (I 985)
lington, On- relationships pression s Multiple tell- load application
tario, Canada tales
s Embedment
strain gages
wire type)
Two sites in Integrity of con- Sand and clay- v Modified ver- Olson and Thomp-
Denver, CO, crete shale overlying sion of sonic son (1985)
U.S.A. bedrock coring
Fill, sand, and method with
gravel overlying surface re-
bedrock ceivers
Shafts socketed
into bedrock at
both sites
Two sites in Integrity of con- Various v Modified ver- Harrell and Stokoe
Texas, crete sion of sonic (1984)
U.S.A. coring
method with
surface and
embedded re-
Power plant in Integrity of con- Marine sediments, v Sonic coring Kissenpfennig et
South crete residual soil, with one and al. (1984)
America weathered rock, three embed-
overlying bed- ded pipes
Shafts socketed
into bedrock
Various Load-movement Static axial com- Various D Surveying 410 tests Kulhawy et al.
relationships pression and methods (1983)
uplift D Dial indicators
D Wire/mirror/
D Telltales
L Load cells
Two sites in Load-movement Static axial com- Fill and sands s Multiple tell- Gupton et al.
southern relationships pression overlying weak tales (1982)
Florida, porous lime- s Embedment
U.S.A. stone strain gages
Shafts socketed (Mustran
into limestone type)
Table 25.2. Summary of Selected Case Histories of Drilled Shafts (Continued)
Principal Type of Ground Measure- Instrumentation Special
Project Concerns Load Test Conditions ment 0 Discussed Features Reference

Various Integrity of con- Various v Steady-state vi- Robertson (1982)

crete bration and
transient dy-
namic re-
sponse test-
Test sites in Load-movement Static lateral Various D Tiltmeters Bierschwale et al.
Texas, relationships L Cable tension (1981)
U.S.A. under lateral meter
loading TS Contact earth
pressure cells
Sixteen-story Magnitude of load London clay D Probe exten- Shafts capped Cooke et al. (1981)
building in taken by raft/ so meters with reinforced
North Lon- clay interface TS Contact earth concrete raft
don, England and by shafts pressure cells
Eight-story Load-movement Static axial com- Sand and silty s Embedment Farr and Aurora
building at relationships pression sand strain gages (1981)
Ponce, Puerto (Mustran
Rico type)
Sammis Plant, Load-movement Static axial com- Sand and gravel s Embedment Newman et al.
Steubenville, relationships pression, up- overlying bed- strain gages (1981)
OH, U.S.A. lift, lateral rock (sister bars
Shafts socketed with weld-
into bedrock able electri-
cal resistance
strain gage
Power station in Load-movement Static axial com- Clay-shale s Embedment Goeke and Hustad
southeast relationships pression strain gages (1979)
Oklahoma, (Mustran
U.S.A. type)
Various sites in Load-movement Static axial com- Various s Multiple tell- Reese et al. (1976)
Texas, relationships pression tales
U.S.A. s Embedment
strain gages
cs Concrete stress
TS Contact earth
pressure cells
Test site in Load-movement Static lateral Stiff and very stiff L Load cell Strain gages Reese and Welch
Houston, TX, relationships clay s Strain gages bonded to steel (1975)
U.S.A. under lateral pipe at axis of
loading shaft
Westminster Magnitude of load London clay D Probe exten- Shafts capped Haws et al. (1974)
Bank Tower, taken by raft/ so meters with reinforced
London, En- clay interface L Photoelastic concrete raft
gland and by shafts load cells
TS Contact earth
pressure cells
Test site in Load-movement Static axial com- Various TS Contact earth Whitaker and
Wembley, relationships pression pressure cells Cooke (1966)
London, En-

a CS:
stress m concrete L: load in shaft TS: total stress between shaft and soil
D: deformation S: strain in shaft V: velocity, load, strain, and/or deformation as required for dynamic tests.

Part 6

The Key to Success

Part 6 consists of Chapter 26. It is designed as a closing chapter to summarize the

key issues for maximizing the success of geotechnical instrumentation for moni-
toring field performance.



Full benefit can be achieved from geotechnical in- tion: if there is no question, there should be no in-
strumentation programs only if every step in the strumentation. Before addressing measurement
planning and execution process is taken with great methods themselves, one should make a listing
care. The analogy can be drawn to a chain with of geotechnical questions that are likely to arise
many potential weak links: this chain breaks down during the design, construction, or operation
with greater facility and frequency than in most phases.
other geotechnical engineering endeavors. Short-
comings in instrumentation programs can usually be
attributed to a weakness in one or more links. In 3rd Link. Define the Purpose of the
this chapter, the major links are defined in chrono- Instrumentation
logical order, and guidance is given for maximizing Instrumentation can provide benefits during the de-
the strength of each. There are 25 links. sign, construction, or operation phase of a project
The first 17 links in the chain are forged during but should not be used unless there is a valid reason
the planning phase, and more detail is given in Part that can be defended.
2 of this book. The last eight links in the chain are
forged during the execution phase, and more detail
is given in Part 4. 4th Link. Select the Parameters to be Monitored
The question which parameters are most signifi-
1st Link. Predict Mechanisms that Control cant? should be answered. It is often found that
Behavior deformation measurements are the simplest, most
One or more working hypotheses should be devel- reliable, and least ambiguous.
oped for mechanisms that are likely to control be-
5th Link. Predict Magnitudes of Change
Predictions should be made to establish the re-
2nd Link. Define the Geotechnical Questions that
quired range and accuracy of each instrument.
Need to be Answered
Whenever measurements are made for construction
Every instrument on a project should be selected control or safety purposes, a predetermination of
and placed to assist in answering a specific ques- hazard warning levels should be made.

6th Link. Devise Remedial Action the method of analysis that will later be used when
interpreting the data.
Inherent in the use of instrumentation for construc-
A practical approach to selecting instrument lo-
tion purposes is the absolute necessity for deciding,
in advance, a positive means for solving any prob- cations involves three steps. First, zones of particu-
lar concern are identified, and appropriate in-
lem that may be disclosed by the results of the ob-
strumentation is located. Second, a selection is
servations. If the observations should demonstrate
made of zones, normally cross sections, where pre-
that remedial action is needed, that action must be
based on appropriate, previously anticipated plans. dicted behavior is considered representative of be-
havior as a whole. These cross sections are then
An open communication channel should be main-
regarded as primary instrumented sections, and in-
tained between design and construction personnel,
struments are located to provide comprehensive
so that remedial action can be discussed at any
time. performance data. Third, because the selection of
representative zones may be incorrect, simple in-
strumentation should be installed at a number of
7th Link. Assign Tasks for Design, Construction, secondary instrumented sections to serve as indices
and Operation Phases of comparative behavior.
When selecting locations, survivability of instru-
When tasks are assigned for monitoring, the party ments should be considered, and additional quan-
with the greatest vested interest in the data should tities should be selected to replace instruments that
be given direct line responsibility for producing it may become inoperative.
accurately. Reliability and patience, perseverance,
a background in the fundamentals of geotechnical
engineering, mechanical and electrical ability, at- 1Oth Link. Plan Recording of Factors that May
tention to detail, and a high degree of motivation are Influence Measured Data
the basic requirements for qualities needed in in- Measurements by themselves are rarely sufficient
strumentation personnel. to provide useful conclusions. The use of in-
strumentation normally involves relating measure-
8th Link. Select Instruments ments to causes, and therefore complete records
and diaries must be maintained of all factors that
When instruments are selected, the overriding de- might cause changes in the measured parameters.
sirable feature is reliability. Inherent in reliability is
maximum simplicity and, in general, transducers
can be placed in the following order of decreasing 11th Link. Establish Procedures for Ensuring
simplicity and reliability: optical, mechanical, hy- Reading Correctness
draulic, pneumatic, electrical. Lowest cost of an Personnel responsible for instrumentation must be
instrument should never be allowed to dominate the able to answer the question: Is the instrument func-
selection, and the least expensive instrument is not tioning correctly? Input to the answer can often be
likely to result in minimum overall cost. provided by visual observations, by duplicate or
The state of the art in hardware design is far backup instruments, or by studies of data consis-
ahead of the state of the art in user technology. It is tency and repeatability.
the responsibility of users to develop an adequate
level of understanding of the instruments that they
select. Users will often benefit from discussing their 12th Link. Prepare Budget
application with geotechnical engineers or geolo- A budget should be prepared to ensure that suffi-
gists on the manufacturer's staff before selecting cient funds are available for all monitoring tasks.
instruments, conveying as much as possible about
the application and seeking out any limitations of
the proposed instruments. 13th Link. Write Instrument Procurement

9th Link. Select Instrument Locations Procurement of other than the most simple
geotechnical instruments should not be considered
The selection of instrument locations should reflect as a routine construction procurement item be-
predicted behavior and should be compatible with cause, if valid measurements are to be made, ex-

treme attention must be paid to quality and details. should include procedures and schedules for regular
The cost is usually minor. maintenance of field terminals and any embedded
The low-bid method should never be used unless components for which access is available.
regulations allow for no alternative, and one of the
following two methods is recommended: 16th Link. Plan Data Collection, Processing,
• The owner or design consultant procures the Presentation, Interpretation, Reporting, and
instruments directly, negotiating prices with Implementation
suppliers. Many consulting engineering firms have files filled
• The owner enters an estimate of procurement with large quantities of partially processed and un-
cost in the construction contract bid schedule digested data because sufficient time or funds were
and subsequently selects appropriate instru- not available for tasks after completion of instru-
ments for procurement by the contractor. Price ment installation.
is negotiated between the owner and suppliers Written procedures for data collection, process-
of instruments, and the construction contractor ing, presentation, and interpretation should be pre-
is reimbursed at actual cost plus a handling fee. pared before instrumentation work commences in
the field. A verification should be made to ensure
In cases where neither of these methods can be that personnel responsible for interpretation of in-
used and the low-bid method with an or equal provi- strumentation data have contractual authority to
sion is unavoidable, a clear, concise, complete, and initiate remedial action, that communication chan-
correct specification must be written. The specifi- nels between design and construction personnel are
cation should cover all salient features to guard open, and that arrangements have been made to
against supply of an undesirable substitution, fol- forewarn all parties of the planned remedial actions.
lowing the guidelines given in Chapter 5.
While writing instrument procurement specifica-
17th Link. Write Contractual Arrangements for
tions, one should determine the requirements for
Field Instrumentation Services
factory calibrations, and acceptance tests should
be planned to ensure correct functioning when in- Field services include instrument installation, regu-
struments are first received by the user. lar calibration and maintenance, and data collec-
tion, processing, presentation, interpretation, and
reporting. Contractual arrangements for the selec-
14th Link. Plan Installation
tion of personnel to provide these services may gov-
Installation procedures and schedules should be ern success or failure of a monitoring program.
planned well in advance of scheduled installation Geotechnical instrumentation field work should
dates. Written step-by-step procedures should be not be considered a routine construction item, be-
prepared, including a detailed listing of required cause successful measurements require extreme
materials and tools and an installation record sheet, dedication to detail throughout all phases of the
on which as-built installation details will be docu- work. The low-bid method should never be used
mented. unless regulations allow for no alternative, and one
Procedures should ensure that the presence of of the following two methods is recommended:
the instruments do not alter the very quantities that
instruments are intended to measure. When the • The owner or design consultant performs field
owner or design consultant is responsible for install- work that requires specialist skill, if necessary
ing instruments, a special effort must be made dur- retaining the services of a consulting firm
ing the planning stage to establish a cooperative specializing in instrumentation. Supporting
working relationship with the construction con- work is performed by the construction contrac-
tractor. tor.
• The owner enters an estimate of specialist field
service costs in the construction contract bid
15th Link. Plan Regular Calibration and
schedule. Subsequently, the owner and con-
struction contractor select an appropriate spe-
Regular calibration and maintenance of readout cialist consulting firm, which is retained as a
units are required during service life. Planning subcontractor by the construction contractor

to perlorrn field work that requires specialist readings, and engineering judgments are based on
skill. Charges for specialist work are negotiated changes rather than on absolute values.
between the owner and consulting firm, and the Data collection personnel should take the first
construction contractor is reimbursed at actual step in determining whether the instrument is func-
cost plus a handling fee. Supporting work is tioning correctly, by comparing the latest readings
perlorrned by the construction contractor. with the previous readings. Any significant changes
can then be identified immediately, and if hazard
One of these two methods is essential for data pro- warning levels have been reached, supervisory per-
cessing, presentation, and interpretation. In cases sonnel should be informed. Data collection person-
where regulations do not allow either of these nel should record factors that may influence mea-
methods for installation, calibration, maintenance, sured data and should be on the lookout for
and data collection, and where the low-bid method potential for damage, deterioration, or malfunction
is unavoidable, a clear, concise, complete, and cor- of instruments.
rect specification should be written to maximize the
quality of field services, following the guidelines
22nd Link. Process and Present Data
given in Chapter 6.
The first aim of data processing and presentation is
to provide a rapid assessment of data in order to
18th Link. Procure Instruments
detect changes requiring immediate action, and this
Instruments should be calibrated, inspected, and should usually be the responsibility of data collec-
tested before shipment to the user. On receipt by tion personnel. The second aim is to summarize and
the user, acceptance tests should be made to ensure present the data in order to show trends and to corn-
correct functioning. pare observed with predicted behavior for determi-
nation of the appropriate action to be taken. Spe-
cially prepared data forms will usually be required,
19th Link. Install Instruments
and data should always be plotted, normally versus
Before starting installation work, field personnel time. Plots of predicted behavior and causal data
should study and understand the written step-by- are often included on the same axes.
step installation procedure. They should be aware
that the instrument may not serve its purpose if a
23rd Link. Interpret Data
single essential but apparently minor requirement is
overlooked during the installation. Monitoring programs have failed because the data
When installing instruments in boreholes, one generated were never used. If there is a clear sense
should respect the driller's advice. If problems arise of purpose for a monitoring program, the method of
while installing downhole components, and there is data interpretation will be guided by that sense of
any possibility of borehole collapse or premature purpose. Without a purpose there can be no inter-
grout setting, act fast and discuss later: if in doubt, pretation.
pull it out. Communication channels between design and
field personnel should remain open, so that discus-
sions can be held between design engineers who
20th Link. Calibrate and Maintain Instruments on
framed the questions that need to be answered and
a Regular Schedule
field engineers who provide the data.
Readout units should be calibrated and maintained Early data interpretation steps have already been
on a regular schedule. Field terminals should be taken: evaluation of data to determine reading cor-
maintained, and maintenance should include any rectness and also to detect changes requiring im-
embedded instrument components for which access mediate action. The essence of subsequent data in-
is available. terpretation steps is to correlate the instrument
readings with other factors (cause and effect rela-
tionships) and to study the deviation ofthe readings
21st Link. Collect Data
from the predicted behavior. When faced with data
Special care should be taken when making initial that on first sight do not appear to be reasonable,
readings, because most data are referenced to these there is a temptation to reject the data as false.

However, such data may be real and may in fact any remedial actions. The report also forms a valu-
carry an important message. A significant question able bank of experience and should be distributed to
to ask is: Can I think of a hypothesis that is consis- the owner and design consultant so that any lessons
tent with the data? The resultant discussion, to- may be incorporated into subsequent designs.
gether with the use of appropriate procedures for If important knowledge gaps have been filled, the
ensuring reading correctness, will often lead to an conclusions should be disseminated to the profes-
assessment of data validity. sion in a technical publication.

24th Link. Report Conclusions 25th Link. Implement Data

After each set of data has been interpreted, conclu- When instrumentation is used to provide input to
sions should be reported in the form of an interim the initial design of a facility or for the design of
monitoring report and submitted to personnel re- remedial treatment, data will be used directly in de-
sponsible for implementation of data. The initial sign. When instrumentation is used during con-
communication may be verbal but should be struction, remedial action should have been
confirmed in writing. The report should include up- planned and implementation should follow these
dated summary plots, a brief commentary that plans.
draws attention to all significant changes that have
occurred in the measured parameters since the pre-
Summary to the Key to Success
vious interim monitoring report, probable causes of
these changes, and recommended action. Peck (1972) states, "We need to carry out a vast
A.final report is often prepared to document key amount of observational work, but what we do
aspects of the monitoring program and to support should be done for a purpose and be done well."
Part 7


A. Checklist for Planning Steps

B. Checklist for Content of Specifications for Procurement of Instruments
C. Checklist for Content of Specifications for Field Instrumentation Services
D. Commercially Available Geotechnical Instruments
E. Details of Twin-Tube Hydraulic Piezometer System
F. Dimensions of Drill Rods, Flush-Joint Casing, Diamond Coring Bits, Hollow-
Stem Augers, and U.S. Pipe
G. Example of Installation Procedure, with Materials and Equipment List
H. Conversion Factors


Systematic planning of a monitoring program • measurement of fill quantities

should proceed through the steps described in • enhancing public relations
Chapter 4. The steps are summarized in this appen- • advancing the state of the art
dix in checklist form.
(c) Verifying satisfactory performance after
construction is complete
1. Define the Project Conditions
5. Select the Parameters to Be Monitored
(a) Project type
(a) Pore water pressure or joint water pressure
(b) Project layout
(b) Total stress within soil mass
(c) Subsurface stratigraphy and engineering
(c) Total stress at contact with structure or
(d) Groundwater conditions
(d) Stress within rock mass
(e) Status of nearby structures or other fa-
(e) Vertical deformation
(f) Horizontal deformation
(f) Environmental conditions
(g) Tilt
(g) Planned construction method
(h) Strain in soil or rock
(h) Knowledge of crisis situation
(i) Load or strain in structural members
2. Predict Mechanisms that Control Behavior
(j) Temperature
3. Define the Geotechnical Questions that
Need to Be Answered 6. Predict Magnitudes of Change
4. Define the Purpose of the Instrumentation (a) Predict maximum value, thus instrument
(a) Benefits during design
(b) Predict minimum value, thus instrument
• definition of initial site conditions
sensitivity or accuracy
• proof testing
(c) Determine hazard warning levels
• fact-finding in crisis situations
7. Devise Remedial Action
(b) Benefits during construction
(a) Devise action for each hazard warning
• safety level, ensuring that labor and materials
• observational method will be available
• construction control (b) Determine who will have contractual au-
• providing legal protection thority for initiating remedial action

(c) Ensure that communication channel is (k) Evaluate adequacy of time available for
open between design and construction installation
personnel (l) Question whether the selected instru-
(d) Determine how all parties will be ment will achieve the objective
forewarned of planned remedial actions 1 0. Select Instrument Locations
8. Assign Tasks for Design, Construction, and (a) Identify zones of primary concern
Operation Phases (b) Select primary instrumented sections
(a) Complete Table 4.2 (c) Select secondary instrumented sections
(b) Assign supervisory responsibility for (d) Plan quantities to account for less than
tasks by instrumentation specialist 100% survival
(c) Plan liaison and reporting channels (e) Arrange locations to provide early data
(d) Plan who has overall responsibility and (f) Arrange locations to provide cross-
contractual authority for implementation checks
9. Select Instruments (g) A void nonconformance or weakness at
(a) Plan for high reliability: clusters
• study suggested recipe for reliability in 11. Plan Recording of Factors that May Influence
Chapter 15 Measured Data
• maximum simplicity (a) Construction details
• don't allow lowest cost to dominate (b) Construction progress
selection (c) Visual observations of expected and un-
• maximum durability in installed en- usual behavior
vironment (d) Geology and other subsurface conditions
• minimum sensitivity to climatic con- (e) Environmental factors
12. Establish Procedures for Ensuring Reading
• good past performance record Correctness
• consider transducer, readout unit, and (a) Visual observations
communication system separately
(b) Duplicate instruments
• is reading necessarily correct?
(c) Backup system
• can calibration be verified after instal-
(d) Study of consistency
(e) Study of repeatability
(b) Discuss application with manufacturer
(f) Regular in-place checks
(c) Recognize any limitations in skill or
quantity of available personnel 13. List the Specific Purpose of Each Instrument
(d) Consider both construction and long- 14. Prepare Budget
term needs and conditions Include costs, being particularly careful to
(e) Ensure good conformance make a realistic estimate of project duration,
(f) Ensure minimum interference to con-
struction and minimum access difficul- (a) Planning monitoring program
ties (b) Making detailed instrument designs
(g) Determine need for automatic data ac- (c) Procuring instruments
quisition system (d) Making factory calibrations
(h) Plan readout type and arrangements, (e) Installing instruments
consistent with required reading fre- (f) Maintaining and calibrating instruments
quency on a regular schedule
(i) Plan need for spare parts and standby (g) Establishing and updating data collection
readout units schedule
(j) Evaluate adequacy of lead time (h) Collecting data

