Brief Lesson Plan in Teaching English 8

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Brief Lesson Plan

Teaching English 8

I. Objectives:
At the end of the discussion, 75% of the students are expected to;
a. Define evaluation essay operationally;
b. Discuss about the key components of an evaluation essay through oral recitation, and
c. Apply the steps on how to write an evaluation essay through constructing and/or writing
evaluation essays
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Evaluation Essay
B. References: Grade 8- English Module
C. Materials: Visual aids
D. Values Infusion: “Making judgments”
III. Procedures:
A. Preliminary Activities
Teacher’s Activity
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of Attendance
d. Review
e. Motivation
I will ask the students about their experiences on restaurants and how they are
going to rate the restaurants based on criteria.
B. Development of the Lesson
a. Presentation of the Lesson
I will introduce the topic “Evaluation Essay” based on the questions provided.
b. Discussion
I will ask a student to read the definition of evaluation essay. I will ask questions.
The questions are:
1. What are the components of an evaluation essay? Explain each component.
2. What are the steps on how to write an evaluation essay? Explain each step.

c. Application
I will give them photocopies of a sample evaluation essay. I will let them write
their own evaluation essays about San Pablo National High School.
a. Generalization
I will ask them to sum up the things discussed.
IV. Evaluation
I will let them write the correct sequence of the steps in writing an evaluation essay and
identify what are asked in the statements.
V. Agreement
I will give them an advance reading about the next topic.

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