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WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE TEXT? A) To go on holiday. B) To make some home improvements. C) To
take out a loan with the advertising loan company. D) To buy something you’ve always wanted.

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I would like to help guide you through this difficult time so that you can have the wonderful life that you

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New Sydmouth Public Library: What can I borrow or hire?

There is a large collection of books including paperbacks, non-fiction books, ‘talking books’, books in
large print and books in languages apart from English. Up to 6 items can be borrowed for 3 weeks.


Treatment aims

1. Control bleeding

2. Minimise shock for casualty

3. Prevent infection – for casualty and between yourself and the casualty

4. Arrange for casualty to go to the hospital if necessary

What is the purpose of the following passage of text?

A) To inform the reader that bleeding needs to be controlled. B) To describe the scene of an accident. C)
To persuade the reader to attend a First Aid course. D) To instruct the reader on what to do if they come
across an accident.

Introduction to Yoga.

Description of Course:

This course is an introduction to the practice of yoga.

Aimed at beginners, yoga is great for men and women of any age or ability or fitness level.

The Black Plague

In 1348, the bubonic plague arrived in Britain through the southern coast ports. The plague reached
London by September 1348 and Scotland, Wales and Ireland in the winter of 1349. Estimates place the
total dead as somewhere between a tenth and a third of the population (for the period 1348-50)


The boy was astonished by what he saw inside. Never could he have imagined that, there in the middle
of the desert, there existed a tent like this one. The ground was covered with the most beautiful carpets
he had ever walked upon, and from the top of the structure hung lamps of hand-wrought gold, each
with a lighted candle.

Everyone was in a state of high excitement, all the women in light cotton saris worn specially for the
occasion, now clambering over the side, screaming when the boat rocked and clutching each other in
pleasurable panic.

Bert Baxter was lying in a filthy-looking bed smoking a cigarette, there was a horrible smell in the room, I
think it came from Bert Baxter himself. The bed sheets looked as though they were covered in blood,
but Bert said that was caused by the beetroot sandwiches he always eats last thing at night.

Will caught sight of the pair of them in a mirror, and was shocked to see that they could easily pass for
father and son; he had somehow imagined himself as Marcus’ elder brother, but the reflection threw
age and youth into sharp relief – Will’s stubble and crow’s feet versus Marcus’s smooth cheeks and
gleaming white teeth. And the hair... Will prided himself on having avoided even the tiniest of bald
patches, but he still had less on top than Marcus, almost as if life had worn some of it away.

Uma knelt there, in the shallows, water pouring from her mouth and hair. She rose, gasping for breath,
struggling, flailing her arms and choking like a big, wounded water bird.


I had to leave my sick bed to visit Bert Baxter before school. It took me ages to get there, what with
feeling weak and having to stop for a rest every now and again, but with the help of an old lady who had
a long black moustache I made it to the front door.