(i) Processing and presenting data (b) Plan maintenance

(j) Interpreting and reporting data • readout units
(k) Deciding on implementation of results • field terminals
15. Write Instrument Procurement Specifica- • embedded components
tions 18. Plan Data Collection, Processing, Presenta-
(a) Assign responsibility for procurement tion, Interpretation, Reporting, and Imple-
• construction contractor mentation
• owner (a) Plan data collection
• design consultant • prepare preliminary detailed proce-
• instrument suppliers acting as assigned dures for collection of initial and subse-
subcontractors quent data
(b) Select specifying method • prepare field data sheets
• descriptive specification, with brand • plan staff training
name and model number • plan data collection schedule
• descriptive specification, without • plan access needs
brand name and model number (b) Plan data processing and presentation
• performance specification • determine need for automatic data pro-
(c) Select basis for determining price cessing
• negotiation • prepare preliminary detailed proce-
• bid dures for data processing and presenta-
(d) Write specifications tion
(e) Plan factory calibrations • prepare calculation sheets
(f) Plan acceptance tests when instruments • plan data plot format
are first received by user, and determine • plan staff training
responsibility (c) Plan data interpretation
16. Plan Installation • prepare preliminary detailed proce-
(a) Prepare step-by-step installation proce- dures for data interpretation
dure well in advance of scheduled instal- (d) Plan reporting of conclusions
lation dates, including list of required • define reporting requirements, con-
materials and tools tents, frequency
(b) Prepare installation record sheets (e) Plan implementation
(c) Plan staff training • verify that all Step 7 items are in place
(d) Coordinate plans with contractor 19. Write Contractual Arrangements for Field In-
(e) Plan access needs strumentation Services
(f) Plan protection from damage and van- (a) Select field service contract method
dalism (complete Table A.l)
(g) Plan installation schedule (b) Write detailed specifications
17. Plan Regular Calibration and Maintenance 20. Update Budget
(a) Plan calibrations during service life Include costs for all tasks listed in Step 14
• readout units
• embedded components

Table A.l. Allocation of Responsibilities for Field Instrumentation Services

Regular Collection, Data
Services Calibration and Processing and Interpretation
Provided by Installation Maintenance Presentation and Reporting
Owner's personnel
Construction contractor, Only very Only very Only very Not suitable
using bid items in con- simple simple simple
struction contract, with- instrumen- instrumen- instrumen-
out prequalification tation tation tation
Construction contractor, Not suitable
using bid items in con-
struction contract, with
Instrumentation specialist
selected by and con-
tracting with owner
Instrumentation specialist
selected by owner and
contractor, and con-
tracting with contractor
as an assigned subcon-



Specifications for procurement of instrumentation • Warranties

are discussed in Chapter 5, and recommended con- • Instruction manuals
tent is given in Section 5.4. The content is sum- • Shipping documents
marized in this appendix in checklist form. As indi-
• Instrument samples
cated in Section 5.4, it is not intended that all
specifications should address all items in the check- • Schedules for all submittals
list. Greatest detail is required when the low-bid 5.4.3. Operating Environment
procedure with an or equal provision is used. • Definition of environment
The headings in this checklist correspond to the • Ground deformation
subheadings in Section 5.4. 5.4.4. Experience
• Projects
Part 1. General (Wording Applicable to All Instru- • Users
ments) 5.4.5. General Material Requirements
5.4.1. Division of Responsibilities • Factors in Table 5.4
• Procurement • Longevity
• Factory calibration and quality assurance 5.4.6. Review of Proposed Instruments
• Review of proposed instruments • Requirements for review
• Acceptance tests • Or equal specification
• Summary statement of work included • Submittals
5.4.2. Submittals 5.4.7. Factory Calibration and Quality Assurance
• Experience lists • Factory calibrations
• Requests for review of proposed instru- • Calibration certificates
ments • Unique identification
• Calibration certificates • Preshipment inspections
• Quality assurance checklists • Quality assurance checklists

5.4.8. Warranty 5.4.15. Submittal of Samples

5.4.9. Instruction Manual • Requirements
5.4.10. Shipment and Delivery • Characteristics to be tested
• Delivery dates 5.4.16. Installation Tools and Materials
• Partial shipment schedule 5.4.17. Spare Parts
• Method of shipment • Damage during installation
• Prepayment of freight charges • Malfunction during operation
• Insurance in transit • Readout units
• Submittal of shipping and insurance docu- • Accessible terminals
Part 3. Measurement and Payment (Section 5.4.18)
• Measurement method
Part 2. Instrument Details (Separate Subheading for • Payment method
Each Instrument)
• Adequate definition of quantity and di-
5.4.11. Instrument Operating Principles mensions for payment purposes
5.4.12. Component Specifications • Pay item for every specified requirement
• Descriptive or performance specification • Assigned subcontracts:
• Range Definition of procedure
• Acceptable uncertainty Markup
• Conformance requirements Adjustment of allowance
• Method of verifying reading correctness
• Detail design of nonstandard components Reviews of Specification (Section 5.4)
• Verification that all required components • By experienced specification writer
have been included • By instrumentation specialist
5.4.13. Compatibility with Other Instruments • By personnel familiar with other sec-
5.4.14. Physical Size Limitations tions of the specifications



Specifications for field instrumentation services are • Establishing and updating reading sched-
discussed in Chapter 6, and recommended content ule
is given in Section 6.6. The content is summarized • Data collection
in this appendix in checklist form. As indicated in • Data processing and presentation
Section 6.6, it is not intended that all specifications
• Data interpretation
should address all the items in the checklist but, if
the low-bid procedure has been selected for any • Reporting of results
task, extra care must be taken to write a com- • Deciding on implementation of results
prehensive specification and all relevant require- • Summary statement of contractor respon-
ments should be specified. sibilities: work included
The headings in this checklist correspond to the 6.6.3. Specification Method
subheadings in Section 6.6. • Definition and listing of support work
Part 1. General • Definition and listing of specialist work
• Description of specification method for:
6.6.1. Purpose of Instrumentation Program
• Overall purpose
Regular calibration and maintenance
• Parameters monitored by each instrument
Data collection, processing, and pre-
• Use of data (brief statement) sentation
6.6.2. Division of Responsibilities Data interpretation and reporting
• Procurement • Definition and use of contingency allow-
• Factory calibration ance or assigned subcontract (brief state-
• Acceptance tests ment)
• Installation 6.6.4. Related Work Specified Elsewhere
• Regular maintenance • Listing
• Regular calibration • Section numbers

6.6.5. Qualifications of Specialist Field Instru- • Description of each nonbiddable work

mentation Personnel item, paid for under a contingency allow-
• General requirements ance (unless specified later)
• Requirements for firm • Schedule requirements
• Requirements for individuals 6.6.10. Locations of Instruments
• Schedule for qualification statements • Approximate locations on drawings
6.6.6. Submittals During Construction • Owner's representative will finalize
• Detailed requirements • Record survey, with required accuracy
• Schedule 6.6.11. Installation of Instruments
6.6. 7. Cooperation Between Construction Con- • Details on drawings
tractor and Owner's Specialist Field Instru- • Step-by-step procedures
mentation Personnel • General and instrument-specific drilling
Part 2. Products • Submission for review
6.6.8. Procurement of Instruments • Log of installation activities
• If procured by others: • Schedules
Listing • Work restrictions
Operating principles • Drilling specification
Sizes • Grouting specification
Factory calibration and quality assur- • Acceptance tests
ance 6.6.12. Regular Maintenance and Calibration
Acceptance tests by owner • Procedures
Warranties • Schedules
Shipment and delivery 6.6.13. Data Collection, Processing, and Presenta-
Schedules tion
Insurances • Procedures
Handing over • Format and schedule for data submission
Checking • Frequency
Responsibility • Start and termination schedule
• If procured by construction contractor: • Joint initial readings
Chapter 5 and Appendix B 6.6.14. Availability of Data
Tabular listing of quantities • Availability of raw or interpreted data
• Storage space • Schedule
6.6.9. Support Work (Relating to Products) • Contractor's responsibility for safety
• Detailed specification for each biddable 6.6.15. Implementation of Data
and incidental work item (unless specified • Use of data
• Action to be taken:
• Description of each nonbiddable work
Predetermined remedial actions
item, paid for under a contingency allow-
ance (unless specified later) Hazard warning levels
• Schedule requirements Contractual responsibility
Method of forewarning
Part 3. Execution • Consistency with non-instrumentation
sections verified
6.6.9. Support Work (Relating to Execution)
• Detailed specification for each biddable 6.6.16. Delay to Construction
and incidental work item (unless specified • Delay time estimates
later) • Payment

6.6.17. Damage to Instrumentation • Data-set work items:

• Protection requirements Definition of unit
• Responsibility of contractor • Contingency allowance item for nonbid-
• Timeliness for repair or replacement dable support work:
• Work stoppage Applicable work items
• Financial penalty Payment rates for labor
6.6.18. Disposition of Instruments Payment rates for plant and equipment
• Ownership of portable instruments Payment rates for materials
• Salvage and ownership of recoverable Markup
components • Assigned subcontract for specialist work:
• Restoration of surface and subsurface Applicable work items
• Overhaul of long-term instruments Definition of procedure
Part 4. Measurement and Payment (Section 6.6.19) Adjustment of allowance
• Every work item:
Measurement method Reviews of Specification (Section 6.6)
Payment method • By experienced specification writer
Work included and excluded • By instrumentation specialist
• Furnish and install work items: • By personnel familiar with other sections
Definition of major component prices of the specifications


Instruments are grouped in the categories that have Table D.2. Instruments for Measuring Total Stress in Soil
been defined in Part 3. The numbers alongside each Instruments Manufacturers
category refer to the alphabetical listing of manufac-
turers given at the end of this appendix. Diaphragm earth pressure 41' 48, 116, 120
cells with vibrating wire
Certain manuacturers' names may not be listed
alongside certain instrument categories. Any such
Diaphragm earth pressure 22, 23, 62, 72
omissions result solely from the author's lack of cells with bonded elec-
knowledge and do not imply any inadequacy in trical resistance strain
those omitted instruments. gage transducer
Hydraulic earth pressure 49, 55, 57, 107, 108, 109,
cells with pneumatic 124
Table D.1. Instruments for Measuring Groundwater transducer
Pressure Hydraulic earth pressure 46, 67, 82, 96, 109, 120
cells with vibrating wire
Instruments Manufacturers transducer
Observation wells 1, 2 Hydraulic earth pressure 54, 72, 91, 121
Open standpipe piezome- 20, 36, 48, 49, 53, 54, 73, cells with bonded elec-
ters 95, 100, 102, 107, 108, trical resistance strain
109, 110, 112 gage transducer
Twin-tube hydraulic 48, 53, 62, 73, 91, 95, 107, Hydraulic earth pressure 24, 62, 108
piezometers 109 cells with unbonded
Pneumatic piezometers 10, 49, 53, 55, 57, 107, electrical resistance
108, 109, 121, 124 strain gage transducer
Vibrating wire piezome- 46, 48, 51, 67, 82, 96, 109,
ters 116, 120
Bonded electrical resis- 15, 53, 54, 68, 72, 91, 102,
tance piezometers 107, 108, 121, 122
Unbonded electrical resis- 24, 62, 108
tance piezometers
Multipoint piezometers Ill, 112, 120, 124, 129


Table D.3. Instruments for Measuring Stress Change

in Rock
Instruments Manufacturers
Borehole pressure cells 46, 55, 104, 108
USBM borehole deforma- 46, 67, 100, 101
tion gages
Yoke borehole deforma- 29
tion gage
Biaxial strain cells 25, 100
Triaxial strain cells 25, 77, 80, 86
Vibrating wire stress- 46, 67, 82
Photoelastic stressmeters 117

Table D.4. Instruments for Measuring Deformation

Instruments Manufacturers Instruments Manufacturers
Surveying instruments 70, 76, 132, 133 Probe extensometers: 46,67
Electronic distance 4, 26, 70, 76, 87' 127' 132, magnetostrictive gage
measuring instruments 133 Settlement platforms
Photogrammetric instru- 70, 132, 133 Fixed embankment exten- 1 (also most manufactur-
ments someters: mechanical ers of fixed borehole ex-
Mechanical crack gages 1 (see also under Surface- gage with tensioned wires tensometers)
mounted mechanical Fixed embankment exten- Most manufacturers of
strain gages, in Table someters: gage with fixed borehole exten-
D.5) electrical linear dis- someters
Electrical crack gages 57, 100, 102, 107 (see also placement transducers
under Surface-mounted Soil strain gages 18
vibrating wire and elec- Fixed borehole exten- 1, 6, 46, 48, 49, 53, 55, 62,
trical resistance strain someters 66, 67' 72, 82, 99, 100,
gages, in Table D.5) 102, 107' 108, 109, 110,
Convergence gages 46, 53, 66, 67, 70, 82, 100, 111' 118, 120, 122
102, 108, 109, 110, 120 Borros anchors 20, 48, 108
Mechanical tiltmeters 96, 109 Spiral-foot gages 1, 100
Tiltmeters with ac- 107, 108, 109, 111, 118, Inclinometers 29, 48, 49, 53, 55, 66, 68,
celerometer transducer 121' 122 72, 82, 102, 107' 108, 109,
Tiltmeters with vibrating 82, 96, 120 110, 111, 120, 121, 122
wire transducer Shear plane indicators 1, 17, 50, 53, 66, 108, 109
Tiltmeters with electro- 11' 40, 114, 126 Plumb lines and inverted 62, 66, 72, 96, 109, 120
lytic level transducer pendulums
and geodetic sensitivity Remote monitoring sys- 62, 96, 113
Probe extensometers: me- tem for plumb lines
chanical heave gage In-place inclinometers and 66, 107' 108, 120, 121' 122
Probe extensometers: 1, 72, 96, 108, 109 multiple defiectometers
crossarm gage Portable borehole defiec- 66, 108, 111
Probe extensometers: me- 53, 66, 108 tometers
chanical probe within Liquid level gages 1, 20, 46,49, 53, 54, 55,
inclinometer casing 57, 65, 66, 67, 88, 96,
Probe extensometers: slid- 111 107' 108, 109, 120, 124
ing micrometer Telltales
Probe extensometers: 62, 65, 66, 82, 96, 107, Convergence gages for
gages with induction 108, 109, 120 slurry trenches
coil transducer Time domain refiectometry 58, 120
Probe extensometers: 53, 109 Acoustic emission moni- 3, 32, 66, 88, 94, 108, 131
magnet/reed switch gage toring

Table D.S. Instruments for Measuring Load and Strain in Table D.7. Miscellaneous
Structural Members
Instruments Manufacturers
Instruments Manufacturers
Electrical cable 5, 16, 21' 38, 42, 130
Mechanical load cells 66,97 Splices for electrical cable 9, 30, 42, 125
Hydraulic load cells 55' 66, 102, 109, 118, 124 Automatic data acquisi- 22, 46, 47, 48, 52, 53, 55,
Electrical resistance load 19, 22, 29, 31, 45, 46, 60, tion systems for geo- 67, 72, 82, 108, 109,
cells 61, 62, 67, 72, 84, 102, technical instrumenta- 120, 122, 124
108, 109, 115, 118, 128 tion
Vibrating wire load cells 41, 46, 48, 67, 82, 109, Lightning protection de- 43, 44, 74, 81, 98
116, 120 vices
Photoelastic load cells 93, 117 Borehole directional sur- 34, 56, 63, 90, 92
Calibrated hydraulic jacks 31 vey instruments
Cable tension meters 22, 39, 100, 115 Ultrasonic monitoring in- 71
Surface-mounted mechani- 13, 33, 62, 66, 75, 84, 96, strument for measuring
cal strain gages 100, 102, 103, 108, 110, verticality of slurry
118 trenches
Surface-mounted vibrating 41, 46, 48, 67, 82, 108, Additives to water for 8, 79
wire strain gages 116, 120 hydraulic instruments
Surface-mounted electrical 19, 22, 23, 35, 59, 60, 72, Bentonite pellets 7, 46, 53, 67, 95, 100, 102,
resistance strain gages 85, 123 108, 109, 124
Embedment strain gages: Bentonite gravel 78
mechanical type Additives to grout 28, 83, 106
Embedment strain gages: 41, 46, 48, 67, 82, 96, 116, Biodegradable drilling 69
vibrating wire types 120 mud
Embedment strain gages: 19, 22, 24, 35, 62, 72, 107, Inflatable packers 14, 64, 102
electrical resistance 108, 118, 123
Concrete stress cells 24, 46, 55, 62, 66, 67, 72,
82, 96, 102, 109

Table D.6. Instruments for Measuring Temperature

Instruments Manufacturers
Mercury thermometers 2
Bimetal thermometers 2
Thermistors 12, 27, 37, 89, 105
Thermocouples 12, 27, 37, 85, 89
Resistance temperature 12, 24, 27' 66, 89, 120
Vibrating wire transducers 46, 48, 67' 82, 120
Frost gages I

NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF 14. Baski Water Instruments, Inc., 1586 South
SUPPLIERS* 15. BAT Envitech AB, P.O. Box 27194, S-
102 52, Stockholm, Sweden (NAS: BAT
1. Instrument can be fabricated by the user Envitech, Inc., P.O. Box 7826, Long
from locally available parts. Beach, CA 90807, U.S.A.; Soiltest, Inc.)
2. Instrument is available from numerous 16. Belden Corporation, P.O. Box 1980, Rich-
manufacturers. mond, IN 47374, U.S.A.
Listings may be found in: 17. Bemek, Box 11063, S-95111 Lulea, Sweden
• Various trade journals 18. Bison Instruments, Inc., 5708 West 36th
• Local industrial buyers' guides Street, Minneapolis, MN 55416, U.S.A.
• Electronic Buyers' Guide (McGraw-Hill 19. BLH Electronics, 75 Shawmut Road, Can-
Book Co., New York) ton, MA 02021, U.S.A.
• Instruments and Control Systems Buyers' 20. Borros AB, Box 3063, S-17103, Solna,
Guide (Chilton Co., Radnor, PA) Sweden (NAS: Roctest Ltd.; Wykeham
• Directory of Instrument Society of Farrance, Inc., 8000 Glenwood Ave., P.O.
America (ISA, Research Triangle Park, Drawer 30967, Raleigh, NC 27612, U.S.A.)
NC) 21. Brand-Rex Corporation, Electronic and In-
• Thomas Register (Thomas Publishing dustrial Cable Division, Willimantic, CT
Co., New York) 06226, U.S.A.
3. Acoustic Emission Technology Corpora- 22. Brewer Engineering Laboratories, Tele-
tion, 1812 J Tribute Road, Sacramento, CA dyne Engineering Services, P.O. Box 288,
95815, U.S.A. Marion, MA 02738, U.S.A.
4. AGA Geotronics AB, Box 64, S-182 11 23. Cambridge Insitu, Little Eversden, Cam-
Danderyd, Sweden bridge CB3 7HE, England
5. Alpha Wire Corporation, 711 Lidgerwood 24. Carlson Instruments, 1190-C Dell Avenue,
Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07207, U.S.A. Campbell, CA 95008, U.S.A.
6. Amberg Measuring Technique Ltd., Aus- 25. Chamber of Mines of South Africa, P.O.
stellungsstrasse 88, P. 0. Box 3141 , CH- Box 91230, Auckland Park, 2006, Republic
8031 Zurich, Switzerland (NAS: Roctest of South Africa
Ltd.) 26. Com-Rad Electronic Equipment Ltd., 256
7. American Colloid Company, Drilling Fluid Ipswich Road, Trading Estate, Slough,
Products Division, 5100 Suffield Court, Berkshire, England
Skokie, IL 60077, U.S.A. 27. Conax Buffalo Corporation, 2300 Walden
8. American Cyanamid Company, 1 Cy- Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14225, U.S.A.
anamid Plaza, Wayne, NJ 07470, U.S.A. 28. Concrete Chemicals Company, 1705
9. AMP, Inc., 449 Eisenhower Blvd., Harris- Superior Building, Cleveland, OH 44114,
burg, PA 17105, U.S.A. U.S.A.
10. Apparatus Specialties Company, Box 122, 29. CSIRO, Division of Geomechanics, P.O.
Saddle River, NJ 07458, U.S.A. Box 54, Mount Waverley, 3149, Australia
11. Applied Geomechanics, Inc., 1336 Brom- 30. Dow Coming Corporation, Midland, MI
mer Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95062, U.S.A. 48640, U.S.A.
12. Atkins Technical, Inc., 3401 S.W. 40th 31. Richard Dudgeon, Inc., 7A Market Street,
Blvd., Archer Interchange (175), Industrial Stamford, CT 06902, U.S.A.
Area, Gainesville, FL 32608, U.S.A. 32. Dunegan/Endevco, Rancho Viejo Road,
13. Avongard Products, U.S.A. Ltd., 2836 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675, U.S.A.
Osage, Waukegan, IL 60087, U.S.A. 33. Eastlex Machine Corporation, 2170 Chris-
tian Road, Lexington, KY 40505,
*NAS = North American Supplier. U.S.A.

