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Fill in all the gaps using; how, what, when, 28. ______ are you going to America?

where, who, whose, which or why: 29. ______ cooks dinner every day?
1. ________ do you want to do this 30. ______ do you go to the movies?
evening? 31. ______ one do you prefer? Cold or
2. ________ do you want to go tomorrow? summer?
3. ________ is coming to the party? 32. ______ is your favorite kind of music?
4. ________ do you like the food? 33. ______ did you decide learning a
5. ________ of these do you like: the blue language?
or the red one? 34. ______ social networks do you usually
6. ________ does the party start? use?
7. ________ don’t you come? 35. ______ type of movie do you like better/
8. ________ is the red car? Mystery or comedy?
9. ________ can you say that? 36. ______ do you feel now?
10. _______ is his mother’s name? 37. ______ other languages do you speak?
11. ______ does it snow in England? 38. ______ long does it take you to drive
12. ______ have you put my coat? home?
13. ______ shop sells them? 39. ______ does the shop open in the
14. ______ are you talking to? morning?
15. ______ hat is this? 40. ______ photo do you like best: this or
16. ______ are you wet? that?
17. ______ is the time? 41. ______ of pie did you eat?
18. ______ is the man in black? 42. ______ didn’t you eat the chicken?
19. ______ is your cold? 43. ______ backpack is this?
20. ______ can I buy one? 44. ______ house are we going to visit first?
21. ______ is your name? 45. ______ are the Millers taking the
22. ______ is your favorite actress? subway?
23. ______ are you from? 46. ______ T-shirt is that on the floor?
24. ______ is your birthday? 47. ______ is your favorite color?
25. ______ color is your new car? 48. ______ is that woman over there?
26. ______ aren’t you going to Peter’s 49. ______ is that on the table?
party? 50. ______ are you here?
27. ______ did you quit your job?

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