Descriptive Paragraph
1.  Describe:   I am going to DESCRIBE a sunset!
Sunset is the time of day when our sky meets the outer space solar winds. There are
blue, pink, and purple swirls, spinning and twisting, like clouds of balloons caught in a
whirlwind. The sun moves slowly to hide behind the line of horizon, while the moon
races to take its place in prominence atop the night sky. People slow to a crawl,
entranced, fully forgetting the deeds that must still be done. There is a coolness, a
calmness, when the sun does set.
Informational Paragraph and a Narrative Paragraph
2. Inform:   I am going to INFORM you about the Apollo 11 space mission.    
On July 16, 1969, the Apollo 11 spacecraft launched from the Kennedy Space Center in
Florida. Its mission was to go where no human being had gone before—the moon! The
crew consisted of Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Buzz Aldrin. The spacecraft
landed on the moon in the Sea of Tranquility, a basaltic flood plain, on July 20, 1969.
The moonwalk took place the following day. On July 21, 1969, at precisely 10:56 EDT,
Commander Neil Armstrong emerged from the Lunar Module and took his famous first
step onto the moon’s surface. He declared, “That’s one small step for man, one giant
leap for mankind.” It was a monumental moment in human history!
Narrate:   I am going to NARRATE a story about the Apollo 11 space mission.
It was July 21, 1969, and Neil Armstrong awoke with a start. It was the day he would
become the first human being to ever walk on the moon. The journey had begun several
days earlier, when on July 16th, the Apollo 11 launched from Earth headed into outer
space. On board with Neil Armstrong were Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin. The crew
landed on the moon in the Sea of Tranquility a day before the actual walk. Upon Neil’s
first step onto the moon’s surface, he declared, “That’s one small step for man, one
giant leap for mankind.” It sure was!
Process or How-to Paragraph
3.  Process:   I am going to explain the PROCESS of cleaning and organizing your
How-to:   I am going to describe HOW-TO clean and organize your room.
Here is the perfect system for cleaning your room. First, move all of the items that do
not have a proper place to the center of the room. Get rid of at least five things that you
have not used within the last year. Take out all of the trash, and place all of the dirty
dishes in the kitchen sink. Now find a location for each of the items you had placed in
the center of the room. For any remaining items, see if you can squeeze them in under
your bed or stuff them into the back of your closet. See, that was easy!
Compare and Contrast Paragraph
4.  Compare/Contrast:   I am going to COMPARE and CONTRAST an ocean and a
Oceans and lakes have much in common, but they are also quite different. Both are
bodies of water, but oceans are very large bodies of salt water, while lakes are much
smaller bodies of fresh water. Lakes are usually surrounded by land, while oceans are
what surround continents. Both have plants and animals living in them. The ocean is
home to the largest animals on the planet, whereas lakes support much smaller forms
of life. When it is time for a vacation, both will make a great place to visit and enjoy.
Critical Paragraph
5.  Critique:   I am going to CRITIQUE the Blue Whales’ first baseball game of the
new season.
The Blue Whales just played their first baseball game of the new season; I believe there
is much to be excited about. Although they lost, it was against an excellent team that
had won the championship last year. The Blue Whales fell behind early but showed
excellent teamwork and came back to tie the game. The team had 15 hits and scored 8
runs. That’s excellent! Unfortunately, they had 5 fielding errors, which kept the other
team in the lead the entire game. The game ended with the umpire making a bad call,
and if the call had gone the other way, the Blue Whales might have actually won the
game. It wasn’t a victory, but I say the Blue Whales look like they have a shot at the
championship, especially if they continue to improve.
Persuasive Paragraph and Argumentative Paragraph
6.  Persuade:   I am going to PERSUADE my neighbors to buy tickets to the
school fair.
The school fair is right around the corner, and tickets have just gone on sale. We are
selling a limited number of tickets at a discount, so move fast and get yours while they
are still available. This is going to be an event you will not want to miss! First off, the
school fair is a great value when compared with other forms of entertainment. Also, your
ticket purchase will help our school, and when you help the school, it helps the entire
community. But that’s not all! Every ticket you purchase enters you in a drawing to win
fabulous prizes. And don’t forget, you will have mountains of fun because there are
acres and acres of great rides, fun games, and entertaining attractions! Spend time with
your family and friends at our school fair. Buy your tickets now!
Argue:   I am going to present a logical ARGUMENT as to why my neighbor
should attend the school fair.
The school fair is right around the corner, and tickets have just gone on sale. Even
though you may be busy, you will still want to reserve just one day out of an entire year
to relax and have fun with us. Even if you don’t have much money, you don’t have to
worry. A school fair is a community event, and therefore prices are kept low. Perhaps,
you are still not convinced. Maybe you feel you are too old for fairs, or you just don’t like
them. Well, that’s what my grandfather thought, but he came to last year’s school fair
and had this to say about it: “I had the best time of my life!” While it’s true that you may
be able to think of a reason not to come, I’m also sure that you can think of several
reasons why you must come.  We look forward to seeing you at the school fair!

 Mandatory minimum sentencing is harmful to the human race. It is a form of discrimination;

many people receive long sentences for minor crimes. We should overturn mandatory minimum
sentencing rules and give judges more leeway in their decision-making.
 The death penalty is a good deterrent for criminals. Beyond that, it is fair because the Bible
supports "an eye for an eye." We need to keep the death penalty on the books.
 Marijuana should be legalized. We are putting too many people in prison and spending too
much money to incarcerate them for nonviolent crimes.
 We need to act now to save our community garden. It's ten years in the making, with enough
organic vegetables to feed every mouth in this neighborhood. Hud & Co. has no right to
come into our town and pave a parking lot over one of our most prominent food sources.
Come rally with me this Friday night. Together, we will stand in their way and protect our
beloved town.
 Raising taxes is wrong because people should be entitled to keep their own money and
because an increase in tax revenue will be stifling to businesses. We should keep taxes low or
even reduce tax rates to encourage growth.
 Our holistic headache medication will get rid of your headache with just one pill and
fewer side effects than aspirin or ibuprofen. Be good to your body and try it today.

1. It was my second day on the job. I was sitting in my seemingly gilded cubicle, overlooking
Manhattan, and pinching my right arm to make sure it was real. I landed an internship at
Condé Nast Traveler. Every aspiring writer I've ever known secretly dreamt of an Anthony
Bourdain lifestyle. Travel the world and write about its most colorful pockets.
When my phone rang, and it was Mom telling me Dad had a heart attack. He didn't make it.
I felt as though the perfectly carpeted floors had dropped out from under me. Now that I've
come out the other side, I realize Dad left me with a hefty stack of teachings. Here are three
ideals I know he would've liked for me to embrace.

2. She took me by the hand and walked me into the lobby like a five-year old child. Didn't
she know I was pushing 15? This was the third home Nancy was placing me in - in a span
of eight months. I guess she felt a little sorry for me. The bright fluorescent lights threatened
to burn my skin as I walked towards a bouncy-looking lady with curly hair and a sweetly-
smiling man. They called themselves Allie and Alex. Cute, I thought.
After they exchanged the usual reams of paperwork, it was off in their Chevy Suburban to
get situated into another new home. This time, there were no other foster children and no
other biological children. Anything could happen.