34. Eastman Christensen Company, P.O. Box tion House, Old Warwick Road, Leaming-
14609, Houston, TX 77021, U.S.A. ton Spa, Warwickshire CV31 3NR, En-
35. Eaton Corporation, 5340 Alla Road, Los gland
Angeles, CA 90066, U.S.A. 54. Geotechniques International, Inc., P.O.
36. ELE International Ltd., Eastman Way, Box E, Middleton, MA 01949, U.S.A.
Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 55. Glotzl GmbH, D-7512 Rheinstetten, 4-Fo,
7HB, England (NAS: Engineering Labora- Karlsruhe, West Germany (NAS: Geo
tory Equipment, Inc., 2205 Lee Street, Group, Inc., 2209 Georgian Way, #12,
Evanston, IL 60202, U.S.A.) Wheaton, MD 20902, U.S.A.)
37. Fenwal, Inc., Ashland, MA 01721, U.S.A. 56. Gyrodata, Inc., 1682 West Belt North,
38. Fluorocarbon Company, Samuel Moore Houston, TX 77043, U.S.A.
Group, Dekoron Division, 1199 South Chil- 57. Earl B. Hall, Inc., 1050 Northgate Drive,
licothe Road, Aurora, OH 44202, U.S.A. Suite 400, San Rafael, CA 94903, U.S.A.
39. Fulmer Components Ltd., 231 Berwick Av- 58. Hewlett-Packard, 1820 Embarcadero
enue, Slough, Berks, SLl 4QT, England Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, U.S.A.
40. G + G Technics AG, Leimenweg 4, CH- 59. HITEC Products, Inc., P.O. Box 790, 87
4419 Lupsingen!BL, Switzerland Fitchburg Road, Ayer, MA 01432, U.S.A.
41. Gage Technique Ltd., P.O. Box 30, Trow- 60. Hottinger Baldwin Measurements, Inc.,
bridge, Wilts BA14 8YD, England 139 Newbury Street, Framingham, MA
42. General Electric Company, Wire and Cable 01701, U.S.A.
Division, 1285 Boston Avenue, Bridgeport, 61. Houston Scientific International, Inc., 4202
CT 06486, U.S.A. Directors Row, Houston, TX 77092,
43. General Electric Company, Electronics U.S.A.
Park, Syracuse, NY, 13201, U.S.A. 62. Huggenberger AG, Todistrasse 68, Post-
44. General Semiconductor Industries, Inc., fach CH-8812 Horgen, Switzerland (NAS:
2001 West Tenth Place, Tempe, AZ 85281, Slope Indicator Company)
U.S.A. 63. Humphrey, Inc., 9212 Balboa Avenue, San
45. Geo<1esy, 832 High Street, East Kew, 3102, Diego, CA 92123, U.S.A.
Australia 64. Hydrophilic Industries, Inc., 5815 Meridian
46. Geokon, Inc., 48 Spencer Street, Lebanon, Avenue North, Puyallup, WA 98371,
NH 03766, U.S.A. U.S.A.
47. Geomation, Inc., 15000 W. 6th Avenue, 65. Dr. Ing. Heinz Idel, Potthoffs Borde 15, 43
Golden, CO 80401, U.S.A. Essen, West Germany (NAS: Slope Indi-
48. Geonor NS, Grini Molle, P.O. Box 99 cator Company)
Roa, Oslo 7, Norway (NAS: Geonor USA, 66. Interfels GmbH, Postfach 75, D-4444, Bad
1425 Broad Street, Clifton, NY 07013; Roc- Bentheim 1, West Germany (NAS: Roctest
test Ltd.; Slope Indicator Company) Ltd.)
49. Geosistemas, S.A. de C.V., Aniceto Ortega 67. Irad Gage, Klein Drive, Salem, NH 03079,
No. 1306, 03100 Mexico, D.F., Mexico U.S.A.
50. Geosystems (AUST) Pty. Ltd., 3 Hocking 68. ISMES S.p.A., Viale G. Cesare 29, 24100
Street, Coburg, 3058, Australia Bergamo, Italy
51. Geotech AB, Klangfiirgsg 10,421-52 Vastra 69. Johnson Division of UOP, Inc., P.O. Box
Frolunda, Sweden (NAS: Roctest Ltd.) 43118, St. Paul, MN 55164, U.S.A.
52. Geotechnical Engineering and Mining Ser- 70. Kern & Co. Ltd., CH-5001, Aarau, Swit-
vices (U.S.A.), Inc., A Subsidiary of Sy- zerland (NAS: Kern Instruments, Inc.,
nergetics International, Inc., 6565 Odell Geneva Road, Brewster, NY 10509,
Place, P.O. Box E, Boulder, CO 80306, U.S.A.)
U.S.A. 71. Koden Electronics Company Ltd., 2-10-45,
53. Geotechnical Instruments (U.K.) Ltd., Sta- Kami-Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, Japan

72. Kyowa Electronic Instruments Company 88. Walter Nold Company, Inc., 24 Birch
Ltd., 5-1 Chofugaoka 3-chome, Chofu-shi, Road, Natick, MA 01760, U.S.A.
Tokyo, Japan (NAS: Kyowa Dengyo Cor- 89. Omega Engineering, Inc., One Omega
poration, 10 Reuten Drive, Closter, NJ Drive, Box 4047, Stamford, CT 06907,
07624, U.S.A.) U.S.A.
73. Landtest Ltd., 43 Baywood Road, Rex- 90. Owl Technical Associates, Inc., 1111 Dela-
dale, Ontario, M9V 3Y8, Canada ware Avenue, Longmont, CO 80501,
74. LEA, Inc., 12516 Lakeland Road, Santa Fe U.S.A.
Springs, CA 90670, U.S.A. 91. Oyo Corporation, 2-19 Daitakubo 2-chome.
75. Leigh Instruments Ltd., Engineering and Urawa, Saitama 336, Japan (NAS: Oyo
Aerospace Division, 2680 Queensview Corporation U.S.A., 7334 N. Gessner
Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, K2B 8J9, Canada Road, Houston, TX 77040, U.S.A.)
76. The Lietz Company, 9111 Barton, Box 92. Pajari Instruments Ltd., P.O. Box 820,
2934, Overland Park, KS 66201, U.S.A. Orillia, Ontario L3V 6K8, Canada
77. LNEC, Laborat6rio Nacional de En- 93. Perard Torque Tension Ltd., Claylands Av-
genharia Civil, 101, Av. do Brasil, P-1799, enue, Worksop, Nottinghamshire S81 7BQ,
Lisbon, Portugal England (NAS: P. T. T. Mining Equipment,
78. L. V. Lomas Chemical Company Ltd./ Inc., 3924 Youngfield Street, Wheat Ridge,
Ltee, 6365 Northwest Drive, Mississauga, CO 80033, U.S.A.)
Ontario L4V 118, Canada (NAS: L. V. 94. Physical Acoustics Corporation, P.O. Box
Lomas Chemical Company Ltd./Ltee, 5500 3135, 743 Alexander Road, Princeton, NJ
Main Street, Suite 3-C, Williamsville, NY 08540, U.S.A.
14221, U.S.A.). 95. Piezometer Research & Development, 939
79. Lonza AG, 3930 Visp, Switzerland (NAS: Barnum Avenue, B341, Bridgeport, CT
Lonza, Inc., 22-10 Route 208, Fair Lawn, 06608, U.S.A.
NJ 07410, U.S.A.) 96. log. Franco Pizzi, Via Ripoli 207E, 50126
80. Lulea University of Technology, Division Firenze, Italy (Successor to Officine
of Rock Mechanics, S-951 87 Lulea, Galileo, Firenze, Italy)
Sweden 97. Proceq, SA, Riesbachstrasse 57, CH-8034,
81. Lumex Corporation, 540 North Court, Zurich 8, Switzerland
Palatine, IL 60067, U.S.A. 98. RKS Industries, 208 Mount Herman Road,
82. Maihak AG, Semperstrasse 38, P.O. 60 17 Suite 2, Scotts Valley, CA 95066, U.S.A.
09, D-2000 Hamburg 60, West Ger- 99. Rock Instruments Ltd., Bell Lane,
many (NAS: Ampower Corporation, Uckfield, East Sussex, TN22 1QL, En-
1 Marine Plaza, North Bergen, NJ 07047, gland (NAS: Irad Gage; Solinst Canada
U.S.A.) Ltd.)
83. Master Builders, Division of Martin 100. Roctest Ltd., 665 Pine, St. Lambert
Marietta Corporation, 23700 Chagrin (Montreal), Quebec J4P 2P4, Canada. Also
Blvd., Beachwood, OH 44122, U.S.A. Roctest, Inc., 7 Pond Street, Plattsburgh,
84. W. H. Mayes & Son (Windsor) Ltd., Van- NY 12901, U.S.A.
sittart Estate, Arthur Road, Windsor, Berk- 101. Rogers Arms & Machine Company, P.O.
shire, SL4 1SD, England Box 2344, 1426 Ute Avenue, Grand Junc-
85. Measurements Group, Inc., Micro- tion, CO 81501, U.S.A.
Measurements Division, P.O. Box 27777, 102. RS Technical Instruments Ltd., 18-1780
Raleigh, NC 27611, U.S.A. McLean Avenue, Port Coquitlam, British
86. Mindata, 91A Orrong Crescent, Caulfield Columbia, V3C 4K9, Canada
North, 3161, Australia (NAS: Geokon, Inc.) 103. Satec Systems, Inc., Grove City, PA 16127,
87. Nippon Kogaku K. K., Fuji Bldg., 2-3, U.S.A.
Marunouchi 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 104. Serata Geomechanics, Inc., 1229 Eighth
100, Japan Street, Berkeley, CA 94710, U.S.A.

105. Sierracin/Western Thermistor, 354 Via Del 120. Telemac, 2 Rue August Thomas, 92600 As-
Monte, Oceanside, CA 92504, U.S.A. nieres, France (NAS: Roctest Ltd.)
106. Sika Corporation, P.O. Box 297, Lynd- 121. Terra Technology Corporation, 3860 148th
hurst, NJ 07071, U.S.A. Avenue, N.E., Redmond, WA 98052,
107. SIS Geotecnica s.r.l., Via Del Santuario 39, U.S.A.
20096 Seggiano Di Pioltello, Milano, Italy 122. Terrascience Systems Ltd., 1574 West 2nd
108. Slope Indicator Company, P.O. Box C- Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia V6J
30316, Seattle, WA 98103, U.S.A. (also 1H2, Canada
successor to Terrametrics, Golden, CO, 123. Texas Measurements, Inc., P.O. Box 2618,
U.S.A.) College Station, TX 77840, U.S.A.
109. Soil Instruments Ltd., Bell Lane, Uckfield, 124. Thor International, Inc., 13751 Lake City
East Sussex, TN22 1QL, England (NAS: Way N.E., Seattle, WA 98125, U.S.A.
Irad Gage; Solinst Canada Ltd.) 125. 3M Company, 3M Center 225-4N-05, St.
110. Soiltest, Inc., 2205 Lee Street, Evanston, Paul, MN 55144, U.S.A.
IL 60202, U.S.A. 126. Tilt Measurement Ltd., Works Road,
111. Solexperts AG, P.O. Box 230, CH-8603, Letchworth, Herts SG6 lJU, England
Schwerzenbach, Zurich, Switzerland 127. Tokyo Optical Co. Ltd., 75-1 Hasunuma-
112. Solinst Canada Ltd., 2240 Industrial Street, cho, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo 174, Japan (NAS:
Burlington, Ontario, L7P 1A5, Canada Topcon Instrument Corporation of Amer-
113. Spectron Engineering, Inc., 800 West 9th ica, 65 West Century Road, Paramus, NJ
Avenue, Denver, CO 80204, U.S.A. 07652, U.S.A.)
114. Sperry Corporation, Sensing Systems, 128. Transducers, Inc., 14030 Bolsa Lane, Ce-
Aerospace & Marine Group, P.O. Box rritos, CA 90701, U.S.A.
21111, Phoenix, AZ 85036, U.S.A. 129. Westbay Instruments Ltd., 507 East Third
115. Strainsert Company, Union Hill Industrial Street, North Vancouver, British Columbia
Park, West Conshohocken, PA 19428, V7L 1G4, Canada
U.S.A. 130. Westinghouse Electric Corporation, 25 Bri-
116. Strainstall Ltd., Denmark Road, Cowes, dle Lane, Westborough, MA01581, U.S.A.
Isle of Wight, P031 7TB, England 131. Weston Geophysical Corporation, P.O.
117. Stress Engineering Services, Charlton Box 550, Westborough, MA 01581, U.S.A.
Lane, Midsomer Norton, Bath, Avon, BA3 132. Wild Heerbrugg Ltd., CH-9435 Heerbrugg,
4BE, England Switzerland (NAS: Wild Heerbrugg Instru-
118. Structural Behavior Engineering Laborato- ments, Inc., 465 Smith Street, Farming-
ries, Inc., P.O. Box 23167, Phoenix, AZ dale, NY 11735, U.S.A.)
85063, U.S.A. 133. Carl Zeiss, D-7082, Oberkochen, West
119. Tektronix, Inc., P.O. Box 500, Beaverton, Germany (NAS: Carl Zeiss, Inc., One Zeiss
OR 97077, U.S.A. Drive, Thornwood, NY 10594, U.S.A.)



The operating principle of the twin-tube hydraulic and Bishop piezometers are typically installed in
piezometer is described in Chapter 9, and advan- compacted fill.
tages and limitations are given. The application for A Bishop piezometer is shown in Figures 9.12
twin-tube hydraulic piezometers is almost exclu- and 9.13 and consists of a tapered ceramic filter
sively limited to long-term monitoring of pore water retained with neoprene washers between two end
pressures in embankment dams, and therefore caps. Two compression fittings are attached to the
longevity is a primary need. Systems have been de- larger end cap. The filter should be a high air entry
veloped in the United States and England, and each filter (Section 9 .11) with a pore diameter of approxi-
has been widely used in embankment dams mately 4 x 10- 5 in. (1 micron), a permeability to
throughout the world with very variable success. water of about 3 x 10- 6 em/sec, and an air entry
The system developed in England appears to have a value of at least 15lb/in.Z (100 kPa). A typical size of
better success record than the system developed in the filter is 4 in. (100 mm) long, with outside diame-
the United States, and is readily available from in- ter tapering from 2 to 1.5 in. (50 to 38 mm). As
strument manufacturers in England. Successful indicated in Section E.l.3, the compression fittings
long-term use of twin-tube hydraulic piezometers connected to the top end cap should be of type 316
entails close adherence to many proven details. De- stainless steel. It is important that the diameter of
tails are given in this appendix. the waterway through the compression fitting and
top cap should not be less than the inside diameter
of the tubing: a reduction of diameter at this point is
thought to be the cause of blockage in some
piezometers in Australia (Mitchell, 1985).
E.l .1. Piezometers
Available options for end cap material are brass,
Piezometers are of two types, depending on PVC, and stainless steel. Brass is incompatible with
whether they are to be installed in saturated or the stainless steel compression fittings, since gal-
unsaturated soil. They are referred to here as cylin- vanic corrosion may occur; therefore, it should not
drical piezometers and Bishop piezometers, respec- be used. Available options for the connecting rod
tively. Cylindrical piezometers are typically in- material are also brass, PVC, and stainless steel.
stalled below the groundwater table in boreholes, However, a connecting rod of PVC is too weak to


give sufficient grip at the end caps for sealing on the bursting pressure of not less than 1200 ft head (350
ends of the filter, and a brass connecting rod is sub- m) of water. The tubing should be suitable for oper-
ject to corrosion. In summary, recommended mate- ation within the temperature range 0-50°C and
rials are: should be capable of being bent at ooc through 360
degrees around a 4 in. (100 mm) diameter rod with-
Compression fittings- type 316 stainless steel out collapse or rupture. The tensile strength of the
End caps-PVC or type 316 stainless steel tubing should not be less than 7000 lb/in. 2 (50 MPa)
at 20°C and should be able to withstand 10% tensile
Connecting rod-type 316 stainless steel
strain at 20°C without rupture.
VVashers-neoprene VVhen the length of single tubing between
piezometer and terminal enclosure is less than 600 ft
Because the polyethylene sheath must be pared (200 m), a nylon tubing with a 0.11 in. (2.8 mm)
back (Section E.1.3) before attaching tubing to the inside diameter and a 0.19 in. (4.8 mm) outside di-
compression fittings, the short lengths of bared ny- ameter is suitable. For longer lengths, these diame-
lon tubing above the compression fittings are a po- ters should be either 0.15 in. (3.8 mm) and 0.25 in.
tential weakness if they are allowed to bend during (6.4 mm) or 0.2 in. (5.0 mm) and 0.3 in. (8.0 mm),
installation. A worthwhile improvement to the stan- respectively: both sizes have been used with suc-
dard procedure would be the addition of thick-wall cess. The tolerance on the outside diameter should
heat shrink tubing· over the compression fittings be +0.002 in. ( +0.05 mm) and -0.008 in. ( -0.2
and the first few inches of tubing, shrunk in place mm), and the tolerance on the wall thickness should
after making the connections. be ±0.003 in. (±0.08 mm). The radial thickness of
A cylindrical piezometer consists of a cylindrical the polyethylene sheath should be 0.04 ± 0.003 in.
ceramic filter between two circular plastic end caps, (1 ± 0.08 mm).
with two compression fittings attached to one end Unless absolutely impracticable, tubing should
cap. The filter should be a low air entry filter (Sec- be in a continuous length from the piezometer tip to
tion 9 .11) with a pore diameter of approximately the terminal enclosure: any connections are poten-
0.002 in. (60 microns), a permeability to water of tial sources of weakness and leakage. Tubing is
about 3 x 10- 2 em/sec, and an air entry value of available in continuous lengths of up to 2000 ft (600
about 0.7 lb/in. 2 (5 kPa). The type of compression m). It should be tested, before installation, at a
fittings and the size of the waterway through the pressure well in excess of the anticipated pressure
fittings should be as described above for Bishop in the field, and an appropriately sized ball bearing
piezometers. should be blown through to ensure that there are no
constrictions: these have been found on several oc-
casions. Prior to installation, tubing should be
E.1.2. Tubing
stored away from direct sunlight and the ends
Recommendations for tubing material and diameter should be capped to prevent the entry of dust and
are given in Section 8.2.3. insects.
Unplasticized nylon 11 with a polyethylene In some cases, pairs of nylon 11 tubes have been
(polythene) sheath is generally accepted as the tub- sheathed within a coating of polyethylene. How-
ing of choice. The absence of a plasticizer is very ever, the polyethylene often does not completely fill
important, because this additive tends to form a between the two tubes, and to avoid seepage along
layer of crystals inside the tubing and may ulti- this space, any connections should be encased in an
mately cause blockage. Mitchell (1985) analyzed epoxy resin to close off the ends of the passage. The
crystals that formed in plasticized tubing and found electrical cable splice kits described in Section
them to be N-butyl-benzene-sulfanamide. 8.4.17 are suitable.
The nylon should be of natural coloring and
should not contain more than 0.15% of water-
E.1.3. Compression Fittings
soluble material. The maximum water absorption
by the nylon 11 should not be greater than 1.8% at a Recommendations for compression fitting material
relative humidity of 100% (a lower-quality nylon 11 and type are given in Section 8.2.3: type 316
is available, with a water absorption of more than stainless steel fittings with positive alignment of the
10%) and the tubing should withstand a short-term compression sleeve. Brass compression fittings are

often used on twin-tube h ydraulic piezometers, and Aerator r ... Both methods are described in Section
the author has no specific evidence that excessive 8.2.3.
corrosion has occurred. However, the author be-
lieves in recognizing that brass is subject to corro-
E.1.6. Flushing Equipment
sion by dissolved gases in the liquid within the tub-
ing and in water surrounding the fittings and thus in Various flushing systems are available from the
adopting a conservative approach. manufacturers of twin-tube hydraulic piezometers,
Compression fittings should seal on the nylon consisting of liquid containers , pumps , pressure
tubing, not the polyethylene sheath. The sheath gages, and associated pipework and valves. Exam-
must therefore be pared back, using a cutting tool ples, excluding the pumps , are shown in Figure E. l .
made for the purpose, and the protruding nylon Alternatively, the Pressurized De-Aired Water Con-
tube inspected carefuUy to ensure that it has not tainment System, manufactured by Walter Nold
been damaged. Company, Inc. , can be used. The system consists of
a portable tank that is filled, in a field laboratory or
other on- or off-site facility , with de-aired liquid
E.1.4. Liquid in Tubing under pressure as shown in Figure E.2. The tank is
then carried to the terminal enclosure, together with
Recommendations for liquid are given in Section
a regulator assembly, and used for flushing under
8.2.3: filtered distilled water, produced by steam
controUed pressure. The arrangements in the termi-
distillation and de-aired to reduce the dissolved gas
nal enclosure when this system is used are shown in
content to less than 1 ppm DO. QAC should be
Figure E.3.
added as a wetting agent and bacterial inhibitor.
As described in Section E .3, a vacuum is applied
to the output line of each piezometer during flush-
ing. Depending on site conditions, the vacuum may
E.1.5. De-Airing Equipment
be created by a venturi-type ejector (e.g., Houlsby,
The correct functioning of a twin-tube hydraulic 1982) , driven by high pressure water or air, a band
piezometer system depends on the absence of gas in pump, or an electric vacuum pump powered by
the system. If liquid is not de-aired, gas will soon mains supply or a portable generator. A trap is in-
coUect to create discontinuities in the liquid, and serted at the output connection to contain returning
pressure readings will be incorrect. When this hap- liquid and is graduated for use in determining when
pens, fresh liquid can be flushed into the system to the required volume of liquid has been replaced.
remove the gas, but new discontinuities will soon
form. It is therefore necessary to de-air the liquid ,
and the greater the efficiency of de-airing, the less
will be the required flushing frequency. The tubing
and piezometer filters described earlier have been
selected to minimize the entry of gas, either from
unsaturated soil or from the atmosphere.
Some agencies responsible for embankment
dams attempt to minimize the dissolved gas content
in the liquid by using a simple air trap, consisting of
a transparent cylinder in which air floats out of the
water and is bled off periodicaUy. Houlsby (1982)
describes such a system. Houlsby (1983) reports
that, with this system, flushing is needed at 3-6
month intervals, with additional attention to those
piezometers showing marked differences in inlet
and outlet gage readings. As indicated in Section
8.2.3, dissolved gas content should preferably be
reduced to less than l part per million dissolved
oxygen, either by using a water boiler made for Figure E.1. Flushing equipment (courtesy of Geotechnical Instru-
the purpose or by using the patented Nold De- ments (U.K.) Ltd., leamington Spa, England).
pump or Flexible
venturi-type tubing~
ejector Nold
De Aerator TM r-
valve I De-aired liquid
Water I Membrane
I Compressed air
(to 100 lb/in?)
water pump
(e.g., with crate
magnetic Portable pressurized
drive) tank (10-100 liter
capacity, as required)

Figure E.2. Schematic of Pressurized De-Aired Water Containment System (courtesy of Walter Nold
Company, Inc., Natick, MA).

Other panels Vents (on end

inserted here panel only)
as necessary
Portable master steel
gage, with tubing
tubing r---1-------,
I I pressure
I gage
I Compressed
air I I
I ___ j
I L_____


Drains, with attached

Regulator Portable
assembly V: Vacuum applied at this point during flushing,
with attached graduated water trap

Figure E.3. Schematic of arrangements in terminal enclosure.


E.1.7. Pressure Measuring Equipment isolation of the gage from the piezometer when
checking and adjusting the gage against a master
Pressure measuring equipment can be Bourdon
gage. This valve is normally left open at other
tube pressure gages, mercury manometers, or elec- times, and thus the pressure gages register direct
trical transducers. hydraulic pressure from the tip and the reading op-
When opting for Bourdon tube pressure gages,
eration consists merely of recording these pres-
the user must make a choice between inexpensive
sures. The top connections to the gages minimize
gages that will corrode and require replacement and
entrapment of gas, and the valve arrangement al-
gages that have a good chance of _longevity_. All lows any malfunctioning gage to be removed and
readily available standard commerctal gages m an
replaced easily.
affordable price range (less than about $500 U.S.)
The master gage is used for periodic checking of
appear to have some aluminum components and are
all active gages. Sometimes a gage with ±0.25%
subject to corrosion. Some users in Australia favor
full-scale accuracy is permanently installed in the
a gage with a glass-filled nylon case, acetal copoly-
terminal enclosure, but such a gage is subject to
mer movement, polycarbonate dial, nylon pointer,
deterioration. A better arrangement is to install a
beryllium-copper Bourdon tube, and brass top con-
valve and quick-connect fitting for the gage and to
nection and Houlsby (1982) reports that these
store it in an indoor environment, attaching it to the
gages h~ve virtually trouble-free internal workings.
terminal system only when periodic checks are to
However, in the general case, any gage that all~ws
be made. There are two other available methods for
air in contact with the internal parts may be subJect
checking active gages. First, a mercury/water ma-
to corrosion, and gages made from plastic and
nometer can be installed permanently in the termi-
stainless steel and filled with transformer grade
nal closure for this purpose, providing an inexpen-
silicone oil are the most satisfactory choice when
sive absolute standard that can be used both in the
longevity is required. These gages are not standard
negative and positive range. However, use of mer-
items but are custom made by Walter Nold Com-
cury involves hazards and environmental conce~n~.
pany, Inc.* at a reasonable cost. Gages filled with
Second, a dead weight tester can be used, but thts ts
glycerin are subject to excessive corrosion, because
expensive and somewhat cumbersome and cannot
the glycerin contains water. A full-scale accuracy of
be used to measure over the negative range.
± 1% is suitable.
Mercury manometers are sometimes the pre-
ferred choice, because of their durability and reli- E.1.8. Valves and Fittings in Terminal Enclosure
ability, but mercury is a hazardous material and its
Terminal panel valves should be no-volume change
use raises environmental concerns. Mercury ma-
ball valves.
nometers require greater reading skill than Bourdon
Two options are available for selection of valves
tube pressure gages, and this skill may not always
and fittings: stainless steel and brass. Type 316
be available during the operating life of a dam. In
stainless steel creates a minimum maintenance sys-
fact, inexperienced personnel have on occas~on
tem, but at slightly greater procurement cost than
blown mercury out of manometers while flushmg
brass. Brass is subject to corrosion by dissolved
the system, and it is not uncommon to find that
gases in the internal liquid and by a humid atmo"
mercury has entered the piezometer tubing. Electri-
sphere, the maintenance obligation must be ac-
cal transducers with a digital display are available
cepted, and vigilance on the part of reading person-
as an alternative to Bourdon tube pressure gages
nel must be assumed. The assumption of vigilance
and manometers.
during the operating life of a dam will often be un-
Figure E.3 shows the preferred layout of Bour-
warranted, and stainless steel valves and fittings are
don tube gages, valves, and pipework in the termi-
the preferred choice.
nal enclosure. Two gages are provided for each
piezometer, so that no valve manipulation is needed
when readings are taken, and relatively untrained E.1.9. Pipework in Terminal Enclosure
personnel can therefore be used to take readings. A
Copper tubing, nylon tubing, plastic pipe, ~nd
valve on the piezometer side of each gage allows
stainless steel tubing have all been used for termmal
enclosure pipework. Copper tubing is subject to
*See Appendix D. corrosion, and plastic pipe creates difficulties in

connecting to valves and fittings. Nylon tubing can either by heating or by constructing below the frost
be used, but it is probably worthwhile to include a line. Guidelines on terminal enclosure design are
polyethylene sheath, to minimize the permeability given by USBR (1974). However, in the author's
to water (Section 8.2.3). However, the flexibility of experience a walk-in terminal enclosure is prefera-
plastic tubing creates a need for a large number of ble to a pit, because a person who descends into a
attachment points between the pipework and panel. pit is likely to have an adverse psychological reac-
The preferred material is 3fs in. (10 mm) stainless tion, and care over reading and maintenance is
steel tubing. likely to be reduced.
All components should be wall-mounted, be-
cause components placed on the floor are subject to
E.1.1 0. Equipment for Automatic Operation
damage by water, dirt, and personnel. If the inside
When electrical transducers are used for pressure walls of terminal enclosures are painted, the paint
measurement, automatic reading is possible, should be selected carefully because certain paint
thereby reducing reading effort and cost. The termi- solvents dissolve plastic tubing.
nal panel is provided with no-volume change elec-
tric solenoid valves that are used to link with each
piezometer in turn, and a scanner and printer are E.2. INSTALLATION
connected. Scanning can be manual, continuous, or
on a programmed cycle, and data can be recorded E.2.1. Installation of Cylindrical Piezometers in
on paper, punch, or magnetic tape. Data can also be Boreholes
logged and interfaced with a microcomputer so that,
by using appropriate software, a rapid assessment Various installation methods are described in Sec-
of embankment dam performance can be made. Use tions 9.17 and 9.18.
of an automatic reading system overcomes the slug-
gishness that otherwise arises when using twin-tube E.2.2. Installation of Bishop Piezometers in Fill
hydraulic piezometers with tubes longer than about
2000 ft (600 m), because the system can be pro- General guidelines on the installation of piezome-
grammed to connect to a piezometer and wait for a ters in compacted clay fill are given in Sections 9.15
prescribed time before recording pressure and link- and 17 .6. The following installation sequence is rec-
ing with the next piezometer. ommended for Bishop piezometers:
When electrical transducers are used, their zero
readings and calibration must be checked at least • Perform all necessary tests on components.
once a year against known pressures, and they must • Complete construction of the terminal enclo-
be protected from severe temperature changes. sure, and fill all appropriate components in the
Semi-automatic flushing equipment is manufac- enclosure with de-aired liquid.
tured for circulating a predetermined volume of de- • Prepare the fill as described in Sections 9.15
aired liquid through each piezometer at a selected and 17.6.
pressure and vacuum. An automatic version of the • Install tubing from terminal enclosure to
Nold DeAerator is available for continuous prep-
TM piezometer location.
aration of de-aired liquid. • Saturate the piezometer, as described in Sec-
tion 9.14.
E.1.11. Terminal Enclosure • Fill tubing with de-aired liquid, by pumping
from the terminal enclosure.
As discussed in Chapter 21, vertical runs of tubing
should be avoided wherever possible. Figure 21.8 • Cut tubing to length and attach to piezometer
shows acceptable and unacceptable arrangements under water in a container.
for terminal enclosures. • Measure the elevation of the water in the con-
The terminal enclosures should be buried in the tainer, using surveying methods, and verify
fill, and it is often convenient to provide access that the measurement agrees with the pressure
from a berm. They should have an external water- indicated in the terminal enclosure.
proof coating, a good drain under the floor, and • Form a tapered hole in the fill and press the
should be protected from freezing, if necessary saturated filter into place.

• Place backfill material as described in Sections be compacted by tamping. If the fill is too hard for
9.15 and 17.6. pushing or driving the mandrel, an auger or chisel
• Take sufficient readings to indicate the can be used to create a hole slightly smaller than the
minimum pore water pressure (maximum suc- mandrel, and this hole can finally be shaped with
tion) achieved, for use as the initial reading for the mandrel.
that piezometer.

The exact sequence for filling appropriate com- E.3. MAINTENANCE

ponents in the terminal enclosure with de-aired liq-
uid depends on the layout of tubing, valves, and Maintenance entails regular checking of all compo-
gages, and a sequence should be developed that en- nents in the terminal enclosure and occasional
sures complete filling. A detailed procedure for use flushing of the system with de-aired liquid.
with their system is included in the hydraulic Bourdon tube pressure gages (and electrical
piezometer users' manual by Soil Instruments Ltd. transducers if used) should be checked on a regular
(Soil Instruments Ltd., 1983). Usually, the first step schedule against the master gage, mercury/water
is filling the lengths of terminal panel tubing that manometer, or dead weight tester. Valves are
serve more than one piezometer (often referred to closed to isolate the master gage and each gage in
as the busbars), by applying suction at one point turn from the rest of the system, and pressure is
and de-aired liquid under a low pressure at another applied to pressurize the gages throughout their
point. The system unique to each piezometer is then range. A piston device is available from some
filled, following the flushing procedure described in manufacturers of geotechnical. instruments for this
Section E.3: calculation of required pressures and purpose. Equipment for automatic operation of
volumes, and circulation of de-aired liquid. course requires regular skilled maintenance.
Procedures for installation of tubing from the ter- If the system is properly designed, by using the
minal enclosure to the piezometer location are de- components described in Section E.1, flushing is
scribed in Section 17 .6, including trenching, filling, seldom necessary unless subatmospheric pore wa-
splicing, labeling, and a method devised by Clem- ter pressures are being read. Flushing frequency
ents (1982) for the installation of tubing on the sur- should be determined on a site-specific basis, de-
face of previously compacted fill. Guidelines on pendent on reading changes caused by flushing, and
routing are given in Chapter 21. De-aired liquid can with a properly designed system may be as infre-
withstand significant subatmospheric pressure with- quent as once every 5 years.
out the formation of gas bubbles. When the dis- The flushing procedure is described by Little and
solved gas content has been reduced to below 1 Vail (1960). Refer to Figure E.4:
ppm dissolved oxygen, a practical limit of subat-
mospheric pressure appears to be about 20ft (6 m), u pore water pressure in the fill at
and tubes should be routed so that no part is above the piezometer,
the internal pressure head level by more than this p pressure on the pressure side of
amount. Even within this limit there is a tendency the flushing equipment,
for gas bubbles to form with time, and if possible v = pressure on the vacuum side of
tubes should be routed so that a positive pressure the flushing equipment,
exists at all times. Tubing should be installed below
h difference in head between the
the frost line. piezometer and the pressure and
The Bishop piezometer is installed in relatively
vacuum gages of the flushing
stone-free material by pushing a special mandrel
into the soil to form a hole 12 in. (300 mm) deep.
This leaves an impression into which the piezome- !AB and !Be = friction losses in the piezometer
ter should fit exactly, making close contact with the tubing.
surrounding material. The piezometer is pressed
into place with the aid of an extension handle that is All pressures are measured with respect to atmo-
later removed, and above the piezometer the hole is spheric pressure. For equilibrium,
backfilled with the excavated material after removal
of any large stones. This material should carefully p=h+u+fAB

zometer has accumulated a large amount of air, care
should be taken to apply sufficient pressure to drive

liquid at least as far as the piezometer before apply-
ing a vacuum to the other tube. If this is not done,
air will be drawn in through the piezometer from
the fill, because friction loss in the return tube carry-
ing air is much less than in the one carrying liquid.

Vaughan (1974b) advises that it is desirable to
maintain a small excess pressure at the piezometer
tip for three reasons: first, to prevent air-saturated
water being drawn from the soil; second, to avoid
applying pressures that may rupture the soil; and
third, to avoid a major drop in pressure in the return
tube, which may cause air bubbles to come out of
Figure E.4. Pressures during flushing (after Little and Vail, 1960). solution and create discontinuities in the liquid, and
in some installations also cause cavitation. Figure
E.5 shows the heads in the tubing during flushing.
Vaughan comments that, to fulfill these require-
v = h + u- !Be· ments, it is often necessary to use a small differen-
tial pressure with a backpressure on the return tube.
Since AB = BC, and if no liquid flows in or out In these circumstances, the time for complete circu-
of the piezometer, the velocity will be the same lation may be long and automatic operation is help-
throughout the system and ful.
Prior to flushing, the volume of liquid required to
fill the two tubes to each piezometer is calculated,
and flushing is continued until at least this volume
has emerged from the return tube. A check for leaks
p = 2(h + u) - v. can be made by using tapered orifice flowmeters in
the flushing panel system, one connected to the in-
In a piezometer installation h is known, v can be let and the other to the outlet tube. After flushing
maintained at a known value, and u for each has been completed, appropriate valves closed or
piezometer can be estimated using previous read- opened, and equilibrium has been established in the
ings of pore water pressure. In this way, p can be system, both pressure gages connected to each
calculated for each piezometer and de-airing carried piezometer should show the same pressure. If the
out at the appropriate pressure. Examples of the readings do not agree closely, it is probable that
calculation are given by Soil Instruments Ltd. some air is present in the system, and further flush-
(1983). Little and Vail (1960) advise that when a pie- ing is required.

Head in tubes, Head in tubes,

no bock pressure with bockpressure


Reduction in pressure
in return tube

Figure E.5. Head in piezometer tubing during flushing (after Vaughan, 1974b).