3. I had seen little of Holmes lately. My marriage had drifted us away from each other. My
own complete happiness, and the home-centred interests which rise up around the man
who first finds himself master of his own establishment, were sufficient to absorb all my
attention, while Holmes, who loathed every form of society with his whole Bohemian soul,
remained in our lodgings in Baker Street, buried among his old books, and alternating from
week to week between cocaine and ambition, the drowsiness of the drug, and the fierce
energy of his own keen nature.
4. It happened because I took my class on an outing to the National Gallery… It's important
for kids to be exposed to art and culture, if only so that they'll see that media conmen like
Jake Hitchins aren't the only artists our civilization has ever produced. Not, by the way, that
I'm bitter about Jake's success. If I could persuade people to spend thousands of pounds on
my melted garden furniture, I'm sure I would.

5. You have friends who actually care about you and speak the language of the inner self.
You have avoided them of late. Your soul is as disheveled as your apartment, and until you
can clean it up a little you don't want to invite anyone inside.

6. Then you go backstage and get a tour, and this to you is truly the coolest thing in the
world. You're shown the set and the lights and the costumes and learn another variation on
the same basic lesson about showbiz you will learn over and over again-it's all,
fundamentally, just a bunch of crap glued together and spray-painted over. But the
wonderful paradox is that knowing this does not detract from the experience of watching it a
second time. On the contrary: it makes it that much more miraculous.

7. He shoved at his hair, wished he could delude himself so he could just go back to sleep,
but he knew if he closed his eyes again, he'd be right back in the little library, right back
beside the body of his murdered wife. And yet he couldn't think of a single good reason to
get out of bed.

8. Elizabeth allowed that he had given a very rational account of it, and they continued
talking together, with mutual satisfaction till supper put an end to cards, and gave the rest of
the ladies their share of Mr. Wickham's attentions. There could be no conversation in the
noise of Mrs. Phillips's supper party, but his manners recommended him to everybody.
Whatever he said, was said well; and whatever he did, done gracefully.

1. It was a cold grey day in late November. The weather had changed overnight, when a
backing wind brought a granite sky and a mizzling rain with it, and although it was now only
a little after two o'clock in the afternoon the pallor of a winter evening seemed to have
closed upon the hills, cloaking them in mist."
2. "Like his twisted feathers, his many scars, the reliable old owl chose the gnarled,
weather-beaten, but solid branch often - it being a companion to the wise alone with the
night and the last branch to creak in the heaviest wind. He often came to survey the fields
and the clouds before his hunt, to listen to the steady sound of the stream passing through
reeds under the bridge, while combing his feathers for the unwanteds - whatever they might
3. When entering the door at Lou's, two things are immediately noticeable: the place is
rarely empty and seems to consist of a maze of rooms. The first room, through the door, is
the main part of the restaurant. There is another, rarely used, dining room off to the right. It
was added during the oil well boom of the seventies. Through the main dining room is yet
another room; it guards the door leading into the kitchen. This room contains the most
coveted table in the place. The highest tribute Lou can bestow on anyone is to allow them
access to seats at this table. This table is the family table; it is reserved for Lou's, and her
daughter Karen's, immediate family and treasured friends."
4. Billy Ray's Pawn Shop and Lawn Mower Repair looked like a burial ground for country
auction rejects. The blazing, red, diesel fuel tanks beamed in front of the station, looking like
cheap lipstick against the pallid, wrinkled texture of the parking lot sand. The yard, not much
larger than the end zone at General G. Patton High School on the north end of town, was
framed with a rusted metallic hedge of lawn mowers, banana seat bicycles, and corroded oil
drums. It wasn't a calico frame of rusted parts, but rather an orchestra of unwanted
machinery that Billy Ray had arranged into sections. The yellow-tanked mowers rested
silently at the right of the diesel fuel. Once red, now faded orange, mowers stood at
attention to the left. The oil barrels, jaded and pierced with holes, bellared like chimes when
the wind was right. The bikes rested sporadically throughout the lot. In the middle of it all
was the office, a faded, steel roof supported by cheap two-by-fours and zebra paneling. Billy
Ray was at home, usually, five blocks east of town on Kennel Road."

1. "This family was a victim of a problem they could have avoided-a problem that, according
to Florida park rangers, hundreds of visitors suffer each year. "Several times a month,"
Ranger Rod Torres of O'Leno State Park said, "people get scared and leave the park in the
middle of the night." Those people picked the wrong kind of park to visit. Not that there was
anything wrong with the park: The hikers camped next to them loved the wild isolation of it.
But it just wasn't the kind of place the couple from New Jersey had in mind when they
decided to camp out on this trip through Florida."
2. Did you know that 7 out of 10 students have cheated at least once in the past year? Did
you know that 50 percent of those students have cheated more than twice? These shocking
statistics are from a survey of 9,000 U.S. high school students. Incredibly, teachers may
even be encouraging their students to cheat! Last year at a school in Detroit, teachers
allegedly provided their students with answers to statewide standard tests."

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