• Written with the assistance of Charles 0. Riggs, Manager of Research and Marketing, Central Mine Equipment Company, St. Lous, MO.


Table F.l. Dimensions of Drill Rods

Outside Diameter Inside Diameter Inside Diameter
of Rod of Rod of Couplingb
Size a (in.) (mm) (in.) (mm) (in.) (mm)
EX 1.312 33.3 0.844 21.4 0.437 11.1
AX 1.625 41.3 1.125 28.6 0.562 14.3
BX 1.906 48.4 1.406 35.7 0.625 15.9
NX 2.375 60.3 2.000 50.8 1.000 25.4

RW 1.094 27.8 0.719 18.3 0.406 10.3

EW 1.375 34.9 0.875 22.2 0.500 12.7
AW 1.750 44.4 1.219 31.0 0.625 15.9
BW 2.125 54.0 1.750 44.5 0.750 19.0
NW 2.625 66.7 2.250 57.2 1.375 34.9
HW 3.500 88.9 3.062 77.8 2.375 60.3

(L) AQWL 1.750 44.5 1.375 34.9

(C) AXWL 1.812 46.0 1.500 38.1
(L) BQWL 2.187 55.6 1.812 46.0
(C) BXWL 2.250 57.2 1.906 48.4
(L) NQWL 2.750 69.9 2.375 60.3
(C) NXWL 2.875 73.0 2.391 60.7
(L) HQWL 3.500 88.9 3.062 77.8
(C) HCWL 3.500 88.9 3.000 76.2
(L) PQWL 4.625c 117.SC 4.062 103.2 4.062 103.2

(C) CPWL 4.625 117.5 4.000 101.6

ax and W sizes are available from most manufacturers of drill rod. (L) indicates Longyear Company system. (C) indicates Christensen
Dia-Min Tools, Inc. system.
hX and W series have a separate coupling. WL wireline series, except PQWL, are flush-joint, internally and externally, without a
separate coupling.
cPQWL has a separate coupling, protruding outside the rod o.d., but internally flush. The outside diameter in table is o.d. of coupling.
The outside diameter of rod is 4.500 in. (114.3 mm).
Source: Longyear Company and Christensen Dia-Min Tools, Inc.

Table F.2. Dimensions of Flush-Joint Casing

Outside Diameter of Casinga Inside Diameter of Casinga
Size (in.) (mm) (in.) (mm)

RW 1.437 36.5 1.187 30.1

EW 1.812 46.0 1.500 38.1
AW 2.250 57.1 1.906 48.4
BW 2.875 73.0 2.375 60.3
NW 3.500 88.9 3.000 76.2
HW 4.500 114.3 4.000 101.6
PW 5.500 139.7 5.000 127.0
sw 6.625 168.3 6.000 152.4
uw 7.625 193.7 7.000 177.8
zw 8.625 219.1 8.000 203.2
a Noseparate cou,P1ings. Connections are flush, internally and externally.
Source: Longyear Company and Christensen Dia-Min Tools, Inc.

Table F.3. Dimensions of Diamond Coring Bits

Diameter of Core Diameter of Borehole
Size (in.) (mm) (in.) (mm)
EX, EXM 0.845 21.5 1.485 37.7
EWD3 0.835 21.2 1.485 37.7

AX l.l85 30.1 1.890 48.0

AWD4, AWD3 1.136 28.9 1.890 48.0
AWM l.l85 30.1 1.890 48.0
AQ Wireline, A V 1.065 27.1 1.890 48.0

BX 1.655 42.0 2.360 59.9

BWD4, BWD3 1.615 41.0 2.360 59.9
BXB Wireline, BWC3 1.432 36.4 2.360 59.9
BQ Wireline, BV 1.432 36.4 2.360 59.9

NX 2.155 54.7 2.980 75.7

NWD4, NWD3 2.060 52.3 2.980 75.7
NXB Wireline, NWC3 1.875 47.6 2.980 75.7
NQ Wireline, NV 1.875 47.6 2.980 75.7

HWD4 2.400 6l.l 3.650 92.7

HXB Wireline, HWD3 2.400 6l.l 3.650 92.7
HQ Wireline 2.500 63.5 3.790 96.3

CP, PQ Wireline 3.345 85.0 4.827 122.6

Source: Christensen Dia-Min Tools, Inc.

Table F.4. Dimensions of Typical Hollow-Stem Augers

Inside Diameter Outside Diameter Cutting Diameter
of Hollow-Stem of Flighting of Auger Head
(in.) (mm) (in.) (mm) (in.) (mm)
2.25 57 5.625 143 6.25 159
2.75 70 6.125 156 6.75 171
3.25 83 6.625 168 7.25 184
3.75 95 7.125 181 7.75 197
4.25 108 7.625 194 8.25 210
6.25 159 9.625 244 10.25 260
8.25 210 11.625 295 12.5 318
Source: Central Mine Equipment Company.
Table F.S. Dimensions of U.S. Standard Weight Steel and PVC Pipea
Outside Inside Typical Outside Typical Outside
Diameter Diameter Diameter of Steel Diameter of PVC
of Pipe of Pipe Couplingb Socket Couplingb
(in.) (in.) (mm) (in.) (mm) (in.) (mm) (in.) (mm)
Vsc 0.405 10.3 0.269 6.8 0.563 14.3
y4c 0.540 13.7 0.364 9.2 0.719 18.3
JjgC 0.675 17.1 0.493 12.5 0.875 22.2
V2 0.840 21.3 0.622 15.8 1.063 27.0 1.125 28.6
% 1.050 26.7 0.824 20.9 1.313 33.4 1.312 33.3
1.315 33.4 1.049 26.6 1.576 40.0 1.625 41.3
1\14 1.660 42.2 1.380 35.1 1.900 48.3 2.000 50.8
1V2 1.900 48.3 1.610 40.9 2.200 55.9 2.250 57.2
2 2.375 60.3 2.067 52.5 2.750 69.9 2.750 69.9
2V2 2.875 73.0 2.469 62.7 3.250 82.6 3.500 88.9
3 3.500 88.9 3.068 77.9 4.000 101.6 4.000 101.6
3V2c 4.000 101.6 3.548 90.1 4.625 117.5
4 4.500 114.3 4.026 102.3 5.000 127.0 5.000 127.0
5c 5.563 141.3 5.047 128.2 6.296 159.9
6 6.625 168.3 6.065 154.1 7.390 187.7 7.687 195.2
8 8.625 219.1 7.981 202.7 9.625 244.5 9.937 252.4
a standard weight pipe is also referred to as Schedule 40 pipe. Steel pipe has threaded couplings. PVC pipe has cemented socket
couplings (wall is generally too thin for threaded couplings).
hQutside diameters of couplings are not standard. Users should contact local pipe suppliers for diameters of couplings available from
local sources.
cNot available in PVC.
Source: American Institute of Steel Construction, Nibco Inc., and Wheeling Machine Products Company.

Table F.6. Dimensions of U.S. Extra Strong Steel and PVC Pipea

Typical Outside Typical Outside

Outside Diameter Inside Diameter Diameter of Steel Diameter of PVC
of Pipe of Pipe Couplingb Socket Couplingb
(in.) (in.) (mm) (in.) (mm) (in.) (mm) (in.) (mm)
Vsc 0.405 10.3 0.215 5.5 0.563 14.3
\14 0.540 13.7 0.302 7.7 0.719 18.3 1.000 25.4
3/sc 0.675 17.1 0.423 10.7 0.875 22.2
V2 0.840 21.3 0.546 13.9 1.063 27.0 1.312 33.3
% 1.050 26.7 0.742 18.8 1.313 33.4 1.562 39.7
1 1.315 33.4 0.957 24.3 1.576 40.0 1.875 47.6
1\14 1.660 42.2 1.278 32.5 2.054 52.2 2.250 57.2
1V2 1.900 48.3 1.500 38.1 2.200 55.9 2.562 65.1
2 2.375 60.3 1.939 49.3 2.875 73.0 3.062 77.8
2V2 2.875 73.0 2.323 59.0 3.375 85.7 3.625 92.1
3 3.500 88.9 2.900 73.7 4.000 101.6 4.312 109.5
3V2c 4.000 101.6 3.364 85.4 4.625 117.5
4 4.500 114.3 3.826 97.2 5.200 132.1 5.500 139.7
5c 5.563 141.3 4.813 122.3 6.296 159.9
6 6.625 168.3 5.761 146.3 7.390 187.7 7.750 196.9
8 8.625 219.1 7.625 193.7 9.625 244.5 9.937 252.4
a Extra strong pipe is also referred to as extra heavy pipe and Schedule 80 pipe. Steel pipe has threaded couplings. PVC pipe has either
threaded or cemented socket couplings. PVC pipe can also be machined with threaded or cemented ends to form a connection that is
flush on the inside and outside.
bOutside diameters of couplings are not standard. Users should contact local pipe suppliers for diameters of couplings available from
local sources.
cNot available in PVC.
Source: American Institute of Steel Construction, Nibco Inc., and Wheeling Machine Products Company.

Table F.7. Dimensions of U.S. SDR 21, Class 200 PVC Belled End Pipe
Typical Outside
Outside Diameter Inside Diameter Diameter of
Nominal Belled Enda
of Pipe of Pipe
(in.) (in.) (mm) (in.) (mm) (in.) (mm)
Yzb,c 0.840 21.3 0.696 17.7 0.99 25
%c 1.050 26.7 0.910 23.1 1.19 30
1c 1.315 33.4 1.169 29.7 1.46 37
11f4C 1.660 42.2 1.482 37.6 1.84 47
11/zc 1.900 48.3 1.700 43.2 2.10 53
2 2.375 60.3 2.129 54.1 2.62 67
21/z 2.875 73.0 2.581 65.6 3.17 81
3 3.500 88.9 3.146 79.9 3.86 98
4 4.500 114.3 4.046 102.8 4.96 126
5c 5.563 141.3 5.001 127.0 6.13 156
6 6.625 168.3 5.955 151.3 7.29 185
8 8.625 219.1 7.755 197.0 9.49 241
aType and outside diameters of belled ends are not standard. Users should contact local pipe suppliers for types and diameters
available from local sources.
bNot available in SDR 21. Sizes given are SDR 13.5, Class 315.
cMay not be readily available with belled ends.
Source: Harvel Plastics, Inc.

Table F.8. Dimensions of U.S. SDR 26, Class 160 PVC Belled End Pipe
Typical Outside
Outside Diameter Inside Diameter Diameter of
of Pipe of Pipe Belled Enda
(in.) (in.) (mm) (in.) (mm) (in.) (mm)
1b 1.315 33.4 1.175 29.8 1.46 37
11/4b 1.660 42.2 1.512 38.4 1.81 46
1Yzb 1.900 48.3 1.734 44.0 2.07 53
2 2.375 60.3 2.173 55.2 2.58 65
21/z 2.875 73.0 2.635 66.9 3.12 79
3 3.500 88.9 3.210 81.5 3.79 96
4 4.500 114.3 4.134 105.0 4.87 124
5b 5.563 141.3 5.109 129.8 6.02 153
6 6.625 168.3 6.085 154.6 7.17 182
8 8.625 219.1 7.921 201.2 9.33 237
aType and outside diameters of belled ends are not standard. Users should contact local pipe suppliers for types and diameters
available from local sources.
bMay not be readily available with belled ends.
Source: Harvel Plastics, Inc.


The following example illustrates the level of detail Some readers may argue that the level of detail in
required when preparing written installation proce- this example is not needed if instrumentation spe-
dures as described in Chapter 17. cialists are involved, and this of course is true if
The chosen example is installation of inclinome- their experience includes previous identical installa-
ter casing in a vertical borehole through soft clay tions. However, the author normally finds it worth-
and into clayey sand, a few feet beyond the toe of a while to write procedures in this detail, thereby
future embankment. Substantial vertical compres- ensuring that they are tailored to site-specific re-
sion is predicted at the casing location; therefore, quirements and that all required materials and
telescoping couplings have been selected. Because equipment are on hand.
some lateral deformation may occur before vertical Explanatory notes are in square brackets. In an
compression, couplings must allow for extension as actual installation procedure, these would be re-
well as compression. Previous borings in the clay placed by site specific requirements.
have shown that borehole walls cannot be sup-
ported adequately by drilling mud, and drill casing 1. Complete appropriate parts of installation
will be required. The stratigraphy will not allow record sheet (Figures G.1 and G.2), includ-
grout to bleed into the soil; thus, grout backfill can ing planned coordinates, ground surface ele-
be used. The borehole is less than 100 ft (30 m) vation, two bottom cap dimensions as shown
deep; therefore, buoyancy of the casing during (F and length of perforated section), planned
grouting can be overcome by using a bottom inclinometer casing groove orientation and
weight, rather than by using the weight of the grout top and bottom elevations, planned total
pipe. The "double-shutoff" arrangement (Figure length of inclinometer casing. Complete re-
12.74) can therefore be used on the grout pipe. mainder of record as installation proceeds,
It has been assumed that installations will be and keep a time log.
made by an instrumentation specialist working with 2. Verify that all materials and equipment are
a drilling contractor; therefore, no general contrac- readily available, as per Table G .1.
tor is involved. Plastic inclinometer casing will be 3. Prepare bottom casing section, with male
used. quick-connect coupling. [Details depend on
Pr~ectName __________________________________________________________________________________

Inclinometer Casing No. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Planned Coordinates N ----------------------------------- E---------------------------
E _____________________________
As-built Coordinates N -----------------------------------
Start Date ----- Time ---------------------- Finish Date ____ Time -------------------------

Contractor --------------------------------- Contractor's Engineer-----------------------------

Driller ------------------------------------ Owner's Representative ----------------------------

Type of Drill Rig --------------------------- Size of Drill Casing -------------------------------
Ground Elevation _____ ft Borehole Diameter -------------------------------
Planned Groove Orientation
Planned Inclinometer Casing Bottom Elev. (A) _____ ft
Planned Inclinometer Casing Top Elev. (B) _____ ft

Planned Total Length of Inclinometer Casing (B - A) ____ ft

Length of Bottom Casing Section (C) ____ ft
Number of Standard Casing Sections = (B - A - C)/( section length + gap at coupling) = _____ (round up to integer)
Actual Total Length of Inclinometer Casing (C + D) ____ ft
Planned Depth to Bottom of Borehole _____ ft
Depth to Top of Clay ___ ft Depth to Bottom of Clay ___ ft
Actual Depth to Bottom of Borehole _____ ft
Calculated Grout Volume Required _____ gal
Inclinometer Probe Tracks Correctly: Yes/No
Length of Grout Pipe to Quick-Connect Shoulder (E) ___ ft
Stick-up of Grout Pipe _ _ ft (Should be E + F - C - D)
Water Flows Through Grout Pipe: Yes/No
Grout Mix Used
Total Volume of Grout Used to Fill Hole ___ gal
Grout Inside Inclinometer Casing: Yes/No
If Yes, Comments
Actual Inclinometer Casing Top Elev. Before Cutoff (B') _____ ft
As-built Inclinometer Casing Bottom Elev. (A') ____ ft
Inclinometer Probe Tracks Correctly: Yes/No
Length of Inclinometer Casing Cut Off at Top ___ ft
As-built Inclinometer Casing Top Elev. After Cutoff _____ ft
As-built Groove Orientation at Casing Top
(Also draw diagram showing groove orientation, and orientation reference for inclinometer probe)
Groove Spiral Survey Needed: Yes/No Acceptance Test Satisfactory: Yes/No

Components Used During Acceptance Test (identification numbers of probe, readout, cable)

NOTES ON BACK OF SHEET: (Notes on drilling, casing installation, grouting, problems encountered, delays, unusual
features of the installation, or any other events that may have a bearing on inclinometer
casing behavior.)

Figure G.1. Installation record sheet for inclinometer casing.


Project Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Inclinometer Casing No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5. Measure the length of the bottom casing sec-
tion (C in Figure G.2). Determine the re-
=-_j I Top of inclinometer casing during quired initial gap between casing sections.
~ r --installation. Elev. _ _ ft (B')
Ground surface. Elev. _ _ ft
[Base this on anticipated extension and com-
pression.] Determine the number of standard
casing sections required (see Figure G .1) and
I I actual total length of inclinometer casing,
and record. Lay out sufficient sections of
Top of clay. Elev, _ _ ft
casing for the depth of the borehole (esti-
mated as _ _ sections) on suitable above-
ground clean surface such as sawhorses. If
strong sunlight is anticipated, shade the cas-
ing. Inspect inside each casing section for
groove burrs, and remove with casing brush.
Measure groove spiral in each section
[describe procedure, as in Chapter 12, if nec-
essary], and mark magnitude and direction
on outside of each section with waterproof
I I Bottom of clay. Elev, _ _ ft
marking pen. Reject any sections with ex-
cessive spiral. Sort casing sections and cou-
plings into installation sequence to minimize
cumulative spiral, and number in sequence.
Female quick-connect 6. Preassemble one coupling on to each casing
Bottom of inclinometer casing. section, to allow _ _ in. [or _ _ mm] ex-
Elev. _ _ ft (A') tension and _ _ in. [or _ _ mm] com-
pression at this connection. [These distances
Bottom weight
will depend on whether telescoping is possi-
Bottom of borehole. Elev. _ _ ft
ble at both or only one end of each coupling.
Figure G.2. Continuation of installation record sheet for in-
If telescoping is possible at both ends, addi-
clinometer casing. tional dimensions will be needed for Step 9.
Connecting details depend on manufacturer,
manufacturer. Use of the double-shutoff ar- often requiring sealing mastic and tape to en-
rangement requires a special heavy-duty sure grout-tightness. Care must be taken to
bottom cap assembly, which should be at- avoid creating spiraled casing, and alternate
tached to the full wall thickness of the cas- couplings should usually be twisted left and
ing. Bottom cap connection must be fully right before fixing. Coupling sliding should
grout-tight, often requiring filling casing be tight enough to hold in place during instal-
grooves alongside cap with mastic. Tensile lation, but not too tight to inhibit later tele-
strength of connection must be sufficient to scoping.] Do not attach a coupling to the up-
sustain total buoyancy force during grout- per end of the bottom casing section, as
ing.] Allow solvent cement to dry overnight. installation will be made with male end up-
ward. [Often it is expedient to preassemble
4. Estimate the buoyancy force that will be im-
more than one casing section together, but
posed on the casing when the annular space
generally 20 ft (6 m) is the maximum conve-
is filled with grout. [Use guidelines given in
nient length for handling.]
Chapter 17.] Assemble a weight, for attach-
ment to the bottom cap, such that its buoy- 7. Plumb the drill rig carefully. Determine the
ant weight is somewhat greater than the required depth of borehole, allowing ade-
buoyancy force. Attach the weight to the quate depth for the perforated pipe on the
perforated pipe on the bottom cap. Record bottom cap, weight, settling debris, base
length on record sheet. Attach a lowering fixity, and stable length for inclinometer
line to the bottom cap. probe checks [if required]. Record on record

Table G.l. Materials and Equipment Required for Inclinometer Casing lnstallationa
Quantity Description
Blank installation record sheets, on clipboard
Blank sheets for borehole log
_ _ in. o.d. telescoping plastic inclinometer casing in _ _ ft lengths
_ _ in. o.d. telescoping inclinometer couplings, with necessary metal hardware
Top caps for inclinometer casing
Special heavy-duty bottom cap assemblies, with male quick-connect and perforated pipe: not attached
to inclinometer casing
_ _ pint Solvent cement (for bottom caps)
1 Pop-rivet gun (for bottom caps)
1 Hand drill with two drill bits (for pop-rivets)
2 Wrenches or other tools for attaching coupling hardware
_ _ rolls Sealing mastic [e.g., Scotch 2210 vinyl mastic rolls, 4 in. x 10ft (100 mm x 3 m)]
_ _ rolls Sealing tape [e.g., Scotch 33 vinyl plastic electrical tape, 1.5 in. x 44ft (38 mm x 13 m)]
Bottom weights, _ _ lb each
114 in. (6 mm) manila rope for lowering line
Working surface for preassembly of casing (e.g., sawhorses), with shade cover if necessary
Inclinometer casing brush, with attached 20ft (6 m) rope; also, means of attaching brush to bottom of
grout pipe
1 Equipment for measuring groove spiral before installation
1 Builder's level for plumbing drill rig
1 Drill rig, with drilling and sampling tools [specify]
_ _ _ ftb
- - flush-joint drill casing
1 Clamping arrangement for withdrawing drill casing by attaching to outside
1 Cylindrical dummy, _ _ in. o.d. for checking borehole depth
1 Grout mixer, suitable for mixing___/_ _ grout, with pump, hose and valve between pump and
grout pipe, window screen
Materials for grout [Indicate mix required, and quantity of each ingredient. Allow at least 20% spare
for waste. Use Figure 17.8 and add appropriate conversion factors in this table: see Appendix H,
Section H.lO.]
Calculator (for determining grout volumes)
Clean water supply, hose and valve [garden hose with gun-type spray fitting is ideal] for filling in-
clinometer casing with water during installation: alternatively, funnel and pail
2 Casing installation clamps
1 Inclinometer probe
_ _ ft Graduated electrical cable for inclinometer
1 Inclinometer readout unit, with battery charger
1 Cable pulley and clamp
_ _ ftb
Grout pipe: 1 in. (25 mm) standard black steel pipe, threaded and coupled. Bottom thread connects to
female thread on female quick-connect; top thread connects to grout hose
3 Female quick-connects, with o.d. to clear inner ends of metal hardware at couplings
_ _ rolls Teflon tape (for grout pipe couplings)
_ _ sets Top protective arrangements [e.g., length of 8 in. (200 mm) pipe with either screw cap or hinged cap
with padlock, wooden barricade with flagging tape, and bright paint]
Paint for numbering installation
112 in. (13 mm) paint brushes
1 set Equipment for surveying groove spiral after installation of casing
1 Pocket knife
100 ft (30 m) measuring tape
Hacksaw and spare blades
Flat file

Table G.l. Materials and Equipment Required for Inclinometer Casing Installation (Continued)
Quantity Description
Clean rags
Paper towels
Field notebook
Waterproof marking pens
Camera and film (for record photographs)
a [Additionalequipment needed for reading includes field data sheets and calculation sheets. If automatic recording or data processing
will be used, the following may also be needed: casette tapes, recorder paper, computer program, special connectors and switches,
cassette tape read'!r. Arrangements should also be made for a backup reading system in the event of malfunction.]
b[Add quantity for spares to replace components damaged during installation and for possible deeper boreholes than expected.]

sheet. Advance the borehole, employing the bottom and working slowly around while
drilling procedures that minimize soil distur- pulling and lowering on the lowering line.
bance and using _ _ drill casing [flush-joint Set back on bottom of borehole. The top of
casing is preferred, inside diameter should the inclinometer casing should be above the
allow a minimum of 0.5 in. (13 mm) diame- top of the drill casing. Verify correct in-
tral clearance at sealed couplings] and take clinometer probe tracking by running the
samples [depends on site-specific needs]. probe down and up both groove pairs, with
Maintain a conventional borehole log. Re- inclinometer cable connected to readout unit
cord depth to top and bottom of clay and and power on. If the probe will not pass
actual borehole depth. Wash out to bottom, along the casing, or if it returns with one or
using the reverse circulation method [Chap- more wheels disengaged from the grooves,
ter 17], until water runs clear. Verify that the withdraw inclinometer casing and diagnose
borehole is fully open to the bottom, by low- problem. Couple grout pipe to female quick-
ering a dummy with diameter approximately connect and insert within inclinometer cas-
0.25 in. (6 mm) less than the inside diameter ing, using Teflon tape on all threads. Keep
of the drill casing. track of pipe lengths, and record total length
8. Verify that all grouting materials and equip- to the female quick-connect shoulder. Keep
ment are at the site and that the grout pipe is pipe water-filled: this is very important be-
clean inside. Calculate required grout vol- cause mating the quick-connects with air in
ume, and enter on installation record sheet the grout pipe is likely to cause soil particles
[Use Figure 17.8.] to enter the quick-connects and prevent later
9. Insert inclinometer casing into drill casing, closure. Maintain tension on the lowering
male end upward, with bottom section at line so that the bottom weight does not pene-
lower end, lowering on lowering line and trate below the borehole bottom. Mate
filling inclinometer casing with water. Main- quick-connect. Verify that distance from top
tain groove orientation parallel and perpen- of grout pipe to top of inclinometer casing
dicular to toe of future embankment, adding checks out, using the installation record
inclinometer casing sections as installation sheet (Figure G .1). Verify that the in-
proceeds, sealing all couplings thoroughly, clinometer casing is at the correct elevation
setting lower end of each coupling to allow and that the lowering line is tight. (If the low-
_ _ in. [or _ _ mm] extension and _ _ ering line is left slack, the inclinometer cas-
in. [or _ _ mm] compression. Use the spe- ing can sometimes descend and the grout
cial casing clamps to support the inclinome- outlet holes in the perforated pipe may be-
ter casing temporarily on top of the drill cas- come sealed.)
ing while new sections are added. 11. Pump water through grout pipe and observe
1 0. When the bottom weight reaches the bottom return from drill casing, to check that circuit
of the borehole, verify correct groove orien- is open. If the installation can be completed
tation, and adjust as necessary by raising off in a continuous operation (e.g., without an

overnight), proceed with the following steps. withdraw inclinometer casing. Record actual
If not, raise the grout pipe to close the check top and as-built bottom casing elevations on
valves and tie grout pipe to drill rig and, on installation record sheet. Repeat inclinome-
resuming work, lower the grout pipe and ter probe tracking test.
again check the circuit. 13. Mter grout has set, cut inclinometer casing
12. Verify that the drill casing can be raised. Do to length with a horizontal cut, record as-
not rotate the drill casing because rotation built top elevation on installation record
may cause spiraling in the inclinometer cas- sheet, insert top cap, construct permanent
ing. Seal the top of the inclinometer casing, protective arrangements. Leave space
around the grout pipe, using rags and tape to within protective arrangements for attach-
prevent grout entry. Mix grout [include re- ment of the cable pulley and clamp to the top
quired mix and mixing sequence], circulating of the inclinometer casing; ensure that the
through pump and back into mixing tank un- inclinometer casing is concentric within the
til there are no lumps. Pump grout into grout protective arrangements. Paint the instru-
pipe, using window screen as a filter over the ment number on the protective arrange-
suction intake, until grout overflows from ments.
drill casing, keeping track of grout volume 14. Record the as-built groove orientation at the
pumped. Cut lowering line. Verify that the casing top. If problems have been experi-
seal at the top of the inclinometer casing is enced during installation such that excessive
intact, and withdraw all drill casing, without groove spiral is suspected or if accurate di-
rotating. Top up with grout. Record grout rectional deformation data are required,
volume used, and compare with calculated make a groove spiral survey.
volume required. Withdraw grout pipe, al- 15. Establish an orientation reference for the in-
lowing quick-connects to close. Remove fe- clinometer probe, to be used for all readings,
male quick-connect and wash thoroughly. and record on installation record sheet. [For
Flush grout pipe with water. Insert open- a biaxial inclinometer, generally accepted
ended grout pipe within inclinometer casing practice is to orient the A transducer so that
and wash out. There should be no grout in it will register deformation in the principal
the wash water. If grout appears, keep flush- plane of interest as a positive change].
ing and watch grout level outside inclinome- 16. Take a minimum of two sets of inclinometer
ter casing. Use a stiff brush attached to grout readings, compare the readings, study the
pipe to clean grooves as necessary. If grout check-sums, and evaluate whether data are
is entering inclinometer casing, withdraw in- within expected tolerances. This constitutes
clinometer casing, flush with water, flush the acceptance test. Record the identifica-
hole, reinstall drill casing, diagnose problem, tion numbers of components used during the
and start again. If in doubt, act quickly and acceptance test.


To convert from a unit in the first column to a unit in H.3. VOLUME

the second column, multiply by the factor in the To Convert From To Multiply By
third column. For example,
cubic inches cubic centimeters 16.39
2 inches = 2 x 25.4 millimeters = 50.8 millimeters. cubic centimeters milliliters 1.000
cubic feet cubic meters 0.0283
cubic feet liters 28.32
To convert from a unit in the second column to a cubic feet U.S. gallons 7.48
unit in the first column, divide by the factor in the cubic yards cubic meters 0.7646
third column. For example, U.S. gallons cubic inches 231
U.S. gallons liters 3.785
2 millimeters = ;.4 inches
0.0787 inches. U.S. gallons
British gallons
cubic meters
cubic inches
British gallons liters 4.546

To Convert From To Multiply By H.4. MASS
inches millimeters 25.4 To Convert From To Multiply By
inches meters 0.0254 pounds-mass kilograms 0.4536
inches microns 25400 short tonsa pounds-mass 2000
feet meters 0.3048 short tons kilograms 907.2
yards meters 0.9144 metric tonsb kilograms 1000
metric tons short tons 1.102
long tonsc pounds-mass 2240
H.2. AREA long tons short tons 1.120

To Convert From To Multiply By aThe short ton is currently used widely in the United States.
b The metric ton is sometimes spelled tonne. ASTM recommends
square inches square millimeters 645.2 that metric ton be restricted to commercial usage and that the
square feet square meters 0.0929 term tonne be avoided altogether.
square yards square meters 0.8361 cThe long ton is the Imperial avoirdupois ton, now largely super-
seded by the use of SI units.



To Convert From To Multiply By To Convert From To Multiply By
pounds-force newtons 4.448 arc-minutes arc-seconds 60
kilograms-force newtons 9.807 degrees arc-minutes 60
short tons-force newtons 8896 degrees radians 0.01745
kips pounds-force 1000 radians arc-seconds 2.063 X 105
kips newtons 4448 gonsa radians 0.0157
metric tons-force kilograms-force 1000 gons arc-seconds 3240
metric tons-force short tons-force 1.102
a l gon = l new degree = the 400th part of a circle.
long tons-force pounds-force 2240
long tons-force short tons-force 1.120
1 U.S. gal = 231 in. 3 = 3.79 liters
To Convert From To Multiply By 1 ft 3 = 7.48 U.S. gal
pascals newtons per square 1.000 1 British gal = 277 in. 3 = 4.55 liters
meter Density of water = 62.4 lb/ft3 = 1000 g/cm3
pounds per square kilopascals 6.895
inch 1 U.S. gal of water weighs approx. 8.3 lb
pounds per square feet head of watera 2.307 1 U.S. gal of cement weighs approx. 12.6 lb
inch 1 U.S. gal of powdered or granular bentonite
pounds per square kilograms per 0.0703 weighs approx. 9.0 lb
inch square centimeter
1 British gal of cement weighs approx. 6.9 kg
pounds per square 0.0680
inch 1 British gal of powdered or granular bentonite
pounds per square kilo pascals 0.0479 weighs approx. 4.9lb
foot 1 fe of cement weighs approx. 94 lb
kilograms per kilopascals 98.07
1 ft 3 of powdered or granular bentonite weighs
square centimeter
pounds per square
approx. 67 lb
kilograms per 14.22
square centimeter inch 1 U.S. bag of cement usually weighs 94 lb
atmospheresb kilopascals 101.3 1 U.S. bag of powdered or granular bentonite
bars kilo pascals 100 usually weighs 50 lb or 100 lb
bars pounds per square 14.50
1 U.S. bag of hydrated lime usually weighs 50 lb
short tons per kilopascals 95.76 111 water/cement ratio by volume is equivalent to
square foot 0.67/1 by weight
metric tons per kilopascals 9.807
square meter
feet head of watera inches head of mer- 0.8826 H.11. PREFIXES FOR Sl UNITS
a At 4°C. The following prefixes are used in the SI (Systeme
bAt standard temperature and pressure. International: the international system of units) system:

Factor Prefix Symbol

109 gig a G
To Convert From To Multiply By 106 mega M
pounds per cubic kilograms per cubic 16.02 103 kilo k
102 hecto h
foot meter
101 deka da
10-1 deci d
10-2 centi c
10-3 milli m
1o- 6 micro
Temp. in op (9/s X Temp. in °C) + 32 10-9
nano n
Temp. in oc %(Temp. in op - 32)

Abbreviations 11, Comision Federal de Electricidad, Contribution to 15th

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Bold face numbers indicate primary discussion(s) of a topic. disposable, 112

maintenance, 116
Accelerograph, 425 rechargeable, 112
Accelerometer, 106 Bellow-hose gage, 232
Acceptance tests: Benchmark, 206, 207
after installation, 364 Benefits of instrumentation, 3, 33, 38
before installation, 343 braced excavations, 389
Accuracy, 75 drilled shafts, 483
Acoustic emission monitoring, 295, 431, 445, 447, 457,459, 461 driven piles, 467
Ailtech gages, see Eaton Corporation embankment dams, 417
Air bubbles, 81 embankments on soft ground, 407
Air entry value, 141 slopes, 443
Alignment stakes, 208 underground excavations, 453
American Consulting Engineers Council, 64 Bentonite:
Apparatus Specialties Company: cutoffs, 434
instruments manufactured by, 511 pellets, 158, 357
pneumatic transducer, 90 Biaxial strain cells, see Soft inclusion gages
Applied Geomechanics, Inc. tiltmeter, 218, 511 Bidding:
Approval of proposed instruments, 50 for field services, 61
Aquaducer, 287 for instrument procurement, 47
Aquifer: Bimetal thermometer, 332
artesian, 19 Biodegradable drilling mud, 154
definition, 19 Bishop piezometer tip, 124
Assigned subcontract, 58, 60 Bison Instruments, Inc. soil strain gage, 236, 511
Association of Soil and Foundation Engineers, 64 Blind hole drilling method, 326
Atkins Technical, Inc. thermistors, 333, 511 Bored piles, see Drilled shafts
Auger: Borehole deftectometers, see Transverse deformation gages
dimensions, 527 Borehole deformation gages, see Soft inclusion gages
drilling, 350 Borehole directional survey instruments, 274, 511
Automatic data acquisition systems: Borehole extensometers, see Fixed borehole extensometers;
advantages and limitations, 368 Probe extensometers
for electrical instruments, 108 Borehole pressure cells, see Soft inclusion gages
for hydraulic instruments, 87 Borros AB:
for pneumatic instruments, 91 anchor, 234, 249
Avongard calibrated crack monitor, 212, 511 instruments manufactured by, 511
Bottom heave, 21, 398
BAT piezometer, 134, 511 Bourdon tube pressure gage, 80
Batteries: Braced excavations, see Excavations, braced
charging, 116 Bracing, see Excavations, braced


Brewer Engineering Laboratories, 511 Concrete stress cells, 327

Bubbling pressure, 141 for underground excavations, 457, 458
Budget, 43, 44 Conformance, 75
Buried plate, 235 Connectors for electrical cable, 115
Consolidation, 15
Construction control, 35
Cable, see Electrical cable Consulting engineer, selection of, 59
Cable tension meters, 303,471,472,486 Contingency allowance, 58
Caissons, see Drilled shafts Contractual arrangements:
Calibrated crack monitor, 211 field services, 57
Calibrated telltale, 211 bidding, 61
Calibration, 343 content, 63, 507
acceptance tests, 343 goals, 57
contractual arrangements, 51, 61, 64, 68 negotiation, 61
factory, 343 planning, 44
function checks, 344 recommendations, 61
planning, 44 sole source, 60
during service life, 344 procurement of instruments, see Procurement specifications
Cambridge drive-in piezometer, 131 Control stakes, 208
Cambridge lnsitu: Convergence gages, see also Surface extensometers
demountable extensometer, 314 for slurry trenches, 293, 392
instruments manufactured by, 511 Conversion factors, 539
pressuremeter, 4 Cooperation during field work, 65
Capacitance discharge spot welder, 311 Coring bit dimensions, 527
Capillary reader, 120 Correctness of readings, 43, 75
Carlson Instruments: Crack gages, see Surface extensometers
elastic wire strainmeter, 93, 321 Crisis situations, 34
instruments manufactured by, 511 Cross-lot bracing, see Excavations, braced
pore pressure cell, 129 CSIR:
stress meter, 327 doorstopper cell, 189
Casagrande piezometer, 118 instruments manufactured by, 511
Casing, drill: triaxial strain cell, 189
backfilling, 156 CSIRO:
cleaning, 156 hollow inclusion cell, 189
dimensions, 527 instruments manufactured by, 511
drilling with, 349 yoke gage, 188
pulling, 156 Curvometer, 307
Cast-in-place piles, see Drilled shafts Cylindrical pressure cell, see Soft inclusion gages
Cause and effect, 38, 43
Chain deflectometers, 272 Damage to instrumentation:
Checklist: contractual arrangements, 70
field service specifications, 507 protection, 363
planning steps, 501 Dams, see Embankment dams
procurement specifications, 505 Data acquisition systems, 79
Clinometers, see Tiltmeters automatic, see Automatic data acquisition systems
Closed hydraulic: for electrical instruments, 108
piezometer, see Piezometer, twin-tube hydraulic handling and transporting, 116
systems, 86 for hydraulic instruments, 86
Cohesionless soil, 13 for pneumatic instruments, 91
Cohesive soil, 13 Data availability, 69
Cold conditions, 116 Data collection, 367
Collection of data, see Data collection automatic systems, 368
Commercially available instruments, 511 contractual arrangements, 61, 64, 68
Communication systems, 113 field books, 370
Compression fittings: field data sheets, 370
for hydraulic instruments, 85 field records, 370
for pneumatic instruments, 92 frequency, 373
Computer, 108, 374 initial readings, 373
Conax Corporation thermocouple, 334, 511 personnel qualifications, 367
Concrete: personnel responsibilities, 367
causes of strain in, 316 planning, 44
conversion of strain to stress, 317 written procedure, 368

Data controller, 109 Displacement stakes, 208

Data implementation: Disposition of instruments, 70
contractual arrangements, 69 Distofor extensometer, 246
planning, 44 Distomatic convergence gage, 214
Data interpretation, 382 Distometer convergence gage, 214
contractual arrangements, 61, 64 Doorstopper, 189
guidelines, 383 Double fluid settlement gages, 289
personnel qualifications, 382 Dowell chemical sealant, 160
planning, 44 Downdrag, see Drilled shafts; Driven piles
Data logger, 109 Drilled caissons, see Drilled shafts
Data processing and presentation, 374 Drilled piers, see Drilled shafts
automatic systems: Drilled piles, see Drilled shafts
examples of plots, 375 Drilled shafts, 483
role, 374 applications, routine and special, 489
calculation sheets, 377 behavior mechanisms, 19, 483
contractual arrangements, 61, 64, 68 benefits of instrumenting, 483
personnel qualifications, 374 case histories, 489
planning, 44 downdrag on, 19, 488
plots: echo test, 488
guidelines on plotting, 381 falling weight test, 487
types, 379 geotechnical questions, 483
screening of data, 377 integrity tests, 488
written procedure, 375 load-movement relationships:
Data reporting, 384 cyclic testing, 486
contractual arrangements, 61, 64 dynamic testing, 487
final report, 384 miscellaneous static tests, 486
interim report, 384 static axial testing, 484
planning, 44 static lateral testing, 486
technical publication, 385 load tests, 484, 486, 487
DCDT,l01 nuclear density probe, 488
De-aired liquid, 82 sonic coring, 488
Deep foundations, see Drilled shafts; Driven piles steady-state vibration testing, 487
Deep settlement point, see Fixed borehole extensometers transient dynamic response testing, 487
Deftectometers: Drilling methods:
extenso-, 273 alignment control, 353
multiple, 272 auger, 350
portable borehole, 273 core:
Deformation, 199 conventional, 352
fixed borehole extensometers, see Fixed borehole wireline, 352
extensometers double tube reverse air circulation, 351
fixed embankment extensometers, see Fixed embankment guidelines for, 353
extensometers hydraulic rotary, 350
inclinometers, see Inclinometers mud rotary, 350
instrument categories, 199 rotary, 350
liquid level gages, see Liquid level gages rotary percussion, 352
probe extensometers, see Probe extensometers straight rotary, 350
surface extensometers, see Surface extensometers wash boring, 349
surveying methods, see Surveying methods Drill rod dimensions, 527
tiltmeters, see Tiltmeters Driven piles, 467
transverse deformation gages, see Transverse deformation applications, routine and special, 479
gages behavior mechanisms, 19,467
Delay to construction, 69 benefits of instrumenting, 467
Delivery of instruments, 53 case histories, 479
Demec strain gage, 306 Case Method, 473, 476
Demountable extensometer, 314 defects during driving, 476
Dial gage, 79, 212 deformation of ground, 478
Dial indicator, 79, 212 downdrag on, 19, 475
Dilatometer, 167 echo test, 476
Dipmeter, 120 geotechnical questions, 467
Direct current differential transformer (DCDT), 101 integrity tests, 476
Directional survey instruments, 274 load-movement relationships:
Displacement, see Deformation cyclic testing, 472

Driven piles (Continued) Electrical cable:

dynamic testing, 472 connectors, 115
miscellaneous static tests, 472 lightning protection, 116
static axial testing, 467, 469 selection, ll4
static lateral testing, 471 splices, 115
load tests, 467, 469, 471, 472 water-blocked, 116
nuclear density probe, 477 Electrical instruments:
Pile Driving Analyzer, 473 communication systems, ll3
sonic coring, 477 data acquisition systems, 108
steady-state vibration testing, 473, 474, 477 power supplies, ll2
transient dynamic response testing, 473, 474, 477 transducers, 92
Dudgeon hydraulic jack, 302, 511 Electrical resistance strain gages:
Dynamometers, see Load cells basic types, 92
circuit tests, 98, 116
Earth pressure: embedment types, 320
active, 21 accuracy, 322
passive, 21 advantages and limitations, 322
Earth pressure cells: conversion to stress, 316, 325
applications, 165 Eaton Corporation gage, 324
bedding, nonuniform, 172 inclusion effect, 325
calibration chambers, 170 initial readings, 325
contact cells, 177 installation, 325
accuracy, 177 length, 322
for braced excavations, 397, 398 locations, 325
for embankment dams, 423 Mustran cell, 324
factors affecting measurements, 180 plastic encased gages, 324
installation, 181 range, 322
irregularity of structure surface, 181 sensitivity, 322
for load at tips of drilled shafts, 178, 183, 484 sister bars, 320
for load at tips of driven piles, 178, 183, 468, 470, 475 unbonded gages, 323
number of cells, 180 longevity, 94
standard types, 177 manual data acquisition systems, 100
for stress on sides of drilled shafts, 486 surface mounted types, 3ll
for stress on sides of driven piles, 180, 183, 476 accuracy, 307, 312
for underground excavations, 458 advantages and limitations, 307
embedment cells, 165 bonded foil, 93, 312
accuracy, 176 bonded wire, 93
aspect ratio, 169 conversion to stress, 316
diaphragm cells, 166 cost, 312
factors affecting measurements, 167 environmental conditions, 312
hydraulic cells, 166, 175 for geotextiles, 314
installation in boreholes, 167 initial readings, 316
installation in fill, 172, 176 installation, 313, 314, 316
limitations imposed by environment, 167 length, 307, 312, 315
orientation, 175 locations, 315
field placement effects, 171 range, 307
grooves in active face, 174, 175 recommendations for choice, 312, 313, 314
laboratory calibrations, 170, 180 semiconductor, 93
rim design, 175 sensitivity, 307
size, 169 for timber piles, 314
stiffness, 169, 181 unbonded wire, 93
temperature effects, 168, 181 weldable, 94
Eastman Christensen Company borehole directional survey Wheatstone bridge circuits, 94
instruments, 275, 5ll zero drift, 319
Eaton Corporation: Electrolytic level, 108
embedment strain gage, 324 Electronic distance measurement, 203
instruments manufactured by, 5ll ELE International Ltd., 5ll
spot welder, 3ll Embankment dams, 417
surface mounted weldable strain gage, 94, 312 acoustic emission monitoring, 431
Effective stress: automatic monitoring, 431
definition, 14 behavior mechanisms, 21
principle of, 15 benefits of instrumenting, 417

case histories, 435 performance testing, 389

concrete face rockfill, 422 proof, 389
construction phase, 419 test, 389, 391
core settlement, 435 Existing stress, 326
drawdown, 422 Experience requirements:
first filling, 420 for field personnel, 64
frequency of readings, 435 for instrument manufacturers, 50
geotechnical questions, 418 Extenso-deftectometer, 273
initial conditions, 418 Extensofor extensometer, 228
installation of instruments, 347, 432 Extensometers:
lateral deformation, long-term monitoring of, 430 fixed borehole, see Fixed borehole extensometers
leakage, 420, 423, 424, 425 fixed embankment, see Fixed embankment extensometers
long-term performance, 422, 423 probe, see Probe extensometers
operating and maintenance, 431 surface, see Surface extensometers
pore water pressure, long-term monitoring of, 426
problems caused by instrumentation, 418 Fiber-optic sensors, 274, 294
rogue instruments, 418, 430 Filters for piezometer tips:
seismic events, 425 requirements, 144
settlement, long-term monitoring of, 430 saturation, 146
state of the art improvement, 422 types, 141
streaming potential, 431 Fixed borehole extensometers, 237
terminal enclosure, 434 advantages and limitations, 242
thermal monitoring, 431 anchors, 239
visual observations, 424 applications, 237
Embankments: bayonet disconnect on rod, 238, 241
on hard ground, 21 for braced excavations, 394
on soft ground, see Embankments on soft ground definition, 237
Embankments on soft ground, 407 for embankments on soft ground, 410
applications, routine and special, 410 heads,24l
behavior mechanisms, 21, 407 as heave gage, 246
benefits of instrumenting, 407 installation, 247
case histories, 410 multipoint (MPBX), 240
consolidation progress, 408 operating principle, 237
fill quantities, 410 precision, 243
geotechnical questions, 407 rods, 238
initial conditions, 408 rod settlement gage, 250
stability, 409 single-point (SPBX), 240
staged construction, 409 for slopes, 445, 447, 448
surcharging, 409 · subsurface settlement points, 248
test embankment, 408 Borros anchor, 249
vertical drains, 409 deep settlement point, 249
Environment for instruments, 41, 50 spiral-foot anchor, 250
Error, 77 transducers for, 241
Excavations, braced, 389 DCDT, 245
applications, routine and special, 399 dial indicator, 243
behavior mechanisms, 21, 389 electrical resistance strain gage, 244
benefits of instrumenting, 389 induction coil, 246
bottom heave, 21, 398 LVDT, 245
case histories, 400 magnetostrictive, 247
cross-lot bracing, 21, 389, 393, 396 micrometer, 243
geotechnical questions, 390 potentiometer, 245
groundwater lowering, 398 slack-wire indicator, 244
initial conditions, 390 sonic probe, 247
long-term performance, 398 suspended weights, 243
rakers, 21, 389 vibrating wire, 246
sheeting and walers, 397 for underground excavations, 456, 457, 459, 460, 461
slurry trench, 392, 393 wires, 238
slurry wall, 389, 397 Fixed embankment extensometers, 233
stability, 392, 394 applications, 233
structures nearby, 394 buried plate, 235
test section, 391, 392 definition, 233
tieback anchors, 21, 389, 391, 393, 396 for driven piles, 476

Fixed embankment extensometers (Continued) Geotechnical questions, 38

with electrical transducers, 235 braced excavations, 390
for embankment dams, 419, 431 drilled shafts, 483
for embankments on soft ground, 410 driven piles, 467
settlement platform, 233 embankment dams, 418
soil strain gage, 236 embankments on soft ground, 407
tensioned wire gages, 235 slopes, 443
Flat plate dilatometer, 167 underground excavations, 455
Force account, 58 Geotechniques International, Inc.:
Force balance accelerometer, 106 instruments manufactured by, 511
Frost gages, 335 piezocone, 4
Full profile gages, 287 Geotextiles, strain gages for, 314
Fulmer tension meter, 304, 511 G+G Technics AG tiltmeter, 218, 511
Future trends, 10 Glass plates, 210
Global positioning system, 206
Gage Technique Ltd., 511 Glotzl GmbH:
Gas bubbles, 81 concrete stress cell, 329
Gas for pneumatic instruments, 91 earth pressure cell, 167
Generators: hydraulic load cell, 299
diesel, 112 instruments manufactured by, 511
gasoline, 112 liquid level gage, 281
thermoelectric, 113 pneumatic transducer, 90
Geokon, Inc.: Grid crack monitor, 211
borehole deformation gage, 4 Groundwater level:
borehole pressure cell, 187 definition, 16
groutable anchor, 241 measurement, see Observation wells; Piezometers
instruments manufactured by, 511 perched, 19
load cells, 300 Groundwater pressure measurement, 117
multipoint liquid level gage, 286 Grout, backfilling boreholes with, 355
piezometer with duplicate transducers, 136
push-in vibrating wire piezometer, 128 Halcrow bucket, 122
vibrating wire strain gages, 310 Hall, Earl B., Inc.:
vibrating wire stressmeters, 6, 194 instruments manufactured by, 511
Geomation, Inc. automatic data acquisition systems, 511 pneumatic transducer, 90
Geonor A/S: Hanging pendulum, 270
earth pressure cell, 177 Hard inclusion gages, see Rigid inclusion gages
field piezometer, Model M-206, 130 Heave gage:
instruments manufactured by, 511 in braced excavations, 398
remote reading weir, 421 fixed borehole extensometer type, 246
settlement probe, 249 mechanical type, 219
vane shear equipment, 4 magnet/reed switch type, 231
vibrating wire piezometer, 133, 136 Heavy liquid piezometer, 131
Geosistemas: High air entry filter, 141
instruments manufactured by, 511 Historical perspective, 5
pneumatic transducer, 90 HITEC Products, Inc. weldable strain gage, 94, 312, 511
Geotech AB vibrating wire piezometer, 133, 511 Hole-drilling strain gage method, 326
Geotechnical construction, 3 Horizontal control station, 207
Geotechnical Engineering and Mining Services (U.S.A.), Inc. Horizontal plate gage, 224
automatic data acquisition systems, 511 Horizontal strainmeter, 236
Geotechnical Instruments (U.K.) Ltd.: Hose level, 276
boilers for de-aired water, 82 Huggenberger AG, 511
electrical dipmeter, 120 Human eye, 199
flushing equipment, 521 Hydraulic fracturing:
inclinometer casing, 258 of embankment dams, 428
inclinometer data logger, 254 for stress measurement, 167
inclinometer test stands, 263 Hydraulic instruments:
instruments manufactured by, 511 data acquisition systems, 86
magnetic extensometer, 229 transducers, 80
pneumatic transducer, 90 Hydraulic jacks, 301, 391
purge bubble system, 123 Hydraulic leveling devices, 280
slip indicator, 269 Hydraulic strain gage, 314
twin-tube hydraulic piezometer, 6 Hydrodynamic time lag, 139

Hydrostatic profile gauge, 288 precision:

Hysteresis, 76 factors affecting, 255
magnitude, 253
ldelsonde,224, 511 range, 253
Igneous rocks, 23 reading, 264
Implementation of data: automatic, 265
contractual arrangements, 69 depth interval, 257
planning, 44 field checks, 264
Inclinometers, 250 handling of probe, 258
advantages and limitations, 253 initial, 265
applications, 251 method, 264
automatic readout units, 252, 265, 266 repeatability of position, 257
for bending moments, 267 telescoping casing, 265
bias, 255 temperature effects, 258
for braced excavations, 392, 393, 394 Recorder-Processor-Printer (RPP), 252, 254, 266
calibration, 263 for slopes, 445, 446, 447
field casing, 263 for slurry trenches, 392, 394
horizontal casing, 264 transducers for:
inclined casing, 264 accelerometer, 252
test casing, 263 electrical resistance strain gage, 254
test stand, 263 electrolytic level, 255
casing: precision of, 255
alignment, 256 Slope Indicator 200B, 254
aluminum alloy, 259 vibrating wire, 255
diameter, 256 for underground excavations, 456, 459, 460, 461
fiberglass, 258 wheel assembly condition, 255
plastic, 258 Inclusion effect of strain gages, 325
selection of, 259 Induction coil:
spiraling of, 256, 266 gages,223
steel, 259 transducers, 107
types, 258 In-place inclinometers, 271
check-sums, 264, 265, 266 In situ properties, 3
combined with probe extensometer, 232 In situ stress:
components, 251 definition, 26
data: measurement, 186, 326
collection, 257, 258, 264 Installation, 347
interpretation, 266 acceptance tests, 364
processing, 265 in boreholes, 348
definition, 251 backfill material, 355
for drilled shafts, 486 bentonite pellets, 357
for driven piles, 472, 476, 479 borehole requirements, 349
for embankment dams, 420, 423, 430, 431 downhole components, 354
for embankments on soft ground, 408, 410 drilling methods, 349
error: grout, 355
azimuth rotation, 255 pea gravel, 357
scaling, 255 sand, 357
zero offset, 255 contractual arrangements, 59, 64, 66, 347
in-place, 271 detailed procedures, 348, 533
installation, 260 in fill, 358
borehole backfilling, 256 exit points from conduit or boreholes, 362
in boreholes, 261 horizontal pipes, 359
buoyancy, 262 horizontal tubes and cables, 360
check valve, 261 surface installation method, 360
coupling requirements, 260 vertical pipes, 360
in fill, 261 vertical tubes and cables, 363
large movements expected, 259, 262 golden rules for field work, 365
on piles, 262 at ground surface, 348
spiraling, 257 locations of instruments, 347
spiral survey, 257 planning, 44, 365
maintenance, 264 protection from damage, 363
operating principle, 251 records, 364
plots, 266 report, 366

Installation (Continued) overflow gages:

schedule, 364 with backpressure, 284
in underground excavations, 363 full profile type, 287
Instruction manual, 52 simple type, 280
Instrumented sections: with suction, 284
primary, 42 precision, 276
secondary, 42 with pressure transducer in cell, 282
Intact rock, 25 with pressure transducer in readout unit, 283
Interlels GmbH: recommendations for choice, 292
extensometer head, 245 for slopes, 445
instruments manufactured by, 511 surlace tension effects, 83
Inverted pendulum, 270 temperature variation, 83
Irad Gage: tubing for:
electrical crack gage, 213 diameter, 84
instruments manufactured by, 511 filling, 291
rockbolt expansion shell anchor, 239 fittings, 85
sonic probe, 232, 248 flushing, 291
vibrating wire strain gage, 6, 320 material, 84
vibrating wire stressmeter, 193 routing, 86
!SETH: LNEC triaxial strain cell, 189,511
Distometer, 214 Load cells, 297
sliding micrometer, 221 accuracy, 298
advantages and limitations, 298
Jamin effect, 81 applications, 297
Jointmeters, see Surlace extensometers for braced excavations, 391, 393, 395, 396, 398
Joint water pressure: cable tension meters, 303
definition, 26 calibration, 305
measurement of, see Piezometers capacity, 304
configurations, 304
Kern Instruments, Inc.:
definition, 297
automatic level, 202
disk type, 297
instruments manufactured by, 511
for drilled shafts:
ISETH Distometer, 214
at butt, 484, 486
stereoplotter, 205
at tip, see Earth pressure cells
Kyowa Electronic Instruments Company, 511
for driven piles:
Laser beam surveying, 203 at butt, 467, 471, 473
Legal protection, 35 within pile, 470, 475
Lightning protection, 116 at tip, see Earth pressure cells
Linearity, 76 electrical resistance, 299
Linear potentiometer, 101 height/diameter ratio, 304
Linear variable differential transformer (L VDT), 100 hydraulic, 298
Liquid in hydraulic instruments, 81 hydraulic jacks, 301
density changes, 83 installation, 305
discontinuity, 81 mechanical, 297
recommendations, 85 photoelastic, 301
surlace tension effects, 83 pretreatment, 305
temperature variation, 83 for slopes, 448
Liquid level gages, 275 telltale, 298, 308
advantages and limitations, 276 for underground excavations, 456, 457, 458, 460
applications, 275 vibrating wire, 300
definition, 275 Load in structural members, 297
density changes in liquid, 83 Load transfer assembly, 468, 485
discontinuity of liquid, 81 Locations of instruments, 42, 66
double fluid settlement gage, 289 Low air entry filter, 141
for embankment dams, 418, 420, 422, 430 Lulea triaxial strain cell, 189, 5ll
for embankments on soft ground, 408, 410 LVDT, 100
full profile gages, 287
hose level, 276 Magnetic extensometer, 229
installation, 292 Magnetic probe extensometer, 229
liquid for, 85 Magnetostrictive:
mercury in, 275 gage, 232
multipoint gages, 285 transducer, 107

Magnet/reed switch: Multipoint settlement gages, see Liquid level gages

gage,229 Mustran cell, 324
transducer, 106
MaihakAG: Negative skin friction, see Drilled shafts; Driven piles
instruments manufactured by, 511 Negotiation:
load cell, 300 for field services, 61
Mains power, 112 for instrument procurement, 47
Maintenance, 345 Noise, 77
contractual arrangements, 61, 64, 68 Nold, Walter Company, Inc.:
embedded components, 345 Aquaducer, 287
field terminals, 345 DeAerator, 82
planning, 44 instruments manufactured by, 511
readout units, 345 pressurized de-aired water containment system, 83, 521
Manometer, 80 Normally consolidated soil, 16
Manufacturers of instruments, 8, 511
Material requirements, 50 Observational method, 34
Mayes Demec strain gage, 308, 511 Observation point, 207
Measurement and payment: Observation wells, 118
for field services, 70 advantages and limitations, 142
for instrument procurement, 54 applications, 117, 143
Measurements Group, Inc.: definition, 17, 117
bonded foil gage, 312 description, 118
hole-drilling strain gage method, 326 Offsets from a baseline, 202
instruments manufactured by, 511 Omega Engineering, Inc.:
Measuring points for surveying methods, 207 bimetal thermometer, 333
Mechanical extensometer, 306 instruments manufactured by, 511
Mechanical instruments, 79 resistance temperature device, 334
Mechanical strain gages: Open cut excavations, see Excavations, braced
embedment types, 320 Optical leveling, 202
accuracy, 322 Overconsolidated soil, 16
advantages and limitations, 322 Overflow gages, 280, 284, 287
conversion to stress, 316, 325 Overflow weirs, 280
inclusion effect, 325 Overvoltage protection, 116
initial readings, 325 Oyo Corporation, 511
installation, 325
length, 322 Pajari Instruments Ltd., 274, 511
locations, 325 Partially saturated soil, 13
range, 322 Payment:
sensitivity, 322 for field services, 70
surface mounted types, 306 for instrument procurement, 54
accuracy, 307 Pendulum, 270
advantages and limitations, 307 Perard Torque Tension Ltd. load cell, 302, 511
conversion to stress, 316 Permeability, 16
initial readings, 316 Petur Instruments, see Thor International, Inc.
installation, 316 Photoelastic:
length, 307, 315 load cell, 301
locations, 315 strain gage, 314
portable gages, 306 Photogrammetric surveying methods, 204
range, 307 Photographic borehole directional survey instruments, 274
scratch gages, 308 Piezocone, 4
sensitivity, 307 Piezodex piezometer, 139
Mercury thermometer, 332 Piezofor piezometer, 138
Metamorphic rocks, 23 Piezometer Research and Development:
Micrometer, 79 bentonite pellets, 158
Microseismic detection, 295 heavy liquid piezometer, 132
Microseismograph, 426 instruments manufactured by, 511
Mineral skeleton, 13 open standpipe piezometer, 119
Mines, see Underground excavations piezometer installation method, 153
Monitoring well, 118 Piezometers, 117
MPBX, see Fixed borehole extensometers accuracy, 143
Multiple deflectometers, 272 applications, 117, 144
Multiple telltales, 292, 309, 320, 392, 469, 471, 476, 484 bentonite balls, 159

Piezometers (Continued) description, 126

bentonite gravel, 160 push-in type, 134, 148
bentonite pellets, 158 recommendations for choice:
placement in boreholes, 156 saturated soil and rock, 141
pore water pressure changes, 161 unsaturated soil, 144
properties, 158 sand in boreholes, 156
retarding swell, 158 sealing:
in saline groundwater, 159 in boreholes, 150
tests for swell, 159 of push-in type, 148
bentonite rings, 160 for slopes, 444, 445, 446, 447
for braced excavations, 390, 392, 393, 395, 398 smearing and clogging, 149
chemical sealant, 160 twin-tube hydraulic, 123
in compacted fills, 145 advantages and limitations, 125, 142
definition, 17, 117 applications, 124, 144
for drilled shafts, 486, 488 Bishop tip, 124
for driven piles, 469, 472, 475, 476, 479 description, 123
duplicate transducers, 135 details of system, 519
electrical resistance, 128 USBR tip, 124
advantages and limitation, 142 for underground excavations, 455, 458, 459, 460, 461
applications, 144 vibrating wire, 127
bonded type, 128 advantages and limitations, 142
push-in type, 129, 148 applications, 144
unbondedtype, 128 description, 127
for embankment dams, 145, 418, 422, 425, 426 for embankment dams, 135
for embankments on soft ground, 408, 410 in-place check feature, 132
filters for: push-in type, 128, 148
requirements, 144 Piezometric elevation, 19
saturation of, 146 Piezometric level, 19
types, 141 Pile Dynamics, Inc. Pile Driving Analyzer, 473
gas generation, 149 Piles, see Drilled Shafts; Driven piles
grout in boreholes, 157 Pipe dimensions, 527
installation: Piping, 22
in boreholes with artesian conditions, 161, 164 Planning, 37, 501
in boreholes in rock, single piezometer, 163 Plaster patches, 210
in boreholes in rock, two or more piezometers, 164 Plastic encased strain gages, 324
in boreholes in soil, single piezometer, 150 Plumb line, 270
in boreholes in soil, two or more piezometers, 163 Pneumatic instruments:
in fill, 148 readout units, 91
push-in method, 148 recommendations for use, 91
multipoint, 136 transducers for, 87
advantages and limitations, 143 Poor boy, 268
applications, 144 Poor man's inclinometer, 255, 268
with grout, 136 Pore air pressure, 18
with movable probes, 137 Pore gas pressure, 18
with packers, 136 Pore pressure cells, see Piezometers
push-in type, 137 Pores, 13
open standpipe, 118 Pore spaces, 13
advantages and limitations, 119, 142 Pore water pressure:
applications, 144 definition, 14
checking seal integrity, 123 dissipation, 15
combined with probe extensometer, 233 excess, 15
in consolidating soils, 123 measurement of, see Piezometers
conversion to twin-tube hydraulic, 124 negative, 17
description, 118 positive, 17
freezing of water in, 123 Portable borehole deflectometers, 273
push-in types, 130, 148 Portable clinometer, 217
reading methods, 120 Potentiometer, 101
in unsaturated or gaseous soils, 122 Power supplies, 112
in organic soil deposits, 145 Precipitation gage, 422
pneumatic, 126 Precision, 75
advantages and limitations, 142 Precision settlement gage, 250
applications, 144 Preconstruction conditions survey, 390, 455

Predictions, 38 Reading instruments, see Data collection

Presentation of data, see Data processing and presentation Reasons for instrumentation, see Benefits of instrumentation
Pressure, 13 Reference datums for surveying methods, 206
Pressure gage, 80 Reference monument, 206
Pressuremeter, 4, 167 Reference stakes, 208
Prewitt scratch gage, 308 Reliability, 9, 41,341
Price of instruments, 47 Remedial action, 39
Probe extensometers, 219 Remote settlement gages, see Liquid level gages
accuracy, 220 Repeatability, 75
advantages and limitations, 220 Reporting of data, see Data reporting
applications, 219 Reproducibility, 75
bellow-hose gage, 232 Residual stress in piles, 469
for braced excavations, 392, 394, 397 Resistance strain gages, see Electrical resistance strain gages
combined with inclinometer casing, 232 Resistance temperature device (RTD), 334
combined with open standpipe piezometer, 233 Resolution, 76
crossarm gage, 219 Response time, 140
definition, 219 Retaining wall, behavior mechanisms, 20
for drilled shafts, 484, 486 Reverse circulation method, 156
for driven piles, 476 Revert, 154
for embankment dams, 419, 420, 430, 431 Review of proposed instruments, 50
for embankments on soft ground, 408, 410 Rigid inclusion gages, 191
induction coil gages: accuracy, 196
current-displacement type, 223 advantages and limitations, 195
frequency-displacement type, 228 applications, 185, 186
installation in boreholes, 225 definition, 186, 191
installation in fill, 228 photoelastic stressmeters, 194
magnetostrictive gage, 232 recommendations for choice, 195
magnet/reed switch gage: tapered plugs, 194
description, 229 for underground excavations, 457, 460
installation in boreholes, 230 vibrating wire stressmeters, 191
installation in fill, 231 biaxial' 193
installation as heave gage, 231 uniaxial, 191
mechanical heave gage, 219 Rock behavior, 23
mechanical probe within inclinometer casing, 221 discontinuities, 25
precision, 224, 230 elastic, 24
recommendations for choice, 233 engineers' view, 24
sliding micrometer, 221 geologists' view, 23
for underground excavations, 456, 459, 460, 461 mechanisms, 27, 38
Proceq SA load cell, 6, 299, 511 viscoelastic, 24
Processing of data, see Data processing and presentation Rockfill dams, see Embankment dams
Procurement specifications, 45 Rock mass, 25
bidding, 47 Rock stressmeters, see Rigid inclusion gages
content, 49, 505 Roctest Ltd.:
descriptive, 46 cable tensiometer, 304
or equal provision, 47, 49, SO convergence gage, 215
negotiation, 47 fixed borehole extensometer, 246
performance, 46 instruments manufactured by, 511
planning, 44 Rod settlement gage, 250
recommendations, 47 Rogers Arms & Machine Company borehole deformation gage,
sole source, 47 188, 511
Profiling piezometer, 129, 130 RS Technical Instruments Ltd., 511
Proof testing, 33 Rupture stakes, 268
Public relations, 35
Purge bubble principle, 121 Safety, 34
Purpose of instrumentation, see Benefits of instrumentation Sand, backfilling boreholes with, 357
Satellites, 113, 206
Qualifications: Saturated soil, 13
of field personnel, 64
Scratch gages, 308
of instrument manufacturers, 50
Sedimentary rocks, 23
Quality assurance, 51 Seismographs, 425
Radiofor extensometer, 247 Selection of instruments, 40
Radio transmission, 113 Self-potential, 431

Sensitivity, 76 CSIRO yoke gage, 188

Serata Geomechanics, Inc., 511 U.S. Bureau of Mines gage, 188
Settlement, 16 borehole pressure cell, 186
Settlement platform, 233 definition, 186
Settlement probe, 249 doorstopper, 189
Shallow foundations, behavior mechanisms, 19, 27 recommendations for choice, 195
Shear plane indicators, 268 solid cells, 191
Shear probe, 255, 262, 268 triaxial strain cells, 189
Shear strength, 16 CSIR, 189
Shear strip, 269 CSIRO, 189
Sheet piles, see Excavations, braced LNEC, 189
Shipment of instruments, 53 Lulea, 189
Sister bar: for underground excavations, 457, 460
description, 320 Soil behavior, 13
inclusion effect, 326 mechanisms, 19, 38
Sliding micrometer, 221, 325, 397, 484, 486 Soil Instruments Ltd.:
Slip indicator, 268 Bishop piezometer tip, 126
Slope extensometer, 262, 269 borehole extensometer, 6
Slope Indicator Company: Cambridge drive-in piezometer, 132
deflectometer, 273 double fluid settlement gage, 291
electrical resistance strain gage piezometers, 130 earth pressure cells, 166, 167, 176
extensometer head, 244 hydrostatic profile gauge, 288
flat wedge spring anchor, 239 instruments manufactured by, 511
groutable anchor, 241 inverted pendulum, 271
hydraulic anchors, 241 liquid level gage, 282
IDA system, 110 plumb line, 270
inclinometer, 6, 251 pneumatic transducer, 90
casing, 258 portable clinometer, 217
casing check valve system, 261 Soil pressure cells, see Earth pressure cells
in-place, 272 Soil strain gage, 107, 236, 293, 314, 324
PC-SLIN program, 266 Soil stress cells, see Earth pressure cells
plots, 267 Soil test, Inc.:
Recorder-Processor-Printer, 252, 254, 266 instruments manufactured by, 511
Series 200B, 254 invar tube convergence gage, 215
spiral sensors, 257 Terzaghi water level meter, 280
instruments manufactured by, 511 Solar power, 112
liquid level gage, 282 Soldier piles and lagging, see Excavations, braced
pneumatic transducers, 90 Solexperts AG:
push-in pneumatic piezometers, 135 deflectometer, 273
settlement probes, 222 instruments manufactured by, 511
Sondex, 224 Piezodex piezometer, 139
tape extensometer, 214 tiltmeter, 217
tiltmeter, 217 Trivec, 223
Slope monitoring stakes, 208 Solinst Canada Ltd.:
Slopes, excavated and natural, 443 instruments manufactured by, 511
applications, routine and special, 448 Waterloo Multilevel System, 137
behavior mechanisms, 20, 27, 443 Sondex settlement system, 223
benefits of instrumenting, 443 Sonic probe, 107
case histories, 448 Sounding hammer, !57
geotechnical questions, 443 Spare parts, 54, 66, 116
initial conditions, 444 Specialist work, 58
long-term performance, 447 Specifications:
movement zone, 446 for field services, see Contractual arrangements
stability, 445,447 for procurement of instruments, see Procurement
Slurry trench, see Excavations, braced specifications
Slurry wall, see Excavations, braced Spectra-Physics electronic level, 203
Soft inclusion gages, 186 Sperry tilt sensing system, 218, 511
accuracy, 196 Spiral-foot anchor, 250
advantages and limitations, 191 Splices for electrical cable, 115
applications, 185, 186 Spot welder, 311
biaxial strain cell, 189 State of the art advance, 35
borehole deformation gages, 188 Stepped blade, 167

Storage of instruments, 66 for driven piles, 469, 470, 471, 472, 475, 479
Strain gages, 306, 322 electronic distance measurement, 203
applications, 297 for embankment dams, 420, 423, 430
for braced excavations, 392, 395, 396, 397 for embankments on soft ground, 408, 410
conversion to stress, 316, 325 global positioning system, 206
definition, 297 laser beam, 203
for drilled shafts, 484, 486, 487 measuring points on surfaces, 207
for driven piles, 468, 469, 471, 472, 473, 475 offsets from baseline, 202
electrical resistance, see Electrical resistance strain gages optical leveling, 202
for embankment dams, 423 photogrammetric methods, 204
initial readings, 316 reference datums, 206
installation, 316, 325 benchmarks, 206
locations, 315 horizontal control stations, 207
mechanical, see Mechanical strain gages for slopes, 445, 446, 447
for underground excavations, 456, 457, 458, 460 taping, 202
vibrating wire, see Vibrating wire strain gages traverse lines, 202
Strainsert Company cable tension meter, 303, 511 triangulation, 202
Strain/stress relationships, 316, 325 trigonometric leveling, 204
Strain in structural members, 297 for underground excavations, 455, 456, 457, 458, 460, 461
Streaming potential, 431
Stress: Tamping hammer, 157
in rock, 26 TAMS double fluid settlement device, 290
in soil, 13 Tape extensometer, 213
Stress change in rock, 185 Taping, 202
applications, 185 Task assignment, 39, 45
measurement of, see Rigid inclusion gages; Soft inclusion Tektronix, Inc. TDR cable tester, 294, 511
gages Te1emac:
Stressmeters, see Rigid inclusion gages Distofor extensometer, 247
Stress/strain relationships, 316, 325 Distomatic convergence gage, 214
Strong motion accelerographs, 425 Extensofor extensometer, 229
Structural Behavior Engineering Laboratories, 511 instruments manufactured by, 511
Subaudible rock noise, 295 Piezofor piezometer, 138
Submittals: Radiofor extensometer, 247
for field service specifications, 65 tiltmeter, 218
for procurement specifications, 50 vibrating wire piezometer, 6, 128
Subsurface settlement points, see Fixed borehole exten- Telephone lines, 113
someters Telltale:
Support work: load cell, 298, 308
biddable, 57 multiple, see Multiple telltales
incidental, 66 single, 292, 308
nonbiddable, 58 Temperature measurement, 331
typical items, 67 applications, 331
Surface extensometers, 209 bimetal thermometer, 332
advantages and limitations, 210 frost gages, 335
applications, 209 installation, 338
for braced excavations, 391, 394 mercury thermometer, 332
convergence gages, 213 recommendations for choice, 336
definition, 209 resistance temperature device (RTD), 334
electrical crack gages, 212, 324 for slopes, 448
for embankment dams, 422 thermistor, 333
mechanical crack gages, 210 thermocouple, 333
precision, 210 vibrating wire gage, 336
for slopes, 445, 446, 447 Tensioned wire gages, 235
for underground excavations, 455, 456, 457, 458,459, 460, Terrascience Systems Ltd.:
461 in-borehole data logger, 110
Surface installation method, 360, 434 instruments manufactured by, 511
Surveying methods, 199 slack-wire extensometer, 244
accuracy, 201 Terra Technology Corporation:
advantages and limitations, 201 instruments manufactured by, 511
applications, 199 pneumatic piezometer, 127
for braced excavations, 391, 392, 394, 398 pneumatic transducer, 90
for drilled shafts, 484, 485, 486, 488 Terzaghi water level meter, 276

Test section, 391, 392, 408,456,475, 488 rupture stakes, 268

Texas Measurements, Inc. strain gage, 324, 511 shear probe, 268
Thermal coefficients of expansion, 332 shear strip, 269
Thermal monitoring of dams, 431 slope extensometer, 269
Thermistor, 333 for slopes, 445
Thermocouple, 333 Traverse lines, 202
Thermotic surveys, 431 Triangulation, 202
Thor International, Inc.: Triaxial strain cells, see Soft inclusion gages
earth pressure cell, 6 Trigonometric leveling, 204
instruments manufactured by, 511 Trilateration, 203
liquid level gage, 285 Trivec, 223
multipoint pneumatic piezometer, 137 Tubing:
piezometer seal system, 159 diameter for hydraulic instruments, 84
pneumatic piezometer, 127 diameter for pneumatic instruments, 92
pneumatic transducer, 90 material for hydraulic instruments, 84
Tieback anchors, see Excavations, braced material for pneumatic instruments, 92
Tied back excavation, see Excavations, braced routing for liquid-filled tubes, 86
Tiltmeters, 216 Tubing fittings:
with accelerometer transducer, 216 for hydraulic instruments, 85
applications, 216 for pneumatic instruments, 92
definition, 216 Tunnels, see Underground excavations
for drilled shafts, 486
for driven piles, 472 Uncertainty, 75
earthtide, 218 Underground excavations, 453
with electrolytic level transducer, 108, 218 applications, routine and special, 461
with geodetic sensitivity, 218 behavior mechanisms, 22, 27, 453
mechanical, 216 benefits of instrumenting, 453
for slopes, 445, 447 case histories, 461
with vibrating wire transducer, 217 exploratory excavations, 455
Time domain reftectometry, 294 geotechnical questions, 455
Toe stakes, 208 initial conditions, 455
Topcon EDM equipment, 204 movement zone, 460
Total stress in soil, 165 New Austrian Tunneling Method, 459
definition, 14 stability, 458
measurement, see Earth pressure cells structures nearby, 459
Transducers, 79 test section, 456
electrical, 92 Unsaturated soil, 13
handling and transporting, 116 USBM:
hydraulic, 80 borehole deformation gage, 188
mechanical, 79 ultransonic convergence gage, 215
pneumatic, 87 USBR:
Transient protection devices, 116 crossarm gage, 219
Transverse deformation gages, 268 piezometer tip, 124
applications, 268 settlement measuring point, 209
borehole directional survey instruments, 274
manufacturers, 511 Vane shear equipment, 4
Pajari method, 274 Variable reluctance transducer, 102
photographic method, 274 Vibrating wire strain gages:
for braced excavations, 394 embedment types, 320
definition, 268 accuracy, 322
deftectometers: advantages and limitations, 322
extenso-, 273 conversion to stress, 316, 325
multiple, 272 inclusion effect, 325
portable borehole, 273 initial readings, 325
for driven piles, 476, 479 installation, 325
for embankments on soft ground, 408 length, 322
fiber-optic sensors, 274 locations, 325
inclinometers, see Inclinometers range, 322
in-place inclinometer, 271 sensitivity, 322
inverted pendulum, 270 sister bar, 320
plumb line, 270 surface mounted types, 310
shear plane indicators, 268 accuracy, 307

advantages and limitations, 307 Warranty, 52

arc welded type, 310 Waterloo Multilevel System, 137
conversion to stress, 316 Water overflow pots, 280
initial readings, 316 Waterpower, 113
installation, 310, 3ll, 316 Weir gage, 421
length, 307, 315 Weldable strain gages, 94, 3ll, 312
locations, 315 Wellpoint piezometer, 130
range, 307 Westbay Instruments Ltd.:
sensitivity, 307 combined piezometer-inclinometer, 139, 446
spot welded type, 3ll inclinometer casing coupling, 258
zero drift, 104, 319 instruments manufactured by, 5ll
Vibrating wire transducer, 102 multiple piezometer, 138
advantages of frequency signal, 103 Wheatstone bridge circuits, 94
error, sources of, 103 Whittemore gage, 307
external vibration, effect of, 105 Wild Heerbrugg Ltd.:
frequency/strain relationships, 103 instruments manufactured by, 5ll
operating principle, 102 theodolite, 203
reading methods, 102 Wind power, 113
zero drift, 104 Wire extensometer, 213
Virgin stress, 26 Wooden wedges, 210
Voids, 13
Volclay sausages, 160 Yoke gage, 188
Volt-ohm-milliammeter, ll6
Zeiss, Carl, 5ll

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